96-12482. Acid Rain Program: Continuous Emission Monitoring  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 100 (Wednesday, May 22, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 25580-25585]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-12482]
    40 CFR Part 75
    Acid Rain Program: Continuous Emission Monitoring
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Amendment to final rule; correction.
    SUMMARY: On May 17, 1995, EPA published direct final amendments to the 
    Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM) rule in the Acid Rain Program for 
    the purpose of making implementation of the program simpler, 
    streamlined, and more efficient. The amendments to the original January 
    11, 1993 rule became final and effective on July 17, 1995. During the 
    public comment period on the direct final rule and its companion 
    proposed rule, EPA received significant, adverse comments on those 
    amended provisions that related to notifications for periodic relative 
    accuracy test audits. EPA is removing the provisions added in the 
    direct final rule related to notifications. EPA will address the 
    removed provisions in a future final rule. EPA is also extending the 
    public comment period on the removed provisions for 15 days to allow 
    the public to respond to the significant, adverse comments. All other 
    provisions of the direct final rule remain final.
        In addition, EPA is publishing technical corrections of 
    typographical and similar inadvertent errors in the final rule, as 
    promulgated May 17, 1995.
    DATES: Effective date: The effective date of the amended rule 
    provisions and corrections is May 22, 1996.
        Comment date: Comments in response to the significant, adverse 
    comments on the direct final rule must be received on or before June 6, 
    ADDRESSES: Any written comments in response to the significant, adverse 
    comments on the direct final rule must be identified as being in 
    response to such comments in Docket No. A-94-16 and must be submitted 
    in duplicate to: EPA Air Docket (6102), U.S. Environmental Protection 
    Agency, 401 M Street SW., Washington, D.C. 20460. The docket is 
    available for public inspection and copying between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 
    p.m., Monday through Friday, at the above address. A reasonable fee may 
    be charged for copying.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Margaret Sheppard, Acid Rain Division 
    (6204J), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street SW., 
    Washington, D.C. 20460, (202) 233-9180.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: EPA received significant, adverse comments 
    on certain provisions of the direct final rule amending part 75 from a 
    group of utilities called the Texas Subgroup. These comments were 
    apparently submitted on time, but EPA became aware of this only after 
    the provision became final. After the close of the comment period, the 
    Texas Subgroup submitted a letter, dated November 2, 1995, clarifying 
    its comments. The comments and the November 28, 1995 letter are found 
    in Docket No. A-94-16, items V-D-23 and V-D-24. The Texas Subgroup made 
    significant, adverse comments on the provisions of Secs. 75.21(d)and 
    75.61(a)(5). Therefore, those provisions in the direct final rule are 
    being removed and are considered proposed provisions until EPA takes 
    further comment and addresses the comments in a future final rule.
        The Texas Subgroup commented adversely upon the requirements in 
    Secs. 75.21(d) and 75.51(a)(5) for notifications of the date on which 
    periodic Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATAs) will be performed. The 
    direct final provisions require submission of written notification to 
    the Administrator, the appropriate EPA Regional Office, and the 
    applicable State or local air pollution control agency at least 21 days 
    before the scheduled date of a RATA. The date may be rescheduled if 
    written or oral notice is provided to EPA and to the appropriate State 
    or local air quality agency at least seven days before the earlier of 
    the original scheduled date or the new test date. The Texas Subgroup 
    felt that this provision created additional paperwork. In addition, 
    they felt the provisions could force utilities to delay rescheduled 
    RATAs unnecessarily for seven days simply to meet the notification 
        In discussions with EPA, the Texas Subgroup suggested that perhaps 
    the provisions are not needed or the provisions could be revised to 
    provide more flexibility in the case where a RATA is rescheduled. Some 
    possibilities that the Texas Subgroup discussed with EPA included: 
    allowing utilities to receive permission from EPA, State and local 
    agency Acid Rain Program contacts to proceed with testing in less than 
    seven days from the date of notification; creating an ``emergency'' 
    notification two days after the new testing date is known, similar
    [[Page 25581]]
    to that for recertification (Sec. 75.61(a)(1)(ii)); and allowing 
    notification electronically to reduce the paperwork burden, where the 
    EPA Regional office or State or local agency will accept such a 
        EPA also notes that the purpose of the notification for periodic 
    RATAs is to enable EPA or State or local agency staff to observe the 
    testing. Notifications of periodic RATAs will allow EPA, State and 
    local agencies to observe a larger percentage of units than if 
    utilities only were to submit notice for certification and 
    recertification testing. The ability of agency staff to attend 
    certification and recertification testing is limited since EPA has 
    significantly shortened the notification period for most 
    recertification tests and allows utilities to proceed with 
    recertification testing before notifying the Agency in emergency 
    situations and since there were a large number of sources testing in a 
    short time period during initial certification. Even so, agency staff 
    attended many RATAs for initial certification testing. However, initial 
    certification generally occurs before the period when an affected unit 
    is required to comply with emission reductions. Therefore, to enhance 
    the quality of quality assurance testing and the quality of emission 
    data during compliance, EPA and State and local agencies need the 
    opportunity to observe periodic RATAs. EPA notes that, during 
    certification testing, EPA personnel have observed and corrected 
    deviations from acceptable stack testing procedures. Based on these 
    observations during initial certification, EPA believes it is critical 
    for EPA, State, and local agency personnel to be able to observe 
    periodic RATAs in order to ensure the quality of monitored data for the 
    Acid Rain Program. Moreover, advance notification of the date of 
    periodic RATA testing allows the cost-effective use of agency resources 
    by coordinating auditing of monitor performance with regularly 
    scheduled quality assurance testing and by coordinating field 
    observations at multiple locations. If agency personnel were not to 
    observe periodic RATA testing, agencies would need to perform or 
    require performance of additional RATAs under the audit provisions of 
    section 2.4 of Appendix B of part 75. This would be more intrusive for 
    utilities, and more time-consuming and costly for both utilities and 
    agencies, than coordinating with periodic RATA testing.
        The Agency notes that it is relatively easy for a utility that 
    schedules testing to notify agencies of a known testing date. In fact, 
    it will take a utility roughly the same amount of time to respond to 
    EPA and State or local agency enquiries about testing dates as it takes 
    the utility to generate the short notice and mail it or to make a 
    telephone call. In contrast, it is relatively difficult, time-consuming 
    and intrusive for State or local air pollution control agencies or EPA 
    Regional Offices to contact each utility with Phase I and II affected 
    units to determine when testing will occur at each unit. EPA and State 
    or local agency personnel must call each utility, contact the 
    appropriate utility staff person, and discuss the scheduling 
        In addition, EPA is considering changes to the periodic RATA 
    notification provisions that would reduce the burden of reporting a 
    notification. Part of the paperwork burden could be eliminated by 
    removing the requirement that notifications be provided to the 
    Administrator (received by EPA's Acid Rain Division). In addition, a 
    State or local air pollution control agency or EPA regional office 
    could be allowed to waive the notification requirement. For example, a 
    State or local air pollution control agency or an EPA regional office 
    could decide that it would not observe a class of units (e.g., low-
    emitting gas-fired units). EPA is therefore considering allowing State 
    or local air pollution control agencies or EPA Regional Offices to 
    issue a utility a waiver from periodic RATA notification requirements 
    for some or all utility units within their respective States, air 
    quality districts or EPA regions until notifications are specifically 
    requested again. This would relieve utilities of some reporting burden, 
    while still ensuring that State or local agencies or EPA regional 
    offices would be able to observe RATA testing when they wished to do 
    so. Moreover, where a test needs to be rescheduled in less than seven 
    days, another option that would create greater flexibility for 
    utilities would be a shorter period of advance notification, such as 
    telephone, facsimile, or electronic mail notification on the day the 
    utility knows the rescheduled date of testing, which would be required 
    to be at least two days (48 hours) before the new date of testing. EPA 
    requests comment on these possible solutions.
        No other significant, adverse comments were received by EPA on the 
    direct final rule. Thus, all other provisions of the direct final rule 
    became final on July 17, 1995 and remain in effect.
        In addition, the EPA is correcting various errors found in the 
    direct final rule, as promulgated on May 17, 1995. These corrections 
    are technical. Most correct typographical errors; some reinstate 
    provisions that were inadvertently removed from the final regulations 
    originally promulgated on January 11, 1993 (58 FR 3590, 1993) when the 
    May 17, 1995 document was published.
        The rule provisions in this document either remove requirements 
    already incorporated in the May 17, 1995 notice or reinstate regulatory 
    requirements that were previously approved when the regulations were 
    originally issued on January 11, 1993. The requirements of Executive 
    Orders 12866 and 12875, the Regulatory Flexibility Act, the Unfunded 
    Mandates Act, and the Paperwork Reduction Act are therefore not 
    applicable to this action. All applicable administrative requirements 
    will be met when the proposed amendments are addressed in a future 
    final rule.
        For additional information, see the direct final rule. 60 FR 26510 
    (May 17, 1995).
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 75
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Carbon dioxide, 
    Continuous emission monitors, Electric utilities, Incorporation by 
    reference, Nitrogen oxides, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 
    Sulfur dioxide.
        Dated: April 30, 1996.
    Brian J. McLean,
    Director, Acid Rain Division.
    PART 75--[AMENDED]
        Part 75 of title 40, chapter I of the Code of Federal Regulations 
    is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 75 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7601 and 7651K.
        2. Section 75.14 is amended by revising paragraph (c) to read as 
    Sec. 75.14  Specific provisions for monitoring opacity.
    * * * * *
        (c) Gas-fired units. The owner or operator of an affected unit that 
    qualifies as gas-fired, as defined in Sec. 72.2 of this chapter, based 
    on information submitted by the designated representative in the 
    monitoring plan is exempt from the opacity monitoring requirements of 
    this part. Whenever a unit previously categorized as a gas-fired unit 
    is recategorized as another type of unit by changing its fuel mix, the 
    owner or operator shall install, operate, and certify a continuous 
    opacity monitoring system as required by paragraph (a) of this section 
    [[Page 25582]]
    December 31 of the following calendar year.
    * * * * *
        3. Section 75.15(b)(1) is amended by revising Equation 7 to read as 
    Sec. 75.15  Specific provisions for monitoring SO2 emissions 
    removal by qualifying Phase I technology.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (1) * * *
        Where, * * *
    * * * * *
    Sec. 75.16  [Amended]
        4. Section 75.16(a)(2)(ii)(A) is amended by adding the word ``in'' 
    between the phrases ``compensating units'' and ``accordance with part 
    Sec. 75.21  [Amended]
        5. Section 75.21 is amended by removing and reserving paragraph 
    Sec. 75.33  [Amended]
        6. Section 75.33(c)(5) is amended by revising the word ``proper'' 
    to read ``prior''.
        7. Section 75.50(a) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 75.50  General recordkeeping provisions.
        (a) Recordkeeping requirements for affected sources. The provisions 
    of this section shall remain in effect prior to January 1, 1996. The 
    owner or operator shall meet the requirements of either Secs. 75.50 or 
    75.54 prior to January 1, 1996. On or after January 1, 1996, the owner 
    or operator shall meet the requirements of Sec. 75.54 only. The owner 
    or operator of any affected source subject to the requirements of this 
    part shall maintain for each affected unit (or for each group of 
    affected or nonaffected units utilizing a common stack and common 
    monitoring systems pursuant to Sec. 75.16 through Sec. 75.18 of this 
    part (referred to hereafter as ``each affected unit'')) a file of all 
    measurements, data, reports, and other information required by this 
    part at the source in a form suitable for inspection for at least three 
    (3) years from the date of each record. This file shall contain the 
    following information:
        (1) The data and information required in paragraphs (b) through (f) 
    of this section;
        (2) The component data and information used to calculate values 
    required in paragraphs (b) through (f) of this section;
        (3) The current monitoring plan as specified in Sec. 75.53 of this 
    part; and
        (4) The quality control plan as described in Appendix B of this 
    * * * * *
    Sec. 75.61  [Amended]
        8.-9. Section 75.61 is amended by removing and reserving paragraph 
        10. Appendix A, Section is amended by adding the variables 
    for Equations A-1a and A-1b and note at the end of the section to read 
    as follows:
    Appendix A of Part 75--Specifications and Test Procedures [Amended]
    * * * * *  Maximum Potential Concentration
    * * * * *
    MPC=Maximum potential concentration (ppm, wet basis). (To convert to 
    dry basis, divide the MPC by 0.9.)
    %S=Maximum sulfur content of fuel to be fired, wet basis, weight 
    percent, as determined by ASTM D3177-89, ASTM D4239-85, ASTM D4294-90, 
    ASTM D1552-90, ASTM D129-91, or ASTM D2622-92 for solid or liquid fuels 
    (incorporated by reference under Sec. 75.6).
    GCV=Minimum gross calorific value of the fuel lot consistent with the 
    sulfur analysis (Btu/lb), as determined using ASTM D3176-89, ASTM D240-
    87 (Reapproved 1991), or ASTM D2015-91 (incorporated by reference under 
    Sec. 75.6).
    %O2w=Minimum oxygen concentration, percent wet basis, under normal 
    operating conditions.
    %CO2w=Maximum carbon dioxide concentration, percent wet basis, 
    under normal operating conditions.
    11.32 x 10\6\=Oxygen-based conversion factor in (Btu/lb)(ppm)/%.
    6.93 x 10\6\=Carbon dioxide-based conversion factor in (Btu/lb)(ppm)/%
        Note: All percent values to be inserted in the equations of this 
    section are to be expressed as a percentage, not a fractional value, 
    e.g., 3, not .03.
        11. Appendix A, Section 2.1.4 is amended by replacing the variable 
    ``Fd'' with the variable ``Fc'' in Equation A-3b to read as 
     * * * * *
    Appendix A--[Amended]
        12. Appendix A, Section 7.6.5 is amended by revising the first two 
    variable definitions for Equation A-11 to read as follows:
    7.6.5  Bias Adjustment
    * * * * *
    CEMiMonitor=Data (measurement) provided by the monitor at 
    time i.
    CEMiAdjusted=Data value, adjusted for bias, at time i.
    * * * * *
        13. Appendix A of part 75 is amended by adding Figures 1 through 4 
    at the end of Appendix A, to read as follows:
                                                                Figures for Appendix A of Part 75                                                           
                                                            Figure 1.--Linearity Error Determination                                                        
                       Day                       Date and time     Reference value     Monitor value        Difference         Percent of reference value   
    [[Page 25583]]
                                          Figure 2.--Relative Accuracy Determination (Pollutant Concentration Monitors)                                     
                                                                                 SO2 (ppmc)                                    CO2 (Pollutant) (ppmc)       
                         Run No.                        Date and  ---------------------------------------   Date and  --------------------------------------
                                                          time         RMa           Mb          Diff         time         RMa           Mb          Diff   
      Arithmetic Mean Difference (Eq. A-7). Confidence Coefficient (Eq. A-9). Relative Accuracy (Eq. A-                                                     
    a RM means ``reference method data.''                                                                                                                   
    [[Page 25584]]
    b M means ``monitor data.''                                                                                                                             
    c Make sure the RM and M data are on a consistent basis, either wet or dry.                                                                             
                                                   Figure 3.--Relative Accuracy Determination (Flow Monitors)                                               
                                                  Flow rate (Low) (scf/hr)*             Flow rate (Normal) (scf/hr)*             Flow rate (High) (scf/hr)* 
                 Run No.              Date and ------------------------------ Date and ------------------------------ Date and -----------------------------
                                        time       RM         M       Diff      time       RM         M       Diff      time       RM         M       Diff  
     Arithmetic Mean Difference (Eq. A-7). Confidence Coefficient (Eq. A-9). Relative                                                                       
                                   Accuracy (Eq. A-10).                                                                                                     
    * Make sure the RM and M data are on a consistent basis, either wet or dry.                                                                             
                        Figure 4.--Relative Accuracy Determination (NOX/Diluent Combined System)                    
                                           Reference method data                   NOX system (lb/mmBtu)            
         Run No.       Date and time -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         NOX(  )a         O2/CO2%           RM               M          Difference  
      Arithmetic Mean Difference (Eq. A-7). Confidence Coefficient                                                  
                (Eq. A-9). Relative Accuracy (Eq. A-10).                                                            
    a Specify units: ppm, lb/dscf, mg/dscm.                                                                         
    [[Page 25585]]
    Appendix D To Part 75--Optional SO2 Emissions Data Protocol for 
    Gas-Fired and Oil-Fired Units [Amended]
        14. Appendix D, section is amended by revising the phrase 
    ``bypass fuel'' to read ``backup fuel''.
        15. Appendix D, section is amended by revising the phrase 
    ``bypass fuel'' to read ``backup fuel''.
    Appendix F of Part 75--Conversion Procedures [Amended]
        16. Appendix F, section 3.4, Equation F-10 is amended by changing 
    the superscript in the sum from ``n'' to ``m'', to read as follows:
    * * * * *
        17. Appendix F, section 4.4.1 is amended by adding Equation F-14b 
    after the variables for Equation F-14a and before the variables for 
    Equation F-14b, to read as follows:
    * * * * *
    * * * * *
    Appendix F, Section 5.5.1--[Amended]
        18. Appendix F, Section 5.5.1 is amended by revising the last 
    variable for Equation F-19 from ``106'' to read ``106'' in the 
    definition for the variable.
    Appendix G of Part 75--Determination of CO2 Emissions [Amended]
    Appendix G, Section 4--[Amended]
        19. Appendix G, section 4 is amended by redesignating Equation G-7 
    as Equation G-8.
    [FR Doc. 96-12482 Filed 5-21-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Amendment to final rule; correction.
Document Number:
Effective date: The effective date of the amended rule provisions and corrections is May 22, 1996.
25580-25585 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
Supporting Documents:
» Acid Rain Program: Continuous Emissions Monitoring
» List of Questions froni January 6 Washington Implementation Conference and List of questions from ARD Implementation Conference in Chicago, IL, January 1993 [A-94-16 II-D-6]
» Interim Final Rule: CEM Rule Technical Revisions (Attachment B) [A-94-16 II-F-5]
» American Gas Association (AGA) Report No. 3 (ANSI/API 2530-92), Orifice Metering of Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon Fluids [A-94-16 II-A-11]
» Direct Final Rule: CEM Rule Technical Revisions (Attachment A) [A-94-16 II-F-4]
» Letter from Cheryl Newton, EPA, to William H. Sheppard, Electric Energy, Inc. 9/13/93 [A-94-16 II-D-24]
» Letter from C. Greenwood, ESC, to L. Kertcher, EPA/ARD 3/10/93 [A-94-16 II-D-10]
» Discussion Issues for TU Electric and EPA 12/4/92 [A-94-16 II-D-3]
» Letter from David Rengert, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation to Ann Zownir, USEPA, May 21, 1993 [A-94-16 II-D-16]
» Questions from Illinois Power [A-94-16 II-D-73]
CFR: (8)
40 CFR 75.6)
40 CFR 75.14
40 CFR 75.15
40 CFR 75.16
40 CFR 75.21
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