95-23728. Technical Corrections Regarding Customs Organization  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 187 (Wednesday, September 27, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 50008-50020]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-23728]
    [[Page 50007]]
    Part III
    Department of the Treasury
    Customs Service
    19 CFR Part 4, et al.
    19 CFR Chapter I
    Technical Corrections Regarding Customs Organization; Interim Rules
    Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 27, 1995 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 50008]]
    Customs Service
    19 CFR Parts 4, 19, 24, 101, 103, 111, 112, 113, 118, 122, 127, 
    141, 142, 146, and 174
    [T.D. 95-77]
    RIN 1515-AB84
    Technical Corrections Regarding Customs Organization
    AGENCY: Customs Service, Treasury.
    ACTION: Interim rule.
    SUMMARY: This document amends the Customs Regulations to reflect 
    Customs new organizational structure. The revisions are nonsubstantive 
    or merely procedural in nature.
    DATES: These changes are effective at 11:59 p.m., EST on September 30, 
    1995. Comments must be received on or before November 27, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments (preferably in triplicate) may be addressed 
    to the Regulations Branch, U.S. Customs Service, Franklin Court, 1301 
    Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20229. Comments submitted may 
    be inspected at Franklin Court, 1099 14th Street, NW--Suite 4000, 
    Washington, D.C.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jerry Laderberg, Office of Field 
    Operations (202) 927-0415; Gregory R. Vilders, Attorney, Regulations 
    Branch (202) 482-6930.
        In its continuing efforts to achieve more efficient use of its 
    personnel, facilities, and resources, to provide better services to 
    carriers, importers, and the public in general, Customs is changing the 
    structure of its organization both in the field and at Headquarters.
        The current organizational structure is the result of 
    reorganizations of the Customs Service by the President's 
    Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1965 and Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 
    1973; Headquarters reorganizations of 1979 and 1990; and a Regional 
    consolidation in 1982.
        The present reorganization is prompted by a number of changes 
    within Customs and its operating environment: the tremendous growth in 
    our workload; the size of the organization; the growth in 
    administrative and overhead positions; changes in technology; new 
    requirements placed on the agency; changes in trade and travel 
    patterns; and unnecessary layers and barriers in the organization that 
    have grown over time. Creating an organizational structure that 
    addresses these current problems facilitates a move to process-oriented 
    management, which allows adaptation to an environment of continuous 
        In the Fall of 1993, Customs began a study of its organizational 
    structure. During the study, comments and suggestions were received 
    from Customs Headquarters and field offices, the Treasury Department, 
    the National Treasury Employees Union, consultants, trade 
    organizations, and other government agencies. At the completion of the 
    study in the Spring of 1994, a report entitled ``People, Processes, & 
    Partnerships: A Report on the Customs Service for the 21st Century'' 
    was issued which recommended that Customs reduce its management layers 
    in the field and reorganize its Headquarters functions. As a result of 
    the study, Customs has determined to reorganize from the ground up, 
    with the ports of entry serving as the foundation.
        Districts and regions will, for the most part, be eliminated. They 
    will still exist as geographical descriptions for limited purposes such 
    as for broker permits and certain cartage and lighterage purposes. The 
    ports of entry now will be empowered with most of the functions and 
    authority that have been held in the district and regional offices. 
    Some ports will be designated as service ports, and will have a full 
    range of cargo processing functions, including inspection, entry, 
    collection, and verification. Headquarters will also be reorganized. 
    The full reorganization will be effective at 11:59 p.m., EST on 
    September 30, 1995.
        Customs is also creating twenty Customs Management Centers (CMCs), 
    which will report to the Assistant Commissioner of Field Operations at 
    Customs Headquarters. While these CMCs will provide oversight of the 
    core business processes at the ports of entry within their respective 
    geographic areas, they will not play a substantive role in the trade 
    community's interaction with Customs. They will not be a formal level 
    of appeal for external matters; their most important function will be 
    to ensure that Customs delivers high quality uniform service at the 
        Five Strategic Trade Centers (STCs), each with a defined area of 
    responsibility, are also created in the reorganization to enhance 
    Customs capacity to address major trade issues, such as textile 
    transshipments, valuation, antidumping, and the enforcement of 
    intellectual property rights.
        Because the CMCs and STCs will not have direct contact with the 
    public, Customs is not including any reference to these organizational 
    entities in the regulations.
        The current regulations contain a significant number of references 
    (over 2,000) to organizational entities which will no longer exist or 
    which will have a different functional context on October 1, 1995. 
    Accordingly, regulatory references to ``district directors'', 
    ``regional commissioners'', etc., are replaced with ``port directors'', 
    ``Assistant Commissioner'', etc., to reflect the new field and 
    Headquarters structure of Customs and where decisional authority will 
    now lie. The changes set forth in this document are nonsubstantive or 
    merely procedural in nature.
        In a separate technical correction document published in today's 
    Federal Register, changes are made throughout Chapter 1 of the Customs 
    Regulations to reflect the reorganization. This document serves to 
    revise certain sections contained in 15 Parts of the Customs 
    Regulations (parts 4, 19, 24, 101, 103, 111, 112, 113, 118, 122, 127, 
    141, 142, 146, and 174) which are either obsolete or require such 
    extensive rewriting that they cannot be presented in the column format 
    adopted in the other technical correction document.
    Discussion of Amendments
        In Part 4, 13 footnotes (footnotes 2, 21, 29, 63, 64, 66, 68, 69, 
    73, 90, 93, 94, and 100) are removed which reference the field term 
    ``collector'' of Customs, an obsolete position, and applicable 
    statutory text is added where appropriate to Secs. 4.1(c)(2), 4.9(c), 
    4.31(a), and 4.61(b)(6) and (23). Also, Sec. 4.14(c) is revised to 
    remove references to regional field positions, and Sec. 4.24(f) is 
    revised to replace references to Regional Commissioners with references 
    to the Director of the service port (a new organizational entity, 
    defined at Sec. 101.1) located nearest to the port of entry.
        In Part 19, a parenthetical reference to a definition of 
    ``district'' found at Sec. 112.1 is added to Sec. 19.44(g).
        In Part 24, a parenthetical reference to a definition of 
    ``district'' found at Sec. 111.1 is added to Sec. 24.1(a)(3)(i), and 
    the third sentences of paragraph (a) and subparagraph (c)(1) of 
    Sec. 24.4 are removed because there is no longer a necessity for 
    importers to identify different ports in the application to defer 
    payment of estimated import taxes on alcoholic beverages within 
    districts, since districts are no longer part of Customs organization. 
    Also, a similar requirement for district directors to notify other 
    ports in his district is 
    [[Page 50009]]
    removed from Sec. 24.4(d)(1) for the same reason.
        In Part 101, Sec. 101.1 is amended by removing the definitions of 
    the terms ``area'', ``Customs district'' and ``Customs region'', adding 
    a definition for the term ``service port'', and revising the second, 
    and third and fourth parenthetical sentences of the definition of 
    ``Port and port of entry'', which concerns the Virgin Islands. The 
    section heading and headings and text to Sec. 101.3 paragraphs (a) and 
    (b) are revised, the lists of Customs ports at Sec. 101.3(b) and 
    Customs stations at Sec. 101.4(c) are rearranged to list the Customs 
    ports alphabetically by State, rather than by regions, and in 
    Sec. 101.3 a new list of Customs service ports similarly arranged by 
    State is added. Lastly, Sec. 101.6(e) is amended by removing the 
    parenthetical words ``and are approved by the Commissioner of 
    Customs'', and by removing the last sentence, to reflect that port 
    directors now set the hours for Customs services performed outside 
    their port's offices.
        In Part 103, Sec. 103.1 is revised concerning the location of 
    public reading rooms by removing the references to Customs Regions.
        In Part 111, definitions of ``district'', ``district director'' and 
    ``region'' are added at Sec. 111.1 to enable the current statutory 
    broker licensing and permitting schemes to operate. Section 111.13(f), 
    concerning broker examination notification, Sec. 111.19(d), concerning 
    review of district directors' recommendations to grant/deny a waiver by 
    the Regional Commissioner, and Sec. 111.23(e)(3), concerning 
    notification between regions, are removed as unnecessary or no longer 
    applicable, as is the provision in Sec. 111.45(c), concerning 
    forwarding a copy of the revocation of broker's license to the district 
        In Part 112, a definition of ``district'' is added at Sec. 112.1 to 
    reflect that for certain purposes regarding carriage of merchandise the 
    ``district'' concept is still applicable. A parenthetical reference to 
    the definition of ``district'' at Sec. 112.1 is added to Sec. 112.2(b).
        In Part 113, Sec. 113.37 is amended at paragraph (a) to remove a 
    sentence concerning the Department distribution of a Circular to 
    district directors, and at paragraph (g)(2) to revise the text 
    regarding the filing of corporate surety power of attorney documents at 
    district offices. Section 113.38 is amended to remove paragraph (c)(2) 
    because with the removal of regional commissioners this provision no 
    longer has application, and the subparagraphs thereafter ((c)(3)-(7)) 
    are redesignated ((c)(2)-(6)). In Sec. 113.39(a), the last sentence of 
    the introductory text is deleted for the same reason.
        In Part 118, a parenthetical reference to the definition of 
    ``district'' at Sec. 112.1 is added to Sec. 118.4(g) and (l).
        In Part 122, Sec. 122.14(e) is amended by removing the second 
    sentence, which concerns appeals to the Commissioner of denials of 
    landing rights, and Sec. 122.31(b) is amended by removing the third and 
    fourth sentences, which concern the filing of scheduled airline 
    schedules with Regional Commissioners and a 30-day notice requirement; 
    none of these provisions are necessary under the reorganized field 
        In Part 127, Sec. 127.22 is revised to remove references to 
    district headquarters ports.
        In Part 141, the provisions of Sec. 141.45 are revised concerning 
    the filing of certified copies of power of attorney documents.
        In Part 142, Secs. 142.13 and 142.25 are similarly amended to move 
    to new subparagraph (a)(4) what is currently set forth in paragraph 
    (b). This change gives port directors the authority to require that 
    entry summary documentation be filed and that estimated duties, if any, 
    be deposited at the time of entry before the merchandise is released, 
    if the importer is substantially or habitually delinquent in payment of 
    Customs bills.
        In Part 146, a parenthetical reference to the definition of 
    ``district'' at Sec. 112.1 is added to Secs. 146.4(h) and 146.40(b).
        In Part 174, Sec. 174.1 is amended by removing paragraph (a), which 
    pertains to district directors.
        Before adopting these interim regulations as final regulations, 
    consideration will be given to any written comments timely submitted to 
    Customs. Comments submitted will be available for public inspection in 
    accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552), Sec. 1.4 
    of the Treasury Department Regulations (31 CFR 1.4), and Sec. 103.11(b) 
    of the Customs Regulations (19 CFR 103.11(b), on regular business days 
    between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Regulations Branch, 
    U.S. Customs Service, 1099 14th Street, NW--Suite 4000, Washington, 
    Inapplicability of Notice and Delayed Effective Date Requirements, the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act, and Executive Order 12866
        Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553 (a)(2) and (b)(B), public notice is 
    inapplicable to these interim regulations because they concern matters 
    relating to agency management and personnel. Further, inasmuch as these 
    amendments merely advise the public of Customs new field and 
    Headquarters organization which will be in effect October 1, 1995 (the 
    beginning of the fiscal year), good cause exists for dispensing with 
    notice and public procedure thereon as unnecessary. For the same 
    reasons, it is determined that good cause exists under the provisions 
    of 5 U.S.C. 553(d) (2) and (3) for dispensing with the requirement for 
    a delayed effective date. Because no notice of proposed rulemaking is 
    required for interim regulations, the provisions of the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) do not apply. This amendment 
    does not meet the criteria for a ``significant regulatory action'' as 
    specified in E.O. 12866.
    Drafting Information
        The principal author of this document was Gregory R. Vilders, 
    Attorney, Office of Regulations and Rulings, Regulations Branch. 
    However, personnel from other offices participated in its development.
    List of Subjects
    19 CFR Part 4
        Customs duties and inspection, Entry, Exports, Imports, Inspection, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    19 CFR Part 19
        Bonds, Customs duties and inspection, Exports, Freight, Imports, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Surety bonds, Warehouses.
    19 CFR Part 24
        Customs duties and inspection, Financial and accounting procedures, 
    Harbors, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Trade agreements.
    19 CFR Part 101
        Customs duties and inspection, Customs ports of entry, Exports, 
    Imports, Organization and functions (Government agencies), Reporting 
    and recordkeeping requirements.
    19 CFR Part 103
        Customs duties and inspection, Customs ports of entry, Exports, 
    Imports, Organization and functions (Government agencies), Reporting 
    and recordkeeping requirements.
    19 CFR 111
        Administrative practice and procedure, Bonds, Brokers, Customs 
    duties and inspection, Imports, Licensing, Penalties, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
    19 CFR Part 112
        Administrative practice and procedure, Bonds, Common carriers, 
    [[Page 50010]]
        Customs duties and inspection, Exports, Freight forwarders, Imports, 
    Licensing, Motor carriers, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    19 CFR Part 113
        Bonds, Customs duties and inspection, Freight, Imports, Reporting 
    and recordkeeping requirements.
    19 CFR Part 118
        Customs duties and inspection, Examination stations, Imports, 
    Licensing, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    19 CFR Part 122
        Administrative practice and procedure, Air carriers, Customs duties 
    and inspection, Imports, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    19 CFR Part 127
        Customs duties and inspection, Merchandise (unclaimed or 
    abandoned), Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    19 CFR Part 141
        Bonds, Customs duties and inspection, Entry of merchandise, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    19 CFR Part 142
        Customs duties and inspection, Entry procedures, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
    19 CFR Part 146
        Bonds, Customs duties and inspection, Entry, Exports, Foreign trade 
    zones, Imports, Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    19 CFR Part 174
        Administrative practice and procedure, Customs duties and 
    inspection, Imports.
    Amendments to the Regulations
        For the reasons given above, parts 4, 19, 24, 101, 103, 111, 112, 
    113, 118, 122, 127, 141, 142, 146, and 174 of the Customs Regulations 
    (19 CFR Parts 4, 19, 24, 101, 103, 111, 112, 113, 118, 122, 127, 141, 
    142, 146, and 174) are amended as set forth below:
        1. The general authority citation for part 4 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 19 U.S.C. 66, 1431, 1433, 1434, 1624; 
    46 U.S.C. App. 3, 91;
    * * * * *
    Part 4  [Amended]
        2. Part 4 is amended by removing and reserving footnotes 2, 21, 29, 
    63, 64, 66, 68, 69, 73, 90, 93, 94, and 100; and removing the 
    superscript footnote-referencing designations 2, 21, 29, 63, 64, 66, 
    68, 69, 73, 90, 93, 94, and 100 from the text.
    Sec. 4.1  [Amended]
        3. In Sec. 4.1, paragraph (c)(2) is amended by adding to the end, 
    before the period, the parenthetical reference ``(19 U.S.C. 1433)''.
        4. In Sec. 4.9, paragraph (c) is amended by adding the following 
    sentences at the end:
    Sec. 4.9  Formal entry.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * * It shall not be lawful for any foreign consul to deliver 
    to the master of any foreign vessel the register, or document in lieu 
    thereof, deposited with him in accordance with the provisions of 
    section 434 of this Act until such master shall produce to him a 
    clearance in due form from the director of the port where such vessel 
    has been entered. Any consul offending against the provisions of this 
    section shall be liable to a fine of not more than $5,000. (Tariff Act 
    of 1930, section 438, as amended; 19 U.S.C. 1434).
        5. In Sec. 4.14, paragraphs (c) (1) and (2) are revised to read as 
    Sec. 4.14  Foreign equipment purchases by, and repairs to, American 
    * * * * *
        (c) Remission or refund of duty--(1) Vessel repair liquidation 
    units. Vessel Repair Liquidation Units (VRLUs) are located in New York, 
    New York; New Orleans, Louisiana; and San Francisco, California. The 
    New York unit processes and liquidates vessel repair entries filed at 
    ports on the Great Lakes and on the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. north 
    of, but not including Norfolk, Virginia. The New Orleans unit processes 
    and liquidates vessel repair entries filed at ports on the Atlantic 
    Coast of the U.S. from Norfolk, Virginia, southward, and all U.S. ports 
    on the Gulf of Mexico, including ports in Puerto Rico. The San 
    Francisco unit processes and liquidates vessel repair entries filed at 
    all ports on the Pacific Coast of the U.S., including those in Alaska 
    and Hawaii. After entries are processed and liquidated, bulletin 
    notices of liquidation are returned to original ports of entry for 
        (2) Authority. In cases in which both clearly applicable 
    Headquarters precedent exists, and the resulting refund or remission of 
    duty will be less than $50,000, the proper VRLU may approve or deny 
    Applications for Relief. In cases in which clearly applicable precedent 
    does not exist, or the resulting refund or remission will be $50,000 or 
    greater, the Application for Relief will be referred for action to the 
    Entry and Carrier Rulings Branch, Customs Headquarters.
    * * * * *
        6. In Sec. 4.24, paragraph (f) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 4.24  Application for refund of tonnage tax.
    * * * * *
        (f) The owner or operator of the vessel involved, or other party in 
    interest, may file with the port Director a petition addressed to the 
    Commissioner of Customs for a review of the port director's decision on 
    an application for refund of regular tonnage tax. Such petition shall 
    be filed in duplicate within 30 days from the date of notice of the 
    initial decision, shall completely identify the case, and shall set 
    forth in detail the exceptions to the decision.
    Sec. 4.31  [Amended]
        7. In Sec. 4.31, paragraph (a) is amended by adding to the end of 
    the first sentence, before the period, the words ``, regarding such 
    accident, stress of weather, or other necessity''.
    Sec. 4.61  [Amended]
        8. In Sec. 4.61, paragraph (b)(6) is amended by adding to the end, 
    before the period, the parenthetical reference ``(46 U.S.C.App. 97)''; 
    and paragraph (b)(19) is amended by adding to the end, before the 
    period, the parenthetical reference ``(46 U.S.C.App. 100)''.
        1. The general authority citation for part 19 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 19 U.S.C. 66, 1202 (General Note 20, 
    Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States), 1624;
    * * * * *
    Sec. 19.44  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 19.44, paragraph (g) is amended by adding the 
    parenthetical ``(see definition of ``district'' at Sec. 112.1)'' 
    following the words ``boundaries of the district''.
        1. The authority citation for part 24 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 19 U.S.C. 58a-58c, 66, 1202 (General 
    Note 20, Harmonized Tariff 
    [[Page 50011]]
    Schedule of the United States), 1450, 1624; 31 U.S.C. 9701.
    Sec. 24.1  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 24.1, the third sentence of paragraph (a)(3)(i) is 
    amended by adding the parenthetical words ``(see definition of 
    ``district'' at Sec. 111.1)'' following the words ``not licensed in the 
    Sec. 24.4  [Amended]
        3. In Sec. 24.4, paragraphs (a) and (c)(1) are amended by removing 
    the third sentence; and paragraph (d)(1) is amended by removing the 
    words ``and will at the same time notify all ports in his district at 
    which the procedure will be used according to the importer's 
        1. The authority citation for part 101 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 19 U.S.C. 2, 66, 1202 (General Note 20, 
    Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States), 1623, 1624.
    Sec. 101.1  [Amended]
        2. Section 101.1 is amended by removing paragraphs (a)-(c); 
    removing the paragraph designations for all remaining definitions and 
    placing them in appropriate alphabetical order; adding, in appropriate 
    alphabetical order, the definition of a ``service port''; and revising 
    the second sentence, and the parenthetical phrase of the definition of 
    ``Port and port of entry''. The addition and revisions to read as 
    Sec. 101.1  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        Service port. The term ``service port'' refers to a Customs 
    location having a full range of cargo processing functions, including 
    inspections, entry, collections, and verification. Port and port of 
    entry. * * * The terms ``port'' and ``port of entry'' incorporate the 
    geographical area under the jurisdiction of a port director. (The 
    Customs ports in the Virgin Islands, although under the jurisdiction of 
    the Secretary of the Treasury, have their own Customs laws (48 U.S.C. 
    1406(i)). These ports, therefore, are outside the Customs territory of 
    the United States and the ports thereof are not ``ports of entry'' 
    within the meaning of these regulations).
        3. Section 101.3 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 101.3  Customs service ports and ports of entry.
        (a) Designation of Customs field organization. The Deputy Assistant 
    Secretary (Regulatory, Tariff, and Trade Enforcement), pursuant to 
    authority delegated by the Secretary of the Treasury, is authorized to 
    establish, rearrange or consolidate, and to discontinue Customs ports 
    of entry as the needs of the Customs Service may require.
        (b) List of Ports of Entry and Service Ports. The following is a 
    list of Customs Ports of Entry and Service Ports. Many of the ports 
    listed were created by the President's message of March 3, 1913, 
    concerning a reorganization of the Customs Service pursuant to the Act 
    of August 24, 1912 (37 Stat. 434; 19 U.S.C. 1). Subsequent orders of 
    the President or of the Secretary of the Treasury which affected these 
    ports, or which created (or subsequently affected) additional ports, 
    are cited following the name of the ports.
        (1) Customs ports of entry. A list of Customs ports of entry by 
    State and the limits of each port are set forth below:
          Ports of entry                       Limits of port               
    Huntsville...............  T.D. 83-196.                                 
    Mobile...................  Including territory described in T.D. 76-259.
    Alcan....................  T.D. 71-210.                                 
    Anchorage................  T.D.s 55295 and 68-50.                       
    Dalton Cache.............  T.D. 79-74.                                  
    Fairbanks................  E.O. 8064, Mar. 9, 1939 (4 FR 1191).         
    Ketchikan................  Including territory described in T.D. 74-100.
    Sitka....................  Including territory described in T.D. 55609. 
    Valdez...................  Including territory described in T.D. 79-201.
    Wrangell.................  Including territory described in T.D. 56420. 
    Douglas..................  Including territory described in E.O. 9382,  
                                Sept. 25, 1943 (8 FR 13083).                
    Lukeville................  E.O. 10088, Dec. 3, 1949 (14 FR 7287).       
    Nogales..................  Including territory described in T.D. 77-285.
    Phoenix..................  T.D. 71-103.                                 
    San Luis.................  E.O. 5322, Apr. 9, 1930.                     
    Sasabe...................  E.O. 5608, Apr. 22, 1931.                    
    Tucson...................  Including territory described in T.D. 89-102.
    Little Rock-North Little   T.D. 70-146. (Restated in T.D. 84-126).      
    [[Page 50012]]
    Andrade..................  E.O. 4780, Dec. 13, 1927.                    
    Fresno...................  Including territory described in T.D. 74-18. 
    + Los Angeles-Long Beach.  Including territory described in T.D. 78-130.
    Port Hueneme.............  T.D. 92-10.                                  
    Port San Luis                                                           
    San Diego................  T.D. 85-163.                                 
    + San Francisco-Oakland..  Including Benicia, Martinez, Richard,        
                                Sacramento, San Jose, and Stockton, T.D. 82-
    Tecate...................  E.O. 4780, Dec. 13, 1927.                    
    Denver...................  T.D. 80-180.                                 
    Bridgeport...............  Including territory described in T.D. 68-224.
    Hartford.................  Including territory described in T.D. 68-224.
    New Haven................  Including territory described in T.D. 68-224.
    New London...............  Including territory described in T.D. 68-224.
    Philadelphia-Chester, PA   Included in the consolidated port of         
     and Wilmington, DE.        Philadelphia-Chester, PA, T.D. 84-195.      
                              District of Columbia                          
    Washington...............  Including territory described in T.D. 68-67. 
    Boca Grande                                                             
    Fernandina Beach.........  Including St. Mary's, GA; T.D. 53033.        
    Jacksonville.............  T.D. 69-45.                                  
    Key West.................  Including territory described in T.D. 53994. 
    + Miami..................  Including territory described in T.D. 53514. 
    Orlando..................  T.D. 76-306.                                 
    Panama City..............  E.O. 3919, Nov. 1, 1923.                     
    Port Canaveral...........  Including territory described in T.D. 66-212.
    Port Everglades..........  E.O. 5770, Dec. 31, 1931; including territory
                                described in T.D. 53514. Mail: Fort         
                                Lauderdale, FL.                             
    Port Manatee.............  T.D. 88-14.                                  
    St. Petersburg...........  E.O. 7928, July 14, 1938 (3 FR 1749);        
                                including territory described in T.D. 53994.
    Tampa....................  Including territory described in T.D. 68-91. 
    West Palm Beach..........  E.O. 4324, Oct. 15, 1925; including territory
                                described in T.D. 53514.                    
    Atlanta..................  Including territory described in T.D. 55548. 
    Brunswick................  Including territory described in T.D. 86-162.
    Fernandina Beach, FL.....  Including St. Mary's, GA; T.D. 53033.        
    Savannah.................  Including territory described in E.O. 8367,  
                                Mar. 5, 1940 (5 FR 985).                    
    Hilo.....................  T.D. 95-11.                                  
    Honolulu.................  Including territory described in T.D. 90-59. 
    Kahului..................  T.D. 95-11.                                  
    Nawiliwili-Port Allen....  E.O. 4385, Feb. 25, 1926; including territory
                                described in T.D. 56424.                    
    Boise....................  Pub.L. 98-573; T.D. 85-22.                   
    [[Page 50013]]
    + Chicago................  Including territory described in T.D. 71-121.
    Davenport, IA-Moline and   T.D.s 86-76 and 89-10.                       
     Rock Island, IL.                                                       
    Peoria...................  Including territory described in T.D.72-130. 
    Rockford.................  T.D. 95-62.                                  
    Cincinnati, OH-            Consolidated port, T.D. 84-91.               
     Lawrenceburg, IN.                                                      
    Owensboro, KY-Evansville,  Consolidated port, T.D. 84-91.               
    Davenport,IA-Moline and    T.D.s 86-76 and 89-10.                       
     Rock Island, IL.                                                       
    Des Moines...............  T.D. 75-104.                                 
    Wichita..................  T.D. 74-93.                                  
    Louisville...............  Including territory described in T.D. 77-232.
    Owensboro, KY-Evansville,  Consolidated port, T.D. 84-91.               
    Baton Rouge..............  E.O. 5993, Jan. 13, 1933; including territory
                                described in T.D.s 53514 and 54381.         
                                (Restated in T.D. 84-126).                  
    Gramercy.................  T.D. 82-93. (Restated in T.D. 84-126).       
    Lake Charles.............  E.O. 5475, Nov. 3, 1930; including territory 
                                described in T.D. 54137.                    
    Morgan City..............  T.D. 54682; including territory described in 
                                T.D.s 66-266 and 94-77. (Restated in T.D. 84-
    + New Orleans............  E.O. 5130, May 29, 1929; including territory 
                                described in T.D. 74-206. (Restated in T.D. 
    Shreveport-Bossier City..  Including territory described in T.D. 86-145.
    Bangor...................  Including Brewer, ME, E.O. 9297, Feb. 1, 1943
                                (8 FR 1479).                                
    Bar Harbor...............  Including Mount Desert Island, the city of   
                                Ellsworth, and the townships of Hancock,    
                                Sullivan, Sorrento, Gouldsboro, and Winter  
                                Harbor and Trenton, E.O. 4572, Jan. 27,     
                                1927, and T.D. 78-130.                      
    Bath.....................  Including Booth Bay and Wiscasset, E.O. 4356,
                                Dec. 15, 1925.                              
    Belfast..................  Including Searsport, E.O. 6754, June 28,     
    Bridgewater..............  E.O. 8079, Apr. 4, 1939 (4 FR 1475).         
    Calais...................  Including townships of Calais, Robbinston,   
                                and Baring, E.O. 6284, Sept. 13, 1933.      
    Eastport.................  Including Lubec and Cutler, E.O. 4296, Aug.  
                                26, 1925.                                   
    Fort Fairfield                                                          
    Fort Kent                                                               
    Houlton..................  E.O. 4156, Feb. 14, 1925.                    
    Jackman..................  Including townships of Jackman, Sandy Bay,   
                                Bald Mountain, Holeb, Attean, Lowelltown,   
                                Dennistown, and Moose River, T.D. 54683.    
    Jonesport................  Including towns (townships) of Beals,        
                                Jonesboro, Roque Bluffs, and Machiasport,   
                                E.O. 4296, Aug. 26, 1925; E.O. 8695, Feb.   
                                25, 1941 (6 FR 1187).                       
    Portland.................  Including territory described in E.O. 9297,  
                                Feb. 1, 1943 (8 FR 1479).                   
    Portsmouth, N.H..........  Including Kittery, ME.                       
    Van Buren                                                               
    [[Page 50014]]
    Baltimore................  Including territory described in T.D. 68-123.
    Cambridge................  E.O. 3888, Aug. 13, 1923; Crisfield.         
    + Boston.................  Including territory and waters adjacent      
                                thereto described in T.D. 56493.            
    Fall River...............  Including territory described in T.D. 54476. 
    Lawrence.................  E.O. 5444, Sept. 16, 1930; E.O. 10088, Dec.  
                                3, 1949 (14 FR 7287); including territory   
                                described in T.D. 71-12.                    
    New Bedford                                                             
    Salem....................  Including Beverly, Marblehead, and Lynn;     
                                including Peabody, E.O. 9207, July 29, 1942 
                                (7 FR 5931).                                
    Springfield..............  T.D. 69-189.                                 
    Battle Creek.............  T.D. 72-233.                                 
    Detroit..................  Including territory described in E.O. 9073,  
                                Feb. 25, 1942 (7 FR 1588), and T.D. 53738.  
    Grand Rapids.............  T.D. 77-4.                                   
    Marinette, WI............  Including Menominee, MI.                     
    Muskegon.................  E.O. 8315, Dec. 22, 1939 (4 FR 4941);        
                                including territory described in T.D. 56230.
    Port Huron...............  Including territory described in T.D. 87-117.
    Saginaw-Bay City-Flint...  Consolidated port, T.D. 79-74; including     
                                territory described in T.D. 82-9.           
    Sault Ste. Marie.........  Including territory described in T.D. 79-74. 
    Baudette.................  E.O. 4422, Apr. 19, 1926.                    
    Duluth, MN and Superior,   Including territory described in T.D. 55904. 
    Grand Portage............  T.D. 56073.                                  
    International Falls-       Including territory described in T.D. 66-246.
    Minneapolis-St. Paul.....  Including territory described in T.D. 69-15. 
    Noyes....................  E.O. 5835, Apr. 13, 1932.                    
    Pinecreek................  E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2 FR 1245).        
    Roseau...................  E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2 FR 1245).        
    Greenville...............  T.D. 73-325. (Restated in T.D. 84-126).      
    Pascagoula...............  Including territory described in T.D. 86-68. 
    Vicksburg................  T.D. 72-123; including territory described in
                                T.D. 93-32. (Restated in T.D. 84-126).      
    Kansas City..............  Including Kansas City, KS and North Kansas   
                                City, MO, E.O. 8528, Aug. 27, 1940 (5 FR    
                                3403); including territory described in T.D.
    Springfield..............  Including all territory within Greene and    
                                Christian Counties, T.D. 84-84.             
    St. Joseph                                                              
    St. Louis................  Including territory described in T.D.s 67-57 
                                and 69-224.                                 
    Butte....................  T.D. 73-121.                                 
    Del Bonita...............  E.O. 7947, Aug. 9, 1938 (3 FR 1965); Mail:   
                                Cut Bank, MT.                               
    Great Falls                                                             
    Morgan...................  E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2 FR 1245); Mail:  
                                Loring, MT.                                 
    Opheim...................  E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2 FR 1245).        
    Piegan...................  E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2 FR 1245); Mail:  
                                Babb, MT.                                   
    Raymond..................  E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2 FR 1245).        
    Roosville................  E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2 FR 1245); Mail:  
                                Eureka, MT.                                 
    Scobey...................  E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2 FR 1245).        
    [[Page 50015]]
    Turner...................  E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2 FR 1245).        
    Whitetail................  E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2 FR 1245).        
    Whitlash.................  E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2 FR 1245).        
    Omaha....................  Including territory described in T.D. 73-228.
    Las Vegas................  Including territory described in T.D. 79-74. 
    Reno.....................  Including territory described in T.D. 73-56. 
                                  New Hampshire                             
    Portsmouth...............  Including Kittery, ME.                       
                                   New Jersey                               
    Philadelphia-Chester, PA   Included in the consolidated port of         
     and Wilmington, DE.        Philadelphia-Chester, PA, and includes      
                                Wilmington, DE, and Camden, Gloucester City,
                                and Salem, NJ, T.D. 84-195.                 
    Perth Amboy                                                             
                                   New Mexico                               
    Albuquerque..............  Including territory described in T.D. 74-304.
    Santa Teresa.............  T.D. 94-34.                                  
                                    New York                                
    Alexandria Bay...........  Including territory described in E.O. 10042, 
                                Mar. 10, 1949 (14 FR 1155).                 
    Buffalo-Niagara Falls....  T.D. 56512.                                  
    Cape Vincent                                                            
    Champlain-Rouses Point...  Including territory described in T.D. 67-68. 
    Massena..................  T.D. 54834.                                  
    + New York...............  Including territory described in E.O. 4205,  
                                Apr. 15, 1925 (T.D. 40809).                 
    Sodus Point                                                             
    Trout River..............  Consolidated port includes Chateaugay and    
                                Fort Covington, T.D. 83-253.                
                                 North Carolina                             
    Beaufort-Morehead City...  Including territory described in T.D. 87-76. 
    Charlotte................  T.D. 56079.                                  
    Durham...................  E.O. 4876, May 3, 1928; including territory  
                                described in E.O. 9433, Apr. 4, 1944 (9 FR  
                                3761), and T.D. 82-9.                       
    Reidsville...............  E.O. 5159, July 18, 1929; including territory
                                described in E.O. 9433, Apr. 6, 1944 (9 FR  
    Wilmington...............  Including townships of Northwest, Wilmington,
                                and Cape Fear, E.O. 7761, Dec. 3, 1937 (2 FR
                                2679); including territory described in E.O.
                                10042, Mar. 10, 1949 (14 FR 1155).          
    Winston-Salem............  Including territory described in T.D. 87-64. 
                                  North Dakota                              
    Ambrose..................  E.O. 5835, April 13, 1932.                   
    Carbury..................  E.O. 5137, June 17, 1929.                    
    Dunseith.................  E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2 FR 1245).        
    Fortuna..................  E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2 FR 1245).        
    Maida....................  E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2 FR 1245).        
    [[Page 50016]]
    Noonan...................  E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2 FR 1245).        
    St. John.................  E.O. 5835, Apr. 13, 1932.                    
    Westhope.................  E.O. 4236, June 1, 1925.                     
    Ashtabula/Conneaut.......  Consolidated port, T.D. 77-232.              
    Cincinnati, OH-            Consolidated port, T.D. 84-91.               
     Lawrenceburg, IN.                                                      
    Cleveland................  Including territory described in T.D. 77-232;
                                consolidated port, T.D. 87-123.             
    Columbus.................  Including territory described in T.D. 82-9.  
    Dayton...................  Including territory described in T.D. 76-77. 
    Toledo-Sandusky..........  Consolidated port, T.D. 84-89.               
    Oklahoma City............  Including territory described in T.D. 66-132.
    Tulsa....................  T.D. 69-142.                                 
    Astoria..................  Including territory described in T.D. 73-338.
    Coos Bay.................  E.O. 4094, Oct. 28, 1924; E.O. 5193, Sept.   
                                14, 1929; E.O. 5445, Sept. 16, 1930; E.O.   
                                9533, Mar. 23, 1945 (10 FR 3173).           
    Longview.................  Including territory described in T.D. 73-338.
    Erie.....................  Including territory described in T.D. 77-5.  
    Harrisburg...............  T.D. 71-233.                                 
    Lehigh Valley............  T.D. 93-75.                                  
    Philadelphia-Chester, PA   Consolidated port includes Wilmington, DE,   
     and Wilmington, DE.        and Camden, Gloucester City, and Salem, NJ, 
                                T.D. 84-195.                                
    Pittsburgh...............  Including territory described in T.D. 67-197.
    Wilkes-Barre/Scranton....  T.D. 75-64.                                  
                                   Puerto Rico                              
    Humacao..................  Including territory described in T.D. 70-157.
    Jobos....................  E.O. 9162, May 13, 1942 (7 FR 3569).         
    Mayaguez.................  T.D. 22305.                                  
    Ponce....................  Including territory described in T.D. 54017. 
    San Juan.................  Including territory described in T.D. 54017. 
                                  Rhode Island                              
    Providence...............  Including territory described in T.D. 67-3.  
                                 South Carolina                             
    Charleston...............  Including territory described in T.D. 76-142.
    Columbia.................  Including all territory in Richland and      
                                Lexington Counties, T.D. 82-239.            
    Greenville-Spartanburg...  T.D. 70-148.                                 
    Chattanooga..............  (Restated in T.D. 84-126).                   
    [[Page 50017]]
    Knoxville................  T.D. 75-128. (Restated in T.D. 84-126).      
    Memphis..................  (Restated in T.D. 84-126).                   
    Nashville................  (Restated in T.D. 84-126).                   
    Amarillo.................  T.D. 75-129.                                 
    Austin...................  T.D. 81-170.                                 
    Beaumont, Orange, Port     Consolidated port, T.D. 74-231; including    
     Arthur, Sabine.            territory described in T.D. 81-160.         
    Brownsville..............  Including territory described in T.D. 79-254.
    Dallas-Fort Worth........  T.D. 73-297; T.D. 79-232; T.D. 81-170.       
    Del Rio                                                                 
    Eagle Pass...............  Including territory described in T.D. 91-93. 
    El Paso..................  T.D. 54407, including territory described in 
                                T.D. 78-221.                                
    Fabens...................  E.O. 4869, May 1, 1928.                      
    Hidalgo..................  T.D. 85-164.                                 
    + Houston-Galveston......  Consolidated port includes territory lying   
                                within corporate limits of both Houston and 
                                Galveston, and remaining territory in Harris
                                and Galveston Counties, T.D.s 81-160 and 82-
                                15; includes Corpus Christi, E.O. 8288, Nov.
                                22, 1939 (4 FR 4691), and territory         
                                described in T.D. 78-130; includes Freeport,
                                E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2 FR 1245); and   
                                includes Port Lavaca-Point Comfort, T.D.    
    Laredo...................  Including territory described in T.D. 90-69. 
    Lubbock..................  T.D. 76-79.                                  
    Presidio.................  E.O. 2702, Sept. 7, 1917.                    
    Progreso.................  T.D. 85-164.                                 
    Rio Grande City..........  Including territory described in T.D. 92-43. 
    Roma.....................  E.O. 4830, Mar. 14, 1928.                    
    San Antonio                                                             
    Salt Lake City...........  T.D. 69-76.                                  
    Beecher Falls                                                           
    Burlington...............  Including town of South Burlington, T.D.     
    Derby Line                                                              
    Highgate Springs/Alburg..  E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2 FR 1245);        
                                includes territory described in T.D. 77-165.
    Norton...................  T.D. 73-249.                                 
    St. Albans...............  Including township of St. Albans, E.O. 3925, 
                                Nov. 13, 1923; E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2  
                                FR 1245); T.D. 77-165.                      
    Alexandria, VA...........  T.D. 68-67.                                  
    Front Royal..............  T.D. 89-63.                                  
    Norfolk-Newport News.....  Consolidated port includes waters and shores 
                                of Hampton Roads.                           
    Richmond-Petersburg......  Consolidated port, T.D. 68-179.              
                              Virgin Islands, U.S.                          
    Charlotte Amalie, St.                                                   
    Christiansted, St. Croix                                                
    Coral Bay, St. John                                                     
    Cruz Bay, St. John                                                      
    Frederiksted, St. Croix                                                 
    Aberdeen.................  Including territory described in T.D.s 56229,
                                79-169, and 84-90.                          
    Blaine...................  E.O. 5835, Apr. 13, 1932.                    
    Boundary.................  T.D. 67-65.                                  
    Frontier.................  T.D. 67-65.                                  
    Lynden...................  E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2 FR 1245).        
    Metaline Falls...........  E.O. 7632, June 15, 1937 (2 FR 1245).        
    [[Page 50018]]
    Oroville.................  E.O. 5206, Oct. 11, 1929.                    
    Point Roberts............  T.D. 78-272.                                 
    Puget Sound..............  Consolidated port includes Seattle,          
                                Anacortes, Bellingham, Everett, Friday      
                                Harbor, Neah Bay, Olympia, Port Angeles,    
                                Port Towsend, and Tacoma, T.D. 83-146.      
                                 West Virginia                              
    Charleston...............  T.D. 73-170 and including territory described
                                in T.D. 73-212.                             
    Duluth, MN and Superior,   Including territory described in T.D. 55904. 
    Green Bay................  Including townships of Ashwaubenon, Allouez, 
                                Preble, and Howard, and city of De Pere,    
                                T.D. 54597.                                 
    Marinette................  Including Menominee, MI.                     
    Milwaukee................  Including territory described in T.D. 72-105.
    Racine...................  Including city of Kenosha and townships of   
                                Mount Pleasant and Somers, T.D. 54884.      
    + Indicates Drawback unit/office.                                       
        (2) Customs service ports. A list of Customs service ports and the 
    States in which they are located is set forth below:
                   State                            Service ports           
    Alabama............................  Mobile.                            
    Alaska.............................  Anchorage.                         
    Arizona............................  Nogales.                           
    California.........................  Los Angeles.                       
                                         San Diego.                         
                                         San Francisco.                     
    Colorado...........................  Denver.                            
    Florida............................  Miami.                             
    Georgia............................  Savannah.                          
    Hawaii.............................  Honolulu.                          
    Illinois...........................  Chicago.                           
    Louisiana..........................  New Orleans.                       
    Maine..............................  Portland.                          
    Maryland...........................  Baltimore.                         
    Massachusetts......................  Boston.                            
    Michigan...........................  Detroit.                           
    Minnesota..........................  Duluth.                            
    Missouri...........................  St. Louis.                         
    Montana............................  Great Falls.                       
    New Jersey.........................  New York/Newark.                   
    New York...........................  Buffalo.                           
                                         New York/Newark.                   
    North Carolina.....................  Charlotte.                         
    North Dakota.......................  Pembina.                           
    Ohio...............................  Cleveland.                         
    Oregon.............................  Portland.                          
    Pennsylvania.......................  Philadelphia.                      
    Puerto Rico........................  San Juan.                          
    Rhode Island.......................  Providence.                        
    South Carolina.....................  Charleston.                        
    Texas..............................  Dallas.                            
                                         El Paso.                           
    Vermont............................  St. Albans.                        
    Virginia...........................  Dulles.                            
    Virgin Islands.....................  Charlotte Amalie.                  
    Washington.........................  Blaine.                            
    Wisconsin..........................  Milwaukee.                         
    Sec. 101.4  [Amended]
        4. In Sec. 101.4, paragraph (c) is revised to read as follows:
              Customs station                 Supervisory port of entry     
    Barrow.............................  Fairbanks.                         
    Dutch Harbor.......................  Anchorage.                         
    Eagle..............................  Alcan.                             
    Fort Yukon.........................  Fairbanks.                         
    Haines.............................  Dalton Cache.                      
    Hyder..............................  Ketchikan.                         
    Kaktovik (Barter Island)...........  Fairbanks.                         
    Kenai (Nikiski)....................  Anchorage.                         
    Kodiak.............................  Anchorage.                         
    Northway...........................  Alcan.                             
    Pelican............................  Juneau.                            
    Petersburg.........................  Wrangell.                          
    Campo..............................  Tecate.                            
    Monterey...........................  San Francisco-Oakland.             
    Otay Mesa..........................  San Diego.                         
    San Ysidro.........................  San Diego.                         
    Colorado Springs...................  Denver.                            
    Lewes..............................   Philadelphia, PA.                 
    Fort Pierce........................  West Palm Beach.                   
    Green Cove Springs.................  Jacksonville.                      
    Port St. Joe.......................  Panama City.                       
    Fort Wayne.........................  Indianapolis.                      
    Bucksport..........................  Belfast.                           
    Coburn Gore........................  Jackman.                           
    Daaquam............................  Jackman.                           
    Easton.............................  Fort Fairfield.                    
    Estcourt...........................  Fort Kent.                         
    Forest City........................  Houlton.                           
    Hamlin.............................  Van Buren.                         
    Salisbury..........................  Baltimore.                         
    Provincetown.......................  Plymouth.                          
    [[Page 50019]]
    Alpena.............................  Saginaw-Bay City-Flint.            
    Detour.............................  Sault Ste. Marie.                  
    Escanaba...........................  Sault Ste. Marie.                  
    Grand Haven........................  Muskegon.                          
    Houghton...........................  Sault Ste. Marie.                  
    Marquette..........................  Sault Ste. Marie.                  
    Rogers City........................  Saginaw-Bay City-Flint.            
    Crane Lake.........................  Duluth, MN-Superior, WI.           
    Ely................................  Duluth, MN-Superior, WI.           
    Lancaster..........................  Noyes.                             
    Oak Island.........................  Warroad.                           
    Biloxi.............................  Mobile, AL.                        
    Wild Horse.........................  Great Falls.                       
    Willow Creek.......................  Great Falls.                       
                                   New Jersey                               
    Atlantic City......................  Philadelphia-Chester, PA and       
                                          Wilmington, DE.                   
    Port Norris........................   Philadelphia-Chester, PA and      
                                          Wilmington, DE.                   
    Tuckerton..........................  Philadelphia-Chester, PA and       
                                          Wilmington, DE, PA.               
                                    New York                                
    Cannons Corners....................  Champlain-Rouses Point.            
    Churubusco.........................  Trout River.                       
    Jamieson's Line....................  Trout River.                       
                                  New Hampshire                             
    Pittsburg..........................  Beecher Falls, VT.                 
    Monticello.........................  Houlton, ME.                       
    Orient.............................  Houlton, ME.                       
    Ste. Aurelie.......................  Jackman, ME.                       
    St. Pamphile.......................  Jackman, ME.                       
                                   New Mexico                               
    Antelope Wells (Mail: Hachita, NM).   Rio Grande City, TX.              
                                  North Dakota                              
    Grand Forks........................  Pembina.                           
    Minot..............................  Pembina.                           
    Akron..............................  Cleveland.                         
    Fairport Harbor....................  Ashtabula/Conneaut.                
    Lorain.............................  Sandusky.                          
    Marblehead-Lakeside................  Sandusky.                          
    Put-in-Bay.........................  Sandusky.                          
    Muskogee...........................  Tulsa.                             
    Amistad Dam........................  Del Rio.                           
    Falcon Dam.........................  Roma.                              
    Fort Hancock.......................  Fabens.                            
    Los Ebanos.........................  Rio Grande City.                   
    Marathon...........................  El Paso.                           
    Beebe Plaine.......................  Derby Line.                        
    Canaan.............................  Beecher Falls.                     
    East Richford......................  Richford.                          
    Newport............................  Derby Line.                        
    North Troy.........................  Derby Line.                        
    West Berkshire.....................  Richford.                          
    Sec. 101.6  [Amended]
        5. In Sec. 101.6, paragraph (e) is amended by removing these words 
    in the parenthetical ``and are approved by the Commissioner of 
    Customs'', and the last sentence.
        1. The authority citation for part 103 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301, 552, 552a; 19 U.S.C. 66, 1624; 31 
    U.S.C. 9701.
    Sec. 103.1  [Amended]
        2. Section 103.1 is amended by removing from the list the entry for 
    the ``Northeast Region'', ``New York Region'', ``North Central 
    Region'', ``Southeast Region'', ``South Central Region'', ``Southwest 
    Region'', and ``Pacific Region''.
        1. The general authority citation for part 111 is revised to read 
    as follows:
        Authority: 19 U.S.C. 66, 1202 (General Note 20, Harmonized 
    Tariff Schedule of the United States), 1624, 1641.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 111.1  [Amended]
        2. Section 111.1 is amended by removing the paragraph designations 
    for all definitions and placing them in appropriate alphabetical order, 
    and adding, in appropriate alphabetical order, the definitions of 
    ``district'', ``district director'', and ``Region'' to read as follows:
    Sec. 111.1  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        District. ``District'' means the geographic area covered by a 
    Customs broker permit issued under this part. A listing of each 
    district, and the ports thereunder, will be published on or before 
    October 1, 1995, and whenever updated.
        District director. ``District director'' means the port director of 
    Customs at the port designated as a district for purposes of this part.
    * * * * *
        Region. ``Region'' means the geographic area covered by a waiver 
    issued pursuant to Sec. 111.19(d).
    * * * * *
    Sec. 111.13  [Removed]
        3. In Sec. 111.13, paragraph (f) is removed.
    Sec. 111.19  [Amended]
        4. In Sec. 111.19, paragraph (d) is amended by removing the last 
    Sec. 111.23  [Removed]
        5. In Sec. 111.23, paragraph (e)(3) is removed.
    Sec. 111.25  [Removed]
        6. In Sec. 111.45, paragraph (c) is amended by removing the third 
        1. The authority citation for part 112 continues to read as 
        Authority: 19 U.S.C. 66, 1551, 1565, 1623, 1624.
    Sec. 112.1  [Amended]
        2. Section 112.1 is amended by removing the paragraph designations 
    for all definitions and placing them in appropriate alphabetical order, 
    and adding, in appropriate alphabetical order, the definition of 
    ``district'' to read as follows:
    Sec. 112.1  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        District. ``District'' means the geographic area in which the 
    parties excepted by the last sentence of Sec. 112.2(b)(2) may operate 
    under their bonds without obtaining a cartage or lighterage license 
    issued under this Part. A listing of each district, and the ports 
    thereunder, will be published on or before October 1, 1995, and 
    whenever updated.
    * * * * *
    [[Page 50020]]
    Sec. 112.2  [Amended]
        3. Section 112.2 is amended by adding the parenthetical phrase 
    ``(see definition of ``district'' at Sec. 112.1)'' following the words 
    ``district boundaries'' wherever they appear.
        1. The general authority citation for part 113 continues to read as 
        Authority: 19 U.S.C. 66, 1623, 1624.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 113.37  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 113.37, paragraph (a) is amended by removing the second 
    sentence; and paragraph (g)(2) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 113.37  Corporate sureties.
    * * * * *
        (g) * * *
        (2) Filing. The corporate surety power of attorney executed on 
    Customs Form 5297 shall be filed with Customs. The original(s) of the 
    corporate surety power of attorney shall be retained at the port where 
    it(they) was(were) filed.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 113.38  [Amended]
        3. In Sec. 113.38, paragraph (c)(2) is removed and paragraphs 
    (c)(3)-(7) are redesignated as paragraphs (c)(2)-(6).
    Sec. 113.39  [Amended]
        4. In Sec. 113.39, the introductory text of paragraph (a) is 
    amended by removing the second sentence.
        1. The authority citation for part 118 continues to read as 
        Authority: 19 U.S.C. 66, 1499, 1623, 1624.
    Sec. 118.4  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 118.4, paragraphs (g) and (l) are amended by adding the 
    parenthetical phrase ``(see definition of ``district'' at Sec. 112.1)'' 
    following the words ``district boundaries''.
    Sec. 118.24  [Removed]
        3. Section 118.24 is removed.
        1. The authority citation for part 122 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 19 U.S.C. 58b, 66, 1433, 1436, 1459, 
    1590, 1594, 1623, 1624, 1644; 46 U.S.C.App. 1509.
    Sec. 122.14  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 122.14, paragraph (e) is amended by removing the second 
    Sec. 122.31  [Amended]
        3. In Sec. 122.31, paragraph (b) is amended by removing the third 
    and fourth sentences.
        1. The authority citation for part 127 continues to read as 
        Authority: 19 U.S.C. 66, 1311, 1312, 1484, 1485, 1490, 1491, 
    1492, 1506, 1559, 1563, 1623, 1624, 1646a; 26 U.S.C. 7553.
        2. Section 127.22 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 127.22  Place of sale.
        The port director, in his discretion, may authorize the sale of 
    merchandise subject to sale (including explosives, perishable articles 
    and articles liable to depreciation) at any port. The consignee of any 
    merchandise which is to be transferred from the port where it was 
    imported to another port for sale, shall be notified of the transfer so 
    that he may have the option of making entry of the merchandise before 
    the transfer and sale.
        1. The general authority citation for part 141 continues to read as 
        Authority: 19 U.S.C. 66, 1448, 1484, 1624.
    * * * * *
        2. Section 141.45 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 141.45  Certified copies of power of attorney.
        Upon request of a party in interest, a port director having on file 
    an original power of attorney document (which is not limited to 
    transactions in a specific Customs location) will forward a certified 
    copy of the document to another port director.
        1. The authority citation for part 142 continues to read as 
        Authority: 19 U.S.C. 66, 1448, 1484, 1624.
    Sec. 142.13  [Amended]
        2. Section 142.13 is amended by adding a new paragraph (a)(4); by 
    removing paragraph (b); and by redesignating paragraph (c) as paragraph 
    (b). Paragraph (a)(4) reads as follows:
    Sec. 142.13  When entry summary must be filed at time of entry.
        (a) * * *
        (4) Is substantially or habitually delinquent in the payment of 
    Customs bills. See Sec. 142.14.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 142.25  [Amended]
        3. Section 142.25 is amended by adding a new paragraph (a)(4); by 
    removing paragraph (b); and by redesignating paragraph (c) as paragraph 
    (b). Paragraph (a)(4) reads as follows:
    Sec. 142.25  Discontinuance of immediate delivery privileges.
        (a) * * *
        (4) Is substantially or habitually delinquent in the payment of 
    Customs bills. See Sec. 142.26.
    * * * * *
        1. The general authority citation for part 146 is revised to read 
    as follows:
        Authority: 19 U.S.C. 66, 81a-81u, 1202 (General Note 20, 
    Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States), 1623, 1624.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 146.4  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 146.4, paragraph (h) is amended by adding the 
    parenthetical phrase ``(see definition of ``district'' at Sec. 112.1)'' 
    following the words ``district boundaries''.
    Sec. 146.40  [Amended]
        3. In Sec. 146.40, paragraph (b) is amended by adding the 
    parenthetical phrase ``(see definition of ``district'' at Sec. 112.1)'' 
    following the words ``in the district'' in the introductory text.
        1. The authority citation for part 174 continues to read as 
        Authority: 19 U.S.C. 66, 1514, 1515, 1624.
    Sec. 174.1  [Amended]
        2. Section 174.1 is amended by removing paragraph (a), and removing 
    the paragraph designation for the remaining definition.
    George J. Weise,
    Commissioner of Customs.
        Approved: September 11, 1995.
    John P. Simpson,
    Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
    [FR Doc. 95-23728 Filed 9-26-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4820-02-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Customs Service
Entry Type:
Interim rule.
Document Number:
These changes are effective at 11:59 p.m., EST on September 30, 1995. Comments must be received on or before November 27, 1995.
50008-50020 (13 pages)
Docket Numbers:
T.D. 95-77
PDF File:
CFR: (35)
19 CFR 4.1
19 CFR 4.9
19 CFR 4.14
19 CFR 4.24
19 CFR 4.31
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