95-16973. Consolidated Groups and Controlled GroupsIntercompany Transactions and Related Rules  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 137 (Tuesday, July 18, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 36671-36710]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-16973]
    26 CFR Parts 1 and 602
    [TD 8597]
    RIN 1545-AT58
    Consolidated Groups and Controlled Groups--Intercompany 
    Transactions and Related Rules
    AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury.
    ACTION: Final regulations.
    SUMMARY: This document contains final regulations amending the 
    intercompany transaction system of the consolidated return regulations. 
    The final regulations also revise the regulations under section 267(f), 
    limiting losses and deductions from transactions between members of a 
    controlled group. Amendments to other related regulations are also 
    included in this document.
    DATES: These regulations are effective July 18, 1995.
        For dates of applicability, see the Effective dates section under 
    the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION portion of the preamble and the effective 
    date provisions of the new or revised regulations.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Concerning the regulations relating to 
    consolidated groups generally, Roy Hirschhorn of the Office of 
    Assistant Chief Counsel (Corporate), (202) 622-7770; concerning stock 
    and obligations of members of consolidated groups, Victor Penico of the 
    Office of Assistant Chief Counsel (Corporate), (202) 622-7750; 
    concerning insurance issues, Gary Geisler of the Office of Assistant 
    Chief Counsel (Financial Institutions and Products), (202) 622-3970; 
    concerning international issues, Philip Tretiak of the Office of 
    Associate Chief Counsel (International), (202) 622-3860; and concerning 
    controlled groups, Martin Scully, Jr. of the Office of Assistant Chief 
    Counsel (Income Tax and Accounting), (202) 622-4960. (These numbers are 
    not toll-free numbers.)
    A. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The collections of information contained in these final regulations 
    have been reviewed and approved by the Office of Management and Budget 
    in accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 
    U.S.C. 3504(h)) under control number 1545-1433. The estimated average 
    annual burden per respondent is .5 hours.
        Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate and 
    suggestions for reducing this burden should be sent to the Internal 
    Revenue Service, Attn: IRS Reports Clearance Officer, PC:FP, 
    Washington, DC 20224, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Attn: 
    Desk Officer for the Department of the Treasury, Office of Information 
    and Regulatory Affairs, Washington, DC 20503.
    B. Background
        This document contains final regulations under section 1502 of the 
    Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Code) that comprehensively revise the 
    intercompany transaction system of the consolidated return regulations. 
    Amendments are also made to related regulations, including the 
    regulations under section 267(f), which apply to transactions between 
    members of a controlled group.
        The proposed regulations were published in the Federal Register on 
    April 15, 1994 (59 FR 18011). The notice of hearing on the proposed 
    regulations, Notice 94-49, 1994-1 C.B. 358, 59 FR 18048, contains an 
    extensive discussion of the issues considered in developing the 
    proposed regulations. The IRS received many comments on the proposed 
    regulations and held public hearings on May 4, 1994 and August 8, 1994.
        After consideration of the comments and the statements made at the 
    hearings, the proposed regulations are adopted as revised by this 
    Treasury decision. The principal comments and revisions are discussed 
    below. However, a number of other changes have been made to the 
    proposed regulations. References in the preamble to P, S, and B are 
    references to the common parent, the selling member, and the buying 
    member, respectively. No inference is intended as to the operation of 
    the prior regulations or other rules.
    [[Page 36672]]
    C. Principal Issues Considered in Adopting the Final Regulations
    1. Retention and modification of the deferred sale approach
        The proposed regulations generally retain the deferred sale 
    approach of prior law but comprehensively revise the manner in which 
    deferral is achieved to eliminate many of the inconsistent combinations 
    of single and separate entity treatment under prior law. 
    Notwithstanding these revisions, the results for most common 
    intercompany transactions remain unchanged.
        Commentators uniformly supported the retention of the deferred sale 
    approach. Some comments, however, suggested that the rules of prior law 
    should be retained, with modifications only where necessary to address 
    a specific problem. Since the adoption of the prior regulations in 
    1966, however, developments in business practice and the tax law have 
    greatly increased the problems of accounting for intercompany 
    transactions. Although additional amendments could have been made to 
    the prior regulations, further amendments would risk raising additional 
    inconsistencies or uncertainties without providing a unified regime. By 
    comprehensively revising the intercompany transaction system, the 
    proposed regulations provide a unified regime and eliminate many of the 
    inconsistencies of prior law, without changing the results of most 
    common transactions. The final regulations therefore generally retain 
    the approach of the proposed regulations.
    2. General v. Mechanical Rules
        The prior intercompany transaction regulations were generally 
    mechanical in operation. The proposed regulations rely less on 
    mechanical rules and, instead, provide broad rules of general 
    application based on the underlying principles of the regulations. To 
    supplement the broad rules, the proposed regulations provide examples 
    illustrating the application of the rules to many common intercompany 
        Some commentators supported the proposed regulations' use of broad 
    rules based on principles. Others suggested that the final regulations 
    should retain the mechanical rules of prior law. Mechanical rules 
    provide more certainty for transactions clearly covered by those rules. 
    For transactions that are not clearly covered, however, mechanical 
    rules provide much less guidance.
        The final regulations retain the approach of the proposed 
    regulations. This approach is flexible enough to apply to the wide 
    range of transactions that can be intercompany transactions. For 
    example, the final regulations do not require special rules to 
    coordinate with the depreciation rules under section 168, the 
    installment reporting rules under sections 453 through 453B, and the 
    limitations under sections 267, 382, and 469. Flexible rules adapt to 
    changes in the tax law and reduce the need for continuous updating of 
    the regulations.
    3. Timing Rules of Sec. 1.1502-13 as a Method of Accounting
        The proposed regulations provide that ``the timing rules of this 
    section are a method of accounting that overrides otherwise applicable 
    accounting methods.'' A group's ability to change the manner of 
    applying the intercompany transaction regulations is therefore subject 
    to the generally applicable rules for accounting method changes. 
    Several comments objected to this treatment.
        Commentators pointed out that treating the timing provisions of 
    these regulations as a group's method of accounting may increase the 
    burden and complexity of correcting improper applications of the 
    regulations (for example, necessitating requests for accounting method 
    changes for the treatment of intercompany transactions). This treatment 
    also raises questions about members coming into a group and leaving a 
    group (for example, whether requests to change a method of accounting 
    are required when a taxpayer becomes, or ceases to be, a member). 
    Various technical points were also raised as to the effect of a shared 
    accounting method on each member of a group, the propriety of applying 
    accounting method rules only to certain transactions or classes of 
    transactions, the interaction of the intercompany transaction rules 
    with separate entity accounting methods of members, and the linkage of 
    the selling member's method of accounting for its intercompany items 
    with the buying member's method of accounting for its corresponding 
        The intercompany transaction regulations provide guidance on the 
    appropriate time for taking into account items of income, deduction, 
    gain, and loss from intercompany transactions to clearly reflect the 
    consolidated taxable income of the group. Clear reflection of income is 
    the central principle of section 446. Under section 446, any treatment 
    that does or could change the taxable year in which taxable income is 
    reported is a method of accounting. See Rev. Proc. 92-20, 1992-1 C.B. 
    685. The timing rules of the intercompany transaction regulations 
    affect the taxable year in which items from intercompany transactions 
    are taken into account in the computation of consolidated taxable 
    income. Accordingly, the timing rules of these regulations are properly 
    viewed as a method of accounting. Moreover, treating the timing rules 
    as a method of accounting assures that the provisions will be applied 
    consistently from year to year under the principles of section 446.
        The final regulations retain the general approach of the proposed 
    regulations, treating the timing rules of Sec. 1.1502-13 as a method of 
    accounting under section 446. The regulations also contain several 
    provisions intended to reduce the administrative burden that 
    commentators believe might result from this treatment. The final 
    regulations treat the timing rules as an accounting method for 
    intercompany transactions, to be applied by each member, and not as an 
    accounting method of the group as a whole. However, an application of 
    the timing rules of this section to an intercompany transaction will be 
    considered to clearly reflect income only if the effect of the 
    transaction on consolidated taxable income is clearly reflected. This 
    treatment more closely conforms to the general practice of separate 
    taxpayers having their own methods of accounting, thereby alleviating 
    technical and administrative issues that were raised with respect to 
    characterization of the method as the method of the group as a whole, 
    rather than as the method of each member.
        To reduce potential administrative burdens further, the final 
    regulations generally provide automatic consent under section 446(e) to 
    the extent changes in method are required when a member enters or 
    leaves a group. In addition, for the first taxable year of the group to 
    which the final regulations apply, consent is granted for any changes 
    in method that are necessary to comply with the final regulations. For 
    other years, members must obtain the Commissioner's consent to change 
    their methods of accounting for intercompany transactions under 
    applicable administrative procedures of section 446(e), currently Rev. 
    Proc. 92-20. The regulations provide that changes will generally be 
    effected on a cut-off basis (that is, the new method will apply to 
    intercompany transactions occurring on or after the first day of the 
    consolidated return year for which the change is effective). Changes in 
    methods of accounting for intercompany transactions generally will 
    otherwise be subject to the terms and conditions of applicable 
    administrative procedures. The IRS may determine, however, that other 
    terms and conditions are 
    [[Page 36673]]
    appropriate in the interest of sound tax administration (for example, 
    if a taxpayer misapplies the regulations to avoid matching S's 
    intercompany item with B's corresponding item). See section 10 of Rev. 
    Proc. 92-20.
        Paragraph (e)(3) of the final regulations continues the procedure 
    whereby the common parent may request consent from the IRS to report 
    intercompany transactions on a separate entity basis. Rev. Proc. 82-36 
    (1982-1 C.B. 490), which provides procedures for obtaining consent 
    under the prior regulations, will be updated and revised. Until new 
    procedures are provided, taxpayers may rely on the principles of Rev. 
    Proc. 82-36 in making applications under these final regulations.
        If consent under paragraph (e)(3) of these regulations is obtained 
    or revoked, the final regulations provide the Commissioner's consent 
    under section 446(e) for each member to make any changes in methods of 
    accounting necessary to conform members' methods of accounting to the 
    consent or revocation. Any change in method under this provision must 
    be made as of the beginning of the first year for which the consent (or 
    revocation of consent) under paragraph (e)(3) is effective.
        A group that has received consent under the prior intercompany 
    transaction regulations not to defer items from deferred intercompany 
    transactions will be considered to have obtained the consent of the 
    Commissioner to take items from the same class (or classes) of 
    intercompany transactions into account on a separate entity basis under 
    these regulations.
    4. Single Entity Treatment of Attributes
    a. In General
        The prior intercompany transaction system used a deferred sale 
    approach that treated the members of a consolidated group as separate 
    entities for some purposes and as a single entity for other purposes. 
    In general, the amount, location, character, and source of items from 
    an intercompany transaction were given separate entity treatment, but 
    the timing of items was determined under rules that produced a single 
    entity effect.
        The matching rule of the proposed regulations expands single entity 
    treatment by requiring the redetermination of the attributes (such as 
    character and source) of items to produce a single entity effect. 
    Several comments supported the broader single entity approach taken by 
    the proposed regulations. Other comments asked that separate entity 
    treatment of attributes be retained.
        The commentators arguing for retention of separate entity treatment 
    claimed that single entity treatment does not always result in more 
    rational tax treatment, and may not reflect the economic results of a 
    group's activities as accurately as separate entity treatment. They 
    also argued that taxpayers should have the ability to avoid arbitrary 
    results or administrative burdens by separately incorporating business 
    operations. The Treasury and the IRS believe that single entity 
    treatment of both timing and attributes generally results in a clear 
    reflection of consolidated taxable income. In particular, single entity 
    treatment minimizes the effect of an intercompany transaction on 
    consolidated taxable income. In addition, single entity treatment 
    minimizes the tax differences between a business structured 
    divisionally and one structured with separate subsidiaries. The final 
    regulations therefore retain the approach of the proposed regulations 
    and generally adopt single entity treatment of attributes.
        Nevertheless, in certain situations it may be appropriate to 
    provide separate entity treatment. The Treasury and the IRS believe 
    that these situations are relatively rare, and that any exceptions from 
    single entity treatment should be specifically provided in regulations. 
    For example, a separate entity election is permitted under Prop. Reg. 
    Sec. 1.1221-2(d) (published in the Federal Register on July 18, 1994, 
    59 FR 36394) in the case of certain hedging transactions. See also 
    Sec. 1.263A-9(g)(5). The Treasury and the IRS welcome comments on other 
    situations in which this type of relief might be appropriate.
    b. Conflict or Allocation of Attributes
        The proposed regulations provide specific rules for certain cases 
    in which separate entity attributes are redetermined under the matching 
    rule. Some commentators believe that the proposed regulations do not 
    provide sufficient guidance as to the manner in which these rules are 
    to be applied. In response to these comments, the attribute 
    redetermination provisions of the matching rule have been revised.
        For example, the regulations have been revised to clarify that the 
    separate entity attributes of S's intercompany item and B's 
    corresponding item are redetermined under the matching rule only to the 
    extent necessary to produce the same effect on consolidated taxable 
    income as if the intercompany transaction had been between divisions. 
    Thus, the redetermination is required only to the extent the separate 
    entity attributes differ from the single entity attributes.
        The final regulations generally retain the rule of the proposed 
    regulations under which the attributes of B's corresponding item 
    control the attributes of S's intercompany items to the extent the 
    corresponding and intercompany items offset in amount. However, the 
    final regulations provide an exception to this rule to the extent its 
    application would lead to a result that is inconsistent with treating S 
    and B as divisions of a single corporation. To the extent B's 
    corresponding item on a separate entity basis is excluded from gross 
    income or is a noncapital, nondeductible amount (such as a deduction 
    disallowed under section 265), however, the attribute of B's item will 
    always control. This assures the proper operation of attribute 
    limitation provisions contained elsewhere in the regulations.
        To the extent B's corresponding item and S's intercompany item do 
    not offset in amount, the final regulations provide that redetermined 
    attributes are allocated to S's intercompany item and B's corresponding 
    item using a method that is reasonable in light of all of the facts and 
    circumstances, including the purposes of these regulations and any 
    other rule affected by the attributes of S's items or B's items. This 
    rule provides taxpayers considerable flexibility to allocate 
    attributes, but the regulations also provide that an allocation method 
    will be treated as unreasonable if it is not used consistently by all 
    members of the group from year to year.
    c. Source of Income
        Several commentators opposed single entity treatment for 
    determining the source of income or loss from an intercompany 
    transaction, arguing that the separate entity treatment under prior law 
    more accurately measures the source of income of the members of the 
    group. The final regulations, however, retain the single entity 
    treatment of source for the same reasons that the single entity 
    treatment of other attributes is retained. The final regulations modify 
    the example in the proposed regulations to reflect the changes made to 
    the attribute allocation rules.
        Some comments suggested that a single entity approach would 
    inappropriately reduce the foreign source income of consolidated groups 
    that produce a natural resource abroad and sell it to customers within 
    the United States. For example, assume that one member extracts a 
    [[Page 36674]]
    abroad and sells it to a second member, with title passing within a 
    foreign country. The second member sells the commodity to unrelated 
    customers with title passing in the United States. Assume that the 
    first member's income is 80 percent of the group's income and would be 
    treated solely as foreign source income under a separate entity 
    approach. Under a single entity approach, the intercompany transaction 
    is treated as occurring between divisions of a single corporation. If 
    the special sourcing rule for production and sale of natural resources 
    under the section 863 regulations does not apply because of ``peculiar 
    circumstances,'' the income of the group will be subject to the so-
    called 50/50 rule of the section 863 regulations, and a portion of the 
    group's foreign source income could be recharacterized as domestic 
    source. Revisions to the section 863 regulations are being considered 
    to address these issues. The Treasury and the IRS welcome comments 
    regarding possible revisions to the section 863 regulations.
        Another commentator noted that under the single entity approach, a 
    pro rata allocation of the group's foreign and U.S. source income (as 
    illustrated in Example 17 of paragraph (c) of the proposed regulations) 
    could cause a member that qualified as an ``80/20'' company under 
    section 861(a)(1)(A) to lose that status. As a result, the member could 
    be required to withhold Federal income tax on interest payments to a 
    foreign lender. As indicated above, the final regulations revise the 
    attribute rules to clarify that a redetermination is made only to the 
    extent it is necessary to achieve the effect of treating S and B as 
    divisions of a single corporation and to provide that redetermined 
    attributes are allocated to S and B using a method that is reasonable 
    in light of the purposes of Sec. 1.1502-13 and any other affected rule. 
    Thus, the group is not required to allocate U.S. and foreign source 
    income on a pro rata basis, and a member that qualifies as an 80/20 
    company under current law generally need not lose that status solely as 
    the result of the allocation from a transaction similar to that 
    described in the example.
        Commentators also suggested that the pro rata allocation 
    methodology of the proposed regulations could be inconsistent with U.S. 
    income tax treaties that require the United States to treat income that 
    may be taxed by the treaty partner as derived from sources within the 
    treaty partner. As revised, the attribute rules do not require the 
    group to allocate U.S. and foreign source income on a pro rata basis. 
    Thus, the regulations will generally be consistent with any source 
    rules contained in U.S. income tax treaties. To the extent, however, 
    that a U.S. income tax treaty provides benefits to a taxpayer, these 
    regulations do not prevent a taxpayer from claiming those benefits.
        The final regulations expand the example to illustrate the 
    determination of source if an independent factory or production price 
    exists, and also for a sale of mixed source property within the group 
    that is subsequently sold outside the group if, incident to the sale, 
    services are performed by one member for another member or intangibles 
    are licensed from one member to another member. Example 18 of paragraph 
    (c) of the proposed regulations (Example 15 of the final regulations) 
    addresses the application of section 1248 to intercompany transactions 
    and has been revised to reflect the changes made to the attribute 
    allocation provisions. Issue 3 of Rev. Rul. 87-96 (1987-2 C.B. 709) 
    will no longer be applicable to the extent it is inconsistent with 
    Example 15 and these regulations.
    d. Limitation on attribute redetermination
        The proposed regulations contain a provision limiting the treatment 
    of S's intercompany income or gain as excluded from gross income under 
    the matching rule to situations in which B's corresponding item is a 
    deduction or loss that is permanently disallowed directly under other 
    provisions of the Code or regulations. The final regulations clarify 
    that the Code or regulations must explicitly provide for the 
    disallowance of B's deduction or loss. Thus, B's amount that is 
    realized but not recognized under any provision of the Code or 
    regulations, such as in a liquidation under section 332, is not 
    permanently and explicitly disallowed, notwithstanding that the amount 
    may be considered a corresponding item because it is a ``disallowed or 
    eliminated amount.''
    5. Deemed Items
        The proposed regulations provide rules under which certain basis 
    adjustments are deemed to be items, and certain amounts are deemed not 
    to be items. Under the proposed regulations an adjustment reflected in 
    S's basis that is a substitute for an intercompany item is generally 
    treated as an intercompany item (the ``deemed intercompany item 
    rule''). An adjustment reflected in B's basis that is a substitute for 
    a corresponding item is generally treated as a corresponding item (the 
    ``deemed corresponding item rule''). In addition, a deduction or loss 
    is not treated as an intercompany item or a corresponding item to the 
    extent it does not reduce basis (the ``amounts not deemed to be items 
    rule''). Commentators found these rules to be confusing. In addition, 
    the rules generally overlap with other rules of the proposed 
        For example, the deemed intercompany item rule overlaps with the 
    rule of the proposed regulations under which S's items must be taken 
    into account even if they have not yet been taken into account under 
    S's separate entity accounting method. If, under its method of 
    accounting, S's income from an intercompany transaction is treated as a 
    basis reduction, both rules could apply.
        Similarly, the deemed corresponding item rule overlaps with the 
    acceleration rule. S's intercompany item is taken into account under 
    the acceleration rule to the extent it will not be taken into account 
    under the matching rule. Thus, an adjustment to B's basis may result in 
    accelerating S's intercompany item, to the extent the intercompany item 
    is not reflected in B's basis following the adjustment. Because this is 
    the same result that would occur under the deemed corresponding item 
    rule, it is not necessary to treat the basis adjustment as a 
    corresponding item under the matching rule. For example, B's reduction 
    in the basis of property acquired from S under section 108(b) will 
    cause S's intercompany gain to be accelerated to the extent the basis 
    reduction exceeds S's basis in the property prior to the intercompany 
        The amounts deemed not to be items rule treats certain amounts that 
    are within the definition of intercompany items as not being 
    intercompany items to achieve a result consistent with these 
    regulations and other Code provisions. Commentators indicated that this 
    rule has limited application, does not achieve its desired effect in 
    all cases, and is confusing to readers.
        For these reasons, the deemed item rules and the amounts deemed not 
    be items rule have been eliminated in the final regulations. Because 
    the deemed item rules overlap with other provisions, their effects have 
    been retained in the final regulations. In addition, to achieve the 
    intended effect of the amounts deemed not be items rule, the attribute 
    provisions of the final regulations have been modified to permit the 
    Commissioner to treat intercompany gain as excluded from gross income 
    when that treatment is consistent with these regulations and other 
    applicable provisions of the Code. 
    [[Page 36675]]
    6. The Acceleration Rule
        The acceleration rule requires S and B to take into account their 
    items from an intercompany transaction to the extent the items cannot 
    be taken into account to produce the effect of treating S and B as 
    divisions of a single corporation. The acceleration rule applies, for 
    example, when either S or B leaves the group. Under the proposed 
    regulations, the attributes of S's items from intercompany property 
    transactions are determined under the principles of the matching rule 
    ``as if B resold the property to a nonmember affiliate.'' Under this 
    rule, S's gain from the sale of depreciable property is always treated 
    as ordinary income under section 1239. This treatment is appropriate if 
    the property remains in the group, as it would, for example, if the 
    acceleration rule applies because S leaves the group. Many commentators 
    objected to this treatment of S's attributes in other situations, 
    arguing, for example, that if B leaves the group while it still owns 
    the property, the rules should treat the property as sold to a person 
    whose relationship to the group is the same as B's relationship to the 
    group after it becomes a nonmember. The commentators argued that 
    section 1239 should not apply if B is unrelated.
        In response to these comments, the final regulations revise the 
    acceleration rule to provide that if the property is owned by a 
    nonmember immediately after the event causing acceleration occurs, S's 
    attributes are determined under the principles of the matching rule as 
    if B had sold the property to that nonmember. In applying this rule, if 
    the nonmember is related for purposes of any provision of the Code or 
    regulations to any party to the intercompany transaction (or any 
    related transaction) or to P, the nonmember is treated as related to B 
    for purposes of that provision. Accordingly, that relationship may 
    affect the attributes of S's intercompany item.
        Under both the prior regulations and the proposed regulations, if S 
    sells an asset to B at a gain and B then transfers the asset to a 
    partnership, S's gain is taken into account under the acceleration 
    rule. Some commentators argued that gain should not be taken into 
    account, at least to the extent of the member's share of the asset 
    owned through the partnership, treating the partnership, in effect, as 
    an aggregate of its partners, rather than as an entity. One commentator 
    argued that continued deferral would be similar to the treatment 
    currently available under the remedial allocation method under 
    Sec. 1.704-3 if appreciated property is transferred to the partnership 
    without a prior intercompany transfer.
        The final regulations retain the rule of the proposed regulations. 
    One of the purposes of the acceleration rule is to prevent basis 
    created in an intercompany transaction from affecting nonmembers prior 
    to the time the group takes into account the transaction that created 
    the basis. Allowing property that B purchased from S at a gain to be 
    contributed to a partnership without acceleration would allow the basis 
    created in the intercompany transaction to be reflected by the 
    partnership prior to the group taking into account the gain. While 
    rules could be developed to prevent this basis from affecting 
    nonmembers in most circumstances, the rules would be unduly complex. 
    For example, the rules would have to take into account the allocation 
    of liabilities under section 752 and basis adjustments under section 
    755. Moreover, these rules would not resemble the remedial allocation 
    method under Sec. 1.704-3 but instead would more closely resemble the 
    deferred sale method under the proposed regulations under section 
    704(c). However, this method was explicitly rejected when final 
    regulations were issued. See Sec. 1.704-3(a)(1).
    7. Transactions Involving Stock of Members
    a. Single Entity Treatment of Stock
        In contrast to their predominantly single entity approach, the 
    proposed regulations generally retain separate entity treatment of 
    stock of members. For example, section 1032, which enables a member to 
    sell its own stock without recognition of gain or loss, is not extended 
    to sales of the stock of other members. Notice 94-49 (1994-1 C.B. 358) 
    discusses the difficulties of extending single entity treatment to 
        Several comments recommended greater single entity treatment of 
    stock. Some recommended a limited approach under which single entity 
    treatment would apply only to stock of the common parent. Under this 
    approach section 1032 treatment would be expanded so that any member 
    could sell stock of the common parent without recognizing any gain or 
    loss. As a corollary, gain or loss would be recognized when a 
    corporation owning stock of the common parent joined the group, 
    treating the stock, in effect, as redeemed.
        This suggestion was generally not adopted in the final regulations, 
    because single entity treatment of P stock would significantly increase 
    the complexity of the regulations and would require significant 
    additional guidance dealing with the effect of this treatment on other 
    provisions of the Code. For example, the regulations would have to 
    coordinate single entity treatment of P stock with the reorganization 
    provisions of the Code and applicable case law. Similarly, the 
    regulations would have to address situations in which the common parent 
    of the group changes, as well as a variety of collateral consequences.
        Nevertheless, the Treasury and the IRS believe that limited single 
    entity treatment of stock is needed to prevent disparities caused by 
    separate entity treatment. Therefore, temporary regulations published 
    elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register provide a limited 
    single entity approach to P stock that generally limits the ability of 
    a group to create loss with respect to P stock and eliminates gain in 
    certain circumstances. The feasibility of expanding single entity 
    treatment for stock of members will continue to be studied. Comments 
    and suggestions on this subject are welcome.
    b. Liquidations
        The proposed regulations provide that if S sells stock of a 
    corporation (T) to B and T later liquidates into B in a transaction to 
    which section 332 applies, S's intercompany gain is taken into account 
    under the matching rule, even though the T stock is never held by a 
    nonmember after the intercompany transaction. This treatment is similar 
    to the treatment under prior regulations and has applied to 
    liquidations under section 332 since 1966 and to deemed liquidations 
    under 338(h)(10) since 1986, although the proposed regulations provide 
    relief not previously available for these transactions.
        Some commentators suggested that this rule should be eliminated 
    because it could lead to two layers of tax inside the consolidated 
    group. The final regulations, however, retain the rule (with the 
    elective relief as described below). As more fully explained in Notice 
    94-49, the location of items within a group is a core principle 
    underlying the operation of these regulations, which like the prior 
    regulations, adopt a deferred sale approach, not a carryover basis 
    approach. Taking intercompany gain into account in the event of a 
    subsequent nonrecognition transaction is necessary to prevent the 
    transfer and liquidation of subsidiaries from being used to affect 
    consolidated taxable income or tax liability by changing the location 
    of items within a group (a result that would be equivalent to a 
    [[Page 36676]]
    carryover basis system). For example, assume that S has an asset with a 
    zero basis and a $100 value. The group would like to shift this built-
    in gain to B. To do so, S could transfer the asset to T, a newly formed 
    subsidiary. After the transfer, S has a zero basis in the T stock under 
    section 358, and T has a zero basis in the asset under section 362. S 
    then sells the T stock to B for $100 and realizes a $100 gain, which is 
    not taken into account. T later liquidates into B, which receives the 
    asset with a zero basis under section 334. If the transaction is not 
    recharacterized as a direct transfer of assets or is not subject to 
    adjustment under section 482, and S's gain on the sale of the T stock 
    is treated as tax-exempt (or if it is indefinitely deferred), the 
    series of transactions has the effect of a transfer of the asset by S 
    to B in a carryover basis transaction.
        The Treasury and the IRS rejected a carryover basis system for the 
    reasons detailed in Notice 94-49. While a carryover basis system might 
    be feasible in limited circumstances, extensive rules to prevent 
    avoidance transactions would be required. The result would be to burden 
    the consolidated return regulations with an unworkable combination of 
    rules for both a deferred sale approach and a carryover basis approach. 
    Accordingly, the rule of the proposed regulations has been retained. 
    The regulations have been modified, however, to permit S to determine 
    the amount of its taxable gain by offsetting intercompany gain with 
    intercompany loss on shares of stock having the same material terms.
    c. Liquidation Relief
        The proposed regulations provide elective relief that, in certain 
    circumstances, eliminates or offsets gain taken into account under the 
    matching rule as a result of a section 332 liquidation (or a comparable 
    nonrecognition transaction, such as a downstream merger). In response 
    to comments, the final regulations broaden the circumstances under 
    which this relief is available by eliminating the requirements that T 
    have no minority shareholders and that T not have made substantial 
    noncash distributions during the previous 12-month period.
        The available relief depends on the form of the transaction that 
    causes S's intercompany gain to be taken into account. In the case of a 
    liquidation of T under section 332, relief is provided by treating the 
    formation by B of a new subsidiary (new T) as if it were pursuant to 
    the same plan or arrangement as the liquidation (thus allowing 
    treatment as a reorganization if other applicable requirements are 
    met). The final regulations expand the scope of this relief over that 
    provided in the proposed regulations by allowing the transfer of assets 
    to new T to be completed up to 12 months after the timely filing 
    (including extensions) of the group's return for the year of T's 
    liquidation, so long as the transaction occurs pursuant to a written 
    plan, a copy of which is attached to the return. In the case of a 
    deemed liquidation of T as the result of an election under section 
    338(h)(10) in connection with B's sale of the T stock to a nonmember, 
    relief is provided by treating the deemed liquidation as if it were 
    governed by section 331 instead of section 332. The amount of loss 
    taken into account on the deemed liquidation is limited to the amount 
    of the intercompany gain with respect to the T stock that is taken into 
    account as a result of the deemed liquidation.
        Some commentators requested that the relief applicable for a deemed 
    liquidation resulting from a section 338(h)(10) election be extended to 
    actual liquidations under section 332--that is, the liquidation would 
    be a taxable event both to T and to B (with T's gain or loss not 
    deferred, and B's basis in the T stock adjusted under Sec. 1.1502-32 to 
    reflect T's gain or loss from the taxable liquidation). This suggestion 
    was not adopted. The suggestion would result in the group currently 
    taking into account gain from, and increasing the basis of, property 
    that continues to be held within the group. Adopting the commentators' 
    suggestion could give groups the ability to selectively avoid the 
    deferral of gain on intercompany transactions by instead engaging in 
    stock sales and liquidations. Such selectivity would be contrary to the 
    purpose of these regulations and could create the potential for abusive 
    d. Effective Date of Relief Provisions
        As proposed, the effective date of the relief provisions follows 
    the general effective date of the regulations, applying only if both 
    the intercompany transaction and the triggering event occur in years 
    beginning after the final regulations are filed with the Federal 
    Register. Commentators requested retroactive application of the relief 
    provisions to varying degrees. For example, some commentators suggested 
    that the relief should extend to transactions after the date the 
    regulations are finalized. Others suggested that the relief should 
    apply for any open year.
        In response to these comments, the final regulations adopt an 
    effective date that allows groups to elect to apply the relief 
    provisions to certain transactions that occur on or after July 12, 
    1995, regardless of whether the sale of the T stock from S to B 
    occurred prior to July 12, 1995.
        The final regulations neither provide relief for duplicated gains 
    nor preclude losses taken into account under the prior regulations in 
    periods prior to the effective date of the regulations. Broader 
    retroactivity would result in significant additional administrative 
    burdens for the IRS. In addition to an increase in amended returns, 
    taxpayers that made elections to avoid triggering S's gain (for 
    example, under section 338) might seek to revoke these elections. 
    Revocation of these elections could raise difficult valuation issues 
    for assets that were disposed of long ago, as well as questions with 
    respect to other rules that have since been amended. In addition, 
    relief for prior years would be somewhat arbitrary. For example, many 
    taxpayers, such as those whose gain was taken into account from a 
    liquidation of T into B, would be unable to benefit from the relief 
    (because the relief requires T to be reformed within a limited time 
    period). By allowing elective relief only for transactions occurring 
    after the date the regulations are filed, the final regulations provide 
    the most relief possible without creating these problems.
    8. Obligations of Members
    a. Deemed Satisfaction and Reissuance
        In addition to the general matching provisions, the proposed 
    regulations provide rules applicable to intercompany obligations that 
    generally operate to match an obligor's items with an obligee's items 
    from intercompany obligations. This matching results from a deemed 
    satisfaction and reissuance of an intercompany obligation when either 
    member realizes income or loss with respect to the intercompany 
    obligation from the assignment or extinguishment of all or part of the 
    remaining rights or obligations under the intercompany obligation, or 
    from a comparable transaction, such as marking to market. For example, 
    if one member is a dealer in securities that holds a security issued by 
    another member, the dealer might be required to market the security 
    issued by the other member at year-end under section 475. Under the 
    proposed regulations, to market the other member's security will result 
    in a deemed satisfaction and reissuance of the security, so that the 
    marking member and the issuing member take offsetting gain and loss 
    into account.
        Commentators objected to the deemed satisfaction and reissuance 
    provision as requiring significant recordkeeping and 
    [[Page 36677]]
    burdensome computations that are not required for financial statement 
    or internal management reporting purposes. Commentators suggested that 
    Prop. Reg. Sec. 1.446-4(e)(9) (published in the Federal Register on 
    July 18, 1994, 59 FR 36394), which permits separate entity treatment 
    for certain hedging transactions between members, should be extended 
    beyond hedging transactions to other intercompany obligations, provided 
    one party to the transaction marks its position to market. Separate 
    entity treatment would avoid the deemed satisfaction and reissuance 
    rule if one member is a dealer in securities required to mark its 
    securities to market.
        The final regulations do not adopt this suggestion. The rules of 
    Sec. 1.446-4 limit the nonmarking member's ability to selectively 
    recognize gain or loss on its position in the intercompany obligation. 
    Without a limitation of this type, separate entity treatment would 
    allow taxpayers to achieve results that are contrary to the purposes of 
    these regulations (for example, by allowing a member to mark a loss 
    position in an intercompany obligation while the other member defers 
    realization of the associated gain). Accordingly, separate entity 
    treatment is not made available in the final regulations to other types 
    of intercompany obligations.
        The Treasury and the IRS recognize that Prop. Reg. Sec. 1.446- 
    4(e)(9) provides an important exception to the general single entity 
    treatment of these final regulations. The Treasury and the IRS 
    anticipate that the proposed section 446 regulations will be finalized 
    b. Cancellation of Intercompany Indebtedness
        The proposed regulations do not affect the application of section 
    108 to the cancellation of intercompany indebtedness. For example, 
    under the proposed regulations if S loans money to B, a cancellation of 
    the loan subject to section 108(a) may result in: (i) excluded income 
    to B; (ii) a noncapital, nondeductible expense to S (under the matching 
    rule); and (iii) a reduction of B's tax attributes (such as its basis 
    in depreciable property). As a result, B's tax attributes are reduced 
    even though the group has not excluded any income on a net basis. 
    Accordingly, the final regulations provide that section 108(a) does not 
    apply to the cancellation of intercompany indebtedness. As a result of 
    this change, the general principles of the matching rule will prevent 
    transactions to which section 108(a) would otherwise apply from having 
    inappropriate effects on basis and consolidated taxable income. In the 
    preceding example, S and B will have offsetting ordinary income and 
    ordinary loss, and B's tax attributes will not be reduced. However, no 
    inference is intended as to whether the extinguishment of a loan 
    between S and B would be properly characterized as a transaction giving 
    rise to cancellation of indebtedness income within the meaning of 
    sections 61(a)(12) and 108, or as a contribution to capital, a dividend 
    or other transaction.
    c. Obligations Becoming Intercompany Obligations
        Under the proposed regulations, if an obligation becomes an 
    intercompany obligation, it is treated as satisfied and reissued 
    immediately after the obligation becomes an intercompany obligation. 
    This treatment applies to both the issuer and the holder. The 
    attributes of the issuer's items and the holder's items are separately 
    determined, and thus may not match. Commentators requested that the 
    rules be revised to allow for single entity treatment of attributes, to 
    avoid the mismatch of ordinary income with capital loss.
        This suggestion was not adopted. The use of separate return 
    attributes for gain and loss assures that the attributes of gain or 
    loss will be the same whether the obligation is retired immediately 
    before the transaction in which the obligation becomes an intercompany 
    obligation, or is deemed retired as a result of that transaction. 
    Providing for the use of single entity attributes would result in undue 
    selectivity. In addition, the separate entity treatment of attributes 
    in these circumstances best reflects the fact that the income and loss 
    taken into account accrued before the issuer and the holder joined in 
    filing a consolidated return.
        Commentators also noted that, under Sec. 1.1502-32, downward stock 
    basis adjustments would be required upon the expiration of any capital 
    losses created by the deemed satisfaction if a member joins the group 
    while holding an obligation of another member. Because the proposed 
    regulations provide that the deemed satisfaction and reissuance is 
    treated as occurring immediately after the obligation becomes an 
    intercompany obligation, these losses could not be waived under 
    Sec. 1.1502-32(b)(4). In response to this comment, the final 
    regulations provide that, solely for purposes of Sec. 1.1502-32(b)(4) 
    and the effect of any elections under that provision, the joining 
    member's loss from the deemed satisfaction and reissuance is treated as 
    a loss carryover from a separate return limitation year. Thus, the 
    group may elect to waive the capital losses and avoid the downward 
    basis adjustment.
    d. Warrants and Similar Instruments
        The proposed regulations do not provide special rules for the 
    treatment of warrants to acquire a member's stock. The proposed 
    regulations could, however, be read to include warrants within the 
    definition of intercompany obligations.
        Under section 1032, warrants and other positions in stock of the 
    issuer are treated like stock. See, for example, Rev. Rul. 88-31, 1988-
    1 C.B. 302. The treatment of warrants as intercompany obligations 
    subject to a single entity regime is inconsistent with the general 
    separate entity treatment of stock under these regulations. 
    Accordingly, the final regulations provide that warrants and other 
    positions with respect to a member's stock are not treated as 
    obligations of that member. Instead, these instruments are governed by 
    the rules generally applicable to stock of a member. In addition, the 
    final regulations provide that the deemed satisfaction and reissuance 
    rule for intercompany obligations will not apply to the conversion of 
    an intercompany obligation into the stock of the obligor.
    9. Anti-avoidance Rule
        The purpose of the intercompany transaction regulations is to 
    clearly reflect the taxable income (and tax liability) of the group as 
    a whole by preventing intercompany transactions from creating, 
    accelerating, avoiding, or deferring consolidated taxable income (or 
    consolidated tax liability). The proposed regulations provide that 
    transactions which are engaged in or structured with a principal 
    purpose to achieve a contrary result are subject to adjustment under 
    the anti-avoidance rule, notwithstanding compliance with other 
    applicable authorities. Some commentators criticized this rule as being 
    overly broad, unnecessary, and more appropriately placed in other 
    regulations, such as Sec. 1.701-2 (the partnership anti-abuse 
    regulation). Other commentators supported the use of anti-avoidance 
    rules but criticized the particular examples. The Treasury and the IRS 
    continue to believe that the anti-avoidance rule is necessary to 
    prevent transactions that are designed to achieve results inconsistent 
    with the purpose of the regulations and therefore the final regulations 
    retain the rule. Routine intercompany transactions that are undertaken 
    for legitimate business purposes generally will be unaffected by the 
    anti-avoidance rule.
        The anti-avoidance provision can apply to transactions that are 
    [[Page 36678]]
    to avoid treatment as intercompany transactions. For example, if 
    property is indirectly transferred from one member to another using a 
    nonmember intermediary to achieve a result that could not be achieved 
    by a direct transfer within the group, the anti-avoidance rule might 
    apply. Thus, transactions that take place indirectly between members 
    but are not intercompany transactions (including, for example, 
    transactions involving the use of fungible property, trusts, 
    partnerships, and intermediaries) will be analyzed to determine whether 
    they are substantially similar (in whole or in part) to an intercompany 
    transaction, in which case the anti-avoidance rule might apply.
        The examples from the proposed regulations have been revised to 
    better illustrate the effect of the anti-avoidance rule. Example 2 of 
    the proposed regulations, which involved a transfer outside of the 
    group to a partnership, has been eliminated. However, the transaction 
    described in that example, as with any other transaction, is subject to 
    challenge under other authorities. See, for example, Sec. 1.701-2.
    10. Transitional Anti-avoidance Rule
        To prevent manipulation, the proposed regulations provide that if a 
    transaction is engaged in or structured on or after April 8, 1994, with 
    a principal purpose to avoid the final regulations, to duplicate, omit, 
    or eliminate an item in determining taxable income (or tax liability), 
    or to treat items inconsistently, appropriate adjustments must be made 
    in years to which the final regulations apply to prevent the avoidance, 
    duplication, omission, elimination, or inconsistency.
        Commentators objected to this rule, arguing that it had the effect 
    of treating the proposed regulation as an immediately effective 
    temporary regulation. These commentators also raised questions as to 
    when the rule applies and what ``appropriate adjustments'' will be 
        Because of the prospective application of the regulations, and 
    particularly because members could otherwise engage in transactions 
    entirely within the group with a principal purpose to avoid the 
    application of the final regulations with almost no transaction costs, 
    this rule is retained in the final regulations, with minor 
    11. Dealers in Securities
        If S is a dealer in securities under section 475 and sells 
    securities to B, a nondealer, the proposed regulations require S to 
    treat any gain or loss on the sale as an intercompany item. 
    Furthermore, under the single entity approach of the matching rule, B 
    must continue to mark to market securities acquired from S.
        Several commentators argued that this approach is inconsistent with 
    proposed regulations under section 475, which require S to mark to 
    market the security immediately before the transfer, and take any gain 
    or loss into account immediately (that is, the gain or loss is not 
    subject to deferral under the prior intercompany transaction 
        Although the rules applicable to these types of transactions under 
    the proposed regulations and the proposed section 475 regulations 
    differ, the effects of these transactions on consolidated taxable 
    income are generally the same. That is, the dealer's gain or loss is 
    taken into account in the taxable year of the transfer.
        The approach of the proposed intercompany transaction regulations 
    is consistent with the general single entity principle, and has been 
    retained in the final regulations. Nevertheless, the Treasury and the 
    IRS will continue to consider the most appropriate treatment of these 
    transactions, in view of the underlying purposes of these regulations 
    and section 475. The Treasury and the IRS anticipate that upcoming 
    regulations under section 475 will address any remaining 
    inconsistencies in the approach, and will provide exceptions to the 
    single entity approach if appropriate. Comments and suggestions on this 
    subject are welcome.
    12. Changes to Section 267 Regulations
        The proposed regulations under section 267(f) generally provide 
    that losses from sales or exchanges of property between related parties 
    are taken into account in the same manner as is provided in the timing 
    provisions of the regulations under Sec. 1.1502-13. Several technical 
    changes have been incorporated into the final regulations under section 
        For example, the regulations clarify that to the extent S's loss 
    would have been treated as a noncapital, nondeductible amount under the 
    attribute rules of the regulations under Sec. 1.1502-13, the loss is 
    deferred under section 267(f) until S and B are no longer in a 
    controlled group relationship with each other. Section 267 is intended 
    to prevent a taxpayer from taking a loss into account from the sale or 
    exchange of property when the property continues to be held by a member 
    of the same controlled group. Under Sec. 1.1502-13, S's loss might be 
    taken into account but redetermined to be noncapital or nondeductible, 
    permanently preventing the loss from being taken into account. It could 
    be argued that this is the result of the attribute provisions of 
    Sec. 1.1502-13, which do not apply under section 267(f), not a result 
    of the timing provisions of Sec. 1.1502-13, and thus, a controlled 
    group member could take its loss into account. The change made in the 
    final regulations assures that the purpose of section 267 is not 
    defeated as a result of the non-application of the attribute 
    redetermination rules of Sec. 1.1502-13 for purposes of section 267(f).
        The proposed regulations also require loss deferral similar to 
    section 267(d) when B transfers property acquired at a loss from S to a 
    nonmember related party. This provision has been modified in the final 
    regulations to include parties described in section 707(b) as related 
    parties to prevent avoidance of the rules of section 267 through the 
    use of related partnerships.
    13. Election to Deconsolidate
        Section 1.1502-75 authorizes the Commissioner to grant all groups, 
    or groups in a particular class, permission to discontinue filing 
    consolidated returns if any provision of the Code or regulations has 
    been amended and the amendment could have a substantial adverse effect 
    relative to the filing of separate returns. The Commissioner has 
    determined that it is generally appropriate to grant permission to 
    discontinue filing consolidated returns as a result of the amendments 
    made in these regulations. To lessen taxpayer burden and ease 
    administrability, permission will be granted without requiring the 
    group to demonstrate any adverse effect. The Treasury and the IRS 
    intend to issue, prior to January 1, 1996, a revenue procedure pursuant 
    to which groups may receive permission to deconsolidate effective for 
    their first taxable year to which these regulations apply. Permission 
    for a group to deconsolidate will be granted under terms and conditions 
    similar to those prescribed in Rev. Proc. 95-11 (1995-4 I.R.B. 48).
    D. Effective Dates
        The regulations are effective in years beginning on or after July 
    12, 1995. For dates of applicability, see Sec. 1.1502-13(l).
    E. Special Analyses
        It has been determined that this Treasury Decision is not a 
    significant regulatory action as defined in EO 12866. Therefore, a 
    regulatory assessment is not required. It is hereby certified that 
    these regulations do not have a significant economic impact on 
    [[Page 36679]]
    a substantial number of small entities. This certification is based on 
    the fact that these regulations will primarily affect affiliated groups 
    of corporations that have elected to file consolidated returns, which 
    tend to be larger businesses. The regulations also govern certain 
    transactions between members of controlled groups of corporations, but 
    generally produce the same results for such transactions as current 
    law. The regulations do not significantly alter the reporting or 
    recordkeeping duties of small entities. Therefore, a Regulatory 
    Flexibility Analysis under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 
    chapter 6) is not required. Pursuant to section 7805(f) of the Internal 
    Revenue Code, the notice of proposed rulemaking preceding these 
    regulations was submitted to the Small Business Administration for 
    comment on its impact on small business.
    List of Subjects
    26 CFR Part 1
        Income taxes, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    26 CFR Part 602
        Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    Adoption of Amendments to the Regulations
        Accordingly, 26 CFR parts 1 and 602 are amended as follows:
        Paragraph 1. The authority citation for part 1 is amended by 
    revising the entries for Secs. 1.1502-13, 1.1502-33, and 1.1502-80, as 
    set forth below; by removing the entries for sections ``1.469-1'', 
    ``1.469-1T'', ``1.1502-13T'', ``1.1502-14'', and ``1.1502-14T''; and 
    adding the remaining entries in numerical order to read as follows:
        Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805 * * *
    Section 1.108-3 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 108, 267, and 1502. * * 
    Section 1.267(f)-1 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 267 and 1502. * * *
    Section 1.460-4 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 460 and 1502. * * *
    Section 1.469-1 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 469. * * *
    Section 1.469-1T also issued under 26 U.S.C. 469. * * *
    Section 1.1502-13 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 108, 337, 446, 1275, 
    1502 and 1503. * * *
    Section 1.1502-17 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 446 and 1502.
    Section 1.1502-18 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 1502. * * *
    Section 1.1502-26 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 1502. * * *
    Section 1.1502-33 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 1502. * * *
    Section 1.1502-79 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 1502. * * *
    Section 1.1502-80 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 1502. * * *
        Par. 2. In the list below, for each location indicated in the left 
    column, remove the language in the middle column from that section, and 
    add the language in the right column.
        Affected section              Remove                    Add         
    1.167(a)-(11)(d)(3)(v)(  which results in                               
     b), 1st sentence.        ``deferred gain or                            
                              loss'' within the                             
                              meaning of paragraph                          
                              (c) of 1.1502-13.                             
    1.167(c)-1(a)(5).......  , 1.1502-13, and 1.1502-  and 1.1502-13        
    1.263A-1T(b)(2)(vi)(B),  a deferred intercompany  an intercompany       
     2nd sentence.            transaction.             transaction          
    1.263A-1T(e)(1)(ii),     a deferred intercompany  an intercompany       
     1st sentence.            transaction.             transaction          
    1.263A-1T(e)(1)(ii),     1.1502-13(c)(2)........  1.1502-13             
     4th sentence.                                                          
    1.263A-1T(e)(1)(ii),     deferred...............                        
     4th sentence.                                                          
    1.263A-1T(e)(1)(ii),     ''deferred intercompany  ``intercompany        
     7th sentence.            transaction''.           transaction''        
    1.263A-1T(e)(1)(ii),     defined................  as used               
     7th sentence.                                                          
    1.263A-1T(e)(1)(iii)(A)  1.1502-13(c)...........  1.1502-13             
     Example, 2nd sentence.                                                 
    1.263A-1T(e)(1)(iii)(A)  1.1502-13(c)...........  1.1502-13             
     Example, 4th sentence.                                                 
    1.279-6(b)(4)..........  , Sec.  1.1502-13T,                            
                              Sec.  1.1502-14, or                           
                              Sec.  1.1502-14T.                             
    1.337(d)-1(a)(5)         1.1502-13(c)...........  1.1502-13             
     Example 8(i), 5th                                                      
    1.337(d)-1(a)(5)         1.1502-13(c)...........  1.1502-13             
     Example 8(ii), 1st                                                     
    1.337(d)-1(a)(5)         1.1502-13(f)(1)(i),      1.1502-13, 1.267(f)-1 
     Example 8(ii), 2nd       1.267(f)-2T(e)(1).                            
    1.337(d)-2(g)(1), 2nd    1.1502-13T, 1.1502-14,   and 1.1502-14 (as     
     sentence.                and 1.1502-14T.          contained in the 26  
                                                       CFR part 1 edition   
                                                       revised as of April  
                                                       1, 1995)             
    1.338-4(f)(4) Example    1.1502-13(f)...........  1.1502-13             
    1.341-7(e)(10).........  paragraph (c)(1) of      Sec.  1.1502-13 for   
                              Sec.  1.1502-14 for      the treatment        
                              the deferral.                                 
    1.861-8T(d)(2)(i),       1.1502-13(c)(2)........  1.1502-13             
     concluding text.                                                       
    1.861-8T(d)(2)(i),       deferred...............                        
     concluding text.                                                       
    1.861-8T(d)(2)(i),       1.1502-13(a)(2)........  1.1502-13             
     concluding text.                                                       
    1.861-9T(g)(2)(iv),      deferred...............                        
     paragraph heading.                                                     
    1.861-9T(g)(2)(iv), 1st  deferred intercompany    intercompany          
     sentence.                transactions.            transactions         
    1.1502-3(a)(2).........  1.1502-13(a)(1)........  1.1502-13(b)          
    1.1502-4(j) Example      Under Sec.  1.1502-13..  Under Sec.  1.1502-13 
     (1), 8th sentence.                                (as contained in the 
                                                       26 CFR part 1 edition
                                                       revised as of April  
                                                       1, 1995)             
    1.1502-9(f) Example (6)  a restoration event      the intercompany gain 
                              under section 1.1502-    is taken into account
                              13(f) occurs.            under Sec.  1.1502-13
    1.1502-12(a)...........  Secs.  1.1502-13 and     Sec.  1.1502-13       
    1.1502-12(g)(2)........  a deferred intercompany  an intercompany       
                              transaction as defined   transaction as       
                              in Sec.  1.1502-         defined in Sec.      
                              13(a)(2).                1.1502-13            
    1.1502-22(a)(3)........  1.1502-14,.............                        
    1.1502-22(a)(5) Example  paragraph (d), (e), or   Sec.  1.1502-13       
     (i).                     (f) of Sec.  1.1502-13.                       
    1.1502-26(b), second     paragraph (a)(1) of      Sec.  1.1502-13       
     sentence.                Sec.  1.1502-14.                              
    1.1502-47(e)(4)(iii),    Secs.  1.1502-13(f),     Secs.  1.1502-13,     
     first sentence.          1.1502-14,.                                   
    1.1502-47(e)(4)(iv)      deferred intercompany    intercompany          
     Example 4, third         transactions (see Sec.   transactions (see    
     sentence.                 1.1502-13(a)(2)).       Sec.  1.1502-13)     
    1.1502-47(e)(4)(iv)      1.1502-13(f)(1)(iv)....  1.1502-13             
     Example 4, fourth                                                      
    1.1502-47(e)(4)(iv)      Deferred intercompany    Intercompany          
     Example 4, chart         transactions between.    transactions between 
    [[Page 36680]]
    1.1502-47(e)(4)(iv)      1.1502-13(f)(1)(iv)....  1.1502-13             
     Example 4, chart                                                       
    1.1502-47(f)(3), first   1.1502-14,.............                        
    1.1502-47(r), second     deferred...............                        
    1.1503-2(d)(4) Example   deferred...............                        
     1 (iii), fourth                                                        
    1.1503-2(d)(4) Example   1.1502-13(a)(2)........  1.1502-13             
     1 (iii), fourth                                                        
    1.1552-1(a)(2)(ii)(c)..  1.1502-14..............  1.1502-13 (f) and (g) 
        Par. 3. Section 1.108-3 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 1.108-3  Intercompany losses and deductions.
        (a) General rule. This section applies to certain losses and 
    deductions from the sale, exchange, or other transfer of property 
    between corporations that are members of a consolidated group or a 
    controlled group (an intercompany transaction). See section 267(f) 
    (controlled groups) and Sec. 1.1502-13 (consolidated groups) for 
    applicable definitions. For purposes of determining the attributes to 
    which section 108(b) applies, a loss or deduction not yet taken into 
    account under section 267(f) or Sec. 1.1502-13 (an intercompany loss or 
    deduction) is treated as basis described in section 108(b) that the 
    transferor retains in property. To the extent a loss not yet taken into 
    account is reduced under this section, it cannot subsequently be taken 
    into account under section 267(f) or Sec. 1.1502-13. For example, if S 
    and B are corporations filing a consolidated return, and S sells land 
    with a $100 basis to B for $90 and the $10 loss is deferred under 
    section 267(f) and Sec. 1.1502-13, the deferred loss is treated for 
    purposes of section 108(b) as $10 of basis that S has in land (even 
    though S has no remaining interest in the land sold to B) and is 
    subject to reduction under section 108(b)(2)(E). Similar principles 
    apply, with appropriate adjustments, if S and B are members of a 
    controlled group and S's loss is deferred only under section 267(f).
        (b) Effective date. This section applies with respect to discharges 
    of indebtedness occurring on or after September 11, 1995.
    Sec. 1.167(a)-11  [Amended]
        Par. 4. Section 1.167(a)-11(d)(3)(v)(e) is amended by removing the 
    second sentence of Example (3).
        Par. 5. In Sec. 1.263A-1, paragraph (j)(1)(ii)(B), the last 
    sentence is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1.263A-1  Uniform capitalization of costs.
    * * * * *
        (j) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (ii) * * *
        (B) * * * See Sec. 1.1502-13.
    * * * * *
        Par. 6. Section 1.267(f)-1 is revised to read as follows: 
    Sec. 1.267(f)-1 Controlled groups.
        (a) In general--(1) Purpose. This section provides rules under 
    section 267(f) to defer losses and deductions from certain transactions 
    between members of a controlled group (intercompany sales). The purpose 
    of this section is to prevent members of a controlled group from taking 
    into account a loss or deduction solely as the result of a transfer of 
    property between a selling member (S) and a buying member (B).
        (2) Application of consolidated return principles. Under this 
    section, S's loss or deduction from an intercompany sale is taken into 
    account under the timing principles of Sec. 1.1502-13 (intercompany 
    transactions between members of a consolidated group), treating the 
    intercompany sale as an intercompany transaction. For this purpose:
        (i) The matching and acceleration rules of Sec. 1.1502-13 (c) and 
    (d), the definitions and operating rules of Sec. 1.1502-13 (b) and (j), 
    and the simplifying rules of Sec. 1.1502-13(e)(1) apply with the 
    adjustments in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section to reflect that 
    this section--
        (A) Applies on a controlled group basis rather than consolidated 
    group basis; and
        (B) Generally affects only the timing of a loss or deduction, and 
    not it's attributes (e.g., its source and character) or the holding 
    period of property.
        (ii) The special rules under Sec. 1.1502-13(f) (stock of members) 
    and (g) (obligations of members) apply under this section only to the 
    extent the transaction is also an intercompany transaction to which 
    Sec. 1.1502-13 applies.
        (iii) Any election under Sec. 1.1502-13 to take items into account 
    on a separate entity basis does not apply under this section. See 
    Sec. 1.1502-13(e)(3).
        (3) Other law. The rules of this section apply in addition to other 
    applicable law (including nonstatutory authorities). For example, to 
    the extent a loss or deduction deferred under this section is from a 
    transaction that is also an intercompany transaction under Sec. 1.1502-
    13(b)(1), attributes of the loss or deduction are also subject to 
    recharacterization under Sec. 1.1502-13. See also, sections 269 
    (acquisitions to evade or avoid income tax) and 482 (allocations among 
    commonly controlled taxpayers). Any loss or deduction taken into 
    account under this section can be deferred, disallowed, or eliminated 
    under other applicable law. See, for example, section 1091 (loss 
    eliminated on wash sale).
        (b) Definitions and operating rules. The definitions in 
    Sec. 1.1502-13(b) and the operating rules of Sec. 1.1502-13(j) apply 
    under this section with appropriate adjustments, including the 
        (1) Intercompany sale. An intercompany sale is a sale, exchange, or 
    other transfer of property between members of a controlled group, if it 
    would be an intercompany transaction under the principles of 
    Sec. 1.1502-13, determined by treating the references to a consolidated 
    group as references to a controlled group and by disregarding whether 
    any of the members join in filing consolidated returns.
        (2) S's losses or deductions. Except to the extent the intercompany 
    sale is also an intercompany transaction to which Sec. 1.1502-13 
    applies, S's losses or deductions subject to this section are 
    determined on a separate entity basis. For example, the principles of 
    Sec. 1.1502-13(b)(2)(iii) (treating certain amounts not yet recognized 
    as items to be taken into account) do not apply. A loss or deduction is 
    from an intercompany sale whether it is directly or indirectly from the 
    intercompany sale.
        (3) Controlled group; member. For purposes of this section, a 
    controlled group is defined in section 267(f). Thus, a controlled group 
    includes a FSC (as defined in section 922) and excluded members under 
    section 1563(b)(2), but does not include a DISC (as defined in section 
    992). Corporations remain members of a controlled group as long as they 
    remain in a controlled group relationship with each other. For example, 
    corporations become nonmembers with respect to each other when they 
    cease to be in a controlled group relationship with each other, rather 
    than by having a separate return year (described in Sec. 1.1502-
    [[Page 36681]]
    Further, the principles of Sec. 1.1502-13(j)(6) (former common parent 
    treated as continuation of group) apply to any corporation if, 
    immediately before it becomes a nonmember, it is both the selling 
    member and the owner of property with respect to which a loss or 
    deduction is deferred (whether or not it becomes a member of a 
    different controlled group filing consolidated or separate returns). 
    Thus, for example, if S and B merge together in a transaction described 
    in section 368(a)(1)(A), the surviving corporation is treated as the 
    successor to the other corporation, and the controlled group 
    relationship is treated as continuing.
        (4) Consolidated taxable income. References to consolidated taxable 
    income (and consolidated tax liability) include references to the 
    combined taxable income of the members (and their combined tax 
    liability). For corporations filing separate returns, it ordinarily 
    will not be necessary to actually combine their taxable incomes (and 
    tax liabilities) because the taxable income (and tax liability) of one 
    corporation does not affect the taxable income (or tax liability) of 
    another corporation.
        (c) Matching and acceleration principles of Sec. 1.1502-13--(1) 
    Adjustments to the timing rules. Under this section, S's losses and 
    deductions are deferred until they are taken into account under the 
    timing principles of the matching and acceleration rules of 
    Sec. 1.1502-13(c) and (d) with appropriate adjustments. For example, if 
    S sells depreciable property to B at a loss, S's loss is deferred and 
    taken into account under the principles of the matching rule of 
    Sec. 1.1502-13(c) to reflect the difference between B's depreciation 
    taken into account with respect to the property and the depreciation 
    that B would take into account if S and B were divisions of a single 
    corporation; if S and B subsequently cease to be in a controlled group 
    relationship with each other, S's remaining loss is taken into account 
    under the principles of the acceleration rule of Sec. 1.1502-13(d). For 
    purposes of this section, the adjustments to Sec. 1.1502-13 (c) and (d) 
    include the following:
        (i) Application on controlled group basis. The matching and 
    acceleration rules apply on a controlled group basis, rather than a 
    consolidated group basis. Thus if S and B are wholly-owned members of a 
    consolidated group and 21% of the stock of S is sold to an unrelated 
    person, S's loss continues to be deferred under this section because S 
    and B continue to be members of a controlled group even though S is no 
    longer a member of the consolidated group. Similarly, S's loss would 
    continue to be deferred if S and B remain in a controlled group 
    relationship after both corporations become nonmembers of their former 
    consolidated group.
        (ii) Different taxable years. If S and B have different taxable 
    years, the taxable years that include a December 31 are treated as the 
    same taxable years. If S or B has a short taxable year that does not 
    include a December 31, the short year is treated as part of the 
    succeeding taxable year that does include a December 31.
        (iii) Transfer to a section 267(b) or 707(b) related person. To the 
    extent S's loss or deduction from an intercompany sale of property is 
    taken into account under this section as a result of B's transfer of 
    the property to a nonmember that is a person related to any member, 
    immediately after the transfer, under sections 267(b) or 707(b), or as 
    a result of S or B becoming a nonmember that is related to any member 
    under section 267(b) (for example, if S or B becomes an S corporation), 
    the loss or deduction is taken into account but allowed only to the 
    extent of any income or gain taken into account as a result of the 
    transfer. The balance not allowed is treated as a loss referred to in 
    section 267(d) if it is from a sale or exchange by B (rather than from 
    a distribution).
        (iv) B's item is excluded from gross income or noncapital and 
    nondeductible. To the extent S's loss would be redetermined to be a 
    noncapital, nondeductible amount under the principles of Sec. 1.1502-13 
    but is not redetermined because of paragraph (c)(2) of this section, 
    then, if paragraph (c)(1)(iii) of this section does not apply, S's loss 
    continues to be deferred and is not taken into account until S and B 
    are no longer in a controlled group relationship. For example, if S 
    sells all of the stock of corporation T to B at a loss and T 
    subsequently liquidates into B in a transaction qualifying under 
    section 332, S's loss is deferred until S and B (including their 
    successors) are no longer in a controlled group relationship. See 
    Sec. 1.1502-13(c)(6)(ii).
        (v) Circularity of references. References to deferral or 
    elimination under the Internal Revenue Code or regulations do not 
    include references to section 267(f) or this section. See, e.g., 
    Sec. 1.1502-13(a)(4) (applicability of other law).
        (2) Attributes generally not affected. The matching and 
    acceleration rules are not applied under this section to affect the 
    attributes of S's intercompany item, or cause it to be taken into 
    account before it is taken into account under S's separate entity 
    method of accounting. However, the attributes of S's intercompany item 
    may be redetermined, or an item may be taken into account earlier than 
    under S's separate entity method of accounting, to the extent the 
    transaction is also an intercompany transaction to which Sec. 1.1502-13 
    applies. Similarly, except to the extent the transaction is also an 
    intercompany transaction to which Sec. 1.1502-13 applies, the matching 
    and acceleration rules do not apply to affect the timing or attributes 
    of B's corresponding items.
        (d) Intercompany sales of inventory involving foreign persons--(1) 
    General rule. Section 267(a)(1) and this section do not apply to an 
    intercompany sale of property that is inventory (within the meaning of 
    section 1221(1)) in the hands of both S and B, if--
        (i) The intercompany sale is in the ordinary course of S's trade or 
        (ii) S or B is a foreign corporation; and
        (iii) Any income or loss realized on the intercompany sale by S or 
    B is not income or loss that is recognized as effectively connected 
    with the conduct of a trade or business within the United States within 
    the meaning of section 864 (unless the income is exempt from taxation 
    pursuant to a treaty obligation of the United States).
        (2) Intercompany sales involving related partnerships. For purposes 
    of paragraph (d)(1) of this section, a partnership and a foreign 
    corporation described in section 267(b)(10) are treated as members, 
    provided that the income or loss of the foreign corporation is 
    described in paragraph (d)(1)(iii) of this section.
        (3) Intercompany sales in ordinary course. For purposes of this 
    paragraph (d), whether an intercompany sale is in the ordinary course 
    of business is determined under all the facts and circumstances.
        (e) Treatment of a creditor with respect to a loan in nonfunctional 
    currency. Sections 267(a)(1) and this section do not apply to an 
    exchange loss realized with respect to a loan of nonfunctional currency 
        (1) The loss is realized by a member with respect to nonfunctional 
    currency loaned to another member;
        (2) The loan is described in Sec. 1.988-1(a)(2)(i);
        (3) The loan is not in a hyperinflationary currency as defined in 
    Sec. 1.988-1(f); and
        (4) The transaction does not have as a significant purpose the 
    avoidance of Federal income tax.
        (f) Receivables. If S acquires a receivable from the sale of goods 
    or services to a nonmember at a gain, and S sells the receivable at 
    fair market 
    [[Page 36682]]
    value to B, any loss or deduction of S from its sale to B is not 
    deferred under this section to the extent it does not exceed S's income 
    or gain from the sale to the nonmember that has been taken into account 
    at the time the receivable is sold to B.
        (g) Earnings and profits. A loss or deduction deferred under this 
    section is not reflected in S's earnings and profits before it is taken 
    into account under this section. See, e.g., Secs. 1.312-6(a), 1.312-7, 
    and 1.1502-33(c)(2).
        (h) Anti-avoidance rule. If a transaction is engaged in or 
    structured with a principal purpose to avoid the purposes of this 
    section (including, for example, by avoiding treatment as an 
    intercompany sale or by distorting the timing of losses or deductions), 
    adjustments must be made to carry out the purposes of this section.
        (i) [Reserved]
        (j) Examples. For purposes of the examples in this paragraph (j), 
    unless otherwise stated, corporation P owns 75% of the only class of 
    stock of subsidiaries S and B, X is a person unrelated to any member of 
    the P controlled group, the taxable year of all persons is the calendar 
    year, all persons use the accrual method of accounting, tax liabilities 
    are disregarded, the facts set forth the only activity, and no member 
    has a special status. If a member acts as both a selling member and a 
    buying member (e.g., with respect to different aspects of a single 
    transaction, or with respect to related transactions), the member is 
    referred as to M (rather than as S or B). This section is illustrated 
    by the following examples.
        Example 1. Matching and acceleration rules. (a) Facts. S holds 
    land for investment with a basis of $130. On January 1 of Year 1, S 
    sells the land to B for $100. On a separate entity basis, S's loss 
    is long-term capital loss. B holds the land for sale to customers in 
    the ordinary course of business. On July 1 of Year 3, B sells the 
    land to X for $110.
        (b) Matching rule. Under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, S's 
    sale of land to B is an intercompany sale. Under paragraph (c)(1) of 
    this section, S's $30 loss is taken into account under the timing 
    principles of the matching rule of Sec. 1.1502-13(c) to reflect the 
    difference for the year between B's corresponding items taken into 
    account and the recomputed corresponding items. If S and B were 
    divisions of a single corporation and the intercompany sale were a 
    transfer between the divisions, B would succeed to S's $130 basis in 
    the land and would have a $20 loss from the sale to X in Year 3. 
    Consequently, S takes no loss into account in Years 1 and 2, and 
    takes the entire $30 loss into account in Year 3 to reflect the $30 
    difference in that year between the $10 gain B takes into account 
    and its $20 recomputed loss. The attributes of S's intercompany 
    items and B's corresponding items are determined on a separate 
    entity basis. Thus, S's $30 loss is long-term capital loss and B's 
    $10 gain is ordinary income.
        (c) Acceleration resulting from sale of B stock. The facts are 
    the same as in paragraph (a) of this Example 1, except that on July 
    1 of Year 3 P sells all of its B stock to X (rather than B's selling 
    the land to X). Under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, S's $30 loss 
    is taken into account under the timing principles of the 
    acceleration rule of Sec. 1.1502-13(d) immediately before the effect 
    of treating S and B as divisions of a single corporation cannot be 
    produced. Because the effect cannot be produced once B becomes a 
    nonmember, S takes its $30 loss into account in Year 3 immediately 
    before B becomes a nonmember. S's loss is long-term capital loss.
        (d) Subgroup principles applicable to sale of S and B stock. The 
    facts are the same as in paragraph (a) of this Example 1, except 
    that on July 1 of Year 3 P sells all of its S and B stock to X 
    (rather than B's selling the land to X). Under paragraph (b)(3) of 
    this section, S and B are considered to remain members of a 
    controlled group as long as they remain in a controlled group 
    relationship with each other (whether or not in the original 
    controlled group). P's sale of their stock does not affect the 
    controlled group relationship of S and B with each other. Thus, S's 
    loss is not taken into account as a result of P's sale of the stock. 
    Instead, S's loss is taken into account based on subsequent events 
    (e.g., B's sale of the land to a nonmember).
        Example 2. Distribution of loss property. (a) Facts. S holds 
    land with a basis of $130 and value of $100. On January 1 of Year 1, 
    S distributes the land to P in a transaction to which section 311 
    applies. On July 1 of Year 3, P sells the land to X for $110.
        (b) No loss taken into account. Under paragraph (b)(2) of this 
    section, because P and S are not members of a consolidated group, 
    Sec. 1.1502-13(f)(2)(iii) does not apply to cause S to recognize a 
    $30 loss under the principles of section 311(b). Thus, S has no loss 
    to be taken into account under this section. (If P and S were 
    members of a consolidated group, Sec. 1.1502-13(f)(2)(iii) would 
    apply to S's loss in addition to the rules of this section, and the 
    loss would be taken into account in Year 3 as a result of P's sale 
    to X.)
        Example 3. Loss not yet taken into account under separate entity 
    accounting method. (a) Facts. S holds land with a basis of $130. On 
    January 1 of Year 1, S sells the land to B at a $30 loss but does 
    not take into account the loss under its separate entity method of 
    accounting until Year 4. On July 1 of Year 3, B sells the land to X 
    for $110.
        (b) Timing. Under paragraph (b)(2) of this section, S's loss is 
    determined on a separate entity basis. Under paragraph (c)(1) of 
    this section, S's loss is not taken into account before it is taken 
    into account under S's separate entity method of accounting. Thus, 
    although B takes its corresponding gain into account in Year 3, S 
    has no loss to take into account until Year 4. Once S's loss is 
    taken into account in Year 4, it is not deferred under this section 
    because B's corresponding gain has already been taken into account. 
    (If S and B were members of a consolidated group, S would be treated 
    under Sec. 1.1502-13(b)(2)(iii) as taking the loss into account in 
    Year 3.)
        Example 4. Consolidated groups. (a) Facts. P owns all of the 
    stock of S and B, and the P group is a consolidated group. S holds 
    land for investment with a basis of $130. On January 1 of Year 1, S 
    sells the land to B for $100. B holds the land for sale to customers 
    in the ordinary course of business. On July 1 of Year 3, P sells 25% 
    of B's stock to X. As a result of P's sale, B becomes a nonmember of 
    the P consolidated group but S and B remain in a controlled group 
    relationship with each other for purposes of section 267(f). Assume 
    that if S and B were divisions of a single corporation, the items of 
    S and B from the land would be ordinary by reason of B's activities.
        (b) Timing and attributes. Under paragraph (a)(3) of this 
    section, S's sale to B is subject to both Sec. 1.1502-13 and this 
    section. Under Sec. 1.1502-13, S's loss is redetermined to be an 
    ordinary loss by reason of B's activities. Under paragraph (b)(3) of 
    this section, because S and B remain in a controlled group 
    relationship with each other, the loss is not taken into account 
    under the acceleration rule of Sec. 1.1502-13(d) as modified by 
    paragraph (c) of this section. See Sec. 1.1502-13(a)(4). 
    Nevertheless, S's loss is redetermined by Sec. 1.1502-13 to be an 
    ordinary loss, and the character of the loss is not further 
    redetermined under this section. Thus, the loss continues to be 
    deferred under this section, and will be taken into account as 
    ordinary loss based on subsequent events (e.g., B's sale of the land 
    to a nonmember).
        (c) Resale to controlled group member. The facts are the same as 
    in paragraph (a) of this Example 4, except that P owns 75% of X's 
    stock, and B resells the land to X (rather than P's selling any B 
    stock). The results for S's loss are the same as in paragraph (b) of 
    this Example 4. Under paragraph (b) of this section, X is also in a 
    controlled group relationship, and B's sale to X is a second 
    intercompany sale. Thus, S's loss continues to be deferred and is 
    taken into account under this section as ordinary loss based on 
    subsequent events (e.g., X's sale of the land to a nonmember).
        Example 5. Intercompany sale followed by installment sale. (a) 
    Facts. S holds land for investment with a basis of $130x. On January 
    1 of Year 1, S sells the land to B for $100x. B holds the land for 
    investment. On July 1 of Year 3, B sells the land to X in exchange 
    for X's $110x note. The note bears a market rate of interest in 
    excess of the applicable Federal rate, and provides for principal 
    payments of $55x in Year 4 and $55x in Year 5. Section 453A applies 
    to X's note.
        (b) Timing and attributes. Under paragraph (c) of this section, 
    S's $30x loss is taken into account under the timing principles of 
    the matching rule of Sec. 1.1502-13(c) to reflect the difference in 
    each year between B's gain taken into account and its recomputed 
    loss. Under section 453, B takes into account $5x of gain in Year 4 
    and in Year 5. Therefore, S takes $20x of its loss into account in 
    Year 3 to reflect the $20x difference in that year between B's $0 
    loss taken into account and its $20x recomputed loss. In addition, S 
    [[Page 36683]]
    $5x of its loss into account in Year 4 and in Year 5 to reflect the $5x 
    difference in each year between B's $5x gain taken into account and 
    its $0 recomputed gain. Although S takes into account a loss and B 
    takes into account a gain, the attributes of B's $10x gain are 
    determined on a separate entity basis, and therefore the interest 
    charge under section 453A(c) applies to B's $10x gain on the 
    installment sale beginning in Year 3.
        Example 6. Section 721 transfer to a related nonmember. (a) 
    Facts. S owns land with a basis of $130. On January 1 of Year 1, S 
    sells the land to B for $100. On July 1 of Year 3, B transfers the 
    land to a partnership in exchange for a 40% interest in capital and 
    profits in a transaction to which section 721 applies. P also owns a 
    25% interest in the capital and profits of the partnership.
        (b) Timing. Under paragraph (c)(1)(iii) of this section, because 
    the partnership is a nonmember that is a related person under 
    sections 267(b) and 707(b), S's $30 loss is taken into account in 
    Year 3, but only to the extent of any income or gain taken into 
    account as a result of the transfer. Under section 721, no gain or 
    loss is taken into account as a result of the transfer to the 
    partnership, and thus none of S's loss is taken into account. Any 
    subsequent gain recognized by the partnership with respect to the 
    property is limited under section 267(d). (The results would be the 
    same if the P group were a consolidated group, and S's sale to B 
    were also subject to Sec. 1.1502-13.)
        Example 7. Receivables. (a) Controlled group. S owns goods with 
    a $60 basis. In Year 1, S sells the goods to X for X's $100 note. 
    The note bears a market rate of interest in excess of the applicable 
    Federal rate, and provides for payment of principal in Year 5. S 
    takes into account $40 of income in Year 1 under its method of 
    accounting. In Year 2, the fair market value of X's note falls to 
    $90 due to an increase in prevailing market interest rates, and S 
    sells the note to B for its $90 fair market value.
        (b) Loss not deferred. Under paragraph (f) of this section, S 
    takes its $10 loss into account in Year 2. (If the sale were not at 
    fair market value, paragraph (f) of this section would not apply and 
    none of S's $10 loss would be taken into account in Year 2.)
        (c) Consolidated group. Assume instead that P owns all of the 
    stock of S and B, and the P group is a consolidated group. In Year 
    1, S sells to X goods having a basis of $90 for X's $100 note 
    (bearing a market rate of interest in excess of the applicable 
    Federal rate, and providing for payment of principal in Year 5), and 
    S takes into account $10 of income in Year 1. In Year 2, S sells the 
    receivable to B for its $85 fair market value. In Year 3, P sells 
    25% of B's stock to X. Although paragraph (f) of this section 
    provides that $10 of S's loss (i.e., the extent to which S's $15 
    loss does not exceed its $10 of income) is not deferred under this 
    section, S's entire $15 loss is subject to Sec. 1.1502-13 and none 
    of the loss is taken into account in Year 2 under the matching rule 
    of Sec. 1.1502-13(c). See paragraph (a)(3) of this section 
    (continued deferral under Sec. 1.1502-13). P's sale of B stock 
    results in B becoming a nonmember of the P consolidated group in 
    Year 3. Thus, S's $15 loss is taken into account in Year 3 under the 
    acceleration rule of Sec. 1.1502-13(d). Nevertheless, B remains in a 
    controlled group relationship with S and paragraph (f) of this 
    section permits only $10 of S's loss to be taken into account in 
    Year 3. See Sec. 1.1502-13(a)(4) (continued deferral under section 
    267). The remaining $5 of S's loss continues to be deferred under 
    this section and taken into account under this section based on 
    subsequent events (e.g., B's collection of the note or P's sale of 
    the remaining B stock to a nonmember).
        Example 8. Selling member ceases to be a member. (a) Facts. P 
    owns all of the stock of S and B, and the P group is a consolidated 
    group. S has several historic assets, including land with a basis of 
    $130 and value of $100. The land is not essential to the operation 
    of S's business. On January 1 of Year 1, S sells the land to B for 
    $100. On July 1 of Year 3, P transfers all of S's stock to newly 
    formed X in exchange for a 20% interest in X stock as part of a 
    transaction to which section 351 applies. Although X holds many 
    other assets, a principal purpose for P's transfer is to accelerate 
    taking S's $30 loss into account. P has no plan or intention to 
    dispose of the X stock.
        (b) Timing. Under paragraph (c) of this section, S's $30 loss 
    ordinarily is taken into account immediately before P's transfer of 
    the S stock, under the timing principles of the acceleration rule of 
    Sec. 1.1502-13(d). Although taking S's loss into account results in 
    a $30 negative stock basis adjustment under Sec. 1.1502-32, because 
    P has no plan or intention to dispose of its X stock, the negative 
    adjustment will not immediately affect taxable income. P's transfer 
    accelerates a loss that otherwise would be deferred, and an 
    adjustment under paragraph (h) of this section is required. Thus, 
    S's loss is never taken into account, and S's stock basis and 
    earnings and profits are reduced by $30 under Secs. 1.1502-32 and 
    1.1502-33 immediately before P's transfer of the S stock.
        (c) Nonhistoric assets. Assume instead that, with a principal 
    purpose to accelerate taking into account any further loss that may 
    accrue in the value of the land without disposing of the land 
    outside of the controlled group, P forms M with a $100 contribution 
    on January 1 of Year 1 and S sells the land to M for $100. On 
    December 1 of Year 1, when the value of the land has decreased to 
    $90, M sells the land to B for $90. On July 1 of Year 3, while B 
    still owns the land, P sells all of M's stock to X and M becomes a 
    nonmember. Under paragraph (c) of this section, M's $10 loss 
    ordinarily is taken into account under the timing principles of the 
    acceleration rule of Sec. 1.1502-13(d) immediately before M becomes 
    a nonmember. (S's $30 loss is not taken into account under the 
    timing principles of Sec. 1.1502-13(c) or Sec. 1.1502-13(d) as a 
    result of M becoming a nonmember, but is taken into account based on 
    subsequent events such as B's sale of the land to a nonmember or P's 
    sale of the stock of S or B to a nonmember.) The land is not an 
    historic asset of M and, although taking M's loss into account 
    reduces P's basis in the M stock under Sec. 1.1502-32, the negative 
    adjustment only eliminates the $10 duplicate stock loss. Under 
    paragraph (h) of this section, M's loss is never taken into account. 
    M's stock basis, and the earnings and profits of M and P, are 
    reduced by $10 under Secs. 1.1502-32 and 1.1502-33 immediately 
    before P's sale of the M stock.
        (k) Cross-reference. For additional rules applicable to the 
    disposition or deconsolidation of the stock of members of consolidated 
    groups, see Secs. 1.337(d)-1, 1.337(d)-2, 1.1502-13T(f)(6), and 1.1502-
        (l) Effective dates--(1) In general. This section applies with 
    respect to transactions occurring in S's years beginning on or after 
    July 12, 1995. If both this section and prior law apply to a 
    transaction, or neither applies, with the result that items are 
    duplicated, omitted, or eliminated in determining taxable income (or 
    tax liability), or items are treated inconsistently, prior law (and not 
    this section) applies to the transaction.
        (2) Avoidance transactions. This paragraph (l)(2) applies if a 
    transaction is engaged in or structured on or after April 8, 1994, with 
    a principal purpose to avoid the rules of this section applicable to 
    transactions occurring in years beginning on or after July 12, 1995, to 
    duplicate, omit, or eliminate an item in determining taxable income (or 
    tax liability), or to treat items inconsistently. If this paragraph 
    (l)(2) applies, appropriate adjustments must be made in years beginning 
    on or after July 12, 1995, to prevent the avoidance, duplication, 
    omission, elimination, or inconsistency.
        (3) Prior law. For transactions occurring in S's years beginning 
    before July 12, 1995 see the applicable regulations issued under 
    sections 267 and 1502. See, e.g., Secs. 1.267(f)-1, 1.267(f)-1T, 
    1.267(f)-2T, 1.267(f)-3, 1.1502-13, 1.1502-13T, 1.1502-14, 1.1502-14T, 
    and 1.1502-31 (as contained in the 26 CFR part 1 edition revised as of 
    April 1, 1995).
    Secs. 1.267(f)-1T, 1.267(f)-2T, and 1.267(f)-3  [Removed]
        Par. 7. Sections 1.267(f)-1T, 1.267(f)-2T, and 1.267(f)-3 are 
        Par. 8. Section 1.460-0 is amended in the table of contents by 
    revising the entries for Sec. 1.460-4 to read as follows:
    Sec. 1.460-0  Outline of regulations under section 460.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 1.460-4  Methods of accounting for long-term contracts.
        (a) through (i) [Reserved]
        (j) Consolidated groups and controlled groups.
        (1) Intercompany transactions.
        (i) In general.
        (ii) Definitions and nomenclature. 
    [[Page 36684]]
        (2) Example.
        (3) Effective dates.
        (i) In general.
        (ii) Prior law.
        (4) Consent to change method of accounting.
    * * * * *
        Par. 9. Section 1.460-4 is amended by:
        1. Revising the section heading.
        2. Adding and reserving paragraphs (a) through (i).
        3. Adding paragraph (j).
        The revisions and additions read as follows:
    Sec. 1.460-4  Methods of accounting for long-term contracts.
        (a) through (i) [Reserved]
        (j) Consolidated groups and controlled groups--(1) Intercompany 
    transactions--(i) In general. Section 1.1502-13 does not apply to the 
    income, gain, deduction, or loss from an intercompany transaction 
    between members of a consolidated group, and section 267(f) does not 
    apply to these items from an intercompany sale between members of a 
    controlled group, to the extent--
        (A) The transaction or sale directly or indirectly benefits, or is 
    intended to benefit, another member's long-term contract with a 
        (B) The selling member is required under section 460 to determine 
    any part of its gross income from the transaction or sale under the 
    percentage-of-completion method (PCM); and
        (C) The member with the long-term contract is required under 
    section 460 to determine any part of its gross income from the long-
    term contract under the PCM.
        (ii) Definitions and nomenclature. The definitions and nomenclature 
    under Sec. 1.1502-13 and Sec. 1.267(f)-1 apply for purposes of this 
    paragraph (j).
        (2) Example. The following example illustrates the principles of 
    paragraph (j)(1) of this section.
        Example. Corporations P, S, and B file consolidated returns on a 
    calendar-year basis. In 1996, B enters into a long-term contract 
    with X, a nonmember, to manufacture 5 airplanes for $500 million, 
    with delivery scheduled for 1999. Section 460 requires B to 
    determine the gross income from its contract with X under the PCM. S 
    enters into a contract with B to manufacture for $50 million the 
    engines that B will install on X's airplanes. Section 460 requires S 
    to determine the gross income from its contract with B under the 
    PCM. S estimates that it will incur $40 million of total contract 
    costs during 1997 and 1998 to manufacture the engines. S incurs $10 
    million of contract costs in 1997 and $30 million in 1998. Under 
    paragraph (j) of this section, S determines its gross income from 
    the long-term contract under the PCM rather than taking its income 
    or loss into account under section 267(f) or Sec. 1.1502-13. Thus, S 
    includes $12.5 million of gross receipts and $10 million of contract 
    costs in gross income in 1997 and includes $37.5 million of gross 
    receipts and $30 million of contract costs in gross income in 1998.
        (3) Effective dates--(i) In general. This paragraph (j) applies 
    with respect to transactions and sales occurring pursuant to contracts 
    entered into in years beginning on or after July 12, 1995.
        (ii) Prior law. For transactions and sales occurring pursuant to 
    contracts entered into in years beginning before July 12, 1995, see the 
    applicable regulations issued under sections 267(f) and 1502, including 
    Secs. 1.267(f)-1T, 1.267(f)-2T, and 1.1502-13(n) (as contained in the 
    26 CFR part 1 edition revised as of April 1, 1995).
        (4) Consent to change method of accounting. For transactions and 
    sales to which this paragraph (j) applies, the Commissioner's consent 
    under section 446(e) is hereby granted to the extent any changes in 
    method of accounting are necessary solely to comply with this section, 
    provided the changes are made in the first taxable year of the taxpayer 
    to which the rules of this paragraph (j) apply. Changes in method of 
    accounting for these transactions are to be effected on a cut-off 
        Par. 10. In Sec. 1.469-0, the table of contents is amended by:
        1. Revising the entries for Sec. 1.469-1:
        a. Paragraphs (a) through (d)(1).
        b. Paragraphs (g)(5) through (h)(3).
        c. Paragraphs (h)(5) through (k).
        2. Revising the entries for Sec. 1.469-1T, paragraphs (c)(8), and 
    (h)(1), (2), and (6). The revisions read as follows:
    Sec. 1.469-0  Table of contents.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 1.469-1  General rules.
        (a) through (c)(7) [Reserved]
        (c)(8) Consolidated groups.
        (c)(9) through (d)(1) [Reserved]
    * * * * *
        (g)(5) [Reserved]
        (h)(1) In general.
        (h)(2) Definitions.
        (h)(3) [Reserved]
    * * * * *
        (h)(5) [Reserved]
        (h)(6) Intercompany transactions.
        (i) In general.
        (ii) Example.
        (iii) Effective dates.
        (h)(7) through (k) [Reserved]
    Sec. 1.469-1T General rules (temporary).
    * * * * *
        (c)(8) [Reserved]
    * * * * *
        (h)(1) [Reserved]
        (h)(2) [Reserved]
    * * * * *
        (h)(6) [Reserved]
    * * * * *
        Par. 11. Section 1.469-1 is amended by adding paragraphs (c)(8), 
    (h)(1), (h)(2) and (h)(6) to read as follows (paragraphs (a) through 
    (c)(7), (c)(9) through (d)(1), (g)(5), (h)(3), (h)(5) and (h)(7) 
    through (k) continue to be reserved):
    Sec. 1.469-1  General rules.
        (a) through (c)(7) [Reserved]
        (c)(8) Consolidated groups. Rules relating to the application of 
    section 469 to consolidated groups are contained in paragraph (h) of 
    this section.
        (c)(9) through (d)(1) [Reserved]
    * * * * *
        (g)(5) [Reserved]
        (h)(1) In general. This paragraph (h) provides rules for applying 
    section 469 in computing a consolidated group's consolidated taxable 
    income and consolidated tax liability (and the separate taxable income 
    and tax liability of each member).
        (2) Definitions. The definitions and nomenclature in the 
    regulations under section 1502 apply for purposes of this paragraph 
    (h). See, e.g., Secs. 1.1502-1 (definitions of group, consolidated 
    group, member, subsidiary, and consolidated return year), 1.1502-2 
    (consolidated tax liability), 1.1502-11 (consolidated taxable income), 
    1.1502-12 (separate taxable income), 1.1502-13 (intercompany 
    transactions), 1.1502-21 (consolidated net operating loss), and 1.1502-
    22 (consolidated net capital gain or loss).
        (3) [Reserved]
    * * * * *
        (5) [Reserved]
        (6) Intercompany transactions--(i) In general. Section 1.1502-13 
    applies to determine the treatment under section 469 of intercompany 
    items and corresponding items from intercompany transactions between 
    members of a consolidated group. For example, the matching rule of 
    Sec. 1.1502-13(c) treats the selling member (S) and the buying member 
    (B) as divisions of a single corporation for purposes of determining 
    whether S's intercompany items and B's corresponding items are from a 
    passive activity. Thus, for purposes of applying Sec. 1.469-
    2(c)(2)(iii) and Sec. 1.469- 2T(d)(5)(ii) to property sold by S to B in 
    an intercompany transaction--
        (A) S and B are treated as divisions of a single corporation for 
    determining the uses of the property during the 12-month period 
    preceding its disposition to a nonmember, and generally have an 
    aggregate holding period for the property; and 
    [[Page 36685]]
        (B) Sec. 1.469-2(c)(2)(iv) does not apply.
        (ii) Example. The following example illustrates the application of 
    this paragraph (h)(6).
        Example. (i) P, a closely held corporation, is the common parent 
    of the P consolidated group. P owns all of the stock of S and B. X 
    is a person unrelated to any member of the P group. S owns and 
    operates equipment that is not used in a passive activity. On 
    January 1 of Year 1, S sells the equipment to B at a gain. B uses 
    the equipment in a passive activity and does not dispose of the 
    equipment before it has been fully depreciated.
        (ii) Under the matching rule of Sec. 1.1502-13(c), S's gain 
    taken into account as a result of B's depreciation is treated as 
    gain from a passive activity even though S used the equipment in a 
    nonpassive activity.
        (iii) The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) of this 
    Example, except that B sells the equipment to X on December 1 of 
    Year 3 at a further gain. Assume that if S and B were divisions of a 
    single corporation, gain from the sale to X would be passive income 
    attributable to a passive activity. To the extent of B's 
    depreciation before the sale, the results are the same as in 
    paragraph (ii) of this Example. B's gain and S's remaining gain 
    taken into account as a result of B's sale are treated as 
    attributable to a passive activity.
        (iv) The facts are the same as in paragraph (iii) of this 
    Example, except that B recognizes a loss on the sale to X. B's loss 
    and S's gain taken into account as a result of B's sale are treated 
    as attributable to a passive activity.
        (iii) Effective dates. This paragraph (h)(6) applies with respect 
    to transactions occurring in years beginning on or after July 12, 1995. 
    For transactions occurring in years beginning before July 12, 1995, see 
    Sec. 1.469-1T(h)(6) (as contained in the 26 CFR part 1 edition revised 
    as of April 1, 1995).
        (h)(7) through (k) [Reserved]
    Sec. 1.469-1T  [Amended]
        Par. 12. Section 1.469-1T is amended by removing and reserving 
    paragraphs (c)(8), (h)(1), (2), and (6).
        Par. 13. Section 1.1502-13 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1.1502-13  Intercompany transactions.
        (a) In general--(1) Purpose. This section provides rules for taking 
    into account items of income, gain, deduction, and loss of members from 
    intercompany transactions. The purpose of this section is to provide 
    rules to clearly reflect the taxable income (and tax liability) of the 
    group as a whole by preventing intercompany transactions from creating, 
    accelerating, avoiding, or deferring consolidated taxable income (or 
    consolidated tax liability).
        (2) Separate entity and single entity treatment. Under this 
    section, the selling member (S) and the buying member (B) are treated 
    as separate entities for some purposes but as divisions of a single 
    corporation for other purposes. The amount and location of S's 
    intercompany items and B's corresponding items are determined on a 
    separate entity basis (separate entity treatment). For example, S 
    determines its gain or loss from a sale of property to B on a separate 
    entity basis, and B has a cost basis in the property. The timing, and 
    the character, source, and other attributes of the intercompany items 
    and corresponding items, although initially determined on a separate 
    entity basis, are redetermined under this section to produce the effect 
    of transactions between divisions of a single corporation (single 
    entity treatment). For example, if S sells land to B at a gain and B 
    sells the land to a nonmember, S does not take its gain into account 
    until B's sale to the nonmember.
        (3) Timing rules as a method of accounting--(i) In general. The 
    timing rules of this section are a method of accounting for 
    intercompany transactions, to be applied by each member in addition to 
    the member's other methods of accounting. See Sec. 1.1502-17. To the 
    extent the timing rules of this section are inconsistent with a 
    member's otherwise applicable methods of accounting, the timing rules 
    of this section control. For example, if S sells property to B in 
    exchange for B's note, the timing rules of this section apply instead 
    of the installment sale rules of section 453. S's or B's application of 
    the timing rules of this section to an intercompany transaction clearly 
    reflects income only if the effect of that transaction as a whole 
    (including, for example, related costs and expenses) on consolidated 
    taxable income is clearly reflected.
        (ii) Automatic consent for joining and departing members--(A) 
    Consent granted. Section 446(e) consent is granted under this section 
    to the extent a change in method of accounting is necessary solely by 
    reason of the timing rules of this section--
        (1) For each member, with respect to its intercompany transactions, 
    in the first consolidated return year which follows a separate return 
    year and in which the member engages in an intercompany transaction; 
        (2) For each former member, with respect to its transactions with 
    members that would otherwise be intercompany transactions if the former 
    member were still a member, in the first separate return year in which 
    the former member engages in such a transaction.
        (B) Cut-off basis. Any change in method of accounting described in 
    paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(A) of this section is to be effected on a cut-off 
    basis for transactions entered into on or after the first day of the 
    year for which consent is granted under paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(A) of this 
        (4) Other law. The rules of this section apply in addition to other 
    applicable law (including nonstatutory authorities). For example, this 
    section applies in addition to sections 267(f) (additional rules for 
    certain losses), 269 (acquisitions to evade or avoid income tax), and 
    482 (allocations among commonly controlled taxpayers). Thus, an item 
    taken into account under this section can be deferred, disallowed, or 
    eliminated under other applicable law, for example, section 1091 
    (losses from wash sales).
        (5) References. References in other sections to this section 
    include, as appropriate, references to prior law. For effective dates 
    and prior law see paragraph (l) of this section.
        (6) Overview--(i) In general. The principal rules of this section 
    that implement single entity treatment are the matching rule and the 
    acceleration rule of paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section. Under the 
    matching rule, S and B are generally treated as divisions of a single 
    corporation for purposes of taking into account their items from 
    intercompany transactions. The acceleration rule provides additional 
    rules for taking the items into account if the effect of treating S and 
    B as divisions cannot be achieved (for example, if S or B becomes a 
    nonmember). Paragraph (b) of this section provides definitions. 
    Paragraph (e) of this section provides simplifying rules for certain 
    transactions. Paragraphs (f) and (g) of this section provide additional 
    rules for stock and obligations of members. Paragraphs (h) and (j) of 
    this section provide anti-avoidance rules and miscellaneous operating 
        (ii) Table of examples. Set forth below is a table of the examples 
    contained in this section.
    Matching rule. (Sec. 1.1502-13(c)(7)(ii))
        Example 1. Intercompany sale of land.
        Example 2. Dealer activities.
        Example 3. Intercompany section 351 transfer.
        Example 4. Depreciable property.
        Example 5. Intercompany sale followed by installment sale.
        Example 6. Intercompany sale of installment obligation.
        Example 7. Performance of services.
        Example 8. Rental of property.
        Example 9. Intercompany sale of a partnership interest.
        Example 10. Net operating losses subject to section 382 or the 
    SRLY rules.
        Example 11. Section 475.
        Example 12. Section 1092. 
    [[Page 36686]]
        Example 13. Manufacturer incentive payments.
        Example 14. Source of income under section 863.
        Example 15. Section 1248.
    Acceleration rule. (Sec. 1.1502-13(d)(3))
        Example 1. Becoming a nonmember--timing.
        Example 2. Becoming a nonmember--attributes.
        Example 3. Selling member's disposition of installment note.
        Example 4. Cancellation of debt and attribute reduction under 
    section 108(b).
        Example 5. Section 481.
    Simplifying rules--inventory. (Sec. 1.1502-13(e)(1)(v))
        Example 1. Increment averaging method.
        Example 2. Increment valuation method.
        Example 3. Other reasonable inventory methods.
    Stock of members. (Sec. 1.1502-13(f)(7))
        Example 1. Dividend exclusion and property distribution.
        Example 2. Excess loss accounts.
        Example 3. Intercompany reorganization.
        Example 4. Stock redemptions and distributions.
        Example 5. Intercompany stock sale followed by section 332 
        Example 6. Intercompany stock sale followed by section 355 
    Obligations of members. (Sec. 1.1502-13(g)(5))
        Example 1. Interest on intercompany debt.
        Example 2. Intercompany debt becomes nonintercompany debt.
        Example 3. Loss or bad debt deduction with respect to 
    intercompany debt.
        Example 4. Nonintercompany debt becomes intercompany debt.
        Example 5. Notional principal contracts.
    Anti-avoidance rules. (Sec. 1.1502-13(h)(2))
        Example 1. Sale of a partnership interest.
        Example 2. Transitory status as an intercompany obligation.
        Example 3. Corporate mixing bowl.
        Example 4. Partnership mixing bowl.
        Example 5. Sale and leaseback.
    Miscellaneous operating rules. (Sec. 1.1502-13(j)(9))
        Example 1. Intercompany sale followed by section 351 transfer to 
        Example 2. Intercompany sale of member stock followed by 
        Example 3. Back-to-back intercompany transactions--matching.
        Example 4. Back-to-back intercompany transactions--acceleration.
        Example 5. Successor group.
        Example 6. Liquidation--80% distributee.
        Example 7. Liquidation--no 80% distributee.
        (b) Definitions. For purposes of this section--
        (1) Intercompany transactions--(i) In general. An intercompany 
    transaction is a transaction between corporations that are members of 
    the same consolidated group immediately after the transaction. S is the 
    member transferring property or providing services, and B is the member 
    receiving the property or services. Intercompany transactions include--
        (A) S's sale of property (or other transfer, such as an exchange or 
    contribution) to B, whether or not gain or loss is recognized;
        (B) S's performance of services for B, and B's payment or accrual 
    of its expenditure for S's performance;
        (C) S's licensing of technology, rental of property, or loan of 
    money to B, and B's payment or accrual of its expenditure; and
        (D) S's distribution to B with respect to S stock.
        (ii) Time of transaction. If a transaction occurs in part while S 
    and B are members and in part while they are not members, the 
    transaction is treated as occurring when performance by either S or B 
    takes place, or when payment for performance would be taken into 
    account under the rules of this section if it were an intercompany 
    transaction, whichever is earliest. Appropriate adjustments must be 
    made in such cases by, for example, dividing the transaction into two 
    separate transactions reflecting the extent to which S or B has 
        (iii) Separate transactions. Except as otherwise provided in this 
    section, each transaction is analyzed separately. For example, if S 
    simultaneously sells two properties to B, one at a gain and the other 
    at a loss, each property is treated as sold in a separate transaction. 
    Thus, the gain and loss cannot be offset or netted against each other 
    for purposes of this section. Similarly, each payment or accrual of 
    interest on a loan is a separate transaction. In addition, an accrual 
    of premium is treated as a separate transaction, or as an offset to 
    interest that is not a separate transaction, to the extent required 
    under separate entity treatment. If two members exchange property, each 
    member is S with respect to the property it transfers and B with 
    respect to the property it receives. If two members enter into a 
    notional principal contract, each payment under the contract is a 
    separate transaction and the member making the payment is B with 
    respect to that payment and the member receiving the payment is S. See 
    paragraph (j)(4) of this section for rules aggregating certain 
        (2) Intercompany items--(i) In general. S's income, gain, 
    deduction, and loss from an intercompany transaction are its 
    intercompany items. For example, S's gain from the sale of property to 
    B is intercompany gain. An item is an intercompany item whether it is 
    directly or indirectly from an intercompany transaction.
        (ii) Related costs or expenses. S's costs or expenses related to an 
    intercompany transaction are included in determining its intercompany 
    items. For example, if S sells inventory to B, S's direct and indirect 
    costs properly includible under section 263A are included in 
    determining its intercompany income. Similarly, related costs or 
    expenses that are not capitalized under S's separate entity method of 
    accounting are included in determining its intercompany items. For 
    example, deductions for employee wages, in addition to other related 
    costs, are included in determining S's intercompany items from 
    performing services for B, and depreciation deductions are included in 
    determining S's intercompany items from renting property to B.
        (iii) Amounts not yet recognized or incurred. S's intercompany 
    items include amounts from an intercompany transaction that are not yet 
    taken into account under its separate entity method of accounting. For 
    example, if S is a cash method taxpayer, S's intercompany income might 
    be taken into account under this section even if the cash is not yet 
    received. Similarly, an amount reflected in basis (or an amount 
    equivalent to basis) under S's separate entity method of accounting 
    that is a substitute for income, gain, deduction or loss from an 
    intercompany transaction is an intercompany item.
        (3) Corresponding items--(i) In general. B's income, gain, 
    deduction, and loss from an intercompany transaction, or from property 
    acquired in an intercompany transaction, are its corresponding items. 
    For example, if B pays rent to S, B's deduction for the rent is a 
    corresponding deduction. If B buys property from S and sells it to a 
    nonmember, B's gain or loss from the sale to the nonmember is a 
    corresponding gain or loss; alternatively, if B recovers the cost of 
    the property through depreciation, B's depreciation deductions are 
    corresponding deductions. An item is a corresponding item whether it is 
    directly or indirectly from an intercompany transaction (or from 
    property acquired in an intercompany transaction).
        (ii) Disallowed or eliminated amounts. B's corresponding items 
    include amounts that are permanently disallowed or permanently 
    eliminated, whether directly or indirectly. Thus, corresponding items 
    include amounts disallowed under section 265 (expenses relating to tax-
    exempt income), and amounts not recognized under section 311(a) 
    (nonrecognition of loss on distributions), section 332 
    [[Page 36687]]
    (nonrecognition on liquidating distributions), or section 355(c) 
    (certain distributions of stock of a subsidiary). On the other hand, an 
    amount is not permanently disallowed or permanently eliminated (and 
    therefore is not a corresponding item) to the extent it is not 
    recognized in a transaction in which B receives a successor asset 
    within the meaning of paragraph (j)(1) of this section. For example, 
    B's corresponding items do not include amounts not recognized from a 
    transaction with a nonmember to which section 1031 applies or from 
    another transaction in which B receives exchanged basis property.
        (4) Recomputed corresponding items. The recomputed corresponding 
    item is the corresponding item that B would take into account if S and 
    B were divisions of a single corporation and the intercompany 
    transaction were between those divisions. For example, if S sells 
    property with a $70 basis to B for $100, and B later sells the property 
    to a nonmember for $90, B's corresponding item is its $10 loss, and the 
    recomputed corresponding item is $20 of gain (determined by comparing 
    the $90 sales price with the $70 basis the property would have if S and 
    B were divisions of a single corporation). Although neither S nor B 
    actually takes the recomputed corresponding item into account, it is 
    computed as if B did take it into account (based on reasonable and 
    consistently applied assumptions, including any provision of the 
    Internal Revenue Code or regulations that would affect its timing or 
        (5) Treatment as a separate entity. Treatment as a separate entity 
    means treatment without application of the rules of this section, but 
    with the application of the other consolidated return regulations. For 
    example, if S sells the stock of another member to B, S's gain or loss 
    on a separate entity basis is determined with the application of 
    Sec. 1.1502-80(b) (non-applicability of section 304), but without 
    redetermination under paragraph (c) or (d) of this section.
        (6) Attributes. The attributes of an intercompany item or 
    corresponding item are all of the item's characteristics, except 
    amount, location, and timing, necessary to determine the item's effect 
    on taxable income (and tax liability). For example, attributes include 
    character, source, treatment as excluded from gross income or as a 
    noncapital, nondeductible amount, and treatment as built-in gain or 
    loss under section 382(h) or 384. In contrast, the characteristics of 
    property, such as a member's holding period, or the fact that property 
    is included in inventory, are not attributes of an item, but these 
    characteristics might affect the determination of the attributes of 
    items from the property.
        (c) Matching rule. For each consolidated return year, B's 
    corresponding items and S's intercompany items are taken into account 
    under the following rules:
        (1) Attributes and holding periods--(i) Attributes. The separate 
    entity attributes of S's intercompany items and B's corresponding items 
    are redetermined to the extent necessary to produce the same effect on 
    consolidated taxable income (and consolidated tax liability) as if S 
    and B were divisions of a single corporation, and the intercompany 
    transaction were a transaction between divisions. Thus, the activities 
    of both S and B might affect the attributes of both intercompany items 
    and corresponding items. For example, if S holds property for sale to 
    unrelated customers in the ordinary course of its trade or business, S 
    sells the property to B at a gain and B sells the property to an 
    unrelated person at a further gain, S's intercompany gain and B's 
    corresponding gain might be ordinary because of S's activities with 
    respect to the property. Similar principles apply if S performs 
    services, rents property, or engages in any other intercompany 
        (ii) Holding periods. The holding period of property transferred in 
    an intercompany transaction is the aggregate of the holding periods of 
    S and B. However, if the basis of the property is determined by 
    reference to the basis of other property, the property's holding period 
    is determined by reference to the holding period of the other property. 
    For example, if S distributes stock to B in a transaction to which 
    section 355 applies, B's holding period in the distributed stock is 
    determined by reference to B's holding period in the stock of S.
        (2) Timing--(i) B's items. B takes its corresponding items into 
    account under its accounting method, but the redetermination of the 
    attributes of a corresponding item might affect its timing. For 
    example, if B's sale of property acquired from S is treated as a dealer 
    disposition because of S's activities, section 453(b) prevents any 
    corresponding income of B from being taken into account under the 
    installment method.
        (ii) S's items. S takes its intercompany item into account to 
    reflect the difference for the year between B's corresponding item 
    taken into account and the recomputed corresponding item.
        (3) Divisions of a single corporation. As divisions of a single 
    corporation, S and B are treated as engaging in their actual 
    transaction and owning any actual property involved in the transaction 
    (rather than treating the transaction as not occurring). For example, 
    S's sale of land held for investment to B for cash is not disregarded, 
    but is treated as an exchange of land for cash between divisions (and B 
    therefore succeeds to S's basis in the property). Similarly, S's 
    issuance of its own stock to B in exchange for property is not 
    disregarded, B is treated as owning the stock it receives in the 
    exchange, and section 1032 does not apply to B on its subsequent sale 
    of the S stock. Although treated as divisions, S and B nevertheless are 
    treated as:
        (i) Operating separate trades or businesses. See, e.g., Sec. 1.446-
    1(d) (accounting methods for a taxpayer engaged in more than one 
        (ii) Having any special status that they have under the Internal 
    Revenue Code or regulations. For example, a bank defined in section 
    581, a domestic building and loan association defined in section 
    7701(a)(19), and an insurance company to which section 801 or 831 
    applies are treated as divisions having separate special status. On the 
    other hand, the fact that a member holds property for sale to customers 
    in the ordinary course of its trade or business is not a special 
        (4) Conflict or allocation of attributes. This paragraph (c)(4) 
    provides special rules for redetermining and allocating attributes 
    under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section.
        (i) Offsetting amounts--(A) In general. To the extent B's 
    corresponding item offsets S's intercompany item in amount, the 
    attributes of B's corresponding item, determined based on both S's and 
    B's activities, control the attributes of S's offsetting intercompany 
    item. For example, if S sells depreciable property to B at a gain and B 
    depreciates the property, the attributes of B's depreciation deduction 
    (ordinary deduction) control the attributes of S's offsetting 
    intercompany gain. Accordingly, S's gain is ordinary.
        (B) B controls unreasonable. To the extent the results under 
    paragraph (c)(4)(i)(A) are inconsistent with treating S and B as 
    divisions of a single corporation, the attributes of the offsetting 
    items must be redetermined in a manner consistent with treating S and B 
    as divisions of a single corporation. To the extent, however, that B's 
    corresponding item on a separate entity basis is excluded from gross 
    income, is a noncapital, nondeductible amount, or 
    [[Page 36688]]
    is otherwise permanently disallowed or eliminated, the attributes of 
    B's corresponding item always control the attributes of S's offsetting 
    intercompany item.
        (ii) Allocation. To the extent S's intercompany item and B's 
    corresponding item do not offset in amount, the attributes redetermined 
    under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section must be allocated to S's 
    intercompany item and B's corresponding item by using a method that is 
    reasonable in light of all the facts and circumstances, including the 
    purposes of this section and any other rule affected by the attributes 
    of S's intercompany item and B's corresponding item. A method of 
    allocation or redetermination is unreasonable if it is not used 
    consistently by all members of the group from year to year.
        (5) Special status. Notwithstanding the general rule of paragraph 
    (c)(1)(i) of this section, to the extent an item's attributes 
    determined under this section are permitted or not permitted to a 
    member under the Internal Revenue Code or regulations by reason of the 
    member's special status, the attributes required under the Internal 
    Revenue Code or regulations apply to that member's items (but not the 
    other member). For example, if S is a bank to which section 582(c) 
    applies, and sells debt securities at a gain to B, a nonbank, the 
    character of S's intercompany gain is ordinary as required under 
    section 582(c), but the character of B's corresponding item as capital 
    or ordinary is determined under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section 
    without the application of section 582(c). For other special status 
    issues, see, for example, sections 595(b) (foreclosure on property 
    securing loans), 818(b) (life insurance company treatment of capital 
    gains and losses), and 1503(c) (limitation on absorption of certain 
        (6) Treatment of intercompany items if corresponding items are 
    excluded or nondeductible--(i) In general. Under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of 
    this section, S's intercompany item might be redetermined to be 
    excluded from gross income or treated as a noncapital, nondeductible 
    amount. For example, S's intercompany loss from the sale of property to 
    B is treated as a noncapital, nondeductible amount if B distributes the 
    property to a nonmember shareholder at no further gain or loss 
    (because, if S and B were divisions of a single corporation, the loss 
    would not have been recognized under section 311(a)). Paragraph 
    (c)(6)(ii) of this section, however, provides limitations on the 
    application of this rule to intercompany income or gain. See also 
    Secs. 1.1502-32 and 1.1502-33 (adjustments to S's stock basis and 
    earnings and profits to reflect amounts so treated).
        (ii) Limitation on treatment of intercompany items as excluded from 
    gross income. Notwithstanding the general rule of paragraph (c)(1)(i) 
    of this section, S's intercompany income or gain is redetermined to be 
    excluded from gross income only to the extent one of the following 
        (A) Disallowed amounts. B's corresponding item is a deduction or 
    loss and, in the taxable year the item is taken into account under this 
    section, it is permanently and explicitly disallowed under another 
    provision of the Internal Revenue Code or regulations. For example, 
    deductions that are disallowed under section 265 are permanently and 
    explicitly disallowed. An amount is not permanently and explicitly 
    disallowed, for example, to the extent that--
        (1) The Internal Revenue Code or regulations provide that the 
    amount is not recognized (for example, a loss that is realized but not 
    recognized under section 332 or section 355(c) is not permanently and 
    explicitly disallowed, notwithstanding that it is a corresponding item 
    within the meaning of paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section (certain 
    disallowed or eliminated amounts));
        (2) A related amount might be taken into account by B with respect 
    to successor property, such as under section 280B (demolition costs 
    recoverable as capitalized amounts);
        (3) A related amount might be taken into account by another 
    taxpayer, such as under section 267(d) (disallowed loss under section 
    267(a) might result in nonrecognition of gain for a related person);
        (4) A related amount might be taken into account as a deduction or 
    loss, including as a carryforward to a later year, under any provision 
    of the Internal Revenue Code or regulations (whether or not the 
    carryforward expires in a later year); or
        (5) The amount is reflected in the computation of any credit 
    against (or other reduction of) Federal income tax (whether allowed for 
    the taxable year or carried forward to a later year).
        (B) Section 311. The corresponding item is a loss that is realized, 
    but not recognized under section 311(a) on a distribution to a 
    nonmember (even though the loss is not a permanently and explicitly 
    disallowed amount within the meaning of paragraph (c)(6)(ii)(A) of this 
        (C) Other amounts. The Commissioner determines that treating S's 
    intercompany item as excluded from gross income is consistent with the 
    purposes of this section and other applicable provisions of the 
    Internal Revenue Code and regulations.
        (7) Examples--(i) In general. For purposes of the examples in this 
    section, unless otherwise stated, P is the common parent of the P 
    consolidated group, P owns all of the only class of stock of 
    subsidiaries S and B, X is a person unrelated to any member of the P 
    group, the taxable year of all persons is the calendar year, all 
    persons use the accrual method of accounting, tax liabilities are 
    disregarded, the facts set forth the only corporate activity, no member 
    has any special status, and the transaction is not otherwise subject to 
    recharacterization. If a member acts as both a selling member and a 
    buying member (e.g., with respect to different aspects of a single 
    transaction, or with respect to related transactions), the member is 
    referred to as M, M1, or M2 (rather than as S or B).
        (ii) Matching rule. The matching rule of this paragraph (c) is 
    illustrated by the following examples.
        Example 1. Intercompany sale of land followed by sale to a 
    nonmember. (a) Facts. S holds land for investment with a basis of 
    $70. S has held the land for more than one year. On January 1 of 
    Year 1, S sells the land to B for $100. B also holds the land for 
    investment. On July 1 of Year 3, B sells the land to X for $110.
        (b) Definitions. Under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, S's 
    sale of the land to B is an intercompany transaction, S is the 
    selling member, and B is the buying member. Under paragraphs (b)(2) 
    and (3) of this section, S's $30 gain from the sale to B is its 
    intercompany item, and B's $10 gain from the sale to X is its 
    corresponding item.
        (c) Attributes. Under the matching rule of paragraph (c) of this 
    section, S's $30 intercompany gain and B's $10 corresponding gain 
    are taken into account to produce the same effect on consolidated 
    taxable income (and consolidated tax liability) as if S and B were 
    divisions of a single corporation. In addition, the holding periods 
    of S and B for the land are aggregated. Thus, the group's entire $40 
    of gain is long-term capital gain. Because both S's intercompany 
    item and B's corresponding item on a separate entity basis are long-
    term capital gain, the attributes are not redetermined under 
    paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section.
        (d) Timing. For each consolidated return year, S takes its 
    intercompany item into account under the matching rule to reflect 
    the difference for the year between B's corresponding item taken 
    into account and the recomputed corresponding item. If S and B were 
    divisions of a single corporation and the intercompany sale were a 
    transfer between the divisions, B would succeed to S's $70 basis in 
    the land and would have a $40 gain from the sale to X in Year 3, 
    instead of a $10 gain. Consequently, S takes no gain 
    [[Page 36689]]
    into account in Years 1 and 2, and takes the entire $30 gain into 
    account in Year 3, to reflect the $30 difference in that year 
    between the $10 gain B takes into account and the $40 recomputed 
    gain (the recomputed corresponding item). Under Secs. 1.1502-32 and 
    1.1502-33, P's basis in its S stock and the earnings and profits of 
    S and P do not reflect S's $30 gain until the gain is taken into 
    account in Year 3. (Under paragraph (a)(3) of this section, the 
    results would be the same if S sold the land to B in an installment 
    sale to which section 453 would otherwise apply, because S must take 
    its intercompany gain into account under this section.)
        (e) Intercompany loss followed by sale to a nonmember at a gain. 
    The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) of this Example 1, except 
    that S's basis in the land is $130 (rather than $70). The attributes 
    and timing of S's intercompany loss and B's corresponding gain are 
    determined under the matching rule in the manner provided in 
    paragraphs (c) and (d) of this Example 1. If S and B were divisions 
    of a single corporation and the intercompany sale were a transfer 
    between the divisions, B would succeed to S's $130 basis in the land 
    and would have a $20 loss from the sale to X instead of a $10 gain. 
    Thus, S takes its entire $30 loss into account in Year 3 to reflect 
    the $30 difference between B's $10 gain taken into account and the 
    $20 recomputed loss. (The results are the same under section 
    267(f).) S's $30 loss is long-term capital loss, and B's $10 gain is 
    long-term capital gain.
        (f) Intercompany gain followed by sale to a nonmember at a loss. 
    The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) of this Example 1, except 
    that B sells the land to X for $90 (rather than $110). The 
    attributes and timing of S's intercompany gain and B's corresponding 
    loss are determined under the matching rule. If S and B were 
    divisions of a single corporation and the intercompany sale were a 
    transfer between the divisions, B would succeed to S's $70 basis in 
    the land and would have a $20 gain from the sale to X instead of a 
    $10 loss. Thus, S takes its entire $30 gain into account in Year 3 
    to reflect the $30 difference between B's $10 loss taken into 
    account and the $20 recomputed gain. S's $30 gain is long-term 
    capital gain, and B's $10 loss is long-term capital loss.
        (g) Intercompany gain followed by distribution to a nonmember at 
    a loss. The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) of this Example 
    1, except that B distributes the land to X, a minority shareholder 
    of B, and at the time of the distribution the land has a fair market 
    value of $90. The attributes and timing of S's intercompany gain and 
    B's corresponding loss are determined under the matching rule. Under 
    section 311(a), B does not recognize its $10 loss on the 
    distribution to X. If S and B were divisions of a single corporation 
    and the intercompany sale were a transfer between divisions, B would 
    succeed to S's $70 basis in the land and would have a $20 gain from 
    the distribution to X instead of an unrecognized $10 loss. Under 
    paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section, B's loss that is not 
    recognized under section 311(a) is a corresponding item. Thus, S 
    takes its $30 gain into account under the matching rule in Year 3 to 
    reflect the difference between B's $10 corresponding unrecognized 
    loss and the $20 recomputed gain. B's $10 corresponding loss offsets 
    $10 of S's intercompany gain and, under paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this 
    section, the attributes of B's corresponding item control the 
    attributes of S's intercompany item. Paragraph (c)(6) of this 
    section does not prevent the redetermination of S's intercompany 
    item as excluded from gross income. (See paragraph (c)(6)(ii)(B) of 
    this section). Thus, $10 of S's $30 gain is redetermined to be 
    excluded from gross income.
        (h) Intercompany sale followed by section 1031 exchange with 
    nonmember. The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) of this 
    Example 1, except that, instead of selling the land to X, B 
    exchanges the land for land owned by X in a transaction to which 
    section 1031 applies. There is no difference in Year 3 between B's 
    $0 corresponding item taken into account and the $0 recomputed 
    corresponding item. Thus, none of S's intercompany gain is taken 
    into account under the matching rule as a result of the section 1031 
    exchange. Instead, B's gain is preserved in the land received from X 
    and, under the successor asset rule of paragraph (j)(1) of this 
    section, S's intercompany gain is taken into account by reference to 
    the replacement property. (If B takes gain into account as a result 
    of boot received in the exchange, S's intercompany gain is taken 
    into account under the matching rule to the extent the boot causes a 
    difference between B's gain taken into account and the recomputed 
        (i) Intercompany sale followed by section 351 transfer to 
    nonmember. The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) of this 
    Example 1, except that, instead of selling the land to X, B 
    transfers the land to X in a transaction to which section 351(a) 
    applies and X remains a nonmember. There is no difference in Year 3 
    between B's $0 corresponding item taken into account and the $0 
    recomputed corresponding item. Thus, none of S's intercompany gain 
    is taken into account under the matching rule as a result of the 
    section 351(a) transfer. However, S's entire gain is taken into 
    account in Year 3 under the acceleration rule of paragraph (d) of 
    this section (because X, a nonmember, reflects B's $100 cost basis 
    in the land under section 362).
        Example 2. Dealer activities. (a) Facts. S holds land for 
    investment with a basis of $70. On January 1 of Year 1, S sells the 
    land to B for $100. B develops the land as residential real estate, 
    and sells developed lots to customers during Year 3 for an aggregate 
    amount of $110.
        (b) Attributes. S and B are treated under the matching rule as 
    divisions of a single corporation for purposes of determining the 
    attributes of S's intercompany item and B's corresponding item. 
    Thus, although S held the land for investment, whether the gain is 
    treated as from the sale of property described in section 1221(1) is 
    based on the activities of both S and B. If, based on both S's and 
    B's activities, the land is described in section 1221(1), both S's 
    gain and B's gain are ordinary income.
        Example 3. Intercompany section 351 transfer. (a) Facts. S holds 
    land with a $70 basis and a $100 fair market value for sale to 
    customers in the ordinary course of business. On January 1 of Year 
    1, S transfers the land to B in exchange for all of the stock of B 
    in a transaction to which section 351 applies. S has no gain or loss 
    under section 351(a), and its basis in the B stock is $70 under 
    section 358. Under section 362, B's basis in the land is $70. B 
    holds the land for investment. On July 1 of Year 3, B sells the land 
    to X for $100. Assume that if S and B were divisions of a single 
    corporation, B's gain from the sale would be ordinary income because 
    of S's activities.
        (b) Timing and attributes. Under paragraph (b)(1) of this 
    section, S's transfer to B is an intercompany transaction. Under 
    paragraph (c)(3) of this section, S is treated as transferring the 
    land in exchange for B's stock even though, as divisions, S could 
    not own stock of B. S has no intercompany item, but B's $30 gain 
    from its sale of the land to X is a corresponding item because the 
    land was acquired in an intercompany transaction. B's $30 gain is 
    ordinary income that is taken into account under B's method of 
        (c) Intercompany section 351 transfer with boot. The facts are 
    the same as in paragraph (a) of this Example 3, except that S 
    receives $10 cash in addition to the B stock in the transfer. S 
    recognizes $10 of gain under section 351(b), and its basis in the B 
    stock is $70 under section 358. Under section 362, B's basis in the 
    land is $80. S takes its $10 intercompany gain into account in Year 
    3 to reflect the $10 difference between B's $20 corresponding gain 
    taken into account and the $30 recomputed gain. Both S's $10 gain 
    and B's $20 gain are ordinary income.
        (d) Partial disposition. The facts are the same as in paragraph 
    (c) of this Example 3, except B sells only a one- half, undivided 
    interest in the land to X for $50. The timing and attributes are 
    determined in the manner provided in paragraph (b) of this Example 
    3, except that S takes only $5 of its gain into account in Year 3 to 
    reflect the $5 difference between B's $10 gain taken into account 
    and the $15 recomputed gain.
        Example 4. Depreciable property. (a) Facts. On January 1 of Year 
    1, S buys 10-year recovery property for $100 and depreciates it 
    under the straight-line method. On January 1 of Year 3, S sells the 
    property to B for $130. Under section 168(i)(7), B is treated as S 
    for purposes of section 168 to the extent B's $130 basis does not 
    exceed S's adjusted basis at the time of the sale. B's additional 
    basis is treated as new 10-year recovery property for which B elects 
    the straight-line method of recovery. (To simplify the example, the 
    half-year convention is disregarded.)
        (b) Depreciation through Year 3; intercompany gain. S claims $10 
    of depreciation for each of Years 1 and 2 and has an $80 basis at 
    the time of the sale to B. Thus, S has a $50 intercompany gain from 
    its sale to B. For Year 3, B has $10 of depreciation with respect to 
    $80 of its basis (the portion of its $130 basis not exceeding S's 
    adjusted basis). In addition, B has $5 of depreciation with respect 
    to the $50 of its additional basis that exceeds S's adjusted basis.
        (c) Timing. S's $50 gain is taken into account to reflect the 
    difference for each 
    [[Page 36690]]
    consolidated return year between B's depreciation taken into account 
    with respect to the property and the recomputed depreciation. For 
    Year 3, B takes $15 of depreciation into account. If the 
    intercompany transaction were a transfer between divisions of a 
    single corporation, B would succeed to S's adjusted basis in the 
    property and take into account only $10 of depreciation for Year 3. 
    Thus, S takes $5 of gain into account in Year 3. In each subsequent 
    year that B takes into account $15 of depreciation with respect to 
    the property, S takes into account $5 of gain.
        (d) Attributes. Under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section, the 
    attributes of S's gain and B's depreciation must be redetermined to 
    the extent necessary to produce the same effect on consolidated 
    taxable income as if the intercompany transaction were between 
    divisions of a single corporation (the group must have a net 
    depreciation deduction of $10). In each year, $5 of B's 
    corresponding depreciation deduction offsets S's $5 intercompany 
    gain taken into account and, under paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this 
    section, the attributes of B's corresponding item control the 
    attributes of S's intercompany item. Accordingly, S's intercompany 
    gain that is taken into account as a result of B's depreciation 
    deduction is ordinary income.
        (e) Sale of property to a nonmember. The facts are the same as 
    in paragraph (a) of this Example 4, except that B sells the property 
    to X on January 1 of Year 5 for $110. As set forth in paragraphs (c) 
    and (d) of this Example 4, B has $15 of depreciation with respect to 
    the property in each of Years 3 and 4, causing S to take $5 of 
    intercompany gain into account in each year as ordinary income. The 
    $40 balance of S's intercompany gain is taken into account in Year 5 
    as a result of B's sale to X, to reflect the $40 difference between 
    B's $10 gain taken into account and the $50 of recomputed gain ($110 
    of sale proceeds minus the $60 basis B would have if the 
    intercompany sale were a transfer between divisions of a single 
    corporation). Treating S and B as divisions of a single corporation, 
    $40 of the gain is section 1245 gain and $10 is section 1231 gain. 
    On a separate entity basis, S would have more than $10 treated as 
    section 1231 gain, and B would have no amount treated as section 
    1231 gain. Under paragraph (c)(4)(ii) of this section, all $10 of 
    the section 1231 gain is allocated to S. S's remaining $30 of gain, 
    and all of B's $10 gain, is treated as section 1245 gain.
        Example 5. Intercompany sale followed by installment sale. (a) 
    Facts. S holds land for investment with a basis of $70x. On January 
    1 of Year 1, S sells the land to B for $100x. B also holds the land 
    for investment. On July 1 of Year 3, B sells the land to X in 
    exchange for X's $110x note. The note bears a market rate of 
    interest in excess of the applicable Federal rate, and provides for 
    principal payments of $55x in Year 4 and $55x in Year 5. The 
    interest charge under section 453A(c) applies to X's note.
        (b) Timing and attributes. S takes its $30x gain into account to 
    reflect the difference in each consolidated return year between B's 
    gain taken into account for the year and the recomputed gain. Under 
    section 453, B takes into account $5x of gain in Year 4 and $5x of 
    gain in Year 5. Thus, S takes into account $15x of gain in Year 4 
    and $15x of gain in Year 5 to reflect the $15x difference in each of 
    those years between B's $5x gain taken into account and the $20x 
    recomputed gain. Both S's $30x gain and B's $10x gain are subject to 
    the section 453A(c) interest charge beginning in Year 3.
        (c) Election out under section 453(d). If, under the facts in 
    paragraph (a) of this Example 5, the P group wishes to elect not to 
    apply section 453 with respect to S's gain, an election under 
    section 453(d) must be made for Year 3 with respect to B's gain. 
    This election will cause B's $10x gain to be taken into account in 
    Year 3. Under the matching rule, this will result in S's $30x gain 
    being taken into account in Year 3. (An election by the P group 
    solely with respect to S's gain has no effect because the gain from 
    S's sale to B is taken into account under the matching rule, and 
    therefore must reflect the difference between B's gain taken into 
    account and the recomputed gain.)
        (d) Sale to a nonmember at a loss, but overall gain. The facts 
    are the same as in paragraph (a) of this Example 5, except that B 
    sells the land to X in exchange for X's $90x note (rather than $110x 
    note). If S and B were divisions of a single corporation, B would 
    succeed to S's basis in the land, and the sale to X would be 
    eligible for installment reporting under section 453, because it 
    resulted in an overall gain. However, because only gains may be 
    reported on the installment method, B's $10x corresponding loss is 
    taken into account in Year 3. Under paragraph (b)(4) of this section 
    the recomputed corresponding item is $20x gain that would be taken 
    into account under the installment method, $0 in Year 3 and $10x in 
    each of Years 4 and 5. Thus, in Year 3 S takes $10x of gain into 
    account to reflect the difference between B's $10x loss taken into 
    account and the $0 recomputed gain for Year 3. Under paragraph 
    (c)(4)(i) of this section, B's $10x corresponding loss offsets $10x 
    of S's intercompany gain, and B's attributes control. S takes $10x 
    of gain into account in each of Years 4 and 5 to reflect the 
    difference in those years between B's $0 gain taken into account and 
    the $10x recomputed gain that would be taken into account under the 
    installment method. Only the $20x of S's gain taken into account in 
    Years 4 and 5 is subject to the interest charge under section 
    453A(c) beginning in Year 3. (If P elects under section 453(d) for 
    Year 3 not to apply section 453 with respect to the gain, all of S's 
    $30x gain will be taken into account in Year 3 to reflect the 
    difference between B's $10x loss taken into account and the $20x 
    recomputed gain.)
        (e) Intercompany loss, installment gain. The facts are the same 
    as in paragraph (a) of this Example 5, except that S has a $130x 
    (rather than $70x) basis in the land. Under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of 
    this section, the separate entity attributes of S's and B's items 
    from the intercompany transaction must be redetermined to produce 
    the same effect on consolidated taxable income (and tax liability) 
    as if the transaction had been a transfer between divisions. If S 
    and B were divisions of a single corporation, B would succeed to S's 
    basis in the land and the group would have $20x loss from the sale 
    to X, installment reporting would be unavailable, and the interest 
    charge under section 453A(c) would not apply. Accordingly, B's gain 
    from the transaction is not eligible for installment treatment under 
    section 453. B takes its $10x gain into account in Year 3, and S 
    takes its $30x of loss into account in Year 3 to reflect the 
    difference between B's $10x gain and the $20x recomputed loss.
        (f) Recapture income. The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) 
    of this Example 5, except that S bought depreciable property (rather 
    than land) for $100x, claimed depreciation deductions, and reduced 
    the property's basis to $70x before Year 1. (To simplify the 
    example, B's depreciation is disregarded.) If the intercompany sale 
    of property had been a transfer between divisions of a single 
    corporation, $30x of the $40x gain from the sale to X would be 
    section 1245 gain (which is ineligible for installment reporting) 
    and $10x would be section 1231 gain (which is eligible for 
    installment reporting). On a separate entity basis, S would have 
    $30x of section 1245 gain and B would have $10x of section 1231 
    gain. Accordingly, the attributes are not redetermined under 
    paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section. All of B's $10x gain is 
    eligible for installment reporting and is taken into account $5x 
    each in Years 4 and 5 (and is subject to the interest charge under 
    section 453A(c)). S's $30x gain is taken into account in Year 3 to 
    reflect the difference between B's $0 gain taken into account and 
    the $30x of recomputed gain. (If S had bought the depreciable 
    property for $110x and its recomputed basis under section 1245 had 
    been $110x (rather than $100x), B's $10x gain and S's $30x gain 
    would both be recapture income ineligible for installment 
        Example 6. Intercompany sale of installment obligation. (a) 
    Facts. S holds land for investment with a basis of $70x. On January 
    1 of Year 1, S sells the land to X in exchange for X's $100x note, 
    and S reports its gain on the installment method under section 453. 
    X's note bears interest at a market rate of interest in excess of 
    the applicable Federal rate, and provides for principal payments of 
    $50x in Year 5 and $50x in Year 6. Section 453A applies to X's note. 
    On July 1 of Year 3, S sells X's note to B for $100x, resulting in 
    $30x gain from S's prior sale of the land to X under section 
        (b) Timing and attributes. S's sale of X's note to B is an 
    intercompany transaction, and S's $30x gain is intercompany gain. S 
    takes $15x of the gain into account in each of Years 5 and 6 to 
    reflect the $15x difference in each year between B's $0 gain taken 
    into account and the $15x recomputed gain. S's gain continues to be 
    treated as its gain from the sale to X, and the deferred tax 
    liability remains subject to the interest charge under section 
        (c) Worthlessness. The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) of 
    this Example 6, except that X's note becomes worthless on December 1 
    of Year 3 and B has a $100x short-term capital loss under section 
    165(g) on a separate entity basis. Under paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of 
    this section, B's holding period 
    [[Page 36691]]
    for X's note is aggregated with S's holding period. Thus, B's loss is a 
    long- term capital loss. S takes its $30x gain into account in Year 
    3 to reflect the $30x difference between B's $100x loss taken into 
    account and the $70x recomputed loss. Under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of 
    this section, S's gain is long-term capital gain.
        (d) Pledge. The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) of this 
    Example 6, except that, on December 1 of Year 3, B borrows $100x 
    from an unrelated bank and secures the indebtedness with X's note. 
    X's note remains subject to section 453A(d) following the sale to B. 
    Under section 453A(d), B's $100x of proceeds from the secured 
    indebtedness is treated as an amount received on December 1 of Year 
    3 by B on X's note. Thus, S takes its entire $30x gain into account 
    in Year 3.
        Example 7. Performance of services. (a) Facts. S is a driller of 
    water wells. B operates a ranch in a remote location, and B's 
    taxable income from the ranch is not subject to section 447. B's 
    ranch requires water to maintain its cattle. During Year 1, S drills 
    an artesian well on B's ranch in exchange for $100 from B, and S 
    incurs $80 of expenses (e.g., for employees and equipment). B 
    capitalizes its $100 cost for the well under section 263, and takes 
    into account $10 of cost recovery deductions in each of Years 2 
    through 11. Under its separate entity method of accounting, S would 
    take its income and expenses into account in Year 1. If S and B were 
    divisions of a single corporation, the costs incurred in drilling 
    the well would be capitalized.
        (b) Definitions. Under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the 
    service transaction is an intercompany transaction, S is the selling 
    member, and B is the buying member. Under paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of 
    this section, S's $100 of income and $80 of related expenses are 
    both included in determining its intercompany income of $20.
        (c) Timing and attributes. S's $20 of intercompany income is 
    taken into account under the matching rule to reflect the $20 
    difference between B's corresponding items taken into account (based 
    on its $100 cost basis in the well) and the recomputed corresponding 
    items (based on the $80 basis that B would have if S and B were 
    divisions of a single corporation and B's basis were determined by 
    reference to S's $80 of expenses). In Year 1, S takes into account 
    $80 of its income and the $80 of expenses. In each of Years 2 
    through 11, S takes $2 of its $20 intercompany income into account 
    to reflect the annual $2 difference between B's $10 of cost recovery 
    deductions taken into account and the $8 of recomputed cost recovery 
    deductions. S's $100 income and $80 expenses, and B's cost recovery 
    deductions, are ordinary items (because S's and B's items would be 
    ordinary on a separate entity basis, the attributes are not 
    redetermined under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section). If S's 
    offsetting $80 of income and expense would not be taken into account 
    in the same year under its separate entity method of accounting, 
    they nevertheless must be taken into account under this section in a 
    manner that clearly reflects consolidated taxable income. See 
    paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section.
        (d) Sale of capitalized services. The facts are the same as in 
    paragraph (a) of this Example 7, except that B sells the ranch 
    before Year 11 and recognizes gain attributable to the well. To the 
    extent of S's income taken into account as a result of B's cost 
    recovery deductions, as well as S's offsetting $80 of income and 
    expense, the timing and attributes are determined in the manner 
    provided in paragraph (c) of this Example 7. The attributes of the 
    remainder of S's $20 of income and B's gain from the sale are 
    redetermined to produce the same effect on consolidated taxable 
    income as if S and B were divisions of a single corporation. 
    Accordingly, S's remaining intercompany income is treated as 
    recapture income or section 1231 gain, even though it is from S's 
    performance of services.
        Example 8. Rental of property. B operates a ranch that requires 
    grazing land for its cattle. S owns undeveloped land adjoining B's 
    ranch. On January 1 of Year 1, S leases grazing rights to B for Year 
    1. B's $100 rent expense is deductible for Year 1 under its separate 
    entity accounting method. Under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, 
    the rental transaction is an intercompany transaction, S is the 
    selling member, and B is the buying member. S takes its $100 of 
    income into account in Year 1 to reflect the $100 difference between 
    B's rental deduction taken into account and the $0 recomputed rental 
    deduction. S's income and B's deduction are ordinary items (because 
    S's intercompany item and B's corresponding item would both be 
    ordinary on a separate entity basis, the attributes are not 
    redetermined under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section).
        Example 9. Intercompany sale of a partnership interest. (a) 
    Facts. S owns a 20% interest in the capital and profits of a general 
    partnership. The partnership holds land for investment with a basis 
    equal to its value, and operates depreciable assets which have value 
    in excess of basis. S's basis in its partnership interest equals its 
    share of the adjusted basis of the partnership's land and 
    depreciable assets. The partnership has an election under section 
    754 in effect. On January 1 of Year 1, S sells its partnership 
    interest to B at a gain. During Years 1 through 10, the partnership 
    depreciates the operating assets, and B's depreciation deductions 
    from the partnership reflect the increase in the basis of the 
    depreciable assets under section 743(b).
        (b) Timing and attributes. S's gain is taken into account during 
    Years 1 through 10 to reflect the difference in each year between 
    B's depreciation deductions from the partnership taken into account 
    and the recomputed depreciation deductions from the partnership. 
    Under paragraphs (c)(1)(i) and (c)(4)(i) of this section, S's gain 
    taken into account is ordinary income. (The acceleration rule does 
    not apply to S's gain as a result of the section 743(b) adjustment, 
    because the adjustment is solely with respect to B and therefore no 
    nonmember reflects any part of the intercompany transaction.)
        (c) Partnership sale of assets. The facts are the same as in 
    paragraph (a) of this Example 9, and the partnership sells some of 
    its depreciable assets to X at a gain on December 31 of Year 4. In 
    addition to the intercompany gain taken into account as a result of 
    the partnership's depreciation, S takes intercompany gain into 
    account in Year 4 to reflect the difference between B's partnership 
    items taken into account from the sale (which reflect the basis 
    increase under section 743(b)) and the recomputed partnership items. 
    The attributes of S's additional gain are redetermined to produce 
    the same effect on consolidated taxable income as if S and B were 
    divisions of a single corporation (recapture income or section 1231 
        (d) B's sale of partnership interest. The facts are the same as 
    in paragraph (a) of this Example 9, and on December 31 of Year 4, B 
    sells its partnership interest to X at no gain or loss. In addition 
    to the intercompany gain taken into account as a result of the 
    partnership's depreciation, the remaining balance of S's 
    intercompany gain is taken into account in Year 4 to reflect the 
    difference between B's $0 gain taken into account from the sale of 
    the partnership interest and the recomputed gain. The character of 
    S's remaining intercompany item and B's corresponding item are 
    determined on a separate entity basis under section 751, and then 
    redetermined to the extent necessary to produce the same effect as 
    treating the intercompany transaction as occurring between divisions 
    of a single corporation.
        (e) No section 754 election. The facts are the same as in 
    paragraph (d) of this Example 9, except that the partnership does 
    not have a section 754 election in effect, and B recognizes a 
    capital loss from its sale of the partnership interest to X on 
    December 31 of Year 4. Because there is no difference between B's 
    depreciation deductions from the partnership taken into account and 
    the recomputed depreciation deductions, S does not take any of its 
    gain into account during Years 1 through 4 as a result of B's 
    partnership's items. Instead, S's entire intercompany gain is taken 
    into account in Year 4 to reflect the difference between B's loss 
    taken into account from the sale to X and the recomputed gain or 
        Example 10. Net operating losses subject to section 382 or the 
    SRLY rules. (a) Facts. On January 1 of Year 1, P buys all of S's 
    stock. S has net operating loss carryovers from prior years. P's 
    acquisition results in an ownership change under section 382 with 
    respect to S's loss carryovers, and S has a net unrealized built-in 
    gain (within the meaning of section 382(h)(3)). S owns 
    nondepreciable property with a $70 basis and $100 value. On July 1 
    of Year 3, S sells the property to B for $100, and its $30 gain is 
    recognized built-in gain (within the meaning of section 382(h)(2)) 
    on a separate entity basis. On December 1 of Year 5, B sells the 
    property to X for $90.
        (b) Timing and attributes. S's $30 gain is taken into account in 
    Year 5 to reflect the $30 difference between B's $10 loss taken into 
    account and the recomputed $20 gain. S and B are treated as 
    divisions of a single corporation for purposes of applying section 
    382 in connection with the intercompany transaction. Under a single 
    entity analysis, the single corporation has losses subject to 
    limitation under section 382, and this limitation may be increased 
    under section 
    [[Page 36692]]
    382(h) if the single corporation has recognized built-in gain with 
    respect to those losses. B's $10 corresponding loss offsets $10 of 
    S's intercompany gain, and thus, under paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this 
    section, $10 of S's intercompany gain is redetermined not to be 
    recognized built-in gain. S's remaining $20 intercompany gain 
    continues to be treated as recognized built-in gain.
        (c) B's recognized built-in gain. The facts are the same as in 
    paragraph (a) of this Example 10, except that the property declines 
    in value after S becomes a member of the P group, S sells the 
    property to B for its $70 basis, and B sells the property to X for 
    $90 during Year 5. Treating S and B as divisions of a single 
    corporation, S's sale to B does not cause the property to cease to 
    be built-in gain property. Thus, B's $20 gain from its sale to X is 
    recognized built-in gain that increases the section 382 limitation 
    applicable to S's losses.
        (d) SRLY limitation. The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) 
    of this Example 10, except that S's net operating loss carryovers 
    are subject to the separate return limitation year (SRLY) rules. See 
    Sec. 1.1502-21(c). The application of the SRLY rules depends on S's 
    status as a separate corporation having losses from separate return 
    limitation years. Under paragraph (c)(5), the attribute of S's 
    intercompany item as it relates to S's SRLY limitation is not 
    redetermined, because the SRLY limitation depends on S's special 
    status. Accordingly, S's $30 intercompany gain is included in 
    determining its SRLY limitation for Year 5.
        Example 11. Section 475. (a) Facts. S, a dealer in securities 
    within the meaning of section 475(c), owns a security with a basis 
    of $70. The security is held for sale to customers and is not 
    identified under section 475(b) as within an exception to marking to 
    market. On July 1 of Year 1, S sells the security to B for $100. B 
    is not a dealer and holds the security for investment. On December 
    31 of Year 1, the fair market value of the security is $100. On July 
    1 of Year 2, B sells the security to X for $110.
        (b) Attributes. Under section 475, a dealer in securities can 
    treat a security as within an exception to marking to market under 
    section 475(b) only if it timely identifies the security as so 
    described. Under the matching rule, attributes must be redetermined 
    by treating S and B as divisions of a single corporation. As a 
    result of S's activities, the single corporation is treated as a 
    dealer with respect to securities, and B must continue to mark to 
    market the security acquired from S. Thus, B's corresponding items 
    and the recomputed corresponding items are determined by continuing 
    to treat the security as not within an exception to marking to 
    market. Under section 475(d)(3), it is possible for the character of 
    S's intercompany items to differ from the character of B's 
    corresponding items.
        (c) Timing and character. S has a $30 gain when it disposes of 
    the security by selling it to B. This gain is intercompany gain that 
    is taken into account in Year 1 to reflect the $30 difference 
    between B's $0 gain taken into account from marking the security to 
    market under section 475 and the recomputed $30 gain that would be 
    taken into account. The character of S's gain and B's gain are 
    redetermined as if the security were transferred between divisions. 
    Accordingly, S's gain is ordinary income under section 
    475(d)(3)(A)(i), but under section 475(d)(3)(B)(ii) B's $10 gain 
    from its sale to X is capital gain that is taken into account in 
    Year 2.
        (d) Nondealer to dealer. The facts are the same as in paragraph 
    (a) of this Example 11, except that S is not a dealer and holds the 
    security for investment with a $70 basis, B is a dealer to which 
    section 475 applies and, immediately after acquiring the security 
    from S for $100, B holds the security for sale to customers in the 
    ordinary course of its trade or business. Because S is not a dealer 
    and held the security for investment, the security is treated as 
    properly identified as held for investment under section 475(b)(1) 
    until it is sold to B. Under section 475(b)(3), the security 
    thereafter ceases to be described in section 475(b)(1) because B 
    holds the security for sale to customers. The mark-to-market 
    requirement applies only to changes in the value of the security 
    after B's acquisition. B's mark-to-market gain taken into account 
    and the recomputed mark-to-market gain are both determined based on 
    changes from the $100 value of the security at the time of B's 
    acquisition. There is no difference between B's $0 mark-to-market 
    gain taken into account in Year 1 and the $0 recomputed mark-to-
    market gain. Therefore, none of S's gain is taken into account in 
    Year 1 as a result of B's marking the security to market in Year 1. 
    In Year 2, B has a $10 gain when it disposes of the security by 
    selling it to X, but would have had a $40 gain if S and B were 
    divisions of a single corporation. Thus, S takes its $30 gain into 
    account in Year 2 under the matching rule. Under section 475(d)(3), 
    S's gain is capital gain even though B's subsequent gain or loss 
    from marking to market or disposing of the security is ordinary gain 
    or loss. If B disposes of the security at a $10 loss in Year 2, S's 
    gain taken into account in Year 2 is still capital because on a 
    single entity basis section 475(d)(3) would provide for $30 of 
    capital gain and $10 of ordinary loss. Because the attributes are 
    not redetermined under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section, 
    paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section does not apply. Furthermore, if 
    B held the security for investment, and so identified the security 
    under section 475(b)(1), the security would continue to be excepted 
    from marking to market.
        Example 12. Section 1092. (a) Facts. On July 1 of Year 1, S 
    enters into offsetting long and short positions with respect to 
    actively traded personal property. The positions are not section 
    1256 contracts, and they are the only positions taken into account 
    for purposes of applying section 1092. On August 1 of Year 1, S 
    sells the long position to B at an $11 loss, and there is $11 of 
    unrealized gain in the offsetting short position. On December 1 of 
    Year 1, B sells the long position to X at no gain or loss. On 
    December 31 of Year 1, there is still $11 of unrealized gain in the 
    short position. On February 1 of Year 2, S closes the short position 
    at an $11 gain.
        (b) Timing and attributes. If the sale from S to B were a 
    transfer between divisions of a single corporation, the $11 loss on 
    the sale to X would have been deferred under section 1092(a)(1)(A). 
    Accordingly, there is no difference in Year 1 between B's 
    corresponding item of $0 and the recomputed corresponding item of 
    $0. S takes its $11 loss into account in Year 2 to reflect the 
    difference between B's corresponding item of $0 taken into account 
    in Year 2 and the recomputed loss of $11 that would have been taken 
    into account in Year 2 under section 1092(a)(1)(B) if S and B had 
    been divisions of a single corporation. (The results are the same 
    under section 267(f)).
        Example 13. Manufacturer incentive payments. (a) Facts. B is a 
    manufacturer that sells its products to independent dealers for 
    resale. S is a credit company that offers financing, including 
    financing to customers of the dealers. S also purchases the product 
    from the dealers for lease to customers of the dealers. During Year 
    1, B initiates a program of incentive payments to the dealers' 
    customers. Under B's program, S buys a product from an independent 
    dealer for $100 and leases it to a nonmember. S pays $90 to the 
    dealer for the product, and assigns to the dealer its $10 incentive 
    payment from B. Under their separate entity accounting methods, B 
    would deduct the $10 incentive payment in Year 1 and S would take a 
    $90 basis in the product. Assume that if S and B were divisions of a 
    single corporation, the $10 payment would not be deductible and the 
    basis of the property would be $100.
        (b) Timing and attributes. Under paragraph (b)(1) of this 
    section, the incentive payment transaction is an intercompany 
    transaction. Under paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section, S has a 
    $10 intercompany item not yet taken into account under its separate 
    entity method of accounting. Under the matching rule, S takes its 
    intercompany item into account to reflect the difference between B's 
    corresponding item taken into account and the recomputed 
    corresponding item. In Year 1 there is a $10 difference between B's 
    $10 deduction taken into account and the $0 recomputed deduction. 
    Accordingly, under the matching rule S must take the $10 incentive 
    payment into account as intercompany income in Year 1. S's $10 of 
    income and B's $10 deduction are ordinary items. S's basis in the 
    product is $100 rather than the $90 it would be under S's separate 
    entity method of accounting. S's additional $10 of basis in the 
    product is recovered based on subsequent events (e.g., S's cost 
    recovery deductions or its sale of the product).
        Example 14. Source of income under section 863. (a) Intercompany 
    sale with no independent factory price. S manufactures inventory in 
    the United States, and recognizes $75 of income on sales to B in 
    Year 1. B distributes the inventory in Country Y and recognizes $25 
    of income on sales to X, also in Year 1. Title passes from S to B, 
    and from B to X, in Country Y. There is no independent factory price 
    (as defined in regulations under section 863) for the sale from S to 
    B. Under the matching rule, S's $75 intercompany income and B's $25 
    corresponding income are taken into account in Year 1. In 
    determining the source of income, S and B are treated as divisions 
    of a single corporation, and section 863 applies 
    [[Page 36693]]
    as if $100 of income were recognized from producing in the United 
    States and selling in Country Y. Assume that applying the section 
    863 regulations on a single entity basis, $50 is treated as foreign 
    source income and $50 as U.S. source income. Assume further that on 
    a separate entity basis, S would have $37.50 of foreign source 
    income and $37.50 of U.S. source income, and that all of B's $25 of 
    income would be foreign source income. Thus, on a separate entity 
    basis, S and B would have $62.50 of combined foreign source income 
    and $37.50 of U.S. source income. Accordingly, under single entity 
    treatment, $12.50 that would be treated as foreign source income on 
    a separate entity basis is redetermined to be U.S. source income. 
    Under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section, attributes are 
    redetermined only to the extent of the $12.50 necessary to achieve 
    the same effect as a single entity determination. Under paragraph 
    (c)(4)(ii) of this section, the redetermined attribute must be 
    allocated between S and B using a reasonable method. For example, it 
    may be reasonable to recharacterize only S's foreign source income 
    as U.S. source income because only S would have any U.S. source 
    income on a separate entity basis. However, it may also be 
    reasonable to allocate the redetermined attribute between S and B in 
    proportion to their separate entity amounts of foreign source income 
    (in a 3:2 ratio, so that $7.50 of S's foreign source income is 
    redetermined to be U.S. source and $5 of B's foreign source income 
    is redetermined to be U.S. source), provided the same method is 
    applied to all similar transactions within the group.
        (b) Intercompany sale with independent factory price. The facts 
    are the same as in paragraph (a) of this Example 14, except that an 
    independent factory price exists for the sale by S to B such that 
    $70 of S's $75 of income is attributable to the production function. 
    Assume that on a single entity basis, $70 is treated as U.S. source 
    income (because of the existence of the independent factory price) 
    and $30 is treated as foreign source income. Assume that on a 
    separate entity basis, $70 of S's income would be treated as U.S. 
    source, $5 of S's income would be treated as foreign source income, 
    and all of B's $25 income would be treated as foreign source income. 
    Because the results are the same on a single entity basis and a 
    separate entity basis, the attributes are not redetermined under 
    paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section.
        (c) Sale of property reflecting intercompany services or 
    intangibles. S earns $10 of income performing services in the United 
    States for B. B capitalizes S's fees into the basis of property that 
    it manufactures in the United States and sells to an unrelated 
    person in Year 1 at a $90 profit, with title passing in Country Y. 
    Under the matching rule, S's $10 income and B's $90 income are taken 
    into account in Year 1. In determining the source of income, S and B 
    are treated as divisions of a single corporation, and section 863 
    applies as if $100 were earned from manufacturing in the United 
    States and selling in Country Y. Assume that on a single entity 
    basis $50 is treated as foreign source income and $50 is treated as 
    U.S. source income. Assume that on a separate entity basis, S would 
    have $10 of U.S. source income, and B would have $45 of foreign 
    source income and $45 of U.S. source income. Accordingly, under 
    single entity treatment, $5 of income that would be treated as U.S. 
    source income on a separate entity basis is redetermined to be 
    foreign source income. Under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section, 
    attributes are redetermined only to the extent of the $5 necessary 
    to achieve the same effect as a single entity determination. Under 
    paragraph (c)(4)(ii) of this section, the redetermined attribute 
    must be allocated between S and B using a reasonable method. (If 
    instead of performing services, S licensed an intangible to B and 
    earned $10 that would be treated as U.S. source income on a separate 
    entity basis, the results would be the same.)
        Example 15. Section 1248. (a) Facts. On January 1 of Year 1, S 
    forms FT, a wholly owned foreign subsidiary, with a $10 
    contribution. During Years 1 through 3, FT has earnings and profits 
    of $40. None of the earnings and profits is taxed as subpart F 
    income under section 951, and FT distributes no dividends to S 
    during this period. On January 1 of Year 4, S sells its FT stock to 
    B for $50. While B owns FT, FT has a deficit in earnings and profits 
    of $10. On July 1 of Year 6, B sells its FT stock for $70 to X, an 
    unrelated foreign corporation.
        (b) Timing. S's $40 of intercompany gain is taken into account 
    in Year 6 to reflect the difference between B's $20 of gain taken 
    into account and the $60 recomputed gain.
        (c) Attributes. Under the matching rule, the attributes of S's 
    intercompany gain and B's corresponding gain are redetermined to 
    have the same effect on consolidated taxable income (and 
    consolidated tax liability) as if S and B were divisions of a single 
    corporation. On a single entity basis, there is $60 of gain and the 
    portion which is characterized as a dividend under section 1248 is 
    determined on the basis of FT's $30 of earnings and profits at the 
    time of the sale of FT to X (the sum of FT's $40 of earnings and 
    profits while held by S and FT's $10 deficit in earnings and profits 
    while held by B). Therefore, $30 of the $60 gain is treated as a 
    dividend under section 1248. The remaining $30 is treated as capital 
    gain. On a separate entity basis, all of S's $40 gain would be 
    treated as a dividend under section 1248 and all of B's $20 gain 
    would be treated as capital gain. Thus, as a result of the single 
    entity determination, $10 that would be treated as a dividend under 
    section 1248 on a separate entity basis is redetermined to be 
    capital gain. Under paragraph (c)(4)(ii) of this section, this 
    redetermined attribute must be allocated between S's intercompany 
    item and B's corresponding item by using a reasonable method. On a 
    separate entity basis, only S would have any amount treated as a 
    dividend under section 1248 available for redetermination. 
    Accordingly, $10 of S's income is redetermined to be not subject to 
    section 1248, with the result that $30 of S's intercompany gain is 
    treated as a dividend and the remaining $10 is treated as capital 
    gain. All of B's corresponding gain is treated as capital gain, as 
    it would be on a separate entity basis.
        (d) B has loss. The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) of 
    this Example 15, except that FT has no earnings and profits or 
    deficit in earnings and profits while B owns FT, and B sells the FT 
    stock to X for $40. On a single entity basis, there is $30 of gain, 
    and section 1248 is applied on the basis of FT's $40 earnings and 
    profits at the time of the sale of FT to X. Under section 1248, the 
    amount treated as a dividend is limited to $30 (the amount of the 
    gain). On a separate entity basis, S's entire $40 gain would be 
    treated as a dividend under section 1248, and B's $10 loss would be 
    a capital loss. B's $10 corresponding loss offsets $10 of S's 
    intercompany gain and, under paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section, 
    the attributes of B's corresponding item control. Accordingly, $10 
    of S's gain must be redetermined to be capital gain. B's $10 loss 
    remains a capital loss. (If, however, S sold FT to B at a loss and B 
    sold FT to X at a gain, it may be unreasonable for the attributes of 
    B's corresponding gain to control S's offsetting intercompany loss. 
    If B's attributes were to control, for example, the group could 
    possibly claim a larger foreign tax credit than would be available 
    if S and B were divisions of a single corporation.)
        (d) Acceleration rule. S's intercompany items and B's corresponding 
    items are taken into account under this paragraph (d) to the extent 
    they cannot be taken into account to produce the effect of treating S 
    and B as divisions of a single corporation. For this purpose, the 
    following rules apply:
        (1) S's items--(i) Timing. S takes its intercompany items into 
    account to the extent they cannot be taken into account to produce the 
    effect of treating S and B as divisions of a single corporation. The 
    items are taken into account immediately before it first becomes 
    impossible to achieve this effect. For this purpose, the effect cannot 
    be achieved--
        (A) To the extent an intercompany item or corresponding item will 
    not be taken into account in determining the group's consolidated 
    taxable income (or consolidated tax liability) under the matching rule 
    (for example, if S or B becomes a nonmember, or if S's intercompany 
    item is no longer reflected in the difference between B's basis (or an 
    amount equivalent to basis) in property and the basis (or equivalent 
    amount) the property would have if S and B were divisions of a single 
    corporation); or
        (B) To the extent a nonmember reflects, directly or indirectly, any 
    aspect of the intercompany transaction (e.g., if B's cost basis in 
    property purchased from S is reflected by a nonmember under section 362 
    following a section 351 transaction).
        (ii) Attributes. The attributes of S's intercompany items taken 
    into account 
    [[Page 36694]]
    under this paragraph (d)(1) are determined as follows:
        (A) Sale, exchange, or distribution. If the item is from an 
    intercompany sale, exchange, or distribution of property, its 
    attributes are determined under the principles of the matching rule as 
    if B sold the property, at the time the item is taken into account 
    under paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section, for a cash payment equal to 
    B's adjusted basis in the property (i.e., at no net gain or loss), to 
    the following person:
        (1) Property leaves the group. If the property is owned by a 
    nonmember immediately after S's item is taken into account, B is 
    treated as selling the property to that nonmember. If the nonmember is 
    related for purposes of any provision of the Internal Revenue Code or 
    regulations to any party to the intercompany transaction (or any 
    related transaction) or to the common parent, the nonmember is treated 
    as related to B for purposes of that provision. For example, if the 
    nonmember is related to P within the meaning of section 1239(b), the 
    deemed sale is treated as being described in section 1239(a). See 
    paragraph (j)(6) of this section, under which property is not treated 
    as being owned by a nonmember if it is owned by the common parent after 
    the common parent becomes the only remaining member.
        (2) Property does not leave the group. If the property is not owned 
    by a nonmember immediately after S's item is taken into account, B is 
    treated as selling the property to an affiliated corporation that is 
    not a member of the group.
        (B) Other transactions. If the item is from an intercompany 
    transaction other than a sale, exchange, or distribution of property 
    (e.g., income from S's services capitalized by B), its attributes are 
    determined on a separate entity basis.
        (2) B's items--(i) Attributes. The attributes of B's corresponding 
    items continue to be redetermined under the principles of the matching 
    rule, with the following adjustments:
        (A) If S and B continue to join with each other in the filing of 
    consolidated returns, the attributes of B's corresponding items (and 
    any applicable holding periods) are determined by continuing to treat S 
    and B as divisions of a single corporation.
        (B) Once S and B no longer join with each other in the filing of 
    consolidated returns, the attributes of B's corresponding items are 
    determined as if the S division (but not the B division) were 
    transferred by the single corporation to an unrelated person. Thus, S's 
    activities (and any applicable holding period) before the intercompany 
    transaction continue to affect the attributes of the corresponding 
    items (and any applicable holding period).
        (ii) Timing. If paragraph (d)(1) of this section applies to S, B 
    nevertheless continues to take its corresponding items into account 
    under its accounting method. However, the redetermination of the 
    attributes of a corresponding item under this paragraph (d)(2) might 
    affect its timing.
        (3) Examples. The acceleration rule of this paragraph (d) is 
    illustrated by the following examples.
        Example 1. Becoming a nonmember--timing. (a) Facts. S owns land 
    with a basis of $70. On January 1 of Year 1, S sells the land to B 
    for $100. On July 1 of Year 3, P sells 60% of S's stock to X for $60 
    and, as a result, S becomes a nonmember.
        (b) Matching rule. Under the matching rule, none of S's $30 gain 
    is taken into account in Years 1 through 3 because there is no 
    difference between B's $0 gain or loss taken into account and the 
    recomputed gain or loss.
        (c) Acceleration of S's intercompany items. Under the 
    acceleration rule of paragraph (d) of this section, S's $30 gain is 
    taken into account in computing consolidated taxable income (and 
    consolidated tax liability) immediately before the effect of 
    treating S and B as divisions of a single corporation cannot be 
    produced. Because the effect cannot be produced once S becomes a 
    nonmember, S takes its $30 gain into account in Year 3 immediately 
    before becoming a nonmember. S's gain is reflected under 
    Sec. 1.1502-32 in P's basis in the S stock immediately before P's 
    sale of the stock. Under Sec. 1.1502-32, P's basis in the S stock is 
    increased by $30, and therefore P's gain is reduced (or loss is 
    increased) by $18 (60% of $30). See also Secs. 1.1502-33 and 1.1502-
    76(b). (The results would be the same if S sold the land to B in an 
    installment sale to which section 453 would otherwise apply, because 
    S must take its intercompany gain into account under this section.)
        (d) B's corresponding items. Notwithstanding the acceleration of 
    S's gain, B continues to take its corresponding items into account 
    under its accounting method. Thus, B's items from the land are taken 
    into account based on subsequent events (e.g., its sale of the 
        (e) Sale of B's stock. The facts are the same as in paragraph 
    (a) of this Example 1, except that P sells 60% of B's stock (rather 
    than S stock) to X for $60 and, as a result, B becomes a nonmember. 
    Because the effect of treating S and B as divisions of a single 
    corporation cannot be produced once B becomes a nonmember, S takes 
    its $30 gain into account under the acceleration rule immediately 
    before B becomes a nonmember. (The results would be the same if S 
    sold the land to B in an installment sale to which section 453 would 
    otherwise apply, because S must take its intercompany gain into 
    account under this section.)
        (f) Discontinue filing consolidated returns. The facts are the 
    same as in paragraph (a) of this Example 1, except that the P group 
    receives permission under Sec. 1.1502-75(c) to discontinue filing 
    consolidated returns beginning in Year 3. Under the acceleration 
    rule, S takes its $30 gain into account on December 31 of Year 2.
        (g) No subgroups. The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) of 
    this Example 1, except that P simultaneously sells all of the stock 
    of both S and B to X (rather than 60% of S's stock), and S and B 
    become members of the X consolidated group. Because the effect of 
    treating S and B as divisions of a single corporation in the P group 
    cannot be produced once S and B become nonmembers, S takes its $30 
    gain into account under the acceleration rule immediately before S 
    and B become nonmembers. (Paragraph (j)(5) of this section does not 
    apply to treat the X consolidated group as succeeding to the P group 
    because the X group acquired only the stock of S and B.) However, so 
    long as S and B continue to join with each other in the filing of 
    consolidated returns, B continues to treat S and B as divisions of a 
    single corporation for purposes of determining the attributes of B's 
    corresponding items from the land.
        Example 2. Becoming a nonmember--attributes. (a) Facts. S holds 
    land for investment with a basis of $70. On January 1 of Year 1, S 
    sells the land to B for $100. B holds the land for sale to customers 
    in the ordinary course of business, and expends substantial 
    resources over a two-year period subdividing, developing, and 
    marketing the land. On July 1 of Year 3, before B has sold any of 
    the land, P sells 60% of S's stock to X for $60 and, as a result, S 
    becomes a nonmember.
        (b) Attributes. Under the acceleration rule, the attributes of 
    S's gain are redetermined under the principles of the matching rule 
    as if B sold the land to an affiliated corporation that is not a 
    member of the group for a cash payment equal to B's adjusted basis 
    in the land (because the land continues to be held within the 
    group). Thus, whether S's gain is capital gain or ordinary income 
    depends on the activities of both S and B. Because S and B no longer 
    join with each other in the filing of consolidated returns, the 
    attributes of B's corresponding items (e.g., from its subsequent 
    sale of the land) are redetermined under the principles of the 
    matching rule as if the S division (but not the B division) were 
    transferred by the single corporation to an unrelated person at the 
    time of P's sale of the S stock. Thus, B continues to take into 
    account the activities of S with respect to the land before the 
    intercompany transaction.
        (c) Depreciable property. The facts are the same as in paragraph 
    (a) of this Example 2, except that the property sold by S to B is 
    depreciable property. Section 1239 applies to treat all of S's gain 
    as ordinary income because it is taken into account as a result of 
    B's deemed sale of the property to a affiliated corporation that is 
    not a member of the group (a related person within the meaning of 
    section 1239(b)).
        Example 3. Selling member's disposition of installment note. (a) 
    Facts. S owns land with a basis of $70. On January 1 of Year 1, S 
    sells the land to B in exchange for B's $110 note. The note bears a 
    market rate of interest in excess of the applicable Federal rate, 
    [[Page 36695]]
    provides for principal payments of $55 in Year 4 and $55 in Year 5. On 
    July 1 of Year 3, S sells B's note to X for $110.
        (b) Timing. S's intercompany gain is taken into account under 
    this section, and not under the rules of section 453. Consequently, 
    S's sale of B's note does not result in its intercompany gain from 
    the land being taken into account (e.g., under section 453B). The 
    sale does not prevent S's intercompany items and B's corresponding 
    items from being taken into account in determining the group's 
    consolidated taxable income under the matching rule, and X does not 
    reflect any aspect of the intercompany transaction (X has its own 
    cost basis in the note). S will take the intercompany gain into 
    account under the matching rule or acceleration rule based on 
    subsequent events (e.g., B's sale of the land). See also paragraph 
    (g) of this section for additional rules applicable to B's note as 
    an intercompany obligation.
        Example 4. Cancellation of debt and attribute reduction under 
    section 108(b). (a) Facts. S holds land for investment with a basis 
    of $0. On January 1 of Year 1, S sells the land to B for $100. B 
    also holds the land for investment. During Year 3, B is insolvent 
    and B's nonmember creditors discharge $60 of B's indebtedness. 
    Because of insolvency, B's $60 discharge is excluded from B's gross 
    income under section 108(a), and B reduces the basis of the land by 
    $60 under sections 108(b) and 1017.
        (b) Acceleration rule. As a result of B's basis reduction under 
    section 1017, $60 of S's intercompany gain will not be taken into 
    account under the matching rule (because there is only a $40 
    difference between B's $40 basis in the land and the $0 basis the 
    land would have if S and B were divisions of a single corporation). 
    Accordingly, S takes $60 of its gain into account under the 
    acceleration rule in Year 3. S's gain is long-term capital gain, 
    determined under paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this section as if B sold 
    the land to an affiliated corporation that is not a member of the 
    group for $100 immediately before the basis reduction.
        (c) Purchase price adjustment. Assume instead that S sells the 
    land to B in exchange for B's $100 purchase money note, B remains 
    solvent, and S subsequently agrees to discharge $60 of the note as a 
    purchase price adjustment to which section 108(e)(5) applies. Under 
    applicable principles of tax law, $60 of S's gain and $60 of B's 
    basis in the land are eliminated and never taken into account. 
    Similarly, the note is not treated as satisfied and reissued under 
    paragraph (g) of this section.
        Example 5. Section 481. (a) Facts. S operates several trades or 
    businesses, including a manufacturing business. S receives 
    permission to change its method of accounting for valuing inventory 
    for its manufacturing business. S increases the basis of its ending 
    inventory by $100, and the related $100 positive section 481(a) 
    adjustment is to be taken into account ratably over six taxable 
    years, beginning in Year 1. During Year 3, S sells all of the assets 
    used in its manufacturing business to B at a gain. Immediately after 
    the transfer, B does not use the same inventory valuation method as 
    S. On a separate entity basis, S's sale results in an acceleration 
    of the balance of the section 481(a) adjustment to Year 3.
        (b) Timing and attributes. Under paragraph (b)(2) of this 
    section, the balance of S's section 481(a) adjustment accelerated to 
    Year 3 is intercompany income. However, S's $100 basis increase 
    before the intercompany transaction eliminates the related 
    difference for this amount between B's corresponding items taken 
    into account and the recomputed corresponding items in subsequent 
    periods. Because the accelerated section 481(a) adjustment will not 
    be taken into account in determining the group's consolidated 
    taxable income (and consolidated tax liability) under the matching 
    rule, the balance of S's section 481 adjustment is taken into 
    account under the acceleration rule as ordinary income at the time 
    of the intercompany transaction. (If S's sale had not resulted in 
    accelerating S's section 481(a) adjustment on a separate entity 
    basis, S would have no intercompany income to be taken into account 
    under this section.)
        (e) Simplifying rules--(1) Dollar-value LIFO inventory methods--(i) 
    In general. This paragraph (e)(1) applies if either S or B uses a 
    dollar-value LIFO inventory method to account for intercompany 
    transactions. Rather than applying the matching rule separately to each 
    intercompany inventory transaction, this paragraph (e)(1) provides 
    methods to apply an aggregate approach that is based on dollar-value 
    LIFO inventory accounting. Any method selected under this paragraph 
    (e)(1) must be applied consistently.
        (ii) B uses dollar-value LIFO--(A) In general. If B uses a dollar-
    value LIFO inventory method to account for its intercompany inventory 
    purchases, and includes all of its inventory costs incurred for a year 
    in its cost of goods sold for the year (that is, B has no inventory 
    increment for the year), S takes into account all of its intercompany 
    inventory items for the year. If B does not include all of its 
    inventory costs incurred for the year in its cost of goods sold for the 
    year (that is, B has an inventory increment for the year), S does not 
    take all of its intercompany inventory income or loss into account. The 
    amount not taken into account is determined under either the increment 
    averaging method of paragraph (e)(1)(ii)(B) of this section or the 
    increment valuation method of paragraph (e)(1)(ii)(C) of this section. 
    Separate computations are made for each pool of B that receives 
    intercompany purchases from S, and S's amount not taken into account is 
    layered based on B's LIFO inventory layers.
        (B) Increment averaging method. Under this paragraph (e)(1)(ii)(B), 
    the amount not taken into account is the amount of S's intercompany 
    inventory income or loss multiplied by the ratio of the LIFO value of 
    B's current-year costs of its layer of increment to B's total inventory 
    costs incurred for the year under its LIFO inventory method. If B 
    includes more than its inventory costs incurred during any subsequent 
    year in its cost of goods sold (a decrement), S takes into account the 
    intercompany inventory income or loss layers in the same manner and 
    proportion as B takes into account its inventory decrements.
        (C) Increment valuation method. Under this paragraph (e)(1)(ii)(C), 
    the amount not taken into account is the amount of S's intercompany 
    inventory income or loss for the appropriate period multiplied by the 
    ratio of the LIFO value of B's current-year costs of its layer of 
    increment to B's total inventory costs incurred in the appropriate 
    period under its LIFO inventory method. The principles of paragraph 
    (e)(1)(ii)(B) of this section otherwise apply. The appropriate period 
    is the period of B's year used to determine its current-year costs.
        (iii) S uses dollar-value LIFO. If S uses a dollar-value LIFO 
    inventory method to account for its intercompany inventory sales, S may 
    use any reasonable method of allocating its LIFO inventory costs to 
    intercompany transactions. LIFO inventory costs include costs of prior 
    layers if a decrement occurs. For example, a reasonable allocation of 
    the most recent costs incurred during the consolidated return year can 
    be used to compute S's intercompany inventory income or loss for the 
    year if S has an inventory increment and uses the earliest acquisitions 
    costs method, but S must apportion costs from the most recent 
    appropriate layers of increment if an inventory decrement occurs for 
    the year.
        (iv) Other reasonable methods. S or B may use a method not 
    specifically provided in this paragraph (e)(1) that is expected to 
    reasonably take into account intercompany items and corresponding items 
    from intercompany inventory transactions. However, if the method used 
    results, for any year, in a cumulative amount of intercompany inventory 
    items not taken into account by S that significantly exceeds the 
    cumulative amount that would not be taken into account under paragraph 
    (e)(1)(ii) or (iii) of this section, S must take into account for that 
    year the amount necessary to eliminate the excess. The method is 
    thereafter applied with appropriate adjustments to reflect the amount 
    taken into account.
        (v) Examples. The inventory rules of this paragraph (e)(1) are 
    illustrated by the following examples.
        Example 1. Increment averaging method. (a) Facts. Both S and B 
    use a double-
    [[Page 36696]]
    extension, dollar-value LIFO inventory method, and both value inventory 
    increments using the earliest acquisitions cost valuation method. 
    During Year 2, S sells 25 units of product Q to B on January 15 at 
    $10/unit. S sells another 25 units on April 15, on July 15, and on 
    September 15, at $12/unit. S's earliest cost of product Q is $7.50/
    unit and S's most recent cost of product Q is $8.00/unit. Both S and 
    B have an inventory increment for the year. B's total inventory 
    costs incurred during Year 2 are $6,000 and the LIFO value of B's 
    Year 2 layer of increment is $600.
        (b) Intercompany inventory income. Under paragraph (e)(1)(iii) 
    of this section, S must use a reasonable method of allocating its 
    LIFO inventory costs to intercompany transactions. Because S has an 
    inventory increment for Year 2 and uses the earliest acquisitions 
    cost method, a reasonable method of determining its intercompany 
    cost of goods sold for product Q is to use its most recent costs. 
    Thus, its intercompany cost of goods sold is $800 ($8.00 most recent 
    cost, multiplied by 100 units sold to B), and its intercompany 
    inventory income is $350 ($1,150 sales proceeds from B minus $800 
        (c) Timing. (i) Under the increment averaging method of 
    paragraph (e)(1)(ii)(B) of this section, $35 of S's $350 of 
    intercompany inventory income is not taken into account in Year 2, 
    computed as follows:
        (ii) Thus, $315 of S's intercompany inventory income is taken 
    into account in Year 2 ($350 of total intercompany inventory income 
    minus $35 not taken into account).
        (d) S incurs a decrement. The facts are the same as in paragraph 
    (a) of this Example 1, except that in Year 2, S incurs a decrement 
    equal to 50% of its Year 1 layer. Under paragraph (e)(1)(iii) of 
    this section, S must reasonably allocate the LIFO cost of the 
    decrement to the cost of goods sold to B to determine S's 
    intercompany inventory income.
        (e) B incurs a decrement. The facts are the same as in paragraph 
    (a) of this Example 1, except that B incurs a decrement in Year 2. S 
    must take into account the entire $350 of Year 2 intercompany 
    inventory income because all 100 units of product Q are deemed sold 
    by B in Year 2.
        Example 2. Increment valuation method. (a) The facts are the 
    same as in Example 1. In addition, B's use of the earliest 
    acquisition's cost method of valuing its increments results in B 
    valuing its year-end inventory using costs incurred from January 
    through March. B's costs incurred during the year are: $1,428 in the 
    period January through March; $1,498 in the period April through 
    June; $1,524 in the period July through September; and $1,550 in the 
    period October through December. S's intercompany inventory income 
    for these periods is: $50 in the period January through March 
    ((25 x $10)-(25 x $8)); $100 in the period April through June 
    ((25 x $12)-(25 x $8)); $100 in the period July through September 
    ((25 x $12)-(25 x $8)); and $100 in the period October through 
    December ((25 x $12)-(25 x $8)).
        (b) Timing. (i) Under the increment valuation method of 
    paragraph (e)(1)(ii)(C) of this section, $21 of S's $350 of 
    intercompany inventory income is not taken into account in Year 2, 
    computed as follows:
        (ii) Thus, $329 of S's intercompany inventory income is taken 
    into account in Year 2 ($350 of total intercompany inventory income 
    minus $21 not taken into account).
        (c) B incurs a subsequent decrement. The facts are the same as 
    in paragraph (a) of this Example 2. In addition, assume that in Year 
    3, B experiences a decrement in its pool that receives intercompany 
    purchases from S. B's decrement equals 20% of the base-year costs 
    for its Year 2 layer. The fact that B has incurred a decrement means 
    that all of its inventory costs incurred for Year 3 are included in 
    cost of goods sold. As a result, S takes into account its entire 
    amount of intercompany inventory income from its Year 3 sales. In 
    addition, S takes into account $4.20 of its Year 2 layer of 
    intercompany inventory income not already taken into account (20% of 
        Example 3. Other reasonable inventory methods. (a) Facts. Both S 
    and B use a dollar-value LIFO inventory method for their inventory 
    transactions. During Year 1, S sells inventory to B and to X. Under 
    paragraph (e)(1)(iv) of this section, to compute its intercompany 
    inventory income and the amount of this income not taken into 
    account, S computes its intercompany inventory income using the 
    transfer price of the inventory items less a FIFO cost for the 
    goods, takes into account these items based on a FIFO cost flow 
    assumption for B's corresponding items, and the LIFO methods used by 
    S and B are ignored for these computations. These computations are 
    comparable to the methods used by S and B for financial reporting 
    purposes, and the book methods and results are used for tax 
    purposes. S adjusts the amount of intercompany inventory items not 
    taken into account as required by section 263A.
        (b) Reasonable method. The method used by S is a reasonable 
    method under paragraph (e)(1)(iv) of this section if the cumulative 
    amount of intercompany inventory items not taken into account by S 
    is not significantly greater than the cumulative amount that would 
    not be taken into account under the methods specifically described 
    in paragraph (e)(1) of this section. If, for any year, the method 
    results in a cumulative amount of intercompany inventory items not 
    taken into account by S that significantly exceeds the cumulative 
    amount that would not be taken into account under the methods 
    specifically provided, S must take into account for that year the 
    amount necessary to eliminate the excess. The method is thereafter 
    applied with appropriate adjustments to reflect the amount taken 
    into account (e.g., to prevent the amount from being taken into 
    account more than once).
        (2) Reserve accounting--(i) Banks and thrifts. Except as provided 
    in paragraph (g)(3)(iv) of this section (deferral of items from an 
    intercompany obligation), a member's addition to, or reduction of, a 
    reserve for bad debts that is maintained under section 585 or 593 is 
    taken into account on a separate entity basis. For example, if S makes 
    a loan to a nonmember and subsequently sells the loan to B, any 
    deduction for an addition to a bad debt reserve under section 585 and 
    any recapture income (or reduced bad debt deductions) are taken into 
    account on a separate entity basis rather than as intercompany items or 
    corresponding items taken into account under this section. Any gain or 
    loss of S from its sale of the loan to B is taken into account under 
    this section, however, to the extent it is not attributable to 
    recapture of the reserve.
        (ii) Insurance companies--(A) Direct insurance. If a member 
    provides insurance to another member in an intercompany transaction, 
    [[Page 36697]]
    transaction is taken into account by both members on a separate entity 
    basis. For example, if one member provides life insurance coverage for 
    another member with respect to its employees, the premiums, reserve 
    increases and decreases, and death benefit payments are determined and 
    taken into account by both members on a separate entity basis rather 
    than taken into account under this section as intercompany items and 
    corresponding items.
        (B) Reinsurance--(1) In general. Paragraph (e)(2)(ii)(A) of this 
    section does not apply to a reinsurance transaction that is an 
    intercompany transaction. For example, if a member assumes all or a 
    portion of the risk on an insurance contract written by another member, 
    the amounts transferred as reinsurance premiums, expense allowances, 
    benefit reimbursements, reimbursed policyholder dividends, experience 
    rating adjustments, and other similar items are taken into account 
    under the matching rule and the acceleration rule. For purposes of this 
    section, the assuming company is treated as B and the ceding company is 
    treated as S.
        (2) Reserves determined on a separate entity basis. For purposes of 
    determining the amount of a member's increase or decrease in reserves, 
    the amount of any reserve item listed in section 807(c) or 832(b)(5) 
    resulting from a reinsurance transaction that is an intercompany 
    transaction is determined on a separate entity basis. But see section 
    845, under which the Commissioner may allocate between or among the 
    members any items, recharacterize any such items, or make any other 
    adjustments necessary to reflect the proper source and character of the 
    separate taxable income of a member.
        (3) Consent to treat intercompany transactions on a separate entity 
    basis--(i) General rule. The common parent may request consent to take 
    into account on a separate entity basis items from intercompany 
    transactions other than intercompany transactions with respect to stock 
    or obligations of members. Consent may be granted for all items, or for 
    items from a class or classes of transactions. The consent is effective 
    only if granted in writing by the Internal Revenue Service. Unless 
    revoked with the written consent of the Internal Revenue Service, the 
    separate entity treatment applies to all affected intercompany 
    transactions in the consolidated return year for which consent is 
    granted and in all subsequent consolidated return years. Consent under 
    this paragraph (e)(3) does not apply for purposes of taking into 
    account losses and deductions deferred under section 267(f).
        (ii) Time and manner for requesting consent. The request for 
    consent described in paragraph (e)(3)(i) of this section must be made 
    in the form of a ruling request. The request must be signed by the 
    common parent, include any information required by the Internal Revenue 
    Service, and be filed on or before the due date of the consolidated 
    return (not including extensions of time) for the first consolidated 
    return year to which the consent is to apply. The Internal Revenue 
    Service may impose terms and conditions for granting consent. A copy of 
    the consent must be attached to the group's consolidated returns (or 
    amended returns) as required by the terms of the consent.
        (iii) Effect of consent on methods of accounting. A consent for 
    separate entity accounting under this paragraph (e)(3), and a 
    revocation of that consent, may require changes in members' methods of 
    accounting for intercompany transactions. Because the consent, or a 
    revocation of the consent, is effective for all intercompany 
    transactions occurring in the consolidated return year for which the 
    consent or revocation is first effective, any change in method is 
    effected on a cut-off basis. Section 446(e) consent is granted for any 
    changes in methods of accounting for intercompany transactions that are 
    necessary solely to conform a member's methods to a binding consent 
    with respect to the group under this paragraph (e)(3) or the revocation 
    of that consent, provided the changes are made in the first 
    consolidated return year for which the consent or revocation under this 
    paragraph (e)(3) is effective. Therefore, section 446(e) consent must 
    be separately requested under applicable administrative procedures if a 
    member has failed to conform its practices to the separate entity 
    accounting provided under this paragraph (e)(3) or the revocation of 
    that treatment in the first consolidated return year for which the 
    consent to use separate entity accounting or revocation of that consent 
    is effective.
        (iv) Consent to treat intercompany transactions on a separate 
    entity basis under prior law. A group that has received consent that is 
    in effect as of the first day of the first consolidated return year 
    beginning on or after July 12, 1995 to treat certain intercompany 
    transactions as provided in Sec. 1.1502-13(c)(3) of the regulations (as 
    contained in the 26 CFR part 1 edition revised as of April 1, 1995) 
    will be considered to have obtained the consent of the Commissioner to 
    take items from intercompany transactions into account on a separate 
    entity basis as provided in paragraph (e)(3)(i) of this section. This 
    treatment is applicable only to the items, class or classes of 
    transactions for which consent was granted under prior law.
        (f) Stock of members--(1) In general. In addition to the general 
    rules of this section, the rules of this paragraph (f) apply to stock 
    of members.
        (2) Intercompany distributions to which section 301 applies--(i) In 
    general. This paragraph (f)(2) provides rules for intercompany 
    transactions to which section 301 applies (intercompany distributions). 
    For purposes of determining whether a distribution is an intercompany 
    distribution, it is treated as occurring under the principles of the 
    entitlement rule of paragraph (f)(2)(iv) of this section. A 
    distribution is not an intercompany distribution to the extent it is 
    deducted by the distributing member. See, for example, section 
        (ii) Distributee member. An intercompany distribution is not 
    included in the gross income of the distributee member (B). However, 
    this exclusion applies to a distribution only to the extent there is a 
    corresponding negative adjustment reflected under Sec. 1.1502-32 in B's 
    basis in the stock of the distributing member (S). For example, no 
    amount is included in B's gross income under section 301(c)(3) from a 
    distribution in excess of the basis of the stock of a subsidiary that 
    results in an excess loss account under Sec. 1.1502-32(a) which is 
    treated as negative basis under Sec. 1.1502-19. See Sec. 1.1502-26(b) 
    (applicability of the dividends received deduction to distributions not 
    excluded from gross income, such as a distribution from the common 
    parent to a subsidiary owning stock of the common parent).
        (iii) Distributing member. The principles of section 311(b) apply 
    to S's loss, as well as gain, from an intercompany distribution of 
    property. Thus, S's loss is taken into account under the matching rule 
    if the property is subsequently sold to a nonmember. However, section 
    311(a) continues to apply to distributions to nonmembers (for example, 
    loss is not recognized).
        (iv) Entitlement rule--(A) In general. For all Federal income tax 
    purposes, an intercompany distribution is treated as taken into account 
    when the shareholding member becomes entitled to it (generally on the 
    record date). For example, if B becomes entitled to a cash distribution 
    before it is made, the distribution is treated as made when B becomes 
    entitled to it. For this purpose, B is treated as entitled to a 
    [[Page 36698]]
    no later than the time the distribution is taken into account under the 
    Internal Revenue Code (e.g., under section 305(c)). To the extent a 
    distribution is not made, appropriate adjustments must be made as of 
    the date it was taken into account.
        (B) Nonmember shareholders. If nonmembers own stock of the 
    distributing corporation at the time the distribution is treated as 
    occurring under this paragraph (f)(2)(iv), appropriate adjustments must 
    be made to prevent the acceleration of the distribution to members from 
    affecting distributions to nonmembers.
        (3) Boot in an intercompany reorganization--(i) Scope. This 
    paragraph (f)(3) provides additional rules for an intercompany 
    transaction in which the receipt of money or other property 
    (nonqualifying property) results in the application of section 356. For 
    example, the distribution of stock of a lower-tier member to a higher-
    tier member in an intercompany transaction to which section 355 would 
    apply but for the receipt of nonqualifying property is a transaction to 
    which this paragraph (f)(3) applies. This paragraph (f)(3) does not 
    apply if a party to the transaction becomes a member or nonmember as 
    part of the same plan or arrangement. For example, if S merges into a 
    nonmember in a transaction described in section 368(a)(1)(A), this 
    paragraph (f)(3) does not apply.
        (ii) Treatment. Nonqualifying property received as part of a 
    transaction described in this paragraph (f)(3) is treated as received 
    by the member shareholder in a separate transaction. See, for example, 
    sections 302 and 311 (rather than sections 356 and 361). The 
    nonqualifying property is treated as taken into account immediately 
    after the transaction if section 354 would apply but for the fact that 
    nonqualifying property is received. It is treated as taken into account 
    immediately before the transaction if section 355 would apply but for 
    the fact that nonqualifying property is received. The treatment under 
    this paragraph (f)(3)(ii) applies for all Federal income tax purposes.
        (4) Acquisition by issuer of its own stock. If a member acquires 
    its own stock, or an option to buy or sell its own stock, in an 
    intercompany transaction, the member's basis in that stock or option is 
    treated as eliminated for all purposes. Accordingly, S's intercompany 
    items from the stock or options of B are taken into account under this 
    section if B acquires the stock or options in an intercompany 
    transaction (unless, for example, B acquires the stock in exchange for 
    successor property within the meaning of paragraph (j)(1) of this 
    section in a nonrecognition transaction). For example, if B redeems its 
    stock from S in a transaction to which section 302(a) applies, S's gain 
    from the transaction is taken into account immediately under the 
    acceleration rule.
        (5) Certain liquidations and distributions--(i) Netting allowed. 
    S's intercompany item from a transfer to B of the stock of another 
    corporation (T) is taken into account under this section in certain 
    circumstances even though the T stock is never held by a nonmember 
    after the intercompany transaction. For example, if S sells all of T's 
    stock to B at a gain, and T subsequently liquidates into B in a 
    separate transaction to which section 332 applies, S's gain is taken 
    into account under the matching rule. Under paragraph (c)(6)(ii) of 
    this section, S's intercompany gain taken into account as a result of a 
    liquidation under section 332 or a comparable nonrecognition 
    transaction is not redetermined to be excluded from gross income. Under 
    this paragraph (f)(5)(i), if S has both intercompany income or gain and 
    intercompany deduction or loss attributable to stock of the same 
    corporation having the same material terms, only the income or gain in 
    excess of the deduction or loss is subject to paragraph (c)(6)(ii) of 
    this section. This paragraph (f)(5)(i) applies only to a transaction in 
    which B's basis in its T stock is permanently eliminated in a 
    liquidation under section 332 or any comparable nonrecognition 
    transaction, including--
        (A) A merger of B into T under section 368(a);
        (B) A distribution by B of its T stock in a transaction described 
    in section 355; or
        (C) A deemed liquidation of T resulting from an election under 
    section 338(h)(10).
        (ii) Elective relief--(A) In general. If an election is made 
    pursuant to this paragraph (f)(5)(ii), certain transactions are 
    recharacterized to prevent S's items from being taken into account or 
    to provide offsets to those items. This paragraph (f)(5)(ii) applies 
    only if T is a member throughout the period beginning with S's transfer 
    and ending with the completion of the nonrecognition transaction.
        (B) Section 332--(1) In general. If section 332 applies to T's 
    liquidation into B, and B transfers T's assets to a new member (new T) 
    in a transaction not otherwise pursuant to the same plan or arrangement 
    as the liquidation, the transfer is nevertheless treated for all 
    Federal income tax purposes as pursuant to the same plan or arrangement 
    as the liquidation. For example, if T liquidates into B, but B forms 
    new T by transferring substantially all of T's former assets to new T, 
    S's intercompany gain or loss generally is not taken into account 
    solely as a result of the liquidation if the liquidation and transfer 
    would qualify as a reorganization described in section 368(a). (Under 
    paragraph (j)(1) of this section, B's stock in new T would be a 
    successor asset to B's stock in T, and S's gain would be taken into 
    account based on the new T stock.)
        (2) Time limitation and adjustments. The transfer of an asset to 
    new T not otherwise pursuant to the same plan or arrangement as the 
    liquidation is treated under this paragraph (f)(5)(ii)(B) as pursuant 
    to the same plan or arrangement only if B transfers it to new T 
    pursuant to a written plan, a copy of which is attached to a timely 
    filed original return (including extensions) for the year of T's 
    liquidation, and the transfer is completed within 12 months of the 
    filing of that return. Appropriate adjustments are made to reflect any 
    events occurring before the formation of new T and to reflect any 
    assets not transferred to new T as part of the same plan or 
    arrangement. For example, if B retains an asset in the reorganization, 
    the asset is treated under paragraph (f)(3) of this section as acquired 
    by new T but distributed to B immediately after the reorganization.
        (3) Downstream merger, etc. The principles of this paragraph 
    (f)(5)(ii)(B) apply, with appropriate adjustments, if B's basis in the 
    T stock is eliminated in a transaction similar to a section 332 
    liquidation, such as a transaction described in section 368 in which B 
    merges into T. For example, if S and B are subsidiaries, and S sells 
    all of T's stock to B at a gain followed by B's merger into T in a 
    separate transaction described in section 368(a), S's gain is not taken 
    into account solely as a result of the merger if T (as successor to B) 
    forms new T with substantially all of T's former assets.
        (C) Section 338(h)(10)--(1) In general. This paragraph 
    (f)(5)(ii)(C) applies to a deemed liquidation of T under section 332 as 
    the result of an election under section 338(h)(10). This paragraph 
    (f)(5)(ii)(C) does not apply if paragraph (f)(5)(ii)(B) of this section 
    is applied to the deemed liquidation. Under this paragraph, B is 
    treated with respect to each share of its T stock as recognizing as a 
    corresponding item any loss or deduction it would recognize (determined 
    after adjusting stock basis under Sec. 1.1502-32) if section 331 
    applied to the deemed liquidation. For 
    [[Page 36699]]
    all other Federal income tax purposes, the deemed liquidation remains 
    subject to section 332.
        (2) Limitation on amount of loss. The amount of B's loss or 
    deduction under this paragraph (f)(5)(ii)(C) is limited as follows--
        (i) The aggregate amount of loss recognized with respect to T stock 
    cannot exceed the amount of S's intercompany income or gain that is in 
    excess of S's intercompany deduction or loss with respect to shares of 
    T stock having the same material terms as the shares giving rise to S's 
    intercompany income or gain; and
        (ii) The aggregate amount of loss recognized under this paragraph 
    (f)(5)(ii)(C) from T's deemed liquidation cannot exceed the net amount 
    of deduction or loss (if any) that would be taken into account from the 
    deemed liquidation if section 331 applied with respect to all T shares.
        (3) Asset sale, etc. The principles of this paragraph (f)(5)(ii)(C) 
    apply, with appropriate adjustments, if T transfers all of its assets 
    to a nonmember and completely liquidates in a transaction comparable to 
    the section 338(h)(10) transaction described in paragraph 
    (f)(5)(ii)(C)(1) of this section. For example, if S sells all of T's 
    stock to B at a gain followed by T's merger into a nonmember in 
    exchange for a cash payment to B in a transaction treated for Federal 
    income tax purposes as T's sale of its assets to the nonmember and 
    complete liquidation, the merger is ordinarily treated as a comparable 
        (D) Section 355. If B distributes the T stock in an intercompany 
    transaction to which section 355 applies (including an intercompany 
    transaction to which 355 applies because of the application of 
    paragraph (f)(3) of this section), the redetermination of the basis of 
    the T stock under section 358 could cause S's gain or loss to be taken 
    into account under this section. This paragraph (f)(5)(ii)(D) applies 
    to treat B's distribution as subject to sections 301 and 311 (as 
    modified by this paragraph (f)), rather than section 355. The election 
    will prevent S's gain or loss from being taken into account immediately 
    to the extent matching remains possible, but B's gain or loss from the 
    distribution will also be taken into account under this section.
        (E) Election. An election to apply this paragraph (f)(5)(ii) is 
    made in a separate statement entitled ``[Insert Name and Employer 
    Identification Number of Common Parent] HEREBY ELECTS THE APPLICATION 
    OF Sec. 1.1502-13(f)(5)(ii).'' The election must include a description 
    of S's intercompany transaction and T's liquidation (or other 
    transaction). It must specify which provision of Sec. 1.1502-
    13(f)(5)(ii) applies and how it alters the otherwise applicable results 
    under this section (including, for example, the amount of S's 
    intercompany items and the amount deferred or offset as a result of 
    this Sec. 1.1502-13(f)(5)(ii)). A separate election must be made for 
    each application of this paragraph (f)(5)(ii). The election must be 
    signed by the common parent and filed with the group's income tax 
    return for the year of T's liquidation (or other transaction). The 
    Commissioner may impose reasonable terms and conditions to the 
    application of this paragraph (f)(5)(ii) that are consistent with the 
    purposes of this section.
        (6) [Reserved]
        (7) Examples. The application of this section to intercompany 
    transactions with respect to stock of members is illustrated by the 
    following examples.
        Example 1. Dividend exclusion and property distribution. (a) 
    Facts. S owns land with a $70 basis and $100 value. On January 1 of 
    Year 1, P's basis in S's stock is $100. During Year 1, S declares 
    and makes a dividend distribution of the land to P. Under section 
    311(b), S has a $30 gain. Under section 301(d), P's basis in the 
    land is $100. On July 1 of Year 3, P sells the land to X for $110.
        (b) Dividend elimination and stock basis adjustments. Under 
    paragraph (b)(1) of this section, S's distribution to P is an 
    intercompany distribution. Under paragraph (f)(2)(ii) of this 
    section, P's $100 of dividend income is not included in gross 
    income. Under Sec. 1.1502-32, P's basis in S's stock is reduced from 
    $100 to $0 in Year 1.
        (c) Matching rule and stock basis adjustments. Under the 
    matching rule (treating P as the buying member and S as the selling 
    member), S takes its $30 gain into account in Year 3 to reflect the 
    $30 difference between P's $10 gain taken into account and the $40 
    recomputed gain. Under Sec. 1.1502-32, P's basis in S's stock is 
    increased from $0 to $30 in Year 3.
        (d) Loss property. The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) of 
    this Example 1, except that S has a $130 (rather than $70) basis in 
    the land. Under paragraph (f)(2)(iii) of this section, the 
    principles of section 311(b) apply to S's loss from the intercompany 
    distribution. Thus, S has a $30 loss that is taken into account 
    under the matching rule in Year 3 to reflect the $30 difference 
    between P's $10 gain taken into account and the $20 recomputed loss. 
    (The results are the same under section 267(f).) Under Sec. 1.1502-
    32, P's basis in S's stock is reduced from $100 to $0 in Year 1, and 
    from $0 to a $30 excess loss account in Year 3. (If P had 
    distributed the land to its shareholders, rather than selling the 
    land to X, P would take its $10 gain under section 311(b) into 
    account, and S would take its $30 loss into account under the 
    matching rule with $10 offset by P's gain and $20 recharacterized as 
    a noncapital, nondeductible amount.)
        (e) Entitlement rule. The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) 
    of this Example 1, except that, after P becomes entitled to the 
    distribution but before the distribution is made, S issues 
    additional stock to the public and becomes a nonmember. Under 
    paragraph (f)(2)(i) of this section, the determination of whether a 
    distribution is an intercompany distribution is made under the 
    entitlement rule of paragraph (f)(2)(iv) of this section. Treating 
    S's distribution as made when P becomes entitled to it results in 
    the distribution being an intercompany distribution. Under paragraph 
    (f)(2)(ii) of this section, the distribution is not included in P's 
    gross income. S's $30 gain from the distribution is intercompany 
    gain that is taken into account under the acceleration rule 
    immediately before S becomes a nonmember. Thus, there is a net $70 
    decrease in P's basis in its S stock under Sec. 1.1502-32 ($100 
    decrease for the distribution and a $30 increase for S's $30 gain). 
    See also Sec. 1.1502-20(b) (additional stock basis reductions 
    applicable to certain deconsolidations). Under paragraph (f)(2)(iv) 
    of this section, P does not take the distribution into account again 
    under separate return rules when received, and P is not entitled to 
    a dividends received deduction.
        Example 2. Excess loss accounts. (a) Facts. S owns all of T's 
    only class of stock with a $10 basis and $100 value. S has 
    substantial earnings and profits, and T has $10 of earnings and 
    profits. On January 1 of Year 1, S declares and distributes a 
    dividend of all of the T stock to P. Under section 311(b), S has a 
    $90 gain. Under section 301(d), P's basis in the T stock is $100. 
    During Year 3, T borrows $90 and declares and makes a $90 
    distribution to P to which section 301 applies, and P's basis in the 
    T stock is reduced under Sec. 1.1502-32 from $100 to $10. During 
    Year 6, T has $5 of earnings that increase P's basis in the T stock 
    under Sec. 1.1502-32 from $10 to $15. On December 1 of Year 9, T 
    issues additional stock to X and, as a result, T becomes a 
        (b) Dividend exclusion. Under paragraph (f)(2)(ii) of this 
    section, P's $100 of dividend income from S's distribution of the T 
    stock, and its $10 of dividend income from T's $90 distribution, are 
    not included in gross income.
        (c) Matching and acceleration rules. Under Sec. 1.1502-19(b)(1), 
    when T becomes a nonmember P must include in income the amount of 
    its excess loss account (if any) in T stock. P has no excess loss 
    account in the T stock. Therefore P's corresponding item from the 
    deconsolidation of T is $0. Treating S and P as divisions of a 
    single corporation, the T stock would continue to have a $10 basis 
    after the distribution, and the adjustments under Sec. 1.1502-32 for 
    T's $90 distribution and $5 of earnings would result in a $75 excess 
    loss account. Thus, the recomputed corresponding item from the 
    deconsolidation is $75. Under the matching rule, S takes $75 of its 
    $90 gain into account in Year 9 as a result of T becoming a 
    nonmember, to reflect the difference between P's $0 gain taken into 
    account and the $75 recomputed gain. S's remaining $15 of gain is 
    taken into account under the matching and acceleration rules based 
    on subsequent 
    [[Page 36700]]
    events (for example, under the matching rule if P subsequently sells 
    its T stock, or under the acceleration rule if S becomes a 
        (d) Reverse sequence. The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) 
    of this Example 2, except that T borrows $90 and makes its $90 
    distribution to S before S distributes T's stock to P. Under 
    paragraph (f)(2)(ii) of this section, T's $90 distribution to S ($10 
    of which is a dividend) is not included in S's gross income. The 
    corresponding negative adjustment under Sec. 1.1502-32 reduces S's 
    basis in the T stock from $10 to an $80 excess loss account. Under 
    section 311(b), S has a $90 gain from the distribution of T stock to 
    P. Under section 301(d) P's initial basis in the T stock is $10 (the 
    stock's fair market value), and the basis increases to $15 under 
    Sec. 1.1502-32 as a result of T's earnings in Year 6. The timing and 
    attributes of S's gain are determined in the manner provided in 
    paragraph (c) of this Example 2. Thus, $75 of S's gain is taken into 
    account under the matching rule in Year 9 as a result of T becoming 
    a nonmember, and the remaining $15 is taken into account under the 
    matching and acceleration rules based on subsequent events.
        (e) Partial stock sale. The facts are the same as in paragraph 
    (a) of this Example 2, except that P sells 10% of T's stock to X on 
    December 1 of Year 9 for $1.50 (rather than T's issuing additional 
    stock and becoming a nonmember). Under the matching rule, S takes $9 
    of its gain into account to reflect the difference between P's $0 
    gain taken into account ($1.50 sale proceeds minus $1.50 basis) and 
    the $9 recomputed gain ($1.50 sale proceeds plus $7.50 excess loss 
        (f) Loss, rather than cash distribution. The facts are the same 
    as in paragraph (a) of this Example 2, except that T retains the 
    loan proceeds and incurs a $90 loss in Year 3 that is absorbed by 
    the group. The timing and attributes of S's gain are determined in 
    the same manner provided in paragraph (c) of this Example 2. Under 
    Sec. 1.1502-32, the loss in Year 3 reduces P's basis in the T stock 
    from $100 to $10, and T's $5 of earnings in Year 6 increase the 
    basis to $15. Thus, $75 of S's gain is taken into account under the 
    matching rule in Year 9 as a result of T becoming a nonmember, and 
    the remaining $15 is taken into account under the matching and 
    acceleration rules based on subsequent events. (The timing and 
    attributes of S's gain would be determined in the same manner 
    provided in paragraph (d) of this Example 2 if T incurred the $90 
    loss before S's distribution of the T stock to P.)
        (g) Stock sale, rather than stock distribution. The facts are 
    the same as in paragraph (a) of this Example 2, except that S sells 
    the T stock to P for $100 (rather than distributing the stock). The 
    timing and attributes of S's gain are determined in the same manner 
    provided in paragraph (c) of this Example 2. Thus, $75 of S's gain 
    is taken into account under the matching rule in Year 9 as a result 
    of T becoming a nonmember, and the remaining $15 is taken into 
    account under the matching and acceleration rules based on 
    subsequent events.
        Example 3. Intercompany reorganization. (a) Facts. P forms S and 
    B by contributing $200 to the capital of each. During Years 1 
    through 4, S and B each earn $50, and under Sec. 1.1502-32 P adjusts 
    its basis in the stock of each to $250. (See Sec. 1.1502-33 for 
    adjustments to earnings and profits.) On January 1 of Year 5, the 
    fair market value of S's assets and its stock is $500, and S merges 
    into B in a tax-free reorganization. Pursuant to the plan of 
    reorganization, P receives B stock with a fair market value of $350 
    and $150 of cash.
        (b) Treatment as a section 301 distribution. The merger of S 
    into B is a transaction to which paragraph (f)(3) of this section 
    applies. P is treated as receiving additional B stock with a fair 
    market value of $500 and, under section 358, a basis of $250. 
    Immediately after the merger, $150 of the stock received is treated 
    as redeemed, and the redemption is treated under section 302(d) as a 
    distribution to which section 301 applies. Because the $150 
    distribution is treated as not received as part of the merger, 
    section 356 does not apply and no basis adjustments are required 
    under section 358(a)(1)(A) and (B). Because B is treated under 
    section 381(c)(2) as receiving S's earnings and profits and the 
    redemption is treated as occurring after the merger, $100 of the 
    distribution is treated as a dividend under section 301 and P's 
    basis in the B stock is reduced correspondingly under Sec. 1.1502-
    32. The remaining $50 of the distribution reduces P's basis in the B 
    stock. Section 301(c)(2) and Sec. 1.1502-32. Under paragraph 
    (f)(2)(ii) of this section, P's $100 of dividend income is not 
    included in gross income. Under Sec. 1.302-2(c), proper adjustments 
    are made to P's basis in its B stock to reflect its basis in the B 
    stock redeemed, with the result that P's basis in the B stock is 
    reduced by the entire $150 distribution.
        (c) Depreciated property. The facts are the same as in paragraph 
    (a) of this Example 3, except that property of S with a $200 basis 
    and $150 fair market value is distributed to P (rather than cash of 
    B). As in paragraph (b) of this Example 3, P is treated as receiving 
    additional B stock in the merger and a $150 distribution to which 
    section 301 applies immediately after the merger. Under paragraph 
    (f)(2)(iii) of this section, the principles of section 311(b) apply 
    to B's $50 loss and the loss is taken into account under the 
    matching and acceleration rules based on subsequent events (e.g., 
    under the matching rule if P subsequently sells the property, or 
    under the acceleration rule if B becomes a nonmember). The results 
    are the same under section 267(f).
        (d) Divisive transaction. Assume instead that, pursuant to a 
    plan, S distributes the stock of a lower-tier subsidiary in a spin-
    off transaction to which section 355 applies together with $150 of 
    cash. The distribution of stock is a transaction to which paragraph 
    (f)(3) of this section applies. P is treated as receiving the $150 
    of cash immediately before the section 355 distribution, as a 
    distribution to which section 301 applies. Section 356(b) does not 
    apply and no basis adjustments are required under section 358(a)(1) 
    (A) and (B). Because the $150 distribution is treated as made before 
    the section 355 distribution, the distribution reduces P's basis in 
    the S stock under Sec. 1.1502-32, and the basis allocated under 
    section 358(c) between the S stock and the lower-tier subsidiary 
    stock received reflects this basis reduction.
        Example 4. Stock redemptions and distributions. (a) Facts. 
    Before becoming a member of the P group, S owns P stock with a $30 
    basis. On January 1 of Year 1, P buys all of S's stock. On July 1 of 
    Year 3, P redeems the P stock held by S for $100 in a transaction to 
    which section 302(a) applies.
        (b) Gain under section 302. Under paragraph (f)(4) of this 
    section, P's basis in the P stock acquired from S is treated as 
    eliminated. As a result of this elimination, S's intercompany item 
    will never be taken into account under the matching rule because P's 
    basis in the stock does not reflect S's intercompany item. 
    Therefore, S's $70 gain is taken into account under the acceleration 
    rule in Year 3. The attributes of S's item are determined under 
    paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this section by applying the matching rule 
    as if P had sold the stock to an affiliated corporation that is not 
    a member of the group at no gain or loss. Although P's corresponding 
    item from a sale of its stock would have been excluded from gross 
    income under section 1032, paragraph (c)(6)(ii) of this section 
    prevents S's gain from being treated as excluded from gross income; 
    instead S's gain is capital gain.
        (c) Gain under section 311. The facts are the same as in 
    paragraph (a) of this Example 4, except that S distributes the P 
    stock to P in a transaction to which section 301 applies (rather 
    than the stock being redeemed), and S has a $70 gain under section 
    311(b). The timing and attributes of S's gain are determined in the 
    manner provided in paragraph (b) of this Example 4.
        (d) Loss stock. The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) of 
    this Example 4, except that S has a $130 (rather than $30) basis in 
    the P stock and has a $30 loss under section 302(a). The limitation 
    under paragraph (c)(6)(ii) of this section does not apply to 
    intercompany losses. Thus, S's loss is taken into account in Year 3 
    as a noncapital, nondeductible amount.
        Example 5. Intercompany stock sale followed by section 332 
    liquidation. (a) Facts. S owns all of the stock of T, with a $70 
    basis and $100 value, and T's assets have a $10 basis and $100 
    value. On January 1 of Year 1, S sells all of T's stock to B for 
    $100. On July 1 of Year 3, when T's assets are still worth $100, T 
    distributes all of its assets to B in an unrelated complete 
    liquidation to which section 332 applies.
        (b) Timing and attributes. Under paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this 
    section, B's unrecognized gain or loss under section 332 is a 
    corresponding item for purposes of applying the matching rule. In 
    Year 3 when T liquidates, B has $0 of unrecognized gain or loss 
    under section 332 because B has a $100 basis in the T stock and 
    receives a $100 distribution with respect to its T stock. Treating S 
    and B as divisions of a single corporation, the recomputed 
    corresponding item would have been $30 of unrecognized gain under 
    section 332 because B would have succeeded to S's $70 basis in the T 
    stock. Thus, under the matching rule, S's $30 intercompany gain is 
    taken into account in 
    [[Page 36701]]
    Year 3 as a result of T's liquidation. Under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of 
    this section, the attributes of S's gain and B's corresponding item 
    are redetermined as if S and B were divisions of a single 
    corporation. Although S's gain ordinarily would be redetermined to 
    be treated as excluded from gross income to reflect the 
    nonrecognition of B's gain under section 332, S's gain remains 
    capital gain because B's unrecognized gain under section 332 is not 
    permanently and explicitly disallowed under the Code. See paragraph 
    (c)(6)(ii) of this section. However, relief may be elected under 
    paragraph (f)(5)(ii) of this section.
        (c) Intercompany sale at a loss. The facts are the same as in 
    paragraph (a) of this Example 5, except that S has a $130 (rather 
    than $70) basis in the T stock. The limitation under paragraph 
    (c)(6)(ii) of this section does not apply to intercompany losses. 
    Thus, S's intercompany loss is taken into account in Year 3 as a 
    noncapital, nondeductible amount. However, relief may be elected 
    under paragraph (f)(5)(ii) of this section.
        Example 6. Intercompany stock sale followed by section 355 
    distribution. (a) Facts. S owns all of the stock of T with a $70 
    basis and a $100 value. On January 1 of Year 1, S sells all of T's 
    stock to M for $100. On June 1 of Year 6, M distributes all of its T 
    stock to its nonmember shareholders in a transaction to which 
    section 355 applies. At the time of the distribution, M has a basis 
    in T stock of $100 and T has a value of $150.
        (b) Timing and attributes. Under paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this 
    section, M's $50 gain not recognized on the distribution under 
    section 355 is a corresponding item. Treating S and M as divisions 
    of a single corporation, the recomputed corresponding item would be 
    $80 of unrecognized gain under section 355 because M would have 
    succeeded to S's $70 basis in the T stock. Thus, under the matching 
    rule, S's $30 intercompany gain is taken into account in Year 6 as a 
    result of the distribution. Under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this 
    section, the attributes of S's intercompany item and M's 
    corresponding item are redetermined to produce the same effect on 
    consolidated taxable income as if S and M were divisions of a single 
    corporation. Although S's gain ordinarily would be redetermined to 
    be treated as excluded from gross income to reflect the 
    nonrecognition of M's gain under section 355(c), S's gain remains 
    capital gain because M's unrecognized gain under section 355(c) is 
    not permanently and explicitly disallowed under the Code. See 
    paragraph (c)(6)(ii) of this section. Because M's distribution of 
    the T stock is not an intercompany transaction, relief is not 
    available under paragraph (f)(5)(ii) of this section.
        (c) Section 355 distribution within the group. The facts are the 
    same as under paragraph (a) of this Example 6, except that M 
    distributes the T stock to B (another member of the group), and B 
    takes a $75 basis in the T stock under section 358. Under paragraph 
    (j)(2) of this section, B is a successor to M for purposes of taking 
    S's intercompany gain into account, and therefore both M and B might 
    have corresponding items with respect to S's intercompany gain. To 
    the extent it is possible, matching with respect to B's 
    corresponding items produces the result most consistent with 
    treating S, M, and B as divisions of a single corporation. See 
    paragraphs (j)(3) and (j)(4) of this section. However, because there 
    is only $5 difference between B's $75 basis in the T stock and the 
    $70 basis the stock would have if S, M, and B were divisions of a 
    single corporation, only $5 can be taken into account under the 
    matching rule with respect to B's corresponding items. (This $5 is 
    taken into account with respect to B's corresponding items based on 
    subsequent events.) The remaining $25 of S's $30 intercompany gain 
    is taken into account in Year 6 under the matching rule with respect 
    to M's corresponding item from its distribution of the T stock. The 
    attributes of S's remaining $25 of gain are determined in the same 
    manner as in paragraph (b) of this Example 6.
        (d) Relief elected. The facts are the same as in paragraph (c) 
    of this Example 6 except that P elects relief pursuant to paragraph 
    (f)(5)(ii)(D) of this section. As a result of the election, M's 
    distribution of the T stock is treated as subject to sections 301 
    and 311 instead of section 355. Accordingly, M recognizes $50 of 
    intercompany gain from the distribution, B takes a basis in the 
    stock equal to its fair market value of $150, and S and M take their 
    intercompany gains into account with respect to B's corresponding 
    items based on subsequent events. (None of S's gain is taken into 
    account in Year 6 as a result of M's distribution of the T stock.)
        (g) Obligations of members--(1) In general. In addition to the 
    general rules of this section, the rules of this paragraph (g) apply to 
    intercompany obligations.
        (2) Definitions. For purposes of this section--
        (i) Obligation of a member. An obligation of a member is--
        (A) Any obligation of the member constituting indebtedness under 
    general principles of Federal income tax law (for example, under 
    nonstatutory authorities, or under section 108, section 163, section 
    171, or section 1275), but not an executory obligation to purchase or 
    provide goods or services; and
        (B) Any security of the member described in section 475(c)(2)(D) or 
    (E), and any comparable security with respect to commodities, but not 
    if the security is a position with respect to the member's stock. See 
    paragraph (f)(4) of this section and Sec. 1.1502-13T(f)(6) for special 
    rules applicable to positions with respect to a member's stock.
        (ii) Intercompany obligations. An intercompany obligation is an 
    obligation between members, but only for the period during which both 
    parties are members.
        (3) Deemed satisfaction and reissuance of intercompany 
    obligations--(i) Application--(A) In general. If a member realizes an 
    amount (other than zero) of income, gain, deduction, or loss, directly 
    or indirectly, from the assignment or extinguishment of all or part of 
    its remaining rights or obligations under an intercompany obligation, 
    the intercompany obligation is treated for all Federal income tax 
    purposes as satisfied under paragraph (g)(3)(ii) of this section and, 
    if it remains outstanding, reissued under paragraph (g)(3)(iii) of this 
    section. Similar principles apply under this paragraph (g)(3) if a 
    member realizes any such amount, directly or indirectly, from a 
    comparable transaction (for example, a marking-to-market of an 
    obligation or a bad debt deduction), or if an intercompany obligation 
    becomes an obligation that is not an intercompany obligation.
        (B) Exceptions. This paragraph (g)(3) does not apply to an 
    obligation if any of the following applies:
        (1) The obligation became an intercompany obligation by reason of 
    an event described in Sec. 1.108-2(e) (exceptions to the application of 
    section 108(e)(4)).
        (2) The amount realized is from reserve accounting under section 
    585 or section 593 (see paragraph (g)(3)(iv) of this section for 
    special rules).
        (3) The amount realized is from the conversion of an obligation 
    into stock of the obligor.
        (4) Treating the obligation as satisfied and reissued will not have 
    a significant effect on any person's Federal income tax liability for 
    any year. For this purpose, obligations issued in connection with the 
    same transaction or related transactions are treated as a single 
    obligation. However, this paragraph (g)(3)(i)(B)(4) does not apply to 
    any obligation if the aggregate effect of this treatment for all 
    obligations in a year would be significant.
        (ii) Satisfaction--(A) General rule. If a creditor member sells 
    intercompany debt for cash, the debt is treated as satisfied by the 
    debtor immediately before the sale for the amount of the cash. For 
    other transactions, similar principles apply to treat the intercompany 
    debt as satisfied immediately before the transaction. Thus, if the debt 
    is transferred for property, it is treated as satisfied for an amount 
    consistent with the amount for which the debt is deemed reissued under 
    paragraph (g)(3)(iii) of this section, and the basis of the property is 
    also adjusted to reflect that amount. If this paragraph (g)(3) applies 
    because the debtor or creditor becomes a nonmember, the obligation is 
    treated as satisfied for cash in an amount equal to its fair market 
    value immediately before 
    [[Page 36702]]
    the debtor or creditor becomes a nonmember. Similar principles apply to 
    intercompany obligations other than debt.
        (B) Timing and attributes. For purposes of applying the matching 
    rule and the acceleration rule--
        (1) Paragraph (c)(6)(ii) of this section (limitation on treatment 
    of intercompany income or gain as excluded from gross income) does not 
    apply to prevent any intercompany income or gain from being excluded 
    from gross income; and
        (2) Any gain or loss from an intercompany obligation is not subject 
    to section 108(a), section 354 or section 1091.
        (iii) Reissuance. If a creditor member sells intercompany debt for 
    cash, the debt is treated as a new debt (with a new holding period) 
    issued by the debtor immediately after the sale for the amount of cash. 
    For other transactions, if the intercompany debt remains outstanding, 
    similar principles apply to treat the debt as reissued immediately 
    after the transaction. Thus, if the debt is transferred for property, 
    it is treated as new debt issued for the property. See, for example, 
    section 1273(b)(3) or section 1274. If this paragraph (g)(3) applies 
    because the debtor or creditor becomes a nonmember, the debt is treated 
    as new debt issued for an amount of cash equal to its fair market value 
    immediately after the debtor or creditor becomes a nonmember. Similar 
    principles apply to intercompany obligations other than debt.
        (iv) Bad debt reserve. A member's deduction under section 585 or 
    section 593 for an addition to its reserve for bad debts with respect 
    to an intercompany obligation is not taken into account, and is not 
    treated as realized under this paragraph (g)(3) until the intercompany 
    obligation becomes an obligation that is not an intercompany 
    obligation, or, if earlier, the redemption or cancellation of the 
    intercompany obligation.
        (4) Deemed satisfaction and reissuance of obligations becoming 
    intercompany obligations--(i) Application--(A) In general. This 
    paragraph (g)(4) applies if an obligation that is not an intercompany 
    obligation becomes an intercompany obligation.
        (B) Exceptions. This paragraph (g)(4) does not apply to an 
    obligation if--
        (1) The obligation becomes an intercompany obligation by reason of 
    an event described in Sec. 1.108-2(e) (exceptions to the application of 
    section 108(e)(4)); or
        (2) Treating the obligation as satisfied and reissued will not have 
    a significant effect on any person's Federal income tax liability for 
    any year. For this purpose, obligations issued in connection with the 
    same transaction or related transactions are treated as a single 
    obligation. However, this paragraph (g)(4)(i)(B)(2) does not apply to 
    any obligation if the aggregate effect of this treatment for all 
    obligations in a year would be significant.
        (ii) Intercompany debt. If this paragraph (g)(4) applies to an 
    intercompany debt--
        (A) Section 108(e)(4) does not apply;
        (B) The debt is treated for all Federal income tax purposes, 
    immediately after it becomes an intercompany debt, as satisfied and a 
    new debt issued to the holder (with a new holding period) in an amount 
    determined under the principles of Sec. 1.108-2(f);
        (C) The attributes of all items taken into account from the 
    satisfaction are determined on a separate entity basis, rather than by 
    treating S and B as divisions of a single corporation;
        (D) Any intercompany gain or loss taken into account is treated as 
    not subject to section 354 or section 1091; and
        (E) Solely for purposes of Sec. 1.1502-32(b)(4) and the effect of 
    any election under that provision, any loss taken into account under 
    this paragraph (g)(4) by a corporation that becomes a member as a 
    result of the transaction in which the obligation becomes an 
    intercompany obligation is treated as a loss carryover from a separate 
    return limitation year.
        (iii) Other intercompany obligations. If this paragraph (g)(4) 
    applies to an intercompany obligation other than debt, the principles 
    of paragraph (g)(4)(ii) of this section apply to treat the intercompany 
    obligation as satisfied and reissued for an amount of cash equal to its 
    fair market value immediately after the obligation becomes an 
    intercompany obligation.
        (5) Examples. The application of this section to obligations of 
    members is illustrated by the following examples.
        Example 1. Interest on intercompany debt. (a) Facts. On January 
    1 of Year 1, B borrows $100 from S in return for B's note providing 
    for $10 of interest annually at the end of each year, and repayment 
    of $100 at the end of Year 5. B fully performs its obligations. 
    Under their separate entity methods of accounting, B accrues a $10 
    interest deduction annually under section 163, and S accrues $10 of 
    interest income annually under section 61(a)(4).
        (b) Matching rule. Under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the 
    accrual of interest on B's note is an intercompany transaction. 
    Under the matching rule, S takes its $10 of income into account in 
    each of Years 1 through 5 to reflect the $10 difference between B's 
    $10 of interest expense taken into account and the $0 recomputed 
    expense. S's income and B's deduction are ordinary items. (Because 
    S's intercompany item and B's corresponding item would both be 
    ordinary on a separate entity basis, the attributes are not 
    redetermined under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section.)
        (c) Original issue discount. The facts are the same as in 
    paragraph (a) of this Example 1, except that B borrows $90 (rather 
    than $100) from S in return for B's note providing for $10 of 
    interest annually and repayment of $100 at the end of Year 5. The 
    principles described in paragraph (b) of this Example 1 for stated 
    interest also apply to the $10 of original issue discount. Thus, as 
    B takes into account its corresponding expense under section 163(e), 
    S takes into account its intercompany income. S's income and B's 
    deduction are ordinary items.
        (d) Tax-exempt income. The facts are the same as in paragraph 
    (a) of this Example 1, except that B's borrowing from S is allocable 
    under section 265 to B's purchase of state and local bonds to which 
    section 103 applies. The timing of S's income is the same as in 
    paragraph (b) of this Example 1. Under paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this 
    section, the attributes of B's corresponding item of disallowed 
    interest expense control the attributes of S's offsetting 
    intercompany interest income. Paragraph (c)(6)(ii) of this section 
    does not prevent the redetermination of S's intercompany item as 
    excluded from gross income, because section 265 permanently and 
    explicitly disallows B's corresponding deduction. Accordingly, S's 
    intercompany income is treated as excluded from gross income.
        Example 2. Intercompany debt becomes nonintercompany debt. (a) 
    Facts. On January 1 of Year 1, B borrows $100 from S in return for 
    B's note providing for $10 of interest annually at the end of each 
    year, and repayment of $100 at the end of Year 20. As of January 1 
    of Year 3, B has paid the interest accruing under the note and S 
    sells B's note to X for $70, reflecting a change in the value of the 
    note as a result of increases in prevailing market interest rates. B 
    is never insolvent within the meaning of section 108(d)(3).
        (b) Deemed satisfaction. Under paragraph (g)(3) of this section, 
    B's note is treated as satisfied for $70 immediately before S's sale 
    to X. As a result of the deemed satisfaction of the obligation for 
    less than its adjusted issue price, B takes into account $30 of 
    discharge of indebtedness income under section 61(a)(12). On a 
    separate entity basis, S's $30 loss would be a capital loss under 
    section 1271(a)(1). Under the matching rule, however, the attributes 
    of S's intercompany item and B's corresponding item must be 
    redetermined to produce the same effect as if the transaction had 
    occurred between divisions of a single corporation. B's 
    corresponding item completely offsets S's intercompany item in 
    amount. Accordingly, under paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section, the 
    attributes of B's $30 of discharge of indebtedness income control 
    the attributes of S's loss. Thus, S's loss is treated as ordinary 
        (c) Deemed reissuance. Under paragraph (g)(3) of this section, B 
    is also treated as reissuing, directly to X, a new note with a $70 
    issue price and a $100 stated redemption 
    [[Page 36703]]
    price at maturity. The new note is not an intercompany obligation, it 
    has a $70 issue price and $100 stated redemption price at maturity, 
    and the $30 of original issue discount will be taken into account by 
    B and X under sections 163(e) and 1272.
        (d) Creditor deconsolidation. The facts are the same as in 
    paragraph (a) of this Example 2, except that P sells S's stock to X 
    (rather than S's selling the note of B). Under paragraph (g)(3) of 
    this section, the note is treated as satisfied by B for its $70 fair 
    market value immediately before S becomes a nonmember, and B is 
    treated as reissuing a new note to S immediately after S becomes a 
    nonmember. The results for S's $30 of loss and B's discharge of 
    indebtedness income are the same as in paragraph (b) of this Example 
    2. The new note is not an intercompany obligation, it has a $70 
    issue price and $100 stated redemption price at maturity, and the 
    $30 of original issue discount will be taken into account by B and S 
    under sections 163(e) and 1272.
        (e) Debtor deconsolidation. The facts are the same as in 
    paragraph (a) of this Example 2, except that P sells B's stock to X 
    (rather than S's selling the note of B). The results are the same as 
    in paragraph (d) of this Example 2.
        (f) Appreciated note. The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) 
    of this Example 2, except that S sells B's note to X for $130 
    (rather than $70), reflecting a decline in prevailing market 
    interest rates. Under paragraph (g)(3) of this section, B's note is 
    treated as satisfied for $130 immediately before S's sale of the 
    note to X. Under Sec. 1.163-7(c), B takes into account $30 of 
    repurchase premium. On a separate entity basis, S's $30 gain would 
    be a capital gain under section 1271(a)(1), and B's $30 premium 
    deduction would be an ordinary deduction. Under the matching rule, 
    however, the attributes of S's intercompany item and B's 
    corresponding item must be redetermined to produce the same effect 
    as if the transaction had occurred between divisions of a single 
    corporation. Under paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section, the 
    attributes of B's corresponding premium deduction control the 
    attributes of S's intercompany gain. Accordingly, S's gain is 
    treated as ordinary income. B is also treated as reissuing a new 
    note directly to X which is not an intercompany obligation. The new 
    note has a $130 issue price and a $100 stated redemption price at 
    maturity. Under Sec. 1.61-12(c), B's $30 premium income under the 
    new note is taken into account over the life of the new note.
        Example 3. Loss or bad debt deduction with respect to 
    intercompany debt. (a) Facts. On January 1 of Year 1, B borrows $100 
    from S in return for B's note providing for $10 of interest annually 
    at the end of each year, and repayment of $100 at the end of Year 5. 
    In Year 3, S sells B's note to P for $60. B is never insolvent 
    within the meaning of section 108(d)(3). Assume B's note is not a 
    security within the meaning of section 165(g)(2).
        (b) Deemed satisfaction and reissuance. Under paragraph (g)(3) 
    of this section, B is treated as satisfying its note for $60 
    immediately before the sale, and reissuing a new note directly to P 
    with a $60 issue price and a $100 stated redemption price at 
    maturity. On a separate entity basis, S's $40 loss would be a 
    capital loss, and B's $40 income would be ordinary income. Under the 
    matching rule, however, the attributes of S's intercompany item and 
    B's corresponding item must be redetermined to produce the same 
    effect as if the transaction had occurred between divisions of a 
    single corporation. Under paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section, the 
    attributes of B's corresponding discharge of indebtedness income 
    control the attributes of S's intercompany loss. Accordingly, S's 
    loss is treated as ordinary loss.
        (c) Partial bad debt deduction. The facts are the same as in 
    paragraph (a) of this Example 3, except that S claims a $40 partial 
    bad debt deduction under section 166(a)(2) (rather than selling the 
    note to P). The results are the same as in paragraph (b) of this 
    Example 3. B's note is treated as satisfied and reissued with a $60 
    issue price. S's $40 intercompany deduction and B's $40 
    corresponding income are both ordinary.
        (d) Insolvent debtor. The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) 
    of this Example 3, except that B is insolvent within the meaning of 
    section 108(d)(3) at the time that S sells the note to P. On a 
    separate entity basis, S's $40 loss would be capital, B's $40 income 
    would be excluded from gross income under section 108(a), and B 
    would reduce attributes under section 108(b) or section 1017. 
    However, under paragraph (g)(3)(ii)(B) of this section, section 
    108(a) does not apply to B's income to characterize it as excluded 
    from gross income. Accordingly, the attributes of S's intercompany 
    loss and B's corresponding income are redetermined in the same 
    manner as in paragraph (b) of this Example 3.
        Example 4. Nonintercompany debt becomes intercompany debt. (a) 
    Facts. On January 1 of Year 1, B borrows $100 from X in return for 
    B's note providing for $10 of interest annually at the end of each 
    year, and repayment of $100 at the end of Year 5. As of January 1 of 
    Year 3, B has fully performed its obligations, but the note's fair 
    market value is $70. On January 1 of Year 3, P buys all of X's 
    stock. B is solvent within the meaning of section 108(d)(3).
        (b) Deemed satisfied and reissuance. Under paragraph (g)(4) of 
    this section, B is treated as satisfying its indebtedness for $70 
    (determined under the principles of Sec. 1.108-2(f)(2)) immediately 
    after X becomes a member. Both X's $30 capital loss under section 
    1271(a)(1) and B's $30 of discharge of indebtedness income under 
    section 61(a)(12) are taken into account in determining consolidated 
    taxable income for Year 3. Under paragraph (g)(4)(ii)(C) of this 
    section, the attributes of items resulting from the satisfaction are 
    determined on a separate entity basis. But see section 382 and 
    Sec. 1.1502-15 (limitations on the absorption of built-in losses). B 
    is also treated as reissuing a new note. The new note is an 
    intercompany obligation, it has a $70 issue price and $100 stated 
    redemption price at maturity, and the $30 of original issue discount 
    will be taken into account by B and X in the same manner as provided 
    in paragraph (c) of Example 1 of this paragraph (g)(5).
        (c) Election to file consolidated returns. Assume instead that B 
    borrows $100 from S during Year 1, but the P group does not file 
    consolidated returns until Year 3. Under paragraph (g)(4) of this 
    section, B's indebtedness is treated as satisfied and a new note 
    reissued immediately after the debt becomes intercompany debt. The 
    satisfaction and reissuance are deemed to occur on January 1 of Year 
    3, for the fair market value of the note (determined under the 
    principles of Sec. 1.108-2(f)(2)) at that time.
        Example 5. Notional principal contracts. (a) Facts. On April 1 
    of Year 1, M1 enters into a contract with counterparty M2 under 
    which, for a term of five years, M1 is obligated to make a payment 
    to M2 each April 1, beginning in Year 2, in an amount equal to the 
    London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), as determined on the 
    immediately preceding April 1, multiplied by a $1,000 notional 
    principal amount. M2 is obligated to make a payment to M1 each April 
    1, beginning in Year 2, in an amount equal to 8% multiplied by the 
    same notional principal amount. LIBOR is 7.80% on April 1 of Year 1. 
    On April 1 of Year 2, M2 owes $2 to M1.
        (b) Matching rule. Under Sec. 1.446-3(d), the net income (or net 
    deduction) from a notional principal contract for a taxable year is 
    included in (or deducted from) gross income. Under Sec. 1.446-3(e), 
    the ratable daily portion of M2's obligation to M1 as of December 31 
    of Year 1 is $1.50 ($2 multiplied by 275/365). Under the matching 
    rule, M1's net income for Year 1 of $1.50 is taken into account to 
    reflect the difference between M2's net deduction of $1.50 taken 
    into account and the $0 recomputed net deduction. Similarly, the 
    $.50 balance of the $2 of net periodic payments made on April 1 of 
    Year 2 is taken into account for Year 2 in M1's and M2's net income 
    and net deduction from the contract. In addition, the attributes of 
    M1's intercompany income and M2's corresponding deduction are 
    redetermined to produce the same effect as if the transaction had 
    occurred between divisions of a single corporation. Under paragraph 
    (c)(4)(i) of this section, the attributes of M2's corresponding 
    deduction control the attributes of M1's intercompany income. 
    (Although M1 is the selling member with respect to the payment on 
    April 1 of Year 2, it might be the buying member in a subsequent 
    period if it owes the net payment.)
        (c) Dealer. The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) of this 
    Example 5, except that M2 is a dealer in securities, and the 
    contract with M1 is not inventory in the hands of M2. Under section 
    475, M2 must mark its securities to market at year-end. Assume that 
    under section 475, M2's loss from marking to market the contract 
    with M1 is $100. Under paragraph (g)(3) of this section, M2 is 
    treated as making a $100 payment to M1 to terminate the contract 
    immediately before section 475 is applied. M1's $100 of income from 
    the termination payment is taken into account under the matching 
    rule to reflect M2's deduction under Sec. 1.446-3(h). The attributes 
    of M1's intercompany income and M2's corresponding deduction are 
    redetermined to produce the same effect as if the transaction had 
    occurred between divisions of a single corporation. Under paragraph 
    (c)(4)(i) of this section, the attributes of M2's corresponding 
    [[Page 36704]]
    deduction control the attributes of M1's intercompany income. 
    Accordingly, M1's income is treated as ordinary income. Paragraph 
    (g)(3) of this section also provides that, immediately after section 
    475 would apply, a new contract is treated as reissued with an 
    upfront payment of $100. Under Sec. 1.446-3(f), the deemed $100 
    payment by M2 to M1 is taken into account over the term of the new 
    contract in a manner reflecting the economic substance of the 
    contract (for example, allocating the payment in accordance with the 
    forward rates of a series of cash-settled forward contracts that 
    reflect the specified index and the $1,000 notional principal 
    amount). (The timing of taking items into account is the same if M1, 
    rather than M2, is the dealer subject to the mark-to-market 
    requirement of section 475 at year-end. However in this case, 
    because the attributes of the corresponding deduction control the 
    attributes of the intercompany income, M1's income from the deemed 
    termination payment might be ordinary or capital.)
        (h) Anti-avoidance rules--(1) In general. If a transaction is 
    engaged in or structured with a principal purpose to avoid the purposes 
    of this section (including, for example, by avoiding treatment as an 
    intercompany transaction), adjustments must be made to carry out the 
    purposes of this section.
        (2) Examples. The anti-avoidance rules of this paragraph (h) are 
    illustrated by the following examples. The examples set forth below do 
    not address common law doctrines or other authorities that might apply 
    to recast a transaction or to otherwise affect the tax treatment of a 
    transaction. Thus, in addition to adjustments under this paragraph (h), 
    the Commissioner can, for example, apply the rules of section 269 or 
    Sec. 1.701-2 to disallow a deduction or to recast a transaction.
        Example 1. Sale of a partnership interest. (a) Facts. S owns 
    land with a $10 basis and $100 value. B has net operating losses 
    from separate return limitation years (SRLYs) subject to limitation 
    under Sec. 1.1502-21(c). Pursuant to a plan to absorb the losses 
    without limitation by the SRLY rules, S transfers the land to an 
    unrelated, calendar-year partnership in exchange for a 10% interest 
    in the capital and profits of the partnership in a transaction to 
    which section 721 applies. The partnership does not have a section 
    754 election in effect. S later sells its partnership interest to B 
    for $100. In the following year, the partnership sells the land to X 
    for $100. Because the partnership does not have a section 754 
    election in effect, its $10 basis in the land does not reflect B's 
    $100 basis in the partnership interest. Under section 704(c), the 
    partnership's $90 built-in gain is allocated to B, and B's basis in 
    the partnership interest increases to $190 under section 705. In a 
    later year, B sells the partnership interest to a nonmember for 
        (b) Adjustments. Under Sec. 1.1502-21(c), the partnership's $90 
    built-in gain allocated to B ordinarily increases the amount of B's 
    SRLY limitation, and B's $90 loss from its sale of the partnership 
    interest ordinarily is not subject to limitation under the SRLY 
    rules. Because the contribution of property to the partnership and 
    the sale of the partnership interest were part of a plan a principal 
    purpose of which was to achieve a reduction in consolidated tax 
    liability by creating offsetting gain and loss for B while deferring 
    S's intercompany gain, B's allocable share of the partnership's gain 
    from its sale of the land is treated under paragraph (h)(1) of this 
    section as not increasing the amount of B's SRLY limitation.
        Example 2. Transitory status as an intercompany obligation. (a) 
    Facts. P historically has owned 70% of X's stock and the remaining 
    30% is owned by unrelated shareholders. On January 1 of Year 1, S 
    borrows $100 from X in return for S's note requiring $10 of interest 
    annually at the end of each year, and repayment of $100 at the end 
    of Year 20. As of January 1 of Year 3, the P group has substantial 
    net operating loss carryovers, and the fair market value of S's note 
    falls to $70 due to an increase in prevailing market interest rates. 
    X is not permitted under section 166(a)(2) to take into account a 
    $30 loss with respect to the note. Pursuant to a plan to permit X to 
    take into account its $30 loss without disposing of the note, P 
    acquires an additional 10% of X's stock, causing X to become a 
    member, and P subsequently resells the 10% interest. X's $30 loss 
    with respect to the note is a net unrealized built-in loss within 
    the meaning of Sec. 1.1502-15.
        (b) Adjustments. Under paragraph (g)(4) of this section, X 
    ordinarily would take into account its $30 loss as a result of the 
    note becoming an intercompany obligation, and S would take into 
    account $30 of discharge of indebtedness income. Under Sec. 1.1502-
    22(c), X's loss is not combined with items of the other members and 
    the loss would be carried to X's separate return years as a result 
    of X becoming a nonmember. However, the transitory status of S's 
    indebtedness to X as an intercompany obligation is structured with a 
    principal purpose to accelerate the recognition of X's loss. Thus, 
    S's note is treated under paragraph (h)(1) of this section as not 
    becoming an intercompany obligation.
        Example 3. Corporate mixing bowl. (a) Facts. M1 and M2 are 
    subsidiaries of P. M1 operates a manufacturing business on land it 
    leases from M2. The land is the only asset held by M2. P intends to 
    dispose of the M1 business, including the land owned by M2; P's 
    basis in the M1 stock is equal to the stock's fair market value. 
    M2's land has a value of $20 and a basis of $0 and P has a $0 basis 
    in the stock of M2. In Year 1, with a principal purpose of avoiding 
    gain from the sale of the land (by transferring the land to M1 with 
    a carry-over basis without affecting P's basis in the stock of M1 or 
    M2), M1 and M2 form corporation T; M1 contributes cash in exchange 
    for 80% of the T stock and M2 contributes the land in exchange for 
    20% of the stock. In Year 3, T liquidates, distributing $20 cash to 
    M2 and the land (plus $60 cash) to M1. Under Sec. 1.1502-34, section 
    332 applies to both M1 and M2. Under section 337, T recognizes no 
    gain or loss from its liquidating distribution of the land to M1. T 
    has neither gain nor loss on its distribution of cash to M2. In Year 
    4, P sells all of the stock of M1 to X and liquidates M2.
        (b) Adjustments. A principal purpose for the formation and 
    liquidation of T was to avoid gain from the sale of M2's land. Thus, 
    under paragraph (h)(1) of this section, M2 must take $20 of gain 
    into account when the stock of M1 is sold to X.
        Example 4. Partnership mixing bowl. (a) Facts. M1 owns a self-
    created intangible asset with a $0 basis and a fair market value of 
    $100. M2 owns land with a basis of $100 and a fair market value of 
    $100. In Year 1, with a principal purpose of creating basis in the 
    intangible asset (which would be eligible for amortization under 
    section 197), M1 and M2 form partnership PRS; M1 contributes the 
    intangible asset and M2 contributes the land. X, an unrelated 
    person, contributes cash to PRS in exchange for a substantial 
    interest in the partnership. PRS uses the contributed assets in 
    legitimate business activities. Five years and six months later, PRS 
    liquidates, distributing the land to M1, the intangible to M2, and 
    cash to X. The group reports no gain under sections 707(a)(2)(B) and 
    737(a) and claims that M2's basis in the intangible asset is $100 
    under section 732 and that the asset is eligible for amortization 
    under section 197.
        (b) Adjustments. A principal purpose of the formation and 
    liquidation of PRS was to create additional amortization without an 
    offsetting increase in consolidated taxable income by avoiding 
    treatment as an intercompany transaction. Thus, under paragraph 
    (h)(1) of this section, appropriate adjustments must be made.
        Example 5. Sale and leaseback. (a) Facts. S operates a factory 
    with a $70 basis and $100 value, and has loss carryovers from SRLYs. 
    Pursuant to a plan to take into account the $30 unrealized gain 
    while continuing to operate the factory, S sells the factory to X 
    for $100 and leases it back on a long-term basis. In the 
    transaction, a substantial interest in the factory is transferred to 
    X. The sale and leaseback are not recharacterized under general 
    principles of Federal income tax law. As a result of S's sale to X, 
    the $30 gain is taken into account and increases S's SRLY 
        (b) No adjustments. Although S's sale was pursuant to a plan to 
    accelerate the $30 gain, it is not subject to adjustment under 
    paragraph (h)(1) of this section. The sale is not treated as engaged 
    in or structured with a principal purpose to avoid the purposes of 
    this section.
        (i) [Reserved]
        (j) Miscellaneous operating rules. For purposes of this section--
        (1) Successor assets. Any reference to an asset includes, as the 
    context may require, a reference to any other asset the basis of which 
    is determined, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by 
    reference to the basis of the first asset.
        (2) Successor persons--(i) In general. Any reference to a person 
    includes, as the context may require, a reference to a predecessor or 
    successor. For this 
    [[Page 36705]]
    purpose, a predecessor is a transferor of assets to a transferee (the 
    successor) in a transaction--
        (A) To which section 381(a) applies;
        (B) In which substantially all of the assets of the transferor are 
    transferred to members in a complete liquidation;
        (C) In which the successor's basis in assets is determined 
    (directly or indirectly, in whole or in part) by reference to the basis 
    of the transferor, but the transferee is a successor only with respect 
    to the assets the basis of which is so determined; or
        (D) Which is an intercompany transaction, but only with respect to 
    assets that are being accounted for by the transferor in a prior 
    intercompany transaction.
        (ii) Intercompany items. If the assets of a predecessor are 
    acquired by a successor member, the successor succeeds to, and takes 
    into account (under the rules of this section), the predecessor's 
    intercompany items. If two or more successor members acquire assets of 
    the predecessor, the successors take into account the predecessor's 
    intercompany items in a manner that is consistently applied and 
    reasonably carries out the purposes of this section and applicable 
    provisions of law.
        (3) Multiple triggers. If more than one corresponding item can 
    cause an intercompany item to be taken into account under the matching 
    rule, the intercompany item is taken into account in connection with 
    the corresponding item most consistent with the treatment of members as 
    divisions of a single corporation. For example, if S sells a truck to 
    B, its intercompany gain from the sale is not taken into account by 
    reference to B's depreciation if the depreciation is capitalized under 
    section 263A as part of B's cost for a building; instead, S's gain 
    relating to the capitalized depreciation is taken into account when the 
    building is sold or as it is depreciated. Similarly, if B purchases 
    appreciated land from S and transfers the land to a lower-tier member 
    in exchange for stock, thereby duplicating the basis of the land in the 
    basis of the stock, items with respect to both the stock and the land 
    can cause S's intercompany gain to be taken into account; if the lower-
    tier member becomes a nonmember as a result of the sale of its stock, 
    the attributes of S's intercompany gain are determined with respect to 
    the land rather than the stock.
        (4) Multiple or successive intercompany transactions. If a member's 
    intercompany item or corresponding item affects the accounting for more 
    than one intercompany transaction, appropriate adjustments are made to 
    treat all of the intercompany transactions as transactions between 
    divisions of a single corporation. For example, if S sells property to 
    M, and M sells the property to B, then S, M, and B are treated as 
    divisions of a single corporation for purposes of applying the rules of 
    this section. Similar principles apply with respect to intercompany 
    transactions that are part of the same plan or arrangement. For 
    example, if S sells separate properties to different members as part of 
    the same plan or arrangement, all of the participating members are 
    treated as divisions of a single corporation for purposes of 
    determining the attributes (which might also affect timing) of the 
    intercompany items and corresponding items from each of the properties.
        (5) Acquisition of group--(i) Scope. This paragraph (j)(5) applies 
    only if a consolidated group (the terminating group) ceases to exist as 
    a result of--
        (A) The acquisition by a member of another consolidated group of 
    either the assets of the common parent of the terminating group in a 
    reorganization described in section 381(a)(2), or the stock of the 
    common parent of the terminating group; or
        (B) The application of the principles of Sec. 1.1502-75(d)(2) or 
        (ii) Application. If the terminating group ceases to exist under 
    circumstances described in paragraph (j)(5)(i) of this section, the 
    surviving group is treated as the terminating group for purposes of 
    applying this section to the intercompany transactions of the 
    terminating group. For example, intercompany items and corresponding 
    items from intercompany transactions between members of the terminating 
    group are taken into account under the rules of this section by the 
    surviving group. This treatment does not apply, however, to members of 
    the terminating group that are not members of the surviving group 
    immediately after the terminating group ceases to exist (for example, 
    under section 1504(a)(3) relating to reconsolidation, or section 
    1504(c) relating to includible insurance companies).
        (6) Former common parent treated as continuation of group. If a 
    group terminates because the common parent is the only remaining 
    member, the common parent succeeds to the treatment of the terminating 
    group for purposes of applying this section so long as it neither 
    becomes a member of an affiliated group filing separate returns nor 
    becomes a corporation described in section 1504(b). For example, if the 
    only subsidiary of the group liquidates into the common parent in a 
    complete liquidation to which section 332 applies, or the common parent 
    merges into the subsidiary and the subsidiary is treated as the common 
    parent's successor under paragraph (j)(2)(i) of this section, the 
    taxable income of the surviving corporation is treated as the group's 
    consolidated taxable income in which the intercompany and corresponding 
    items must be included. See Sec. 1.267(f)-1 for additional rules 
    applicable to intercompany losses or deductions.
        (7) Becoming a nonmember. For purposes of this section, a member is 
    treated as becoming a nonmember if it has a separate return year 
    (including another group's consolidated return year). A member is not 
    treated as having a separate return year if its items are treated as 
    taken into account in computing the group's consolidated taxable income 
    under paragraph (j)(5) or (6) of this section.
        (8) Recordkeeping. Intercompany and corresponding items must be 
    reflected on permanent records (including work papers). See also 
    section 6001, requiring records to be maintained. The group must be 
    able to identify from these permanent records the amount, location, 
    timing, and attributes of the items, so as to permit the application of 
    the rules of this section for each year.
        (9) Examples. The operating rules of this paragraph (j) are 
    illustrated generally throughout this section, and by the following 
        Example 1. Intercompany sale followed by section 351 transfer to 
    member. (a) Facts. S holds land for investment with a basis of $70. 
    On January 1 of Year 1, S sells the land to M for $100. M also holds 
    the land for investment. On July 1 of Year 3, M transfers the land 
    to B in exchange for all of B's stock in a transaction to which 
    section 351 applies. Under section 358, M's basis in the B stock is 
    $100. B holds the land for sale to customers in the ordinary course 
    of business and, under section 362(b), B's basis in the land is 
    $100. On December 1 of Year 5, M sells 20% of the B stock to X for 
    $22. In an unrelated transaction on July 1 of Year 8, B sells 20% of 
    the land for $22.
        (b) Definitions. Under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, S's 
    sale of the land to M and M's transfer of the land to B are both 
    intercompany transactions. S is the selling member and M is the 
    buying member in the first intercompany transaction, and M is the 
    selling member and B is the buying member in the second intercompany 
    transaction. M has no intercompany items under paragraph (b)(2) of 
    this section. Because B acquired the land in an intercompany 
    transaction, B's items from the land are corresponding items to be 
    taken into account under this section. Under the successor asset 
    rule of paragraph (j)(1) of this section, references to the land 
    include references to M's B stock. Under the successor person rule 
    of paragraph (j)(2) of this section, references to M include 
    references to B with respect to the land. 
    [[Page 36706]]
        (c) Timing and attributes resulting from the stock sale. Under 
    paragraph (c)(3) of this section, M is treated as owning and selling 
    B's stock for purposes of the matching rule even though, as 
    divisions, M could not own and sell stock in B. Under paragraph 
    (j)(3) of this section, both M's B stock and B's land can cause S's 
    intercompany gain to be taken into account under the matching rule. 
    Thus, S takes $6 of its gain into account in Year 5 to reflect the 
    $6 difference between M's $2 gain taken into account from its sale 
    of B stock and the $8 recomputed gain. Under paragraph (j)(4) of 
    this section, the attributes of this gain are determined by treating 
    S, M, and B as divisions of a single corporation. Under paragraph 
    (c)(1) of this section, S's $6 gain and M's $2 gain are treated as 
    long-term capital gain. The gain would be capital on a separate 
    entity basis (assuming that section 341 does not apply), and this 
    treatment is not inconsistent with treating S, M, and B as divisions 
    of a single corporation because the stock sale and subsequent land 
    sale are unrelated transactions and B remains a member following the 
        (d) Timing and attributes resulting from the land sale. Under 
    paragraph (j)(3) of this section, S takes $6 of its gain into 
    account in Year 8 under the matching rule to reflect the $6 
    difference between B's $2 gain taken into account from its sale of 
    an interest in the land and the $8 recomputed gain. Under paragraph 
    (j)(4) of this section, the attributes of this gain are determined 
    by treating S, M, and B as divisions of a single corporation and 
    taking into account the activities of S, M, and B with respect to 
    the land. Thus, both S's gain and B's gain might be ordinary income 
    as a result of B's activities. (If B subsequently sells the balance 
    of the land, S's gain taken into account is limited to its remaining 
    $18 of intercompany gain.)
        (e) Sale of successor stock resulting in deconsolidation. The 
    facts are the same as in paragraph (a) of this Example 1, except 
    that M sells 60% of the B stock to X for $66 on December 1 of Year 5 
    and B becomes a nonmember. Under the matching rule, M's sale of B 
    stock results in $18 of S's gain being taken into account (to 
    reflect the difference between M's $6 gain taken into account and 
    the $24 recomputed gain). Under the acceleration rule, however, the 
    entire $30 gain is taken into account (to reflect B becoming a 
    nonmember, because its basis in the land reflects M's $100 cost 
    basis from the prior intercompany transaction). Under paragraph 
    (j)(4) of this section, the attributes of S's gain are determined by 
    treating S, M, and B as divisions of a single corporation. Because 
    M's cost basis in the land will be reflected by B as a nonmember, 
    all of S's gain is treated as from the land (rather than a portion 
    being from B's stock), and B's activities with respect to the land 
    might therefore result in S's gain being ordinary income.
        Example 2. Intercompany sale of member stock followed by 
    recapitalization. (a) Facts. Before becoming a member of the P 
    group, S owns P stock with a basis of $70. On January 1 of Year 1, P 
    buys all of S's stock. On July 1 of Year 3, S sells the P stock to M 
    for $100. On December 1 of Year 5, P acquires M's original P stock 
    in exchange for new P stock in a recapitalization described in 
    section 368(a)(1)(E).
        (b) Timing and attributes. Although P's basis in the stock 
    acquired from M is eliminated under paragraph (f)(4) of this 
    section, the new P stock received by M is exchanged basis property 
    (within the meaning of section 7701(a)(44)) having a basis under 
    section 358 equal to M's basis in the original P stock. Under the 
    successor asset rule of paragraph (j)(1) of this section, references 
    to M's original P stock include references to M's new P stock. 
    Because it is still possible to take S's intercompany item into 
    account under the matching rule with respect to the successor asset, 
    S's gain is not taken into account under the acceleration rule as a 
    result of the basis elimination under paragraph (f)(4) of this 
    section. Instead, the gain is taken into account based on subsequent 
    events with respect to M's new P stock (for example, a subsequent 
    distribution or redemption of the new stock).
        Example 3. Back-to-back intercompany transactions--matching. (a) 
    Facts. S holds land for investment with a basis of $70. On January 1 
    of Year 1, S sells the land to M for $90. M also holds the land for 
    investment. On July 1 of Year 3, M sells the land for $100 to B, and 
    B holds the land for sale to customers in the ordinary course of 
    business. During Year 5, B sells all of the land to customers for 
        (b) Timing. Under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, S's sale of 
    the land to M and M's sale of the land to B are both intercompany 
    transactions. S is the selling member and M is the buying member in 
    the first intercompany transaction, and M is the selling member and 
    B is the buying member in the second intercompany transaction. Under 
    paragraph (j)(4) of this section, S, M and B are treated as 
    divisions of a single corporation for purposes of determining the 
    timing of their items from the intercompany transactions. See also 
    paragraph (j)(2) of this section (B is treated as a successor to M 
    for purposes of taking S's intercompany gain into account). Thus, 
    S's $20 gain and M's $10 gain are both taken into account in Year 5 
    to reflect the difference between B's $5 gain taken into account 
    with respect to the land and the $35 recomputed gain (the gain that 
    B would have taken into account if the intercompany sales had been 
    transfers between divisions of a single corporation, and B succeeded 
    to S's $70 basis).
        (c) Attributes. Under paragraphs (j)(4) of this section, the 
    attributes of the intercompany items and corresponding items of S, 
    M, and B are also determined by treating S, M, and B as divisions of 
    a single corporation. For example, the attributes of S's and M's 
    intercompany items are determined by taking B's activities into 
        Example 4. Back-to-back intercompany transactions--acceleration. 
    (a) Facts. During Year 1, S performs services for M in exchange for 
    $10 from M. S incurs $8 of employee expenses. M capitalizes the $10 
    cost of S's services under section 263 as part of M's cost to 
    acquire real property from X. Under its separate entity method of 
    accounting, S would take its income and expenses into account in 
    Year 1. M holds the real property for investment and, on July 1 of 
    Year 5, M sells it to B at a gain. B also holds the real property 
    for investment. On December 1 of Year 8, while B still owns the real 
    property, P sells all of M's stock to X and M becomes a nonmember.
        (b) M's items. M takes its gain into account immediately before 
    it becomes a nonmember. Because the real property stays in the 
    group, the acceleration rule redetermines the attributes of M's gain 
    under the principles of the matching rule as if B sold the real 
    property to an affiliated corporation that is not a member of the 
    group for a cash payment equal to B's adjusted basis in the real 
    property, and S, M, and B were divisions of a single corporation. 
    Thus, M's gain is capital gain.
        (c) S's items. Under paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section, S 
    includes the $8 of expenses in determining its $2 intercompany 
    income. In Year 1, S takes into account $8 of income and $8 of 
    expenses. Under paragraph (j)(4) of this section, appropriate 
    adjustments must be made to treat both S's performance of services 
    for M and M's sale to B as occurring between divisions of a single 
    corporation. Thus, S's $2 of intercompany income is not taken into 
    account as a result of M becoming a nonmember, but instead will be 
    taken into account based on subsequent events (e.g., under the 
    matching rule based on B's sale of the real property to a nonmember, 
    or under the acceleration rule based on P's sale of the stock of S 
    or B to a nonmember). See the successor person rules of paragraph 
    (j)(2) of this section (B is treated as a successor to M for 
    purposes of taking S's intercompany income into account).
        (d) Sale of S's stock. The facts are the same as in paragraph 
    (a) of this Example 4, except that P sells all of S's stock (rather 
    than M's stock) and S becomes a nonmember on July 1 of Year 5. S's 
    remaining $2 of intercompany income is taken into account 
    immediately before S becomes a nonmember. Because S's intercompany 
    income is not from an intercompany sale, exchange, or distribution 
    of property, the attributes of the intercompany income are 
    determined on a separate entity basis. Thus, S's $2 of intercompany 
    income is ordinary income. M does not take any of its intercompany 
    gain into account as a result of S becoming a nonmember.
        (e) Intercompany income followed by intercompany loss. The facts 
    are the same as in paragraph (a) of this Example 4, except that M 
    sells the real property to B at a $1 loss (rather than a gain). M 
    takes its $1 loss into account under the acceleration rule 
    immediately before M becomes a nonmember. But see Sec. 1.267(f)-1 
    (which might further defer M's loss if M and B remain in a 
    controlled group relationship after M becomes a nonmember). Under 
    paragraph (j)(4) of this section appropriate adjustments must be 
    made to treat the group as if both intercompany transactions 
    occurred between divisions of a single corporation. Accordingly, P's 
    sale of M stock also results in S taking into account $1 of 
    intercompany income as capital gain to offset M's $1 of 
    corresponding capital loss. The remaining $1 of S's intercompany 
    income is taken into account based on subsequent events. 
    [[Page 36707]]
        Example 5. Successor group. (a) Facts. On January 1 of Year 1, B 
    borrows $100 from S in return for B's note providing for $10 of 
    interest annually at the end of each year, and repayment of $100 at 
    the end of Year 20. As of January 1 of Year 3, B has paid the 
    interest accruing under the note. On that date, X acquires all of 
    P's stock and the former P group members become members of the X 
    consolidated group.
        (b) Successor. Under paragraph (j)(5) of this section, although 
    B's note ceases to be an intercompany obligation of the P group, the 
    note is not treated as satisfied and reissued under paragraph (g) of 
    this section as a result of X's acquisition of P stock. Instead, the 
    X consolidated group succeeds to the treatment of the P group for 
    purposes of paragraph (g) of this section, and B's note is treated 
    as an intercompany obligation of the X consolidated group.
        (c) No subgroups. The facts are the same as in paragraph (a) of 
    this Example 5, except that X simultaneously acquires the stock of S 
    and B from P (rather than X acquiring all of P's stock). Paragraph 
    (j)(5) of this section does not apply to X's acquisitions. Unless an 
    exception described in paragraph (g)(3)(i)(B) applies, B's note is 
    treated as satisfied immediately before S and B become nonmembers, 
    and reissued immediately after they become members of the X 
    consolidated group. The amount at which the note is satisfied and 
    reissued under paragraph (g)(3) of this section is based on the fair 
    market value of the note at the time of P's sales to X. Paragraph 
    (g)(4) of this section does not apply to the reissued B note in the 
    X consolidated group, because the new note is always an intercompany 
    obligation of the X consolidated group.
        Example 6. Liquidation--80% distributee. (a) Facts. X has had 
    preferred stock described in section 1504(a)(4) outstanding for 
    several years. On January 1 of Year 1, S buys all of X's common 
    stock for $60, and B buys all of X's preferred stock for $40. X's 
    assets have a $0 basis and $100 value. On July 1 of Year 3, X 
    distributes all of its assets to S and B in a complete liquidation. 
    Under Sec. 1.1502-34, section 332 applies to both S and B. Under 
    section 337, X has no gain or loss from its liquidating distribution 
    to S. Under sections 336 and 337(c), X has a $40 gain from its 
    liquidating distribution to B. B has a $40 basis under section 
    334(a) in the assets received from X, and S has a $0 basis under 
    section 334(b) in the assets received from X.
        (b) Intercompany items from the liquidation. Under the matching 
    rule, X's $40 gain from its liquidating distribution to B is not 
    taken into account under this section as a result of the liquidation 
    (and therefore is not yet reflected under Secs. 1.1502-32 and 
    1.1502-33). Under the successor person rule of paragraph (j)(2)(i) 
    of this section, S and B are both successors to X. Under section 
    337(c), X recognizes gain or loss only with respect to the assets 
    distributed to B. Under paragraph (j)(2)(ii) of this section, to be 
    consistent with the purposes of this section, S succeeds to X's $40 
    intercompany gain. The gain will be taken into account by S under 
    the matching and acceleration rules of this section based on 
    subsequent events. (The allocation of the intercompany gain to S 
    does not govern the allocation of any other attributes.)
        Example 7. Liquidation--no 80% distributee. (a) Facts. X has 
    only common stock outstanding. On January 1 of Year 1, S buys 60% of 
    X's stock for $60, and B buys 40% of X's stock for $40. X's assets 
    have a $0 basis and $100 value. On July 1 of Year 3, X distributes 
    all of its assets to S and B in a complete liquidation. Under 
    Sec. 1.1502-34, section 332 applies to both S and B. Under sections 
    336 and 337(c), X has a $100 gain from its liquidating distributions 
    to S and B. Under section 334(b), S has a $60 basis in the assets 
    received from X and B has a $40 basis in the assets received from X.
        (b) Intercompany items from the liquidation. Under the matching 
    rule, X's $100 intercompany gain from its liquidating distributions 
    to S and B is not taken into account under this section as a result 
    of the liquidation (and therefore is not yet reflected under 
    Secs. 1.1502-32 and 1.1502-33). Under the successor person rule of 
    paragraph (j)(2)(i) of this section, S and B are both successors to 
    X. Under paragraph (j)(2)(ii) of this section, to be consistent with 
    the purposes of this section, S succeeds to X's $40 intercompany 
    gain with respect to the assets distributed to B, and B succeeds to 
    X's $60 intercompany gain with respect to the assets distributed to 
    S. The gain will be taken into account by S and B under the matching 
    and acceleration rules of this section based on subsequent events. 
    (The allocation of the intercompany gain does not govern the 
    allocation of any other attributes.)
        (k) Cross references--(1) Section 108. See Sec. 1.108-3 for the 
    treatment of intercompany deductions and losses as subject to attribute 
    reduction under section 108(b).
        (2) Section 263A(f). See section 263A(f) and Sec. 1.263A-9(g)(5) 
    for special rules regarding interest from intercompany transactions.
        (3) Section 267(f). See section 267(f) and Sec. 1.267(f)-1 for 
    special rules applicable to certain losses and deductions from 
    transactions between members of a controlled group.
        (4) Section 460. See Sec. 1.460-4(j) for special rules regarding 
    the application of section 460 to intercompany transactions.
        (5) Section 469. See Sec. 1.469-1(h) for special rules regarding 
    the application of section 469 to intercompany transactions.
        (6) Sec. 1.1502-80. See Sec. 1.1502-80 for the non-application of 
    certain Internal Revenue Code rules.
        (l) Effective dates--(1) In general. This section applies with 
    respect to transactions occurring in years beginning on or after July 
    12, 1995. If both this section and prior law apply to a transaction, or 
    neither applies, with the result that items may be duplicated, omitted, 
    or eliminated in determining taxable income (or tax liability), or 
    items may be treated inconsistently, prior law (and not this section) 
    applies to the transaction. For example, S's and B's items from S's 
    sale of property to B which occurs before July 12, 1995 are taken into 
    account under prior law, even though B may dispose of the property 
    after July 12, 1995. Similarly, an intercompany distribution to which a 
    shareholder becomes entitled before July 12, 1995 but which is 
    distributed after that date is taken into account under prior law 
    (generally when distributed), because this section generally takes 
    dividends into account when the shareholder becomes entitled to them 
    but this section does not apply at that time. If application of prior 
    law to S's deferred gain or loss from a deferred intercompany 
    transaction (as defined under prior law) occurring prior to July 12, 
    1995 would be affected by an intercompany transaction (as defined under 
    this section) occurring after July 12, 1995, S's deferred gain or loss 
    continues to be taken into account as provided under prior law, and the 
    items from the subsequent intercompany transaction are taken into 
    account under this section. Appropriate adjustments must be made to 
    prevent items from being duplicated, omitted, or eliminated in 
    determining taxable income as a result of the application of both this 
    section and prior law to the successive transactions, and to ensure the 
    proper application of prior law.
        (2) Avoidance transactions. This paragraph (l)(2) applies if a 
    transaction is engaged in or structured on or after April 8, 1994, with 
    a principal purpose to avoid the rules of this section (and instead to 
    apply prior law). If this paragraph (l)(2) applies, appropriate 
    adjustments must be made in years beginning on or after July 12, 1995, 
    to prevent the avoidance, duplication, omission, or elimination of any 
    item (or tax liability), or any other inconsistency with the rules of 
    this section. For example, if S is a dealer in real property and sells 
    land to B on March 16, 1995 with a principal purpose of converting any 
    future appreciation in the land to capital gain, B's gain from the sale 
    of the land on May 11, 1997 might be characterized as ordinary income 
    under this paragraph (l)(2).
        (3) Election for certain stock elimination transactions--(i) In 
    general. A group may elect pursuant to this paragraph (l)(3) to apply 
    this section (including the elections available under paragraph 
    (f)(5)(ii) of this section) to stock elimination transactions to which 
    prior law would otherwise apply. If an election is made, this section, 
    and not prior law, applies to determine the timing and attributes of 
    S's and B's gain 
    [[Page 36708]]
    or loss from stock with respect to all stock elimination transactions.
        (ii) Stock elimination transactions. For purposes of this paragraph 
    (l)(3), a stock elimination transaction is a transaction in which stock 
    transferred from S to B--
        (A) Is cancelled or redeemed on or after July 12, 1995;
        (B) Is treated as cancelled in a liquidation pursuant to an 
    election under section 338(h)(10) with respect to a qualified stock 
    purchase with an acquisition date on or after July 12, 1995;
        (C) Is distributed on or after July 12, 1995; or
        (D) Is exchanged on or after July 12, 1995 for stock of a member 
    (determined immediately after the exchange) in a transaction that would 
    cause S's gain or loss from the transfer to be taken into account under 
    prior law.
        (iii) Time and manner of making election. An election under this 
    paragraph (l)(3) is made by attaching to a timely filed original return 
    (including extensions) for the consolidated return year including July 
    12, 1995 a statement entitled ``[Insert Name and Employer 
    Identification Number of Common Parent] HEREBY ELECTS THE APPLICATION 
    OF Sec. 1.1502-13(l)(3).'' See paragraph (f)(5)(ii)(E) of this section 
    for the manner of electing the relief provisions of paragraph 
    (f)(5)(ii) of this section.
        (4) Prior law. For transactions occurring in S's years beginning 
    before July 12, 1995, see the applicable regulations issued under 
    section 1502. See Secs. 1.1502-13, 1.1502-13T, 1.1502-14, 1.1502-14T, 
    1.1502-31, and 1.1502-32 (as contained in the 26 CFR part 1 edition 
    revised as of April 1, 1995).
        (5) Consent to adopt method of accounting. For intercompany 
    transactions occurring in a consolidated group's first taxable year 
    beginning on or after July 12, 1995, the Commissioner's consent under 
    section 446(e) is hereby granted for any changes in methods of 
    accounting that are necessary solely by reason of the timing rules of 
    this section. Changes in method of accounting for these transactions 
    are to be effected on a cut-off basis.
    Secs. 1.1502-13T, 1.1502-14, and 1.1502-14T  [Removed]
        Par. 14. Sections 1.1502-13T, 1.1502-14, and 1.1502-14T are 
        Par. 15. Section 1.1502-17 is amended as follows:
        1. Paragraph (b) is revised.
        2. Paragraph (c) is redesignated as paragraph (d).
        3. New paragraphs (c) and (e) are added.
        4. Newly designated paragraph (d) is amended by:
        a. Revising the paragraph heading and the introductory text.
        b. Designating the existing example as Example 1 and adding a 
        c. Adding Examples 2 and 3.
        The added and revised provisions read as follows:
    Sec. 1.1502-17  Methods of accounting.
    * * * * *
        (b) Adjustments required if method of accounting changes--(1) 
    General rule. If a member of a group changes its method of accounting 
    for a consolidated return year, the terms and conditions prescribed by 
    the Commissioner under section 446(e), including section 481(a) where 
    applicable, shall apply to the member. If the requirements of section 
    481(b) are met because applicable adjustments under section 481(a) are 
    substantial, the increase in tax for any prior year shall be computed 
    upon the basis of a consolidated return or a separate return, whichever 
    was filed for such prior year.
        (2) Changes in method of accounting for intercompany transactions. 
    If a member changes its method of accounting for intercompany 
    transactions for a consolidated return year, the change in method 
    generally will be effected on a cut-off basis.
        (c) Anti-avoidance rules--(1) General rule. If one member (B) 
    directly or indirectly acquires an activity of another member (S), or 
    undertakes S's activity, with the principal purpose to avail the group 
    of an accounting method that would be unavailable (or would be 
    unavailable without securing consent from the Commissioner) if S and B 
    were treated as divisions of a single corporation, B must use the 
    accounting method for the acquired or undertaken activity determined 
    under paragraph (c)(2) of this section or must secure consent from the 
    Commissioner under applicable administrative procedures to use a 
    different method.
        (2) Treatment as divisions of a single corporation. B must use the 
    method of accounting that would be required if B acquired the activity 
    from S in a transaction to which section 381 applied. Thus, the 
    principles of section 381 (c)(4) and (c)(5) apply to resolve any 
    conflicts between the accounting methods of S and B, and the acquired 
    or undertaken activity is treated as having the accounting method used 
    by S. Appropriate adjustments are made to treat all acquisitions or 
    undertakings that are part of the same plan or arrangement as a single 
    acquisition or undertaking.
        (d) Examples. The provisions of this section are illustrated by the 
    following examples:
        Example 1. Separate return treatment generally. * * *
        Example 2. Adopting methods. Corporation P is a member of a 
    consolidated group. P provides consulting services to customers 
    under various agreements. For one type of customer, P's agreements 
    require payment only when the contract is completed (payment-on-
    completion contracts). P uses an overall accrual method of 
    accounting. Accordingly, P takes its income from consulting 
    contracts into account when earned, received, or due, whichever is 
    earlier. With the principal purpose to avoid seeking the consent of 
    the Commissioner to change its method of accounting for the payment-
    on-completion contracts to the cash method, P forms corporation S, 
    and S begins to render services to those customers subject to the 
    payment-on-completion contracts. P continues to render services to 
    those customers not subject to these contracts.
        (b) Under paragraph (c) of this section, S must account for the 
    consulting income under the payment-on-completion contracts on an 
    accrual method rather than adopting the cash method contemplated by 
        Example 3. Changing inventory sub-method. (a) Corporation P is a 
    member of a consolidated group. P operates a manufacturing business 
    that uses dollar-value LIFO, and has built up a substantial LIFO 
    reserve. P has historically manufactured all its inventory and has 
    used one natural business unit pool. P begins purchasing goods 
    identical to its own finished goods from a foreign supplier, and is 
    concerned that it must establish a separate resale pool under 
    Sec. 1.472-8(c). P anticipates that it will begin to purchase, 
    rather than manufacture, a substantial portion of its inventory, 
    resulting in a recapture of most of its LIFO reserve because of 
    decrements in its manufacturing pool. With the principal purpose to 
    avoid the decrements, P forms corporation S in Year 1. S operates as 
    a distributor to nonmembers, and P sells all of its existing 
    inventories to S. S adopts LIFO, and elects dollar-value LIFO with 
    one resale pool. Thereafter, P continues to manufacture and purchase 
    inventory, and to sell it to S for resale to nonmembers. P's 
    intercompany gain from sales to S is taken into account under 
    Sec. 1.1502-13. S maintains its Year 1 base dollar value of 
    inventory so that P will not be required to take its intercompany 
    items (which include the effects of the LIFO reserve recapture) into 
        (b) Under paragraph (c) of this section, S must maintain two 
    pools (manufacturing and resale) to the same extent that P would be 
    required to maintain those pools under Sec. 1.472-8 if it had not 
    formed S.
        (e) Effective dates. Paragraph (b) of this section applies to 
    changes in method of accounting effective for years beginning on or 
    after July 12, 1995. For changes in method of accounting effective for 
    years beginning before that date, see Sec. 1.1502-17 (as contained in 
    the 26 CFR part 1 edition revised as of 
    [[Page 36709]]
    April 1, 1995). Paragraphs (c) and (d) apply with respect to 
    acquisitions occurring or activities undertaken in years beginning on 
    or after July 12, 1995.
        Par. 16. Section 1.1502-18 is amended by revising the heading for 
    paragraph (f) and adding paragraph (g) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1.1502-18  Inventory adjustment.
    * * * * *
        (f) Transitional rules for years before 1966. * * *
        (g) Transitional rules for years beginning on or after July 12, 
    1995. Paragraphs (a) through (f) of this section do not apply for 
    taxable years beginning on or after July 12, 1995. Any remaining 
    unrecovered inventory amount of a member under paragraph (c) of this 
    section is recovered in the first taxable year beginning on or after 
    July 12, 1995, under the principles of paragraph (c)(3) of this section 
    by treating the first taxable year as the first separate return year of 
    the member. The unrecovered inventory amount can be recovered only to 
    the extent it was previously included in taxable income. The principles 
    of this section apply, with appropriate adjustments, to comparable 
    amounts under paragraph (f) of this section.
        Par. 17. Section 1.1502-20 is amended as follows:
    1. Paragraph (a)(5) Example 6 is amended as follows:
        a. The fifth sentence of paragraph (i) is revised.
        b. Paragraph (ii) is revised.
        c. Paragraphs (iii) and (iv) are added.
    2. Paragraph (b)(6) Example 5 is amended as follows:
        a. The fifth sentence of paragraph (i) is revised.
        b. A sentence is added at the beginning of paragraph (ii).
        c. Paragraph (iii) is revised.
        d. Paragraph (iv) is removed.
    3. Paragraph (b)(6) Example 7 is amended as follows:
        a. The fourth sentence of paragraph (i) is revised.
        b. The first sentence of paragraph (iii) is revised.
    4. Paragraph (c)(4) is amended as follows:
        a. Example 3 is amended by removing paragraph (iii).
        b. Example 9 is added.
    5. Paragraph (e)(3) is amended as follows:
        a. Examples 2 and 8 are removed.
        b. Example 3 through Example 7 are redesignated as Example 2 
    through Example 6.
        c. Newly designated Example 5 is revised.
    6. In paragraph (h)(1), the second sentence is revised. The revised and 
    added provisions read as follows:
    Sec. 1.1502-20  Disposition or deconsolidation of subsidiary stock.
        (a) * * *
        (5) * * *
        Example 6. * * *
        (i) * * * S sells its T stock to P for $100 in an intercompany 
    transaction, recognizing a $60 intercompany loss that is deferred 
    under section 267(f) and Sec. 1.1502-13. * * *
        (ii) Under paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, the application 
    of paragraph (a)(1) of this section to S's $60 intercompany loss on 
    the sale of its T stock to P is deferred, because S's intercompany 
    loss is deferred under section 267(f) and Sec. 1.1502-13. P's sale 
    of the T stock to X ordinarily would result in S's intercompany loss 
    being taken into account under the matching rule of Sec. 1.1502-
    13(c). The deferred loss is not taken into account under 
    Sec. 1.267(f)-1, however, because P's sale to X (a member of the 
    same controlled group as P) is a second intercompany transaction for 
    purposes of section 267(f). Nevertheless, paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of 
    this section provides that paragraph (a)(1) of this section applies 
    to the intercompany loss as a result of P's sale to X because the T 
    stock ceases to be owned by a member of the P consolidated group. 
    Thus, the loss is disallowed under paragraph (a)(1) of this section 
    immediately before P's sale and is therefore never taken into 
    account under section 267(f).
        (iii) The facts are the same as in (i) of this Example, except 
    that S is liquidated after its sale of the T stock to P, but before 
    P's sale of the T stock to X, and P sells the T stock to X for $110. 
    Under Secs. 1.1502-13(j) and 1.267(f)-1(b), P succeeds to S's 
    intercompany loss as a result of S's liquidation. Thus, paragraph 
    (a)(3)(i) of this section continues to defer the application of 
    paragraph (a)(1) of this section until P's sale to X. Under 
    paragraph (a)(4) of this section, the amount of S's $60 intercompany 
    loss disallowed under paragraph (a)(1) of this section is limited to 
    $50 because P's $10 gain on the disposition of the T stock is taken 
    into account as a consequence of the same plan or arrangement.
        (iv) The facts are the same as in (i) of this Example, except 
    that P sells the T stock to A, a person related to P within the 
    meaning of section 267(b)(2). Although S's intercompany loss is 
    ordinarily taken into account under the matching rule of 
    Sec. 1.1502-13(c) as a result of P's sale, Sec. 1.267(f)-1(c)(2)(ii) 
    provides that none of the intercompany loss is taken into account 
    because A is a nonmember that is related to P under section 267(b). 
    Under paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, paragraph (a)(1) of this 
    section does not apply to loss that is disallowed under any other 
    provision. Because Sec. 1.267(f)-1(c)(2)(ii) and section 267(d) 
    provide that the benefit of the intercompany loss is retained by A 
    if the property is later disposed of at a gain, the intercompany 
    loss is not disallowed for purposes of paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this 
    section. Thus, the intercompany loss is disallowed under paragraph 
    (a)(1) of this section immediately before P's sale and is therefore 
    never taken into account under section 267(d).
        (b) * * *
        (6) * * *
        Example 5. * * *
        (i) * * * S sells its T stock to P for $100 in an intercompany 
    transaction, recognizing a $60 intercompany loss that is deferred 
    under section 267(f) and Sec. 1.1502-13. * * *
        (ii) Under paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, the application 
    of paragraph (a)(1) of this section to S's intercompany loss on the 
    sale of its T stock to P is deferred because S's loss is deferred 
    under section 267(f) and Sec. 1.1502-13. * * *
        (iii) T's issuance of the additional shares to the public does 
    not result in S's intercompany loss being taken into account under 
    the matching or acceleration rules of Sec. 1.1502-13(c) and (d), or 
    under the application of the principles of those rules in section 
    267(f). However, the deconsolidation of T is an overriding event 
    under paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section, and paragraph (a)(1) of 
    this section disallows the intercompany loss immediately before the 
    deconsolidation even though the intercompany loss is not taken into 
    account at that time.
        Example 7. * * *
        (i) * * * S recently purchased its T stock from S1, a lower tier 
    subsidiary, in an intercompany transaction in which S1 recognized a 
    $30 intercompany gain that was deferred under Sec. 1.1502-13. * * *
    * * * * *
        (iii) Under the matching rule of Sec. 1.1502-13, S's sale of its 
    T stock results in S1's $30 intercompany gain being taken into 
    account. * * *
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (4) * * *
        Example 9. Intercompany stock sales.
        (i) P is the common parent of a consolidated group, S is a 
    wholly owned subsidiary of P, and T is a wholly owned recently 
    purchased subsidiary of S. S has a $100 basis in the T stock, and T 
    has a capital asset with a basis of $0 and a value of $100. T's 
    asset declines in value to $60. Before T has any positive investment 
    adjustments or extraordinary gain dispositions, S sells its T stock 
    to P for $60. T's asset reappreciates and is sold for $100, and T 
    recognizes $100 of gain. Under the investment adjustment system, P's 
    basis in the T stock increases to $160. P then sells all of the T 
    stock for $100 and recognizes a loss of $60.
        (ii) S's sale of the T stock to P is an intercompany 
    transaction. Thus, S's $40 loss is deferred under section 267(f) and 
    Sec. 1.1502-13. Under paragraph (a)(3) of this section, the 
    application of paragraph (a)(1) of this section to S's $40 loss is 
    deferred until the loss is taken into account. Under the matching 
    rule of Sec. 1.1502-13(c), the loss is taken into account to reflect 
    the difference for each year between P's corresponding items taken 
    into account and P's recomputed corresponding items (the 
    corresponding items that P would take into account for the year if S 
    and P were divisions of a single corporation). If S and P 
    [[Page 36710]]
    were divisions of a single corporation and the intercompany sale were a 
    transfer between the divisions, P would succeed to S's $100 basis 
    and would have a $200 basis in the T stock at the time it sells the 
    T stock ($100 of initial basis plus $100 under the investment 
    adjustment system). S's $40 loss is taken into account at the time 
    of P's sale of the T stock to reflect the $40 difference between the 
    $60 loss P takes into account and P's recomputed $100 loss.
        (iii) Under the matching rule of Sec. 1.1502-13(c), the 
    attributes of S's $40 loss and P's $60 loss are redetermined to 
    produce the same effect on consolidated taxable income (and 
    consolidated tax liability) as if S and P were divisions of a single 
    corporation. Under Sec. 1.1502-13(b)(6), attributes of the losses 
    include whether they are disallowed under this section. Because the 
    amount described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section is $100, both 
    S's $40 loss and P's $60 loss are disallowed.
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (3) * * *
        Example 5. Absence of a view.
        (i) In Year 1, P buys all the stock of T for $100, and T becomes 
    a member of the P group. T has 2 historic assets, asset 1 with a 
    basis of $40 and value of $90, and asset 2 with a basis of $60 and 
    value of $10. In Year 2, T sells asset 1 for $90. Under the 
    investment adjustment system, P's basis in the T stock increases 
    from $100 to $150. Asset 2 is not essential to the operation of T's 
    business, and T distributes asset 2 to P in Year 5 with a view to 
    having the group retain its $50 loss inherent in the asset. Under 
    Sec. 1.1502-13(f)(2), and the application of the principles of this 
    rule in section 267(f), T has a $50 intercompany loss that is 
    deferred. Under Sec. 1.1502-32(b)(3)(iv), the distribution reduces 
    P's basis in the T stock by $10 to $140 in Year 5. In Year 6, P 
    sells all the T stock for $90. Under the acceleration rule of 
    Sec. 1.1502-13(d), and the application of the principles of this 
    rule in section 267(f), T's intercompany loss is ordinarily taken 
    into account immediately before P's sale of the T stock. Assuming 
    that the loss is absorbed by the group, P's basis in T's stock would 
    be reduced from $140 to $90 under Sec. 1.1502-32(b)(3)(i), and there 
    would be no gain or loss from the stock disposition. (Alternatively, 
    if the loss is not absorbed and the loss is reattributed to P under 
    paragraph (g) of this section, the reattribution would reduce P's 
    basis in T's stock from $140 to $90.)
        (ii) A $50 loss is reflected both in T's basis in asset 2 and in 
    P's basis in the T stock. Because the distribution results in the 
    loss with respect to asset 2 being taken into account before the 
    corresponding loss reflected in the T stock, and asset 2 is an 
    historic asset of T, the distribution is not with the view described 
    in paragraph (e)(2) of this section.
    * * * * *
        (h) * * *
        (1) * * * For this purpose, dispositions deferred under 
    Sec. 1.1502-13 are deemed to occur at the time the deferred gain or 
    loss is taken into account unless the stock was deconsolidated before 
    February 1, 1991. * * *
    * * * * *
        Par. 18. Section 1.1502-26 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 1.1502-26  Consolidated dividends received deduction.
    * * * * *
        (b) Intercompany dividends. The deduction determined under 
    paragraph (a) of this section is determined without taking into account 
    intercompany dividends to the extent that, under Sec. 1.1502-13(f)(2), 
    they are not included in gross income. See Sec. 1.1502-13 for 
    additional rules relating to intercompany dividends.
    * * * * *
        Par. 19. Section 1.1502-33 is amended by revising paragraph (c)(2) 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 1.1502-33  Earnings and profits.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (2) Intercompany transactions. Intercompany items and corresponding 
    items are not reflected in earnings and profits before they are taken 
    into account under Sec. 1.1502-13. See Sec. 1.1502-13 for the 
    applicable rules and definitions.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 1.1502-79  [Amended]
        Par. 20. Section 1.1502-79 is amended by removing paragraph (f).
        Par. 21. Section 1.1502-80 is amended by adding paragraphs (e) and 
    (f) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1.1502-80  Applicability of other provisions of law.
    * * * * *
        (e) Non-applicability of section 163(e)(5). Section 163(e)(5) does 
    not apply to any intercompany obligation (within the meaning of 
    Sec. 1.1502-13(g)) issued in a consolidated return year beginning on or 
    after July 12, 1995.
        (f) Non-applicability of section 1031. Section 1031 does not apply 
    to any intercompany transaction occurring in consolidated return years 
    beginning on or after July 12, 1995.
        Par. 22. The authority citation for part 602 continues to read as 
        Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805.
        Par. 23. In Sec. 602.101, paragraph (c) is amended as follows:
        1. Removing the following entries from the table:
    Sec. 602.101  OMB Control numbers.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
                                                                 Current OMB
        CFR part or section where identified and described         control  
                              *    *    *    *    *                         
    1.267(f)-1T...............................................     1545-0885
                              *    *    *    *    *                         
    1.469-1T..................................................     1545-1008
                              *    *    *    *    *                         
    1.1502-14.................................................     1545-0123
    1.1502-14T................................................     1545-1161
                              *    *    *    *    *                         
        2. Adding entries in numerical order to the table for 
    Secs. 1.267(f)-1 and 1.469-1 and revising the entry for Sec. 1.1502-13 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 602.101  OMB Control numbers.
    * * * * *
                                                               Current OMB  
       CFR part or section where identified and described     control number
                              *    *    *    *    *                         
    1.267(f)-1.............................................  1545-0885      
                              *    *    *    *    *                         
    1.469-1................................................  1545-1008      
                              *    *    *    *    *                         
    1.1502-13..............................................  1545-0123, 1545-
                                                              0885, 1545-   
                                                              1161, 1545-   
                              *    *    *    *    *                         
    Michael P. Dolan,
    Acting Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
        Approved: June 29, 1995.
    Leslie Samuels,
    Assistant Secretary of the Treasury (Tax Policy).
    [FR Doc. 95-16973 Filed 7-12-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4830-01-U

Document Information

Effective Date:
Treasury Department
Entry Type:
Final regulations.
Document Number:
These regulations are effective July 18, 1995.
36671-36710 (40 pages)
Docket Numbers:
TD 8597
PDF File:
CFR: (39)
26 CFR 1.1502-13(a)(4)
26 CFR 1.167(a)-11
26 CFR 1.1502-13(b)
26 CFR 1.1502-80(b)
26 CFR 1.1502-13(b)(2)(iii)
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