Part 95 - Sanitary Control of Animal Byproducts (Except Casings), and Hay and Straw, Offered for Entry Into the United States  

§ 95.1 - Definitions.
§ 95.2 - Region of origin.
§ 95.3 - Byproducts from diseased animals prohibited.
§ 95.4 - Restrictions on the importation of processed animal protein, offal, tankage, fat, glands, tallow, tallow derivatives, and serum due to bovine spongiform encephalopathy.
§ 95.5 - Processed animal protein derived from ruminants.
§ 95.6 - Offal derived from bovines.
§ 95.7 - Collagen derived from bovines.
§ 95.8 - Tallow derived from bovines.
§ 95.9 - Derivatives of tallow derived from bovines.
§ 95.10 - Dicalcium phosphate derived from bovines.
§ 95.11 - Specified risk materials.
§ 95.12 - Blood and blood products derived from bovines.
§ 95.13 - Importation from regions of negligible risk for BSE of processed animal protein derived from animals other than ruminants.
§ 95.14 - Importation from regions of controlled risk or undetermined risk for BSE of processed animal protein derived from animals other than ruminants.
§ 95.15 - [Reserved]
§ 95.16 - Untanned hides and skins and bird trophies; requirements for entry.
§ 95.17 - Untanned hides, skins, and bird trophies; importations permitted subject to restrictions.
§ 95.18 - Wool, hair, and bristles; requirements for unrestricted entry.
§ 95.19 - Wool, hair, and bristles; importations permitted subject to restrictions.
§ 95.20 - Glue stock; requirements for unrestricted entry.
§ 95.21 - Glue stock; importations permitted subject to restrictions.
§ 95.22 - Bones, horns, and hoofs for trophies or museums; disinfected hoofs.
§ 95.23 - Bones, horns, and hoofs; importations permitted subject to restrictions.
§ 95.24 - Bone meal for use as fertilizer or as feed for domestic animals; requirements for entry.
§ 95.25 - Blood meal, tankage, meat meal, and similar products, for use as fertilizer or animal feed; requirements for entry.
§ 95.26 - Blood meal, blood albumin, intestines, and other animal byproducts for industrial use; requirements for unrestricted entry.
§ 95.27 - Blood meal, blood albumin, intestines, and other animal byproducts for industrial use; importations permitted subject to restrictions.
§ 95.28 - Glands, organs, ox gall, and like materials; requirements for unrestricted entry.
§ 95.29 - Glands, organs, ox gall, and like materials; importations permitted subject to restrictions.
§ 95.30 - Animal stomachs.
§ 95.31 - Animal manure.
§ 95.32 - Hay and straw; requirements for unrestricted entry.
§ 95.33 - Hay and straw; importations permitted subject to restrictions.
§ 95.34 - Previously used meat covers; importations permitted subject to restrictions.
§ 95.35 - Methods for disinfection of hides, skins, and other materials.
§ 95.36 - Transportation of restricted import products; placarding cars and marking billing; unloading enroute.
§ 95.37 - Railroad cars, trucks, boats, aircraft and other means of conveyance, equipment or containers, yards, and premises; cleaning and disinfection.
§ 95.38 - Regulations applicable to products from Territorial possessions.
§ 95.39 - Hay or straw and similar material from tick-infested areas.
§ 95.40 - [Reserved]
§ 95.41 - Restrictions on entry of products and byproducts of poultry, game birds, or other birds from regions where highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) exists.