96-13521. Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Provider Appeals: Technical Amendments  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 122 (Monday, June 24, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 32346-32351]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-13521]
    [[Page 32347]]
    Health Care Financing Administration
    42 CFR Parts 405, 417, 431, 473, and 498
    Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Provider Appeals: Technical 
    AGENCY: Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), HHS.
    ACTION: Final rule with comment period.
    SUMMARY: This rule amends the HCFA regulations pertaining to appeals 
    procedures available to providers and suppliers dissatisfied with 
    determinations that affect their participation in Medicare or Medicaid.
        These are technical amendments that simplify, clarify, and update 
    existing rules without substantive change.
    DATES: Effective date: July 24, 1996.
        Comment date: August 23, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Please mail written comments (an original and three copies) 
    to the following address: Health Care Financing Administration, 
    Department of Health and Human Services, Attention: BPD-704-FC, P.O. 
    Box 26676, Baltimore, MD 21207,
        If you prefer, you may deliver your comments (original and three 
    copies) to either of the following addresses:
     Room 309-G, Hubert H. Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Avenue, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20201
    Room C5-09-26 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244-1850.
        Because of staffing and resource limitations, we cannot accept 
    comments by facsimile (FAX) transmission. In commenting, please refer 
    to file code BPD-704-FC. Comments received timely will be available for 
    public inspection as they are received, generally beginning 
    approximately 3 weeks after publication of the document, in Room 309-G 
    of the Department's offices at 200 Independence Avenue, SW., 
    Washington, DC, Monday through Friday of each week from 8:30 a.m. to 5 
    p.m. (phone: (202) 690-7890).
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Luisa V. Iglesias, (202) 690-6383.
    A. Background
        Part 498 of the HCFA regulations sets forth the rules for 
    administrative and judicial review of Federal determinations that 
    affect participation in Medicare and, in some instances, in Medicaid. 
    Part 431 of those regulations sets forth the appeals procedures for 
    State determinations that affect participation in Medicaid.
        A final rule identified as HSQ-156-F (Survey, Certification, and 
    Enforcement for Skilled Nursing Facilities and Nursing Facilities), 
    published on November 10, 1994 (59 FR 56116) amended both of those 
    parts. The changes made by HSQ-156-F implement statutory amendments 
    which provide that, for long-term care facilities with deficiencies, 
    the State must establish remedies to be imposed in lieu of, or in 
    addition to, termination of the facility's provider agreement.
    B. Provisions of This Rule
        This rule makes the following technical and editorial changes:
        1. Makes nomenclature changes throughout chapter IV to reflect the 
    fact that review of a hearing decision is now the responsibility of the 
    Departmental Appeals Board, not the Appeals Council.
        2. Simplifies and clarifies Secs. 431.151 and 431.153 of the 
    Medicaid appeals regulations, primarily by putting related content 
    together and by providing descriptive headings for more paragraphs and 
    paragraph subdivisions.
        3. Updates Sec. 498.1 (Statutory basis) to conform to changes in 
    the applicable statutory provisions (for example, section 1866(h) 
    rather than 1869(c), and section 1128A instead of previously specified 
    subsections of section 1866(b)(2)). This requires removal of paragraph 
    (e). Paragraph (f) is removed because there have been changes in 
    delegations of authority and, since those changes are likely to 
    continue, it is not possible to ensure that the paragraph could always 
    be kept up to date.
        4. Amends Sec. 498.2 (Definitions) to substitute a definition of 
    ``Departmental Appeals Board'' for the definition of ``Appeals 
    Council'', make the conforming nomenclature changes, and amend the 
    definition of ``provider'' to remove reference to ``a nursing facility 
    (NF) or intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded (ICF/
    MR)''. These Medicaid providers are not subject to all part 498 
    provisions and are appropriately covered in the Medicaid rules and as 
    indicated under items 6 and 7, below.
        5. Expands Sec. 498.3 (Scope and applicability) to identify and 
    give the location of other rules that make the part 498 provisions 
    applicable to certain determinations that do not affect participation 
    in Medicare.
        6. Amends Sec. 498.5 (Appeal rights) to specify the appeal rights 
    of NFs.
        7. Amends Secs. 498.60 (Conduct of hearing) and 498.61 (Evidence) 
    to make clear that limits on the scope of review in appeals from civil 
    money penalties affect the conduct of the hearing.
        8. Amends Sec. 498.74 (Administrative Law Judge's decision) to make 
    the nomenclature changes and to specify that, for civil money 
    penalties, judicial review must be sought in a United States Court of 
    Appeals (rather than in a United States District Court, as is the case 
    for other alternative sanctions).
        9. Revises Sec. 498.90 (Effect of Departmental Appeals Board 
    decision) to simplify and clarify the policy. This requires 
    reorganization and moving recently added content to a more appropriate 
    location, the section on appeal rights, specifically current paragraph 
    (c) and new paragraph (k) of Sec. 498.5.
    C. Waiver of Proposed Rulemaking
        The changes made by this rule are technical and editorial in 
    nature. They simplify, clarify, and update certain existing regulations 
    without substantive change. They have no impact on program costs.
        Accordingly, we find that prior notice and opportunity for public 
    comment are unnecessary and contrary to the public interest, and that, 
    therefore, there is good cause to waive proposed rulemaking procedures.
        However, as previously indicated, we will consider timely comments 
    from anyone who believes that, in making the technical and editorial 
    changes, we have unintentionally altered the substance. Although we 
    cannot respond to comments individually, if we change these rules as a 
    result of comments, we will discuss all timely comments in the preamble 
    to the revised rules.
    D. Paperwork Reduction Act
        This rule contains no information collection requirements subject 
    to review by the Office of Management and Budget under the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act.
    E. Regulatory Impact Statement
        Consistent with the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) and section 
    1102(b) of the Social Security Act, we prepare a regulatory flexibility 
    analysis for each regulation unless we can certify that the particular 
    regulation will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial 
    number of small entities, or a significant impact on the operation of a 
    substantial number of small rural hospitals.
        The RFA defines ``small entity'' as a small business, a nonprofit 
    enterprise, or a governmental jurisdiction (such as
    [[Page 32348]]
    a county, city, or township) with a population of less than 50,000. We 
    also consider all providers and suppliers of services to be small 
    entities. For purposes of section 1102(b) of the Act, we define small 
    rural hospital as a hospital that has fewer than 50 beds, and is not 
    located in a Metropolitan Statistical Area.
        We have not prepared a regulatory flexibility analysis because we 
    have determined, and we certify, that this rule will not have a 
    significant impact on a substantial number of small entities or a 
    significant impact on the operation of a substantial number of small 
    rural hospitals.
        In accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 12866, this 
    rule was not reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget.
    List of Subjects
    42 CFR Part 405
        Administrative practice and procedure, Health facilities, Health 
    professions, Kidney diseases, Medicare, Reporting and record keeping 
    requirements, Rural areas, X-rays
    42 CFR Part 417
        Administrative practice and procedure, Grant programs--health, 
    Health care, Health facilities Health insurance, Health maintenance 
    organizations(HMOs), Loan programs--health, Medicare, Reporting and 
    record keeping requirements.
    42 CFR Part 431
        Grant programs--health, Health facilities, Medicaid, Privacy, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    42 CFR Part 473
        Administrative practice and procedure, Health care, Health 
    professions, Peer review organizations,(PROs), Reporting and record 
    keeping requirements.
    42 CFR Part 498
        Administrative practice and procedure, Health facilities, Health 
    professions, Medicare, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        42 CFR Chapter IV is amended as set forth below.
        A. Part 405, subpart G is amended as set forth below.
        1. The authority citation for subpart G is revised to read as 
        Authority: Secs. 1102, 1155, 1869(b), 1871, 1872, and 1879 of 
    the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1302, 1320c-4, 1395ff(b), 1395hh, 
    1395ii, and 1395pp).
    Secs. 405.718a, 405.718c, 405.718e, 405.724, 405.730, 
    405.750  [Amended]
        2. In the following sections, ``Appeals Council'' is revised to 
    read ``Departmental Appeals Board'' each time it appears: Secs. 405.718 
    introductory text, 405.718a(b)(4), 405.718c(a)(2)(ii), 405.718e, 
    405.724, 405.730, and 405.750 heading and paragraph (b) introductory 
        B. Part 405, subpart H is amended as set forth below.
        1. The authority citation for subpart H continues to read as 
        Authority: Secs 1102, 1842(b)(3)(C), 1869(b), and 1871 of the 
    Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1302, 1395u(b)(3)(C), 1395ff(b), and 
    Sec. 405.815  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 405.815, ``Appeals Council'' is revised to read 
    ``Departmental Appeals Board''.
        C. Part 417 is amended as set forth below.
        1. The authority citation for part 417 continues to read as 
        Authority: Secs. 1102 and 1871 of the Social Security Act (42 
    U.S.C. 1302 and 1395hh), Title XIII of the Public Health Service Act 
    (42 U.S.C. 300e through 300e-17), and 31 U.S.C. 9701, unless 
    otherwise noted.
    Secs. 417.634, 417.636, 417.638, 417.830, 417.840  [Amended]
        2. In the following sections, ``Appeals Council'' is revised to 
    read ``Departmental Appeals Board'': Secs. 417.634 heading and text, 
    417.636 paragraphs (a)(1), and (b) heading and introductory text, 
    417.638, 417.830, and 417.840.
        D. Part 431 is amended as set forth below.
        1. The authority citation for part 431 continues to read as 
        Authority: Sec. 1102 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 
    Sec. 431.151  [Revised]
        2. Section 431.151 is revised to read as follows:
    Subpart D--Appeals Process
    Sec. 431.151  Scope and applicability.
        (a) General rules. This subpart sets forth the appeals procedures 
    that a State must make available as follows:
        (1) To a nursing facility (NF) that is dissatisfied with a State's 
    finding of noncompliance that has resulted in one of the following 
    adverse actions:
        (i) Denial or termination of its provider agreement.
        (ii) Imposition of a civil money penalty or other alternative 
        (2) To an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded 
    (ICF/MR) that is dissatisfied with a State's finding of noncompliance 
    that has resulted in the denial, termination, or nonrenewal of its 
    provider agreement.
        (b) Special rules. This subpart also sets forth the special rules 
    that apply in particular circumstances, the limitations on the grounds 
    for appeal, and the scope of review during a hearing.
    Sec. 431.152  [Amended]
        3. In Sec. 431.152, ``Secs. 431.153 through 431.154'' is revised to 
    read ``Secs. 431.153 and 431.154''.
        4. Section 431.153 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 431.153  Evidentiary hearing.
        (a) Right to hearing. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this 
    section, and subject to the provisions of paragraphs (c) through (j) of 
    this section, the State must give the facility a full evidentiary 
    hearing for any of the actions specified in Sec. 431.151.
        (b) Limit on grounds for appeal. The following are not subject to 
        (1) The choice of sanction or remedy.
        (2) The State monitoring remedy.
        (3) The loss of approval for a nurse-aide training program.
        (4) The level of noncompliance found by a State except when a 
    favorable final administrative review decision would affect the range 
    of civil money penalty amounts the State could collect.
        (c) Notice of deficiencies and impending remedies. The State must 
    give the facility a written notice that includes:
        (1) The basis for the decision; and
        (2) A statement of the deficiencies on which the decision was 
        (d) Request for hearing. The facility or its legal representative 
    or other authorized official must file written request for hearing 
    within 60 days of receipt of the notice of adverse action.
        (e) Special rules: Denial, termination or nonrenewal of provider 
    agreement. (1) Appeal by an ICF/MR. If an ICF/MR requests a hearing on 
    denial, termination, or nonrenewal of its provider agreement--
        (i) The evidentiary hearing must be completed either before, or 
    within 120 days after, the effective date of the adverse action; and
        (ii) If the hearing is made available only after the effective date 
    of the
    [[Page 32349]]
    action, the State must, before that date, offer the ICF/MR an informal 
    reconsideration that meets the requirements of Sec. 431.154.
        (2) Appeal by an NF. If an NF requests a hearing on the denial or 
    termination of its provider agreement, the request does not delay the 
    adverse action and the hearing need not be completed before the 
    effective date of the action.
        (f) Special rules: Imposition of remedies. If a State imposes a 
    civil money penalty or other remedies on an NF, the following rules 
        (1) Basic rule. Except as provided in paragraph (f)(2) of this 
    section (and notwithstanding any provision of State law), the State 
    must impose all remedies timely on the NF, even if the NF requests a 
        (2) Exception. The State may not collect a civil money penalty 
    until after the 60-day period for request of hearing has elapsed or, if 
    the NF requests a hearing, until issuance of a final administrative 
    decision that supports imposition of the penalty.
        (g) Special rules: Dually participating facilities. If an NF is 
    also participating or seeking to participate in Medicare as an SNF, and 
    the basis for the State's denial or termination of participation in 
    Medicaid is also a basis for denial or termination of participation in 
    Medicare, the State must advise the facility that--
        (1) The appeals procedures specified for Medicare facilities in 
    part 498 of this chapter apply; and
        (2) A final decision entered under the Medicare appeals procedures 
    is binding for both programs.
        (h) Special rules: Adverse action by HCFA. If HCFA finds that an NF 
    is not in substantial compliance and either terminates the NF's 
    Medicaid provider agreement or imposes alternative remedies on the NF 
    (because HCFA's findings and proposed remedies prevail over those of 
    the State in accordance with Sec. 488.452 of this chapter), the NF is 
    entitled only to the appeals procedures set forth in part 498 of this 
    chapter, instead of the procedures specified in this subpart.
        (i) Required elements of hearing. The hearing must include at least 
    the following:
        (1) Opportunity for the facility--
        (i) To appear before an impartial decision-maker to refute the 
    finding of noncompliance on which the adverse action was based;
        (ii) To be represented by counsel or other representative; and
        (iii) To be heard directly or through its representative, to call 
    witnesses, and to present documentary evidence.
        (2) A written decision by the impartial decision-maker, setting 
    forth the reasons for the decision and the evidence on which the 
    decision is based.
        (j) Limits on scope of review: Civil money penalty cases. In civil 
    money penalty cases--
        (1) The State's finding as to a NF's level of noncompliance must be 
    upheld unless it is clearly erroneous; and
        (2) The scope of review is as set forth in Sec. 488.438(e) of this 
    Sec. 431.154  [Amended]
        5. In Sec. 431.154, the following changes are made:
        a. Paragraph (a) and the designation ``(b)'' are removed.
        b. Paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) are redesignated as 
    paragraphs (a), (b), and (c), respectively.
        E. Part 473 is amended as set forth below.
        1. The authority citation for part 473 continues to read as 
        Authority: Secs. 1102 and 1871 of the Social Security Act (42 
    U.S.C. 1302 and 1395hh).
    Secs. 473.22, 473.46, 473.48  [Amended]
        2. In the following sections, ``Appeals Council'' is revised to 
    read ``Departmental Appeals Board'' each time it appears: 
    Secs. 473.22(b)(5), 473.46 heading and paragraphs (a) and (b), 473.48 
    paragraphs (b) heading and text, and (c).
        F. Part 498 is amended as set forth below.
        1. The authority citation for part 498 continues to read as 
        Authority: Secs. 1102 and 1871 of the Social Security Act (42 
    U.S.C. 1302 and 1395hh).
        2. Nomenclature change.
        a. In the following locations, ``Appeals Council'' is revised to 
    read ``Departmental Appeals Board'' wherever it appears:
        498.17 heading and paragraph (a).
        498.44 paragraphs (a), (b), and (c).
        498.76 heading.
        Subpart E heading.
        498.80 heading and text.
        498.82 heading and paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2).
        498.83 heading and paragraphs (a) and (c).
        498.85 heading and text.
        498.86 (a).
        498.88 heading and paragraph (a).
        Subpart F heading.
        498.100 paragraphs (a), (b)(1), and (b)(2).
        498.102 paragraphs (a) introductory text, and (b)(1), and (b)(2).
        498.103 paragraphs (a), (b)(1), and (b)(2) heading.
        b. In the following locations, ``Council'' is revised to read 
    ``Board'' wherever it appears:
        498.17 paragraph (b)(1).
        498.76 paragraphs (a) and (c).
        498.82 paragraph (a)(2).
        498.83 paragraph (b) introductory text and paragraphs (b)(4) and 
        498.86 paragraphs (a), (b), and (d).
        498.88 paragraphs (a) through (e) and paragraph (f) introductory 
    text and (f)(1)(i).
        498.95 paragraphs (a) through (c).
        498.100 heading and paragraph (a).
        498.102 paragraph (a)(2)(ii).
        498.103 paragraphs (a) and (b)(2).
        c. In Sec. 498.88(f)(1) introductory text and (f)(2), and in 
    Sec. 498.95(a), ``Council's'' is revised to read ``Board's''.
        d. In Sec. 498.17(b)(2), ``council'' is revised to read ``Board''.
    Sec. 498.1  [Amended]
        3. In Sec. 498.1, the following changes are made:
        a. In paragraph (a), ``1869(c)'' is revised to read ``1866(h)''.
        b. In paragraph (c), ``section'' is revised to read ``sections'', 
    the period is removed, and ``and section 1128(f) provides for hearing 
    and judicial review for exclusions.'' is added at the end.
        c. Paragraphs (e) and (f) are removed and reserved.
        d. Paragraphs (g) and (h) are revised, and paragraphs (i), (j) and 
    (k) are added, to read as set forth below.
    Sec. 498.1 Statutory basis.
    * * * * *
        (g) Although Sec. 1866(h) of the Act is silent regarding appeal 
    rights for suppliers and practitioners, the rules in this part include 
    procedures for review of determinations that affect those two groups.
        (h) Section 1128A(c)(2) of the Act provides that the Secretary may 
    not collect a civil money penalty until the affected entity has had 
    notice and opportunity for a hearing.
        (i) Section 1819(h) of the Act--
        (l) Provides that, for SNFs found to be out of compliance with the
    [[Page 32350]]
    requirements for participation, specified remedies may be imposed 
    instead of, or in addition to, termination of the facility's Medicare 
    provider agreement; and
        (2) Makes certain provisions of section 1128A of the Act applicable 
    to civil money penalties imposed on SNFs.
        (j) Section 1891(e) of the Act provides that, for home health 
    agencies (HHAs) found to be out of compliance with the conditions of 
    participation, specified remedies may be imposed instead of, or in 
    addition to, termination of the HHA's Medicare provider agreement.
        (k) Section 1891(f) of the Act--
        (1) Requires the Secretary to develop a range of such remedies; and
        (2) Makes certain provisions of section 1128A of the Act applicable 
    to civil money penalties imposed on HHAs.
    Sec. 498.2  [Amended]
        4. In Sec. 498.2, the following changes are made:
        a. The definition of ``Appeals Council'' is removed.
        b. A definition of ``Departmental Appeals Board'' is added, in 
    alphabetical order, to read as set forth below.
        c. In the definition of ``provider'', the words ``a nursing 
    facility (NF) or intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded 
    (ICF/MR)'' are removed.
    Sec. 498.2  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        Departmental Appeals Board or Board means a Board established in 
    the Office of the Secretary to provide impartial review of disputed 
    decisions made by the operating components of the Department.
    * * * * *
        5. In Sec. 498.3, the introductory text of paragraph (b) is 
    republished; paragraphs (a), (b)(4), (b)(7), (b)(8), (b)(12), (b)(13), 
    (d) introductory text and (d)(1) are revised, paragraphs (d)(10) 
    through (d)(12) are redesignated as paragraphs (d)(10)(i) through 
    (d)(10)(iii), newly designated paragraph (d)(10) is revised, a new 
    paragraph (d)(11) is added, and paragraphs (d)(13) and (d)(14) are 
    redesignated as paragraphs (d)(12) and (d)(13) respectively, to read as 
    Sec. 498.3  Scope and applicability.
        (a) Scope. (1) This part sets forth procedures for reviewing 
    initial determinations that HCFA makes with respect to the matters 
    specified in paragraph (b) of this section and that the OIG makes with 
    respect to the matters specified in paragraph (c) of this section.
        (2) The determinations listed in this section affect participation 
    in the Medicare program. Many of the procedures of this part also apply 
    to other determinations that do not affect participation in Medicare. 
    Examples are:
        (i) HCFA's determination to terminate an NF's Medicaid provider 
        (ii) HCFA's determination to cancel the approval of an intermediate 
    care facility for the mentally retarded (ICF/MR) under section 1910(b) 
    of the Act; and
        (iii) HCFA's determination, under the Clinical Laboratory 
    Improvement Act (CLIA), to impose alternative sanctions or to suspend, 
    limit, or revoke the certificate of a laboratory even though it does 
    not participate in Medicare.
        (3) The following parts of this chapter specify the applicability 
    of the provisions of this part 498 to sanctions or remedies imposed on 
    the indicated entities:
        (i) Part 431, subpart D--for nursing facilities (NFs).
        (ii) Part 488, subpart E (Sec. 488.330(e)--for SNFs and NFs.
        (iii) Part 493, subpart R (Sec. 493.1844)--for laboratories.
        (b) Initial determinations by HCFA. HCFA makes initial 
    determinations with respect to the following matters:
    * * * * *
        (4) Whether a prospective supplier meets the conditions for 
    coverage of its services as those conditions are set forth elsewhere in 
    this chapter.
    * * * * *
        (7) The termination of a provider agreement in accordance with 
    Sec. 489.53 of this chapter, or the termination of a rural health 
    clinic agreement in accordance with Sec. 405.2404 of this chapter, or 
    the termination of a Federally qualified health center agreement in 
    accordance with Sec. 405.2436 of this chapter.
        (8) HCFA's cancellation, under section 1910(b) of the Act, of an 
    ICF/MR's approval to participate in Medicaid.
    * * * * *
        (12) With respect to an SNF or NF, a finding of noncompliance that 
    results in the imposition of a remedy specified in Sec. 488.406 of this 
    chapter, except the State monitoring remedy, and the loss of the 
    approval for a nurse-aide training program.
        (13) The level of noncompliance found by HCFA in an SNF or NF but 
    only if a successful challenge on this issue would affect the range of 
    civil money penalty amounts that HCFA could collect. (The scope of 
    review during a hearing on imposition of a civil money penalty is set 
    forth in Sec. 488.438(e) of this chapter.)
    * * * * *
        (d) Administrative actions that are not initial determinations. 
    Administrative actions that are not initial determinations include but 
    are not limited to the following:
        (1) The finding that a provider or supplier determined to be in 
    compliance with the conditions or requirements for participation or for 
    coverage has deficiencies.
    * * * * *
        (10) With respect to an SNF or NF-(i) The finding that the SNF's or 
    NF's deficiencies pose immediate jeopardy to the health or safety of 
    its residents;
        (ii) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(13) of this section, a 
    determination by HCFA as to the facility's level of noncompliance; and
        (iii) The imposition of State monitoring or the loss of the 
    approval for a nurse-aide training program.
        (11) The choice of alternative sanction or remedy to be imposed on 
    a provider or supplier.
    * * * * *
        6. Section 498.5 is amended to revise paragraph (c) and to add a 
    new paragraph (k), to read as follows:
    Sec. 498.5  Appeal rights.
    * * * * *
        (c) Appeal rights of providers and prospective providers. Any 
    provider or prospective provider dissatisfied with a hearing decision 
    may request Departmental Appeals Board review, and has a right to seek 
    judicial review of the Board's decision.
    * * * * *
        (k) Appeal rights of NFs. Under the circumstances specified in 
    Sec. 431.153 (g) and (h) of this chapter, an NF has a right to a 
    hearing before an ALJ, to request Board review of the hearing decision, 
    and to seek judicial review of the Board's decision.
        7. Section 498.60 is amended to add a new paragraph (c), to read as 
    Sec. 498.60  Conduct of hearing.
    * * * * *
        (c) Scope of review: Civil money penalty. In civil money penalty 
        (1) The scope of review is as specified in Sec. 488.438(e) of this 
    chapter; and
        (2) HCFA's determination as to the level of noncompliance of an SNF 
    or NF must be upheld unless it is clearly erroneous.
    Sec. 498.61  [Amended]
        8. In Sec. 498.61, the designation ``(a)'' and paragraph (b) are 
    [[Page 32351]]
    Sec. 498.74   [Amended]
        9. In Sec. 498.74, the following changes are made:
        a. In paragraph (b)(1), ``within the stated time period'' is 
    revised to read ``within the time period specified in Sec. 498.82''.
        b. In paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3), ``Appeals Council'' is 
    revised to read ``Departmental Appeals Board'' in paragraphs (b)(1) and 
    (b)(4), ``Council'' revised to read ``Board'',
        c. In paragraph (b)(2), ``in a Federal district court;'' is revised 
    to read ``in a United States District Court or, in the case of a civil 
    money penalty, in a United States Court of Appeals;''.
        10. Section 498.90 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 498.90   Effect of Departmental Appeals Board Decision
        (a) General rule. The Board's decision is binding unless--
        (1) The affected party has a right to judicial review and timely 
    files a civil action in a United States District Court or, in the case 
    of a civil money penalty, in a United States Court of Appeals; or
        (2) The Board reopens and revises its decision in accordance with 
    Sec. 498.102.
        (b) Right to judicial review. Section 498.5 specifies the 
    circumstances under which an affected party has a right to seek 
    judicial review.
        (c) Special rules: Civil money penalty.
        (1) Finality of Board's decision. When HCFA imposes a civil money 
    penalty, notice of the Board's decision (or denial of review) is the 
    final administrative action that initiates the 60-day period for 
    seeking judicial review.
        (2) Timing for collection of civil money penalty. For SNFs and NFs, 
    the rules that apply are those set forth in subpart F of part 488 of 
    this chapter.
    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program No. 93.778, Medical 
    Assistance; Program No. 93.773, Medicare--Hospital Insurance; 
    Program No. 93.774, Medicare--Supplementary Medical Insurance)
        Dated: May 16, 1996.
    Bruce C. Vladeck,
    Administrator, Health Care Financing Administration.
    [FR Doc. 96-13521 Filed 6-21-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4120-01-P

Document Information

Health Care Finance Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule with comment period.
Document Number:
32346-32351 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (17)
42 CFR 498.95(a)
42 CFR 405.815
42 CFR 431.151
42 CFR 431.152
42 CFR 431.153
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