95-30873. Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 248 (Wednesday, December 27, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 66898-66926]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-30873]
    Internal Revenue Service
    26 CFR Parts 26, 301, and 602
    [TD 8644]
    RIN 1545-AJ11; 1545-AL75; 1545-AO89
    Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax
    AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service, Treasury.
    ACTION: Final and temporary regulations.
    SUMMARY: This document contains final generation-skipping transfer 
    (GST) tax regulations under chapter 13 of the Internal Revenue Code 
    (Code), as added by section 1431 of the Tax Reform Act of 1986. Changes 
    to the applicable law were made by the Tax Reform Act of 1986, the 
    Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988, and the Revenue 
    Reconciliation Act of 1989. The regulations are necessary to provide 
    guidance to taxpayers so that they may comply with chapter 13 of the 
    EFFECTIVE DATE: December 27, 1995.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: James F. Hogan, (202) 622-3090 (not a 
    toll free number).
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        The collection of information requirements contained in these final 
    regulations have been reviewed and approved by the Office of Management 
    and Budget in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 
    3507) under control numbers 1545-0985 (relating to Secs. 26.2601-1 and 
    26.2662-2) and 1545-1358 (relating to Secs. 26.2632-1, 26.2642-1, 
    26.2642-2, 26.2642-3, 26.2642-4 and 26.2652-2). All of these paperwork 
    requirements will be consolidated under control number 1545-0985. 
    Responses to this collection of information are required to ensure the 
    proper collection of the generation-skipping transfer tax.
        An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
    to respond to, a collection unless the collection of information 
    displays a valid control number.
        The estimated burden per respondent is 1 hour under control number 
    1545-0985. The time estimates for the reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements under control number 1545-1358 are included in the 
    estimates of burden applicable to Forms 706, 706NA, 706GS(T), 706GS(D), 
    706GS(D-1), and 709.
        Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate and 
    suggestions for reducing this burden should be directed to the Internal 
    Revenue Service, Attn: IRS Reports Clearance Officer T:FP, Washington, 
    DC 20224, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Attn: Desk 
    Officer for the Department of Treasury, Office of Information and 
    Regulatory Affairs, Washington, DC 20503.
        Books or records relating to this collection of information must be 
    retained as long as their contents may become material in the 
    administration of any internal revenue law. Generally, tax returns and 
    tax return information are confidential, as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.
        On March 15, 1988, the IRS published in the Federal Register a 
    notice of proposed rulemaking (53 FR 8469) by cross reference to 
    Temporary Regulations published on the same date in the Federal 
    Register (53 FR 8441) under Secs. 2601 and 2662. Subsequently, on 
    December 24, 1992, the IRS published a second notice of proposed 
    rulemaking (57 FR 61353) amending the prior notice. Also, on December 
    24, 1992, the IRS published a notice of proposed rulemaking in the 
    Federal Register (57 FR 61356) containing proposed regulations under 
    Secs. 2611, 2612, 2613, 2632, 2641, 2642, 2652, 2653, 2654, and 2663. 
    The IRS received written and oral comments on the proposed regulations 
    and, on April 21, 1993, a public hearing was held. These documents 
    adopt final regulations with respect to these notices of proposed 
        The following is a discussion of the more significant revisions 
    that were made.
    Section 2601--Transitional Rules
    Transfers After September 25, 1985 and Before October 23, 1986
        Section 26.2601-1(a)(2)(i), relating to inter vivos transfers made 
    after September 25, 1985, and before October 23, 1986, clarifies that 
    chapter 13 applies to inter vivos transfers that are subject to chapter 
    12 even though a gift tax is not actually paid because of, for example, 
    the marital deduction or the unified credit.
        Section 26.2601-1(a)(2)(ii) (which treats inter vivos transfers 
    made after September 25, 1985, and before October 23, 1986, as if made 
    on October 23, 1986) clarifies that the value of the transferred 
    property for purposes of chapter 13 is determined as of the actual 
    transfer date rather than as of the deemed transfer date of October 23, 
        Section 26.2601-1(a)(4) adds an example illustrating that 
    Sec. 26.2601-1(a)(2) does not apply to transfers made under a revocable 
    trust that becomes irrevocable by reason of the grantor's death after 
    September 25, 1985, but before October 23, 1986. Those transfers are 
    not subject to chapter 13 because they are in the nature of 
    testamentary transfers that occurred prior to October 23, 1986.
        Section 26.2601-1(b)(1)(ii)(C) clarifies that incidents of 
    ownership in an insurance policy that are relinquished before September 
    25, 1985, are not to be taken into account in determining whether a 
    trust is irrevocable for purposes of Sec. 26.2601-1(b)(1), which 
    exempts trusts that were irrevocable on September 25, 1985, from the 
    provisions of chapter 13.
        Under Sec. 26.2601-1(b)(1)(iii)(A), a qualified terminable interest 
    property (QTIP) trust that is grandfathered under Sec. 26.2601-1(b)(1) 
    is treated as if the reverse QTIP election had been made under section 
    2652(a)(3). Example 1 in Sec. 26.2601-1(b)(1)(iii)(B) has been revised 
    to illustrate that the initial QTIP election under section 2523(f) need 
    not be made before September 25, 1985, provided that the trust was 
    irrevocable on that date. Further, Sec. 26.2601-1(b)(1)(v)(C) has been 
    revised to provide that in the case of a trust with respect to which a 
    reverse QTIP election is deemed to have been made, the failure to 
    exercise the right of reimbursement under section 2207A will not be 
    treated as a constructive addition to the trust. This conforms the 
    treatment of trusts that are irrevocable on September 25, 1985, with 
    the rule provided in Sec. 26.2652-1(a)(3) which applies to trusts 
    created after September 25, 1985.
    [[Page 66899]]
        In Sec. 26.2601-1(b)(2)(iv)(B), the phrase ``or to a generation-
    skipping trust'' has been added to eliminate any implication that the 
    provision is limited to situations involving direct skips. The 
    provision applies to all generation-skipping transfers.
        Section 26.2601-1(b)(3)(iii) applies the transitional rules where 
    the decedent was under a mental disability but had not been adjudged a 
    mental incompetent. This section has been clarified to provide that any 
    evidence submitted to establish the decedent's state of incompetency is 
    not conclusive and is subject to examination. In addition, an example 
    has been added to illustrate the transitional rules applicable in the 
    case of mental incompetency.
    Uniform Statutory Rule Against Perpetuities
        The notice of proposed rulemaking published on December 24, 1992, 
    (57 FR 61353) contained a proposed modification to Sec. 26.2601-
    1(b)(1)(v)(B)(2). Section 26.2601-1(b)(1)(v)(B)(2) provided that the 
    exercise of a nongeneral power of appointment will not be treated as an 
    addition to a grandfathered GST trust if the power is exercised in a 
    manner that may not postpone or suspend the vesting, absolute 
    ownership, or power of alienation of a interest in property for a 
    period, measured from the date of creation of the trust, extending 
    beyond any life in being at the date of creation of the trust plus a 
    period of 21 years (perpetuities period).
        The proposed modification to Sec. 26.2601-1(b)(1)(v)(B)(2), which 
    is finalized in this document, provides that the exercise of a 
    nongeneral power of appointment that validly postpones or suspends the 
    vesting, absolute ownership, or power of alienation of an interest in 
    property for a term of years that will not exceed 90 years (measured 
    from the date of creation of the trust) will not be considered an 
    exercise that postpones vesting, etc., beyond the perpetuities period. 
    The modification takes into account the fact that many states have 
    adopted the Uniform Statutory Rule Against Perpetuities (USRAP) which 
    allows either a 90 year perpetuities period or the common law 
    perpetuities period. Under Sec. 26.2601-1(b)(1)(v)(B)(2), as modified, 
    the nongeneral power may not be exercised in a manner that postpones 
    vesting, etc., for the longer of 90 years or the common law period 
    (lives in being plus 21 years).
        The discussion in the preamble published on December 24, 1992, 
    indicates that USRAP has a ``wait and see'' aspect that is not 
    appropriate for GST purposes because it will be necessary to determine 
    the GST tax consequences of distributions and terminations at the time 
    they occur. Thus, the preamble stated that, in order to comply with the 
    regulation and avoid a constructive addition, it must be clear at the 
    time the nongeneral power is exercised that the exercise may not 
    postpone or suspend vesting, etc., beyond either lives in being plus 21 
    years or 90 years (but not the longer of the two periods). A 
    commentator has pointed out that the USRAP invalidates any attempt to 
    exercise a power for the longer of the two periods. Under the USRAP, it 
    will be clear at the time the nongeneral power is exercised that the 
    exercise may not postpone or suspend vesting, etc., beyond one of the 
    two periods (but not both). Under the USRAP, the common law period 
    (lives in being plus 21 years) is imposed in the event that the power 
    holder exercises the power in a manner that attempts to suspend or 
    postpone vesting, etc., for the longer of the two periods. Although the 
    preamble published on December 24, 1992, may have been misleading in 
    referring to a ``wait and see'' aspect of USRAP, the modification to 
    Sec. 26.2601-1(b)(1)(v)(B)(2) is not affected.
    Section 2611 et. seq.--GST Substantive Rules
    Definition of Generation-Skipping Transfers
        Section 26.2611-1 has been revised to clarify that, in determining 
    whether an event is subject to the GST tax, reference must be made to 
    the most recent transfer that was subject to Federal estate or gift 
    tax. This is because the most recent transfer that was subject to 
    estate or gift tax establishes the identity of the transferor, which in 
    turn determines the identity of the skip persons and non-skip persons.
        Section 26.2612-1(a)(2)(i) of the proposed regulations provides 
    generally that, for purposes of determining whether a transfer 
    constitutes a direct skip, the generation assignment of a person who 
    would otherwise be a skip person is redetermined by disregarding the 
    intervening generation, if certain individuals have died prior to the 
    transfer (e.g., a predeceased child of the transferor). The section has 
    been modified to provide that, if an individual who is a member of the 
    intervening generation dies no later than 90 days after the transfer, 
    the deceased individual is treated as having predeceased the 
    transferor, if the governing instrument or applicable state law 
    provides for such treatment.
        Section 26.2612-1(a)(2)(ii) has been added to provide that, if a 
    transferor makes an addition to an existing trust after the death of an 
    individual described in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of that section (i.e., an 
    individual in the intervening generation), the additional property is 
    treated as being held in a separate trust for purposes of chapter 13.
        Section 2612(a)(1) defines the term taxable termination to mean the 
    termination of an interest in property held in trust unless, among 
    other things, at no time after such termination may a distribution 
    (including distributions on termination) be made from the trust to a 
    skip person. Section 26.2612-1(b)(1)(iii), as proposed, has been 
    revised to provide that, for purposes of applying this rule, potential 
    distributions to skip persons are to be disregarded if the probability 
    of occurrence is so remote as to be negligible. A similar rule has been 
    applied to Sec. 26.2612-1(d)(2), regarding when a trust is considered a 
    skip person. The probability that a distribution will occur is so 
    remote as to be negligible only if it can be ascertained by actuarial 
    standards that there is less than a 5 percent probability that the 
    distribution will occur.
        Section 26.2612-1(c)(2) has been added to clarify that the look-
    through rule in section 2651(e)(2) does not apply for purposes of 
    determining whether a transfer from one trust to another trust is a 
    taxable distribution. Thus, the transfer is treated as having been made 
    to the recipient trust rather than to the beneficiaries of that trust. 
    Accordingly, a transfer is a taxable distribution only if the recipient 
    trust itself is a skip person.
        Section 26.2612-1(e)(3) has been added to provide that, in 
    determining whether a trust is a skip person, trust interests 
    disclaimed pursuant to a qualified disclaimer described in section 2518 
    are not taken into account.
        Example 3 has been added to Sec. 26.2612-1(f) to illustrate that a 
    transfer to a trust pursuant to which a beneficiary who is a skip 
    person has a withdrawal power is not a direct skip unless the trust is 
    a skip person.
        Example 9 has been added to Sec. 26.2612-1(f) to illustrate that a 
    taxable termination may occur upon the distribution of the entire trust 
    property (less amounts retained to pay a resulting GST tax and 
    administration expenses).
        Example 14 contained in Sec. 26.2612-1(f) of the proposed 
    regulations illustrates that an individual is not treated as having an 
    interest in a trust 
    [[Page 66900]]
    for purposes of Chapter 13, if the individual's support obligation 
    could be satisfied at the discretion of the trustee. This example has 
    been renumbered as Example 15 and has been clarified to provide that an 
    individual will have an interest in the trust if the trustee is 
    required to make distributions for the beneficiary's support, in 
    satisfaction of the individual's support obligation.
    Allocation of GST Exemption
        Under Sec. 26.2632-1(b)(2)(ii)(A) of the proposed regulations, a 
    late allocation of GST exemption is effective on the date the Form 709 
    reporting the allocation is filed, and is deemed to precede in point of 
    time any taxable event occurring on that date. This section has been 
    revised to specify that the Form 709 is treated as filed on the date it 
    is mailed to the appropriate IRS Service Center. Further, the late 
    allocation may be made on a timely filed Form 709 reporting another 
        Section 26.2632-1(b)(2)(ii)(B) has been added to clarify how the 
    GST exemption allocated on a Federal gift tax return (Form 709) is to 
    be apportioned in the event that the amount allocated on the return 
    exceeds the value of the transfers reported on the return.
        Example 4 of Sec. 26.2632-1(b)(2)(iii) of the proposed regulations 
    has been revised to better illustrate the effective date of a late 
    allocation of GST exemption.
        Example 5 of Sec. 26.2632-1(b)(2)(iii) has been added to illustrate 
    the automatic allocation of GST exemption to inter vivos direct skips 
    in situations where split gift treatment is elected on an initial gift 
    tax return filed after its due date.
        Section 26.2632-1(d)(1) has been revised to provide that a late 
    allocation of GST exemption made by an executor with respect to an 
    inter vivos transfer not included in the gross estate, is effective as 
    of the date the allocation is filed. This rule does not apply to any 
    automatic allocation under section 2632(b)(1). This revision conforms 
    the regulation to section 2642(b)(3).
    Estate Tax Inclusion Period
        As proposed, Sec. 26.2632-1(c)(2)(ii) provided that an estate tax 
    inclusion period (ETIP) exists during the period in which the 
    transferred property would have been includible in the transferor's 
    gross estate had the transferor retained an interest held by the 
    transferor's spouse, but only to the extent the spouse acquired the 
    interest from the transferor in an inter vivos transfer that was not 
    included in the transferor's taxable gifts or for which a deduction was 
    allowed under section 2523. Commentators stated that there was no 
    support in the statute for this spousal rule, and any such rule would 
    require a legislative change. The final regulations eliminate this 
    spousal rule and Example 5 of Sec. 26.2632-1(c)(5).
        Section 26.2632-1(c)(2)(ii)(A) has been added to provide that the 
    ETIP rules do not apply when the possibility that the property will be 
    included in the gross estate of the transferor (or the transferor's 
    spouse) is so remote as to be negligible.
        Further, Sec. 26.2632-1(c)(2)(ii)(B) has been added to provide that 
    transferred property will not be treated as being subject to inclusion 
    in the transferor's spouse's gross estate, and thus, subject to an 
    ETIP, where the only power possessed by the spouse is a right to 
    withdraw no more than the greater of 5 percent or $5,000 of the trust's 
    corpus and the withdrawal right terminates within 60 days of the 
    transfer to the trust.
        Section 26.2632-1(c)(5) Example 3, of the proposed regulations 
    illustrates that if a transferor's spouse elects gift-splitting 
    treatment with respect to the transferor's gift that is subject to an 
    ETIP, the spouse is treated as the transferor of one-half of the gift. 
    The example has been expanded to illustrate that, since the spouse's 
    deemed transfer is subject to an ETIP, if the spouse dies prior to the 
    termination of the trust, the spouse's executor may allocate GST 
    exemption to the trust. However, the allocation will not be effective 
    until the ETIP terminates on the transferor's death.
    Erroneous Allocations
        Under the proposed regulations, allocations in excess of the amount 
    of the property transferred are void. This treatment has been expanded 
    under the final regulations. Thus, any allocation to a trust that has 
    no GST potential at the time of the allocation, with respect to the 
    transferor for whom the allocation is made, is also void. This 
    provision is intended to prevent the wasting of GST exemption because 
    of an erroneous allocation with respect to a testamentary or inter 
    vivos transfer. A trust will have no GST potential only if there is no 
    possibility that a GST will be made from the trust with respect to the 
    Determination of Applicable Fraction
        Section 26.2642-1(b)(2) of the proposed regulations provided rules 
    for determining the inclusion ratio with respect to a trust subject to 
    an ETIP where GSTs are made from the trust during the ETIP. Comments 
    were received that the rules were unclear regarding whether an 
    ineffective allocation, i.e., an allocation made prior to any 
    distributions or terminations, would apply in determining the amount of 
    the transferor's unused GST exemption, or whether such an allocation 
    could be modified prior to an ETIP termination. In response to the 
    comments, Sec. 26.2632-1(c)(1) (providing rules for the allocation of 
    exemption with respect to a trust subject to an ETIP) and Sec. 26.2642-
    1(b)(2) clarify that an allocation made to a trust subject to an ETIP 
    prior to any distribution or termination is not subject to modification 
    or revocation. However, the allocation will not be effective, i.e., the 
    allocation does not operate to fix the inclusion ratio of the trust, at 
    the time it is made. Rather, the allocation becomes effective as of the 
    date of a subsequent distribution or termination. Section 26.2632-
    1(c)(5) Example 2, illustrates this point.
        Section 26.2642-2 of the proposed regulations provides valuation 
    rules for determining the denominator of the applicable fraction under 
    section 2642. Section 26.2642-2(a)(1) of the final regulations 
    specifies that, in the case of a timely allocation of GST exemption 
    with respect to an inter vivos transfer, the denominator of the 
    applicable fraction is the fair market value of the transferred 
    property, as finally determined for gift tax purposes.
        Section 26.2642-2(b)(1) of the proposed regulations provides 
    special rules for determining the denominator of the applicable 
    fraction in situations involving property subject to the special 
    valuation rules contained in section 2032A. Under the proposed 
    regulations, the special use value of the property could only be used 
    in determining the applicable fraction if the property was transferred 
    in a direct skip. Thus, a generation-skipping trust to which section 
    2032A property was transferred in a transfer that was not a direct skip 
    would not receive the benefit of the favorable valuation rules of 
    section 2032A in determining the applicable fraction with respect to 
    the trust.
        Comments stated that the proposed regulation was inconsistent with 
    section 2642(b), which provides that the chapter 11 value must be used 
    to determine the applicable fraction in the case of a testamentary 
    transfer. Under the final regulations, the section 2032A value of 
    property is to be used to determine the applicable fraction for a 
    direct skip transfer and for a generation-skipping trust created in a 
    transfer other than a direct skip.
        In the event that additional estate tax is imposed under section 
    2032A(c) with respect to the property, then the 
    [[Page 66901]]
    applicable fraction is redetermined as of the transferor's date of 
    death. Thus, the GST tax liability with respect to any direct skip, 
    taxable termination, or taxable distribution occurring prior to the 
    recapture event would be recomputed based on the redetermined 
    applicable fraction, and an additional GST tax would be due. The 
    taxation of any future GST transfers would also be based on the 
    redetermined applicable fraction.
        Sections 26.2642-2(b) (2) and (3) of the proposed regulations 
    contain special rules for determining the denominator of the applicable 
    fraction in situations involving residuary and pecuniary payments. 
    Generally, in the case of a residual GST after the payment of a 
    pecuniary amount, the denominator of the applicable fraction will be 
    the estate tax value of the total assets available to satisfy the 
    pecuniary payment less the amount of the pecuniary payment, provided 
    the pecuniary payment carries ``appropriate interest'' as defined in 
    Sec. 26.2642-2(b)(4). Under Sec. 26.2642-2(b)(4)(ii), the payment need 
    not carry appropriate interest if, inter alia, the payment is 
    irrevocably ``set aside'' within 15 months of the transferor's death. 
    The final regulations clarify that this exception to the appropriate 
    interest requirement applies only if the entire payment is set aside. 
    Further, the payment is treated as set aside if the amount is 
    segregated and held in a separate account pending distribution. 
    Finally, under the proposed regulation, the appropriate interest 
    requirement can be satisfied if a pro rata share of estate income is 
    allocated to the pecuniary bequest. The final regulations clarify that 
    the payment of income may be allocated pursuant to the terms of the 
    governing instrument or applicable local law.
        Section 26.2642-4(a)(3) of the proposed regulations addresses a 
    situation where a lifetime allocation is made with respect to a trust 
    when the trust was not subject to an ETIP, and the trust is 
    subsequently included in the transferor's gross estate. The regulation 
    has been revised to provide that, if additional GST exemption is 
    allocated to the trust, the nontax portion of the trust is determined 
    immediately after the date of the transferor's death. Also, if 
    additional GST exemption is not allocated to the trust by the 
    transferor's executor, the applicable fraction does not change, if the 
    trust was not otherwise subject to an ETIP at the time the previous 
    allocation of GST exemption was made. Further, where such property is 
    included in the gross estate, the denominator of the applicable 
    fraction is reduced to reflect any federal or state estate or 
    inheritance tax paid by the trust.
    Definition of Transferor
        Section 26.2652-1(a)(1) of the proposed regulations, defining 
    transferor, has been revised to specify that a surviving spouse is 
    treated as the transferor of a qualified domestic trust (QDOT) 
    described in section 2056A that is included in the surviving spouse's 
    gross estate for federal estate tax purposes, assuming the trust is not 
    subject to a reverse QTIP election under section 2652(a)(3). The 
    surviving spouse is also the transferor of any QDOT created by the 
    surviving spouse under section 2056(d)(2)(B).
        Section 26.2652-1(a)(4), as proposed, provided that the creator of 
    a special power of appointment will be treated as making a transfer 
    subject to estate or gift tax (and thus be considered a transferor) if 
    the holder of the power exercised the power in a manner that may 
    postpone vesting, etc., of the property subject to the power beyond the 
    permissible perpetuities period. This result is inconsistent with 
    section 2041(a)(3), which treats the holder of the power as making a 
    transfer under these circumstances. Accordingly, the regulation has 
    been revised to provide that the holder of the power will be treated as 
    making a taxable transfer, if the holder exercises the power in the 
    manner prescribed.
        Section 26.2652-1(a)(5) has been added to specify that where a 
    donor's spouse consents to have the donor's gift treated as made one-
    half by the spouse, then for purposes of chapter 13, the spouse is 
    treated as the transferor of one-half of the property transferred by 
    the donor. Thus, if a donor transfers property to a trust and retains a 
    qualified interest as defined in section 2702(b), with the remainder to 
    a grandchild, a consenting spouse would be treated as the transferor of 
    one-half the entire property. It was suggested that the spouse should 
    only be treated as the transferor of that portion of the trust 
    corresponding to one-half of the actuarial value of the interest 
    passing to the grandchild, since under section 2513, only one half the 
    gift to the grandchild may be treated as made by the consenting spouse. 
    However, treating the consenting spouse as the transferor of one-half 
    of the entire trust is consistent with the general treatment accorded 
    other split-interest transfers. For example, if a transferor 
    transferred property in trust retaining an interest that qualified 
    under section 2702(b), with the remainder to the transferor's 
    grandchild, the transferor would be considered the transferor of the 
    entire trust for purposes of chapter 13, notwithstanding that, from a 
    technical standpoint, only the actuarial value of the gift to the 
    grandchild is subject to gift tax at the time of the transfer.
        Example 8 in Sec. 26.2652-1(a)(6) has been added illustrating that 
    a surviving spouse will not be treated as making a contribution to a 
    QTIP trust that is included in the spouse's gross estate and is subject 
    to a reverse QTIP election, where the spouse directs in the will that 
    the estate tax generated by the inclusion of the trust is to be paid 
    from the spouse's probate estate.
    Separate Shares Treated as Separate Trusts
        Section 26.2654-1 of the proposed regulations provides rules under 
    which ``separate shares'' of a single trust that satisfy the 
    requirements of the regulations will be recognized as separate trusts 
    for GST purposes.
        Under the proposed regulations, a mandatory payment of a pecuniary 
    amount is treated as a separate share of a trust (and thus, a separate 
    trust for GST purposes) if certain conditions are satisfied. The 
    section is clarified to specify that a mandatory payment is a payment 
    that is nondiscretionary and noncontingent; i.e., the payment must be 
    made in all events.
        A sentence was added to Example 3, now contained in Sec. 26.2654-
    1(a)(5), to clarify that, where a decedent's probate estate pours over 
    to a revocable trust, and then amounts are distributed pursuant to the 
    terms of the trust, the distributions will be treated as separate 
    shares for purposes of chapter 13.
        Example 4, now contained in Sec. 26.2654-1(a)(5), has been revised 
    to specify that the bequest of a pecuniary amount payable in kind is 
    not treated as a separate share of the trust, since, under the facts 
    presented, neither the trust nor local law requires that the assets 
    distributed in satisfaction of the bequest fairly reflect net 
    appreciation and depreciation. This is the result regardless of whether 
    the assets are distributed within 15 months of the transferor's death.
        Comments received suggested that the regulations should allow 
    separate trust treatment whenever a single inter vivos trust was 
    recognized as separate trusts under local law. For example, an inter 
    vivos trust provides income to child for life, but when each grandchild 
    reaches age 35, a separate trust is to be established for the child, 
    the grandchild, and the grandchild's issue. Comments suggested that the 
    Service should recognize each trust established when a grandchild 
    reaches age 35 as a separate trust, and allow a late allocation of GST 
    [[Page 66902]]
    exemption specifically to that trust when severance occurs.
        This suggestion was rejected. Generally, the adoption of this 
    approach would effectively allow the allocation of GST exemption to 
    specific distributions from a GST trust, rather than to the entire 
    trust. This result would be contrary to the clear language of the 
    statute. See, e.g., sections 2642(a)(1)(A) and (a)(2).
    Division of a Single Trust Into Separate Trusts
        Under Sec. 26.2654-1(c) of the proposed regulations, a testamentary 
    trust could be severed into several parts, provided the severance was 
    commenced prior to the filing of the estate tax return. Further, the 
    new trusts created pursuant to the severance had to be identical to the 
    old trusts. For example, a testamentary trust providing for income to 
    spouse, remainder to be divided equally between child and grandchild 
    could only be severed into two trusts both providing income to spouse 
    with the remainder to be divided between child and grandchild. Finally, 
    an inter vivos trust could not be severed unless it consisted of 
    separate shares, or different transferors had contributed to the trust.
        The regulation has been clarified to specify that the division of a 
    single trust that is included in the transferor's gross estate will be 
    recognized if either: (1) The single trust consists of separate shares 
    and is thus, treated as separate trusts; or (2) the single trust, 
    although not consisting of separate shares, is severed into separate 
    trusts pursuant to a direction in the governing instrument providing 
    that the trust is to be divided into separate trusts on the 
    transferor's death; or (3) the governing instrument does not require or 
    direct severance but the trust is severed pursuant to the discretionary 
    authority of the trustee granted under the governing instrument or 
    local law.
        The final regulations provide that the trusts resulting from the 
    severance of a single testamentary trust need not be identical. Thus, 
    if the trust provides income to spouse, remainder to child and 
    grandchild, the trust may be severed to create two trusts, one with 
    income to spouse, remainder to child and a second with income to spouse 
    remainder to grandchild. This result could be achieved through proper 
    estate planning in any event. However, the regulations make it clear 
    that the resulting trusts must provide for the same succession of 
    interests as provided for under the original trusts. Thus, a trust 
    providing for an income interest to a child, with remainder to a 
    grandchild, could not be divided into one trust for the child (equal in 
    value to the child's income interest) and another for the grandchild.
        The proposed regulations provided that the new trusts must be 
    funded with a fractional share of each and every asset held by the 
    original single trust. The provision has been revised to provide that 
    the new trusts may also be funded on a nonpro rata basis, based on the 
    fair market value of the assets selected on the date of severance. 
    Thus, the executor or trustee may select the assets with which to fund 
    each trust, and need not fractionalize each asset.
        An example has been added to illustrate that, if a revocable trust 
    included in the transferor's gross estate is, under the terms of the 
    trust, divided into multiple trusts on the transferor's death, then 
    each trust established will be treated as a separate trust for GST 
    Due Date of Return
        New Sec. 26.2662-1(d)(2) has been added to provide that the due 
    date of the return with respect to a taxable termination subject to an 
    election under section 2624(c) (relating to alternate valuation in 
    accordance with section 2032) is April 15th of the following year in 
    which the taxable termination occurred or on or before the 15th day of 
    the tenth month following the month in which the death that resulted in 
    the taxable termination occurred, whichever is later.
    Application of Chapter 13 to Nonresident Aliens
        Section 2663(2) requires that the Commissioner prescribe 
    regulations, consistent with the provisions of chapters 11 and 12, 
    providing for the application of the GST tax to a nonresident alien 
    (NRA). In general, under Sec. 26.2663-2(b) as proposed, the GST tax 
    applied to inter vivos and testamentary direct skip transfers by a NRA, 
    to the extent that the transferred property was U.S. situs property 
    such that the transfer was subject to a gift tax (in the case of inter 
    vivos transfers) or an estate tax (in the case of testamentary 
    transfers). Similarly, in the case of transfers in trust, chapter 13 
    applied to taxable terminations and distributions to the extent the 
    initial transfer to the trust (whether inter vivos or testamentary) 
    consisted of U.S. situs property, such that the initial transfer was 
    subject to the gift or estate tax. This was the case regardless of the 
    situs of the property at the time of the actual distribution or 
    termination and regardless of the residency or citizenship of the skip 
    person receiving the beneficial interest or property.
        Under Sec. 26.2663-2(c) as proposed, if the property involved in a 
    generation-skipping transfer was not situated in the U.S. at the time 
    of the initial transfer, the generation-skipping transfer was still 
    subject to the GST tax if: (1) At the time of the direct skip, taxable 
    termination or distribution, the property passes to a skip person who 
    is a U.S. resident or citizen; and (2) at the time of the initial 
    transfer to the skip person or trust, a lineal descendant of the 
    transferor, who is a lineal ancestor of the skip person, was a resident 
    or citizen of the U.S. This rule applied regardless of the situs of the 
    property at the time of the actual distribution or termination. Section 
    26.2663-2(f) of the proposed regulations provided for the automatic 
    allocation of a NRA's $1,000,000 GST exemption regardless of whether 
    the transfer was a direct skip.
        Thus, the proposed regulations subjected non-U.S. situs property to 
    the GST tax based on the status of the skip person/recipient of the 
    property at the time the property was received, and the status of the 
    generation that was skipped at the time of the initial transfer to the 
    trust or skip person.
        Many comments were critical of this approach. In general, these 
    comments emphasized that the estate and gift tax provisions subject 
    transfers by NRAs to transfer tax based on the situs of the property, 
    not the status of the recipient. Therefore, the proposed regulations 
    conflict with section 2663, which provides that the regulations should 
    be consistent with the principles of chapters 11 and 12 of the Internal 
    Revenue Code (Code). Further, the commentators argued that treating a 
    NRA who transfers non-U.S. situs property as a transferor for GST tax 
    purposes would conflict with the definition of transferor under section 
    2652, since the transfer would not be subject to estate or gift tax. 
    Under section 2652, an individual is a transferor only to the extent 
    the transfer is subject to U.S. gift tax or estate tax.
        The proposed regulations have been revised to address these 
    concerns. Thus, the rules in the proposed regulations applying chapter 
    13 to transfers of property that were not subject to estate or gift tax 
    have been eliminated. Under the final regulations, the application of 
    the GST tax will be limited to situations where an estate or gift tax 
    is imposed on the property. Thus, the GST tax will apply to inter vivos 
    and testamentary direct skip transfers by a NRA transferor to the 
    extent a gift tax is imposed on the transfer (in the case of an inter 
    vivos transfer) or the transferred property is 
    [[Page 66903]]
    included in the transferor's gross estate (in the case of a 
    testamentary direct skip). In the case of taxable terminations and 
    taxable distributions, chapter 13 will apply to the extent a gift tax 
    was imposed on the initial transfer to the trust, or the property was 
    included in the transferor's gross estate. Accordingly, under the final 
    regulations (in the absence of a situation involving an ETIP), the 
    application of Chapter 13 is generally dependent on the situs of the 
    property at the time of the initial transfer. The regulations contain 
    special rules for determining the applicable fraction and inclusion 
    ratio where a trust is funded with both U.S. and foreign situs 
        In general, the rules of Sec. 26.2632-1 apply with respect to the 
    allocation of the exemption. However, the ETIP rule provided in 
    Sec. 26.2632-1(c) applies only if the property transferred by the NRA 
    is subsequently included in the transferor's gross estate. The final 
    regulations provide transitional relief with respect to NRA's who made 
    GST transfers and relied on the automatic allocation rules in the 
    proposed regulations.
    Special Analyses
        It has been determined that this Treasury decision is not a 
    significant regulatory action as defined in EO 12866. Therefore, a 
    regulatory assessment is not required. It has also been determined that 
    section 553(b) of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. chapter 5) 
    and the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. chapter 6) do not apply to 
    these regulations, and therefore, a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis is 
    not required. Pursuant to section 7805(f) of the Internal Revenue Code, 
    the notice of proposed rulemaking preceding these regulations was 
    submitted to the Small Business Administration for comment on its 
    impact on small business.
        Drafting Information. The principal author of these regulations is 
    James F. Hogan, Office of the Chief Counsel, IRS. Other personnel from 
    the IRS and Treasury Department participated in their development.
    List of Subjects
    26 CFR Part 26
        Estate taxes, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    26 CFR Part 301
        Employment taxes, Estate taxes, Excise taxes, Gift taxes, Income 
    taxes, Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    26 CFR part 602
        Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    Adoption of Amendments to the Regulations
        Accordingly, 26 CFR parts 26, 301, and 602 are amended as follows:
        Paragraph 1. Part 26 is revised to read as follows:
    REFORM ACT OF 1986
    26.2600-1  Table of contents.
    26.2601-1  Effective dates.
    26.2611-1  Generation-skipping transfer defined.
    26.2612-1  Definitions.
    26.2613-1  Skip person.
    26.2632-1  Allocation of GST exemption.
    26.2641-1  Applicable rate of tax.
    26.2642-1  Inclusion ratio.
    26.2642-2  Valuation.
    26.2642-3  Special rule for charitable lead annuity trusts.
    26.2642-4  Redetermination of applicable fraction.
    26.2642-5  Finality of inclusion ratio.
    26.2652-1  Transferor defined; other definitions.
    26.2652-2  Special election for qualified terminable interest 
    26.2653-1  Taxation of multiple skips.
    26.2654-1  Certain trusts treated as separate trusts.
    26.2662-1  Generation-skipping transfer tax return requirements.
    26.2663-1  Recapture tax under section 2032A.
    26.2663-2  Application of chapter 13 to transfers by nonresidents 
    not citizens of the United States.
        Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805 and 26 U.S.C. 2663.
        Section 26.2632-1 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 2632 and 2663.
        Section 26.2642-4 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 2632 and 2663.
        Section 26.2662-1 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 2662.
        Section 26.2663-2 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 2632 and 2663.
    Sec. 26.2600-1  Table of contents.
        This section lists the captions that appear in the regulations 
    under sections 2601 through 2663.
    Sec. 26.2601-1  Effective dates.
        (a) Transfers subject to the generation-skipping transfer tax.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Certain transfers treated as if made after October 22, 1986.
        (3) Certain trust events treated as if occurring after October 
    22, 1986.
        (4) Example.
        (b) Exceptions.
        (1) Irrevocable trusts.
        (2) Transition rule for wills or revocable trusts executed 
    before October 22, 1986.
        (3) Transition rule in the case of mental incompetency.
        (4) Exceptions to additions rule.
        (c) Additional effective dates.
    Sec. 26.2611-1  Generation-skipping transfer defined.
    Sec. 26.2612-1  Definitions.
        (a) Direct skip.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Special rule for certain lineal descendants.
        (b) Taxable termination.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Partial termination.
        (c) Taxable distribution.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Look-through rule not to apply.
        (d) Skip person.
        (e) Interest in trust.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Exceptions.
        (3) Disclaimers.
        (f) Examples.
    Sec. 26.2613-1  Skip person.
    Sec. 26.2632-1  Allocation of GST exemption.
        (a) General rule.
        (b) Lifetime allocations.
        (1) Automatic allocation to direct skips.
        (2) Allocation to other transfers.
        (c) Special rules during an estate tax inclusion period.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Estate tax inclusion period defined.
        (3) Termination of an ETIP.
        (4) Treatment of direct skips.
        (5) Examples.
        (d) Allocations after the transferor's death.
        (1) Allocation by executor.
        (2) Automatic allocation after death.
    Sec. 26.2641-1  Applicable rate of tax.
    Sec. 26.2642-1  Inclusion ratio.
        (a) In general.
        (b) Numerator of applicable fraction.
        (1) In general.
        (2) GSTs occurring during an ETIP.
        (c) Denominator of applicable fraction.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Zero denominator.
        (3) Nontaxable gifts.
        (d) Examples.
    Sec. 26.2642-2  Valuation.
        (a) Lifetime transfers.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Special rule for late allocations during life.
        (b) Transfers at death.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Special rule for pecuniary payments.
        (3) Special rule for residual transfers after payment of a 
    pecuniary payment.
        (4) Appropriate interest.
        (c) Examples.
    Sec. 26.2642-3  Special rule for charitable lead annuity trusts.
        (a) In general.
        (b) Adjusted GST exemption defined.
        (c) Example.
    [[Page 66904]]
    Sec. 26.2642-4  Redetermination of applicable fraction.
        (a) In general.
        (1) Multiple transfers to a single trust.
        (2) Consolidation of separate trusts.
        (3) Property included in transferor's gross estate.
        (4) Imposition of recapture tax under section 2032A.
        (b) Examples.
    Sec. 26.2642-5  Finality of inclusion ratio.
        (a) Direct skips.
        (b) Other GSTs.
    Sec. 26.2652-1  Transferor defined; other definitions.
        (a) Transferor defined.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Transfers subject to Federal estate or gift tax.
        (3) Special rule for certain QTIP trusts.
        (4) Exercise of certain nongeneral powers of appointment.
        (5) Split-gift transfers.
        (6) Examples.
        (b) Trust defined.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Examples.
        (c) Trustee defined.
        (d) Executor defined.
        (e) Interest in trust.
    Sec. 26.2652-2  Special election for qualified terminable interest 
        (a) In general.
        (b) Time and manner of making election.
        (c) Transitional rule.
        (d) Examples.
    Sec. 26.2653-1  Taxation of multiple skips.
        (a) General rule.
        (b) Examples.
    Sec. 26.2654-1  Certain trusts treated as separate trusts.
        (a) Single trust treated as separate trusts.
        (1) Substantially separate and independent shares.
        (2) Multiple transferors with respect to a single trust.
        (3) Severance of a single trust.
        (4) Allocation of exemption.
        (5) Examples.
        (b) Division of a trust included in the gross estate.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Special rule.
        (3) Allocation of exemption.
        (4) Example.
    Sec. 26.2662-1  Generation-skipping transfer tax return 
        (a) In general.
        (b) Form of return.
        (1) Taxable distributions.
        (2) Taxable terminations.
        (3) Direct skip.
        (c) Person liable for tax and required to make return.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Special rule for direct skips occurring at death with 
    respect to property held in trust arrangements.
        (3) Limitation on personal liability of trustee.
        (4) Exceptions.
        (d) Time and manner of filing return.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Exceptions for alternative valuation of taxable termination.
        (e) Place for filing returns.
        (f) Lien on property.
    Sec. 26.2663-1  Recapture tax under section 2032A.
    Sec. 26.2663-2  Application of chapter 13 to transfers by 
    nonresidents not citizens of the United States.
        (a) In general.
        (b) Transfers subject to Chapter 13.
        (1) Direct skips.
        (2) Taxable distributions and taxable terminations.
        (c) Trusts funded in part with property subject to Chapter 13 
    and in part with property not subject to Chapter 13.
        (1) In general.
        (2) Nontax portion of the trust.
        (3) Special rule with respect to estate tax inclusion period.
        (d) Examples.
        (e) Transitional rule for allocations for transfers made before 
    December 27, 1995.
    26.2601-1  Effective dates.
        (a) Transfers subject to the generation-skipping transfer tax--(1) 
    In general. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the 
    provisions of chapter 13 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Code) 
    apply to any generation-skipping transfer (as defined in section 2611) 
    made after October 22, 1986.
        (2) Certain transfers treated as if made after October 22, 1986. 
    Solely for purposes of chapter 13, an inter vivos transfer is treated 
    as if it were made on October 23, 1986, if it was--
        (i) Subject to chapter 12 (regardless of whether a tax was actually 
    incurred or paid); and
        (ii) Made after September 25, 1985, but before October 23, 1986. 
    For purposes of this paragraph, the value of the property transferred 
    shall be the value of the property on the date the property was 
        (3) Certain trust events treated as if occurring after October 22, 
    1986. For purposes of chapter 13, if an inter vivos transfer is made to 
    a trust after September 25, 1985, but before October 23, 1986, any 
    subsequent distribution from the trust or termination of an interest in 
    the trust that occurred before October 23, 1986, is treated as 
    occurring immediately after the deemed transfer on October 23, 1986. If 
    more than one distribution or termination occurs with respect to a 
    trust, the events are treated as if they occurred on October 23, 1986, 
    in the same order as they occurred. See paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(B) of this 
    section for rules determining the portion of distributions and 
    terminations subject to tax under chapter 13. This paragraph (a)(3) 
    does not apply to transfers to trusts not subject to chapter 13 by 
    reason of the transition rules in paragraphs (b) (2) and (3) of this 
    section. The provisions of this paragraph (a)(3) do not apply in 
    determining the value of the property under chapter 13.
        (4) Example. The following example illustrates the principle that 
    paragraph (a)(2) of this section is not applicable to transfers under a 
    revocable trust that became irrevocable by reason of the transferor's 
    death after September 25, 1985, but before October 23, 1986:
        Example. T created a revocable trust on September 30, 1985, that 
    became irrevocable when T died on October 10, 1986. Although the 
    trust terminated in favor of a grandchild of T, the transfer to the 
    grandchild is not treated as occurring on October 23, 1986, pursuant 
    to paragraph (a)(2) of this section because it is not an inter vivos 
    transfer subject to chapter 12. The transfer is not subject to 
    chapter 13 because it is in the nature of a testamentary transfer 
    that occurred prior to October 23, 1986.
        (b) Exceptions--(1) Irrevocable trusts--(i) In general. The 
    provisions of chapter 13 do not apply to any generation-skipping 
    transfer under a trust (as defined in section 2652(b)) that was 
    irrevocable on September 25, 1985. The rule of the preceding sentence 
    does not apply to a pro rata portion of any generation-skipping 
    transfer under an irrevocable trust if additions are made to the trust 
    after September 25, 1985. See paragraph (b)(1)(iv) of this section for 
    rules for determining the portion of the trust that is subject to the 
    provisions of chapter 13.
        (ii) Irrevocable trust defined--(A) In general. Unless otherwise 
    provided in either paragraph (b)(1)(ii) (B) or (C) of this section, any 
    trust (as defined in section 2652(b)) in existence on September 25, 
    1985, is considered an irrevocable trust.
        (B) Property includible in the gross estate under section 2038. For 
    purposes of this chapter a trust is not an irrevocable trust to the 
    extent that, on September 25, 1985, the settlor held a power with 
    respect to such trust that would have caused the value of the trust to 
    be included in the settlor's gross estate for Federal estate tax 
    purposes by reason of section 2038 (without regard to powers 
    relinquished before September 25, 1985) if the settlor had died on 
    September 25, 1985. A trust is considered subject to a power on 
    September 25, 1985, even though the exercise of the power was subject 
    to the precedent giving of notice, or even though the exercise could 
    take effect only on the expiration of a stated period, whether or not 
    on or before September 25, 1985, notice had been given or the power had 
    been exercised. 
    [[Page 66905]]
    A trust is not considered subject to a power if the power is, by its 
    terms, exercisable only on the occurrence of an event or contingency 
    not subject to the settlor's control (other than the death of the 
    settlor) and if the event or contingency had not in fact taken place on 
    September 25, 1985.
        (C) Property includible in the gross estate under section 2042. A 
    policy of insurance on an individual's life that is treated as a trust 
    under section 2652(b) is not considered an irrevocable trust to the 
    extent that, on September 25, 1985, the insured possessed any incident 
    of ownership (as defined in Sec. 20.2042-1(c) of this chapter, and 
    without regard to any incidents of ownership relinquished before 
    September 25, 1985), that would have caused the value of the trust, 
    (i.e., the insurance proceeds) to be included in the insured's gross 
    estate for Federal estate tax purposes by reason of section 2042, if 
    the insured had died on September 25, 1985.
        (D) Examples. The following examples illustrate the application of 
    this paragraph (b)(1):
        Example 1. Section 2038 applicable. On September 25, 1985, T, 
    the settlor of a trust that was created before September 25, 1985, 
    held a testamentary power to add new beneficiaries to the trust. T 
    held no other powers over any portion of the trust. The testamentary 
    power held by T would have caused the trust to be included in T's 
    gross estate under section 2038 if T had died on September 25, 1985. 
    Therefore, the trust is not an irrevocable trust for purposes of 
    this section.
        Example 2. Section 2038 not applicable when power held by a 
    person other than settlor. On September 25, 1985, S, the spouse of 
    the settlor of a trust in existence on that date, had an annual 
    right to withdraw a portion of the principal of the trust. The trust 
    was otherwise irrevocable on that date. Because the power was not 
    held by the settlor of the trust, it is not a power described in 
    section 2038. Thus, the trust is considered an irrevocable trust for 
    purposes of this section.
        Example 3. Section 2038 not applicable. In 1984, T created a 
    trust and retained the right to expand the class of remaindermen to 
    include any of T's afterborn grandchildren. As of September 25, 
    1985, all of T's grandchildren were named remaindermen of the trust. 
    Since the exercise of T's power was dependent on there being 
    afterborn grandchildren who were not members of the class of 
    remaindermen, a contingency that did not exist on September 25, 
    1985, the trust is not considered subject to the power on September 
    25, 1985, and is an irrevocable trust for purposes of this section. 
    The result is not changed even if grandchildren are born after 
    September 25, 1985, whether or not T exercises the power to expand 
    the class of remaindermen.
        Example 4. Section 2042 applicable. On September 25, 1985, T 
    purchased an insurance policy on T's own life and designated child, 
    C, and grandchild, GC, as the beneficiaries. T retained the power to 
    obtain from the insurer a loan against the surrender value of the 
    policy. T's insurance policy is a trust (as defined in section 
    2652(b)) for chapter 13 purposes. The trust is not considered an 
    irrevocable trust because, on September 25, 1985, T possessed an 
    incident of ownership that would have caused the value of the policy 
    to be included in T's gross estate under section 2042 if T had died 
    on that date.
        Example 5. Trust partially irrevocable. In 1984, T created a 
    trust naming T's grandchildren as the income and remainder 
    beneficiaries. T retained the power to revoke the trust as to one-
    half of the principal at any time prior to T's death. T retained no 
    other powers over the trust principal. T did not die before 
    September 25, 1985, and did not exercise or release the power before 
    that date. The half of the trust not subject to T's power to revoke 
    is an irrevocable trust for purposes of this section.
        (iii) Trust containing qualified terminable interest property--(A) 
    In general. For purposes of chapter 13, a trust described in paragraph 
    (b)(1)(ii) of this section that holds qualified terminable interest 
    property by reason of an election under section 2056(b)(7) or section 
    2523(f) (made either on, before or after September 25, 1985) is treated 
    in the same manner as if the decedent spouse or the donor spouse (as 
    the case may be) had made an election under section 2652(a)(3). Thus, 
    transfers from such trusts are not subject to chapter 13, and the 
    decedent spouse or the donor spouse (as the case may be) is treated as 
    the transferor of such property. The rule of this paragraph (b)(1)(iii) 
    does not apply to that portion of the trust that is subject to chapter 
    13 by reason of an addition to the trust occurring after September 25, 
    1985. See Sec. 26.2652-2(a) for rules where an election under section 
    2652(a)(3) is made. See Sec. 26.2652-2(c) for rules where a portion of 
    a trust is subject to an election under section 2652(a)(3).
        (B) Examples. The following examples illustrate the application of 
    this paragraph (b)(1)(iii):
        Example 1. QTIP election made after September 25, 1985. On March 
    28, 1985, T established a trust. The trust instrument provided that 
    the trustee must distribute all income annually to T's spouse, S, 
    during S's life. Upon S's death, the remainder is to be distributed 
    to GC, the grandchild of T and S. On April 15, 1986, T elected under 
    section 2523(f) to treat the property in the trust as qualified 
    terminable interest property. On December 1, 1987, S died and soon 
    thereafter the trust assets were distributed to GC. Because the 
    trust was irrevocable on September 25, 1985, the transfer to GC is 
    not subject to tax under chapter 13. T is treated as the transferor 
    with respect to the transfer of the trust assets to GC in the same 
    manner as if T had made an election under section 2652(a)(3) to 
    reverse the effect of the section 2523(f) election for chapter 13 
        Example 2. Section 2652(a)(3) election deemed to have been made. 
    Assume the same facts as in Example 1, except the trust instrument 
    provides that after S's death all income is to be paid annually to 
    C, the child of T and S. Upon C's death, the remainder is to be 
    distributed to GC. C died on October 1, 1992, and soon thereafter 
    the trust assets are distributed to GC. Because the trust was 
    irrevocable on September 25, 1985, the termination of C's interest 
    is not subject to chapter 13.
        (iv) Additions to irrevocable trusts--(A) In general. If an 
    addition is made after September 25, 1985, to an irrevocable trust 
    which is excluded from chapter 13 by reason of paragraph (b)(1) of this 
    section, a pro rata portion of subsequent distributions from (and 
    terminations of interests in property held in) the trust is subject to 
    the provisions of chapter 13. If an addition is made, the trust is 
    thereafter deemed to consist of two portions, a portion not subject to 
    chapter 13 (the non-chapter 13 portion) and a portion subject to 
    chapter 13 (the chapter 13 portion), each with a separate inclusion 
    ratio (as defined in section 2642(a)). The non-chapter 13 portion 
    represents the value of the assets of the trust as it existed on 
    September 25, 1985. The applicable fraction (as defined in section 
    2642(a)(2)) for the non-chapter 13 portion is deemed to be 1 and the 
    inclusion ratio for such portion is 0. The chapter 13 portion of the 
    trust represents the value of all additions made to the trust after 
    September 25, 1985. The inclusion ratio for the chapter 13 portion is 
    determined under section 2642. This paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(A) requires 
    separate portions of one trust only for purposes of determining 
    inclusion ratios. For purposes of chapter 13, a constructive addition 
    under paragraph (b)(1)(v) of this section is treated as an addition. 
    See paragraph (b)(4) of this section for exceptions to the additions 
    rule of this paragraph (b)(1)(iv). See Sec. 26.2654-1(a)(2) for rules 
    treating additions to a trust by an individual other than the initial 
    transferor as a separate trust for purposes of chapter 13.
        (B) Terminations of interests in and distributions from trusts. 
    Where a termination or distribution described in section 2612 occurs 
    with respect to a trust to which an addition has been made, the portion 
    of such termination or distribution allocable to the chapter 13 portion 
    is determined by reference to the allocation fraction, as defined in 
    paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(C) of this section. In the case of a termination 
    described in section 2612(a) with respect to a trust, the portion of 
    such termination that is 
    [[Page 66906]]
    subject to chapter 13 is the product of the allocation fraction and the 
    value of the trust (to the extent of the terminated interest therein). 
    In the case of a distribution described in section 2612(b) from a 
    trust, the portion of such distribution that is subject to chapter 13 
    is the product of the allocation fraction and the value of the property 
        (C) Allocation fraction--(1) In general. The allocation fraction 
    allocates appreciation and accumulated income between the chapter 13 
    and non-chapter 13 portions of a trust. The numerator of the allocation 
    fraction is the amount of the addition (valued as of the date the 
    addition is made), determined without regard to whether any part of the 
    transfer is subject to tax under chapter 11 or chapter 12, but reduced 
    by the amount of any Federal or state estate or gift tax imposed and 
    subsequently paid by the recipient trust with respect to the addition. 
    The denominator of the allocation fraction is the total value of the 
    entire trust immediately after the addition. For purposes of this 
    paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(C), the total value of the entire trust is the 
    fair market value of the property held in trust (determined under the 
    rules of section 2031), reduced by any amount attributable to or paid 
    by the trust and attributable to the transfer to the trust that is 
    similar to an amount that would be allowable as a deduction under 
    section 2053 if the addition had occurred at the death of the 
    transferor, and further reduced by the same amount that the numerator 
    was reduced to reflect Federal or state estate or gift tax incurred by 
    and subsequently paid by the recipient trust with respect to the 
    addition. Where there is more than one addition to principal after 
    September 25, 1985, the portion of the trust subject to chapter 13 
    after each such addition is determined pursuant to a revised fraction. 
    In each case, the numerator of the revised fraction is the sum of the 
    value of the chapter 13 portion of the trust immediately before the 
    latest addition, and the amount of the latest addition. The denominator 
    of the revised fraction is the total value of the entire trust 
    immediately after the addition. If the transfer to the trust is a 
    generation-skipping transfer, the numerator and denominator are reduced 
    by the amount of the generation-skipping transfer tax, if any, that is 
    imposed by chapter 13 on the transfer and actually recovered from the 
    trust. The allocation fraction is rounded off to five decimal places 
        (2) Examples. The following examples illustrate the application of 
    paragraph (b)(1)(iv) of this section. In each of the examples, assume 
    that the recipient trust does not pay any Federal or state transfer tax 
    by reason of the addition.
        Example 1. Post September 25, 1985, addition to trust. (i) On 
    August 16, 1980, T established an irrevocable trust. Under the trust 
    instrument, the trustee is required to distribute the entire income 
    annually to T's child, C, for life, then to T's grandchild, GC, for 
    life. Upon GC's death, the remainder is to be paid to GC's issue. On 
    October 1, 1986, when the total value of the entire trust is 
    $400,000, T transfers $100,000 to the trust. The allocation fraction 
    is computed as follows:
        (ii) Thus, immediately after the transfer, 20 percent of the 
    value of future generation-skipping transfers under the trust will 
    be subject to chapter 13.
        Example 2. Effect of expenses. Assume the same facts as in 
    Example 1, except immediately prior to the transfer on October 1, 
    1986, the fair market value of the individual assets in the trust 
    totaled $400,000. Also, assume that the trust had accrued and unpaid 
    debts, expenses, and taxes totaling $300,000. Assume further that 
    the entire $300,000 represented amounts that would be deductible 
    under section 2053 if the trust were includible in the transferor's 
    gross estate. The numerator of the allocation fraction is $100,000 
    and the denominator of the allocation fraction is $200,000 
    (($400,000-$300,000)+$100,000). Thus, the allocation fraction is .5 
    ($100,000/$200,000) and 50 percent of the value of future 
    generation-skipping transfers will be subject to chapter 13.
        Example 3. Multiple additions. (i) Assume the same facts as in 
    Example 1, except on January 30, 1988, when the total value of the 
    entire trust is $600,000, T transfers an additional $40,000 to the 
    trust. Before the transfer, the value of the portion of the trust 
    that was attributable to the prior addition was $120,000 
    ($600,000 x .2). The new allocation fraction is computed as follows:
        (ii) Thus, immediately after the transfer, 25 percent of the 
    value of future generation-skipping transfers under the trust will 
    be subject to chapter 13.
        Example 4. Allocation fraction at time of generation-skipping 
    transfer. Assume the same facts as in Example 3, except on March 1, 
    1989, when the value of the trust is $800,000, C dies. A generation-
    skipping transfer occurs at C's death because of the termination of 
    C's life estate. Therefore, $200,000 ($800,000 x .25) is subject to 
    tax under chapter 13.
        (v) Constructive additions--(A) Powers of Appointment. Except as 
    provided in paragraph (b)(1)(v)(B) of this section, where any portion 
    of a trust remains in the trust after the post-September 25, 1985, 
    release, exercise, or lapse of a power of appointment over that portion 
    of the trust, and the release, exercise, or lapse is treated to any 
    extent as a taxable transfer under chapter 11 or chapter 12, the value 
    of the entire portion of the trust subject to the power that was 
    released, exercised, or lapsed is treated as if that portion had been 
    withdrawn and immediately retransferred to the trust at the time of the 
    release, exercise, or lapse. The creator of the power will be 
    considered the transferor of the addition except to the extent that the 
    release, exercise, or lapse of the power is treated as a taxable 
    transfer under chapter 11 or chapter 12. See Sec. 26.2652-1 for rules 
    for determining the identity of the transferor of property for purposes 
    of chapter 13.
        (B) Special rule for certain powers of appointment. The release, 
    exercise, or lapse of a power of appointment (other than a general 
    power of appointment as defined in section 2041(b)) is not treated as 
    an addition to a trust if--
        (1) Such power of appointment was created in an irrevocable trust 
    that is not subject to chapter 13 under paragraph (b)(1) of this 
    section; and
        (2) In the case of an exercise, the power of appointment is not 
    exercised in a manner that may postpone or 
    [[Page 66907]]
    suspend the vesting, absolute ownership or power of alienation of an 
    interest in property for a period, measured from the date of creation 
    of the trust, extending beyond any life in being at the date of 
    creation of the trust plus a period of 21 years plus, if necessary, a 
    reasonable period of gestation (the perpetuities period). For purposes 
    of this paragraph (b)(1)(v)(B)(2), the exercise of a power of 
    appointment that validly postpones or suspends the vesting, absolute 
    ownership or power of alienation of an interest in property for a term 
    of years that will not exceed 90 years (measured from the date of 
    creation of the trust) will not be considered an exercise that 
    postpones or suspends vesting, absolute ownership or the power of 
    alienation beyond the perpetuities period. If a power is exercised by 
    creating another power, it is deemed to be exercised to whatever extent 
    the second power may be exercised.
        (C) Constructive addition if liability is not paid out of trust 
    principal. Where a trust described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section 
    is relieved of any liability properly payable out of the assets of such 
    trust, the person or entity who actually satisfies the liability is 
    considered to have made a constructive addition to the trust in an 
    amount equal to the liability. The constructive addition occurs when 
    the trust is relieved of liability (e.g., when the right of recovery is 
    no longer enforceable). But see Sec. 26.2652-1(a)(3) for rules 
    involving the application of section 2207A in the case of an election 
    under section 2652(a)(3).
        (D) Examples. The following examples illustrate the application of 
    this paragraph (b)(1)(v):
        Example 1. Lapse of a power of appointment. On June 19, 1980, T 
    established an irrevocable trust with a corpus of $500,000. The 
    trust instrument provides that the trustee shall distribute the 
    entire income from the trust annually to T's spouse, S, during S's 
    life. At S's death, the remainder is to be distributed to T and S's 
    grandchild, GC. T also gave S a general power of appointment over 
    one-half of the trust assets. On December 21, 1989, when the value 
    of the trust corpus is $1,500,000, S died without having exercised 
    the general power of appointment. The value of one-half of the trust 
    corpus, $750,000 ($1,500,000  x  .5) is included in S's gross estate 
    under section 2041(a) and is subject to tax under Chapter 11. 
    Because the value of one-half of the trust corpus is subject to tax 
    under Chapter 11 with respect to S's estate, S is treated as the 
    transferor of that property for purposes of Chapter 13 (see section 
    2652(a)(1)(A)). For purposes of the generation-skipping transfer 
    tax, the lapse of S's power of appointment is treated as if $750,000 
    ($1,500,000  x  .5) had been distributed to S and then transferred 
    back to the trust. Thus, S is considered to have added $750,000 
    ($1,500,000  x  .5) to the trust at the date of S's death. Because 
    this constructive addition occurred after September 25, 1985, 50 
    percent of the corpus of the trust became subject to Chapter 13 at 
    S's death.
        Example 2. Multiple actual additions. On June 19, 1980, T 
    established an irrevocable trust with a principal of $500,000. The 
    trust instrument provides that the trustee shall distribute the 
    entire income from the trust annually to T's spouse, S, during S's 
    life. At S's death, the remainder is to be distributed to GC, the 
    grandchild of T and S. On October 1, 1985, when the trust assets 
    were valued at $800,000, T added $200,000 to the trust. After the 
    transfer on October 1, 1985, the allocation fraction was .2 
    ($200,000/$1,000,000). On December 21, 1989, when the value of the 
    trust principal is $1,000,000, T adds $1,000,000 to the trust. After 
    this addition, the new allocation fraction is 0.6 ($1,200,000/
    $2,000,000). The numerator of the fraction is the value of that 
    portion of trust assets that were subject to chapter 13 immediately 
    prior to the addition (by reason of the first addition), $200,000 
    (.2  $1,000,000), plus the value of the second transfer, 
    $1,000,000, which equals $1,200,000. The denominator of the 
    fraction, $2,000,000, is the total value of the trust assets 
    immediately after the second transfer. Thus, 60 percent of the 
    principal of the trust becomes subject to chapter 13.
        Example 3. Entire portion of trust subject to lapsed power is 
    treated as an addition. On September 25, 1985, B possessed a general 
    power of appointment over the assets of an irrevocable trust that 
    had been created by T in 1980. Under the terms of the trust, B's 
    power lapsed on July 20, 1987. For Federal gift tax purposes, B is 
    treated as making a gift of ninety-five percent (100%--5%) of the 
    value of the principal (see section 2514). However, because the 
    entire trust was subject to the power of appointment, 100 percent 
    (that portion of the trust subject to the power) of the assets of 
    the trust are treated as a constructive addition. Thus, the entire 
    amount of all generation-skipping transfers occurring pursuant to 
    the trust instrument after July 20, 1987, are subject to chapter 13.
        Example 4. Exercise of power of appointment in favor of another 
    trust. On March 1, 1985, T established an irrevocable trust as 
    defined in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section. Under the terms of 
    the trust instrument, the trustee is required to distribute the 
    entire income annually to T's child, C, for life, then to T's 
    grandchild, GC, for life. GC has the power to appoint any or all of 
    the trust assets to Trust 2 which is an irrevocable trust (as 
    defined in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section) that was 
    established on August 1, 1985. The terms of Trust 2's governing 
    instrument provide that the trustee shall pay income to T's great 
    grandchild, GGC, for life. Upon GGC's death the remainder is to be 
    paid to GGC's issue. GGC was alive on March 1, 1985, when Trust 1 
    was created. C died on April 1, 1986. On July 1, 1987, GC exercised 
    the power of appointment. The exercise of GC's power does not 
    subject future transfers from Trust 2 to tax under chapter 13 
    because the exercise of the power in favor of Trust 2 does not 
    suspend the vesting, absolute ownership, or power of alienation of 
    an interest in property for a period, measured from the date of 
    creation of Trust 1, extending beyond the life of GGC (a beneficiary 
    under Trust 2 who was in being at the date of creation of Trust 1) 
    plus a period of 21 years. The result would be the same if Trust 2 
    had been created after the effective date of chapter 13.
        Example 5. Exercise of power of appointment in favor of another 
    trust. Assume the same facts as in Example 3, except that GGC was 
    born on March 28, 1986. The valid exercise of GC's power in favor of 
    Trust 2 causes the principal of Trust 1 to be subject to chapter 13, 
    because GGC was not born until after the creation of Trust 1. Thus, 
    such exercise may suspend the vesting, absolute ownership, or power 
    of alienation of an interest in the trust principal for a period, 
    measured from the date of creation of Trust 1, extending beyond the 
    life of GGC (a beneficiary under Trust 2 who was not a life in being 
    at the date of creation of Trust 1).
        Example 6. Extension for the longer of two periods. Prior to the 
    effective date of chapter 13, GP established an irrevocable trust 
    under which the trust income was to be paid to GP's child, C, for 
    life. C was given a testamentary power to appoint the remainder in 
    further trust for the benefit of C's issue. In default of C's 
    exercise of the power, the remainder was to pass to charity. C died 
    on February 3, 1995, survived by a child who was alive when GP 
    established the trust. C exercised the power in a manner that 
    validly extends the trust in favor of C's issue until the latter of 
    May 15, 2064 (80 years from the date the trust was created), or the 
    death of C's child plus 21 years. C's exercise of the power is a 
    constructive addition to the trust because the exercise may extend 
    the trust for a period longer than the permissible periods of either 
    the life of C's child (a life in being at the creation of the trust) 
    plus 21 years or a term not more than 90 years measured from the 
    creation of the trust. On the other hand, if C's exercise of the 
    power could extend the trust based only on the life of C's child 
    plus 21 years or only for a term of 80 years from the creation of 
    the trust (but not the later of the two periods) then the exercise 
    of the power would not have been a constructive addition to the 
        Example 7. Extension for the longer of two periods. The facts 
    are the same as in Example 6 except local law provides that the 
    effect of C's exercise is to extend the term of the trust until May 
    15, 2064, whether or not C's child predeceases that date by more 
    than 21 years. C's exercise is not a constructive addition to the 
    trust because C exercised the power in a manner that cannot postpone 
    or suspend vesting, absolute ownership, or power of alienation for a 
    term of years that will exceed 90 years. The result would be the 
    same if the effect of C's exercise is either to extend the term of 
    the trust until 21 years after the death of C's child or to extend 
    the term of the trust until the first to occur of May 15, 2064 or 21 
    years after the death of C's child.
        (vi) Appreciation and income. Except to the extent that the 
    provisions of paragraphs (b)(1)(iv) and (v) of this 
    [[Page 66908]]
    section allocate subsequent appreciation and accumulated income between 
    the original trust and additions thereto, appreciation in the value of 
    the trust and undistributed income added thereto are not considered an 
    addition to the principal of a trust.
        (2) Transition rule for wills or revocable trusts executed before 
    October 22, 1986--(i) In general. The provisions of chapter 13 do not 
    apply to any generation-skipping transfer under a will or revocable 
    trust executed before October 22, 1986, provided that--
        (A) The document in existence on October 21, 1986, is not amended 
    at any time after October 21, 1986, in any respect which results in the 
    creation of, or an increase in the amount of, a generation-skipping 
        (B) In the case of a revocable trust, no addition is made to the 
    revocable trust after October 21, 1986, that results in the creation 
    of, or an increase in the amount of, a generation-skipping transfer; 
        (C) The decedent dies before January 1, 1987.
        (ii) Revocable trust defined. For purposes of this section, the 
    term revocable trust means any trust (as defined in section 2652(b)) 
    except to the extent that, on October 22, 1986, the trust--
        (A) Was an irrevocable trust described in paragraph (b)(1) of this 
    section; or
        (B) Would have been an irrevocable trust described in paragraph 
    (b)(1) of this section had it not been created or become irrevocable 
    after September 25, 1985, and before October 22, 1986.
        (iii) Will or revocable trust containing qualified terminable 
    interest property. The rules contained in paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this 
    section apply to any will or revocable trust within the scope of the 
    transition rule of this paragraph (b)(2).
        (iv) Amendments to will or revocable trust. For purposes of this 
    paragraph (b)(2), an amendment to a will or a revocable trust in 
    existence on October 21, 1986, is not considered to result in the 
    creation of, or an increase in the amount of, a generation-skipping 
    transfer where the amendment is--
        (A) Basically administrative or clarifying in nature and only 
    incidentally increases the amount transferred; or
        (B) Designed to ensure that an existing bequest or transfer 
    qualifies for the applicable marital or charitable deduction for 
    estate, gift, or generation-skipping transfer tax purposes and only 
    incidentally increases the amount transferred to a skip person or to a 
    generation-skipping trust.
        (v) Creation of, or increase in the amount of, a GST. In 
    determining whether a particular amendment to a will or revocable trust 
    creates, or increases the amount of, a generation-skipping transfer for 
    purposes of this paragraph (b)(2), the effect of the instrument(s) in 
    existence on October 21, 1986, is measured against the effect of the 
    instrument(s) in existence on the date of death of the decedent or on 
    the date of any prior generation-skipping transfer. If the effect of an 
    amendment cannot be immediately determined, it is deemed to create, or 
    increase the amount of, a generation-skipping transfer until a 
    determination can be made.
        (vi) Additions to revocable trusts. Any addition made after October 
    21, 1986, but before the death of the settlor, to a revocable trust 
    subjects all subsequent generation-skipping transfers under the trust 
    to the provisions of chapter 13. Any addition made to a revocable trust 
    after the death of the settlor (if the settlor dies before January 1, 
    1987) is treated as an addition to an irrevocable trust. See paragraph 
    (b)(1)(v) of this section for rules involving constructive additions to 
    trusts. See paragraph (b)(1)(v)(B) of this section for rules providing 
    that certain transfers to trusts are not treated as additions for 
    purposes of this section.
        (vii) Examples. The following examples illustrate the application 
    of paragraph (b)(2)(iv) of this section:
        (A) Facts applicable to Examples 1 through 5. In each of Examples 1 
    through 5 assume that T executed a will prior to October 22, 1986, and 
    that T dies on December 31, 1986.
        Example 1. Administrative change. On November 1, 1986, T 
    executes a codicil to T's will removing one of the co-executors 
    named in the will. Although the codicil may have the effect of 
    lowering administrative costs and thus increasing the amount 
    transferred, it is considered administrative in nature and thus does 
    not cause generation-skipping transfers under the will to be subject 
    to chapter 13.
        Example 2. Effect of amendment not immediately determinable. On 
    November 1, 1986, T executes a codicil to T's will revoking a 
    bequest of $100,000 to C, a non-skip person (as defined under 
    section 2613(b)) and causing that amount to be added to a residuary 
    trust held for a skip person. The amendment is deemed to increase 
    the amount of a generation-skipping transfer and prevents any 
    transfers under the will from qualifying under paragraph (b)(2)(i) 
    of this section. If, however, C dies before T and under local law 
    the property would have been added to the residue in any event 
    because the bequest would have lapsed, the codicil is not considered 
    an amendment that increases the amount of a generation-skipping 
        Example 3. Refund of tax paid because of amendment. T's will 
    provided that an amount equal to the maximum allowable marital 
    deduction would pass to T's spouse with the residue of the estate 
    passing to a trust established for the benefit of skip persons. On 
    October 23, 1986, the will is amended to provide that the marital 
    share passing to T's spouse shall be the lesser of the maximum 
    allowable marital deduction or the minimum amount that will result 
    in no estate tax liability for T's estate. The amendment may 
    increase the amount of a generation-skipping transfer. Therefore, 
    any generation-skipping transfers under the will are subject to tax 
    under chapter 13. If it becomes apparent that the amendment does not 
    increase the amount of a generation-skipping transfer, a claim for 
    refund may be filed with respect to any generation-skipping transfer 
    tax that was paid within the period set forth in section 6511. For 
    example, it would become apparent that the amendment did not result 
    in an increase in the residue if it is subsequently determined that 
    the maximum marital deduction and the minimum amount that will 
    result in no estate tax liability are equal in amount.
        Example 4. An amendment that increases a generation-skipping 
    transfer causes complete loss of exempt status. T's will provided 
    for the creation of two trusts for the benefit of skip persons. On 
    November 1, 1986, T executed a codicil to the will specifically 
    increasing the amount of a generation-skipping transfer under the 
    will. All transfers made pursuant to the will or either of the 
    trusts created thereunder are precluded from qualifying under the 
    transition rule of paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section and are 
    subject to tax under chapter 13.
        Example 5. Corrective action effective. Assume that T in Example 
    4 later executes a second codicil deleting the increase to the 
    generation-skipping transfer. Because the provision increasing a 
    generation-skipping transfer does not become effective, it is not 
    considered an amendment to a will in existence on October 22, 1986.
        (B) Facts applicable to Examples 6 through 9. T created a trust on 
    September 30, 1985, in which T retained the power to revoke the 
    transfer at any time prior to T's death. The trust provided that, upon 
    the death of T, the income was to be paid to T's spouse, W, for life 
    and then to A, B, and C, the children of T's sibling, S, in equal 
    shares for life, with one-third of the principal to be distributed per 
    stirpes to each child's surviving issue upon the death of the child. 
    The trustee has the power to make discretionary distributions of trust 
    principal to T's sibling, S.
        Example 6. Amendment that affects only a person who is not a 
    skip person. A became disabled, and T modified the trust on December 
    1, 1986, to increase A's share of the income. Since the amendment 
    does not result in the creation of, or increase in the amount of, a 
    generation-skipping transfer, 
    [[Page 66909]]
    transfers pursuant to the trust are not subject to chapter 13.
        Example 7. Amendment increasing skip person's share. Assume that 
    A, B, and C are the grandchildren of S rather than the children (and 
    thus are skip persons as defined in section 2613). T's amendment of 
    the trust increasing A's share of the income subjects the trust to 
    the provisions of chapter 13 because the amendment increases the 
    amount of the generation-skipping transfers to be made to A.
        Example 8. Amendment that adds a skip person. Assume that T 
    amends the trust to add T's grandchild, D, as an income beneficiary. 
    The trust will be subject to the provisions of chapter 13 because 
    the amendment creates a generation-skipping transfer.
        Example 9. Refund of tax paid during interim period when effect 
    of amendment is not determinable. Assume that T amends the trust to 
    provide that the issue of S are to take a one-fourth share of the 
    principal per stirpes upon S's death. Because the distribution to be 
    made upon S's death may involve skip persons, the amendment is 
    considered an amendment that creates or increases the amount of a 
    generation-skipping transfer until a determination can be made. 
    Accordingly, any distributions from (or terminations of interests 
    in) such trust are subject to chapter 13 until it is determined that 
    no skip person has been added to the trust. At that time, a claim 
    for refund may be filed within the period set forth in section 6511 
    with respect to any generation-skipping transfer tax that was paid.
        (3) Transition rule in the case of mental incompetency--(i) In 
    general. If an individual was under a mental disability to change the 
    disposition of his or her property continuously from October 22, 1986, 
    until the date of his or her death, the provisions of chapter 13 do not 
    apply to any generation-skipping transfer-(A) Under a trust (as defined 
    in section 2652(b)) to the extent such trust consists of property, or 
    the proceeds of property, the value of which was included in the gross 
    estate of the individual (other than property transferred by or on 
    behalf of the individual during the individual's life after October 22, 
    1986); or
        (B) Which is a direct skip (other than a direct skip from a trust) 
    that occurs by reason of the death of the individual.
        (ii) Mental disability defined. For purposes of this paragraph 
    (b)(2), the term mental disability means mental incompetence to execute 
    an instrument governing the disposition of the individual's property, 
    whether or not there was an adjudication of incompetence and regardless 
    of whether there has been an appointment of a guardian, fiduciary, or 
    other person charged with either the care of the individual or the care 
    of the individual's property.
        (iii) Decedent who has not been adjudged mentally incompetent. If 
    there has not been a court adjudication that the decedent was mentally 
    incompetent on or before October 22, 1986, the executor must file, with 
    Form 706, either--
        (A) A certification from a qualified physician stating that the 
    decedent was--
        (1) mentally incompetent at all times on and after October 22, 
    1986; and
        (2) did not regain competence to modify or revoke the terms of the 
    trust or will prior to his or her death; or
        (B) Sufficient other evidence demonstrating that the decedent was 
    mentally incompetent at all times on and after October 22, 1986, as 
    well as a statement explaining why no certification is available from a 
    physician; and
        (C) Any judgment or decree relating to the decedent's incompetency 
    that was made after October 22, 1986. Such items will be considered 
    relevant, but not determinative, in establishing the decedent's state 
    of competency.
        (iv) Decedent who has been adjudged mentally incompetent. If the 
    decedent has been adjudged mentally incompetent on or before October 
    22, 1986, a copy of the judgment or decree, and any modification 
    thereof, must be filed with the Form 706.
        (v) Rule applies even if another person has power to change trust 
    terms. In the case of a transfer from a trust, this paragraph (b)(3) 
    applies even though a person charged with the care of the decedent or 
    the decedent's property has the power to revoke or modify the terms of 
    the trust, provided that the power is not exercised after October 22, 
    1986, in a manner that creates, or increases the amount of, a 
    generation-skipping transfer. See paragraph (b)(2)(iv) of this section 
    for rules concerning amendments that create or increase the amount of a 
    generation-skipping transfer.
        (vi) Example. The following example illustrates the application of 
    paragraph (b)(3)(v) of this section:
        Example. T was mentally incompetent on October 22, 1986, and 
    remained so until death in 1993. Prior to becoming incompetent, T 
    created a revocable generation-skipping trust that was includible in 
    T's gross estate. Prior to October 22, 1986, the appropriate court 
    issued an order under which P, who was thereby charged with the care 
    of T's property, had the power to modify or revoke the revocable 
    trust. Although P exercised the power after October 22, 1986, and 
    while T was incompetent, the power was not exercised in a manner 
    that created, or increased the amount of, a generation-skipping 
    transfer. Thus, the existence and exercise of P's power did not 
    cause the trust to lose its exempt status under paragraph (b)(3) of 
    this section. The result would be the same if the court order was 
    issued after October 22, 1986.
        (4) Exceptions to additions rule--(i) In general. Any addition to a 
    trust made pursuant to an instrument or arrangement covered by the 
    transition rules in paragraph (b) (2) or (3) of this section is not 
    treated as an addition for purposes of this section. Moreover, any 
    property transferred inter vivos to a trust is not treated as an 
    addition if the same property would have been added to the trust 
    pursuant to an instrument covered by the transition rules in paragraph 
    (b) (2) or (3) of this section.
        (ii) Examples. The following examples illustrate the application of 
    paragraph (b)(4)(i) of this section:
        Example 1. Addition pursuant to terms of exempt instrument. On 
    December 31, 1980, T created an irrevocable trust having a principal 
    of $100,000. Under the terms of the trust, the principal was to be 
    held for the benefit of T's grandchild, GC. Pursuant to the terms of 
    T's will, a document entitled to relief under the transition rule of 
    paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the residue of the estate was paid 
    to the trust. Because the addition to the trust was paid pursuant to 
    the terms of an instrument (T's will) that is not subject to the 
    provisions of chapter 13 because of paragraph (b)(2) of this 
    section, the payment to the trust is not considered an addition to 
    the principal of the trust. Thus, distributions to or for the 
    benefit of GC, are not subject to the provisions of chapter 13.
        Example 2. Property transferred inter vivos that would have been 
    transferred to the same trust by the transferor's will. T is the 
    grantor of a trust that was irrevocable on September 25, 1985. T's 
    will, which was executed before October 22, 1986, and not amended 
    thereafter, provides that, upon T's death, the entire estate will 
    pour over into T's trust. On October 1, 1985, T transfers $100,000 
    to the trust. While T's will otherwise qualifies for relief under 
    the transition rule in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the 
    transition rule is not applicable unless T dies prior to January 1, 
    1987. Thus, if T dies after December 31, 1986, the transfer is 
    treated as an addition to the trust for purposes of any distribution 
    made from the trust after the transfer to the trust on October 1, 
    1985. If T dies before January 1, 1987, the entire trust (as well as 
    any distributions from or terminations of interests in the trust 
    prior to T's death) is exempt, under paragraph (b)(2) of this 
    section, from chapter 13 because the $100,000 would have been added 
    to the trust under a will that would have qualified under paragraph 
    (b)(2) of this section. In either case, for any generation-skipping 
    transfers made after the transfer to the trust on October 1, 1985, 
    but before T's death, the $100,000 is treated as an addition to the 
    trust and a proportionate amount of the trust is subject to chapter 
        Example 3. Pour over to a revocable trust. T and S are the 
    settlors of separate revocable trusts with equal values. Both trusts 
    were established for the benefit of skip persons (as 
    [[Page 66910]]
    defined in section 2613). S dies on December 1, 1985, and under the 
    provisions of S's trust, the principal pours over into T's trust. If 
    T dies before January 1, 1987, the entire trust is excluded under 
    paragraph (b)(2) of this section from the operation of chapter 13. 
    If T dies after December 31, 1986, the entire trust is subject to 
    the generation-skipping transfer tax provisions because T's trust is 
    not a trust described in paragraph (b)(1) or (2) of this section. In 
    the latter case, the fact that S died before January 1, 1987, is 
    irrelevant because the principal of S's trust was added to a trust 
    that never qualified under the transition rules of paragraph (b)(1) 
    or (2) of this section.
        Example 4. Pour over to exempt trust. Assume the same facts as 
    in Example 3, except upon the death of S on December 1, 1985, S's 
    trust continues as an irrevocable trust and that the principal of 
    T's trust is to be paid over upon T's death to S's trust. Again, if 
    T dies before January 1, 1987, S's entire trust falls within the 
    provisions of paragraph (b)(2) of this section. However, if T dies 
    after December 31, 1986, the pour-over is considered an addition to 
    the trust. Therefore, S's trust is not a trust excluded under 
    paragraph (b)(2) of this section because an addition is made to the 
        Example 5. Lapse of a general power of appointment. S, the 
    spouse of the settlor of an irrevocable trust that was created in 
    1980, had, on September 25, 1985, a general power of appointment 
    over the trust assets. The trust provides that should S fail to 
    exercise the power of appointment the property is to remain in the 
    trust. On October 21, 1986, S executed a will under which S failed 
    to exercise the power of appointment. If S dies before January 1, 
    1987, without having exercised the power in a manner which results 
    in the creation of, or increase in the amount of, a generation-
    skipping transfer (or amended the will in a manner that results in 
    the creation of, or increase in the amount of, a generation-skipping 
    transfer), transfers pursuant to the trust or the will are not 
    subject to chapter 13 because the trust is an irrevocable trust and 
    the will qualifies under paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
        Example 6. Lapse of general power of appointment held by 
    intestate decedent. Assume the same facts as in Example 5, except on 
    October 22, 1986, S did not have a will and that S dies after that 
    date. Upon S's death, or upon the prior exercise or release of the 
    power, the value of the entire trust is treated as having been 
    distributed to S, and S is treated as having made an addition to the 
    trust in the amount of the entire principal. Any distribution or 
    termination pursuant to the trust occurring after S's death is 
    subject to chapter 13. It is immaterial whether S's death occurs 
    before January 1, 1987, since paragraph (b)(2) of this section is 
    only applicable where a will or revocable trust was executed before 
    October 22, 1986.
        (c) Additional effective dates. Except as otherwise provided, the 
    regulations under Secs. 26.2611-1, 26.2612-1, 26.2613-1, 26.2632-1, 
    26.2641-1, 26.2642-1, 26.2642-2, 26.2642-3, 26.2642-4, 26.2642-5, 
    26.2652-1, 26.2652-2, 26.2653-1, 26.2654-1, 26.2663-1, and 26.2663-2 
    are effective with respect to generation-skipping transfers as defined 
    in Sec. 26.2611-1 made on or after [December 27, 1995]. However, 
    taxpayers may, at their option, rely on these regulations in the case 
    of generation-skipping transfers made, and trusts that became 
    irrevocable, after December 23, 1992, and before December 27, 1995.
    Sec. 26.2611-1  Generation-skipping transfer defined.
        A generation-skipping transfer (GST) is an event that is either a 
    direct skip, a taxable distribution, or a taxable termination. See 
    Sec. 26.2612-1 for the definition of these terms. The determination as 
    to whether an event is a GST is made by reference to the most recent 
    transfer subject to the estate or gift tax. See Sec. 26.2652-1(a)(2) 
    for determining whether a transfer is subject to Federal estate or gift 
    Sec. 26.2612-1   Definitions.
        (a) Direct skip--(1) In general. A direct skip is a transfer to a 
    skip person that is subject to Federal estate or gift tax. If property 
    is transferred to a trust, the transfer is a direct skip only if the 
    trust is a skip person. Only one direct skip occurs when a single 
    transfer of property skips two or more generations. See paragraph (d) 
    of this section for the definition of skip person. See Sec. 26.2652-
    1(b) for the definition of trust. See Sec. 26.2632-1(c)(4) for the time 
    that a direct skip occurs if the transferred property is subject to an 
    estate tax inclusion period.
        (2) Special rule for certain lineal descendants--(i) In general. 
    Solely for the purpose of determining whether a transfer to or for the 
    benefit of a lineal descendant of the transferor, the transferor's 
    spouse, or a former spouse of the transferor is a direct skip, the 
    generation assignment of the descendant is determined by disregarding 
    the generation of a predeceased individual who was both an ancestor of 
    the descendant and a lineal descendant of the transferor, the 
    transferor's spouse, or a former spouse of the transferor (a 
    predeceased child). If a transfer to a trust would be a direct skip but 
    for this paragraph, any generation assignment determined under this 
    paragraph continues to apply in determining whether any subsequent 
    distribution from (or termination of an interest in) the portion of the 
    trust attributable to that transfer is a GST. A living descendant who 
    dies no later than 90 days after the subject transfer is treated as 
    having predeceased the transferor to the extent that either the 
    governing instrument or applicable local law provides that such 
    individual shall be treated as predeceasing the transferor. Except as 
    provided in this paragraph (a)(2), a living descendant is not treated 
    as a predeceased child solely by reason of applicable local law; e.g., 
    an individual is not treated as a predeceased child solely because 
    state law treats an individual executing a disclaimer as having 
    predeceased the transferor of the disclaimed property. See 
    Sec. 26.2652-1(a)(1) for the definition of transferor. See paragraph 
    (e) of this section for the definition of interest in trust.
        (ii) Special rule. If a transferor makes an addition to an existing 
    trust after the death of an individual described in paragraph (a)(2)(i) 
    of this section (so that the transferor would be assigned to a lower 
    generation by reason of that death), the additional property is treated 
    as being held in a separate trust for purposes of chapter 13 and the 
    provisions of Sec. 26.2654-1(a)(2) apply as if the portions of the 
    single trust had separate transferors. Subsequent additions are treated 
    as additions to the appropriate portion of the single trust.
        (b) Taxable termination--(1) In general. Except as otherwise 
    provided in this paragraph (b), a taxable termination is a termination 
    (occurring for any reason) of an interest in trust unless--
        (i) A transfer subject to Federal estate or gift tax occurs with 
    respect to the property held in the trust at the time of the 
    termination (i.e., a new transferor is determined with respect to the 
        (ii) Immediately after the termination, a person who is not a skip 
    person has an interest in the trust; or
        (iii) At no time after the termination may a distribution, other 
    than a distribution the probability of which occurring is so remote as 
    to be negligible (including a distribution at the termination of the 
    trust) be made from the trust to a skip person. For this purpose, the 
    probability that a distribution will occur is so remote as to be 
    negligible only if it can be ascertained by actuarial standards that 
    there is less than a 5 percent probability that the distribution will 
        (2) Partial termination. If a distribution of a portion of trust 
    property is made to a skip person by reason of a termination occurring 
    on the death of a lineal descendant of the transferor, the termination 
    is a taxable termination with respect to the distributed property.
        (3) Simultaneous terminations. A simultaneous termination of two or 
    [[Page 66911]]
    more interests creates only one taxable termination.
        (c) Taxable distribution--(1) In general. A taxable distribution is 
    a distribution of income or principal from a trust to a skip person 
    unless the distribution is a taxable termination or a direct skip. If 
    any portion of GST tax (including penalties and interest thereon) 
    imposed on a distributee is paid from the distributing trust, the 
    payment is an additional taxable distribution to the distributee. For 
    purposes of chapter 13, the additional distribution is treated as 
    having been made on the last day of the calendar year in which the 
    original taxable distribution is made. If Federal estate or gift tax is 
    imposed on any individual with respect to an interest in property held 
    by a trust, the interest in property is treated as having been 
    distributed to the individual to the extent that the value of the 
    interest is subject to Federal estate or gift tax. See Sec. 26.2652-
    1(a)(6) Example 5, regarding the treatment of the lapse of a power of 
    appointment as a transfer to a trust.
        (2) Look-through rule not to apply. Solely for purposes of 
    determining whether any transfer from a trust to another trust is a 
    taxable distribution, the rules of section 2651(e)(2) do not apply. If 
    the transferring trust and the recipient trust have the same 
    transferor, see Sec. 26.2642-4(a) (1) and (2) for rules for recomputing 
    the applicable fraction of the recipient trust.
        (d) Skip person. A skip person is--
        (1) An individual assigned to a generation more than one generation 
    below that of the transferor (determined under the rules of section 
    2651); or
        (2) A trust if--
        (i) All interests in the trust are held by skip persons; or
        (ii) No person holds an interest in the trust and no distributions, 
    other than a distribution the probability of which occurring is so 
    remote as to be negligible (including distributions at the termination 
    of the trust), may be made after the transfer to a person other than a 
    skip person. For this purpose, the probability that a distribution will 
    occur is so remote as to be negligible only if it can be ascertained by 
    actuarial standards that there is less than a 5 percent probability 
    that the distribution will occur.
        (e) Interest in trust--(1) In general. An interest in trust is an 
    interest in property held in trust as defined in section 2652(c) and 
    these regulations. An interest in trust exists if a person--
        (i) Has a present right to receive trust principal or income;
        (ii) Is a permissible current recipient of trust principal or 
    income and is not described in section 2055(a); or
        (iii) Is described in section 2055(a) and the trust is a charitable 
    remainder annuity trust or unitrust (as defined in section 664(d)) or a 
    pooled income fund (as defined in section 642(c)(5)).
        (2) Exceptions--(i) Support obligations. In general, an individual 
    has a present right to receive trust income or principal if trust 
    income or principal may be used to satisfy the individual's support 
    obligations. However, an individual does not have an interest in a 
    trust merely because a support obligation of that individual may be 
    satisfied by a distribution that is either within the discretion of a 
    fiduciary or pursuant to provisions of local law substantially 
    equivalent to the Uniform Gifts (Transfers) to Minors Act.
        (ii) Certain interests disregarded. An interest which is used 
    primarily to postpone or avoid the GST tax is disregarded for purposes 
    of chapter 13. An interest is considered as used primarily to postpone 
    or avoid the GST tax if a significant purpose for the creation of the 
    interest is to postpone or avoid the tax.
        (3) Disclaimers. An interest does not exist to the extent it is 
    disclaimed pursuant to a disclaimer that constitutes a qualified 
    disclaimer under section 2518.
        (f) Examples. The following examples illustrate the provisions of 
    this section. Unless stated otherwise, paragraph (a)(2) of this 
    section, which assigns descendants to a higher generation when there is 
    a predeceased ancestor, does not apply.
        Example 1. Direct skip. T gratuitously conveys Blackacre to T's 
    grandchild. Because the transfer is a transfer to a skip person of 
    property subject to Federal gift tax, it is a direct skip.
        Example 2. Direct skip of more than one generation. T 
    gratuitously conveys Blackacre to T's great-grandchild. The transfer 
    is a direct skip. Only one GST tax is imposed on the direct skip 
    although two generations are skipped by the transfer.
        Example 3. Withdrawal power in trust. T transfers $50,000 to a 
    new trust providing that trust income is to be paid to T's child, C, 
    for life and, on C's death, the trust principal is to be paid to T's 
    descendants. Under the terms of the trust, T grants four 
    grandchildren the right to withdraw $10,000 from the trust for a 60 
    day period following the transfer. Since C, who is not a skip 
    person, has an interest in the trust, the trust is not a skip 
    person. T's transfer to the trust is not a direct skip.
        Example 4. Taxable termination. T establishes an irrevocable 
    trust under which the income is to be paid to T's child, C, for 
    life. On the death of C, the trust principal is to be paid to T's 
    grandchild, GC. Since C has an interest in the trust, the trust is 
    not a skip person and the transfer to the trust is not a direct 
    skip. If C dies survived by GC, a taxable termination occurs at C's 
    death because C's interest in the trust terminates and thereafter 
    the trust property is held by a skip person who occupies a lower 
    generation than C.
        Example 5. Direct skip of property held in trust. T establishes 
    a testamentary trust under which the income is to be paid to T's 
    surviving spouse, S, for life and the remainder is to be paid to a 
    grandchild of T and S. T's executor elects to treat the trust as 
    qualified terminable interest property under section 2056(b)(7). The 
    transfer to the trust is not a direct skip because S, a person who 
    is not a skip person, holds a present right to receive income from 
    the trust. Upon S's death, the trust property is included in S's 
    gross estate under section 2044 and passes directly to a skip 
    person. The GST occurring at that time is a direct skip because it 
    is a transfer subject to chapter 11. The fact that the interest 
    created by T is terminated at S's death is immaterial because S 
    becomes the transferor at the time of the transfer subject to 
    chapter 11.
        Example 6. Predeceased ancestor exception. T establishes an 
    irrevocable trust providing that trust income is to be paid to T's 
    grandchild, GC, for 5 years. At the end of the 5-year period, the 
    trust is to terminate and the principal is to be distributed to GC. 
    T's child, C, a parent of GC, is deceased at the time T establishes 
    the trust. Therefore, GC is treated as a child of T rather than as a 
    grandchild. As a result, GC is not a skip person, and the initial 
    transfer to the trust is not a direct skip. Similarly, distributions 
    to GC during the term of the trust and at the termination of the 
    trust will not be GSTs.
        Example 7. Predeceased ancestor exception not applicable. The 
    facts are the same as in Example 6, except the trust income is to be 
    paid to T's spouse, S, during the first two years of the trust. 
    Since S has an interest in the trust, the trust is not a skip person 
    and the transfer by T is not a direct skip. Since the transfer is 
    not a direct skip, the predeceased ancestor rule does not apply and 
    GC is not treated as the child of T. A taxable termination occurs at 
    the expiration of S's interest.
        Example 8. Taxable termination. T establishes an irrevocable 
    trust for the benefit of T's child, C, T's grandchild, GC, and T's 
    great-grandchild, GGC. Under the terms of the trust, income and 
    principal may be distributed to any or all of the living 
    beneficiaries at the discretion of the trustee. Upon the death of 
    the second beneficiary to die, the trust principal is to be paid to 
    the survivor. C dies first. A taxable termination occurs at that 
    time because, immediately after C's interest terminates, all 
    interests in the trust are held by skip persons (GC and GGC).
        Example 9. Taxable termination resulting from distribution. The 
    facts are the same as in Example 8, except twenty years after C's 
    death the trustee exercises its discretionary power and distributes 
    the entire principal to GGC. The distribution results in a taxable 
    termination because GC's interest in the trust terminates as a 
    result of the distribution of 
    [[Page 66912]]
    the entire trust property to GGC, a skip person. The result would be 
    the same if the trustee retained sufficient funds to pay the GST tax 
    due by reason of the taxable termination, as well as any expenses of 
    winding up the trust.
        Example 10. Simultaneous termination of interests of more than 
    one beneficiary. T establishes an irrevocable trust for the benefit 
    of T's child, C, T's grandchild, GC, and T's great-grandchild, GGC. 
    Under the terms of the trust, income and principal may be 
    distributed to any or all of the living beneficiaries at the 
    discretion of the trustee. Upon the death of C, the trust property 
    is to be distributed to GGC if then living. If C is survived by both 
    GC and GGC, both C's and GC's interests in the trust will terminate 
    on C's death. However, because both interests will terminate at the 
    same time and as a result of one event, only one taxable termination 
        Example 11. Partial taxable termination. T creates an 
    irrevocable trust providing that trust income is to be paid to T's 
    children, A and B, in such proportions as the trustee determines for 
    their joint lives. On the death of the first child to die, one-half 
    of the trust principal is to be paid to T's then living 
    grandchildren. The balance of the trust principal is to be paid to 
    T's grandchildren on the death of the survivor of A and B. If A 
    predeceases B, the distribution occurring on the termination of A's 
    interest in the trust is a taxable termination and not a taxable 
    distribution. It is a taxable termination because the distribution 
    is a distribution of a portion of the trust that occurs as a result 
    of the death of A, a lineal descendant of T. It is immaterial that a 
    portion of the trust continues and that B, a person other than a 
    skip person, thereafter holds an interest in the trust.
        Example 12. Taxable distribution. T establishes an irrevocable 
    trust under which the trust income is payable to T's child, C, for 
    life. When T's grandchild, GC, attains 35 years of age, GC is to 
    receive one-half of the principal. The remaining one-half of the 
    principal is to be distributed to GC on C's death. Assume that C 
    survives until GC attains age 35. When the trustee distributes one-
    half of the principal to GC on GC's 35th birthday, the distribution 
    is a taxable distribution because it is a distribution to a skip 
    person and is neither a taxable termination nor a direct skip.
        Example 13. Exercise of withdrawal right as taxable 
    distribution. The facts are the same as in Example 12, except GC 
    holds a continuing right to withdraw trust principal and after one 
    year GC withdraws $10,000. The withdrawal by GC is not a taxable 
    termination because the withdrawal does not terminate C's interest 
    in the trust. The withdrawal by GC is a taxable distribution to GC.
        Example 14. Interest in trust. T establishes an irrevocable 
    trust under which the income is to be paid to T's child, C, for 
    life. On the death of C, the trust principal is to be paid to T's 
    grandchild, GC. Because C has a present right to receive income from 
    the trust, C has an interest in the trust. Because GC cannot 
    currently receive distributions from the trust, GC does not have an 
    interest in the trust.
        Example 15. Support obligation. T establishes an irrevocable 
    trust for the benefit of T's grandchild, GC. The trustee has 
    discretion to distribute property for GC's support without regard to 
    the duty or ability of GC's parent, C, to support GC. Because GC is 
    a permissible current recipient of trust property, GC has an 
    interest in the trust. C does not have an interest in the trust 
    because the potential use of the trust property to satisfy C's 
    support obligation is within the discretion of a fiduciary. C would 
    be treated as having an interest in the trust if the trustee was 
    required to distribute trust property for GC's support.
    Sec. 26.2613-1  Skip person.
        For the definition of skip person see Sec. 26.2612-1(d).
    Sec. 26.2632-1  Allocation of GST exemption.
        (a) General rule. Except as otherwise provided in this section, an 
    individual or the individual's executor may allocate the individual's 
    $1 million GST exemption at any time from the date of the transfer 
    through the date for filing the individual's Federal estate tax return 
    (including any extensions for filing that have been actually granted). 
    If no estate tax return is required to be filed, the GST exemption may 
    be allocated at any time through the date a Federal estate tax return 
    would be due if a return were required to be filed (including any 
    extensions actually granted). If property is held in trust, the 
    allocation of GST exemption is made to the entire trust rather than to 
    specific trust assets. If a transfer is a direct skip to a trust, the 
    allocation of GST exemption to the transferred property is also treated 
    as an allocation of GST exemption to the trust for purposes of future 
    GSTs with respect to the trust by the same transferor.
        (b) Lifetime allocations--(1) Automatic allocation to direct 
    skips--(i) In general. If a direct skip occurs during the transferor's 
    lifetime, the transferor's GST exemption not previously allocated 
    (unused GST exemption) is automatically allocated to the transferred 
    property (but not in excess of the fair market value of the property on 
    the date of the transfer). The transferor may prevent the automatic 
    allocation of GST exemption by describing on a timely-filed United 
    States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return (Form 709) 
    the transfer and the extent to which the automatic allocation is not to 
    apply. In addition, a timely-filed Form 709 accompanied by payment of 
    the GST tax (as shown on the return with respect to the direct skip) is 
    sufficient to prevent an automatic allocation of GST exemption with 
    respect to the transferred property. See paragraph (c)(4) of this 
    section for special rules in the case of direct skips treated as 
    occurring at the termination of an estate tax inclusion period.
        (ii) Time for filing Form 709. A Form 709 is timely filed if it is 
    filed on or before the date required for reporting the transfer if it 
    were a taxable gift (i.e., the date prescribed by section 6075(b), 
    including any extensions to file actually granted (the due date)). 
    Except as provided in paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section, the 
    automatic allocation of GST exemption (or the election to prevent the 
    allocation, if made) is irrevocable after the due date. An automatic 
    allocation of GST exemption is effective as of the date of the transfer 
    to which it relates. Except as provided above, a Form 709 need not be 
    filed to report an automatic allocation.
        (iii) Transitional rule. An election to prevent an automatic 
    allocation of GST exemption filed on or before January 26, 1996, 
    becomes irrevocable on July 24, 1996.
        (2) Allocation to other transfers--(i) In general. An allocation of 
    GST exemption to property transferred during the transferor's lifetime, 
    other than in a direct skip, is made on Form 709. The allocation must 
    clearly identify the trust to which the allocation is being made, the 
    amount of GST exemption allocated to it, and if the allocation is late 
    or if an inclusion ratio greater than zero is claimed, the value of the 
    trust assets at the effective date of the allocation. See paragraph 
    (b)(2)(ii) of this section. The allocation should also state the 
    inclusion ratio of the trust after the allocation. Except as otherwise 
    provided in this paragraph, an allocation of GST exemption may be made 
    by a formula; e.g., the allocation may be expressed in terms of the 
    amount necessary to produce an inclusion ratio of zero. However, 
    formula allocations made with respect to charitable lead annuity trusts 
    are not valid except to the extent they are dependent on values as 
    finally determined for Federal estate or gift tax purposes. With 
    respect to a timely allocation, an allocation of GST exemption becomes 
    irrevocable after the due date of the return. Except as provided in 
    Sec. 26.2642-3 (relating to charitable lead annuity trusts), an 
    allocation of GST exemption to a trust is void to the extent the amount 
    allocated exceeds the amount necessary to obtain an inclusion ratio of 
    zero with respect to the trust. See Sec. 26.2642-1 for the definition 
    of inclusion ratio. An allocation is also void if the allocation is 
    made with respect to a trust that has no GST potential with respect to 
    the transferor making the allocation, at the time of the allocation. 
    For this purpose, a trust has GST potential even if the 
    [[Page 66913]]
    possibility of a GST is so remote as to be negligible.
         (ii) Effective date of allocation--(A) In general. (1) Except as 
    otherwise provided, an allocation of GST exemption is effective as of 
    the date of any transfer as to which the Form 709 on which it is made 
    is a timely filed return (a timely allocation). If more than one timely 
    allocation is made, the earlier allocation is modified only if the 
    later allocation clearly identifies the transfer and the nature and 
    extent of the modification. Except as provided in paragraph (d)(1) of 
    this section, an allocation to a trust made on a Form 709 filed after 
    the due date for reporting a transfer to the trust (a late allocation) 
    is effective on the date the Form 709 is filed and is deemed to precede 
    in point of time any taxable event occurring on such date. For purposes 
    of this paragraph (b)(2)(ii), the Form 709 is deemed filed on the date 
    it is postmarked to the Internal Revenue Service Center. See 
    Sec. 26.2642-2 regarding the effect of a late allocation in determining 
    the inclusion ratio, etc. See paragraph (c)(1) of this section 
    regarding allocation of GST exemption to property subject to an estate 
    tax inclusion period. If it is unclear whether an allocation of GST 
    exemption on a Form 709 is a late or a timely allocation to a trust, 
    the allocation is effective in the following order--
        (i) To any transfer to the trust disclosed on the return as to 
    which the return is a timely return;
        (ii) As a late allocation; and
        (iii) To any transfer to the trust not disclosed on the return as 
    to which the return would be a timely return.
        (2) A late allocation to a trust may be made on a Form 709 that is 
    timely filed with respect to another transfer. A late allocation is 
    irrevocable when made.
        (B) Amount of allocation. If other transfers exist with respect to 
    which GST exemption could be allocated under paragraphs 
    (b)(2)(ii)(A)(1) (ii) and (iii), any GST exemption allocated under 
    paragraph (b)(2)(ii)(A)(1)(i) of this section is allocated in an amount 
    equal to the value of the transferred property as reported on the Form 
    709. Thus, if the GST exemption allocated on the Form 709 exceeds the 
    value of the transfers reported on that return that have generation-
    skipping potential, the initial allocation under paragraph 
    (b)(2)(ii)(A)(1)(i) of this section is in the amount of the value of 
    those transfers as reported on that return. Any remaining amount of GST 
    exemption allocated on that return is then allocated pursuant to 
    paragraphs (b)(2)(ii)(A)(1) (ii) and (iii) of this section, 
    notwithstanding any subsequent upward adjustment in value of the 
    transfers reported on the return.
        (iii) Examples. The following examples illustrate the provisions of 
    this paragraph (b):
         Example 1. Modification of allocation of GST exemption. T 
    transfers $100,000 to an irrevocable generation-skipping trust on 
    December 1, 1996. The transfer to the trust is not a direct skip. 
    The date prescribed for filing the gift tax return reporting the 
    taxable gift is April 15, 1997. On February 10, 1997, T files a Form 
    709 allocating $50,000 of GST exemption to the trust. On April 10 of 
    the same year, T files an amended Form 709 allocating $100,000 of 
    GST exemption to the trust in a manner that clearly indicates the 
    intention to modify and supersede the prior allocation with respect 
    to the 1996 transfer. The allocation made on the April 10 return 
    supersedes the prior allocation because it is made on a timely-filed 
    Form 709 that clearly identifies the trust and the nature and extent 
    of the modification of GST exemption allocation. The allocation of 
    $100,000 of GST exemption to the trust is effective as of December 
    1, 1996. The result would be the same if the amended Form 709 
    decreased the amount of the GST exemption allocated to the trust.
        Example 2. Modification of allocation of GST exemption. The 
    facts are the same as in Example 1, except on July 10, 1997, T files 
    a Form 709 attempting to reduce the earlier allocation. The return 
    is not a timely-filed return. The $100,000 GST exemption allocated 
    to the trust, as amended on April 10, 1997, remains in effect 
    because an allocation, once made, is irrevocable and may not be 
    modified after the last date on which a timely-filed Form 709 can be 
        Example 3. Effective date of late allocation of GST exemption. T 
    transfers $100,000 to an irrevocable generation-skipping trust on 
    December 1, 1996. The transfer to the trust is not a direct skip. 
    The date prescribed for filing the gift tax return reporting the 
    taxable gift is April 15, 1997. On December 1, 1997, T files a Form 
    709 and allocates $50,000 to the trust. The allocation is effective 
    as of December 1, 1997.
        Example 4. Effective date of late allocation of GST exemption. T 
    transfers $100,000 to a generation-skipping trust on December 1, 
    1996, in a transfer that is not a direct skip. T does not make an 
    allocation of GST exemption on a timely-filed Form 709. On July 1, 
    1997, the trustee makes a taxable distribution from the trust to T's 
    grandchild in the amount of $30,000. Immediately prior to the 
    distribution, the value of the trust assets was $150,000. On the 
    same date, T allocates GST exemption to the trust in the amount of 
    $50,000. The allocation of GST exemption on the date of the transfer 
    is treated as preceding in point of time the taxable distribution. 
    At the time of the GST, the trust has an inclusion ratio of .6667 (1 
    - (50,000/150,000)).
        Example 5. Automatic allocation to split-gift direct skip. On 
    May 15, 1996, T transfers $50,000 to a trust in a direct skip. T 
    does not file a timely gift tax return electing out of the automatic 
    allocation. On April 30, 1998, T and T's spouse, S, file an initial 
    gift tax return for 1996 on which they consent, pursuant to section 
    2513, to have the gift treated as if one-half had been made by each. 
    As a result of the election under section 2513, which is retroactive 
    to the date of T's transfer, T and S are each treated as the 
    transferor of one-half of the property transferred in the direct 
    skip. Thus, $25,000 of T's unused GST exemption and $25,000 of S's 
    unused GST exemption is automatically allocated to the trust. Both 
    allocations are effective on and after the date that T made the 
        (c) Special rules during an estate tax inclusion period--(1) In 
    general. An allocation of GST exemption (including an automatic 
    allocation) to property subject to an estate tax inclusion period 
    (ETIP) that is made prior to termination of the ETIP cannot be revoked, 
    but becomes effective no earlier than the date of any termination of 
    the ETIP with respect to the trust. Where an allocation has not been 
    made prior to the termination of the ETIP, an allocation is effective 
    at the termination of the ETIP during the transferor's lifetime if made 
    by the due date for filing a Form 709 that would apply to a taxable 
    gift occurring at the time the ETIP terminates (timely ETIP return). An 
    allocation is effective in the case of the termination of the ETIP on 
    the death of the transferor as provided in paragraph (d) of this 
    section. If any part of a trust is subject to an ETIP, the entire trust 
    is subject to the ETIP. See Sec. 26.2642-1(b)(2) for rules determining 
    the inclusion ratio applicable in the case of GSTs during an ETIP.
        (2) Estate tax inclusion period defined--(i) In general. An ETIP is 
    the period during which, should death occur, the value of transferred 
    property would be includible (other than by reason of section 2035) in 
    the gross estate of--
        (A) The transferor; or
        (B) The spouse of the transferor.
        (ii) Exceptions--(A) For purposes of paragraph (c)(2) of this 
    section, the value of transferred property is not considered as being 
    subject to inclusion in the gross estate of the transferor or the 
    spouse of the transferor if the possibility that the property will be 
    included is so remote as to be negligible. A possibility is so remote 
    as to be negligible if it can be ascertained by actuarial standards 
    that there is less than a 5 percent probability that the property will 
    be included in the gross estate.
        (B) For purposes of paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the value of 
    transferred property is not considered as being subject to inclusion in 
    the gross estate of the spouse of the transferor, if the spouse 
    possesses with respect to any transfer to the trust, a right to 
    [[Page 66914]]
    no more than the greater of $5,000 or 5 percent of the trust corpus, 
    and such withdrawal right terminates no later than 60 days after the 
    transfer to the trust.
        (C) The rules of this paragraph (c)(2) do not apply to qualified 
    terminable interest property with respect to which the special election 
    under Sec. 26.2652-2 has been made.
        (3) Termination of an ETIP. An ETIP terminates on the first to 
    occur of--
        (i) The death of the transferor;
        (ii) The time at which no portion of the property is includible in 
    the transferor's gross estate (other than by reason of section 2035) 
    or, in the case of an individual who is a transferor solely by reason 
    of an election under section 2513, the time at which no portion would 
    be includible in the gross estate of the individual's spouse (other 
    than by reason of section 2035);
        (iii) The time of a GST, but only with respect to the property 
    involved in the GST; or
        (iv) In the case of an ETIP arising by reason of an interest or 
    power held by the transferor's spouse under subsection (c)(2)(i)(B) of 
    this section, at the first to occur of--
        (A) The death of the spouse; or
        (B) The time at which no portion of the property would be 
    includible in the spouse's gross estate (other than by reason of 
    section 2035).
        (4) Treatment of direct skips. If property transferred to a skip 
    person is subject to an ETIP, the direct skip is treated as occurring 
    on the termination of the ETIP.
        (5) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules of this 
    section as they apply to the termination of an ETIP during the lifetime 
    of the transferor. In each example assume that T transfers $100,000 to 
    an irrevocable trust:
        Example 1. Allocation of GST exemption during ETIP. The trust 
    instrument provides that trust income is to be paid to T for 9 years 
    or until T's prior death. The trust principal is to be paid to T's 
    grandchild on the termination of T's income interest. If T dies 
    within the 9-year period, the value of the trust principal is 
    includible in T's gross estate under section 2036(a). Thus, the 
    trust is subject to an ETIP. T files a timely Form 709 reporting the 
    transfer and allocating $100,000 of GST exemption to the trust. The 
    allocation of GST exemption to the trust is not effective until the 
    termination of the ETIP.
        Example 2. Effect of prior allocation on termination of ETIP. 
    The facts are the same as in Example 1, except the trustee has the 
    power to invade trust principal on behalf of T's grandchild, GC, 
    during the term of T's income interest. In year 4, when the value of 
    the trust is $200,000, the trustee distributes $15,000 to GC. The 
    distribution is a taxable distribution. The ETIP with respect to the 
    property distributed to GC terminates at the time of the taxable 
    distribution. See paragraph (c)(3)(iii) of this section. Solely for 
    purposes of determining the trust's inclusion ratio with respect to 
    the taxable distribution, the prior $100,000 allocation of GST 
    exemption (as well as any additional allocation made on a timely 
    ETIP return) is effective immediately prior to the taxable 
    distribution. See Sec. 26.2642-1(b)(2). The trust's inclusion ratio 
    with respect to the taxable distribution is therefore .50 
        Example 3. Split-gift transfers subject to ETIP. The trust 
    instrument provides that trust income is to be paid to T for 9 years 
    or until T's prior death. The trust principal is to be paid to T's 
    grandchild on the termination of T's income interest. T files a 
    timely Form 709 reporting the transfer. T's spouse, S, consents to 
    have the gift treated as made one-half by S under section 2513. 
    Because S is treated as transferring one-half of the property to T's 
    grandchild, S becomes the transferor of one-half of the trust for 
    purposes of chapter 13. Because the value of the trust would be 
    includible in T's gross estate if T died immediately after the 
    transfer, S's transfer is subject to an ETIP. If S should die prior 
    to the termination of the trust, S's executor may allocate S's GST 
    exemption to the trust, but only to the portion of the trust for 
    which S is treated as the transferor. However, the allocation does 
    not become effective until the earlier of the expiration of T's 
    income interest or T's death.
        Example 4. Transfer of retained interest as ETIP termination. 
    The trust instrument provides that trust income is to be paid to T 
    for 9 years or until T's prior death. The trust principal is to be 
    paid to T's grandchild on the termination of T's income interest. 
    Four years after the initial transfer, T transfers the income 
    interest to T's sibling. The ETIP with respect to the trust 
    terminates on T's transfer of the income interest because, after the 
    transfer, the trust property would not be includible in T's gross 
    estate (other than by reason of section 2035) if T died at that 
        (d) Allocations after the transferor's death--(1) Allocation by 
    executor. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (d), an 
    allocation of a decedent's unused GST exemption by the executor of the 
    decedent's estate is made on the appropriate United States Estate (and 
    Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return (Form 706 or Form 706NA) filed 
    on or before the date prescribed for filing the return by section 
    6075(a) (including any extensions actually granted (the due date)). An 
    allocation of GST exemption with respect to property included in the 
    gross estate of a decedent is effective as of the date of death. A 
    timely allocation of GST exemption by an executor with respect to a 
    lifetime transfer of property that is not included in the transferor's 
    gross estate is made on a Form 709. A late allocation of GST exemption 
    by an executor, other than an allocation that is deemed to be made 
    under section 2632(b)(1), with respect to a lifetime transfer of 
    property is made on Form 706 or Form 706NA and is effective as of the 
    date the allocation is filed. An allocation of GST exemption to a trust 
    (whether or not funded at the time the Form 706 or Form 706NA is filed) 
    is effective if the notice of allocation clearly identifies the trust 
    and the amount of the decedent's GST exemption allocated to the trust. 
    An executor may allocate the decedent's GST exemption by use of a 
    formula. For purposes of this section, an allocation is void if the 
    allocation is made for a trust that has no GST potential with respect 
    to the transferor for whom the allocation is being made, as of the date 
    of the transferor's death. For this purpose, a trust has GST potential 
    even if the possibility of a GST is so remote as to be negligible.
        (2) Automatic allocation after death. A decedent's unused GST 
    exemption is automatically allocated on the due date for filing Form 
    706 or Form 706NA to the extent not otherwise allocated by the 
    decedent's executor on or before that date. The automatic allocation 
    occurs whether or not a return is actually required to be filed. Unused 
    GST exemption is allocated pro rata (subject to the rules of 
    Sec. 26.2642-2(b)), on the basis of the value of the property as 
    finally determined for purposes of chapter 11 (chapter 11 value), first 
    to direct skips treated as occurring at the transferor's death. The 
    balance, if any, of unused GST exemption is allocated pro rata (subject 
    to the rules of Sec. 26.2642-2(b)) on the basis of the chapter 11 value 
    of the nonexempt portion of the trust property (or in the case of 
    trusts that are not included in the gross estate, on the basis of the 
    date of death value of the trust) to trusts with respect to which a 
    taxable termination may occur or from which a taxable distribution may 
    be made. The automatic allocation of GST exemption is irrevocable, and 
    an allocation made by the executor after the automatic allocation is 
    made is ineffective. No automatic allocation of GST exemption is made 
    to a trust that will have a new transferor with respect to the entire 
    trust prior to the occurrence of any GST with respect to the trust. In 
    addition, no automatic allocation of GST exemption is made to a trust 
    if, during the nine month period ending immediately after the death of 
    the transferor--
        (i) No GST has occurred with respect to the trust; and
        (ii) At the end of such period no future GST can occur with respect 
    to the trust.
    [[Page 66915]]
    Sec. 26.2641-1  Applicable rate of tax.
        The rate of tax applicable to any GST (applicable rate) is 
    determined by multiplying the maximum Federal estate tax rate in effect 
    at the time of the GST by the inclusion ratio (as defined in 
    Sec. 26.2642-1). For this purpose, the maximum Federal estate tax rate 
    is the maximum rate set forth under section 2001(c) (without regard to 
    section 2001(c)(2)).
    Sec. 26.2642-1  Inclusion ratio.
        (a) In general. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the 
    inclusion ratio is determined by subtracting the applicable fraction 
    (rounded to the nearest one-thousandth (.001)) from 1. In rounding the 
    applicable fraction to the nearest one-thousandth, any amount that is 
    midway between one one-thousandth and another one-thousandth is rounded 
    up to the higher of those two amounts.
        (b) Numerator of applicable fraction--(1) In general. Except as 
    otherwise provided in this paragraph (b), and in Secs. 26.2642-3 
    (providing a special rule for charitable lead annuity trusts) and 
    26.2642-4 (providing rules for the redetermination of the applicable 
    fraction), the numerator of the applicable fraction is the amount of 
    GST exemption allocated to the trust (or to the transferred property in 
    the case of a direct skip not in trust).
        (2) GSTs occurring during an ETIP--(i) In general. For purposes of 
    determining the inclusion ratio with respect to a taxable termination 
    or a taxable distribution that occurs during an ETIP, the numerator of 
    the applicable fraction is the sum of--
        (A) The GST exemption previously allocated to the trust (including 
    any allocation made to the trust prior to any taxable termination or 
    distribution) reduced (but not below zero) by the nontax amount of any 
    prior GSTs with respect to the trust; and
        (B) Any GST exemption allocated to the trust on a timely ETIP 
    return filed after the termination of the ETIP. See Sec. 26.2632-
    1(c)(5) Example 2.
        (ii) Nontax amount of a prior GST. (1) The nontax amount of a prior 
    GST with respect to the trust is the amount of the GST multiplied by 
    the applicable fraction attributable to the trust at the time of the 
    prior GST.
        (2) For rules regarding the allocation of GST exemption to property 
    during an ETIP, see Sec. 26.2632-1(c).
        (c) Denominator of applicable fraction--(1) In general. Except as 
    otherwise provided in this paragraph (c) and in Secs. 26.2642-3 and 
    26.2642-4, the denominator of the applicable fraction is the value of 
    the property transferred to the trust (or transferred in a direct skip 
    not in trust) (as determined under Sec. 26.2642-2) reduced by the sum 
        (i) Any Federal estate tax and any State death tax incurred by 
    reason of the transfer that is chargeable to the trust and is actually 
    recovered from the trust;
        (ii) The amount of any charitable deduction allowed under section 
    2055, 2106, or 2522 with respect to the transfer; and
        (iii) In the case of a direct skip, the value of the portion of the 
    transfer that is a nontaxable gift. See paragraph (c)(3) of this 
    section for the definition of nontaxable gift.
        (2) Zero denominator. If the denominator of the applicable fraction 
    is zero, the inclusion ratio is zero.
        (3) Nontaxable gifts. Generally, for purposes of chapter 13, a 
    transfer is a nontaxable gift to the extent the transfer is excluded 
    from taxable gifts by reason of section 2503(b) (after application of 
    section 2513) or section 2503(e). However, a transfer to a trust for 
    the benefit of an individual is not a nontaxable gift for purposes of 
    this section unless--
        (i) Trust principal or income may, during the individual's 
    lifetime, be distributed only to or for the benefit of the individual; 
        (ii) The assets of the trust will be includible in the gross estate 
    of the individual if the individual dies before the trust terminates.
        (d) Examples. The following examples illustrate the provisions of 
    this section. See Sec. 26.2652-2(d) Examples 2 and 3 for illustrations 
    of the computation of the inclusion ratio where the special (reverse 
    QTIP) election may be applicable.
        Example 1. Computation of the inclusion ratio. T transfers 
    $100,000 to a newly-created irrevocable trust providing that income 
    is to be accumulated for 10 years. At the end of 10 years, the 
    accumulated income is to be distributed to T's child, C, and the 
    trust principal is to be paid to T's grandchild. T allocates $40,000 
    of T's GST exemption to the trust on a timely-filed gift tax return. 
    The applicable fraction with respect to the trust is .40 ($40,000 
    (the amount of GST exemption allocated to the trust) over $100,000 
    (the value of the property transferred to the trust)). The inclusion 
    ratio is .60 (1 - .40). If the maximum Federal estate tax rate is 55 
    percent at the time of a GST, the rate of tax applicable to the 
    transfer (applicable rate) will be .333 (55 percent (the maximum 
    estate tax rate)  x  .60 (the inclusion ratio)).
        Example 2. Gift entirely nontaxable. On December 1, 1996, T 
    transfers $10,000 to an irrevocable trust for the benefit of T's 
    grandchild, GC. GC possesses a right to withdraw any contributions 
    to the trust such that the entire transfer qualifies for the annual 
    exclusion under section 2503(b). Under the terms of the trust, the 
    income is to be paid to GC for 10 years or until GC's prior death. 
    Upon the expiration of GC's income interest, the trust principal is 
    payable to GC or GC's estate. The transfer to the trust is a direct 
    skip. T made no prior gifts to or for the benefit of GC during 1996. 
    The entire $10,000 transfer is a nontaxable transfer. For purposes 
    of computing the tax on the direct skip, the denominator of the 
    applicable fraction is zero, and thus, the inclusion ratio is zero.
        Example 3. Gift nontaxable in part. T transfers $12,000 to an 
    irrevocable trust for the benefit of T's grandchild, GC. Under the 
    terms of the trust, the income is to be paid to GC for 10 years or 
    until GC's prior death. Upon the expiration of GC's income interest, 
    the trust principal is payable to GC or GC's estate. Further, GC has 
    the right to withdraw $10,000 of any contribution to the trust such 
    that $10,000 of the transfer qualifies for the annual exclusion 
    under section 2503(b). The amount of the nontaxable transfer is 
    $10,000. Solely for purposes of computing the tax on the direct 
    skip, T's transfer is divided into two portions. One portion is 
    equal to the amount of the nontaxable transfer ($10,000) and has a 
    zero inclusion ratio; the other portion is $2,000 ($12,000 - 
    $10,000). With respect to the $2,000 portion, the denominator of the 
    applicable fraction is $2,000. Assuming that T has sufficient GST 
    exemption available, the numerator of the applicable fraction is 
    $2,000 (unless T elects to have the automatic allocation provisions 
    not apply). Thus, assuming T does not elect to have the automatic 
    allocation not apply, the applicable fraction is one ($2,000/$2,000 
    = 1) and the inclusion ratio is zero (1 - 1 = 0).
        Example 4. Gift nontaxable in part. Assume the same facts as in 
    Example 3, except T files a timely Form 709 electing that the 
    automatic allocation of GST exemption not apply to the $12,000 
    transferred in the direct skip. T's transfer is divided into two 
    portions, a $10,000 portion with a zero inclusion ratio and a $2,000 
    portion with an applicable fraction of zero (0/$2,000 = 0) and an 
    inclusion ratio of one (1 - 0 = 1).
    Sec. 26.2642-2  Valuation.
        (a) Lifetime transfers--(1) In general. For purposes of determining 
    the denominator of the applicable fraction, the value of property 
    transferred during life is its fair market value on the effective date 
    of the allocation of GST exemption. In the case of a timely allocation 
    under Sec. 26.2632-1(b)(2)(ii), the denominator of the applicable 
    fraction is the fair market value of the property as finally determined 
    for purposes of chapter 12.
        (2) Special rule for late allocations during life. If a transferor 
    makes a late allocation of GST exemption to a trust, the value of the 
    property transferred to the trust is the fair market value of the trust 
    assets determined on the effective date of the allocation of GST 
    exemption. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (a)(2), if a 
    transferor makes a 
    [[Page 66916]]
    late allocation of GST exemption to a trust, the transferor may, solely 
    for purposes of determining the fair market value of the trust assets, 
    elect to treat the allocation as having been made on the first day of 
    the month during which the late allocation is made (valuation date). An 
    election under this paragraph (a)(2) is not effective with respect to a 
    life insurance policy or a trust holding a life insurance policy, if 
    the insured individual has died. An allocation subject to the election 
    contained in this paragraph (a)(2) is not effective until it is 
    actually filed with the Internal Revenue Service. The election is made 
    by stating on the Form 709 on which the allocation is made--
        (i) That the election is being made;
        (ii) The applicable valuation date; and
        (iii) The fair market value of the trust assets on the valuation 
        (b) Transfers at death--(1) In general. Except as provided in 
    paragraphs (b) (2) and (3) of this section, in determining the 
    denominator of the applicable fraction, the value of property included 
    in the decedent's gross estate is its value for purposes of chapter 11. 
    In the case of qualified real property with respect to which the 
    election under section 2032A is made, the value of the property is the 
    value determined under section 2032A provided the recapture agreement 
    described in section 2032A(d)(2) filed with the Internal Revenue 
    Service specifically provides for the signatories' consent to the 
    imposition of, and personal liability for, additional GST tax in the 
    event an additional estate tax is imposed under section 2032A(c). See 
    Sec. 26.2642-4(a)(4). If the recapture agreement does not contain these 
    provisions, the value of qualified real property as to which the 
    election under section 2032A is made is the fair market value of the 
    property determined without regard to the provisions of section 2032A.
        (2) Special rule for pecuniary payments--(i) In general. If a 
    pecuniary payment is satisfied with cash, the denominator of the 
    applicable fraction is the pecuniary amount. If property other than 
    cash is used to satisfy a pecuniary payment, the denominator of the 
    applicable fraction is the pecuniary amount only if payment must be 
    made with property on the basis of the value of the property on--
        (A) The date of distribution; or
        (B) A date other than the date of distribution, but only if the 
    pecuniary payment must be satisfied on a basis that fairly reflects net 
    appreciation and depreciation (occurring between the valuation date and 
    the date of distribution) in all of the assets from which the 
    distribution could have been made.
        (ii) Other pecuniary amounts payable in kind. The denominator of 
    the applicable fraction with respect to any property used to satisfy 
    any other pecuniary payment payable in kind is the date of distribution 
    value of the property.
        (3) Special rule for residual transfers after payment of a 
    pecuniary payment--(i) In general. Except as otherwise provided in this 
    paragraph (b)(3), the denominator of the applicable fraction with 
    respect to a residual transfer of property after the satisfaction of a 
    pecuniary payment is the estate tax value of the assets available to 
    satisfy the pecuniary payment reduced, if the pecuniary payment carries 
    appropriate interest (as defined in paragraph (b)(4) of this section), 
    by the pecuniary amount. The denominator of the applicable fraction 
    with respect to a residual transfer of property after the satisfaction 
    of a pecuniary payment that does not carry appropriate interest is the 
    estate tax value of the assets available to satisfy the pecuniary 
    payment reduced by the present value of the pecuniary payment. For 
    purposes of this paragraph (b)(3)(i), the present value of the 
    pecuniary payment is determined by using--
        (A) The interest rate applicable under section 7520 at the death of 
    the transferor; and
        (B) The period between the date of the transferor's death and the 
    date the pecuniary amount is paid.
        (ii) Special rule for residual transfers after pecuniary payments 
    payable in kind. The denominator of the applicable fraction with 
    respect to any residual transfer after satisfaction of a pecuniary 
    payment payable in kind is the date of distribution value of the 
    property distributed in satisfaction of the residual transfer, unless 
    the pecuniary payment must be satisfied on the basis of the value of 
    the property on--
        (A) The date of distribution; or
        (B) A date other than the date of distribution, but only if the 
    pecuniary payment must be satisfied on a basis that fairly reflects net 
    appreciation and depreciation (occurring between the date of death and 
    the date of distribution) in all of the assets from which the 
    distribution could have been made.
        (4) Appropriate interest--(i) In general. For purposes of this 
    section and Sec. 26.2654-1 (relating to certain trusts treated as 
    separate trusts), appropriate interest means that interest must be 
    payable from the date of death of the transferor (or from the date 
    specified under applicable State law requiring the payment of interest) 
    to the date of payment at a rate--
        (A) At least equal to--
        (1) The statutory rate of interest, if any, applicable to pecuniary 
    bequests under the law of the State whose law governs the 
    administration of the estate or trust; or
        (2) If no such rate is indicated under applicable State law, 80 
    percent of the rate that is applicable under section 7520 at the death 
    of the transferor; and
        (B) Not in excess of the greater of--
        (1) The statutory rate of interest, if any, applicable to pecuniary 
    bequests under the law of the State whose law governs the 
    administration of the trust; or
        (2) 120 percent of the rate that is applicable under section 7520 
    at the death of the transferor.
        (ii) Pecuniary payments deemed to carry appropriate interest. For 
    purposes of this paragraph (b)(4), if a pecuniary payment does not 
    carry appropriate interest, the pecuniary payment is considered to 
    carry appropriate interest to the extent--
        (A) The entire payment is made or property is irrevocably set aside 
    to satisfy the entire pecuniary payment within 15 months of the 
    transferor's death; or
        (B) The governing instrument or applicable local law specifically 
    requires the executor or trustee to allocate to the pecuniary payment a 
    pro rata share of the income earned by the fund from which the 
    pecuniary payment is to be made between the date of death of the 
    transferor and the date of payment. For purposes of paragraph 
    (b)(4)(ii)(A) of this section, property is irrevocably set aside if it 
    is segregated and held in a separate account pending distribution.
        (c) Examples. The following examples illustrate the provisions of 
    this section:
        Example 1. T transfers $100,000 to a newly-created irrevocable 
    trust on December 15, 1996. The trust provides that income is to be 
    paid to T's child for 10 years. At the end of the 10-year period, 
    the trust principal is to be paid to T's grandchild. T does not 
    allocate any GST exemption to the trust on the gift tax return 
    reporting the transfer. On November 15, 1997, T files a Form 709 
    allocating $50,000 of GST exemption to the trust. Because the 
    allocation was made on a late filed return, the value of the 
    property transferred to the trust is determined on the date the 
    allocation is filed (unless an election is made pursuant to 
    paragraph (a)(2) of this section to value the trust property as of 
    the first day of the month in which the allocation document is filed 
    with the Internal Revenue Service). On November 15, 1997, the value 
    of the trust property is $150,000. Effective as of November 15, 
    1997, the applicable fraction with respect to the trust is .333 
    ($50,000 (the 
    [[Page 66917]]
    amount of GST exemption allocated to the trust) over $150,000 (the 
    value of the trust principal on the effective date of the GST 
    exemption allocation)), and the inclusion ratio is .667 (1.0-.333).
        Example 2. The facts are the same as in Example 1, except the 
    value of the trust property is $80,000 on November 15, 1997. The 
    applicable fraction is .625 ($50,000 over $80,000) and the inclusion 
    ratio is .375 (1.0-.625).
        Example 3. T transfers $100,000 to a newly-created irrevocable 
    trust on December 15, 1996. The trust provides that income is to be 
    paid to T's child for 10 years. At the end of the 10-year period, 
    the trust principal is to be paid to T's grandchild. T does not 
    allocate any GST exemption to the trust on the gift tax return 
    reporting the transfer. On November 15, 1997, T files a Form 709 
    allocating $50,000 of GST exemption to the trust. T elects to value 
    the trust principal on the first day of the month in which the 
    allocation is made pursuant to the election provided in paragraph 
    (a)(2) of this section. Because the late allocation is made in 
    November, the value of the trust is determined as of November 1, 
    Sec. 26.2642-3  Special rule for charitable lead annuity trusts.
        (a) In general. In determining the applicable fraction with respect 
    to a charitable lead annuity trust--
        (1) The numerator is the adjusted generation-skipping transfer tax 
    exemption (adjusted GST exemption); and
        (2) The denominator is the value of all property in the trust 
    immediately after the termination of the charitable lead annuity.
        (b) Adjusted GST exemption defined. The adjusted GST exemption is 
    the amount of GST exemption allocated to the trust increased by an 
    amount equal to the interest that would accrue if an amount equal to 
    the allocated GST exemption were invested at the rate used to determine 
    the amount of the estate or gift tax charitable deduction, compounded 
    annually, for the actual period of the charitable lead annuity. If a 
    late allocation is made to a charitable lead annuity trust, the 
    adjusted GST exemption is the amount of GST exemption allocated to the 
    trust increased by the interest that would accrue if invested at such 
    rate for the period beginning on the date of the late allocation and 
    extending for the balance of the actual period of the charitable lead 
    annuity. The amount of GST exemption allocated to a charitable lead 
    annuity trust is not reduced even though it is ultimately determined 
    that the allocation of a lesser amount of GST exemption would have 
    resulted in an inclusion ratio of zero. For purposes of chapter 13, a 
    charitable lead annuity trust is any trust providing an interest in the 
    form of a guaranteed annuity described in Sec. 25.2522(c)-3(c)(2)(vi) 
    of this chapter for which the transferor is allowed a charitable 
    deduction for Federal estate or gift tax purposes.
        (c) Example. The following example illustrates the provisions of 
    this section:
        Example. T creates a charitable lead annuity trust for a 10-year 
    term with the remainder payable to T's grandchild. T timely 
    allocates an amount of GST exemption to the trust which T expects 
    will ultimately result in a zero inclusion ratio. However, at the 
    end of the charitable lead interest, because the property has not 
    appreciated to the extent T anticipated, the numerator of the 
    applicable fraction is greater than the denominator. The inclusion 
    ratio for the trust is zero. No portion of the GST exemption 
    allocated to the trust is restored to T or to T's estate.
    Sec. 26.2642-4  Redetermination of applicable fraction.
        (a) In general. The applicable fraction for a trust is redetermined 
    whenever additional exemption is allocated to the trust or when certain 
    changes occur with respect to the principal of the trust. Except as 
    otherwise provided in this paragraph (a), the numerator of the 
    redetermined applicable fraction is the sum of the amount of GST 
    exemption currently being allocated to the trust (if any) plus the 
    value of the nontax portion of the trust, and the denominator of the 
    redetermined applicable fraction is the value of the trust principal 
    immediately after the event occurs. The nontax portion of a trust is 
    determined by multiplying the value of the trust assets, determined 
    immediately prior to the event, by the then applicable fraction.
        (1) Multiple transfers to a single trust. If property is added to 
    an existing trust, the denominator of the redetermined applicable 
    fraction is the value of the trust immediately after the addition 
    reduced as provided in Sec. 26.2642-1(c).
        (2) Consolidation of separate trusts. If separate trusts created by 
    one transferor are consolidated, a single applicable fraction for the 
    consolidated trust is determined. The numerator of the redetermined 
    applicable fraction is the sum of the nontax portions of each trust 
    immediately prior to the consolidation.
        (3) Property included in transferor's gross estate. If the value of 
    property held in a trust created by the transferor, with respect to 
    which an allocation was made at a time that the trust was not subject 
    to an ETIP, is included in the transferor's gross estate, the 
    applicable fraction is redetermined if additional GST exemption is 
    allocated to the property. The numerator of the redetermined applicable 
    fraction is an amount equal to the nontax portion of the property 
    immediately after the death of the transferor increased by the amount 
    of GST exemption allocated by the executor of the transferor's estate 
    to the trust. If additional GST exemption is not allocated to the 
    trust, the applicable fraction immediately before death is not changed, 
    if the trust was not subject to an ETIP at the time GST exemption was 
    allocated to the trust. The denominator of the applicable fraction is 
    reduced to reflect any federal or state, estate or inheritance taxes 
    paid from the trust.
        (4) Imposition of recapture tax under section 2032A--(i) If an 
    additional estate tax is imposed under section 2032A and if the section 
    2032A election was effective (under Sec. 26.2642-2(b)) for purposes of 
    the GST tax, the applicable fraction with respect to the property is 
    redetermined as of the date of death of the transferor. In making the 
    redetermination, any available GST exemption not allocated at the death 
    of the transferor (or at a prior recapture event) is automatically 
    allocated to the property. The denominator of the applicable fraction 
    is the fair market value of the property at the date of the 
    transferor's death reduced as provided in Sec. 26.2642-1(c) and further 
    reduced by the amount of the additional GST tax actually recovered from 
    the trust.
        (ii) The GST tax imposed with respect to any taxable termination, 
    taxable distribution, or direct skip occurring prior to the recapture 
    event is recomputed based on the applicable fraction as redetermined. 
    Any additional GST tax as recomputed is due and payable on the date 
    that is six months after the event that causes the imposition of the 
    additional estate tax under section 2032A. The additional GST tax is 
    remitted with Form 706-A and is reported by attaching a statement to 
    Form 706-A showing the computation of the additional GST tax.
        (iii) The applicable fraction, as redetermined under this section, 
    is also used in determining any GST tax imposed with respect to GSTs 
    occurring after the date of the recapture event.
        (b) Examples. The following examples illustrate the principles of 
    this section:
        Example 1. Allocation of additional exemption. T transfers 
    $200,000 to an irrevocable trust under which the income is payable 
    to T's child, C, for life. Upon the termination of the trust, the 
    remainder is payable to T's grandchild, GC. At a time when no ETIP 
    exists with respect to the trust property, T makes a timely 
    allocation of $100,000 of GST exemption, resulting in an inclusion 
    ratio of .50. Subsequently, when the entire trust property is valued 
    at $500,000, T allocates an additional $100,000 of T's unused GST 
    exemption to the trust. The inclusion ratio of the trust is 
    recomputed at that time. The numerator of the applicable fraction is 
    $350,000 ($250,000 (the nontax 
    [[Page 66918]]
    portion as of the date of the allocation) plus $100,000 (the GST 
    exemption currently being allocated)). The denominator is $500,000 
    (the date of allocation fair market value of the trust). The 
    inclusion ratio is .30 (1 - .70).
        Example 2. Multiple transfers to a trust, allocation both timely 
    and late. On December 10, 1993, T transfers $10,000 to an 
    irrevocable trust that does not satisfy the requirements of section 
    2642(c)(2). T makes identical transfers to the trust on December 10, 
    1994, 1995, 1996, and on January 15, 1997. Immediately after the 
    transfer on January 15, 1997, the value of the trust principal is 
    $40,000. On January 14, 1998, when the value of the trust principal 
    is $50,000, T allocates $30,000 of GST exemption to the trust. T 
    discloses the 1997 transfer on the Form 709 filed on January 14, 
    1998. Thus, T's allocation is a timely allocation with respect to 
    the transfer in 1997, $10,000 of the allocation is effective as of 
    the date of that transfer, and, on and after January 15, 1997, the 
    inclusion ratio of the trust is .75 (1 - ($10,000/$40,000)). The 
    balance of the allocation is a late allocation with respect to prior 
    transfers to the trust and is effective as of January 14, 1998. In 
    redetermining the inclusion ratio as of that date, the numerator of 
    the redetermined applicable fraction is $32,500 ($12,500 (.25  x  
    $50,000), the nontax portion of the trust on January 14, 1998) plus 
    $20,000 (the amount of GST exemption allocated late to the trust). 
    The denominator of the new applicable fraction is $50,000 (the value 
    of the trust principal at the time of the late allocation).
        Example 3. Excess allocation. (i) T creates an irrevocable trust 
    for the benefit of T's child and grandchild in 1996 transferring 
    $50,000 to the trust on the date of creation. T allocates no GST 
    exemption to the trust on the Form 709 reporting the transfer. On 
    July 1, 1997 (when the value of the trust property is $60,000), T 
    transfers an additional $40,000 to the trust.
        (ii) On April 15, 1998, when the value of the trust is $150,000, 
    T files a Form 709 reporting the 1997 transfer and allocating 
    $150,000 of GST exemption to the trust. The allocation is a timely 
    allocation of $40,000 with respect to the 1997 transfer and is 
    effective as of that date. Thus, the applicable fraction for the 
    trust as of July 1, 1997 is .40 ($40,000/$100,000 ($40,000 + 
        (iii) The allocation is also a late allocation of $90,000, the 
    amount necessary to attain a zero inclusion ratio on April 15, 1998, 
    computed as follows: $60,000 (the nontax portion immediately prior 
    to the allocation (.40  x  $150,000)) plus $90,000 (the additional 
    allocation necessary to produce a zero inclusion ratio based on a 
    denominator of $150,000)/$150,000 equals one and, thus, an inclusion 
    ratio of zero. The balance of the allocation, $20,000 ($150,000 less 
    the timely allocation of $40,000 less the late allocation of 
    $90,000) is void.
        Example 4. Undisclosed transfer. (i) The facts are the same as 
    in Example 3, except that on February 1, 1998 (when the value of the 
    trust is $150,000), T transfers an additional $50,000 to the trust 
    and the value of the entire trust corpus on April 15, 1998 is 
    $220,000. The Form 709 filed on April 15, 1998 does not disclose the 
    1998 transfer. Under the rule in Sec. 26.2632-1(b)(2)(ii), the 
    allocation is effective first as a timely allocation to the 1997 
    transfer; second, as a late allocation to the trust as of April 15, 
    1998; and, finally as a timely allocation to the February 1, 1998 
    transfer. As of April 15, 1998, $55,000, a pro rata portion of the 
    trust assets, is considered to be the property transferred to the 
    trust on February 1, 1998 (($50,000/$200,000)  x  $220,000). The 
    balance of the trust, $165,000, represents prior transfers to the 
        (ii) As in Example 3, the allocation is a timely allocation as 
    to the 1997 transfer (and the applicable fraction as of July 1, 1997 
    is .40) and a late allocation as of 1998. The amount of the late 
    allocation is $99,000, computed as follows: (.40  x  $165,000 plus 
    $99,000)/$165,000 = one.
        (iii) The balance of the allocation, $11,000 ($150,000 less the 
    timely allocation of $40,000 less the late allocation of $99,000) is 
    a timely allocation as of February 1, 1998. The applicable fraction 
    with respect to the trust, as of February 1, 1998, is .355, computed 
    as follows: $60,000 (the nontax portion of the trust immediately 
    prior to the February 1, 1998 transfer (.40  x  $150,000)) plus 
    $11,000 (the amount of the timely allocation to the 1998 transfer)/
    $200,000 (the value of the trust on February 1, 1998, after the 
    transfer on that date) = $71,000/$200,000 = .355.
        (iv) The applicable fraction with respect to the trust, as of 
    April 15, 1998, is .805 computed as follows: $78,100 (the nontax 
    portion immediately prior to the allocation (.355  x  $220,000)) 
    plus $99,000 (the amount of the late allocation)/ $220,000 = 
    $177,100/$220,000 = .805.
        Example 5. Redetermination of inclusion ratio on ETIP 
    termination. (i) T transfers $100,000 to an irrevocable trust. The 
    trust instrument provides that trust income is to be paid to T for 9 
    years or until T's prior death. The trust principal is to be paid to 
    T's grandchild, GC, on the termination of T's income interest. The 
    trustee has the power to invade trust principal for the benefit of 
    GC during the term of T's income interest. The trust is subject to 
    an ETIP while T holds the retained income interest. T files a timely 
    Form 709 reporting the transfer and allocates $100,000 of GST 
    exemption to the trust. In year 4, when the value of the trust is 
    $200,000, the trustee distributes $15,000 to GC. The distribution is 
    a taxable distribution. Because of the existence of the ETIP, the 
    inclusion ratio with respect to the taxable distribution is 
    determined immediately prior to the occurrence of the GST. Thus, the 
    inclusion ratio applicable to the year 4 GST is .50 (1 - ($100,000/
    $200,000 = .50).
        (ii) In year 5, when the value of the trust is again $200,000, 
    the trustee distributes another $15,000 to GC. Because the trust is 
    still subject to the ETIP in year 5, the inclusion ratio with 
    respect to the year 5 GST is again computed immediately prior to the 
    GST. In computing the new inclusion ratio, the numerator of the 
    applicable fraction is reduced by the nontax portion of prior GSTs 
    occurring during the ETIP. Thus, the numerator of the applicable 
    fraction with respect to the GST in year 5 is $92,500 ($100,000 - 
    (.50  x  $15,000)) and the inclusion ratio applicable with respect 
    to the GST in year 5 is .537 (1 - ($92,500/$200,000) = .463). Any 
    additional GST exemption allocated on a timely ETIP return with 
    respect to the GST in year 5 is effective immediately prior to the 
    Sec. 26.2642-5  Finality of inclusion ratio.
        (a) Direct skips. The inclusion ratio applicable to a direct skip 
    becomes final when no additional GST tax (including additional GST tax 
    payable as a result of a cessation, etc. of qualified use under section 
    2032A(c)) may be assessed with respect to the direct skip.
        (b) Other GSTs. With respect to taxable distributions and taxable 
    terminations, the inclusion ratio for a trust becomes final, on the 
    later of--
        (1) The expiration of the period for assessment with respect to the 
    first GST tax return filed using that inclusion ratio; (unless the 
    trust is subject to an election under section 2032A in which case the 
    applicable date under this subsection is the expiration of the period 
    of assessment of any additional GST tax due as a result of a cessation, 
    etc. of qualified use under section 2032A); or
        (2) The expiration of the period for assessment of Federal estate 
    tax with respect to the estate of the transferor. For purposes of this 
    paragraph (b)(2), if an estate tax return is not required to be filed, 
    the period for assessment is determined as if a return were required to 
    be filed and as if the return were timely filed within the period 
    prescribed by section 6075(a).
    Sec. 26.2652-1  Transferor defined; other definitions.
        (a) Transferor defined--(1) In general. Except as otherwise 
    provided in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, the individual with 
    respect to whom property was most recently subject to Federal estate or 
    gift tax is the transferor of that property for purposes of chapter 13. 
    An individual is treated as transferring any property with respect to 
    which the individual is the transferor. Thus, an individual may be a 
    transferor even though there is no transfer of property under local law 
    at the time the Federal estate or gift tax applies. For purposes of 
    this paragraph, a surviving spouse is the transferor of a qualified 
    domestic trust created by the deceased spouse that is included in the 
    surviving spouse's gross estate, provided the trust is not subject to 
    the election described in Sec. 26.2652-2 (reverse QTIP election). A 
    surviving spouse is also the transferor of a qualified domestic trust 
    created by the surviving spouse pursuant to section 2056(d)(2)(B).
        (2) Transfers subject to Federal estate or gift tax. For purposes 
    of this section, 
    [[Page 66919]]
    a transfer is subject to Federal gift tax if a gift tax is imposed 
    under section 2501(a). A transfer is subject to Federal estate tax if 
    the value of the property is includible in the decedent's gross estate 
    as determined under section 2031 or section 2103.
        (3) Special rule for certain QTIP trusts. Solely for purposes of 
    chapter 13, if a transferor of qualified terminable interest property 
    (QTIP) elects under Sec. 26.2652-2(a) to treat the property as if the 
    QTIP election had not been made (reverse QTIP election), the identity 
    of the transferor of the property is determined without regard to the 
    application of sections 2044, 2207A, and 2519.
        (4) Exercise of certain nongeneral powers of appointment. The 
    exercise of a power of appointment that is not a general power of 
    appointment (as defined in section 2041(b)) is treated as a transfer 
    subject to Federal estate or gift tax by the holder of the power if the 
    power is exercised in a manner that may postpone or suspend the 
    vesting, absolute ownership, or power of alienation of an interest in 
    property for a period, measured from the date of creation of the trust, 
    extending beyond any specified life in being at the date of creation of 
    the trust plus a period of 21 years plus, if necessary, a reasonable 
    period of gestation (perpetuities period). For purposes of this 
    paragraph (a)(4), the exercise of a power of appointment that validly 
    postpones or suspends the vesting, absolute ownership, or power of 
    alienation of an interest in property for a term of years that will not 
    exceed 90 years (measured from the date of creation of the trust) is 
    not an exercise that may extend beyond the perpetuities period.
        (5) Split-gift transfers. In the case of a transfer with respect to 
    which the donor's spouse makes an election under section 2513 to treat 
    the gift as made one-half by the spouse, the electing spouse is treated 
    as the transferor of one-half of the entire value of the property 
    transferred by the donor, regardless of the interest the electing 
    spouse is actually deemed to have transferred under section 2513. The 
    donor is treated as the transferor of one-half of the value of the 
    entire property. See Sec. 26.2632-1(c)(5) Example 3, regarding 
    allocation of GST exemption with respect to split-gift transfers 
    subject to an ETIP.
        (6) Examples. The following examples illustrate the principles of 
    this paragraph (a):
        Example 1. Identity of transferor. T transfers $100,000 to a 
    trust for the sole benefit of T's grandchild. The transfer is a 
    completed gift under Sec. 25.2511-2 of this chapter. Thus, for 
    purposes of chapter 13, T is the transferor of the $100,000. It is 
    immaterial that a portion of the transfer is excluded from the total 
    amount of T's taxable gift by reason of section 2503(b).
        Example 2. Gift splitting and identity of transferor. The facts 
    are the same as in Example 1, except T's spouse, S, consents under 
    section 2513 to split the gift with T. For purposes of chapter 13, S 
    and T are each treated as a transferor of $50,000 to the trust.
        Example 3. Change of transferor on subsequent transfer tax 
    event. T transfers $100,000 to a trust providing that all the net 
    trust income is to be paid to T's spouse, S, for S's lifetime. T 
    elects under section 2523(f) to treat the transfer as a transfer of 
    qualified terminable interest property, and T does not make the 
    reverse QTIP election under section 2652(a)(3). On S's death, the 
    trust property is included in S's gross estate under section 2044. 
    Thus, S becomes the transferor at the time of S's death.
        Example 4. Effect of transfer of an interest in trust on 
    identity of the transferor. T transfers $100,000 to a trust 
    providing that all of the net income is to be paid to T's child, C, 
    for C's lifetime. At C's death, the trust property is to be paid to 
    T's grandchild. C transfers the income interest to X, an unrelated 
    party, in a transfer that is a completed transfer for Federal gift 
    tax purposes. Because C's transfer is a transfer of a term interest 
    in the trust that does not affect the rights of other parties with 
    respect to the trust property, T remains the transferor with respect 
    to the trust.
        Example 5. Effect of lapse of withdrawal right on identity of 
    transferor. T transfers $10,000 to a new trust providing that the 
    trust income is to be paid to T's child, C, for C's life and, on the 
    death of C, the trust principal is to be paid to T's grandchild, GC. 
    The trustee has discretion to distribute principal for GC's benefit 
    during C's lifetime. C has a right to withdraw $10,000 from the 
    trust for a 60-day period following the transfer. Thereafter, the 
    power lapses. C does not exercise the withdrawal right. The transfer 
    by T is a completed transfer within the meaning of Sec. 25.2511-2 of 
    this chapter and, thus, T is treated as having transferred the 
    entire $10,000 to the trust. On the lapse of the withdrawal right, C 
    becomes a transferor to the extent C is treated as having made a 
    completed transfer for purposes of chapter 12. Therefore, except to 
    the extent that the amount with respect to which the power of 
    withdrawal lapses exceeds the greater of $5,000 or 5% of the value 
    of the trust property, T remains the transferor of the trust 
    property for purposes of chapter 13.
        Example 6. Effect of reverse QTIP election on identity of the 
    transferor. T establishes a testamentary trust having a principal of 
    $500,000. Under the terms of the trust, all trust income is payable 
    to T's surviving spouse, S, during S's lifetime. T's executor makes 
    an election to treat the trust property as qualified terminable 
    interest property and also makes the reverse QTIP election. For 
    purposes of chapter 13, T is the transferor with respect to the 
    trust. On S's death, the then full fair market value of the trust is 
    includible in S's gross estate under section 2044. However, because 
    of the reverse QTIP election, S does not become the transferor with 
    respect to the trust; T continues to be the transferor.
        Example 7. Effect of reverse QTIP election on constructive 
    additions. The facts are the same as in Example 6, except the 
    inclusion of the QTIP trust in S's gross estate increased the 
    Federal estate tax liability of S's estate by $200,000. The estate 
    does not exercise the right of recovery from the trust granted under 
    section 2207A. Under local law, the beneficiaries of S's residuary 
    estate (which bears all estate taxes under the will) could compel 
    the executor to exercise the right of recovery but do not do so. 
    Solely for purposes of chapter 13, the beneficiaries of the 
    residuary estate are not treated as having made an addition to the 
    trust by reason of their failure to exercise their right of 
    recovery. Because of the reverse QTIP election, for GST purposes, 
    the trust property is not treated as includible in S's gross estate 
    and, under those circumstances, no right of recovery exists.
        Example 8. Effect of reverse QTIP election on constructive 
    additions. S, the surviving spouse of T, dies testate. At the time 
    of S's death, S was the beneficiary of a trust with respect to which 
    T's executor made a QTIP election under section 2056(b)(7). Thus, 
    the trust is includible in S's gross estate under section 2044. T's 
    executor also made the reverse QTIP election with respect to the 
    trust. S's will provides that all death taxes payable with respect 
    to the trust are payable from S's residuary estate. Since the 
    transferor of the property is determined without regard to section 
    2044 and section 2207A, S is not treated as making a constructive 
    addition to the trust by reason of the tax apportionment clause in 
    S's will.
        Example 9. Exercise of a nongeneral power of appointment. On May 
    15, 1990, T established an irrevocable trust under which the trust 
    income is to be paid to T's child, C, for life. C is given a 
    testamentary power to appoint the remainder in further trust for the 
    benefit of C's issue. In default of C's exercise of the power, the 
    remainder is to pass to charity. C dies on February 3, 1997, 
    survived by two children and a sibling, S (who was born prior to May 
    15, 1990). C exercises the power in a manner that validly extends 
    the trust in favor of C's issue until the later of May 15, 2070 (80 
    years from the date the trust was created), or the death of S. C's 
    exercise of the power is considered a transfer by C that is subject 
    to the estate or gift tax because it may extend the term of the 
    trust beyond the perpetuities period.
        Example 10. Exercise of a nongeneral power of appointment. The 
    facts are the same as in Example 9, except local law provides that 
    the effect of C's exercise is to extend the term of the trust until 
    May 15, 2070, whether or not S survives that date. C is not treated 
    as having made a transfer to the trust as a result of the exercise 
    of the power because the exercise of the power does not extend the 
    term of the trust beyond a period of 90 years measured from the 
    creation of the trust. The result would be the same if the effect of 
    C's exercise is either to extend the term of the trust until the 
    death of S or to extend the term of the trust until the first to 
    occur of May 15, 2070, or the death of S.
    [[Page 66920]]
        Example 11. Split-gift transfers. T transfers $100,000 to an 
    inter vivos trust that provides T with an annuity payable for ten 
    years or until T's prior death. The annuity satisfies the definition 
    of a qualified interest under section 2702(b). When the trust 
    terminates, the corpus is to be paid to T's grandchild, GC. T's 
    spouse, S, consents under section 2513 to have the gift treated as 
    made one-half by S. Under section 2513, only the actuarial value of 
    the gift to GC is eligible to be treated as made one-half by S. 
    However, because S is treated as the donor of one-half of the gift 
    to GC, S becomes the transferor of one-half of the entire trust 
    ($50,000) for purposes of Chapter 13.
        (b) Trust defined--(1) In general. A trust includes any arrangement 
    (other than an estate) that has substantially the same effect as a 
    trust. Thus, for example, arrangements involving life estates and 
    remainders, estates for years, and insurance and annuity contracts are 
    trusts. Generally, a transfer as to which the identity of the 
    transferee is contingent upon the occurrence of an event is a transfer 
    in trust; however, a transfer of property included in the transferor's 
    gross estate, as to which the identity of the transferee is contingent 
    upon an event that must occur within 6 months of the transferor's 
    death, is not considered a transfer in trust solely by reason of the 
    existence of the contingency.
        (2) Examples. The following examples illustrate the provisions of 
    this paragraph (b):
        Example 1. Uniform gifts to minors transfers. T transfers cash 
    to an account in the name of T's child, C, as custodian for C's 
    child, GC (who is a minor), under a state statute substantially 
    similar to the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act. For purposes of chapter 
    13, the transfer to the custodial account is treated as a transfer 
    to a trust.
        Example 2. Contingent transfers. T bequeaths $200,000 to T's 
    child, C, provided that if C does not survive T by more than 6 
    months, the bequest is payable to T's grandchild, GC. C dies 4 
    months after T. The bequest is not a transfer in trust because the 
    contingency that determines the recipient of the bequest must occur 
    within 6 months of T's death. The bequest to GC is a direct skip.
        Example 3. Contingent transfers. The facts are the same as in 
    Example 2, except C must survive T by 18 months to take the bequest. 
    The bequest is a transfer in trust for purposes of chapter 13, and 
    the death of C is a taxable termination.
        (c) Trustee defined. The trustee of a trust is the person 
    designated as trustee under local law or, if no such person is so 
    designated, the person in actual or constructive possession of property 
    held in trust.
        (d) Executor defined. For purposes of chapter 13, the executor is 
    the executor or administrator of the decedent's estate. However, if no 
    executor or administrator is appointed, qualified or acting within the 
    United States, the executor is the fiduciary who is primarily 
    responsible for payment of the decedent's debts and expenses. If there 
    is no such executor, administrator or fiduciary, the executor is the 
    person in actual or constructive possession of the largest portion of 
    the value of the decedent's gross estate.
        (e) Interest in trust. See Sec. 26.2612-1(e) for the definition of 
    interest in trust.
    Sec. 26.2652-2  Special election for qualified terminable interest 
        (a) In general. If an election is made to treat property as 
    qualified terminable interest property (QTIP) under section 2523(f) or 
    section 2056(b)(7), the person making the election may, for purposes of 
    chapter 13, elect to treat the property as if the QTIP election had not 
    been made (reverse QTIP election). An election under this section is 
    irrevocable. An election under this section is not effective unless it 
    is made with respect to all of the property in the trust to which the 
    QTIP election applies. See, however, Sec. 26.2654-1(b)(1). Property 
    that qualifies for a deduction under section 2056(b)(5) is not eligible 
    for the election under this section.
        (b) Time and manner of making election. An election under this 
    section is made on the return on which the QTIP election is made. If a 
    protective QTIP election is made, no election under this section is 
    effective unless a protective reverse QTIP election is also made.
        (c) Transitional rule. If a reverse QTIP election is made with 
    respect to a trust prior to December 27, 1995, and GST exemption has 
    been allocated to that trust, the transferor (or the transferor's 
    executor) may elect to treat the trust as two separate trusts, one of 
    which has a zero inclusion ratio by reason of the transferor's GST 
    exemption previously allocated to the trust. The separate trust with 
    the zero inclusion ratio consists of that fractional share of the value 
    of the entire trust equal to the value of the nontax portion of the 
    trust under Sec. 26.2642-4(a). The reverse QTIP election is treated as 
    applying only to the trust with the zero inclusion ratio. An election 
    under this paragraph (c) is made by attaching a statement to a copy of 
    the return on which the reverse QTIP election was made under section 
    2652(a)(3). The statement must indicate that an election is being made 
    to treat the trust as two separate trusts and must identify the values 
    of the two separate trusts. The statement is to be filed in the same 
    place in which the original return was filed and must be filed before 
    June 24, 1996. A trust subject to the election described in this 
    paragraph is treated as a trust that was created by two transferors. 
    See Sec. 26.2654-1(a)(2) for special rules involving trusts with 
    multiple transferors.
        (d) Examples. The following examples illustrate the provisions of 
    this section:
        Example 1. Special (reverse QTIP) election under section 
    2652(a)(3). T transfers $1,000,000 to a trust providing that all 
    trust income is to be paid to T's spouse, S, for S's lifetime. On 
    S's death, the trust principal is payable to GC, a grandchild of S 
    and T. T elects to treat all of the transfer as a transfer of QTIP 
    and also makes the reverse QTIP election for all of the property. 
    Because of the reverse QTIP election, T continues to be treated as 
    the transferor of the property after S's death for purposes of 
    chapter 13. A taxable termination rather than a direct skip occurs 
    on S's death.
        Example 2. Election under transition rule. In 1994, T died 
    leaving $4 million in trust for the benefit of T's surviving spouse, 
    S. On January 16, 1995, T's executor filed T's Form 706 on which the 
    executor elects to treat the entire trust as qualified terminable 
    interest property. The executor also makes a reverse QTIP election. 
    The reverse QTIP election is effective with respect to the entire 
    trust even though T's executor could allocate only $1 million of GST 
    exemption to the trust. T's executor may elect to treat the trust as 
    two separate trusts, one having a value of 25% of the value of the 
    single trust and an inclusion ratio of zero, but only if the 
    election is made prior to June 24, 1996. If the executor makes the 
    transitional election, the other separate trust, having a value of 
    75% of the value of the single trust and an inclusion ratio of one, 
    is not treated as subject to the reverse QTIP election.
        Example 3. Denominator of the applicable fraction of QTIP trust. 
    T bequeaths $1,500,000 to a trust in which T's surviving spouse, S, 
    receives an income interest for life. Upon the death of S, the 
    property is to remain in trust for the benefit of C, the child of T 
    and S. Upon C's death, the trust is to terminate and the trust 
    property paid to the descendants of C. The bequest qualifies for the 
    estate tax marital deduction under section 2056(b)(7) as QTIP. The 
    executor does not make the reverse QTIP election under section 
    2652(a)(3). As a result, S becomes the transferor of the trust at 
    S's death when the value of the property in the QTIP trust is 
    included in S's gross estate under section 2044. For purposes of 
    computing the applicable fraction with respect to the QTIP trust 
    upon S's death, the denominator of the fraction is reduced by any 
    Federal estate tax (whether imposed under section 2001, 2101 or 
    2056A(b)) and State death tax attributable to the trust property 
    that is actually recovered from the trust.
    Sec. 26.2653-1  Taxation of multiple skips.
        (a) General rule. If property is held in trust immediately after a 
    GST, solely for purposes of determining whether future events involve a 
    skip person, the transferor is thereafter deemed to occupy the 
    generation immediately 
    [[Page 66921]]
    above the highest generation of any person holding an interest in the 
    trust immediately after the transfer. If no person holds an interest in 
    the trust immediately after the GST, the transferor is treated as 
    occupying the generation above the highest generation of any person in 
    existence at the time of the GST who then occupies the highest 
    generation level of any person who may subsequently hold an interest in 
    the trust. See Sec. 26.2612-1(e) for rules determining when a person 
    has an interest in property held in trust.
        (b) Examples. The following examples illustrate the provisions of 
    this section:
        Example 1. T transfers property to an irrevocable trust for the 
    benefit of T's grandchild, GC, and great-grandchild, GGC. During 
    GC's life, the trust income may be distributed to GC and GGC in the 
    trustee's absolute discretion. At GC's death, the trust property 
    passes to GGC. Both GC and GGC have an interest in the trust for 
    purposes of chapter 13. The transfer by T to the trust is a direct 
    skip, and the property is held in trust immediately after the 
    transfer. After the direct skip, the transferor is treated as being 
    one generation above GC, the highest generation individual having an 
    interest in the trust. Therefore, GC is no longer a skip person and 
    distributions to GC are not taxable distributions. However, because 
    GGC occupies a generation that is two generations below the deemed 
    generation of T, GGC is a skip person and distributions of trust 
    income to GGC are taxable distributions.
        Example 2. T transfers property to an irrevocable trust 
    providing that the income is to be paid to T's child, C, for life. 
    At C's death, the trust income is to be accumulated for 10 years and 
    added to principal. At the end of the 10-year accumulation period, 
    the trust income is to be paid to T's grandchild, GC, for life. Upon 
    GC's death, the trust property is to be paid to T's great-
    grandchild, GGC, or to GGC's estate. A GST occurs at C's death. 
    Immediately after C's death and during the 10-year accumulation 
    period, no person has an interest in the trust within the meaning of 
    section 2652(c) and Sec. 26.2612-1(e) because no one can receive 
    current distributions of income or principal. Immediately after C's 
    death, T is treated as occupying the generation above the generation 
    of GC (the trust beneficiary in existence at the time of the GST who 
    then occupies the highest generation level of any person who may 
    subsequently hold an interest in the trust). Thus, subsequent income 
    distributions to GC are not taxable distributions.
    Sec. 26.2654-1  Certain trusts treated as separate trusts.
        (a) Single trust treated as separate trusts--(1) Substantially 
    separate and independent shares--(i) In general. If a single trust 
    consists solely of substantially separate and independent shares for 
    different beneficiaries, the share attributable to each beneficiary (or 
    group of beneficiaries) is treated as a separate trust for purposes of 
    chapter 13. The phrase ``substantially separate and independent 
    shares'' generally has the same meaning as provided in Sec. 1.663(c)-3 
    of this chapter. However, a portion of a trust is not a separate share 
    unless such share exists from and at all times after the creation of 
    the trust. For purposes of this paragraph (a)(1), a trust is treated as 
    created at the date of death of the grantor if the trust is includible 
    in its entirety in the grantor's gross estate for Federal estate tax 
    purposes. Further, treatment of a single trust as separate trusts under 
    this paragraph (a)(1) does not permit treatment of those portions as 
    separate trusts for purposes of filing returns and payment of tax or 
    for purposes of computing any other tax imposed under the Internal 
    Revenue Code. Also, additions to, and distributions from, such trusts 
    are allocated pro rata among the separate trusts, unless the governing 
    instrument expressly provides otherwise.
        (ii) Certain pecuniary amounts. For purposes of this section, if a 
    person holds the current right to receive a mandatory (i.e., 
    nondiscretionary and noncontingent) payment of a pecuniary amount at 
    the death of the transferor from an inter vivos trust that is 
    includible in the transferor's gross estate, or a testamentary trust, 
    the pecuniary amount is a separate and independent share if--
        (A) The trustee is required to pay appropriate interest (as defined 
    in Sec. 26.2642-2(b)(4)(i) and (ii)) to the person; or
        (B) If the pecuniary amount is payable in kind on the basis of 
    value other than the date of distribution value of the assets, the 
    trustee is required to allocate assets to the pecuniary payment in a 
    manner that fairly reflects net appreciation or depreciation in the 
    value of the assets in the fund available to pay the pecuniary amount 
    measured from the date of death to the date of payment.
        (2) Multiple transferors with respect to single trust--(i) In 
    general. If there is more than one transferor with respect to a trust, 
    the portions of the trust attributable to the different transferors are 
    treated as separate trusts for purposes of chapter 13. Treatment of a 
    single trust as separate trusts under this paragraph (a)(2) does not 
    permit treatment of those portions as separate trusts for purposes of 
    filing returns and payment of tax or for purposes of computing any 
    other tax imposed under the Internal Revenue Code. Also, additions to, 
    and distributions from, such trusts are allocated pro rata among the 
    separate trusts unless otherwise expressly provided in the governing 
        (ii) Addition by a transferor. If an individual makes an addition 
    to a trust of which the individual is not the sole transferor, the 
    portion of the single trust attributable to each separate trust is 
    determined by multiplying the fair market value of the single trust 
    immediately after the contribution by a fraction. The numerator of the 
    fraction is the value of the separate trust immediately after the 
    contribution. The denominator of the fraction is the fair market value 
    of all the property in the single trust immediately after the transfer.
        (3) Severance of a single trust. A single trust treated as separate 
    trusts under paragraphs (a)(1) or (2) of this section may be divided at 
    any time into separate trusts to reflect that treatment. For this 
    purpose, the rules of paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(C) of this section apply 
    with respect to the severance and funding of the severed trusts.
        (4) Allocation of exemption--(i) In general. With respect to a 
    separate share treated as a separate trust under paragraph (a)(1) or 
    (2) of this section, an individual's GST exemption is allocated to the 
    separate trust. See Sec. 26.2632-1 for rules concerning the allocation 
    of GST exemption.
        (ii) Automatic allocation to direct skips. If the transfer is a 
    direct skip to a trust that occurs during the transferor's lifetime and 
    is treated as a transfer to separate trusts under paragraphs (a)(1) or 
    (a)(2) of this section, the transferor's GST exemption not previously 
    allocated is automatically allocated on a pro rata basis among the 
    separate trusts. The transferor may prevent an automatic allocation of 
    GST exemption to a separate share of a single trust by describing on a 
    timely-filed United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax 
    Return (Form 709) the transfer and the extent to which the automatic 
    allocation is not to apply to a particular share. See Sec. 26.2632-1(b) 
    for rules for avoiding the automatic allocation of GST exemption.
        (5) Examples. The following examples illustrate the principles of 
    this section (a):
        Example 1. Separate shares as separate trusts. T transfers 
    $100,000 to a trust under which income is to be paid in equal shares 
    for 10 years to T's child, C, and T's grandchild, GC (or their 
    respective estates). The trust does not permit distributions of 
    principal during the term of the trust. At the end of the 10-year 
    term, the trust principal is to be distributed to C and GC in equal 
    shares. The shares of C and GC in the trust are separate and 
    independent and, therefore, are treated as separate trusts. The 
    [[Page 66922]]
    would not be the same if the trust permitted distributions of principal 
    unless the distributions could only be made from a one-half separate 
    share of the initial trust principal and the distributee's future 
    rights with respect to the trust are correspondingly reduced. T may 
    allocate part of T's GST exemption under section 2632(a) to the 
    share held for the benefit of GC.
        Example 2. Separate share rule inapplicable. The facts are the 
    same as in Example 1, except the trustee holds the discretionary 
    power to distribute the income in any proportion between C and GC 
    during the last year of the trust. The shares of C and GC in the 
    trust are not separate and independent shares throughout the entire 
    term of the trust and, therefore, are not treated as separate trusts 
    for purposes of chapter 13.
        Example 3. Pecuniary payment as separate share. T creates a 
    lifetime revocable trust providing that on T's death $500,000 is 
    payable to T's spouse, S, with the balance of the principal to be 
    held for the benefit of T's grandchildren. The value of the trust is 
    includible in T's gross estate upon T's death. Under the terms of 
    the trust, the payment to S is required to be made in cash, and 
    under local law S is entitled to receive interest on the payment at 
    an annual rate of 6 percent, commencing immediately upon T's death. 
    For purposes of chapter 13, the trust is treated as created at T's 
    death, and the $500,000 payable to S from the trust is treated as a 
    separate share. The result would be the same if the payment to S 
    could be satisfied using noncash assets at their value on the date 
    of distribution. Further, the result would be the same if the 
    decedent's probate estate poured over to the revocable trust on the 
    decedent's death and was then distributed in accordance with the 
    terms of the trust.
        Example 4. Pecuniary payment not treated as separate share. The 
    facts are the same as in Example 3, except the bequest to S is to be 
    paid in noncash assets valued at their values as finally determined 
    for Federal estate tax purposes. Neither the trust instrument nor 
    local law requires that the assets distributed in satisfaction of 
    the bequest fairly reflect net appreciation or depreciation in all 
    the assets from which the bequest may be funded. S's $500,000 
    bequest is not treated as a separate share and the trust is treated 
    as a single trust for purposes of chapter 13.
        Example 5. Multiple transferors to single trust. A transfers 
    $100,000 to an irrevocable generation-skipping trust; B 
    simultaneously transfers $50,000 to the same trust. As of the time 
    of the transfers, the single trust is treated as two trusts for 
    purposes of chapter 13. Because A contributed \2/3\ of the value of 
    the initial corpus, \2/3\ of the single trust principal is treated 
    as a separate trust created by A. Similarly, because B contributed 
    \1/3\ of the value of the initial corpus, \1/3\ of the single trust 
    is treated as a separate trust created by B. A or B may allocate 
    their GST exemption under section 2632(a) to the respective separate 
        Example 6. Additional contributions. A transfers $100,000 to an 
    irrevocable generation-skipping trust; B simultaneously transfers 
    $50,000 to the same trust. When the value of the single trust has 
    increased to $180,000, A contributes an additional $60,000 to the 
    trust. At the time of the additional contribution, the portion of 
    the single trust attributable to each grantor's separate trust must 
    be redetermined. The portion of the single trust attributable to A's 
    separate trust immediately after the contribution is \3/4\ ((2/3  x  
    $180,000) + $60,000)/$240,000). The portion attributable to B's 
    separate trust after A's addition is \1/4\.
        Example 7. Distributions from a separate share. The facts are 
    the same as in Example 6, except that, after A's second 
    contribution, $50,000 is distributed to a beneficiary of the trust. 
    Absent a provision in the trust instrument that charges the 
    distribution against the contribution of either A or B, \3/4\ of the 
    distribution is treated as made from the separate trust of which A 
    is the transferor and 1/4 from the separate trust of which B is the 
        Example 8. Separate share rule inapplicable. T creates an 
    irrevocable trust that provides the trustee with the discretionary 
    power to distribute income or corpus to T's children and 
    grandchildren. The trust provides that, when T's youngest child 
    reaches age 21, the trust will be divided into separate shares, one 
    share for each child of T. The income from a respective child's 
    share will be paid to the child during the child's life with the 
    remainder passing to such child's children (grandchildren of T). The 
    separate shares that come into existence when the youngest child 
    reaches age 21 will not be recognized as separate trusts for 
    purposes of Chapter 13 because the shares did not exist from and at 
    all times after the creation of the trust. Any allocation of GST 
    exemption to the trust either before or after T's youngest child 
    reaches age 21 will apply with respect to the entire trust. Thus, 
    the inclusion ratio will be the same with respect to any 
    distribution from the trust or the separate shares. The result would 
    be the same if, the trust instrument provided that the trust was to 
    be divided into separate trusts when T's youngest child reached age 
        (b) Division of a trust included in the gross estate--(1) In 
    general. The severance of a trust that is included in the transferor's 
    gross estate (or created under the transferor's will) into two or more 
    trusts is recognized for purposes of chapter 13 if--
        (i) The trust is severed pursuant to a direction in the governing 
    instrument providing that the trust is to be divided upon the death of 
    the transferor; or
         (ii) The governing instrument does not require or otherwise direct 
    severance but the trust is severed pursuant to discretionary authority 
    granted either under the governing instrument or under local law; and
        (A) The terms of each of the new trusts provide for the same 
    succession of interests and beneficiaries as are provided in the 
    original trust;
        (B) The severance occurs (or a reformation proceeding, if required, 
    is commenced) prior to the date prescribed for filing the Federal 
    estate tax return (including extensions actually granted) for the 
    estate of the transferor; and
        (C) Either--
        (1) The new trusts are severed on a fractional basis. If severed on 
    a fractional basis, the separate trusts need not be funded with a pro 
    rata portion of each asset held by the undivided trust. The trusts may 
    be funded on a nonpro rata basis provided funding is based on either 
    the fair market value of the assets on the date of funding or in a 
    manner that fairly reflects the net appreciation or depreciation in the 
    value of the assets measured from the date of death to the date of 
    funding; or
        (2) If the severance is required (by the terms of the governing 
    instrument) to be made on the basis of a pecuniary amount, the 
    pecuniary payment is satisfied in a manner that would meet the 
    requirements of paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section if it were paid to 
    an individual.
        (2) Special rule. If a court order severing the trust has not been 
    issued at the time the Federal estate tax return is filed, the executor 
    must indicate on a statement attached to the return that a proceeding 
    has been commenced to sever the trust and describe the manner in which 
    the trust is proposed to be severed. A copy of the petition or other 
    instrument used to commence the proceeding must also be attached to the 
    return. If the governing instrument of a trust or local law authorizes 
    the severance of the trust, a severance pursuant to that authorization 
    is treated as meeting the requirement of paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(B) of 
    this section if the executor indicates on the Federal estate tax return 
    that separate trusts will be created (or funded) and clearly sets forth 
    the manner in which the trust is to be severed and the separate trusts 
        (3) Allocation of exemption. An individual's GST exemption under 
    Sec. 2632 may be allocated to the separate trusts created pursuant to 
    this section at the discretion of the executor or trustee.
        (4) Examples. The following examples illustrate the provisions of 
    this section (b):
        Example 1. Severance of single trust. T's will establishes a 
    testamentary trust providing that income is to be paid to T's spouse 
    for life. At the spouse's death, one-half of the corpus is to be 
    paid to T's child, C, or C's estate (if C fails to survive the 
    spouse) and one-half of the corpus is to be paid to T's grandchild, 
    GC, or GC's estate (if GC fails to survive the spouse). If the 
    requirements of paragraph (b) of this section are otherwise 
    satisfied, T's executor may divide the testamentary trust equally 
    into two separate trusts, one trust providing an income interest to 
    spouse for life with 
    [[Page 66923]]
    remainder to C, and the other trust with an income interest to spouse 
    for life with remainder to GC. Furthermore, if the requirements of 
    paragraph (b) of this section are satisfied, the executor or trustee 
    may further divide the trust for the benefit of GC. GST exemption 
    may be allocated to any of the divided trusts.
        Example 2. Severance of revocable trust. T creates an inter 
    vivos revocable trust providing that, at T's death and after payment 
    of all taxes and administration expenses, the remaining corpus will 
    be divided into two trusts. One trust, for the benefit of T's 
    spouse, is to be funded with the smallest amount that, if qualifying 
    for the marital deduction, will reduce the estate tax to zero. The 
    other trust, for the benefit of T's descendants, is to be funded 
    with the balance of the revocable trust corpus. The trust corpus is 
    includible in T's gross estate. Each trust is recognized as a 
    separate trust for purposes of chapter 13.
    26.2662-1  Generation-skipping transfer tax return requirements.
        (a) In general. Chapter 13 imposes a tax on generation-skipping 
    transfers (as defined in section 2611). The requirements relating to 
    the return of tax depend on the type of generation-skipping transfer 
    involved. This section contains rules for filing the required tax 
    return. Paragraph (c)(2) of this section provides special rules 
    concerning the return requirements for generation-skipping transfers 
    pursuant to certain trust arrangements (as defined in paragraph 
    (c)(2)(ii) of this section), such as life insurance policies and 
        (b) Form of return--(1) Taxable distributions. Form 706GS(D) must 
    be filed in accordance with its instructions for any taxable 
    distribution (as defined in section 2612(b)). The trust involved in a 
    transfer described in the preceding sentence must file Form 706GS(D-1) 
    in accordance with its instructions. A copy of Form 706GS(D-1) shall be 
    sent to each distributee.
        (2) Taxable terminations. Form 706GS(T) must be filed in accordance 
    with its instructions for any taxable termination (as defined in 
    section 2612(a)).
        (3) Direct skip--(i) Inter vivos direct skips. Form 709 must be 
    filed in accordance with its instructions for any direct skip (as 
    defined in section 2612(c)) that is subject to chapter 12 and occurs 
    during the life of the transferor.
        (ii) Direct skips occurring at death--(A) In general. Form 706 or 
    Form 706NA must be filed in accordance with its instructions for any 
    direct skips (as defined in section 2612(c)) that are subject to 
    chapter 11 and occur at the death of the decedent.
        (B) Direct skips payable from a trust. Schedule R-1 of Form 706 
    must be filed in accordance with its instructions for any direct skip 
    from a trust if such direct skip is subject to chapter 11. See 
    paragraph (c)(2) of this section for special rules relating to the 
    person liable for tax and required to make the return under certain 
        (c) Person liable for tax and required to make return--(1) In 
    general. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the following 
    person is liable for the tax imposed by section 2601 and must make the 
    required tax return--
        (i) The transferee in a taxable distribution (as defined in section 
        (ii) The trustee in the case of a taxable termination (as defined 
    in section 2612(a));
        (iii) The transferor (as defined in section 2652(a)(1)(B)) in the 
    case of an inter vivos direct skip (as defined in section 2612(c));
        (iv) The trustee in the case of a direct skip from a trust or with 
    respect to property that continues to be held in trust; or
        (v) The executor in the case of a direct skip (other than a direct 
    skip described in paragraph (c)(1)(iv) of this section) if the transfer 
    is subject to chapter 11. See paragraph (c)(2) of this section for 
    special rules relating to direct skips to or from certain trust 
    arrangements (as defined in paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section).
        (2) Special rule for direct skips occurring at death with respect 
    to property held in trust arrangements--(i) In general. In the case of 
    certain property held in a trust arrangement (as defined in paragraph 
    (c)(2)(ii) of this section) at the date of death of the transferor, the 
    person who is required to make the return and who is liable for the tax 
    imposed by chapter 13 is determined under paragraphs (c)(2)(iii) and 
    (iv) of this section.
        (ii) Trust arrangement defined. For purposes of this section, the 
    term trust arrangement includes any arrangement (other than an estate) 
    which, although not an explicit trust, has the same effect as an 
    explicit trust. For purposes of this section, the term ``explicit 
    trust'' means a trust described in Sec. 301.7701-4(a).
        (iii) Executor's liability in the case of transfers with respect to 
    decedents dying on or after June 24, 1996 if the transfer is less than 
    $250,000. In the case of a direct skip occurring at death, the executor 
    of the decedent's estate is liable for the tax imposed on that direct 
    skip by chapter 13 and is required to file Form 706 or Form 706NA (and 
    not Schedule R-1 of Form 706) if, at the date of the decedent's death--
        (A) The property involved in the direct skip is held in a trust 
    arrangement; and
        (B) The total value of the property involved in direct skips with 
    respect to the trustee of that trust arrangement is less than $250,000.
        (iv) Executor's liability in the case of transfers with respect to 
    decedents dying prior to June 24, 1996 if the transfer is less than 
    $100,000. In the case of a direct skip occurring at death with respect 
    to a decedent dying prior to June 24, 1996, the rule in paragraph 
    (c)(2)(iii) of this section that imposes liability upon the executor 
    applies only if the property involved in the direct skip with respect 
    to the trustee of the trust arrangement, in the aggregate, is less than 
        (v) Executor's right of recovery. In cases where the rules of 
    paragraphs (c)(2)(iii) and (iv) of this section impose liability for 
    the generation-skipping transfer tax on the executor, the executor is 
    entitled to recover from the trustee (if the property continues to be 
    held in trust) or from the recipient of the property (in the case of a 
    transfer from a trust), the generation-skipping transfer tax 
    attributable to the transfer.
        (vi) Examples. The following examples illustrate the application of 
    this paragraph (c)(2) with respect to decedents dying on or after June 
    24, 1996:
        Example 1. Insurance proceeds less than $250,000. On August 1, 
    1997, T, the insured under an insurance policy, died. The proceeds 
    ($200,000) were includible in T's gross estate for Federal estate 
    tax purposes. T's grandchild GC, was named the sole beneficiary of 
    the policy. The insurance policy is treated as a trust under section 
    2652(b)(1), and the payment of the proceeds to GC is a transfer from 
    a trust for purposes of chapter 13. Therefore, the payment of the 
    proceeds to GC is a direct skip. Since the proceeds from the policy 
    ($200,000) are less than $250,000, the executor is liable for the 
    tax imposed by chapter 13 and is required to file Form 706.
        Example 2. Aggregate insurance proceeds of $250,000 or more. 
    Assume the same facts as in Example 1, except T is the insured under 
    two insurance policies issued by the same insurance company. The 
    proceeds ($150,000) from each policy are includible in T's gross 
    estate for Federal estate tax purposes. T's grandchild, GC1, was 
    named the sole beneficiary of Policy 1, and T's other grandchild, 
    GC2, was named the sole beneficiary of Policy 2. GC1 and GC2 are 
    skip persons (as defined in section 2613). Therefore, the payments 
    of the proceeds are direct skips. Since the total value of the 
    policies ($300,000) exceeds $250,000, the insurance company is 
    liable for the tax imposed by chapter 13 and is required to file 
    Schedule R-1 of Form 706.
        Example 3. Insurance proceeds of $250,000 or more held by 
    insurance company. On August 1, 1997, T, the insured under an 
    insurance policy, dies. The policy provides that the insurance 
    company shall make 
    [[Page 66924]]
    monthly payments of $750 to GC, T's grandchild, for life with the 
    remainder payable to T's great grandchild, GGC. The face value of 
    the policy is $300,000. Since the proceeds continue to be held by 
    the insurance company (the trustee), the proceeds are treated as if 
    they were transferred to a trust for purposes of chapter 13. The 
    trust is a skip person (as defined in section 2613(a)(2)) and the 
    transfer is a direct skip. Since the total value of the policy 
    ($300,000) exceeds $250,000, the insurance company is liable for the 
    tax imposed by chapter 13 and is required to file Schedule R-1 of 
    Form 706.
        Example 4. Insurance proceeds less than $250,000 held by 
    insurance company. Assume the same facts as in Example 3, except the 
    policy provides that the insurance company shall make monthly 
    payments of $500 to GC and that the face value of the policy is 
    $200,000. The transfer is a transfer to a trust for purposes of 
    chapter 13. However, since the total value of the policy ($200,000) 
    is less than $250,000, the executor is liable for the tax imposed by 
    chapter 13 and is required to file Form 706.
        Example 5. On August 1, 1997, A, the insured under a life 
    insurance policy, dies. The insurance proceeds on A's life that are 
    payable under policies issued by Company X are in the aggregate 
    amount of $200,000 and are includible in A's gross estate. Because 
    the proceeds are includible in A's gross estate, the generation-
    skipping transfer that occurs upon A's death, if any, will be a 
    direct skip rather than a taxable distribution or a taxable 
    termination. Accordingly, because the aggregate amount of insurance 
    proceeds with respect to Company X is less than $250,000, Company X 
    may pay the proceeds without regard to whether the beneficiary is a 
    skip person in relation to the decedent-transferor.
        (3) Limitation on personal liability of trustee. Except as provided 
    in paragraph (c)(3)(iii) of this section, a trustee is not personally 
    liable for any increases in the tax imposed by section 2601 which is 
    attributable to the fact that--
        (i) A transfer is made to the trust during the life of the 
    transferor for which a gift tax return is not filed; or
        (ii) The inclusion ratio with respect to the trust, determined by 
    reference to the transferor's gift tax return, is erroneous, the actual 
    inclusion ratio being greater than the reported inclusion ratio.
        (iii) This paragraph (c)(3) does not apply if the trustee has or is 
    deemed to have knowledge of facts sufficient to reasonably conclude 
    that a gift tax return was required to be filed or that the inclusion 
    ratio is erroneous. A trustee is deemed to have knowledge of such facts 
    if the trustee's agent, employee, partner, or co-trustee has knowledge 
    of such facts.
        (4) Exceptions--(i) Legal or mental incapacity. If a distributee is 
    legally or mentally incapable of making a return, the return may be 
    made for the distributee by the distributee's guardian or, if no 
    guardian has been appointed, by a person charged with the care of the 
    distributee's person or property.
        (ii) Returns made by fiduciaries. See section 6012(b) for a 
    fiduciary's responsibilities regarding the returns of decedents, 
    returns of persons under a disability, returns of estates and trusts, 
    and returns made by joint fiduciaries.
        (d) Time and manner of filing return--(1) In general. Forms 706, 
    706NA, 706GS(D), 706GS(D-1), 706GS(T), 709, and Schedule R-1 of Form 
    706 must be filed with the Internal Revenue Service office with which 
    an estate or gift tax return of the transferor must be filed. The 
    return shall be filed--
        (i) Direct skip. In the case of a direct skip, on or before the 
    date on which an estate or gift tax return is required to be filed with 
    respect to the transfer (see section 6075(b)(3)); and
        (ii) Other transfers. In all other cases, on or before the 15th day 
    of the 4th month after the close of the calendar year in which such 
    transfer occurs. See paragraph (d)(2) of this section for an exception 
    to this rule when an election is made under section 2624(c) to value 
    property included in certain taxable terminations in accordance with 
    section 2032.
        (2) Exception for alternative valuation of taxable termination. In 
    the case of a taxable termination with respect to which an election is 
    made under section 2624(c) to value property in accordance with section 
    2032, a Form 706GS(T) must be filed on or before the 15th day of the 
    4th month after the close of the calendar year in which the taxable 
    termination occurred, or on or before the 10th month following the 
    month in which the death that resulted in the taxable termination 
    occurred, whichever is later.
        (e) Place for filing returns. See section 6091 for the place for 
    filing any return, declaration, statement, or other document, or copies 
    thereof, required by chapter 13.
        (f) Lien on property. The liens imposed under sections 6324, 6324A, 
    and 6324B are applicable with respect to the tax imposed under chapter 
    13. Thus, a lien under section 6324 is imposed in the amount of the tax 
    imposed by section 2601 on all property transferred in a generation-
    skipping transfer until the tax is fully paid or becomes uncollectible 
    by reason of lapse of time. The lien attaches at the time of the 
    generation-skipping transfer and is in addition to the lien for taxes 
    under section 6321.
    Sec. 26.2663-1  Recapture tax under section 2032A.
        See Sec. 26.2642-4(a)(4) for rules relating to the recomputation of 
    the applicable fraction and the imposition of additional GST tax, if 
    additional estate tax is imposed under section 2032A.
    Sec. 26.2663-2  Application of chapter 13 to transfers by nonresidents 
    not citizens of the United States.
        (a) In general. This section provides rules for applying chapter 13 
    of the Internal Revenue Code to transfers by a transferor who is a 
    nonresident not a citizen of the United States (NRA transferor). For 
    purposes of this section, an individual is a resident or citizen of the 
    United States if that individual is a resident or citizen of the United 
    States under the rules of chapter 11 or 12 of the Internal Revenue 
    Code, as the case may be. Every NRA transferor is allowed a GST 
    exemption of $1,000,000. See Sec. 26.2632-1 regarding the allocation of 
    the exemption.
        (b) Transfers subject to chapter 13--(1) Direct skips. A transfer 
    by a NRA transferor is a direct skip subject to chapter 13 only to the 
    extent that the transfer is subject to the Federal estate or gift tax 
    within the meaning of Sec. 26.2652-1(a)(2). See Sec. 26.2612-1(a) for 
    the definition of direct skip.
        (2) Taxable distributions and taxable terminations. Chapter 13 
    applies to a taxable distribution or a taxable termination to the 
    extent that the initial transfer of property to the trust by a NRA 
    transferor, whether during life or at death, was subject to the Federal 
    estate or gift tax within the meaning of Sec. 26.2652-1(a)(2). See 
    Sec. 26.2612-1(b) for the definition of a taxable termination and 
    Sec. 26.2612-1(c) for the definition of a taxable distribution.
        (c) Trusts funded in part with property subject to chapter 13 and 
    in part with property not subject to chapter 13--(1) In general. If a 
    single trust created by a NRA transferor is in part subject to chapter 
    13 under the rules of paragraph (b) of this section and in part not 
    subject to chapter 13, the applicable fraction with respect to the 
    trust is determined as of the date of the transfer, except as provided 
    in paragraph (c)(3) of this section.
        (i) Numerator of applicable fraction. The numerator of the 
    applicable fraction is the sum of the amount of GST exemption allocated 
    to the trust (if any) plus the value of the nontax portion of the 
        (ii) Denominator of applicable fraction. The denominator of the 
    applicable fraction is the value of the property transferred to the 
    trust reduced as provided in Sec. 26.2642-1(c).
        (2) Nontax portion of the trust. The nontax portion of a trust is a 
    fraction, the numerator of which is the value of property not subject 
    to chapter 13 
    [[Page 66925]]
    determined as of the date of the initial completed transfer to the 
    trust, and the denominator of which is the value of the entire trust. 
    For example, T, a NRA transferor, transfers property that has a value 
    of $1,000 to a generation-skipping trust. Of the property transferred 
    to the trust, property having a value of $200 is subject to chapter 13 
    and property having a value of $800 is not subject to chapter 13. The 
    nontax portion is .8 ($800 (the value of the property not subject to 
    chapter 13) over $1,000 (the total value of the property transferred to 
    the trust).
        (3) Special rule with respect to the estate tax inclusion period. 
    For purposes of this section, the provisions of Sec. 26.2632-1(c), 
    providing rules applicable in the case of an estate tax inclusion 
    period (ETIP), apply only if the property transferred by the NRA 
    transferor is subsequently included in the transferor's gross estate. 
    If the property is not subsequently included in the gross estate, then 
    the nontax portion of the trust and the applicable fraction are 
    determined as of the date of the initial transfer. If the property is 
    subsequently included in the gross estate, then the nontax portion and 
    the applicable fraction are determined as of the date of death.
        (d) Examples. The following examples illustrate the provisions of 
    this section. In each example T, a NRA, is the transferor; C is T's 
    child; and GC is C's child and a grandchild of T:
        Example 1. Direct transfer to skip person. T transfers property 
    to GC in a transfer that is subject to Federal gift tax under 
    chapter 12 within the meaning of Sec. 26.2652-1(a)(2). At the time 
    of the transfer, C and GC are NRAs. T's transfer is subject to 
    chapter 13 because the transfer is subject to gift tax under chapter 
        Example 2. Transfers of both U.S. and foreign situs property. 
    (i) T's will established a testamentary trust for the benefit of C 
    and GC. The trust was funded with stock in a publicly traded U.S. 
    corporation having a value on the date of T's death of $100,000, and 
    property not situated in the United States (and therefore not 
    subject to estate tax) having a value on the date of T's death of 
        (ii) On a timely filed estate tax return (Form 706NA), the 
    executor of T's estate allocates $50,000 of GST exemption under 
    section 2632(a) to the trust. The numerator of the applicable 
    fraction is $450,000, the sum of $50,000 (the amount of exemption 
    allocated to the trust) plus $400,000 (the value of the nontax 
    portion of the trust (4/5 x $500,000)). The denominator is $500,000. 
    Hence, the applicable fraction with respect to the trust is .9 
    ($450,000/$500,000), and the inclusion ratio is .1 (1 - 9/10).
        Example 3. Inter vivos transfer of U.S. and foreign situs 
    property to a trust and a timely allocation of GST exemption. T 
    establishes a trust providing that trust income is payable to T's 
    child for life and the remainder is to be paid to T's grandchild. T 
    transfers property to the trust that has a value of $100,000 and is 
    subject to chapter 13. T also transfers property to the trust that 
    has a value of $300,000 but is not subject to chapter 13. T 
    allocates $100,000 of exemption to the trust on a timely filed 
    United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax return 
    (Form 709). The applicable fraction with respect to the trust is 1, 
    determined as follows: $300,000 (the value of the nontax portion of 
    the trust) plus $100,000 (the exemption allocated to the trust)/ 
    $400,000 (the total value of the property transferred to the trust).
        Example 4. Inter vivos transfer of U.S. and foreign situs 
    property to a trust and a late allocation of GST exemption. (i) In 
    1996, T transfers $500,000 of property to an inter vivos trust the 
    terms of which provide that income is payable to C, for life, with 
    the remainder to GC. The property transferred to the trust consists 
    of property subject to chapter 13 that has a value of $400,000 on 
    the date of the transfer and property not subject to chapter 13 that 
    has a value of $100,000. T does not allocate GST exemption to the 
    trust. On the transfer date, the nontax portion of the trust is .2 
    ($100,000/$500,000) and the applicable fraction is also .2 
    determined as follows: $100,000 (the value of the nontax portion of 
    the trust)/$500,000 (the value of the property transferred to the 
        (ii) In 1999, when the value of the trust is $800,000, T 
    allocates $100,000 of GST exemption to the trust. The applicable 
    fraction of the trust must be recomputed. The numerator of the 
    applicable fraction is $260,000 ($100,000 (the amount of GST 
    exemption allocated to the trust)) plus $160,000 (the value of the 
    nontax portion of the trust as of the date of allocation (.2 x 
    $800,000)). The denominator of the applicable fraction is $800,000. 
    Accordingly, the applicable fraction with respect to the trust after 
    the allocation is .325 ($260,000/$800,000) and the inclusion ratio 
    is .675 (1 - .325).
        Example 5. Taxable termination. The facts are the same as in 
    Example 4 except that, in 2006, when the value of the property is 
    $1,200,000, C dies and the trust corpus is distributed to GC. The 
    termination is a taxable termination. If no further GST exemption 
    has been allocated to the trust, the applicable fraction remains 
    .325 and the inclusion ratio remains .675.
        Example 6. Estate Tax Inclusion Period. (i) T transferred 
    property to an inter vivos trust the terms of which provided T with 
    an annuity payable for 10 years or until T's prior death. The 
    annuity satisfies the definition of a qualified interest under 
    section 2702(b). The trust also provided that, at the end of the 
    trust term, the remainder will pass to GC or GC's estate. The 
    property transferred to the trust consisted of property subject to 
    chapter 13 that has a value of $100,000 and property not subject to 
    chapter 13 that has a value of $400,000. T allocated $100,000 of GST 
    exemption to the trust. If T dies within the 10 year period, the 
    value of the trust principal will be subject to inclusion in T's 
    gross estate to the extent provided in sections 2103 and 2104(b). 
    Accordingly, the ETIP rule under paragraph (c)(3) of this section 
        (ii) In year 6 of the trust term, T died. At T's death, the 
    trust corpus had a value of $800,000, and $500,000 was includible in 
    T's gross estate as provided in sections 2103 and 2104(b). Thus, 
    $500,000 of the trust corpus is subject to chapter 13 and $300,000 
    is not subject to chapter 13. The $100,000 GST exemption allocation 
    is effective as of T's date of death. Also, the nontax portion of 
    the trust and the applicable fraction are determined as of T's date 
    of death. In this case, the nontax portion of the trust is .375, 
    determined as follows: $300,000 (the value of the trust not subject 
    to chapter 13)/$800,000 (the value of the trust). The numerator of 
    the applicable fraction is $400,000, determined as follows: $100,000 
    (GST exemption previously allocated to the trust) plus $300,000 (the 
    value of the nontax portion of the trust). The denominator of the 
    applicable fraction is $800,000. Thus, the applicable fraction with 
    respect to the trust is .50, unless additional exemption is 
    allocated to the trust by T's executor or the automatic allocation 
    rules of Sec. 26.2632-1(d)(2) apply.
        Example 7. The facts are the same as in Example 6 except that T 
    survives the termination date of T's retained annuity and the trust 
    corpus is distributed to GC. Since the trust was not included in T's 
    gross estate, the ETIP rules do not apply. Accordingly, the nontax 
    portion of the trust and the applicable fraction are determined as 
    of the date of the transfer to the trust. The nontax portion of the 
    trust is .80 ($400,000/$500,000). The numerator of the applicable 
    fraction is $500,000 determined as follows: $100,000 (GST exemption 
    allocated to the trust) plus $400,000 (the value of the nontax 
    portion of the trust). Accordingly, the applicable fraction is 1, 
    and the inclusion ratio is zero.
         (e) Transitional rule for allocations for transfers made before 
    December 27, 1995. If an NRA made a GST (inter vivos or testamentary) 
    after December 23, 1992, and before December 27, 1995 that is subject 
    to chapter 13 (within the meaning of Sec. 26.2663-2), the NRA will be 
    treated as having made a timely allocation of GST exemption to the 
    transfer in a calendar year in the order prescribed in section 2632(c). 
    Thus, an NRA's unused GST exemption will initially be treated as 
    allocated to any direct skips made during the calendar year and then to 
    any trusts with respect to which the NRA made transfers during the same 
    calendar year and from which a taxable distribution or a taxable 
    termination may occur. Allocations within the above categories are made 
    in the order in which the transfers occur. Allocations among 
    simultaneous transfers within the same category are made pursuant to 
    the principles of section 2632(c)(2). This transitional allocation rule 
    will not apply if the NRA transferor, or the executor of the NRA's 
    estate, as the case may be, elected to have an automatic allocation of 
    GST exemption not apply by describing on a timely-filed Form 709 for 
    the year of the 
    [[Page 66926]]
    transfer, or a timely filed Form 706NA, the details of the transfer and 
    the extent to which the allocation was not to apply.
        Par. 2. The authority citation for part 301 continues to read in 
    part as follows:
        Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805.* * *
        Par. 3. Section 301.9100-7T is amended as follows:
        a. Paragraph (a)(1) is amended in the table by removing both 
    entries for ``1431(a)''.
        b. Paragraph (a)(4)(i) is amended in the table by removing the 
    entry for ``1431(a)''.
        c. Paragraph (a)(4)(iii) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 301.9100-7T   Time and manner of making certain elections under 
    the Tax Reform Act of 1986.
        (a) * * *
        (4) * * *
        (iii) Freely revocable election. The election described in this 
    section under Act section 311(d)(2) is freely revocable.
    * * * * *
        Par. 4. The authority citation for part 602 continues to read as 
        Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805.
        Par. 5. In Sec. 602.101, paragraph (c) is amended by adding entries 
    in numerical order in the table to read as follows:
    Sec. 602.101 OMB Control numbers.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
     CFR part or section where identified and                               
                     described                     Current OMB control No.  
                  *        *        *        *        *                     
    26.2601-1.................................  1545-0985                   
                      *        *        *        *        *                 
    26.2632-..................................  1545-0985                   
                       *        *        *        *      *                  
    26.2642-1.................................  1545-0985                   
    26.2642-2.................................  1545-0985                   
    26.2642-3.................................  1545-0985                   
    26.2642-4.................................  1545-0985                   
                      *        *        *        *        *                 
    26.2652-2.................................  1545-0985                   
                      *        *        *        *        *                 
    26.2662-2.................................  1545-0985                   
                      *        *        *        *        *                 
        Approved: December 14, 1995
    Michael P. Dolan,
    Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
    Leslie Samuels,
    Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
     [FR Doc. 95-30873 Filed 12-26-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4830-01-U

Document Information

Effective Date:
Internal Revenue Service
Entry Type:
Final and temporary regulations.
Document Number:
December 27, 1995.
66898-66926 (29 pages)
Docket Numbers:
TD 8644
PDF File:
CFR: (28)
26 CFR 26.2642-1)
26 CFR 26.2642-4(a)(4)
26 CFR 26.2652-1(a)(1)
26 CFR 26.2642-2(b))
26 CFR 26.2612-1(b)
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