96-11611. Materials and Processes Authorized for the Production of Wine and for the Treatment of Juice, Wine and Distilling Material (93F-059P)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 91 (Thursday, May 9, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 21076-21080]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-11611]
    Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
    27 CFR Part 24
    [T.D. ATF-371; RE: Notice Nos. 800 and 805]
    RIN: 1512-AB26
    Materials and Processes Authorized for the Production of Wine and 
    for the Treatment of Juice, Wine and Distilling Material (93F-059P)
    AGENCY: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), Department of 
    the Treasury.
    ACTION: Final rule (Treasury decision).
    SUMMARY: This final rule amends the wine regulations in 27 CFR Part 24 
    to add or modify the use of 3 wine treating processes and to add the 
    use of 1 new wine treating material. The use of these new or modified 
    wine treating processes and materials has been found to be acceptable 
    in ``good commercial practice'' in the production, cellar treatment, 
    and finishing of wine, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5382 of 
    the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, since their use will not alter 
    vinous character or pose any health, safety, or consumer deception 
    EFFECTIVE DATE: July 8, 1996.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert White, Coordinator, Wine, Beer 
    and Spirits Regulations Branch, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and 
    Firearms, 650 Massachusetts Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20226 (202-927-
        Several members of the wine industry petitioned ATF for approval of 
    the use of 3 wine treating processes and 1 wine treating material in 
    the production, cellar treatment, and/or finishing of wine. Only one of 
    the processes, the spinning cone column, is new and would be used to 
    reduce the ethyl alcohol content of wine or to remove off flavors in 
    wine. The other two processes are not new but either would be used in 
    combination or would be used for a different purpose or at a different 
    limitation than previously authorized. The processes to be used in 
    combination are reverse osmosis and ion exchange
    [[Page 21077]]
    and would be used to remove excess volatile acidity from wine. The 
    process which would be used at a different limitation is 
    ultrafiltration. And finally, the new wine treating material, urease 
    enzyme, would be used to reduce urea in wine, thereby reducing the 
    possibility of ethyl carbamate formation during wine storage.
    Notice No. 800
        On September 30, 1994, ATF published a notice of proposed 
    rulemaking (Notice No. 800) in the Federal Register requesting that all 
    interested parties submit written comments by November 29, 1994. Nine 
    comments were received including 2 comments which requested an 
    extension of the comment deadline. Due to the requests for an extension 
    of the comment period, ATF published a reopening notice (Notice No. 
    805) in the Federal Register on January 18, 1995, which reopened the 
    comment period for 60 days ending on March 20, 1995. Three comments 
    were received in response to the reopening notice making a total of 12 
    comments received in response to the 2 wine treating notices.
    Summary of Comments
        Six of the commenters stated that they fully support the use of the 
    spinning cone column to reduce the ethyl alcohol content of wine or to 
    remove off flavors from wine. One of the six commenters, Mr. Vincent 
    Indelicato of Delicato Vineyards, also asked that the spirits derived 
    from the spinning cone column process, if at a minimum proof of 100 or 
    above, be approved for wine spirits additions without any restrictions. 
    Mr. Indelicato also asked that spinning cone column de-essenced juice 
    be allowed in all standard winemaking including the fermenting of this 
    de-essenced juice into standard wine. Five of the six commenters who 
    addressed the use of the spinning cone column also stated that they 
    support the additional requests made by Mr. Indelicato.
        One of the six commenters mentioned above, Mr. Robert G. Kalik of 
    the American Vintners Association (AVA), also stated that the AVA fully 
    supports the 3 new or modified wine treating processes and the 1 new 
    wine treating material proposed in Notice No. 800.
        Another commenter, Mr. Clark Smith and Mr. Rick Jones of 
    Vinovation, Inc., submitted a joint comment stating that Vinovation 
    fully supports the use of reverse osmosis and ion exchange in 
    combination in a closed system to remove excess volatile acidity from 
    wine. They also state in a separate comment that it is their 
    understanding that use of the spinning cone column to remove volatile 
    acidity from wine is not very practical since such removal of volatile 
    acidity would result in an equal proportion of ethanol being removed 
    from the wine.
        Two additional commenters in the wine industry state that they 
    fully support the use of reverse osmosis along with ion exchange to 
    remove excess volatile acidity in wine. Both state that wine which has 
    undergone this treatment to remove excess volatile acidity has been 
    greatly improved in quality. Both commenters believe that adoption of 
    this wine treating process will represent a real benefit to the wine 
    industry as well as to the consumer.
        Two commenters to Notice No. 800 asked for an extension of the 
    comment period to give them more time to analyze the wine treating 
    proposals and to prepare a response. One of these commenters represents 
    the Delegation of the European Commission (EC) and the other represents 
    the French government.
        The final comment was from the Delegation of the European 
    Commission in response to Notice No. 805 which reopened the comment 
    period for 60 days. This commenter states that the comment represents 
    the views of the European Community. The commenter states that the 
    European Community is concerned at the possibility of introduction into 
    regular winemaking of the wine treating processes and materials 
    mentioned in the notice of proposed rulemaking and considers that their 
    utilization could be problematic for such wines imported into the 
    European Union. The commenter also states that approval of such 
    processes and materials could complicate the ongoing negotiations for 
    an EC/US wine agreement.
        The commenter states that the European Community would like to draw 
    attention to the fact that the processes and materials described in the 
    notice are not currently authorized by Council Regulation (EEC) No. 
    822/87, particularly Title II, which lays down European Community rules 
    governing oenological practices and processes, and Annex VI, which 
    lists the practices and processes authorized for wines marketed in the 
    European Union; nor are these processes and materials included in the 
    Annex to Council Regulation (EEC) No. 1873/84, which details the 
    oenological practices authorized for wine imported into the European 
    Union from the United States.
        Moreover, the commenter states that the new materials and processes 
    described in the notice are not included in the International Code of 
    Oenological Practices of the International Vine and Wine Office (OIV) 
    which is approved by the governments of the member countries of the 
    OIV. The commenter states that except for the use of urease, these 
    practices have not yet even been the subject of preliminary discussions 
    nor have they been communicated to this international forum.
        In conclusion, this commenter states that the European Community 
    would suggest that utilization of the materials and processes proposed 
    in Notice No. 800 would best be considered within the bilateral 
    framework of the ongoing negotiations for an EC/US wine agreement and 
    within the multilateral framework of the OIV. Consequently, this 
    commenter states that the European Commission urges that the U.S. 
    authorities take no action on approving these materials and processes 
    until such consultations with the EC and OIV have taken place.
    ATF Decision
        After careful consideration of the comments, ATF has decided to 
    approve the 3 wine treating processes and 1 wine treating material 
    proposed in Notice No. 800. These 3 wine treating processes and 1 wine 
    treating material have the support of the U.S. wine industry and have 
    been determined to be in accordance with good commercial practice. Use 
    of these 3 processes and 1 material will be a significant benefit to 
    consumers and to the wine industry by enabling industry members to 
    exercise additional quality control in the production of their wines.
        ATF acknowledges that the European Community has not currently 
    approved the use of these 3 wine treating processes and 1 wine treating 
    material in their wines. However, we have decided to go ahead and 
    approve these processes and materials for use by U.S. wine producers 
    because, after careful review, we have concluded that their use 
    complies with the statutory standard of good commercial practice.
        ATF does not believe that it should prevent the use of new wine 
    treating processes and materials that have been found to be beneficial 
    to industry members and consumers alike, since it has determined that 
    the wine treatments do not alter vinous character or pose any health, 
    safety, or consumer deception problems. In addition, we feel that the 
    ongoing wine negotiations with the European Community do not foreclose 
    or restrict our domestic rulemaking decisions implementing statutory 
    standards under U.S. laws.
        In regard to the requests to use spirits derived from the spinning 
    cone column process for wine spirits additions and the use of de-
    essenced juice derived from the spinning cone column process
    [[Page 21078]]
    in all standard winemaking, we have determined that we need more time 
    to thoroughly analyze these requests and will address these issues at a 
    later time.
    Wine Treating Processes
    Spinning Cone Column
        The spinning cone column (SCC) is a gas-liquid contacting device 
    which can process a wide range of products including slurries with very 
    high solids contents. It is a multi-stage mass transfer device 
    consisting of a series of alternating stationary and rotary truncated 
    cones. During its operation the product is fed at the top of the column 
    and then flows down the upper surface of the stationary cones under the 
    influence of gravity and moves across the upper surface of the rotating 
    cones in a thin film due to the applied centrifugal force. The 
    stripping gas enters the bottom of the column and flows counter current 
    to the liquid phase in the spaces between the fixed and rotating cones.
        The SCC is used in the production of low alcohol wine, as well as 
    to remove off flavors in wine (e.g. volatile acidity, ethyl acetate, 
    hydrogen sulfide, etc.). In the production of low alcohol wine, the 
    feed wine is initially run through the SCC to recover the volatile wine 
    flavor essence. In the second stage of processing, the flavor essence 
    reduced wine is run through the SCC to reduce the alcohol in the wine 
    to the desired level. The essence, which has previously been removed, 
    is then added back to the alcohol reduced wine to produce a low alcohol 
    wine which retains its original flavor. The alcohol which has been 
    removed from the wine can then either be used in accordance with law 
    and regulations or be destroyed.
        Treatment of wine utilizing the SCC to remove off flavors, or to 
    reduce the alcohol content of the wine, may not alter the vinous 
    character of the wine. Otherwise, the wine will no longer be considered 
    standard wine.
        Since the separation of alcohol from a fermented substance is 
    considered to be a distilling process, the SCC operations cannot be 
    conducted at winery premises but must instead take place at distilled 
    spirits plant premises.
        The SCC operations must be conducted in accordance with the 
    following conditions:
        1. The SCC removal of any alcohol from the wine will be done on DSP 
        2. Records will be maintained for each lot of wine put through the 
    SCC and the fractions derived from such wine showing the date, 
    quantity, and disposition of each fraction.
        3. In the production of reduced alcohol standard wines using the 
    SCC, the same amount of essence will be added back to any lot of wine 
    as was originally removed.
        4. The destruction of any alcohol or other fractions derived from 
    the SCC process must be in accordance with the provisions of 27 CFR 
    Reverse Osmosis and Ion Exchange
        In this process, reverse osmosis and ion exchange are used in 
    combination to remove volatile acidity (VA) from bulk wine. The process 
    combines two technologies already widely in use in the wine industry.
        The process involves utilizing reverse osmosis to separate wine 
    into various components and then using ion exchange to remove VA. The 
    wine components, minus the VA, are then recombined in-line to form the 
    original wine minus the VA. The whole process takes place in a closed 
        Regulations at 27 CFR 24.248 were previously broad enough to allow 
    ion exchange to be used to remove volatile acidity from wine or from 
    various components of wine. However, those regulations did not 
    authorize reverse osmosis to be used for anything other than to reduce 
    the ethyl alcohol content of wine. This regulation change will allow 
    reverse osmosis to also be used to remove off flavors in wine which 
    will enable it to be used as part of an overall process in a closed 
    system to remove VA from wine.
        Normally, reverse osmosis must be done on distilled spirits plant 
    premises because it is considered a distilling process resulting in a 
    distilled spirits by-product. However, in this case, the various 
    components of wine will only be created temporarily in a closed system 
    and will be immediately recombined in-line to reconstitute the original 
    wine minus VA. Consequently, ATF has concluded that this type of 
    reverse osmosis may be conducted on bonded winery premises since no 
    separate distilled spirits product is created as a final product or by-
        Accumulation of ethyl alcohol outside the closed system is not 
    allowed. Any accumulation of an ethanol solution on winery premises may 
    subject the proprietor to the distilled spirits tax of $13.50 per proof 
    gallon imposed by Section 5001 of the Internal Revenue Code.
        The footnote concerning processes which must be done on distilled 
    spirits plant premises, located at the end of 27 CFR 24.248, has been 
    revised to state that under certain limited conditions, reverse osmosis 
    may be used on bonded winery premises if ethyl alcohol is only 
    temporarily created within a closed system.
        Previous regulations at 27 CFR 24.248 allowed ultrafiltration to be 
    used for various filtration purposes as long as the following 
    conditions were met:
        (a) Permeable membranes are used which are selective for molecules 
    greater than 500 and less than 25,000 molecular weight with 
    transmembrane pressures which do not exceed 100 pounds per square inch 
        (b) Use shall not alter vinous character.
        This final rule amends the regulations to allow greater 
    transmembrane pressures to be used and still be considered 
    ultrafiltration. The revised regulations allow less than 200 psi in 
    lieu of the current 100 psi. This more liberal pressure limitation will 
    provide for greater throughput with no change in the vinous character 
    of the finished wine. Without this increase in throughput, the process 
    is not economically viable for many industry members since they can 
    achieve the same result with other methods at a much lower cost.
        The less than 200 psi pressure limitation was chosen as the upper 
    limit in order to maintain a clear distinction between ultrafiltration 
    and reverse osmosis in terms of pressure. The two processes are also 
    differentiated by the fact that the membranes specified for reverse 
    osmosis have a much smaller pore size than those used in 
    New Wine Treating Material
    Urease Enzyme
        The use of urease enzyme derived from Lactobacillus fermentum has 
    been found to reduce levels of naturally occurring urea in wine thereby 
    helping to prevent the formation of ethyl carbamate during storage.
        The enzyme is derived from the nonpathogenic, nontoxicogenic 
    bacterium Lactobacillus fermentum. It contains the enzyme urease (CAS 
    Reg. No. 9002-13-5) which facilitates the hydrolysis of urea to ammonia 
    and carbon dioxide. It is produced by a pure culture fermentation 
    process and by using materials that are generally recognized as safe 
    (GRAS) or are food additives that have been approved for this use by 
    the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
        Urease enzyme from Lactobacillus fermentum was approved for use in 
    wine by FDA on December 21, 1992,
    [[Page 21079]]
    effective January 21, 1993. The FDA regulation cite is 21 CFR 184.1924, 
    Urease Enzyme Derived From Lactobacillus Fermentum.
        The enzyme is standardized with glucose syrup solids and the urease 
    activity is adjusted to 3.5 units/mg. Urease enzyme meets the general 
    and additional requirements for enzyme preparations in the ``Food 
    Chemicals Codex,'' 3rd edition (1981). In addition, the urease enzyme 
    is used in food at levels not to exceed current good manufacturing 
    practice as defined in 21 CFR 184.1924.
        The composition of the urease enzyme preparation is as follows:
    Killed whole cells of Lactobacillus fermentum....................20-35%
    Glucose Syrup Solids.............................................65-80%
        Due to the low usage level (10-200 ppm) and objective of usage, 
    addition of glucose syrup solids in this case is not considered 
    ``sweetening'' of the beverage, which is prohibited in the State of 
    California for table wine.
        The use of urease enzyme derived from Lactobacillus fermentum is 
    economically self-limiting due to the high cost of the material. FDA, 
    in their approval, did not set a specific numerical limit but rather 
    limited its use to ``good commercial practice.''
        Due to the recommendations from industry and from the ATF 
    laboratory, we have established an upper limit for the use of urease 
    enzyme in wine of 200 mg/L, provided that the enzyme is filtered prior 
    to final packaging of the wine, as a ``good commercial practice.''
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        It is hereby certified that this regulation will not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. 
    This regulation is liberalizing in nature and will allow winemakers 
    more flexibility when producing their wines with no negative impact on 
    small entities. Accordingly, a regulatory flexibility analysis is not 
    required because this final rule is not expected: (1) To have 
    secondary, or incidental effects on a substantial number of small 
    entities; or (2) to impose, or otherwise cause a significant increase 
    in the reporting, recordkeeping, or other compliance burdens on a 
    substantial number of small entities.
    Executive Order 12866
        It has been determined that this regulation is not a significant 
    regulatory action as defined by Executive Order 12866. Accordingly this 
    final rule is not subject to the analysis required by this Executive 
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        The provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, Public Law 
    96-511, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, and its implementing regulations, 5 CFR 
    Part 1320, do not apply to this final rule because no requirement to 
    collect information is imposed.
        Drafting Information: The principal author of this document is 
    Robert L. White, Wine, Beer and Spirits Regulations Branch, Bureau 
    of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. ATF Wine Technical Advisor Richard 
    M. Gahagan has provided significant technical assistance in the 
    evaluation and review of data pertinent to the preparation of this 
    List of Subjects in 27 CFR Part 24
        Administrative practice and procedure, Authority delegations, 
    Claims, Electronic funds transfers, Excise taxes, Exports, Food 
    additives, Fruit juices, Labeling, Liquors, Packaging and containers, 
    Reporting requirements, Research, Scientific equipment, Spices and 
    flavorings, Surety bonds, Transportation, Warehouses, Wine and vinegar.
    Authority and Issuance
        27 CFR Part 24--Wine is amended as follows:
    PART 24--WINE
        Par. 1. The authority citation for Part 24 continues to read as 
        Authority: 26 U.S.C. 5001, 5008, 5041, 5042, 5044, 5061, 5062, 
    5081, 5111-5113, 5121, 5122, 5142, 5143, 5173, 5206, 5214, 5215, 
    5351, 5353, 5354, 5356-5357, 5361, 5362, 5364-5373, 5381-5388, 5391, 
    5392, 5551, 5552, 5661, 5662, 5684, 6065, 6091, 6109, 6301, 6302, 
    6311, 6651, 6676, 7011, 7302, 7342, 7502, 7503, 7606, 7805, 7851; 31 
    U.S.C. 9301, 9303, 9304, 9306.
        Par. 2. Section 24.246 is amended in the table in Paragraph (b) 
    revising the entry for enzymatic activity, and by adding the new entry, 
    ``Urease'', immediately after and directly under Protease (Trypsin), to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 24.246  Materials authorized for treatment of wine and juice.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
               Materials and use                 Reference or limitation    
    *                  *                  *                  *              
                      *                  *                  *               
    Enzymatic activity: Various uses as      The enzyme preparation used    
     shown below.                             shall be prepared from        
                                              nontoxic and nonpathogenic    
                                              microorganisms in accordance  
                                              with good manufacturing       
                                              practice and be approved for  
                                              use in food by either FDA     
                                              regulation or by FDA advisory 
    *                  *                  *                  *              
                      *                  *                  *               
    Urease: To reduce levels of naturally    The urease enzyme activity     
     occurring urea in wine to help prevent   shall be derived from         
     the formation of ethyl carbamate.        Lactobacillus fermentum per 21
                                              CFR 184.1924. Use is limited  
                                              to not more than 200 mg/L and 
                                              must be filtered prior to     
                                              final packaging of the wine.  
    *                  *                  *                  *              
                      *                  *                  *               
        Par. 3. Section 24.248 is amended in the table by revising the 
    entries for ``Reverse osmosis'' and ``Ultrafiltration'', by adding the 
    entry for ``Spinning cone column'', and by revising the footnote at the 
    end of the section to read as follows:
    Sec. 24.248  Processes authorized for the treatment of wine, juice, and 
    distilling material.
    * * * * *
    [[Page 21080]]
                    Processes                             Use                       Reference or limitation         
    *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                
    Reverse osmosis \1\.....................  To reduce the ethyl alcohol  Permeable membranes which are selective  
                                               content of wine and to       for molecules not greater than 500      
                                               remove off flavors in        molecular weight with transmembrane     
                                               wine,.                       pressures of 200 psi and greater. The   
                                                                            addition of water other than that       
                                                                            originally present prior to processing  
                                                                            will render standard wine ``other than  
                                                                            standard.'' Use shall not alter vinous  
    Spinning cone column \1\................  To reduce the ethyl alcohol  Use shall not alter vinous character. For
                                               content of wine and to       standard wine, the same amount of       
                                               remove off flavors in        essense must be added back to any lot of
                                               wine,.                       wine as was originally removed.         
    *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                
    Ultrafiltration.........................  To remove proteinaceous      Permeable membranes which are selective  
                                               material from wine; to       for molecules greater than 500 and less 
                                               reduce harsh tannic          than 25,000 molecular weight with       
                                               material from white wine     transmembrane pressures less than 200   
                                               produced from white          psi. Use shall not alter vinous         
                                               skinned grapes; to remove    character. 21 CFR 175.300, 177.1520,    
                                               pink color from blanc de     177.1550, 177.1630, 177.2440, 177.2600, 
                                               noir wine; to separate red   and 177.2910.                           
                                               wine into low color and                                              
                                               high color wine fractions                                            
                                               for blending purposes.                                               
    \1\ This process must be done on distilled spirits plant premises. However, reverse osmosis, under certain      
      limited conditions, may be used on bonded winery premises if ethyl alcohol is only temporarily created within 
      a closed system.                                                                                              
    (Sec. 201, Pub. L. 85-859, 72 Stat. 1383, as amended (26 U.S.C. 
    5381, 5382, 5385, 5386, and 5387)).
        Signed: March 11, 1996.
    Bradley A. Buckles,
    Acting Director.
        Approved: April 1, 1996.
    John P. Simpson,
    Deputy Assistant Secretary (Regulatory, Tariff and Trade Enforcement).
    [FR Doc. 96-11611 Filed 5-8-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4810-31-U

Document Information

Effective Date:
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau
Entry Type:
Final rule (Treasury decision).
Document Number:
July 8, 1996.
21076-21080 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
T.D. ATF-371, RE: Notice Nos. 800 and 805
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
27 CFR 24.246
27 CFR 24.248