95-17301. Private Land Mobile Radio Services  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 138 (Wednesday, July 19, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 37152-37277]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-17301]
    Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 138 / Wednesday, July 19, 1995 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 37152]]
    47 CFR Part 90
    [PR Docket No. 92-235, FCC 95-255]
    Private Land Mobile Radio Services
    AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Commission has adopted a Report and Order which resolves 
    many of the technical issues which have inhibited private land mobile 
    radio (PLMR) users from employing the most spectrally-efficient 
    technologies. Specifically, the frequency bands affected by these 
    changes are the 150-174 MHz VHF band and the 421-430, 450-470, and 470-
    512 MHz UHF bands. The rules establish a new channelling plan, provide 
    technical flexibility which will enable private wireless users to make 
    equipment investment decisions to accommodate their diverse needs, and 
    mandate consolidation and suggest an initial framework for the PLMR 
    services. Finally, the Commission has decided not to replace 47 CFR 
    part 90, with 47 CFR part 88 at this time. These amendments were 
    necessary in order to ensure that the quality of communications in the 
    PLMR bands below 800 MHz does not deteriorate to the point of 
    endangering public safety and the national economy.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: August 18, 1995.
    Ira Keltz of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau at (202) 418-0680.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's Report 
    and Order, adopted June 15, 1995, and released June 23, 1995. The full 
    text of this action is available for inspection and copying during 
    normal business hours in the FCC Reference Center, Room 239, 1919 M 
    Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. The complete text may be purchased from 
    the Commission's copy contractor, ITS, Inc., (202) 857-3800, 2100 M 
    Street, N.W., Suite 140, Washington, D.C. 20037.
    Summary of Report and Order
        1. In this action the Commission adopts rule changes to promote 
    efficient use of the Private Land Mobile Radio (PLMR) services below 
    800 MHz. Specifically, the Commission adopts extensive rule changes to 
    the PLMR services below 800 MHz which will promote highly effective and 
    efficient use of the PLMR spectrum and facilitate the introduction of 
    advanced technologies into the private mobile services. Foremost among 
    the changes, the Commission establishes a new narrowband channelling 
    plan, establishes transition dates for the type acceptance of 
    increasingly efficient equipment, and requires consolidation of the 
    Private Land Mobile Radio Services. The Commission has also made 
    changes to technical rules to support the above mentioned changes and 
    to promote more efficient use of the PLMR spectrum.
        2. The new channelling plan which the Commission adopts is based on 
    current channel centers and narrowband (NB) channels. This ``on-
    channel'' approach, which is important to current licensees, will 
    provide a simple migration path and minimize confusion in the 
    transition to narrowband technologies by allowing users to remain on 
    their current licensed frequency. In general, channel spacings are as 
    follows: in the 72-76 MHz band, the existing channel spacings will be 
    maintained; in the 150-174 MHz VHF band channels will be listed every 
    7.5 kHz; and in the 421-512 MHz UHF band channels will be listed every 
    6.25 kHz. Specifically, for frequencies (channels) authorized in the 
    150-174 MHz band, the Commission is generally adopting 6.25 kHz wide 
    channels that are spaced every 7.5 kHz. Within each individual radio 
    service allocation, interleaved channels are created by assigning 
    channels every 7.5 kHz higher in frequency than each existing channel. 
    Similarly, in the 421-512 MHz band the Commission is establishing 6.25 
    kHz wide channels. Within each individual radio service allocation, 
    interleaved channels are created by assigning channels every 6.25 kHz 
    higher in frequency than each existing channel. Each interleaved 
    channel will have the same limitation restrictions, except in certain 
    cases for authorized bandwidth, as the channel which is immediately 
    below it. In cases where an existing channel is shared by two or more 
    radio services, the interleaved channel will also be shared among those 
    same services. Where an existing channel is assigned to a single radio 
    service, the interleaved channel will be allocated to only that radio 
    service. In the few instances where currently available PLMR channels 
    are adjacent to allocations for other radio service (e.g. maritime 
    mobile radio service), one interleaved channel is created by assigning 
    a channel in the same frequency pool as the currently available 
    adjacent channel that is higher in frequency.
        3. Flexibility is provided by allowing users to aggregate up to the 
    equivalent of four narrowband channels. This approach allows users to 
    satisfy their individual communication needs by utilizing equipment 
    designed to operate with either 5, 6.25, 12.5, or 25 kHz channel 
    bandwidths. This approach does not favor any particular type of land 
    mobile technology, but adopts rules that permit the use of new spectrum 
    efficient technologies. This provides technical flexibility by removing 
    current barriers to allow entry of new technology into the private land 
    mobile marketplace for a large, diverse community of users. By adopting 
    a NB channelization plan, the Commission sets the direction for the 
    industry to meet a long term goal of increasing the efficiency of the 
    PLMR frequency bands.
        4. An essential element of the channelization plan is the 
    transition period in which it must be implemented. Rather than issuing 
    a comprehensive set of dates mandating strict manufacturing and 
    licensing requirements, the Commission will manage the transition to 
    more spectrum efficient use of the PLMR frequency bands through the 
    type acceptance process. This transition plan does not require current 
    licensees to purchase new equipment, instead future equipment must meet 
    increasingly efficient standards over the next ten years. The 
    transition dates for the type acceptance are: August 1, 1996--New type 
    accepted equipment must be designed to operate on channels of 12.5 kHz 
    or less or on 25 kHz channels if the narrowband efficiency standard is 
    met (multi-mode equipment that operates on 25 kHz channels will be 
    allowed if it is also capable of operating on 12.5 kHz and/or narrower 
    channels); and January 1, 2005--New type accepted equipment must be 
    designed to operate on channels of 6.25 kHz or less or on channels up 
    to 25 kHz if the narrowband efficiency standard is met (multi-mode 
    equipment that operates on 25 kHz and/or 12.5 kHz channels will be 
    allowed if it is also capable of operating on 6.25 kHz or narrower 
        5. This transition plan provides users immediate flexibility in 
    equipment decisions and provides a period for the development of new 
    technologies. It allows each licensee the freedom to choose equipment 
    and a transition schedule that best fulfills their needs while 
    balancing technical capabilities and financial considerations. As 
    systems wear out, and new radios are bought, users, will have a natural 
    inducement, without a Government mandate, to use the narrower bandwidth 
    of the multi-mode radios in order to avoid excessive adjacent channel 
    interference. This will allow a natural 
    [[Page 37153]]
    transition to more efficient systems as new equipment is bought within 
    each users normal replacement cycle. The Commission also believes that 
    a natural inducement exists for all users, especially those located in 
    congested areas, to migrate to narrowband equipment as it becomes 
        6. Ten years affords PLMR users and manufacturers sufficient time 
    to develop technical standards for narrowband radios and to design and 
    test such radios. Further, this time period will provide ample time for 
    different modulation techniques to be studied for compatibility and 
    interference effects.
        7. The Commission's type acceptance rules provide some flexibility 
    by which manufacturers can continue to support their existing equipment 
    through upgrades and modifications. Wideband equipment can continue to 
    be produced, but these radios must include a multi-mode feature. With 
    respect to this rule part and proceeding, a grant of type acceptance 
    will be required for new multi-mode, or narrowband equipment. The new 
    grant of type acceptance may cover a new transmitter design and/or 
    upgraded units. Existing wideband (25 kHz) units that have the inherent 
    capability for either multi-mode or narrowband operation may have the 
    current grant of type acceptance modified to show the additional 
    capability by filing a modification request which demonstrates that the 
    original unit complies with the new technical requirements applicable 
    to multi-mode or narrowband operation.
        8. In cases where manufacturers have developed a conversion kit to 
    retrofit existing wideband equipment and cause the modified unit to 
    conform to the new technical requirements for new multi-mode or 
    narrowband operation, the Commission will allow field modifications to 
    add multi-mode or narrowband capability to equipment currently 
    installed. So that this equipment can be recognized as having the 
    revised capability, the modifying party, typically the manufacturer or 
    its representative, must replace the existing FCC ID label with a new 
    label that corresponds to the FCC ID of the associated new transmitter 
    which was type accepted with the multi-mode or narrowband capability.
        9. Another aspect of this plan concerns licensing on some of the 
    new channels in the 150-174 and 421-512 MHz bands. License applications 
    will not be accepted until one year after the effective date of the 
    rules adopted in this proceeding for channels 7.5 kHz removed from VHF 
    channels or for channels 6.25 kHz removed from UHF channels that are 
    currently listed in 47 CFR Part 90 Subparts B, C, D, and E. This date 
    will permit manufacturers sufficient time to obtain type acceptance for 
    equipment that complies with the new technical requirements. The time 
    lapse between adoption of the new rules and licensing on these new 
    frequencies will also permit frequency coordinators time to establish 
    proper coordination procedures for these frequencies.
        10. The third major change to the Commission's rules is the 
    consolidation of the PLMR radio services. The Commission believes that 
    consolidation of the twenty current PLMR radio services into 2-4 radio 
    services is essential to increasing efficiency and providing for more 
    flexible spectrum use by ensuring more efficient distribution of the 
    additional channels created as a result of the transition to narrowband 
    technology. Consolidation will permit licensees to utilize 
    technologically innovative and efficient equipment. Further, 
    maintaining the 20 radio services is administratively burdensome; 
    consolidation will lead to greater operational efficiency for users and 
    promote more flexible use of the spectrum. Also, it is the Commission's 
    intention to create competition in the frequency coordination function 
    by allowing users in the newly created service groups to use the 
    services of any recognized frequency coordinator. The Commission will 
    give the PLMR community a further opportunity to submit a proposal that 
    reflects their interests and needs and is mutually agreeable, 
    reasonable, and workable. The Commission is asking the users and 
    frequency coordinators to provide guidance in their consolidation 
    proposal on how this can best be accomplished. Also, the consolidation 
    proposal should explore creating and implementing a national real time 
    database to ensure fair competition among all of the frequency 
    coordinators by reflecting frequency assignments as expeditiously as 
    possible. Further, coordination fees should be discussed in the 
    consolidation proposal filed with the Commission.
        11. The Commission takes this approach because it believes that 
    maintaining the existing number of services is outmoded and no longer 
    works as efficiently as when the discrete services were first developed 
    and the spectrum was less heavily utilized. It is hoped that by 
    encouraging PLMR user input, the concerns of all parties will be 
    considered. The Commission recognizes the importance of the different 
    services, particularly Public Safety, and encourages users to develop a 
    proposal which includes a Public Safety pool. Further, the Commission 
    recommends that users provide clear guidelines as to the requirements 
    necessary for inclusion in the Public Safety pool to prevent 
    overcrowding and to maintain the critical functions of the users 
    included within this pool. Additionally, the Commission recommends that 
    users consider whether a single coordinator or multiple coordinators 
    should be used for public safety users. These changes can work to 
    improve the efficiency of the spectrum environment.
        12. Achieving a consensus on a consolidation plan is the ultimate 
    objective. Although a consensus proposal would be ideal, the Commission 
    is not at this time establishing an advisory committee under the 
    Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. App. 2, or a negotiated rule 
    making committee, P.L. No. 101-648, 105 Stat. 4969 (1990), 5 U.S.C. 
    Secs. 581-590; rather, the Commission is merely encouraging the PLMR 
    community, together with the frequency coordinators, to submit their 
    further views. Therefore, the Commission is postponing issuing a plan 
    at this time. The PLMR community will have the opportunity to negotiate 
    and submit a comprehensive consensus plan for consolidation to the 
    Commission within 3 months of the effective date of this Report and 
    Order. The Commission will issue final rule amendments on this subject 
    based on the record without further notice. These rule amendments will 
    incorporate the PLMR community's consensus plan, if consensus is 
    achieved within the rubric of this Report and Order.
        13. Many additional changes to the Commission's rules which support 
    the major decisions outlined above were also made in this proceeding. 
    One of these changes deals with the secondary use of low-power 
    operations on frequencies offset 12.5 kHz from assigned channels in the 
    450-470 MHz band. Under the new channelization plan, the current offset 
    channels will no longer be offsets, but will be regularly assignable 
    channels available in the various radio services. This will create 
    instances where a channel that is currently available as an offset in 
    more than one radio service will now be assignable in only one radio 
    service. Therefore, licensees whose frequencies are no longer available 
    in the radio service in which they are licensed will be grandfathered 
    on their current frequency and will be permitted to modify, expand, and 
    renew their systems. Also, since it is apparent that there is a 
    continuing need for licensees to use low-power operations, the 
    frequency coordinator for each radio service, as part of the 
    [[Page 37154]]
    transition plan, will be permitted to designate specific channels for 
    low-power use. In order to promote flexibility for regions with 
    differing communications requirements, these designations can be varied 
    by specific geographic region. Each coordinating entity will be 
    required to maintain and supply to the public upon request, information 
    on frequencies it designates for low-power use and the areas in which 
    these frequencies are designated for such use.
        14. Current licensees of 12.5 kHz offset frequencies, in addition 
    to being subject to the same transition schedule as high-power users, 
    will have several options: 1) they may remain on the frequencies for 
    which they are licensed; or, 2) move to frequencies designated 
    specifically for low-power use. Users who choose to remain on their 
    current frequency may achieve primary status by raising their output 
    power, and by supplying their station coordinates (latitude and 
    longitude) to the Commission through the appropriate frequency 
    coordinator. Users who wish to invoke this option must provide 
    justification for raising their output power. Licensees on the offset 
    frequencies who wish to remain at low-power on their current frequency 
    will be secondary to new high-power operations on these frequencies. 
    Users who choose to move to designated low-power frequencies will be 
    given primary status on those frequencies after submitting their 
    station coordinates to the Commission through the appropriate frequency 
        15. Since the current use of low-power operations offset 
    frequencies has been beneficial to private land mobile operations, the 
    Commission adopts a similar structure consistent with the new 
    narrowband channeling plan. Narrowband low-power offset channels will 
    be available 3.125 kHz removed from most regularly assignable 
    frequencies. These frequencies will be authorized on a secondary, non-
    interference basis and will be subject to all frequency coordination 
        16. Additionally to permit increased channel reuse, the Commission 
    adopts limits in the 150-174 and 450-470 MHz bands on allowable 
    effective radiated power/antenna height combinations for new stations, 
    i.e., one which is not functionally integrated with an earlier-
    installed system, based on each stations service area. This overall 
    approach will increase channel reuse, reduce the incidence of over-
    powered systems, reduce background noise, and provide technical 
    flexibility to PLMR licensees. Finally, the transmitter power/antenna 
    height limits that the Commission is adopting are sufficiently well 
    defined to avoid placing a significant administrative burden on 
    applicants, licensees, frequency coordinators, and the Commission.
        17. The level of interference protection provided by the frequency 
    separation between current assignments and new assignments using 
    frequencies resulting from channel splitting may not be sufficient to 
    permit same-area high-power operation. Thus, in order to not degrade 
    communications quality below that presently afforded land mobile 
    licensees in these bands, in some situations it may be necessary to 
    place certain restrictions on the operation of new adjacent channel 
    assignments, such as requiring a geographic separation or operation at 
    substantially reduced power. Specific restrictions will depend on a 
    number of system parameters such as transmitter power, antenna height, 
    and distance between stations, all of which may vary considerably 
    between systems. The Commission believes that there is not a sufficient 
    record in the comments on which to base specific adjacent channel 
    station separation requirements with respect to the new channelization 
    plan. The Commission also believes that the frequency coordinators, 
    with their knowledge of user requirements and local conditions, are in 
    a better position than the Commission to determine separation distances 
    needed in each case. Accordingly, the Commission is not adopting any 
    specific mileage separation requirements at this time. The current 
    separation requirements in 47 CFR Sec. 90.173 will remain in effect 
    until August 18, 1995. After this date the Commission will require the 
    appropriate frequency coordinators to review applications for adjacent 
    channel usage and determine appropriate separation distances based upon 
    the technical characteristics of proposed and existing station(s).
        18. The Commission adopts, for equipment designed to operate with a 
    12.5 kHz channel bandwidth in the 150-174 MHz and 421-512 MHz bands, a 
    mask which incorporates the best attributes of the masks suggested by 
    Ericsson and TIA. This adopted mask has the flat top characteristic of 
    the Ericsson suggested mask, which will permit the use of wideband 
    modulations, such as QPSK, and the roll off characteristic for the 
    skirt region of the TIA suggested mask, which provides acceptable 
    adjacent channel interference. Regarding the narrowband emission mask, 
    there was no opposition to either the proposed mask or one suggested by 
    TIA. The TIA mask is slightly less restrictive than the proposed mask 
    by incorporating a slightly wider flat top region in order to 
    accommodate a 9600 bps CQPSK modulation signal. Therefore, the 
    Commission adopts the mask suggested by TIA for equipment that operates 
    with a 6.25 kHz bandwidth in the 150-174 MHz and 421-512 MHz bands.
        19. Regarding instrumentation and procedures to be used when 
    measuring equipment emissions, general requirements are specified to 
    provide guidance to manufacturers. With the broad range of equipment 
    modulations and system requirements that may be encountered, however, 
    the Commission will permit applicants for equipment type acceptance to 
    utilize alternate procedures provided prior Commission approval is 
        20. Additionally, frequency deviation limits, which are applicable 
    only to frequency modulation (FM), will no longer be specified for 
    equipment designed to operate in the refarming bands. The new emission 
    mask requirements make the need for a frequency deviation limit 
    superfluous for FM equipment, and irrelevant for non-FM equipment. 
    Therefore, because no comments opposed this proposal, the Commission is 
    eliminating references to frequency deviation limits for equipment 
    operating in the 150-174 MHz and 421-512 MHz bands.
        21. Similar to the emission mask, narrower channel spacing 
    increases the importance of frequency stability to reduce adjacent 
    channel interference. TIA suggested frequency stability requirements 
    for 12.5 kHz equipment are based on the performance of equipment that 
    has been operating for a number of years in Europe and Asia in the same 
    frequency bands. These stability requirements coupled with the emission 
    masks, will provide adequate adjacent channel interference protection. 
    Accordingly, the Commission adopts the frequency stabilities as 
    proposed by TIA for base and mobile stations designed for operation 
    with either a 12.5 kHz or 6.25 kHz bandwidth in the 150-174 MHz and 
    421-512 MHz bands.
        22. Although frequency stability requirements were proposed for the 
    150-220 MHz band, the decision herein does not include the 216-220 MHz 
    band. Operation in this band is secondary to Federal Government 
    operations, and equipment operating in the 216-220 MHz band is required 
    to comply with Federal Government technical standards. Therefore, the 
    current base and mobile station frequency stabilities in the 220-222 
    MHz band are being retained. 
    [[Page 37155]]
        23. In order to promote greater spectral efficiency, the Commission 
    adopts efficiency standards for new radios. Although different 
    efficiency standards were proposed for the VHF and UHF bands, the 
    Commission adopts a common standard for all the refarming bands. In 
    accordance with the transition dates for equipment in the 150-174 MHz 
    VHF and 421-512 MHz UHF bands, the Commission adopts a spectrum 
    efficiency standard of one voice channel per 12.5 kHz of channel 
    bandwidth for equipment type accepted after August 1, 1996, and a 
    spectrum efficiency standard of one voice channel per 6.25 kHz for 
    equipment type accepted after January 1, 2005. Additionally, after 
    August 1, 1996, equipment designed for data operation that uses more 
    than a 6.25 kHz channel bandwidth, must meet a minimum efficiency 
    standard of at least 0.768 bits per second per Hertz. At the chosen 
    standard of 0.768 bps/Hz, the 6.25 kHz equipment will have a data rate 
    of 4800 bps, and the 12.5 kHz equipment will have a data rate of 9600 
    bps. These are standard data rates. This standard will be incorporated 
    into the type acceptance process by having equipment manufacturers 
    certify as part of their application for type acceptance that their 
    equipment meets the spectrum efficiency standard.
        24. The Commission, in order to promote low-cost and low-power 
    entry level communications, is making six additional frequencies in the 
    150 MHz band available to the Business Radio Service for low-power and 
    itinerant operations. These are: 151.700 MHz, 151.760 MHz, and 154.5275 
    for itinerant use, and 151.820 MHz, 151.880 MHz, and 151.940 MHz for 
    low-power use. Operation on these new low power frequencies will be 
    limited to a maximum channel bandwidth of 12.5 kHz and a maximum output 
    power of 1 watt. Also, after January 1, 2005, the Commission will 
    continue to allow type acceptance of 12.5 kHz single mode radios that 
    are designed to only operate on any of the low power and itinerant 
    frequencies and have an output power of less than 2 watts.
        25. Radio transmitters, when keyed on, require a very short period 
    of time (in milliseconds) to ``warm-up'' and attain their designed 
    operating frequency. During this short period of off-frequency 
    operation, noise ``chirps'' are transmitted. A similar transient 
    frequency behavior occurs when the transmitter is keyed off. 
    Transmitters designed for digital transmissions produce in-band signals 
    very close to an adjacent channel. Thus, noise ``chirps'' can cause 
    interference to adjacent channel operations. The Commission proposed 
    certain criteria to limit the amplitude of this type of noise. The 
    comments indicate support for limiting these emissions. In order to 
    assure that ``chirps'' do not cause excessive interfere to other land 
    mobile licensees and to television receivers operating in adjacent 
    bands, manufacturers must limit ``chirps'' in their equipment. 
    Therefore, the Commission is adopting standards similar to those used 
    by industry for transient frequency behavior for equipment designed to 
    operate on 25, 12.5, or 6.25 kHz channel bandwidths.
        26. The Commission also adopts several miscellaneous technical 
    changes to 47 CFR Part 90. The Commission will allow the licensees in 
    the Police Radio Service to use direct sequence spread spectrum during 
    covert operations in addition to the currently allowed frequency 
    hopping spread spectrum. Also, the Commission adopts new out-of-band 
    emission limitations for transmitters licensed in the Business Radio 
    Service that do not exceed 120 milliwatts in output power that are 
    otherwise exempt from some of the technical standards of 47 CFR Part 
        27. The rules are set forth at the end of this document.
        28. The rules contained herein have been analyzed with respect to 
    the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq., and found 
    to contain no new or modified form, information collection, and/or 
    record keeping, labeling, disclosure, or record retention requirements 
    and will not increase or decrease burden hours imposed on the public.
        29. This Report and Order is issued under the authority of sections 
    4(i) and 303(r) of the Communications Act of 1934 as amended, 47 U.S.C. 
    154(i) and 303(r).
    Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
    Need and Purpose of This Action
        This Report and Order amends Part 90 of the Commission's rules 
    governing the PLMR services. Specifically, this Report and Order: 1) 
    increases channel efficiency by splitting existing channels between 150 
    and 512 MHz; 2) provides users technical flexibility to convert to 
    narrowband technology; 3) introduces new power/antenna height 
    limitations that will permit advanced technologies and reduce 
    interference; 4) specifies new technical standards for emission masks, 
    frequency stability, and spectrum efficiency. These actions will reduce 
    congestion, meet future communications capacity needs and generally 
    permit, facilitate and encourage licensees to be spectrum efficient. 
    These proposals will not unduly burden the public or increase 
    administrative costs.
    Summary of Issues Raised by Public Comments in Response to the Initial 
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
        No party addressed the Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis 
    (IRFA), although several parties, including AAR and ATA, produced 
    higher per unit estimates of the cost of reducing transmitter power and 
    Significant Alternatives Considered and Rejected
        Several proposals were suggested by commenters regarding the 
    appropriate channelization plan, transition period, and transmitter 
    power/antenna heights. One alternative which received strong support 
    from the user community was to adopt a 12.5 kHz channelization plan. 
    Another alternative presented the view that narrowband is more 
    efficient than 12.5 kHz technology and recommended that the Commission 
    convert to this technology to make the most gains in relieving spectrum 
    congestion. Based on the record before us, we adopt a flexible 
    channelization plan which is a combination of the above plans and 
    considers the needs and concerns of users. The plan gives users the 
    option of converting directly to narrowband technology or allowing 
    users to first use 12.5 kHz equipment and thereafter migrate to 
    narrowband technology. The Commission also reviewed varying proposals 
    from users, ranging from 10 to 26 years, regarding the appropriate 
    transition period for implementation of the channelization plan. We 
    again adopt a flexible approach which permits users to amortize 
    existing investments over standard equipment life cycles. The rules 
    adopted impose minimal hardship on users, as they consider the 
    significant costs users have already expended in imbedded equipment. 
    The Commission also considered reducing the number of radio services. 
    Generally, commenters did not agree on how many radio services should 
    exist, which is a central issue in this debate. Therefore, in this 
    document, because of the outstanding debate on this issue and several 
    other issues, which need further discussion, we will not consolidate 
    the radio services in this Report and Order. We believe that the move 
    toward consolidation has merit and frequency coordinators of the radio 
    services can greatly assist in the efficient implementation of the 
    changes within this document. Consequently, we will allow frequency 
    coordinators to submit a consolidation plan to the Commission 
    [[Page 37156]]
    within three months of the effective date of this item. Finally, we 
    also considered the ``safe-harbor'' power approach recommended by LMCC, 
    and found it to contain significant merit. We are adopting a modified 
    version of LMCC's plan. Power will remain grandfathered until the 
    licensed system is essentially replaced. Furthermore, most existing 
    licensees meet the revised power limitations.
    List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 90
        Communications equipment, Radio.
    Federal Communications Commission
    William F. Caton,
    Acting Secretary.
    Final Rule
        Part 90 of chapter I of title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations 
    is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 90 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 302, 303, and 332, unless otherwise 
        2. Section 90.17 is amended by revising the table of frequencies in 
    paragraph (b), revising limitations (13) and (24), and adding 
    limitations (28), (29), and (30) in paragraph (c), and revising 
    paragraph (e)(3) to read as follows:
    Sec. 90.17  Local Government Radio Service.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
                 Local Government Radio Service Frequency Table             
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        530..............  Base (T.I.S.)........  23                        
        1610.............  ......do.............  23                        
        2726.............  Base or mobile.......  1                         
        2000 to 10,000...  Fixed, base or mobile  25                        
        37.10............  Base or mobile.......  2                         
        37.18............  ......do.............  2                         
        37.26............  ......do.............  2                         
        39.06............  Mobile...............  2, 3                      
        39.10............  Base or mobile.......  2                         
        39.18............  ......do.............  2                         
        39.50............  ......do.............  2                         
        39.58............  ......do.............  2                         
        39.82............  ......do.............  2                         
        39.90............  ......do.............  2                         
        39.98............  ......do.............  2                         
        45.08............  ......do.............                            
        45.12............  ......do.............                            
        45.16............  ......do.............                            
        45.20............  ......do.............                            
        45.24............  ......do.............                            
        45.28............  ......do.............                            
        45.32............  ......do.............                            
        45.36............  ......do.............                            
        45.40............  ......do.............                            
        45.44............  ......do.............                            
        45.48............  ......do.............                            
        45.52............  ......do.............                            
        45.56............  ......do.............                            
        45.60............  ......do.............                            
        45.64............  ......do.............                            
        46.52............  ......do.............                            
        46.54............  ......do.............                            
        46.56............  ......do.............                            
        46.58............  ......do.............                            
        72.00 to 76.00...  Operational fixed....  6                         
        150 to 170.......  Base or mobile.......  29                        
        153.740..........  Mobile...............                            
        153.7475.........  ......do.............  24                        
        153.755..........  ......do.............                            
        153.7625.........  ......do.............  24                        
        153.785..........  ......do.............                            
        153.7925.........  ......do.............  24                        
        153.800..........  ......do.............                            
        153.8075.........  ......do.............  24                        
        153.815..........  ......do.............                            
        153.8225.........  ......do.............  24                        
        153.845..........  ......do.............                            
        153.8525.........  ......do.............  24                        
        153.860..........  ......do.............                            
        153.8675.........  ......do.............  24                        
        153.875..........  ......do.............                            
        153.8825.........  ......do.............  24                        
        153.905..........  ......do.............                            
        153.9125.........  ......do.............  24                        
    [[Page 37157]]
        153.920..........  ......do.............                            
        153.9275.........  ......do.............  24                        
        153.935..........  ......do.............                            
        153.9425.........  ......do.............  24                        
        153.965..........  ......do.............                            
        153.9725.........  ......do.............  24                        
        153.980..........  ......do.............                            
        153.9875.........  ......do.............  24                        
        153.995..........  ......do.............                            
        154.0025.........  ......do.............  24                        
        154.025..........  Base or mobile.......                            
        154.0325.........  ......do.............  24                        
        154.040..........  ......do.............  5                         
        154.0475.........  ......do.............  5, 24                     
        154.055..........  ......do.............  5                         
        154.0625.........  ......do.............  5, 24                     
        154.085..........  ......do.............  5                         
        154.0925.........  ......do.............  5, 24                     
        154.100..........  ......do.............  5                         
        154.1075.........  ......do.............  5, 24                     
        154.115..........  ......do.............  5                         
        154.1225.........  ......do.............  5, 24                     
        154.45625........  Fixed or mobile......  9, 20, 21, 22             
        154.46375........  ......do.............  7, 19, 20, 21, 22         
        154.47125........  ......do.............  7, 20, 21, 22             
        154.47875........  ......do.............  19, 20, 21, 22            
        154.965..........  Base or mobile.......                            
        154.9725.........  ......do.............  24                        
        154.980..........  ......do.............                            
        154.9875.........  ......do.............  24                        
        154.995..........  ......do.............                            
        155.0025.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.025..........  ......do.............                            
        155.0325.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.040..........  ......do.............                            
        155.0475.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.055..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.0625.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.085..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.0925.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.100..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.1075.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.115..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.1225.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.145..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.1525.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.715..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.7225.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.745..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.7525.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.760..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.7675.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.775..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.7825.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.805..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.8125.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.820..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.8275.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.835..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.8425.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.865..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.8725.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.880..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.8875.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.895..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.9025.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.925..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.9325.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.940..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.9475.........  ......do.............  24                        
        155.955..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.9625.........  ......do.............  24                        
    [[Page 37158]]
        155.985..........  Mobile...............  ..........................
        155.9925.........  ......do.............  24                        
        156.000..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        156.0075.........  ......do.............  24                        
        156.015..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        156.0225.........  ......do.............  24                        
        158.745..........  Base and mobile......  ..........................
        158.7525.........  ......do.............  24                        
        158.760..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        158.7675.........  ......do.............  24                        
        158.775..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        158.7825.........  ......do.............  24                        
        158.805..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        158.8125.........  ......do.............  24                        
        158.820..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        158.8275.........  ......do.............  24                        
        158.835..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        158.8425.........  ......do.............  24                        
        158.865..........  Mobile...............  ..........................
        158.8725.........  ......do.............  24                        
        158.880..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        158.8875.........  ......do.............  24                        
        158.895..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        158.9025.........  ......do.............  24                        
        158.925..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        158.9325.........  ......do.............  24                        
        158.940..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        158.9475.........  ......do.............  24                        
        158.955..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        158.9625.........  ......do.............  24                        
        169-172..........  ......do.............  27                        
        173.20375........  Fixed or mobile......  7, 20, 21, 22             
        173.2100.........  ......do.............  7, 8, 21, 22              
        173.2375.........  ......do.............  9, 20, 21, 22             
        173.2625.........  ......do.............  9, 20, 21, 22             
        173.2875.........  ......do.............  9, 20, 21, 22             
        173.3125.........  ......do.............  9, 20, 21, 22             
        173.3375.........  ......do.............  9, 20, 21, 22             
        173.3625.........  ......do.............  9, 20, 21, 22             
        173.3900.........  ......do.............  7, 8, 21, 22              
        173.39625........  ......do.............  7, 20, 21, 22             
        220 to 222.......  Base and mobile......  4                         
        450 to 470.......  Fixed, base, or        10, 29                    
        453.0125.........  Mobile...............  30                        
        453.025..........  Central control,       11                        
        453.0375.........  Base or mobile.......  24                        
        453.050..........  ......do.............  12                        
        453.05625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.06250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        453.06875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.075..........  Central control,       11                        
        453.0875.........  Base or mobile.......  24                        
        453.100..........  ......do.............  12                        
        453.10625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.11250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        453.11875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.125..........  Central control,       11                        
        453.1375.........  Base or mobile.......  24                        
        453.150..........  ......do.............  12                        
        453.15625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.16250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        453.16875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.175..........  Central control,       11                        
        453.1875.........  Base or mobile.......  24                        
        453.200..........  ......do.............  12                        
        453.20625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.21250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        453.21875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.225..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        453.23125........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.23750........  ......do.............  24                        
        453.24375........  ......do.............  28                        
    [[Page 37159]]
        453.250..........  ......do.............  12                        
        453.25625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.26250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        453.26875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.275..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        453.28125........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.28750........  ......do.............  24                        
        453.29375........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.300..........  ......do.............  12                        
        453.30625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.31250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        453.31875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.325..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        453.33125........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.33750........  ......do.............  24                        
        453.34375........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.350..........  ......do.............  12                        
        453.35625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.36250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        453.36875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.375..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        453.38125........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.38750........  ......do.............  24                        
        453.39375........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.400..........  ......do.............  12                        
        453.40625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.41250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        453.41875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.425..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        453.43125........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.43750........  ......do.............  24                        
        453.44375........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.450..........  ......do.............  12                        
        453.45625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.46250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        453.46875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.475..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        453.48125........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.48750........  ......do.............  24                        
        453.49375........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.500..........  ......do.............  12                        
        453.50625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.51250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        453.51875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.525..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        453.53125........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.53750........  ......do.............  24                        
        453.54375........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.550..........  ......do.............  12                        
        453.55625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.56250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        453.56875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.575..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        453.58125........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.58750........  ......do.............  24                        
        453.59375........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.600..........  Base or mobile.......  12                        
        453.60625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.61250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        453.61875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.625..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        453.63125........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.63750........  ......do.............  24                        
        453.64375........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.650..........  ......do.............  12                        
        453.65625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.66250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        453.66875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.675..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        453.68125........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.68750........  ......do.............  24                        
        453.69375........  ......do.............  28                        
    [[Page 37160]]
        453.700..........  ......do.............  12                        
        453.70625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.71250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        453.71875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.725..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        453.73125........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.73750........  ......do.............  24                        
        453.74375........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.750..........  ......do.............  12                        
        453.75625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.76250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        453.76875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.775..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        453.78125........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.78750........  ......do.............  24                        
        453.79375........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.800..........  ......do.............  12                        
        453.80625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.81250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        453.81875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.825..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        453.83125........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.83750........  ......do.............  24                        
        453.84375........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.850..........  ......do.............  12                        
        453.85625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.86250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        453.86875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.875..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        453.88125........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.88750........  ......do.............  24                        
        453.89375........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.900..........  ......do.............  12                        
        453.90625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.91250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        453.91875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.925..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        453.93125........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.93750........  ......do.............  24                        
        453.94375........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.950..........  ......do.............  12                        
        453.95625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.96250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        453.96875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        453.975..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        453.98125........  ......do.............  28                        
        453.98750........  ......do.............  24                        
        453.99375........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.025..........  Radio call boxes,      11, 13                    
        458.03750........  Mobile...............  24                        
        458.050..........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.05625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.06250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        458.06875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.075..........  Radio call boxes,      11, 13                    
        458.08750........  Mobile...............  24                        
        458.100..........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.10625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.11250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        458.11875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.125..........  Radio call boxes,      11, 13                    
        458.13750........  Mobile...............  24                        
        458.150..........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.15625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.16250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        458.16875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.175..........  Radio call boxes,      11, 13                    
        458.18750........  Mobile...............  24                        
        458.200..........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.20625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.21250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        458.21875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
    [[Page 37161]]
        458.225..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        458.23125........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.23750........  ......do.............  24                        
        458.24375........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.250..........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.25625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.26250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        458.26875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.275..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        458.28125........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.28750........  ......do.............  24                        
        458.29375........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.300..........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.30625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.31250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        458.31875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.325..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        458.33125........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.33750........  ......do.............  24                        
        458.34375........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.350..........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.35625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.36250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        458.36875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.375..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        458.38125........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.38750........  ......do.............  24                        
        458.39375........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.400..........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.40625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.41250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        458.41875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.425..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        458.43125........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.43750........  ......do.............  24                        
        458.44375........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.450..........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.45625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.46250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        458.46875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.475..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        458.48125........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.48750........  ......do.............  24                        
        458.49375........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.500..........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.50625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.51250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        458.51875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.525..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        458.53125........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.53750........  ......do.............  24                        
        458.54375........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.550..........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.55625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.56250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        458.56875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.575..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        458.58125........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.58750........  ......do.............  24                        
        458.59375........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.600..........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.60625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.61250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        458.61875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.625..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        458.63125........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.63750........  ......do.............  24                        
        458.64375........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.650..........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.65625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.66250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        458.66875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
    [[Page 37162]]
        458.675..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        458.68125........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.68750........  ......do.............  24                        
        458.69375........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.700..........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.70625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.71250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        458.71875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.725..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        458.73125........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.73750........  ......do.............  24                        
        458.74375........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.750..........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.75625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.76250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        458.76875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.775..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        458.78125........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.78750........  ......do.............  24                        
        458.79375........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.800..........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.80625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.81250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        458.81875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.825..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        458.83125........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.83750........  ......do.............  24                        
        458.84375........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.850..........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.85625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.86250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        458.86875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.875..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        458.88125........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.88750........  ......do.............  24                        
        458.89375........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.900..........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.90625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.91250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        458.91875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.925..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        458.93125........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.93750........  ......do.............  24                        
        458.94375........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.950..........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.95625........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.96250........  ......do.............  12, 24                    
        458.96875........  ......do.............  12, 28                    
        458.975..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        458.98125........  ......do.............  28                        
        458.98750........  ......do.............  24                        
        458.99375........  ......do.............  28                        
        470 to 512.......  Base or mobile.......  14                        
        806 to 824.......  Mobile...............  15                        
        851 to 869.......  Base or mobile.......  15                        
        928 and above....  Operational-fixed....  16                        
        929-930..........  Base only............  26                        
        1427 to 1435.....  Operational fixed,     17                        
                            base or mobile.                                 
        2450 to 2500.....  Base or mobile.......  18                        
        10,550 to 10,680*  ......do.............  ..........................
    * The frequencies in the band 10.55-10.68 GHz are available for Digital 
      Termination Systems and for associated internodal links in the Point- 
      to-Point Microwave Radio Service. No new licenses will be issued under
      this subpart but current licenses will be renewed.                    
        (c) * * *
        (13) Available for medical services mobile operations in the 
    Emergency Medical Radio Service in accordance with Sec. 90.27(c)(22).
    * * * * *
        (24) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
    telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
    this frequency.
    * * * * *
        (28) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned 
    [[Page 37163]]
    with an authorized bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
        (29) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173.
        (30) This frequency is available for systems first licensed prior 
    to August 18, 1995. No new systems will be authorized after August 18, 
    1995, but prior authorized systems may be modified, expanded, and 
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (3) Frequencies in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, 450-512 MHz and 902-
    928 MHz bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and 
    Monitoring Service (LMS) systems in accordance with the provisions of 
    subpart M of this part, notwithstanding this limitation.
    * * * * *
        3. Section 90.19 is amended by revising the table of frequencies in 
    paragraph (d), removing and reserving limitation (19), revising 
    limitation (26), and adding limitations (32), (33), and (34) in 
    paragraph (e), amending paragraph (f)(5)(ii) by removing the entries 
    for frequency ranges 460.0125-465.5125 MHz and 465.0125-460.5125 MHz 
    and adding in its place 460.0125-460.5125 MHz and 465.0125-465.5125 MHz 
    respectively, adding paragraph (g)(3)(iii), and revising paragraph 
    (g)(5) to read as follows:
    Sec. 90.19  Police Radio Service.
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
                      Police Radio Service Frequency Table                  
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        851 to 856.......  Base or Mobile.......  22                        
        928 and above....  Operational fixed....  23                        
        929 to 930.......  Base only............  27                        
        1427 to 1435.....  Operational fixed,     24                        
                            base or mobile.                                 
        1722.............  ......do.............  2, 3                      
        1730.............  ......do.............  2, 3                      
        2366.............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        2382.............  ......do.............  2                         
        2390.............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        2406.............  ......do.............  2                         
        2430.............  ......do.............  2                         
        2442.............  ......do.............  2                         
        2450.............  ......do.............  2                         
        2458.............  ......do.............  2                         
        2482.............  ......do.............  2                         
        2490.............  ......do.............  2, 3                      
        37.02............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        37.04............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        37.06............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.08............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.10............  ......do.............  9                         
        37.12............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.14............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.16............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.18............  ......do.............  9                         
        37.20............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.22............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.24............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.26............  ......do.............  9                         
        37.28............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.30............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.32............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.34............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        37.36............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        37.38............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        37.40............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        37.42............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        39.02............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        39.04............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.06............  ......do.............  9, 10                     
        39.08............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.10............  ......do.............  9                         
        39.12............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.14............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.16............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.18............  ......do.............  9                         
        39.20............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.22............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.24............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.26............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        39.28............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        39.30............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        39.32............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        39.34............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        39.36............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
    [[Page 37164]]
        39.38............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        39.40............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        39.42............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.44............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.46............  ......do.............  11                        
        39.48............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.50............  ......do.............  9                         
        39.52............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.54............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.56............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.58............  ......do.............  9                         
        39.60............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.62............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.64............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.66............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        39.68............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        39.70............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        39.72............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        39.74............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        39.76............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        39.78............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        39.80............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        39.82............  ......do.............  9                         
        39.84............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.86............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.88............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.90............  ......do.............  9                         
        39.92............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.94............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.96............  ......do.............  ..........................
        39.98............  ......do.............  9                         
        42.02............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.04............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.06............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.08............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.10............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.12............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.14............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.16............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.18............  Mobile...............  2, 12                     
        42.20............  ......do.............  2, 12                     
        42.22............  ......do.............  2, 12                     
        42.24............  ......do.............  2, 12                     
        42.26............  ......do.............  2, 12                     
        42.28............  ......do.............  2, 12                     
        42.30............  ......do.............  2, 12                     
        42.32............  Base or mobile.......  2, 3, 12                  
        42.34............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.36............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.38............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.40............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12, 28              
        42.42............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.44............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.46............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.48............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.50............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.52............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.54............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.56............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.58............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.60............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.62............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.64............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.66............  Mobile...............  2, 12                     
        42.68............  ......do.............  2, 12                     
        42.70............  ......do.............  2, 12                     
        42.72............  ......do.............  2, 12                     
        42.74............  ......do.............  2, 12                     
        42.76............  ......do.............  2, 12                     
        42.78............  ......do.............  2, 12                     
        42.80............  Base or mobile.......  2, 3, 12                  
        42.82............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
    [[Page 37165]]
        42.84............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.86............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.88............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.90............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.92............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        42.94............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        44.62............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        44.66............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        44.70............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        44.74............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        44.78............  Mobile...............  2, 12                     
        44.82............  ......do.............  2, 12                     
        44.86............  ......do.............  2, 12                     
        44.90............  ......do.............  2, 12                     
        44.94............  Base or mobile.......  2, 3, 12                  
        44.98............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        45.02............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        45.06............  ......do.............  2, 3, 12                  
        45.10............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.14............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.18............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.22............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.26............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        45.30............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.34............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.38............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.42............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        45.46............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.50............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.54............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.58............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.62............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.66............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.70............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.74............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        45.78............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.82............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.86............  Base or mobile.......  11                        
        45.90............  ......do.............  29                        
        45.94............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.98............  ......do.............  ..........................
        46.02............  ......do.............  ..........................
        72.00-76.00......  Operational fixed....  13                        
        150 to 170.......  Base or mobile.......  33                        
        154.650..........  Mobile...............  ..........................
        154.6575.........  ......do.............  26                        
        154.665..........  Base or mobile.......  12                        
        154.6725.........  ......do.............  12, 26                    
        154.680..........  ......do.............  12                        
        154.6875.........  ......do.............  12, 26                    
        154.695..........  ......do.............  12                        
        154.7025.........  ......do.............  12, 26                    
        154.710..........  Mobile...............  ..........................
        154.7175.........  ......do.............  26                        
        154.725..........  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        154.7325.........  ......do.............  26                        
        154.740..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        154.7475.........  ......do.............  26                        
        154.755..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        154.7625.........  ......do.............  26                        
        154.770..........  Mobile...............  ..........................
        154.7775.........  ......do.............  26                        
        154.785..........  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        154.7925.........  ......do.............  26                        
        154.800..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        154.8075.........  ......do.............  26                        
        154.815..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        154.8225.........  ......do.............  26                        
        154.830..........  Mobile...............  ..........................
        154.8375.........  ......do.............  26                        
        154.845..........  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        154.8525.........  ......do.............  26                        
    [[Page 37166]]
        154.860..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        154.8675.........  ......do.............  26                        
        154.875..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        154.8825.........  ......do.............  26                        
        154.890..........  Mobile...............  ..........................
        154.8975.........  ......do.............  26                        
        154.905..........  Base or mobile.......  12                        
        154.9125.........  ......do.............  12, 26                    
        154.920..........  ......do.............  12                        
        154.9275.........  ......do.............  12, 26                    
        154.935..........  ......do.............  12                        
        154.9425.........  ......do.............  12, 26                    
        154.950..........  Mobile...............  ..........................
        154.9575.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.01...........  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        155.0175.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.07...........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.0775.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.13...........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.1375.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.19...........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.1975.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.25...........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.2575.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.31...........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.3175.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.370..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.3775.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.415..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.4225.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.430..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.4375.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.445..........  ......do.............  12                        
        155.4525.........  ......do.............  12, 26                    
        155.460..........  ......do.............  12                        
        155.4675.........  ......do.............  12, 26                    
        155.475..........  ......do.............  14                        
        155.4825.........  ......do.............  14, 26                    
        155.490..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.4975.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.505..........  ......do.............  12                        
        155.5125.........  ......do.............  12, 26                    
        155.520..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.5275.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.535..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.5425.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.550..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.5575.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.565..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.5725.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.580..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.5875.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.595..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.6025.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.610..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.6175.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.625..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.6325.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.640..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.6475.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.655..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.6625.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.670..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.6775.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.685..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.6925.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.700..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.7075.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.730..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.7375.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.79...........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.7975.........  ......do.............  26                        
    [[Page 37167]]
        155.85...........  Mobile...............  ..........................
        155.8575.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.91...........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.9175.........  ......do.............  26                        
        155.97...........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.9775.........  ......do.............  26                        
        156.03...........  ......do.............  ..........................
        156.0375.........  ......do.............  26                        
        156.09...........  ......do.............  ..........................
        156.0975.........  ......do.............  26                        
        156.15...........  ......do.............  ..........................
        156.1575.........  ......do.............  26                        
        156.210..........  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        156.2175.........  ......do.............  26                        
        158.7225.........  ......do.............  32                        
        158.730..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        158.7375.........  ......do.............  26                        
        158.790..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        158.7975.........  ......do.............  26                        
        158.850..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        158.8575.........  ......do.............  26                        
        158.910..........  Mobile...............  ..........................
        158.9175.........  ......do.............  26                        
        158.970..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        158.9775.........  ......do.............  26                        
        159.030..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        159.0375.........  ......do.............  26                        
        159.090..........  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        159.0975.........  ......do.............  26                        
        159.150..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        159.1575.........  ......do.............  26                        
        159.210..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        159.2175.........  ......do.............  26                        
        169-172..........  Mobile...............  30                        
        173.075..........  Base or mobile.......  31                        
        220-222..........  Base and mobile......  4                         
        450-470..........  Fixed, base, or        15, 33                    
        453.0375.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        453.050..........  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        453.05625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.06250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        453.06875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.0875.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        453.100..........  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        453.10625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.11250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        453.11875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.1375.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        453.150..........  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        453.15625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.16250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        453.16875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.1875.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        453.200..........  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        453.20625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.21250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        453.21875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.2375.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        453.250..........  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        453.25625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.26250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        453.26875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.2875.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        453.300..........  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        453.30625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.31250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        453.31875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.3375.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        453.350..........  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        453.35625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.36250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        453.36875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
    [[Page 37168]]
        453.3875.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        453.400..........  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        453.40625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.41250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        453.41875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.4375.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        453.450..........  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        453.45625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.46250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        453.46875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.4875.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        453.500..........  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        453.50625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.51250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        453.51875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.5375.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        453.550..........  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        453.55625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.56250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        453.56875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.5875.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        453.600..........  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        453.60625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.61250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        453.61875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.6375.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        453.650..........  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        453.65625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.66250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        453.66875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.6875.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        453.700..........  Base of mobile.......  16                        
        453.70625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.71250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        453.71875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.7375.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        453.750..........  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        453.75625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.76250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        453.76875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.7875.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        453.800..........  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        453.80625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.81250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        453.81875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.8375.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        453.850..........  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        453.85625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.86250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        453.86875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.8875.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        453.900..........  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        453.90625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.91250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        453.91875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.9375.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        453.950..........  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        453.95625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        453.96250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        453.96875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.0375.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        458.050..........  ......do.............  16                        
        458.05625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.06250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        458.06875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.0875.........  ......do.............  34                        
        458.100..........  ......do.............  16                        
        458.10625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.11250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        458.11875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.1375.........  ......do.............  34                        
        458.150..........  ......do.............  16                        
    [[Page 37169]]
        458.15625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.16250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        458.16875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.1875.........  ......do.............  34                        
        458.200..........  ......do.............  16                        
        458.20625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.21250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        458.21875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.2375.........  ......do.............  34                        
        458.250..........  ......do.............  16                        
        458.25625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.26250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        458.26875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.2875.........  ......do.............  34                        
        458.300..........  ......do.............  16                        
        458.30625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.31250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        458.31875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.3375.........  ......do.............  34                        
        458.350..........  ......do.............  16                        
        458.35625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.36250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        458.36875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.3875.........  ......do.............  34                        
        458.400..........  ......do.............  16                        
        458.40625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.41250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        458.41875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.4375.........  ......do.............  34                        
        458.450..........  ......do.............  16                        
        458.45625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.46250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        458.46875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.4875.........  ......do.............  34                        
        458.500..........  ......do.............  16                        
        458.50625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.51250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        458.51875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.5375.........  ......do.............  34                        
        458.550..........  ......do.............  16                        
        458.55625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.56250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        458.56875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.5875.........  ......do.............  34                        
        458.600..........  ......do.............  16                        
        458.60625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.61250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        458.61875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.6375.........  ......do.............  34                        
        458.650..........  ......do.............  16                        
        458.65625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.66250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        458.66875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.6875.........  ......do.............  34                        
        458.700..........  ......do.............  16                        
        458.70625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.71250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        458.71875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.7375.........  ......do.............  34                        
        458.750..........  ......do.............  16                        
        458.75625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.76250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        458.76875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.7875.........  ......do.............  34                        
        458.800..........  ......do.............  16                        
        458.80625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.81250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        458.81875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.8375.........  ......do.............  34                        
        458.850..........  ......do.............  16                        
        458.85625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.86250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
    [[Page 37170]]
        458.86875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.8875.........  ......do.............  34                        
        458.900..........  ......do.............  16                        
        458.90625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.91250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        458.91875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.9375.........  ......do.............  34                        
        458.950..........  ......do.............  16                        
        458.95625........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        458.96250........  ......do.............  16, 26                    
        458.96875........  ......do.............  16, 32                    
        460.0125.........  ......do.............  34                        
        460.01875........  Base or mobile.......  32                        
        460.025..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.03125........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.03750........  ......do.............  26                        
        460.04375........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.050..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.05626........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.06250........  ......do.............  26                        
        460.06875........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.075..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.08125........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.08750........  ......do.............  26                        
        460.09375........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.100..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.10625........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.11250........  ......do.............  26                        
        460.11875........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.125..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.13125........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.13750........  ......do.............  26                        
        460.14375........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.150..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.15625........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.16250........  ......do.............  26                        
        460.16875........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.175..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.18125........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.18750........  ......do.............  26                        
        460.19375........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.200..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.20625........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.21250........  ......do.............  26                        
        460.21875........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.225..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.23125........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.23750........  ......do.............  26                        
        460.24375........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.250..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.25625........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.26250........  ......do.............  26                        
        460.26875........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.275..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.28125........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.28750........  ......do.............  26                        
        460.29375........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.300..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.30625........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.31250........  ......do.............  26                        
        460.31875........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.325..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.33125........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.33750........  ......do.............  26                        
        460.34375........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.350..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.35625........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.36250........  ......do.............  26                        
        460.36875........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.375..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.38125........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.38750........  ......do.............  26                        
    [[Page 37171]]
        460.39375........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.400..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.40625........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.41250........  ......do.............  26                        
        460.41875........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.425..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.43125........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.43750........  ......do.............  26                        
        460.44375........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.450..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.45625........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.46250........  ......do.............  26                        
        460.46875........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.475..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.48125........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.48750........  ......do.............  26                        
        460.49375........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.500..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.50625........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.51250........  ......do.............  26                        
        460.51875........  ......do.............  32                        
        460.525..........  ......do.............  17                        
        460.53125........  ......do.............  17, 32                    
        460.53750........  ......do.............  17, 26                    
        460.54375........  ......do.............  17, 32                    
        460.550..........  ......do.............  17                        
        460.55625........  ......do.............  17, 32                    
        460.56250........  ......do.............  17, 26                    
        460.56875........  ......do.............  17, 32                    
        465.0125.........  Mobile...............  34                        
        465.025..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.03125........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.03750........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.04375........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.050..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.05625........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.06250........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.06875........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.075..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.08125........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.08750........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.09375........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.100..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.10625........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.11250........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.11875........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.125..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.13125........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.13750........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.14375........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.150..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.15625........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.16250........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.16875........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.175..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.18125........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.18750........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.19375........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.200..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.20625........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.21250........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.21875........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.225..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.23125........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.23750........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.24375........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.250..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.25625........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.26250........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.26875........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.275..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.28125........  ......do.............  32                        
    [[Page 37172]]
        465.28750........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.29375........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.300..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.30625........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.31250........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.31875........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.325..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.33125........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.33750........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.34375........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.350..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.35625........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.36250........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.36875........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.375..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.38125........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.38750........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.39375........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.400..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.40625........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.41250........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.41875........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.425..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.43125........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.43750........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.44375........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.450..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.45625........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.46250........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.46875........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.475..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.48125........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.48750........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.49375........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.500..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.50626........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.51250........  ......do.............  26                        
        465.51875........  ......do.............  32                        
        465.525..........  ......do.............  17                        
        465.53125........  ......do.............  17, 32                    
        465.53750........  ......do.............  17, 26                    
        465.54375........  ......do.............  17, 32                    
        465.550..........  Base or mobile.......  17                        
        465.55625........  ......do.............  17, 32                    
        465.56250........  ......do.............  17, 26                    
        465.56875........  ......do.............  17, 32                    
        470-512..........  ......do.............  21                        
        806-824..........  Mobile...............  22                        
        851-869..........  Base or mobile.......  22                        
        928 and above....  Operational-fixed....  23                        
        929--930.........  Base only............  27                        
        1427 to 1435.....  Operational fixed,     24                        
                            base or mobile.                                 
        2450 to 2500.....  Base or mobile.......  25                        
        10,550 to 10,680*  ......do.............  ..........................
    *The frequencies in the band 10.55-10.68 GHz are available for Digital  
      Termination Systems and for associated internodal links in the Point- 
      to-Point Microwave Radio Service. No new licenses will be issued under
      this Subpart but current licenses will be renewed.                    
        (e) * * *
        (19) [Reserved]
    * * * * *
        (26) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
    telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
    this frequency.
    * * * * *
        (32) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
        (33) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173
        (34) This frequency is available for systems first licensed prior 
    to August 18, 1995. No new systems will be authorized after August 18, 
    1995, but prior authorized systems may be modified, expanded, and 
    * * * * *
        (g) * * *
        (3) * * *
        (iii) The use of direct sequence spread spectrum equipment is also 
    [[Page 37173]]
    Equipment must meet the technical standards of 47 CFR 15.247.
    * * * * *
        (5) Frequencies in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, 450-512 MHz and 902-
    928 MHz bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and 
    Monitoring Service (LMS) systems in accordance with the provisions of 
    subpart M of this part, notwithstanding this limitation.
    * * * * *
        4. Section 90.21 is amended by revising the table of frequencies in 
    paragraph (b), revising limitation (16), and adding limitations (20), 
    (21), and (22) in paragraph (c), and revising paragraph (e)(3) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 90.21  Fire Radio Service.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
                       Fire Radio Service Frequency Table                   
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        1630.............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        33.42............  Mobile or fixed......  1                         
        33.44............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        33.46............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        33.48............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        33.50............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        33.52............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        33.54............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        33.56............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        33.58............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        33.60............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        33.62............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        33.64............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        33.66............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        33.68............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        33.70............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.72............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.74............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.76............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.78............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.80............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.82............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.84............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.86............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.88............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.90............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.92............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.94............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.96............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.98............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.88............  ......do.............  2                         
        46.06............  ......do.............  ..........................
        46.08............  ......do.............  ..........................
        46.10............  ......do.............  ..........................
        46.12............  ......do.............  ..........................
        46.14............  ......do.............  ..........................
        46.16............  ......do.............  ..........................
        46.18............  ......do.............  ..........................
        46.20............  ......do.............  ..........................
        46.22............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        46.24............  ......do.............  ..........................
        46.26............  ......do.............  ..........................
        46.28............  ......do.............  ..........................
        46.30............  Mobile or fixed......  1                         
        46.32............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        46.34............  ......do.............  ..........................
        46.36............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        46.38............  ......do.............  ..........................
        46.40............  ......do.............  ..........................
        46.42............  ......do.............  ..........................
        46.44............  ......do.............  ..........................
        46.46............  ......do.............  ..........................
        46.48............  ......do.............  ..........................
        46.50............  ......do.............  ..........................
        72.00 to 76.00...  Operational fixed....  3                         
        72.44............  Mobile...............  19                        
        72.48............  ......do.............  19                        
        72.52............  ......do.............  19                        
        72.56............  ......do.............  19                        
        72.60............  ......do.............  19                        
        75.44............  ......do.............  19                        
    [[Page 37174]]
        75.48............  ......do.............  19                        
        75.52............  ......do.............  19                        
        75.56............  ......do.............  19                        
        75.60............  ......do.............  19                        
        150 to 170.......  Base or mobile.......  21                        
        153.77...........  Mobile...............  ..........................
        153.7775.........  ......do.............  16                        
        153.83...........  Mobile...............  18                        
        153.8375.........  ......do.............  18, 16                    
        153.890..........  Mobile...............  ..........................
        153.8975.........  ......do.............  16                        
        153.950..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        153.9575.........  ......do.............  16                        
        154.010..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        154.0175.........  ......do.............  16                        
        154.070..........  ......do.............  4                         
        154.0775.........  ......do.............  4, 16                     
        154.130..........  Base or mobile.......  4                         
        154.1375.........  ......do.............  4, 16                     
        154.145..........  ......do.............  4                         
        154.1525.........  ......do.............  4, 16                     
        154.160..........  ......do.............  4                         
        154.1675.........  ......do.............  4, 16                     
        154.175..........  ......do.............  4                         
        154.1825.........  ......do.............  4, 16                     
        154.190..........  ......do.............  4                         
        154.1975.........  ......do.............  4, 16                     
        154.205..........  ......do.............  4                         
        154.2125.........  ......do.............  4, 16                     
        154.220..........  ......do.............  4                         
        154.2275.........  ......do.............  4, 16                     
        154.235..........  ......do.............  4                         
        154.2425.........  ......do.............  4, 16                     
        154.250..........  ......do.............  4                         
        154.2575.........  ......do.............  4, 16                     
        154.265..........  ......do.............  2, 4                      
        154.2725.........  ......do.............  2, 4, 16                  
        154.280..........  ......do.............  2, 4                      
        154.2875.........  ......do.............  2, 4, 16                  
        154.295..........  ......do.............  2, 4                      
        154.3025.........  ......do.............  2, 4, 16                  
        154.310..........  ......do.............  4                         
        154.3175.........  ......do.............  4, 16                     
        154.325..........  ......do.............  4                         
        154.3325.........  ......do.............  4, 16                     
        154.340..........  ......do.............  4                         
        154.3475.........  ......do.............  4, 16                     
        154.355..........  ......do.............  4                         
        154.3625.........  ......do.............  4, 26                     
        154.370..........  ......do.............  4                         
        154.3775.........  ......do.............  4, 16                     
        154.385..........  ......do.............  4                         
        154.3925.........  ......do.............  4, 16                     
        154.400..........  ......do.............  4                         
        154.4075.........  ......do.............  4, 16                     
        154.415..........  ......do.............  4                         
        154.4225.........  ......do.............  4, 16                     
        154.430..........  ......do.............  4                         
        154.4375.........  ......do.............  4, 16                     
        154.445..........  ......do.............  4                         
        154.4525.........  ......do.............  4, 16                     
        166.250..........  ......do.............  5                         
        169-172..........  Mobile...............  14                        
        170.150..........  Base or mobile.......  5                         
        220-222..........  Base and mobile......  17                        
        450-470..........  Fixed, base, or        6, 21                     
        453.0375.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        453.050..........  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        453.05625........  ......do.............  20                        
        453.06250........  ......do.............  16                        
        453.06875........  ......do.............  20                        
        453.0875.........  Mobile...............  22                        
    [[Page 37175]]
        453.100..........  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        453.10625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.11250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        453.11875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.1375.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        453.150..........  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        453.15625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.16250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        453.16875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.1875.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        453.200..........  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        453.20625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.21250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        453.21875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.2375.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        453.250..........  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        453.25625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.26250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        453.26875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.2875.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        453.300..........  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        453.30625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.31250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        453.31875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.3375.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        453.350..........  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        453.35625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.36250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        453.36875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.3875.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        453.400..........  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        453.40625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.41250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        453.41875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.4375.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        453.450..........  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        453.45625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.46250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        453.46875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.4875.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        453.500..........  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        453.50625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.51250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        453.51875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.5375.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        453.550..........  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        453.55625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.56250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        453.56875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.5875.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        453.600..........  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        453.60625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.61250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        453.61875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.6375.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        453.650..........  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        453.65625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.66250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        453.66875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.6875.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        453.700..........  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        453.70625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.71250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        453.71875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.7375.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        453.750..........  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        453.75625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.76250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        453.76875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.7875.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        453.800..........  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        453.80625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
    [[Page 37176]]
        453.81250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        453.81875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.8375.........  Mobile...............  7, 22                     
        453.850..........  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        453.85625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.86250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        453.86875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.8875.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        453.900..........  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        453.90625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.91250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        453.91875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.9375.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        453.950..........  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        453.95625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        453.96250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        453.96875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.0375.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        458.050..........  ......do.............  7                         
        458.05625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.06250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        458.06875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.0875.........  ......do.............  22                        
        458.100..........  ......do.............  7                         
        458.10625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.11250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        458.11875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.1375.........  ......do.............  22                        
        458.150..........  ......do.............  7                         
        458.15625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.16250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        458.16875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.1875.........  ......do.............  22                        
        458.200..........  ......do.............  7                         
        458.20625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.21250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        458.21875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.2375.........  ......do.............  22                        
        458.250..........  ......do.............  7                         
        458.25625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.26250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        458.26875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.2875.........  ......do.............  22                        
        458.300..........  ......do.............  7                         
        458.30625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.31250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        458.31875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.3375.........  ......do.............  22                        
        458.350..........  ......do.............  7                         
        458.35625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.36250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        458.36875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.3875.........  ......do.............  22                        
        458.400..........  ......do.............  7                         
        458.40625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.41250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        458.41875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.4375.........  ......do.............  22                        
        458.450..........  ......do.............  7                         
        458.45625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.46250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        458.46875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.4875.........  ......do.............  22                        
        458.500..........  ......do.............  7                         
        458.50625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.51250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        458.51875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.5375.........  ......do.............  22                        
        458.550..........  ......do.............  7                         
        458.55625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.56250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        458.56875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
    [[Page 37177]]
        458.5875.........  ......do.............  22                        
        458.600..........  ......do.............  7                         
        458.60625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.61250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        458.61875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.6375.........  ......do.............  22                        
        458.650..........  ......do.............  7                         
        458.65625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.66250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        458.66875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.6875.........  ......do.............  22                        
        458.700..........  ......do.............  7                         
        458.70625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.71250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        458.71875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.7375.........  ......do.............  22                        
        458.750..........  ......do.............  7                         
        458.75625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.76250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        458.76875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.7875.........  ......do.............  22                        
        458.800..........  ......do.............  7                         
        458.80625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.81250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        458.81875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.8375.........  ......do.............  22                        
        458.850..........  ......do.............  7                         
        458.85625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.86250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        458.86875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.8875.........  ......do.............  22                        
        458.900..........  ......do.............  7                         
        458.90625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.91250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        458.91875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.9375.........  ......do.............  22                        
        458.950..........  ......do.............  7                         
        458.95625........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        458.96250........  ......do.............  7, 16                     
        458.96875........  ......do.............  7, 20                     
        460.5125.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        460.525..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        460.53125........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        460.53750........  ......do.............  8, 16                     
        460.54375........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        460.550..........  ......do.............  8                         
        460.55625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        460.56250........  ......do.............  8, 16                     
        460.56875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        460.575..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.58125........  ......do.............  20                        
        460.58750........  ......do.............  16                        
        460.59375........  ......do.............  20                        
        460.600..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.60625........  ......do.............  20                        
        460.61250........  ......do.............  16                        
        460.61875........  ......do.............  20                        
        460.625..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        460.63125........  ......do.............  20                        
        460.63750........  ......do.............  16                        
        460.64375........  ......do.............  20                        
        465.5125.........  Mobile...............  22                        
        465.525..........  ......do.............  8                         
        465.53125........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        465.53750........  ......do.............  8, 16                     
        465.54375........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        465.550..........  ......do.............  8                         
        465.55625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        465.56250........  ......do.............  8, 16                     
        465.56875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        465.575..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.58125........  ......do.............  20                        
    [[Page 37178]]
        465.58750........  ......do.............  16                        
        465.59375........  ......do.............  20                        
        465.600..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.60625........  ......do.............  20                        
        465.61250........  ......do.............  16                        
        465.61875........  ......do.............  20                        
        465.625..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        465.63125........  ......do.............  20                        
        465.63750........  ......do.............  16                        
        465.64375........  ......do.............  20                        
        470-512..........  Base or mobile.......  9                         
        806-824..........  Mobile...............  10                        
        851-869..........  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        928 and above....  Operational fixed....  11                        
        929-930..........  Base only............  15                        
        1427 to 1435.....  Operational fixed,     12                        
                            base or mobile.                                 
        2450 to 2500.....  Base or mobile.......  13                        
        10,550 to 10,680*  ......do.............  ..........................
    * The frequencies in the band 10.55-1068 GHz are available for Digital  
      Termination Systems and for associated internodal links in the Point- 
      to-Point Microwave Radio Service. No new licenses will be issued under
      this subpart but current licenses will be renewed.                    
        (c) * * *
        (16) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
    telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
    this frequency.
    * * * * *
        (20) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
        (21) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173
        (22) This frequency is available for systems first licensed prior 
    to August 18, 1995. No new systems will be authorized after August 18, 
    1995, but prior authorized systems may be modified, expanded, and 
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (3) Frequencies in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, 450-512 MHz and 902-
    928 MHz bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and 
    Monitoring Service (LMS) systems in accordance with the provisions of 
    subpart M of this part, notwithstanding this limitation.
    * * * * *
        5. Section 90.23 is amended by revising the table of frequencies in 
    paragraph (b), revising limitation (18), and adding limitations (20), 
    (21), (22), and (23) in paragraph (c), and revising paragraph (e)(2) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 90.23  Highway Maintenance Radio Service.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
                Highway Maintenance Radio Service Frequency Table           
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        33.02............  Base or mobile.......  1                         
        33.06............  ......do.............  1                         
        33.10............  ......do.............  1                         
        37.90............  ......do.............  1                         
        37.92............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.94............  ......do.............  1                         
        37.96............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.98............  ......do.............  1                         
        45.68............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.72............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.76............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.80............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.84............  ......do.............  ..........................
        47.02............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
        47.04............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
        47.06............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
        47.08............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
        47.10............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
        47.12............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
        47.14............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
        47.16............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
        47.18............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
        47.20............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
        47.22............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
        47.24............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
        47.26............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
    [[Page 37179]]
        47.28............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
        47.30............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
        47.32............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
        47.34............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
        47.36............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
        47.38............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
        47.40............  ......do.............  2, 17                     
        72.00 to 76.00...  Operational fixed....  3                         
        150 to 170.......  Base or mobile.......  21                        
        150.995..........  ......do.............  4                         
        151.0025.........  ......do.............  4, 18                     
        151.010..........  ......do.............  4                         
        151.0175.........  ......do.............  4, 18                     
        151.025..........  ......do.............  4                         
        151.0325.........  ......do.............  4, 18                     
        151.040..........  ......do.............  4                         
        151.0475.........  ......do.............  4, 18                     
        151.055..........  ......do.............  4                         
        151.070..........  ......do.............  4, 22                     
        151.085..........  ......do.............  4                         
        151.0925.........  ......do.............  4, 18                     
        151.100..........  ......do.............  4                         
        151.1075.........  ......do.............  4, 18                     
        151.115..........  ......do.............  4                         
        151.1225.........  ......do.............  4, 18                     
        151.130..........  ......do.............  4                         
        151.1375.........  ......do.............  4, 18                     
        156.045..........  Mobile...............  14                        
        156.0525.........  ......do.............  14, 18                    
        156.060..........  ......do.............  14                        
        156.0675.........  ......do.............  14, 18                    
        156.075..........  ......do.............                            
        156.0825.........  ......do.............  18                        
        156.105..........  Base or mobile.......                            
        156.1125.........  ......do.............  18                        
        156.120..........  ......do.............                            
        156.1275.........  ......do.............  18                        
        156.135..........  ......do.............                            
        156.1425.........  ......do.............  18                        
        156.165..........  ......do.............  5, 14                     
        156.1725.........  ......do.............  5, 14, 18                 
        156.180..........  ......do.............  5, 14                     
        156.1875.........  ......do.............  5, 14, 18                 
        156.195..........  ......do.............  5                         
        156.2025.........  ......do.............  5, 18                     
        156.225..........  ......do.............  5                         
        156.2325.........  ......do.............  5, 18                     
        156.240..........  ......do.............  5                         
        156.2475.........  ......do.............  5, 20                     
        158.985..........  Mobile...............  5                         
        158.9925.........  ......do.............  5, 18                     
        159.000..........  ......do.............  5                         
        159.0075.........  ......do.............  5, 18                     
        159.015..........  ......do.............  5                         
        159.0225.........  ......do.............  5, 18                     
        159.045..........  ......do.............  5                         
        159.0525.........  ......do.............  5, 18                     
        159.060..........  ......do.............  5                         
        159.0675.........  ......do.............  5, 18                     
        159.075..........  ......do.............  5                         
        159.0825.........  ......do.............  5, 18                     
        159.105..........  Base or mobile.......  5                         
        159.1125.........  ......do.............  5, 18                     
        159.120..........  ......do.............  5                         
        159.1275.........  ......do.............  5, 18                     
        159.135..........  ......do.............  5                         
        159.1425.........  ......do.............  5, 18                     
        159.165..........  ......do.............  5                         
        159.1725.........  ......do.............  5, 18                     
        159.180..........  ......do.............                            
        159.1875.........  ......do.............  18                        
        159.195..........  ......do.............                            
    [[Page 37180]]
        159.2025.........  ......do.............  18                        
        169-172..........  Mobile...............  15                        
        220-222..........  Base and mobile......   19                       
        450-470..........  Fixed, base, or        7, 21                     
        453.0375.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        453.050..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.05625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.06250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        453.06875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.0875.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        453.100..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.10625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.11250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        453.11875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.1375.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        453.150..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.15625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.16250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        453.16875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.1875.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        453.200..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.20625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.21250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        453.21875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.2375.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        453.250..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.25625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.26250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        453.26875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.2875.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        453.300..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.30625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.31250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        453.31875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.3375.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        453.350..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.35625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.36250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        453.36875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.3875.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        453.400..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.40625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.41250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        453.41875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.4375.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        453.450..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.45625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.46250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        453.46875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.4875.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        453.500..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.50625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.51250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        453.51875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.5375.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        453.550..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.55625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.56250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        453.56875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.5875.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        453.600..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.60625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.61250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        453.61875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.6375.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        453.650..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.65625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.66250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        453.66875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.6875.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        453.700..........  Base or mobile.......  9                         
        453.70625........  ......do.............  9, 20                     
    [[Page 37181]]
        453.71250........  ......do.............  9, 18                     
        453.71875........  ......do.............  9, 20                     
        453.7375.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        453.750..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.75625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.76250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        453.76875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.7875.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        453.800..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.80625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.81250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        453.81875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.8375.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        453.850..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.85625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.86250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        453.86875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.8875.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        453.900..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.90625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.91250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        453.91875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.9375.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        453.950..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.95625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        453.96250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        453.96875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.0375.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        458.050..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.05625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.06250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        458.06875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.0875.........  ......do.............  23                        
        458.100..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.10625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.11250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        458.11875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.1375.........  ......do.............  23                        
        458.150..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.15625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.16250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        458.16875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.1875.........  ......do.............  23                        
        458.200..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.20625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.21250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        458.21875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.2375.........  ......do.............  23                        
        458.250..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.25625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.26250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        458.26875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.2875.........  ......do.............  23                        
        458.300..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.30625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.31250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        458.31875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.3375.........  ......do.............  23                        
        458.350..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.35625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.36250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        458.36875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.3875.........  ......do.............  23                        
        458.400..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.40625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.41250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        458.41875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.4375.........  ......do.............  23                        
        458.450..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.45625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.46250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
    [[Page 37182]]
        458.46875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.4875.........  ......do.............  23                        
        458.500..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.50625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.51250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        458.51875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.5375.........  ......do.............  23                        
        458.550..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.55625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.56250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        458.56875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.5875.........  ......do.............  23                        
        458.600..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.60625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.61250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        458.61875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.6375.........  ......do.............  23                        
        458.650..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.65625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.66250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        458.66875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.6875.........  ......do.............  23                        
        458.700..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.70625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.71250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        458.71875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.7375.........  ......do.............  23                        
        458.750..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.75625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.76250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        458.76875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.7875.........  ......do.............  23                        
        458.800..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.80625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.81250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        458.81875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.8375.........  ......do.............  23                        
        458.850..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.85625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.86250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        458.86875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.8875.........  ......do.............  23                        
        458.900..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.90625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.91250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        458.91875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.9375.........  ......do.............  23                        
        458.950..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.95625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        458.96250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        458.96875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        470-512..........  Base or mobile.......  9                         
        806-824..........  Mobile...............  10                        
        851-869..........  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        928 and above....  Operational-fixed....  11                        
        929-930..........  Base only............  16                        
        1427-1435........  Operational fixed,     12                        
                            base or mobile.                                 
        2450-2500........  Base or mobile.......  13                        
        10,550 to 10,680.  ......do.............  ..........................
    * The frequencies in the band 10.55-10.68 GHz are available for Digital 
      Termination Systems and for associated internodal links in the Point- 
      to-Point Microwave Radio Service. No new licenses will be issued under
      this Subpart but current licenses will be renewed.                    
        (c) * * *
        (18) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
    telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
    this frequency.
    * * * * *
        (20) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
        (21) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173.
        (22) This frequency will be authorized a channel bandwidth of 25 
    [[Page 37183]]
        (23) This frequency is available for systems first licensed prior 
    to August 18, 1995. No new systems will be authorized after August 18, 
    1995, but prior authorized systems may be modified, expanded, and 
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (2) Frequencies in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, 450-512 MHz and 902-
    928 MHz bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and 
    Monitoring Service (LMS) systems in accordance with the provisions of 
    subpart M of this part, notwithstanding this limitation.
    * * * * *
        6. Section 90.25 is amended by revising the table of frequencies in 
    paragraph (b), revising limitation (22), and adding limitations (24), 
    (25), (26), and (27) in paragraph (c), and revising paragraph (e)(2) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 90.25  Forestry-Conservation Radio Service.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
               Forestry-Conservation Radio Service Frequency Table          
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        2212.............  Base or mobile.......  1                         
        2226.............  ......do.............   1                        
        2236.............  ......do.............   1                        
        2244.............  ......do.............   1                        
        30.86............  ......do.............   2                        
        30.90............  ......do.............   2                        
        30.94............  ......do.............   2                        
        30.98............  ......do.............   2                        
        31.02............  ......do.............   2                        
        31.06............  ......do.............   2, 3, 4                  
        31.10............  ......do.............   2, 3, 4                  
        31.14............  ......do.............   2, 3, 4                  
        31.18............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.22............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.26............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.30............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.34............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.38............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.42............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.46............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.50............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.54............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.58............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.62............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.66............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.70............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.74............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.78............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.82............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.86............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.90............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.94............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        31.98............  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        44.64............  ......do.............  ..........................
        44.68............  ......do.............  ..........................
        44.72............  ......do.............  ..........................
        44.76............  ......do.............  ..........................
        44.80............  ......do.............  ..........................
        44.84............  ......do.............  ..........................
        44.88............  ......do.............  ..........................
        44.92............  ......do.............  ..........................
        44.96............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.00............  ......do.............  ..........................
        45.04............  ......do.............  ..........................
        72.00 to 76.00...  Operational fixed....  5                         
        150 to 170.......  Base or mobile.......  25                        
        151.145..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.1525.........  ......do.............   6, 22                    
        151.160..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.1675.........  ......do.............   6, 22                    
        151.175..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.190..........  ......do.............   6, 26                    
        151.205..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.2125.........  ......do.............   6, 22                    
        151.220..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.2275.........  ......do.............   6, 22                    
        151.235..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.2425.........  ......do.............   6, 22                    
    [[Page 37184]]
        151.250..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.2575.........  ......do.............   6, 22                    
        151.265..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.2725.........  ......do.............   6, 22                    
        151.280..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.2875.........  ......do.............   6, 22                    
        151.295..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.310..........  ......do.............   6, 26                    
        151.325..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.3325.........  ......do.............   6, 22                    
        151.340..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.3475.........  ......do.............   6, 22                    
        151.355..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.3625.........  ......do.............   6, 22                    
        151.370..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.3775.........  ......do.............   6, 22                    
        151.385..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.3925.........  ......do.............   6, 22                    
        151.400..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.4075.........  ......do.............   6, 22                    
        151.415..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.4225.........  ......do.............   6, 22                    
        151.430..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.4375.........  ......do.............   6, 22                    
        151.445..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.4525.........  ......do.............   6, 22                    
        151.460..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.4675.........  ......do.............   6, 22                    
        151.475..........  ......do.............   6                        
        151.4825.........  ......do.............   6, 22                    
        151.490..........  ......do.............   6, 7                     
        151.4975.........  ......do.............   6, 7, 22                 
        159.225..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        159.2325.........  ......do.............   22                       
        159.240..........  ......do.............   8                        
        159.2475.........  ......do.............   8, 22                    
        159.255..........  ......do.............   8                        
        159.2625.........  ......do.............   8, 22                    
        159.270..........  ......do.............   8                        
        159.2775.........  ......do.............   8, 22                    
        159.285..........  ......do.............   8                        
        159.2925.........  ......do.............   8, 22                    
        159.300..........  ......do.............   8                        
        159.3075.........  ......do.............   8, 22                    
        159.315..........  ......do.............   8                        
        159.3225.........  ......do.............   8, 22                    
        159.330..........  ......do.............   8                        
        159.3375.........  ......do.............   8, 22                    
        159.345..........  ......do.............   8                        
        159.3525.........  ......do.............   8, 22                    
        159.360..........  ......do.............   8                        
        159.3675.........  ......do.............   8, 22                    
        159.375..........  ......do.............   8                        
        159.3825.........  ......do.............   8, 22                    
        159.390..........  ......do.............   8                        
        159.3975.........  ......do.............   8, 22                    
        159.405..........  ......do.............   8                        
        159.4125.........  ......do.............   8, 22                    
        159.420..........  ......do.............   8                        
        159.4275.........  ......do.............   8, 22                    
        159.435..........  ......do.............   8                        
        159.4425.........  ......do.............   8, 22                    
        159.450..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        159.4575.........  ......do.............   22                       
        159.465..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        159.4725.........  ......do.............   22                       
        169-172..........  Mobile...............  20                        
        170.425..........  Base or mobile.......   4, 9, 10                 
        170.475..........  ......do.............   4, 9, 11                 
        170.575..........  ......do.............   4, 9, 10                 
        171.425..........  ......do.............   4, 9, 11                 
        171.475..........  ......do.............   4, 10, 12                
    [[Page 37185]]
        171.575..........  ......do.............   4, 9, 11                 
        172.225..........  ......do.............   4, 9, 10                 
        172.275..........  ......do.............   4, 11, 12                
        172.375..........  ......do.............   4, 9, 10                 
        220-222..........  Base and mobile......   23                       
        450-470..........  Fixed, base or mobile  13, 25                    
        453.0375.........  Mobile...............  27                        
        453.050..........  Base or mobile.......   14                       
        453.05625........  ......do.............   14, 24                   
        453.06250........  ......do.............   14, 22                   
        453.06875........  ......do.............   14, 24                   
        453.0875.........  Mobile...............  27                        
        453.100..........  Base or mobile.......   14                       
        453.10625........  ......do.............   14, 24                   
        453.11250........  ......do.............   14, 22                   
        453.11875........  ......do.............   14, 24                   
        453.1375.........  Mobile...............  27                        
        453.150..........  Based or mobile......   14                       
        453.15625........  ......do.............   14, 24                   
        453.16250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        453.16875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.1875.........  Mobile...............  27                        
        453.200..........  Base or mobile.......  14                        
        453.20625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.21250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        453.21875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.2375.........  Mobile...............  27                        
        453.250..........  Base or mobile.......  14                        
        453.25625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.26250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        453.26875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.2875.........  Mobile...............  27                        
        453.300..........  Base or mobile.......  14                        
        453.30625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.31250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        453.31875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.3375.........  Mobile...............  27                        
        453.350..........  Base or mobile.......  14                        
        453.35625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.36250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        453.36875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.3875.........  Mobile...............  27                        
        453.400..........  Base or mobile.......  14                        
        453.40625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.41250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        453.41875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.4375.........  Mobile...............  27                        
        453.450..........  Base or mobile.......  14                        
        453.45625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.46250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        453.46875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.4875.........  Mobile...............  27                        
        453.500..........  Base or mobile.......  14                        
        453.50625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.51250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        453.51875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.5375.........  Mobile...............  27                        
        453.550..........  Base or mobile.......  14                        
        453.55625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.56250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        453.56875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.5875.........  Mobile...............  27                        
        453.600..........  Base or mobile.......  14                        
        453.60625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.61250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        453.61875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.6375.........  Mobile...............  27                        
        453.650..........  Base or mobile.......  14                        
        453.65625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.66250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        453.66875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.6875.........  Mobile...............  27                        
    [[Page 37186]]
        453.700..........  Base or mobile.......  14                        
        453.70625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.71250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        453.71875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.7375.........  Mobile...............  27                        
        453.750..........  Base or mobile.......  14                        
        453.75625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.76250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        453.76875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.7875.........  Mobile...............  27                        
        453.800..........  Base or mobile.......  14                        
        453.80625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.81250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        453.81875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.8375.........  Mobile...............  27                        
        453.850..........  Base or mobile.......  14                        
        453.85625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.86250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        453.86875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.8875.........  Mobile...............  27                        
        453.900..........  Base or mobile.......  14                        
        453.90625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.91250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        453.91875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.9375.........  Mobile...............  27                        
        453.950..........  Base or mobile.......  14                        
        453.95625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        453.96250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        453.96875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.0375.........  Mobile...............  27                        
        458.050..........  ......do.............  14                        
        458.05625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.06250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        458.06875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.0875.........  ......do.............  27                        
        458.100..........  ......do.............  14                        
        458.10625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.11250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        458.11875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.1375.........  ......do.............  27                        
        458.150..........  ......do.............  14                        
        458.15625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.16250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        458.16875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.1875.........  ......do.............  27                        
        458.200..........  ......do.............  14                        
        458.20625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.21250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        458.21875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.2375.........  ......do.............  27                        
        458.250..........  ......do.............  14                        
        458.25625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.26250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        458.26875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.2875.........  ......do.............  27                        
        458.300..........  ......do.............  14                        
        458.30625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.31250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        458.31875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.3375.........  ......do.............  27                        
        458.350..........  ......do.............  14                        
        458.35625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.36250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        458.36875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.3875.........  ......do.............  27                        
        458.400..........  ......do.............  14                        
        458.40625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.41250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        458.41875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.4375.........  ......do.............  27                        
        458.450..........  ......do.............  14                        
        458.45625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
    [[Page 37187]]
        458.46250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        458.46875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.4875.........  ......do.............  27                        
        458.500..........  ......do.............  14                        
        458.50625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.51250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        458.51875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.5375.........  ......do.............  27                        
        458.550..........  ......do.............  14                        
        458.55625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.56250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        458.56875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.5875.........  ......do.............  27                        
        458.600..........  ......do.............  14                        
        458.60625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.61250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        458.61875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.6375.........  ......do.............  27                        
        458.650..........  ......do.............  14                        
        458.65625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.66250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        458.66875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.6875.........  ......do.............  27                        
        458.700..........  ......do.............  14                        
        458.70625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.71250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        458.71875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.7375.........  ......do.............  27                        
        458.750..........  ......do.............  14                        
        458.75625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.76250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        458.76875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.7875.........  ......do.............  27                        
        458.800..........  ......do.............  14                        
        458.80625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.81250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        458.81875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.8375.........  ......do.............  27                        
        458.850..........  ......do.............  14                        
        458.85625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.86250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        458.86875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.8875.........  ......do.............  27                        
        458.900..........  ......do.............  14                        
        458.90625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.91250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        458.91875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.9375.........  ......do.............  27                        
        458.950..........  ......do.............  14                        
        458.95625........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        458.96250........  ......do.............  14, 22                    
        458.96875........  ......do.............  14, 24                    
        470 to 512.......  Base or mobile.......  15                        
        806 to 824.......  Mobile...............  16                        
        851 to 869.......  Base or Mobile.......  16                        
        928 and above....  Operational fixed....  17                        
        929 to 930.......  Base only............  21                        
        1427 to 1435.....  Operational fixed,     18                        
                            base or mobile.                                 
        2450 to 2500.....  Base or mobile.......  19                        
        10,550 to 10,680*  ......do.............  ..........................
    *The frequencies in the band 10.55-10.68 GHz are available for Digital  
      Termination Systems and for associated internodal links in the Point- 
      to-Point Microwave Radio Service. No new licenses will be issued under
      this Subpart but current licenses will be renewed.                    
        (c) * * *
        (22) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
    telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
    this frequency.
    * * * * *
        (24) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
        (25) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173. 
    [[Page 37188]]
        (26) This frequency will be authorized a channel bandwidth of 25 
        (27) This frequency is available for systems first licensed prior 
    to August 18, 1995. No new systems will be authorized after August 18, 
    1995, but prior authorized systems may be modified, expanded, and 
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (2) Frequencies in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, 450-512 MHz and 902-
    928 MHz bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and 
    Monitoring Service (LMS) systems in accordance with the provisions of 
    subpart M of this part, notwithstanding this limitation.
    * * * * *
        7. Section 90.27 is amended by revising the table of frequencies in 
    paragraph (b), revising limitation (2) and (11), removing and reserving 
    limitation (12), revising the introductory text and paragraphs (i) and 
    (ii) of limitation (13), and adding limitations (27) and (28) in 
    paragraph (c) to read as follows:
    Sec. 90.27  Emergency Medical Radio Service.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
                 Emergency Medical Radio Service Frequency Table            
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        72.00 to 76.00...  Operational fixed....  1                         
        150 to 170.......  Base or mobile.......  28                        
        150.775..........  Mobile...............                            
        150.7825.........  ......do.............   2                        
        150.790..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        150.7975.........  ......do.............  ..........................
        150.805..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        155.325..........  Base or mobile.......  3, 4                      
        155.3325.........  ......do.............   2, 3, 4                  
        155.340..........  ......do.............   4, 5                     
        155.3475.........  ......do.............   2, 4, 5                  
        155.355..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        155.3625.........  ......do.............   2, 3, 4                  
        155.385..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        155.3925.........  ......do.............   2, 3, 4                  
        155.400..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        155.4075.........  ......do.............   2, 3, 4                  
        169-172..........  Mobile...............  6                         
        220.9025.........  Base.................  25                        
        220.9075.........  ......do.............   25                       
        220.9125.........  ......do.............   25                       
        220.9175.........  ......do.............   25                       
        220.9225.........  ......do.............   25                       
        221.9025.........  Mobile...............  25                        
        221.9075.........  ......do.............   25                       
        221.9125.........  ......do.............   25                       
        221.9175.........  ......do.............   25                       
        221.9225.........  ......do.............   25                       
        450 to 470.......  Fixed, base, or        7, 28                     
        453.025..........  Base.................  9, 19, 22, 26             
        453.03125........  ......do.............   9, 19, 22, 26, 27        
        453.03750........  ......do.............   2, 9, 19, 22, 26         
        453.04375........  ......do.............   9, 19, 22, 26, 27        
        453.050..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.05625........  ......do.............   8, 27                    
        453.06250........  ......do.............   2, 8                     
        453.06875........  ......do.............   8, 27                    
        453.075..........  Base.................  9, 19, 22, 26             
        453.08125........  ......do.............   9, 19, 22, 26, 27        
        453.08750........  ......do.............   2, 9, 19, 22, 26         
        453.09375........  ......do.............   9, 19, 22, 26, 27        
        453.100..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.10625........  ......do.............   8, 27                    
        453.11250........  ......do.............   2, 8                     
        453.11875........  ......do.............   8, 27                    
        453.125..........  Base.................  9, 19, 22, 26             
        453.13125........  ......do.............   9, 19, 22, 26, 27        
        453.13750........  ......do.............   2, 9, 19, 22, 26         
        453.14375........  ......do.............   9, 19, 22, 26, 27        
        453.150..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.15625........  ......do.............   8, 27                    
        453.16250........  ......do.............   2, 8                     
        453.16875........  ......do.............   8, 27                    
        453.175..........  Base.................  9, 19, 22, 26             
        453.18125........  ......do.............   9, 19, 22, 26, 27        
        453.18750........  ......do.............   2, 9, 19, 22, 26         
        453.19375........  ......do.............   9, 19, 22, 26, 27        
        453.200..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        453.20625........  ......do.............   8, 27                    
    [[Page 37189]]
        453.21250........  ......do.............   2, 8                     
        453.21875........  ......do.............   8, 27                    
        453.250..........  ......do.............   8                        
        453.25625........  ......do.............   8, 27                    
        453.26250........  ......do.............   2, 8                     
        453.26875........  ......do.............   8, 27                    
        453.300..........  ......do.............   8                        
        453.30625........  ......do.............   8, 27                    
        453.31250........  ......do.............   2, 8                     
        453.31875........  ......do.............   8, 27                    
        453.350..........  ......do.............   8                        
        453.35625........  ......do.............   8, 27                    
        453.36250........  ......do.............   2, 8                     
        453.36875........  ......do.............   8, 27                    
        453.400..........  ......do.............   8                        
        453.40625........  ......do.............   8, 27                    
        453.41250........  ......do.............   2, 8                     
        453.41875........  ......do.............   8, 27                    
        453.450..........  ......do.............   8                        
        453.45625........  ......do.............   8, 27                    
        453.46250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        453.46875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.500..........  ......do.............  8                         
        453.50625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.51250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        453.51875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.550..........  ......do.............  8                         
        453.55625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.56250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        453.56875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.600..........  ......do.............  8                         
        453.60625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.61250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        453.61875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.650..........  ......do.............  8                         
        453.65625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.66250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        453.66875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.700..........  ......do.............  8                         
        453.70625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.71250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        453.71875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.750..........  ......do.............  8                         
        453.75625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.76250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        453.76875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.800..........  ......do.............  8                         
        453.80625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.81250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        453.81875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.850..........  ......do.............  8                         
        453.85625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.86250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        453.86875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.900..........  ......do.............  8                         
        453.90625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.91250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        453.91875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.950..........  ......do.............  8                         
        453.95625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        453.96250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        453.96875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.025..........  Mobile...............  9, 22, 26                 
        458.03125........  ......do.............  9, 22, 26, 27             
        458.03750........  ......do.............  2, 9, 22, 26              
        458.04375........  ......do.............  9, 22, 26, 27             
        458.050..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.05625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.06250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        458.06875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.075..........  ......do.............  9, 22, 26                 
        458.08125........  ......do.............  9, 22, 26, 27             
    [[Page 37190]]
        458.08750........  ......do.............  2, 9, 22, 26              
        458.09375........  ......do.............  9, 22, 26, 27             
        458.100..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.10625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.11250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        458.11875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.125..........  ......do.............  9, 22, 26                 
        458.13125........  ......do.............  9, 22, 26, 27             
        458.13750........  ......do.............  2, 9, 22, 26              
        458.14375........  ......do.............  9, 22, 26, 27             
        458.150..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.15625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.16250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        458.16875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.175..........  ......do.............  9, 22, 26                 
        458.18125........  ......do.............  9, 22, 26, 27             
        458.18750........  ......do.............  2, 9, 22, 26              
        458.19375........  ......do.............  9, 22, 26, 27             
        458.200..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.20625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.21250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        458.21875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.250..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.25625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.26250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        458.26875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.300..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.30625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.31250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        458.31875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.350..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.35625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.36250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        458.36875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.400..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.40625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.41250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        458.41875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.450..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.45625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.46250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        458.46875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.500..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.50625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.51250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        458.51875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.550..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.55625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.56250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        458.56875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.600..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.60625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.61250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        458.61875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.650..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.65625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.66250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        458.66875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.700..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.70625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.71250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        458.71875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.750..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.75625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.76250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        458.76875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.800..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.80625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.81250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        458.81875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.850..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.85625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
    [[Page 37191]]
        458.86250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        458.86875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.900..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.90625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.91250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        458.91875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.950..........  ......do.............  8                         
        458.95625........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        458.96250........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        458.96875........  ......do.............  8, 27                     
        460.525..........  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        460.53125........  ......do.............  10, 27                    
        460.53750........  ......do.............  2, 10                     
        460.54375........  ......do.............  10, 27                    
        460.550..........  ......do.............  10                        
        460.55625........  ......do.............  10, 27                    
        460.56250........  ......do.............  2, 10                     
        460.56875........  ......do.............  10, 27                    
        462.950..........  ......do.............  3, 11                     
        462.95625........  ......do.............  3, 11, 27                 
        462.96250........  ......do.............  2, 3, 11                  
        462.96875........  ......do.............  3, 11, 27                 
        462.975..........  ......do.............  3, 11                     
        462.98125........  ......do.............  3, 11, 27                 
        462.98750........  ......do.............  2, 3, 11                  
        462.99375........  ......do.............  3, 11, 27                 
        463.000..........  ......do.............  9, 13, 20                 
        463.00625........  ......do.............  9, 13, 20, 27             
        463.01250........  ......do.............  2, 9, 13, 20              
        463.01875........  ......do.............  9, 13, 20, 27             
        463.025..........  ......do.............  9, 13, 20                 
        463.03125........  ......do.............  9, 13, 20, 27             
        463.03750........  ......do.............  2, 9, 13, 20              
        463.04375........  ......do.............  9, 13, 20, 27             
        463.050..........  ......do.............  9, 13, 20                 
        463.05625........  ......do.............  9, 13, 20, 27             
        463.06250........  ......do.............  2, 9, 13, 20              
        463.06875........  ......do.............  9, 13, 20, 27             
        463.075..........  ......do.............  9 ,13, 21                 
        463.08125........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        463.08750........  ......do.............  2, 9, 13, 21              
        463.09375........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        463.100..........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21                 
        463.10625........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        463.11250........  ......do.............  2, 9, 13, 21              
        463.11875........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        463.125..........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21                 
        463.13125........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        463.13750........  ......do.............  2, 9, 13, 21              
        463.14375........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        463.150..........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21                 
        463.15625........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        463.16250........  ......do.............  2, 9, 13, 21              
        463.16875........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        463.175..........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21                 
        463.18125........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        463.18750........  ......do.............  2, 9, 13, 21              
        463.19375........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        465.525..........  Mobile...............  10                        
        465.53125........  ......do.............  10, 27                    
        465.53750........  ......do.............  2, 10                     
        465.54375........  ......do.............  10, 27                    
        465.550..........  ......do.............  10                        
        465.55625........  ......do.............  10, 27                    
        465.56250........  ......do.............  2, 10                     
        465.56875........  ......do.............  10, 27                    
        467.950..........  ......do.............  3, 11                     
        467.95625........  ......do.............  3, 11, 27                 
        467.96250........  ......do.............  2, 3, 11                  
        467.96875........  ......do.............  3, 11, 27                 
        467.975..........  ......do.............  3, 11                     
        467.98125........  ......do.............  3, 11, 27                 
    [[Page 37192]]
        467.98750........  ......do.............  2, 3, 11                  
        467.99375........  ......do.............  3, 11, 27                 
        468.000..........  ......do.............  9, 13, 20                 
        468.00625........  ......do.............  9, 13, 20, 27             
        468.01250........  ......do.............  2, 9, 13, 20              
        468.01875........  ......do.............  9, 13, 20, 27             
        468.025..........  ......do.............  9, 13, 20                 
        468.03125........  ......do.............  9, 13, 20, 27             
        468.03750........  ......do.............  2, 9, 13, 20              
        468.04375........  ......do.............  9, 13, 20, 27             
        468.050..........  ......do.............  9, 13, 20                 
        468.05625........  ......do.............  9, 13, 20, 27             
        468.06250........  ......do.............  2, 9, 13, 20              
        468.06875........  ......do.............  9, 13, 20, 27             
        468.075..........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21                 
        468.08125........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        468.08750........  ......do.............  2, 9, 13, 21              
        468.09375........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        468.100..........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21                 
        468.10625........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        468.11250........  ......do.............  2, 9, 13, 21              
        468.11875........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        468.125..........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21                 
        468.13125........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        468.13750........  ......do.............  2, 9, 13, 21              
        468.14375........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        468.150..........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21                 
        468.15625........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        468.16250........  ......do.............  2, 9, 13, 21              
        468.16875........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        468.175..........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21                 
        468.18125........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        468.18750........  ......do.............  2, 9, 13, 21              
        468.19375........  ......do.............  9, 13, 21, 27             
        470 to 512.......  Base or Mobile.......  14                        
        806 to 824.......  Mobile...............  15                        
        851 to 869.......  Base or Mobile.......  15                        
        928 and above....  Operational fixed....  16                        
        929 to 930.......  Base only............  24                        
        1427 to 1435.....  Operational fixed      17                        
                            base or mobile.                                 
        2450 to 2500.....  Base or Mobile.......  18                        
        10,550 to 10,680.  ......do.............  23                        
        (c) * * *
        (2) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
    telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
    this frequency.
    * * * * *
        (11) This frequency is primarily authorized for use in the dispatch 
    of medical care vehicles and personnel for the rendition or delivery of 
    medical services. This frequency may also be assigned for intra-system 
    and inter-system mutual assistance purposes. For uniformity in usage 
    these frequency pairs may be referred to by channel name as follows:
      Frequencies base and                                                  
       mobile (Megahertz)        Mobile only (MHz)          Channel name    
    462.950.................  467.950................  MED-9                
    462.95625...............  467.95625..............                       
    462.9625................  467.9625...............                       
    462.96875...............  467.96875..............                       
    462.975.................  467.975................  MED-10               
    462.98125...............  467.98125..............                       
    462.9875................  467.9875...............                       
    462.99375...............  467.99375..............                       
        (12) [Reserved]
        (13) For applications for new radio systems received after August 
    15, 1974, the thirty-two frequency pairs listed in paragraph (c)(13)(i) 
    of this section will be assigned in a block for shared operation under 
    Sec. 90.27(a) subject to the following:
        (i) For uniformity in usage, these frequency pairs may be referred 
    to by channel name as follows:
      Frequencies base and                                                  
       mobile (Megahertz)        Mobile only (MHz)          Channel name    
    463.000.................  468.000................  MED-1                
    463.00625...............  468.00625..............  MED-A                
    463.0125................  468.0125...............  MED-B                
    463.01875...............  468.01875..............  MED-C                
    463.025.................  468.025................  MED-2                
    463.03125...............  468.03125..............  MED-D                
    463.0375................  468.0375...............  MED-E                
    463.04375...............  468.04375..............  MED-F                
    463.050.................  468.050................  MED-3                
    463.05625...............  468.05625..............  MED-G                
    463.0625................  468.0625...............  MED-H                
    463.06875...............  468.06875..............  MED-I                
    46.075..................  46.075.................  MED-4                
    463.08125...............  468.08125..............  MED-J                
    463.0875................  468.0875...............  MED-K                
    463.09375...............  468.09375..............  MED-L                
    463.100.................  468.100................  MED-5                
    463.10625...............  468.10625..............  MED-M                
    463.1125................  468.1125...............  MED-N                
    463.11875...............  468.11875..............  MED-O                
    463.125.................  468.125................  MED-6                
    463.13125...............  468.13125..............  MED-P                
    [[Page 37193]]
    463.1375................  468.1375...............  MED-Q                
    463.14375...............  468.14375..............  MED-R                
    463.150.................  468.150................  MED-7                
    463.15625...............  468.15625..............  MED-S                
    463.1625................  468.1625...............  MED-T                
    463.16875...............  468.16875..............  MED-U                
    463.175.................  468.175................  MED-8                
    463.18125...............  468.18125..............  MED-V                
    463.1875................  468.1875...............  MED-W                
    463.19375...............  468.19375..............  MED-X                
        (ii) Except as provided in paragraphs (c)(13) (iii) and (iv) of 
    this section, mobile or portable stations must employ equipment that is 
    both wired and equipped to transmit/receive, respectively, on each of 
    MED frequency pairs with transmitters operated on the 468 MHz 
    * * * * *
        (27) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
        (28) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173.
        8. Section 90.53 is amended by revising the table of frequencies in 
    paragraph (a), revising limitation (30), and adding limitations (35), 
    (36), (37), and (38) in paragraph (b), and revising paragraph (d)(5) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 90.53  Frequencies available.
        (a) * * *
                    Special Emergency Service Frequency Table               
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        2000-3000........  Fixed................  ..........................
        2726.............  Base or mobile.......  2                         
        3201.............  .....do..............  ..........................
        33.02............  .....do..............   3, 25                    
        33.04............  .....do..............   25                       
        33.06............  .....do..............   3, 25                    
        33.08............  .....do..............   25                       
        33.10............  .....do..............   3, 25                    
        35.02............  Mobile...............  27                        
        35.64............  Base.................  4                         
        35.68............  .....do..............   4                        
        37.90............  Base or mobile.......  3, 25                     
        37.94............  .....do..............   3, 25                    
        37.98............  .....do..............   3, 25                    
        43.64............  Base.................  4, 28                     
        43.68............  .....do..............   4                        
        45.92............  Base or mobile.......  25                        
        45.96............  .....do..............   25                       
        46.00............  .....do..............   25                       
        46.04............  .....do..............   25                       
        47.42............  .....do..............   5, 25                    
        47.46............  .....do..............   25                       
        47.50............  .....do..............   25                       
        47.54............  .....do..............   25                       
        47.58............  .....do..............   25                       
        47.62............  .....do..............   25                       
        47.66............  .....do..............   25                       
        72.00 to 76.00...  Operational fixed....  6                         
        150 to 170.......  Base or mobile.......  36                        
        152.0075.........  Base.................  4, 31, 37                 
        155.160..........  Base or mobile.......  25                        
        155.1675.........  .....do..............   25, 30                   
        155.175..........  .....do..............   25                       
        155.1825.........  .....do..............   25, 30                   
        155.205..........  .....do..............   25                       
        155.2125.........  .....do..............   25, 30                   
        155.220..........  .....do..............   25                       
        155.2275.........  .....do..............   25, 30                   
        155.235..........  .....do..............   25                       
        155.2425.........  .....do..............   25, 30                   
        155.265..........  .....do..............   25                       
        155.2725.........  .....do..............   25, 30                   
        155.280..........  .....do..............   25                       
        155.2875.........  .....do..............   25, 30                   
        155.295..........  .....do..............   25                       
        155.3025.........  .....do..............   25, 30                   
        157.450..........  .....do..............   4, 11, 37                
        163.250..........  .....do..............   4, 37                    
        169-172..........  Mobile...............  33                        
        450-470..........  Fixed, base, or        12, 36                    
        453.0125.........  Mobile...............  38                        
        453.025..........  Base.................  26                        
        453.03125........  .....do..............   26, 35                   
        453.03750........  .....do..............   26, 30                   
    [[Page 37194]]
        453.04375........  .....do..............   26, 35                   
        453.075..........  .....do..............   26                       
        453.08125........  .....do..............   26, 35                   
        453.08750........  .....do..............   26, 30                   
        453.09375........  .....do..............   26, 35                   
        453.125..........  .....do..............   26                       
        453.13125........  .....do..............   26, 35                   
        453.13750........  .....do..............   26, 30                   
        453.14375........  .....do..............   26, 35                   
        453.175..........  .....do..............   26                       
        453.18125........  .....do..............   26, 35                   
        453.18750........  .....do..............   26, 30                   
        453.19375........  .....do..............   26, 35                   
        458.0375.........  Mobile...............  38                        
        458.0625.........  .....do..............   38                       
        458.0875.........  .....do..............   38                       
        458.1125.........  .....do..............   38                       
        458.1375.........  .....do..............   38                       
        458.1625.........  .....do..............   38                       
        458.1875.........  .....do..............   38                       
        460.5125.........  .....do..............   38                       
        460.5375.........  .....do..............   38                       
        460.5625.........  .....do..............   38                       
        462.9375.........  .....do..............   38                       
        462.9625.........  .....do..............   38                       
        462.9875.........  .....do..............   38                       
        462.0125.........  .....do..............   38                       
        462.0375.........  .....do..............   38                       
        462.0625.........  .....do..............   38                       
        462.0875.........  .....do..............   38                       
        462.1125.........  .....do..............   38                       
        462.1375.........  .....do..............   38                       
        462.1625.........  .....do..............   38                       
        462.1775.........  .....do..............   38                       
        465.5125.........  .....do..............   38                       
        465.5375.........  .....do..............   38                       
        465.5625.........  .....do..............   38                       
        467.9375.........  .....do..............   38                       
        467.9625.........  .....do..............   38                       
        467.9875.........  .....do..............   38                       
        467.0125.........  .....do..............   38                       
        467.0375.........  .....do..............   38                       
        467.0625.........  .....do..............   38                       
        467.0875.........  .....do..............   38                       
        467.1125.........  .....do..............   38                       
        467.1375.........  .....do..............   38                       
        467.1625.........  .....do..............   38                       
        467.1875.........  .....do..............   38                       
        806 to 824.......  Mobile...............  21                        
        851 to 869.......  Base or mobile.......  21                        
        928 and above....  Operational fixed....  22                        
        929 to 930.......  Base only............  7                         
        1427 to 1435.....  Operational fixed,     23                        
                            base or mobile.                                 
        2450 to 2500.....  Base or mobile.......  24                        
        10,550 to 10,680.  .....do..............   9                        
        (b) * * *
        (30) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
    telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
    this frequency.
    * * * * *
        (35) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
        (36) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173.
        (37) This frequency will be authorized a channel bandwidth of 25 
        (38) This frequency is available for systems first licensed prior 
    to August 18, 1995. No new systems will be authorized after August 18, 
    1995, but prior authorized systems may be modified, expanded, and 
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (5) Frequencies in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, 450-512 MHz and 902-
    928 MHz bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and 
    Monitoring Service (LMS) systems in accordance with the provisions of 
    subpart M of this part, notwithstanding this limitation. 
    [[Page 37195]]
        9. Section 90.63 is amended by revising the table of frequencies in 
    paragraph (c), revising limitation (24), and adding limitations (28), 
    (29) and (30) in paragraph (d), and revising paragraph (f)(3) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 90.63  Power Radio Service.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
                       Power Radio Service Frequency Table                  
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        2000 to 25,000...  Fixed, base or mobile   1                        
        2292.............  Base or mobile.......  1                         
        2398.............  ......do.............   1                        
        4637.5...........  ......do.............   1                        
        37.46............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.48............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.50............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.52............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.54............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.56............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.58............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.60............  Base, mobile or        2                         
                            operational fixed.                              
        37.62............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        37.64............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.66............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.68............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.70............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.72............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.74............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.76............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.78............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.80............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.82............  ......do.............  ..........................
        37.84............  Operational fixed,     2                         
                            base or mobile.                                 
        37.86............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        47.70............  ......do.............  ..........................
        47.72............  ......do.............  ..........................
        47.74............  ......do.............  ..........................
        47.76............  ......do.............  ..........................
        47.78............  ......do.............  ..........................
        47.80............  ......do.............  ..........................
        47.82............  ......do.............  ..........................
        47.84............  ......do.............  ..........................
        47.86............  ......do.............  ..........................
        47.88............  ......do.............  ..........................
        47.90............  ......do.............  ..........................
        47.92............  ......do.............  ..........................
        47.94............  ......do.............  ..........................
        47.96............  ......do.............  ..........................
        47.98............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.00............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.02............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.04............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.06............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.08............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.10............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.12............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.14............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.16............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.18............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.20............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.22............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.24............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.26............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.28............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.30............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.32............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.34............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.36............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.38............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.40............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.42............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.44............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.46............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.48............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.50............  ......do.............  ..........................
    [[Page 37196]]
        48.52............  ......do.............  ..........................
        48.54............  ......do.............  ..........................
        72.00 to 76.00...  Operational fixed....  3                         
        74.61............  Mobile...............  27                        
        74.63............  ......do.............  27                        
        74.65............  ......do.............  27                        
        74.67............  ......do.............  27                        
        74.69............  ......do.............  27                        
        74.71............  ......do.............  27                        
        74.73............  ......do.............  27                        
        74.75............  ......do.............  27                        
        74.77............  ......do.............  27                        
        74.79............  ......do.............  27                        
        75.21............  ......do.............  27                        
        75.23............  ......do.............  27                        
        75.25............  ......do.............  27                        
        75.27............  ......do.............  27                        
        75.29............  ......do.............  27                        
        75.31............  ......do.............  27                        
        75.33............  ......do.............  27                        
        75.35............  ......do.............  27                        
        75.37............  ......do.............  27                        
        75.39............  ......do.............  27                        
        150 to 170.......  Base or mobile.......  29                        
        153.410..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        153.4175.........  ......do.............  24                        
        153.425..........  ......do.............  4                         
        153.4325.........  ......do.............  4, 24                     
        153.440..........  ......do.............  5                         
        153.4475.........  ......do.............  5, 24                     
        153.455..........  ......do.............  4                         
        153.4625.........  ......do.............  4, 24                     
        153.470..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        153.4775.........  ......do.............  24                        
        153.485..........  ......do.............  4                         
        153.4925.........  ......do.............  4, 24                     
        153.500..........  ......do.............  5                         
        153.5075.........  ......do.............  5, 24                     
        153.515..........  ......do.............  4                         
        153.5225.........  ......do.............  4, 24                     
        153.530..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        153.5375.........  ......do.............  24                        
        153.545..........  ......do.............  4                         
        153.5525.........  ......do.............  4, 24                     
        153.560..........  ......do.............  5                         
        153.5675.........  ......do.............  5, 24                     
        153.575..........  ......do.............  4                         
        153.5825.........  ......do.............  4, 24                     
        153.590..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        153.5975.........  ......do.............  24                        
        153.605..........  ......do.............  4                         
        153.6125.........  ......do.............  4, 24                     
        153.620..........  ......do.............  5                         
        153.6275.........  ......do.............  5, 24                     
        153.635..........  ......do.............  4                         
        153.6425.........  ......do.............  4, 24                     
        153.650..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        153.6575.........  ......do.............  24                        
        153.665..........  ......do.............  4                         
        153.6725.........  ......do.............  4, 24                     
        153.680..........  ......do.............  5                         
        153.6875.........  ......do.............  5, 24                     
        153.695..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        153.7025.........  ......do.............  24                        
        153.710..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        153.7175.........  ......do.............  24                        
        153.725..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        153.7325.........  ......do.............  24                        
        154.45625........  Fixed or mobile......  7, 21, 22, 23             
        154.46375........  ......do.............  6, 7, 21                  
        154.47125........  ......do.............  7, 11, 21, 22             
        154.47875........  ......do.............  7, 21, 22, 23             
    [[Page 37197]]
        158.1225.........  Base or mobile.......  28                        
        158.130..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        158.1375.........  ......do.............  24                        
        158.145..........  ......do.............  8                         
        158.1525.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        158.160..........  ......do.............  9                         
        158.1675.........  ......do.............  9, 24                     
        158.175..........  ......do.............  8                         
        158.1825.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        158.190..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        158.1975.........  ......do.............  24                        
        158.205..........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        158.2125.........  ......do.............  8                         
        158.220..........  ......do.............  9, 24                     
        158.2275.........  ......do.............  9                         
        158.235..........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        158.2425.........  ......do.............  8                         
        158.250..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        158.2575.........  ......do.............  24                        
        158.265..........  ......do.............  8                         
        158.2725.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        169-172..........  Mobile, operational    10                        
        173.20375........  Fixed or mobile......  7, 11, 21, 22             
        173.2100.........  ......do.............  11, 12, 21, 22            
        173.2375.........  ......do.............  7, 21, 22, 23             
        173.250..........  Base or mobile.......  9                         
        173.2625.........  Fixed or mobile......  7, 21, 22, 23             
        173.2875.........  ......do.............  7, 21, 22, 23             
        173.300..........  Base or mobile.......  9                         
        173.3125.........  Fixed or mobile......  7, 21, 22, 23             
        173.3375.........  ......do.............  7, 21, 22, 23             
        173.350..........  Base or mobile.......  9                         
        173.3625.........  Fixed or mobile......  7, 21, 22, 23             
        173.3900.........  ......do.............  11, 12, 21, 22            
        173.39625........  ......do.............  7, 11, 21, 22             
        216-220..........  Base and mobile......  13                        
        220-222..........  Base and mobile......  26                        
        406-413..........  Operational fixed....  10                        
        450-470..........  Fixed, base, or        14, 29                    
        451.01875........  Base or mobile.......  28                        
        451.025..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        451.03125........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.03750........  ......do.............  24                        
        451.04375........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.050..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        451.05625........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.06250........  ......do.............  24                        
        451.06875........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.075..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        451.08125........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.08750........  ......do.............  24                        
        451.09375........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.100..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        451.10625........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.11250........  ......do.............  24                        
        451.11875........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.125..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        451.13125........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.13750........  ......do.............  24                        
        451.14375........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.150..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        451.15625........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.16250........  ......do.............  24                        
        451.16875........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.175..........  ......do.............  15                        
        451.18125........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        451.18750........  ......do.............  15, 24                    
        451.19375........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        451.200..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        451.20625........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.21250........  ......do.............  24                        
        451.21875........  ......do.............  28                        
    [[Page 37198]]
        451.225..........  ......do.............  15                        
        451.23125........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        451.23750........  ......do.............  15, 24                    
        451.24375........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        451.250..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        451.25625........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.26250........  ......do.............  24                        
        451.26875........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.275..........  ......do.............  15                        
        451.28125........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        451.28750........  ......do.............  15, 24                    
        451.29375........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        451.3625.........  Mobile...............  30                        
        451.375..........  Base and mobile......  15                        
        451.38125........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.38750........  ......do.............  24                        
        451.39375........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.4125.........  Mobile...............  30                        
        451.425..........  Base or mobile.......  15                        
        451.431251.......  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        451.43750........  ......do.............  15, 24                    
        451.44375........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        451.4625.........  Mobile...............  30                        
        451.475..........  Base or mobile.......  15                        
        451.48125........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.48750........  ......do.............  24                        
        451.49375........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.5125.........  Mobile...............  30                        
        451.525..........  Base or mobile.......  15                        
        451.53125........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        451.53750........  ......do.............  15, 24                    
        451.54375........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        451.5625.........  Mobile...............  30                        
        451.575..........  Base or mobile.......  15                        
        451.58125........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        451.58750........  ......do.............  15, 24                    
        451.59375........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        451.6125.........  Mobile...............  30                        
        451.625..........  Base or mobile.......  15                        
        451.63125........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        451.63750........  ......do.............  15, 24                    
        451.64375........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        451.6625.........  Mobile...............  30                        
        451.675..........  Base or mobile.......  15                        
        451.68125........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        451.68750........  ......do.............  15, 24                    
        451.69375........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        456.01875........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.025..........  Mobile...............  ..........................
        456.03125........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.03750........  ......do.............  24                        
        456.04375........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.050..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        456.05625........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.06250........  ......do.............  24                        
        456.06875........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.075..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        456.08125........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.08750........  ......do.............  24                        
        456.09375........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.100..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        456.10625........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.11250........  ......do.............  24                        
        456.11875........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.125..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        456.13125........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.13750........  ......do.............  24                        
        456.14375........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.150..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        456.15625........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.16250........  ......do.............  24                        
    [[Page 37199]]
        456.16875........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.175..........  ......do.............  15                        
        456.18125........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        456.18750........  ......do.............  15, 24                    
        456.19375........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        456.200..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        456.20625........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.21250........  ......do.............  24                        
        456.21875........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.225..........  ......do.............  15                        
        456.23125........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        456.23750........  ......do.............  15, 24                    
        456.24375........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        456.250..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        456.25625........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.26250........  ......do.............  24                        
        456.26875........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.275..........  ......do.............  15                        
        456.28125........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        456.28750........  ......do.............  15, 24                    
        456.29375........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        456.3625.........  Mobile...............  30                        
        456.375..........  ......do.............  15                        
        456.38125........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        456.38750........  ......do.............  15, 24                    
        456.39375........  ......do.............   15, 28                   
        456.4125.........  ......do.............   30                       
        456.425..........  ......do.............   15                       
        456.43125........  ......do.............   15, 28                   
        456.43750........  ......do.............   15, 24                   
        456.44375........  ......do.............   15, 28                   
        456.4625.........  ......do.............   30                       
        456.475..........  ......do.............   15                       
        456.48125........  ......do.............   15, 28                   
        456.48750........  ......do.............   15, 24                   
        456.49375........  ......do.............   15, 28                   
        456.5125.........  ......do.............   30                       
        456.525..........  ......do.............   15                       
        456.53125........  ......do.............   15, 28                   
        456.53750........  ......do.............   15, 24                   
        456.54375........  ......do.............   15, 28                   
        456.5625.........  ......do.............   30                       
        456.575..........  ......do.............   15                       
        456.58125........  ......do.............   15, 28                   
        456.58750........  ......do.............   15, 24                   
        456.59375........  ......do.............   15, 28                   
        456.6125.........  ......do.............   30                       
        456.625..........  ......do.............   15                       
        456.63125........  ......do.............   15, 28                   
        456.63750........  ......do.............   15, 24                   
        456.64375........  ......do.............   15, 28                   
        456.6625.........  ......do.............   30                       
        456.675..........  ......do.............   15                       
        456.68125........  ......do.............   15, 28                   
        456.68750........  ......do.............   15, 24                   
        456.69375........  ......do.............   15, 28                   
        462.4625.........  ......do.............  30                        
        462.475..........  Base or mobile.......  15                        
        462.48125........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        462.48750........  ......do.............  15, 24                    
        462.49375........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        462.5125.........  Mobile...............  30                        
        462.525..........  Base or mobile.......  15                        
        462.53125........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        467.4625.........  Mobile...............  30                        
        467.475..........  ......do.............  15                        
        467.48125........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        467.48750........  ......do.............  15, 24                    
        467.49375........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
        467.5125.........  ......do.............  30                        
        467.525..........  ......do.............  15                        
        467.53125........  ......do.............  15, 28                    
    [[Page 37200]]
        470 to 512.......  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        806 to 821.......  Mobile...............  17                        
        851 to 866.......  Base or mobile.......  17                        
        896 to 901.......  Mobile...............  17                        
        928 and above....  Operational fixed....  18                        
        929-930..........  Base only............  25                        
        935 to 940.......  Base or mobile.......  17                        
        1427 to 1435.....  Base, mobile or        13                        
                            operational fixed.                              
        2450 to 2500.....  Base or mobile.......  19                        
        8400 to 8500.....  ......do.............   20                       
        10,550 to 10,680*  ......do.............  ..........................
    *The frequencies in the band 10.55-10.68 GHz are available for Digital  
      Termination Systems and for associated internodal links in the Point- 
      to-Point Microwave Radio Service. No new licenses will be issued under
      this Subpart but current licenses will be renewed.                    
        (d) * * *
        (24) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
    telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
    this frequency.
    * * * * *
        (28) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
        (29) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173.
        (30) This frequency is available for systems first licensed prior 
    to August 18, 1995. No new systems will be authorized after August 18, 
    1995, but prior authorized systems may be modified, expanded, and 
    * * * * *
        (f) * * *
        (3) Frequencies in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, 450-512 MHz and 902-
    928 MHz bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and 
    Monitoring Service (LMS) systems in accordance with the provisions of 
    subpart M of this part, notwithstanding this limitation.
    * * * * *
        10. Section 90.65 is amended by revising the table of frequencies 
    in paragraph (b), revising limitation (41), and adding limitations 
    (45), (46) and (47) in paragraph (c), and revising paragraph (e)(4) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 90.65  Petroleum Radio Service.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
                     Petroleum Radio Service Frequency Table                
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        1614.............  Base or mobile.......  1, 2, 3, 4                
        1628.............  ......do.............  1, 2, 3, 4                
        1652.............  ......do.............  1, 2, 3, 4                
        1676.............  ......do.............  1, 2, 3, 4                
        1700.............  ......do.............  1, 2, 3, 4                
        2000 to 25,000...  Fixed, base or mobile  1                         
        2292.............  Base or mobile.......  1, 2, 4, 5                
        2398.............  ......do.............  1, 2, 4, 5                
        4637.5...........  ......do.............  1, 2, 4, 5                
        25.02............  ......do.............  3, 4                      
        25.04............  ......do.............  6                         
        25.06............  ......do.............  3, 4                      
        25.08............  ......do.............  6, 7                      
        25.10............  ......do.............  3, 4, 7                   
        25.12............  ......do.............  ..........................
        25.14............  ......do.............  3, 4                      
        25.16............  ......do.............  ..........................
        25.18............  ......do.............  3, 4                      
        25.20............  ......do.............  ..........................
        25.22............  ......do.............  4, 5                      
        25.24............  ......do.............  ..........................
        25.26............  ......do.............  4, 5                      
        25.28............  ......do.............  ..........................
        25.30............  ......do.............  4, 5                      
        25.32............  ......do.............  ..........................
        30.66............  ......do.............  4, 5, 8                   
        30.70............  ......do.............  4, 5                      
        30.74............  ......do.............  4, 5, 8                   
        30.78............  ......do.............  4, 5                      
        30.82............  ......do.............  4, 5, 8                   
        31.32............  ......do.............  37                        
        31.40............  ......do.............  37                        
        31.44............  ......do.............  37                        
    [[Page 37201]]
        31.48............  ......do.............  37                        
        31.52............  ......do.............  37                        
        31.60............  ......do.............  37                        
        31.64............  ......do.............  37                        
        31.72............  ......do.............  37                        
        31.76............  ......do.............  37                        
        33.18............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.20............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.22............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.24............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.26............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.28............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.30............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.32............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.34............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.36............  ......do.............  ..........................
        33.38............  ......do.............  ..........................
        35.48............  ......do.............  37                        
        36.25............  ......do.............  9                         
        41.71............  ......do.............  9                         
        48.56............  ......do.............  10                        
        48.58............  ......do.............  10                        
        48.60............  ......do.............  10                        
        48.62............  ......do.............  10                        
        48.64............  ......do.............  10                        
        48.66............  ......do.............  10                        
        48.68............  ......do.............  10                        
        48.70............  ......do.............  10                        
        48.72............  ......do.............  10                        
        48.74............  ......do.............  10                        
        48.76............  ......do.............  10, 44                    
        48.78............  ......do.............  10                        
        48.80............  ......do.............  10                        
        48.82............  ......do.............  10                        
        48.84............  ......do.............  10, 44                    
        48.86............  ......do.............  10, 44                    
        48.88............  ......do.............  10                        
        48.90............  ......do.............  10                        
        48.92............  ......do.............  10, 44                    
        48.94............  ......do.............  10                        
        48.96............  ......do.............  10                        
        48.98............  ......do.............  10                        
        49.00............  ......do.............  10                        
        49.02............  ......do.............  10, 44                    
        49.04............  ......do.............  10                        
        49.06............  ......do.............  10                        
        49.08............  ......do.............  10, 44                    
        49.10............  ......do.............  10, 44                    
        49.12............  ......do.............  10                        
        49.14............  ......do.............  10                        
        49.16............  ......do.............  10, 44                    
        49.18............  ......do.............  10                        
        49.20............  ......do.............  10, 44                    
        49.22............  ......do.............  10                        
        49.24............  ......do.............  10, 44                    
        49.26............  ......do.............  10                        
        49.28............  ......do.............  10, 44                    
        49.30............  ......do.............  10                        
        49.32............  ......do.............  10                        
        49.34............  ......do.............  10                        
        49.36............  ......do.............  10, 44                    
        49.38............  ......do.............  10                        
        49.40............  ......do.............  10, 44                    
        49.42............  ......do.............  10                        
        49.44............  ......do.............  10                        
        49.46............  ......do.............  10,44                     
        49.48............  ......do.............  10                        
        49.50............  ......do.............  10,44                     
        72.00 to 76.00...  Operational fixed....  11                        
        74.61............  Mobile...............  43                        
        74.63............  ......do.............  43                        
        74.65............  ......do.............  43                        
    [[Page 37202]]
        74.67............  ......do.............  43                        
        74.69............  ......do.............  43                        
        74.71............  ......do.............  43                        
        74.73............  ......do.............  43                        
        74.75............  ......do.............  43                        
        74.77............  ......do.............  43                        
        74.79............  ......do.............  43                        
        75.21............  ......do.............  43                        
        75.23............  ......do.............  43                        
        75.25............  ......do.............  43                        
        75.27............  ......do.............  43                        
        75.29............  ......do.............  43                        
        75.31............  ......do.............  43                        
        75.33............  ......do.............  43                        
        75.35............  ......do.............  43                        
        75.37............  ......do.............  43                        
        75.39............  ......do.............  43                        
        150 to 170.......  Base or mobile.......  45                        
        150.980..........  ......do.............  6                         
        150.9875.........  ......do.............  6, 41                     
        153.035..........  ......do.............  12                        
        153.0425.........  ......do.............  12, 41                    
        153.050..........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13, 38, 40          
        153.0575.........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13, 38, 40, 41      
        153.0650.........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13, 38, 40          
        153.065..........  ......do.............  13                        
        153.0725.........  ......do.............  13, 41                    
        153.080..........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13                  
        153.0875.........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13, 41              
        153.095..........  ......do.............  13                        
        153.1025.........  ......do.............  13, 14                    
        153.110..........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13                  
        153.1175.........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13, 41              
        153.125..........  ......do.............  13, 38, 40                
        153.1325.........  ......do.............  13, 38, 40, 41            
        153.140..........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13                  
        153.1475.........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13, 41              
        153.155..........  ......do.............  13                        
        153.1625.........  ......do.............  13, 41                    
        153.170..........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13                  
        153.1775.........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13, 41              
        153.185..........  ......do.............  13                        
        153.1925.........  ......do.............  13, 41                    
        153.200..........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13                  
        153.2075.........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13, 41              
        153.215..........  ......do.............  13                        
        153.2225.........  ......do.............  13, 41                    
        153.230..........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13                  
        153.2375.........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13, 41              
        153.245..........  ......do.............  13                        
        153.2525.........  ......do.............  13, 41                    
        153.260..........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13                  
        153.2675.........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13, 41              
        153.275..........  ......do.............  13                        
        153.2825.........  ......do.............  13, 41                    
        153.290..........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13                  
        153.2975.........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13, 41              
        153.305..........  ......do.............  13                        
        153.3125.........  ......do.............  13, 41                    
        153.320..........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13                  
        153.3275.........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13, 41              
        153.335..........  ......do.............  13, 38                    
        153.3425.........  ......do.............  13, 38, 41                
        153.350..........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13, 38              
        153.3575.........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13, 38, 41          
        153.365..........  ......do.............  13, 38                    
        153.3725.........  ......do.............  13, 38, 41                
        153.380..........  ......do.............  13, 38                    
        153.3875.........  ......do.............  13, 38, 41                
        153.395..........  ......do.............  13, 38                    
        153.4025.........  ......do.............  13, 38, 41                
        153.425..........  ......do.............  14                        
    [[Page 37203]]
        153.4325.........  ......do.............  14, 41                    
        153.440..........  ......do.............  10, 15                    
        153.4475.........  ......do.............  10, 15, 41                
        153.455..........  ......do.............  14                        
        153.4625.........  ......do.............  14, 41                    
        153.485..........  ......do.............  14                        
        153.4925.........  ......do.............  14, 41                    
        153.500..........  ......do.............  10, 15                    
        153.5075.........  ......do.............  10, 15, 41                
        153.515..........  ......do.............  14                        
        153.5225.........  ......do.............  14, 41                    
        153.545..........  ......do.............  14                        
        153.5525.........  ......do.............  14, 41                    
        153.560..........  ......do.............  10, 15                    
        153.5675.........  ......do.............  10, 15, 41                
        153.575..........  ......do.............  14                        
        153.5825.........  ......do.............  14, 41                    
        153.605..........  ......do.............  14                        
        153.6125.........  ......do.............  14, 41                    
        153.620..........  ......do.............  10, 15                    
        153.6275.........  ......do.............  10, 15, 41                
        153.635..........  ......do.............  14                        
        153.6425.........  ......do.............  14, 41                    
        153.665..........  ......do.............  14                        
        153.6725.........  ......do.............  14, 41                    
        153.680..........  ......do.............  10, 15                    
        153.6875.........  ......do.............  10, 15, 41                
        154.45625........  Fixed or mobile......  16, 18, 24, 34            
        154.46375........  ......do.............  16, 18, 24, 35, 36        
        154.47125........  ......do.............  16, 18, 24, 35            
        154.47875........  ......do.............  16, 18, 24, 34            
        154.585..........  Mobile...............  6, 19                     
        158.145..........  Base or mobile.......  20                        
        158.1525.........  ......do.............  20, 41                    
        158.160..........  ......do.............  10, 21                    
        158.1675.........  ......do.............  10, 21, 41                
        158.175..........  ......do.............  20                        
        158.1825.........  ......do.............  20, 41                    
        158.205..........  ......do.............  20                        
        158.2125.........  ......do.............  20, 41                    
        158.220..........  ......do.............  10,21                     
        158.2275.........  ......do.............  20, 21, 41                
        158.235..........  ......do.............  20                        
        158.2425.........  ......do.............  20, 41                    
        158.265..........  ......do.............  20                        
        158.2725.........  ......do.............  20, 41                    
        158.280..........  ......do.............  13                        
        158.2875.........  ......do.............  13, 41                    
        158.295..........  ......do.............  13                        
        158.3025.........  ......do.............  13, 41                    
        158.310..........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13                  
        158.3175.........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13, 41              
        158.325..........  ......do.............  13, 38, 40                
        158.3325.........  ......do.............  13, 38, 40, 41            
        158.355..........  ......do.............  10, 39                    
        158.3625.........  ......do.............  10, 39, 41                
        158.370..........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10                  
        158.3775.........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10, 41              
        158.415..........  ......do.............  13, 38, 40                
        158.4225.........  ......do.............  13, 38, 40, 41            
        158.430..........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13                  
        158.4375.........  ......do.............  4, 5, 13, 41              
        158.445..........  Mobile...............  6, 22                     
        159.480..........  Based or mobile......  6                         
        159.4875.........  ......do.............  6, 41                     
        169-172..........  Mobile, operational    23                        
        173.20375........  Fixed or mobile......  16, 18, 24, 35            
        173.2100.........  ......do.............  16, 24, 25, 35            
        173.2375.........  ......do.............  16, 18, 24, 34            
        173.250..........  Base or mobile.......  10, 21                    
        173.2625.........  Fixed or mobile......  16, 18, 24, 34            
        173.2875.........  ......do.............  16, 18, 24, 34            
    [[Page 37204]]
        173.300..........  Base or mobile.......  10, 21                    
        173.3125.........  Fixed or mobile......  16, 18, 24, 34            
        173.3375.........  ......do.............  16, 18, 24, 34            
        173.350..........  Base or mobile.......  10, 21                    
        173.3625.........  Fixed or mobile......  16, 18, 24, 34            
        173.3900.........  ......do.............  16, 24, 25, 35            
        173.39625........  ......do.............  16, 18, 24, 35            
        216-220..........  Base or mobile.......  26                        
        220-222..........  Base or mobile.......  17                        
        406-413..........  Operational fixed....  23                        
        450-470..........  Fixed, base, or        27, 45                    
        451.1625.........  Mobile...............  46                        
        451.175..........  Base or mobile.......  28                        
        451.18125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.18750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        451.19375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.2125.........  Mobile...............  46                        
        451.225..........  Base or mobile.......  28                        
        451.23125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.23750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        451.24375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.2625.........  Mobile...............  46                        
        451.275..........  Base or mobile.......  28                        
        451.28125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.28750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        451.29375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.3625.........  Mobile...............  46                        
        451.375..........  Base or mobile.......  28                        
        451.38125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.38750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        451.39375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.4125.........  Mobile...............  46                        
        451.425..........  Base or mobile.......  28                        
        451.43125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.43750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        451.44375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.4625.........  Mobile...............  46                        
        451.475..........  Base or mobile.......  28                        
        451.48125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.48750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        451.49375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.5125.........  Mobile...............  46                        
        451.525..........  Base or mobile.......  28                        
        451.53125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.53750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        451.54375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.550..........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10                  
        451.55625........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10, 47              
        451.56250........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10, 41              
        451.56875........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10, 47              
        451.575..........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.58125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.58750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        451.59375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.600..........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10                  
        451.60625........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10, 47              
        451.61250........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10, 41              
        451.61875........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10, 47              
        451.625..........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.63125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.63750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        451.64375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.650..........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10                  
        451.65625........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10, 47              
        451.66250........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10, 41              
        451.66875........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10, 47              
        451.675..........  ......do.............  28                        
        451.68125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.68750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        451.69375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        451.700..........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10                  
        451.70625........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10, 47              
    [[Page 37205]]
        451.71250........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10, 41              
        451.71875........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10, 47              
        451.7375.........  Mobile...............  46                        
        451.750..........  Base or mobile.......  4, 5, 10                  
        451.75625........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10, 47              
        451.76250........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10, 41              
        451.76875........  ......do.............  4, 5, 10, 47              
        454.000..........  ......do.............  6                         
        456.1625.........  Mobile...............  46                        
        456.175..........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.18125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.18750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        456.19375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.2125.........  ......do.............  46                        
        456.225..........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.23125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.23750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        456.24375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.2625.........  ......do.............  46                        
        456.275..........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.28125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.28750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        456.29375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.3625.........  ......do.............  46                        
        456.375..........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.38125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.38750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        456.39375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.4125.........  ......do.............  46                        
        456.425..........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.43125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.43750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        456.44375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.4625.........  ......do.............  46                        
        456.475..........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.48125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.48750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        456.49375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.5125.........  ......do.............  46                        
        456.525..........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.53125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.53750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        456.54375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.550..........  ......do.............  10                        
        456.55625........  ......do.............  10, 47                    
        456.56250........  ......do.............  10, 41                    
        456.56875........  ......do.............  10, 47                    
        456.575..........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.58125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.58750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        456.59375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.600..........  ......do.............  10                        
        456.60625........  ......do.............  10, 47                    
        456.61250........  ......do.............  10, 41                    
        456.61875........  ......do.............  10, 47                    
        456.625..........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.525..........  Base or mobile.......  28                        
        456.63125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.63750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        456.64375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.650..........  ......do.............  10                        
        456.65625........  ......do.............  10, 47                    
        456.66250........  ......do.............  10, 41                    
        456.66875........  ......do.............  10, 47                    
        456.675..........  ......do.............  28                        
        456.68125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.68750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        456.69375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        456.700..........  ......do.............  10                        
        456.70625........  ......do.............  10, 47                    
        456.71250........  ......do.............  10, 41                    
        456.71875........  ......do.............  10, 47                    
    [[Page 37206]]
        456.750..........  ......do.............  10                        
        456.75625........  ......do.............  10, 47                    
        456.76250........  ......do.............  10, 41                    
        456.76875........  ......do.............  10, 47                    
        459.000..........  Base or mobile.......  6                         
        462.4625.........  Mobile...............  46                        
        462.475..........  Base or mobile.......  28                        
        462.48125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        462.48750........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        462.49375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        462.5125.........  Mobile...............  46                        
        462.53125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        467.4625.........  Mobile...............  46                        
        467.475..........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        467.48125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        467.48750........  ......do.............  28                        
        467.49375........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        467.5125.........  ......do.............  46                        
        467.525..........  ......do.............  28, 41                    
        467.53125........  ......do.............  28, 47                    
        470 to 512.......  Base or mobile.......  29                        
        806-821..........  Mobile only..........  30                        
        851-866..........  Base or mobile.......  30                        
        896 to 901.......  Mobile...............  30                        
        928 and above....  Operational fixed....  31                        
        929-930..........  Base only............  42                        
        935 to 940.......  Base or mobile.......  30                        
        1427 to 1435.....  Operational fixed,     26                        
                            base or mobile.                                 
        2450 to 2500.....  Base or mobile.......  32                        
        8400 to 8500.....  ......do.............  33                        
        10,550 to 10,680*  ......do.............  ..........................
    * The frequencies in the band 10.55-10.68 GHz are available for Digital 
      termination Systems and for associated internodal links in the Point- 
      to-Point Microwave Radio Service. No new licenses will be issued under
      this Subpart but current licenses will be renewed.                    
        (c) * * *
        (41) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
    telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
    this frequency.
    * * * * *
        (45) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173.
        (46) This frequency is available for systems first licensed prior 
    to August 18, 1995. No new systems will be authorized after August 18, 
    1995, but prior authorized systems may be modified, expanded, and 
        (47) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (4) Frequencies in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, 450-512 MHz and 902-
    928 MHz bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and 
    Monitoring Service (LMS) systems in accordance with the provisions of 
    subpart M of this part, notwithstanding this limitation.
        11. Section 90.67 is amended by revising the table of frequencies 
    in paragraph (b), revising limitation (36), and adding limitations 
    (39), (40), (41), and (42) in paragraph (c), and revising paragraph 
    (e)(3) to read as follows:
    Sec. 90.67  Forest Products Radio Service.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
                  Forest Products Radio Service Frequency Table             
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        1676.............  Base or mobile.......  1                         
        1700.............  ......do.............  1                         
        2398.............  ......do.............  1                         
        29.71............  ......do.............                            
        29.73............  ......do.............                            
        29.75............  ......do.............                            
        29.77............  ......do.............                            
        29.79............  ......do.............                            
        30.68............  ......do.............                            
        30.72............  ......do.............                            
        31.48............  ......do.............  30                        
        31.52............  ......do.............  30                        
    [[Page 37207]]
        31.64............  ......do.............  30                        
        31.72............  ......do.............  30                        
        31.76............  ......do.............  30                        
        37.44............  ......do.............                            
        37.88............  ......do.............                            
        43.02............  ......do.............  30                        
        43.28............  ......do.............  30                        
        43.36............  ......do.............  30                        
        43.40............  ......do.............  30                        
        43.52............  ......do.............  30                        
        48.56............  ......do.............  2                         
        48.58............  ......do.............  2                         
        48.60............  ......do.............  2                         
        48.62............  ......do.............  2                         
        48.64............  ......do.............  2                         
        48.66............  ......do.............  2                         
        48.68............  ......do.............  2                         
        48.70............  ......do.............  2                         
        48.72............  ......do.............  2                         
        48.74............  ......do.............  2                         
        48.76............  ......do.............  2, 38                     
        48.78............  ......do.............  2                         
        48.80............  ......do.............  2                         
        48.82............  ......do.............  2                         
        48.84............  ......do.............  2, 38                     
        48.86............  ......do.............  2, 38                     
        48.88............  ......do.............  2                         
        48.90............  ......do.............  2                         
        48.92............  ......do.............  2, 38                     
        48.94............  ......do.............  2                         
        48.96............  ......do.............  2                         
        48.98............  ......do.............  2                         
        49.00............  ......do.............  2                         
        49.02............  ......do.............  2, 38                     
        49.04............  ......do.............  2                         
        49.06............  ......do.............  2                         
        49.08............  ......do.............  2, 38                     
        49.10............  ......do.............  2, 38                     
        49.12............  ......do.............  2                         
        49.14............  ......do.............  2                         
        49.16............  ......do.............  2, 38                     
        49.18............  ......do.............  2                         
        49.20............  ......do.............  2, 38                     
        49.22............  ......do.............  2                         
        49.24............  ......do.............  2, 38                     
        49.26............  ......do.............  2                         
        49.28............  ......do.............  2, 38                     
        49.30............  ......do.............  2                         
        49.32............  ......do.............  2                         
        49.34............  ......do.............  2                         
        49.36............  ......do.............  2, 38                     
        49.38............  ......do.............  2                         
        49.40............  ......do.............  2, 38                     
        49.42............  ......do.............  2                         
        49.44............  ......do.............  2                         
        49.46............  ......do.............  2, 38                     
        49.48............  ......do.............  2                         
        49.50............  ......do.............  2, 38                     
        49.54............  ......do.............  3                         
        49.58............  ......do.............  3                         
        72.00 to 76.00...  Operational fixed....  4                         
        72.44............  Mobile...............  34                        
        72.48............   ......do............  34                        
        72.52............  ......do.............  34                        
        72.56............  ......do.............  34                        
        72.60............  ......do.............  34                        
        75.44............  ......do.............  34                        
        75.48............  ......do.............  34                        
        75.52............  ......do.............  34                        
        75.56............  ......do.............  34                        
        75.60............  ......do.............  34                        
        150 to 170.......  Base or mobile.......  39                        
    [[Page 37208]]
        152.465..........  ......do.............  29                        
        152.480..........  ......do.............  5, 40                     
        153.050..........  ......do.............  6, 31, 33                 
        153.0575.........  ......do.............  6, 31, 33, 36             
        153.065..........  ......do.............  6                         
        153.0725.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        153.080..........  ......do.............  6                         
        153.0875.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        153.095..........  ......do.............  6                         
        153.1025.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        153.110..........  ......do.............  6                         
        153.1175.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        153.125..........  ......do.............  6, 31, 33                 
        153.1325.........  ......do.............  6, 31, 33, 36             
        153.140..........  ......do.............  6                         
        153.1475.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        153.155..........  ......do.............  6                         
        153.1625.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        153.170..........  ......do.............  6                         
        153.1775.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        153.185..........  ......do.............  6                         
        153.1925.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        153.200..........  ......do.............  6                         
        153.2075.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        153.215..........  ......do.............  6                         
        153.2225.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        153.230..........  ......do.............  6                         
        153.2375.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        153.245..........  ......do.............  6                         
        153.2525.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        153.260..........  ......do.............  6                         
        153.2675.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        153.275..........  ......do.............  6                         
        153.2825.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        153.290..........  ......do.............  6                         
        153.2975.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        153.305..........  ......do.............  6                         
        153.3125.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        153.320..........  ......do.............  6                         
        153.3275.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        153.335..........  ......do.............  6, 31                     
        153.3425.........  ......do.............  6, 31, 36                 
        153.350..........  ......do.............  6, 31                     
        153.3575.........  ......do.............  6, 31, 36                 
        153.365..........  ......do.............  6, 31                     
        153.3725.........  ......do.............  6, 31, 36                 
        153.380..........  ......do.............  6, 31                     
        153.3875.........  ......do.............  6, 31, 36                 
        153.395..........  ......do.............  6, 31                     
        153.4025.........  ......do.............  6, 31, 36                 
        153.425..........  ......do.............  7                         
        153.4325.........  ......do.............  7, 36                     
        153.440..........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        153.4475.........  ......do.............  2, 8, 36                  
        153.455..........  ......do.............  7                         
        153.4625.........  ......do.............  7, 36                     
        153.485..........  ......do.............  7                         
        153.4925.........  ......do.............  7, 36                     
        153.500..........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        153.5075.........  ......do.............  2, 8, 36                  
        153.515..........  ......do.............  7                         
        153.5225.........  ......do.............  7, 36                     
        153.545..........  ......do.............  7                         
        153.5525.........  ......do.............  7, 36                     
        153.560..........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        153.5675.........  ......do.............  2, 8, 36                  
        153.575..........  ......do.............  7                         
        153.5825.........  ......do.............  7, 36                     
        153.605..........  ......do.............  7                         
        153.6125.........  ......do.............  7, 36                     
        153.620..........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        153.6275.........  ......do.............  2, 8, 36                  
    [[Page 37209]]
        153.635..........  ......do.............  7                         
        153.6425.........  ......do.............  7, 36                     
        153.665..........  ......do.............  7                         
        153.6725.........  ......do.............  7, 36                     
        153.680..........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        153.6875.........  ......do.............  2, 8, 36                  
        154.45625........   Fixed or mobile.....  13, 14, 25, 27            
        154.46375........  ......do.............  13, 14, 24, 25, 26        
        154.47125........  ......do.............  13, 14, 24, 25            
        154.47875........  ......do.............  13, 14, 25, 27            
        154.570..........  Mobile...............  9                         
        154.600..........  ......do.............  9                         
        154.625..........  Base or mobile.......  5, 40                     
        154.640..........  ......do.............  5, 36                     
        157.725..........  ......do.............  29                        
        157.740..........  ......do.............  5, 40                     
        158.145..........  ......do.............  10                        
        158.1525.........  ......do.............  10, 36                    
        158.160..........  ......do.............  2, 11                     
        158.1675.........  ......do.............  2, 11, 36                 
        158.175..........  ......do.............  10                        
        158.1825.........  ......do.............  10, 36                    
        158.205..........  ......do.............  10                        
        158.2125.........  ......do.............  10, 36                    
        158.220..........  ......do.............  2, 11                     
        158.2275.........  ......do.............  2, 11, 36                 
        158.235..........  ......do.............  10                        
        158.2425.........  ......do.............  10, 36                    
        158.265..........  ......do.............  10                        
        158.2725.........  ......do.............  10, 36                    
        158.280..........  ......do.............  6                         
        158.2875.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        158.295..........  ......do.............  6                         
        158.3025.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        158.310..........  ......do.............  6                         
        158.3175.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        158.325..........  ......do.............  6, 31, 33                 
        158.3325.........  ......do.............  6, 31, 33, 36             
        158.355..........  ......do.............  2, 32                     
        158.3625.........  ......do.............  2, 32, 36                 
        158.370..........  ......do.............  2                         
        158.3775.........  ......do.............  2, 36                     
        158.415..........  ......do.............  6, 31, 33                 
        158.4225.........  ......do.............  6, 31, 33, 36             
        158.430..........  ......do.............  6                         
        158.4375.........  ......do.............  6, 36                     
        158.460..........  ......do.............  5, 40                     
        169-172..........  Mobile, operational    12                        
        173.20375........  Fixed or mobile......  13, 14, 24, 25            
        173.2100.........  ......do.............  13, 15, 24, 25            
        173.2375.........  ......do.............  13, 14, 25, 27            
        173.250..........  Base or mobile.......  2, 11                     
        173.2625.........  Fixed or mobile......  13, 14, 25, 27            
        173.2875.........  ......do.............  13, 14, 25, 27            
        173.300..........  Base or mobile.......  2, 11                     
        173.3125.........  Fixed or mobile......  13, 14, 25, 27            
        173.3375.........  ......do.............  13, 14, 25, 27            
        173.350..........  Base or mobile.......   2, 11                    
        173.3625.........  Fixed or mobile......  13, 14, 25, 27            
        173.3900.........  ......do.............  13, 15, 24, 25            
        173.39625........  ......do.............  13, 14, 24, 25            
        216-220..........  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        220-222..........  Base and mobile......  37                        
        406-413..........  Operational fixed....  12                        
        450-470..........  Fixed, base, or         17, 39                   
        451.1625.........  Mobile...............  41                        
        451.175..........  Base or mobile.......  18                        
        451.18125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.18750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        451.19375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.2125.........  Mobile...............  41                        
    [[Page 37210]]
        451.225..........  Base or mobile.......  18                        
        451.23125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.23750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        451.24375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.2625.........  Mobile...............  41                        
        451.275..........  Base or mobile.......  18                        
        451.28125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.28750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        451.29375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.3625.........  Mobile...............  41                        
        451.375..........  Base or mobile.......  18                        
        451.38125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.38750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        451.39375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.4125.........  Mobile...............  41                        
        451.425..........  Base or mobile.......  18                        
        451.43125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.43750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        451.44375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.4625.........  Mobile...............  41                        
        451.475..........  Base or mobile.......  18                        
        451.48125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.48750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        451.49375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.5125.........  Mobile...............  41                        
        451.525..........  Base or mobile.......  18                        
        451.53125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.53750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        451.54375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.550..........  ......do.............  2                         
        451.55625........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        451.56250........  ......do.............  2, 36                     
        451.56875........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        451.575..........  ......do.............  18                        
        451.58125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.58750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        451.59375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.600..........  ......do.............  2                         
        451.60625........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        451.61250........  ......do.............  2, 36                     
        451.61875........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        451.625..........  ......do.............  18                        
        451.63125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.63750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        451.64375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.650..........  ......do.............  2                         
        451.65625........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        451.66250........  ......do.............  2, 36                     
        451.66875........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        451.675..........  ......do.............  18                        
        451.68125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.68750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        451.69375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        451.700..........  ......do.............  2                         
        451.70625........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        451.71250........  ......do.............  2, 36                     
        451.71875........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        451.7375.........  Mobile...............  41                        
        451.750..........  Base or mobile.......  2                         
        451.75625........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        451.76250........  ......do.............  2, 36                     
        451.76875........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        452.100..........  ......do.............  28                        
        452.10625........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        452.11250........  ......do.............  28, 36                    
        452.11875........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        452.200..........  ......do.............  28                        
        452.20625........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        452.21250........  ......do.............  28, 36                    
        452.21875........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        452.225..........  ......do.............  28                        
        452.23125........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
    [[Page 37211]]
        452.23750........  ......do.............  28, 36                    
        452.24375........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        452.250..........  ......do.............  28                        
        452.25625........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        452.26250........  ......do.............  28, 36                    
        452.26875........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        452.275..........  ......do.............  28                        
        452.28125........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        452.28750........  ......do.............  28, 36                    
        452.29375........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        452.350..........  ......do.............  28                        
        452.35625........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        452.36250........  ......do.............  28, 36                    
        452.36875........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        452.400..........  ......do.............  28                        
        452.40625........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        452.41250........  ......do.............  28, 36                    
        452.41875........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        452.450..........  ......do.............  28                        
        452.45625........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        452.46250........  ......do.............  28, 36                    
        452.46875........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        456.1625.........  Mobile...............  41                        
        456.175..........  ......do.............  18                        
        456.18125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.18750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        456.19375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.2125.........  ......do.............  41                        
        456.225..........  ......do.............  18                        
        456.23125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.23750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        456.24375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.2625.........  ......do.............  41                        
        456.275..........  ......do.............  18                        
        456.28125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.28750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        456.29375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.3625.........  ......do.............  41                        
        456.375..........  ......do.............  18                        
        456.38125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.38750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        456.39375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.4125.........  ......do.............  41                        
        456.425..........  ......do.............  18                        
        456.43125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.43750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        456.44375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.4625.........  ......do.............  41                        
        456.475..........  ......do.............  18                        
        456.48125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.48750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        456.49375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.5125.........  ......do.............  41                        
        456.525..........  ......do.............  18                        
        456.53125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.53750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        456.54375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.550..........  ......do.............  2                         
        456.55625........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        456.56250........  ......do.............  2, 36                     
        456.56875........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        456.575..........  ......do.............  18                        
        456.58125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.58750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        456.59375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.600..........  ......do.............  2                         
        456.60625........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        456.61250........  ......do.............  2, 36                     
        456.61875........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        456.625..........  ......do.............  18                        
        456.63125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.63750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
    [[Page 37212]]
        456.64375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.650..........  ......do.............  2                         
        456.65625........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        456.66250........  ......do.............  2, 36                     
        456.66875........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        456.675..........  ......do.............  18                        
        456.68125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.68750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        456.69375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        456.700..........  ......do.............  2                         
        456.70625........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        456.71250........  ......do.............  2, 36                     
        456.71875........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        456.7375.........  ......do.............  41                        
        456.750..........  ......do.............  2                         
        456.75625........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        456.76250........  ......do.............  2, 36                     
        456.76875........  ......do.............  2, 42                     
        457.100..........  ......do.............  28                        
        457.10625........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        457.11250........  ......do.............  28, 36                    
        457.11875........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        457.200..........  ......do.............  28                        
        457.20625........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        457.21250........  ......do.............  28, 36                    
        457.21875........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        457.225..........  ......do.............  28                        
        457.23125........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        457.23750........  ......do.............  28, 36                    
        457.24375........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        457.250..........  ......do.............  28                        
        457.25625........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        457.26250........  ......do.............  28, 36                    
        457.26875........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        457.275..........  ......do.............  28                        
        457.28125........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        457.28750........  ......do.............  28, 36                    
        457.29375........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        457.350..........  ......do.............  28                        
        457.35625........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        457.36250........  ......do.............  28, 36                    
        457.36875........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        457.400..........  ......do.............  28                        
        457.40625........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        457.41250........  ......do.............  28, 36                    
        457.41875........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        457.450..........  ......do.............  28                        
        457.45625........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        457.46250........  ......do.............  28, 36                    
        457.46875........  ......do.............  28, 42                    
        462.4625.........  ......do.............  41                        
        462.475..........  Base or mobile.......  18                        
        462.48125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        462.48750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        462.49375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        462.5125.........  ......do.............  41                        
        462.525..........  Base or mobile.......  18                        
        462.53125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        467.4625.........  Mobile...............  41                        
        467.475..........  ......do.............  18                        
        467.48125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        467.48750........  ......do.............  18, 36                    
        467.49375........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        467.5125.........  ......do.............  41                        
        467.525..........  ......do.............  18                        
        467.53125........  ......do.............  18, 42                    
        470-512..........  Base or mobile.......  19                        
        806-821..........  Mobile only..........  20                        
        851-866..........  Base or mobile.......  20                        
        896-901..........  Mobile...............  20                        
        928 and above....  Operational fixed....  21                        
        929-930..........  Base only............  35                        
    [[Page 37213]]
        935-940..........  Base or mobile.......  20                        
        1427-1435........  Operational fixed,     16                        
                            base or mobile.                                 
        2450-2500........  Base or mobile.......  22                        
        8400-8500........  ......do.............  23                        
        10,550-10,680*...  ......do.............  ..........................
    *The frequencies in the band 10.55-10.68 GHz are available for Digital  
      Termination Systems and for associated internodal links in the Point- 
      to-Point Microwave Radio Service. No new licenses will be issued under
      this Subpart but current licenses will be renewed.                    
        (c) * * *
        (36) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
    telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
    this frequency.
    * * * * *
        (39) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173.
        (40) This frequency will be authorized a channel bandwidth of 25 
        (41) This frequency is available for systems first licensed prior 
    to August 18, 1995. No new systems will be authorized after August 18, 
    1995, but prior authorized systems may be modified, expanded, and 
        (42) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (3) Frequencies in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, 450-512 MHz and 902-
    928 MHz bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and 
    Monitoring Service (LMS) systems in accordance with the provisions of 
    subpart M of this part, notwithstanding this limitation.
        12. Section 90.69 is amended by revising the table of frequencies 
    in paragraph (b), revising limitation (12), and adding limitations (14) 
    and (15) in paragraph (c), and revising paragraph (e)(3) to read as 
    Sec. 90.69  Film and Video Production Radio Service.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
             Film and Video Production Radio Service Frequency Table        
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        1628.............  Base or mobile.......  1                         
        1652.............  ......do.............  1                         
        2292.............  ......do.............  1                         
        2398.............  ......do.............  1                         
        4637.5...........  ......do.............  1                         
        72 to 76.........  Operational fixed....  2                         
        150 to 170.......  Base or mobile.......  15                        
        152.8625.........  ......do.............  3, 14                     
        152.87...........  ......do.............  3                         
        152.8775.........  ......do.............  3, 12                     
        152.90...........  ......do.............  3                         
        152.9075.........  ......do.............  3, 12                     
        152.93...........  ......do.............  3                         
        152.9375.........  ......do.............  3, 12                     
        152.96...........  ......do.............  3                         
        152.9675.........  ......do.............  3, 12                     
        152.99...........  ......do.............  3                         
        152.9975.........  ......do.............  3, 12                     
        153.02...........  ......do.............  3                         
        153.0275.........  ......do.............  3, 12                     
        169-172..........  Mobile...............  11                        
        173.225..........  Base or mobile.......  4                         
        173.275..........  ......do.............  4                         
        173.325..........  ......do.............  4                         
        173.375..........  ......do.............  4                         
        220-222..........  Base and mobile......  13                        
        806 to 821.......  Mobile...............  5                         
        851 to 866.......  Base or mobile.......  5                         
        896 to 901.......  Mobile...............  5                         
        928 and above....  Operational fixed....  6                         
        929-930..........  Base only............  10                        
        935 to 940.......  Base or mobile.......  5                         
        1427 to 1435.....  Base, mobile or        7                         
                            operational fixed.                              
        2450 to 2500.....  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        8400 to 8500.....  ......do.............  9                         
    [[Page 37214]]
        10,550 to 10,680*  ......do.............                            
    *The frequencies in the band 10.55-10.68 GHz are available for Digital  
      Termination Systems and for associated internodal links in the Point- 
      to-Point Microwave Radio Service. No new licenses will be issued under
      this subpart but current licenses will be renewed.                    
        (c) * * *
        (12) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
    telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
    this frequency.
    * * * * *
        (14) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
        (15) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (3) Frequencies in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, 450-512 MHz and 902-
    928 MHz bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and 
    Monitoring Service (LMS) systems in accordance with the provisions of 
    subpart M of this part, notwithstanding this limitation.
        13. Section 90.71 is amended by revising the table of frequencies 
    in paragraph (b) and adding limitations (12), (13), (14), and (15) in 
    paragraph (c), and revising paragraph (e)(3) to read as follows:
    Sec. 90.71  Relay Press Radio Service.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
                    Relay Press Radio Service Frequency Table               
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        72.0 to 76.0.....  Operational fixed....  1                         
        169-172..........  Mobile...............  8                         
        173.225..........  Base or mobile.......  2                         
        173.275..........  ......do.............  2                         
        173.325..........  ......do.............  2                         
        173.375..........  ......do.............  2                         
        220-222..........  Base and mobile......  10                        
        450-470..........  Fixed or mobile......  11, 14                    
        452.9625.........  Mobile...............  15                        
        452.975..........  Fixed or mobile......                            
        452.98125........  ......do.............  13                        
        452.98750........  ......do.............  12                        
        452.99375........  ......do.............  13                        
        453.000..........  ......do.............                            
        453.00625........  ......do.............  13                        
        453.01250........  ......do.............  12                        
        453.01875........  ......do.............  13                        
        457.9625.........  Mobile...............  15                        
        457.975..........  ......do.............                            
        457.98125........  ......do.............  13                        
        457.98750........  ......do.............  12                        
        457.99375........  ......do.............  13                        
        458.000..........  ......do.............                            
        458.00625........  ......do.............  13                        
        458.01250........  ......do.............  12                        
        458.01875........  ......do.............  13                        
        806 to 821.......  ......do.............  3                         
        851 to 866.......  Base or mobile.......  3                         
        896 to 901.......  Mobile...............  3                         
        929-930..........  Base only............  9                         
        928 and above....  Operational fixed....  4                         
        935 to 940.......  Base or mobile.......  3                         
        1427 to 1435.....  Operational fixed,     5                         
                            base or mobile.                                 
        2450 to 2500.....  Base or mobile.......  6                         
        8400 to 8500.....  ......do.............  7                         
        10,550 to 10,680*  ......do.............                            
    * The frequencies in the band 10.55-10.68 GHz are available for Digital 
      Termination Systems and for associated internodal links in the Point- 
      to-Point Microwave Radio Service. No new licenses will be issued under
      this Subpart but current licenses will be renewed.                    
        (c) * * *
        (12) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
    telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
    this frequency.
        (13) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 
    [[Page 37215]]
    1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized bandwidth not 
    to exceed 6 kHz.
        (14) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173
        (15) This frequency is available for systems first licensed prior 
    to August 18, 1995. No new systems will be authorized after August 18, 
    1995, but prior authorized systems may be modified, expanded, and 
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (3) Frequencies in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, 450-512 MHz and 902-
    928 MHz bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and 
    Monitoring Service (LMS) systems in accordance with the provisions of 
    subpart M of this part, notwithstanding this limitation.
        14. Section 90.73 is amended by revising the table of frequencies 
    in paragraph (c), revising limitation (35) and adding limitations (38), 
    (39), (40), and (41) in paragraph (d), revising the table in paragraph 
    (e)(4), and revising paragraph (f)(4) to read as follows:
     Sec. 90.73  Special Industrial Radio Service.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
                Special Industrial Radio Service Frequency Table            
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        2,000 to 25,000..  Fixed, base or mobile  1                         
        2292.............  Base or mobile.......  1, 34                     
        2398.............  ......do.............  1, 34                     
        4637.5...........  ......do.............  1, 34                     
        30.58............  ......do.............  2                         
        30.60............  ......do.............  2                         
        30.62............  ......do.............  2                         
        30.64............  ......do.............  34                        
        31.28............  ......do.............  34                        
        31.32............  ......do.............  29, 34                    
        31.36............  ......do.............  34                        
        31.40............  ......do.............  29, 34                    
        31.44............  ......do.............  29, 34                    
        31.48............  ......do.............  29, 31, 34                
        31.52............  ......do.............  29, 31, 34                
        31.56............  ......do.............  34                        
        31.60............  ......do.............  29, 34                    
        31.64............  ......do.............  29, 31, 34                
        31.68............  ......do.............  34                        
        31.72............  ......do.............  29, 31, 34                
        31.76............  ......do.............  29, 31, 34                
        31.80............  ......do.............  34                        
        31.84............  ......do.............  34                        
        31.88............  ......do.............  34                        
        31.92............  ......do.............  34                        
        31.96............  ......do.............  34                        
        33.12............  ......do.............  3, 34                     
        35.28............  Base or mobile.......  34                        
        35.32............  ......do.............  34                        
        35.36............  ......do.............  34                        
        35.40............  ......do.............  34                        
        35.44............  ......do.............  34                        
        35.48............  ......do.............  29, 34                    
        35.52............  ......do.............  34                        
        35.74............  ......do.............  2                         
        35.76............  ......do.............  2                         
        35.78............  ......do.............  2                         
        35.80............  ......do.............  2                         
        35.82............  ......do.............  2                         
        35.84............  ......do.............  2                         
        35.86............  ......do.............   2                        
        43.02............  ......do.............  31, 34                    
        43.04............  ......do.............  4                         
        43.06............  ......do.............  34                        
        43.08............  ......do.............  34                        
        43.10............  ......do.............  34                        
        43.12............  ......do.............  34                        
        43.14............  ......do.............  34                        
        43.18............  ......do.............  2                         
        43.28............  ......do.............  31, 34                    
        43.32............  ......do.............  34                        
        43.36............  ......do.............  31, 34                    
        43.40............  ......do.............  31, 34                    
        43.44............  ......do.............  34                        
        43.48............  ......do.............  34                        
        43.52............  ......do.............  31, 34                    
        47.44............  ......do.............  2                         
    [[Page 37216]]
        47.48............  ......do.............  2                         
        47.52............  ......do.............  2                         
        47.56............  ......do.............  32                        
        47.60............  ......do.............  2                         
        47.64............  ......do.............  2                         
        47.68............  ......do.............  2                         
        49.52............  ......do.............  34                        
        49.54............  ......do.............  5, 34                     
        49.56............  ......do.............  2                         
        49.58............  ......do.............  5, 34                     
        72-76............  Operational fixed....  6                         
        72.44............  Mobile...............  7                         
        72.48............  ......do.............  7                         
        72.52............  ......do.............  7                         
        72.56............  ......do.............  7                         
        72.60............  ......do.............  7                         
        75.44............  ......do.............  7                         
        75.48............  ......do.............  7                         
        75.52............  ......do.............  7                         
        75.56............  ......do.............  7                         
        75.60............  ......do.............  7                         
        150 to 170.......  Base or mobile.......  39                        
        151.490..........  ......do.............  2, 8                      
        151.4975.........  ......do.............  2, 8, 35                  
        151.505..........  ......do.............  4                         
        151.5125.........  ......do.............  4, 35                     
        151.520..........  ......do.............  2                         
        151.5275.........  ......do.............  2, 35                     
        151.535..........  ......do.............  2                         
        151.5425.........  ......do.............  2, 35                     
        151.550..........  ......do.............  2                         
        151.5575.........  ......do.............  2, 35                     
        151.565..........  ......do.............  2                         
        151.5725.........  ......do.............  2, 35                     
        151.580..........  ......do.............  2                         
        151.5875.........  ......do.............  2, 35                     
        151.595..........  ......do.............  2                         
        151.6025.........  ......do.............  2, 35                     
        152.465..........  ......do.............  2, 28, 35                 
        152.480..........  ......do.............  2, 9, 35, 40              
        152.8625.........  ......do.............  10, 34, 38                
        152.870..........  ......do.............  10, 34                    
        152.8775.........  ......do.............  10, 34, 35                
        152.885..........  ......do.............  2                         
        152.8925.........  ......do.............  2, 35                     
        152.900..........  ......do.............  2, 10                     
        152.9075.........  ......do.............  2, 10, 35                 
        152.915..........  ......do.............  2                         
        152.9225.........  ......do.............  2, 35                     
        152.930..........  ......do.............  2, 10                     
        152.9375.........  ......do.............  2, 10, 35                 
        152.945..........  ......do.............  2                         
        152.9525.........  ......do.............  2, 35                     
        152.960..........  ......do.............  2, 10                     
        152.9675.........  ......do.............  2, 10, 35                 
        152.975..........  ......do.............  2                         
        152.9825.........  ......do.............  2, 35                     
        152.990..........  ......do.............  2, 10                     
        152.9975.........  ......do.............  2, 10, 35                 
        153.005..........  ......do.............  2                         
        153.0125.........  ......do.............  2, 35                     
        153.020..........  ......do.............  2, 10                     
        153.0275.........  ......do.............  2, 10, 35                 
        153.035..........  ......do.............  2, 11                     
        153.0425.........  ......do.............  2, 11, 35                 
        153.050..........  ......do.............  2, 30, 33                 
        153.0575.........  ......do.............  2, 30, 33, 35             
        153.125..........  ......do.............  2, 30, 33                 
        153.1325.........  ......do.............  2, 30, 33, 35             
        153.335..........  ......do.............  2, 30                     
        153.3425.........  ......do.............  2, 30, 35                 
        153.350..........  ......do.............  2, 30                     
    [[Page 37217]]
        153.3575.........  ......do.............  2, 30, 35                 
        153.365..........  ......do.............  2, 30                     
        153.3725.........  ......do.............  2, 30, 35                 
        153.380..........  ......do.............  2, 30                     
        153.3875.........  ......do.............  2, 30, 35                 
        153.395..........  ......do.............  2, 30                     
        153.4025.........  ......do.............  2, 30, 35                 
        154.45625........  Fixed or mobile......  12, 13, 15, 25            
        154.46375........  ......do.............  12, 13, 15, 26, 27        
        154.47125........  ......do.............  12, 13, 15, 27            
        154.47875........  ......do.............  12, 13, 15, 25            
        154.4825.........  Base or mobile.......  2, 35                     
        154.490..........  ......do.............  2                         
        154.4975.........  ......do.............  2, 35                     
        154.505..........  ......do.............  2, 35                     
        154.625..........  ......do.............  2, 9, 40                  
        154.640..........  ......do.............  2, 9, 35                  
        157.725..........  ......do.............  2, 28                     
        157.740..........  ......do.............  2, 9, 40                  
        158.325..........  ......do.............   2, 30, 33                
        158.3325.........  ......do.............   2, 30, 33, 35            
        158.355..........  ......do.............   2, 32                    
        158.3625.........  ......do.............   2, 32, 35                
        158.385..........  ......do.............   2                        
        158.3925.........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        158.400..........  ......do.............   4                        
        158.4075.........  ......do.............   4, 35                    
        158.415..........  ......do.............   2, 30, 33                
        158.4225.........  ......do.............   2, 30, 33, 35            
        158.460..........  ......do.............   2, 9, 40                 
        169 to 172.......  Mobile, operational     14                       
        173.20375........  Fixed or mobile......  12, 13, 15, 27            
        173.2100.........  ......do.............   12, 15, 16, 27           
        173.2375.........  ......do.............   12, 13, 15, 25           
        173.2625.........  ......do.............   12, 13, 15, 25           
        173.2875.........  ......do.............   12, 13, 15, 25           
        173.3125.........  ......do.............   12, 13, 15, 25           
        173.3375.........  ......do.............   12, 13, 15, 25           
        173.3625.........  ......do.............   12, 13, 15, 25           
        173.3900.........  ......do.............   12, 15, 16, 27           
        173.39625........  ......do.............   12, 13, 15, 27           
        216 to 220.......  Base or mobile.......  17                        
        220-222..........  Base and mobile......  37                        
        406-413..........  Operational fixed....  14                        
        450 to 470.......  Fixed, base, or        18, 39                    
        451.7125.........  Mobile...............   41                       
        451.725..........  Base or mobile.......  2                         
        451.73125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        451.73750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        451.74375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        451.7625.........  Mobile...............   41                       
        451.775..........  Base or mobile.......  2                         
        451.78125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        451.78750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        451.79375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        451.800..........  Operational fixed,     4, 19                     
                            base or mobile.                                 
        451.80625........  ......do.............   4, 19, 38                
        451.81250........  ......do.............   4, 19, 35                
        451.81875........  ......do.............   4, 19, 38                
        451.825..........  Base or mobile.......  2                         
        451.83125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        451.83750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        451.84375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        451.850..........  ......do.............   2                        
        451.85625........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        451.86250........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        451.86875........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        451.875..........  ......do.............   2                        
        451.88125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        451.88750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        451.89375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        451.900..........  ......do.............   2                        
    [[Page 37218]]
        451.90625........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        451.91250........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        451.91875........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        451.925..........  ......do.............   2                        
        451.93125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        451.93750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        451.94375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        451.950..........  ......do.............   2                        
        451.95625........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        451.96250........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        451.96875........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        451.975..........  ......do.............   2                        
        451.98125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        451.98750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        451.99375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        452.000..........  ......do.............   2                        
        452.00625........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        452.01250........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        452.01875........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        452.025..........  ......do.............   2                        
        452.03125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        452.03750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        452.04375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        452.0625.........  Mobile...............   41                       
        452.075..........  Base or mobile.......  2                         
        452.08125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        452.08750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        452.09375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        452.1125.........  Mobile...............   41                       
        452.125..........  Base or mobile.......  2                         
        452.13125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        452.13750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        452.14375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        452.1625.........  Mobile...............   41                       
        452.175..........  Base or mobile.......  2                         
        452.18125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        452.18750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        452.19375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        456.7125.........  Mobile...............   41                       
        456.725..........  ......do.............   2                        
        456.73125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        456.73750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        456.74375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        456.7625.........  ......do.............   41                       
        456.775..........  ......do.............   2                        
        456.78125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        456.78750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        456.79375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        456.800..........  Operational fixed,     4, 19                     
                            base or mobile.                                 
        456.80625........  ......do.............   4, 19, 38                
        456.81250........  ......do.............   4, 19, 35                
        456.81875........  ......do.............   4, 19, 38                
        456.825..........  Mobile...............   2                        
        456.83125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        456.83750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        456.84375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        456.850..........  ......do.............   2                        
        456.85625........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        456.86250........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        456.86875........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        456.875..........  ......do.............   2                        
        456.88125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        456.88750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        456.89375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        456.900..........  ......do.............   2                        
        456.90625........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        456.91250........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        456.91875........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        456.925..........  ......do.............   2                        
        456.93125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        456.93750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        456.94375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
    [[Page 37219]]
        456.950..........  ......do.............   2                        
        456.95625........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        456.96250........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        456.96875........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        456.975..........  ......do.............   2                        
        456.98125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        456.98750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        456.99375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        457.000..........  ......do.............   2                        
        457.00625........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        457.01250........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        457.01875........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        457.025..........  ......do.............   2                        
        457.03125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        457.03750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        457.04375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        457.0625.........  ......do.............   41                       
        457.075..........  ......do.............   2                        
        457.08125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        457.08750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        457.09375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        457.1125.........  ......do.............   41                       
        457.125..........  ......do.............   2                        
        457.13125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        457.13750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        457.14375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        457.1625.........  ......do.............   41                       
        457.175..........  ......do.............   2                        
        457.18125........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        457.18750........  ......do.............   2, 35                    
        457.19375........  ......do.............   2, 38                    
        470 to 512.......  Base or mobile.......  20                        
        806 to 821.......  Mobile...............   21                       
        851 to 866.......  Base or mobile.......  21                        
        896 to 901.......  Mobile...............   21                       
        928 and above....  Operational fixed....  22                        
        929-930..........  Base only............  36                        
        935 to 940.......  Base or mobile.......   21                       
        1427 to 1435.....  Operational fixed,     17                        
                            base or mobile.                                 
        2450 to 2500.....  Base or mobile.......   23                       
        8400 to 8500.....  ......do.............   24                       
        10,550 to 10,680*  ......do.............  ..........................
    * The frequencies in the band 10.55-10.68 GHz are available for Digital 
      Termination Systems and for associated internodal links in the Point- 
      to-Point Microwave Radio Service. No new licenses will be issued under
      this Subpart but current licenses will be renewed.                    
        (d) * * *
        (35) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
    telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
    this frequency.
    * * * * *
        (38) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
        (39) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173.
        (40) This frequency will be authorized a channel bandwidth of 25 
        (41) This frequency is available for systems first licensed prior 
    to August 18, 1995. No new systems will be authorized after August 18, 
    1995, but prior authorized systems may be modified, expanded, and 
        (e) * * *
        (4) * * *
                          Base and mobile                        Mobile only
    159.240...................................................      160.410 
    159.2475..................................................      160.4175
    159.255...................................................      160.425 
    159.2625..................................................      160.4325
    159.270...................................................      160.440 
    159.2775..................................................      160.4475
    159.285...................................................      160.455 
    159.2925..................................................      160.4625
    159.300...................................................      160.470 
    159.3075..................................................      160.4775
    159.315...................................................      160.485 
    159.3225..................................................      160.4925
    159.330...................................................      160.500 
    159.3375..................................................      160.5075
    159.345...................................................      160.515 
    159.3525..................................................      160.5225
    159.360...................................................      160.530 
    159.3675..................................................      160.5375
    159.375...................................................      160.545 
    159.3825..................................................      160.5525
    159.390...................................................      160.560 
    159.3975..................................................      160.5675
    159.405...................................................      160.575 
    159.4125..................................................      160.5825
    159.420...................................................      160.590 
    159.4275..................................................      160.5975
    159.435...................................................      160.605 
    159.4425..................................................      160.6125
    * * * * *
        (f) * * *
        (4) Frequencies in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, 450-512 MHz and 902-
    928 MHz bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and 
    Monitoring Service (LMS) systems in accordance 
    [[Page 37220]]
    with the provisions of subpart M of this part, notwithstanding this 
    * * * * *
        15. Section 90.75 is amended by revising the table of frequencies 
    in paragraph (b), revising the table in limitation (23), revising 
    limitation (24), removing and reserving limitation (38), adding 
    limitations (46), (47), (48), (49), (50), and (51) in paragraph (c), 
    and revising paragraphs (d)(4) and (e)(4) to read as follows:
    Sec. 90.75  Business Radio Service.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
                     Business Radio Service Frequency Table                 
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        27.43............  Base or Mobile.......  1, 2                      
        27.45............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        27.47............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        27.49............  ......do.............  1, 3                      
        27.51............  Mobile...............  4                         
        27.53............  ......do.............  4                         
        30.76............  Base or Mobile.......  1, 2                      
        30.80............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        30.84............  Mobile...............  4, 22                     
        30.88............  Base or Mobile.......  1, 2                      
        30.92............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        30.96............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        31.00............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        31.04............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        31.16............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        31.20............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        31.24............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        33.14............  Mobile...............  4, 22                     
        33.16............  Base or Mobile.......  1, 2                      
        33.40............  Mobile...............  6, 22                     
        35.02............  ......do.............  4, 5, 22                  
        35.04............  Base or Mobile.......  1, 3                      
        35.06............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        35.08............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        35.10............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        35.12............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        35.14............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        35.18............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        35.70............  ......do.............  2                         
        35.72............  ......do.............  2                         
        35.88............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        35.90............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        35.92............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        35.94............  ......do.............  ..........................
        35.96............  ......do.............  ..........................
        35.98............  ......do.............  ..........................
        42.96............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        42.98............  Mobile...............  4, 22                     
        43.00............  Base or Mobile.......  1, 2                      
        72 to 76.........  Operational fixed....  7                         
        74.61............  Mobile...............  45                        
        74.63............  ......do.............  45                        
        74.65............  ......do.............  45                        
        74.67............  ......do.............  45                        
        74.69............  ......do.............  45                        
        74.71............  ......do.............  45                        
        74.73............  ......do.............  45                        
        74.75............  ......do.............  45                        
        74.77............  ......do.............  45                        
        74.79............  ......do.............  45                        
        75.21............  ......do.............  45                        
        75.23............  ......do.............  45                        
        75.25............  ......do.............  45                        
        75.27............  ......do.............  45                        
        75.29............  ......do.............  45                        
        75.31............  ......do.............  45                        
        75.33............  ......do.............  45                        
        75.35............  ......do.............  45                        
        75.37............  ......do.............  45                        
        75.39............  ......do.............  45                        
        150 to 170.......  Base or Mobile.......  48                        
        150.815..........  Mobile...............  8                         
        150.830..........  Base.................  8, 10, 12, 49             
        150.845..........  Base or Mobile.......  8                         
    [[Page 37221]]
        150.8525.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        150.860..........  ......do.............  8                         
        150.8675.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        150.875..........  ......do.............  8                         
        150.8825.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        150.890..........  ......do.............  8                         
        150.8975.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        150.905..........  ......do.............  8                         
        150.920..........  Base.................  8, 10, 12, 49             
        150.935..........  Base or Mobile.......  8                         
        150.9425.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        150.950..........  ......do.............  8                         
        150.9575.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        150.965..........  ......do.............  8                         
        150.9725.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        150.995..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.0025.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.010..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.0175.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.025..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.0325.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.040..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.0475.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.055..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.070..........  Base.................  8, 10, 12, 49             
        151.085..........  Base or Mobile.......  8                         
        151.0925.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.100..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.1075.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.115..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.1225.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.130..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.1375.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.145..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.1525.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.160..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.1675.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.175..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.190..........  Base.................  8, 10, 12, 49             
        151.205..........  Base or Mobile.......  8                         
        151.2125.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.220..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.2275.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.235..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.2425.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.250..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.2575.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.265..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.2725.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.280..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.2875.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.295..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.310..........  Base.................  8, 10, 12, 49             
        151.325..........  Base or Mobile.......  8                         
        151.3325.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.340..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.3475.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.355..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.3625.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.370..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.3775.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.385..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.3925.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.400..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.4075.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.415..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.4225.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.430..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.4375.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.445..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.4525.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.460..........  ......do.............  8                         
    [[Page 37222]]
        151.4675.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.475..........  ......do.............  8                         
        151.4825.........  ......do.............  8, 24                     
        151.625..........  ......do.............  1, 3                      
        151.640..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 46                  
        151.6475.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        151.655..........  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        151.6625.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        151.670..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        151.6775.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        151.685..........  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        151.700..........  ......do.............  3, 30, 47                 
        151.715..........  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        151.7225.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        151.730..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        151.7375.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        151.745..........  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        151.760..........  ......do.............  3, 30, 47                 
        151.775..........  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        151.7825.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        151.790..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        151.7975.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        151.805..........  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        151.820..........  Mobile...............  13, 22, 47, 51            
        151.835..........  Base or Mobile.......  1, 2                      
        151.8425.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        151.850..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        151.8575.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        151.865..........  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        151.880..........  Mobile...............  13, 22, 47, 51            
        151.895..........  Base or Mobile.......  1, 2                      
        151.9025.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        151.910..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        151.9175.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        151.925..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        151.940..........  Mobile...............  13, 22, 47, 51            
        151.955..........  Base or Mobile.......  ..........................
        151.9625.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        151.970..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        151.9775.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        152.300..........  ......do.............  9                         
        152.3075.........  ......do.............  9, 24                     
        152.315..........  ......do.............  1, 9                      
        152.3225.........  ......do.............  1, 9, 24                  
        152.345..........  ......do.............  1, 9                      
        152.3525.........  ......do.............  1, 9, 24                  
        152.360..........  ......do.............  9                         
        152.3675.........  ......do.............  9, 24                     
        152.375..........  ......do.............  1, 9                      
        152.3825.........  ......do.............  1, 9, 24                  
        152.405..........  ......do.............  1, 9                      
        152.4125.........  ......do.............  1, 9, 24                  
        152.420..........  ......do.............  9                         
        152.4275.........  ......do.............  9, 24                     
        152.480..........  Base.................  10, 11, 12, 49            
        154.45625........  Mobile...............  18, 19, 36                
        154.46375........  ......do.............  18, 19, 35, 37            
        154.47125........  ......do.............  18, 19, 35                
        154.515..........  Base or Mobile.......  1, 2                      
        154.5275.........  Mobile...............  3, 30, 47                 
        154.540..........  Base or Mobile.......  1, 2                      
        154.5475.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24                  
        154.555..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 46                  
        154.570..........  Mobile...............  4, 13, 22                 
        154.600..........  ......do.............  4, 14, 22                 
        154.610..........  Base or Mobile.......  1, 2, 46                  
        154.625..........  Base.................  10, 11, 15, 49            
        154.640..........  ......do.............  10, 11, 15, 24            
        157.560..........  Base or Mobile.......  9                         
        157.5675.........  ......do.............  9, 24                     
        157.575..........  Mobile...............  1, 9                      
        157.5825.........  ......do.............  1, 9, 24                  
    [[Page 37223]]
        157.605..........  Mobile...............  1, 9                      
        157.6125.........  ......do.............  1, 9, 24                  
        157.620..........  Base or Mobile.......  9                         
        157.6275.........  ......do.............  9, 24                     
        157.635..........  Mobile...............  1, 9                      
        157.6425.........  ......do.............  1, 9, 24                  
        157.665..........  Mobile...............  1, 9                      
        157.6725.........  ......do.............  1, 9, 24                  
        157.680..........  ......do.............  9                         
        157.6875.........  ......do.............  9, 24                     
        157.740..........  Base.................  10, 11, 12, 49            
        158.460..........  ......do.............  10, 11, 12, 15, 49        
        169 to 172.......  Mobile, operational    17                        
        173.20375........  Mobile...............  18, 19, 35                
        173.2100.........  ......do.............  18, 20, 35                
        173.2375.........  ......do.............  18, 19, 36                
        173.2625.........  ......do.............  18, 19, 36                
        173.2875.........  ......do.............  18, 19, 36                
        173.3125.........  ......do.............  18, 19, 36                
        173.3375.........  ......do.............  18, 19, 36                
        173.3625.........  ......do.............  18, 19, 36                
        173.3900.........  ......do.............  18, 20, 35                
        173.39625........  ......do.............  18, 19, 35                
        216 to 220.......  Base or Mobile.......  21                        
        220-222..........  Base and mobile......  44                        
        406 to 413.......  Operational fixed....  17                        
        450 to 470.......  Base or Mobile.......  48                        
        457.5125.........  Mobile...............  50                        
        457.525..........  ......do.............  4, 14, 22, 23             
        457.53125........  ......do.............  4, 14, 22, 23, 46         
        457.53750........  ......do.............  4, 14, 22, 23, 24         
        457.54375........  ......do.............  4, 14, 22, 23, 46         
        457.550..........  ......do.............  4, 14, 22, 23             
        457.55625........  ......do.............  4, 14, 22, 23, 46         
        457.56250........  ......do.............  4, 14, 22, 23, 24         
        457.56875........  ......do.............  4, 14, 22, 23, 46         
        457.575..........  ......do.............  4, 14, 22, 23             
        457.58125........  ......do.............  4, 14, 22, 23, 46         
        457.58750........  ......do.............  4, 14, 22, 23, 24         
        457.59375........  ......do.............  4, 14, 22, 23, 46         
        457.600..........  ......do.............  4, 14, 22, 23             
        457.60625........  ......do.............  4, 14, 22, 23, 46         
        457.61250........  ......do.............  4, 14, 22, 23, 24         
        457.61875........  ......do.............  4, 14, 22, 23, 46         
        460.650..........  Base or Mobile.......  2, 15, 25, 26             
        460.65625........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
        460.66250........  ......do.............  2, 15, 24, 25, 26         
        460.66875........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
        460.675..........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26             
        460.68125........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
        460.68750........  ......do.............  2, 15, 24, 25, 26         
        460.69375........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
        460.700..........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26             
        460.70625........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
        460.71250........  ......do.............  2, 15, 24, 25, 26         
        460.71875........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
        460.725..........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26             
        460.73125........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
        460.73750........  ......do.............  2, 15, 24, 25, 26         
        460.74375........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
        460.750..........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26             
        460.75625........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
        460.76250........  ......do.............  2, 15, 24, 25, 26         
        460.76875........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
        460.775..........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26             
        460.78125........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
        460.78750........  ......do.............  2, 15, 24, 25, 26         
        460.79375........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
        460.800..........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26             
        460.80625........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
        460.81250........  ......do.............  2, 15, 24, 25, 26         
        460.81875........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
    [[Page 37224]]
        460.825..........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26             
        460.83125........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
        460.83750........  ......do.............  2, 15, 24, 25, 26         
        460.84375........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
        460.850..........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26             
        460.85625........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
        460.86250........  ......do.............  2, 15, 24, 25, 26         
        460.86875........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
        460.875..........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26             
        460.88125........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
        460.88750........  ......do.............  2, 15, 24, 25, 26         
        460.89375........  ......do.............  2, 15, 25, 26, 46         
        460.900..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 27, 39, 40          
        460.90625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 27, 39, 40, 46      
        460.91250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 27, 39, 40      
        460.91875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 27, 39, 40, 46      
        460.925..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 27, 39, 40          
        460.93125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 27, 39, 40, 46      
        460.93750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 27, 39, 40      
        460.94375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 27, 39, 40, 46      
        460.950..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 27, 39, 40          
        460.95625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 27, 39, 40, 46      
        460.96250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 27, 39, 40      
        460.96875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 27, 39, 40, 46      
        460.975..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 28, 39, 40          
        460.98125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 28, 39, 40, 46      
        460.98750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 28, 39, 40      
        460.99375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 28, 39, 40, 46      
        461.000..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 28, 39, 40          
        461.00625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 28, 39, 40, 46      
        461.01250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 28, 39, 40      
        461.01875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 28, 39, 40, 46      
        461.025..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.03125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.03750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.04375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.050..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.05625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.06250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.06875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.075..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.08125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.08750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.09375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.100..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.10625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.11250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.11875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.125..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.13125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.13750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.14375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.150..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.15625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.16250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.16875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.175..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.18125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.18750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.19375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.200..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.20625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.21250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.21875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.225..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.23125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.23750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.24375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.250..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.25625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.26250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.26875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
    [[Page 37225]]
        461.275..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.28125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.28750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.29375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.300..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.30625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.31250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.31875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.325..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.33125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.33750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.34375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.350..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.35625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.36250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.36875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.375..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.38125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.38750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.39375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.400..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.40625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.41250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.41875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.425..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.43125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.43750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.44375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.450..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.45625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.46250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.46875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.475..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.48125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.48750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.49375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.500..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.50625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.51250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.51875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.525..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.53125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.53750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.54375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.550..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.55625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.56250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.56875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.575..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.58125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.58750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.59375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.600..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.60625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.61250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.61875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.625..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.63125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.63750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.64375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.650..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.65625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.66250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.66875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.675..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.68125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.68750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.69375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.700..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.70625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.71250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.71875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
    [[Page 37226]]
        461.725..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.73125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.73750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.74375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.750..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.75625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.76250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.76875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.775..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.78125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.78750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.79375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.800..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.80625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.81250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.81875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.825..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.83125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.83750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.84375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.850..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.85625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.86250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.86875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.875..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.88125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.88750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.89375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.900..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.90625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.91250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.91875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.925..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.93125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.93750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.94375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.950..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.95625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.96250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.96875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.975..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        461.98125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        461.98750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        461.99375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        462.000..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        462.00625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        462.01250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        462.01875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        462.025..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        462.03125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        462.03750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        462.04375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        462.050..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        462.05625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        462.06250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        462.06875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        462.075..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        462.08125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        462.08750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        462.09375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        462.100..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        462.10625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        462.11250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        462.11875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        462.125..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        462.13125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        462.13750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        462.14375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        462.150..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        462.15625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        462.16250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        462.16875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
    [[Page 37227]]
        462.175..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        462.18125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        462.18750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        462.19375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        462.750..........  Base.................  10, 49                    
        462.7625.........  Mobile...............  50                        
        462.775..........  Base.................  10, 49                    
        462.7875.........  Mobile...............  50                        
        462.800..........  Base.................  10, 49                    
        462.8125.........  Mobile...............  50                        
        462.825..........  Base.................  10, 49                    
        462.8375.........  Mobile...............  50                        
        462.850..........  Base.................  10, 49                    
        462.8625.........  Mobile...............  50                        
        462.875..........  Base.................  10, 49                    
        462.8875.........  Mobile...............  50                        
        462.900..........  Base.................  10, 49                    
        462.9125.........  Mobile...............  50                        
        462.925..........  Base.................  10, 49                    
        462.93750........  ......do.............  24, 49                    
        462.94375........  ......do.............  46                        
        463.200..........  Base or Mobile.......  1, 2, 26                  
        463.20625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.21250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.21875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.225..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.23125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.23750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.24375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.250..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.25625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.26250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.26875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.275..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.28125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.28750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.29375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.300..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.30625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.31250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.31875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.325..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.33125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.33750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.34375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.350..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.35625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.36250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.36875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.375..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.38125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.38750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.39375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.400..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.40625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.41250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.41875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.425..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.43125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.43750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.44375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.450..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.45625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.46250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.46875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.475..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.48125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.48750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.49375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.500..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.50625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.51250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
    [[Page 37228]]
        463.51875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.525..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.53125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.53750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.54375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.550..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.55625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.56250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.56875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.575..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.58125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.58750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.59375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.600..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.60625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.61250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.61875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.625..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.63125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.63750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.64375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.650..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.65625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.66250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.66875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.675..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.68125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.68750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.69375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.700..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.70625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.71250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.71875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.725..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.73125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.73750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.74375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.750..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.75625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.76250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.76875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.775..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.78125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.78750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.79375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.800..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.80625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.81250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.81875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.825..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.83125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.83750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.84375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.850..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.85625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.86250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.86875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.875..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.88125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.88750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.89375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.900..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.90625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.91250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.91875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.925..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.93125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.93750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.94375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.950..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.95625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.96250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
    [[Page 37229]]
        463.96875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.975..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        463.98125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        463.98750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        463.99375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.000..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.00625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.01250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        464.01875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.025..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.03125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.03750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        464.04375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.050..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.05625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.06250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        464.06875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.075..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.08125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.08750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        464.09375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.100..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.10625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.11250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        464.11875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.125..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.13125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.13750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        464.14375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.150..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.15625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.16250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        464.16875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.175..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.18125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.18750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        464.19375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.200..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.20625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.21250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        464.21875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.225..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.23125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.23750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        464.24375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.250..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.25625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.26250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        464.26875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.275..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.28125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.28750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        464.29375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.300..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.30625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.31250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        464.31875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.325..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29              
        464.33125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.33750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26, 29          
        464.34375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.350..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.35625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.36250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        464.36875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.375..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29              
        464.38125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.38750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26, 29          
        464.39375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.400..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.40625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.41250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
    [[Page 37230]]
        464.41875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.425..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29              
        464.43125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.43750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26, 29          
        464.44375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.450..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.45625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.46250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        464.46875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.475..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29              
        464.48125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.4875.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.500..........  ......do.............  3, 30                     
        464.5125.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.51875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.525..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29              
        464.53125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.5375.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.550..........  ......do.............  3, 30                     
        464.5625.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.56875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.575..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29              
        464.58125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.58750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26, 29          
        464.59375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.600..........  ......do.............  1, 26                     
        464.60625........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        464.61250........  ......do.............  1, 24, 26                 
        464.61875........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        464.625..........  ......do.............  1, 26                     
        464.63125........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        464.63750........  ......do.............  1, 24, 26                 
        464.64375........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        464.650..........  ......do.............  1, 26                     
        464.65625........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        464.66250........  ......do.............  1, 24, 26                 
        464.66875........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        464.675..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29              
        464.68125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.68750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26, 29          
        464.69375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.700..........  ......do.............  1, 26                     
        464.70625........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        464.71250........  ......do.............  1, 24, 26                 
        464.71875........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        464.725..........  ......do.............  1, 26                     
        464.73125........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        464.73750........  ......do.............  1, 24, 26                 
        464.74375........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        464.750..........  ......do.............  1, 26                     
        464.75625........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        464.76250........  ......do.............  1, 24, 26                 
        464.76875........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        464.775..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29              
        464.78125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.78750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26, 29          
        464.79375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.800..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.80625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.81250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        464.81875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.825..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29              
        464.83125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.83750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26, 29          
        464.84375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.850..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.85625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.86250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        464.86875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.875..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29              
        464.88125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.88750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26, 29          
    [[Page 37231]]
        464.89375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.900..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.90625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.91250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        464.91875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.925..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29              
        464.93125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.93750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26, 29          
        464.94375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.950..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        464.95625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.96250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        464.96875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        464.975..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29              
        464.98125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 29, 46          
        464.98750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26, 29          
        465.000..........  Base.................  10, 30, 49                
        465.01250........  ......do.............  24, 30                    
        465.01875........  ......do.............  30, 46                    
        465.650..........  Mobile...............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31          
        465.65625........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.66250........  ......do.............  2, 4, 24, 25, 26, 31      
        465.66875........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.675..........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31          
        465.68125........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.68750........  ......do.............  2, 4, 24, 25, 26, 31      
        465.69375........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.700..........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31          
        465.70625........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.71250........  ......do.............  2, 4, 24, 25, 26, 31      
        465.71875........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.725..........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31          
        465.73125........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.73750........  ......do.............  2, 4, 24, 25, 26, 31      
        465.74375........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.750..........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31          
        465.75625........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.76250........  ......do.............  2, 4, 24, 25, 26, 31      
        465.76875........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.775..........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31          
        465.78125........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.78750........  ......do.............  2, 4, 24, 25, 26, 31      
        465.79375........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.800..........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31          
        465.80625........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.81250........  ......do.............  2, 4, 24, 25, 26, 31      
        465.81875........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.825..........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31          
        465.83125........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.83750........  ......do.............  2, 4, 24, 25, 26, 31      
        465.84375........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.850..........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31          
        465.85625........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.86250........  ......do.............  2, 4, 24, 25, 26, 31      
        465.86875........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.875..........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31          
        465.88125........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.88750........  ......do.............  2, 4, 24, 25, 26, 31      
        465.89375........  ......do.............  2, 4, 25, 26, 31, 46      
        465.900..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 27, 39              
        465.90625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 27, 39, 46          
        465.91250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 27, 39          
        465.91875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 27, 39, 46          
        465.925..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 27, 39              
        465.93125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 27, 39, 46          
        465.93750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 27, 39          
        465.94375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 27, 39, 46          
        465.950..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 27, 39              
        465.95625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 27, 39, 46          
        465.96250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 27, 39          
        465.96875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 27, 39, 46          
        465.975..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 28, 39              
    [[Page 37232]]
        465.98125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 28, 39, 46          
        465.98750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 28, 39          
        465.99375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 28, 39, 46          
        466.000..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 28, 39              
        466.00625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 28, 39, 46          
        466.01250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 28, 39          
        466.01875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 28, 39, 46          
        466.025..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.03125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.03750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.04375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.050..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.05625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.06250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.06875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.075..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.08125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.08750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.09375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.100..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.10625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.11250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.11875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.125..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.13125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.13750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.14375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.150..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.15625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.16250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.16875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.175..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.18125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.18750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.19375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.200..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.20625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.21250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.21875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.225..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.23125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.23750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.24375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.250..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.25625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.26250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.26875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.275..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.28125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.28750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.29375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.300..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.30625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.31250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.31875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.325..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.33125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.33750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.34375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.350..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.35625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.36250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.36875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.375..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.38125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.38750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.39375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.400..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.40625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.41250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.41875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.425..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
    [[Page 37233]]
        466.43125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.43750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.44375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.450..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.45625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.46250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.46875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.475..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.48125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.48750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.49375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.500..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.50625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.51250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.51875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.525..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.53125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.53750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.54375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.550..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.55625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.56250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.56875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.575..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.58125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.58750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.59375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.600..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.60625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.61250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.61875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.625..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.63125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.63750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.64375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.650..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.65625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.66250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.66875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.675..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.68125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.68750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.69375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.700..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.70625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.71250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.71875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.725..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.73125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.73750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.74375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.750..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.75625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.76250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.76875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.775..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.78125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.78750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.79375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.800..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.80625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.81250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.81875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.825..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.83125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.83750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.84375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.850..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.85625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.86250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.86875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.875..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
    [[Page 37234]]
        466.88125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.88750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.89375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.900..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.90625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.91250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.91875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.925..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.93125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.93750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.94375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.950..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.95625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.96250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.96875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.975..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        466.98125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        466.98750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        466.99375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        467.000..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        467.00625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        467.01250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        467.01875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        467.025..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        467.03125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        467.03750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        467.04375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        467.050..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        467.05625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        467.06250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        467.06875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        467.075..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        467.08125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        467.08750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        467.09375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        467.100..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        467.10625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        467.11250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        467.11875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        467.125..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        467.13125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        467.13750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        467.14375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        467.150..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        467.15625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        467.16250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        467.16875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        467.175..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        467.18125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        467.18750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        467.19375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        467.74375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        467.750..........  ......do.............  4, 13, 22, 23             
        467.75625........  ......do.............  4, 13, 22, 23, 46         
        467.76250........  ......do.............  4, 13, 22, 23, 24         
        467.76875........  ......do.............  4, 13, 22, 23, 46         
        467.775..........  ......do.............  4, 13, 22, 23             
        467.78125........  ......do.............  4, 13, 22, 23, 46         
        467.78750........  ......do.............  4, 13, 22, 23, 24         
        467.79375........  ......do.............  4, 13, 22, 23, 46         
        467.800..........  ......do.............  4, 13, 22, 23             
        467.80625........  ......do.............  4, 13, 22, 23, 46         
        467.81250........  ......do.............  4, 13, 22, 23, 24         
        467.81875........  ......do.............  4, 13, 22, 23, 46         
        467.825..........  ......do.............  4, 13, 22, 23             
        467.83125........  ......do.............  4, 13, 22, 23, 46         
        467.8375.........  ......do.............  4, 13, 22, 23, 46         
        467.850..........  ......do.............  4, 13, 22                 
        467.8625.........  ......do.............  50                        
        467.875..........  ......do.............  4, 13, 22                 
        467.8875.........  ......do.............  50                        
        467.900..........  ......do.............  4, 13, 22                 
    [[Page 37235]]
        467.9125.........  ......do.............  50                        
        467.925..........  ......do.............  4, 13, 22                 
        467.93125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 46                  
        467.94375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 46                  
        468.200..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.20625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.21250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.21875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.225..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.23125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.23750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.24375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.250..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.25625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.26250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.26875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.275..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.28125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.28750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.29375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.300..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.30625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.31250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.31875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.325..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.33125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.33750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.34375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.350..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.35625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.36250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.36875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.375..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.38125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.38750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.39375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.400..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.40625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.41250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.41875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.425..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.43125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.43750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.44375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.450..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.45625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.46250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.46875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.475..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.48125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.48750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.49375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.500..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.50625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.51250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.51875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.525..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.53125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.53750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.54375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.550..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.55625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.56250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.56875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.575..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.58125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.58750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.59375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.600..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.60625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.61250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.61875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
    [[Page 37236]]
        468.625..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.63125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.63750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.64375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.650..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.65625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.66250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.66875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.675..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.68125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.68750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.69375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.700..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.70625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.71250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.71875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.725..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.73125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.73750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.74375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.750..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.75625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.76250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.76875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.775..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.78125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.78750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.79375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.800..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.80625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.81250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.81875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.825..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.83125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.83750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.84375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.850..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.85625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.86250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.86875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.875..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.88125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.88750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.89375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.900..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.90625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.91250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.91875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.925..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.93125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.93750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.94375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.950..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.95625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.96250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.96875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.975..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        468.98125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        468.98750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        468.99375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.000..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.00625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.01250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.01875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.025..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.03125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.03750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.04375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.050..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.05625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.06250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.06875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
    [[Page 37237]]
        469.075..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.08125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.08750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.09375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.100..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.10625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.11250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.11875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.125..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.13125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.13750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.14375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.150..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.15625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.16250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.16875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.175..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.18125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.18750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.19375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.200..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.20625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.21250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.21875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.225..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.23125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.23750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.24375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.250..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.25625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.26250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.26875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.275..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.28125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.28750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.29375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.300..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.30625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.31250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.31875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.325..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.33125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.33750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.34375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.350..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.35625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.36250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.36875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.375..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.38125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.38750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.39375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.400..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.40625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.41250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.41875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.425..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.43125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.43750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.44375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.450..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.45625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.46250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.46875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.475..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.48125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.4875.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.500..........  ......do.............  3, 30, 47                 
        469.5125.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.51875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.525..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.53125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
    [[Page 37238]]
        469.5375.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.550..........  ......do.............  3, 30, 47                 
        469.5625.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.56875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.575..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.58125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.58750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.59375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.600..........  ......do.............  1, 26                     
        469.60625........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        469.61250........  ......do.............  1, 24, 26                 
        469.61875........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        469.625..........  ......do.............  1, 26                     
        469.63125........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        469.63750........  ......do.............  1, 24, 26                 
        469.64375........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        469.650..........  ......do.............  1, 26                     
        469.65625........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        469.66250........  ......do.............  1, 24, 26                 
        469.66875........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        469.675..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.68125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.68750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.69375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.700..........  ......do.............  1, 26                     
        469.70625........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        469.71250........  ......do.............  1, 24, 26                 
        469.71875........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        469.725..........  ......do.............  1, 26                     
        469.73125........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        469.73750........  ......do.............  1, 24, 26                 
        469.74375........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        469.750..........  ......do.............  1, 26                     
        469.75625........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        469.76250........  ......do.............  1, 24, 26                 
        469.76875........  ......do.............  1, 26, 46                 
        469.775..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.78125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.78750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.79375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.800..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.80625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.81250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.81875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.825..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.83125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.83750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.84375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.8625.........  ......do.............  50                        
        469.875..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.88125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.88750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.89375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.900..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.90625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.91250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.91875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.925..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.93125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.93750........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.94375........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.950..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.95625........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.96250........  ......do.............  1, 2, 24, 26              
        469.96875........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        469.975..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26                  
        469.98125........  ......do.............  1, 2, 26, 46              
        470 to 512.......  Base or Mobile.......  32                        
        806 to 821.......  Mobile...............  33                        
        851 to 866.......  Base or Mobile.......  33                        
        896 to 901.......  Mobile...............  33                        
        928 and above....  Operational fixed....  34                        
    [[Page 37239]]
        929-930..........  Base only............  42                        
        935 to 940.......  Base or Mobile.......  33                        
        1427 to 1435.....  Operational fixed,     21                        
                            base or mobile.                                 
        2450 to 2500.....  Base or Mobile.......  43                        
        10,550 to 10,680   Base or Mobile.......  ..........................
    * The frequencies in the band 10.55-10.68 GHz are available for Digital 
      Termination Systems and for associated internodal links in the Point- 
      to-Point Microwave Radio Service. No new licenses will be issued under
      this Subpart but current licenses will be renewed.                    
        (c) * * *
        (23) * * *
                        Mobile relay (MHz)                      Mobile (MHz)
    457.525...................................................     467.750  
    457.53125.................................................     467.75625
    457.5375..................................................     467.7625 
    457.54375.................................................     467.76875
    457.550...................................................     467.775  
    457.55625.................................................     467.78125
    457.5625..................................................     467.7875 
    457.56875.................................................     467.79375
    457.575...................................................     467.800  
    457.58125.................................................     467.80625
    457.5875..................................................     467.8125 
    457.59375.................................................     467.81875
    457.600...................................................     467.825  
    457.60625.................................................     467.83125
    457.6125..................................................  ............
    457.61875.................................................  ............
        (24) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
    telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
    this frequency.
    * * * * *
        (38) [Reserved]
    * * * * *
        (46) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
        (47) This frequency will be assigned with an authorized bandwidth 
    not to exceed 11.25 kHz.
        (48) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173.
        (49) This frequency will be authorized a channel bandwidth of 25 
        (50) This frequency is available for systems first licensed prior 
    to August 18, 1995. No new systems will be authorized after August 18, 
    1995, but prior authorized systems may be modified, expanded, and 
        (51) Operation on this frequency is limited to a maximum output 
    power of 1 watt; and each station authorized will be classified and 
    licensed as a mobile station. Any units of such a station, however, may 
    provide the operational functions of a base or fixed station on a 
    secondary basis to mobile service operations, Provided, That the 
    separation between the control point and the center of the radiating 
    portion of the antenna of any units so used does not exceed 8 m (25 
        (d) * * *
        (4) Low power mobile stations of 100 mw or less output power used 
    for one-way, non-voice medical telemetry operations in hospitals or in 
    medical convalescent centers are subject to the provisions of 
    Sec. 90.238.
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (4) Frequencies in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, 450-512 MHz and 902-
    928 MHz bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and 
    Monitoring Service (LMS) systems in accordance with the provisions of 
    subpart M of this part, notwithstanding this limitation.
    * * * * *
        16. Section 90.79 is amended by revising the table of frequencies 
    in paragraph (c), revising limitation (23), and adding limitations 
    (29), (30), and (31) in paragraph (d), and revising paragraph (f)(3) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 90.79  Manufacturers Radio Service.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
                   Manufacturers Radio Service Frequency Table              
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        72-76............  Operational fixed....  25                        
        72.02............  Mobile...............  1, 2                      
        72.04............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        72.06............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        72.08............  ......do.............  1, 2, 3                   
        72.10............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        72.12............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        72.14............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        72.16............  ......do.............  1, 2, 3                   
        72.18............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        72.20............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        72.22............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        72.24............  ......do.............  1, 2, 3                   
        72.26............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        72.28............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        72.30............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        72.32............  ......do.............  1, 2, 3                   
        72.34............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        72.36............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        72.38............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        72.40............  ......do.............  1, 2, 3                   
        72.44............  ......do.............  2, 4                      
    [[Page 37240]]
        72.48............  ......do.............  2, 4                      
        72.52............  ......do.............  2, 4                      
        72.56............  ......do.............  2, 4                      
        72.60............  ......do.............  2, 4                      
        74.61............  ......do.............  28                        
        74.63............  ......do.............  28                        
        74.65............  ......do.............  28                        
        74.67............  ......do.............  28                        
        74.69............  ......do.............  28                        
        74.71............  ......do.............  28                        
        74.73............  ......do.............  28                        
        74.75............  ......do.............  28                        
        74.77............  ......do.............  28                        
        74.79............  ......do.............  28                        
        75.21............  ......do.............  28                        
        75.23............  ......do.............  28                        
        75.25............  ......do.............  28                        
        75.27............  ......do.............  28                        
        75.29............  ......do.............  28                        
        75.31............  ......do.............  28                        
        75.33............  ......do.............  28                        
        75.35............  ......do.............  28                        
        75.37............  ......do.............  28                        
        75.39............  ......do.............  28                        
        75.44............  ......do.............  2, 4                      
        75.48............  ......do.............  2, 4                      
        75.52............  ......do.............  2, 4                      
        75.56............  ......do.............  2, 4                      
        75.60............  ......do.............  2, 4                      
        150 to 170.......  Base or mobile.......  30                        
        153.050..........  ......do.............  5, 21, 22                 
        153.0575.........  ......do.............  5, 21, 22, 23             
        153.065..........  ......do.............  5                         
        153.0725.........  ......do.............  5, 23                     
        153.080..........  ......do.............  5                         
        153.0875.........  ......do.............  5, 23                     
        153.095..........  ......do.............  5                         
        153.1025.........  ......do.............  5, 23                     
        153.110..........  ......do.............  5                         
        153.1175.........  ......do.............  5, 23                     
        153.125..........  ......do.............  5, 21, 22                 
        153.1325.........  ......do.............  5, 21, 22, 23             
        153.140..........  ......do.............  5                         
        153.1475.........  ......do.............  5, 23                     
        153.155..........  ......do.............   5                        
        153.1625.........  ......do.............   5, 23                    
        153.170..........  ......do.............   5                        
        153.1775.........  ......do.............   5, 23                    
        153.185..........  ......do.............   5                        
        153.1925.........  ......do.............   5, 23                    
        153.200..........  ......do.............   5                        
        153.2075.........  ......do.............   5, 23                    
        153.215..........  ......do.............   5                        
        153.2225.........  ......do.............   5, 23                    
        153.230..........  ......do.............   5                        
        153.2375.........  ......do.............   5, 23                    
        153.245..........  ......do.............   5                        
        153.2525.........  ......do.............   5, 23                    
        153.260..........  ......do.............   5                        
        153.2675.........  ......do.............   5, 23                    
        153.275..........  ......do.............   5                        
        153.2825.........  ......do.............   5, 23                    
        153.290..........  ......do.............   5                        
        153.2975.........  ......do.............   5, 23                    
        153.305..........  ......do.............   5                        
        153.3125.........  ......do.............   5, 23                    
        153.320..........  ......do.............   5                        
        153.3275.........  ......do.............   5, 23                    
        153.335..........  ......do.............   5, 21                    
        153.3425.........  ......do.............   5, 21, 23                
        153.350..........  ......do.............   5, 21                    
        153.3575.........  ......do.............   5, 21, 23                
    [[Page 37241]]
        153.365..........  ......do.............   5, 21                    
        153.3725.........  ......do.............   5, 21, 23                
        153.380..........  ......do.............   5, 21                    
        153.3875.........  ......do.............   5, 21, 23                
        153.395..........  ......do.............   5, 21                    
        153.4025.........  ......do.............   5, 21, 23                
        154.45625........  Fixed or mobile......  6, 9, 10, 19              
        154.46375........  ......do.............   6, 7, 9, 10, 20          
        154.47125........  ......do.............   6, 7, 9, 10              
        154.47875........  ......do.............   6, 9, 10, 19             
        158.280..........  Base or mobile.......  5                         
        158.2875.........  ......do.............   5, 23                    
        158.295..........  ......do.............   5                        
        158.3025.........  ......do.............   5, 23                    
        158.310..........  ......do.............   5                        
        158.3175.........  ......do.............   5, 23                    
        158.325..........  ......do.............   5, 21, 22                
        158.3325.........  ......do.............   5, 21, 22, 23            
        158.415..........  ......do.............   5, 21, 22                
        158.4225.........  ......do.............   5, 21, 22, 23            
        158.430..........  ......do.............   5                        
        158.4375.........  ......do.............   5, 23                    
        169-172..........  Mobile...............  26                        
        173.20375........  Fixed or mobile......  6, 7, 9, 10               
        173.2100.........  ......do.............   7, 8, 9, 10              
        173.2375.........  ......do.............   6, 9, 10, 19             
        173.2625.........  ......do.............   6, 9, 10, 19             
        173.2875.........  ......do.............   6, 9, 10, 19             
        173.3125.........  ......do.............   6, 9, 10, 19             
        173.3375.........  ......do.............   6, 9, 10, 19             
        173.3625.........  ......do.............   6, 9, 10, 19             
        173.3900.........  ......do.............   7, 8, 9, 10              
        173.39625........  ......do.............   6, 7, 9, 10              
        216-220..........  Base or mobile.......  11                        
        220-222..........  Base and mobile......  27                        
        450-470..........  Fixed, base, or        12, 30                    
        451.1625.........  Mobile...............  31                        
        451.175..........  Base or mobile.......  13                        
        451.18125........  ......do.............   13, 29                   
        451.18750........  ......do.............   13, 23                   
        451.19375........  ......do.............   13, 29                   
        451.2125.........  Mobile...............  31                        
        451.225..........  Base or mobile.......  13                        
        451.23125........  ......do.............   13, 29                   
        451.23750........  ......do.............   13, 23                   
        451.24375........  ......do.............   13, 29                   
        451.2625.........  Mobile...............  31                        
        451.275..........  Base or mobile.......  13                        
        451.28125........  ......do.............   13, 29                   
        451.28750........  ......do.............   13, 23                   
        451.29375........  ......do.............   13, 29                   
        451.3625.........  Mobile...............  31                        
        451.375..........  Base or mobile.......  13                        
        451.38125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        451.38750........  ......do.............  13, 23                    
        451.39375........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        451.4125.........  Mobile...............  31                        
        451.425..........  Base or mobile.......  13                        
        451.43125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        451.43750........  ......do.............  13, 23                    
        451.44375........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        451.4625.........  Mobile...............  31                        
        451.475..........  Base or mobile.......  13                        
        451.48125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        451.48750........  ......do.............  13, 23                    
        451.49375........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        451.5125.........  Mobile...............  31                        
        451.525..........  Base or mobile.......  13                        
        451.53125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        451.53750........  ......do.............  13, 23                    
        451.54375........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        451.5625.........  Mobile...............  31                        
    [[Page 37242]]
        451.575..........  Base or mobile.......  13                        
        451.58125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        451.58750........  ......do.............  13, 23                    
        451.59375........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        451.6125.........  Mobile...............  31                        
        451.625..........  Base or mobile.......  13                        
        451.63125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        451.63750........  ......do.............  13, 23                    
        451.64375........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        451.6625.........  Mobile...............  31                        
        451.675..........  Base or mobile.......  13                        
        451.68125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        451.68750........  ......do.............  13, 23                    
        451.69375........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.1625.........  Mobile...............  31                        
        456.175..........  ......do.............  13                        
        456.18125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.18750........  ......do.............  13, 23                    
        456.19375........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.2125.........  ......do.............  31                        
        456.225..........  ......do.............  13                        
        456.23125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.23750........  ......do.............  13, 23                    
        456.24375........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.2625.........  ......do.............  31                        
        456.275..........  ......do.............  13                        
        456.28125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.28750........  ......do.............  13, 23                    
        456.29375........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.3625.........  ......do.............  31                        
        456.375..........  ......do.............  13                        
        456.38125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.38750........  ......do.............  13, 23                    
        456.39375........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.4125.........  ......do.............  31                        
        456.425..........  ......do.............  13                        
        456.43125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.43750........  ......do.............  13, 23                    
        456.44375........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.4625.........  ......do.............  31                        
        456.475..........  ......do.............  13                        
        456.48125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.48750........  ......do.............  13, 23                    
        456.49375........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.5125.........  ......do.............  31                        
        456.525..........  ......do.............  13                        
        456.53125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.53750........  ......do.............  13, 23                    
        456.54375........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.5625.........  ......do.............  31                        
        456.575..........  ......do.............  13                        
        456.58125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.58750........  ......do.............  13, 23                    
        456.59375........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.6125.........  ......do.............  31                        
        456.625..........  ......do.............  13                        
        456.63125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.63750........  ......do.............  13, 23                    
        456.64375........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.6625.........  ......do.............  31                        
        456.675..........  ......do.............  13                        
        456.68125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        456.68750........  ......do.............  13, 23                    
        456.69375........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        462.1875.........  ......do.............  31                        
        462.200..........  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        462.20625........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.21250........  ......do.............  23                        
        462.21875........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.225..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        462.23125........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.23750........  ......do.............  23                        
    [[Page 37243]]
        462.24375........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.250..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        462.25625........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.26250........  ......do.............  23                        
        462.26875........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.275..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        462.28125........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.28750........  ......do.............  23                        
        462.29375........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.300..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        462.30625........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.31250........  ......do.............  23                        
        462.31875........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.325..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        462.33125........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.33750........  ......do.............  23                        
        462.34375........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.350..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        462.35625........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.36250........  ......do.............  23                        
        462.36875........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.375..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        462.38125........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.38750........  ......do.............  23                        
        462.39375........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.400..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        462.40625........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.41250........  ......do.............  23                        
        462.41875........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.425..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        462.43125........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.43750........  ......do.............  23                        
        462.44375........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.450..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        462.45625........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.46250........  ......do.............  23                        
        462.46875........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.475..........  ......do.............  13                        
        462.48125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        462.48750........  ......do.............  13, 23                    
        462.49375........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        462.500..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        462.50625........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.51250........  ......do.............  23                        
        462.51875........  ......do.............  29                        
        462.525..........  ......do.............  13                        
        462.53125........  ......do.............  13, 29, 29                
        467.1875.........  Mobile...............  31                        
        467.200..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        467.20625........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.21250........  ......do.............  23                        
        467.21875........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.225..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        467.23125........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.23750........  ......do.............  23                        
        467.24375........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.250..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        467.25625........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.26250........  ......do.............  23                        
        467.26875........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.275..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        467.28125........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.28750........  ......do.............  23                        
        467.29375........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.300..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        467.30625........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.31250........  ......do.............  23                        
        467.31875........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.325..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        467.33125........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.33750........  ......do.............  23                        
        467.34375........  ......do.............  29                        
    [[Page 37244]]
        467.350..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        467.35625........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.36250........  ......do.............  23                        
        467.36875........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.375..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        467.38125........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.38750........  ......do.............  23                        
        467.39375........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.400..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        467.40625........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.41250........  ......do.............  23                        
        467.41875........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.425..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        467.43125........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.43750........  ......do.............  23                        
        467.44375........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.450..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        467.45625........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.46250........  ......do.............  23                        
        467.46875........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.475..........  ......do.............  13                        
        467.48125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        467.48750........  ......do.............  13, 23                    
        467.49375........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        467.500..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        467.50625........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.51250........  ......do.............  23                        
        467.51875........  ......do.............  29                        
        467.525..........  ......do.............  13                        
        467.53125........  ......do.............  13, 29                    
        470 to 512.......  Base or mobile.......  14                        
        806 to 821.......  Mobile...............  15                        
        851 to 866.......  Base or mobile.......  15                        
        896 to 901.......  Mobile...............  15                        
        928 and above....  Operational fixed....  16                        
        929 to 930.......  Base only............  24                        
        935 to 940.......  Base or mobile.......  15                        
        1427 to 1435.....  Operational fixed,     1                         
                            base or mobile.                                 
        2450 to 2500.....  Base or mobile.......  17                        
        8400 to 8500.....  ......do.............  18                        
        10,550 to 10,680*  ......do.............  ..........................
    * The frequencies in the band 10.55-10.68 GHz are available for Digital 
      Termination Systems and for associated internodal links in the Point- 
      to-Point Microwave Radio Service. No new licenses will be issued under
      this Subpart but current licenses will be renewed.                    
        (d) * * *
        (23) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
    telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
    this frequency.
    * * * * *
        (29) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
        (30) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173.
        (31) This frequency is available for systems first licensed prior 
    to August 18, 1995. No new systems will be authorized after August 18, 
    1995, but prior authorized systems may be modified, expanded, and 
    * * * * *
        (f) * * *
        (3) Frequencies in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, 450-512 MHz and 902-
    928 MHz bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and 
    Monitoring Service (LMS) systems in accordance with the provisions of 
    subpart M of this part, notwithstanding this limitation.
        17. Section 90.81 is amended by revising the table of frequencies 
    in paragraph (c), revising limitation (11), and adding limitations 
    (16), (17), and (18) in paragraph (d), and revising paragraph (f)(3) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 90.81  Telephone Maintenance Radio Service.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
               Telephone Maintenance Radio Service Frequency Table          
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        2,000 to 25,000..  Fixed, base or mobile  14                        
        35.16............  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
    [[Page 37245]]
        43.16............  Mobile...............  ..........................
        72-76............  Operational fixed....  13                        
        150 to 170.......  Base or mobile.......  17                        
        151.985..........  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        152.9925.........  ......do.............   16                       
        158.34...........  Mobile...............  ..........................
        158.3475.........  ......do.............   11                       
        169-172..........  ......do.............   15                       
        216 to 220.......  Base or mobile.......  2                         
        220-222..........  Base and mobile......  1                         
        450 to 470.......  Fixed, base, or        3, 17                     
        451.1625.........  Mobile...............  18                        
        451.175..........  Base or mobile.......  4                         
        451.18125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        451.18750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        451.19375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        451.2125.........  Mobile...............   18                       
        451.225..........  Base or mobile.......   4                        
        451.23125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        451.23750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        451.24375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        451.2625.........  Mobile...............  18                        
        451.275..........  Base or mobile.......  4                         
        451.28125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        451.28750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        451.29375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        451.300..........  ......do.............                            
        451.30625........  ......do.............   16                       
        451.31250........  ......do.............   11                       
        451.31875........  ......do.............   16                       
        451.325..........  ......do.............                            
        451.33125........  ......do.............   16                       
        451.33750........  ......do.............   11                       
        451.34375........  ......do.............   16                       
        451.350..........  ......do.............                            
        451.35625........  ......do.............   16                       
        451.36250........  ......do.............   11                       
        451.36875........  ......do.............   16                       
        451.375..........  ......do.............   4                        
        451.38125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        451.38750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        451.39375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        451.400..........  ......do.............                            
        451.40625........  ......do.............   16                       
        451.41250........  ......do.............   11                       
        451.41875........  ......do.............   16                       
        451.425..........  ......do.............   4                        
        451.43125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        451.43750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        451.44375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        451.450..........  ......do.............                            
        451.45625........  ......do.............   16                       
        451.46250........  ......do.............   11                       
        451.46875........  ......do.............   16                       
        451.475..........  ......do.............   4                        
        451.48125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        451.48750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        451.49375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        451.500..........  ......do.............                            
        451.50625........  ......do.............   16                       
        451.51250........  ......do.............   11                       
        451.51875........  ......do.............   16                       
        451.525..........  ......do.............   4                        
        451.53125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        451.53750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        451.54375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        451.5625.........  Mobile...............  18                        
        451.575..........  Base or mobile.......  4                         
        451.58125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        451.58750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        451.59375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        451.6125.........  Mobile...............  18                        
    [[Page 37246]]
        451.625..........  Base or mobile.......   4                        
        451.63125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        451.63750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        451.64375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        451.6625.........  Mobile...............  18                        
        451.675..........  Base or mobile.......  4                         
        451.68125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        451.68750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        451.69375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        456.1625.........  Mobile...............  18                        
        456.175..........  ......do.............   4                        
        456.18125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        456.18750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        456.19375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        456.2125.........  ......do.............   18                       
        456.225..........  ......do.............   4                        
        456.23125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        456.23750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        456.24375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        456.2625.........  ......do.............   18                       
        456.275..........  ......do.............   4                        
        456.28125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        456.28750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        456.29375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        456.300..........  ......do.............   5                        
        456.30625........  ......do.............   5, 16                    
        456.31250........  ......do.............   5, 11                    
        456.31875........  ......do.............   5, 16                    
        456.325..........  ......do.............   5                        
        456.33125........  ......do.............   5, 16                    
        456.33750........  ......do.............   5, 11                    
        456.34375........  ......do.............   5, 16                    
        456.350..........  ......do.............   5                        
        456.35625........  ......do.............   5, 16                    
        456.36250........  ......do.............   5, 11                    
        456.36875........  ......do.............   5, 16                    
        456.375..........  ......do.............   4                        
        456.38125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        456.38750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        456.39375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        456.400..........  ......do.............   5                        
        456.40625........  ......do.............   5, 16                    
        456.41250........  ......do.............   5, 11                    
        456.41875........  ......do.............   5, 16                    
        456.425..........  ......do.............   4                        
        456.43125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        456.43750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        456.44375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        456.450..........  ......do.............   5                        
        456.45625........  ......do.............   5, 16                    
        456.46250........  ......do.............   5, 11                    
        456.46875........  ......do.............   5, 16                    
        456.475..........  ......do.............   4                        
        456.48125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        456.48750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        456.49375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        456.500..........  ......do.............   5                        
        456.50625........  ......do.............   5, 16                    
        456.51250........  ......do.............   5, 11                    
        456.51875........  ......do.............   5, 16                    
        456.525..........  ......do.............   4                        
        456.53125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        456.53750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        456.54375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        456.5625.........  ......do.............   18                       
        456.575..........  ......do.............   4                        
        456.58125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        456.58750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        456.59375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        456.6125.........  ......do.............   18                       
        456.625..........  ......do.............   4                        
        456.63125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
    [[Page 37247]]
        456.63750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        456.64375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        456.6625.........  ......do.............   18                       
        456.675..........  ......do.............   4                        
        456.68125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        456.68750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        456.69375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        462.4625.........  ......do.............   18                       
        462.475..........  Base or mobile.......  4                         
        462.48125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        462.48750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        462.49375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        462.5125.........  Mobile...............  18                        
        462.525..........  Base or mobile.......  4                         
        462.53125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        467.4625.........  Mobile...............  18                        
        467.475..........  ......do.............   4                        
        467.48125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        467.48750........  ......do.............   4, 11                    
        467.49375........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        467.5125.........  ......do.............   18                       
        467.525..........  ......do.............   4                        
        467.53125........  ......do.............   4, 16                    
        470 to 512.......  Base or mobile.......  6                         
        806 to 821.......  Mobile...............  7                         
        851 to 866.......  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        896 to 901.......  Mobile...............  7                         
        928 and above....  Operational fixed....  8                         
        929-930..........  Base only............  12                        
        935 to 940.......  Base or mobile.......  7                         
        1427 to 1435.....  Operational fixed,     2                         
                            base or mobile.                                 
        2450 to 2500.....  Base or mobile.......  9                         
        8400 to 8500.....  ......do.............   10                       
        10,550 to 10,680*  ......do.............  ..........................
    * The frequencies in the band 10.55-10.68 GHz are available for Digital 
      Termination Systems and for associated internodal links in the Point- 
      to-Point Microwave Radio Service. No new licenses will be issued under
      this Subpart but current licenses will be renewed.                    
        (d) * * *
        (11) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
    telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
    this frequency.
    * * * * *
        (16) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
        (17) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173.
        (18) This frequency is available for systems first licensed prior 
    to August 18, 1995. No new systems will be authorized after August 18, 
    1995, but prior authorized systems may be modified, expanded, and 
    * * * * *
        (f) * * *
        (3) Frequencies in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, 450-512 MHz and 902-
    928 MHz bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and 
    Monitoring Service (LMS) systems in accordance with the provisions of 
    subpart M of this part, notwithstanding this limitation.
        18. Section 90.89 is amended by revising the table of frequencies 
    in paragraph (b), revising limitation (21), and adding limitations 
    (24), (25), and (26) in paragraph (c), and revising paragraph (e)(2) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 90.89  Motor Carrier Radio Service.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
                   Motor Carrier Radio Service Frequency Table              
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        30.66............  Base or mobile.......  1, 2                      
        30.74............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        30.82............  ......do.............  1, 2                      
        30.86............  ......do.............  1, 3                      
        30.90............  ......do.............  1, 3                      
        30.94............  ......do.............  1, 3                      
        30.98............  ......do.............  1, 3                      
        31.02............  ......do.............  1, 3                      
        31.06............  ......do.............  1, 3                      
        31.08............  ......do.............  1                         
    [[Page 37248]]
        31.10............  ......do.............  1, 3                      
        31.12............  ......do.............  1                         
        31.14............  ......do.............  1, 3                      
        43.70............  ......do.............  4                         
        43.72............  ......do.............  4, 23                     
        43.74............  ......do.............  4, 23                     
        43.76............  ......do.............  4                         
        43.78............  ......do.............  4                         
        43.80............  ......do.............  4                         
        43.82............  ......do.............  4, 23                     
        43.84............  ......do.............  4, 23                     
        43.86............  ......do.............  5, 6                      
        43.88............  ......do.............  5, 6                      
        43.90............  ......do.............  5, 6                      
        43.92............  ......do.............  5, 6, 23                  
        43.94............  ......do.............  5, 6                      
        43.96............  ......do.............  5, 23                     
        43.98............  ......do.............  5                         
        44.00............  ......do.............  5                         
        44.02............  ......do.............  5                         
        44.04............  ......do.............  5                         
        44.06............  ......do.............  5                         
        44.08............  ......do.............  5                         
        44.10............  ......do.............  5, 19                     
        44.12............  ......do.............  5, 23                     
        44.14............  ......do.............  5                         
        44.16............  ......do.............  5, 23                     
        44.18............  ......do.............  5, 23                     
        44.20............  ......do.............  5, 20, 23                 
        44.22............  ......do.............  5                         
        44.24............  ......do.............  5                         
        44.26............  ......do.............  5                         
        44.28............  ......do.............  5                         
        44.30............  ......do.............  5                         
        44.32............  ......do.............  5, 23                     
        44.34............  ......do.............  5                         
        44.36............  ......do.............  5, 6, 23                  
        44.38............  ......do.............  5, 6                      
        44.40............  ......do.............  5, 6, 23                  
        44.42............  ......do.............  5, 6                      
        44.44............  ......do.............  5, 6                      
        44.46............  ......do.............  1, 23                     
        44.48............  ......do.............  1, 23                     
        44.50............  ......do.............  1                         
        44.52............  ......do.............  1                         
        44.54............  ......do.............  1                         
        44.56............  ......do.............  1                         
        44.58............  ......do.............  1                         
        44.60............  ......do.............  1                         
        72.0-76.0........  Operational fixed....  7                         
        150 to 170.......  Base or mobile.......  24                        
        159.495..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.5025.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.510..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.5175.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.525..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.5325.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.540..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.5475.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.555..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.5625.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.570..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.5775.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.585..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.5925.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.600..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.6075.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.615..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.6225.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.630..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.6375.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.645..........  ......do.............  8                         
    [[Page 37249]]
        159.6525.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.660..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.6675.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.675..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.6825.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.690..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.6975.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.705..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.7125.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.720..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.7275.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.735..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.7425.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.750..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.7575.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.765..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.7725.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.780..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.7875.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.795..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.8025.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.810..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.8175.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.825..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.8325.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.840..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.8475.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.855..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.8625.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.870..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.8775.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.885..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.8925.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.900..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.9075.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.915..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.9225.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.930..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.9375.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.945..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.9525.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.960..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.9675.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.975..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.9825.........  ......do.............  8, 21                     
        159.990..........  ......do.............  8                         
        159.9975.........  ......do.............   8, 21                    
        160.005..........  ......do.............   8                        
        160.0125.........  ......do.............   8, 21                    
        160.020..........  ......do.............   8                        
        160.0275.........  ......do.............   8, 21                    
        160.035..........  ......do.............   8                        
        160.0425.........  ......do.............   8, 21                    
        160.050..........  ......do.............   8                        
        160.0575.........  ......do.............   8, 21                    
        160.065..........  ......do.............   8                        
        160.0725.........  ......do.............   8, 21                    
        160.080..........  ......do.............   8                        
        160.0875.........  ......do.............   8, 21                    
        160.095..........  ......do.............   8                        
        160.1025.........  ......do.............   8, 21                    
        160.110..........  ......do.............   8                        
        160.1175.........  ......do.............   8, 21                    
        160.125..........  ......do.............   8                        
        160.1325.........  ......do.............   8, 21                    
        160.140..........  ......do.............   8                        
        160.1475.........  ......do.............   8, 21                    
        160.155..........  ......do.............   8                        
        160.1625.........  ......do.............   8, 21                    
        160.170..........  ......do.............   8                        
        160.1775.........  ......do.............   8, 21                    
        160.185..........  ......do.............   8                        
    [[Page 37250]]
        160.1925.........  ......do.............   8, 21                    
        160.200..........  ......do.............   8                        
        160.2075.........  ......do.............   8, 21                    
        169-172..........  Mobile...............  17                        
        220-222..........  Base and mobile......  22                        
        450-470..........  Fixed, base, or        9, 24                     
        452.3125.........  Mobile...............  25                        
        452.325..........  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        452.33125........  ......do.............   10, 26                   
        452.33750........  ......do.............   10, 21                   
        452.34375........  ......do.............   10, 26                   
        452.3625.........  Mobile...............  25                        
        452.375..........  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        452.38125........  ......do.............   10, 26                   
        452.38750........  ......do.............   10, 21                   
        452.39375........  ......do.............   10, 26                   
        452.4125.........  Mobile...............  25                        
        452.425..........  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        452.43125........  ......do.............   10, 26                   
        452.43750........  ......do.............   10, 21                   
        452.44375........  ......do.............   10, 26                   
        452.4625.........  Mobile...............  25                        
        452.475..........  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        452.48125........  ......do.............   10, 26                   
        452.48750........  ......do.............   10, 21                   
        452.49375........  ......do.............   10, 26                   
        452.6125.........  Mobile...............  25                        
        452.625..........  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        452.63125........  ......do.............   26                       
        452.63750........  ......do.............   21                       
        452.64375........  ......do.............   26                       
        452.650..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        452.65625........  ......do.............   26                       
        452.66250........  ......do.............   21                       
        452.66875........  ......do.............   26                       
        452.675..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        452.68125........  ......do.............   26                       
        452.68750........  ......do.............   21                       
        452.69375........  ......do.............   26                       
        452.700..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        452.70625........  ......do.............   26                       
        452.71250........  ......do.............   21                       
        452.71875........  ......do.............   26                       
        452.725..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        452.73125........  ......do.............   26                       
        452.73750........  ......do.............   21                       
        452.74375........  ......do.............   26                       
        452.750..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        452.75625........  ......do.............   26                       
        452.76250........  ......do.............   21                       
        452.76875........  ......do.............   26                       
        452.775..........  ......do.............   10                       
        452.78125........  ......do.............   10, 26                   
        452.78750........  ......do.............   10, 21                   
        452.79375........  ......do.............  10, 26                    
        452.800..........  ......do.............                            
        452.80625........  ......do.............  26                        
        452.81250........  ......do.............  21                        
        452.81875........  ......do.............  26                        
        452.825..........  ......do.............  10                        
        452.83125........  ......do.............  10, 26                    
        452.83750........  ......do.............  10, 21                    
        452.84375........  ......do.............  10, 26                    
        452.850..........  ......do.............                            
        452.85625........  ......do.............  26                        
        452.86250........  ......do.............  21                        
        452.86875........  ......do.............  26                        
        452.875..........  ......do.............  10                        
        452.88125........  ......do.............  10, 26                    
        452.88750........  ......do.............  10, 21                    
        452.89375........  ......do.............  10, 26                    
        457.3125.........  Mobile...............  25                        
    [[Page 37251]]
        457.325..........  ......do.............  10                        
        457.33125........  ......do.............  10, 26                    
        457.33750........  ......do.............  10, 21                    
        457.34375........  ......do.............  10, 26                    
        457.3625.........  ......do.............  25                        
        457.375..........  ......do.............  10                        
        457.38125........  ......do.............  10, 26                    
        457.38750........  ......do.............  10, 21                    
        457.39375........  ......do.............  10, 26                    
        457.4125.........  ......do.............  25                        
        457.425..........  ......do.............  10                        
        457.43125........  ......do.............  10, 26                    
        457.43750........  ......do.............  10, 21                    
        457.44375........  ......do.............  10, 26                    
        457.4625.........  ......do.............  25                        
        457.475..........  ......do.............  10                        
        457.48125........  ......do.............  10, 26                    
        457.48750........  ......do.............  10, 21                    
        457.49375........  ......do.............  10, 26                    
        457.6125.........  ......do.............  25                        
        457.625..........  ......do.............                            
        457.63125........  ......do.............  26                        
        457.63750........  ......do.............  21                        
        457.64375........  ......do.............  26                        
        457.650..........  ......do.............                            
        457.65625........  ......do.............  26                        
        457.66250........  ......do.............  21                        
        457.66875........  ......do.............  26                        
        457.675..........  ......do.............                            
        457.68125........  ......do.............  26                        
        457.68750........  ......do.............  21                        
        457.69375........  ......do.............  26                        
        457.700..........  ......do.............                            
        457.70625........  ......do.............  26                        
        457.71250........  ......do.............  21                        
        457.71875........  ......do.............  26                        
        457.725..........  ......do.............                            
        457.73125........  ......do.............  26                        
        457.73750........  ......do.............  21                        
        457.74375........  ......do.............  26                        
        457.750..........  ......do.............                            
        457.75625........  ......do.............  26                        
        457.76250........  ......do.............  21                        
        457.76875........  ......do.............  26                        
        457.775..........  ......do.............  10                        
        457.78125........  ......do.............  10, 26                    
        457.78750........  ......do.............  10, 21                    
        457.79375........  ......do.............  10, 26                    
        457.800..........  ......do.............                            
        457.80625........  ......do.............  26                        
        457.81250........  ......do.............  21                        
        457.81875........  ......do.............  26                        
        457.825..........  ......do.............  10                        
        457.83125........  ......do.............  10, 26                    
        457.83750........  ......do.............  10, 21                    
        457.84375........  ......do.............  10, 26                    
        457.850..........  ......do.............                            
        457.85625........  ......do.............  26                        
        457.86250........  ......do.............  21                        
        457.86875........  ......do.............  26                        
        457.875..........  ......do.............  10                        
        457.88125........  ......do.............  10, 26                    
        457.88750........  ......do.............  10, 21                    
        457.89375........  ......do.............  10, 26                    
        470 to 512.......  Base or mobile.......  11                        
        806 to 821.......  Mobile...............  12                        
        851 to 866.......  Base or mobile.......  12                        
        896 to 901.......  Mobile...............  12                        
        928 and above....  Operational fixed....  13                        
        929-930..........  Base only............  18                        
        935 to 940.......  Base or mobile.......  12                        
        1427 to 1435.....  Operational fixed,     14                        
                            base or mobile.                                 
    [[Page 37252]]
        2450 to 2500.....  Base or mobile.......  15                        
        8400 to 8500.....  ......do.............  16                        
        10,550 to 10,680*  ......do.............  ..........................
    * The frequencies in the band 10.55-10.68 GHz are available for Digital 
      Termination Systems and for associated internodal links in the Point- 
      to-Point Microwave Radio Service. No new licenses will be issued under
      this Subpart but current licenses will be renewed.                    
        (c) * * *
        (21) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
    telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
    this frequency.
    * * * * *
        (24) Licensing for frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173.
        (25) This frequency is available for systems first licensed prior 
    to August 18, 1995. No new systems will be authorized after August 18, 
    1995, but prior authorized systems may be modified, expanded, and 
        (26) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (2) Frequencies in the 25-50, 150-170, 450-512, and 902-928 MHz 
    bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and Monitoring 
    Service (LMS) systems in accordance with the provisions of subpart M of 
    this part, notwithstanding this limitation.
        19. Section 90.91 is amended by revising the table of frequencies 
    in paragraph (b), revising limitation (18), and adding limitations 
    (22), (23), and (24) in paragraph (c), and revising paragraph (e)(2) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 90.91  Railroad Radio Service.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
                     Railroad Radio Service Frequency Table                 
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        72.0 to 76.0.....  Operational fixed....  1                         
        72.44............  Mobile...............  2                         
        72.48............  ......do.............   2                        
        72.52............  ......do.............   2                        
        72.56............  ......do.............   2                        
        72.60............  ......do.............   2                        
        74.61............  ......do.............   21                       
        74.63............  ......do.............   21                       
        74.65............  ......do.............   21                       
        74.67............  ......do.............   21                       
        74.69............  ......do.............   21                       
        74.71............  ......do.............   21                       
        74.73............  ......do.............   21                       
        74.75............  ......do.............   21                       
        74.77............  ......do.............   21                       
        74.79............  ......do.............   21                       
        75.21............  ......do.............   21                       
        75.23............  ......do.............   21                       
        75.25............  ......do.............   21                       
        75.27............  ......do.............   21                       
        75.29............  ......do.............   21                       
        75.31............  ......do.............   21                       
        75.33............  ......do.............   21                       
        75.35............  ......do.............   21                       
        75.37............  ......do.............   21                       
        75.39............  ......do.............   21                       
        75.44............  ......do.............   2                        
        75.48............  ......do.............   2                        
        75.52............  ......do.............   2                        
        75.56............  ......do.............   2                        
        75.60............  ......do.............   2                        
        150 to 170.......  Base or mobile.......  23                        
        160.215..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.2225.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.230..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.2375.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.245..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.2525.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.260..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.2675.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.275..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.2825.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
    [[Page 37253]]
        160.290..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.2975.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.305..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.3125.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.320..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.3275.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.335..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.3425.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.350..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.3575.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.365..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.3725.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.380..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.3875.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.395..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.4025.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.410..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5                  
        160.4175.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5, 18              
        160.425..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5                  
        160.4325.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5, 18              
        160.440..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5                  
        160.4475.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5, 18              
        160.455..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5                  
        160.4625.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5, 18              
        160.470..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5                  
        160.4775.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5, 18              
        160.485..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5                  
        160.4925.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5, 18              
        160.500..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5                  
        160.5075.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5, 18              
        160.515..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5                  
        160.5225.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5, 18              
        160.530..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5                  
        160.5375.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5, 18              
        160.545..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5                  
        160.5525.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5, 18              
        160.560..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5                  
        160.5675.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5, 18              
        160.575..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5                  
        160.5825.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5, 18              
        160.590..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5                  
        160.5975.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5, 18              
        160.605..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5                  
        160.6125.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 5, 18              
        160.620..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.6275.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.635..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.6425.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.650..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.6575.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.665..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.6725.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.680..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.6875.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.695..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.7025.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.710..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.7175.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.725..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.7325.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.740..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.7475.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.755..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.7625.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.770..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.7775.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.785..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.7925.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.800..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.8075.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.815..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.8225.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
    [[Page 37254]]
        160.830..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.8375.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.845..........  ......do.............   3, 4                     
        160.8525.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 18                 
        160.860..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6                  
        160.8675.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6, 18              
        160.875..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6                  
        160.8825.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6, 18              
        160.890..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6                  
        160.8975.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6, 18              
        160.905..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6                  
        160.9125.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6, 18              
        160.920..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6                  
        160.9275.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6, 18              
        160.935..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6                  
        160.9425.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6, 18              
        160.950..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6                  
        160.9575.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6, 18              
        160.965..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6                  
        160.9725.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6, 18              
        160.980..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6                  
        160.9875.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6, 18              
        160.995..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6                  
        161.0025.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6, 18              
        161.010..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6                  
        161.0175.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6, 18              
        161.025..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6                  
        161.0325.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6, 18              
        161.040..........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6                  
        161.0475.........  ......do.............   3, 4, 6, 18              
        161.055..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.0625.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.070..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.0775.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.085..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.0925.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.100..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.1075.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.115..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.1225.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.130..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.1375.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.145..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.1525.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.160..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.1675.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.175..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.1825.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.190..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.1975.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.205..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.2125.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.220..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.2275.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.235..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.2425.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.250..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.2575.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.265..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.2725.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.280..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.2875.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.295..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.3025.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.310..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.3175.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.325..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.3325.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.340..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.3475.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.355..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.3625.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
    [[Page 37255]]
        161.370..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6                   
        161.3775.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 6, 18               
        161.385..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7                   
        161.3925.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7, 18               
        161.400..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7                   
        161.4075.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7, 18               
        161.415..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7                   
        161.4225.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7, 18               
        161.430..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7                   
        161.4375.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7, 18               
        161.445..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7                   
        161.4525.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7, 18               
        161.460..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7                   
        161.4675.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7, 18               
        161.475..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7                   
        161.4825.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7, 18               
        161.490..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7                   
        161.4975.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7, 18               
        161.505..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7                   
        161.5125.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7, 18               
        161.520..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7                   
        161.5275.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7, 18               
        161.535..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7                   
        161.5425.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7, 18               
        161.550..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7                   
        161.5575.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7, 18               
        161.565..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 7                   
        169 to 172.......  Mobile, operational    8                         
        220-222..........  Base and mobile......  20                        
        406 to 413.......  Operational fixed....  8                         
        450 to 470.......  Fixed, base, or        9, 23                     
        452.3125.........  Mobile...............  24                        
        452.325..........  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        452.33125........  ......do.............  10, 22                    
        452.33750........  ......do.............  10, 18                    
        452.34375........  ......do.............  10, 22                    
        452.3625.........  Mobile...............  24                        
        452.375..........  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        452.38125........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        452.38750........  ......do.............   10, 18                   
        452.39375........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        452.4125.........  Mobile...............  24                        
        452.425..........  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        452.43125........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        452.43750........  ......do.............   10, 18                   
        452.44375........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        452.4625.........  Mobile...............  24                        
        452.475..........  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        452.48125........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        452.48750........  ......do.............   10, 18                   
        452.49375........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        452.7625.........  Mobile...............  24                        
        452.775..........  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        452.78125........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        452.78750........  ......do.............   10, 18                   
        452.79375........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        452.8125.........  Mobile...............  24                        
        452.825..........  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        452.83125........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        452.83750........  ......do.............   10, 18                   
        452.84375........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        452.8625.........  Mobile...............  24                        
        452.875..........  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        452.88125........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        452.88750........  ......do.............   10, 18                   
        452.89375........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        452.900..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        452.90625........  ......do.............   22                       
        452.91250........  ......do.............   18                       
        452.91875........  ......do.............   22                       
        452.925..........  ......do.............   11                       
        452.93125........  ......do.............   11, 22                   
    [[Page 37256]]
        452.93750........  ......do.............   11, 18                   
        452.94375........  ......do.............   11, 22                   
        452.950..........  ......do.............   11                       
        452.95625........  ......do.............   11, 22                   
        452.96250........  ......do.............   11, 18                   
        452.96875........  ......do.............   11, 22                   
        457.3125.........  Mobile...............  24                        
        457.325..........  ......do.............   10                       
        457.33125........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        457.33750........  ......do.............   10, 18                   
        457.34375........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        457.3625.........  ......do.............   24                       
        457.375..........  ......do.............   10                       
        457.38125........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        457.38750........  ......do.............   10, 18                   
        457.39375........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        457.4125.........  ......do.............   24                       
        457.425..........  ......do.............   10                       
        457.43125........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        457.43750........  ......do.............   10, 18                   
        457.44375........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        457.4625.........  ......do.............   24                       
        457.475..........  ......do.............   10                       
        457.48125........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        457.48750........  ......do.............   10, 18                   
        457.49375........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        457.7625.........  ......do.............   24                       
        457.775..........  ......do.............   10                       
        457.78125........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        457.78750........  ......do.............   10, 18                   
        457.79375........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        457.8125.........  ......do.............   24                       
        457.825..........  ......do.............   10                       
        457.83125........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        457.83750........  ......do.............   10, 18                   
        457.84375........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        457.8625.........  ......do.............   24                       
        457.875..........  ......do.............   10                       
        457.88125........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        457.88750........  ......do.............   10, 18                   
        457.89375........  ......do.............   10, 22                   
        457.900..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        457.90625........  ......do.............   22                       
        457.91250........  ......do.............   18                       
        457.91875........  ......do.............   22                       
        457.925..........  ......do.............   11                       
        457.93125........  ......do.............   11, 22                   
        457.93750........  ......do.............   11, 18                   
        457.94375........  ......do.............   11, 22                   
        457.950..........  ......do.............   11                       
        457.95625........  ......do.............   11, 22                   
        457.96250........  ......do.............   11, 18                   
        457.96875........  ......do.............   11, 22                   
        470 to 512.......  Base or mobile.......  12                        
        806 to 821.......  Mobile...............  13                        
        851 to 866.......  Base or mobile.......  13                        
        896 to 901.......  Mobile...............  13                        
        928 and above....  Operational fixed....  14                        
        929-930..........  Base only............  19                        
        935 to 940.......  Base or mobile.......  13                        
        1427 to 1435.....  Operational fixed,     15                        
                            base or mobile.                                 
        2450 to 2500.....  Base or mobile.......  16                        
        8400 to 8500.....  ......do.............   17                       
        10,550 to 10,680*  ......do.............  ..........................
    * The frequencies in the band 10.55-10.68 GHz are available for Digital 
      Termination Systems and for associated internodal links in the Point- 
      to-Point Microwave Radio Service. No new licenses will be issued under
      this Subpart but current licenses will be renewed.                    
        (c) * * *
        (18) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to 
    [[Page 37257]]
    exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary telemetry 
    operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on this 
    * * * * *
        (22) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
        (23) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173
        (24) This frequency is available for systems first licensed prior 
    to August 18, 1995. No new systems will be authorized after August 18, 
    1995, but prior authorized systems may be modified, expanded, and 
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (2) Frequencies in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, 450-512 MHz and 902-
    928 MHz bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and 
    Monitoring Service (LMS) systems in accordance with the provisions of 
    subpart M of this part, notwithstanding this limitation.
        20. Section 90.93 is amended by revising the table of frequencies 
    in paragraph (b), revising limitation (15), and adding limitations 
    (17), (18), and (19) in paragraph (c), and revising paragraph (d)(2) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 90.93  Taxicab Radio Service.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
                      Taxicab Radio Service Frequency Table                 
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        72-76............  Operational fixed....  14                        
        150 to 170.......  Base or mobile.......  18                        
        152.2625.........  Base or mobile.......  17                        
        152.270..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        152.2775.........  ......do.............   15                       
        152.285..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        152.2925.........  ......do.............   15                       
        152.300..........  ......do.............   1, 2                     
        152.3075.........  ......do.............   1, 2, 15                 
        152.315..........  ......do.............   1, 2                     
        152.3225.........  ......do.............   1, 2, 15                 
        152.330..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        152.3375.........  ......do.............   15                       
        152.345..........  ......do.............   1, 2                     
        152.3525.........  ......do.............   1, 2, 15                 
        152.360..........  ......do.............   1, 2                     
        152.3675.........  ......do.............   1, 2, 15                 
        152.375..........  ......do.............   1, 2                     
        152.3825.........  ......do.............   1, 2, 15                 
        152.390..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        152.3975.........  ......do.............   15                       
        152.405..........  ......do.............   1, 2                     
        152.4125.........  ......do.............   1, 2, 15                 
        152.420..........  ......do.............   1, 2                     
        152.4275.........  ......do.............   1, 2, 15                 
        152.435..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        152.4425.........  ......do.............   15                       
        152.450..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        152.4575.........  ......do.............   15                       
        152.465..........  ......do.............   11                       
        157.530..........  Mobile...............  ..........................
        157.5375.........  ......do.............   15                       
        157.545..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        157.5525.........  ......do.............   15                       
        157.560..........  ......do.............   1, 2                     
        157.5675.........  ......do.............   1, 2, 15                 
        157.575..........  ......do.............   1, 2                     
        157.5825.........  ......do.............   1, 2, 15                 
        157.590..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        157.5975.........  ......do.............   15                       
        157.605..........  ......do.............   1, 2                     
        157.6125.........  ......do.............   1, 2, 15                 
        157.620..........  ......do.............   1, 2                     
        157.6275.........  ......do.............   1, 2, 15                 
        157.635..........  ......do.............   1, 2                     
        157.6425.........  ......do.............   1, 2, 15                 
        157.650..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        157.6575.........  ......do.............   15                       
        157.665..........  ......do.............   1, 2                     
        157.6725.........  ......do.............   1, 2, 15                 
        157.680..........  ......do.............   1, 2                     
        157.6875.........  ......do.............   1, 2, 15                 
        157.695..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        157.7025.........  ......do.............   15                       
        157.710..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        157.7175.........  ......do.............   15                       
    [[Page 37258]]
        157.725..........  ......do.............   11                       
        169-172..........  ......do.............   12                       
        220-222..........  Base and mobile......  16                        
        450 to 470.......  Fixed, base, or        3, 18                     
        452.0375.........  Mobile...............  19                        
        452.050..........  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        452.05625........  ......do.............   17                       
        452.06250........  ......do.............   15                       
        452.06875........  ......do.............   17                       
        452.0875.........  Mobile...............  19                        
        452.100..........  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        452.10625........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        452.11250........  ......do.............   10, 15                   
        452.11875........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        452.1375.........  Mobile...............  19                        
        452.150..........  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        452.15625........  ......do.............   17                       
        452.16250........  ......do.............   15                       
        452.16875........  ......do.............   17                       
        452.1875.........  Mobile...............  19                        
        452.200..........  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        452.20625........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        452.21250........  ......do.............   10, 15                   
        452.21875........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        452.225..........  ......do.............   10                       
        452.23125........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        452.23750........  ......do.............   10, 15                   
        452.24375........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        452.250..........  ......do.............   10                       
        452.25625........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        452.26250........  ......do.............   10, 15                   
        452.26875........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        452.275..........  ......do.............   10                       
        452.28125........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        452.28750........  ......do.............   10, 15                   
        452.29375........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        452.300..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        452.30625........  ......do.............   17                       
        452.31250........  ......do.............   15                       
        452.31875........  ......do.............   17                       
        452.3375.........  Mobile...............  19                        
        452.350..........  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        452.35625........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        452.36250........  ......do.............   10, 15                   
        452.36875........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        452.3875.........  Mobile...............  19                        
        452.400..........  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        452.40625........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        452.41250........  ......do.............   10, 15                   
        452.41875........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        452.4375.........  Mobile...............  19                        
        452.450..........  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        452.45625........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        452.46250........  ......do.............   10, 15                   
        452.46875........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        452.4875.........  Mobile...............  19                        
        452.500..........  Base or mobile.......  ..........................
        452.50625........  ......do.............   17                       
        452.51250........  ......do.............   15                       
        452.51875........  ......do.............   17                       
        457.0375.........  Mobile...............  19                        
        457.050..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        457.05625........  ......do.............   17                       
        457.06250........  ......do.............   15                       
        457.06875........  ......do.............   17                       
        457.0875.........  ......do.............   19                       
        457.100..........  ......do.............   10                       
        457.10625........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        457.11250........  ......do.............   10, 15                   
        457.11875........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        457.1375.........  ......do.............   19                       
        457.150..........  ......do.............  ..........................
    [[Page 37259]]
        457.15625........  ......do.............   17                       
        457.16250........  ......do.............   15                       
        457.16875........  ......do.............   17                       
        457.1875.........  ......do.............   19                       
        457.200..........  ......do.............   10                       
        457.20625........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        457.21250........  ......do.............   10, 15                   
        457.21875........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        457.225..........  ......do.............   10                       
        457.23125........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        457.23750........  ......do.............   10, 15                   
        457.24375........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        457.250..........  ......do.............   10                       
        457.25625........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        457.26250........  ......do.............   10, 15                   
        457.26875........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        457.275..........  ......do.............   10                       
        457.28125........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        457.28750........  ......do.............   10, 15                   
        457.29375........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        457.300..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        457.30625........  ......do.............   17                       
        457.31250........  ......do.............   15                       
        457.31875........  ......do.............   17                       
        457.3375.........  ......do.............   19                       
        457.350..........  ......do.............   10                       
        457.35625........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        457.36250........  ......do.............   10, 15                   
        457.36875........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        457.3875.........  ......do.............   19                       
        457.400..........  ......do.............   10                       
        457.40625........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        457.41250........  ......do.............   10, 15                   
        457.41875........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        457.4375.........  ......do.............   19                       
        457.450..........  ......do.............   10                       
        457.45625........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        457.46250........  ......do.............   10, 15                   
        457.46875........  ......do.............   10, 17                   
        457.4875.........  ......do.............   19                       
        457.500..........  ......do.............  ..........................
        457.50625........  ......do.............   17                       
        457.51250........  ......do.............   15                       
        457.51875........  ......do.............   17                       
        470-512..........  Base or mobile.......  4                         
        806 to 821.......  Mobile...............  5                         
        851 to 866.......  Base or mobile.......  5                         
        896 to 901.......  Mobile...............  5                         
        928 and above....  Operational fixed....  6                         
        929-930..........  Base only............  13                        
        935 to 940.......  Base or mobile.......  5                         
        1427 to 1435.....  Base, mobile, or       7                         
                            operational fixed.                              
        2450 to 2500.....  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        8400 to 8500.....  ......do.............   9                        
        10,550 to 10,680*  ......do.............  ..........................
    * The frequencies in the band 10.55-10.68 GHz are available for Digital 
      Termination Systems and for associated internodal links in the Point- 
      to-Point Microwave Radio Service. No new licenses will be issued under
      this Subpart but current licenses will be renewed.                    
        (c) * * *
        (15) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
    telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
    this frequency.
    * * * * *
        (17) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
        (18) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173
        (19) This frequency is available for systems first licensed prior 
    to August 18, 1995. No new systems will be authorized after August 18, 
    1995, but prior authorized systems may be modified, expanded, and 
        (d) * * *
        (2) Frequencies in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, 450-512 MHz and 902-
    928 MHz bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and 
    Monitoring Service (LMS) systems in accordance 
    [[Page 37260]]
    with the provisions of subpart M of this part, notwithstanding this 
    * * * * *
        21. Section 90.95 is amended by revising the table of frequencies 
    in paragraph (c), revising limitations (2), (6), and (18), and adding 
    limitations (20), (21), (22), and (23) in paragraph (d), and revising 
    paragraph (e)(2) to read as follows:
    Sec. 90.95  Automobile Emergency Radio Service.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
               Automobile Emergency Radio Service Frequency Table           
      Frequency or band     Class of station(s)           Limitations       
        72-76............  Operational fixed....  16                        
        150 to 170.......  Base or mobile.......  21                        
        150.815..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 3                   
        150.830..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 3, 22               
        150.845..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 3                   
        150.8525.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 3, 18               
        150.860..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 3                   
        150.8675.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 3, 18               
        150.875..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 3                   
        150.8825.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 3, 18               
        150.890..........  ......do.............  1, 2, 3                   
        150.8975.........  ......do.............  1, 2, 3, 18               
        150.905..........  ......do.............  3, 4                      
        150.920..........  ......do.............  3, 4, 22                  
        150.935..........  ......do.............  3, 4                      
        150.9425.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 18                  
        150.950..........  ......do.............  3, 4                      
        150.9575.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 18                  
        150.965..........  ......do.............  3, 4                      
        150.9725.........  ......do.............  3, 4, 18                  
        157.470..........  ......do.............  5, 6                      
        157.4775.........  ......do.............  5, 6, 18                  
        157.485..........  ......do.............  5, 6                      
        157.4925.........  ......do.............  5, 6, 18                  
        157.500..........  ......do.............  5, 6                      
        157.5075.........  ......do.............  5, 6, 18                  
        157.515..........  ......do.............  5, 6                      
        157.5225.........  ......do.............  5, 6, 18                  
        169-172..........  Mobile...............  17                        
        220-222..........  Base and mobile......  19                        
        450 to 470.......  Fixed, base, or        7, 21                     
        452.5125.........  Mobile...............  23                        
        452.525..........  Base or mobile.......  8                         
        452.53125........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        452.53750........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        452.54375........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        452.550..........  ......do.............  8                         
        452.55625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        452.56250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        452.56875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        452.575..........  ......do.............  8                         
        452.58125........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        452.58750........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        452.59375........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        452.600..........  ......do.............  8                         
        452.60625........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        452.61250........  ......do.............  8, 18                     
        452.61875........  ......do.............  8, 20                     
        470 to 512.......  ......do.............  9                         
        806 to 821.......  Mobile...............  10                        
        851 to 866.......  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        896 to 901.......  Mobile...............  10                        
        928 and above....  Operational fixed....  11                        
        929-930..........  Base only............  15                        
        935 to 940.......  Base or mobile.......  10                        
        1427 to 1435.....  Operational fixed,     12                        
                            base, or mobile.                                
        2450 to 2500.....  Base or mobile.......  13                        
        8400 to 8500.....  ......do.............  14                        
        10,550 to 10,680*  ......do.............  ..........................
    * The frequencies in the band 10.55-10.68 GHz are available for Digital 
      Termination Systems and for associated internodal links in the Point- 
      to-Point Microwave Radio Service. No new licenses will be issued under
      this subpart but current licenses will be renewed.                    
    [[Page 37261]]
        (d) * * *
        (2) Only one of the frequencies 150.815, 150.8225, 150.830, 
    150.8375, 150.845, 150.8525, 150.860, 150.8675, 150.875, 150.8825, 
    150.890, or 150.8975 MHz may be assigned to the same licensee in a 
    given area.
    * * * * *
        (6) Only one of the frequencies 157.470, 157.4775, 157.485, 
    157.4925, 157.500, 157.5075, 157.515, or 157.5225 MHz may be assigned 
    to the same licensee in a given area.
    * * * * *
        (18) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
    August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
    telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
    this frequency.
    * * * * *
        (20) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
    August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
    bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
        (21) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
    provisions of Sec. 90.173
        (22) This frequency will be authorized a channel bandwidth of 25 
        (23) This frequency is available for systems first licensed prior 
    to August 18, 1995. No new systems will be authorized after August 18, 
    1995, but prior authorized systems may be modified, expanded, and 
        (e) * * *
        (2) Frequencies in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, 450-512 MHz and 902-
    928 MHz bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and 
    Monitoring Service (LMS) systems in accordance with the provisions of 
    subpart M of this part, notwithstanding this limitation.
    * * * * *
        22. Section 90.173 is amended by revising paragraph (f) and adding 
    paragraphs (l) and (m) to read as follows:
    Sec. 90.173  Policies governing the assignment of frequencies.
    * * * * *
        (f) After August 18, 1995, applications for stations in the 150-174 
    MHz and 421-512 MHz bands for operation on frequencies 15 kHz or less 
    removed from existing stations in the same geographic area will be 
    granted based upon a recommendation from the applicable frequency 
    * * * * *
        (l) In the 150-174 MHz band, authorizations for frequencies 
    available prior to August 18, 1995 will be granted with channel 
    bandwidths of 25 kHz or less. After August 18, 1995, authorizations for 
    all other frequencies in this band will be granted with channel 
    bandwidths of 12.5 kHz or less.
        (m) In the 421-512 MHz band, authorizations for frequencies 
    available prior to August 18, 1995 will be granted with channel 
    bandwidths of 25 kHz or less. After August 18, 1995, new authorizations 
    for frequencies 12.5 kHz removed from these frequencies will be made 
    for channel bandwidths of 12.5 kHz or less, and authorizations for 
    frequencies 6.25 kHz removed from these frequencies will be granted 
    with channel bandwidths of 6.25 kHz or less.
        23. Section 90.175 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as 
    Sec. 90.175  Frequency coordination requirements.
    * * * * *
        (a) For frequencies between 25 and 470 MHz: A statement from the 
    applicable frequency coordinator recommending the most appropriate 
    frequency. The coordinator's recommendation may include comments on 
    technical factors such as power, antenna height and gain, terrain and 
    other factors which may serve to minimize potential interference. Until 
    August 18, 1995, for PLMR frequencies between 150 and 470 MHz, the 
        (1) must not recommend any adjacent channel frequency 15 kHz or 
    less removed to existing stations which would result in a separation of 
    less than 16 km (10 mi), or 12 km (7 mi) in the Taxicab Radio Service, 
    unless written concurrence is received from the licensee of such 
    station(s); and
        (2) if the frequency recommended is in the 150-170 MHz band, and is 
    17.5 kHz or less removed from frequency which is available to another 
    radio service, the coordinators statement must show that approval has 
    been received from the coordinator for the other service. Frequencies 
    in the 450-470 MHz band, when used for secondary fixed operations, 
    shall be assigned and coordinated pursuant to Sec. 90.261.
    * * * * *
        24. Section 90.203 is amended by adding paragraph (j) to read as 
    Sec. 90.203  Type acceptance required.
    * * * * *
        (j) For transmitters operating on frequencies in the 150-174 MHz 
    and 421-512 MHz bands:
        (1) Prior to August 1, 1996, type acceptance will be granted for 
    equipment with channel bandwidths up to 25 kHz.
        (2) On or after August 1, 1996, type acceptance will only be 
    granted for equipment with the following channel bandwidths:
        (i) 12.5 kHz or less for single bandwidth mode equipment or multi-
    bandwidth mode equipment with a maximum channel bandwidth of 12.5 kHz.
        (ii) 25 kHz for multi-bandwidth mode equipment with a maximum 
    channel bandwidth of 25 kHz if it is capable of operating on channels 
    of 12.5 kHz or less.
        (iii) 25 kHz if the equipment meets the efficiency standard of 
    paragraph (j)(3) of this section.
        (3) On or after August 1, 1996, requests for Part 90 type 
    acceptance of transmitters designed to operate on frequencies in the 
    150-174 MHz and 421-512 MHz bands must include a certification that the 
    equipment meets a spectrum efficiency standard of one voice channel per 
    12.5 kHz of channel bandwidth. If the equipment is capable of 
    transmitting data and has an overall bandwidth of 6.25 kHz or more, the 
    equipment must be capable of supporting a minimum data rate of 4800 
    bits per second per 6.25 kHz of bandwidth.
        (4) On or after January 1, 2005, except for hand-held transmitters 
    with an output power of two watts or less, type acceptance will only be 
    granted for equipment with the following channel bandwidths:
        (i) 6.25 kHz or less for single bandwidth mode equipment.
        (ii) 12.5 kHz for multi-bandwidth mode equipment with a maximum 
    channel bandwidth of 12.5 kHz if it is capable of operating on channels 
    of 6.25 kHz or less.
        (iii) 25 kHz for multi-bandwidth mode equipment with a maximum 
    channel bandwidth of 25 kHz if it is capable of operating on channels 
    of 6.25 kHz or less.
        (iv) Up to 25 kHz if the equipment meets the efficiency standard of 
    paragraph (j)(5) of this section.
        (5) On or after January 1, 2005, requests for Part 90 type 
    acceptance of transmitters designed to operate on frequencies in the 
    150-174 MHz and 421-512 MHz bands must include a certification that the 
    equipment meets a spectrum efficiency standard of one voice channel per 
    6.25 kHz of channel bandwidth. If the equipment is capable of 
    transmitting data and has an overall bandwidth of 6.25 kHz or more, the 
    equipment must be capable of supporting a minimum data rate of 4800 
    bits per second per 6.25 kHz of bandwidth. 
    [[Page 37262]]
        (6) The Commission's Equipment Authorization Division will not 
    accept applications for modification or permissive changes of Type 
    Acceptance grants for single bandwidth mode transmitters designed to 
    operate on channel bandwidths wider than 12.5 kHz granted prior to 
    August 1, 1996, except under the following conditions:
        (i) Transmitters that have the inherent capability for multi-mode 
    or narrowband operation allowed in paragraphs (j)(2) and (j)(4) of this 
    section, may have their grant of Type Acceptance modified upon 
    demonstrating that the original unit complies with the technical 
    requirements for operation.
        (ii) New FCC Identifiers will be needed to identify modified 
    equipment that complies with the requirements of paragraphs (j)(2) and 
    (j)(4) of this section.
        (7) Transmitters designed for one-way paging operations will be 
    type accepted with a 25 kHz channel bandwidth.
        25. Section 90.205 is revised to read as follows:
     Sec. 90.205  Power and antenna height limits.
        Applicants for licenses must request and use no more power than the 
    actual power necessary for satisfactory operation. Except where 
    otherwise specifically provided for, the maximum power that will be 
    authorized to applicants whose license applications for new stations 
    are filed after August 18, 1995 is as follows:
        (a) Below 25 MHz. For single sideband operations (J3E emission), 
    the maximum transmitter peak envelope power is 1000 watts.
        (b) 25-50 MHz. The maximum transmitter output power is 300 watts.
        (c) 72-76 MHz. The maximum effective radiated power (ERP) for 
    stations operating on fixed frequencies is 300 watts. Stations 
    operating on mobile-only frequencies are limited to one watt 
    transmitter output power.
        (d) 150-174 MHz. (1) The maximum allowable station ERP is dependent 
    upon the station's antenna HAAT and required service area and will be 
    authorized in accordance with Table 1. Applicants requesting an ERP in 
    excess of that listed in Table 1 must submit an engineering analysis 
    based upon generally accepted engineering practices and standards that 
    includes coverage contours to demonstrate that the requested station 
    parameters will not produce coverage in excess of that which the 
    applicant requires.
        (2) Applications for stations with ERPs higher than permitted in 
    Table 1 will be submitted to the frequency coordinator accompanied by 
    an technical analysis, based upon generally accepted engineering 
    practices and standards, that demonstrates that the requested station 
    parameters will not produce a signal strength in excess of 37 dBu at 
    any point along the edge of the requested service area. The coordinator 
    may then recommend any ERP appropriate to meet this condition.
        (3) An applicant for a station with a service area radius greater 
    than 40 km (25 mi) must justify the requested service area radius, 
    which will be authorized only in accordance with Table 1, note 4. Base 
    stations with a service area radius greater than 80 km (50 mi) will be 
    authorized only on a secondary basis.
                   Table 1--150-174MHz--Maximum ERP/Reference HAAT for a Specific Service Area Radius               
                                                            Service area radius (km)                                
                               3        8        13       16       24       32       40     48 \4\   64 \4\   80 \4\
    Maximum ERP (w)\1\....        1       28      178  \2\ 500  \2\ 500  \2\ 500      500  \2\ 500  \2\ 500  \2\ 500
    Up to reference HAAT                                                                                            
     (m) \3\..............       15       15       15       15       33       65      110      160      380     670 
    \1\ Maximum ERP indicated provides for a 37 dBu signal strength at the edge of the service area per FCC Report R-
      6602, Fig. 19 (See Sec.  73.699, Fig. 10).                                                                    
    \2\ Maximum ERP of 500 watts allowed. Signal strength at the service area contour may be less than 37 dBu.      
    \3\ When the actual antenna HAAT is greater than the reference HAAT, the allowable ERP will be reduced in       
      accordance with the following equation: ERPallow = ERPmax  x  (HAATref / HAATactual)\2\.                      
    \4\ Applications for this service area radius may be granted upon specific request with justification and must  
      include a technical demonstration that the signal strength at the edge of the service area does not exceed 37 
        (e) 220-222 MHz. Limitations on power and antenna heights are 
    specified in Sec. 90.729.
        (f) 421-430 MHz. Limitations on power and antenna heights are 
    specified in Sec. 90.279.
        (g) 450-470 MHz.
        (1) The maximum allowable station effective radiated power (ERP) is 
    dependent upon the station's antenna HAAT and required service area and 
    will be authorized in accordance with Table 2. Applicants requesting an 
    ERP in excess of that listed in Table 2 must submit an engineering 
    analysis based upon generally accepted engineering practices and 
    standards that includes coverage contours to demonstrate that the 
    requested station parameters will not produce coverage in excess of 
    that which the applicant requires.
        (2) Applications for stations with ERPs higher than permitted in 
    Table 2 will be submitted to the frequency coordinator accompanied by 
    an technical analysis, based upon generally accepted engineering 
    practices and standards, that demonstrates that the requested station 
    parameters will not produce a signal strength in excess of 39 dBu at 
    any point along the edge of the requested service area. The coordinator 
    may then recommend any ERP appropriate to meet this condition.
        (3) An applicant for a station with a service area radius greater 
    than 32 km (20 mi) must justify the requested service area radius, 
    which may be authorized only in accordance with Table 2, note 4. Base 
    stations with a service area radius greater than 80 km (50 mi) will be 
    authorized only on a secondary basis.
                  Table 2.--450-470 MHz--Maximum ERP/Reference HAAT for a Specific Service Area Radius              
                                                            Service area radius (km)                                
                               3        8        13       16       24       32     40 \4\   48 \4\   64 \4\   80 \4\
    Maximum ERP (w) \1\...        2      100  \2\ 500  \2\ 500  \2\ 500  \2\ 500  \2\ 500  \2\ 500  \2\ 500  \2\ 500
    [[Page 37263]]
    Up to reference HAAT                                                                                            
     (m) \3\..............       15       15       15       27       63      125      250      410      950     2700
    \1\ Maximum ERP indicated provides for a 39 dBu signal strength at the edge of the service area per FCC Report R-
      6602, Fig. 29 (See Sec.  73.699, Fig. 10 b).                                                                  
    \2\ Maximum ERP of 500 watts allowed. Signal strength at the service area contour may be less than 39 dBu.      
    \3\ When the actual antenna HAAT is greater than the reference HAAT, the allowable ERP will be reduced in       
      accordance with the following equation: ERPallow = ERPmax  x  (HAATref / HAATactual)\2\.                      
    \4\ Applications for this service area radius may be granted upon specific request with justification and must  
      include a technical demonstration that the signal strength at the edge of the service area does not exceed 39 
        (h) 470-512 MHz. Power and height limitations are specified in 
    Secs. 90.307 and 90.309.
        (i) 806-824/851-869 MHz and 896-901/935-940 MHz. Power and height 
    limitations are specified in Sec. 90.635.
        (j) 902-928 MHz. LMS systems operating pursuant to subpart M of 
    this part in the 902-927.25 MHz band will be authorized a maximum of 30 
    watts ERP. LMS equipment operating in the 927.25-928 MHz band will be 
    authorized a maximum of 300 watts ERP. ERP must be measured as peak 
    envelope power. Antenna heights will be as specified in Sec. 90.353(h).
        (k) 929-930 MHz. Limitations on power and antenna heights are 
    specified in Sec. 90.494.
        (l) 2450-2483.5 MHz. The maximum transmitter power is 5 watts.
        (m) All other frequency bands. Requested transmitter power will be 
    considered and authorized on a case by case basis.
        26. Section 90.207 is amended by revising the introductory text, 
    redesignating existing paragraphs (a) through (l) as (b) through (m) 
    respectively, and adding a new paragraph (a) and (n) to read as 
    Sec. 90.207  Types of emissions.
        Unless specified elsewhere in this part, stations will be 
    authorized emissions as provided for in paragraphs (b) through (n) of 
    this section.
        (a) Explanation of emission symbols. For a complete listing of 
    emission symbols see Sec. 2.201 of this chapter.
        (1) The first symbol indicates the type of modulation on the 
    transmitter carrier.
        A--Amplitude modulation, double sideband with identical information 
    on each sideband.
        F--Frequency modulation.
        G--Phase modulation.
        J--Single sideband with suppressed carrier.
        P--Unmodulated pulse.
        (2) The second symbol indicates the type of signal modulating the 
    transmitter carrier.
        0--No modulation.
        1--Digital modulation, no subcarrier.
        2--Digital modulation, modulated subcarrier.
        3--Analog modulation.
        (3) The third symbol indicates the type of transmitted information.
        A--Telegraphy for aural reception.
        B--Telegraphy for machine reception.
        D--Data, telemetry, and telecommand.
        N--No transmitted information.
    * * * * *
        (n) Other emissions. Requests for emissions other than those listed 
    in paragraphs (c) through (e) of this section will be considered on a 
    case-by-case basis to ensure that the requested emission will not cause 
    more interference than other currently permitted emissions.
        27. Section 90.209 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 90.209  Bandwidth limitations.
        (a) Each authorization issued to a station licensed under this part 
    will show an emission designator representing the class of emission 
    authorized. The designator will be prefixed by a specified necessary 
    bandwidth. This number does not necessarily indicate the bandwidth 
    occupied by the emission at any instant. In those cases where 
    Sec. 2.202 of this chapter does not provide a formula for the 
    computation of necessary bandwidth, the occupied bandwidth, as defined 
    in Part 2 of this chapter, may be used in lieu of the necessary 
        (b) The maximum authorized single channel bandwidth of emission 
    corresponding to the type of emission specified in Sec. 90.207 is as 
        (1) For A1A or A1B emissions, the maximum authorized bandwidth is 
    0.25 kHz. The maximum authorized bandwidth for type A3E emission is 8 
        (2) For operations below 25 MHz utilizing J3E emission, the 
    bandwidth occupied by the emission shall not exceed 3000 Hz. The 
    assigned frequency will be specified in the authorization. The 
    authorized carrier frequency will be 1400 Hz lower in frequency than 
    the assigned frequency. Only upper sideband emission may be used. In 
    the case of regularly available double sideband radiotelephone 
    channels, an assigned frequency for J3E emissions is available either 
    1600 Hz below or 1400 Hz above the double sideband radiotelephone 
    assigned frequency.
        (3) For all other types of emissions, the maximum authorized 
    bandwidth shall not be more than that normally authorized for voice 
        (4) Where a frequency is assigned exclusively to a single licensee, 
    more than a single emission may be used within the authorized 
    bandwidth. In such cases, the frequency stability requirements of 
    Sec. 90.213 must be met for each emission.
        (5) Unless specified elsewhere, channel spacings and bandwidths 
    that will be authorized in the following frequency bands are given in 
    the following Table.
                       Standard Channel Spacing/Bandwidth                   
                Frequency band (MHz)               spacing     Authorized   
                                                    (kHz)    bandwidth (kHz)
    Below 25 \2\................................                            
    25-50.......................................     20              20     
    72-76.......................................     20              20     
    150-174.....................................  \1\ 7.5   \1\ \3\ 20/11.25/
    220-222.....................................      5               4     
    421-512 \2\.................................  \1\ 6.25  \1\ \3\ 20/11.25/
    806-821/851-866.............................     25              20     
    821-824/866-869.............................     12.5            20     
    896-901/935-940.............................     12.5            13.6   
    902-928 \4\.................................                            
    929-930.....................................     25              20     
    1427-1435 \2\...............................                            
    2450-2483.52 \2\............................                            
    Above 2500 \2\..............................                            
    \1\ For stations authorized on or after August 18, 1995.                
    [[Page 37264]]
    \2\ Bandwidths for radiolocation stations in the 420-450 MHz band and   
      for stations operating in bands subject to this footnote will be      
      reviewed and authorized on a case-by-case basis.                      
    \3\ Operations using equipment designed to operate with a 25 kHz channel
      bandwidth will be authorized a 20 kHz bandwidth. Operations using     
      equipment designed to operate with a 12.5 kHz channel bandwidth will  
      be authorized a 11.25 kHz bandwidth. Operations using equipment       
      designed to operate with a 6.25 kHz channel bandwidth will be         
      authorized a 6 kHz bandwidth.                                         
    \4\ The maximum authorized bandwidth shall be 12 MHz for non-           
      multilateration LMS operations in the band 909.75-921.75 MHz and 2 MHz
      in the band 902.00-904.00 MHz. The maximum authorized bandwidth for   
      multilateration LMS operations shall be 5.75 MHz in the 904.00-909.75 
      MHz band; 2 MHz in the 919.75-921.75 MHz band; 5.75 MHz in the 921.75-
      927.25 MHz band and its associated 927.25-927.50 MHz narrowband       
      forward link; and 8.00 MHz if the 919.75-921.75 MHz and 921.75-927.25 
      MHz bands and their associated 927.25-927.50 MHz and 927.50-927.75 MHz
      narrowband forward links are aggregated.                              
        28. Section 90.210 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 90.210  Emission masks.
        Except as indicated elsewhere in this part, transmitters used in 
    the radio services governed by this part must comply with the emission 
    masks outlined in this section. Unless otherwise stated, per paragraphs 
    (d)(4), (e)(4), and (l) of this section, measurements of emission power 
    can be expressed in either peak or average values provided that 
    emission powers are expressed with the same parameters used to specify 
    the unmodulated transmitter carrier power. For transmitters that do not 
    produce a full power unmodulated carrier, reference to the unmodulated 
    transmitter carrier power refers to the total power contained in the 
    channel bandwidth. Unless indicated elsewhere in this part, the Table 
    in this section specifies the emission masks for equipment operating in 
    the frequency bands governed under this part.
                            Applicable Emission Masks                       
                                              Mask for          Mask for    
                                           equipment with       equipment   
            Frequency band (MHz)           audio low pass     without audio 
                                               filter        low pass filter
    Below 25 \1\........................  A or B..........  A or C          
    25-50...............................  B...............  C               
    72-76...............................  B...............  C               
    150-174 \2\.........................  B, D, or E......  C, D, or E      
    150 Paging-only.....................  B...............  C               
    220-222.............................  F...............  F               
    421-512 \2\.........................  B, D, or E......  C, D, or E      
    450 Paging-only.....................  B...............  G               
    806-821/851-866.....................  B...............  G               
    821-824/866-869.....................  B...............  H               
    896-901/935-940.....................  I...............  J               
    902-928.............................  K...............  K               
    929-930.............................  B...............  G               
    Above 940...........................  B...............  C               
    All other bands.....................  B...............  C               
    \1\ Equipment using single sideband J3E emission must meet the          
      requirements of Emission Mask A. Equipment using other emissions must 
      meet the requirements of Emission Mask B or C, as applicable.         
    \2\ Equipment designed to operate with a 25 kHz channel bandwidth must  
      meet the requirements of Emission Mask B or C, as applicable.         
      Equipment designed to operate with a 12.5 kHz channel bandwidth must  
      meet the requirements of Emission Mask D, and equipment designed to   
      operate with a 6.25 kHz channel bandwidth must meet the requirements  
      of Emission Mask E.                                                   
        (a) Emission Mask A. For transmitters utilizing J3E emission, the 
    carrier must be at least 40 dB below the peak envelope power and the 
    power of emissions must be reduced below the output power (P in watts) 
    of the transmitter as follows:
        (1) On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency by more 
    than 50 percent, but not more than 150 percent of the authorized 
    bandwidth: At least 25 dB.
        (2) On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency by more 
    than 150 percent, but not more than 250 percent of the authorized 
    bandwidth: At least 35 dB.
        (3) On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency by more 
    than 250 percent of the authorized bandwidth: At least 43 + 10 log P 
        (b) Emission Mask B. For transmitters that are equipped with an 
    audio low-pass filter pursuant to Sec. 90.211(a), the power of any 
    emission must be below the unmodulated carrier power (P) as follows:
        (1) On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency by more 
    than 50 percent, but not more than 100 percent of the authorized 
    bandwidth: At least 25 dB.
        (2) On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency by more 
    than 100 percent, but not more than 250 percent of the authorized 
    bandwidth: At least 35 dB.
        (3) On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency by more 
    than 250 percent of the authorized bandwidth: At least 43 + 10 log (P) 
        (c) Emission Mask C. For transmitters that are not equipped with an 
    audio low-pass filter pursuant to Sec. 90.211(b), the power of any 
    emission must be attenuated below the unmodulated carrier output power 
    (P) as follows:
        (1) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd in kHz) of more than 5 
    kHz, but not more than 10 kHz: At least 83 log (fd/5) dB;
        (2) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd in kHz) of more than 10 
    kHz, but not more than 250 percent of the authorized bandwidth: At 
    least 29 log (fd\2\/11) dB or 50 dB, whichever is the lesser 
        (3) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by more than 250 percent of the authorized bandwidth: At 
    least 43 + 10 log (P) dB.
        (d) Emission Mask D--12.5 kHz channel bandwidth equipment. For 
    transmitters designed to operate with a 12.5 kHz channel bandwidth, any 
    emission must be attenuated below the power (P) of the highest emission 
    contained within the authorized bandwidth as follows:
        (1) On any frequency from the center of the authorized bandwidth 
    f0 to 5.625 kHz removed from f0: Zero dB.
        (2) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd!in kHz) of more than 
    5.625 kHz but no more than 12.5 kHz: At least 7.27(fd - 2.88 kHz) 
        (3) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd!in kHz) of more than 
    12.5 kHz: At least 50 + 10 log (P) dB or 70 dB, whichever is the lesser 
        (4) The reference level for showing compliance with the emission 
    mask shall be established using a resolution bandwidth sufficiently 
    wide (usually two to three times the channel bandwidth) to capture the 
    true peak emission of the equipment under test. In order to show 
    compliance with the emissions mask up to and including 50 kHz removed 
    from the edge of the authorized bandwidth, adjust the resolution 
    bandwidth to 100 Hz with the measuring instrument in a peak hold mode. 
    A sufficient number of sweeps must be measured to insure that the 
    emission profile is developed. If video filtering is used, its 
    bandwidth must not be less than the instrument resolution 
    [[Page 37265]]
    bandwidth. For emissions beyond 50 kHz from the edge of the authorized 
    bandwidth see paragraph (l) of this section. If it can be shown that 
    use of the above instrumentation settings do not accurately represent 
    the true interference potential of the equipment under test, then an 
    alternate procedure may be used provided prior Commission approval is 
        (e) Emission Mask E--6.25 kHz or less channel bandwidth equipment. 
    For transmitters designed to operate with a 6.25 kHz or less bandwidth, 
    any emission must be attenuated below the power (P) of the highest 
    emission contained within the authorized bandwidth as follows:
        (1) On any frequency from the center of the authorized bandwidth 
    f0!to 3.0 kHz removed from f0: Zero dB.
        (2) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd!in kHz) of more than 3.0 
    kHz but no more than 4.6 kHz: At least 30 + 16.67(fd - 3 kHz) or 
    55 + 10 log (P) or 65 dB, whichever is the lesser attenuation.
        (3) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by more than 4.6 kHz: At least 55 + 10 log (P) or 65 dB, 
    whichever is the lesser attenuation.
        (4) The reference level for showing compliance with the emission 
    mask shall be established using a resolution bandwidth sufficiently 
    wide (usually two to three times the channel bandwidth) to capture the 
    true peak emission of the equipment under test. In order to show 
    compliance with the emissions mask up to and including 50 kHz removed 
    from the edge of the authorized bandwidth, adjust the resolution 
    bandwidth to 100 Hz with the measuring instrument in a peak hold mode. 
    A sufficient number of sweeps must be measured to insure that the 
    emission profile is developed. If video filtering is used, its 
    bandwidth must not be less than the instrument resolution bandwidth. 
    For emissions beyond 50 kHz from the edge of the authorized bandwidth 
    see paragraph (l) of this section. If it can be shown that use of the 
    above instrumentation settings do not accurately represent the true 
    interference potential of the equipment under test, then an alternate 
    procedure may be used provided prior Commission approval is obtained.
        (f) Emission Mask F. For transmitters operating in the 220-222 MHz 
    frequency band, any emission must be attenuated below the power (P) of 
    the highest emission contained within the authorized bandwidth as 
        (1) On any frequency from the center of the authorized bandwidth 
    fo to the edge of the authorized bandwidth fe: Zero dB.
        (2) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd!in kHz) of more than 2 
    kHz up to and including 3.75 kHz: 30 + 20(fd!-2) dB or 55 + 10 log 
    (P), or 65 dB, whichever is the lesser attenuation.
        (3) On any frequency beyond 3.75 kHz removed from the center of the 
    authorized bandwidth fd: At least 55 + 10 log (P) dB.
        (g) Emission Mask G. For transmitters that are not equipped with an 
    audio low-pass filter pursuant to Sec. 90.211(b), the power of any 
    emission must be attenuated below the unmodulated carrier power (P) as 
        (1) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd!in kHz) of more than 5 
    kHz, but no more than 10 kHz: At least 83 log (fd/5) dB;
        (2) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd!in kHz) of more than 10 
    kHz, but no more than 250 percent of the authorized bandwidth: At least 
    116 log (fd/6.1) dB, or 50 + 10 log (P) dB, or 70 dB, whichever is 
    the lesser attenuation;
        (3) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by more than 250 percent of the authorized bandwidth: At 
    least 43 + 10 log (P) dB.
        (h) Emission Mask H. For transmitters that are not equipped with an 
    audio low-pass filter pursuant to Sec. 90.211(b), the power of any 
    emission must be attenuated below the unmodulated carrier power (P) as 
        (1) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd!in kHz) of 4 kHz or 
    less: Zero dB.
        (2) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd!in kHz) of more than 4 
    kHz, but no more than 8.5 kHz: At least 107 log (fd/4) dB;
        (3) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd!in kHz) of more than 8.5 
    kHz, but no more than 15 kHz: At least 40.5 log (fd/1.16) dB;
        (4) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd!in kHz) of more than 15 
    kHz, but no more than 25 kHz: At least 116 log (fd/6.1) dB;
        (5) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by more than 25 kHz: At least 43 + log (P) dB.
        (i) Emission Mask I. For transmitters that are equipped with an 
    audio low pass filter pursuant to Sec. 90.211(a), the power of any 
    emission must be attenuated below the unmodulated carrier power of the 
    transmitter (P) as follows:
        (1) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by a displacement frequency of more than 6.8 kHz, but no more 
    than 9.0 kHz: At least 25 dB;
        (2) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by a displacement frequency of more than 9.0 kHz, but no more 
    than 15 kHz: At least 35 dB;
        (3) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by a displacement frequency of more than 15 kHz: At least 43 
    + 10 log (P) dB, or 70 dB, whichever is the lesser attenuation.
        (j) Emission Mask J. For transmitters that are not equipped with an 
    audio low-pass filter pursuant to Sec. 90.211(b), the power of any 
    emission must be attenuated below the unmodulated carrier power of the 
    transmitter (P) as follows:
        (1) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd!in kHz) of more than 2.5 
    kHz, but no more than 6.25 kHz: At least 53 log (fd/2.5) dB;
        (2) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd in kHz) of more than 
    6.25 kHz, but no more than 9.5 kHz: At least 103 log (fd/3.9) dB;
        (3) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized 
    bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd in kHz) of more than 9.5 
    kHz: At least 157 log (fd/5.3) dB, or 50 + 10 log (P) dB or 70 dB, 
    whichever is the lesser attenuation.
        (k) Emission Mask K. For transmitters authorized under Subpart M 
    that operate in the 902-928 MHz band, the peak power of any emission 
    shall be attenuated below the power of the highest emission contained 
    within the licensee's LMS sub-band in accordance with the following 
        (1) On any frequency within the authorized bandwidth: Zero dB.
        (2) On any frequency outside the licensee's LMS sub-band edges (as 
    identified in paragraph (k)(5) of this section): 55 + 10 log(P) dB, 
    where (P) is the highest emission (watts) of the transmitter inside the 
    licensee's LMS sub-band.
        (3) The resolution bandwidth of the instrumentation used to measure 
    the emission power shall be 100 kHz. If a video filter is used, its 
    bandwidth shall not be less than the resolution bandwidth.
        (4) Emission power (P) shall be measured in peak values. 
    [[Page 37266]]
        (5) The LMS sub-band edges for multilateration systems for which 
    emissions must be attenuated are 904.00, 909.75, 919.75, 921.75, 
    927.50, 927.75 and 928.00 MHz. If the 919.75-921.75 and 921.75-927.25 
    MHz sub-bands are aggregated by a single licensee, the emission mask 
    limitations at the band edges at 921.75 and 927.50 MHz may be ignored. 
    The LMS sub-band edges for non-multilateration systems for which 
    emissions must be attenuated are 902.00, 904.00, 909.75 and 921.75 MHz.
         (l) Other frequency bands. Transmitters designed for operation 
    under this part on frequencies other than listed in this section must 
    meet the emission mask requirements of Emission Mask B. Equipment 
    operating under this part on frequencies allocated to but shared with 
    the Federal Government, must meet the applicable Federal Government 
    technical standards.
         (m) Instrumentation. The reference level for showing compliance 
    with the emission mask shall be established, except as indicated in 
    Sections 90.210 (d), (e), and (k), using standard engineering practices 
    for the modulation characteristic used by the equipment under test. For 
    measuring emissions up to and including 50 kHz from the edge of the 
    authorized bandwidth, adjust the resolution bandwidth to 100 Hz with 
    the measuring instrument in a peak hold mode. A sufficient number of 
    sweeps must be measured to insure that the emission profile is 
    developed. If video filtering is used, its bandwidth must not be less 
    than the instrument resolution bandwidth. For frequencies more than 50 
    kHz removed from the edge of the authorized bandwidth a resolution of 
    at least 10 kHz must be used for frequencies below 1000 MHz. Above 1000 
    MHz the resolution bandwidth of the instrumentation must be at least 1 
    MHz. If it can be shown that use of the above instrumentation settings 
    do not accurately represent the true interference potential of the 
    equipment under test, then an alternate procedure may be used provided 
    prior Commission approval is obtained.
        29. Section 90.211 is revised to read as follows:
     Sec. 90.211   Modulation requirements.
         Each transmitter must meet the requirements of either paragraph 
    (a) or (b) of this section. The requirements of this paragraph do not 
    apply to mobile stations that are authorized to operate with a maximum 
    power output of 2 watts or less.
         (a) Transmitters utilizing analog emissions that are equipped with 
    an audio low-pass filter and must meet the emission limitations 
    specified in Sec. 90.210 under all possible conditions of operation.
         (b) Transmitters utilizing digital or analog emissions without an 
    audio low-pass filter must be tested for type acceptance using the 
    digital or analog modulating signal or signals specified by the Part 2 
    of this chapter. The type acceptance application must contain such 
    information as may be necessary to demonstrate that the transmitter 
    complies with the emission limitations specified in Sec. 90.210.
        30. Section 90.213 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 90.213  Frequency stability.
         (a) Unless noted elsewhere, transmitters used in the services 
    governed by this part must have a minimum frequency stability as 
    specified in the following Table.
                           Minimum Frequency Stability                      
                            [Parts per million (ppm)]                       
                                                            Mobile stations 
                                              Fixed and    Over 2    2 watts
             Frequency range (MHz)              base        watts    or less
                                              stations     output    output 
                                                            power     power 
     Below 25.............................  \1\ \2\ \3\                     
                                                   100       100       200  
    25-50                                           20        20        50  
    72-76.................................           5    ........      50  
    150-174...............................  \5\ \11\ 5     \6\ 5    \4\ \6\ 
    220-222...............................           0.1       1.5       1.5
    421-512...............................  \7\ \11\ 5     \8\ 5     \8\ 5  
    806-821...............................           1.5       2.5       2.5
    821-824...............................           1.0       1.5       1.5
    851-866...............................           1.5       2.5       2.5
    866-869...............................           1.0       1.5       1.5
    896-901...............................           0.1       1.5       1.5
    902-928...............................           2.5       2.5       2.5
    929-930...............................           1.5  ........  ........
    935-940...............................           0.1       1.5       1.5
    1427-1435.............................     \9\ 300       300       300  
    Above 2450 \10\.......................  ............  ........  ........
    \1\ Fixed and base stations with over 200 watts transmitter power must  
      have a frequency stability of 50 ppm except for equipment used in the 
      Public Safety Radio Services where the frequency stability is 100 ppm.
    \2\ For single sideband operations below 25 MHz, the carrier frequency  
      must be maintained within 50 Hz of the authorized carrier frequency.  
    \3\ Travelers information station transmitters operating from 530-1700  
      kHz and transmitters exceeding 200 watts peak envelope power used for 
      disaster communications and long distance circuit operations pursuant 
      to Secs.  90.242 and 90.264 must maintain the carrier frequency to    
      within 20 Hz of the authorized frequency.                             
    \4\ Stations operating in the 154.45 to 154.49 MHz or the 173.2 to 173.4
      MHz bands must have a frequency stability of 5 ppm.                   
    \5\ In the 150-174 MHz band, fixed and base stations with a 12.5 kHz    
      channel bandwidth must have a frequency stability of 2.5 ppm. Fixed   
      and base stations with a 6.25 kHz channel bandwidth must have a       
      frequency stability of 1.0 ppm.                                       
    \6\ In the 150-174 MHz band, mobile stations designed to operate with a 
      12.5 kHz channel bandwidth or designed to operate on a frequency      
      specifically designated for itinerant use or designed for low-power   
      operation of two watts or less, must have a frequency stability of 5  
      ppm. Mobile stations designed to operate with a 6.25 kHz channel      
      bandwidth must have a frequency stability of 1.0 ppm.                 
    \7\ In the 421-512 MHz band, fixed and base stations with a 12.5 kHz    
      channel bandwidth must have a frequency stability of 1.5 ppm. Fixed   
      and base stations with a 6.25 kHz channel bandwidth must have a       
      frequency stability of 0.1 ppm.                                       
    [[Page 37267]]
    \8\ In the 421-512 MHz band, mobile stations designed to operate with a 
      12.5 kHz channel bandwidth or designed to operate on a frequency      
      specifically designated for itinerant use or designed for low-power   
      operation of two watts or less, must have a frequency stability of 2.5
      ppm. Mobile stations designed to operate with a 6.25 kHz channel      
      bandwidth must have a frequency stability of 0.5 ppm.                 
    \9\ Fixed stations with output powers above 120 watts and necessary     
      bandwidth less than 3 kHz must operate with a frequency stability of  
      100 ppm. Fixed stations with output powers less than 120 watts and    
      using time-division multiplex, must operate with a frequency stability
      of 500 ppm.                                                           
    \10\ Frequency stability to be specified in the station authorization.  
    \11\ Paging transmitters operating on paging-only frequencies must      
      operate with frequency stability of 5 ppm in the 150-174 MHz band and 
      2.5 ppm in the 421-512 MHz band.                                      
        (b) For the purpose of determining the frequency stability limits, 
    the power of a transmitter is considered to be the maximum rated output 
    power as specified by the manufacturer.
        31. Section 90.214 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 90.214  Transient Frequency Behavior.
        In the 150-174 MHz and 421-512 MHz frequency bands, transient 
    frequencies must be within the maximum frequency difference limits 
    during the time intervals indicated:
                                        Transient Frequency Behavior For Equipment Designed To Operate on 25 kHz Channels                                   
                                                                                                  Frequency ranges (MHz)                                    
                                                  Maximum    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 frequency           Base stations and portable radios                         Mobile radios                
             Time intervals \1\, \2\          difference \3\ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   (kHz)        150 to 174      450 to 500      500 to 512      150 to 174      450 to 500      500 to 512  
                                                                   (ms)            (ms)            (ms)            (ms)            (ms)            (ms)     
    t1 \4\..................................   2                                                                                                
                                                         5.0             5.0            10.0            20.0             5.0            10.0             5.0
    t2......................................   1                                                                                                
                                                         2.5            20.0            25.0            50.0            20.0            25.0            20.0
    t3 \4\..................................   2                                                                                                
                                                         5.0             5.0            10.0            10.0             5.0            10.0             5.0
                   Transient Frequency Behavior For Equipment Designed To Operate on 12.5 kHz Channels              
                                                          Maximum          Frequency ranges (MHz) All equipment     
                                                         frequency   -----------------------------------------------
                 Time intervals \1\, \2\              difference \3\    150 to 174      450 to 500      500 to 512  
                                                           (kHz)           (ms)            (ms)            (ms)     
    t1 \4\..........................................   1                                                
                                                                 2.5             5.0            10.0            20.0
    t2..............................................   6                                                
                                                                 .25            20.0            25.0            50.0
    t3 \4\..........................................   1                                                
                                                                 2.5             5.0            10.0            10.0
                   Transient Frequency Behavior For Fquipment Designed To Operate on 6.25 kHz Channels              
                                                          Maximum          Frequency ranges (MHz) All equipment     
                                                         frequency   -----------------------------------------------
                 Time intervals \1\, \2\              difference \3\    150 to 174      450 to 500      500 to 512  
                                                           (kHz)           (ms)            (ms)            (ms)     
    t1 \4\..........................................   6                                                
                                                                 .25             5.0            10.0            20.0
    t2..............................................   3                                                
                                                                .125            20.0            25.0            50.0
    t3 \4\..........................................   6                                                
                                                                 .25             5.0            10.0            10.0
    \1\ ton is the instant when a 1 kHz test signal is completely suppressed, including any capture time due to     
        t1 is the time period immediately following ton.                                                            
        t2 is the time period immediately following t1.                                                             
        t3 is the time period from the instant when the transmitter is turned off until toff.                       
        toff is the instant when the 1 kHz test signal starts to rise.                                              
    \2\ During the time from the end of t2 to the beginning of t3, the frequency difference must not exceed the     
      limits specified in Sec.  90.213.                                                                             
    \3\ Difference between the actual transmitter frequency and the assigned transmitter frequency.                 
    \4\ If the transmitter carrier output power rating is 6 watts or less, the frequency difference during this time
      period may exceed the maximum frequency difference for this time period.                                      
        32. Section 90.217 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 90.217  Exemption from technical standards.
        Except as noted herein, transmitters used at stations licensed in 
    the Business Radio Service which have an output power not exceeding 120 
    milliwatts are exempt from the technical requirements set out in this 
    subpart, but must instead comply with the following:
        (a) For equipment designed to operate with a 20 kHz channel 
    bandwidth, the sum of the bandwidth occupied by the emitted signal plus 
    the bandwidth required for frequency stability shall be adjusted so 
    that any emission appearing on a frequency 40 kHz or more removed from 
    the assigned frequency is attenuated at least 30 dB below the 
    unmodulated carrier.
        (b) For equipment designed to operate with a 12.5 kHz channel 
    bandwidth, the sum of the bandwidth occupied by the emitted signal plus 
    the bandwidth required for frequency stability shall be adjusted so 
    that any emission appearing on a frequency 25 kHz or more removed from 
    the assigned frequency is 
    [[Page 37268]]
    attenuated at least 30 dB below the unmodulated carrier.
        (c) For equipment designed to operate with a 6.25 kHz channel 
    bandwidth, the sum of the bandwidth occupied by the emitted signal plus 
    the bandwidth required for frequency stability shall be adjusted so 
    that any emission appearing on a frequency 12.5 kHz or more removed 
    from the assigned frequency is attenuated at least 30 dB below the 
    unmodulated carrier.
        (d) Transmitters may be operated in the continuous carrier transmit 
        33. Section 90.238 is amended by revising paragraph (e) to read as 
    Sec. 90.238  Telemetry operations.
    * * * * *
        (e) In the 450-470 MHz band, telemetry operations will be 
    authorized on a secondary basis with a transmitter output power not to 
    exceed 2 watts on frequencies subject to the limitations in the 
    following sections:
    90.17 (c)(24)
    90.19 (c)(26)
    90.21 (c)(16)
    90.23 (c)(18)
    90.25 (c)(22)
    90.27 (c)(2)
    90.53 (b)(30)
    90.63 (d)(24)
    90.65 (c)(41)
    90.67 (c)(36)
    90.69 (c)(12)
    90.71 (c)(12)
    90.73 (d)(35)
    90.75 (c)(24)
    90.79 (d)(23)
    90.81 (d)(11)
    90.89 (c)(21)
    90.91 (c)(18)
    90.93 (c)(15)
    90.95 (d)(18)
    * * * * *
        34. Section 90.243 is amended by revising paragraph (b)(2) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 90.243  Mobile relay stations.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (2) In the Business Radio Service, mobile relay stations may be 
    authorized on frequencies below 450 MHz when those frequencies are 
    reserved for low-power operation of 2 watts or less. Such stations will 
    be authorized a maximum output power not to exceed one watt and the 
    mobile relay antenna system may not be more than 13 m (40 ft) above the 
    * * * * *
        35. Section 90.257 is amended by revising the paragraph (b) 
    introductory text to read as follows:
    Sec. 90.257  Assignment and use of frequencies in the band 72-76 MHz.
    * * * * *
        (b) The following criteria governs the authorization and use of 
    frequencies in the 72-76 MHz band by mobile stations in the Special 
    Industrial, Manufacturers, Forest Products, Railroad, Power, Petroleum, 
    and Business Radio Services.
    * * * * *
        36. Section 90.261 is amended by revising paragraph (f) to read as 
    Sec. 90.261  Assignment and use of the frequencies in the band 450-470 
    MHz for fixed operations.
    * * * * *
        (f) Secondary fixed operations pursuant to paragraph (a) of this 
    section will not be authorized on the following frequencies:
    Frequencies (MHz)
        37. Section 90.267 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 90.267  Assignment and use of frequencies in the 450-470 MHz band 
    for low-power use.
        (a) Any regularly assignable frequency in the 450-470 MHz band 
    listed in the tables in subparts B, C, D, and E of this part, may be 
    designated as a low-power channel in a defined geographic area by the 
    frequency coordinator of the service in which the frequency is 
    available. These channels are subject to the following conditions.
        (1) For channels available in more than one radio service, 
    concurrence for low-power designation must be obtained from 
    coordinators of all such services.
        (2) For channels available in more than one radio service, the 
    frequency coordination requirements in Sec. 90.175 apply in all such 
        (3) Stations are limited to 2 watts output power.
        (4) Wide area operations will not be authorized. The area of normal 
    [[Page 37269]]
    day operations will be described in the application in terms of maximum 
    distance from a geographical center (latitude and longitude).
        (5) A hospital or health care institution holding a license to 
    operate a radio station under this part may operate a medical radio 
    telemetry device with an output power not to exceed 20 milliwatts 
    without specific authorization from the Commission. All licensees 
    operating under this authority must comply with the requirements and 
    limitations set forth in this section.
        (6) Each coordinator must maintain a list of all channels it 
    designates for low-power use and the geographic areas where such 
    channels are available. The coordinator must make this list available 
    to the public upon request.
        (b) Frequencies separated by 3.125 kHz from regularly assignable 
    frequencies in the 450-470 MHz band listed in the Tables in subparts B, 
    C, D, and E of this part, may be assigned in accordance with the 
    following conditions:
        (1) All stations will be licensed as mobiles but may serve the 
    functions of base, fixed, or mobile relay stations. Stations are 
    limited to 2 watts output power.
        (2) The maximum authorized bandwidth for these frequencies is 6 
        (3) All operations will be on a secondary basis to the primary 
    operations (3.125 kHz removed) and shall be entitled to no protection 
    from primary stations.
        (4) The frequency coordination requirements in Sec. 90.175 apply 
    for all channels available under this section. For channels which are 
    between primary channels available to more than one service of this 
    section, the frequency coordination requirements in Sec. 90.175 apply 
    in all such services.
        (5) Wide area operations will not be authorized. The area of normal 
    day-to-day operations will be described in the application in terms of 
    maximum distance from a geographical center (latitude and longitude).
        (6) Applicants for stations under this section must specify base, 
    mobile, or fixed operation, but are otherwise exempt from any 
    limitation on the number of frequencies assignable contained elsewhere 
    in Part 90.
        (7) Antennas of mobile stations used as fixed stations 
    communicating with one or more associated stations located within 45 
    degrees of azimuth shall be directional and have a front to back ratio 
    of at least 15 dB. Except as provided in this paragraph (b)(7), the 
    height of the antenna used at any mobile station serving as a base, 
    fixed or mobile relay station may not exceed 7 m. (20 ft) above the 
    ground level.
        (i) No limit shall be placed on the length or height above ground 
    level of any commercially manufactured radiating transmission line when 
    the transmission line is terminated in a non-radiating load and is 
    routed at least 7 m. (20 ft) interior to the edge of any structure or 
    is routed below ground level.
        (ii) Only sea-based stations, and central alarm stations operating 
    on frequencies allocated for central station protection operations, may 
    utilize antennas mounted not more than 7 m. (20 ft.) above a man-made 
    supporting structure, including antenna structures.
        (8) A hospital or health care institution holding a license to 
    operate a radio station under this part may operate a medical radio 
    telemetry device with an output power not to exceed 20 milliwatts 
    without specific authorization from the Commission. All licensees 
    operating under this authority must comply with the requirements and 
    limitations set forth in this section.
        (9) No assignment will be made on a frequency immediately adjacent 
    to non-private radio service allocations.
        (10) Frequencies from 462.7375 MHz to 462.9375 MHz and 464.9875 MHz 
    to 465.0125 MHz are not available for authorization.
        (11) Frequencies from 460.900 MHz to 461.01875 MHz and 465.900 MHz 
    to 466.01875 MHz are available only for listed central station 
    protection services and subject to Sec. 90.75(c)(27) and (41).
    Sec. 90.271  [Removed]
        38. Section 90.271 is removed.
        39. Section 90.273 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as 
    Sec. 90.273  Availability and use of frequencies in the 421-430 MHz 
    * * * * *
        (a) The following tables list frequencies available for assignment 
    in the public safety, business or industrial/land transportation pools 
    as indicated. In the tables, the public safety pool is denoted as 
    ``PS'', the business pool as ``B'', and the industrial/land 
    transportation pool as ``I/LT.'' The frequencies 422.19375 MHz through 
    424.99375 MHz are paired with frequencies 427.19375 MHz through 
    429.99375 MHz, respectively. Only the lower half of each frequency 
    pair, available for base station operation, is listed in the tables. 
    Corresponding mobile and control station frequencies are 5 MHz higher 
    than the base station frequency. The frequencies 425.000 through 
    425.48125 are unpaired and are available for either single frequency 
    dispatch or paging operations.
        Table 1.--Channels Available in Detroit and Cleveland Areas Only    
                                                               Pool in which
                         Frequency (MHz)                          assigned  
    Paired channels:                                                        
      422.19375*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.200................................................  I/LT         
      422.20625*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.21250..............................................  I/LT         
      422.21875*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.225................................................  I/LT         
      422.23125*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.23750..............................................  I/LT         
      422.24375*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.250................................................  I/LT         
      422.25625*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.26250..............................................  I/LT         
      422.26875*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.275................................................  I/LT         
      422.28125*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.28750..............................................  I/LT         
      422.29375*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.300................................................  I/LT         
      422.30625*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.31250..............................................  I/LT         
      422.31875*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.325................................................  I/LT         
      422.33125*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.33750..............................................  I/LT         
      422.34375*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.350................................................  I/LT         
      422.35625*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.36250..............................................  I/LT         
      422.36875*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.375................................................  I/LT         
      422.38125*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.38750..............................................  I/LT         
      422.39375*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.400................................................  I/LT         
      422.40625*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.41250..............................................  I/LT         
      422.41875*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.425................................................  I/LT         
      422.43125*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.43750..............................................  I/LT         
      422.44375*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.450................................................  I/LT         
      422.45625*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.46250..............................................  I/LT         
      422.46875*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.475................................................  I/LT         
      422.48125*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.48750..............................................  I/LT         
      422.49375*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.500................................................  I/LT         
      422.50625*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.51250..............................................  I/LT         
      422.51875*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.525................................................  I/LT         
      422.53125*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.53750..............................................  I/LT         
      422.54375*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.550................................................  I/LT         
      422.55625*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.56250..............................................  I/LT         
      422.56875*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.575................................................  I/LT         
      422.58125*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.58750..............................................  I/LT         
      422.59375*.............................................  I/LT         
      422.600................................................  B            
      422.60625*.............................................  B            
      422.61250..............................................  B            
    [[Page 37270]]
      422.61875*.............................................  B            
      422.625................................................  B            
      422.63125*.............................................  B            
      422.63750..............................................  B            
      422.64375*.............................................  B            
      422.650................................................  B            
      422.65625*.............................................  B            
      422.66250..............................................  B            
      422.66875*.............................................  B            
      422.675................................................  B            
      422.68125*.............................................  B            
      422.68750..............................................  B            
      422.69375*.............................................  B            
      422.700................................................  B            
      422.70625*.............................................  B            
      422.71250..............................................  B            
      422.71875*.............................................  B            
      422.725................................................  B            
      422.73125*.............................................  B            
      422.73750..............................................  B            
      422.74375*.............................................  B            
      422.750................................................  B            
      422.75625*.............................................  B            
      422.76250..............................................  B            
      422.76875*.............................................  B            
      422.775................................................  B            
      422.78125*.............................................  B            
      422.78750..............................................  B            
      422.79375*.............................................  B            
      422.800................................................  B            
      422.80625*.............................................  B            
      422.81250..............................................  B            
      422.81875*.............................................  B            
      422.825................................................  B            
      422.83125*.............................................  B            
      422.83750..............................................  B            
      422.84375*.............................................  B            
      422.850................................................  B            
      422.85625*.............................................  B            
      422.86250..............................................  B            
      422.86875*.............................................  B            
      422.875................................................  B            
      422.88125*.............................................  B            
      422.88750..............................................  B            
      422.89375*.............................................  B            
      422.900................................................  B            
      422.90625*.............................................  B            
      422.91250..............................................  B            
      422.91875*.............................................  B            
      422.925................................................  B            
      422.93125*.............................................  B            
      422.93750..............................................  B            
      422.94375*.............................................  B            
      422.950................................................  B            
      422.95625*.............................................  B            
      422.96250..............................................  B            
      422.96875*.............................................  B            
      422.975................................................  B            
      422.98125*.............................................  B            
      422.98750..............................................  B            
      422.99375*.............................................  B            
      423.000................................................  PS           
      423.00625*.............................................  PS           
      423.01250..............................................  PS           
      423.01875*.............................................  PS           
      423.025................................................  PS           
      423.03125*.............................................  PS           
      423.03750..............................................  PS           
      423.04375*.............................................  PS           
      423.050................................................  PS           
      423.05625*.............................................  PS           
      423.06250..............................................  PS           
      423.06875*.............................................  PS           
      423.075................................................  PS           
      423.08125*.............................................  PS           
      423.08750..............................................  PS           
      423.09375*.............................................  PS           
      423.100................................................  PS           
      423.10625*.............................................  PS           
      423.11250..............................................  PS           
      423.11875*.............................................  PS           
      423.125................................................  PS           
      423.13125*.............................................  PS           
      423.13750..............................................  PS           
      423.14375*.............................................  PS           
      423.150................................................  PS           
      423.15625*.............................................  PS           
      423.16250..............................................  PS           
      423.16875*.............................................  PS           
      423.175................................................  PS           
      423.18125*.............................................  PS           
      423.18750..............................................  PS           
      423.19375*.............................................  PS           
      423.200................................................  PS           
      423.20625*.............................................  PS           
      423.21250..............................................  PS           
      423.21875*.............................................  PS           
      423.225................................................  PS           
      423.23125*.............................................  PS           
      423.23750..............................................  PS           
      423.24375*.............................................  PS           
      423.250................................................  PS           
      423.25625*.............................................  PS           
      423.26250..............................................  PS           
      423.26875*.............................................  PS           
      423.275................................................  PS           
      423.28125*.............................................  PS           
      423.28750..............................................  PS           
      423.29375*.............................................  PS           
      423.300................................................  PS           
      423.30625*.............................................  PS           
      423.31250..............................................  PS           
      423.31875*.............................................  PS           
      423.325................................................  PS           
      423.33125*.............................................  PS           
      423.33750..............................................  PS           
      423.34375*.............................................  PS           
      423.350................................................  PS           
      423.35625*.............................................  PS           
      423.36250..............................................  PS           
      423.36875*.............................................  PS           
      423.375................................................  PS           
      423.38125*.............................................  PS           
      423.38750..............................................  PS           
      423.39375*.............................................  PS           
      423.400................................................  PS           
      423.40625*.............................................  PS           
      423.41250..............................................  PS           
      423.41875*.............................................  PS           
      423.425................................................  PS           
      423.43125*.............................................  PS           
      423.43750..............................................  PS           
      423.44375*.............................................  PS           
      423.450................................................  PS           
      423.45625*.............................................  PS           
      423.46250..............................................  PS           
      423.46875*.............................................  PS           
      423.475................................................  PS           
      423.48125*.............................................  PS           
      423.48750..............................................  PS           
      423.49375*.............................................  PS           
      423.500................................................  PS           
      423.50625*.............................................  PS           
      423.51250..............................................  PS           
      423.51875*.............................................  PS           
      423.525................................................  PS           
      423.53125*.............................................  PS           
      423.53750..............................................  PS           
      423.54375*.............................................  PS           
      423.550................................................  PS           
      423.55625*.............................................  PS           
      423.56250..............................................  PS           
      423.56875*.............................................  PS           
      423.575................................................  PS           
      423.58125*.............................................  PS           
      423.58750..............................................  PS           
      423.59375*.............................................  PS           
      423.600................................................  PS           
      423.60625*.............................................  PS           
      423.61250..............................................  PS           
      423.61875*.............................................  PS           
      423.625................................................  PS           
      423.63125*.............................................  PS           
      423.63750..............................................  PS           
      423.64375*.............................................  PS           
      423.650................................................  PS           
      423.65625*.............................................  PS           
      423.66250..............................................  PS           
      423.66875*.............................................  PS           
      423.675................................................  PS           
      423.68125*.............................................  PS           
      423.68750..............................................  PS           
      423.69375*.............................................  PS           
      423.700................................................  PS           
      423.70625*.............................................  PS           
      423.71250..............................................  PS           
      423.71875*.............................................  PS           
      423.725................................................  PS           
      423.73125*.............................................  PS           
      423.73750..............................................  PS           
      423.74375*.............................................  PS           
      423.750................................................  PS           
      423.75625*.............................................  PS           
      423.76250..............................................  PS           
      423.76875*.............................................  PS           
      423.775................................................  PS           
      423.78125*.............................................  PS           
      423.78750..............................................  PS           
      423.79375*.............................................  PS           
      423.800................................................  PS           
      423.80625*.............................................  PS           
    * This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After August   
      18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized bandwidth 
      not to exceed 6 kHz.                                                  
    [[Page 37271]]
       Table 2.--Channels Available in Buffalo, Detroit and Cleveland Areas 
                                                               Pool in which
                         Frequency (MHz)                          assigned  
    Paired channels:                                                        
      423.81875*.............................................  PS           
      423.825................................................  PS           
      423.83125*.............................................  PS           
      423.83750..............................................  PS           
      423.84375*.............................................  PS           
      423.850................................................  PS           
      423.85625*.............................................  PS           
      423.86250..............................................  PS           
      423.86875*.............................................  PS           
      423.875................................................  PS           
      423.88125*.............................................  PS           
      423.88750..............................................  PS           
      423.89375*.............................................  PS           
      423.900................................................  PS           
      423.90625*.............................................  PS           
      423.91250..............................................  PS           
      423.91875*.............................................  PS           
      423.925................................................  PS           
      423.93125*.............................................  PS           
      423.93750..............................................  PS           
      423.94375*.............................................  PS           
      423.950................................................  PS           
      423.95625*.............................................  PS           
      423.96250..............................................  PS           
      423.96875*.............................................  PS           
      423.975................................................  PS           
      423.98125*.............................................  PS           
      423.98750..............................................  PS           
      423.99375*.............................................  PS           
      424.000................................................  PS           
      424.00625*.............................................  PS           
      424.01250..............................................  PS           
      424.01875*.............................................  PS           
      424.025................................................  PS           
      424.03125*.............................................  PS           
      424.03750..............................................  PS           
      424.04375*.............................................  PS           
      424.050................................................  PS           
      424.05625*.............................................  PS           
      424.06250..............................................  PS           
      424.06875*.............................................  PS           
      424.075................................................  PS           
      424.08125*.............................................  PS           
      424.08750..............................................  PS           
      424.09375*.............................................  PS           
      424.100................................................  PS           
      424.10625*.............................................  PS           
      424.11250..............................................  PS           
      424.11875*.............................................  PS           
      424.125................................................  PS           
      424.13125*.............................................  PS           
      424.13750..............................................  PS           
      424.14375*.............................................  PS           
      424.150................................................  PS           
      424.15625*.............................................  PS           
      424.16250..............................................  PS           
      424.16875*.............................................  PS           
      424.175................................................  PS           
      424.18125*.............................................  PS           
      424.18750..............................................  PS           
      424.19375*.............................................  PS           
      424.200................................................  PS           
      424.20625*.............................................  PS           
      424.21250..............................................  PS           
      424.21875*.............................................  PS           
      424.225................................................  PS           
      424.23125*.............................................  PS           
      424.23750..............................................  PS           
      424.24375*.............................................  PS           
      424.250................................................  PS           
      424.25625*.............................................  PS           
      424.26250..............................................  PS           
      424.26875*.............................................  PS           
      424.275................................................  PS           
      424.28125*.............................................  PS           
      424.28750..............................................  PS           
      424.29375*.............................................  PS           
      424.300................................................  PS           
      424.30625*.............................................  PS           
      424.31250..............................................  PS           
      424.31875*.............................................  PS           
      424.325................................................  PS           
      424.33125*.............................................  PS           
      424.33750..............................................  PS           
      424.34375*.............................................  PS           
      424.350................................................  PS           
      424.35625*.............................................  PS           
      424.36250..............................................  PS           
      424.36875*.............................................  PS           
      424.375................................................  PS           
      424.38125*.............................................  PS           
      424.38750..............................................  PS           
      424.39375*.............................................  PS           
      424.400................................................  I/LT         
      424.40625*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.41250..............................................  I/LT         
      424.41875*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.425................................................  I/LT         
      424.43125*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.43750..............................................  I/LT         
      424.44375*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.450................................................  I/LT         
      424.45625*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.46250..............................................  I/LT         
      424.46875*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.475................................................  I/LT         
      424.48125*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.48750..............................................  I/LT         
      424.49375*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.500................................................  I/LT         
      424.50625*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.51250..............................................  I/LT         
      424.51875*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.525................................................  I/LT         
      424.53125*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.53750..............................................  I/LT         
      424.54375*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.550................................................  I/LT         
      424.55625*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.56250..............................................  I/LT         
      424.56875*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.575................................................  I/LT         
      424.58125*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.58750..............................................  I/LT         
      424.59375*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.600................................................  I/LT         
      424.60625*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.61250..............................................  I/LT         
      424.61875*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.625................................................  I/LT         
      424.63125*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.63750..............................................  I/LT         
      424.64375*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.650................................................  I/LT         
      424.65625*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.66250..............................................  I/LT         
      424.66875*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.675................................................  I/LT         
      424.68125*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.68750..............................................  I/LT         
      424.69375*.............................................  I/LT         
      424.700................................................  B            
      424.70625*.............................................  B            
      424.71250..............................................  B            
      424.71875*.............................................  B            
      424.725................................................  B            
      424.73125*.............................................  B            
      424.73750..............................................  B            
      424.74375*.............................................  B            
      424.750................................................  B            
      424.75625*.............................................  B            
      424.76250..............................................  B            
      424.76875*.............................................  B            
      424.775................................................  B            
      424.78125*.............................................  B            
      424.78750..............................................  B            
      424.79375*.............................................  B            
      424.800................................................  B            
      424.80625*.............................................  B            
      424.81250..............................................  B            
      424.81875*.............................................  B            
      424.825................................................  B            
      424.83125*.............................................  B            
      424.83750..............................................  B            
      424.84375*.............................................  B            
      424.850................................................  B            
      424.85625*.............................................  B            
      424.86250..............................................  B            
      424.86875*.............................................  B            
      424.875................................................  B            
      424.88125*.............................................  B            
      424.88750..............................................  B            
      424.89375*.............................................  B            
      424.900................................................  B            
      424.90625*.............................................  B            
      424.91250..............................................  B            
      424.91875*.............................................  B            
      424.925................................................  B            
      424.93125*.............................................  B            
      424.93750..............................................  B            
      424.94375*.............................................  B            
      424.950................................................  B            
      424.95625*.............................................  B            
      424.96250..............................................  B            
      424.96875*.............................................  B            
      424.975................................................  B            
      424.98125*.............................................  B            
      424.98750..............................................  B            
      424.99375*.............................................  B            
    Single channels:                                                        
      425.000................................................  B            
      425.00625*.............................................  B            
      425.01250..............................................  B            
      425.01875*.............................................  B            
      425.025................................................  B            
      425.03125*.............................................  B            
      425.03750..............................................  B            
      425.04375*.............................................  B            
      425.050................................................  B            
      425.05625*.............................................  B            
      425.06250..............................................  B            
      425.06875*.............................................  B            
      425.075................................................  B            
    [[Page 37272]]
      425.08125*.............................................  B            
      425.08750..............................................  B            
      425.09375*.............................................  B            
      425.100................................................  B            
      425.10625*.............................................  B            
      425.11250..............................................  B            
      425.11875*.............................................  B            
      425.125................................................  I/LT         
      425.13125*.............................................  I/LT         
      425.13750..............................................  I/LT         
      425.14375*.............................................  I/LT         
      425.150................................................  I/LT         
      425.15625*.............................................  I/LT         
      425.16250..............................................  I/LT         
      425.16875*.............................................  I/LT         
      425.175................................................  I/LT         
      425.18125*.............................................  I/LT         
      425.18750..............................................  I/LT         
      425.19375*.............................................  I/LT         
      425.200................................................  I/LT         
      425.20625*.............................................  I/LT         
      425.21250..............................................  I/LT         
      425.21875*.............................................  I/LT         
      425.225................................................  I/LT         
      425.23125*.............................................  I/LT         
      425.23750..............................................  I/LT         
      425.24375*.............................................  I/LT         
      425.250................................................  PS           
      425.25625*.............................................  PS           
      425.26250..............................................  PS           
      425.26875*.............................................  PS           
      425.275................................................  PS           
      425.28125*.............................................  PS           
      425.28750..............................................  PS           
      425.29375*.............................................  PS           
      425.300................................................  PS           
      425.30625*.............................................  PS           
      425.31250..............................................  PS           
      425.31875*.............................................  PS           
      425.325................................................  PS           
      425.33125*.............................................  PS           
      425.33750..............................................  PS           
      425.34375*.............................................  PS           
      425.350................................................  PS           
      425.35625*.............................................  PS           
      425.36250..............................................  PS           
      425.36875*.............................................  PS           
      425.375................................................  PS           
      425.38125*.............................................  PS           
      425.38750..............................................  PS           
      425.39375*.............................................  PS           
      425.400................................................  PS           
      425.40625*.............................................  PS           
      425.41250..............................................  PS           
      425.41875*.............................................  PS           
      425.425................................................  PS           
      425.43125*.............................................  PS           
      425.43750..............................................  PS           
      425.44375*.............................................  PS           
      425.450................................................  PS           
      425.45625*.............................................  PS           
      425.46250..............................................  PS           
      425.46875*.............................................  PS           
      425.475................................................  PS           
      425.48125*.............................................  PS           
    * This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After August   
      18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized bandwidth 
      not to exceed 6 kHz.                                                  
    * * * * *
        40. Section 90.311 is amended by revising the introductory text and 
    table in paragraph (a), adding paragraph (a)(3), revising the 
    introductory text and table in paragraph (b), and revising paragraphs 
    (b)(2) and (b)(4) to read as follows:
    Sec. 90.311  Frequencies.
        (a) Except as provided for in Sec. 90.315, the following 
    frequencies in the band 470-512 MHz may be assigned to eligibles in the 
    services as indicated below. The first and last assignable frequencies 
    are shown. Assignable frequencies occur in increments of 6.25 kHz. The 
    separation between base and mobile transmit frequencies is 3 MHz for 
    two frequency operations.
    [[Page 37273]]
                          Public safety poolFire, police,                                                    Industrial pools                                                   Petroleum, forest products, and                          Land transportation pools                                General access pool       
                             local government, highway      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     manufacturers radio service    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Urbanized area    maintenance, forestry conservation,     Power and telephone maintenance      Special industrial radio service           Business radio service       ------------------------------------    Railroad, motor carrier, and            Taxicab radio service                                          
         (channel      and emergency medical radio services              radio service            ---------------------------------------------------------------------------                                     automobile emergency radio service ------------------------------------                                   
       assignment)    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                             Base and mobile       Mobile      ------------------------------------                                      Base and mobile       Mobile     
                        Base and mobile         Mobile        Base and mobile         Mobile        Base and mobile         Mobile        Base and mobile        Mobile                                            Base and mobile       Mobile        Base and mobile       Mobile                                         
    Ch. 14...........  470.30632 to       473.30625 to       471.30625 to       474.30625 to       471.45625 to       474.45625 to       471.80625 to       474.80625 to      None............  None............  472.45625 to      475.45625 to      472.35625 to      475.35625 to      470.30625 to      473.30625 to    
                        471.14375.         474.14375.         471.39375.         474.39375.         471.49375.         474.49375.         472.06875 and      475.06875 and                                         472.54375 and     475.54375 and     472.44375.        475.44375.        472.99375.        475.99375.     
                                                                                                                                          472.10625 to       475.10625 to                                          472.58125 to      475.58125 to                                                                           
                                                                                                                                          472.21875 and      475.21875 and                                         472.69375 and     475.69375 and                                                                          
                                                                                                                                          472.25625 to       475.25625 to                                          472.73125 to      475.73125 to                                                                           
                                                                                                                                          472.26875.         475.26875.                                            472.74375 and     475.74375 and                                                                          
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   472.78125 to      475.78125 to                                                                           
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   472.79375.        475.79375.                                                                             
    Ch. 16...........  482.30625 to       485.30625 to       None.............  None.............  483.48125 to       486.48125 to       None.............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  482.30625 to      485.30625 to    
                        483.14375.         486.14375.                                               484.34375.         487.34375.                                                                                                                                                          484.99375.        487.99375.     
    Ch. 14...........  470.30625 to       473.30625 to       None.............  None.............  471.43125 to       474.43125 to       471.80625 to       474.80625 to      472.80625 to      475.80625 to      472.45625 to      475.45625 to      None............  None............  470.30625 to      473.30625 to    
                        471.14375.         474.14375.                                               471.64375.         474.64375.         472.34375 and      475.34375 and     472.81875.        475.81875.        472.61875 and     475.61875 and                                         472.99375.        475.99375.     
                                                                                                                                          472.63125 to       475.63125 to                                          472.93125 to      475.93125 to                                                                           
                                                                                                                                          472.79375 and      475.79375 and                                         472.94375.        475.94375.                                                                             
                                                                                                                                          472.90625 to       475.90625 to                                                                                                                                                   
                                                                                                                                          472.91875 and      475.91875 and                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                          472.95625 to       475.95625 to                                                                                                                                                   
                                                                                                                                          472.96875 and      475.96875 and                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                          472.98125 to       475.98125 to                                                                                                                                                   
                                                                                                                                          472.99375.         475.99375.                                                                                                                                                     
    Ch. 15...........  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  476.30625 to      479.30625 to    
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           478.99375.        481.99375.     
    Ch. 14...........  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  470.30625 to      473.30625 to    
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           472.99375.        475.99375.     
    Ch. 15...........  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  476.30625 to      479.30625 to    
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           478.99375.        481.99375.     
    Ch. 15...........  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  476.30625 to      479.30625 to    
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           478.99375.        481.99375.     
    Ch. 16...........  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  482.30625 to      485.30625 to    
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           484.99375.        487.99375.     
       Los Angeles                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
    Ch. 14...........  470.05625 to       473.05625 to       471.30625 to       474.30625 to       471.43125 to       474.43125 to       471.15625 to       474.15625 to      472.83725 to      475.83725 to      472.45625 to      475.45625 to      472.98125 to      475.98125 to      470.30625 to      473.30625 to    
                        471.13125.         474.14375.         471.31875 and      474.31875 and      471.64375.         474.64375.         471.29375 and      474.29375 and     472.89375.        475.89375.        472.79375.        475.79375.        472.99375.        475.99375.        472.99375.        475.99375.     
                                                              471.40625 to       474.40625 to                                             471.65625 to       474.65625 to                                                                                                                                                   
                                                              471.41875.         474.41875.                                               472.44375.         475.44375.                                                                                                                                                     
    Ch. 16...........  482.00625 to       485.00625 to       None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None            
                        484.99375.         487.99375.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
    Ch. 20...........  506.30625 to       509.30625 to       507.30625 to       510.30625 to       507.43125 to       510.43125 to       507.65625 to       510.65625 to      508.80625 to      511.80625 to      508.45625 to      511.45625 to      508.90625 to      511.90625 to      506.30625 to      509.30625 to    
                        507.26875.         510.26875.         507.40625.         510.40625.         507.64375.         510.64375.         508.44375 and      511.44375 and     508.89375.        511.89375.        508.79375.        511.79375.        508.91875.        511.91875.        508.99375.        511.99375.     
                                                                                                                                          507.28125 to       510.28125 to                                                                                                                                                   
                                                                                                                                          507.29375.         510.29375.                                                                                                                                                     
    [[Page 37274]]
         New York                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
    Ch. 14...........  470.30625 to       473.30625 to       472.95625 to       475.95625 to       471.43125 to       474.43125 to       471.65625 to       474.65625 to      None............  None............  472.45625 to      475.45625 to      472.35625 to      475.35625 to      470.30625 to      473.30625 to    
                        471.41875.         474.41875.         472.96875 and      475.96875 and      471.64375.         474.64375.         472.34375 and      475.34375 and                                         472.61875.        475.61875.        472.44375 and     475.44375 and     472.99375.        475.99375.     
                                                              472.98125 to       475.98125 to                                             472.75625 to       475.75625 to                                                                              472.63125 to      475.63125 to                                       
                                                              472.99375.         475.99375.                                               472.89375.         475.89375.                                                                                472.66875 and     475.66875 and                                      
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       472.73125 to      475.73125 to                                       
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       472.74375 and     475.74375 and                                      
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       472.68125 to      475.68125 to                                       
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       472.69375.        475.69375.                                         
    Ch. 15...........  476.30625 to       479.30625 to       478.95625 to       481.95625 to       477.43125 to       480.43125 to       477.65625 to       480.65625 to      None............  None............  478.50625 to      481.50625 to      478.35625 to      481.35625 to      476.30625 to      479.30625 to    
                        477.40625.         480.40625.         478.99375.         481.99375.         477.64375.         480.64375.         478.34375 and      481.34375 and                                         478.69375 and     481.69375 and     478.66875.        481.66875.        478.99375.        481.99375.     
                                                                                                                                          478.75625 to       481.75625 to                                          478.68125 to      481.68125 to                                                                           
                                                                                                                                          478.89375.         481.89375.                                            478.69375.        481.69375.                                                                             
    Ch. 19...........  500.30625 to       503.30625 to       None.............  None.............  501.43125 to       504.43125 to       501.80625 to       504.80625 to      None............  None............  502.45625 to      505.45625 to      None............  None............  500.30625 to      503.30625 to    
                        500.44375 and      503.44375 and                                            501.49375 and      504.49375 and      502.34375.         505.34375.                                            502.79375.        505.79375.                                            502.99375.        505.99375.     
                        500.55625 to       503.55625 to                                             501.53125 to       504.53125 to                                                                                                                                                                                         
                        500.56875 and      503.56875 and                                            501.54375 and      504.54375 and                                                                                                                                                                                        
                        500.65625 to       503.65625 to                                             501.60625 to       504.60625 to                                                                                                                                                                                         
                        500.66875 and      503.66875 and                                            501.61875.         504.61875.                                                                                                                                                                                           
                        500.68125 to       503.68125 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        500.69375 and      503.69375 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        500.73125 to       503.73125 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        500.74375 and      503.74375 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        500.78125 to       503.78125 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        500.91875 and      503.91875 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        500.95625 to       503.95625 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        500.96875 and      503.96875 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        500.98125 to       503.98125 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        500.99375 and      503.99375 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        501.05625 to       504.05625 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        501.06875 and      504.06875 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        501.10625 to       504.10625 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        501.11875 and      504.11875 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        501.13125 to       504.13125 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        501.14375.         504.14375.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
    Ch. 20...........  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  507.80625 to       510.80625 to      None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  506.30625 to      509.30625 to    
                                                                                                                                          508.19375 and      511.19375 and                                                                                                                 508.99375.        511.99375.     
                                                                                                                                          508.23125 to       511.23125 to                                                                                                                                                   
                                                                                                                                          508.34375.         511.34375.                                                                                                                                                     
    Ch. 14...........  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  471.80625 to       474.80625 to      None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  470.30625 to      473.30625 to    
                                                                                                                                          471.81875.         474.81875.                                                                                                                    472.99375.        475.99375.     
    Ch. 18...........  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  494.30625 to      497.30625 to    
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           496.99375.        499.99375.     
    [[Page 37275]]
      San Francisco                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
    Ch. 16...........  482.30625 to       485.30625 to       None.............  None.............  483.43125 to       486.43125 to       483.80625 to       486.80625 to      None............  None............  484.45625 to      487.45625 to      None............  None............  482.30625 to      485.30625 to    
                        482.31875 and      485.31875 and                                            483.64375.         486.64375.         484.34375.         487.34375.                                            484.79375.        487.79375.                                            484.99375.        487.99375.     
                        482.33125 to       485.33125 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        482.34375 and      485.34375 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        482.38125 to       485.38125 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        482.49375 and      485.49375 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        482.53125 to       485.53125 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        482.54375 and      485.54375 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        482.55625 to       485.55625 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        482.56875 and      485.56875 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        482.60625 to       485.60625 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        482.61875 and      485.61875 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        482.68125 to       485.68125 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        482.76875 and      485.76875 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        482.80625 to       485.80625 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        482.91875 and      485.91875 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        482.95625 to       485.95625 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        482.96875 and      485.96875 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        483.00625 to       486.00625 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        483.01875.         486.01875.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
    Ch. 17...........  488.35625 to       491.35625 to       None.............  None.............  489.43125 to       492.43125 to       488.80625 to       491.80625 to      490.83125 to      493.83125 to      490.45625 to      493.45625 to      None............  None............  488.30625 to      491.30625 to    
                        488.46875 and      491.46875 and                                            489.64375.         492.64375.         489.33125.         492.33125.        490.48375 and     493.48375 and     490.56875 and     493.56875 and                                         490.99375.        493.99375      
                        488.50625 to       491.50625 to                                                                                                                        490.85625 to      493.85625 to      490.60625 to      493.60625 to                                                                           
                        488.51875 and      491.51875 and                                                                                                                       490.86875 and     493.86875 and     490.66875 and     493.66875 and                                                                          
                        488.55625 to       491.55625 to                                                                                                                        490.90625 to      493.90625 to      490.70625 to      493.70625 to                                                                           
                        488.56875 and      491.56875 and                                                                                                                       490.91875 and     493.91875 and     490.71875 and     493.71875 and                                                                          
                        488.60625 to       491.60625 to                                                                                                                        490.95625 to      493.95625 to      490.75625 to      493.75625 to                                                                           
                        488.69375 and      491.69375 and                                                                                                                       490.96875.        493.96875.        490.76875.        493.76875.                                                                             
                        488.73125 to       491.73125 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        488.74375 and      491.74375 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        488.76125 to       491.76125 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        488.77375 and      491.77375 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        488.83125 to       491.83125 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        488.84375 and      491.84375 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        488.85625 to       491.85625 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        488.86875 and      491.86875 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        488.90625 to       491.90625 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        488.91875 and      491.91875 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        488.95625 to       491.95625 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        488.96875 and      491.96875 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        489.00625 to       491.00625 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        489.06875 and      491.06875 and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        489.10625 to.      491.10625 to.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
    [[Page 37276]]
      Washington, DC                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
    Ch. 17...........  488.30625 to       491.30625 to       None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None.............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  None............  488.30625 to      491.30625 to    
                        488.31875.         491.91875.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      490.99375.        493.99375.     
    Ch. 18...........  494.30625 to       497.30625 to       None.............  None.............  495.58125 to       498.58125 to       495.68125 to       498.68125 to      None............  None............  496.45625 to      499.45625 to      496.35625 to      499.35625 to      494.30625 to      497.30625 to    
                        495.41875.         498.41875.                                               495.64375.         498.64375.         496.21875.         499.21875.                                            496.61875.        499.61875.        496.39375.        499.39375.        496.99375.        499.99375      
    [[Page 37277]]
    * * * * *
        (3) The following frequencies will be authorized a maximum 
    bandwidth of 6 kHz.
                              Channel                             Frequency 
    14.........................................................    470.30625
    15.........................................................    476.30625
    16.........................................................    482.30625
    17.........................................................    488.30625
    18.........................................................    494.30625
    19.........................................................    500.30625
    20.........................................................    506.30625
    * * * * *
        (b) Miami, FL, Dallas, TX, and Houston, TX urbanized areas.
                                          Channel 16          Channel 17    
           Channel 14 (Miami)              (Dallas)            (Houston)    
    470.30625 to 475.99375..........  482.30625 to......  488.30625 to      
                                      487.99375.........   493.99375        
    * * * * *
        (2) Base station frequencies for the Petroleum, Forest Products, 
    and Manufacturers Radio Services will be assigned serially beginning at 
    470.30625 MHz for Miami, 482.30625 MHz for Dallas, and 488.30625 MHz 
    for Houston and progressing upward from those points a channel at a 
    * * * * *
        (4) Base station frequencies for the Business Radio Service will be 
    assigned serially beginning at 470.30625, 471.2625, and 472.3625 MHz 
    for Miami, 483.6125 and 483.1375 MHz for Dallas, and 489.6625 MHz and 
    490.3625 MHz for Houston and progressing, a channel at a time from 
    those points.
        mobile station frequencies are 3 MHz higher than the corresponding 
    base station frequencies. Normally, each channel shall be substantially 
    filled before the next channel is assigned.
    * * * * *
        41. Section 90.315 is amended by revising paragraph (j) and 
    removing paragraphs (l) and (m) to read as follows:
    Sec. 90.315  Special provisions governing use of frequencies in the 
    476-494 MHz band (TV Channels 15, 16, 17) in the Southern Louisiana-
    Texas Offshore Zone.
    * * * * *
        (j) The following frequency bands are available for assignment in 
    all services for use in the Zones as defined in paragraph (a) of this 
                            Paired Frequencies (MHZ)                        
             Zone            Transmit (or receive)    Receive (or transmit) 
    A.....................      490.01875-490.98125      493.01875-493.98125
    B.....................      484.01875-484.98125      487.01875-487.98125
    C.....................      478.01875-478.98125      481.01875-481.98125
        Only the first and last assignable frequencies are shown. 
    Frequencies shall be assigned in pairs with 3 MHz spacing between 
    transmit and receive frequencies. Assignable frequency pairs will occur 
    in increments of 6.25 kHz. The following frequencies will be assigned 
    for a maximum authorized bandwidth of 6 kHz: 478.01875, 478.98125, 
    484.01875, 484.98125, 490.01875, 490.98125, 481.01875, 481.98125, 
    487.01875, 487.98125, 493.01875, and 493.98125.
    * * * * *
        42. Section 90.357 is amended by revising the second sentence of 
    footnote 1 to the table in paragraph (a) to read as follows:
    Sec. 90.357  Frequencies for LMS systems in the 902-928 MHz band.
        (a) * * *
        \1\ * * * However, the maximum allowable power in these sub-bands 
    is 30 watts ERP in accordance with Sec. 90.205(j).
    Sec. 90.555  [Removed]
        43. Section 90.555 is removed.
        44. Section 90.741 is amended by revising the table heading to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 90.741  Urban areas for nationwide systems.
    * * * * *
                Urban area                North latitude     West longitude 
                                           o     '     ''     o     '     ''
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 95-17301 Filed 7-18-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6712-01-P

Document Information

Federal Communications Commission
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
August 18, 1995.
37152-37277 (126 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PR Docket No. 92-235, FCC 95-255
PDF File:
CFR: (45)
47 CFR 90.27(a)
47 CFR 2.202
47 CFR 90.17
47 CFR 90.19
47 CFR 90.21
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