95-2065. Reorganization Establishing the International Bureau  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 18 (Friday, January 27, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 5322-5333]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-2065]
    47 CFR Parts 0, 1, 25, 43, 64, and 73
    [FCC 94-252]
    Reorganization Establishing the International Bureau
    AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This order amends various parts of the Federal Communications 
    Commission's regulations to reflect the creation of a new International 
    Bureau, and the abolition of the old Office of International 
    Communications. Some of the changes affect the internal structure of 
    the Commission; others affect the delegation of authority from the 
    Commission to the International Bureau and other bureaus and offices; 
    and others affect procedures for practice before the Commission.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: October 19, 1994.
    James L. Ball, (202) 418-0420.
    Adopted: September 27, 1994
    Released: October 19, 1994
        By the Commission:
        1. The Commission has before it for consideration a set of proposed 
    rule changes creating a new International Bureau. The proposed changes 
    affect the Office of International Communications, Mass Media Bureau, 
    Common Carrier Bureau, Field Operations Bureau, Private Radio Bureau, 
    and Office of Engineering and Technology. Implementation of the 
    proposed changes requires amendment of Parts 0, 1, 25, 43, 64, and 73 
    of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
        2. In order to create an effective organization in which to 
    centralize and consolidate the Commission's international policies and 
    activities, the Commission has determined to establish the new 
    International Bureau. The amendments adopted in this Order reflect the 
    creation of the new bureau, describe its functions, and set forth the 
    extent and nature of the authority delegated by the Commission to the 
    Chief of the International Bureau.
        3. The amendments adopted herein pertain to agency organization. 
    The prior notice procedure and effective date provisions of section 553 
    of the Administrative Procedure Act are therefore inapplicable. 
    Authority for the amendments adopted herein is contained in section 
    4(i), 5(b), 5(c)(1), and 303(r) of the Communications Act of 1934, as 
        4. It is hereby ordered, effective upon release of this Order, the 
    Parts 0, 1, 25, 43, 64, and 73 of the Commission's rules and 
    regulations, set forth in Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations, 
    be amended as set forth below.
    List of Subjects
    47 CFR Part 0
        Organization and functions.
    47 CFR Part 1
        Administrative practice and procedure, Communications common 
    carriers, Radio, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 
    47 CFR Part 25
        Radio, Satellites.
    47 CFR Part 43
        Communications common carriers, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Telephone.
    47 CFR Part 64
        Communications common carriers, Foreign relations, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Telephone.
    47 CFR Part 73
        Radio broadcasting, Television broadcasting.
    [[Page 5323]] Federal Communications Commission.
    William F. Caton,
    Acting Secretary.
    Final Rules
        Parts 0, 1, 25, 43, 64, and 73 of Chapter I of Title 47 of the Code 
    of Federal Regulations are amended as follows:
        1. Section 0.5 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(13) to read as 
    Sec. 0.5  General description of Commission organization and 
        (a) * * *
        (13) International Bureau.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 0.11  [Amended]
        2. Section 0.11 is amended by removing paragraph (a)(11).
    Sec. 0.21  [Amended]
        3. Section 0.21 is amended by removing the words ``domestic'' and 
    ``interagency'' from paragraph (h), removing paragraph (i), and 
    redesignating existing paragraph (j) as new paragraph (i).
        4. Section 0.31 is amended by removing the last six words of 
    paragraph (f) and revising paragraph (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 0.31  Functions of the Office.
    * * * * *
        (b) Represent the Commission at various national conferences and 
    meetings (and, in consultation with the International Bureau, at 
    various international conferences and meetings) devoted to the progress 
    of communications and the development of technical and other 
    information and standards, and serve as Commission coordinator for the 
    various national conferences when appropriate.
    * * * * *
        5. Section 0.41 is amended by removing paragraph (c); redesignating 
    existing paragraphs (d) through (p) as new paragraphs (c) through (o), 
    respectively; and revising newly redesignated paragraph (i) to read as 
    Sec. 0.41  Functions of the Office.
    * * * * *
        (i) To cooperate with the International Bureau on all matters 
    pertaining to space satellite communications.
    * * * * *
        6. The heading ``Office of International Communications,'' which 
    appears immediately before Sec. 0.51, is revised to read as follows: 
    ``International Bureau.''
        7. Section 0.51 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 0.51  Functions of the Bureau.
        The International Bureau has the following duties and 
        (a) To initiate and direct the development and articulation of 
    international telecommunications policies, consistent with the 
    priorities of the Commission;
        (b) To advise the Chairman and Commissioners on matters of 
    international telecommunications policy, and on the adequacy of the 
    Commission's actions to promote the vital interests of the American 
    public in international commerce, national defense, and foreign policy;
        (c) To develop, recommend, and administer policies, rules, 
    standards, and procedures for the authorization and regulation of 
    international telecommunications facilities and services, domestic and 
    international satellite systems, and international broadcast services;
        (d) To monitor compliance with the terms and conditions of 
    authorizations and licenses granted by the Bureau, and to pursue 
    enforcement actions in conjunction with appropriate bureaus and 
        (e) To represent the Commission on international telecommunications 
    matters at both domestic and international conferences and meetings, 
    and to direct and coordinate the Commission's preparation for such 
    conferences and meetings;
        (f) To serve as the single focal point within the Commission for 
    cooperation and consultation on international telecommunications 
    matters with other federal agencies, international or foreign 
    organizations, and appropriate regulatory bodies and officials of 
    foreign governments;
        (g) To develop, coordinate with other federal agencies, and 
    administer the regulatory assistance and training programs for foreign 
    administrations to promote telecommunications development;
        (h) To provide advice and technical assistance to U.S. trade 
    officials in the negotiation and implementation of telecommunications 
    trade agreements, and consult with other bureaus and offices as 
        (i) To conduct economic, legal, technical, statistical, and other 
    appropriate studies, surveys, and analyses in support of international 
    telecommunications policies and programs.
        (j) To collect and disseminate within the Commission information 
    and data on international telecommunications policies, regulatory and 
    market developments in other countries, and international 
        (k) To work with the Office of Legislative Affairs to coordinate 
    the Commission's activities on significant matters of international 
    policy with appropriate Congressional offices;
        (l) To promote the international coordination of spectrum 
    allocations and frequency and orbital assignments so as to minimize 
    cases of international radio interference involving U.S. licensees;
        (m) To direct and coordinate, in consultation with other bureaus 
    and offices as appropriate, negotiation of international agreements to 
    provide for arrangements and procedures for coordination of radio 
    frequency assignments to prevent or resolve international radio 
    interference involving U.S. licensees;
        (n) To ensure fulfillment of the Commission's responsibilities 
    under international agreements and treaty obligations, and, consistent 
    with Commission policy, to ensure that the Commission's regulations, 
    procedures, and frequency allocations comply with the mandatory 
    requirements of all applicable international and bilateral agreements;
        (o) To oversee and, as appropriate, administer activities 
    pertaining to the international consultation, coordination, and 
    notification of U.S. frequency and orbital assignments, including 
    activities required by bilateral agreements, the international Radio 
    Regulations, and other international agreements;
        (p) To advise the Chairman on priorities for international travel 
    and develop, coordinate, and administer the international travel plan; 
        (q) To develop, recommend, and administer policies; rules, and 
    regulations implementing the Commission's oversight responsibilities 
    regarding COMSAT's participation in INTELSAT and INMARSAT.
    Sec. 0.61  [Amended]
        8. Section 0.61 is amended by removing paragraph (b) and 
    redesignating paragraphs (c) through (h) as new paragraphs (b) through 
    (g), respectively.
        9. Section 0.91 is amended by revising the first two sentences of 
    introductory text to read as follows:
    Sec. 0.91  Functions of the Bureau.
        The Common Carrier Bureau develops, recommends, and administers 
    policies and programs for the regulation [[Page 5324]] of services, 
    facilities, and practices of entities (excluding public coast stations 
    in the maritime mobile service and multi-point and multi-channel multi-
    point distribution services) which furnish interstate communications 
    service or interstate access service for hire--whether by wire, 
    terrestrial radio, or cable--and of ancillary operations related to the 
    provision or use of such services. The Bureau also develops, 
    recommends, and administers policies and programs for the regulation of 
    the rates, terms, and conditions under which communications entities 
    furnish interstate communications service, interstate access service, 
    and (in cooperation with the International Bureau) foreign 
    communications service for hire--whether by wire, terrestrial radio, 
    cable, or satellite. * * *
    * * * * *
        10. Section 0.91 is further amended by removing existing paragraphs 
    (b), (d), and (k); redesignating existing paragraph (c) as new 
    paragraph (b); redesignating existing paragraphs (e) through (j) as new 
    paragraphs (c) through (h), respectively; redesignating existing 
    paragraphs (l) through (n) as new paragraphs (i) through (k), 
    respectively; and revising newly redesignated paragraph (i) to read as 
    Sec. 0.91  Functions of the Bureau.
    * * * * *
        (i) Acts on matters affecting public coast stations in the maritime 
    service which concern tariffs, terms of interconnection, and rate or 
    economic analysis.
    * * * * *
        11. Section 0.111 is amended by revising paragraph (e) to read as 
    Sec. 0.111  Functions of the Bureau.
    * * * * *
        (e) Participate in international conferences dealing with 
    monitoring and measurements; serve, in consultation with the 
    International Bureau, as the point of contact for the United States 
    government in matters of international monitoring, fixed and mobile 
    direction finding, and interference elimination.
    * * * * *
        12. Section 0.131 is amended by removing paragraph (b) and 
    redesignating existing paragraphs (c) through (k) as new paragraphs (b) 
    through (j), respectively.
    Sec. 0.241  [Amended]
        13. Section 0.241 is amended by removing paragraph (a)(6) and 
    redesignating existing paragraphs (a)(7) through (a)(9) as new 
    paragraphs (a)(6) through (a)(8), respectively.
        14. A new center heading and a new section 0.261 is added to 
    Subpart B to read as follows:
    International Bureau
    Sec. 0.261  Authority delegated.
        (a) Subject to the limitations set forth in paragraph (b) of this 
    section, the Chief, International Bureau, is hereby delegated the 
    authority to perform the functions and activities described in 
    Sec. 0.51, including without limitation the following:
        (1) To recommend rulemakings, studies, and analyses (legal, 
    engineering, social, and economic) of various petitions for policy 
    or rule changes submitted by industry or the public, and to assist 
    the Commission in conducting the same;
        (2) To assume the principal representational role on behalf of 
    the Commission in international conferences, meetings, and 
    negotiations, and direct Commission preparation for such 
    conferences, meetings, and negotiations with other bureaus and 
    offices, as appropriate;
        (3) To act upon applications for international 
    telecommunications facilities and services pursuant to part 23 of 
    this chapter and relevant portions of part 63 of this chapter, and 
    coordinate with the Common Carrier Bureau as appropriate;
        (4) To act upon applications for international and domestic 
    satellite systems and earth stations pursuant to part 25 of this 
        (5) To act upon applications for cable landing licenses pursuant 
    to Sec. 1.767 of this chapter;
        (6) To act upon requests for designation of Recognized Private 
    Operating Agency (RPOA) status under part 63 of this chapter;
        (7) To act upon applications relating to international broadcast 
    station operations, or for permission to deliver programming to 
    foreign stations, under part 73 of this chapter;
        (8) To administer and enforce the policies and rules on 
    international settlements under part 64 of this chapter;
        (9) To administer portions of part 2 of this chapter dealing 
    with international treaties and call sign provisions, and to make 
    call sign assignments, individually and in blocks, to U.S. 
    Government agencies and FCC operating bureaus;
        (10) To act upon applications for closure of public coast 
    stations in the maritime service under part 63 of this chapter;
        (11) To administer Commission participation in the International 
    Telecommunication Union (ITU) Fellowship telecommunication training 
    program for foreign officials offered through the U.S. 
    Telecommunications Training Institute;
        (12) In consultation with the affected Bureaus and Offices, to 
    recommend revision of Commission rules and procedures as appropriate 
    to conform to the outcomes of international conferences, agreements, 
    or treaties;
        (13) To notify the ITU of the United States' terrestrial and 
    satellite assignments for inclusion in the Master International 
    Frequency Register;
        (14) To conduct studies and compile such data relating to 
    international telecommunications as may be necessary for the 
    Commission to develop and maintain an adequate regulatory program; 
        (15) To interpret and enforce rules and regulations pertaining 
    to matters under its jurisdiction.
        (b) Notwithstanding the authority delegated in paragraph (a) of 
    this section, the Chief, International Bureau, shall not have 
        (1) To act on any application, petition, pleading, complaint, 
    enforcement matter, or other request that:
        (i) Presents new or novel arguments not previously considered by 
    the Commission;
        (ii) Presents facts or arguments which appear to justify a 
    change in Commission policy; or
        (iii) Cannot be resolved under outstanding precedents and 
    guidelines after consultation with appropriate Bureaus or Offices.
        (2) To issue notices of proposed rulemaking, notices of inquiry, 
    or reports or orders arising from rulemaking or inquiry proceedings;
        (3) To act upon any application for review of actions taken by 
    the Chief, International Bureau, pursuant to delegated authority, 
    which application complies with Sec. 1.115 of this chapter;
        (4) To act upon any formal or informal radio application or 
    section 214 application for common carrier services which is in 
    hearing status;
        (5) To designate for hearing any applications except:
        (i) Mutually exclusive applications for radio facilities filed 
    pursuant to part 23, 25, or 73 of this chapter; and
        (ii) Applications for facilities where the issues presented 
    relate solely to whether the applicant has complied with outstanding 
    precedents and guidelines; or
        (6) To impose, reduce, or cancel forfeitures pursuant to section 
    203 or section 503(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 
    in amounts of more than $20,000.
        15. A new section 0.262 is added to Subpart B to read as follows:
    Sec. 0.262  Record of actions taken.
        The application and authorization files in the appropriate central 
    files of the International Bureau are designated as the Commission's 
    official records of actions by the Chief, International Bureau, 
    pursuant to authority delegated to him.
        16. Section 0.291 is amended by removing paragraph (d), 
    redesignating existing paragraphs (e) through (i) as new paragraphs (d) 
    through (h), respectively; and revising newly redesignated paragraphs 
    (d), (g), and (h) to read as follows:
    Sec. 0.291  Authority delegated.
    * * * * *
        (d) Authority to designate for hearing. The Chief, Common Carrier 
    Bureau, [[Page 5325]] shall not have authority to designate for hearing 
    any formal complaints which present novel questions of fact, law, or 
    policy which cannot be resolved under outstanding precedents or 
    guidelines. The Chief, Common Carrier Bureau, shall not have authority 
    to designate for hearing any applications except:
        (1) Applications for radio facilities filed pursuant to parts 21 
    or 22 of this chapter which are mutually exclusive and
        (2) Applications for facilities where the issues presented 
    relate solely to whether the applicant has complied with outstanding 
    precedents and guidelines.
    * * * * *
        (g) Authority concerning rulemaking and investigatory proceedings. 
    The Chief, Common Carrier Bureau, shall not have authority to issue 
    notices of proposed rulemaking, notices of inquiry, or reports or 
    orders arising from either of the foregoing, except that the Chief, 
    Common Carrier Bureau, shall have authority, in consultation and 
    coordination with the Chief, International Bureau, to issue and revise 
    a manual on the details of the reporting requirements for international 
    carriers set forth in Sec. 43.61(d) of this chapter.
        (h) Authority concerning public coast stations in the maritime 
    service. The Chief, Common Carrier Bureau, shall have authority to act 
    on matters affecting public coast stations in the maritime service 
    which concern tariffs and rates and terms of interconnection.
        17. Section 0.332 is amended by removing paragraph (b), 
    redesignating existing paragraphs (c) through (i) as new paragraphs (b) 
    through (h) respectively; and revising newly redesignated paragraph (f) 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 0.332  Actions taken under delegated authority.
    * * * * *
        (f) Requests involving coordination with other Federal or state 
    agencies when appropriate--Office of General Counsel, Office of 
    Engineering and Technology or operating bureau.
    * * * * *
        18. Section 0.401 is amended by revising paragraph (b)(1) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 0.401  Location of Commission offices.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (1) Applications and filings submitted by mail shall be addressed 
    to the Mellon Bank in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The bank maintains 
    separate post office boxes for the receipt of different types of 
    applications. It will also establish special post office boxes to 
    receive responses to special filings such as applications filed in 
    response to ``filing windows'' established by the Commission. The 
    address for the submission of filings will be established in the Public 
    Notice announcing the filing dates. In all other cases, applications 
    and filings submitted by mail should be sent to the addresses listed in 
    the appropriate fee rules in subpart G of part 1 of this chapter 
    (Secs. 1.102 through 1.1107 of this chapter).
    * * * * *
    Sec. 0.401  [Amended]
        19. Section 0.401 is further amended by removing the parenthetical 
    ``(Secs. 1.1102-1.1105)'' from paragraph (b)(2) and adding in its place 
    the following: ``(Secs. 1.1102-1.1107).''
        20. Section 0.453 is amended by removing paragraph (d)(1); 
    redesignating existing paragraphs (d)(2) and (d)(3) as new paragraphs 
    (d)(1) and (d)(2), respectively; removing paragraph (g)(3); and 
    revising paragraph (g)(2) and adding a new paragraph (m) to read as 
    Sec. 0.453  Public reference rooms.
    * * * * *
        (g) * * *
        (2) Section 214 applications and related files, to the extent that 
    they concern domestic communications facilities and services.
    * * * * *
        (m) The International Bureau Reference Room. Except to the extent 
    they are excluded from routine public inspection under another section 
    of this chapter, the following documents, files, and records are 
    available for inspection at this location:
        (1) Satellite and earth station application files and related 
    materials under part 25 of this chapter;
        (2) Section 214 applications and related files under part 63 of 
    this chapter, to the extent that they concern international 
    communications facilities and services;
        (3) International Fixed Public Radio applications and related 
    files under part 23 of this chapter;
        (4) Files relating to submarine cable landing licenses and 
    applications for such licenses since June 30, 1934, except for maps 
    showing the exact location of submarine cables, which are withheld 
    from inspection under section 4(j) of the Communications Act (see 
    Secs. 0.457(c)(1)(i));
        (5) Files relating to international settlements under part 64 of 
    this chapter;
        (6) Documents relating to INTELSAT or INMARSAT;
        (7) International broadcast applications, applications for 
    permission to deliver programming to foreign stations, and related 
    files under part 73 of this chapter; and
        (8) International settlement agreements and contracts and 
    international cable agreements.
        21. Section 0.455 is amended by removing paragraph (b)(14); 
    redesignating existing paragraphs (b)(15) and (b)(16) as new paragraphs 
    (b)(14) and (b)(15), respectively; and revising paragraph (b)(12) and 
    adding a new paragraph (g) to read as follows:
    Sec. 0.455  Other locations at which records may be inspected.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (12) All applications for common carrier authorizations acted upon 
    by the Common Carrier Bureau, and files relating thereto.
    * * * * *
        (g) International Bureau. The treaties and other international and 
    bilateral agreements listed in Sec. 73.1650 of this chapter are 
    available for inspection in the office of the Chief, Planning and 
    Negotiations Division, International Bureau.
    Sec. 1.1104  [Amended]
        22. Section 1.1104 is amended by removing entry 8 and redesignating 
    existing entry 9 as new entry 8.
        23. Section 1.1105 is amended by removing entries 10 through 19; 
    redesignating existing entries 20 through 22 as new entries 10 through 
    12; and revising entry 9 to read as follows:
    Sec. 1.1105  Schedule of charges for common carrier services.
                                                    Fee       Fee type                                              
             Action             FCC form No.       amount       code                        Address                 
            *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *        
    9. Section 214                                                                                                  
    [[Page 5326]]                                                                                                   
        a. Domestic Cable    Corr. and 159.....       $705  CUT           Federal Communications Commission, Common 
         Construction.                                                     Carrier Dom. Services, P.O. Box 358145,  
                                                                           Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5145.               
        b. All Other         Corr. and 159.....        705  CUT           Federal Communications Commission, Common 
         Domestic 214                                                      Carrier Dom. Services, P.O. Box 358145,  
         Applications.                                                     Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5145.               
        c. Special           Corr. and 159.....        705  CUT           Federal Communications Commissions, Common
         Temporary                                                         Carrier Dom. Services, P.O. Box 358145,  
         Authority (all                                                    Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5145.               
         domestic services).                                                                                        
        d. Assignments or    Corr. and 159.....        705  CUT           Federal Communications Commission, Common 
         Transfers (all                                                    Carrier Dom. Services, P.O. Box 358145,  
         domestic services).                                               Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5145.               
            *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *        
    Secs. 1.1107-1.1118  [Redesignated as Secs. 1.1108-1.1119]
        24. Sections 1.1107 through 1.1118 are redesignated as sections 
    1.1108 through 1.1119.
        25. A new Sec. 1.1107 is added to Subpart G to read as follows:
    Sec. 1.1107  Schedule of charges for international and satellite 
                                                                Fee type                                            
           Action              FCC form No.       Fee amount      code                       Address                
    1. International                                                                                                
     Broadcast Stations:                                                                                            
        a. New Station    309..................       $1,960  MSN           Federal Communications Commission,      
         and Facilities                                                      Planning and Negotiations Div'n, P.O.  
         Change CP.                                                          Box 358200, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5200. 
        b. License......  310..................          445  MNN           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Planning and Negotiations Div'n, P.O.  
                                                                             Box 358200, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5200. 
        c. Assignment or  314, 315, 316........           70  MCN           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Transfer (per                                                       Planning and Negotiations Div'n, P.O.  
         station).                                                           Box 358200, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5200. 
        d. Renewal......  311..................          110  MFN           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Planning and Negotiations Div'n, P.O.  
                                                                             Box 358200, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5200. 
        e. Frequency      N/A..................           45  MAN           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Assignment and                                                      Planning and Negotiations Div'n, P.O.  
         Coordination                                                        Box 358175, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5175. 
         (per frequency                                                                                             
        f. Special        N/A..................          115  MGN           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Temporary                                                           Planning and Negotiations Div'n, P.O.  
         Authority                                                           Box 358175, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5175. 
         (other than to                                                                                             
         remain silent                                                                                              
         or extend an                                                                                               
         existing STA to                                                                                            
         remain silent).                                                                                            
    2. International                                                                                                
     Fixed Public Radio                                                                                             
     (Public and Control                                                                                            
        a. Initial        407 and 159..........          590  CSN           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Construction                                                        Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         Authorization                                                       P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
         (per station).                                                      5115.                                  
        b. Assignment or  702 or 704...........          590  CSN           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Transfer (per                                                       Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         application).                                                       P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        c. Renewal (per   405..................          425  CON           Federal Communications Commission,      
         license).                                                           Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        d. Modification   403..................          425  CON           Federal Communications Commission,      
         (per station).                                                      Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        e. Extension of   701..................          215  CKN           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Construction                                                        Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         Authorization                                                       P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
         (per station).                                                      5115.                                  
        f. Special        Corr. and 159........          215  CKN           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Temporary                                                           Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         Authority or                                                        P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
         Request for                                                         5115.                                  
         Waiver (per                                                                                                
    3. Fixed Satellite                                                                                              
     Earth Stations:                                                                                                
        a. Initial                                                                                                  
            (i) Domestic  493 and 159..........        1,755  BAX           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          493 and 159..........        1,755  BAX           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
    [[Page 5327]]                                                                                                   
        b. Modification                                                                                             
         of License (per                                                                                            
            (i) Domestic  493 and 159..........          125  CGX           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          493 and 159..........          125  CGX           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        c. Assignment or                                                                                            
            (i) First                                                                                               
             station on                                                                                             
                (a)       702 or 704...........          345  CNX           Federal Communications Commission,      
                 Domesti                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                 c.                                                          P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
                (b)       702 or 704...........          345  CNX           Federal Communications Commission,      
                 Interna                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                 tional.                                                     P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii) Each                                                                                               
                (a)       702 or 704...........          115  CFX           Federal Communications Commission,      
                 Domesti                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                 c.                                                          P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
                (b)       702 or 704...........          115  CFX           Federal Communications Commission,      
                 Interna                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                 tional.                                                     P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        d. Developmental                                                                                            
         Station (per                                                                                               
            (i) Domestic  493 and 159..........        1,150  CWX           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          493 and 159..........        1,150  CWX           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        e. Renewal of                                                                                               
         License (per                                                                                               
            (i) Domestic  405..................          125  CGX           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          405..................          125  CGX           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        f. Special                                                                                                  
         Authority or                                                                                               
         Waivers of                                                                                                 
         (per request):                                                                                             
            (i) Domestic  Corr. and 159........          125  CGX           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          Corr. and 159........          125  CGS           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        g. Amendment of                                                                                             
         (per request):                                                                                             
            (i) Domestic  Corr. and 159........          125  CGX           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA l5251- 
            (ii)          Corr. and 159........          125  CGX           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        h. Extension of                                                                                             
         Permit (per                                                                                                
            (i) Domestic  701..................          125  CGX           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          701..................          125  CGX           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
    4. Fixed Satellite                                                                                              
     Small Transmit/                                                                                                
     Receive Earth                                                                                                  
     Stations (2 meters                                                                                             
     or less and                                                                                                    
     operating in the 4/                                                                                            
     6 GHz frequency                                                                                                
    [[Page 5328]]                                                                                                   
        a. Lead           493 and 159..........        3,885  BDS           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Application.                                                        Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        b. Routine        493 and 159..........           45  CAS           Federal Communications Commission,      
         application                                                         Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         (per station).                                                      P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        c. Modification   493 and 159..........          125  CGS           Federal Communications Commission,      
         of License (per                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         station).                                                           P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        d. Assignment or                                                                                            
            (i) First     702 and 704..........          345  CNS           Federal Communications Commission,      
             station on                                                      Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             application.                                                    P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii) Each     702 or 704...........           45  CAS           Federal Communications Commission,      
             additional                                                      Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             station.                                                        P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        e. Developmental  493 and 159..........        1,150  CWS           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Station (per                                                        Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         station).                                                           P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        f. Renewal of     405..................          125  CGS           Federal Communications Commission,      
         License (per                                                        Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         station).                                                           P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        g. Special        Corr. and 159........          125  CGS           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Temporary                                                           Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         Authority or                                                        P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
         Waivers of                                                          5160.                                  
         (per request).                                                                                             
        h. Amendment of   Corr. and 159........          125  CGS           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Application                                                         Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         (per station).                                                      P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        i. Extension of   701..................          125  CGS           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Construction                                                        Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         Permit (per                                                         P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
         station).                                                           5160.                                  
    5. Receive Only                                                                                                 
     Earth Stations:                                                                                                
        a. Initial                                                                                                  
         Application for                                                                                            
            (i) Domestic  493 and 159..........          265  CMO           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          493 and 159..........          265  CMO           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        b. Modification                                                                                             
         of License or                                                                                              
         (per station):                                                                                             
            (i) Domestic  493 and 159..........          125  CGO           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          493 and 159..........          125  CGO           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        c. Assignment or                                                                                            
            (i) First                                                                                               
             station on                                                                                             
                (a)       702 or 704...........          345  CNO           Federal Communications Commission,      
                 Domesti                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                 c.                                                          P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
                (b)       702 or 704...........          345  CNO           Federal Communications Commission,      
                 Interna                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                 tional.                                                     P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii) Each                                                                                               
                (a)       702 or 704...........          115  CFO           Federal Communications Commission,      
                 Domesti                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                 c.                                                          P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
                (b)       702 or 704...........          115  CFO           Federal Communications Commission,      
                 Interna                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                 tional.                                                     P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        d. Renewal of                                                                                               
         License (per                                                                                               
            (i) Domestic  405..................          125  CGO           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
    [[Page 5329]]                                                                                                   
            (ii)          405..................          125  CGO           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        e. Amendment of                                                                                             
         (per station):                                                                                             
            (i) Domestic  Corr. and 159........          125  CGO           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          Corr. and 159........          125  CGO           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        f. Extension of                                                                                             
         Permit (per                                                                                                
            (i) Domestic  701..................          125  CGO           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          701..................          125  CGO           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        g. Waivers (per                                                                                             
            (i) Domestic  Corr. and 159........          125  CGO           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          Corr. and 159........          125  CGO           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
    6. Fixed Satellite                                                                                              
     Very Small Aperture                                                                                            
     Terminal (VSAT)                                                                                                
        a. Initial        493 and 159..........        6,465  BGV           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Application                                                         Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         (per system).                                                       P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        b. Modification   493 and 159..........          125  CGV           Federal Communications Commission,      
         of License (per                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         system).                                                            P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        c. Assignment or  702 or 704...........        1,730  CZU           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Transfer of                                                         Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         System.                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        d. Developmental  493 and 159..........        1,150  CWV           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Station.                                                            Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        e. Renewal of     405..................          125  CGV           Federal Communications Commission,      
         License.                                                            Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        f. Special        Corr. and 159........          125  CGV           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Temporary                                                           Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         Authority or                                                        P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
         Waivers of                                                          5160.                                  
         (per request).                                                                                             
        g. Amendment of   Corr. and 159........          125  CGV           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Application                                                         Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         (per system).                                                       P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        h. Extension of   701..................          125  CGV           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Construction                                                        Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         Permit (per                                                         P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
         system).                                                            5160.                                  
    7. Mobile Satellite                                                                                             
     Earth Stations:                                                                                                
        a. Initial        493 and 159..........        6,465  BGB           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Application of                                                      Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         Blanket                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
         Authorization.                                                      5160.                                  
        b. Initial        493 and 159..........        1,550  CYB           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Application for                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         Individual                                                          P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
         Earth Station.                                                      5160.                                  
        c. Modification   493 and 159..........          125  CGB           Federal Communications Commission,      
         of License (per                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         system).                                                            P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        d. Assignment or  702 or 704...........        1,730  CZB           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Transfer (per                                                       Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         system).                                                            P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        e. Developmental  493 and 195..........        1,150  CWB           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Station.                                                            Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
    [[Page 5330]]                                                                                                   
        f. Renewal of     405..................          125  CGB           Federal Communications Commission,      
         License (per                                                        Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         system).                                                            P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        g. Special        Corr. and 159........          125  CGB           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Temporary                                                           Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         Authority or                                                        P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
         Waivers of                                                          5160.                                  
         (per request).                                                                                             
        h. Amendment of   Corr. and 159........          125  CGB           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Application                                                         Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         (per system).                                                       P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        i. Extension of   701..................          125  CGB           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Construction                                                        Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         Permit (per                                                         P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
         system).                                                            5160.                                  
    8. Radio                                                                                                        
     Satellite Earth                                                                                                
        a. Initial        493 and 159..........        6,465  BGH           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Application of                                                      Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         Blanket                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
         Authorization.                                                      5160.                                  
        b. Initial        493 and 159..........        1,550  CYH           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Application for                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         Individual                                                          P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
         Earth Station.                                                      5160.                                  
        c. Modification   493 and 159..........          125  CGH           Federal Communications Commission,      
         of License (per                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         system).                                                            P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        d. Assignment or  702 or 704...........        1,730  CZH           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Transfer (per                                                       Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         system).                                                            P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        e. Developmental  493 and 159..........        1,150  CWH           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Station.                                                            Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        f. Renewal of     405..................          125  CGH           Federal Communications Commission,      
         License (per                                                        Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         system).                                                            P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        g. Special        Corr. and 159........          125  CGH           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Temporary                                                           Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         Authority or                                                        P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
         Waivers of                                                          5160.                                  
         (per request).                                                                                             
        h. Amendment of   Corr. and 159........          125  CGH           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Application                                                         Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         (per system).                                                       P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        i. Extension of   701..................          125  CGH           Federal Communications Commission,      
         Construction                                                        Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
         Permit (per                                                         P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
         system).                                                            5160.                                  
    9. Space Stations:                                                                                              
        a. Application                                                                                              
         for Authority                                                                                              
         to Construct:                                                                                              
            (i) Domestic  Corr. and 159........        2,330  BBY           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          Corr. and 159........        2,330  BBY           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        b. Application                                                                                              
         for Authority                                                                                              
         to Launch and                                                                                              
            (i) Initial                                                                                             
                (a)       Corr. and 159........       80,360  BNY           Federal Communications Commission,      
                 Domesti                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                 c.                                                          P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
                (b)       Corr. and 159........       80,360  BNY           Federal Communications Commission,      
                 Interna                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                 tional.                                                     P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
                (a)       Corr. and 159........       80,360  BNY           Federal Communications Commission,      
                 Domesti                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                 c.                                                          P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
                (b)       Corr. and 159........       80,360  BNY           Federal Communications Commission,      
                 Interna                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                 tional.                                                     P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
    [[Page 5331]]                                                                                                   
        c. Assignment or                                                                                            
         Transfer (per                                                                                              
            (i) Domestic  702 or 704...........        5,740  BFY           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          702 or 704...........        5,740  BFY           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        d. Modification                                                                                             
         (per request):                                                                                             
            (i) Domestic  Corr. and 159........        5,740  BFY           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          Corr. and 159........        5,740  BFY           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        e. Special                                                                                                  
         Authority or                                                                                               
         Waiver of Prior                                                                                            
         (per request):                                                                                             
            (i) Domestic  Corr. and 159........          575  CRY           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          Corr. and 159........          575  CRY           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        f. Amendment of                                                                                             
            (i) Domestic  Corr. and 159........        1,150  CWY           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          Corr. and 159........        1,150  CWY           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        g. Extension of                                                                                             
         (per request):                                                                                             
            (i) Domestic  Corr. and 159........          575  CRY           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          Corr. and 159........          575  CRY           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
    10. Space Stations                                                                                              
     (Low Orbit):                                                                                                   
        a. Application                                                                                              
         for Authority                                                                                              
         to Construct:                                                                                              
            (i) Domestic  Corr. and 159........        6,890  CZW           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          Corr. and 159........        6,890  CZW           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        b. Application                                                                                              
         for Authority                                                                                              
         to Launch and                                                                                              
            (i) Domestic  Corr. and 159........      241,080  CLW           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          Corr. and 159........      241,080  CLW           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        c. Assignment or                                                                                            
         Transfer (per                                                                                              
            (i) Domestic  702 or 704...........        6,890  CZW           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          702 or 704...........        6,890  CZW           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        d. Modification                                                                                             
         (per request):                                                                                             
            (i) Domestic  Corr. and 159........       17,220  CGW           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
    [[Page 5332]]                                                                                                   
            (ii)          Corr. and 159........       17,220  CGW           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        e. Special                                                                                                  
         Authority or                                                                                               
         Waiver of Prior                                                                                            
         (per request):                                                                                             
            (i) Domestic  Corr. and 159........        1,725  CXW           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          Corr. and 159........        1,725  CXW           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        f. Amendment of                                                                                             
            (i) Domestic  Corr. and 159........        3,445  CAW           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          Corr. and 159........        3,445  CAW           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
        g. Extension of                                                                                             
         (per request):                                                                                             
            (i) Domestic  Corr. and 159........        1,725  CXW           Federal Communications Commission,      
                                                                             Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
                                                                             P.O. Box 358160, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
            (ii)          Corr. and 159........        1,725  CXW           Federal Communications Commission,      
             Internation                                                     Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n,
             al.                                                             P.O. Box 358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251- 
    11. Section 214                                                                                                 
     Cable Construction:                                                                                            
        a. Overseas       Corr. and 159........       10,480  BIT           Federal Communications Commission, IB   
         Cable                                                               Telecommunications Div'n, P.O. Box     
         Construction.                                                       358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5115.     
        b. Cable Landing                                                                                            
            (i) Common    Corr. and 159........        1,180  CXT           Federal Communications Commission, IB   
             carrier.                                                        Telecommunications Div'n, P.O. Box     
                                                                             358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5115.     
            (ii)          Corr. and 159........       11,655  BJT           Federal Communications Commission, IB   
             Replacement                                                     Telecommunications Div'n, P.O. Box     
             satellite.                                                      358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5115.     
        c. All Other      Corr. and 159........          705  CUT           Federal Communications Commission, IB   
         International                                                       Telecommunications Div'n, P.O. Box     
         Applications                                                        358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5115.     
         Under Section                                                                                              
        d. Special        Corr. and 159........          705  CUT           Federal Communications Commission, IB   
         Temporary                                                           Telecommunications Div'n, P.O. Box     
         Authority (all                                                      358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5115.     
        e. Assignments    Corr. and 159........          705  CUT           Federal Communications Commission, IB   
         or Transfers                                                        Telecommunications Div'n, P.O. Box     
         (all                                                                358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5115.     
    12. Recognized        Corr. and 159........          705  CUT           Federal Communications Commission, IB   
     Private Operating                                                       Telecommunications Div'n, P.O. Box     
     Status (per                                                             358115, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5115.     
    Sec. 1.1153  [Amended]
        26. Section 1.1153 is amended by removing ``International (HF) 
    Broadcast'' from the list of services and deleting the corresponding 
    fee and address information from the table appearing in that section.
        27.Section 1.1154 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1.1154  Schedule of annual regulatory changes and filing locations 
    for common carrier services.
                              Services                             amount                                        Address                                    
    Radio Facilities:                                                                                                                                       
        1. Cellular Radio (per 1,000 subscribers)..............        $60  FCC, Cellular, P.O. Box 358835, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5835.                      
        2. Personal Communications.............................         60  FCC, Cellular, P.O. Box 358835, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5835.                      
        3. Public Mobile (per 1,000 subscribers)...............         60  FCC, Cellular, P.O. Box 358835, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5835.                      
        4. Domestic Public Fixed...............................         55  FCC, Cellular, P.O. Box 358835, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5835.                      
        1. Inter-Exchange Carrier (per 1,000 presubscribed              60  FCC, Carriers, P.O. Box 358835, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5835.                      
        2. Local Exchange Carrier (per 1,000 access lines).....         60  FCC, Carriers, P.O. Box 358835, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5835.                      
        3. Competitive Access Provider (per 1,000 subscribers).         60  FCC, Carriers, P.O. Box 358835, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5835.                      
    [[Page 5333]] Secs. 1.1156-1.1166  [Redesignated as Secs. 1.1158-
        28. Sections 1.1156 through 1.1166 are redesignated as new sections 
    1.1158 through 1.1168.
        29. A new Sec. 1.1156 is added to subpart G, to read as follows:
    Sec. 1.1156  Schedule of regulatory fees and filing locations for 
    international and satellite services.
               Services             Fee amount                                 Address                              
    Radio Facilities:                                                                                               
        1. Space Stations              $65,000  FCC, Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n, P.O. Box 358835,       
         (geostationary orbit).                  Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5835.                                         
        2. Space Stations (low          90,000  FCC, Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n, P.O. Box 358835,       
         earth orbit).                           Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5835.                                         
        3. International Public            110  FCC, Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n, P.O. Box 358835,       
         Fixed.                                  Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5835.                                         
    Earth Stations:                                                                                                 
        1. VSAT and Equivalent C-            6  FCC, Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n, P.O. Box 358835,       
         Band antennas (per 100                  Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5835.                                         
        2. Mobile Satellite Earth            6  FCC, Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n, P.O. Box 358835,       
         Stations (per 100                       Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5835.                                         
        3. Less than Nine Meters             6  FCC, Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n, P.O. Box 358835,       
         (per 100 antennas).                     Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5835.                                         
        4. Nine Meters or More:..                                                                                   
            a. Transmit/Receive             85  FCC, Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n, P.O. Box 358835,       
             and Transmit Only                   Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5835.                                         
             (per meter).                                                                                           
            b. Receive Only (per            55  FCC, Satellite and Radiocommunication Div'n, P.O. Box 358835,       
             meter).                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5835.                                         
        1. International Circuits          220  FCC, IB Telecommunications Div'n, P.O. Box 358835, Pittsburgh, PA   
         (per 100 active 64 KB                   15251-5835.                                                        
         circuits or equivalent).                                                                                   
    International (HF) Broadcast.          200  FCC, Planning and Negotiations Div'n, P.O. Box 358835, Pittsburgh,  
                                                 PA 15251-5835.                                                     
    Sec. 1.1157  [Reserved]
        30. Section 1.1157 is reserved.
        31. Section 25.110 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 
    Sec. 25.110  Filing of applications, fees, and number of copies.
    * * * * *
        (b) Applications for satellite radio station authorizations 
    governed by this part and requiring a fee shall be mailed or hand-
    delivered to the location specified in part 1, subpart G of this 
    chapter. All other applications shall be submitted to the Secretary, 
    1919 M Street NW, Washington, DC 20554, and addressed to the attention 
    of Chief, Satellite and Spectrum Management Division.
    * * * * *
        32. Section 43.61 is amended by revising paragraph (d) to read as 
    Sec. 43.61  Reports of international telecommunications traffic.
    * * * * *
        (d) The information required under this section shall be furnished 
    in conformance with the instructions and reporting requirements 
    prepared under the direction of the Chief, Common Carrier Bureau, 
    prepared and published as a manual, in consultation and coordination 
    with the Chief, International Bureau.
    Sec. 43.81  [Amended]
        33. Section 43.81 is amended by removing the words ``Common Carrier 
    Bureau'' from paragraph (b) and inserting in their place the words 
    ``International Bureau''.
        34. Section 64.1001 is amended by removing the words ``Common 
    Carrier Bureau'' from paragraph (l)(2), and replacing them with the 
    words ``International Bureau''.
        35. Section 73.1650 is amended by revising the second-to-last 
    sentence to read as follows:
    Sec. 73.1650  International agreements.
    * * * * *
        * * * The documents listed in this paragraph are available for 
    inspection in the office of the Chief, Planning and Negotiations 
    Division, International Bureau, FCC, Washington, D.C. * * *
    [FR Doc. 95-2065 Filed 1-26-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6712-01-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Communications Commission
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
October 19, 1994.
5322-5333 (12 pages)
Docket Numbers:
FCC 94-252
PDF File:
CFR: (28)
47 CFR 0.5
47 CFR 0.11
47 CFR 0.21
47 CFR 0.31
47 CFR 0.41
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