95-25740. Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 206 (Wednesday, October 25, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 54764-54770]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-25740]
    [[Page 54763]]
    Part II
    Environmental Protection Agency
    40 CFR Parts 403 and 503
    Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge; Final Rule and 
    Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 206 / Wednesday, October 25, 1995 / 
    Rules and Regulations 
    [[Page 54764]]
    40 CFR Parts 403 and 503
    RIN 2040-AC29
    Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge
    AGENCY: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: On November 25, 1992, pursuant to Section 405 of the Clean 
    Water Act (CWA), EPA promulgated a regulation (40 CFR part 503) to 
    protect public health and the environment from reasonably anticipated 
    adverse effects of certain pollutants in sewage sludge (58 FR 9248, 
    February 19, 1993). This regulation established requirements for the 
    final use or disposal of sewage sludge when: (1) The sewage sludge is 
    applied to the land either to condition the soil or to fertilize crops 
    grown in the soil; (2) the sewage sludge is placed on the land for 
    final disposal; or (3) the sewage sludge is incinerated. In addition, 
    EPA also amended the General Pretreatment Regulations (40 CFR part 403) 
    to establish a list of pollutants for which a removal credit may be 
        Today's action amends the part 503 sewage sludge regulation as a 
    result of EPA's reconsideration of certain issues remanded by the U.S. 
    Court of Appeals for additional justification or modification. The 
    Agency is deleting the current land application pollutant limits for 
    chromium and changing the land application pollutant concentration 
    limit for selenium.
        EPA is also amending the list of pollutants for which a removal 
    credit may be available. This final rule removes chromium in sewage 
    sludge that is land-applied from the list of regulated pollutants for 
    which a removal credit may be available and adds it to the list of 
    unregulated pollutants that are eligible for a removal credit.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: The final rule is effective October 25, 1995. For 
    purposes of judicial review, the final rule is issued at 1 p.m. on 
    October 25, 1995.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert M. Southworth, Biosolids 
    Manager, Health and Ecological Criteria Division (4304), Office of 
    Science and Technology, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M 
    Street SW., Washington, D.C. 20460, telephone (202) 260-7157.
    A. Authority
        Today's rule is being promulgated under the authority of sections 
    307 and 405 of the Clean Water Act (CWA). In section 307(b) of the CWA, 
    Congress directed EPA to establish categorical pretreatment standards 
    for industrial discharges of toxic pollutants to publicly owned 
    treatment works (POTWs). Congress also authorized POTWs in defined 
    circumstances to provide relief from categorical pretreatment standards 
    in the form of a removal credit to indirect dischargers. Section 307(b) 
    authorizes a removal credit where, among other things, grant of the 
    removal credit does not prevent the POTW from using or disposing its 
    sewage sludge in compliance with section 405.
        Section 405(d) of the CWA requires EPA to establish management 
    practices and numerical limits adequate to protect public health and 
    the environment from reasonably anticipated adverse effects of toxic 
    pollutants in sewage sludge. Section 405(e) prohibits any person from 
    disposing of sewage sludge from a publicly-owned treatment works or 
    other treatment works treating domestic sewage through any use or 
    disposal practice for which regulations have been established pursuant 
    to section 405 except in compliance with the section 405 regulations.
    B. Amendments to Part 503
        On November 25, 1992, EPA promulgated, pursuant to section 405 of 
    the CWA, Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge, (40 CFR 
    part 503), published in the Federal Register on February 19, 1993 (58 
    FR 9248, et seq.). Section 405(d) of the CWA requires EPA to publish 
    regulations specifying management practices for sewage sludge 
    containing toxic pollutants and to establish numerical limitations for 
    the toxic pollutants that may be present in sewage sludge in 
    concentrations that may adversely affect public health and the 
    environment. On March 5, 1993, the Leather Industries of America, Inc. 
    filed a petition with the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the 
    District of Columbia Circuit seeking review of the pollutant limits for 
    chromium found in Tables 1-4 of 40 CFR 503.13(b). On June 17, 1993, the 
    City of Pueblo, Colorado, filed a petition for review with the U.S. 
    Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit challenging the selenium 
    pollutant limits in Tables 1-3 of 40 CFR 503.13(b). This case was 
    subsequently transferred to the D.C. Circuit.
        On November 15, 1994, the D.C. Circuit remanded the cumulative 
    pollutant loading rate for chromium in Table 2 and the pollutant 
    concentration limit for chromium and selenium in Table 3 to the Agency 
    for modification or additional justification. Leather Industries of 
    America, Inc. v. Environmental Protection Agency, 40 F.3d 392 (D.C. 
    Cir. 1994).
        The pollutant limits in Table 2 are determined from a risk-based 
    exposure assessment. The pollutant concentrations in Table 3 are the 
    lower of either (1) a risk-derived concentration or (2) the 99th 
    percentile concentration derived from EPA's National Sewage Sludge 
    Survey (NSSS), which includes data on sewage sludge from approximately 
    186 statistically representative publicly-owned treatment works. Sewage 
    sludge that meets the pollutant concentration limits in Table 3 may be 
    applied to land under less restrictive conditions than can sewage 
    sludge that has higher concentration of metals. In the case of chromium 
    and selenium, the 99th percentile concentration is lower than the risk-
    derived concentration so the limit specified in Table 3 for both 
    chromium and selenium is the 99th percentile value. The D.C. Circuit 
    concluded that section 405 of the CWA mandates a risk-based regulation 
    and that EPA lacked the statutory authority to adopt pollutant 
    concentration limits based on the 99 percentile because they are not 
    risk-based. The court also determined that EPA lacked an adequate 
    evidentiary basis for its risk-based chromium cumulative pollutant 
    loading rate in Table 2 of Sec. 503.13(b).
        Today's rule amends 40 CFR 503.13(b) to delete the current 
    pollutant limits for chromium in Tables 1-4 applicable to sewage sludge 
    that is land applied. In addition, the Agency is amending 40 CFR 
    503.13(b) to change the selenium pollutant concentration limit in Table 
    3. This amendment is being promulgated under the authority of section 
    405 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), 33 U.S.C. Sec. 1345.
    1. Deletion of Pollutant Limits for Chromium in Land Applied Sewage 
        EPA based the Table 2 cumulative pollutant loading rate for 
    chromium on an assessment of the potential for plant injury (measured 
    as retardation in the growth of a young plant) from chromium in sewage 
    sludge that is applied to the land. EPA derived the chromium cumulative 
    pollutant loading rate from field study data that the Agency evaluated 
    for the likelihood of plant injury. Because the field study 
    [[Page 54765]]
    data did not show retardation in the growth of a young plant even at 
    the highest soil/chromium levels from the field studies--3,000 kg/
    hectare, EPA established the cumulative pollutant loading rate for 
    chromium at the highest value for which it had data.
        The D.C. Circuit agreed that EPA is authorized to protect against 
    plant injury and that EPA properly determined a plant toxicity 
    threshold associated with chromium in sewage sludge. However, the court 
    decided that EPA lacked adequate data to support the 3,000 kg/hectare 
    chromium cumulative loading rate because EPA had no data that showed 
    plant injury at soil levels of 3,000 kg/hectare or any other cumulative 
        In response to the court's remand, EPA has reviewed the record in 
    this proceeding concerning potential risk to public health and the 
    environment associated with land application of sewage sludge that 
    contains chromium. As a result of its reconsideration, the Agency has 
    determined that there is an insufficient basis at this time for the 
    regulation of chromium in sewage sludge that is applied to the land. 
    This determination is confirmed by EPA's review of new information 
    concerning chromium and the land application of sewage sludge. 
    Consequently, the Agency is amending Tables 1-41 to delete 
    chromium from the regulated metals for the following reasons. First, 
    EPA has reaffirmed its determination that chromium in sewage sludge 
    appears predominantly in the trivalent form for which the likelihood of 
    plant injury is substantially lower than the likelihood of plant injury 
    from chromium in the hexavalent form. See 58 FR 9248, 9297.
        \1\The chromium limits in Tables 1, 3, and 4 are derived from 
    the risk-based chromium limits in Table 2. Because the Agency has 
    determined that it does not at this juncture have information that 
    supports risk-based regulation of chromium in sewage sludge that is 
    land applied, the chromium pollutant limits in Tables 1, 3, and 4 
    also are being deleted.
        Second, in addition to reexamining the rulemaking record, EPA 
    obtained more recent data from field studies of crops grown on soil to 
    which sewage sludge had been applied. These data are similar to those 
    used in the final rule for evaluating the potential for plant injury 
    from the chromium in sewage sludge. EPA evaluated these data using the 
    same statistical methods used for the final rule to assess the 
    potential for plant injury. Like the earlier data, these data show no 
    relationship between plant injury associated with chromium in sewage 
    sludge at high loading rates.
        Finally, to confirm its determination that data do not support 
    regulation of chromium at this juncture, EPA also took a second look at 
    other pathways of exposure. After the plant toxicity pathway, the next 
    significant pathway of concern is the risk associated with exposure of 
    a tractor operator to chromium from sewage sludge in the dust churned 
    up by the tractor. EPA reevaluated this pathway using current National 
    Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) standards for 
    worker exposure to trivalent chromium. EPA's second look at the tractor 
    operator exposure pathway determined that the appropriate risk-based 
    limit for this pathway is well in excess of its earlier finding of 
    5,000 mg/kg. The limit for this pathway using the updated NIOSH 
    standard is almost two orders of magnitude in excess of the observed 
    99th percentile concentration for chromium in the NSSS. Given the fact 
    that chromium limit for the next pathway of exposure--the ground-water 
    pathway--is an order of magnitude greater than the 99th percentile 
    sewage sludge concentration, EPA determined that it did not have data 
    that justify regulation of chromium in land applied sewage sludge at 
    this juncture. Applying the same criteria used for the final rule to 
    determine whether to regulate a particular pollutant, EPA concluded 
    that there is no current basis for establishing land application 
    pollutant limits for chromium based on the tractor operator pathway or 
    the ground-water pathway.2 See 58 FR 9318 (``The Agency's risk 
    assessment results for the pollutant shows no reasonably anticipated 
    adverse effects on public health or the environment at the 99th 
    percentile concentration found the sewage sludge from the NSSS.'' 58 FR 
    9318). Consequently, the Agency is today amending its sewage sludge use 
    or disposal regulation to delete chromium from Tables 1-4 in 40 CFR 
    503.13(b). More details on the justification for deletion of the 
    chromium land application pollutant limits are presented in the 
    administrative record for this rulemaking.
        \2\EPA also evaluated the risk associated with tractor operator 
    exposure to hexavalent chromium by assuming that a small percentage 
    of the chromium in sewage sludge might be hexavalent chromium. (As 
    noted above, EPA has concluded that most chromium in sewage sludge 
    should be in the trivalent, not hexavalent, form.) Again, the 
    resulting risk-based chromium pollutant concentration limit would be 
    substantially higher than the 99th percentile concentration.
    2. Modification of the Pollutant Concentration Limit for Selenium in 
    Table 3 of Sec. 503.13
        As explained above, the pollutant concentration limit in Table 3 is 
    the more stringent of the risk-based limit or 99th percentile 
    concentration value for each of nine pollutants. In the case of 
    selenium, the more stringent cap is the 99th percentile number.3 
    EPA supported its adoption of this approach for the Table 3 limits on 
    two bases. First, by adopting the lower of risk-based or 99th 
    percentile concentration, EPA would provide an additional margin of 
    safety to ensure adequate protection of public health and the 
    environment. Second, adoption of the 99th percentile limit would 
    prevent deterioration of sewage sludge from current levels of quality. 
    The D.C. Circuit rejected both reasons, concluding that the statute 
    requires a demonstrated link between risk and any pollutant 
    concentration limits the Agency adopted. EPA has reconsidered the Table 
    3 selenium pollutant concentration limit and concluded that it should 
    not adopt a more stringent concentration limit for selenium than the 
    risk-based limit of 100 mg/kg. This risk-based concentration was 
    derived from an assessment of the hazard to children, aged one to six, 
    who ingest undiluted sewage sludge containing selenium. EPA's exposure 
    assessment showed that so long as the concentration of the sewage 
    sludge did not exceed 100 mg/kg of selenium, children would be 
    adequately protected. EPA's exposure assessment used a number of 
    conservative assumptions in evaluating effects on children from 
    selenium exposure, including a reference dose for selenium based on 
    lifetime exposure--a significantly protective factor. In these 
    circumstances, EPA concluded that there is no risk basis for adopting a 
    more stringent limit.
        \3\The 99th percentile concentration is more stringent for 
    selenium and chromium; for nickel, the risk-based and 99th 
    percentile limits are the same. As described above, EPA is deleting 
    chromium from the pollutants regulated in Tables 1-4.
    C. Amendment to Part 403
        Many industrial facilities discharge large quantities of pollutants 
    to POTWs where their wastewaters mix with wastewater from other 
    sources, domestic sewage from private residences and run-off from 
    various sources prior to treatment and discharge by the POTW. The 
    introduction of pollutants to a POTW from industrial discharges may 
    pose several problems. These include potential interference 
    [[Page 54766]]
    with the POTW's operation or pass-through of pollutants if inadequately 
    treated. Congress, in section 307(b) of the Act, directed EPA to 
    establish categorical pretreatment standards to prevent these potential 
    problems. Congress also recognized that, in certain instances, POTWs 
    could provide some or all of the treatment of an industrial user's 
    wastewater that would be required pursuant to the categorical 
    pretreatment standard. Consequently, Congress also established a 
    discretionary program for POTWs to grant ``removal credits'' to their 
    indirect dischargers. The credit, in the form of a less stringent 
    categorical pretreatment standard, allows an increased concentration of 
    a pollutant in the flow from the indirect discharger's facility to the 
        Section 307(b) of the CWA establishes a three-part test a POTW 
    would need to meet to obtain removal credit authority for a given 
    pollutant. A removal credit may be authorized only if (1) the POTW 
    ``removes all or any part of such toxic pollutant,'' (2) the POTW's 
    ultimate discharge would ``not violate that effluent limitation, or 
    standard which would be applicable to that toxic pollutant if it were 
    discharged'' directly rather than through a POTW and (3) the POTW's 
    discharge would ``not prevent sludge use and disposal by such [POTW] in 
    accordance with section [405].* * *'' Section 307(b).
        The United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit has 
    interpreted the statute to require EPA to promulgate comprehensive 
    sewage sludge regulations before any removal credits could be 
    authorized. NRDC v. EPA, 790 F.2d 289, 292 (3rd Cir. 1986) cert. 
    denied. 479 U.S. 1084 (1987). Congress made this explicit in the Water 
    Quality Act of 1987, which provided that EPA could not authorize any 
    removal credits until it issued the sewage sludge use and disposal 
    regulations required by section 405(d)(2)(a)(ii). EPA has promulgated 
    removal credit regulations that are codified at 40 CFR part 403.7.
        At the same time EPA promulgated the part 503 regulation, EPA also 
    amended the part 403 General Pretreatment Regulations to add a new 
    Appendix G that includes two tables of pollutants that would be 
    eligible for a removal credit so long as the other procedural and 
    substantive requirements of 40 CFR part 503 and 40 CFR 403.7 are met. 
    The first table (Appendix G--Section I) lists, by use or disposal 
    practice, the pollutants that are regulated in part 503 and eligible 
    for removal credit authorization. The second table (Appendix G--Section 
    II) lists, by use or disposal practice, additional pollutants that are 
    eligible for a removal credit if the concentration of the pollutant in 
    sewage sludge does not exceed a prescribed concentration. The 
    pollutants in Appendix G--Section II are the pollutants that EPA 
    evaluated and decided not to regulate during development of the part 
    503 regulation. See 58 FR at 9381-5. Currently, chromium is included on 
    both Appendix G--Section I and Appendix G--Section II.
        As explained above, EPA is today promulgating a final rule that 
    deletes chromium from the pollutants that are regulated when sewage 
    sludge is applied to the land because EPA has concluded that there is 
    no current basis for establishing chromium limits for land-applied 
    sewage sludge. Consequently, because Appendix G--Section I lists only 
    pollutants regulated in part 503 and because the Agency has deleted 
    chromium from the list of regulated pollutants, EPA is removing 
    chromium from Appendix G--Section I for land application.
        In the 1993 amendments to part 403, EPA included pollutants that it 
    evaluated for risk and decided not to regulate in Appendix G--Section 
    II at the highest concentration evaluated as safe. Consequently, 
    because EPA has now concluded that it does not need to regulate 
    chromium to protect the plant toxicity pathway, under the criterion 
    applied in the final rule, EPA should include chromium in Appendix G--
    Section II in the land application column at the next highest 
    concentration evaluated as safe.
        The next highest result for a pathway that EPA assessed and 
    evaluated as safe for the final rule is the tractor operator pathway--
    Pathway 11. EPA determined that a tractor operator is protected from 
    occupational exposure to chromium from sewage sludge so long as the 
    concentration in the sewage sludge did not exceed 5,000 mg/kg. See 
    Technical Support Document for the Land Application of Sewage Sludge 
    Table 5.4-5, p. 5-435. However, as noted above, EPA has now reevaluated 
    that pathway and determined that the actual protective level is 
    substantial in excess of this concentration. The next level of risk 
    after the tractor operator pathway is the ground-water pathway--12,000 
    mg/kg. Technical Support Document for the Land Application of Sewage 
    Sludge, ibid. Therefore, under the criterion adopted in the final rule, 
    the Appendix G--Section II concentration for chromium should be 12,000 
        While the public had an opportunity to comment on the land 
    application risk assessment that underlies the final Part 503 
    regulation, there has been no opportunity to comment on EPA's 
    reevaluation of the tractor operator pathway assessment. (Elsewhere in 
    today's Federal Register, EPA is proposing to amend Appendix G--Section 
    II to establish the new chromium concentration based on its reanalysis 
    of the Pathway 11 for chromium.) Consequently, it would not be 
    appropriate to take final action today to add chromium to Appendix G--
    Section II at the ground-water pathway concentration level--the next 
    level after the reevaluated tractor operator pathway.
        But if EPA deletes chromium from Appendix G--Section I without 
    including a concentration for sewage sludge that is land applied in 
    Appendix G--Section II at this time, POTWs will not be able to seek 
    removal credit authority until such time as EPA has proposed and 
    promulgated a new chromium removal credit number. Therefore, EPA also 
    is promulgating an amendment to Appendix G--Section II that adds a 
    footnote for the interim that states that the removal credit 
    concentration for chromium in land-applied sewage sludge will be 
    established on a case-by-case basis. This change is necessary to ensure 
    there is no uncertainty about the continued eligibility of chromium in 
    sewage sludge for removal credits, pending EPA's promulgation of the 
    final rule that amends Appendix G--Section II.
        Until today, POTWs complying with the Part 503 land application 
    chromium pollutant limits were eligible to seek removal credit 
    authority for chromium. It would not make sense to eliminate removal 
    credits for chromium when EPA has now decided not to regulate chromium 
    in sewage sludge. While EPA is considering what concentration level for 
    chromium to establish in Appendix G--Section II, a removal credit will 
    continue to be available for chromium. If a POTW whose sewage sludge is 
    land-applied requests authorization to grant a removal credit for 
    chromium, the Approval Authority (EPA or an NPDES-authorized State with 
    an approved pretreatment program) will make a decision on a case-by-
    case basis about what the allowable chromium concentration for removal 
    credits purposes should be.
        In today's final rulemaking, EPA also is correcting an error in the 
    entry for bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate in Appendix G--Table II for a 
    lined surface disposal site. The current entry is 100 milligrams per 
    kilogram. Results of the surface disposal risk assessment indicate that 
    the limit for bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate for a lined surface disposal 
    site is unlimited (interpreted to mean greater 
    [[Page 54767]]
    than 100,000 milligrams per kilogram)--see ``Technical Support Document 
    for Surface Disposal of Sewage Sludge,'' EPA 822-R-93-019, November 
    1992. For this reason, the entry in Table II for bis(2-
    ethylhexyl)phthalate for a lined surface disposal site should be 
    100,000 milligrams per kilogram (i.e. 100 grams per kilogram) instead 
    of 100 milligrams per kilogram. The superscript 3 was inadvertently 
    left-off of the current Table II entry for bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 
    for a lined surface disposal unit. Today's rulemaking corrects that 
    error by adding the superscript 3 to the entry.
    D. Procedural Requirements
        Based on its reassessment of the rulemaking record and new 
    information, EPA is today taking final action amending its part 503 
    regulations. EPA's action deletes the chromium pollutant limits for 
    land application in Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Sec. 503.13(b) and amends 
    the selenium pollutant concentration limit in Table 3 of 
    Sec. 503.13(b). EPA also is amending its list of pollutants in land-
    applied sewage sludge that are eligible for a removal credit. EPA is 
    removing chromium from the list of regulated pollutants and adding it 
    to the list of unregulated pollutants for which a removal credit may be 
        Section 553 of the Administrative Procedure Act provides that when 
    an agency for good cause finds that notice and public comment procedure 
    are impracticable, unnecessary or contrary to the public interest, it 
    may issue a rule without first providing notice and comment. In 
    addition, the agency may make the rule effective immediately. EPA has 
    concluded here that it should amend both the part 403 and part 503 
    regulations as described above without providing for notice and comment 
    and make these changes effective immediately.
    1. Notice and Comment
        EPA has concluded that notice and comment on today's action are 
    unnecessary. As explained above, the D.C. Circuit concluded that the 
    statute requires risk-based regulation and that the Agency lacked the 
    data to support risk-based regulation of chromium to prevent plant 
    injury. EPA has reviewed the record in the sewage sludge rulemaking in 
    light of the D.C. Circuit decision. The Agency's second look at the 
    data does not reveal additional information, not previously considered 
    by EPA, that would support regulation of chromium in sewage sludge to 
    prevent plant injury. As a result, the chromium land application 
    pollutant limits must be withdrawn. Further, the data do not support 
    adoption of a more stringent pollutant concentration limit for selenium 
    than 100 mg/kg.
        EPA also has concluded that there is good cause for amending its 
    part 503 regulation without first providing for notice and comment. EPA 
    received ample comment on issues related to the regulation of chromium 
    and selenium in sewage sludge that is applied to the land over the 
    course of a lengthy, multi-year rulemaking effort. During the process, 
    extensive comments on the Agency's pathway exposure assessments and the 
    underlying data were received from nationally known experts on sewage 
    sludge. Scientists possessing a wide understanding of the scientific 
    and technical issues associated with sewage sludge use or disposal 
    provided a broad critique of the exposure assessment models used to 
    develop the proposed regulation. In developing the final regulation, 
    EPA relied on several of these experts to develop the land application 
    exposure assessment that formed the basis for the pollutant limits in 
    Tables 1-4 of Sec. 503.13(b). In light of this, further comment is 
        Under the final part 403 and part 503 regulations, a removal credit 
    was available for chromium when sewage sludge is land applied, so long 
    as the sewage sludge met the ceiling concentration limit of 3,000 mg/kg 
    in Table 1 of 40 CFR 503.13(b)(1) and the pollutant limits in either 
    Table 2, 3 or 4 at 40 CFR 503.13(b)(1). As explained above, to preserve 
    the eligibility of chromium for a removal credit when EPA deleted 
    chromium from Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4, EPA has added a footnote to the 
    list of pollutants in Appendix G--Section II that indicates the land 
    application chromium sewage sludge concentration for removal credit 
    purposes will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Because EPA action 
    in shifting chromium from Appendix G--Section I to Appendix G--Section 
    II reflects no substantive change in the actual sewage sludge 
    requirements that must be met for removal credit eligibility, comment 
    on this change is not needed.
    2. Effective date
        Under section 405 of the CWA, EPA's sewage sludge regulation must 
    require compliance with the regulation as expeditiously as practicable 
    but in no case later than 12 months after publication, unless such 
    regulation requires construction of new pollution control facilities, 
    in which case the regulation must require compliance expeditiously, but 
    not later than two years from publication. The part 503 regulation was 
    effective on March 22, 1993. In the case of the chromium pollutant 
    limits, the regulation required compliance by February 19, 1994. 
    Section 553 of the Administrative Procedure Act requires publication of 
    a substantive rule not less than 30 days before its effective date 
    except in certain circumstances. These include ``a substantive rule 
    which grants or recognizes an exemption or relieves a restriction'' or 
    ``as otherwise provided by the agency for good cause found and 
    published with the rule.'' 5 U.S.C. section 553(d) (1) and (3). Because 
    this rule relieves a restriction, the Agency has determined that these 
    amendments should be effective immediately.
        Given its determination that the rule should be effective 
    immediately, the Agency also is providing, pursuant to 40 CFR 23.2, 
    that the rule is issued for the purpose of judicial review on the 
    effective date.
    E. Regulatory Requirements
    1. Executive Order 12866
        Executive Order 12866 requires EPA to prepare an assessment of the 
    costs and benefits of any ``significant regulatory action.'' Because 
    the effect of today's rule is to relieve the regulated community from 
    current part 503 requirements, costs to the regulated community should 
    be reduced. Consequently, no assessment of costs and benefits is 
    2. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        Pursuant to the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601-612, 
    whenever an agency is required to publish a General Notice of 
    Rulemaking for any proposed or final rule, it must prepare and make 
    available for public comment a regulatory flexibility analysis that 
    describes the impact of the rule on small entities (i.e., small 
    businesses, small organizations, and small governmental jurisdictions). 
    No regulatory flexibility analysis is required, however, if the head of 
    the Agency certifies that the rule will not have a significant impact 
    on a substantial number of small entities.
        This action to modify the part 503 regulation promulgated today is 
    deregulatory in nature and thus will only provide beneficial 
    opportunities for entities that may be affected by the rule. 
    Accordingly, I certify that this regulation will not have a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. This 
    regulation, therefore, does not require a regulatory flexibility 
    3. Paperwork Reduction Act
        There are no reporting, notification, or recordkeeping 
    (information) provisions 
    [[Page 54768]]
    in this rule. Such provisions, were they included, would be submitted 
    for approval to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
    4. Unfunded Mandates
        Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA), P.L.
    104-4, establishes requirements for Federal agencies to assess the 
    effects of their regulatory actions on State, local, and tribal 
    governments and the private sector. Under section 202 of the UMRA, EPA 
    generally must prepare a written statement, including a cost-benefit 
    analysis, for proposed and final rules with ``Federal mandates'' that 
    may result in expenditures to State, local, or tribal governments, in 
    the aggregate, or to the private sector, of $100 million or more in any 
    one year. When such a statement is needed for an EPA rule, section 205 
    of the UMRA generally requires EPA to identify and consider a 
    reasonable number of regulatory alternatives and adopt the least 
    costly, most cost-effective or least burdensome alternative that 
    achieves the objectives of the rule. The provisions of section 205 do 
    not apply when they are inconsistent with applicable law. Moreover, 
    section 205 allows EPA to adopt an alternative other than the least 
    costly, most cost-effective or least burdensome alternative if the 
    Administrator publishes with the final rule an explanation why that 
    alternative was not adopted.
        Before EPA establishes any regulatory requirements that may 
    significantly or uniquely affect small governments, including tribal 
    governments, it must have developed under section 203 of the UMRA a 
    small government agency plan. The plan must provide for notifying 
    potentially affected small governments, giving them meaningful and 
    timely input in the development of EPA regulatory proposals with 
    significant Federal intergovernmental mandates, and informing, 
    educating, and advising them on compliance with the regulatory 
        EPA has determined that today's amendments to part 403 and part 503 
    do not contain a Federal mandate that may result in expenditures of 
    $100 million or more for State, local or tribal governments or the 
    private sector in any one year. The changes to the part 503 regulation 
    promulgated today, to the extent they reduce the costs of complying 
    with current requirements, will, in fact, lessen the regulatory burden 
    on State, local, or tribal governments.
        The part 503 regulation includes monitoring and recordkeeping 
    requirements for certain POTWs and other treatment works treating 
    domestic sewage when sewage sludge is applied to the land. Because EPA 
    will no longer regulate the amount of chromium applied to the land in 
    sewage sludge, POTWs and other treatment works treating domestic sewage 
    will not need to incur any monitoring and recordkeeping cost for 
    chromium. Consequently, there are either no (or reduced) costs 
    associated with the final rule promulgated today. Thus, today's rule is 
    not subject to the requirements in sections 202 and 205 of the Act.
        EPA has determined that this rule contains no regulatory 
    requirements that might significantly or uniquely affect small 
    governments that may operate publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) 
    generating sewage sludge. The rule would not significantly affect small 
    governments because, as explained above, the amendments would reduce 
    the monitoring and recordkeeping requirements associated with land 
    application. The amendments also would not uniquely affect small 
    governments because deleting the land application pollutant limits for 
    chromium and changing the pollutant concentration limit for selenium 
    will not affect POTWs operated by small governments differently from 
    other sewage sludge users or disposers.
    List of Subjects
    40 CFR Part 403
        Environmental protection, Incineration, Land application, 
    Pollutants, Removal credits, Sewage sludge, and Surface disposal.
    40 CFR Part 503
        Environmental Protection, Frequency of monitoring, Incineration, 
    Incorporation by reference, Land application, Management practices, 
    Pathogens, Pollutants, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Sewage 
    sludge, Surface disposal and Vector attraction reduction.
        Dated: October 10, 1995.
    Carol M. Browner,
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, title 40 of the Code of 
    Federal Regulations is amended as set forth below:
        1. The authority citation for 40 CFR part 403 continues to read as 
        Authority: Sec. 54(c)(2) of the Clean Water Act of 1977, (Pub. 
    L. 95-217) sections 204(b)(1)(C), 208(b)(2)(C)(iii), 
    301(b)(1)(A)(ii), 301(b)(2)(A)(ii), 301(b)(2)(C), 301(h)(5), 
    301(i)(2), 304(e), 304(g), 307, 308, 309, 402(b), 405 and 501(a) of 
    the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Pub. L. 92-500) as amended 
    by the Clean Water Act of 1977 and the Water Quality Act of 1987 
    (Pub. L. 100-4).
        2. Appendix G to part 403 is revised to read as follows:
    Appendix G To Part 403--Pollutants Eligible For A Removal Credit
        I. Regulated Pollutants in Part 503 Eligible for a Removal Credit   
                                            Use or disposal practice        
              Pollutants           -----------------------------------------
                                         LA            SD             I     
    Arsenic.......................  X             X             X           
    Beryllium.....................  ............  ............  X           
    Cadmium.......................  X             ............  X           
    Chromium......................  ............  X             X           
    Copper........................  X                                       
    Lead..........................  X             ............  X           
    Mercury.......................  X             ............  X           
    Molybdenum....................  X                                       
    Nickel........................  X             X             X           
    Selenium......................  X                                       
    Zinc..........................  X               ..........              
    Total hydrocarbons............  ............  ............  X\1\        
    LA--land application.                                                   
    SD--surface disposal site without a liner and leachate collection       
    I--firing of sewage sludge in a sewage sludge incinerator.              
    \1\The following organic pollutants are eligible for a removal credit if
      the requirements for total hydrocarbons in subpart E in 40 CFR Part   
      503 are met when sewage sludge is fired in a sewage sludge            
      incinerator: Acrylonitrile, Aldrin/Dieldrin(total), Benzene,          
      Benzidine, Benzo(a)pyrene, Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether, Bis(2-            
      ethylhexyl)phthalate, Bromodichloromethane, Bromoethane, Bromoform,   
      Carbon tetrachloride, Chlordane, Chloroform, Chloromethane,           
      DDD,DDE,DDT, Dibromochloromethane, Dibutyl phthalate, 1,2-            
      dichloroethane, 1,1-dichloroethylene, 2,4-dichlorophenol, 1,3-        
      dichloropropene, Diethyl phthalate, 2,4-dinitrophenol, 1,2-           
      diphenylhydrazine, Di-n-butyl phthalate, Endosulfan, Endrin,          
      Ethylbenzene, Heptachlor, Heptachlor epoxide, Hexachlorobutadiene,    
      Alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane, Beta-hexachlorocyclohexane,              
      Hexachlorocyclopentadiene, Hexachloroethane, Hydrogen cyanide,        
      Isophorone, Lindane, Methylene chloride, Nitrobenzene, N-             
      Nitrosodimethylamine, N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine, Pentachlorophenol,   
      Phenol, Polychlorinated biphenyls, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-      
      dioxin, 1,1,2,2,-tetrachloroethane, Tetrachloroethylene, Toluene,     
      Toxaphene, Trichloroethylene, 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene, 1,1,1-          
      Trichloroethane, 1,1,2-Trichloroethane, and 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol.    
    [[Page 54769]]
                                 II. Additional Pollutants Eligible for a Removal Credit                            
                                       [milligrams per kilogram--dry weight basis]                                  
                                                                          Use or disposal practice                  
                         Pollutant                                                                   I              
                                                              LA             SD       ------------------------------
                                                                                         Unlined\1\       Lined\2\  
    Arsenic...........................................  .............  ..............      \3\100      .............
    Aldrin/Dieldrin (Total)...........................           2.7   ..............  ..............  .............
    Benzene...........................................       \3\16            140            3400      .............
    Benzo(a)pyrene....................................          15         \3\100          \3\100      .............
    Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate........................  .............      \3\100          \3\100      .............
    Cadmium...........................................  .............      \3\100          \3\100      .............
    Chlordane.........................................          86         \3\100          \3\100      .............
    Chromium..........................................         \4\     ..............      \3\100      .............
    Copper............................................  .............       \3\46          \3\100            1400   
    DDD, DDE, DDT (Total).............................           1.2         2000            2000      .............
    2,4 Dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid...................  .............           7               7      .............
    Fluoride..........................................         730     ..............  ..............  .............
    Heptachlor........................................           7.4   ..............  ..............  .............
    Hexachlorobenzene.................................          29     ..............  ..............  .............
    Hexachlorobutadiene...............................         600     ..............  ..............  .............
    Iron..............................................       \3\78     ..............  ..............  .............
    Lead..............................................  .............      \3\100          \3\100      .............
    Lindane...........................................          84          \3\28           \3\28      .............
    Malathion.........................................  .............           0.63            0.63   .............
    Mercury...........................................  .............      \3\100          \3\100      .............
    Molybdenum........................................  .............          40              40      .............
    Nickel............................................  .............  ..............      \3\100      .............
    N-Nitrosodimethylamine............................           2.1            0.088           0.088  .............
    Pentachlorophenol.................................          30     ..............  ..............  .............
    Phenol............................................  .............          82              82      .............
    Polychlorinated biphenyls.........................           4.6          <50><50 .............="" selenium..........................................="" .............="" 4.8="" 4.8="" 4.8="" toxaphene.........................................="" 10="" \3\26="" \3\26="" .............="" trichloroethylene.................................="" \3\10="" 9500="" \3\10="" .............="" zinc..............................................="" .............="" 4500="" 4500="" 4500="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" key:="" la--land="" application.="" sd--surface="" disposal.="" i--incineration.="" \1\="" sewage="" sludge="" unit="" without="" a="" liner="" and="" leachate="" collection="" system.="" \2\="" sewage="" sludge="" unit="" with="" a="" liner="" and="" leachate="" collection="" system.="" \3\="" value="" expressed="" in="" grams="" per="" kilogram--dry="" weight="" basis.="" \4\="" value="" to="" be="" determined="" on="" a="" case-by-case="" basis.="" part="" 503--standards="" for="" the="" use="" or="" disposal="" of="" sewage="" sludge="" 1.="" the="" authority="" citation="" for="" part="" 503="" continues="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" authority:="" sections="" 405(d)="" and="" (e)="" of="" the="" clean="" water="" act,="" as="" amended="" by="" pub.="" l.="" 95-217,="" sec.="" 54(d),="" 91="" stat.="" 1591="" (33="" u.s.c.="" 1345="" (d)="" and="" (e));="" and="" pub.="" l.="" 100-4,="" title="" iv,="" sec.="" 406="" (a),="" (b),="" 101="" stat.,="" 71,="" 72="" (33="" u.s.c.="" 1251="" et="" seq.).="" 2.="" sec.="" 503.13(b)="" is="" revised="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" sec.="" 503.13="" pollutant="" limits.="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" (b)="" pollutant="" concentrations="" and="" loading="" rates--sewage="" sludge.="" (1)="" ceiling="" concentrations.="" table="" 1="" of="" sec.="" 503.13.--ceiling="" concentrations="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" ceiling="" concentration="" pollutant="" (milligrams="" per="" kilogram)\1\="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" arsenic..................................................="" 75="" cadmium..................................................="" 85="" copper...................................................="" 4300="" lead.....................................................="" 840="" mercury..................................................="" 57="" molybdenum...............................................="" 75="" nickel...................................................="" 420="" selenium.................................................="" 100="" zinc.....................................................="" 7500="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" \1\dry="" weight="" basis.="" (2)="" cumulative="" pollutant="" loading="" rates.="" table="" 2="" of="" sec.="" 503.13.--cumulative="" pollutant="" loading="" rates="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" cumulative="" pollutant="" loading="" pollutant="" rate="" (kilograms="" per="" hectare)="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" arsenic....................................................="" 41="" cadmium....................................................="" 39="" copper.....................................................="" 1500="" lead.......................................................="" 300="" mercury....................................................="" 17="" nickel.....................................................="" 420="" selenium...................................................="" 100="" zinc.......................................................="" 2800="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" (3)="" pollutant="" concentrations.="" [[page="" 54770]]="" table="" 3="" of="" sec.="" 503.13.--pollutant="" concentrations="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" monthly="" average="" concentration="" pollutant="" (milligrams="" per="" kilogram)\1\="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" arsenic..................................................="" 41="" cadmium..................................................="" 39="" copper...................................................="" 1500="" lead.....................................................="" 300="" mercury..................................................="" 17="" nickel...................................................="" 420="" selenium.................................................="" 100="" zinc.....................................................="" 2800="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" \1\dry="" weight="" basis.="" (4)="" annual="" pollutant="" loading="" rates.="" table="" 4="" of="" sec.="" 503.13.--annual="" pollutant="" loading="" rates="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" annual="" pollutant="" loading="" rate="" pollutant="" (kilograms="" per="" hectare="" per="" 365="" day="" period)="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" arsenic...................................................="" 2.0="" cadmium...................................................="" 1.9="" copper....................................................="" 75="" lead......................................................="" 15="" mercury...................................................="" 0.85="" nickel....................................................="" 21="" selenium..................................................="" 5.0="" zinc......................................................="" 140="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" [fr="" doc.="" 95-25740="" filed="" 10-24-95;="" 8:45="" am]="" billing="" code="" 6560-50-p="">

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
The final rule is effective October 25, 1995. For purposes of judicial review, the final rule is issued at 1 p.m. on October 25, 1995.
54764-54770 (7 pages)
Docket Numbers:
2040-AC29: Amendments to Round I Final Sewage Sludge Use or Disposal Rule--Phase One
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
40 CFR 503.13(b)
40 CFR 503.13