96-14853. Miscellaneous Regulations Relating to Liquor (95R-039P)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 119 (Wednesday, June 19, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 31028-31035]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-14853]
    [[Page 31029]]
    Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
    27 CFR Part 24, 70, and 170
    [T.D. ATF 376]
    RIN 1512-AB44
    Miscellaneous Regulations Relating to Liquor (95R-039P)
    AGENCY: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), Department of 
    the Treasury.
    ACTION: Final rule, Treasury decision.
    SUMMARY: ATF is amending its regulations by transferring Subparts E and 
    O from 27 CFR Part 170 to 27 CFR Part 70, and redesignating these 
    regulations as Subparts F and G respectively within Part 70. 27 CFR 
    Part 170, Subpart E contains regulations which implement 26 U.S.C. 6423 
    relating to certain refunds or credits of tax on distilled spirits, 
    wines, and beer. Subpart O contains regulations which implement 26 
    U.S.C. 5064 relating to payments for losses of distilled spirits, 
    wines, and beer due to disaster, vandalism, or malicious mischief.
        ATF has also reviewed the regulations within 27 CFR Part 170, 
    Subpart E and determined that the bonding requirements provided for in 
    Secs. 170.94-170.99 are no longer needed. Consequently, these bonding 
    provisions have been eliminated.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: September 17, 1996.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Daniel J. Hiland, Wine, Beer and 
    Spirits Regulations Branch, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, 
    650 Massachusetts Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20226 (202-927-8210).
        On February 21, 1995, President Clinton announced a regulatory 
    reform initiative. As part of this initiative, each Federal agency was 
    instructed to conduct a page by page review of all agency regulations 
    to identify those which are obsolete or burdensome and those whose 
    goals could be better achieved through the private sector, self-
    regulation or state and local governments. In cases where the agency's 
    review disclosed regulations which should be revised or eliminated, the 
    agency would, as soon as possible, propose administrative changes to 
    its regulations.
        The page by page review of all regulations was completed as 
    directed by the President. In addition, on April 13, 1995 the Bureau 
    published a notice in the Federal Register requesting comments from the 
    public regarding which ATF regulations could be improved or eliminated. 
    As a result of both the Bureau's analysis of its regulations, and from 
    the public comments received, a number of regulatory initiatives were 
    developed which are intended to accomplish the President's goals.
    Transfer of Subparts E and O
        This Treasury decision implements one of the regulatory initiatives 
    identified by ATF personnel, the transfer of regulations found in 27 
    CFR Subparts E and O from Part 170 to 27 CFR Part 70.
        These two subparts were located within 27 CFR Part 170, which 
    contains miscellaneous regulations relating to liquor. The Bureau has 
    determined that the placement of this information in a miscellaneous 
    part within 27 CFR is not appropriate and not easily accessible to 
    persons seeking information regarding claims, refunds, and credits. The 
    Bureau has decided that since much of this type of information is 
    already located within Part 70, Procedures and Practices, it would be 
    more appropriate to transfer these two subparts to 27 CFR Part 70.
    Elimination of Bond
        This Treasury decision also eliminates a bonding requirement 
    relating to certain claims filed under 26 U.S.C. 6423. The regulations 
    at 27 CFR Part 170, Subpart E contain provisions whereby a claim, for 
    refund or credit of tax on articles which the claimant or owner has 
    neither sold nor contracted to sell at the time of filing of the claim 
    under 26 U.S.C. 6423, must be accompanied by a bond on Form 2490. ATF 
    has reviewed the background and legislative history surrounding Section 
    6423 and determined that this bonding provision is no longer needed in 
    the regulations.
        ATF finds that this bonding provision dates back to the passage of 
    Public Law 85-323 in 1958. At that time, the tax law required 
    distillers to remove distilled spirits from bond after a period of 
    eight years and pay the distilled spirits tax on the spirits so 
    removed. Distillers filed suit against the Government because they 
    considered this law unconstitutional. In addition, many distillers 
    filed claims for refund of taxes paid on spirits which they were 
    required to remove from bond.
        In response to these actions, Congress passed Public Law 85-323 
    which added Section 6423 to the Internal Revenue Code. The purpose of 
    this section was to prevent claimants from realizing a windfall gain 
    from the possible credit or refund of tax in those instances where 
    someone else bore the ultimate burden for the tax. The provisions of 
    Section 6423 set certain conditions for payment of such refunds or 
    credits. Generally, these provisions required that the claimant 
    establish that he bore the ultimate burden for the tax claimed. Section 
    6423 also provided that, where the taxed commodities had not yet been 
    sold, the claimant must agree not to shift the burden of the tax, or to 
    seek relief from it, and the Secretary could require filing of a bond 
    to guarantee compliance with this agreement. A bonding requirement was 
    incorporated into ATF's regulations.
        The bonding provision was intended to cover spirits which the 
    distiller withdrew from bond and taxpaid, but had not yet marketed. Any 
    person filing a claim for spirits which were not yet marketed was 
    required to provide a bond to ensure compliance with the agreement that 
    they would not also shift the tax burden for the spirits to another 
    person after the claim was filed.
        Ultimately, the court ruled in favor of the Government and the 
    claims filed by the various distillers were denied. See Schenley 
    Distillers, Inc. v. United States, 255 F.2d 334 (3rd Cir. 1958), cert. 
    denied, 358 U.S. 835 (1958). Later, the tax law was amended, and the 
    requirement to withdraw spirits from bond after eight years was 
    eliminated from the law.
        Under current law, it would be unusual for a claimant to file a 
    request for credit or refund on a product which had been taxpaid, but 
    not yet marketed, since products are generally sold immediately after 
    removal from bond. Since the circumstances which brought about this 
    bonding provision have changed, and the bond is not required by law, 
    ATF has decided to remove the bonding requirement from the regulations. 
    ATF has determined that elimination of the bonding requirement will not 
    jeopardize the revenue.
        The transfer of two subparts of regulations from 27 CFR Part 170 to 
    Part 70 affects references to refund and claim procedures found in 
    several sections of 27 CFR Part 24. Therefore, this Treasury decision 
    also makes minor technical amendments to 27 CFR Part 24 whereby 
    references to provisions formerly found in 27 CFR Part 170 will now 
    refer to 27 CFR Part 70.
    Executive Order 12866
        It has been determined that this final rule is not a significant 
    regulatory action as defined by Executive Order 12866.
    [[Page 31030]]
    Accordingly, this final rule is not subject to the analysis required by 
    this Executive Order.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility Act relating to a 
    final regulatory flexibility analysis (5 U.S.C. 604) are not applicable 
    to this final rule because the agency was not required to publish a 
    general notice of proposed rulemaking under 5 U.S.C. 553 or any other 
    law. A copy of this final rule has been submitted to the Administrator 
    of the Small Business Administration for comment on the impact of such 
    regulations on small business, pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 7805(f).
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        The provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, Pub. L. 96-
    511, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, and its implementing regulations, 5 CFR Part 
    1320, do not apply to this notice because no new requirement to collect 
    information is imposed. This final rule only transfers two Subparts 
    from 27 CFR Part 170 to 27 CFR Part 70.
    Administrative Procedure Act
        Because this final rule merely makes technical amendments and 
    conforming changes to improve the clarity of the regulations, it is 
    unnecessary to issue this final rule with notice and public procedure 
    under 553(b).
        Drafting Information: The principal author of this document is 
    Daniel J. Hiland, Wine, Beer and Spirits Regulations Branch, Bureau 
    of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
    List of Subjects
    27 CFR Part 24
        Administrative practice and procedure, Authority delegations, 
    Claims, Electronic fund transfers, Excise taxes, Exports, Food 
    additives, Fruit juices, Labeling, Liquors, Packaging and containers, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Research, Scientific 
    equipment, Spices and flavorings, Surety bonds, Taxpaid wine bottling 
    house, Transportation, Vinegar, Warehouses, Wine.
    27 CFR Part 70
        Administrative practice and procedure, Authority delegations, 
    Claims, Customs duties and inspection, Disaster assistance, Excise 
    taxes, Government employees, Law enforcement, Law enforcement officers.
    27 CFR Part 170
        Alcohol and alcoholic beverages, Authority delegations, Customs 
    duties and inspection, Labeling, Liquors, Penalties, Reporting 
    requirements, Wine.
        Chapter I of title 27, Code of Federal Regulations is amended as 
    PART 24--WINE
        Par. 1. The authority citation for part 24 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a); 26 U.S.C. 5001, 5008, 5041, 5042, 
    5044, 5061, 5062, 5081, 5111-5113, 5121, 5122, 5142, 5143, 5173, 
    5206, 5214, 5215, 5351, 5353, 5354, 5356, 5357, 5361, 5362, 5364-
    5373, 5381-5388, 5391, 5392, 5511, 5551, 5552, 5661, 5662, 5684, 
    6065, 6091, 6109, 6301, 6302, 6311, 6651, 6676, 7011, 7302, 7342, 
    7502, 7503, 7606, 7805, 7851; 31 U.S.C. 9301, 9303, 9304, 9306.
        Par. 2. Section 24.65(c) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 24.65   Claims for wine or spirits lost or destroyed in bond.
    * * * * *
        (c) Claim for abatement, credit or refund. A claim for an abatement 
    of an assessment under Sec. 24.61, or credit or refund of tax which has 
    been paid or determined, will be filed with the regional director 
    (compliance) in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph and 
    the provisions of 27 CFR part 70, subpart F. A claim filed under this 
    paragraph with respect to spirits, wine, or volatile fruit-flavor 
    concentrate, will set forth the applicable information required by 
    paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section. In addition, any claim filed 
    under this paragraph will set forth the following information:
        (1) The date of the assessment for which abatement is claimed; and
        (2) The name, registry number, and address of the premises where 
    the tax was assessed (or name, address, and title of any other person 
    who was assessed the tax, if the tax was not assessed against the 
    * * * * *
        Par. 3. Section 24.67 is amended by revising paragraphs (b) and (c) 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 24.67   Other Claims.
    * * * * *
        (b) Refund or credit of any tax imposed on wine or other liquors by 
    26 U.S.C. chapter 51, part I, subchapter A, on the grounds that an 
    amount of tax was assessed or collected erroneously, illegally, without 
    authority, or in any manner wrongfully, or on the grounds that the 
    amount was excessive, are contained in 27 CFR part 70 subpart F.
        (c) Payment of an amount equal to the internal revenue tax paid or 
    determined and customs duties paid on wines or other liquors previously 
    withdrawn, which are lost, rendered unmarketable, or condemned by a 
    duly authorized official as a result of
        (1) A major disaster,
        (2) Fire, flood, casualty, or other disaster, or
        (3) Breakage, destruction, or damage (excluding theft) resulting 
    from vandalism or malicious mischief, are found in 27 CFR part 70, 
    subpart G.
        Par. 4. Section 24.295(a) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 24.295   Return of unmerchantable wine to bond.
        (a) General. Wine produced in the United States which has been 
    taxpaid, removed from bonded wine premises, and subsequently determined 
    to be unmerchantable may be returned to bonded wine premises for 
    reconditioning, reformulation or destruction. The tax paid on United 
    States wine may, when such wine is returned to bond, be refunded or 
    credited, without interest, to the proprietor of the bonded wine 
    premises to which such wine is delivered. However, no tax paid on any 
    United States wine for which a claim has been or will be made under the 
    provisions of 27 CFR Part 70, subpart G will be refunded or credited. 
    If the tax on the United States wine has been determined but not paid, 
    the person liable for the tax may, when such wine is returned to bond, 
    be relieved of the liability. Claims for refund or credit, or relief 
    from tax paid or determined on United States wine returned to bond are 
    filed in accordance with Sec. 24.66.
    * * * * *
        Par. 5. The authority citation for part 70 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 552; 26 U.S.C. 4181, 4182, 5064, 
    5146, 5203, 5207, 5275, 5367, 5415, 5504, 5555, 5684(a), 5741, 
    5761(b), 6020, 6021, 6064, 6102, 6155, 6159, 6201, 6203, 6204, 6301, 
    6303, 6311, 6313, 6314, 6321, 6323, 6325, 6326, 6331-6343, 6401-
    6404, 6407, 6416, 6423, 6501-6503, 6511, 6513, 6514, 6532, 6601, 
    6602, 6611, 6621, 6622, 6651, 6653, 6656, 6657, 6658, 6665, 6671, 
    6672, 6701, 6723, 6801, 6862, 6863, 6901, 7011, 7101, 7102, 7121, 
    7122, 7207, 7209, 7214, 7304, 7401, 7403, 7406, 7423, 7424, 7425, 
    7426, 7429, 7430, 7432, 7502, 7503, 7505, 7506, 7513, 7601-7606, 
    7608-7610, 7622, 7623, 7653, 7805.
    70.610  Penalties.
        Par. 6. Section 70.1 is revised to read as follows:
    [[Page 31031]]
    Sec. 70.1  General.
        (a) The regulations in Subparts C, D, and E of this part set forth 
    the procedural and administrative rules of the Bureau of Alcohol, 
    Tobacco and Firearms for:
        (1) The issuance and enforcement of summonses, examination of books 
    of account and witnesses, administration of oaths, entry of premises 
    for examination of taxable objects, granting of rewards for 
    information, canvass of regions for taxable objects and persons, and 
    authority of ATF officers.
        (2) The use of commercial banks for payment of excise taxes imposed 
    by 26 U.S.C. Subtitles E and F.
        (3) The preparing or executing of returns; deposits; payment on 
    notice and demand; assessment; abatements, credits and refunds; 
    limitations on assessment; limitations on credit or refund; periods of 
    limitation in judicial proceedings; interest; additions to tax, 
    additional amounts, and assessable penalties; enforced collection 
    activities; authority for establishment, alteration, and distribution 
    of stamps, marks, or labels; jeopardy assessment of alcohol, tobacco, 
    and firearms taxes, and registration of persons paying a special tax.
        (4) Distilled spirits, wines, beer, tobacco products, cigarette 
    papers and tubes, firearms, ammunition, and explosives.
        (b) The regulations in Subpart F of this part relate to the 
    limitations imposed by 26 U.S.C. 6423, on the refund or credit of tax 
    paid or collected in respect to any article of a kind subject to a tax 
    imposed by Part I, Subchapter A of Chapter 51, I.R.C., or by any 
    corresponding provision of prior internal revenue laws.
        (c) The regulations in Subpart G of this part implement 26 U.S.C. 
    5064, which permits payments to be made by the United States for 
    amounts equal to the internal revenue taxes paid or determined and 
    customs duties paid on distilled spirits, wines, and beer, previously 
    withdrawn, that were lost, made unmarketable, or condemned by a duly 
    authorized official as a result of disaster, vandalism, or malicious 
    mischief. This subpart applies to disasters or other specified causes 
    of loss, occurring on or after February 1, 1979. This subpart does not 
    apply to distilled spirits, wines, and beer manufactured in Puerto Rico 
    and brought into the United States.
        Par. 7. Section 70.2 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 70.2  Forms prescribed.
        (a) The Director is authorized to prescribe all forms required by 
    this part. All of the information called for in each form shall be 
    furnished as indicated by the headings on the form and the instructions 
    on or pertaining to the form. In addition, information called for in 
    each form shall be furnished as required by this part.
        (b) Requests for forms should be mailed to the ATF Distribution 
    Center, P.O. Box 5950, Springfield, Virginia 22153-5950.
        Par. 8. Section 70.411 is amended by revising paragraph (c)(2) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 70.411  Imposition of taxes, qualification requirements, and 
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (2) Miscellaneous liquor transactions. Part 170 of 27 CFR contains 
    miscellaneous regulations relative to:
        (i) Manufacture, removal, and use of stills and condensers, and to 
    the notice, registration, and recordkeeping requirements therefor;
        (ii) Manufacture and sale of certain compounds, preparations, and 
    products containing alcohol;
    * * * * *
        Par. 9. Section 70.414 is amended by revising paragraphs (a) and 
    (g) to read as follows:
    Sec. 70.414  Preparation and filing of claims.
        (a) Distilled spirits at distilled spirits plants. Procedural 
    instructions in respect of claims for remission, abatement, credit, or 
    refund of tax on spirits (including denatured spirits) lost or 
    destroyed on or lost in transit to, or on spirits returned to, the 
    premises of a distilled spirits plant are contained in Part 19 of Title 
    27 CFR. It is not necessary to file a claim for credit of tax on 
    taxpaid samples taken by ATF officers from distilled spirits plants, as 
    the regional director (compliance) will allow credit, without claim, 
    for tax on such samples.
    * * * * *
        (g) Miscellaneous. Procedural instructions are contained in 27 CFR 
    Part 70, subparts F and G in respect of claims for--
        (1) Refund or credit of tax on distilled spirits, wines or beer 
    where such refund or credit is claimed on the grounds that tax was 
    assessed or collected erroneously, illegally, without authority, or in 
    any manner wrongfully, or on the grounds that such amount was 
    excessive, and where such refund or credit is subject to the 
    limitations imposed by section 6423 of the Internal Revenue Code.
        (2) Payment of an amount equal to the internal revenue tax paid or 
    determined and customs duties paid on distilled spirits, wines, 
    rectified products, and beer previously withdrawn, which were lost, 
    rendered unmarketable, or condemned by a duly authorized official by 
    reason of a major disaster occurring in the United States after June 
    30, 1959.
    * * * * *
        Par. 10. 27 CFR Part 70 is amended by adding Subpart F to read as 
    Subpart F--Application of Section 6423, Internal Revenue Code of 
    1954, as Amended, to Refund or Credit of Tax on Distilled Spirits, 
    Wines, and Beer
    70.501  Meaning of terms.
    70.502  Applicability to certain credits or refunds.
    70.503  Ultimate burden.
    70.504  Conditions to allowance of credit or refund.
    70.505  Requirements on persons intending to file claim.
    Claim Procedure
    70.506  Execution and filing of claim.
    70.507  Data to be shown in claim.
    70.508  Time for filing claim.
    70.509  Penalties.
    Subpart F--Application of Section 6423, Internal Revenue Code of 
    1954, as Amended, to Refund or Credit of Tax on Distilled Spirits, 
    Wines, and Beer
    Sec. 70.501  Meaning of terms.
        When used in this subpart, where not otherwise distinctly expressed 
    or manifestly incompatible with the intent thereof, terms shall have 
    the meaning ascribed in this section.
        Article. The commodity in respect to which the amount claimed was 
    paid or collected as a tax.
        Claimant. Any person who files a claim for a refund or credit of 
    tax under this subpart.
        District director of customs. The district director of customs at a 
    headquarters port of the district (except the district of New York, 
    N.Y.); the area directors of customs in the district of New York, N.Y.; 
    and the port director at a port not designated as a headquarters port.
        I.R.C. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
        Owner. A person who, by reason of a proprietary interest in the 
    article, furnished the amount claimed to the claimant for the purpose 
    of paying the tax.
        Person. An individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, 
    company, or corporation.
    [[Page 31032]]
        Tax. Any tax imposed by 26 U.S.C. 5001-5066, or by any 
    corresponding provision of prior internal revenue laws, and in the case 
    of any commodity of a kind subject to a tax under any such sections, 
    any tax equal to any such tax, any additional tax, or any floor stocks 
    tax. The term includes an extraction denominated a ``tax'', and any 
    penalty, addition to tax, additional amount, or interest applicable to 
    any such tax.
    Sec. 70.502  Applicability to certain credits or refunds.
        The provisions of this subpart apply only where the credit or 
    refund is claimed on the grounds that an amount of tax was assessed or 
    collected erroneously, illegally, without authority, or in any manner 
    wrongfully, or on the grounds that such amount was excessive. This 
    subpart does not apply to:
        (a) Any claim for drawback,
        (b) Any claim made in accordance with any law expressly providing 
    for credit or refund where an article is withdrawn from the market, 
    returned to bond, or lost or destroyed, and
        (c) Any claim based solely on errors in computation of the quantity 
    of an article subject to tax or on mathematical errors in computation 
    of the amount of the tax due, or to any claim in respect of tax 
    collected or paid on an article seized and forfeited, or destroyed, as 
    Sec. 70.503  Ultimate burden.
        For the purposes of this subpart, the claimant, or owner, shall be 
    treated as having borne the ultimate burden of an amount of tax only 
        (a) The claimant or owner has not, directly or indirectly, been 
    relieved of such burden or shifted such burden to any other person,
        (b) No understanding or agreement exists for any such relief or 
    shifting, and
        (c) If the claimant or owner has neither sold nor contracted to 
    sell the articles involved in such claim, such claimant or owner agrees 
    that there will be no such relief or shifting.
    Sec. 70.504  Conditions to allowance of credit or refund.
        No credit or refund to which this subpart is applicable shall be 
    allowed or made, pursuant to a court decision or otherwise, of any 
    amount paid or collected as a tax unless a claim therefor has been 
    filed, as provided in this subpart, by the person who paid the tax and 
    the claimant, in addition to establishing that such claimant is 
    otherwise legally entitled to credit or refund of the amount claimed, 
        (a) That the claimant bore the ultimate burden of the amount 
    claimed, or
        (b) That the claimant has unconditionally repaid the amount claimed 
    to the person who bore the ultimate burden of such amount, or
        (c) That:
        (1) the owner of the article furnished the claimant the amount 
    claimed for payment of the tax;
        (2) The claimant has filed with the regional director (compliance) 
    the written consent of such owner to the allowance to the claimant of 
    the credit or refund; and
        (3) Such owner satisfies the requirements of paragraph (a) or (b) 
    of this section.
    Sec. 70.505   Requirements on persons intending to file claim.
        Any person who, having paid the tax with respect to an article, 
    desires to claim refund or credit of any amount of such tax to which 
    the provisions of this subpart are applicable must:
        (a) File a claim, as provided in Sec. 70.506, and
        (b) Comply with any other provisions of law or regulations which 
    may apply to the claim.
    Claim Procedure
    Sec. 70.506   Execution and filing of claim.
        Claims to which this subpart is applicable shall be executed on 
    Form 2635 (5620.8) in accordance with the instructions on the form and 
    shall (except as hereinafter provided) be filed with the regional 
    director (compliance) for the region in which the tax was paid. (For 
    provisions relating to handcarried documents, see 27 CFR 70.304). 
    Claims for credit or refund of taxes collected by district directors of 
    customs, to which the provisions of section 6423, I.R.C., are 
    applicable and which Customs regulations (19 CFR Part 24--Customs 
    Financial and Accounting Procedure) require to be filed with the 
    regional director (compliance) of the region in which the claimant is 
    located, shall be executed and filed in accordance with applicable 
    Customs regulations and this subpart. The claim shall set forth each 
    ground upon which the claim is made in sufficient detail to apprise the 
    regional director (compliance) of the exact basis therefor. Allegations 
    pertaining to the bearing of the ultimate burden relate to additional 
    conditions which must be established for a claim to be allowed and are 
    not in themselves legal grounds for allowance of a claim. There shall 
    also be attached to the form and made part of the claim the supporting 
    data required by Sec. 70.507. All evidence relied upon in support of 
    such claim shall be clearly set forth and submitted with the claim.
    Sec. 70.507   Data to be shown in claim.
        Claims to which this subpart is applicable, in addition to the 
    requirements of Sec. 70.506 must set forth or contain the following:
        (a) A statement that the claimant paid the amount claimed as a 
    ``tax'' as defined in this subpart.
        (b) Full identification (by specific reference to the form number, 
    the date of filing, the place of filing, and the amount paid on the 
    basis of the particular form or return) of the tax forms or returns 
    covering the payments for which refund or credit is claimed.
        (c) The written consent of the owner to the allowance of the refund 
    or credit to the claimant (where the owner of the article in respect of 
    which the tax was paid furnished the claimant the amount claimed for 
    the purpose of paying the tax).
        (d) If the claimant (or owner, as the case may be) has neither sold 
    nor contracted to sell the articles involved in the claim, a statement 
    that the claimant (or owner, as the case may be) agrees not to shift, 
    directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever, the burden of the tax 
    to any other person.
        (e) If the claim is for refund of a floor stocks tax, or of an 
    amount resulting from an increase in rate of tax applicable to an 
    article, a statement as to whether the price of the article was 
    increased on or following the effective date of such floor stocks tax 
    or rate increase, and if so, the date of the increase, together with 
    full information as to the amount of such price increase.
        (f) Specific evidence (such as relevant records, invoices, or other 
    documents, or affidavits of individuals having personal knowledge of 
    pertinent facts) which will satisfactorily establish the conditions to 
    allowance set forth in Sec. 70.504.
        (g)The regional director (compliance) may require the claimant to 
    furnish as a part of the claim such additional information as may be 
    deemed necessary.
    Sec. 70.508   Time for filing claim.
        No credit or refund of any amount of tax to which the provisions of 
    this subpart apply shall be made unless the claimant files a claim 
    therefor within the time prescribed by law and in accordance with the 
    provisions of this subpart.
    Sec. 70.509   Penalties.
        It is an offense punishable by fine and imprisonment for anyone to 
    make or
    [[Page 31033]]
    cause to be made any false or fraudulent claim upon the United States, 
    or to make any false or fraudulent statements, or representations, in 
    support of any claim, or to falsely or fraudulently execute any 
    documents required by the provisions of the internal revenue laws, or 
    any regulations made in pursuance thereof.
        Par. 11. 27 CFR Part 70 is amended by adding Subpart G to read as 
    Subpart G--Losses Resulting From Disaster, Vandalism, or Malicious 
    70.601  Meaning of terms.
    70.602  Circumstances under which payment may be made.
    Claims Procedures
    70.603  Execution and filing of claims.
    70.604  Record of inventory to support claims.
    70.605  Claims related to imported, domestic and Virgin Island 
    70.606  Claimant to furnish proof.
    70.607  Supporting evidence.
    70.608  Action on claims.
    Destruction of Liquors
    70.609  Supervision.
    Subpart G--Losses Resulting From Disaster, Vandalism, or Malicious 
    Sec. 70.601   Meaning of Terms.
        When used in this subpart, terms are defined as follows in this 
    section. Words in the plural shall include the singular, and vice 
    versa, and words indicating the masculine gender shall include the 
    feminine. The terms ``includes'' and ``including'' do not exclude other 
    things not named which are in the same general class or are otherwise 
    within the scope of the term defined.
        Alcoholic liquors or liquors. Distilled spirits, wines, and beer 
    lost, made unmarketable, or condemned, as provided in this subpart.
        Beer. Beer, ale, porter, stout, and other similar fermented 
    beverages (including sake, or other similar products) of any name or 
    description containing one-half of 1 percent or more of alcohol by 
    volume on which the internal revenue tax has been paid or determined, 
    and if imported, on which duties have been paid.
        Claimant. The person who held the liquors for sale at the time of 
    the disaster or other specified cause of loss and who files a claim 
    under this subpart.
        Commissioner of Customs. The Commissioner of Customs, U.S. Customs 
    Service, the Department of the Treasury, Washington, DC.
        Distilled spirits, or spirits. Ethyl alcohol and other distillates 
    such as whisky, brandy, rum, gin, vodka, in any form (including all 
    dilutions and mixtures thereof, from whatever source or by whatever 
    process produced), on which the internal revenue tax has been paid or 
    determined and, if imported, on which duties have been paid.
        Duly authorized official. Any Federal, State or local government 
    official who is authorized to condemn liquors on which a claim is filed 
    under this subpart.
        Duty or duties. Any duty or duties paid under the customs laws of 
    the United States.
        Major Disaster. A flood, fire, hurricane, earthquake, storm, or 
    other catastrophe defined as a ``major disaster'' under the Disaster 
    Relief Act (42 U.S.C. 5122(2)), which occurs in any part of the United 
    States and which the President has determined causes sufficient damage 
    to warrant ``major disaster'' assistance under that Act.
        Region. A Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms region.
        Tax. (1) With respect to distilled spirits, ``tax'' means the 
    internal revenue tax that is paid or determined on spirits.
        (2) With respect to wines, ``tax'' means the internal revenue tax 
    that is paid or determined on the wine.
        (3) With respect to beer, ``tax'' means the internal revenue tax 
    that is paid or determined on the beer.
        United States. When used in a geographical sense includes only the 
    States and the District of Columbia.
        Wines. All still wines, effervescent wines, and flavored wines, on 
    which internal revenue wine tax has been paid or determined, and if 
    imported, on which duty has been paid.
    Sec. 70.602   Circumstances under which payment may be made.
        (a) Major disasters. The regional director (compliance) shall allow 
    payment (without interest) of an amount equal to the tax paid or 
    determined, and the Commissioner of Customs shall allow payment 
    (without interest) of an amount equal to the duty paid, on distilled 
    spirits, wines, and beer previously withdrawn, if the liquors are lost, 
    made unmarketable, or condemned by a duly authorized official as the 
    result of a major disaster (as defined in Sec. 70.601).
        (b) Other causes of loss--(1) Payment. The regional director 
    (compliance) shall allow payment (without interest) of an amount equal 
    to the tax paid or determined, and the Commissioner of Customs shall 
    allow payment (without interest) of an amount equal to the duty paid, 
    on distilled spirits, wines, and beer previously withdrawn, if the 
    liquors are lost, made unmarketable, or condemned by a duly authorized 
    official as a result of:
        (i) Fire, flood, casualty, or other disaster; or
        (ii) Breakage, destruction, or other damage (excluding theft) 
    resulting from vandalism or malicious mischief.
        (2) Minimum claim. No claim of less than $250 will be allowed for 
    losses resulting from any disaster or damage described in paragraph 
    (b)(1) of this section.
        (c) General. Payment under this section may be made only if:
        (1) The disaster or other specified cause of loss occurred in the 
    United States;
        (2) At the time of the disaster or other specified cause of loss, 
    the liquors were being held for sale by the claimant;
        (3) Refund or credit of the amount claimed, or any part of the 
    amount claimed, has not or will not be claimed for the same liquors 
    under any other law or regulations; and
        (4) The claimant was not indemnified by any valid claim of 
    insurance or otherwise for the tax and/or duty on the liquors covered 
    by the claim.
    Claims Procedures
    Sec. 70.603   Execution and filing of claim.
        (a) General. (1) Claims under this subpart shall be filed on Form 
    2635 (5620.8), in original only, with the regional director 
    (compliance) of the region in which the liquors were lost, became 
    unmarketable, or were condemned.
        (2) The claim shall include all the facts on which the claim is 
    based, and be accompanied by a record of inventory of the liquors lost, 
    made unmarketable, or condemned. (See Sec. 70.604.)
        (3) The claim shall contain a statement that no other claim for 
    refund or credit of the amount claimed, or for any part of the amount 
    claimed, has been or will be filed under any other law or regulations.
        (b) Major disasters. Claims for refund of tax and/or duty on 
    liquors which were lost, became unmarketable, or were condemned as a 
    result of a major disaster must be filed not later than 6 months from 
    the day on which the President determines that a major disaster has 
        (c) Other causes of loss. (1) Claims for amounts of $250 or more 
    for refund of
    [[Page 31034]]
    tax and/or duty on liquors which were lost, became unmarketable, or 
    were condemned as the result of:
        (i) Fire, flood, casualty, or other disaster; or
        (ii) Damage (excluding theft) resulting from vandalism or malicious 
    mischief, must be filed within 6 months after the date on which the 
    disaster or damage occurred.
        (2) Claims for amounts less than $250 will not be allowed.
    Sec. 70.604.   Record of inventory to support claims.
        (a) Claims relating to distilled spirits. The record of inventory 
    of distilled spirits lost, made unmarketable, or condemned, which is 
    required to support claims filed under Sec. 70.603, shall show the 
    following information:
        (1) Name and business address of claimant (as shown on claim, Form 
    2635 (5620.8)).
        (2) Address where the spirits were lost, became unmarketable, or 
    were condemned, if different from the business address.
        (3) Kind of spirits.
        (4) Brand name.
        (5) For full cases, show. (i) Number of cases;
        (ii) Serial numbers;
        (iii) Bottles per case;
        (iv) Size of bottles;
        (v) Wine gallons per case;
        (vi) Proof; and
        (vii) Proof gallons.
        (6) For bottles not in cases, show.
        (i) Total number;
        (ii) Size of bottles;
        (iii) Wine gallons;
        (iv) Proof; and
        (v) Total proof gallons.
        (7) Total proof gallons for all items.
        (b) Claims relating to wines. The record of inventory of wines 
    lost, made unmarketable, or condemned, which is required to support 
    claims filed under Sec. 70.603, shall show the following information:
        (1) Name and business address of claimant (as shown on claim, Form 
    2635 (5620.8)).
        (2) Address where the wines were lost, became unmarketable, or were 
    condemned, if different from the business address.
        (3) Kind of wine.
        (4) Percent of alcohol by volume.
        (5) Number of barrels or kegs.
        (6) Kind and number of other bulk containers.
        (7) Number of full cases and bottles per case.
        (8) Size of bottles.
        (9) Number of bottles not in cases and wine gallons.
        (10) Total wine gallons.
        (c) Claims relating to beer. The record of inventory of beer lost, 
    made unmarketable, or condemned, which is required to support claims 
    filed under Sec. 70.603, shall show the following information:
        (1) Name and business address of claimant (as shown on claim, Form 
    2635 (5620.8)).
        (2) Address where the beer was lost, became unmarketable, or was 
    condemned, if different from the business address.
        (3) Number and size of barrels.
        (4) For full cases, show. (i) Number of cases;
        (ii) Bottles or cans per case; and
        (iii) Size (in ounces) of bottles or cans.
        (5) Number and size of bottles and cans not in cases.
        (6) Quantity in terms of 31-gallon barrels.
        (7) Total quantity.
        (d) Special instructions. (1) Inventories of domestic liquors, 
    imported liquors, and liquors manufactured in the Virgin Islands shall 
    be reported separately.
        (2) Liquors manufactured in Puerto Rico may not be included in 
    claims filed under this subpart. Claims for losses of Puerto Rican 
    liquors shall be filed with the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto 
    Rico under the laws of Puerto Rico.
    Sec. 70.605   Claims relating to imported, domestic, and Virgin Islands 
        (a) Claims involving taxes on domestic liquors, imported liquors, 
    and liquors manufactured in the Virgin Islands must show the quantities 
    of each separately in the claim.
        (b) A separate claim on Form 2635 (5620.8) must be filed for 
    customs duties.
    Sec. 70.606   Claimant to furnish proof.
        The claimant shall furnish proof to the satisfaction of the 
    regional director (compliance) regarding the following:
        (a) That the tax on the liquors, or the tax and duty if imported, 
    was fully paid; or the tax, if not paid, was fully determined.
        (b) That the liquors were lost, made unmarketable, or condemned by 
    a duly authorized official, by reason of damage sustained as a result 
    of a disaster or other cause of loss specified in this subpart.
        (c) The type and date of occurrence of the disaster or other 
    specified cause of loss, and the location of the liquors at the time.
        (d) That the claimant was not indemnified by a valid claim of 
    insurance or otherwise for the tax, or tax and duty, on the liquors 
    covered by the claim.
        (e) That the claimant is entitled to payment under this subpart.
    Sec. 70.607   Supporting evidence.
        (a) The claimant shall support the claim with any evidence (such as 
    inventories, statements, invoices, bills, records, labels, formulas, 
    stamps) that is available to submit, relating to the quantities and 
    identities of the liquors, on which duty has been paid or tax has been 
    paid or determined, that were on hand at the time of the disaster or 
    other specified cause of loss and alleged to have been lost, made 
    unmarketable, or condemned as a result of it.
        (b) If the claim is for refund of duty, the claimant shall furnish, 
    if possible:
        (1) The customs number;
        (2) The date of entry; and
        (3) The name of the port of entry.
    Sec. 70.608   Action on claims.
        The regional director (compliance) shall date stamp and examine 
    each claim filed under this subpart and will determine the validity of 
    the claim. Claims and supporting data involving customs duties will be 
    forwarded to the Commissioner of Customs with a summary statement by 
    the regional director (compliance) regarding his or her findings.
    Destruction of Liquors
    Sec. 70.609   Supervision.
        When allowance has been made under this subpart for the tax and/or 
    duty on liquors condemned by a duly authorized official or made 
    unmarketable, the liquors shall be destroyed by suitable means under 
    supervision satisfactory to the regional director (compliance), unless 
    the liquors were previously destroyed under supervision satisfactory to 
    the regional director (compliance). The Commissioner of Customs will 
    notify the regional director (compliance) as to allowance under this 
    subpart of claims for duty on unmarketable or condemned liquors.
    Sec. 70.610   Penalties.
        (a) Penalties are provided in 26 U.S.C. 7206 for making any false 
    or fraudulent statement under the penalties of perjury in support of 
    any claim.
        (b) Penalties are provided in 26 U.S.C. 7207 for filing any false 
    or fraudulent document under this subpart.
        (c) All laws and regulations, including penalties, which apply to 
    internal revenue taxes on liquors shall, when appropriate, apply to 
    payments made under this subpart the same as if the payments were 
    actual refunds of internal taxes on liquors.
    [[Page 31035]]
        Par. 12. The authority citation for part 170 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 26 U.S.C. 5001, 5002, 5111, 5121, 5171, 5205, 5291, 
    5301, 5362, 7805; 31 U.S.C. 9304, 9306.
        Par. 13. Subpart E, Secs. 170.85-170.100 and Subpart O, 
    Secs. 170.301-170.311 are removed.
        Signed: May 7, 1996.
    Bradley A. Buckles,
    Acting Director.
        Approved: May 21, 1996.
    John P. Simpson,
    Deputy Assistant Secretary, Regulatory, Tariff & Trade Enforcement.
    [FR Doc. 96-14853 Filed 6-18-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4810-31-P

Document Information

Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau
Entry Type:
Final rule, Treasury decision.
Document Number:
September 17, 1996.
31028-31035 (8 pages)
Docket Numbers:
T.D. ATF 376
1512-AB44: Miscellaneous Regulations Relating to Liquor
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (26)
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