95-1361. Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Processing, Packing, or Holding of Drugs; Amendment of Certain Requirements for Finished Pharmaceuticals  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 13 (Friday, January 20, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 4087-4091]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-1361]
    Food and Drug Administration
    21 CFR Part 211
    [Docket No. 90N-0376]
    RIN 0905-AA73
    Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Processing, 
    Packing, or Holding of Drugs; Amendment of Certain Requirements for 
    Finished Pharmaceuticals
    AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is revising certain 
    requirements of the current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) 
    regulations for finished human and veterinary pharmaceuticals. The 
    changes include clarifying the degree of discretion provided to 
    manufacturers to determine whether separate or defined areas of 
    production and storage are necessary, clarifying the standard used to 
    determine the degree of scrutiny necessary to check the accuracy of the 
    input to and output from computer systems, exempting investigational 
    new drug products from bearing an expiration date, permitting the use 
    of a representative sampling plan for the examination of reserve 
    samples, and clarifying the manufacturer's responsibilities regarding 
    batch records during the annual evaluation of drug product quality 
    standards. These revisions will reduce regulatory burdens.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: February 21, 1995.
        Howard P. Muller, Jr., Center for Drug Evaluation and Research 
    (HFD-362), Food and Drug Administration, 7500 Standish Pl., Rockville, 
    MD 20855, 301-594-1046,
        Paul J. Motise, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (HFD-323), 
    Food and Drug Administration, 7500 Standish Pl., Rockville, MD 20855, 
    301-594-1089, or
        William G. Marnane, Center for Veterinary Medicine (HFV-143), Food 
    and Drug Administration, 7500 Standish Pl., Rockville MD 20855, 301-
    I. Background
        In the Federal Register of July 14, 1981 (46 FR 36332), FDA 
    announced that it was undertaking a review of existing regulations with 
    the goal of minimizing regulatory burdens while maintaining an 
    acceptable level of consumer protection. The public was invited to 
    submit information to assist the agency in deciding the priority of 
    review. FDA invited data that would enable the agency to identify 
    specific existing regulations or groups of regulations perceived to be 
    unnecessarily costly, burdensome, or without public benefit, and on the 
    potential savings to be derived from revising or removing regulations.
        In the Federal Register of July 2, 1982 (47 FR 29004), FDA 
    announced its review priorities based on comments from 125 individuals 
    and organizations. One area selected for regulatory review was part 211 
    (21 CFR part 211), the regulations that govern CGMP for finished 
        This, in turn, led to an internal retrospective review that 
    resulted in recommendations to the agency. As a result of the agency 
    review, in the Federal Register of February 12, 1991 (56 FR 5671), FDA 
    issued a proposed rule incorporating the recommendations resulting from 
    the review (hereinafter referred to as the proposed rule). 
    Consideration of these comments and any resulting revisions have been 
    incorporated into this final rule and are discussed in detail below.
        The agency's review of CGMP regulations is ongoing and FDA 
    anticipates further revisions based on the agency's experience with the 
    regulations, enforcement efforts, and communications with industry and 
    the general public. [[Page 4088]] 
    II. The Agency's Retrospective Review
        The agency conducted an internal retrospective review (the review) 
    of CGMP regulations to determine if any existing provisions should be 
    changed, modified, or removed. Based on that review, the agency 
    concluded that there was a continuing need for the CGMP regulations to 
    protect public health and safety. FDA's examination of individual CGMP 
    provisions revealed that most were necessary and effective in 
    addressing the underlying issues and concerns. The review did, however, 
    result in recommended changes in particular CGMP regulations. These 
    changes were intended to provide drug manufacturers with more 
    flexibility and discretion in manufacturing drug products while 
    maintaining the manufacturing control necessary to ensure drug product 
    quality. The proposed changes are discussed below.
        Section 211.42(c) requires separate or defined areas for a firm's 
    operation to prevent contamination or a mixup of drug products or their 
    ingredients. Although the agency's review found that, in general, this 
    provision did not, with the exception of areas of aseptic processing or 
    penicillin production, require the construction of physical barriers, 
    FDA recognized that the word ``defined'' might be subject to differing 
    interpretations. FDA concluded that amending this provision would 
    clarify that, in most cases, manufacturers may exercise their judgment 
    to determine whether separate or defined areas of production and 
    storage are necessary. The agency is currently evaluating the matter of 
    separate or defined areas of production and storage and may, if 
    necessary, issue further clarification in the future.
        Several CGMP regulations require that manufacturers take steps to 
    check the accuracy of equipment used in drug production. For example, 
    Sec. 211.68(b) addresses the accuracy of computerized records and data. 
    A number of comments opposed routine checking of the accuracy of input 
    to or output from a previously validated computer on the basis that it 
    was duplicative, redundant, and expensive. FDA reviewed these comments 
    and concluded that, although automated systems may be less prone to 
    error, such systems are not perfect and need to be monitored. Following 
    its review, however, FDA agreed that the degree of monitoring required 
    for computerized systems would differ from that required for manual 
    operations. FDA concluded that this provision of the CGMP regulations 
    should be revised to clarify that the degree and frequency of input/
    output verification be based on the complexity and reliability of the 
    computer or related system.
        Before its retrospective review of the CGMP regulations, FDA 
    declined to grant investigational drug products an unqualified 
    exemption from all or most of the CGMP requirements. Following the 
    retrospective review, however, FDA concluded that it was not always 
    possible to obtain expiration dates for investigational drug products 
    because relatively little stability data may be available at the 
    beginning of a clinical investigation. FDA concluded that the 
    expiration dating requirement should be eliminated for investigational 
    new drug application (IND) products so long as such products otherwise 
    meet the stability requirements provided in the regulation.
        Section 211.170(b) requires that most reserve samples be examined 
    visually at least once a year for evidence of deterioration. 
    Manufacturers must keep reserve samples that are representative of each 
    lot or batch of finished drug product. The reserve sample is to consist 
    of at least twice the quantity necessary for all required tests. 
    Comments responding to the July 14, 1981, notice, as well as other 
    communications subsequently received by the agency, recommended 
    deleting this requirement because of the large cost to firms that 
    produce large numbers of lots (or batches) of a drug product. The 
    comments further asserted that this requirement was redundant given 
    other provisions of the regulations.
        FDA declines to eliminate this requirement because suggested 
    alternatives do not provide effective surveillance of all lots of a 
    drug product. The agency believes the yearly inspection is necessary to 
    ensure the quality of the drug product. However, following the 
    retrospective review, FDA concluded that manufacturers could meet their 
    obligations under this regulation in a less burdensome way by 
    conducting an annual visual inspection of reserve samples from a 
    representative number of reserve sample lots. Therefore, FDA is 
    revising the regulation to permit the use of a representative sampling 
    plan for examination of reserve samples.
        Section 211.180 provides general requirements for the retention, 
    treatment, and handling of CGMP records and reports. Section 211.180(e) 
    requires the evaluation, at least annually, of the quality standards of 
    each drug to determine the need for changes in drug product 
    specifications. Firms must establish and follow written procedures for 
    these annual evaluations, and Sec. 211.180(e)(1) and (e)(2) requires 
    that several specific items be included in such written procedures. For 
    example, Sec. 211.180(e)(1) requires these written procedures to 
    provide for ``[a] review of every batch, whether approved or rejected, 
    and, where applicable, records associated with the batch.''
        Following the retrospective review, FDA concluded that some 
    manufacturers, rather than examining representative batch records for 
    each drug product manufactured during the year, construed this 
    provision to require that every batch record was to be reviewed 
    annually and evaluated according to written procedures. Following the 
    retrospective review, FDA decided to clarify Sec. 211.180(e)(1) on this 
    III. Comments on the Proposed Rule
        FDA received several comments on the proposed rule. These comments 
    came from pharmaceutical manufacturers, trade associations, and 
    consumers. In general, the comments supported the agency's efforts to 
    remove, where possible, regulatory requirements that could be 
    eliminated without adversely affecting drug product quality. A section-
    by-section summary of the comments and the agency's response follow.
    A. Design and Construction Features
        Confusion about the interpretation of Sec. 211.42(c), which 
    requires separate or defined areas for a firm's operation to prevent 
    contamination or mixup, led to the proposed revision of this provision. 
    The proposed revision was intended to clarify that, in many situations, 
    other control systems may be used in lieu of complete physical 
    separation. The proposal would require separate or defined areas to 
    prevent contamination or mixup ``as necessary.''
        1. Comments on proposed Sec. 211.42 generally supported the 
    revision. Three comments, however, recommended that the wording be 
    modified. One comment requested that the revision more explicitly 
    emphasize that the utilization of computer-controlled inventory systems 
    obviates the need for physical separation. Two comments suggested 
    removal of any reference to separate or defined areas.
        The agency agrees in part and disagrees in part with these 
    comments. The preamble to the proposed rule noted that Sec. 211.42(c) 
    is intended to ensure that sufficient physical separation exists in 
    manufacturing operations to prevent contamination or mixups, and that 
    the degree of separation is dependent on the type of operation and its 
    proximity to other operations in the plant (56 FR 5671 at 
    [[Page 4089]] 5672). The proposed revision was intended to make it 
    clear that the regulation did not necessarily require a separate room 
    or partitioned area. The agency does not, however, intend to disallow 
    the possibility that, in certain instances, it may be necessary to 
    require physical separation to prevent contamination or mixups and, as 
    discussed above, is continuing to review this matter. Sophisticated 
    computer systems may provide more effective inventory control and help 
    reduce mixups, but certain substances, such as penicillin, may pose 
    such a high risk of contamination that a separate or defined area is 
    necessary to ensure the safety of drug products.
        The agency has, therefore, retained the reference to separate or 
    defined areas but has revised the final rule to clarify that other 
    control systems may be used that are capable of preventing 
    contamination and mixups. The agency stated in the preamble to the CGMP 
    regulations published in the Federal Register of September 29, 1978 (43 
    FR 45014 at 45037), and reiterated in the proposed rule (56 FR 5671 at 
    5672 and 5673), and states again here that this provision is intended 
    to ensure that: ``enough physical separation be employed as is 
    necessary to prevent contamination or mixups. The degree of separation 
    will depend on the type of operation and its proximity to other 
    operations within the plant. The phrase `separate or defined' is not 
    intended necessarily to mean a separate room or partitioned area, if 
    other controls are adequate to prevent mixups and contamination.''
        The agency, on its own initiative, has also revised Sec. 211.42 to 
    clarify that the procedures in paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(10) of 
    that regulation should be protected from contamination or mixups.
    B. Automatic, Mechanical, and Electronic Equipment
        Section 211.68(b) deals with controls to be exercised over computer 
    operation, data, and records. The provision requires, in part, that 
    input to and output from a computer system or any related or similar 
    system of formulas or data shall be checked for accuracy. The proposal 
    would add a sentence stating that the degree and frequency of input/
    output verification from a computer or related system of formulas or 
    other records or data are to be determined by the complexity and 
    reliability of such a computer or related system.
        2. Although all comments supported the proposed change to 
    Sec. 211.68(b), three of them would modify the wording. The comments 
    suggested that the revised regulation does not accommodate the accepted 
    use of validated computerized drug production and control systems.
        FDA declines to amend the rule as suggested by the comments. The 
    agency believes that the wording in the revised rule adequately 
    encompasses the use of validated computerized drug production and 
    control systems.
        3. Two comments questioned the need for human verification of 
    operations that are performed by validated computer systems. Both 
    listed other regulations that were not the subject of the proposed rule 
    that required more than one person to verify certain manufacturing 
    operations, apparently in an effort to show that additional personnel 
    would be needed to comply with proposed Sec. 211.68.
        FDA notes that the revisions to Sec. 211.68 do not impose any 
    specific personnel requirements. The agency, however, is aware that 
    computers are subject to malfunctions; for example, the abrupt loss of 
    data due to a computer ``crash'' can be a disruptive experience and 
    possibly result in the loss of crucial information regarding the 
    manufacturing process. Less dramatic events, such as faulty data entry 
    or programming, can also trigger a chain of events that result in a 
    serious production error and the possible distribution of an 
    adulterated product. Thus, while increasingly sophisticated system 
    safeguards and computerized monitoring of essential equipment and 
    programs help protect data, no automated system exists that can 
    completely substitute for human oversight and supervision.
        The proposed rule stated (56 FR 5671 at 5673), and FDA reiterates 
    here, that while the degree of verification is left to the 
    manufacturer's discretion, the exercise of such discretion, under 
    Sec. 211.68, requires the use of routine accuracy checks to provide a 
    high degree of assurance that input to and output from a computer or 
    related system are reliable and accurate.
        The agency intends that each manufacturer will exercise reasonable 
    judgment based on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to, 
    the complexity of the computer or related system, in developing a 
    method to prevent inaccurate data input and output.
    C. Expiration Dating
        Proposed Sec. 211.137(g) would exempt investigational drug products 
    from expiration dating requirements provided appropriate stability 
    studies demonstrate that such products meet appropriate standards or 
    specifications during their use in clinical investigations.
        4. All comments supported the proposed revision of Sec. 211.137. 
    Two comments, however, recommended changes to clarify the labeling 
    requirements for new drug products for investigational use that are to 
    be reconstituted at the time of dispensing. One comment suggested 
    language specifying the requirement's application to new drug products 
    for investigational use to avoid confusion with Sec. 211.137(c), which 
    applies to all drug products that are to be reconstituted at the time 
    of dispensing.
        The agency agrees with these comments and has revised the rule 
        5. Proposed Sec. 211.137(g) also deals with new drug products for 
    investigational use that are to be reconstituted at the time of 
    dispensing. The proposed regulation stated that labeling of such 
    products would be required to bear expiration ``dating'' for the 
    reconstituted drug product. One comment suggested changing the proposed 
    requirement instead to require the labeling to bear expiration 
    ``information'' for reconstituted drug products.
        The requirement that expiration ``information'' be placed in the 
    labeling of a drug product is found at Sec. 211.137(c), and FDA agrees 
    that this requirement should also apply to Sec. 211.137(g). The final 
    rule has been revised accordingly.
        6. One comment recommended that the proposed exemption be extended 
    to other clinical supplies not subject to IND requirements that are 
    distributed for limited clinical testing, such as internal testing or 
    evaluation in laboratories or for market research. Examples cited 
    included drugs subject to over-the-counter drug monographs or Drug 
    Efficacy Study Implementation requirements.
        The agency does not agree that clinical supplies not subject to IND 
    requirements should be exempt from expiration dating. The revision 
    recognizes that for IND products it is often difficult or impossible to 
    obtain the data upon which expiration dates are based. IND products 
    are, therefore, exempt from expiration dating requirements provided 
    that they meet appropriate standards or specifications as demonstrated 
    by stability studies during their use in clinical investigations.
    D. Reserve Samples
        As previously noted, proposed Sec. 211.170(b) would clarify FDA's 
    intent [[Page 4090]] that this provision requires visual examination of 
    reserve samples from representative sample lots or batches of a drug 
    product once a year for evidence of deterioration unless such 
    examination would affect the integrity of the reserve sample. The 
    representative sample lots or batches would be selected by acceptable 
    statistical procedures.
        7. Although most comments agreed with the proposed change, several 
    questioned the value of the annual visual examination requirement given 
    other required procedures and programs such as stability testing, 
    production record reviews, and complaint investigations.
        The agency has carefully considered these comments and has 
    concluded that the requirement for annual visual inspection should be 
    retained. A sufficient number of batches may not be examined during the 
    course of fulfilling the other required procedures and programs, or 
    batches examined may not be representative of annual batch production. 
    As a result, these other procedures and programs cannot replace the 
    annual visual examination, which provides both manufacturers and 
    consumers a greater degree of quality assurance.
        8. Three comments requested clarification of the terms 
    ``representative'' and ``acceptable statistical procedures.''
        The agency does not believe that it is necessary or useful to 
    define these terms. The terms have been used in the CGMP regulations 
    for over a decade without apparent confusion due, in part, to a 
    widespread recognition that the meaning of the term ``representative'' 
    may vary from one product to another as well as with respect to the 
    various manufacturing processes involved in producing a variety of 
    products. In addition, an incomplete definition might fail to encompass 
    the full variety of regulated products and processes, whereas a 
    complete and inclusive definition with regard to currently available 
    products and technology might not easily be adapted to new technology. 
    Similarly, with respect to the term ``acceptable statistical 
    procedures,'' a more detailed definition would not permit adaptation to 
    or evolution with advances in statistical analysis.
        9. Another comment suggested that the phrase ``acceptable 
    statistical procedures'' could be interpreted to require FDA approval. 
    The comment suggested that the term be changed to ``appropriate 
    statistical procedures.''
        As noted above, the agency does not believe that the suggested 
    change is necessary or useful. The agency emphasizes that the selection 
    of acceptable statistical procedures does not involve prior agency 
    approval. The choice of such procedures should, however, be based on a 
    knowledge of current statistical methodology and include consideration 
    of the application of such methodology to a particular drug product.
    E. General Requirements
        Section 211.180(e) requires that written records be maintained so 
    that the data contained therein are available at least annually for 
    evaluation of the quality standards for drug products. Proposed 
    Sec. 211.180(e)(1) was intended to correct the misinterpretation that 
    the regulation required the review of every batch record for every drug 
    product produced during the year. The proposed rule revised the 
    language to require at least annually a review of a representative 
    number of batch records.
        10. One comment noted that current technology makes it possible to 
    use computer data to evaluate product quality data to detect adverse 
    trends. The comment asserted that such an approach permitted more 
    effective and frequent evaluation of such data.
        The agency agrees that technological advances can produce gains in 
    both the accuracy of data evaluation and the speed at which the process 
    can be conducted, and FDA encourages the use of technology that helps 
    safeguard the integrity of the manufacturing process. However, such 
    computerized information must be used as a complement to, and not as a 
    substitute for, human judgment and intervention. Computerized 
    assessments must be monitored by qualified individuals to detect trends 
    that may provide an early indication of changes in drug product 
    specifications or manufacturing or control procedures that merit 
    attention and intervention. Moreover, other factors such as product 
    complaints and recall information may not be included in the computer 
        11. Several comments requested clarification about the types of 
    records subject to the batch review requirement.
        The proposed rule was not intended to change the types of records 
    subject to annual review, but instead to allow review of a 
    representative number of batches in lieu of examining all records from 
    every batch. FDA has, therefore, clarified the final rule to require a 
    review of a representative number of batches, whether approved or 
    rejected, and where applicable, records associated with those batches.
        The overall intent of Sec. 211.180(e) is to provide manufacturers 
    with reliable procedures for reviewing the quality standards for each 
    drug product. Thus, FDA advises that, although this final rule does not 
    in all cases require an annual review of every batch record, adopting a 
    procedure to check every batch record would clearly be appropriate if, 
    for example, a representative review of batch records showed an adverse 
    trend in quality.
        12. One comment advised that some firms may confuse the 
    requirements with regard to the annual review of representative batches 
    with the requirements for batch review prior to the release of a 
    product under Sec. 211.192.
        FDA disagrees with the comment. The final rule amends 
    Sec. 211.180(e), which requires that written records be maintained so 
    that data can be used for evaluating, at least annually, the quality 
    standards of each drug product. Section 211.192, by contrast, 
    specifically requires a quality control unit to review drug product 
    production and control records to determine compliance with written 
    procedures prior to the release of a drug product batch. In brief, 
    Sec. 211.180(e) involves a retrospective overall evaluation of the 
    adequacy of the quality standards for drug products, while Sec. 211.192 
    involves a contemporaneous evaluation of a drug batch to determine its 
    conformity, at the time of marketing, with current quality standards.
        13. One comment suggested allowing a biennial review to permit 
    trend analysis when three or fewer product batches are produced each 
        FDA disagrees with this comment. The agency believes that a 2-year 
    interval between formal review of batches is inadequate. Potential 
    problems with product quality standards could go undetected and thereby 
    delay recognition of a need to revise specifications or manufacturing 
    or control procedures. If a serious error is not detected for a long 
    period, the resulting product could pose a threat to public health and 
    safety. Moreover, a trend analysis may be performed in situations where 
    only a few batches are produced annually by using batches produced in 
    preceding years.
        14. One comment strongly opposed the proposed changes, stating that 
    every batch record must be reviewed to detect ``drift'' or changes in 
    specifications for components, manufacturing processes, or other 
    procedures. The comment asserted that, without reviewing every batch, 
    deleterious changes might be instituted by a firm employee or employees 
    without the full knowledge of their superiors, particularly the firm's 
    research and development group. [[Page 4091]] 
        The agency does not believe such additional measures are necessary. 
    This CGMP provision does not stand alone but must be read in context 
    with other CGMP regulations. Those regulations provide a variety of 
    safeguards for different stages and aspects of the drug manufacturing 
    process. It is the CGMP regulations, taken as a whole, that help ensure 
    drug quality. Moreover, the consequences of widespread disclosure of 
    problems with drug product quality resulting from a recall or other 
    ameliorative action are sufficiently severe to provide most firms with 
    a continuing incentive to maintain product quality. The agency has 
    carefully reviewed this issue and believes that the final rule will not 
    reduce drug product quality.
    IV. Environmental Impact
        The agency has determined under 21 CFR 25.24(a)(10) that this 
    action is of a type that does not individually or cumulatively have a 
    significant effect on the human environment. Therefore, neither an 
    environmental assessment nor an environmental impact statement is 
    V. Analysis of Impacts
        FDA has examined the impacts of the final rule under Executive 
    Order 12866 and the Regulatory Flexibility Act (Pub. L. 96-354). 
    Executive Order 12866 directs agencies to assess all costs and benefits 
    of available regulatory alternatives and, when regulation is necessary, 
    to select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits (including 
    potential economic, environmental, public health and safety, and other 
    advantages; distributive impacts; and equity). The agency believes that 
    this rule is consistent with the regulatory philosophy and principles 
    identified in the Executive Order. The amendments to the CGMP 
    regulations are intended to allow drug manufacturers more flexibility 
    and discretion in manufacturing drug products while maintaining those 
    CGMP requirements necessary to ensure drug product quality. Because 
    this may encourage innovation and the development of more efficient 
    manufacturing procedures that should lead to cost savings for drug 
    manufacturers. In addition, the rule is not a significant regulatory 
    action as defined by the Executive Order and so is not subject to 
    review under the Executive Order.
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act requires agencies to analyze 
    regulatory options that would minimize any significant impact of a rule 
    on small entities. The agency certifies that the final rule will not 
    have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities. Therefore, under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, no further 
    analysis is required.
    List of Subjects in 21 CFR Part 211
        Drugs, Labeling, Laboratories, Packaging and containers, 
    Prescription drugs, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 
        Therefore, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and under 
    authority delegated to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, 21 CFR part 
    211 is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 211 continues to read as 
        Authority: Secs. 201, 501, 502, 505, 506, 507, 512, 701, 704 of 
    the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321, 351, 352, 
    355, 356, 357, 360b, 371, 374).
        2. Section 211.42 is amended in the introductory text of paragraph 
    (c) by revising the second sentence to read as follows:
    Sec. 211.42  Design and construction features.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * * There shall be separate or defined areas or such other 
    control systems for the firm's operations as are necessary to prevent 
    contamination or mixups during the course of the following procedures:
    * * * * *
        3. Section 211.68 is amended by adding a new sentence after the 
    second sentence in paragraph (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 211.68  Automatic, mechanical, and electronic equipment.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * * The degree and frequency of input/output verification 
    shall be based on the complexity and reliability of the computer or 
    related system. * * *
        4. Section 211.137 is amended by redesignating paragraph (g) as 
    paragraph (h), and by adding new paragraph (g) to read as follows:
    Sec. 211.137  Expiration dating.
    * * * * *
        (g) New drug products for investigational use are exempt from the 
    requirements of this section, provided that they meet appropriate 
    standards or specifications as demonstrated by stability studies during 
    their use in clinical investigations. Where new drug products for 
    investigational use are to be reconstituted at the time of dispensing, 
    their labeling shall bear expiration information for the reconstituted 
    drug product.
    * * * * *
        5. Section 211.170 is amended by revising the fourth sentence in 
    the introductory text of paragraph (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 211.170  Reserve samples.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * * Except for those for drug products described in paragraph 
    (b)(2) of this section, reserve samples from representative sample lots 
    or batches selected by acceptable statistical procedures shall be 
    examined visually at least once a year for evidence of deterioration 
    unless visual examination would affect the integrity of the reserve 
    sample. * * *
    * * * * *
        6. Section 211.180 is amended by revising paragraph (e)(1) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 211.180  General requirements.
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (1) A review of a representative number of batches, whether 
    approved or rejected, and, where applicable, records associated with 
    the batch.
    * * * * *
        Dated: January 11, 1995.
    William K. Hubbard,
    Interim Deputy Commissioner for Policy.
    [FR Doc. 95-1361 Filed 1-19-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4160-01-F

Document Information

Effective Date:
Food and Drug Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
February 21, 1995.
4087-4091 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 90N-0376
PDF File:
CFR: (8)
21 CFR 211.68(b)
21 CFR 211.180(e)(1)
21 CFR 211.180(e)
21 CFR 211.42
21 CFR 211.68
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