95-30541. Technical Amendments; Loans to One Borrower  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 247 (Tuesday, December 26, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 66713-66720]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-30541]
    [[Page 66714]]
    Office of Thrift Supervision
    12 CFR 505, 506, 510, 512, 516, 543, 544, 545, 550, 552, 556, 563, 
    563b, 563c, 563d, 565, 566, 567, 571, 574, 575, 583, 584
    [No. 95-200]
    Technical Amendments; Loans to One Borrower
    AGENCY: Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) is revising its 
    regulations to incorporate a number of technical and conforming 
    amendments. The amendments include corrections to: Amendments adopted 
    in 1994 that were not codified as OTS intended, cross-references that 
    became outdated due to other regulatory amendments, regulations 
    affected by legislation, regulations containing addresses, office 
    titles, and other titles that are out of date, the table setting forth 
    OMB control numbers assigned to regulations under the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act, and regulations containing typographical errors.
        This rulemaking also adopts as final the OTS's interim final rule 
    regarding loans to one borrower (LTOB).
    EFFECTIVE DATE: December 26, 1996.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For Technical and Conforming Amendment 
    information contact: Mary Gottlieb, Senior Paralegal, (202) 906-7135, 
    Regulations & Legislation Division, Chief Counsel's Office. For Loans 
    to One Borrower information contact: William J. Magrini, Project 
    Manager, Supervision Policy, (202) 906-5744; or Valerie J. Lithotomos, 
    Counsel (Banking and Finance), Regulations and Legislation Division, 
    Chief Counsel's Office, (202) 906-6439, Regulations and Legislation 
    Division, Chief Counsel's Office, Office of Thrift Supervision, 1700 G 
    Street, NW., Washington DC 20552.
    Technical and Conforming Amendments
        Sections 505.1 through 505.4 are being amended to reflect the 
    reorganization and relocation of the Public Reference Room announced in 
    the Federal Register on September 14, 1995.1 The former 
    Information Services Division is now part of the Dissemination Branch 
    and is located at 1700 G Street, NW. on the lower level.
        \1\  60 FR 47801 (September 14, 1995).
        Part 506, concerning the control numbers assigned pursuant to the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act, is being amended to reflect the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1995 2 and to generally update the regulation 
    reference table.
        \2\  Pub. L. 104-13 (May 22, 1995).
        Section 516.1 is being amended to correct the addresses of OTS's 
    Regional Offices. The definition of ``CAMEL Rating'' found at 
    Sec. 516.3(c) is being amended to reflect the previous global change 
    from the MACRO to the CAMEL rating system for examinations.3 
    Section 516.3(c) still refers to the components of the obsolete MACRO 
        \3\  59 FR 18474 (April 19, 1994).
        The model bylaws for stock associations in the appendix to part 552 
    are being amended to make them conform with the regulatory change that 
    removed the annual independent audit requirement for small savings 
    associations with composite CAMEL ratings of 1 or 2.4 Institutions 
    regulated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ('34 Act) will 
    still have to comply with Sec. 552.10, which requires associations to 
    send an annual report to stockholders containing financial statements 
    that satisfy the requirements of Rule 14a-3 of the '34 Act. Rule 14a-3 
    allows an institution that does not have an annual audit to include 
    unaudited financial statements in its annual report.
        \4\  59 FR 60300 (November 23, 1994).
        Sections 563b.2(a)(16) and 574.6(a)(4)-(a)(6) were inadvertently 
    removed 5 and are being reinstated without revision.
        \5\  59 FR 22725 (May 3, 1994); 59 FR 28468 (June 2, 1994).
        This final rule also includes a number of non-substantive technical 
    revisions correcting a variety of erroneous cross-references and 
    eliminating obsolete terminology. The majority of the revisions concern 
    the removal of the term ``District Director'' and ``District Office.'' 
    The OTS's field offices were converted from district to regional 
    offices several years ago. The regulations have been reviewed to 
    determine, in each individual case, whether references to ``District 
    Director'' should refer instead to ``Regional Director'' or ``OTS,'' 
    and whether references to ``District Office'' should refer instead to 
    ``Regional Office'' or ``OTS.''
    Loans to One Borrower
        On March 28, 1995, the OTS published an interim final rule with 
    request for comment on LTOB.6 That interim final rule reflected 
    changes that the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) had 
    recently made to its lending limits regulation. Section 5(u) of the 
    Home Owners' Loan Act requires that savings association lending limits 
    conform to those applicable to national banks.7
        \6\  See 60 FR 15861 (March 28, 1995).
        \7\  12 U.S.C. 1464 (u).
        The comment period for the interim final rule closed on April 27, 
    1995. The OTS received two comment letters: one from a savings bank and 
    one from a national trade association. Both comment letters raised one 
    issue--whether the removal of the term ``monthly or quarterly'' (used 
    in describing the periodic reports in which LTOB limits must be 
    computed) prevents savings associations from calculating their LTOB 
    limits on a monthly basis.
        The reference to ``monthly or quarterly'' was removed because the 
    OTS no longer requires institutions to file monthly Thrift Financial 
    Reports (TFRs). TFRs are now filed only at the end of each quarter. 
    Thus, for compliance tracking purposes, an institution's LTOB limits 
    are now normally computed on the basis of its unimpaired capital and 
    unimpaired surplus at the end of each quarter. The purpose for the 
    quarterly computation rule is to reduce the burden associated with 
    frequent recomputation of LTOB limits. The OTS will not object if 
    institutions choose to recompute their LTOB limits more frequently than 
    quarterly, provided that adequate documentation is maintained.
        Moreover, we also note that the LTOB rule expressly provides that 
    if an association knows, or has reason to know, that its level of 
    unimpaired capital and unimpaired surplus has changed significantly, 
    either upward or downward, subsequent to a quarter-end computation, the 
    institution must recompute its LTOB limits.8
        \8\  See 12 CFR 563.93(f)(1).
        Because the OTS has decided to make no substantive changes to its 
    interim final rule, that rule is adopted as final today, with one 
    technical correction. The words ``general valuation'' are being removed 
    from the definition of ``unimpaired capital and unimpaired surplus'' at 
    Sec. 563.93(b)(11)(ii). In its present form, the definition specifies 
    that an association's ``general valuation allowances for loan and lease 
    losses not included in supplementary capital under part 567 of this 
    chapter'' are to be added to the association's computation of 
    unimpaired capital and unimpaired surplus.9 The words ``general 
    [[Page 66715]]
    were inadvertently included in the interim final rule. The words are 
        \9\  60 FR at 15864.
    Administrative Procedure Act; Riegle Community Development and 
    Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994
        The OTS has found good cause to dispense with both prior notice and 
    comment on this final rule and a 30-day delay of its effective date 
    mandated by the Administrative Procedure Act.10 OTS believes that 
    it is contrary to public interest to delay the effective date of the 
    rule, as it corrects a number of errors that have caused confusion and 
    these corrections will aid the public in using OTS's regulations. 
    Because the technical amendments in the final rule are not substantive, 
    they will not detrimentally affect savings associations by becoming 
    effective immediately; the LTOB rule is already effective.
        \10\  5 U.S.C. 553.
        In addition, this document is exempt from the requirement found in 
    section 302 of the Riegle Community Development and Regulatory 
    Improvement Act of 1994 11 that regulations must not take effect 
    before the first day of the quarter following publication, as it 
    imposes no new requirements.
        \11\  Pub. L. No 103-325, 12 U.S.C. 4802.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        Pursuant to section 605(b) of the Regulatory Flexibility 
    Act,12 it is certified that this technical corrections regulation 
    will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
    small savings associations, small service corporations, or other small 
        \12\  Pub. L. No 96-354, 5 U.S.C. 601.
    Executive Order 12866
        The Acting Director has determined that this rule is not a 
    ``significant regulatory action'' for purposes of Executive Order 
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
        The OTS has determined that the requirements of this final rule 
    will not result in expenditures by State, local, and tribal 
    governments, or by the private sector, of more than $100 million in any 
    one year. Accordingly, a budgetary impact statement is not required 
    under section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995.
    List of Subjects
    12 CFR Part 505
        Freedom of information.
    12 CFR Part 506
        Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    12 CFR Part 510
        Administrative practice and procedure.
    12 CFR Part 512
        Administrative practice and procedure, Investigations.
    12 CFR Part 516
        Administrative practice and procedure, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Savings associations.
    12 CFR Parts 543 and 544
        Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations.
    12 CFR Part 545
        Accounting, Consumer protection, Credit, Electronic funds 
    transfers, Investments, Manufactured homes, Mortgages, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations.
    12 CFR Part 550
        Savings associations, Trusts and trustees.
    12 CFR Part 552
        Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations, 
    12 CFR Part 556
        Savings associations.
    12 CFR Part 563
        Accounting, Advertising, Crime, Currency, Flood insurance, 
    Investments, Mortgages, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 
    Savings associations, Securities, Surety bonds.
    12 CFR Part 563b
        Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations, 
    12 CFR Part 563c
        Accounting, Savings associations, Securities.
    12 CFR Part 563d
        Authority delegations (Government agencies), Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations, Securities.
    12 CFR Part 565
        Administrative practice and procedure, Capital, Savings 
    12 CFR Part 566
        Liquidity, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Savings 
    12 CFR Part 567
        Capital, Savings associations.
    12 CFR Part 571
        Accounting, Conflicts of interest, Investments, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations.
    12 CFR Part 574
        Administrative practice and procedure, Holding companies, Reporting 
    and recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations, Securities.
    12 CFR Part 575
        Administrative practice and procedure, Capital, Holding companies, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations, 
    12 CFR Part 583
        Holding companies, Savings associations.
    12 CFR Part 584
        Administrative practice and procedure, Holding companies, Reporting 
    and recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations, Securities.
        Accordingly, for the reasons set out in the preamble and under the 
    authority of 12 U.S.C. 1462a, the Office of Thrift Supervision hereby 
    amends chapter V, title 12 of the Code of Federal Regulations and 
    adopts as final the interim rule amending 12 CFR 563.93 published at 60 
    FR 15861 on March 28, 1995, with one change, as set forth below:
    Chapter V [Amended]
        1. Chapter V of title 12 is amended by removing the headings for 
    subchapters A through G; and by removing the term ``subchapter'' 
    wherever it appears, and by adding in lieu thereof the word 
        2. The authority citation for part 505 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552; 12 U.S.C. 1462a, 1463, 1464.
    Sec. 505.1  [Amended]
        3. Section 505.1 is amended in paragraph (a) by removing the word 
    ``('Office')'', and by adding in lieu 
    [[Page 66716]]
    thereof the word ``('OTS')'', and by removing the words ``the Office 
    as'', and adding in lieu thereof the words ``the OTS as''; and in 
    paragraph (b) by removing the word ``Office'' each place it appears, 
    and by adding in lieu thereof the word ``OTS''.
        4. Section 505.2 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 505.2  Public reference room.
        The OTS will make materials available for review on an ad hoc basis 
    when necessary. Contact the Dissemination Branch, Records Management 
    and Information Policy Division, Office of Thrift Supervision, 1700 G 
    Street, NW., Washington, DC 20552, or visit the Public Reference Room 
    at 1700 G Street, NW., lower level, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on 
    business days.
        5. Section 505.3 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 505.3  Requests for records.
        Initial determinations under 31 CFR 1.5(g) as to whether to grant 
    requests for records of the OTS will be made by the Manager, 
    Dissemination Branch or by an official so designated. Requests may be 
    mailed to: Freedom of Information Act Request, Dissemination Branch, 
    Records Management and Information Policy Division, Office of Thrift 
    Supervision, 1700 G Street, NW., Washington, DC 20552, or marked 
    ``FOIA'' and delivered in person to the Public Reference Room, 
    Dissemination Branch, Records Management and Information Policy 
    Division, 1700 G Street, NW., Lower Level. Requests may also be sent by 
        6. Section 505.4 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 505.4  Administrative appeal of initial determination to deny 
        Appellate determinations under 31 CFR 1.5(h) with respect to 
    records of the OTS will be made by the Executive Director for 
    Administration or the Director, Records Management and Information 
    Policy Division. Appeals by mail should be addressed to: Dissemination 
    Branch, Records Management and Information Policy Division, 1700 G 
    Street, NW., Washington, DC 20552. Appeals may be delivered personally 
    to the Dissemination Branch, Records Management and Information Policy 
    Division, Office of Thrift Supervision, 1700 G Street, NW., Lower 
    Level. Appeals may also be sent by facsimile.
        7. The authority citation for part 506 continues to read as 
        Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
        8. Section 506.1 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 506.1  OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act.
        (a) Purpose. This part collects and displays the control numbers 
    assigned to information collection requirements contained in 
    regulations of the Office of Thrift Supervision by the Office of 
    Management and Budget (OMB) pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 
    1995, Pub. L. 104-13, 109 Stat. 163, and is adopted in compliance with 
    the requirements of 5 CFR 1320.8. Information collection requirements 
    that are not mandated by statute must be assigned control numbers by 
    OMB in order to be enforceable.
        (b) Display.
                                                                Current OMB 
      12 CFR part or section where identified and described     control No. 
    502.3...................................................       1550-0053
    510.....................................................       1550-0081
    516.1(c)................................................       1550-0056
    Part 528................................................       1550-0021
    528.1a..................................................       1550-0011
    533.1...................................................       1550-0011
    543.1...................................................       1550-0018
    543.2...................................................       1550-0005
    543.9...................................................       1550-0007
    544.2...................................................       1550-0017
    544.5...................................................       1550-0018
    545.36(d)...............................................       1550-0011
    545.74..................................................       1550-0013
    545.81..................................................       1550-0077
    545.82..................................................       1550-0033
    545.92..................................................       1550-0006
    545.95..................................................       1550-0006
    545.96(c)...............................................       1550-0011
    545.121.................................................       1550-0047
    545.131.................................................       1550-0011
    546.2...................................................       1550-0016
    546.4...................................................       1550-0066
    550.2...................................................       1550-0037
    550.14..................................................       1550-0037
    552.2-1.................................................       1550-0005
    552.2-6.................................................       1550-0007
    552.4...................................................       1550-0017
    552.5...................................................       1550-0018
    552.6...................................................       1550-0025
    552.7...................................................       1550-0025
    552.10..................................................       1550-0019
    552.11..................................................       1550-0011
    552.13..................................................      1550-0016,
    562.1(b)................................................       1550-0011
    563.1(b)................................................       1550-0011
    563.10..................................................       1550-0027
    563.22..................................................      1550-0016,
    563.34..................................................       1550-0011
    563.37(c)...............................................       1550-0067
    563.38..................................................       1550-0065
    563.41(e)...............................................       1550-0011
    563.42(e)...............................................       1550-0011
    563.43 (f) through (h)..................................       1550-0075
    563.43(i)(3)............................................       1550-0075
    563.47(e)...............................................       1550-0011
    563.48(c)...............................................       1550-0011
    563.74..................................................       1550-0050
    563.80..................................................       1550-0061
    563.81..................................................       1550-0030
    563.93(f)...............................................       1550-0011
    563.99-563.101 (Subpart D), Appendix A..................       1550-0078
    563.99e.................................................       1550-0011
    563.132.................................................       1550-0033
    563.134.................................................       1550-0059
    563.170.................................................       1550-0011
    563.170(c)..............................................      1550-0011,
    563.172.................................................       1550-0011
    563.173(e)..............................................       1550-0011
    563.174(e)..............................................       1550-0011
    563.174(f)..............................................       1550-0011
    563.175(e)..............................................       1550-0011
    563.175(f)..............................................       1550-0011
    563.177.................................................       1550-0041
    563.180.................................................       1550-0084
    563.180(d)..............................................       1550-0003
    563.181.................................................       1550-0032
    563.183.................................................       1550-0032
    Part 563b...............................................       1550-0014
    563b.4..................................................       1550-0032
    563b.20 through 563b.32.................................       1550-0074
    Part 563d...............................................       1550-0019
    Part 563e...............................................       1550-0012
    Part 563f...............................................       1550-0051
    Part 563g...............................................       1550-0035
    Part 564................................................       1550-0011
    566.4...................................................       1550-0011
    Part 568................................................       1550-0062
    571.6...................................................       1550-0005
    574.....................................................       1550-0032
    574.6...................................................       1550-0015
    Part 575................................................       1550-0071
    584.2-1.................................................       1550-0063
    584.2-2.................................................       1550-0063
    584.9...................................................       1550-0063
        8a. The authority citation for part 510 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462a, 1463, 1464.
    Sec. 510.2  [Amended]
        8b. Section 510.2 is amended in paragraph (a) by removing the 
    phrase ``subchapters A, B, C, D, E, F, and G of''.
        9. The authority citation for part 512 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467, 1467a, 1813; 15 
    U.S.C. 78 l. 
    [[Page 66717]]
    Sec. 512.4  [Amended]
        10. Section 512.4 is amended by removing the phrase ``Director or 
    any Deputy Director of Enforcement'', and by adding in lieu thereof the 
    phrase ``Deputy Chief Counsel for Enforcement or the appropriate 
    Regional Counsel for Enforcement''.
    Sec. 512.5  [Amended]
        11. Section 512.5 is amended in paragraph (a) by removing the 
    phrase ``Director or any Deputy Director of Enforcement'', and by 
    adding in lieu thereof the phrase ``Deputy Chief Counsel for 
    Enforcement or the appropriate Regional Counsel for Enforcement''.
        12. The authority citation for part 516 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552, 559; 12 U.S.C. 1462a, 1463, 1464.
    Sec. 516.1  [Amended]
        13. Section 516.1 is amended in paragraph (b)(1) by removing the 
    word ``17th'' and by adding in lieu thereof the word ``18th''; in 
    paragraph (b)(2) by removing the number ``30348-5217'' and by adding in 
    lieu thereof the number ``30309''; in paragraph (b)(3) by removing the 
    phrase ``111 East Wacker Drive, suite 800, Chicago, Illinois 60601-
    4360'', and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase ``200 West Madison 
    Street, Suite 1300, Chicago, Illinois 60606''; in paragraph (b)(4) by 
    removing the phrase ``P.O. Box 619027,''; and in paragraph (b)(5) by 
    removing the word ``Center'' and by adding in lieu thereof the word 
        14. Section 516.3 is amended by revising paragraph (c) to read as 
    Sec. 516.3  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        (c) CAMEL rating. A savings association's CAMEL rating is its 
    Capital, Assets, Management, Earnings, and Liquidity rating as of the 
    most recent rating update (as determined either on-site or off-site by 
    the most recent examination) of which the savings association has been 
    notified in writing.
    * * * * *
        15. The authority citation for part 543 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467a, 2901 et 
        16. Section 543.8 is amended in paragraph (a) by removing the 
    phrase ``District Director or his or her designee'', and by adding in 
    lieu thereof the word ``OTS''; and by adding a second sentence to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 543.8  Conversion of State mutual charter to Federal charter.
        (a) * * * Requests for such approval shall be filed in accordance 
    with Sec. 516.1(c) of this chapter.
    Sec. 543.11  [Amended]
        17. Section 543.11 is amended in paragraph (c)(1)(iii)(C) by 
    removing the last sentence.
        18. The authority citation for part 544 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467a, 2901 et 
    Sec. 544.3  [Amended]
        19. Section 544.3 is amended in the petition by removing the phrase 
    ``District Director'', and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase 
    ``Regional Director''.
        20. The authority citation for part 545 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1828.
    Sec. 545.74  [Amended]
        21. Section 545.74 is amended in paragraph (c)(4)(iv) by removing 
    the phrase ``District Director or his or her designee'', and by adding 
    in lieu thereof the phrase ``Regional Director''; and by removing the 
    phrase ``he or she has'', and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase 
    ``there are''.
    Sec. 545.82  [Amended]
        22. Section 545.82 is amended in paragraph (c)(1)(i) by removing 
    the phrase ``District Director'', and by adding in lieu thereof the 
    phrase ``OTS'', and by removing the phrase ``of the parent Federal 
    savings association''; in paragraph (c)(1)(ii) by removing the phrase 
    ``District Director'', and by adding in lieu thereof the word ``OTS'', 
    and by removing the phrase ``the Federal savings association's''; and 
    in paragraph (f)(2) by removing the phrase ``its District Director'', 
    and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase ``the OTS''.
    Sec. 545.121  [Amended]
        23. Section 545.121 is amended in paragraph (c) concluding text by 
    removing the phrase ``District Director'', and by adding in lieu 
    thereof the phrase ``Regional Director'', and by removing the phrase 
    ``Director of the Office'', and by adding in lieu thereof the word 
    ``OTS''; and in the third sentence of paragraph (e) by removing the 
    phrase ``it the person'', and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase ``if 
    the person''.
    Sec. 545.131  [Amended]
        24. Section 545.131 is amended in paragraph (b)(7) introductory 
    text by removing the phrase ``District Director'', and by adding in 
    lieu thereof the phrase ``Regional Director''.
        25. The authority citation for part 550 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1735f-7.
    Sec. 550.2  [Amended]
        26. Section 550.2 is amended in paragraph (c) introductory text by 
    removing the phrase ``District Director's'', and by adding in lieu 
    thereof the phrase ``Regional Director's''; and in paragraph (c) 
    introductory text, and paragraphs (c)(1), (c)(4), (c)(5), (c)(7), 
    (c)(9), and (d) by removing the phrase ``District Director'' each place 
    it appears, and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase ``Regional 
    Sec. 550.3  [Amended]
        27. Section 550.3 is amended by removing the phrase ``or the 
    District Director'', and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase 
    ``Regional Director''.
    Sec. 550.10  [Amended]
        28. Section 550.10 is amended in paragraph (b)(2) by removing the 
    phrase ``District Director'', and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase 
    ``Regional Director''.
    Sec. 550.13  [Amended]
        29. Section 550.13(b) is amended by removing the phrase ``shall 
    also be filed with the District Director and that the Office may review 
    such documents'', and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase ``shall also 
    be filed in accordance with the filing instructions in Sec. 516.1(c) of 
    this chapter and that the OTS may review such documents''.
    Sec. 550.14  [Amended]
        30. Section 550.14 is amended in paragraph (a) by removing the 
    phrase ``Sec. 500.32(c)(5)'', and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase 
    ``Sec. 516.1(c)''; and in paragraphs (b) and (c) introductory text by 
    removing the phrase ``District Director'', and by adding in lieu 
    thereof the phrase ``Regional Director''. 
    [[Page 66718]]
    Sec. 550.15  [Amended]
        31. Section 550.15 is amended in paragraph (a) by removing the 
    phrase ``parts 558 and 559 of this title'', and by adding in lieu 
    thereof the phrase ``part 558 of this chapter''.
        32. The authority citation for part 552 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467a.
    Sec. 552.5  [Amended]
        33. Section 552.5 is amended in paragraph (a) by removing the 
    phrase ``552.6-3, and 552.6-4'', and by adding in lieu thereof the 
    phrase ``and 552.6-3''; and in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) by removing the 
    phrase ``552.6-3 and 552.6-4'', and by adding ``and 552.6-3'' in its 
        34. Article VIII of the appendix to part 552 is revised to read as 
    Appendix to Part 552--Model Bylaws for Stock Associations
    * * * * *
    Article VIII--Fiscal Year
        The fiscal year of the association shall end on the 
    ________________ of ________________ of each year. The appointment 
    of accountants shall be subject to annual ratification by the 
    * * * * *
        34a. The authority citation for part 556 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552, 559; 12 U.S.C. 1464, 1701j-3; 15 U.S.C. 
    Sec. 556.5  [Amended]
        34b. Section 556.5 is amended in paragraph (c)(4) by removing the 
    phrases ``of chapter C'' and ``of chapter D''.
        35. The authority citation for part 563 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 375b, 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467a, 1468, 
    1817, 1828, 3806; 42 U.S.C. 4106.
    Sec. 563.9  [Amended]
        36. Section 563.9 is amended in paragraph (f) by removing the 
    phrase ``Notwithstanding the provisions of Sec. 571.25 of this chapter, 
    a'', and by adding in lieu thereof the word ``A''.
    Sec. 563.93  [Amended]
        37. Section 563.93 is amended in paragraph (b)(11)(ii) by removing 
    the phrase ``general valuation''.
    Sec. 563.134  [Amended]
        38. Section 563.134 is amended in paragraphs (b)(5) and (c) by 
    removing the phrase ``District Director'', and by adding in lieu 
    thereof the phrase ``Regional Director''.
    Sec. 563.160  [Amended]
        39. Section 563.160 is amended in paragraphs (c)(2) and (d)(1) by 
    removing the phrase ``District Director'', and by adding in lieu 
    thereof the phrase ``Regional Director''; and by removing paragraph 
    Sec. 563.170  [Amended]
        40. Section 563.170 is amended in paragraph (b)(1) by removing the 
    phrase ``District Director'' each place it appears, and by adding in 
    lieu thereof the phrase ``Regional Director'', and by removing the term 
    ``District'' and by adding in lieu thereof the term ``Region''; in 
    paragraph (c)(3)(iii) by removing the phrase ``, its District Director, 
    or the'', and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase ``or its''; and in 
    paragraph (e) by removing the phrases ``District Director'' and 
    ``District'', and by adding in lieu thereof the phrases ``Regional 
    Director'' and ``Region'', respectively.
    Sec. 563.177  [Amended]
        40a. Section 563.177 is amended in paragraphs (a) and (b) by 
    removing the phrase ``chapter II'', and by adding in lieu thereof the 
    phrase ``subchapter II''.
    Sec. 563.183  [Amended]
        41. Section 563.183 is amended in paragraph (c)(1) by removing the 
    phrase ``shall be by letter signed by the officer making the report 
    with the original and two copies to the District Director or his or her 
    designee'', and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase ``shall be done in 
    accordance with Sec. 516.1(c) of this chapter''.
        42. The authority citation for part 563b continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467a, 2901; 15 
    U.S.C. 78c, 78l, 78m, 78n, 78w.
        43. Section 563b.2 is amended by removing paragraph (a)(15), by 
    redesignating paragraph (a)(16) as paragraph (a)(15) and by adding new 
    paragraph (a)(16) to read as follows:
    Sec. 563b.2  Definitions.
        (a) * * *
        (16) Employee. The term employee does not include a director or 
    * * * * *
    Sec. 563b.3  [Amended]
        44. Section 563b.3 is amended in the last sentence of paragraph 
    (c)(8) by removing the phrase ``Sec. 563b.10(c)'', and by adding in 
    lieu thereof the phrase ``Sec. 563b.10''.
    Sec. 563b.3  [Amended]
        44a. Section 563b.3 is amended in the charter provision of 
    paragraph (c)(13) by removing the phrase ``chapter D'', and by adding 
    in lieu thereof the phrase ``Part 563b''.
    Sec. 563b.4  [Amended]
        45. Section 563b.4 is amended by designating the concluding text of 
    paragraph (b)(1)(i) as paragraph (b)(1)(ii); and by removing the phrase 
    ``Corporate and Securities'' where it appears in newly designated 
    paragraph (b)(1)(ii) and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase 
    ``Business Transactions''.
    Sec. 563b.8  [Amended]
        46. Section 563b.8 is amended by removing the phrase ``Corporate 
    and Securities'' where it appears in the first, second, and third 
    sentences of paragraph (e)(1) and adding in lieu thereof the phrase 
    ``Business Transactions''.
    Sec. 563b.29  [Amended]
        47. Section 563b.29 is amended in paragraph (b) by removing the 
    phrase ``District Director'', and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase 
    ``Regional Director''.
        48. The authority citation for part 563c is revised to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462a, 1463, 1464; 15 U.S.C. 78c(b), 78m, 
    78n, 78w.
    Sec. 563c.3  [Amended]
        49. Section 563c.3 is amended by removing paragraph (b) and the 
    paragraph designation for paragraph (a).
        50. The authority citation for part 563d is revised to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462a, 1463, 1464; 15 U.S.C. 78c(b), 78l, 
    78m, 78w, 78d-1.
    Sec. 563d.1  [Amended]
        51. Section 563d.1 is amended by removing the phrase ``Corporate 
    and Securities'', and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase ``Business 
    Sec. 563d.2  [Amended]
        52. Section 563d.2 is amended by removing the phrase ``Corporate 
    [[Page 66719]]
    Securities'' where it appears in the first, third, and fourth 
    sentences, and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase ``Business 
    Transactions''; and by removing the word ``District'', and the phrases 
    ``District Office'', ``District Offices'', and ``District Director'' 
    where they appear, and by adding in lieu thereof the word ``Region'', 
    and the phrases ``Regional Office'', ``Regional Offices'', and 
    ``Regional Director'', respectively.
        53. The authority citation for part 565 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1831o.
    Sec. 565.9  [Amended]
        54. Section 565.9 is amended by removing the phrase ``section 
    565.8'' in paragraph (a) and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase 
    ``Sec. 565.7''.
        55. The authority citation for part 566 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1465, 1467a; 15 
    U.S.C. 1691, 1691a.
    Sec. 566.2  [Amended]
        56. Section 566.2 is amended in paragraph (c) by removing the 
    phrase ``, Sec. 566.1, and Sec. 566.3'', and by adding in lieu thereof 
    the phrase ``and Sec. 566.1''.
        57. The authority citation for part 567 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467a, 1828 
        58. Section 567.3 is amended by:
        a. revising paragraph (a);
        b. removing, in paragraph (b)(5), the phrase ``Sec. 563.131 of this 
    chapter or other Office regulations'', and by adding in lieu thereof 
    the phrase ``other Office regulations or other guidance'';
        c. revising paragraph (d)(1);
        d. removing, in paragraphs (d)(2) and (d)(3), the phrases 
    ``District Director'' and ``District Director's'' each place they 
    appear, and by adding in lieu thereof the phrases ``OTS'' and 
    ``OTS's'', respectively;
        e. revising the fourth and fifth sentences of paragraph (d)(3), and 
    removing the third sentence of paragraph (d)(3); and
        f. revising paragraph (d)(5). The revisions read as follows:
    Sec. 567.3  Individual minimum capital requirements.
        (a) Purpose and scope. The rules and procedures specified in this 
    section apply to the establishment of an individual minimum capital 
    requirement for a savings association that varies from the requirement 
    that would otherwise apply to the savings association under Sec. 567.2 
    of this part. Pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 1464(s), the OTS may establish such 
    individual minimum capital requirements for savings associations as it 
    deems necessary or appropriate on a case-by-case basis in light of the 
    particular circumstances of each savings association.
    * * * * *
        (d) Procedures--(1) Notification. When the OTS determines that a 
    minimum capital requirement different from that set forth in Sec. 567.2 
    of this part is necessary or appropriate for a particular savings 
    association, it shall notify the savings association in writing of its 
    proposed individual minimum capital requirement; the schedule for 
    compliance with the new requirement; and the specific causes for 
    determining that the higher individual minimum capital requirement is 
    necessary or appropriate for the savings association. The OTS shall 
    forward the notifying letter to the appropriate state supervisor if a 
    state-chartered savings association would be subject to an individual 
    minimum capital requirement.
    * * * * *
        (3) * * * The OTS shall provide the savings association and the 
    appropriate state supervisor (if a state-chartered savings association 
    is involved) with a written decision on the individual minimum capital 
    requirement, addressing the substantive comments made by the savings 
    association and setting forth the decision and the basis for that 
    decision. Upon receipt of this decision by the savings association, the 
    individual minimum capital requirement becomes effective and binding 
    upon the savings association. * * *
    * * * * *
        (5) Change in circumstances. If, after a decision is made under 
    paragraph (d)(3) of this section, there is a change in the 
    circumstances affecting the savings association's capital adequacy or 
    its ability to reach its required minimum capital level by the 
    specified date, OTS may amend the individual minimum capital 
    requirement or the savings association's schedule for such compliance. 
    The OTS may decline to consider a savings association's request for 
    such changes that are not based on a significant change in 
    circumstances or that are repetitive or frivolous. Pending the OTS's 
    reexamination of the original decision, that original decision and any 
    compliance schedule established thereunder shall continue in full force 
    and effect.
        59. Section 567.4 is amended by:
        a. removing, in paragraph (a)(1) introductory text, the phrase ``, 
    after referral of an appropriate case by a District Director and based 
    on a recommendation of the Office's Office of Enforcement developed in 
    coordination with the Deputy Director for Regional Operations'';
        b. revising paragraph (a)(2) introductory text;
        c. revising the second and fifth sentences in paragraph (a)(3)(i) 
    introductory text;
        d. removing, in paragraph (a)(3)(i) introductory text the word 
    ``Enforcement'' each place it appears, and adding in lieu thereof the 
    phrase ``the Office''; and in paragraphs (a)(3)(i)(A) and (C), 
    (a)(3)(ii), (a)(4), and (a)(5)(ii), by removing the words ``of 
    Enforcement'' each place it appears;
        e. removing, in paragraph (a)(4), the phrase ``, based on a 
    recommendation from the Office developed in coordination with the 
    Deputy Director for Regional Operations,'';
        f. revising paragraph (a)(6); and
        g. removing in paragraph (b)(1) the phrase ``(such as an 
    application under Sec. 563.131 of this chapter, or an application for 
    approval to exceed its applicable equity risk investment threshold 
    pursuant to Sec. 563.98(g) of this chapter)''.
        The revisions read as follows:
    Sec. 567.4  Capital directives.
        (a) * * *
        (2) Notice of intent to issue capital directive. The OTS will 
    determine whether to initiate the process of issuing a capital 
    directive. The OTS will notify a savings association in writing by 
    registered mail of its intention to issue a capital directive. If a 
    state-chartered savings association is involved, the OTS will also 
    notify and solicit comment from the appropriate state supervisor. The 
    notice will state:
    * * * * *
        (3) Response to notice of intent. (i) * * * The response should 
    also include any information that the savings association wishes the 
    OTS to consider in deciding whether to issue a capital directive. * * * 
    Such responses shall be submitted in accordance with Sec. 516.1(c) of 
    this chapter. * * *
    * * * * *
        (6) Change in circumstances. Upon a change in circumstances, a 
    savings association may submit a request to the OTS to reconsider the 
    terms of the capital directive or consider changes in the savings 
    association's capital plan 
    [[Page 66720]]
    issued under a directive for the savings association to achieve its 
    minimum capital requirement. If the OTS believes such a change is 
    warranted, the OTS may modify the savings association's capital 
    requirement or may refuse to make such modification if it determines 
    that there are not significant changes in circumstances. Pending a 
    decision on reconsideration, the capital directive and capital plan 
    shall continue in full force and effect.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 567.10  [Amended]
        60. Section 567.10 is amended in paragraphs (a)(3) introductory 
    text and (c) by removing the phrase ``its District Director'' and by 
    adding in lieu thereof the phrase ``the Regional Director''.
    Sec. 567.13  [Amended]
        61. Section 567.13 is amended in paragraph (c) by removing the 
    phrase ``by the District Director''.
        62. The authority citation for part 571 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552, 559; 12 U.S.C. 1462a, 1463, 1464.
    Sec. 571.6  [Amended]
        63. Section 571.6 is amended in paragraphs (a)(2)(iv), (b)(3)(i), 
    (d)(1), (d)(2), (d)(4)(ii), and (g) by removing the phrase ``District 
    Director'', and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase ``Regional 
    Director''; and by redesignating paragraph (b)(3)(i) as paragraph 
    Sec. 571.13  [Amended]
        64. Section 571.13 is amended in the introductory text of paragraph 
    (a) by removing the phrase ``563.90 and''; and in paragraph (a)(1) by 
    removing the phrase ``or District Directors''.
    Sec. 571.20  [Amended]
        65. Section 571.20 is amended in paragraph (a) by removing the 
    phrase ``District Director'', and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase 
    ``Regional Director''.
        66. The authority citation for part 574 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1467a, 1817, 1831i.
    Sec. 574.2  [Amended]
        67. Section 574.2 is amended by removing and reserving paragraph 
    Sec. 574.3  [Amended]
        68. Section 574.3 is amended in paragraph (c)(2)(v) by removing the 
    phrase ``District Director'', and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase 
    ``Regional Director''.
    Sec. 574.4  [Amended]
        69. Section 574.4 is amended in paragraph (c)(4)(ii) by removing 
    the phrase ``District Director or his or her designee'', and by adding 
    in lieu thereof the phrase ``Regional Director''; and in paragraph 
    (f)(2) by removing the phrase ``Sec. 574.6(b)(3) of this part'', and by 
    adding in lieu thereof the phrase ``Sec. 516.1(c) of this chapter''.
        70. Section 574.6 is amended by adding paragraphs (a)(4) through 
    (a)(6); by removing in paragraph (c)(3)(ii)(D) the phrase ``chapter 
    II'', and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase ``subchapter II''; and 
    by removing paragraph (c)(3)(iii) to read as follows:
    Sec. 574.6  Procedural requirements.
        (a) * * *
        (4) H-(e)3. This application shall be used for all applications 
    filed under Sec. 574.3(a) of this part:
        (i) By a savings and loan holding company for approval of 
    acquisitions by a merger, consolidation, or purchase of assets of a 
    savings association or uninsured institution or a savings and loan 
    holding company; or
        (ii) By any company for approval of acquisitions by a merger, 
    consolidation, or purchase of assets of two or more savings 
        (5) H-(e)4. This information filing shall be used to claim that a 
    reorganization is exempt from prior written approval of the OTS under 
    Sec. 574.3(c)(1)(ii) of this part.
        (6) Notice Form 1393, parts A and B. This form shall be used for 
    all notices filed under Sec. 574.3(b) of this part regarding the 
    acquisition of control of a savings association by any person or 
    persons not constituting a company except as provided in paragraph 
    (a)(3) of this section.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 574.7  [Amended]
        71. Section 574.7 is amended in paragraphs (a)(2)(iii)(A) and (E) 
    by removing the phrase ``Senior Deputy Director for Supervision 
    (Policy)'', and by adding in lieu thereof the word ``OTS''; in 
    paragraphs (a)(2)(iii)(F)(1) through (4) by removing the phrase 
    ``District Director or his or her designee'', and by adding in lieu 
    thereof the word ``OTS''; and in paragraph (c)(2) introductory text by 
    removing the phrase ``(a)(4), and''.
        72. The authority citation for part 575 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467a, 1828, 2901.
    Sec. 575.2  [Amended]
        72a. Section 575.2 is amended in paragraphs (i) and (p) by removing 
    the phrase ``of chapter F''.
    Sec. 575.10  [Amended]
        73. Section 575.10 is amended in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2)(iii) 
    by removing the phrase ``and 571.5''.
    Sec. 575.11  [Amended]
        74. Section 575.11 is amended in paragraph (g) by removing the 
    phrase ``Secs. 563.39 and 571.5'', and by adding in lieu thereof the 
    phrase ``Sec. 563.39''.
        75. The authority citation for part 583 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467a, 1468.
    Sec. 583.10  [Removed]
        76. Section 583.10 is removed.
        77. The authority citation for part 584 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467a, 1468.
    Sec. 584.1  [Amended]
        78. Section 584.1 is amended in paragraph (b) by removing the 
    phrase ``District Director'', and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase 
    ``Regional Director''.
    Sec. 584.2-2  [Amended]
        79. Section 584.2-2 is amended in paragraph (b) by removing the 
    third sentence; and in paragraph (c) by removing the phrase ``the 
    District Director or the Director of the Office, as the case may be,'', 
    and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase ``the OTS''.
        Dated: December 11, 1995.
        By the Office of Thrift Supervision.
    Jonathan L. Fiechter,
    Acting Director.
    [FR Doc. 95-30541 Filed 12-22-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6720-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Thrift Supervision Office
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
December 26, 1996.
66713-66720 (8 pages)
Docket Numbers:
No. 95-200
PDF File:
CFR: (63)
12 CFR 563.93(b)(11)(ii)
12 CFR 516.3(c)
12 CFR 574.3(c)(1)(ii)
12 CFR 563b.2
12 CFR 563b.3
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