95-935. Importation of Plants Established in Growing Media  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 9 (Friday, January 13, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 3067-3078]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-935]
    Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
    7 CFR Part 319
    [Docket No. 89-154-2]
    RIN 0579-AA21
    Importation of Plants Established in Growing Media
    AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: We are amending ``Subpart--Nursery Stock, Plants, Roots, 
    Bulbs, Seeds, and Other Plant Products'' to allow the importation of 
    four additional genera of plants established in growing media. These 
    genera are Alstroemeria, Ananas, Anthurium, and Nidularium. We are 
    deferring final action on importation of Rhododendron pending 
    consultation under the Endangered Species Act on the potential impacts 
    of importing Rhododendron established in growing media. We are also 
    adopting the pest risk evaluation standards we proposed for evaluating 
    pest risks associated with importing plants established in growing 
    media. This final rule will affect persons interested in importing 
    Alstroemeria, Ananas, Anthurium, and Nidularium, and domestic growers 
    of these genera.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: February 13, 1995.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Peter Grosser or Frank Cooper, Senior 
    Operations Officers, Port Operations, [[Page 3068]] Plant Protection 
    and Quarantine, APHIS, USDA, P.O. Drawer 810, Riverdale, MD 20738. The 
    telephone number for the agency contacts will change when agency 
    offices in Hyattsville, MD, move to Riverdale, MD, during January. 
    Telephone: (301) 436-8295 (Hyattsville); (301) 734-8295 (Riverdale).
        The Plant Quarantine Act (7 U.S.C. 151 et seq.) and the Federal 
    Plant Pest Act (7 U.S.C. 150aa et seq.) authorize us to prohibit or 
    restrict the importation into the United States of any plants, roots, 
    bulbs, seeds, or other plant products in order to prevent the 
    introduction into the United States of plant pests.
        Regulations promulgated under this authority, among others, include 
    7 CFR 319.37 through 319.37-14, ``Subpart--Nursery Stock, Plants, 
    Roots, Bulbs, Seeds, and Other Plant Products'' (the regulations). 
    These regulations govern the importation of living plants, plant parts, 
    and seeds for or capable of propagation, and related articles. Other 
    sections of part 319 deal with articles such as cut flowers, or fruits 
    and vegetables intended for consumption.
        The regulations restrict or prohibit the importation of most 
    nursery stock, plants, roots, bulbs, seeds, and other plant products. 
    These articles are classified as either ``prohibited articles'' or 
    ``restricted articles.''
        A prohibited article is an article that the Deputy Administrator 
    for Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ), Animal and Plant Health 
    Inspection Service (APHIS), has determined cannot feasibly be 
    inspected, treated, or handled to prevent it from introducing plant 
    pests new to or not widely prevalent or distributed within and 
    throughout the United States, if imported into the United States. 
    Prohibited articles may not be imported into the United States, unless 
    imported by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for 
    experimental or scientific purposes under specified safeguards.
        A restricted article is an article that the Deputy Administrator 
    for PPQ has determined can be inspected, treated, or handled to 
    essentially eliminate the risk of its spreading plant pests if imported 
    into the United States. Restricted articles may be imported into the 
    United States if they are imported in compliance with restrictions that 
    may include permit and phytosanitary certificate requirements, 
    inspection, treatment, or postentry quarantine.
        Section 319.37-8, ``Growing Media,'' allows importation of certain 
    restricted articles established in growing media (potted plants), if 
    the plants were potted in an approved growing medium and were grown in 
    a greenhouse in accordance with safeguard conditions specified in the 
    regulations. Potted plants that currently may be imported under the 
    regulations include Polypodiophyta (ferns), African violet, gloxinia, 
    begonia, peperomia, and hyacinth.
    Proposed Rule
        On September 7, 1993, APHIS published in the Federal Register (58 
    FR 47074-47084, Docket No. 89-154-1) a proposal to amend Sec. 319.37-8 
    to allow the importation of plants in growing media (potted plants) of 
    the following additional genera: Alstroemeria, Ananas, Anthurium, 
    Nidularium, and Rhododendron. We solicited comments concerning our 
    proposal for 60 days ending December 6, 1993. During this comment 
    period, we also received comments at a public hearing which was 
    announced in the proposed rule and which was held in Washington, DC, on 
    October 26, 1993.
        We received 122 comments by the close of the comment period. They 
    were from embassies of foreign governments, domestic grower and nursery 
    associations, State plant protection agencies, environmental interest 
    organizations, and foreign nurseries and greenhouses. The majority of 
    these commenters opposed adoption of the proposal to allow the 
    importation of five additional genera of plants in growing media. 
    Several commenters suggested changes to pest risk assessment 
    procedures, without specifically opposing adoption of the proposed pest 
    risk evaluation standards for plants in growing media. No commenters 
    opposed the proposal to approve several new growing media, although 
    several commenters expressed the opinion that plant pests could grow in 
    the already approved growing media. All of the comments are discussed 
    below, under ``Comments and Responses.''
        After carefully evaluating the comments on the proposed rule, APHIS 
    has made the following decisions on the proposal:
        1. We will adopt the proposed pest risk evaluation standards and 
    the proposed requirements for specific inspection, handling, and 
    growing conditions for all plants in growing media that are allowed to 
    be imported under the regulations. We believe these standards and 
    requirements clearly provide better pest protection than the 
    requirements now contained in Sec. 319.37-8. Therefore, we are revising 
    the regulations to adopt the proposed standards and requirements, with 
    several slight modifications made in response to comments. These 
    modifications are discussed below, under ``Comments and Responses.''
        2. In addition to the six kinds of plants in growing media 
    previously allowed importation by the regulations (Polypodiophyta, 
    African violets, gloxinia, begonia, peperomia, and hyacinth), we will 
    allow the importation of the following genera of plants in growing 
    media: Alstroemeria, Ananas, Anthurium, and Nidularium. We believe that 
    these plants in growing media may be safely imported without 
    significant risk of introducing into the United States any tree, plant 
    or fruit disease, or any injurious insect, new to or not widely 
    prevalent or distributed within and throughout the United States. 
    Comments objecting to the importation of these genera in growing media 
    did not provide sufficient evidence to convince us that importing these 
    genera would present a significant risk of introducing and spreading 
    dangerous plant pests.
        3. We will defer action on the provisions of the proposed rule that 
    apply to Rhododendron. Commenters identified specific issues under the 
    Endangered Species Act regarding the proposed importation of 
    Rhododendron in growing media. For instance, some commenters noted that 
    an endangered Rhododendron species in the United States might be 
    damaged by alien pests introduced or imported on Rhododendron. We have 
    determined that in compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species 
    Act (16 U.S.C. 1537), consultation is necessary between APHIS and the 
    Fish and Wildlife Service before we take final action on our proposal 
    to allow the importation of Rhododendron in growing media. This 
    consultation is necessary due to the presence in the United States of 
    species of Rhododendron that are listed, and are proposed for listing, 
    as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act.
        After completion of the Endangered Species Act consultation, we 
    will proceed with rulemaking to either finalize or withdraw the 
    proposed changes concerning importation of Rhododendron.
    Comments and Responses
        The comments have been summarized and grouped below according to 
    the comment topics. Our responses to each topic follow the summary. 
    [[Page 3069]] 
        Comments that specifically addressed only Rhododendron issues are 
    not discussed in this document. They will be addressed in any future 
    rulemaking on the proposed Rhododendron provisions.
    The Acceptable Level of Risk for Importing Plants in Growing Media
        Several commenters argued that APHIS is subject to strict statutory 
    standards that would preclude regulations allowing importation of 
    articles if there is any plant pest risk associated with the 
    importation. One commenter stated that ``[the Plant Quarantine Act on 
    its face indicates that the Secretary of Agriculture and his delegate, 
    APHIS, should err on the side of caution: `whenever' importation of 
    plants `may result' in the introduction and spread of injurious plant 
    pests, then importations `shall' be restricted.'' This commenter cited 
    Sec. 159 of the Plant Quarantine Act (7 U.S.C. 151 et seq.), which 
        Whenever the Secretary of Agriculture shall determine that the 
    unrestricted importation of any plants, fruits, vegetables, roots, 
    bulbs, seeds, or other plant products not included by the term 
    ``nursery stock'' as defined in section 152 of this title may result 
    in the entry into the United States or any of its Territories or 
    Districts of injurious plant diseases or insect pests, he shall 
    promulgate his determination, specifying the class of plants and 
    plant products the importation of which shall be restricted and the 
    country and locality where they are grown, and thereafter, and until 
    such promulgation is withdrawn, such plants and plant products 
    imported or offered for import into the United States or any of its 
    Territories or Districts shall be subject to all the provisions of 
    sections 154 and 156 to 158 of this title.
        Response: This section clearly states that it is the responsibility 
    of the Secretary to determine when unrestricted importations ``may 
    result'' in the introduction and spread of injurious plant pests. If 
    such a determination is made, the Secretary is not required to prohibit 
    the importation. He or she may restrict it; the appropriate restriction 
    may involve a prohibition, or may involve importation under conditions 
    to control pest risk.
        Therefore, the Secretary is not obliged to prohibit the importation 
    of the genera in the proposal `whenever' importation of plants `may 
    result' in the introduction and spread of injurious plant pests. 
    Instead, importation of the articles is subject to the standards of 
    Sec. 154, which give the Secretary a great deal of discretion in 
    deciding when and what types of import restrictions are necessary. 
    Section 154 generally requires that nursery stock imports must be 
    authorized by a permit, accompanied by a certificate, and imported 
    ``under such conditions and regulations as the said Secretary of 
    Agriculture may prescribe.'' The Secretary is also authorized ``to 
    limit entry of nursery stock from foreign countries under such rules 
    and regulations as he may deem necessary'' (emphasis added).
        The proposed rule supported the goal of preventing the introduction 
    and establishment of dangerous plant pests by proposing methods the 
    Secretary deems effective in supporting this goal. Therefore, we 
    believe the proposed action is consistent with the Plant Quarantine Act 
    Adequacy of Port-of-Arrival Inspection To Mitigate Pest Risk
        Many commenters stated that inspection at the port of arrival is 
    not an effective means for preventing the entry of pests. Some cited 
    instances where shipments that passed such an inspection were later 
    found to be infested with pests. Other commenters noted that many 
    diseases and small pests cannot be effectively identified through 
    visual inspection. Some questioned whether APHIS had sufficient 
    resources to continuously implement effective inspection programs at 
    all ports of entry.
        Response: Current conditions for any imported article allow for 
    inspection at the port of first arrival; however, because any pests 
    that might be in the media cannot be readily observed, we have imposed 
    conditions concerning origin, testing, growth, inspection and storage 
    of the plants that should essentially eliminate the risk of exotic 
    pests being present in the media. This scheme to ensure freedom of the 
    media from pests has been proven over nearly 20 years of importations.
    Reliance on Foreign Plant Protection Services
        Several commenters stated that the proposal relies heavily on 
    cooperation by the plant protection services of foreign countries to 
    inspect growing facilities and ensure that articles to be exported to 
    the United States are grown in compliance with regulatory standards. 
    They maintained that these foreign plant protection services may not 
    effectively fulfill their role in enforcing the regulations, and that 
    APHIS does not have the authority or resources to ensure that they do 
        Response: Each foreign grower is required to sign an agreement with 
    the plant protection organization of the foreign country, agreeing to 
    abide by the conditions of our regulations. In addition, each exporting 
    country must sign an agreement with APHIS agreeing to implement the 
    conditions of the regulations. The producing greenhouses and the 
    growing plants must be made available for inspection by inspectors of 
    APHIS and the foreign plant protection organization. No shipment will 
    be allowed entry into the United States unless the accompanying 
    phytosanitary certificate is endorsed by an APHIS inspector, either in 
    the country of export or the port of entry, as required by the 
    regulation. This endorsement is based on monitoring inspections that 
    show that the plants were grown under the requirements of the 
    regulations. Also, if pests are found or other violations noted, 
    individual shippers or greenhouse growers can be suspended from 
    preclearance. APHIS has a record of prohibiting the importation of, or 
    requiring treatments for, various commodities that were repeatedly 
    found infested or infected with exotic plant pests. However, no such 
    action has been taken with plants in growing media shipped under 
    Sec. 319.37-8(e) or -8(f) because no exotic pests have ever been found 
    with such shipments.
    Comments in Favor of the Proposal
        Several commenters stressed that the APHIS proposal does not relax 
    the level of protection against pests associated with plants imported 
    in growing media, and that the proposal essentially would allow the 
    entry in media of genera that are already allowed entry if bare-rooted. 
    These commenters also stated that the proposed media have proven to be 
    of no or very low risk, and that compliance agreements between foreign 
    growers and their governments and between foreign governments and APHIS 
    provide all necessary guarantees and are enforceable.
        Supportive commenters also believe that adequate inspection will be 
    available since only a few growers will participate in the program, and 
    further note that APHIS has long experience in inspecting plants abroad 
    and at ports of arrival. They also believe the proposal would not 
    result in a magnitude of imports that would overwhelm enforcement and 
    inspection resources since observing APHIS requirements would be very 
    Choosing Which Genera To Import
        Several commenters stated that the five genera in the proposal were 
    not chosen because they represent genera which pose the least risk if 
    imported, but because they are the most economically attractive genera 
    for importation.
        Response: Over the last 20 years, approximately 60 genera of plants 
    in media have been requested for [[Page 3070]] importation into the 
    United States by foreign governments. These are, of course, the genera 
    the exporting countries especially desire to ship to the United States. 
    It is APHIS policy to respond to such requests, regardless of their 
    origin. We intend to consider all of the requested genera. However, as 
    explained in the advance notice of proposed rulemaking published 
    October 7, 1991 (56 FR 50523-50524, Docket No. 91-036), and in the 
    proposed rule published September 7, 1993 (58 FR 47074-47084, Docket 
    No. 89-154-1), we selected the five genera in the proposal for study 
    first because they represent a diversity of horticultural and botanical 
    types, and because they are among the first plants requested by foreign 
    governments to be imported in growing media. These five genera were 
    proposed for addition to the list of approved plants for importation in 
    growing media because we found that they could be safely imported under 
    specified safeguards without introducing exotic plant pests harmful to 
    U.S. agriculture.
        In developing the list of pests to be studied for the five genera, 
    we listed all pests reported on these hosts, whether or not we were 
    familiar with their potential risk at that time. The list was developed 
    without knowing the potential risk of each and every organism. All 
    pests on the list were subjected to the pest risk analysis to determine 
    which pests had a potential to be high risk based on the pest risk 
    assessment standards. The high risk pests were subjected to detailed 
    study, as described in the proposed rule.
    Concern About Foreign Growers Observing Conditions
        Several commenters stated that the proposed growing restrictions 
    will not be feasible for the foreign growers to observe, and they will, 
    therefore, not observe them. These commenters also said that European 
    growers cannot grow azaleas in the method prescribed by APHIS; instead, 
    based on current practices, they would build a small greenhouse that 
    meets the requirements for export plants, and then run tremendous 
    numbers of plants through it illegally.
        Response: If restrictions are not feasible for any particular 
    foreign growers, those foreign growers will not be approved to ship 
    plants in media to the United States.
        Other commenters said that not all European growers will be careful 
    in observing requirements, so some degree of unwanted pest 
    contamination is inevitable for plants in growing media imported into 
    the United States.
        Response: No human enterprise is without risk. However, we believe 
    based on our research, and experience with similar potted plants, that 
    the proposed four genera we are approving can be imported into the 
    United States without significant risk, provided the required 
    conditions are observed.
    Regulations Should Include Consequences (Penalties) for Non-Compliance
        Some commenters believed that the risk of crop devastation or 
    imposed quarantine destruction is a burden placed on U.S. importers and 
    ultimately on the American taxpayer. They suggested that the 
    regulations should spell out consequences and penalties for all 
    domestic and foreign parties who fail to comply with regulatory 
        Response: The consequences for non-compliance are elimination from 
    the program for individual growers, shippers, or foreign countries. 
    (See explanation under ``Concern about Foreign Growers Observing 
    Conditions'' above.)
        Several commenters stated that importers should be held financially 
    responsible for the risks of importation.
        Response: USDA has no authority to hold importers responsible for 
    risks of importation; however, individual shipments will be refused 
    entry unless the phytosanitary certificate required to accompany the 
    shipment is endorsed by a Plant Protection and Quarantine inspector, as 
    required by the regulation. This endorsement is based on monitoring 
    inspections that show that the plants were grown under the requirements 
    of the regulations. Also, if pests are found or other violations noted, 
    individual shippers or greenhouse growers can be suspended from 
        Two commenters suggested that the regulations should suspend a 
    producer from preclearance if a violation is found until the situation 
    is corrected, and suspend the producer for at least 1 year if 
    subsequent violations are found.
        Response: Because the required agreements allow cancellation by 
    either party, APHIS has authority to suspend violators from 
    preclearance. We intend to employ this cancellation authority in 
    enforcement. We do not believe it is necessary to set specific time 
    periods for the duration of a cancellation or suspension in order to 
    use the tool effectively.
    Limits on Methods To Control Pests Introduced Into the United States
        Several commenters stated that the U.S. Environmental Protection 
    Agency (EPA) limits on use of some pesticides in the United States 
    would make it impossible to use the most effective chemical controls to 
    combat pests that could be introduced with the regulated articles.
        Response: If safeguards are observed, introductions of exotic pests 
    with plants in media are extremely unlikely. No exotic pests have been 
    detected in nearly 20 years of importations of plants in media from 
    Europe and Israel. However, should new pests be introduced, their 
    susceptibility to eradication or control will depend on the nature of 
    the pest and the availability of control measures. It does not follow 
    that because EPA action has resulted in loss of some chemical controls, 
    that any new introduced pests could not be adequately controlled, 
    chemically or otherwise.
        Several commenters were concerned that pests introduced by the 
    regulated articles will require more domestic usage of allowed 
    pesticides, which could pose a health risk.
        Response: We are concerned about possible health risks from the 
    application of chemicals for quarantine purposes. However, we have no 
    reason to believe that chemical controls applied in accordance with 
    label requirements would present a health risk. The question of health 
    risks from application of chemical pesticides is within the purview of 
    the EPA and the Food and Drug Administration.
        Several commenters stated that we are potentially defenseless 
    against pests that may have begun to develop genetic resistance to the 
    more powerful controls that may be legal in exporting countries.
        Response: We would be glad to study evidence that pests in foreign 
    countries have developed genetic resistance to pesticides not legal for 
    use in the United States. However, if such resistance does occur, it 
    does not mean that the pests would be resistant to pesticides that are 
    legal for use in this country.
    Growing Media Concerns
        Several commenters stated that pests and diseases can grow in the 
    growing media currently allowed for the regulated articles.
        Response: We have no evidence that unused approved media is 
    infested or infected with exotic plant pests. If prescribed safeguards 
    are observed, such media used for approved plants will not become 
    infested with exotic plant pests.
        One commenter suggested that the definition of ``media'' should not 
    be changed from ``sterile'' to ``approved.''
        Response: There is no current definition of ``media'' as 
    ``sterile'' in this regulation. We made no proposal to 
    [[Page 3071]] change the definition of ``media''. Therefore this 
    comment is not germane to the proposal.
        One commenter suggested that Dutch and Israeli imports should be 
    imported only in absolutely sterile media. This commenter stated that 
    all kinds of weeds and diseases are imported into The Netherlands and 
    handled there in ways that circumvent inspection or quarantine 
    requirements theoretically designed to control the pests. The commenter 
    also stated that sterile media is necessary for plants from Israel 
    because desert weeds and diseases that occur there have not been 
    identified or are not well known, but present risks.
        Response: We cannot respond since we have no evidence to support 
    these claims, and the commenter did not provide evidence to support his 
        Several commenters stated that no plants in media should be allowed 
    to be imported into the United States.
        Response: Certain plants are already enterable in media; we did not 
    propose to change the entry status of those plants. This commenter did 
    not explain why no plants in media should be allowed entry.
    Anthurium Concerns
        Commenters opposed to allowing the importation of Anthurium species 
    noted that the Anthurium industry in Hawaii has had to deal with 
    introduction of Xanthomonas campestris pathovar dieffenbachiae with 
    losses of $8.5 million. They stated that Hawaii is especially liable to 
    new pest infestations, and that anthuriums are especially susceptible 
    to new pests. They also stated that the scientific information on pests 
    of anthuriums is probably not all inclusive because anthuriums have not 
    been of great economic importance compared to other cut flowers.
        Response: The special vulnerability of Hawaii to tropical pests 
    that do not survive well in most of the United States was considered by 
    the pest risk analysis for anthuriums. During the analysis, Hawaii, 
    Puerto Rico, California, and Florida were specifically considered and 
    recognized as areas that needed special consideration due to their 
    climate. We understand that the scientific information on pests of 
    anthuriums, like most plants, is not all inclusive. We must use the 
    best information available in making our decisions. The safeguards in 
    the rule are deliberately broad to provide protection against a 
    diversity of plant pests including those that were not identified.
        Several commenters stated that the proposed requirements were not 
    fully adequate because the APHIS pest risk analysis states that for 
    some plants, inspection at port of entry would not serve as an adequate 
    safeguard since symptoms of significant diseases are not present during 
    the incubation period.
        Response: As with other plants in media, the primary safeguards are 
    those applied before and during growth in the foreign country. These 
    safeguards are very strict because inspection at port of entry will not 
    serve as an adequate safeguard for certain pests, either because of 
    their size, or because symptoms are not present during the incubation 
    period, or because pests would be hidden by the growing medium.
        Several commenters stated that the decision to import the five 
    genera, especially Rhododendron, seems to go against the findings of 
    the APHIS committee of researchers who prepared the worksheets and 
    evaluations of pest risk (the Kahn report, made available through the 
    proposed rule), which recommended against admitting Rhododendron due to 
    pathogens in Europe, and raised concerns about other genera.
        Response: The function of the Kahn report was not to recommend that 
    the genera under study be admitted or prohibited, but to identify the 
    risks that would be associated with their admission. The Kahn report 
    did identify significant risks that would be associated with 
    unregulated admission of Rhododendron in growing media, and less 
    significant risks regarding the other genera. APHIS evaluated those 
    risks and tailored specific regulatory controls and safeguards to 
    mitigate the risks in preparing the proposed rule. Since this final 
    rule does not include importation for Rhododendron, a discussion of the 
    efficacy of controls and requirements to mitigate risks associated with 
    importation of Rhododendron will be deferred until such time as we 
    publish further rulemaking for that genus.
        Some commenters stated that there is no reason to import the five 
    genera, since production of the same genera or easily substitutable 
    plants in the United States is more than adequate, and new varieties 
    can be obtained by cuttings or tissue culture.
        Response: We have no authority to base a prohibition on the 
    availability of plants in the United States. Any prohibition or 
    restriction must be based on pest risk.
    Previous Introductions of Serious Pests Into the United States
        Several commenters stated that a large number of pests have been 
    introduced into the United States and have caused significant economic 
    and environmental harm. They stated that many of these pests were 
    introduced despite import controls believed to be as effective as the 
    proposed regulations for plants in growing media. They believe that 
    available and legal methods of control have proved inadequate to 
    control most of these pests, and that the proposed regulations would 
    only speed the introduction of more pests of this type. Examples of 
    introduced pests cited by these commenters include Egyptian cotton 
    moth, Asian gypsy moth, Geranium Xanthomonas bacterial blight, fire 
    ants, Mexican fruit fly, Mediterranean fruit fly, honeybee tracheal 
    mite, Narcissus bulb nematode, apple ermine moth, Varroa mite, azalea 
    flower spot, chrysanthemum white rust, sweet potato white fly, Thrips 
    palmi, lethal yellowing, Ganaderma zonaturum and Apopka weevil, 
    Melaleuca, brown snails, zebra mussel, European gypsy moth, purple 
    loosestrife, a Japanese weed (Phylanthese), TSWV virus (spread by 
    thrips), serpentine leaf miner, Japanese beetles, golden nematode, 
    black vine weevil, pine shoot beetle, Dutch elm disease, Chestnut 
    blight, European pine shoot moth, apple maggot, oriental fruit moth, 
    Caribbean fruit fly, citrus canker, citrus leafminer, black parlatoria 
    scale, Diaprepes root weevil, stunt of Chrysanthemum, Cylindrocladium 
    of azalea, Liriomyza trifolii, L. huidobrensis, Spodotera exigua, 
    Frankliniella occidentalis, and Bemisia tabaci.
        Response: The majority of the organisms listed by these commenters 
    are usually not found associated with plants in growing media of the 
    genera proposed for importation. In some cases, such as apple maggot, 
    Frankliniella occidentalis, and others, the pests are indigenous to 
    North America. Several of the pests named, such as the Egyptian cotton 
    moth, have not, in fact, become established even temporarily in the 
    United States. Chestnut blight, European Gypsy Moth, and other 
    introduced pests that did become established, did so prior to the 
    establishment of Federal plant quarantines, and their presence does not 
    support a charge that quarantine regulations are not effective. 
    Melaleuca is a horticultural introduction only recently considered as a 
    noxious weed; for many years, our regulatory programs did not attempt 
    to restrict its importation. The honeybee tracheal mite, azalea flower 
    spot, and other remaining pests are not likely to be associated with 
    plants in growing media grown under the conditions in the proposal. 
    [[Page 3072]] 
        We believe that the lack of quarantine significant introductions of 
    any pests in association with the five taxa of plants currently allowed 
    importation in growing media during the past 20 years is also evidence 
    that pests are unlikely to be introduced in growing media imported 
    under the proposed requirements.
        If safeguards are observed, no exotic pests should be introduced 
    with the plants. We expect that APHIS and the foreign plant protection 
    organization will apply adequate controls to ensure consistent and 
    correct application of the safeguards.
    Examples of Infected or Infested Stock That Has Been Imported
        One commenter reported he bought virus-infected geranium stock from 
    the Canary Islands and Mexico. Another mentioned Fischer Geranium ISA 
    voluntarily cancelling 80 million geranium cuttings from Mexico because 
    of a possible virus disease that might infect other ornamentals. A 
    commenter who imported plant cuttings from Israel said he had them 
    inspected and released by APHIS but that a follow up inspection found 
    Egyptian cotton moth, resulting in a $250,000 loss.
        A commenter stated he imported nursery stock from The Netherlands 
    that turned out to be infested with the noxious weed ``keek,'' which 
    could not be eradicated. Another cited growers who have been shut down 
    because of imported products infested with Egyptian cotton moth and 
    white rust of chrysanthemums. Another cited an importation of 
    Alstroemeria plants from The Netherlands that had tomato spot wilt 
    virus and were being distributed by a Dutch-American propagator.
        A commenter reports that mixed fern species arriving at Apopka were 
    found with four different taxa of insects, and that undetermined 
    species of both Aphelenchoides and Helicotylenchus were found in 
    sterile peat imported from nurseries in The Netherlands.
        Another commenter reports that rootstocks from The Netherlands have 
    been found to be infested with Meloidogyne and Pratylenchus species. 
    Another commenter notes that the State of Oregon has found serious 
    plant pests or diseases in imported pre-inspected plant materials.
        Response: While these comments document a general background risk 
    that pests may be introduced into the United States, they do not 
    provide evidence that the restrictions and safeguards discussed in the 
    proposal for importing plants in media would fail to prevent 
    introduction of pests. We continue to believe that the proposed 
    restrictions and safeguards are effective, for the reasons discussed in 
    the proposal.
    Safeguard Concerns
        Several commenters suggest that the frequency and timing of 
    inspections should be critically examined because pests may build up in 
    a short time. Plant auctions and resale transactions would have to be 
    policed to ensure that the plants were grown under qualifying 
    conditions. These commenters also believe that APHIS must take steps to 
    assure effective pest exclusion programs at ports of entry, and 
    guarantee development and maintenance of programs to exclude and/or 
    control pests.
        Several commenters suggested that APHIS should include provisions 
    to limit numbers of plants imported. They felt limits on plant import 
    numbers should relate to the known capacity of each exporting country 
    to grow plants under approved conditions and should take account of the 
    reasonably expected output for each growing facility.
        Response: Allocating resources to enforce regulations is an 
    important part of any regulatory program, and APHIS intends to devote 
    the resources required to ensure that inspections, record-keeping, port 
    of arrival activities and other actions required under the regulations 
    are maintained at the level required for successful implementation of 
    this program.
        Regarding enforcement and verification of compliance with the 
    regulations, all growers of plants in media to be shipped to the United 
    States must keep records of kinds and numbers and time of shipment for 
    all plants brought into, and shipped from, the greenhouse. These 
    records must be made available to inspectors of APHIS and of the plant 
    protection service of the foreign country. These records will also help 
    ensure that the number of plants imported under the regulations does 
    not exceed the number that could reasonably be grown in approved 
    facilities. If more plants are imported than we believe could 
    reasonably be grown in approved facilities, we will investigate 
    possible violations.
        Unscheduled visits will be made to the approved greenhouses by 
    inspectors of both APHIS and the plant protection services of the 
    growing countries. In addition to monitoring the number of plants that 
    can be shipped, the inspectors will enforce the very strict controls 
    placed on the greenhouses, including automatic closing doors, 
    screening, raised benches, etc.
        One commenter suggested that the lack of a protocol for detecting 
    movement of plants from unapproved greenhouses through approved 
    greenhouses and the lack of a quarantine period in the United States 
    for imported material allow too great a risk of nondetection of pests.
        Response: The record-keeping and inspection requirements for 
    growers discussed above address the problem of movements from 
    unapproved greenhouses through approved greenhouses. In response to the 
    quarantine period comment, APHIS requires postentry quarantine only 
    when other import requirements cannot ensure the material is free from 
    dangerous plant pests. The pest risk associated with the genera in 
    growing media in the proposal can usually be addressed by other means. 
    APHIS will propose postentry quarantine as a requirement to admit any 
    plant in growing media when such a requirement is necessary; for 
    example, the proposal includes postentry quarantine for Ananas and 
    Nidularium imported into Hawaii.
    Adequacy of Requirements for Growing Conditions in the Country of 
        Several commenters noted that pests may not be able to pass through 
    the screens proposed for greenhouses, but other openings will let them 
    in because greenhouses expand and contract and have small cracks and 
    broken panes of glass.
        Response: In addition to specifying a required screen mesh size, 
    the proposed regulations also rely on a performance standard for pest 
    exclusion, which inspectors will enforce. The regulations require that 
    the articles must be grown in a greenhouse ``in which sanitary 
    procedures adequate to exclude plant pests and diseases are always 
    employed'' (Sec. 319.37-8(e)(2)(ii)).
        One commenter questioned the proposed requirement that growing 
    plants may be watered only with rainwater that has been boiled or 
    pasteurized, with clean well water, or with potable water. Water fit 
    for human consumption (potable water) may still contain plant pests or 
        Response: We believe that water that has been contaminated with 
    organic material to the point that it harbors significant numbers of 
    plant pests is also likely to harbor human disease pathogens that make 
    it not potable. It therefore would not be allowed to be used by the 
    regulations. Similarly, water that has been treated to render it 
    potable has been exposed to chemicals or treatment conditions that will 
    destroy human pathogens and plant pests alike.
        One commenter asked: What is clean rainwater? Can it be collected 
    as runoff [[Page 3073]] from buildings, which may be contaminated? This 
    commenter suggested that all irrigation water should be treated with 
    ultraviolet irradiation or filtered to eliminate spread of pathogens.
        Response: Under the proposed requirement, if rainwater is used it 
    must be boiled or pasteurized, which would destroy pathogens.
        Several commenters suggested that the height requirement for the 
    raised growing benches is not sufficient to prevent something on the 
    ground being spread by insects or by water splashing.
        Response: The benches are not raised over ``ground,'' but over 
    concrete or gravel over plastic sheeting. The purpose of any elevation 
    of the benches is to allow air circulation underneath, to separate the 
    bench and its plants from the drainage off the bench, and to simplify 
    cleaning and sanitation. The minimum height specified was necessary to 
    accomplish these tasks. Some benches may use trickle irrigation for 
    watering or contain approved growing media watered by a circulatory 
    system. In either case there would be no splashing. If there were some 
    splashing, there would be no soil that would serve as a source of 
    contamination and spread. In addition, the height requirement for 
    potted plants has been in effect for six different kinds of plants for 
    about 20 years. No exotic pests have been found with shipments of these 
        Several commenters stated that pesticides in the growing facilities 
    will keep infestations at a low level making visual inspection useless; 
    pesticide use should be prohibited to avoid this problem of masking.
        Response: The use of pesticides and other safeguards, such as 
    screens, are methods of reducing the risk of introducing exotic pests. 
    We believe that the use of pesticides with other safeguards will result 
    in a product that is essentially pest-free. Nineteen years of 
    experience with six other genera of plants in growing media supports 
    the concept of using multiple safeguards. This systems approach has 
    long been used here and in foreign countries to reduce pest risk and to 
    provide a horticultural product acceptable for domestic and 
    international trade.
    Other Safeguard Concerns
        Several commenters stated that they have visited growing facilities 
    that are likely candidates for growing articles under the regulations, 
    and stated that the physical and procedural safeguards required by the 
    regulations are not in place.
        Response: Shipments from growing facilities may not begin until 
    after the required growing agreements have been signed. APHIS will not 
    sign an agreement until the required safeguards and procedures are in 
    Concerns About APHIS Resources
        Commenters raised the following questions and concerns about the 
    level of APHIS resources for enforcing the proposed regulations: APHIS 
    does not have adequate resources and commitment to fulfill its 
    monitoring responsibility in foreign countries. The proposal has no 
    specifications for APHIS funding or staffing for inspection of 
    greenhouses, mother stock, and export plants. APHIS is understaffed and 
    politically powerless as evidenced by problems with geraniums, 
    poinsettia mildew, white rust, and the withdrawal from the U.S. market 
    of Fisher Geraniums. APHIS does not have sufficient staff at ports of 
    entry, as evidenced by unwanted pests that continue to be shipped in, 
    e.g., Xanthomonas pelargonii and the cotton moth on geraniums. Budget 
    cuts in USDA should prohibit any new products being considered for 
    importation under the regulations. APHIS cannot control likely problems 
    because USDA has been a primary target for budget reductions. It is 
    inappropriate to propose additional importation of plant genera when 
    many inspection positions at ports of entry are vacant. Current PPQ 
    staffs are not able to adequately inspect and monitor disposition of 
    imported plant materials. The APHIS Vision 2000 document projects 
    continuing decreases in PPQ staff.
        Response: It is true that many variables in the annual budget 
    process can affect the level of resources APHIS can apply to any given 
    program at any given time. APHIS intends to manage its resources to 
    allocate the necessary number of staff hours to this program to ensure 
    the level of inspection and enforcement necessary for its safe 
    operation. If at any time we are unable to provide the resources 
    necessary for full implementation of the proposed requirements, we will 
    discontinue or limit importations under the regulations. Our statutory 
    authority allows us to take such action whenever it is necessary.
        Several State governments indicated their desire for a system by 
    which APHIS would notify them of all importations destined for their 
    States, especially since they believe USDA has no plans to increase 
    port of entry inspection staff and may have to decrease current staff.
        Response: APHIS has a system to notify State Departments of 
    Agriculture of the arrival in the United States of plants destined for 
    their States. Any State may request and receive notification from APHIS 
    of the arrival of plants imported in accordance with these regulations.
    Pest Risk Analysis Methodology
        Some commenters believed the database of pest/host information 
    APHIS assembled in the course of pest risk assessment was too narrow 
    and exclusive. Several felt that because the automated databases 
    employed do not contain reports from before 1970, applicable historical 
    information about possible pest risks was not included. Two commenters 
    cited specific pests that were not identified by the database 
    (pathogens from Israel and Egyptian cotton moth) and stated that these 
    pests should have been considered in evaluating the proposed 
        Some commenters felt that published reports of pests associated 
    with particular plant articles are an insufficient source of data for 
    pest risk decisionmaking. One stated that ignoring a pathogen until it 
    does enough damage to be noticed in research articles does not ensure 
    safety of our agriculture; we can't assume an organism is not of 
    quarantine significance only because there is little or no economic 
    damage or biological information or data published in scientific 
    journals. Another stated that a lack of information in scientific 
    papers on a particular pest does not constitute proof that there is no 
    problem with that pest. Another cited the comparative paucity of 
    reports in the scientific and regulatory literature of pests in Asia 
    and parts of Europe as a sign that the database employed by the 
    regulations is incomplete.
        Response: The scientist obtained an excellent coverage of the 
    worlds' scientific literature by using the data bases in their search 
    for literature. In addition, PPQ furnished copies of important papers 
    for use in the assessment. Furthermore, scientists had the option to 
    consult the references to older papers that are found at the end of the 
    scientific articles that appear after 1970. The outside scientists had 
    their own references and their University libraries as well.
        We agree that the pest and potential host data employed were not 
    and cannot be comprehensive. However, we believe the database assembled 
    the best feasible collection of data relevant to the decisionmaking 
    process required for the proposal of regulations. To address the fact 
    that unknown or underreported [[Page 3074]] pests no doubt exist, and 
    could be associated with some of the articles proposed for importation, 
    the growing requirements and safeguards are deliberately broad. The 
    safeguards address fundamental modes of pest access to hosts and 
    survivability of pests on hosts. The safeguards that control known 
    pests should also be widely effective in controlling unknown pests, and 
    pests that are not known to be associated with the particular articles 
    covered by the regulations.
        Several commenters stated that the plant industry has a right to 
    expect that the United States government will obtain sufficient 
    information on potential problems and establish adequate safeguards 
    before allowing entry of foreign plant material. They stated that it is 
    not acceptable to remove existing safeguards in order to facilitate 
    trade simply because ``no information is available'' in the database 
    searches employed by APHIS. These commenters felt that whenever there 
    are risks associated with importing a plant article, importation should 
    be prohibited in accordance with the Plant Quarantine Act, unless 
    definitive scientific evidence exists that the article may be safely 
    imported under safeguards.
        Response: The Plant Quarantine Act does not prohibit the 
    importation of any plants. However, it authorizes the Secretary of 
    Agriculture to determine that it is necessary to forbid the importation 
    of plants in order to prevent the introduction of plant diseases and 
    injurious insects from infested countries.
        Many years ago, a general prohibition was promulgated against the 
    importation of plants in growing media, with certain exceptions. It 
    appears this prohibition was based on the idea that growing media in 
    general may contain many kinds of plant pests, and that elimination of 
    those pests by inspection or treatment was not feasible.
        The exceptions were made because APHIS found that certain plants in 
    growing media could be safely imported into the United States. The 
    exceptions that existed before 1980 included, for example, plants from 
    most of Canada, and orchid plants on fern bark slabs. These exceptions 
    were made using the best information available to APHIS, and we have no 
    information that the plants present any significant risk of introducing 
    exotic plant pests. In 1980, we added five kinds of plants in growing 
    media that could be imported, provided that strict quarantine 
    conditions were observed. The plants were requested by various European 
    countries and some U.S. importers. The proposal to allow importation of 
    these plants in growing media was based on the best information 
    available to us at that time, which indicated the plants could be 
    safely imported. The validity of allowing these plants in media to be 
    imported is supported by the fact that many such plants have been 
    imported without any evidence of introducing exotic plant pests.
        Now we have proposed to add five new kinds of plants established in 
    growing media. This final rule allows importation of four of the 
    proposed genera. Again, we have used the best information available, 
    which includes nearly 20 years of experience with potted plants from 
    The Netherlands to determine that the genera of plants may be imported 
    without significant pest risk, if the proposed conditions are observed.
        Several commenters stated that since many fungi and other pests are 
    not well known, it is impossible to determine when a new strain of a 
    pest is being introduced with a newly allowed host. These commenters 
    opposed increasing the variety of plants imported in growing media for 
    this reason.
        Response: The commenters should note that the plants we are 
    allowing to be imported may already be imported bare-rooted, and 
    therefore do not represent new types of host material. Certainly, 
    allowing the host material to be imported associated with growing media 
    presents some risks not presented by bare-rooted plants. However, the 
    risk analyses acknowledged the existence of unknown fungi and other 
    pests, and evaluated the likely scope of the risk they present by using 
    risks of known fungi and other pests as benchmarks.
        Several commenters suggested that the pest risk analysis was weak 
    because the outside scientists who assisted in studying the risks were 
    not in a position to review recommended safeguards and analyze their 
        Response: We deliberately asked the researchers to evaluate the 
    pest risks without regard to particular potential inspections, 
    treatments, or other safeguards that might be imposed by APHIS. We did 
    this to obtain an unbiased baseline of pest risk potential, and because 
    we were employing the researchers to evaluate pest risks, not the 
    efficacy of a variety of treatments and safeguards. The selection of 
    particular treatment or safeguard requirements is a regulatory 
    decision, not a scientific one.
        Several commenters felt that the proposed rule shows that APHIS 
    apparently ignored the findings of its own scientists and team of 
    outside experts, who in the Kahn report identified major risks for 
    importation of Rhododendron and significant risks for other genera.
        Response: The Kahn report identified risks, but did not address 
    whether some feasible combination of safeguards could control those 
    risks. APHIS has extensive program operations experience and methods 
    development data that document which safeguards can be used to control 
    particular types of risks. APHIS evaluated the risks identified in the 
    Kahn report and concluded that import requirements and safeguards of 
    proven effectiveness could be employed to reduce those risks to a safe 
        The statement that APHIS ignored the results of its own scientists 
    is misleading. There were two groups. One group was charged with pest 
    risk analysis to determine the potential risk of each organisms 
    assuming the only safeguard in place was inspection of a sample at a 
    port of entry. The reason for this specification was to allow outside 
    scientists to make biological assessments without being encumbered with 
    quarantine procedures. The thrust was toward determining the potential 
    risk based on life cycles-a biological assessment where the true or 
    projected risk may be determined.
        Under those circumstances, it is not surprising that based on the 
    life cycles of the most important exotic pests, that the recommendation 
    was to prohibit Rhododendron. The scientist believed that inspection at 
    a port of entry, as a sole safeguard, is not an adequate safeguard to 
    prevent the entry of Rhododendron pests.
        However, the commenter did not consider the actions of the second 
    group, which was charged with risk management. The second group 
    considered all the hazardous and high risk plant pests listed by the 
    scientists in the first group and set up a system of independent 
    safeguards listed in the proposed rule. The whole proposed rule is 
    equal to the sum of its parts--risk assessment and risk management.
    Other Pest Risk Analysis Methodology Concerns
        Commenters made the following suggestions: Pest risk analyses done 
    by APHIS should consider fewer plants at a time. APHIS should expand 
    the coverage of the analyses to ensure including the pests that pose 
    the greatest risk. APHIS should add an additional criterion to its risk 
    assessment standards to measure quality, depth, and coverage of 
    available information on a given genus.
        Response: We conducted a pest risk analysis for each of five genera 
    of plants. [[Page 3075]] We believe that the various species within 
    each genus have sufficient similarities in terms of pest host potential 
    to make this a reasonable approach. We believe the analyses did address 
    the pests posing the greatest risk, and we are not aware of a 
    statistical model that demonstrates otherwise. We believe rating 
    quality, depth, and coverage of available information on a given genus 
    is best done by professional judgment of qualified plant scientists, 
    not by a formula, and this is the approach we used.
    Preemption and Other Concerns of States
        One commenter expressed concern about the preemption clause that 
    would prevent Hawaii from enforcing its statutes to protect Hawaiian 
    agriculture. This commenter stated that Hawaii is unique in having a 
    higher probability of pests becoming established, due to its climate. 
    The commenter believes APHIS should clarify at what point foreign 
    commerce ceases, especially as to whether affected States will be able 
    to participate in the decisionmaking or whether States will simply be 
    notified of the final decision.
        Response: The extent to which this regulation would preempt State 
    or local requirements is no more or less than with our other 
    regulations. Federal regulations would preempt State or local 
    requirements only when they are inconsistent with the Federal 
    requirement. Federal requirements preempt State or local requirements 
    while the articles are in foreign commerce, which generally lasts at 
    least until the article is purchased by the ultimate user and taken to 
    its final destination.
        Several commenters stated that the proposed changes would increase 
    pressure on the California Department of Food and Agriculture for 
    subsequent detection of pests after release by APHIS.
        Response: The rule was designed to prevent the introduction of 
    pests, not to discover them after importation. We believe that articles 
    imported in accordance with the requirements of the regulations will 
    contain few or no significant plant pests, and should therefore require 
    little increase in the workload for the plant protection services of 
    California or other States.
    Economic Concerns
        A number of commenters raised concerns about the preliminary 
    economic analysis and suggested ways to improve it. The analysis has 
    been revised to address impacts on both wholesale and retail firms, to 
    utilize up-to-date data, and to address other concerns of commenters. 
    See the ``Executive Order 12866 and Regulatory Flexibility Act'' 
    section of this document.
        Some commenters thought that the economic analysis should take into 
    account the potential cost should dangerous pests be introduced and 
    cause major infestations.
        Response: We think the economic analysis should focus on the 
    expected effects of the proposed action, and should rely as far as 
    possible on data that are known or can be reasonably extrapolated. 
    Although it is possible to assume that a pest introduction will occur 
    despite strict regulatory requirements, and to endow the introduced 
    pest with the capability to cause any degree of harm to U.S. plants, 
    this type of speculation does not seem to us to have much value in the 
    absence of any real data. We based the economic analysis on what we 
    believe to be the effects of the regulations, based on past experience 
    and study of the proposed action. The expected effects include 
    importation of a modest amount of plant material, without the 
    introduction and establishment of serious plant pests.
    Other Policy Issues
        One commenter stated that the APHIS mandate is to protect our 
    environment and not to foster foreign trade.
        Response: Regulatory actions by APHIS may have positive or negative 
    effects on foreign trade, and we are required to analyze those likely 
    effects and make the analysis available to the public. However, we do 
    not base our import regulations on their possible effect on trade, but 
    on analysis of whether articles may be imported with an insignificant 
    risk of the introduction of plant pests.
        Several commenters stated that this proposal sets a precedent that 
    will allow many other, more dangerous plants to be imported in media.
        Response: The precedent for importing plants in growing media from 
    other than Canada was set in 1980, when five kinds of plants were 
    allowed importation in accordance with Sec. 319.37-8(e). APHIS intends 
    to propose allowing the importation of additional requested plants when 
    it finds the plants can be imported without significant risk of 
    introducing exotic plant pests. APHIS also intends to prohibit (or 
    continue prohibiting) those plants it finds can not be imported without 
    a significant risk of introducing exotic plant pests.
        One commenter stated that APHIS must endeavor to ensure that no 
    pest of any plant is introduced; only after doing this can APHIS make 
    adjustments to promote free trade.
        Response: APHIS has no authority to prohibit the importation of 
    plants in order to ``ensure that no pest of any plant is introduced''. 
    Rather, the Plant Quarantine Act gives us authority to prohibit the 
    importation of plants into the United States ``in order to prevent the 
    introduction into the United States of any tree, plant, or fruit 
    disease or of any injurious insect, new to or not theretofore widely 
    prevalent or distributed within and throughout the United States'' 
    (emphasis added).
    Endangered Species Concerns
        Several commenters noted that an endangered Rhododendron species in 
    the United States might be damaged by alien pests introduced on 
    imported Rhododendron. Some commenters further argued that other plant 
    and tree species that are currently listed, or that are candidates for 
    listing, could be harmed by pests brought in with the five genera 
    proposed for importation.
        Response: We will consult with the Fish and Wildlife Service under 
    the Endangered Species Act prior to taking final action on the proposal 
    for Rhododendron. Regarding the other genera, no commenter provided 
    information linking their importation to any specific risk to a 
    domestic species that is listed or a formal candidate for listing under 
    the Endangered Species Act.
    Executive Order 12866 and Regulatory Flexibility Act
        This rule has been determined to be economically significant, and 
    was reviewed by OMB under Executive Order 12866.
        The composite effect of this rulemaking and several anticipated 
    related rulemakings over the next several years, which could result in 
    allowing importation of over 60 genera of plants in growing media that 
    are currently prohibited, could have effects on U.S.-foreign 
    competition that are within the scope of the definition of economically 
    significant in Executive Order 12866.
        We have prepared a final Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) and a 
    final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (RFA) concerning the current 
    final rule and future rules allowing the importation of additional 
    plants in growing media. The exact content of future rules to be 
    proposed in this area, including the final list of plants to be allowed 
    entry established in growing media, will not be known until APHIS 
    completes pest risk analysis and decision-making processes necessary 
    for the development [[Page 3076]] of these proposed rules. Therefore, 
    the final RIA and RFA take a broad approach and make certain necessary 
    assumptions in order to form an estimate of economic effects. The RIA 
    and RFA assume that APHIS will propose to allow entry of all plants in 
    growing media for which we have received requests for entry, and make 
    generic assumptions about safeguards and precautionary procedures that 
    may be required for entry of some genera. However, it is unlikely that 
    APHIS, after conducting pest risk analyses, will propose to allow entry 
    of all requested plants. In addition, the safeguards and precautionary 
    procedures necessary for safe entry of some genera will be developed 
    and refined later in the rule development process. Therefore, the RIA 
    and RFA will be continually updated and refined as choices are made and 
    rulemaking advances, to incorporate more precise information on the 
    costs, benefits, and other economic effects associated with rulemaking 
        The current version of the RIA and RFA addresses potential impacts 
    of possible future actions in general terms, and addresses the impacts 
    of adding the genera and requirements discussed by this proposed rule 
    more specifically. Copies of the RIA and RFA may be obtained by sending 
    a written request to the Chief, Regulatory Analysis and Development, 
    PPD, APHIS, USDA, P.O. Drawer 810, Riverdale, MD 20738.
        This final rule will allow importation of articles of the genera 
    Alstroemeria, Ananas, Anthurium, and Nidularium that meet the 
    requirements of the regulations. We anticipate that this change would 
    have the following economic implications. Allowing entry of additional 
    genera would enhance consumer purchasing power (consumer surplus). 
    Foreign producers would be able to market their plants in the U.S. 
    market. This will likely decrease domestic prices for the four genera, 
    and will enable U.S. consumers to purchase a wider variety of potted 
    plants at lower prices.
        Given prevailing price discrepancies between domestic and foreign 
    plant markets, revenue for domestic producers will likely decrease 
    slightly as a result of freer trade in the four genera affected by this 
    proposal. The exact amount of decrease will be determined by demand 
    elasticities for potted plants. The net impact to society would be 
    positive since consumer gains will more than offset losses incurred by 
    domestic producers.
        Based on florist and nursery sales, the estimated value of potted 
    Alstroemeria, Ananas, Anthurium, and Nidularium production in the 
    United States totals about $1.4 million annually. This represents less 
    than one percent of the total annual value of the domestic nursery and 
    floriculture industry, estimated at about $8.9 billion. Allowing 
    imports of these potted plant genera could cause some domestic 
    producers to switch to growing other plant genera.
        Utilizing available production and price data, low and high impact 
    scenarios we developed to estimate potential changes in net U.S. 
    welfare from Anthurium imports. This study assumes that prices will 
    drop by 10 and 30 percent in the low and high impact scenarios 
    respectively. A unitary supply elasticity and three demand elasticities 
    (-0.5, -1, and -1.5) were used to estimate a range of potential net 
    impacts for both scenarios.
        Consumers and domestic importers of Alstroemeria, Ananas, and 
    Nidularium will also benefit from the rule's impact. The revisions will 
    increase the availability of the three genera in the U.S. market. 
    However, APHIS was not able to quantify the impact on the domestic 
    market for Alstroemeria, Ananas, and Nidularium. These three genera are 
    produced by a handful of small producers and data is not published to 
    avoid disclosing proprietary information.
        The low impact scenario indicates that the rule's revisions will 
    increase net welfare for U.S. society by between $7,000 and $20,000. 
    Domestic consumers of Anthurium will incur welfare gains of between 
    $137,000 and $143,000. By contrast, U.S. Anthurium producers will incur 
    welfare losses totaling between $123,000 and $130,000.
        When prices are reduced by 30 percent net welfare is increased by 
    between $183,000 and $283,000. Consumer welfare is increased by between 
    $430,000 and $490,000, and producer welfare is decreased by between 
    $207,000 and $246,000.
        Information contained in the ``Census of Horticultural Specialties 
    (1988)''1 can be used to segment domestic nurseries by value of 
    annual sales. Value of annual sales was used as a guide in determining 
    which nurseries would qualify as a ``small'' business. Additionally, 
    the Small Business Administration (SBA) has established guidelines for 
    determining which economic entities meet the definition of a ``small'' 
        \1\ Limitations of data: The Census of Horticultural Specialties 
    (1988) does not represent all producers of horticultural specialty 
    products in 1988. Because the census was voluntary, it only 
    represents those growers in 1987 who cooperated and provided 
    information on their activities for 1988. In addition, it includes 
    2,829 additional growers enumerated in 28 States by the National 
    Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).
        The four genera are produced by about 79 domestic producers. 
    Nurseries with annual sales of $3.5 million or less are considered 
    ``small'' for purposes of this analysis. Annual receipts of less than 
    $3.5 million is the standard used for all industries not specifically 
    listed by the SBA. All of the 79 commercial nurseries are small 
    according to the above criteria.\2\ These nurseries are diversified 
    operations that produce many varieties of potted plants and other 
    greenhouse products. The nature of their business requires nurseries to 
    make frequent adjustments to the types of plants they grow and sell, as 
    new types become popular and public taste changes. If producing the 
    four genera becomes unprofitable, these nurseries should be able to 
    defray losses by shifting to other, more profitable product lines. 
    Therefore, the Agency anticipates that the revisions will not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small producers.
        \2\U.S. Department of Commerce; ``Census of Horticultural 
    Specialties (1988)''; Washington, DC. Information was not available 
    for Alstroemeria, Ananas, and Nidularium due to proprietary 
        The SBA definition of a small business engaged in the import/export 
    business is one that employs no more than 100 employees. The number of 
    firms that may be qualified as a small business under this definition 
    cannot be determined. Small importers will likely benefit from the rule 
    change. The regulatory revisions will enable some small importers to 
    enhance their income through imports of the four genera in growing 
        Small retailers will benefit from importation of Alstroemeria, 
    Ananas, Anthurium, and Nidularium in growing media. The rule will 
    enhance the availability and quality of potted plants in the U.S. 
    market. Plant retailers will benefit from lower wholesale prices and 
    will likely pass these savings on to their customers. This will 
    increase annual sales volume and revenue.
        Under these circumstances, the Administrator of the Animal and 
    Plant Health Inspection Service has determined that this action will 
    not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    Executive Order 12778
        This rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12778, Civil 
    Justice Reform. This final rule will allow Alstroemeria, Ananas, 
    Anthurium, and [[Page 3077]] Nidularium established in growing media to 
    be imported into the United States from any country that meets the 
    requirements of Sec. 319.37-8(e). Under this rule, State and local laws 
    and regulations regarding articles imported will be preempted while the 
    articles are in foreign commerce. Some nursery stock articles are 
    imported for immediate distribution and sale to the public, and remain 
    in foreign commerce until sold to the ultimate consumer. The question 
    of when foreign commerce ceases in other cases must be addressed on a 
    case-by-case basis. This final rule has no retroactive effect, and will 
    not require administrative proceedings before parties may file suit in 
    National Environmental Policy Act
        An environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact 
    have been prepared for this final rule. The assessment provides a basis 
    for the conclusion that the importation in growing media of the four 
    genera of plants covered by the rule, under the conditions specified in 
    the rule, would not present a risk of introducing or disseminating 
    plant pests and would not have a significant impact on the quality of 
    the human environment. Based on the finding of no significant impact, 
    the Administrator of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has 
    determined that an environmental impact statement need not be prepared.
        The environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact 
    were prepared in accordance with: (1) The National Environmental Policy 
    Act of 1969 (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.); (2) Regulations of the 
    Council on Environmental Quality for Implementing the Procedural 
    Provisions of NEPA (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508); (3) USDA Regulations 
    Implementing NEPA (7 CFR part 1b); and (4) APHIS Guidelines 
    Implementing NEPA (44 FR 50381-50384, August 28, 1979, and 44 FR 51272-
    51274, August 31, 1979).
        Copies of the environmental assessment and finding of no 
    significant impact are available for public inspection at USDA, room 
    1141, South Building, 14th Street and Independence Avenue SW., 
    Washington, DC, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, 
    except holidays. In addition, copies may be obtained by writing to the 
    individual listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This document contains no new information collection or 
    recordkeeping requirements under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 
    (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 319
        Bees, Coffee, Cotton, Fruits, Honey, Imports, Nursery stock, Plant 
    diseases and pests, Quarantine, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Rice, Vegetables.
        Accordingly, 7 CFR part 319 is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 319 continues to read as 
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 150dd, 150ee, 150ff, 151-167, 450; 21 U.S.C. 
    136 and 136a; 7 CFR 2.17, 2.51, and 371.2(c).
        2. In Sec. 319.37-1, the following definitions are added in 
    alphabetical order:
    Sec. 319.37-1  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        Clean well water. Well water that does not contain plant pathogens 
    or other plant pests.
    * * * * *
        Potable water. Water which is approved for drinking purposes by the 
    national or local health authority having jurisdiction.
    * * * * *
        3. In Sec. 319.37-13, footnote 11 and the reference to it are 
    redesignated as footnote 12.
        4. In Sec. 319.37-8, paragraph (e) is revised and paragraph (g) is 
    added to read as follows:
    Sec. 319.37-8  Growing media.
    * * * * *
        (e) A restricted article of any of the following groups of plants 
    may be imported established in an approved growing medium listed in 
    this paragraph, if the article meets the conditions of this paragraph, 
    and is accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the plant 
    protection service of the country in which the article was grown that 
    declares that the article meets the conditions of this paragraph: 
    Alstroemeria, Ananas,11 Anthurium, Begonia, Gloxinia (= 
    Sinningia), Nidularium,11 Peperomia, Polypodiophyta (=Filicales) 
    (ferns), and Saintpaulia.
        \11\These articles are bromeliads, and if imported into Hawaii, 
    bromeliads are subject to postentry quarantine in accordance with 
    Sec. 319.37-7.
        (1) Approved growing media are baked expanded clay pellets, cork, 
    glass wool, organic and inorganic fibers, peat, perlite, polymer 
    stabilized starch, plastic particles, phenol formaldehyde, 
    polyethylene, polystyrene, polyurethane, rock wool, sphagnum moss, 
    ureaformaldehyde, vermiculite, or volcanic rock, or any combination of 
    these media. Growing media must not have been previously used.
        (2) Articles imported under this paragraph must be grown in 
    compliance with a written agreement for enforcement of this section 
    signed by the plant protection service of the country where grown and 
    Plant Protection and Quarantine, must be developed from mother stock 
    that was inspected and found free from evidence of disease and pests by 
    an APHIS inspector or foreign plant protection service inspector no 
    more than 60 days prior to the time the article is established in the 
    greenhouse (except for articles developed from seeds germinated in the 
    greenhouse), and must be:
        (i) Grown in compliance with a written agreement between the grower 
    and the plant protection service of the country where the article is 
    grown, in which the grower agrees to comply with the provisions of this 
    section and to allow inspectors, and representatives of the plant 
    protection service of the country where the article is grown, access to 
    the growing facility as necessary to monitor compliance with the 
    provisions of this section;
        (ii) Grown solely in a greenhouse in which sanitary procedures 
    adequate to exclude plant pests and diseases are always employed, 
    including cleaning and disinfection of floors, benches and tools, and 
    the application of measures to protect against any injurious plant 
    diseases, injurious insect pests, and other plant pests. The greenhouse 
    must be free from sand and soil and must have screening with openings 
    of not more than 0.6 mm on all vents and openings except entryways. All 
    entryways must be equipped with automatic closing doors;
        (iii) Rooted and grown in an active state of foliar growth for at 
    least four consecutive months immediately prior to importation into the 
    United States, in a greenhouse unit that is used solely for articles 
    grown in compliance with this paragraph;
        (iv) Grown from seeds germinated in the greenhouse unit; or 
    descended from a mother plant that was grown for at least 9 months in 
    the exporting country prior to importation into the United States of 
    the descendent plants, provided that if the mother plant was imported 
    into the exporting country from another country, it must be:
        (A) Grown for at least 12 months in the exporting country prior to 
    importation of the descendent plants into the United States, or
        (B) Treated at the time of importation into the exporting country 
    with a [[Page 3078]] treatment prescribed for pests of that plant by 
    the plant protection service of the exporting country and then grown 
    for at least 9 months in the exporting country prior to importation of 
    the descendent plants into the United States;
        (v) Watered only with rainwater that has been boiled or 
    pasteurized, with clean well water, or with potable water;
        (vi) Rooted and grown in approved growing media listed in 
    Sec. 319.37-8(e)(1) on benches supported by legs and raised at least 46 
    cm above the floor;
        (vii) Stored and packaged only in areas free of sand, soil, earth, 
    and plant pests; and,
        (viii) Inspected in the greenhouse and found free from evidence of 
    plant pests and diseases by an APHIS inspector or an inspector of the 
    plant protection service of the exporting country, no more than 30 days 
    prior to the date of export to the United States.
    * * * * *
        (g) Pest risk evaluation standards for plants established in 
    growing media. When evaluating a request to allow importation of 
    additional taxa of plants established in growing media, the Animal and 
    Plant Health Inspection Service will conduct the following analysis in 
    determining the pest risks associated with each requested plant article 
    and in determining whether or not to propose allowing importation into 
    the United States of the requested plant article.
        (1) Collect commodity information.
        (i) Determine the kind of growing medium, origin and taxon of the 
    regulated article.
        (ii) Collect information on the method of preparing the regulated 
    article for importation.
        (iii) Evaluate history of past plant pest interceptions or 
    introductions (including data from plant protection services of foreign 
    countries) associated with each regulated article.
        (2) Catalog quarantine pests. For the regulated article specified 
    in an application, determine what plant pests or potential plant pests 
    are associated with the type of plant from which the regulated article 
    was derived, in the country and locality of origin. A plant pest that 
    meets one of the following criteria is a quarantine pest and will be 
    further evaluated in accordance with paragraph (g)(3) of this section:
        (i) Non-indigenous plant pest not present in the United States;
        (ii) Non-indigenous plant pest, present in the United States and 
    capable of further dissemination in the United States;
        (iii) Non-indigenous plant pest that is present in the United 
    States and has reached probable limits of its ecological range, but 
    differs genetically from the plant pest in the United States in a way 
    that demonstrates a potential for greater damage potential in the 
    United States;
        (iv) Native species of the United States that has reached probable 
    limits of its ecological range, but differs genetically from the plant 
    pest in the United States in a way that demonstrates a potential for 
    greater damage potential in the United States; or
        (v) Non-indigenous or native plant pest that may be able to vector 
    another plant pest that meets one of the criteria in (g)(2)(i) through 
    (iv) of this section.
        (3) Conduct individual pest risk assessments. Each of the 
    quarantine pests identified by application of the criteria in paragraph 
    (g)(2) of this section will be evaluated based on the following 
        (i) Estimate the probability the quarantine pest will be on, with, 
    or in the regulated article at the time of importation;
        (ii) Estimate the probability the quarantine pest will survive in 
    transit on the regulated article and enter the United States 
        (iii) Estimate the probability of the quarantine pest colonizing 
    once entered into the United States;
        (iv) Estimate the probability of the quarantine pest spreading 
    beyond the colonized area; and
        (v) Estimate the actual and perceived economic, environmental and 
    social damage that would occur if the quarantine pest is introduced, 
    colonizes, and spreads.
        (4) Determine overall estimation of risk based on compilation of 
    component estimates. This step will evaluate whether the pest risk of 
    importing a regulated article established in growing media, as 
    developed through the estimates of paragraph (g)(3) of this section, is 
    greater than the pest risk of importing the regulated article with bare 
    roots as allowed by Sec. 319.37-8(a).
        (i) If the pest risk is determined to be the same or less, the 
    regulated article established in growing media will be allowed 
    importation under the same conditions as the same regulated article 
    with bare roots.
        (ii) If the pest risk is determined to be greater for the regulated 
    article established in growing media, APHIS will evaluate available 
    mitigation measures to determine whether they would allow safe 
    importation of the regulated article. Mitigation measures currently in 
    use as requirements of this subsection, and any other mitigation 
    methods relevant to the regulated article and plant pests involved, 
    will be compared with the individual pest risk assessments in order to 
    determine whether requiring particular mitigation measures in 
    connection with importation of the regulated article would reduce the 
    pest risk to a level equal to or less than the risk associated with 
    importing the regulated article with bare roots as allowed by 
    Sec. 319.37-8(a). If APHIS determines that use of particular mitigation 
    measures could reduce the pest risk to this level, and determines that 
    sufficient APHIS resources are available to implement or ensure 
    implementation of the appropriate mitigation measures, APHIS will 
    propose to allow importation into the United States of the requested 
    regulated article if the appropriate mitigation measures are employed.
    Sec. 319.37-9   [Amended]
        5. In Sec. 319.37-9, the phrase ``is not intermixed with other 
    approved packing material;'' is removed.
        Done in Washington, DC, this 9th day of January 1995.
    Terry L. Medley,
    Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
    [FR Doc. 95-935 Filed 1-12-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-34-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
February 13, 1995.
3067-3078 (12 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 89-154-2
PDF File:
CFR: (6)
7 CFR 319.37-8(a)
7 CFR 319.37-8(e)(1)
7 CFR 319.37-1
7 CFR 319.37-7
7 CFR 319.37-8
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