96-14902. Class Exemption for the Construction of Connecting Track and Rail Construction Under 49 U.S.C. 10901  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 115 (Thursday, June 13, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 29973-29975]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-14902]
    Surface Transportation Board
    49 CFR Part 1150
    [Ex Parte No. 392 (Sub-Nos. 2 and 3)]
    Class Exemption for the Construction of Connecting Track and Rail 
    Construction Under 49 U.S.C. 10901
    AGENCY: Surface Transportation Board.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Surface Transportation Board (the Board) grants final 
    approval to a class exemption for the construction and operation of 
    connecting railroad track in Ex Parte No. 392 (Sub-No. 2) and 
    terminates the Ex Parte No. 392 (Sub-No. 3) proceeding that proposed to 
    adopt a different class exemption for all rail construction projects 
    not covered by the connecting track exemption. Final regulations 
    establishing the exemption for connecting track are set forth below.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: July 13, 1996.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joseph Dettmar, (202) 927-5660. [TDD 
    for the hearing impaired: (202) 927-5721.]
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The exemption for the construction of 
    connecting track was initially proposed in Ex Parte No. 392 (Sub-No. 
    2). By decision served on September 15, 1992, and notice of proposed 
    rulemaking published in the Federal Register on September 16, 1992 (57 
    FR 42733), our predecessor agency, the Interstate Commerce Commission 
    (ICC), sought public comments on proposed changes to 49 CFR Part 1150 
    that would establish a class exemption for all rail construction, or, 
    alternatively, for construction of connecting railroad tracks. The 
    Board is adopting (with minor changes) the proposed class exemption for 
    the construction and operation of connecting tracks. We believe the 
    changes will facilitate expanded rail service and reduce regulatory 
    delay and also satisfy the requirements of the environmental laws, 
    because the exemption has been structured so as to assure that there 
    will be a full and timely environmental review in each case. We do not 
    believe a class exemption for other rail constructions is warranted. 
    Therefore, we will terminate the Ex Parte No. 392 (Sub-No. 3) 
    proceeding and simply continue our practice of expeditiously handling 
    individual construction exemption requests as an alternative to the 
    class exemption the ICC had proposed. Additional information is 
    contained in the Board's decision served on June 13, 1996. To purchase 
    a copy of the decision, write to, call, or pick up in person from: DC 
    News & Data, Inc., 1201 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room 2229, 
    Washington, D.C. 20423. (Assistance for the hearing impaired is 
    available through TDD service (202) 927-5721.)
    List of Subjects in 49 CFR Part 1150
        Administrative practice and procedure, Railroads.
        Decided: May 29, 1996.
        By the Board, Chairman Morgan, Vice Chairman Simmons, and 
    Commissioner Owen.
    Vernon A. Williams,
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, Title 49, Chapter X, 
    part 1150 is amended as set forth below:
        1. The authority citation for part 1150 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 553 and 559; 49 U.S.C. 701 note (sec. 204 of 
    the ICC Termination Act of 1995), 721(a), 10502, and 10901.
        2. A new Sec. 1150.36 is added to read as follows:
    [[Page 29974]]
    Sec. 1150.36   Exempt construction of connecting track.
        (a) Scope. This class exemption applies to proceedings involving 
    the construction and operation of connecting lines of railroad within 
    existing rail rights-of-way, or on land owned by connecting railroads, 
    under 49 U.S.C. 10901 (a), (b), and (c). (See the reference to 
    connecting track in 49 CFR 1105.6(b)(1).) This class exemption is 
    designed to expedite and facilitate connecting track construction while 
    ensuring full and timely environmental review. The Surface 
    Transportation Board (Board) has found that its prior review of 
    connecting track construction and operation is not necessary to carry 
    out the rail transportation policy of 49 U.S.C. 10101; that continued 
    regulation is not necessary to protect shippers from abuse of market 
    power; and that the construction of connecting track would be of 
    limited scope. See 49 U.S.C. 10502. To use this class exemption, a pre-
    filing notice, environmental report, historic report, and notice of 
    exemption must be filed that complies with the procedures in 
    Sec. 1150.36 (b) and (c), and the Board's environmental rules, codified 
    at 49 CFR part 1105.
        (b) Environmental requirements. The environmental regulations at 49 
    CFR part 1105 must be complied with fully. An environmental report 
    containing the information specified at 49 CFR 1105.7(e), as well as an 
    historic report containing the information specified at 49 CFR 
    1105.8(d), must be filed either before or at the same time as the 
    notice of exemption is filed. See 49 CFR 1105.7(a). The entity seeking 
    the exemption authority must also serve copies of the environmental 
    report on the agencies listed at 49 CFR 1105.7(b). Because the 
    environmental report must include a certification that appropriate 
    agencies have been consulted in its preparation (see 49 CFR 1105.7(c)), 
    parties should begin environmental and historic consultations well 
    before the notice of exemption is filed. Environmental requirements may 
    be waived or modified where a petitioner demonstrates in writing that 
    such action is appropriate. See 49 CFR 1105.10(c). It is to the 
    advantage of parties to consult with the Board's Section of 
    Environmental Analysis (SEA) at the earliest possible date to begin 
    environmental review.
        (c) Procedures and dates. (1) At least 20 days prior to the filing 
    of a notice of exemption with the Board, the party seeking the 
    exemption authority must notify in writing: the State Public Service 
    Commission, the State Department of Transportation (or equivalent 
    agency), and the State Clearinghouse (if there is no clearinghouse, the 
    State Environmental Protection Agency), of each State involved. The 
    pre-filing notice shall include: the name and address of the railroad 
    (or other entity proposing to construct the line) and the proposed 
    operator; a complete description of the proposed construction and 
    operation, including a map; an indication that the class exemption 
    procedure is being used; and the approximate date that construction is 
    proposed to begin. This pre-filing notice shall include a certification 
    that the petitioner will comply with the Board's environmental 
    regulations, codified at 49 CFR part 1105, and a statement that those 
    regulations generally require the Board to:
        (i) Prepare an environmental assessment (EA) (or environmental 
    impact statement (EIS) if necessary),
        (ii) Make the document (EA or EIS, as appropriate) available to the 
    parties (and to the public, upon request to SEA); and
        (iii) Accept for filing and consideration comments on the 
    environmental document as well as petitions for stay and 
        (2) Petitioner must file a verified notice of exemption with the 
    Board at least 90 days before the construction is proposed to begin. In 
    addition to the information contained in Sec. 1150.36(c)(1), the notice 
    shall include a statement certifying compliance with the environmental 
    rules at 49 CFR part 1105 and the pre-filing notice requirements of 49 
    CFR 1150.36(c)(1).
        (3) The Board, through the Director of the Office of Proceedings, 
    shall publish a notice in the Federal Register within 20 days after the 
    notice of exemption is received that describes the construction project 
    and invites comments. SEA will then prepare an EA (or, if necessary, an 
    EIS). The EA generally will be made available 15 days after the Federal 
    Register notice. It will be served on all parties and appropriate 
    agencies. Others may request a copy from SEA. The deadline for 
    submission of comments on the EA will generally be within 30 days of 
    its availability (see 49 CFR 1105.10(b)). If an EIS is prepared, the 
    time frames and procedures set forth in 49 CFR 1105.10(a) generally 
    will apply.
        (4) The Board's environmental document (together with any comments 
    and SEA's recommendations) shall be used in deciding whether to allow 
    the particular construction project to proceed under the class 
    exemption and whether to impose appropriate mitigating conditions upon 
    its use (including use of an environmentally preferable route). If the 
    Board concludes that a particular project will result in serious 
    adverse environmental consequences that cannot be adequately mitigated, 
    it may deny authority to proceed with the construction under the class 
    exemption (the ``no-build'' alternative). Persons believing that they 
    can show that the need for a particular line outweighs the adverse 
    environmental consequences can file an application for approval of the 
    proposed construction under 49 U.S.C. 10901.
        (5) No construction may begin until the Board has completed its 
    environmental review and issued a final decision.
        (6) Petitions to stay the effective date of the notice of exemption 
    on other than environmental and/or historic preservation grounds must 
    be filed within 10 days of the Federal Register publication. Petitions 
    to stay the effective date of the notice on environmental and/or 
    historic preservation grounds may be filed at any time but must be 
    filed sufficiently in advance of the effective date to allow the Board 
    to consider and act on the petition before the notice becomes 
    effective. Petitions for reconsideration must be filed within 20 days 
    of the Federal Register publication.
        (7) The exemption generally will be effective 70 days after 
    publication in the Federal Register, unless stayed. If the notice of 
    exemption contains false or misleading information, the exemption is 
    void ab initio and the Board shall summarily reject the exemption 
        (8) Where significant environmental issues have been raised or 
    discovered during the environmental review process, the Board shall 
    issue, on or before the effective date of the exemption, a final 
    decision allowing the exemption to become effective and imposing 
    appropriate mitigating conditions or taking other appropriate action 
    such as selecting the ``no build'' alternative.
        (9) Where there has been full environmental review and no 
    significant environmental issues have been raised or discovered, the 
    Board, through the Director of the Office of Proceedings, shall issue, 
    on or before the effective date of the exemption, a final decision 
    consisting of a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) to show that 
    the environmental record has been considered (see 49 CFR 1105.10(g)).
        (10) The Board, on its own motion or at the request of a party to 
    the case, will stay the effective date of individual notices of 
    exemption when an informed decision on environmental issues cannot be 
    made prior to the date that the exemption authority would otherwise 
    become effective. Stays will be granted initially for a period of 60 
    days to
    [[Page 29975]]
    permit resolution of environmental issues and issuance of a final 
    decision. The Board expects that this 60-day period will usually be 
    sufficient for these purposes unless preparation of an EIS is required. 
    If, however, environmental issues remain unresolved upon expiration of 
    this 60-day period, the Board, upon its own motion, or at the request 
    of a party to the case, will extend the stay, as necessary to permit 
    completion of environmental review and issuance of a final decision. 
    The Board's order will specify the duration of each extension of the 
    initial stay period. In cases requiring the preparation of an EIS, the 
    Board will extend the stay for a period sufficient to permit compliance 
    with the procedural guidelines established by the Board's environmental 
        (d) Third-Party Consultants. An environmental and historic report 
    required under 49 CFR 1105.7 and 1105.8 will not be required where a 
    petitioner engages a third-party consultant who is approved by SEA and 
    acts under SEA's direction and supervision in preparing the EA or EIS. 
    In such a case, the third-party consultant must act on behalf of the 
    Board, working under SEA's direction to collect the environmental 
    information that is needed and to compile it into a draft EA or EIS, 
    which is prepared under SEA's direction and then submitted to SEA for 
    its final review and approval. See 49 CFR 1105.10(d).
    [FR Doc. 96-14902 Filed 6-12-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4915-00-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Surface Transportation Board
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
July 13, 1996.
29973-29975 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Ex Parte No. 392 (Sub-Nos. 2 and 3)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
49 CFR 1150.36