96-16660. Fisheries of the Northeastern United States  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 129 (Wednesday, July 3, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 34966-35011]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-16660]
    [[Page 34965]]
    Part III
    Department of Commerce
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    15 CFR Part 902
    50 CFR Part 625, et al.
    Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 129 / Wednesday, July 3, 1996 / Rules 
    and Regulations
    [[Page 34966]]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    15 CFR Part 902
    50 CFR Parts 625, 648, 650, 651, 652, 655, and 657
    [Docket No. 960612172-6172-01; I.D. 051096C]
    RIN 0648-AI21
    Fisheries of the Northeastern United States
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: NMFS is consolidating six CFR parts governing the marine 
    fisheries of the Northeast region into one new CFR part. The new part 
    contains regulations implementing the fishery management plans (FMPs) 
    for: summer flounder; Atlantic sea scallops; Northeast multispecies; 
    Atlantic surf clams and ocean quahogs; Atlantic mackerel, squid, and 
    butterfish; and Atlantic salmon and implementing management measures 
    for scup. This final rule reorganizes the FMPs' and scup management 
    measures into a more logical and cohesive order, removes duplicative 
    and outdated provisions, and makes technical and editorial changes to 
    improve readability and clarity, to achieve uniformity in regulatory 
    language, and to correct errors in the existing regulations. This final 
    rule also amends references to Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) 
    information collection requirements to reflect the consolidation. The 
    purpose of this final rule is to make the regulations more concise, 
    better organized, and thereby easier for the public to use. This action 
    is part of the President's Regulatory Reinvention Initiative.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 1996, except for paragraphs (a)(78), (k), and 
    (l) of Sec. 648.14, and subpart H of part 648 (Secs. 648.124--648.125), 
    which are effective from July 1, through September 29, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Comments regarding burden-hour estimates for collection-of-
    information requirements contained in this rule should be sent to Dr. 
    Andrew A. Rosenberg, Regional Director, 1 Blackburn Drive, Gloucester, 
    MA 01930 and the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office 
    of Management and Budget (OMB), Washington, D.C. 20503 (Attention: NOAA 
    Desk Officer).
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Patricia A. Kurkul, NMFS, 508-281-
        In March 1995, President Clinton issued a directive to Federal 
    agencies regarding their responsibilities under his Regulatory 
    Reinvention Initiative. This initiative is part of the National 
    Performance Review and calls for comprehensive regulatory reform. The 
    President directed all agencies to undertake a review of all their 
    regulations, with an emphasis on eliminating or modifying those that 
    are obsolete, duplicative, or otherwise in need of reform. This final 
    rule is intended to carry out the President's directive with respect to 
    those regulations implementing Northeast region FMPs and management 
    measures for scup.
        Currently, regulations implementing the FMPs for the Northeast 
    fisheries are contained in six separate CFR parts (50 CFR parts 625, 
    650, 651, 652, 655, and 657). NMFS, through this rulemaking, removes 
    those six parts and consolidates the regulations contained therein into 
    one new part (50 CFR part 648). This consolidated regulation provides 
    the public with a single reference source for Federal fisheries 
    regulations specific to the Northeast region. The restructuring of six 
    parts into a single part results in one set of regulations that is more 
    concise, clearer, and easier to use than six separate parts. General 
    regulations pertaining to all fisheries and regulations pertaining to 
    foreign fisheries have been consolidated and restructured in new 50 CFR 
    part 600 by earlier rulemaking.
        The summer flounder fishery in the Northwest Atlantic is managed 
    jointly by NMFS and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission 
    (Commission) under the FMP for the summer flounder fishery, which is 
    implemented by regulations formerly at 50 CFR part 625. This FMP was 
    prepared by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) in 
    cooperation with Commission and the New England Fishery Management 
    Council (NEFMC) and the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council 
    (SAFMC). NMFS manages the harvest of sea scallops under the FMP for the 
    Atlantic sea scallop fishery, which is implemented through regulations 
    formerly at 50 CFR part 650. The Northeast multispecies fishery is 
    managed by NMFS under regulations implementing the FMP for the 
    Northeast multispecies fishery formerly at 50 CFR part 651. The FMPs 
    for the Atlantic sea scallop fishery and the Northeast multispecies 
    fisheries were prepared by the NEFMC, in consultation with the MAFMC 
    (multispecies and scallops) and the SAFMC (scallops). Atlantic surf 
    clam and ocean quahog fisheries are managed by NMFS under regulations 
    implementing the FMP for the Atlantic surf clam and ocean quahog 
    fisheries formerly at 50 CFR part 652. This FMP was prepared by the 
    MAFMC in consultation with the NEFMC. Atlantic mackerel, squid, and 
    butterfish fisheries are managed by NMFS under the FMP for the Atlantic 
    mackerel, squid, and butterfish fisheries of the Northwest Atlantic 
    Ocean, which is implemented by regulations formerly at 50 CFR part 655. 
    The regulations governing fishing for Atlantic mackerel, squid, and 
    butterfish by vessels other than vessels of the United States are 
    contained in 50 CFR part 600. This FMP was prepared by the MAFMC. The 
    Atlantic salmon fishery is managed by NMFS under the FMP for Atlantic 
    salmon, which is implemented by regulations formerly at 50 CFR part 
    657. This FMP was prepared by the NEFMC.
        All of these FMPs were prepared under the authority of the Magnuson 
    Fishery Conservation and Management Act.
        The MAFMC recently submitted to NMFS Amendment 8 to the FMP for the 
    summer flounder fishery. That amendment would include scup in the 
    management unit of the FMP. The MAFMC requested NMFS to impose 
    management measures for scup on an emergency interim basis pending its 
    requested approval and implementation of Amendment 8. The emergency 
    measures imposed by NMFS formerly appeared at 50 CFR part 625.
        In new part 648, portions of the existing regulations that contain 
    identical or nearly identical provisions have been combined and 
    restructured into similar measures. Paragraph headings have been added 
    for ease in identifying measures, and regulatory language has been 
    revised to make needed technical changes and corrections and to improve 
    clarity and consistency.
        Section 3507(c)(B)(i) of the PRA requires that agencies inventory 
    and display a current control number assigned by the Director, OMB, for 
    each agency information collection. Section 902.1(b) of 15 CFR 
    identifies the location of NOAA regulations for which OMB approval 
    numbers have been issued. Because this final rule recodifies many 
    recordkeeping and reporting requirements, it also revises section 
    902.1(b) to reference correctly the new
    [[Page 34967]]
    sections resulting from the consolidation.
        This action has been determined to be not significant for purposes 
    of E.O. 12866.
        Because this rule makes only nonsubstantive and technical changes 
    to existing regulations, no useful purpose would be served by providing 
    advance notice and opportunity for public comment. Accordingly, the 
    Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, NOAA, under 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B), 
    for good cause finds that providing notice and opportunity for public 
    comment is unnecessary. To the extent that the technical changes made 
    by this rule are nonsubstantive, they are not subject to a 30-day delay 
    in effective date under 5 U.S.C. 553(d). To the extent that the 
    technical changes made by this rule are substantive, the Assistant 
    Administrator, under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3), for good cause finds that it 
    is impracticable, unnecessary, and contrary to the public interest to 
    delay their effective date for 30 days. The technical changes do not 
    require any changes in the conduct of fishery participants and thus a 
    30-day delay in effective date is unnecessary. Further to delay their 
    effectiveness would make it extremely difficult for the affected public 
    to use and understand the regulations and, thus, such a delay would be 
    impracticable and contrary to the public interest.
        Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required 
    to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure 
    to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements 
    of the PRA, unless that collection of information displays a currently 
    valid OMB Control Number.
        The following collection-of-information requirements for Northeast 
    fisheries have been approved by OMB:
        (a) Approved under 0648-0018--Processed Products Family of Forms--
    (1) Fishery products: Fish meal oil = 9.6 min/response; (2) fishery 
    products U.S Processors and wholesalers: 3.5 min/response; (3) small 
    processors = 6.6 min/response; (4) large processors = 3.85 min/
    response; and (5) additional responses in mandatory fisheries = 6.6 
        (b) Approved under 0648-0202--Northeast Permit Family of Forms--(1) 
    Vessel permit (initial) = 30 min/response; (2) vessel permit (renewal) 
    5 min/response; (3) appeal permit denial = 30 min/response; (4) 
    operator permit = 1 hr/response; (5) dealer permit = 5 min/response; 
    (6) observer deployments 2 min/response; (7) experimental fishing 
    exemption = 1.9 hr/response; and (8) vessel identification = 45 min/
        (c) Approved under 0648-0212--Vessel Logbooks--(1) Vessel log = 5 
    min/response; (2) shellfish log = 12.5 min/response; and (3) pound net 
    log = 15 min/response.
        (d) Approved under 0648-0229--Dealer Purchase Reports = 2 min/
        (e) Approved under 0648-0235--Survey of Intent and Capacity--
    Written response = 15 min/response; phone = 5 min/response.
        (f) Approved under 0648-0238--ITQ Allocation Transfer Request = 5 
        (g) Approved under 0648-0240--Application to Shuck at Sea = 5 min/
        (h) Approved under 0648-0305--Gear Identification Requirements = 1 
        (i) Approved under 0648-0306--Vessel Identification Requirements = 
    45 min/response.
        (j) Approved under 0648-0307--Vessel Monitoring and Communications 
    Requirements (VTS) = 5 sec/response.
        The estimated response times include the time needed for reviewing 
    instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and 
    maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the 
    collection of information. Send comments regarding burden estimates, or 
    any other aspect of these data collections, including suggestions for 
    reducing the burden, to NMFS and OMB (see ADDRESSES).
    List of Subjects
    15 CFR Part 902
        Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    50 CFR Parts 625, 648, and 651
        Fisheries, Fishing, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    50 CFR Parts 650, 652, and 655
        Fisheries, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    50 CFR Part 657
        Fisheries, Fishing.
        Dated: June 24, 1996.
    Gary Matlock,
    Program Management Officer, National Marine Fisheries Service.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 15 CFR chapter IX and, 
    under the authority of 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.,  50 CFR chapter VI are 
    amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 902 continues to read as 
        Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
        2. In Sec. 902.1, paragraph (b) the table is amended by removing in 
    the left column under 50 CFR, the entries ``625.4'', ``625.5'', 
    ``625.6'', ``625.7'', ``625.20'', ``625.27'', ``650.4'', ``650.5'', 
    ``650.6'', ``650.7'', ``650.8'', ``650.24'', ``650.25'', ``650.26'', 
    ``650.28'', ``651.4'', ``651.5'', ``651.6'', ``651.7'', ``651.8'', 
    ``651.20'', ``651.21'', ``651.22'', ``651.25'', ``651.28'', ``651.29'', 
    ``652.4'', ``652.5'', ``652.6'', ``652.7'', ``652.9'', ``652.20'', 
    ``652.24'', ``655.4'' and 655.6'', and in the right column, in 
    corresponding positions, the control numbers; and by adding, in 
    numerical order, the following entries to read as follows:
    Sec. 902.1  OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        CFR part or section where the                                       
     information collection requirement     Current OMB control number (all 
                 is located                    numbers begin with 0648-)    
                      *        *        *        *        *                 
    50 CFR                                                                  
                      *        *        *        *        *                 
    648.4...............................  -0202, -0212                      
    648.5...............................  -0202                             
    648.6...............................  -0202                             
    648.7...............................  -0018, -0212 and -0229            
    648.8...............................  -0306, -0229                      
    648.9...............................  -0202 and -0307                   
    648.10..............................  -0202                             
    648.11..............................  -0202                             
    648.15..............................  -0202                             
    648.53..............................  -0202                             
    648.70..............................  -0238                             
    648.74..............................  -0240                             
    648.80..............................  -0202                             
    648.81..............................  -0202                             
    648.82..............................  -0202                             
    648.84..............................  -0305                             
    648.100.............................  -0202                             
    648.106.............................  -0202                             
    * * * * *
        3. Part 648 is added effective July 1, 1996, except for paragraphs 
    (a)(78), (k), and (l) of Sec. 648.14 and subpart H (Secs. 648.124--
    648.125), which are effective from July 1, through September 29, 1996, 
    to read as follows:
    [[Page 34968]]
    Subpart A--General Provisions
    648.1  Purpose and scope.
    648.2  Definitions.
    648.3  Relation to other laws.
    648.4  Vessel permits.
    648.5  Operator permits.
    648.6  Dealer/processor permits.
    648.7  Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
    648.8  Vessel identification.
    648.9  VTS requirements.
    648.10  DAS notification requirements.
    648.11  At-sea sea sampler/observer coverage.
    648.12  Experimental fishing.
    648.13  Transfers at sea.
    648.14  Prohibitions.
    648.15  Facilitation of enforcement.
    648.16  Penalties.
    Subpart B--Management Measures for the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, 
    and Butterfish Fisheries
    648.20  Maximum OYs.
    648.21  Procedures for determining initial annual amounts.
    648.22  Closure of the fishery.
    648.23  Gear restrictions.
    Subpart C--Management Measures for Atlantic Salmon
    648.40  Prohibition on possession.
    Subpart D-- Management Measures for the Atlantic Sea Scallop 
    648.50  Shell-height standard.
    648.51  Gear and crew restrictions.
    648.52  Possession restrictions.
    648.53  DAS allocations.
    648.54  State waters exemption.
    648.55  Framework adjustments to management measures.
    Subpart E--Management Measures for the Atlantic Surf Clam and Ocean 
    Quahog Fisheries
    648.70  Annual individual allocations.
    648.71  Catch quotas.
    648.72  Minimum surf clam size.
    648.73  Closed areas.
    648.74  Shucking at sea.
    648.75  Cage identification.
    Subpart F--Management Measures for the NE Multispecies Fishery
    648.80  Regulated mesh areas and restrictions on gear and methods of 
    648.81  Closed areas.
    648.82  Effort-control program for limited access vessels.
    648.83  Minimum fish sizes.
    648.84  Gear-marking requirements and gear restrictions.
    648.85  Flexible Area Action System.
    648.86  Possession restrictions.
    648.87  Sink gillnet requirements to reduce harbor porpoise takes.
    648.88  Open access permit restrictions.
    648.89  Recreational and charter/party restrictions.
    648.90  Framework specifications.
    Subpart G--Management Measures for the Summer Flounder Fishery
    648.100  Catch quotas and other restrictions.
    648.101  Closures.
    648.102  Time restrictions.
    648.103  Minimum fish sizes.
    648.104  Gear restrictions.
    648.105  Possession restrictions.
    648.106  Sea turtle conservation.
    Subpart H--Management Measures for the Scup Fishery
    648.124  Gear restrictions.
    648.125  Minimum fish sizes.
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
    Subpart A--General Provisions
    Sec. 648.1  Purpose and scope.
        (a) This part implements the fishery management plans for the 
    Atlantic mackerel, squid, and butterfish fisheries (Atlantic Mackerel, 
    Squid, and Butterfish FMP); Atlantic salmon (Atlantic Salmon FMP); the 
    Atlantic sea scallop fishery (Atlantic Sea Scallop FMP (Scallop FMP)); 
    the Atlantic surf clam and ocean quahog fisheries (Atlantic Surf Clam 
    and Ocean Quahog FMP); the Northeast multispecies fishery (NE 
    Multispecies FMP); and the summer flounder fishery (Summer Flounder 
    FMP). These FMPs and the regulations in this part govern the 
    conservation and management of fisheries of the northeastern United 
        (b) This part governs domestic fishing only. Foreign fishing is 
    governed under subpart F of part 600 of this chapter.
    Sec. 648.2  Definitions.
        In addition to the definitions in the Magnuson Act and in 
    Sec. 600.10 of this chapter, the terms used in this part have the 
    following meanings:
        Alewife means Alosa pseudoharengus.
        American lobster or lobster means Homarus americanus.
        American shad means Alosa sapidissima.
        Atlantic butterfish or butterfish means Peprilus triacanthus.
        Atlantic croaker means Micropogonias undulatus.
        Atlantic mackerel or mackerel means Scomber scombrus.
        Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Monitoring Committee means 
    the committee made up of staff representatives of the MAFMC and the 
    NEFMC, and the Northeast Regional Office and NEFSC of NMFS. The MAFMC 
    Executive Director or a designee chairs the Committee.
        Atlantic salmon means Salmo salar.
        Atlantic sea scallop or scallop means Placopecten magellanicus, 
    throughout its range.
        Black sea bass means Centropristis striata.
        Blowfish (puffer) means any species in the family Tetraodontidae.
        Bluefish means Pomotomus saltatrix.
        Bushel (bu) means a standard unit of volumetric measurement deemed 
    to hold 1.88 ft\3\ (53.24 L) of surf clams or ocean quahogs in the 
        Cage means a container with a standard unit of volumetric 
    measurement containing 60 ft\3\ (1,700 L). The outside dimensions of a 
    standard cage generally are 3 ft (91 cm) wide, 4 ft (122 cm) long, and 
    5 ft (152 cm) high.
        Chafing gear or cookies, with respect to the scallop fishery, means 
    steel, rubberized or other types of donut rings, disks, washers, twine, 
    or other material attached to or between the steel rings of a sea 
    scallop dredge.
        Charter or party boat means any vessel that carries passengers for 
    hire to engage in recreational fishing and, with respect to 
    multispecies, that is not fishing under a DAS.
        Combination vessel means a vessel that has fished in any one 
    calendar year with scallop dredge gear and otter trawl gear during the 
    period 1988 through 1990, and that is eligible for an allocation of 
    individual DAS under the NE Multispecies FMP and has applied for or 
    been issued a limited access scallop permit.
        Commercial fishing or fishing commercially means fishing that is 
    intended to, or results in, the barter, trade, transfer, or sale of 
        Commission means the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.
        Conger eel means Conger oceanicus.
        Cunner means Tautogolabrus adspersus.
        Council means the New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC) 
    for the Atlantic sea scallop and the NE multispecies fisheries or the 
    Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) for the Atlantic 
    mackerel, squid, and butterfish; the Atlantic surf clam and ocean 
    quahog; and the summer flounder fisheries.
        Day(s)-at-sea (DAS), with respect to the NE multispecies and 
    scallop fisheries, means the 24-hour periods of time during which a 
    fishing vessel is absent from port in which the vessel intends to fish 
    for, possess or land; or fishes for, possesses, or lands regulated 
    species or scallops.
        Dealer means any person who receives, for a commercial purpose 
    (other than solely for transport on land),
    [[Page 34969]]
    from the owner or operator of a vessel issued a valid permit under this 
    part, any species of fish, the harvest of which is managed by this 
        Dredge or dredge gear, with respect to the scallop fishery, means 
    gear consisting of a mouth frame attached to a holding bag constructed 
    of metal rings, or any other modification to this design, that can be 
    or is used in the harvest of scallops.
        Dredge bottom, with respect to scallops, means the rings and links 
    found between the bail of the dredge and the club stick, which, when 
    fishing, would be in contact with the sea bed. This includes the 
    triangular shaped portions of the ring bag commonly known as 
        Dredge top, with respect to the scallop fishery, means the mesh 
    panel in the top of a dredge and immediately adjacent rings and links 
    found between the bail of the dredge, the club stick, and the two side 
    panels. The bail of the dredge is the rigid structure of the forward 
    portion of the dredge that connects to the warp and holds the dredge 
    open. The club stick is the rigid bar at the tail of the dredge bag 
    that is attached to the rings.
        Dredge vessel, with respect to the scallop fishery, means any 
    fishing vessel that is equipped for fishing using dredge gear and that 
    is capable of catching scallops.
        Exempted gear, with respect to the NE multispecies fishery, means 
    gear that is deemed to be not capable of catching NE multispecies and 
    includes: Pelagic hook and line, pelagic longline, spears, rakes, 
    diving gear, cast nets, tongs, harpoons, weirs, dipnets, stop nets, 
    pound nets, pelagic gillnets, pots and traps, purse seines, shrimp 
    trawls (with a properly configured grate as defined under this part), 
    and midwater trawls.
        Fishing trip or trip means a period of time during which fishing is 
    conducted, beginning when the vessel leaves port and ending when the 
    vessel returns to port.
        Fishing year means:
        (1) For the scallop fishery, from March 1 through the last day of 
    February of the following year.
        (2) For the NE multispecies fishery, from May 1 through April 30 of 
    the following year.
        (3) For all other fisheries in this part, from January 1 through 
    December 31.
        FMP means fishery management plan.
        Fourspot flounder means Paralichthys oblongus.
        Gross registered tonnage (GRT) means the gross registered tonnage 
    specified on the USCG documentation for a vessel.
        Hagfish means Myxine glutinosa.
        Handline or handline gear means fishing gear that is released by 
    hand and consists of one main line to which is attached no more than 
    two leaders for a total of no more than three hooks. Handlines are 
    retrieved only by hand, not by mechanical means.
        Harbor porpoise means Phocoena phocoena.
        Harbor Porpoise Review Team (HPRT) means a team of scientific and 
    technical experts appointed by the NEFMC to review, analyze, and 
    propose harbor porpoise take mitigation alternatives.
        Herring means Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus, or blueback 
    herring, Alosa aestivalis.
        Hickory shad means Alosa mediocris.
        Hook gear means fishing gear that is comprised of a hook or hooks 
    attached to a line and includes, but is not limited to, longline, 
    setline, jigs, troll line, rod and reel, and line trawl.
        Illex means Illex illecebrosus (short-finned or summer squid).
        John Dory means Zenopsis conchifera.
        Land means to begin offloading fish, to offload fish, or to enter 
    port with fish.
        Liner means a piece of mesh or any other material rigged inside or 
    outside the main or outer net or dredge that restricts the mesh or ring 
    size or otherwise reduces escapement.
        Link, with respect to the sea scallop fishery, means the material, 
    usually made of a \3/8\-inch (10-mm) or \7/16\-inch (11-mm) diameter 
    metal rod, that joins two adjacent rings within the ring bag of a 
        Loligo means Loligo pealei (long-finned or bone squid).
        Longhorn sculpin means Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus.
        Longline gear means fishing gear that is or is designed to be set 
    horizontally, either anchored, floating, or attached to a vessel, and 
    that consists of a main or ground line with three or more gangions and 
        Menhaden means Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus.
        Midwater trawl gear means trawl gear that is designed to fish for, 
    is capable of fishing for, or is being used to fish for pelagic 
    species, no portion of which is designed to be or is operated in 
    contact with the bottom at any time.
        Monkfish or anglerfish means Lophius americanus.
        Mullet means any species in the family Mugilidae.
        Multispecies Monitoring Committee means a team of scientific and 
    technical staff appointed by the NEFMC to review, analyze, and 
    recommend adjustments to the management measures. The team consists of 
    staff from the NEFMC and the MAFMC, NMFS' Northeast Regional Office, 
    the NEFSC, the USCG, an industry representative, and no more than two 
    representatives from each affected coastal state appointed by the 
        NEFSC means the Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NMFS.
        Net tonnage (NT) means the net tonnage specified on the USCG 
    documentation for a vessel.
        Northeast (NE) multispecies or multispecies means the following 
        American plaice--Hippoglossoides platessoides.
        Atlantic cod--Gadus morhua.
        Haddock--Melanogrammus aeglefinus.
        Ocean pout--Macrozoarces americanus.
        Pollock--Pollachius virens.
        Redfish--Sebastes marinus.
        Red hake--Urophycis chuss.
        Silver hake (whiting)--Merluccius bilinearis.
        White hake--Urophycis tenuis.
        Windowpane flounder--Scophthalmus aquosus.
        Winter flounder--Pleuronectes americanus.
        Witch flounder--Glyptocephalus cynoglossus.
        Yellowtail flounder--Pleuronectes ferrugineus.
        Northern shrimp means Pandalus borealis.
        Ocean quahog means the species Arctica islandica.
        Offload or offloading means to begin to remove, to remove, to pass 
    over the rail, or otherwise take away fish from any vessel. For 
    purposes of the surf clam and ocean quahog fishery, it means to 
    separate physically a cage from a vessel, such as by removing the sling 
    or wire used to remove the cage from the harvesting vessel.
        Operator means the master, captain, or other individual on board a 
    fishing vessel, who is in charge of that vessel's operations.
        Out of the multispecies fishery or DAS program means the period of 
    time during which a vessel is absent from port and is not fishing for 
    regulated species under the NE multispecies DAS program.
        Pair trawl or pair trawling means to tow a single net between two 
    vessels for the purpose of, or that is capable of, catching NE 
        Pelagic hook or longline gear means fishing gear that is not fixed, 
    nor designed to be fixed, nor anchored to the bottom and that consists 
    of monofilament main line (as opposed to a cable main line) to which 
    gangions are attached.
        Personal use, with respect to the surf clam or ocean quahog 
    fishery, means harvest of surf clams or ocean quahogs for use as bait, 
    for human consumption,
    [[Page 34970]]
    or for other purposes (not including sale or barter) in amounts not to 
    exceed 2 bu (106.48 L) per person per fishing trip.
        Postmark means independently verifiable evidence of date of 
    mailing, such as U.S. Postal Service postmark, United Parcel Service 
    (U.P.S.) or other private carrier postmark, certified mail receipt, 
    overnight mail receipt, or receipt received upon hand delivery to an 
    authorized representative of NMFS.
        Prior to leaving port, with respect to the call-in notification 
    system for NE multispecies, means prior to the last dock or mooring in 
    port from which a vessel departs to engage in fishing, including the 
    transport of fish to another port.
        Processor means a person who receives surf clams or ocean quahogs 
    for a commercial purpose and removes them from a cage.
        Purse seine gear means an encircling net with floats on the top 
    edge, weights and a purse line on the bottom edge, and associated gear, 
    or any net designed to be, or capable of being, used in such fashion.
        Recreational fishing means fishing that is not intended to, nor 
    results in the barter, trade, or sale of fish.
        Recreational fishing vessel, with respect to the scup fishery, 
    means any vessel from which no fishing other than recreational fishing 
    is conducted. Charter and party boats are considered recreational 
    fishing vessels for purposes of the scup minimum size requirement.
        Regional Director means the Director, Northeast Region, NMFS, or a 
        Regulated species means the subset of NE multispecies that includes 
    Atlantic cod, witch flounder, American plaice, yellowtail flounder, 
    haddock, pollock, winter flounder, windowpane flounder, redfish, and 
    white hake.
        Reporting month means the period of time beginning at 0001 hours 
    local time on the first day of each calendar month and ending at 2400 
    hours local time on the last day of each calendar month.
        Reporting week means the period of time beginning at 0001 local 
    time on Sunday and ending at 2400 hours local time the following 
        Re-rig or re-rigged means physical alteration of the vessel or its 
    gear in order to transform the vessel into one capable of fishing 
    commercially for a species in the applicable fishery.
        Rigged hooks means hooks that are baited, or only need to be 
    baited, in order to be fished. Unsecured, unbaited hooks and gangions 
    are not considered to be rigged.
        Rod and reel means a hand-held (including rod holder) fishing rod 
    with a manually operated reel attached.
        Scallop dredge vessel means any fishing vessel, other than a 
    combination vessel, that uses or is equipped to use scallop dredge 
        Scup means Stenotomus chrysops.
        Sea Scallop Plan Development Team (PDT) means a team of technical 
    experts appointed by the NEFMC.
        Sea raven means Hemitripterus americanus.
        Searobin means any species of the family Triglidae.
        Shucking or to shuck means opening or to open a scallop, surf clam, 
    or ocean quahog and removing the meat or the adductor muscle from the 
        Shucking machine means any mechanical device that automatically 
    removes the meat or the adductor muscle from a scallop, surf clam, or 
    ocean quahog shell.
        Sink gillnet or bottom-tending gillnet means with respect to the NE 
    multispecies fishery, any gillnet, anchored or otherwise, that is 
    designed to be, or is fished on or near the bottom in the lower third 
    of the water column.
        Skate means any species of the family Rajidae.
        Smooth dogfish means Mustelis canis.
        Sorting machine means any mechanical device that automatically 
    sorts whole scallops by shell height, size, or other physical 
        Spiny dogfish means Squalus acanthias.
        Spot means Leiostomus xanthurus.
        Square mesh, with respect to the NE multispecies fishery, means 
    mesh in which the horizontal bars of the mesh run perpendicular to the 
    long axis of the net so when the net is placed under a strain the mesh 
    remains open to a square-like shape. Square mesh can be formed by 
    hanging diamond mesh ``on the square,'' if the resulting mesh conforms 
    with the above description of square mesh.
        Squid means Loligo pealei or Illex illecebrosus.
        Standard tote means a box typically constructed of plastic, 
    designed to hold 100 lb (45.3 kg) of fish plus ice, and that has a 
    liquid capacity of 70 L, or a volume of not more than 4,320 cubic in 
    (2.5 cubic ft or 70.79 cubic cm).
        Substantially similar harvesting capacity means the same or less 
    GRT and vessel length.
        Summer flounder means Paralichthys dentatus.
        Summer Flounder Monitoring Committee means a committee made up of 
    staff representatives of the MAFMC, NEFMC, and SAFMC, the NMFS 
    Northeast Regional Office, the NEFSC, the Southeast Science Center, and 
    the Commission. The MAFMC Executive Director or a designee chairs the 
        Surf clams means Atlantic surf clams of the species Spisula 
        Swordfish means Xiphias gladius.
        Tautog (blackfish) means Tautoga onitas.
        Tied up to the dock, with respect to NE multispecies, means to tie-
    up at a dock, on a mooring, or in a harbor.
        Tilefish means Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps.
        Target total allowable catch (TAC) means the annual domestic 
    harvest targets for regulated species.
        Transfer means to begin to remove, to remove, to pass over the 
    rail, or to otherwise take away fish from any vessel and move them to 
    another vessel.
        Trawl sweep means the total length of the footrope on a trawl net 
    that is directly attached to the webbing of a net.
        Upon returning to port, for purposes of the call-in notification 
    system for the NE multispecies fishery, means the first point when a 
    vessel ties up at a dock or mooring in a port at the end of a fishing 
        Vessel length means the length specified on the USCG documentation 
    for a vessel or on the state registration for a vessel not required to 
    be documented under title 46 U.S.C., if the state length is verified by 
    an authorized officer or NMFS official.
        Vessel Tracking System (VTS) means a vessel tracking system as set 
    forth in Sec. 648.9 and approved by NMFS for use by scallop and NE 
    multispecies vessels, as required by this part.
        VTS unit means a device installed on board a vessel used for vessel 
    tracking and transmitting the vessel's position as required by this 
        Weakfish means Cynoscion regalis.
        Whiting means Merluccius bilinearis.
    Sec. 648.3  Relation to other laws.
        (a) The relation of this part to other laws is set forth in 
    Sec. 600.705.
        (b) Nothing in these regulations supersedes more restrictive state 
    management measures for any of the species referenced in Sec. 648.1 
    and, for Atlantic salmon, more restrictive local management measures.
    Sec. 648.4  Vessel permits.
        (a) Fishery specific vessel permit information. (1) NE multispecies 
    vessels. Any vessel of the United States, including a charter or party 
    boat, must have been issued and have on board a valid multispecies 
    permit to fish for, possess or land multispecies in or from the EEZ. 
    Recreational vessels and vessels fishing for NE multispecies 
    exclusively in state waters are exempt from this requirement.
        (i) Limited access multispecies permits--(A) Eligibility. To be 
    eligible to
    [[Page 34971]]
    apply for a limited access multispecies permit, as specified in 
    Sec. 648.82, in 1996 and thereafter, a vessel must have been issued a 
    limited access multispecies permit for the preceding year, must be 
    replacing a vessel that was issued a limited access multispecies permit 
    for the preceding year, or must qualify for a 1996 limited access 
    multispecies hook-gear permit under this paragraph (a)(1)(i). Vessels 
    qualifying for 1996 limited access multispecies hook-gear permits are 
    qualified only for that limited access permit category. A vessel is 
    eligible for a 1996 limited access multispecies hook-gear permit, 
        (1) The vessel was issued a 1995 open access multispecies hook-gear 
    permit and the owner or operator of the vessel submitted to the 
    Regional Director, no later than January 26, 1996, fishing log reports 
    dated between June 1, 1994, and June 1, 1995, when fishing with hook 
    gear under the open access hook-gear permit, documenting landings of at 
    least 500 lb (226.8 kg) of NE multispecies finfish, or its equivalent 
    in numbers of fish; or
        (2) The vessel is replacing such a vessel.
        (B) Application/renewal restrictions. Owners of vessels must apply 
    for a limited access multispecies hook-gear permit before September 1, 
    1996, to receive an automatic mailing of an application to renew their 
    permit in 1997 and to be assured that their permit application will be 
    processed within 30 days. Vessel owners applying after December 31, 
    1996, will be ineligible to apply for an initial limited access 
    multispecies hook-gear permit. To renew or apply for a limited access 
    multispecies permit, a completed application must be received by the 
    Regional Director by the first day of the fishing year for which the 
    permit is required. Failure to renew a limited access multispecies 
    permit in any year bars the renewal of the permit in subsequent years.
        (C) Qualification restriction. Unless the Regional Director 
    determines to the contrary, no more than one vessel may qualify, at any 
    one time, for a limited access permit based on that or another vessel's 
    fishing and permit history. If more than one vessel owner claims 
    eligibility for a limited access permit, based on one vessel's fishing 
    and permit history, the Regional Director will determine who is 
    entitled to qualify for the permit and the DAS allocation according to 
    paragraph (a)(1)(i)(D) of this section.
        (D) Change in ownership. The fishing and permit history of a vessel 
    is presumed to transfer with the vessel whenever it is bought, sold, or 
    otherwise transferred, unless there is a written agreement, signed by 
    the transferor/seller and transferee/buyer, or other credible written 
    evidence, verifying that the transferor/seller is retaining the 
    vessel's fishing and permit history for purposes of replacing the 
        (E) Replacement vessels. To be eligible for a limited access permit 
    under this section, the replacement vessel must meet the following 
    criteria and any applicable criteria under paragraph (a)(1)(i)(F) of 
    this section:
        (1) The replacement vessel's horsepower may not exceed by more than 
    20 percent the horsepower of the vessel that was initially issued a 
    limited access permit as of the date the initial vessel applied for 
    such permit.
        (2) The replacement vessel's length, GRT, and NT may not exceed by 
    more than 10 percent the length, GRT, and NT of the vessel that was 
    initially issued a limited access permit as of the date the initial 
    vessel applied for such permit. For purposes of this paragraph 
    (a)(1)(i)(E)(2), a vessel not required to be documented under title 46 
    U.S.C. will be considered to be 5 NT. For undocumented vessels, GRT 
    does not apply.
        (F) Upgraded vessel. A vessel may be upgraded, whether through 
    refitting or replacement, and still be eligible for or be eligible to 
    retain or renew a limited access permit, only if the upgrade complies 
    with the following:
        (1) The vessel's horsepower may be increased, whether through 
    refitting or replacement, only once. Such an increase may not exceed 20 
    percent of the horsepower of the vessel initially issued a limited 
    access permit as of the date the initial vessel applied for such 
        (2) The vessel's length, GRT, and NT may be increased, whether 
    through refitting or replacement, only once. Any increase in any of 
    these three specifications of vessel size may not exceed 10 percent of 
    the respective specification of the vessel initially issued a limited 
    access permit as of the date the initial vessel applied for such 
    permit. If any of these three specifications is increased, any increase 
    in the other two must be performed at the same time. This type of 
    upgrade may be done separately from an engine horsepower upgrade.
        (G) Consolidation restriction. Limited access permits and DAS 
    allocations may not be combined or consolidated.
        (H) Appeal of denial of permit. (1) Eligibility. Any applicant 
    eligible to apply for an initial limited access multispecies hook-gear 
    permit who is denied such permit may appeal the denial to the Regional 
    Director within 30 days of the notice of denial. Any such appeal must 
    be based on one or more of the following grounds, must be in writing, 
    and must state the grounds for the appeal:
        (i) The information used by the Regional Director was based on 
    mistaken or incorrect data.
        (ii) The applicant was prevented by circumstances beyond his/her 
    control from meeting relevant criteria.
        (iii) The applicant has new or additional information.
        (2) Appeal review. The Regional Director will appoint a designee 
    who will make the initial decision on the appeal. The appellant may 
    request a review of the initial decision by the Regional Director by so 
    requesting in writing within 30 days of the notice of the initial 
    decision. If the appellant does not request a review of the initial 
    decision within 30 days, the initial decision shall become the final 
    administrative action of the Department of Commerce. Such review will 
    be conducted by a hearing officer appointed by the Regional Director. 
    The hearing officer shall make findings and a recommendation to the 
    Regional Director which shall be advisory only. Upon receiving the 
    findings and a recommendation, the Regional Director will issue a final 
    decision on the appeal. The Regional Director's decision is the final 
    administrative action of the Department of Commerce.
        (3) Status of vessels pending appeal. A vessel denied a limited 
    access multispecies hook-gear permit may fish under the limited access 
    multispecies hook-gear category, provided that the denial has been 
    appealed, the appeal is pending, and the vessel has on board a letter 
    from the Regional Director authorizing the vessel to fish under the 
    limited access hook-gear category. The Regional Director will issue 
    such a letter for the pendency of any appeal. Any such decision is the 
    final administrative action of the Department of Commerce on allowable 
    fishing activity, pending a final decision on the appeal. The letter of 
    authorization must be carried on board the vessel. If the appeal is 
    finally denied, the Regional Director shall send a notice of final 
    denial to the vessel owner; the authorizing letter becomes invalid 5 
    days after receipt of the notice of denial.
        (I) Limited access permit restrictions. (1) A vessel may be issued 
    a limited access multispecies permit in only one category during a 
    fishing year. Vessels may not change limited access multispecies permit 
    categories during the fishing year, except as provided in
    [[Page 34972]]
    paragraph (a)(1)(i)(I)(2) of this section. A vessel issued a limited 
    access multispecies hook-gear permit may not change its limited access 
    permit category at any time.
        (2) The owner of a vessel issued a limited access multispecies 
    permit may request a change in permit category, unless otherwise 
    restricted by paragraph (a)(1)(i)(I)(1) of this section. In 1996, a 
    vessel owner has one opportunity to request a change in permit category 
    by submitting an application to the Regional Director by August 14, 
    1996. If a complete application is not submitted by that date, the 
    vessel must fish only in the DAS program assigned for the remainder of 
    the 1996 fishing year. Any DAS that a vessel uses prior to a change in 
    permit category will be counted against its allocation received under 
    any subsequent permit category. For 1997 and beyond, the owner of a 
    limited access multispecies vessel eligible to request a change in 
    permit category must elect a category prior to the start of each 
    fishing year and will have one opportunity to request a change in 
    permit category by submitting an application to the Regional Director 
    within 45 days of issuance of the vessel's permit. After that date, the 
    vessel must remain in that permit category for the duration of the 
    fishing year.
        (3) With the exception of combination vessels, sea scallop dredge 
    vessels are not eligible for limited access multispecies permits.
        (J) Confirmation of Permit History. Notwithstanding any other 
    provisions of this part, a person who does not currently own a fishing 
    vessel, but who has owned a qualifying vessel that has sunk, been 
    destroyed, or transferred to another person, may apply for and receive 
    a Confirmation of Permit History (CPH) if the fishing and permit 
    history of such vessel has been retained lawfully by the applicant. To 
    be eligible to obtain a CPH, the applicant must show that the 
    qualifying vessel meets the eligibility requirements, as applicable, in 
    this part. Issuance of a valid and current CPH preserves the 
    eligibility of the applicant to apply for or renew a limited access 
    permit for a replacement vessel based on the qualifying vessel's 
    fishing and permit history at a subsequent time, subject to the 
    replacement provisions specified in this section. A CPH must be applied 
    for and received on an annual basis in order for the applicant to 
    preserve the fishing rights and limited access eligibility of the 
    qualifying vessel. If fishing privileges have been assigned or 
    allocated previously under this part, based on the qualifying vessel's 
    fishing and permit history, the CPH also preserves such fishing 
    privileges. Any decision regarding the issuance of a CPH for a 
    qualifying vessel that has applied for or been issued previously a 
    limited access permit is a final agency action subject to judicial 
    review under 5 U.S.C. 704. An application for a CPH must be received by 
    the Regional Director by the beginning of the fishing year for which it 
    is required. Information requirements for the CPH application are the 
    same as those for a limited access permit with any request for 
    information about the vessel being applicable to the qualifying vessel 
    that has been sunk, destroyed, or transferred. Vessel permit applicants 
    who have been issued a CPH and who wish to obtain a vessel permit for a 
    replacement vessel based upon the previous vessel history may do so 
    pursuant to this paragraph (a)(1)(i)(J).
        (K) Abandonment or voluntary relinquishment of permits. If a 
    vessel's limited access permit for a particular fishery is voluntarily 
    relinquished to the Regional Director, or abandoned through failure to 
    renew or otherwise, no limited access permit for that fishery may be 
    re-issued or renewed based on that vessel's history or to any vessel 
    relying on that vessel's history.
        (L) Restriction on permit splitting. A limited access multispecies 
    permit may not be issued to a vessel or its replacement, or remain 
    valid, if the vessel's permit or fishing history has been used to 
    qualify another vessel for another Federal fishery.
        (ii) Open access permits. Subject to the restrictions in 
    Sec. 648.88, a U.S. vessel that has not been issued a limited access 
    multispecies permit is eligible for an open access multispecies 
    handgear or charter/party permit. A U.S. vessel that has been issued a 
    valid limited access scallop permit, but that has not been issued a 
    limited access multispecies permit, is eligible for an open access 
    scallop multispecies possession limit permit. The owner of a vessel 
    issued an open access permit may request a different open access permit 
    category by submitting an application to the Regional Director at any 
        (2) Atlantic sea scallop vessels--Any vessel of the United States 
    that fishes for, possesses, or lands Atlantic sea scallops in 
    quantities greater than 40 lb (18.14 kg) shucked, or 5 bu (176.2 L) of 
    in-shell scallops per trip, except vessels that fish exclusively in 
    state waters for scallops, must have been issued and carry on board a 
    valid scallop permit.
        (i) Limited access scallop permits. Any vessel of the United States 
    that possesses or lands more than 400 lb (181.44 kg) of shucked, or the 
    equivalent amount of in-shell scallops (50 bu (176.2 L)) per trip, 
    except vessels that fish exclusively in state waters for scallops, must 
    have been issued and carry on board a valid limited access scallop 
        (A) Eligibility. To be eligible to apply for a limited access 
    scallop permit, a vessel must have been issued a limited access scallop 
    permit for the preceding year, or the vessel must be replacing a vessel 
    that has been issued a limited access scallop permit for the preceding 
        (B) Application/renewal restrictions. To renew or apply for a 
    limited access scallop permit, a completed application must be received 
    by the Regional Director by the first day of the fishing year for which 
    the permit is required. Failure to renew a limited access scallop 
    permit in any year bars the renewal of the permit in subsequent years.
        (C) Qualification restriction. See paragraph (a)(1)(i)(C) of this 
        (D) Change in ownership. See paragraph (a)(1)(i)(D) of this 
        (E) Replacement vessels. See paragraph (a)(1)(i)(E) of this 
        (F) Upgraded vessel. See paragraph (a)(1)(i)(F) of this section.
        (G) Consolidation restriction. See paragraph (a)(1)(i)(G) of this 
        (H) Percentage ownership restrictions. (1) For any vessel acquired 
    after March 1, 1994, a vessel owner is not eligible to be issued a 
    limited access scallop permit for the vessel if the issuance of the 
    permit will result in the vessel owner, or any person who is a 
    shareholder or partner of the vessel owner, having an ownership 
    interest in limited access scallop vessels in excess of 5 percent of 
    the number of all limited access scallop vessels at the time of permit 
        (2) Vessel owners who were initially issued a 1994 limited access 
    scallop permit, or were issued or renewed a limited access scallop 
    permit for a vessel in 1995 and thereafter in compliance with the 
    ownership restrictions in paragraph (a)(2)(i)(H)(1) of this section, 
    are eligible to renew such permit(s), regardless of whether the renewal 
    of the permits will result in the 5 percent ownership restriction being 
        (3) Having an ownership interest includes, but is not limited to, 
    persons who are shareholders in a vessel owned by a corporation, who 
    are partners (general or limited) to a vessel owner, or who, in any 
    way, partly own a vessel.
        (I) Limited access permit restrictions. A vessel may be issued a 
    limited access scallop permit in only one category during a fishing 
    year. The owner of a vessel issued a limited access scallop
    [[Page 34973]]
    permit must elect a permit category for that vessel prior to the start 
    of each fishing year and will have one opportunity to request a change 
    in permit category by submitting an application to the Regional 
    Director within 45 days of issuance of the vessel's permit. After this 
    date, the vessel must remain in that permit category for the duration 
    of the fishing year. Any DAS that a vessel uses prior to a change in 
    permit category will be counted against its allocation received under 
    any subsequent permit category.
        (J) Confirmation of Permit History. See paragraph (a)(1)(i)(J) of 
    this section.
        (K) Abandonment or voluntary relinquishment of permits. See 
    paragraph (a)(1)(i)(K) of this section.
        (ii) General scallop permit. Any vessel of the United States that 
    is not in possession of a limited access scallop permit, and that 
    possesses, or lands per trip, more than 40 lb (18.14 kg) and less than 
    or including 400 lb (181.44 kg) of shucked meats, or the equivalent 
    amount of in-shell scallops (5 and 50 bu (176.2 L and 176.2 L), 
    respectively), except vessels that fish exclusively in state waters for 
    scallops, must carry on board a valid general scallop permit.
        (3) Summer flounder vessels. Any vessel of the United States that 
    fishes for or retains summer flounder in the EEZ must have been issued 
    and carry on board a valid summer flounder permit, except for vessels 
    other than party or charter vessels that observe the possession limit 
    set forth in Sec. 648.105.
        (i) Moratorium permits (applicable through 1997). (A) Eligibility. 
    To be eligible to apply for a moratorium permit to fish for and retain 
    summer flounder in excess of the possession limit in Sec. 648.105 in 
    the EEZ, a vessel must have been issued a summer flounder moratorium 
    permit in a previous year or be replacing a vessel that was issued a 
    moratorium permit for a previous year.
        (B) Application/renewal restriction. No one may apply for a summer 
    flounder moratorium permit for a vessel after:
        (1) The owner retires the vessel from the fishery.
        (2) The vessel fails to land any summer flounder at least once 
    within any 52-consecutive-week period.
        (C) Replacement vessels. To be eligible for a moratorium permit, 
    the replacement vessel must be replacing a vessel of substantially 
    similar harvesting capacity that is judged unseaworthy by the USCG, for 
    reasons other than lack of maintenance, or that involuntarily left the 
    fishery during the moratorium. Both the entering and replaced vessels 
    must be owned by the same person. Vessel permits issued to vessels that 
    involuntarily leave the fishery may not be combined to create larger 
    replacement vessels.
        (ii) Party and charter boat permits. Any party or charter boat is 
    eligible for a permit to fish for summer flounder, other than a summer 
    flounder moratorium permit, if it is carrying passengers for hire. Such 
    vessel must observe the possession limits specified in Sec. 648.105.
        (iii) Exemption permits. Owners of summer flounder vessels seeking 
    an exemption from the minimum mesh requirement under the provisions of 
    Sec. 648.104(b)(1) must apply to the Regional Director under paragraph 
    (c) of this section at least 7 days prior to the date they wish the 
    permit to become effective. The applicant must mark ``Exemption Permit 
    Request'' on the permit application at the top. A permit issued under 
    this paragraph (a)(3)(iii) does not meet the requirements of paragraph 
    (a)(3)(i) of this section, but is subject to the other provisions of 
    this section. Persons issued an exemption permit must surrender it to 
    the Regional Director at least 1 day prior to the date they wish to 
    fish not subject to the exemption. The Regional Director may impose 
    temporary additional procedural requirements by publishing a 
    notification in the Federal Register.
        (4) Surf clam and ocean quahog vessels.--Any vessel of the United 
    States that fishes for surf clams or ocean quahogs, except vessels 
    taking surf clams and ocean quahogs for personal use or fishing 
    exclusively within state waters, must have been issued and carry on 
    board a valid surf clam or ocean quahog permit, respectively.
        (5) Mackerel, squid, and butterfish vessels--Beginning on January 
    1, 1997, any vessel of the United States, including party or charter 
    vessels, that fishes for, possesses, or lands mackerel, squid, or 
    butterfish in or from the EEZ, must have been issued and carry on board 
    a valid Loligo and butterfish moratorium permit, incidental catch 
    permit, mackerel and Illex permit or party/charter permit. This 
    requirement does not apply to recreational fishing vessels. Until 
    January 1, 1997, vessels that have been issued 1995 Federal mackerel, 
    squid, and butterfish permits and are not otherwise subject to permit 
    sanctions due to enforcement proceedings, may fish for, possess, or 
    land mackerel, squid, or butterfish in or from the EEZ.
        (i) Loligo squid and butterfish moratorium permits. (A) 
    Eligibility. A vessel is eligible for a moratorium permit to fish for 
    and retain Loligo squid or butterfish in excess of the incidental catch 
    allowance specified in paragraph (a)(5)(i) of this section, if it meets 
    any of the following criteria:
        (1) The vessel landed and sold at least 20,000 lb (9.07 mt) of 
    Loligo squid or butterfish in any 30 consecutive day period between 
    August 13, 1981, and August 13, 1993.
        (2) The vessel is replacing such a vessel and meets the 
    requirements of paragraph (a)(3)(i)(C) of this section.
        (B) Application/renewal restrictions. No one may apply for an 
    initial Loligo squid and butterfish moratorium permit for a vessel 
        (1) May 2, 1997.
        (2) The owner retires the vessel from the fishery.
        (C) Replacement vessels. See paragraph (a)(3)(i)(C) of this 
        (D) Appeal of denial of permit. (1) Any applicant denied a 
    moratorium permit may appeal to the Regional Director within 30 days of 
    the notice of denial. Any such appeal shall be in writing. The only 
    ground for appeal is that the Regional Director erred in concluding 
    that the vessel did not meet the criteria in paragraph (a)(5)(i)(A)(1) 
    of this section. The appeal shall set forth the basis for the 
    applicant's belief that the Regional Director's decision was made in 
        (2) The appeal may be presented, at the option of the applicant, at 
    a hearing before an officer appointed by the Regional Director.
        (3) The hearing officer shall make a recommendation to the Regional 
        (4) The decision on the appeal by the Regional Director is the 
    final decision of the Department of Commerce.
        (ii) Incidental catch permits. Any vessel of the United States may 
    obtain a permit to fish for or retain up to 2,500 lb (1.13 mt) of 
    Loligo squid or butterfish as an incidental catch in another directed 
    fishery. The incidental catch allowance may be revised by the Regional 
    Director, based upon a recommendation by the Council, following the 
    procedure set forth in Sec. 648.21.
        (iii) Mackerel and Illex squid permits. Any vessel of the United 
    States may obtain a permit under this section to fish for or retain 
    Atlantic mackerel or Illex squid in or from the EEZ.
        (iv) Party and charter boat permits. The owner of any party or 
    charter boat must obtain a permit to fish for or retain in or from the 
    EEZ mackerel, squid, or butterfish while carrying passengers for hire.
        (b) Permit conditions. Vessel owners who apply for a fishing vessel 
    permit under this section must agree as a condition of the permit that 
    the vessel
    [[Page 34974]]
    and vessel's fishing activity, catch, and pertinent gear (without 
    regard to whether such fishing occurs in the EEZ or landward of the 
    EEZ, and without regard to where such fish or gear are possessed, 
    taken, or landed), are subject to all requirements of this part, unless 
    exempted from such requirements under this part. All such fishing 
    activities, catch, and pertinent gear will remain subject to all 
    applicable state requirements. Except as otherwise provided in this 
    part, if a requirement of this part and a management measure required 
    by a state or local law differ, any vessel owner permitted to fish in 
    the EEZ for any species managed under this part must comply with the 
    more restrictive requirement. Owners and operators of vessels fishing 
    under the terms of a summer flounder moratorium permit must also agree, 
    as a condition of the permit, not to land summer flounder in any state 
    that the Regional Director has determined no longer has commercial 
    quota available. A state not receiving an allocation of summer flounder 
    shall be deemed to have no commercial quota available. Owners or 
    operators fishing for surf clams and ocean quahogs within waters under 
    the jurisdiction of any state that requires cage tags are not subject 
    to any conflicting Federal minimum size or tagging requirements. If a 
    surf clam and ocean quahog requirement of this part differs from a surf 
    clam and ocean quahog management measure required by a state that does 
    not require cage tagging, any vessel owner or operator permitted to 
    fish in the EEZ for surf clams and ocean quahogs must comply with the 
    more restrictive requirement while fishing in state waters. However, 
    surrender of a surf clam and ocean quahog vessel permit by the owner by 
    certified mail addressed to the Regional Director allows an individual 
    to comply with the less restrictive state minimum size requirement, so 
    long as fishing is conducted exclusively within state waters.
        (c) Vessel permit applications--(1) General. Applicants for a 
    permit under this section must submit a completed application on an 
    appropriate form obtained from the Regional Director. The application 
    must be signed by the owner of the vessel, or the owner's authorized 
    representative, and be submitted to the Regional Director at least 30 
    days before the date on which the applicant desires to have the permit 
    made effective. The Regional Director will notify the applicant of any 
    deficiency in the application pursuant to this section. Vessel owners 
    who are eligible to apply for limited access or moratorium permits 
    under this part shall provide information with the application 
    sufficient for the Regional Director to determine whether the vessel 
    meets the applicable eligibility requirements specified in this 
        (2) Information requirements. (i) An application for a permit 
    issued under this section, in addition to the information specified in 
    paragraph (c)(1) of this section, also must contain at least the 
    following information, and any other information required by the 
    Regional Director: Vessel name; owner name, mailing address, and 
    telephone number; USCG documentation number and a copy of the vessel's 
    current USCG documentation or, for a vessel not required to be 
    documented under title 46 U.S.C., the vessel's state registration 
    number and a copy of the current state registration; a copy of the 
    vessel's current party/charter boat license (if applicable); home port 
    and principal port of landing; length overall; GRT; NT; engine 
    horsepower; year the vessel was built; type of construction; type of 
    propulsion; approximate fish hold capacity; type of fishing gear used 
    by the vessel; number of crew; number of party or charter passengers 
    licensed to carry (if applicable); permit category; if the owner is a 
    corporation, a copy of the current Certificate of Incorporation or 
    other corporate papers showing the date of incorporation and the names 
    of the current officers of the corporation, and the names and addresses 
    of all shareholders owning 25 percent or more of the corporation's 
    shares; if the owner is a partnership, a copy of the current 
    Partnership Agreement and the names and addresses of all partners; if 
    there is more than one owner, names of all owners having a 25-percent 
    interest or more; the name and signature of the owner or the owner's 
    authorized representative; and permit number of any current or, if 
    expired, previous Federal fishery permit issued to the vessel.
        (ii) An application for an initial limited access multispecies 
    hook-gear permit must also contain the following information:
        (A) If the engine horsepower was changed or a contract to change 
    the engine horsepower had been entered into prior to May 1, 1996, such 
    that it is different from that stated in the vessel's most recent 
    application for a Federal fisheries permit before May 1, 1996, 
    sufficient documentation to ascertain the different engine horsepower. 
    However, the engine replacement must be completed within 1 year of the 
    date of when the contract for the replacement engine was signed.
        (B) If the length, GRT, or NT was changed or a contract to change 
    the length, GRT, or NT been entered into prior to May 1, 1996, such 
    that it is different from that stated in the vessel's most recent 
    application for a Federal fisheries permit, sufficient documentation to 
    ascertain the different length, GRT, or NT. However, the upgrade must 
    be completed within 1 year from the date when the contract for the 
    upgrade was signed.
        (iii) An application for a multispecies permit must also contain a 
    copy of the vendor installation receipt from a NMFS certified VTS 
    vendor as described in Sec. 648.9, if the vessel has been issued a 
    limited access multispecies Combination Vessel permit or individual DAS 
    category permit, or if the applicant elects to use a VTS unit, although 
    not required.
        (iv) An application for a limited access scallop permit must also 
    contain the following information:
        (A) For every person named by applicants for limited access scallop 
    permits pursuant to paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section, the names of 
    all other vessels in which that person has an ownership interest and 
    for which a limited access scallop permit has been issued or applied 
        (B) If applying for full-time or part-time limited access scallop 
    permit, or if opting to use a VTS unit, though not required, a copy of 
    the vendor installation receipt from a NMFS-approved VTS vendor as 
    described in Sec. 648.9.
        (C) If applying to fish under the small dredge program set forth 
    under Sec. 648.51(e), an annual declaration into the program.
        (v) An application for a surf clam and ocean quahog permit must 
    also contain the pump horsepower.
        (d) Fees. The Regional Director may charge a fee to recover 
    administrative expenses of issuing a permit required under this 
    section. The amount of the fee is calculated in accordance with the 
    procedures of the NOAA Finance Handbook, available from the Regional 
    Director, for determining administrative costs of each special product 
    or service. The fee may not exceed such costs and is specified with 
    each application form. The appropriate fee must accompany each 
    application; if it does not, the application will be considered 
    incomplete for purposes of paragraph (e) of this section. Any fee paid 
    by an insufficiently funded commercial instrument shall render any 
    permit issued on the basis thereof null and void.
        (e) Issuance. (1) Except as provided in subpart D of 15 CFR part 
    904, the
    [[Page 34975]]
    Regional Director shall issue a permit within 30 days of receipt of the 
    application, unless the application is deemed incomplete for the 
    following reasons:
        (i) The applicant has failed to submit a complete application. An 
    application is complete when all requested forms, information, 
    documentation, and fees, if applicable, have been received and the 
    applicant has submitted all applicable reports specified in Sec. 648.7;
        (ii) The application was not received by the Regional Director by 
    the applicable deadline set forth in this section;
        (iii) The applicant and applicant's vessel failed to meet all 
    applicable eligibility requirements set forth in this section;
        (iv) The applicant applying for a limited access multispecies 
    combination vessel or individual DAS permit, a full-time or part-time 
    limited access scallop permit, or electing to use a VTS, has failed to 
    meet all of the VTS requirements specified in Secs. 648.9 and 648.10; 
        (v) The applicant has failed to meet any other application 
    requirements stated in this part.
        (2) Incomplete applications. Upon receipt of an incomplete or 
    improperly executed application for any permit under this part, the 
    Regional Director shall notify the applicant of the deficiency in the 
    application. If the applicant fails to correct the deficiency within 30 
    days following the date of notification, the application will be 
    considered abandoned.
        (f) Change in permit information. Any change in the information 
    specified in paragraph (c)(2) of this section must be submitted by the 
    applicant in writing to the Regional Director within 15 days of the 
    change, or the permit is void.
        (g) Expiration. A permit expires upon the renewal date specified in 
    the permit.
        (h) Duration. A permit will continue in effect unless it is 
    revoked, suspended, or modified under 15 CFR part 904, or otherwise 
    expires, or ownership changes, or the applicant has failed to report 
    any change in the information on the permit application to the Regional 
    Director as specified in paragraph (f) of this section. However, the 
    Regional Director may authorize the continuation of a permit if the new 
    owner so requests. Applications for permit continuations must be 
    addressed to the Regional Director.
        (i) Alteration. Any permit that has been altered, erased, or 
    mutilated is invalid.
        (j) Reissuance. Permits may be issued by the Regional Director when 
    requested in writing by the owner, stating the need for reissuance, the 
    name of the vessel, and the fishing permit number assigned. An 
    application for a reissued permit will not be considered a new 
    application. The fee for a reissued permit shall be the same as for an 
    initial permit.
        (k) Transfer. Permits issued under this part are not transferable 
    or assignable. A permit will be valid only for the fishing vessel and 
    owner for which it is issued.
        (l) Display. The permit must be carried, at all times, on board the 
    vessel for which it is issued, and must be maintained in legible 
    condition. The permit shall be subject to inspection upon request by 
    any authorized official.
        (m) Sanctions. The Assistant Administrator may suspend, revoke, or 
    modify, any permit issued or sought under this section. Procedures 
    governing enforcement-related permit sanctions or denials are found at 
    subpart D of 15 CFR part 904.
    Sec. 648.5  Operator permits.
        (a) General. Any operator of a vessel fishing for or possessing sea 
    scallops in excess of 40 lb (18.1 kg), NE multispecies, Atlantic 
    mackerel, squid or butterfish harvested in or from the EEZ, or issued a 
    permit for these species under this part, must have and carry on board 
    a valid operator permit issued under this section. An operator permit 
    issued pursuant to part 649 shall satisfy the permitting requirement of 
    this section. This requirement does not apply to operators of 
    recreational vessels.
        (b) Operator permit application. Applicants for a permit under this 
    section must submit a completed application on an appropriate form 
    provided by the Regional Director. The application must be signed by 
    the applicant and submitted to the Regional Director at least 30 days 
    before the date upon which the applicant desires to have the permit 
    made effective. The Regional Director will notify the applicant of any 
    deficiency in the application, pursuant to this section.
        (c) Condition. Vessel operators who apply for an operator's permit 
    under this section must agree as a condition of this permit that the 
    operator and vessel's fishing, catch, crew size, and pertinent gear 
    (without regard to whether such fishing occurs in the EEZ or landward 
    of the EEZ, and without regard to where such fish or gear are 
    possessed, taken, or landed) are subject to all requirements of this 
    part while fishing in the EEZ or on board a vessel for which a permit 
    is issued under Sec. 648.4, unless exempted from such requirements 
    under Sec. 648.12. The vessel and all such fishing, catch, and gear 
    will remain subject to all applicable state or local requirements. 
    Further, such operators must agree, as a condition of this permit, 
    that, if the permit is suspended or revoked pursuant to 15 CFR part 
    904, the operator cannot be aboard any fishing vessel issued a Federal 
    fisheries permit or any vessel subject to Federal fishing regulations 
    while the vessel is at sea or engaged in offloading. If a requirement 
    of this part and a management measure required by state or local law 
    differ, any operator issued a permit under this part must comply with 
    the more restrictive requirement.
        (d) Information requirements. An applicant must provide at least 
    all the following information and any other information required by the 
    Regional Director: Name, mailing address, and telephone number; date of 
    birth; hair color; eye color; height; weight; social security number 
    (optional); and signature of the applicant. The applicant must also 
    provide two recent (no more than 1 year old), color, passport-size 
        (e) Fees. Same as Sec. 648.4(d).
        (f) Issuance. Except as provided in subpart D of 15 CFR part 904, 
    the Regional Director shall issue an operator's permit within 30 days 
    of receipt of a completed application, if the criteria specified herein 
    are met. Upon receipt of an incomplete or improperly executed 
    application, the Regional Director will notify the applicant of the 
    deficiency in the application. If the applicant fails to correct the 
    deficiency within 30 days following the date of notification, the 
    application will be considered abandoned.
        (g) Expiration. Same as Sec. 648.4(g).
        (h) Duration. A permit is valid until it is revoked, suspended or 
    modified under 15 CFR part 904, or otherwise expires, or the applicant 
    has failed to report a change in the information on the permit 
    application to the Regional Director as specified in paragraph (k) of 
    this section.
        (i) Reissuance. Reissued permits, for otherwise valid permits, may 
    be issued by the Regional Director when requested in writing by the 
    applicant, stating the need for reissuance and the Federal operator 
    permit number assigned. An applicant for a reissued permit must also 
    provide two recent, color, passport-size photos of the applicant. An 
    application for a reissued permit will not be considered a new 
    application. An appropriate fee may be charged.
        (j) Transfer. Permits issued under this part are not transferable 
    or assignable. A permit is valid only for the person to whom it is 
    [[Page 34976]]
        (k) Change in permit application information. Notice of a change in 
    the permit holder's name, address, or telephone number must be 
    submitted in writing to, and received by, the Regional Director within 
    15 days of the change in information. If written notice of the change 
    in information is not received by the Regional Director within 15 days, 
    the permit is void.
        (l) Alteration. Same as Sec. 648.4(i).
        (m) Display. Any permit issued under this part must be maintained 
    in legible condition and displayed for inspection upon request by any 
    authorized officer or NMFS official.
        (n) Sanctions. Vessel operators with suspended or revoked permits 
    may not be aboard a federally permitted fishing vessel in any capacity 
    while the vessel is at sea or engaged in offloading. Procedures 
    governing enforcement related permit sanctions and denials are found at 
    subpart D of 15 CFR part 904.
        (o) Vessel owner responsibility. Vessel owners are responsible for 
    ensuring that their vessels are operated by an individual with a valid 
    operator's permit issued under this section.
    Sec. 648.6  Dealer/processor permits.
        (a) General. All NE multispecies, scallop, summer flounder, surf 
    clam and ocean quahog dealers, and surf clam and ocean quahog 
    processors must have been issued and have in their possession a permit 
    for such species issued under this section. As of January 1, 1997, all 
    mackerel, squid, and butterfish dealers must have been issued and have 
    in their possession a valid dealers permit for those species.
        (b) Dealer/processor permit applications. Same as Sec. 648.5(b).
        (c) Information requirements. Applications must contain at least 
    the following information, and any other information required by the 
    Regional Director: Company name, place(s) of business (principal place 
    of business if applying for a surf clam and ocean quahog permit), 
    mailing address(es) and telephone number(s), owner's name, dealer 
    permit number (if a renewal), name and signature of the person 
    responsible for the truth and accuracy of the application, a copy of 
    the certificate of incorporation if the business is a corporation, and 
    a copy of the Partnership Agreement and the names and addresses of all 
    partners if the business is a partnership.
        (d) Fees. Same as Sec. 648.4(d).
        (e) Issuance. Except as provided in subpart D of 15 CFR part 904, 
    the Regional Director will issue a permit at any time during the 
    fishing year to an applicant, unless the applicant fails to submit a 
    completed application. An application is complete when all requested 
    forms, information, and documentation have been received and the 
    applicant has submitted all applicable reports specified in Sec. 648.7 
    during the 12 months immediately preceding the application. Upon 
    receipt of an incomplete or improperly executed application, the 
    Regional Director will notify the applicant of the deficiency in the 
    application. If the applicant fails to correct the deficiency within 30 
    days following the date of notification, the application will be 
    considered abandoned.
        (f) Expiration. Same as Sec. 648.4(g).
        (g) Duration. A permit is valid until it is revoked, suspended, or 
    modified under 15 CFR part 904, or otherwise expires, or ownership 
    changes, or the applicant has failed to report any change in the 
    information on the permit application to the Regional Director as 
    required by paragraph (j) of this section.
        (h) Reissuance. Reissued permits, for otherwise valid permits, may 
    be issued by the Regional Director when requested in writing by the 
    applicant, stating the need for reissuance and the Federal dealer 
    permit number assigned. An application for a reissued permit will not 
    be considered a new application. An appropriate fee may be charged.
        (i) Transfer. Permits issued under this part are not transferable 
    or assignable. A permit is valid only for the person to whom, or other 
    business entity to which, it is issued.
        (j) Change in application information. Same as Sec. 648.5(k).
        (k) Alteration. Same as Sec. 648.4(i).
        (l) Display. Same as Sec. 648.5(m).
        (m) Federal versus state requirements. If a requirement of this 
    part differs from a fisheries management measure required by state law, 
    any dealer issued a Federal dealer permit must comply with the more 
    restrictive requirement.
        (n) Sanctions. Same as Sec. 648.4(m).
    Sec. 648.7  Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
        (a) Dealers--(1) Weekly report. Federally-permitted dealers must 
    send by mail to the Regional Director, or official designee, on a 
    weekly basis on forms supplied by or approved by the Regional Director 
    a report of fish purchases, except that surf clam and ocean quahog 
    dealers or processors are required only to report surf clam and ocean 
    quahog purchases. If authorized in writing by the Regional Director, 
    dealers may submit reports electronically or through other media. The 
    following information, and any other information required by the 
    Regional Director, must be provided in the report:
        (i) Summer flounder, scallop, NE multispecies and squid, mackerel 
    and butterfish dealers must provide: Name and mailing address of 
    dealer, dealer number, name and permit number of the vessels from which 
    fish are landed or received, dates of purchases, pounds by species, 
    price by species, and port landed. If no fish are purchased during the 
    week, a report so stating must be submitted. All report forms must be 
    signed by the dealer or other authorized individual.
        (ii) Surf clam and ocean quahog processors and dealers must 
    provide: Date of purchase or receipt; name, permit number and mailing 
    address; number of bushels by species; cage tag numbers; allocation 
    permit number; vessel name and permit number; price per bushel by 
    species. Dealers must also report disposition of surf clams or ocean 
    quahogs, including name and permit number of recipients. Processors 
    must also report size distribution and meat yield per bushel by 
        (2) Annual report. All persons required to submit reports under 
    paragraph (a)(1) of this section are required to submit the following 
    information on an annual basis, on forms supplied by the Regional 
        (i) Summer flounder, scallop, NE multispecies, and squid, mackerel 
    and butterfish dealers must complete the ``Employment Data'' section of 
    the Annual Processed Products Reports; completion of the other sections 
    of that form is voluntary. Reports must be submitted to the address 
    supplied by the Regional Director.
        (ii) Surf clam and ocean quahog processors and dealers must provide 
    the average number of processing plant employees during each month of 
    the year just ended; average number of employees engaged in production 
    of processed surf clam and ocean quahog products, by species, during 
    each month of the year just ended; plant capacity to process surf clam 
    and ocean quahog shellstock, or to process surf clam and ocean quahog 
    meats into finished products, by species; an estimate, for the next 
    year, of such processing capacities; and total payroll for surf clam 
    and ocean quahog processing, by month. If the plant processing 
    capacities described in this paragraph (a)(2)(ii) change more than 10 
    percent during any year, the processor shall promptly notify the 
    Regional Director.
        (b) Vessel owners--(1) Fishing Vessel Log Reports--(i) Owners of 
    vessels issued summer flounder moratorium, scallop, multispecies, or 
    mackerel, squid, and butterfish permits. The owner or operator of any 
    vessel issued a vessel permit for summer flounder
    [[Page 34977]]
    moratorium, scallops, NE multispecies, or, as of January 1, 1997, a 
    mackerel, squid, or butterfish vessel permit, must maintain on board 
    the vessel, and submit, an accurate daily fishing log report for all 
    fishing trips, regardless of species fished for or taken, on forms 
    supplied by or approved by the Regional Director. If authorized in 
    writing by the Regional Director, vessel owners or operators may submit 
    reports electronically, for example by using a VTS or other media. At 
    least the following information, and any other information required by 
    the Regional Director, must be provided: Vessel name; USCG 
    documentation number (or state registration number, if undocumented); 
    permit number; date/time sailed; date/time landed; trip type; number of 
    crew; number of anglers (if a charter or party boat); gear fished; 
    quantity and size of gear; mesh/ring size; chart area fished; average 
    depth; latitude/longitude (or loran station and bearings); total hauls 
    per area fished; average tow time duration; pounds, by species, of all 
    species landed or discarded; dealer permit number; dealer name; date 
    sold; port and state landed; and vessel operator's name, signature, and 
    operator permit number (if applicable).
        (ii) Surf clam and ocean quahog vessel owners and operators. The 
    owner or operator of any vessel conducting any surf clam and ocean 
    quahog fishing operations, except those conducted exclusively in waters 
    of a state that requires cage tags or when he/she has surrendered the 
    surf clam and ocean quahog fishing vessel permit, shall maintain, on 
    board the vessel, an accurate daily fishing log for each fishing trip, 
    on forms supplied by the Regional Director, showing at least: Name and 
    permit number of the vessel, total amount in bushels of each species 
    taken, date(s) caught, time at sea, duration of fishing time, locality 
    fished, crew size, crew share by percentage, landing port, date sold, 
    price per bushel, buyer, tag numbers from cages used, quantity of surf 
    clams and ocean quahogs discarded, and allocation permit number.
        (iii) Owners of party and charter boats. The owner of any party or 
    charter boat issued a summer flounder permit other than a moratorium 
    permit and carrying passengers for hire shall maintain on board the 
    vessel, and submit, an accurate daily fishing log report for each 
    charter or party fishing trip that lands summer flounder, unless such a 
    vessel is also issued a summer flounder moratorium permit, a sea 
    scallop permit, a multispecies permit, or, as of January 1, 1997, a 
    mackerel, squid or butterfish permit, in which case a fishing log 
    report is required for each trip regardless of species retained. If 
    authorized in writing by the Regional Director, vessel owners may 
    submit reports electronically, for example, by using a VTS or other 
    media. At least the following information, and any other information 
    required by the Regional Director, must be provided: Vessel name; USGC 
    documentation number (or state registration number, if undocumented); 
    permit number; date/time sailed; date/time landed; trip type; number of 
    crew; number of anglers; gear fished; quantity and size of gear; chart 
    area fished; average depth; latitude/longitude (or loran station and 
    bearings); average tow time duration; count, by species, of all species 
    landed or discarded; port and state landed; and vessel operator's name, 
    signature, and operator permit number (if applicable).
        (c) When to fill out a log report. Log reports required by 
    paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section must be filled out, except for 
    information required but not yet ascertainable, before offloading or 
    landing has begun. All information must be filled out before starting 
    the next fishing trip. Log reports required by paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of 
    this section must be filled out before landing any surf clams or ocean 
    quahogs. Log reports required by paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section 
    must be filled out, except for information required but not yet 
    ascertainable, before offloading or landing has begun. All information 
    required in paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section must be filled out 
    for each fishing trip by the end of each fishing trip.
        (d) Inspection. All persons required to submit reports under this 
    section, upon the request of an authorized officer, or by an employee 
    of NMFS designated by the Regional Director to make such inspections, 
    must make immediately available for inspection copies of the required 
    reports that have been submitted, or should have been submitted, and 
    the records upon which the reports were based. At any time during or 
    after a trip, owners and operators must make immediately available for 
    inspection the fishing log reports currently in use, or to be 
        (e) Record retention. Copies of reports, and records upon which the 
    reports were based, must be retained and be available for review for 1 
    year after the date of the last entry on the report. Copies of fishing 
    log reports must be retained and available for review for 1 year after 
    the date of the last entry on the log. Dealers must retain required 
    reports and records at their principal place of business.
        (f) Submitting reports--(1) Dealer or processor reports. Weekly 
    dealer or processor reports must be received or postmarked, if mailed, 
    within 3 days after the end of each reporting week. Each dealer will be 
    sent forms and instructions, including the address to which to submit 
    reports, shortly after receipt of a dealer permit. If no fish or fish 
    product was purchased during a week, a report so stating must be 
    submitted. Annual reports for a calendar year must be submitted to NMFS 
    Statistics, and must be postmarked by February 10 of the following 
    year. Contact the Regional Director for the address of NMFS Statistics.
        (2) Fishing vessel log reports. Fishing log reports must be 
    received or postmarked, if mailed, within 15 days after the end of the 
    reporting month. Each owner will be sent forms and instructions, 
    including the address to which to submit reports, shortly after receipt 
    of a Federal fisheries permit. If no fishing trip is made during a 
    month, a report so stating must be submitted. Annual reports must be 
    submitted to NMFS Statistics and must be postmarked by February 10 of 
    the following year.
        (3) At-sea purchasers, receivers, or processors. All persons 
    purchasing, receiving, or processing any summer flounder or mackerel, 
    squid, and butterfish at sea for landing at any port of the United 
    States must submit information identical to that required by paragraph 
    (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section, as applicable, and provide those 
    reports to the Regional Director or designee on the same frequency 
    Sec. 648.8  Vessel identification.
        (a) Vessel name and official number. Each fishing vessel subject to 
    this part and over 25 ft (7.6 m) in registered length must:
        (1) Affix permanently its name on the port and starboard sides of 
    the bow and, if possible, on its stern.
        (2) Display its official number on the port and starboard sides of 
    the deckhouse or hull, and on an appropriate weather deck so as to be 
    clearly visible from enforcement vessels and aircraft. The official 
    number is the USCG documentation number or the vessel's state 
    registration number for vessels not required to be documented under 
    title 46 U.S.C.
        (b) Numerals. Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, 
    the official number must be displayed in block arabic numerals in 
    contrasting color at least 18 inches (45.7 cm) in height for fishing 
    vessels over 65 ft (19.8 m) in
    [[Page 34978]]
    registered length, and at least 10 inches (25.4 cm) in height for all 
    other vessels over 25 ft (7.6 m) in registered length. The registered 
    length of a vessel, for purposes of this section, is that registered 
    length set forth in USCG or state records.
        (c) Duties of owner. The owner of each vessel subject to this part 
    shall ensure that--
        (1) The vessel's name and official number are kept clearly legible 
    and in good repair.
        (2) No part of the vessel, its rigging, its fishing gear, or any 
    other object obstructs the view of the official number from any 
    enforcement vessel or aircraft.
        (d) Non-permanent marking. Vessels carrying recreational fishing 
    parties on a per capita basis or by charter must use markings that meet 
    the above requirements, except for the requirement that they be affixed 
    permanently to the vessel. The non-permanent markings must be displayed 
    in conformity with the above requirements.
        (e) New Jersey surf clam or ocean quahog vessels. Instead of 
    complying with paragraph (a) of this section, surf clam or ocean quahog 
    vessels licensed under New Jersey law may use the appropriate vessel 
    identification markings established by that state.
    Sec. 648.9  VTS requirements.
        (a) Approval. The Regional Director will annually approve VTSs that 
    meet the minimum performance criteria specified in paragraph (b) of 
    this section. Any changes to the performance criteria will be published 
    annually in the Federal Register and a list of approved VTSs will be 
    published in the Federal Register upon addition or deletion of a VTS 
    from the list. In the event that a VTS is deleted from the list, vessel 
    owners that purchased a VTS unit that is part of that VTS prior to 
    publication of the revised list will be considered to be in compliance 
    with the requirement to have an approved unit, unless otherwise 
    notified by the Regional Director.
        (b) Minimum VTS performance criteria. The basic required features 
    of the VTS are as follows:
        (1) The VTS shall be tamper proof, i.e., shall not permit the input 
    of false positions; furthermore, if a system uses satellites to 
    determine position, satellite selection should be automatic to provide 
    an optimal fix and should not be capable of being manually overridden 
    by any person aboard a fishing vessel or by the vessel owner.
        (2) The VTS shall be fully automatic and operational at all times, 
    regardless of weather and environmental conditions.
        (3) The VTS shall be capable of tracking vessels in all U.S. waters 
    in the Atlantic Ocean from the shoreline of each coastal state to a 
    line 215 nm offshore and shall provide position accuracy to within 400 
    m (1,300 ft).
        (4) The VTS shall be capable of transmitting and storing 
    information including vessel identification, date, time, and latitude/
        (5) The VTS shall provide accurate hourly position transmissions 
    every day of the year. In addition, the VTS shall allow polling of 
    individual vessels or any set of vessels at any time and receive 
    position reports in real time. For the purposes of this specification, 
    ``real time'' shall constitute data that reflect a delay of 15 minutes 
    or less between the displayed information and the vessel's actual 
        (6) The VTS shall be capable of providing network message 
    communications between the vessel and shore. The VTS shall allow NMFS 
    to initiate communications or data transfer at any time.
        (7) The VTS vendor shall be capable of transmitting position data 
    to a NMFS-designated computer system via a modem at a minimum speed of 
    9600 baud. Transmission shall be in ASCII text in a file format 
    acceptable to NMFS.
        (8) The VTS shall be capable of providing vessel locations relative 
    to international boundaries and fishery management areas.
        (9) The VTS vendor shall be capable of archiving vessel position 
    histories for a minimum of 1 year and providing transmission to NMFS of 
    specified portions of archived data in response to NMFS requests and in 
    a variety of media (tape, floppy, etc.).
        (c) Operating requirements. All required VTS units must transmit a 
    signal indicating the vessel's accurate position at least every hour, 
    24 hours a day, throughout the year.
        (d) Presumption. If a VTS unit fails to transmit an hourly signal 
    of a vessel's position, the vessel shall be deemed to have incurred a 
    DAS, or fraction thereof, for as long as the unit fails to transmit a 
    signal, unless a preponderance of evidence shows that the failure to 
    transmit was due to an unavoidable malfunction or disruption of the 
    transmission that occurred while the vessel was declared out of the 
    scallop fishery or NE multispecies fishery, as applicable, or was not 
    at sea.
        (e) Replacement. Should a VTS unit require replacement, a vessel 
    owner must submit documentation to the Regional Director, within 3 days 
    of installation and prior to the vessel's next trip, verifying that the 
    new VTS unit is an operational approved system as described under 
    paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
        (f) Access. As a condition to obtaining a limited access scallop or 
    multispecies permit, all vessel owners must allow NMFS, the USCG, and 
    their authorized officers or designees access to the vessel's DAS and 
    location data obtained from its VTS at the time of or after its 
    transmission to the vendor or receiver, as the case may be.
        (g) Tampering. Tampering with a VTS, a VTS unit, or a VTS signal, 
    is prohibited. Tampering includes any activity that is likely to affect 
    the unit's ability to operate properly, signal, or accuracy of 
    computing the vessel's position fix.
    Sec. 648.10  DAS notification requirements.
        (a) VTS Demarcation Line. The VTS Demarcation Line is defined by 
    straight lines connecting the following coordinates in the order stated 
    (a copy of a map showing the line is available from the Regional 
    Director upon request):
                              VTS Demarcation Line                          
               Description                 N. Long.             W. Lat.     
    1. Northern terminus point        45 deg.03'          66 deg.47'        
     (Canada landmass).                                                     
    2. A point east of West Quoddy    44 deg.48.9'        66 deg.56.1'      
     Head Light.                                                            
    3. A point east of Little River   44 deg.39.0'        67 deg.10.5'      
    4. Whistle Buoy ``8BI'' (SSE of   44 deg.13.6'        68 deg.10.8'      
     Baker Island).                                                         
    5. Isle au Haut Light...........  44 deg.03.9'        68 deg.39.1'      
    6. Pemaquid Point Light.........  43 deg.50.2'        69 deg.30.4'      
    7. A point west of Halfway Rock.  43 deg.38.0'        70 deg.05.0'      
    8. A point east of Cape Neddick   43 deg.09.9'        70 deg.34.5'      
    [[Page 34979]]
    9. Merrimack River Entrance       42 deg.48.6'        70 deg.47.1'      
     ``MR'' Whistle Buoy.                                                   
    10. Halibut Point Gong Buoy       42 deg.42.0'        70 deg.37.5'      
    11. Connecting reference point..  42 deg.40'          70 deg.30'        
    12. Whistle Buoy ``2'' off        42 deg.34.3'        70 deg.39.8'      
     Eastern Point.                                                         
    13. The Graves Light (Boston)...  42 deg.21.9'        70 deg.52.2'      
    14. Minots Ledge Light..........  42 deg.16.2'        70 deg.45.6'      
    15. Farnham Rock Lighted Bell     42 deg.05.6'        70 deg.36.5'      
    16. Cape Cod Canal Bell Buoy      41 deg.48.9'        70 deg.27.7'      
    17. A point inside Cape Cod Bay.  41 deg.48.9'        70 deg.05'        
    18. Race Point Lighted Bell Buoy  42 deg.04.9'        70 deg.16.8'      
    19. Peaked Hill Bar Whistle Buoy  42 deg.07.0'        70 deg.06.2'      
    20. Connecting point, off Nauset  41 deg.50'          69 deg.53'        
    21. A point south of Chatham      41 deg.38'          69 deg.55.2'      
     ``C'' Whistle Buoy.                                                    
    22. A point in eastern Vineyard   41 deg.30'          70 deg.33'        
    23. A point east of Martha's      41 deg.22.2'        70 deg.24.6'      
    24. A point east of Great Pt.     41 deg.23.4'        69 deg.57'        
     Light, Nantucket.                                                      
    25. A point SE of Sankaty Head,   41 deg.13'          69 deg.57'        
    26. A point west of Nantucket...  41 deg.15.6'        70 deg.25.2'      
    27. Squibnocket Lighted Bell      41 deg.15.7'        70 deg.46.3'      
     Buoy ``1''.                                                            
    28. Wilbur Point (on Sconticut    41 deg.35.2'        70 deg.51.2'      
    29. Mishaum Point (on Smith       41 deg.31.0'        70 deg.57.2'      
    30. Sakonnet Entrance Lighted     41 deg.25.7'        71 deg.13.4'      
     Whistle Buoy ``SR''.                                                   
    31. Point Judith Lighted Whistle  41 deg.19.3'        71 deg.28.6'      
     Buoy ``2''.                                                            
    32. A point off Block Island      41 deg.08.2'        71 deg.32.1'      
     Southeast Light.                                                       
    33. Shinnecock Inlet Lighted      40 deg.49.0'        72 deg.28.6'      
     Whistle Buoy ``SH''.                                                   
    34. Scotland Horn Buoy ``S'',     40 deg.26.5'        73 deg.55.0'      
     off Sandy Hook (NJ).                                                   
    35. Barnegat Lighted Gong Buoy    39 deg.45.5'        73 deg.59.5'      
    36. A point east of Atlantic      39 deg.21.9'        74 deg.22.7'      
     City Light.                                                            
    37. A point east of Hereford      39 deg.00.4'        74 deg.46'        
     Inlet Light.                                                           
    38. A point east of Cape          38 deg.47'          75 deg.04'        
     Henlopen Light.                                                        
    39. A point east of Fenwick       38 deg.27.1'        75 deg.02'        
     Island Light.                                                          
    40. A point NE of Assateague      38 deg.00'          75 deg.13'        
     Island (VA).                                                           
    41. Wachapreague Inlet Lighted    37 deg.35.0'        75 deg.33.7'      
     Whistle Buoy ``A''.                                                    
    42. A point NE of Cape Henry....  36 deg.55.6'        75 deg.58.5'      
    43. A point east of Currituck     36 deg.22.6'        75 deg.48'        
     Beach Light.                                                           
    44. Oregon Inlet (NC) Whistle     35 deg.48.5'        75 deg.30'        
    45. Wimble Shoals, east of        35 deg.36'          75 deg.26'        
    46. A point SE of Cape Hatteras   35 deg.12.5'        75 deg.30'        
    47. Hatteras Inlet Entrance Buoy  35 deg.10'          75 deg.46'        
    48. Ocracoke Inlet Whistle Buoy   35 deg.01.5'        76 deg.00.5'      
    49. A point east of Cape Lookout  34 deg.36.5'        76 deg.30'        
    50. Southern terminus point.....  34 deg.35'          76 deg.41'        
        (b) VTS notification. Multispecies vessels issued an individual DAS 
    or combination permit, scallop vessels issued a full-time or part-time 
    limited access scallop permit, or scallop vessels fishing under the 
    small dredge program specified in Sec. 648.51(e), or vessels issued a 
    limited access multispecies or scallop permit and whose owners elect to 
    fish under the VTS notification of this paragraph (b), unless otherwise 
    authorized or required by the Regional Director under Sec. 648.9(a), 
    must have installed on board an operational VTS unit that meets the 
    minimum performance criteria specified in Sec. 648.9(b), or as modified 
    as specified in Sec. 648.9(a). Owners of such vessels must provide 
    documentation to the Regional Director at the time of application for a 
    limited access permit that the vessel has an operational VTS unit that 
    meets the minimum performance criteria specified in Sec. 648.9(b), or 
    as modified as specified in Sec. 648.9(a). If a vessel has already been 
    issued a limited access permit without providing such documentation, 
    the Regional Director shall allow at least 30 days for the vessel to 
    instal an operational VTS unit that meets the minimum performance 
    criteria specified in Sec. 648.9(b), or as modified as specified in 
    Sec. 648.9(a), and to provide documentation of such installation to the 
    Regional Director. The VTS unit shall be subject to the following 
    requirements and presumption:
        (1) Multispecies vessels issued an individual DAS or combination 
    permit, scallop vessels issued a full-time or part-time limited access 
    scallop permit, or vessels issued a limited access multispecies or 
    scallop permit and whose owners elect to fish under the VTS 
    notification of this paragraph (b), that have crossed the VTS 
    Demarcation Line specified under paragraph (a) of this section, are 
    deemed to be fishing under the DAS program, unless the vessel's owner 
    or authorized representative declares the vessel out of the scallop or 
    NE multispecies fishery, as applicable, for a specific time period by 
    notifying the Regional Director through the VTS prior to the vessel 
    leaving port.
        (2) Part-time scallop vessels may not fish in the DAS allocation 
    program unless they declare into the scallop fishery for a specific 
    time period by notifying the Regional Director through the VTS.
        (3) Notification that the vessel is not under the DAS program must 
    be received prior to the vessel leaving port. A change in status of a 
    vessel cannot be made after the vessel leaves port or before it returns 
    to port on any fishing trip.
        (4) DAS for vessels that are under the VTS notification 
    requirements of this paragraph (b) are counted beginning
    [[Page 34980]]
    with the first hourly location signal received showing that the vessel 
    crossed the VTS Demarcation Line leaving port. A trip concludes and 
    accrual of DAS ends with the first hourly location signal received 
    showing that the vessel crossed the VTS Demarcation Line upon its 
    return to port.
        (5) If the VTS is not available or not functional, and if 
    authorized by the Regional Director, a vessel owner must provide the 
    notifications required by paragraphs (b)(1), (2), and (3) of this 
    section by using the call-in notification system described under 
    paragraph (c) of this section, instead of using the VTS system.
        (c) Call-in notification. Owners of vessels issued limited access 
    multispecies permits who are participating in a DAS program and who are 
    not required to provide notification using a VTS, owners of scallop 
    vessels qualifying for a DAS allocation under the occasional category 
    and who have not elected to fish under the VTS notification 
    requirements of paragraph (b) of this section, and vessels fishing 
    pending an appeal as specified in Sec. 648.4(a)(1)(i)(H)(3) are subject 
    to the following requirements:
        (1) Prior to the vessel leaving port, the vessel owner or 
    authorized representative must notify the Regional Director that the 
    vessel will be participating in the DAS program or the charter/party 
    fishery by calling the Regional Director and providing the following 
    information: Owner and caller name and phone number, vessel's name and 
    permit number, type of trip to be taken, and that the vessel is 
    beginning a trip. For NE multispecies vessels, the port of departure 
    also must be specified. A DAS or a vessel's participation in the 
    charter/party fishery begins once the call has been received and a 
    confirmation number is given by the Regional Director.
        (2) The confirmation number given by the Regional Director must be 
    kept on board for the duration of the trip and must be provided to an 
    authorized officer upon request.
        (3) Upon the vessel's return to port, the vessel owner or owner's 
    representative must call the Regional Director and notify him/her that 
    the trip has ended by providing the following information: Owner and 
    caller name and phone number, vessel's name and permit number, and that 
    the vessel has ended a trip. For NE multispecies vessels, the port of 
    landing also must be specified. A DAS ends for all but vessels fishing 
    with gillnet gear when the call has been received and confirmation 
    given by the Regional Director. For vessels fishing with gillnet gear, 
    DAS continue to accrue as long as the vessel's gillnet gear remains in 
    the water. A trip concludes and accrual of DAS ends for a gillnet 
    vessel when the vessel returns to port with all of its gillnet gear 
    that was in the water on board, the phone call has been received, and 
    confirmation has been given by the Regional Director.
        (4) The Regional Director will furnish a phone number for DAS 
    notification call-ins upon request.
        (5) Any vessel that possesses or lands per trip more than 400 lb 
    (181.44 kg) of scallops, and any vessel issued a limited access 
    multispecies permit subject to the DAS program and call-in requirement, 
    that possesses or lands regulated species, except as provided in 
    Sec. 648.83, shall be deemed in the DAS program for purposes of 
    counting DAS, regardless of whether the vessel's owner or authorized 
    representative provided adequate notification as required by paragraph 
    (b) of this section.
        (d) Temporary authorization for use of the call-in system. The 
    Regional Director may authorize or require, on a temporary basis, the 
    use of the call-in system of notification specified in paragraph (c) of 
    this section. If use of the call-in system is authorized or required, 
    the Regional Director shall notify affected permit holders through a 
    letter, notification in the Federal Register, or other appropriate 
        (e) Charter/party multispecies vessels. Charter/party multispecies 
    vessels that are not fishing under a multispecies DAS must declare into 
    and out of the charter/party fishery, providing notification under 
    paragraph (b) of this section, must remain in the charter/party fishery 
    for a minimum of 24 hours after declaring into the fishery, and are 
    subject to the restrictions in Sec. 648.89.
        (f) Scallop vessels fishing under exemptions. Vessels fishing under 
    the exemptions provided by Sec. 648.54 (a) and/or (b) must notify the 
    Regional Director by VTS notification or through call-in notification 
    as follows:
        (1) VTS notification. (i) Notify the Regional Director, via their 
    VTS, prior to the vessel's first trip under the state waters exemption 
    program, that the vessel will be fishing exclusively in state waters; 
        (ii) Notify the Regional Director, via their VTS, prior to the 
    vessel's first planned trip in the EEZ, that the vessel is to resume 
    fishing under the vessel's DAS allocation.
        (2) Call-in notification. (i) Notify the Regional Director by 
    calling the Regional Director and providing the following information 
    at least 7 days prior to fishing under the exemption: Owner and caller 
    name and address, vessel name and permit number, and beginning and 
    ending dates of the exemption period.
        (ii) Remain under the exemption for a minimum of 7 days.
        (iii) If, under the exemption for a minimum of 7 days and wishing 
    to withdraw earlier than the designated end of the exemption period, 
    notify the Regional Director of early withdrawal from the program by 
    calling the Regional Director, providing the vessel's name and permit 
    number and the name and phone number of the caller, and stating that 
    the vessel is withdrawing from the exemption. The vessel may not leave 
    port to fish in the EEZ until 48 hours after notification of early 
    withdrawal is received by the Regional Director.
        (iv) The Regional Director will furnish a phone number for call-ins 
    upon request.
    Sec. 648.11  At-sea sea sampler/observer coverage.
        (a) The Regional Director may request any vessel holding a 
    mackerel, squid, and butterfish; scallop; NE multispecies; or summer 
    flounder permit to carry a NMFS-approved sea sampler/observer. If 
    requested by the Regional Director to carry an observer or sea sampler, 
    a vessel may not engage in any fishing operations in the respective 
    fishery unless an observer or sea sampler is on board, or unless the 
    requirement is waived.
        (b) If requested by the Regional Director to carry an observer or 
    sea sampler, it is the responsibility of the vessel owner to arrange 
    for and facilitate observer or sea sampler placement. Owners of vessels 
    selected for sea sampler/observer coverage must notify the appropriate 
    Regional or Science and Research Director, as specified by the Regional 
    Director, before commencing any fishing trip that may result in the 
    harvest of resources of the respective fishery. Notification procedures 
    will be specified in selection letters to vessel owners.
        (c) The Regional Director may waive the requirement to carry a sea 
    sampler or observer if the facilities on a vessel for housing the 
    observer or sea sampler, or for carrying out observer or sea sampler 
    functions, are so inadequate or unsafe that the health or safety of the 
    observer or sea sampler, or the safe operation of the vessel, would be 
        (d) An owner or operator of a vessel on which a NMFS-approved sea 
    sampler/observer is embarked must:
        (1) Provide accommodations and food that are equivalent to those 
    provided to the crew.
    [[Page 34981]]
        (2) Allow the sea sampler/observer access to and use of the 
    vessel's communications equipment and personnel upon request for the 
    transmission and receipt of messages related to the sea sampler's/
    observer's duties.
        (3) Provide true vessel locations, by latitude and longitude or 
    loran coordinates, as requested by the observer/sea sampler, and allow 
    the sea sampler/observer access to and use of the vessel's navigation 
    equipment and personnel upon request to determine the vessel's 
        (4) Notify the sea sampler/observer in a timely fashion of when 
    fishing operations are to begin and end.
        (5) Allow for the embarking and debarking of the sea sampler/
    observer, as specified by the Regional Director, ensuring that 
    transfers of observers/sea samplers at sea are accomplished in a safe 
    manner, via small boat or raft, during daylight hours as weather and 
    sea conditions allow, and with the agreement of the sea samplers/ 
    observers involved.
        (6) Allow the sea sampler/observer free and unobstructed access to 
    the vessel's bridge, working decks, holding bins, weight scales, holds, 
    and any other space used to hold, process, weigh, or store fish.
        (7) Allow the sea sampler/observer to inspect and copy any the 
    vessel's log, communications log, and records associated with the catch 
    and distribution of fish for that trip.
        (e) The owner or operator of a summer flounder vessel, if requested 
    by the sea sampler/observer also must:
        (1) Notify the sea sampler/observer of any sea turtles, marine 
    mammals, summer flounder, or other specimens taken by the vessel.
        (2) Provide the sea sampler/observer with sea turtles, marine 
    mammals, summer flounder, or other specimens taken by the vessel.
        (3) Provide storage for biological specimens, including cold 
    storage if available, and retain such specimens on board the vessel as 
    instructed by the sea sampler/observer, until retrieved by authorized 
    NMFS personnel.
        (f) NMFS may accept observer coverage funded by outside sources if:
        (1) All coverage conducted by such observers is determined by NMFS 
    to be in compliance with NMFS' observer guidelines and procedures.
        (2) The owner or operator of the vessel complies with all other 
    provisions of this part.
        (3) The observer is approved by the Regional Director.
    Sec. 648.12  Experimental fishing.
        The Regional Director may exempt any person or vessel from the 
    requirements of subparts B (Atlantic mackerel, squid, and butterfish), 
    D (sea scallops), E (surf clams and ocean quahogs), F (NE multispecies) 
    or G (summer flounder) of this part for the conduct of experimental 
    fishing beneficial to the management of the resources or fishery 
    managed under that subpart. The Regional Director shall consult with 
    the Executive Director of the MAFMC regarding such exemptions for the 
    Atlantic mackerel, squid, and butterfish and the summer flounder 
        (a) The Regional Director may not grant such an exemption unless 
    he/she determines that the purpose, design, and administration of the 
    exemption is consistent with the objectives of the respective FMP, the 
    provisions of the Magnuson Act, and other applicable law, and that 
    granting the exemption will not:
        (1) Have a detrimental effect on the respective resources and 
        (2) Cause any quota to be exceeded; or
        (3) Create significant enforcement problems.
        (b) Each vessel participating in any exempted experimental fishing 
    activity is subject to all provisions of the respective FMP, except 
    those necessarily relating to the purpose and nature of the exemption. 
    The exemption will be specified in a letter issued by the Regional 
    Director to each vessel participating in the exempted activity. This 
    letter must be carried on board the vessel seeking the benefit of such 
        (c) Experimental fishing for surf clams or ocean quahogs will not 
    require an allocation permit.
    Sec. 648.13  Transfers at sea.
        (a) Only vessels issued a Loligo and butterfish moratorium permit 
    under Sec. 648.4(a)(5) and vessels issued a mackerel, squid, and 
    butterfish incidental catch permit and authorized in writing by the 
    Regional Director to do so, may transfer or attempt to transfer Loligo 
    or butterfish from one vessel to another vessel.
        (b) Vessels issued a multispecies permit under Sec. 648.4(a)(1) or 
    a scallop permit under Sec. 648.4(a)(2) are prohibited from 
    transferring or attempting to transfer any fish from one vessel to 
    another vessel, except that vessels issued a multispecies permit under 
    Sec. 648.4(a)(1) and specifically authorized in writing by the Regional 
    Director to do so, may transfer species other than regulated species 
    from one vessel to another vessel.
        (c) All persons are prohibited from transferring or attempting to 
    transfer NE multispecies or scallops from one vessel to another vessel, 
    except in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.
    Sec. 648.14  Prohibitions.
        (a) In addition to the general prohibitions specified in 
    Sec. 600.725 of this chapter, it is unlawful for any person to do any 
    of the following:
        (1) Fail to report to the Regional Director within 15 days any 
    change in the information contained in an applicable vessel, operator, 
    or dealer/processor permit application.
        (2) Falsify or fail to affix and maintain vessel markings as 
    required by Sec. 648.8.
        (3) Make any false statement in connection with an application, 
    declaration, or report under this part.
        (4) Fail to comply in an accurate and timely fashion with the log 
    report, reporting, record retention, inspection, and other requirements 
    of Sec. 648.7, or submit or maintain false information in records and 
    reports required to be kept or filed under Sec. 648.7.
        (5) Alter, erase, or mutilate any permit issued under this part.
        (6) Alter, erase, mutilate, duplicate or cause to be duplicated, or 
    steal any cage tag issued under this part.
        (7) Tamper with, damage, destroy, alter, or in any way distort, 
    render useless, inoperative, ineffective, or inaccurate the VTS, VTS 
    unit, or VTS signal required to be installed on or transmitted by 
    vessel owners or operators required to use a VTS by this part.
        (8) Assault, resist, oppose, impede, harass, intimidate, or 
    interfere with or bar by command, impediment, threat, or coercion 
    either a NMFS-approved observer or sea sampler aboard a vessel 
    conducting his or her duties aboard a vessel, or an authorized officer 
    conducting any search, inspection, investigation, or seizure in 
    connection with enforcement of this part.
        (9) Refuse to carry an observer or sea sampler if requested to do 
    so by the Regional Director.
        (10) To refuse reasonable assistance to either a NMFS-approved 
    observer or sea sampler conducting his or her duties aboard a vessel.
        (11) Fish for surf clams or ocean quahogs in any area closed to 
    surf clam or ocean quahog fishing.
        (12) Fish for, take, catch, harvest or land any species of fish 
    regulated by this part in or from the EEZ, unless the vessel has a 
    valid and appropriate permit issued under this part and the permit is 
    on board the vessel and has not been surrendered, revoked, or 
    [[Page 34982]]
        (13) Purchase, possess or receive for a commercial purpose or 
    attempt to purchase possess or receive for a commercial purpose any 
    species regulated under this part unless in possession of a valid 
    dealer permit issued under this part, except that this prohibition does 
    not apply to species that are purchased or received from a vessel not 
    issued a permit under this part and fishing exclusively in state 
        (14) Produce, or cause to be produced, cage tags required under 
    this part without written authorization from the Regional Director.
        (15) Tag a cage with a tag that has been rendered null and void or 
    with a tag that has been previously used.
        (16) Tag a cage of surf clams with an ocean quahog cage tag or tag 
    a cage of ocean quahogs with a surf clam cage tag.
        (17) Possess, import, export, transfer, land, have custody or 
    control of any species of fish regulated pursuant to this part that do 
    not meet the minimum size provisions in this part, unless such species 
    were harvested exclusively within state waters by a vessel not issued a 
    permit under this part or whose permit has been surrendered in 
    accordance with applicable regulations.
        (18) Possess an empty cage to which a cage tag required by 
    Sec. 648.75 is affixed or possess any cage that does not contain surf 
    clams or ocean quahogs and to which a cage tag required by Sec. 648.75 
    is affixed.
        (19) Land or possess, after offloading, any cage holding surf clams 
    or ocean quahogs without a cage tag or tags required by Sec. 648.75, 
    unless the person can demonstrate the inapplicability of the 
    presumption set forth in Sec. 648.75(t)(1)(iii).
        (20) Sell null and void tags.
        (21) Shuck surf clams or ocean quahogs harvested in or from the EEZ 
    at sea, unless permitted by the Regional Director under the terms of 
    Sec. 648.74.
        (22) Receive for a commercial purpose other than transport, surf 
    clams or ocean quahogs harvested in or from the EEZ, whether or not 
    they are landed under an allocation under Sec. 648.70, unless issued a 
    dealer/processor permit under this part.
        (23) Land unshucked surf clams or ocean quahogs harvested in or 
    from the EEZ in containers other than cages from vessels capable of 
    carrying cages.
        (24) Offload unshucked surf clams or ocean quahogs harvested in or 
    from the EEZ from vessels not capable of carrying cages other than 
    directly into cages.
        (25) Fish for surf clams or ocean quahogs in the EEZ without giving 
    prior notification, or fail to comply with any of the notification 
    requirements specified in Sec. 648.15(b).
        (26) Fish for, retain, or land both surf clams and ocean quahogs in 
    or from the EEZ on the same trip.
        (27) Fish for, retain, or land ocean quahogs in or from the EEZ on 
    a trip designated as a surf clam fishing trip under Sec. 648.15(b), or 
    fish for, retain, or land surf clams in or from the EEZ on a trip 
    designated as an ocean quahog fishing trip under Sec. 648.15(b).
        (28) Fail to offload any surf clams or ocean quahogs harvested in 
    the EEZ from a trip discontinued pursuant to Sec. 648.15(b) prior to 
    commencing fishing operations in waters under the jurisdiction of any 
        (29) Land or possess any surf clams or ocean quahogs harvested in 
    or from the EEZ in excess of, or without, an individual allocation.
        (30) Transfer any surf clams or ocean quahogs harvested in or from 
    the EEZ to any person for a commercial purpose, other than transport, 
    without a surf clam or ocean quahog processor or dealer permit.
        (31) Fish for, possess, or land NE multispecies, unless:
        (i) The NE multispecies are being fished for or were harvested in 
    or from the EEZ by a vessel holding a valid multispecies permit under 
    this part, or a letter under Sec. 648.4(a)(1), and the operator on 
    board such vessel has been issued an operator's permit and has a valid 
    permit on board the vessel;
        (ii) The NE multispecies were harvested by a vessel not issued a 
    multispecies permit that fishes for NE multispecies exclusively in 
    state waters; or
        (iii) The NE multispecies were harvested in or from the EEZ by a 
    recreational fishing vessel.
        (32) Land, offload, remove, or otherwise transfer, or attempt to 
    land, offload, remove or otherwise transfer multispecies from one 
    vessel to another vessel, unless both vessels have not been issued 
    multispecies permits and both fish exclusively in state waters, or 
    unless authorized in writing by the Regional Director.
        (33) Sell, barter, trade, or otherwise transfer; or attempt to 
    sell, barter, trade, or otherwise transfer for a commercial purpose any 
    NE multispecies from a trip, unless the vessel is holding a 
    multispecies permit, or a letter under Sec. 648.4(a)(1), and is not 
    fishing under the charter/party vessel restrictions specified in 
    Sec. 648.89, or unless the NE multispecies were harvested by a vessel 
    without a multispecies permit that fishes for NE multispecies 
    exclusively in state waters.
        (34) Operate or act as an operator of a vessel fishing for or 
    possessing NE multispecies in or from the EEZ, or holding a 
    multispecies permit without having been issued and possessing a valid 
    operator's permit.
        (35) Fish with, use, or have on board within the area described in 
    Sec. 648.80(a)(1), nets of mesh whose size is smaller than the minimum 
    mesh size specified in Sec. 648.80(a)(2), except as provided in 
    Sec. 648.80(a) (3) through (6), (a)(8), (a)(9), (d), (e) and (i), or 
    unless the vessel has not been issued a multispecies permit and fishes 
    for NE multispecies exclusively in state waters.
        (36) Fish with, use, or have available for immediate use within the 
    area described in Sec. 648.80(b)(1), nets of mesh size smaller than the 
    minimum size specified in Sec. 648.80(b)(2), except as provided in 
    Sec. 648.80 (b)(3), (d), (e), and (i), or unless the vessel has not 
    been issued a multispecies permit and fishes for multispecies 
    exclusively in state waters.
        (37) Fish with, use, or have available for immediate use within the 
    area described in Sec. 648.80(c)(1), nets of mesh size smaller than the 
    minimum size specified in Sec. 648.80(c)(2), except as provided in 
    Sec. 648.8 (c)(3), (d), (e), and (i), or unless the vessel has not been 
    issued a multispecies permit and fishes for NE multispecies exclusively 
    in state waters.
        (38) Enter or be in the area described in Sec. 648.81(a)(1) on a 
    fishing vessel, except as provided in Sec. 648.81(a) (2) and (d).
        (39) Enter or be in the area described in Sec. 648.81(b)(1) on a 
    fishing vessel, except as provided by Sec. 648.81(b)(2).
        (40) Enter or be in the area described in Sec. 648.81(c)(1), on a 
    fishing vessel, except as provided in Sec. 648.81 (c)(2) and (d)(2).
        (41) Fail to comply with the gear-marking requirements of 
    Sec. 648.84.
        (42) Fish within the areas described in Sec. 648.80(a)(4) with nets 
    of mesh smaller than the minimum size specified in Sec. 648.80(a)(2), 
    unless the vessel is issued and possesses on board an authorizing 
    letter issued under Sec. 648.80(a)(4)(i).
        (43) Violate any of the provisions of Sec. 648.80(a)(4), (5), (8), 
    or (9). A violation of any of these paragraphs is a separate violation.
        (44) Fish for, land, or possess NE multispecies harvested by means 
    of pair trawling or with pair trawl gear, except under the provisions 
    of Sec. 648.80(d), or unless the vessels that engaged in pair trawling 
    have not been issued multispecies permits and fish for NE multispecies 
    exclusively in state waters.
    [[Page 34983]]
        (45) Fish for, harvest, possess, or land in or from the EEZ 
    northern shrimp, unless such shrimp were fished for or harvested by a 
    vessel meeting the requirements specified in Sec. 648.80(a)(3).
        (46) Violate any terms of a letter authorizing experimental fishing 
    pursuant to Sec. 648.12 or fail to keep such letter on board the vessel 
    during the period of the experiment.
        (47) Fish for the species specified in Sec. 648.80 (d) or (e) with 
    a net of mesh size smaller than the applicable mesh size specified in 
    Sec. 648.80(a) (2), (b)(2), or (c)(2), or possess or land such species, 
    unless the vessel is in compliance with the requirements specified in 
    Sec. 648.80 (d) or (e), or unless the vessel has not been issued a 
    multispecies permit and fishes for NE multispecies exclusively in state 
        (48) Violate any provision of Sec. 648.88.
        (49) Violate any of the restrictions on fishing with scallop dredge 
    gear specified in Sec. 648.80(h).
        (50) Violate any of the provisions of Sec. 648.80(i).
        (51) Obstruct or constrict a net as described in Sec. 648.80(g) (1) 
    or (2).
        (52) Enter, be on a fishing vessel in, or fail to remove gear from 
    the EEZ portion of the areas described in Sec. 648.81 (f)(1) through 
    (h)(1) during the time period specified, except as provided in 
    Sec. 648.81(d), (f)(2), (g)(2), and (h)(2).
        (53) Possess, land, or fish for regulated species, except winter 
    flounder as provided for in accordance with Sec. 648.80(i) and from or 
    within the areas described in Sec. 648.80(i), while in possession of 
    scallop dredge gear on a vessel not fishing under the scallop DAS 
    program as described in Sec. 648.53, or fishing under a general scallop 
    permit, unless the vessel and the dredge gear conform with the stowage 
    requirements of Sec. 648.51 (a)(2)(ii) and (e)(2), or unless the vessel 
    has not been issued a multispecies permit and fishes for NE 
    multispecies exclusively in state waters.
        (54) Possess or land fish caught with nets of mesh smaller than the 
    minimum size specified in Sec. 648.51, or with scallop dredge gear on a 
    vessel not fishing under the scallop DAS program described in 
    Sec. 648.54 of this chapter, or fishing under a general scallop permit, 
    unless said fish are caught, possessed or landed in accordance with 
    Secs. 648.80 and 648.86, or unless the vessel has not been issued a 
    multispecies permit and fishes for NE multispecies exclusively in state 
        (55) Purchase, possess, or receive as a dealer, or in the capacity 
    of a dealer, regulated species in excess of the possession limit 
    specified in Sec. 648.86 applicable to a vessel issued a multispecies 
        (56) Possess, or land per trip, scallops in excess of 40 lb (18.14 
    kg) of shucked, or 5 bu (176.2 L) of in-shell scallops, unless:
        (i) The scallops were harvested by a vessel that has been issued 
    and carries on board a general or limited access scallop permit; or
        (ii) The scallops were harvested by a vessel that has not been 
    issued a scallop permit and fishes for scallops exclusively in state 
        (57) Fish for, possess, or land per trip, scallops in excess of 400 
    lb (181.44 kg) of shucked, or 50 bu (176.2 L) of in-shell scallops, 
        (i) The scallops were harvested by a vessel that has been issued 
    and carries on board a limited access scallop permit, or a letter under 
    Sec. 648.4(b)(2)(viii)(F); or
        (ii) The scallops were harvested by a vessel that has not been 
    issued a scallop permit and fishes for scallops exclusively in state 
        (58) Fish for, possess, or land per trip, scallops in excess of 40 
    lb (18.14 kg) of shucked, or 5 bu (176.2 L) of in-shell scallops, 
        (i) The scallops were harvested by a vessel with an operator on 
    board who has been issued an operator's permit and the permit is on 
    board the vessel and is valid; or
        (ii) The scallops were harvested by a vessel that has not been 
    issued a scallop permit and fishes for scallops exclusively in state 
        (59) Have a shucking or sorting machine on board a vessel that 
    shucks scallops at sea, while in possession of more than 400 lb (181.44 
    kg) of shucked scallops, unless that vessel has not been issued a 
    scallop permit and fishes exclusively in state waters.
        (60) Land, offload, remove, or otherwise transfer, or attempt to 
    land, offload, remove or otherwise transfer, scallops from one vessel 
    to another, unless that vessel has not been issued a scallop permit and 
    fishes exclusively in state waters.
        (61) Sell, barter or trade, or otherwise transfer, or attempt to 
    sell, barter or trade, or otherwise transfer, for a commercial purpose, 
    any scallops from a trip whose catch is 40 lb (18.14 kg) of shucked 
    scallops or less, or 5 bu (176.1 L) of in-shell scallops, unless the 
    vessel has been issued a valid general or limited access scallop 
    permit, or the scallops were harvested by a vessel that has not been 
    issued a scallop permit and fishes for scallops exclusively in state 
        (62) Purchase, possess, or receive for a commercial purpose, or 
    attempt to purchase, possess, or receive for a commercial purpose, in 
    the capacity of a dealer, scallops taken from a fishing vessel that 
    were harvested in or from the EEZ, unless issued, and in possession of, 
    a valid scallop dealer's permit.
        (63) Purchase, possess, or receive for commercial purposes, or 
    attempt to purchase or receive for commercial purposes, scallops caught 
    by a vessel other than one issued a valid limited access or general 
    scallop permit unless the scallops were harvested by a vessel that has 
    not been issued a scallop permit and fishes for scallops exclusively in 
    state waters.
        (64) Operate or act as an operator of a vessel fishing for or 
    possessing any species of fish regulated by this part in or from the 
    EEZ, or issued a permit pursuant to this part, without having been 
    issued and possessing a valid operator's permit.
        (65) Possess in or harvest from the EEZ summer flounder, either in 
    excess of the possession limit specified in Sec. 648.105, or before or 
    after the time period specified in Sec. 648.102, unless the vessel was 
    issued a summer flounder moratorium permit and the moratorium permit is 
    on board the vessel and has not been surrendered, revoked, or 
        (66) Possess nets or netting with mesh not meeting the minimum mesh 
    requirement of Sec. 648.104 if the person possesses summer flounder 
    harvested in or from the EEZ in excess of the threshold limit of 
    Sec. 648.105(a).
        (67) Purchase or otherwise receive, except for transport, summer 
    flounder from the owner or operator of a vessel issued a summer 
    flounder moratorium permit, unless in possession of a valid summer 
    flounder dealer permit.
        (68) Purchase or otherwise receive for commercial purposes summer 
    flounder caught by other than a vessel with a summer flounder 
    moratorium permit not subject to the possession limit of Sec. 648.105.
        (69) Purchase or otherwise receive for a commercial purpose summer 
    flounder landed in a state after the effective date published in the 
    Federal Register notifying permit holders that commercial quota is no 
    longer available in that state.
        (70) Fail to comply with any sea turtle conservation measure 
    specified in Sec. 648.106, including any sea turtle conservation 
    measure implemented by notification in the Federal Register in 
    accordance with Sec. 648.106(d).
        (71) Use any vessel of the United States for taking, catching, 
    harvesting, fishing for, or landing any Atlantic salmon taken from or 
    in the EEZ.
    [[Page 34984]]
        (72) Transfer, directly or indirectly, or attempt to transfer to 
    any vessel any Atlantic salmon taken in or from the EEZ.
        (73) Take and retain, or land more mackerel, squid, and butterfish 
    than specified under a notice issued under Sec. 648.22.
        (74) Possess nets or netting with mesh not meeting the minimum size 
    requirement of Sec. 648.23 and not stowed in accordance with the 
    requirements of Sec. 648.23, if in possession of Loligo harvested in or 
    from the EEZ.
        (75) Transfer Loligo or butterfish within the EEZ, unless the 
    vessels participating in the transfer have been issued valid Loligo and 
    butterfish moratorium permits or valid letters of authorization from 
    the Regional Director.
        (76) Purchase, possess or receive for a commercial purpose, or 
    attempt to purchase, possess, or receive for a commercial purpose, in 
    the capacity of a dealer, except for transport on land, mackerel, 
    squid, and butterfish taken from a fishing vessel unless issued, and in 
    possession of a valid mackerel, squid, and butterfish fishery dealer 
        (77) Purchase or otherwise receive for a commercial purpose, 
    mackerel, squid, and butterfish caught by other than a vessel issued a 
    mackerel, squid, and butterfish permit, unless the vessel has not been 
    issued a permit under this part and fishes exclusively within the 
    waters under the jurisdiction of any state.
        (78) Land any scup harvested in or from the EEZ in fillet form with 
    the skin removed.
        (79) Violate any other provision of this part, the Magnuson Act, or 
    any regulation, notice, or permit issued under the Magnuson Act.
        (b) In addition to the general prohibitions specified in 
    Sec. 600.725 of this chapter and in paragraph (a) of this section, it 
    is unlawful for any person owning or operating a vessel holding a 
    multispecies permit, issued an operator's permit, or issued a letter 
    under Sec. 648.4(a)(1)(i)(H)(3), to land, or possess on board a vessel, 
    more than the possession limits specified in Sec. 648.86(a), or violate 
    any of the other provisions of Sec. 648.86.
        (c) In addition to the general prohibitions specified in 
    Sec. 600.725 of this chapter and in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this 
    section, it is unlawful for any person owning or operating a vessel 
    issued a limited access multispecies permit or a letter under 
    Sec. 648.4(a)(1)(i)(H)(3), to do any of the following:
        (1) Fish for, possess at any time during a trip, or land per trip 
    more than the possession limit of regulated species specified in 
    Sec. 648.86(c) after using up the vessel's annual DAS allocation or 
    when not participating under the DAS program pursuant to Sec. 648.82, 
    unless otherwise exempted under Sec. 648.82(b)(3) or Sec. 648.89.
        (2) If required by Sec. 648.10 to have a VTS unit:
        (i) Fail to have a certified, operational, and functioning VTS unit 
    that meets the specifications of Sec. 648.9 on board the vessel at all 
        (ii) Fail to comply with the notification, replacement, or any 
    other requirements regarding VTS usage as specified in Sec. 648.10(a).
        (3) Combine, transfer, or consolidate DAS allocations.
        (4) Fish for, possess, or land NE multispecies with or from a 
    vessel that has had the horsepower of such vessel or its replacement 
    upgraded or increased in excess of the limitations specified in 
    Sec. 648.4(a)(1)(i) (E) and (F).
        (5) Fish for, possess, or land NE multispecies with or from a 
    vessel that has had the length, GRT, or NT of such vessel or its 
    replacement increased or upgraded in excess of limitations specified in 
    Sec. 648.4(a)(1)(i) (E) and (F).
        (6) Fail to comply with any requirement specified in Sec. 648.10.
        (7) Possess or land per trip more than the possession limit 
    specified under Sec. 648.8 if the vessel has been issued a limited 
    access multispecies permit.
        (8) Fail to comply with the restrictions on fishing and gear 
    specified in Sec. 648.82(b)(4), if the vessel has been issued a limited 
    access multispecies hook-gear permit.
        (9) Fail to declare, and be, out of the NE multispecies fishery as 
    required by Sec. 648.82(g), using the procedure described under 
    Sec. 648.82(h), as applicable.
        (10) Land, or possess on board a vessel, more than the possession 
    limit of winter flounder specified in Sec. 648.86(b), or violate any of 
    the other provisions specified of Sec. 648.86(b).
        (d) In addition to the general prohibitions specified in 
    Sec. 600.725 of this chapter and in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of 
    this section, it is unlawful for any person owning or operating a 
    vessel issued a multispecies handgear permit to do any of the 
        (1) Possess, at any time during a trip, or land per trip, more than 
    the possession limit of regulated species specified in Sec. 648.88(a), 
    unless the regulated species were harvested by a charter or party 
        (2) Use, or possess on board, gear capable of harvesting NE 
    multispecies, other than rod and reel or handline, while in possession 
    of, or fishing for, NE multispecies.
        (3) Possess or land NE multispecies during the time period 
    specified in Sec. 648.86(a)(2).
        (e) In addition to the general prohibitions specified in Sec.  
    600.725 of this chapter and in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this 
    section, it is unlawful for any person owning or operating a vessel 
    issued a multispecies possession limit permit for scallops to possess 
    or land more than the possession limit of regulated species specified 
    at Sec. 648.88(c) or to possess or land regulated species when not 
    fishing under a scallop DAS.
        (f) In addition to the general prohibitions specified in 
    Sec. 600.725 of this chapter and in paragraph (a) of this section, it 
    is unlawful for any person owning or operating a vessel issued a 
    limited access scallop permit or a general scallop permit under 
    Sec. 648.4(a)(2) to land, or possess at or after landing, in-shell 
    scallops smaller than the minimum shell height specified in 
    Sec. 648.50(a).
        (g) In addition to the general prohibitions specified in 
    Sec. 600.725 of this chapter and the prohibitions specified in 
    paragraphs (a) through (f) of this section, it is unlawful for the 
    owner or operator of a charter or party boat issued a multispecies 
    permit, or of a recreational vessel, as applicable, to:
        (1) Fish with gear in violation of the restrictions specified in 
    Sec. 648.89(a).
        (2) Possess cod and haddock in excess of the possession limits 
    specified in Sec. 648.89(c).
        (3) Sell, trade, barter, or otherwise transfer, or attempt to sell, 
    trade, barter or otherwise transfer, NE multispecies for a commercial 
    purpose as specified in Sec. 648.89(d).
        (h) In addition to the general prohibitions specified in 
    Sec. 600.725 of this chapter and in paragraphs (a) and (g) of this 
    section, it is unlawful for any person owning or operating a vessel 
    issued a limited access scallop permit under Sec. 648.4(a)(2) to do any 
    of the following:
        (1) Possess, or land per trip, more than 400 lb (181.44 kg) of 
    shucked, or 50 bu (176.2 L) of in-shell scallops after using up the 
    vessel's annual DAS allocation or when not participating under the DAS 
    program pursuant to Sec. 648.10, unless exempted from DAS allocations 
    as provided in Sec. 648.54.
        (2) Land scallops on more than one trip per calendar day after 
    using up the vessel's annual DAS allocation or when not participating 
    under the DAS program pursuant to Sec. 648.10, unless exempted from DAS 
    allocations as provided in Sec. 648.55.
        (3) Fail to have an approved, operational, and functioning VTS unit 
    that meets the specifications of Sec. 648.9
    [[Page 34985]]
    on board the vessel at all times, unless the vessel is not subject to 
    the VTS requirements specified in Sec. 648.10.
        (4) If the vessel is not subject to VTS requirements specified in 
    Sec. 648.10(a), fail to comply with the requirements of the call-in 
    system specified in Sec. 648.10(b).
        (5) Combine, transfer, or consolidate DAS allocations.
        (6) Have an ownership interest in more than 5 percent of the total 
    number of vessels issued limited access scallop permits, except as 
    provided in Sec. 648.4(a)(2)(i)(H).
        (7) Fish for, possess, or land scallops with or from a vessel that 
    has had the horsepower of such vessel or its replacement upgraded or 
    increased in excess of the limitations specified in Sec. 648.4(a)(2)(i) 
    (E) or (F).
        (8) Fish for, possess, or land scallops with or from a vessel that 
    has had the length, GRT, or NT of such vessel or its replacement 
    increased or upgraded in excess of limitations specified in 
    Sec. 648.4(a)(2)(i) (E) or (F).
        (9) Possess more than 40 lb (18.14 kg) of shucked, or 5 bu (176.2 
    L) of in-shell scallops or participate in the DAS allocation program, 
    while in possession of trawl nets that have a maximum sweep exceeding 
    144 ft (43.9 m), as measured by the total length of the footrope that 
    is directly attached to the webbing of the net, except as specified in 
    Sec. 648.51(a)(2)(iii).
        (10) Fish under the DAS allocation program with, or have available 
    for immediate use, trawl nets of mesh smaller than the minimum size 
    specified in Sec. 648.51(a)(2).
        (11) Fish under the DAS allocation program with trawl nets that use 
    chafing gear or other means or devices that do not meet the 
    requirements of Sec. 648.51(a)(3).
        (12) Possess more than 40 lb (18.14 kg) of shucked, or 5 bu (176.2 
    L) of in-shell scallops or participate in the DAS allocation program, 
    while in possession of dredge gear that has a maximum combined dredge 
    width exceeding 31 ft (9.4 m), measured at the widest point in the bail 
    of each dredge, except as specified in Sec. 648.51(b)(1).
        (13) Possess more than 40 lb (18.14 kg) of shucked, or 5 bu (176.1 
    L) of in-shell scallops, or fish under the DAS allocation program, 
    while in possession of dredge gear that uses net or net material on the 
    top half of the dredge of a minimum mesh size smaller than that 
    specified in Sec. 648.51(b)(2).
        (14) Possess more than 40 lb (18.14 kg) of shucked, or 5 bu (176.1 
    L) of in-shell scallops, or fish under the DAS allocation program, 
    while in possession of dredge gear containing rings that have minimum 
    sizes smaller than those specified in Sec. 648.51(b)(3).
        (15) Possess more than 40 lb (18.14 kg) of shucked, or 5 bu (176.2 
    L) of in-shell scallops, or participate in the DAS allocation program, 
    while in possession of dredge gear that uses links between rings of the 
    gear or ring configurations that do not conform to the specifications 
    described in Sec. 648.51(b)(4)(ii).
        (16) Possess more than 40 lb (18.14 kg) of shucked, or 5 bu (176.2 
    L) of in-shell scallops, or participate in the DAS allocation program, 
    while in possession of dredge gear that uses cookies or chafing gear, 
    or other gear, means, or devices on the top half of a dredge that 
    obstruct the openings in or between the rings, except as specified in 
    Sec. 648.51(b)(4).
        (17) Participate in the DAS allocation program with more than the 
    number of persons specified in Sec. 648.51(c), including the operator, 
    on board when the vessel is not docked or moored in port, unless 
    otherwise authorized by the Regional Director.
        (18) Fish under the small dredge program specified in Sec.  
    648.51(e), with, or while in possession of, a dredge that exceeds 10.5 
    ft (3.2 m) in overall width, as measured at the widest point in the 
    bail of the dredge.
        (19) Fish under the small dredge program as specified in 
    Sec. 648.51(e) with more than five persons, including the operator, 
    aboard the vessel, unless otherwise authorized by the Regional 
        (20) Have a shucking or sorting machine on board a vessel that 
    shucks scallops at sea while fishing under the DAS allocation program, 
    unless otherwise authorized by the Regional Director.
        (21) Refuse or fail to carry an observer if requested to do so by 
    the Regional Director.
        (22) Fail to provide an observer with required food, 
    accommodations, access, and assistance, as specified in Sec. 648.11.
        (23) Fail to comply with any requirement for declaring in and out 
    of the DAS allocation program as specified in Sec. 648.10.
        (24) Fail to comply with any requirement for participating in the 
    DAS Exemption Program as specified in Sec. 648.54.
        (25) Fish with, possess on board, or land scallops while in 
    possession of trawl nets, when fishing for scallops under the DAS 
    allocation program, unless exempted as provided for in Sec. 648.51(f).
        (26) Fail to comply with the restriction on twine top described in 
    Sec. 648.51(b)(4)(iv).
        (i) In addition to the general prohibitions specified in 
    Sec. 600.725 of this chapter and in paragraphs (a), (f), and (g) of 
    this section, it is unlawful for any person owning or operating a 
    vessel issued a general scallop permit to do any of the following:
        (1) Possess, or land per trip, more than 400 lb (181.44 kg) of 
    shucked, or 50 bu (176.2 L) of in-shell scallops.
        (2) Possess more than 40 lb (18.14 kg) of shucked, or 5 bu (176.2 
    L) of in-shell scallops while in possession of, or fish for scallops 
    with, dredge gear that has a maximum combined dredge width exceeding 31 
    ft (9.4 m), measured at the widest point in the bail of each dredge, 
    except as specified in Sec. 648.51(b)(1).
        (3) Possess more than 40 lb (18.14 kg) of shucked, or 5 bu (176.1 
    L) of in-shell scallops while in possession of, or fish for scallops 
    with, dredge gear that uses net or net material on the top half of the 
    dredge of a minimum mesh size smaller than that specified in 
    Sec. 648.51(b)(2).
        (4) Possess more than 40 lb (18.14 kg) of shucked, or 5 bu (176.1 
    L) of in-shell scallops while in possession of, or fish for scallops 
    with, dredge gear containing rings that have minimum sizes smaller than 
    those specified in Sec. 648.51(b)(3).
        (5) Possess more than 40 lb (18.14 kg) of shucked, or 5 bu (176.2 
    L) of in-shell scallops while in possession of, or fish for scallops 
    with, dredge gear that uses links between rings of the gear or ring 
    configurations that do not conform to the specifications described in 
    Sec. 648.51(b)(4)(ii).
        (6) Possess more than 40 lb (18.14 kg) of shucked, or 5 bu (176.2 
    L) of in-shell scallops while in possession of, or fish for scallops 
    with, dredge gear that uses cookies or chafing gear, or other gear, 
    means, or devices on the top half of a dredge that obstruct the 
    openings in or between the rings, except as specified in 
    Sec. 648.51(b)(4).
        (7) Fish for, or land, more than 40 lb (18.14 kg) of scallops on 
    more than one trip per calendar day.
        (j) In addition to the general prohibitions specified in 
    Sec. 600.725 of this chapter and in paragraph (a) of this section, it 
    is unlawful for any person owning or operating a vessel issued a summer 
    flounder permit (including moratorium permit) to do any of the 
        (1) Possess 100 lb or more (45.4 kg or more) of summer flounder 
    between May 1 and October 31, or 200 lb or more (90.7 kg or more) of 
    summer flounder between November 1 and April 30, unless the vessel 
    meets the minimum mesh size requirement specified in Sec. 648.104(a), 
    or is fishing in the exempted area with an exemption permit as 
    specified in Sec. 648.104(b)(1), or
    [[Page 34986]]
    holds an exemption permit and is in transit from the exemption area 
    with nets properly stowed as specified in Sec. 648.104(f), or is 
    fishing with exempted gear specified in Sec. 648.104(b)(2).
        (2) Possess summer flounder in other than a box specified in 
    Sec. 648.105(d) if fishing with nets having mesh that does not meet the 
    minimum mesh-size requirement specified in Sec. 648.104(a), unless the 
    vessel is fishing pursuant to the exemptions specified in 
    Sec. 648.104(b).
        (3) Land summer flounder for sale in a state after the effective 
    date of the notification in the Federal Register notifying permit 
    holders that commercial quota is no longer available in that state.
        (4) Fish with or possess nets or netting that do not meet the 
    minimum mesh requirement, or that are modified, obstructed or 
    constricted, if subject to the minimum mesh requirement specified in 
    Sec. 648.104, unless the nets or netting are stowed in accordance with 
    Sec. 648.104(f).
        (5) Fish with or possess nets or netting that do not meet the 
    minimum mesh requirement, or that are modified, obstructed or 
    constricted, if fishing with an exempted net described in Sec. 648.104, 
    unless the nets or netting are stowed in accordance with 
    Sec. 648.104(f).
        (6) Fish west or south, as appropriate, of the line specified in 
    Sec. 648.104(b)(1) if exempted from the minimum mesh requirement 
    specified in Sec. 648.104 by a summer flounder exemption permit.
        (7) Sell or transfer to another person for a commercial purpose, 
    other than transport, any summer flounder, unless the transferee has a 
    valid summer flounder dealer permit.
        (8) Carry passengers for hire, or carry more than three crew 
    members for a charter boat or five crew members for a party boat, while 
    fishing commercially pursuant to a summer flounder moratorium permit.
        (k) In addition to the general prohibitions specified in 
    Sec. 600.725 of this chapter, it is unlawful for any person owning or 
    operating a vessel fishing commercially for scup that are harvested in 
    or from the EEZ, to do any of the following:
        (1) Possess 4,000 lb or more (1,814.4 kg or more) of scup harvested 
    in or from the EEZ, unless the vessel meets the minimum mesh size 
    requirement specified in Sec. 648.124(a).
        (2) Fish with or possess nets or netting in the EEZ that do not 
    meet the minimum mesh requirement, or that are modified, obstructed, 
    constricted, or constructed with mesh in which the bars entering or 
    exiting the knots twist around each other, if subject to the minimum 
    mesh requirement specified in Sec. 648.124(a), unless the nets or 
    netting are stowed in accordance with Sec. 648.23(b).
        (3) Engage in recreational fishing in the EEZ while simultaneously 
    conducting commercial fishing operations.
        (l) It is unlawful for the owner or operator of any recreational 
    fishing vessel, including party or charter boats, to possess scup 
    harvested in or from the EEZ smaller than the minimum size limit for 
    recreational fishermen specified in Sec. 648.125(b).
        (m) It is unlawful for the owner and operator of a party or charter 
    boat issued a summer flounder permit (including moratorium permit), 
    when the boat is carrying passengers for hire or carrying more than 
    three crew members if a charter boat or more than five members if a 
    party boat, to:
        (1) Possess summer flounder in excess of the possession limit 
    established pursuant to Sec. 648.105.
        (2) Fish for summer flounder other than during a season specified 
    pursuant to Sec. 648.102.
        (3) Sell or transfer summer flounder to another person for a 
    commercial purpose.
        (n) It is unlawful to violate any terms of a letter authorizing 
    experimental fishing pursuant to Sec. 648.12 or to fail to keep such 
    letter aboard the vessel during the time period of the experimental 
        (o) In addition to the general prohibitions specified in 
    Sec. 600.725 of this chapter and in paragraph (a) of this section, it 
    is unlawful for any person owning or operating a vessel issued a surf 
    clam and ocean quahog permit or issued a surf clam and ocean quahog 
    allocation permit under Sec. 648.70, to land or possess any surf clams 
    or ocean quahogs in excess of, or without, an individual allocation, or 
    to transfer any surf clams or ocean quahogs to any person for a 
    commercial purpose other than transport, unless that person has a surf 
    clam and ocean quahog processor/dealer permit.
        (p) In addition to the general prohibitions specified in 
    Sec. 600.725 of this chapter, it is unlawful for any person owning or 
    operating a vessel issued a valid mackerel, squid, and butterfish 
    fishery permit, or issued an operator's permit, to do any of the 
        (1) Possess more than the incidental catch allowance of Loligo or 
    butterfish, unless issued a Loligo squid and butterfish fishery 
    moratorium permit.
        (2) Take, retain, or land mackerel, squid, or butterfish in excess 
    of a trip allowance specified under Sec. 648.22.
        (3) Take, retain, or land mackerel, squid, or butterfish after a 
    total closure specified under Sec. 648.22.
        (4) Fish with or possess nets or netting that do not meet the 
    minimum mesh requirement for Loligo specified in Sec. 648.23(a), or 
    that are modified, obstructed, or constricted, if subject to the 
    minimum mesh requirement, unless the nets or netting are stowed in 
    accordance with Sec. 648.23(b) or the vessel is fishing under an 
    exemption specified in Sec. 648.23(a).
        (5) Transfer squid or butterfish at sea to another vessel, unless 
    that other vessel has been issued a valid Loligo squid and butterfish 
    fishery moratorium permit or a letter of authorization by the Regional 
        (6) Fail to comply with any measures implemented pursuant to 
    Sec. 648.21.
        (7) Carry passengers for hire while fishing commercially under a 
    mackerel, squid, and butterfish fishery permit.
        (8) Fail to carry on board a letter of authorization, if fishing in 
    an experimental fishery pursuant to Sec. 648.12.
        (q) It is unlawful for the owner and operator of a party or charter 
    boat issued a mackerel, squid, and butterfish fishery permit (including 
    a moratorium permit), when the boat is carrying passengers for hire, to 
    do any of the following:
        (1) Violate any recreational fishing measures established pursuant 
    to Sec. 648.21(d).
        (2) Sell or transfer mackerel, squid, or butterfish to another 
    person for a commercial purpose.
        (r) It is unlawful for any person to violate any terms of a letter 
    authorizing experimental fishing pursuant to Sec. 648.11 or to fail to 
    keep such letter on board the vessel during the period of the 
        (s) Any person possessing or landing per trip, scallops in excess 
    of 40 lb (18.14 kg) of shucked, or 5 bu (176.1 L) of in-shell scallops, 
    at or prior to the time when those scallops are received or possessed 
    by a dealer, is subject to all of the scallop prohibitions specified in 
    this section, unless the scallops were harvested by a vessel without a 
    scallop permit that fishes for scallops exclusively in state waters. 
    Any person, regardless of the quantity of scallops possessed or landed, 
    is subject to the prohibitions of paragraphs (a)(4) through (7), (10), 
    (11), (68), (69), (71), (72), (73), and (87) of this section.
        (t) For purposes of this section, the following presumptions apply:
        (1) Surf clams and ocean quahogs. (i) Possession of surf clams or 
    ocean quahogs on the deck of any fishing vessel in closed areas, or the 
    presence of any part of a vessel's gear in the water
    [[Page 34987]]
    in closed areas, or the presence of any part of a vessel's gear in the 
    water more than 12 hours after an announcement closing the entire 
    fishery becomes effective, is prima facie evidence that such vessel was 
    fishing in violation of the provisions of the Magnuson Act and these 
        (ii) Surf clams or ocean quahogs landed from a trip for which 
    notification was provided under Sec. 648.15(b) or Sec. 648.70(b) are 
    deemed to have been harvested in the EEZ and count against the 
    individual's annual allocation.
        (iii) Surf clams or ocean quahogs found in cages without a valid 
    state tag are deemed to have been harvested in the EEZ, and to be part 
    of an individual's allocation, unless such individual demonstrates that 
    he/she has surrendered his/her surf clam and ocean quahog vessel permit 
    issued under Sec. 648.4 and has conducted fishing operations 
    exclusively within waters under the jurisdiction of any state. Surf 
    clams and ocean quahogs in cages with a Federal tag or tags, issued and 
    still valid pursuant to this section, affixed thereto are deemed to 
    have been harvested by the individual allocation holder to whom the 
    tags were issued or transferred under Sec. 648.70(d)(2) or 
    Sec. 648.75(b).
        (2) Scallops. Scallops that are possessed or landed at or prior to 
    the time when the scallops are received by a dealer, or scallops that 
    are possessed by a dealer, are deemed to be harvested from the EEZ, 
    unless the preponderance of all submitted evidence demonstrates that 
    such scallops were harvested by a vessel without a scallop permit and 
    fishing exclusively for scallops in state waters.
        (3) Summer flounder. All summer flounder possessed aboard a party 
    or charter boat issued a summer flounder permit are deemed to have been 
    harvested from the EEZ.
        (4) NE multispecies. (i) Regulated species possessed for sale that 
    do not meet the minimum sizes specified in Sec. 648.83 for sale are 
    deemed to have been taken or imported in violation of these 
    regulations, unless the preponderance of all submitted evidence 
    demonstrates that such fish were harvested by a vessel not issued a 
    permit under this part and fishing exclusively within state waters. 
    This presumption does not apply to fish being sorted on deck.
        (ii) Regulated species possessed for sale that do not meet the 
    minimum sizes specified in Sec. 648.83 for sale are deemed taken from 
    the EEZ or imported in violation of these regulations, unless the 
    preponderance of all submitted evidence demonstrates that such fish 
    were harvested by a vessel not issued a permit under this part and 
    fishing exclusively within state waters. This presumption does not 
    apply to fish being sorted on deck.
        (5) Mackerel, squid, and butterfish. All mackerel and butterfish 
    possessed on board a party or charter boat issued a mackerel, squid, 
    and butterfish fishery permit are deemed to have been harvested from 
    the EEZ.
    Sec. 648.15  Facilitation of enforcement.
        (a) General. See Sec. 600.504 of this chapter.
        (b) Special notification requirements applicable to surf clam and 
    ocean quahog vessel owners and operators. (1) Vessel owners or 
    operators are required to call the NMFS Office of Law Enforcement 
    nearest to the point of offloading (contact the Regional Director for 
    locations and phone numbers) and accurately provide the following 
    information prior to the departure of their vessel from the dock to 
    fish for surf clams or ocean quahogs in the EEZ: Name of the vessel; 
    NMFS permit number assigned to the vessel; expected date and time of 
    departure from port; whether the trip will be directed on surf clams or 
    ocean quahogs; expected date, time, and location of landing; and name 
    of the individual providing notice.
        (2) Owners or operators that have given notification of a fishing 
    trip under this paragraph (b) who decide to cancel or postpone the trip 
    prior to departure must immediately provide notice of cancellation by 
    telephone to the Office of Law Enforcement to which the original 
    notification was provided. A separate notification shall be provided 
    for the next fishing trip. Owners or operators that discontinue a 
    fishing trip in the EEZ must immediately provide notice of 
    discontinuance by telephone to the Office of Law Enforcement to which 
    the original notification was provided. The owner or operator providing 
    notice of discontinuance shall advise of any changes in landing time or 
    port of landing. The owner or operator discontinuing a fishing trip in 
    the EEZ must return to port and offload any surf clams or ocean quahogs 
    prior to commencing fishing operations in the waters under the 
    jurisdiction of any state.
        (3) The vessel permits, the vessel, its gear, and catch shall be 
    subject to inspection upon request by an authorized officer.
    Sec. 648.16  Penalties.
        See Sec. 600.735.
    Subpart B--Management Measures for the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, 
    and Butterfish Fisheries
    Sec. 648.20  Maximum optimum yield (OYs).
        The OYs specified pursuant to Sec. 648.21 during a fishing year may 
    not exceed the following amounts:
        (a) Mackerel--that quantity of mackerel that is less than or equal 
    to the allowable biological catch (ABC) in U.S. waters specified 
    pursuant to Sec. 648.21.
        (b) Loligo--36,000 mt (79,362,000 lb).
        (c) Illex--30,000 mt (66,135,000 lb).
        (d) Butterfish--16,000 mt (35,272,000 lb).
    Sec. 648.21  Procedures for determining initial annual amounts.
        (a) Initial recommended annual specifications. The Atlantic 
    Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Monitoring Committee (Monitoring 
    Committee) shall meet annually to develop and recommend the following 
    specifications for consideration by the Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish 
    Committee of the MAFMC: (1) Initial OY (IOY), domestic annual harvest 
    (DAH), and domestic annual processing (DAP) for the squids; (2) IOY, 
    DAH, DAP, and bycatch level of the total allowable level of foreign 
    fishing (TALFF), if any, for butterfish; and (3) IOY, DAH, DAP, joint 
    venture processing (JVP), if any, and TALFF, if any, for mackerel. The 
    Monitoring Committee may also recommend that certain ratios of TALFF, 
    if any, for mackerel to purchases of domestic harvested fish and/or 
    domestic processed fish be established in relation to the initial 
    annual amounts.
        (b) Guidelines. As the basis for its recommendations under 
    paragraph (a) of this section, the Monitoring Committee shall review 
    available data pertaining to: Commercial and recreational landings, 
    discards, current estimates of fishing mortality, stock status, the 
    most recent estimates of recruitment, virtual population analysis 
    results, levels of noncompliance by harvesters or individual states, 
    impact of size/mesh regulations, results of a survey of domestic 
    processors and joint venture operators of estimated mackerel processing 
    capacity and intent to use that capacity, results of a survey of 
    fishermen's trade associations of estimated mackerel harvesting 
    capacity and intent to use that capacity, and any other relevant 
    information. The specifications recommended pursuant to paragraph (a) 
    of this section must be consistent with the following:
        (1) Squid. (i) The ABC for any fishing year must be either the 
    maximum OY specified in Sec. 648.20, or a lower amount, if stock 
    assessments indicate that the
    [[Page 34988]]
    potential yield is less than the maximum OY.
        (ii) IOY is a modification of ABC based on social and economic 
        (2) Mackerel. (i) Mackerel ABC must be calculated from the formula 
    ABC = S - C - T, where C is the estimated catch of mackerel in Canadian 
    waters for the upcoming fishing year; S is the mackerel spawning stock 
    size at the beginning of the year for which quotas are specified; and 
    T, which must be equal to or greater than 900,000 mt (1,984,050,000 
    lb), is the spawning stock size that must be maintained in the year 
    following the year for which quotas are specified.
        (ii) IOY is a modification of ABC, based on social and economic 
    factors, and must be less than or equal to ABC.
        (iii) IOY is composed of DAH and TALFF. DAH, DAP, and JVP must be 
    projected by reviewing data from sources specified in paragraph (a) of 
    this section and other relevant data, including past domestic landings, 
    projected amounts of mackerel necessary for domestic processing and for 
    joint ventures during the fishing year, projected recreational 
    landings, and other data pertinent for such a projection. The JVP 
    component of DAH is the portion of DAH that domestic processors either 
    cannot or will not use. In addition, IOY is based on the criteria set 
    forth in the Magnuson Act, specifically section 201(e), and on the 
    following economic factors:
        (A) Total world export potential by mackerel producing countries.
        (B) Total world import demand by mackerel consuming countries.
        (C) U.S. export potential based on expected U.S. harvests, expected 
    U.S. consumption, relative prices, exchange rates, and foreign trade 
        (D) Increased/decreased revenues to the United States from foreign 
        (E) Increased/decreased revenues to U.S. harvesters (with/without 
    joint ventures).
        (F) Increased/decreased revenues to U.S. processors and exporters.
        (G) Increases/decreases in U.S. harvesting productivity due to 
    decreases/increases in foreign harvest.
        (H) Increases/decreases in U.S. processing productivity.
        (I) Potential impact of increased/decreased TALFF on foreign 
    purchases of U.S. products and services and U.S.-caught fish, changes 
    in trade barriers, technology transfer, and other considerations.
        (3) Butterfish. (i) If the Monitoring Committee's review indicates 
    that the stock cannot support a level of harvest equal to the maximum 
    OY, the Monitoring Committee shall recommend establishing an ABC less 
    than the maximum OY for the fishing year. This level represents the 
    modification of maximum OY to reflect biological and ecological 
    factors. If the stock is able to support a harvest level equivalent to 
    the maximum OY, the ABC must be set at that level.
        (ii) IOY is a modification of ABC based on social and economic 
    factors. The IOY is composed of a DAH and bycatch TALFF that is equal 
    to 0.08 percent of the allocated portion of the mackerel TALFF.
        (c) Recommended measures. Based on the review of the data described 
    in paragraph (a) of this section, the Monitoring Committee will 
    recommend to the Squid, Mackerel, and Butterfish Committee the measures 
    it determines are necessary to assure that the specifications are not 
    exceeded from the following measures:
        (1) Commercial quotas.
        (2) The amount of Loligo and butterfish that may be retained, 
    possessed and landed by vessels issued the incidental catch permit 
    specified in Sec. 648.4(a)(5).
        (3) Commercial minimum fish sizes.
        (4) Commercial trip limits.
        (5) Commercial seasonal quotas.
        (6) Minimum mesh sizes.
        (7) Commercial gear restrictions.
        (8) Recreational harvest limit.
        (9) Recreational minimum fish size.
        (10) Recreational possession limits.
        (11) Recreational season.
        (d) Annual fishing measures. (1) The Squid, Mackerel, and 
    Butterfish Committee shall review the recommendations of the Monitoring 
    Committee. Based on these recommendations and any public comment 
    received thereon, the Squid, Mackerel, and Butterfish Committee shall 
    recommend to the MAFMC appropriate specifications and any measures 
    necessary to assure that the specifications will not be exceeded. The 
    MAFMC shall review these recommendations and based on the 
    recommendations and any public comment received thereon, the MAFMC 
    shall recommend to the Regional Director appropriate specifications and 
    any measures necessary to assure that the specifications will not be 
    exceeded. The MAFMC's recommendations must include supporting 
    documentation, as appropriate, concerning the environmental, economic, 
    and social impacts of the recommendations. The Regional Director shall 
    review the recommendations, and on or about November 1 of each year, 
    shall publish notification in the Federal Register proposing 
    specifications and any measures necessary to assure that the 
    specifications will not be exceeded and providing a 30-day public 
    comment period. If the proposed specifications differ from those 
    recommended by the MAFMC, the reasons for any differences shall be 
    clearly stated and the revised specifications must satisfy the criteria 
    set forth in this section. The MAFMC's recommendations shall be 
    available for inspection at the office of the Regional Director during 
    the public comment period.
        (2) On or about December 15 of each year, the Assistant 
    Administrator will make a final determination concerning the 
    specifications for each species and any measures necessary to assure 
    that the specifications will not be exceeded contained in the Federal 
    Register notification. After the Assistant Administrator considers all 
    relevant data and any public comments, notification of the final 
    specifications and any measures necessary to assure that the 
    specifications will not be exceeded and responses to the public 
    comments will be published in the Federal Register. If the final 
    specification amounts differ from those recommended by the MAFMC, the 
    reason(s) for the difference(s) must be clearly stated and the revised 
    specifications must be consistent with the criteria set forth in 
    paragraph (b) of this section.
        (e) Inseason adjustments. The specifications established pursuant 
    to this section may be adjusted by the Regional Director, in 
    consultation with the MAFMC, during the fishing year by publishing 
    notification in the Federal Register stating the reasons for such an 
    action and providing a 30-day comment public comment period.
    Sec. 648.22  Closure of the fishery.
        (a) General. The Assistant Administrator shall close the directed 
    mackerel or Loligo or Illex squid or butterfish fishery in the EEZ when 
    U.S. fishermen have harvested 80 percent of the DAH, of that fishery if 
    such closure is necessary to prevent the DAH from being exceeded. The 
    closure shall remain in effect for the remainder of the fishing year, 
    with incidental catches allowed as specified in paragraph (c) of this 
    section, until the entire DAH is attained. When the Regional Director 
    projects that DAH will be attained for any of the species, the 
    Assistant Administrator shall close the fishery in the EEZ to all 
    fishing for that species, and the incidental catches specified in 
    paragraph (c) of this section will be prohibited.
        (b) Notification. Upon determining that a closure is necessary, the 
    Assistant Administrator will notify, in advance of
    [[Page 34989]]
    the closure, the Executive Directors of the MAFMC, NEFMC, and SAFMC; 
    mail notification of the closure to all holders of mackerel, squid, and 
    butterfish fishery permits at least 72 hours before the effective date 
    of the closure; provide adequate notice of the closure to recreational 
    participants in the fishery; and publish notification of closure in the 
    Federal Register.
        (c) Incidental catches. During the closure of a directed fishery, 
    the trip limit for the species for which the fishery is closed is 10 
    percent, by weight, of the total amount of fish on board for a vessel 
    with a Loligo/butterfish moratorium permit or Illex or a mackerel 
    commercial permit. During a period of closure of the directed fishery 
    for Loligo or butterfish, the trip limit for a vessel with an 
    incidental catch permit for those species is 10 percent, by weight, of 
    the total amount of fish on board, or the allowed level of incidental 
    catch specified in Sec. 648.4(e)(2), whichever is less.
    Sec. 648.23  Gear restrictions.
        (a) Mesh restrictions and exemptions. Owners or operators of otter 
    trawl vessels possessing Loligo harvested in or from the EEZ may only 
    fish with nets having a minimum mesh size of 1\7/8\ inches (48 mm) 
    diamond mesh, inside stretch measure, applied throughout the entire 
    net, unless they are fishing during the months of June, July, August, 
    and September for Illex seaward of the following coordinates (copies of 
    a map depicting this area are available from the Regional Director upon 
                         Point                        N. Lat.      W. Long. 
    M1............................................  43 deg.58.0             
                                                              '  67 deg.22.0
    M2............................................  43 deg.50.0             
                                                              '  68 deg.35.0
    M3............................................  43 deg.30.0             
                                                              '  69 deg.40.0
    M4............................................  43 deg.20.0             
                                                              '  70 deg.00.0
    M5............................................  42 deg.45.0             
                                                              '  70 deg.10.0
    M6............................................  42 deg.13.0             
                                                              '  69 deg.55.0
    M7............................................  41 deg.00.0             
                                                              '  69 deg.00.0
    M8............................................  41 deg.45.0             
                                                              '  68 deg.15.0
    M9............................................  42 deg.10.0             
                                                              '  67 deg.10.0
    M10...........................................  41 deg.18.6             
                                                              '  66 deg.24.8
    M11...........................................  40 deg.55.5             
                                                              '  66 deg.38.0
    M12...........................................  40 deg.45.5             
                                                              '  68 deg.00.0
    M13...........................................  40 deg.37.0             
                                                              '  68 deg.00.0
    M14...........................................  40 deg.30.0             
                                                              '  69 deg.00.0
    M15...........................................  40 deg.22.7             
                                                              '  69 deg.00.0
    M16...........................................  40 deg.18.7             
                                                              '  69 deg.40.0
    M17...........................................  40 deg.21.0             
                                                              '  71 deg.03.0
    M18...........................................  39 deg.41.0             
                                                              '  72 deg.32.0
    M19...........................................  38 deg.47.0             
                                                              '  73 deg.11.0
    M20...........................................  38 deg.04.0             
                                                              '  74 deg.06.0
    M21...........................................  37 deg.08.0             
                                                              '  74 deg.46.0
    M22...........................................  36 deg.00.0             
                                                              '  74 deg.52.0
    M23...........................................  35 deg.45.0             
                                                              '  74 deg.53.0
    M24...........................................  35 deg.28.0             
                                                              '  74 deg.52.0
        Vessels fishing under this exemption may not have available for 
    immediate use, as defined in paragraph (b) of this section, any net, or 
    any piece of net, with a mesh size less than 1\7/8\ inches (48 mm) 
    diamond mesh or any net, or any piece of net, with mesh that is rigged 
    in a manner that is inconsistent with such minimum mesh size, when the 
    vessel is landward of the specified coordinates.
        (b) Definition of ``not available for immediate use.'' A net that 
    can be shown not to have been in recent use and that is stowed in 
    conformance with one of the following methods is considered to be not 
    available for immediate use:
        (1) Below deck stowage. (i) It is stored below the main working 
    deck from which it is deployed and retrieved;
        (ii) The towing wires, including the leg wires, are detached from 
    the net; and
        (iii) It is fan-folded (flaked) and bound around its circumference.
        (2) On-deck stowage. (i) It is fan-folded (flaked) and bound around 
    its circumference;
        (ii) It is securely fastened to the deck or rail of the vessel; and
        (iii) The towing wires, including the leg wires, are detached from 
    the net.
        (3) On-reel stowage. (i) It is on a reel and it's entire surface is 
    covered with canvas or other similar material that is securely bound;
        (ii) The towing wires, including the leg wires, are detached from 
    the net; and
        (iii) The codend is removed and stored below deck.
        (4) Other methods of stowage. Any other method of stowage 
    authorized in writing by the Regional Director and published in the 
    Federal Register.
        (c) Mesh obstruction or constriction. The owner or operator of a 
    fishing vessel shall not use any combination of mesh or liners that 
    effectively decreases the mesh size below the minimum mesh size, except 
    that a liner may be used to close the opening created by the rings in 
    the rearmost portion of the net, provided the liner extends no more 
    than 10 meshes forward of the rearmost portion of the net.
        (d) Net obstruction or constriction. The owner or operator of a 
    fishing vessel shall not use any device, gear, or material, including, 
    but not limited to, nets, net strengtheners, ropes, lines, or chafing 
    gear, on the top of the regulated portion of a trawl net that results 
    in an effective mesh opening of less than 1\7/8\ inches (48 mm) diamond 
    mesh, inside stretch measure. Net strengtheners (covers), splitting 
    straps and/or bull ropes or wire may be used, provided they do not 
    constrict the top of the regulated portion of the net to less than an 
    effective mesh opening of 1\7/8\ inches (48 mm), diamond mesh, inside 
    stretch measure. Net strengtheners (covers) may not have an effective 
    mesh opening of less than 4.5 inches (11.43 cm), diamond mesh, inside 
    stretch measure. ``Top of the regulated portion of the net'' means the 
    50 percent of the entire regulated portion of the net that (in a 
    hypothetical situation) would not be in contact with the ocean bottom 
    during a tow if the regulated portion of the net were laid flat on the 
    ocean floor. For the purpose of this paragraph (d), head ropes are not 
    to be considered part of the top of the regulated portion of a trawl 
    Subpart C--Management Measures for Atlantic Salmon
    Sec. 648.40  Prohibition on possession.
        (a) Incidental catch. All Atlantic salmon caught incidental to a 
    directed fishery for other species in the EEZ must be released in such 
    a manner as to insure maximum probability of survival.
        (b) Presumption. The possession of Atlantic salmon is prima facie 
    evidence that such Atlantic salmon were taken in violation of this 
    regulation. Evidence that such fish were harvested in state waters, or 
    from foreign waters, or from aquaculture enterprises, will be 
    sufficient to rebut the presumption. This presumption does not apply to 
    fish being sorted on deck.
    Subpart D--Management Measures for the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery
    Sec. 648.50  Shell-height standard.
        (a) Minimum shell height. The minimum shell height for in-shell 
    scallops that may be landed, or possessed at or after landing, is 3.5 
    inches (89 mm). Shell height is a straight line measurement from the 
    hinge to the outermost part of the shell, that is, the edge farthest 
    away from the hinge.
        (b) Compliance and sampling. Compliance with the minimum shell-
    height standard will be determined by inspection and enforcement at or 
    after landing, including the time when the scallops are received or 
    possessed by a dealer or person acting in the capacity of a dealer as 
    follows: An authorized officer will take samples of 40 scallops each, 
    at random, from the total amount of scallops in possession. The person 
    in possession of the scallops may request that as many as 10 samples 
    (400 scallops) be examined as a sample group. A sample group fails to 
    comply with the standard if more than 10 percent of all scallops 
    sampled are less than the shell height specified. The total amount of 
    scallops in possession will be deemed in violation of this subpart and 
    subject to forfeiture, if the sample group
    [[Page 34990]]
    fails to comply with the standard. All scallops will be subject to 
    inspection and enforcement, in accordance with these compliance and 
    sampling procedures, up to and including the time when a dealer 
    receives or possesses scallops for a commercial purpose.
    Sec. 648.51  Gear and crew restrictions.
        (a) Trawl vessel gear restrictions. Trawl vessels in possession of 
    more than 40 lb (18.14 kg) of shucked, or 5 bu (176.2 L) of in-shell 
    scallops, trawl vessels fishing for scallops, and trawl vessels issued 
    a limited access scallop permit under Sec. 648.4(a)(2), while fishing 
    under or subject to the DAS allocation program for scallops and 
    authorized to fish with or possess on board trawl nets pursuant to 
    Sec. 648.51(f), must comply with the following:
        (1) Maximum sweep. The trawl sweep of nets in use by or available 
    for immediate use, as specified in paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this 
    section, shall not exceed 144 ft (43.9 m) as measured by the total 
    length of the footrope that is directly attached to the webbing of the 
        (2) Net requirements--(i) Minimum mesh size. The mesh size for any 
    scallop trawl net in all areas shall not be smaller than 5.5 inches 
    (13.97 cm).
        (ii) Mesh stowage. Same as Sec. 648.23(b).
        (iii) Measurement of mesh size. Mesh size is measured by using a 
    wedge-shaped gauge having a taper of 2 cm in 8 cm and a thickness of 
    2.3 mm, inserted into the meshes under a pressure or pull of 5 kg. The 
    mesh size is the average of the measurements of any series of 20 
    consecutive meshes for nets having 75 or more meshes, and 10 
    consecutive meshes for nets having fewer than 75 meshes. The mesh in 
    the regulated portion of the net will be measured at least five meshes 
    away from the lacings running parallel to the long axis of the net.
        (3) Chafing gear and other gear obstructions--(i) Net obstruction 
    or constriction. A fishing vessel may not use any device or material, 
    including, but not limited to, nets, net strengtheners, ropes, lines, 
    or chafing gear, on the top of a trawl net, except that one splitting 
    strap and one bull rope (if present), consisting of line and rope no 
    more than 3 inches (7.62 cm) in diameter, may be used if such splitting 
    strap and/or bull rope does not constrict in any manner the top of the 
    trawl net. ``The top of the trawl net'' means the 50 percent of the net 
    that (in a hypothetical situation) would not be in contact with the 
    ocean bottom during a tow if the net were laid flat on the ocean floor. 
    For the purpose of this paragraph (a)(3), head ropes shall not be 
    considered part of the top of the trawl net.
        (ii) Mesh obstruction or constriction. A fishing vessel may not use 
    any mesh configuration, mesh construction, or other means on or in the 
    top of the net, as defined in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, if 
    it obstructs the meshes of the net in any manner.
        (iii) A fishing vessel may not use or possess a net capable of 
    catching scallops in which the bars entering or exiting the knots twist 
    around each other.
        (b) Dredge vessel gear restrictions. All dredge vessels fishing for 
    or in possession of more than 40 lb (18.14 kg) of shucked, or 5 bu 
    (176.2 L) of in-shell scallops, and all dredge vessels issued a limited 
    access scallop permit and fishing under the DAS Program, with the 
    exception of hydraulic clam dredges and mahogany quahog dredges in 
    possession of 400 lb (181.44 kg) of scallops, or less, must comply with 
    the following restrictions:
        (1) Maximum dredge width. The combined dredge width in use by or in 
    possession on board such vessels shall not exceed 31 ft (9.4 m) 
    measured at the widest point in the bail of the dredge, except as 
    provided under paragraph (e) of this section. However, component parts 
    may be on board the vessel such that they do not conform with the 
    definition of ``dredge or dredge gear'' in Sec. 648.2, i.e., the metal 
    ring bag and the mouth frame, or bail, of the dredge are not attached, 
    and such that no more than one complete spare dredge could be made from 
    these components parts.
        (2) Minimum mesh size. (i) The mesh size of net material on the top 
    of a scallop dredge in use by or in possession of such vessels shall 
    not be smaller than 5.5 inches (13.97 cm).
        (ii) Mesh size is measured as provided in paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of 
    this section.
        (3) Minimum ring size. (i) The inside ring size of a scallop dredge 
    in use by or in possession of such vessels shall not be smaller than 
    3.5 inches (89 mm).
        (ii) Ring size is determined by measuring the shortest straight 
    line passing through the center of the ring from one inside edge to the 
    opposite inside edge of the ring. The measurement shall not include 
    normal welds from ring manufacturing or links. The rings to be measured 
    will be at least five rings away from the mouth, and at least two rings 
    away from other rigid portions of the dredge.
        (4) Chafing gear and other gear obstructions--(i) Chafing gear 
    restrictions. No chafing gear or cookies shall be used on the top of a 
    scallop dredge.
        (ii) Link restrictions. No more than double links between rings 
    shall be used in or on all parts of the dredge bag, except the dredge 
    bottom. No more than triple linking shall be used in or on the dredge 
    bottom portion and the diamonds. Damaged links that are connected to 
    only one ring, i.e., ``hangers,'' are allowed, unless they occur 
    between two links that both couple the same two rings. Dredge rings may 
    not be attached via links to more than four adjacent rings. Thus, 
    dredge rings must be rigged in a configuration such that, when a series 
    of adjacent rings are held horizontally, the neighboring rings form a 
    pattern of horizontal rows and vertical columns. (A copy of a diagram 
    showing a schematic of a legal dredge ring pattern is available upon 
    request to the Office of the Regional Director).
        (iii) Dredge or net obstructions. No material, device, net, dredge, 
    ring, or link configuration or design shall be used if it results in 
    obstructing the release of scallops that would have passed through a 
    legal sized and configured net and dredge, as described in this part, 
    that did not have in use any such material, device, net, dredge, ring 
    link configuration or design.
        (iv) Twine top restrictions. Vessels issued limited access scallop 
    permits that are fishing for scallops under the DAS Program are also 
    subject to the following restrictions:
        (A) If a vessel is rigged with more than one dredge, or if rigged 
    with only one dredge, such dredge is greater than 8 ft (2.44 m) in 
    width, there must be at least seven rows of non-overlapping steel rings 
    unobstructed by netting or any other material, between the terminus of 
    the dredge (club stick) and the net material on the top of the dredge 
    (twine top).
        (B) For vessels rigged with only one dredge, and such dredge is 
    less than 8 ft (2.44 m) in width, there must be at least four rows of 
    non-overlapping steel rings unobstructed by netting or any other 
    material between the club stick and the twine top of the dredge. (A 
    copy of a diagram showing a schematic of a legal dredge with twine top 
    is available from the Regional Director upon request).
        (c) Crew restrictions. Limited access vessels participating in or 
    subject to the scallop DAS allocation program may have no more than 
    seven people aboard, including the operator, when not docked or moored 
    in port, unless participating in the small dredge program specified in 
    paragraph (e) of this section, or otherwise authorized by the Regional 
    [[Page 34991]]
        (d) Sorting and shucking machines. (1) Shucking machines are 
    prohibited on all limited access vessels fishing under the scallop DAS 
    program or any vessel in possession of more than 400 lb (181.44 kg) of 
    scallops, unless the vessel has not been issued a limited access 
    scallop permit and fishes exclusively in state waters.
        (2) Sorting machines are prohibited on limited access vessels 
    fishing under the scallop DAS program that shuck scallops at sea.
        (e) Small dredge program restrictions. Any vessel owner whose 
    vessel is assigned to either the part-time or occasional category may 
    request, in the application for the vessel's annual permit, to be 
    placed in one category higher. Vessel owners making such a request will 
    be placed in the appropriate category for the entire year, if they 
    agree to comply with the following restrictions, in addition to and 
    notwithstanding other restrictions of this part, when fishing under the 
    DAS program described in Sec. 648.53, or in possession of more than 400 
    lb (181.44 kg) of shucked, or 50 bu (176.2 L) of in-shell scallops:
        (1) The vessel must fish exclusively with one dredge no more than 
    10.5 ft (3.2 m) in width.
        (2) The vessel may not have more than one dredge on board or in 
        (3) The vessel may have no more than five people, including the 
    operator, on board.
        (f) Restrictions on use of trawl nets--(1) Prohibition on use of 
    trawl nets. Vessels issued a limited access scallop permit fishing for 
    scallops under the DAS allocation program may not fish with, possess on 
    board, or land scallops while in possession of trawl nets, unless such 
    vessels have on board a valid letter of authorization to use trawl nets 
    issued under paragraphs (f)(2) and (3) of this section.
        (2) Eligibility for a letter of authorization to use trawl nets. To 
    be eligible for a letter of authorization to use trawl nets, a vessel 
    may not have fished for scallops with a scallop dredge from January 1, 
    1988, to the present, except pursuant to a letter of authorization 
    issued pursuant to paragraph (f)(3) of this section. Only vessels that 
    were issued 1995 limited access scallop permits or that were eligible 
    to be issued such a permit, and for which a determination has been made 
    in 1995, except as provided in paragraph (f)(4) of this section, are 
    eligible to receive a letter of authorization.
        (3) Authorization to use trawl nets. Vessels determined to have met 
    the criteria set forth in paragraph (f)(2) of this section for a letter 
    of authorization shall be issued a letter of authorization by the 
    Regional Director. Such letter must be carried on board the vessel at 
    all times. In subsequent years, eligibility for this exemption will be 
    indicated on the vessel's permit.
        (4) Authorization to use trawl nets by replacement vessels. To be 
    eligible for a letter of authorization to use trawl nets, any 
    replacement vessel of a vessel authorized to fish for scallops with 
    trawl nets must meet the eligibility requirements of paragraph (f)(2) 
    of this section and have on board a valid letter of authorization 
    issued under paragraph (f)(3) of this section. The letter of 
    authorization must be requested at the time the vessel owner initially 
    applies for a permit for the replacement vessel.
    Sec. 648.52  Possession restrictions.
        (a) Owners or operators of vessels with a limited access scallop 
    permit that have declared out of the DAS program as specified in 
    Sec. 648.10, or have used up their DAS allocations and vessels 
    possessing a general scallop permit, unless exempted under the state 
    waters exemption program described under Sec. 648.54, are prohibited 
    from possessing or landing per trip more than 400 lb (181.44 kg) of 
    shucked, or 50 bu (176.2 L) of in-shell scallops, with not more than 
    one scallop trip allowable in any calendar day.
        (b) Owners or operators of vessels without a scallop permit, except 
    vessels fishing for scallops exclusively in state waters, are 
    prohibited from possessing or landing per trip, more than 40 lb (18.14 
    kg) of shucked, or 5 bu (176.2 L) of in-shell scallops. Owners or 
    operators of vessels without a scallop permit are prohibited from 
    selling, bartering, or trading scallops harvested from Federal waters.
    Sec. 648.53  DAS allocations.
        (a) Assignment to DAS categories. For each fishing year, each 
    vessel issued a limited access scallop permit shall be assigned to the 
    DAS category (full-time, part-time, or occasional) it was assigned in 
    the preceding fishing year. Limited access scallop permits will 
    indicate which category the vessel is assigned to. Vessels are 
    prohibited from fishing for, landing per trip, or possessing more than 
    400 lb (181.44 kg) of shucked, or 50 bu (176.2 L) of in-shell scallops 
    once their allocated number of DAS, as specified under paragraph (b) of 
    this section, are used up.
        (b) DAS allocations. Each vessel qualifying for one of the three 
    categories specified in paragraph (a) of this section shall be 
    allocated, annually, the maximum number of DAS it may participate in 
    the limited access scallop fishery, according to its category. A vessel 
    whose owner/operator has declared it out of the scallop fishery 
    pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 648.10, or has used up its allocated 
    DAS, may leave port without being assessed a DAS, so long as it does 
    not possess or land more than 400 lb (181.44 kg) of shucked, or 50 bu 
    (176.2 L) of in-shell scallops, and complies with the other 
    requirements of this part. The annual allocations of DAS for each 
    category of vessel for the fishing years indicated are as follows:
                                                                  1995-96 and               1998-99 and             
                            DAS category                             1996-97     1997-98      1999-2000     2000+   
    Full-time...................................................          182          164          142          120
    Part-time...................................................           82           66           57           48
    Occasional..................................................           16           14           12           10
        (c) Adjustments in annual DAS allocations. Adjustments or changes 
    in annual DAS allocations, if required to meet fishing mortality 
    reduction goals, may be made following a reappraisal and analysis under 
    the framework provisions specified in Sec. 648.55.
        (d) End-of-year carry-over. Limited access vessels with unused DAS 
    on the last day of February of any year may carry over a maximum of 10 
    DAS into the next year. At no time may more than 10 DAS be carried 
        (e) Accrual of DAS. DAS shall accrue in hourly increments, with all 
    partial hours counted as full hours.
        (f) Good Samaritan credit. Limited access vessels fishing under the 
    DAS program and that spend time at sea assisting in a USCG search and 
    rescue operation or assisting the USCG in
    [[Page 34992]]
    towing a disabled vessel, and that can document the occurrence through 
    the USCG, will not accrue DAS for the time documented.
    Sec. 648.54  State waters exemption.
        (a) DAS exemption. Any vessel issued a limited access scallop 
    permit is exempt from the DAS requirements specified in Sec. 648.54(c) 
    while fishing exclusively landward of the outer boundary of a state's 
    waters, provided the vessel complies with paragraphs (c) through (f) of 
    this section.
        (b) Gear restriction exemption--(1) Limited access permits. Any 
    vessel issued a limited access scallop permit that is exempt from the 
    DAS requirements of Sec. 648.53(c) under paragraph (a) of this section 
    is also exempt from the gear restrictions specified in Sec. 648.51 (a), 
    (b), and (e) (1) and (2) while fishing exclusively landward of the 
    outer boundary of the waters of a state that has been determined by the 
    Regional Director under paragraph (b)(3) of this section to have a 
    scallop fishery and a scallop conservation program that does not 
    jeopardize the fishing mortality/effort reduction objectives of the 
    Scallop FMP, provided the vessel complies with paragraphs (c) through 
    (f) of this section.
        (2) General permits. Any vessel issued a general scallop permit is 
    exempt from the gear restrictions specified in Sec. 648.51 (a), (b), 
    and (e) (1) and (2) while fishing exclusively landward of the outer 
    boundary of the waters of a state that has been determined by the 
    Regional Director under paragraph (b)(3) of this section to have a 
    scallop fishery and a scallop conservation program that does not 
    jeopardize the fishing mortality/effort reduction objectives of the 
    Scallop FMP, provided the vessel complies with paragraphs (d) through 
    (f) of this section.
        (3) State eligibility for gear exemption. (i) A state is eligible 
    to have vessels fishing exclusively landward of the outer boundary of 
    the waters of that state exempted from the gear requirements specified 
    in Sec. 648.51 (a), (b), and (e) (1) and (e)(2), if it has a scallop 
    fishery and a scallop conservation program that does not jeopardize the 
    fishing mortality/effort reduction objectives of the Scallop FMP.
        (ii) The Regional Director shall determine which states have a 
    scallop fishery and which of those states have a scallop conservation 
    program that does not jeopardize the fishing mortality/effort reduction 
    objectives of the Scallop FMP.
        (iii) Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts have been determined 
    by the Regional Director to have scallop fisheries and scallop 
    conservation programs that do not jeopardize the fishing mortality/
    effort reduction objectives of the Scallop FMP. These states must 
    immediately notify the Regional Director of any changes in their 
    respective scallop conservation program. The Regional Director will 
    review these changes and, if a determination is made that the state's 
    conservation program jeopardizes the fishing mortality/effort reduction 
    objectives of the Scallop FMP, or that the state no longer has a 
    scallop fishery, the Regional Director shall publish a final rule in 
    the Federal Register amending this paragraph (b)(3)(iii) to eliminate 
    the exemption for that state. The Regional Director may determine that 
    other states have scallop fisheries and scallop conservation programs 
    that do not jeopardize the fishing mortality/effort reduction 
    objectives of the Scallop FMP. In such case, the Regional Director 
    shall publish a final rule in the Federal Register amending this 
    paragraph (b)(3)(iii) to provide the exemption for such states.
        (c) Notification requirements. Vessels fishing under the exemptions 
    provided by paragraphs (a) and/or (b) of this section must notify the 
    Regional Director in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 648.10(f).
        (d) Restriction on fishing in the EEZ. A vessel fishing under a 
    state water's exemption may not fish in the EEZ during that time.
        (e) Duration of exemption. An exemption expires upon a change in 
    the vessel's name or ownership.
        (f) Applicability of other provisions of this part. A vessel 
    fishing under the exemptions provided by paragraphs (a) and/or (b) of 
    this section remains subject to all other requirements of this part.
    Sec. 648.55  Framework adjustments to management measures.
        (a) Annually, upon request from the NEFMC, but at a minimum in the 
    years 1996 and 1999, the Regional Director will provide the NEFMC with 
    information on the status of the scallop resource.
        (b) Within 60 days of receipt of that information, the NEFMC PDT 
    shall assess the condition of the scallop resource to determine the 
    adequacy of the total allowable DAS reduction schedule, described in 
    Sec. 648.53(b), to achieve the target fishing mortality rate. In 
    addition, the PDT shall make a determination whether other resource 
    conservation issues exist that require a management response in order 
    to meet the goals and objectives outlined in the Scallop FMP. The PDT 
    shall report its findings and recommendations to the NEFMC. In its 
    report to the NEFMC, the PDT shall provide the appropriate rationale 
    and economic and biological analysis for its recommendation, utilizing 
    the most current catch, effort, and other relevant data from the 
        (c) After receiving the PDT findings and recommendations, the NEFMC 
    shall determine whether adjustments to, or additional management 
    measures are necessary to meet the goals and objectives of the Scallop 
    FMP. After considering the PDT's findings and recommendations, or at 
    any other time, if the NEFMC determines that adjustments to, or 
    additional management measures are necessary, it shall develop and 
    analyze appropriate management actions over the span of at least two 
    NEFMC meetings. The NEFMC shall provide the public with advance notice 
    of the availability of both the proposals and the analyses, and 
    opportunity to comment on them prior to and at the second NEFMC 
    meeting. The NEFMC's recommendation on adjustments or additions to 
    management measures must come from one or more of the following 
        (1) DAS changes.
        (2) Shell height.
        (3) Offloading window reinstatement.
        (4) Effort monitoring.
        (5) Data reporting.
        (6) Trip limits.
        (7) Gear restrictions.
        (8) Permitting restrictions.
        (9) Crew limits.
        (10) Small mesh line.
        (11) Onboard observers.
        (12) Any other management measures currently included in the FMP.
        (d) After developing management actions and receiving public 
    testimony, the NEFMC shall make a recommendation to the Regional 
    Director. The NEFMC's recommendation must include supporting rationale 
    and, if management measures are recommended, an analysis of impacts and 
    a recommendation to the Regional Director on whether to publish the 
    management measures as a final rule. If the NEFMC recommends that the 
    management measures should be published as a final rule, the NEFMC must 
    consider at least the following factors and provide support and 
    analysis for each factor considered:
        (1) Whether the availability of data on which the recommended 
    management measures are based allows for adequate time to publish a 
    proposed rule, and whether regulations have to be in place for an 
    entire harvest/fishing season.
        (2) Whether there has been adequate notice and opportunity for 
    participation by the public and members of the
    [[Page 34993]]
    affected industry in the development of the NEFMC's recommended 
    management measures.
        (3) Whether there is an immediate need to protect the resource.
        (4) Whether there will be a continuing evaluation of management 
    measures adopted following their promulgation as a final rule.
        (e) If the NEFMC's recommendation includes adjustments or additions 
    to management measures, and if, after reviewing the NEFMC's 
    recommendation and supporting information:
        (1) The Regional Director concurs with the NEFMC's recommended 
    management measures and determines that the recommended management 
    measures may be published as a final rule based on the factors 
    specified in paragraph (d) of this section, the action will be 
    published in the Federal Register as a final rule; or
        (2) The Regional Director concurs with the NEFMC's recommendation 
    and determines that the recommended management measures should be 
    published first as a proposed rule, the action will be published as a 
    proposed rule in the Federal Register. After additional public comment, 
    if the Regional Director concurs with the NEFMC recommendation, the 
    action will be published as a final rule in the Federal Register; or
        (3) The Regional Director does not concur, the NEFMC will be 
    notified, in writing, of the reasons for the non-concurrence.
        (f) Nothing in this section is meant to derogate from the authority 
    of the Secretary to take emergency action under section 305(e) of the 
    Magnuson Act.
    Subpart E--Management Measures for the Atlantic Surf Clam and Ocean 
    Quahog Fisheries
    Sec. 648.70  Annual individual allocations.
        (a) General. (1) For each fishing year, the Regional Director shall 
    determine the allocation of surf clams and ocean quahogs for each 
    vessel owner issued an allocation for the preceding fishing year, by 
    multiplying the quotas specified for each species by the Regional 
    Director under Sec. 648.71 by the allocation percentage, specified for 
    that owner on the allocation permit for the preceding fishing year, 
    adjusted to account for any transfer pursuant to paragraph (b) of this 
    section. These allocations shall be made in the form of an allocation 
    permit specifying for each species the allocation percentage and the 
    allocation in bushels. Such permits shall be issued on or before 
    December 15, to the registered holders who were assigned an allocation 
    by November 1. The total number of bushels of allocation shall be 
    divided by 32 to determine the appropriate number of cage tags to be 
    issued or acquired under Sec. 648.75. Amounts of allocation 0.5 or 
    smaller created by this division shall be rounded downward to the 
    nearest whole number and amounts of allocation greater than 0.5 created 
    by this division shall be rounded upward to the nearest whole number so 
    that allocations are specified in whole cages. An allocation permit is 
    only valid for the entity for which it is issued.
        (2) The Regional Director may, after publication of a fee 
    notification in the Federal Register, charge a permit fee before 
    issuance of the permit to recover administrative expenses. Failure to 
    pay the fee will preclude issuance of the permit.
        (b) Transfers--(1) Allocation percentage. Subject to the approval 
    of the Regional Director, part or all of an allocation percentage may 
    be transferred, in amounts equivalent to not less than 160 bu (8,500 L) 
    (i.e., 5 cages) in the year in which the transfer is made, to any 
    person eligible to own a documented vessel under the terms of 46 U.S.C. 
    12102(a). Approval of a transfer by the Regional Director and for a new 
    allocation permit reflecting that transfer may be requested by 
    submitting a written application for approval of the transfer and for 
    issuance of a new allocation permit to the Regional Director at least 
    10 days before the date on which the applicant desires the transfer to 
    be effective, in the form of a completed transfer log supplied by the 
    Regional Director. The transfer is not effective until the new holder 
    receives a new or revised annual allocation permit from the Regional 
    Director. An application for transfer may not be made between October 
    15 and December 31 of each year.
        (2) Cage tags. Cage tags issued pursuant to Sec. 648.75 may be 
    transferred in quantities of not less than 5 tags at any one time, 
    subject to the restrictions and procedure specified in paragraph (b)(1) 
    of this section; provided that application for such cage tag transfers 
    may be made at any time before December 10 of each year and the 
    transfer is effective upon the receipt by the transferee of written 
    authorization from the Regional Director.
        (3) Review. If the Regional Director determines that the applicant 
    has been issued a Notice of Permit Sanction for a violation of the 
    Magnuson Act that has not been resolved, he/she may decline to approve 
    such transfer pending resolution of the matter.
    Sec. 648.71  Catch quotas.
        (a) Surf clams. The amount of surf clams that may be caught 
    annually by fishing vessels subject to these regulations will be 
    specified by the Assistant Administrator, on or about December 1 of 
    each year, within the range of 1.85 to 3.4 million bu (98.5 to 181 
    million L).
        (1) Establishing quotas. (i) Prior to the beginning of each year, 
    the MAFMC, following an opportunity for public comment, will recommend 
    to the Assistant Administrator quotas and estimates of DAH and DAP 
    within the ranges specified. In selecting the quota, the MAFMC shall 
    consider current stock assessments, catch reports, and other relevant 
    information concerning:
        (A) Exploitable and spawning biomass relative to the OY.
        (B) Fishing mortality rates relative to the OY.
        (C) Magnitude of incoming recruitment.
        (D) Projected effort and corresponding catches.
        (E) Geographical distribution of the catch relative to the 
    geographical distribution of the resource.
        (F) Status of areas previously closed to surf clam fishing that are 
    to be opened during the year and areas likely to be closed to fishing 
    during the year.
        (ii) The quota shall be set at that amount that is most consistent 
    with the objectives of the Atlantic Surf Clam and Ocean Quahog FMP. The 
    Assistant Administrator may set quotas at quantities different from the 
    MAFMC's recommendations only if he/she can demonstrate that the MAFMC's 
    recommendations violate the national standards of the Magnuson Act and 
    the objectives of the Atlantic Surf Clam and Ocean Quahog FMP.
        (2) Report. Prior to the beginning of each year, the Regional 
    Director shall prepare a written report, based on the latest available 
    stock assessment report prepared by NMFS, data reported by harvesters 
    and processors according to these regulations, and other relevant data. 
    The report will include consideration of:
        (i) Exploitable biomass and spawning biomass relative to OY.
        (ii) Fishing mortality rates relative to OY.
        (iii) Magnitude of incoming recruitment.
        (iv) Projected effort and corresponding catches.
        (v) Status of areas previously closed to surf clams fishing that 
    are to be opened during the year and areas likely to be closed to 
    fishing during the year.
    [[Page 34994]]
        (vi) Geographical distribution of the catch relative to the 
    geographical distribution of the resource.
        (3) Public review. Based on the information presented in the 
    report, and in consultation with the MAFMC, the Assistant Administrator 
    shall propose an annual surf clam quota and an annual ocean quahog 
    quota and shall publish them in the Federal Register. Comments on the 
    proposed annual quotas may be submitted to the Regional Director within 
    30 days after publication. The Assistant Administrator shall consider 
    all comments, determine the appropriate annual quotas, and publish the 
    annual quotas in the Federal Register on or about December 1 of each 
        (b) Ocean quahogs. The amount of ocean quahogs that may be caught 
    by fishing vessels subject to these regulations shall be specified 
    annually by the Assistant Administrator, on or about December 1, within 
    the range of 4 to 6 million bu (213 to 319.4 million L), following the 
    same procedures set forth in paragraph (a) of this section for surf 
    Sec. 648.72  Minimum surf clam size.
        (a) Minimum length. The minimum length for surf clams is 4.75 
    inches (12.065 cm).
        (b) Determination of compliance. No more than 50 surf clams in any 
    cage may be less than 4.75 inches (12.065 cm) in length. If more than 
    50 surf clams in any inspected cage of surf clams are less than 4.75 
    inches (12.065 cm) in length, all cages landed by the same vessel from 
    the same trip are deemed to be in violation of the minimum size 
        (c) Suspension. Upon the recommendation of the MAFMC, the Regional 
    Director may suspend annually, by publication in the Federal Register, 
    the minimum shell-height standard, unless discard, catch, and survey 
    data indicate that 30 percent of the surf clams are smaller than 4.75 
    inches (12.065 cm) and the overall reduced shell height is not 
    attributable to beds where the growth of individual surf clams has been 
    reduced because of density dependent factors.
        (d) Measurement. Length is measured at the longest dimension of the 
    surf clam shell.
    Sec. 648.73  Closed areas.
        (a) Areas closed because of environmental degradation. Certain 
    areas are closed to all surf clam and ocean quahog fishing because of 
    adverse environmental conditions. These areas will remain closed until 
    the Assistant Administrator determines that the adverse environmental 
    conditions no longer exist. If additional areas are identified by the 
    Assistant Administrator as being contaminated by the introduction or 
    presence of hazardous materials or pollutants, they may be closed by 
    the Assistant Administrator in accordance with paragraph (c) of this 
    section. The areas closed are:
        (1) Boston Foul Ground. The waste disposal site known as the 
    ``Boston Foul Ground'' and located at 42 deg.25'36## N. lat., 
    70 deg.35#00## W. long., with a radius of 1 nm in every direction from 
    that point.
        (2) New York Bight. The polluted area and waste disposal site known 
    as the ``New York Bight Closure'' and located at 40 deg.25#04## N. 
    lat., 73 deg.42#38## W. long., and with a radius of 6 nm in every 
    direction from that point, extending farther northwestward, westward, 
    and southwestward between a line from a point on the arc at 
    40 deg.31#00## N. lat., 73 deg.43#38## W. long., directly toward 
    Atlantic Beach Light in New York to the limit of state territorial 
    waters of New York; and a line from a point on the arc at 
    40 deg.19#48## N. lat., 73 deg.45#42## W. long., to a point at the 
    limit of the state territorial waters of New Jersey at 40 deg.14#00## 
    N. lat., 73 deg.55#42## W. long.
        (3) 106 Dumpsite. The toxic industrial dump site known as the ``106 
    Dumpsite'' and located between 38 deg.40#00## and 39 deg.00#00## N. 
    lat. and between 72 deg.00#00## and 72 deg.30#00## W. long.
        (b) Areas closed because of small surf clams. Areas may be closed 
    because they contain small surf clams.
        (1) Closure. The Assistant Administrator may close an area to surf 
    clams and ocean quahog fishing if he/she determines, based on logbook 
    entries, processors' reports, survey cruises, or other information, 
    that the area contains surf clams of which:
        (i) Sixty percent or more are smaller than the minimum size (4.5 
    inches (11.43 cm)); and
        (ii) Not more than 15 percent are larger than 5.5 inches (13.97 cm) 
    in size.
        (2) Reopening. The Assistant Administrator may reopen areas or 
    parts of areas closed under paragraph (b)(1) of this section if he/she 
    determines, based on survey cruises or other information, that:
        (i) The average length of the dominant (in terms of weight) size 
    class in the area to be reopened is equal to or greater than 4.75 
    inches (12.065 cm); or
        (ii) The yield or rate of growth of the dominant shell-height class 
    in the area to be reopened would be significantly enhanced through 
    selective, controlled, or limited harvest of surf clams in the area.
        (c) Procedure. (1) The Regional Director may hold a public hearing 
    on the proposed closure or reopening of any area under paragraph (a) or 
    (b) of this section. The Assistant Administrator shall publish 
    notification in the Federal Register of any proposed area closure or 
    reopening, including any restrictions on harvest in a reopened area. 
    Comments on the proposed closure or reopening may be submitted to the 
    Regional Director within 30 days after publication. The Assistant 
    Administrator shall consider all comments and publish the final 
    notification of closure or reopening, and any restrictions on harvest, 
    in the Federal Register. Any adjustment to harvest restrictions in a 
    reopened area shall be made by notification in the Federal Register. 
    The Regional Director shall send notice of any action under this 
    paragraph (c)(1) to each surf clam and ocean quahog processor and to 
    each surf clam and ocean quahog permit holder.
        (2) If the Regional Director determines, as the result of testing 
    by state, Federal, or private entities, that a closure of an area under 
    paragraph (a) of this section is necessary to prevent any adverse 
    effects fishing may have on the public health, he/she may close the 
    area for 60 days by publication of notification in the Federal 
    Register, without prior comment or public hearing. If an extension of 
    the 60-day closure period is necessary to protect the public health, 
    the hearing and notice requirements of paragraph (c)(1) of this section 
    shall be followed.
    Sec. 648.74  Shucking at sea.
        (a) Observers. (1) The Regional Director may allow the shucking of 
    surf clams or ocean quahogs at sea if he/she determines that an 
    observer carried aboard the vessel can measure accurately the total 
    amount of surf clams and ocean quahogs harvested in the shell prior to 
        (2) Any vessel owner may apply in writing to the Regional Director 
    to shuck surf clams or ocean quahogs at sea. The application shall 
    specify: Name and address of the applicant, permit number of the 
    vessel, method of calculating the amount of surf clams or ocean quahogs 
    harvested in the shell, vessel dimensions and accommodations, and 
    length of fishing trip.
        (3) The Regional Director shall provide an observer to any vessel 
    owner whose application is approved. The owner shall pay all reasonable 
    expenses of carrying the observer on board the vessel.
        (4) Any observer shall certify at the end of each trip the amount 
    of surf
    [[Page 34995]]
    clams or ocean quahogs harvested in the shell by the vessel. Such 
    certification shall be made by the observer's signature on the daily 
    fishing log required by Sec. 648.7.
        (b) Conversion factor. (1) Based on the recommendation of the 
    MAFMC, the Regional Director may allow shucking at sea of surf clams or 
    ocean quahogs, with or without an observer, if he/she determines a 
    conversion factor for shucked meats to calculate accurately the amount 
    of surf clams or ocean quahogs harvested in the shell.
        (2) The Regional Director shall publish notification in the Federal 
    Register specifying a conversion factor together with the data used in 
    its calculation for a 30-day comment period. After consideration of the 
    public comments and any other relevant data, the Regional Director may 
    publish final notification in the Federal Register specifying the 
    conversion factor.
        (3) If the Regional Director makes the determination specified in 
    paragraph (b)(1) of this section, he/she may authorize the vessel owner 
    to shuck surf clams or ocean quahogs at sea. Such authorization shall 
    be in writing and be carried aboard the vessel.
    Sec. 648.75  Cage identification.
        (a) Tagging. Before offloading, all cages that contain surf clams 
    or ocean quahogs must be tagged with tags acquired annually under 
    paragraph (b) of this section. A tag must be fixed on or as near as 
    possible to the upper crossbar of the cage for every 60 ft \3\ (1,700 
    L), or portion thereof, of the cage. A tag or tags must not be removed 
    until the cage is emptied by the processor, at which time the processor 
    must promptly remove and retain the tag(s) for collection or disposal 
    as specified by the Regional Director.
        (b) Issuance. The Regional Director will issue a supply of tags to 
    each individual vessel owner qualifying for an allocation under 
    Sec. 648.70 prior to the beginning of each fishing year or he/she may 
    specify, in the Federal Register, a vendor from whom the tags shall be 
    purchased. The number of tags will be based on the owner's allocation. 
    Each tag represents 32 bu (1,700 L) of allocation.
        (c) Expiration. Tags will expire at the end of the fishing year for 
    which they are issued, or if rendered null and void in accordance with 
    15 CFR part 904.
        (d) Return. Tags that have been rendered null and void must be 
    returned to the Regional Director, if possible.
        (e) Loss. Loss or theft of tags must be reported by the owner, 
    numerically identifying the tags to the Regional Director by telephone 
    as soon as the loss or theft is discovered and in writing within 24 
    hours. Thereafter, the reported tags shall no longer be valid for use 
    under this part.
        (f) Replacement. Lost or stolen tags may be replaced by the 
    Regional Director if proper notice of the loss is provided by the 
    person to whom the tags were issued. Replacement tags may be purchased 
    from the Regional Director or a vendor with a written authorization 
    from the Regional Director.
        (g) Transfer. See Sec. 648.70(b)(2).
        (h) Presumptions. Surf clams and ocean quahogs found in cages 
    without a valid state tag are deemed to have been harvested in the EEZ 
    and to be part of an individual's allocation, unless the individual 
    demonstrates that he/she has surrendered his/her Federal vessel permit 
    issued under Sec. 648.4(a)(4) and conducted fishing operations 
    exclusively within waters under the jurisdiction of any state. Surf 
    clams and ocean quahogs in cages with a Federal tag or tags, issued and 
    still valid pursuant to this section, affixed thereto are deemed to 
    have been harvested by the individual allocation holder to whom the 
    tags were issued under Sec. 648.75(b) or transferred under 
    Sec. 648.70(b).
    Subpart F--Management Measures for the NE Multispecies Fishery
    Sec. 648.80  Regulated mesh areas and restrictions on gear and methods 
    of fishing.
        All vessels fishing for, harvesting, possessing, or landing NE 
    multispecies in or from the EEZ and all vessels holding a multispecies 
    permit must comply with the following minimum mesh size, gear, and 
    methods of fishing requirements, unless otherwise exempted or 
        (a) Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank (GOM/GB) Regulated Mesh Area.--(1) 
    Area definition. The GOM/GB Regulated Mesh Area (copies of a map 
    depicting the area are available from the Regional Director upon 
    request) is that area:
        (i) Bounded on the east by the U.S.-Canada maritime boundary, 
    defined by straight lines connecting the following points in the order 
                 Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank Regulated Mesh Area             
                         Point                        N. Lat.      W. Long. 
                      G1..........................        (\1\)        (\1\)
    G2............................................   43 deg.58'   67 deg.22'
    G3............................................  42 deg.53.1             
                                                              '  67 deg.44.4
    G4............................................   42 deg.31'  67 deg.28.1
    G5............................................  41 deg.18.6             
                                                              '  66 deg.24.8
    \1\ The intersection of the shoreline and the U.S.-Canada Maritime      
        (ii) Bounded on the south by straight lines connecting the 
    following points in the order stated:
                         Point                        N. Lat.      W. Long.         Approximate loran C bearings    
                      G6..........................  40 deg.55.5   66 deg.38'  5930-Y-30750 and 9960-Y-43500.        
    G7............................................  40 deg.45.5   68 deg.00'  9960-Y-43500 and 68 deg.00' W. lat.   
    G8............................................   40 deg.37'   68 deg.00'  9960-Y-43450 and 68 deg.00' W. lat.   
    G9............................................   40 deg.30'   69 deg.00'                                        
    NL3...........................................  40 deg.22.7   69 deg.00'                                        
    NL2...........................................  40 deg.18.7   69 deg.40'                                        
    NL1...........................................   40 deg.50'   69 deg.40'                                        
    G11...........................................   40 deg.50'   70 deg.00'                                        
    G12...........................................               \1\ 70 deg.                                        
    \1\ Northward to its intersection with the shoreline of mainland Massachusetts.                                 
        (2) Gear restrictions. (i) Minimum mesh size. Except as provided in 
    paragraphs (a)(2) (iii) and (i) of this section, and unless otherwise 
    restricted under paragraphs (a) (2)(ii) and (5) of this section, the 
    minimum mesh size for any trawl net, sink gillnet, Scottish seine, 
    midwater trawl, or purse seine on a vessel or used by a vessel fishing 
    under a DAS in the NE multispecies DAS program in the GOM/GB Regulated 
    Mesh Area is 6-inch (15.24-cm) square or diamond mesh throughout the 
    entire net. This restriction does not apply to nets or pieces of nets 
    smaller than 3 ft (0.9 m) x 3 ft (0.9 m), (9 ft\2\ (0.81 m\2\)), or to 
    vessels that have not been issued a multispecies permit and that are 
    fishing exclusively in state waters.
        (ii) Large-mesh vessels. When fishing in the GOM/GB regulated mesh 
    area, the
    [[Page 34996]]
    minimum mesh size for any sink gillnet on a vessel or used by a vessel 
    fishing under a DAS in the large-mesh DAS program specified in 
    Sec. 648.82(b) (6) and (7) is 7-inch (17.78-cm) diamond mesh throughout 
    the entire net. The minimum mesh size for any trawl net on a vessel or 
    used by a vessel fishing under a DAS in the large-mesh DAS program is 
    8-inch (20.32-cm) diamond mesh throughout the entire net. This 
    restriction does not apply to nets or pieces of nets smaller than 3 ft 
    (0.9 m) x 3 ft (0.9 m), (9 ft\2\ (0.81 m\2\)), or to vessels that have 
    not been issued a multispecies permit and that are fishing exclusively 
    in state waters.
        (iii) Other gear and mesh exemptions. The minimum mesh size for any 
    trawl net, sink gillnet, Scottish seine, midwater trawl, or purse seine 
    on a vessel or used by a vessel when fishing in the GOM/GB Regulated 
    Mesh Area while not under the NE multispecies DAS program, but when 
    under one of the exemptions specified in paragraphs (a)(3), (a)(4), 
    (a)(6), (a)(8), (a)(9), (d), (e), (h), and (i) of this section, is set 
    forth in the respective paragraph specifying the exemption. Vessels 
    that are not fishing under one of these exemptions, under the scallop 
    state waters exemption specified in Sec. 648.54, or under a NE 
    multispecies DAS, are prohibited from fishing in the GOM/GB regulated 
    mesh area.
        (3) Small Mesh Northern Shrimp Fishery Exemption Area. Vessels 
    subject to the minimum mesh size restrictions specified in paragraph 
    (a)(2) of this section may fish for, harvest, possess, or land northern 
    shrimp in the Small Mesh Northern Shrimp Fishery Exemption Area with 
    nets with a mesh size smaller than the minimum size specified, if the 
    vessel complies with the requirements of paragraphs (a)(3) (i) through 
    (iii) of this section. The Small Mesh Northern Shrimp Fishery Exemption 
    Area is defined by straight lines connecting the following points in 
    the order stated (copies of a map depicting the area are available from 
    the Regional Director upon request):
                Small Mesh Northern Shrimp Fishery Exemption Area           
             Point                  N. Lat.                 W. Long.        
    SM1...................  41 deg.35'              70 deg.00'              
    SM2...................  41 deg.35'              69 deg.40'              
    SM3...................  42 deg.49.5'            69 deg.40'              
    SM4...................  43 deg.12'              69 deg.00'              
    SM5...................  43 deg.41'              68 deg.00'              
    G2....................  43 deg.58'              67 deg.22'; (the U.S.-  
                                                     Canada maritime        
    G1....................  (\1\)                   (\1\)                   
    \1\ Northward along the irregular U.S.-Canada maritime boundary to the  
        (i) Restrictions on fishing for, possessing, or landing fish other 
    than shrimp. A vessel fishing in the northern shrimp fishery described 
    in this section under this exemption may not fish for, possess on 
    board, or land any species of fish other than shrimp, except for the 
    following, with the restrictions noted, as allowable bycatch species: 
    Longhorn sculpin; silver hake--up to two standard totes; monkfish and 
    monkfish parts--up to 10 percent, by weight, of all other species on 
    board; and American lobster--up to 10 percent, by weight, of all other 
    species on board or 200 lobsters, whichever is less.
        (ii) Requirement to use a finfish excluder device (FED). A vessel 
    must have a rigid or semi-rigid grate consisting of parallel bars of 
    not more than 1-inch (2.54-cm) spacing that excludes all fish and other 
    objects, except those that are small enough to pass between its bars 
    into the codend of the trawl, secured in the trawl, forward of the 
    codend, in such a manner that it precludes the passage of fish or other 
    objects into the codend without the fish or objects having to first 
    pass between the bars of the grate, in any net with mesh smaller than 
    the minimum size specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. The net 
    must have a outlet or hole to allow fish or other objects that are too 
    large to pass between the bars of the grate to exit out of the net. The 
    aftermost edge of this outlet or hole must be at least as wide as the 
    grate at the point of attachment. The outlet or hole must extend 
    forward from the grate toward the mouth of the net. A funnel of net 
    material is allowed in the lengthening piece of the net forward of the 
    grate to direct catch towards the grate. (Copies of a schematic example 
    of a properly configured and installed FED are available from the 
    Regional Director upon request.)
        (iii) Time restrictions. A vessel may only fish under this 
    exemption during the northern shrimp season, as established by the 
    Commission. The northern shrimp season is December 1 through May 30, or 
    as modified by the Commission.
        (4) Cultivator Shoal Whiting Fishery Exemption Area. Vessels 
    subject to the minimum mesh size restrictions specified in paragraph 
    (a)(2) of this section may fish with, use, or possess nets in the 
    Cultivator Shoal Whiting Fishery Exemption Area with a mesh size 
    smaller than the minimum size specified, if the vessel complies with 
    the requirements specified in paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this section. The 
    Cultivator Shoal Whiting Fishery Exemption Area (copies of a map 
    depicting the area are available from the Regional Director upon 
    request) is defined by straight lines connecting the following points 
    in the order stated:
                 Cultivator Shoal Whiting Fishery Exemption Area            
                         Point                        N. Lat.      W. Long. 
    C1............................................   42 deg.10'   68 deg.10'
    C2............................................   41 deg.30'   68 deg.41'
    CI4...........................................   41 deg.30'   68 deg.30'
    C3............................................  41 deg.12.8             
                                                              '   68 deg.30'
    C4............................................   41 deg.05'   68 deg.20'
    C5............................................   41 deg.55'   67 deg.40'
    C1............................................   42 deg.10'   68 deg.10'
        (i) Requirements. (A) A vessel fishing in the Cultivator Shoal 
    Whiting Fishery Exemption Area under this exemption must have a letter 
    of authorization issued by the Regional Director on board and may not 
    fish for, possess on board, or land any species of fish other than 
    whiting, except for the following, with the restrictions noted, as 
    allowable bycatch species: Longhorn sculpin; monkfish and monkfish 
    parts--up to 10 percent, by weight, of all other species on board; and 
    American lobster--up to 10 percent by weight of all other species on 
    board or 200 lobsters, whichever is less.
        (B) All nets must comply with a minimum mesh size of 3-inch (7.62 
    cm) square or diamond mesh applied to the first 160 meshes counted from 
    the terminus of the net.
        (C) Fishing is confined to a season of June 15 through October 31, 
    unless otherwise specified by notification in the Federal Register.
        (D) When transiting through the GOM/GB Regulated Mesh Area 
    specified under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, any nets with a mesh 
    size smaller than the minimum mesh size specified in paragraph (a)(2) 
    of this section must be stowed in accordance with one of the methods 
    specified in Sec. 648.23(b).
        (ii) Sea sampling. The Regional Director shall conduct periodic sea 
    sampling to determine if there is a need to change the area or season 
    designation, and to evaluate the bycatch of regulated species, 
    especially haddock.
        (iii) Annual review. The NEFMC shall conduct an annual review of 
    data to determine if there are any changes in
    [[Page 34997]]
    area or season designation necessary, and to make appropriate 
    recommendations to the Regional Director following the procedures 
    specified in Sec. 648.90 of this part.
        (5) Stellwagen Bank/Jeffreys Ledge (SB/JL) Juvenile Protection 
    Area. Except as provided in paragraphs (a)(3), (d), (e), and (h) of 
    this section, the minimum mesh size for any trawl net, Scottish seine, 
    purse seine, or midwater trawl in use, or available for immediate use 
    as described in Sec. 648.23(b) by a vessel fishing in the following 
    area is 6-inch (15.24-cm) square or diamond mesh in the last 50 bars of 
    the codend and extension piece for vessels 45 ft (13.7 m) in length and 
    less, and in the last 100 bars of the codend and extension piece for 
    vessels greater than 45 ft (13.7 m) in length.
        (i) The SB/JL Juvenile Protection Area (copies of a map depicting 
    the area are available from the Regional Director upon request) is 
    defined by straight lines connecting the following points in the order 
                                        Stellwagen Bank Juvenile Protection Area                                    
                                                                                                Approximate Loran   
                                Point                                N. Lat.      W. Long.         coordinates      
    SB1..........................................................  42 deg.34.0                                      
                                                                             '  70 deg.23.5                         
                                                                                          '           13737    44295
    SB2..........................................................  42 deg.28.8                                      
                                                                             '  70 deg.39.0                         
                                                                                          '           13861    44295
    SB3..........................................................  42 deg.18.6                                      
                                                                             '  70 deg.22.5                         
                                                                                          '           13810    44209
    SB4..........................................................  42 deg.05.5                                      
                                                                             '  70 deg.23.3                         
                                                                                          '           13880    44135
    SB5..........................................................  42 deg.11.0                                      
                                                                             '  70 deg.04.0                         
                                                                                          '           13737    44135
    SB1..........................................................  42 deg.34.0                                      
                                                                             '  70 deg.23.5                         
                                                                                          '           13737    44295
                                         Jeffreys Ledge Juvenile Protection Area                                    
                                                                                                Approximate Loran   
                                Point                                N. Lat.      W. Long.         coordinates      
    JL1..........................................................  43 deg.12.7                                      
                                                                             '  70 deg.00.0                         
                                                                                          '           13369    44445
    JL2..........................................................  43 deg.09.5                                      
                                                                             '  70 deg.08.0                         
                                                                                          '           13437    44445
    JL3..........................................................  42 deg.57.0                                      
                                                                             '  70 deg.08.0                         
                                                                                          '           13512    44384
    JL4..........................................................  42 deg.52.0                                      
                                                                             '  70 deg.21.0                         
                                                                                          '           13631    44384
    JL5..........................................................  42 deg.41.5                                      
                                                                             '  70 deg.32.5                         
                                                                                          '           13752    44352
    JL6..........................................................  42 deg.34.0                                      
                                                                             '  70 deg.26.2                         
                                                                                          '           13752    44300
    JL7..........................................................  42 deg.55.2                                      
                                                                             '  70 deg.00.0                         
                                                                                          '           13474    44362
    JL1..........................................................  43 deg.12.7                                      
                                                                             '  70 deg.00.0                         
                                                                                          '           13369    44445
        (ii) Fishing for northern shrimp in the SB/JL Juvenile Protection 
    Area is allowed, subject to the requirements of paragraph (a)(3) of 
    this section.
        (6) Transiting. (i) Vessels fishing in the Small Mesh Northern 
    Shrimp Fishery Exemption Area and in Small Mesh Area 1/Small Mesh Area 
    2, as specified in paragraphs (a) (3) and (8) of this section, may 
    transit through the SB/JL Juvenile Protection Area defined in paragraph 
    (a)(5) of this section with nets on board that do not conform to the 
    requirements specified in paragraph (a)(2) or (a)(5) of this section, 
    provided that the nets are stowed in accordance with one of the methods 
    specified in Sec. 648.23(b).
        (ii) Vessels subject to the minimum mesh size restrictions 
    specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section may transit through the 
    Small Mesh Northern Shrimp Fishery Exemption Area defined in paragraph 
    (a)(3) of this section with nets on board with a mesh size smaller than 
    the minimum size specified, provided that the nets are stowed in 
    accordance with one of the methods specified in Sec. 648.23(b), and 
    provided the vessel has no fish on board.
        (iii) Vessels subject to the minimum mesh size restrictions 
    specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section may transit through the 
    GOM/GB Regulated Mesh Area defined in paragraph (a)(1) of this section 
    with nets on board with a mesh size smaller than the minimum mesh size 
    specified and with small mesh exempted species on board, provided that 
    the following conditions are met:
        (A) All nets with a mesh size smaller than the minimum mesh size 
    specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section are stowed in accordance 
    with one of the methods specified in Sec. 648.23(b).
        (B) A letter of authorization issued by the Regional Director is on 
        (C) Vessels do not fish for, possess on board, or land any fish, 
    except when fishing in the areas specified in paragraphs (a)(4), 
    (a)(9), (b), and (c) of this section. Vessels may retain exempted small 
    mesh species as provided in paragraphs (a)(4)(i), (a)(9)(i), (b)(3), 
    and (c)(3) of this section.
        (7) Addition or deletion of exemptions. (i) An exemption may be 
    added in an existing fishery for which there are sufficient data or 
    information to ascertain the amount of regulated species bycatch, if 
    the Regional Director, after consultation with the NEFMC, determines 
    that the percentage of regulated species caught as bycatch is, or can 
    be reduced to, less than 5 percent, by weight, of total catch and that 
    such exemption will not jeopardize fishing mortality objectives. In 
    determining whether exempting a fishery may jeopardize meeting fishing 
    mortality objectives, the Regional Director may take into consideration 
    factors such as, but not limited to, juvenile mortality. A fishery can 
    be defined, restricted, or allowed by area, gear, season, or other 
    means determined to be appropriate to reduce bycatch of regulated 
    species. An existing exemption may be deleted or modified if the 
    Regional Director determines that the catch of regulated species is 
    equal to or greater than 5 percent, by weight, of total catch, or that 
    continuing the exemption may jeopardize meeting fishing mortality 
    objectives. Notification of additions, deletions or modifications will 
    be made through issuance of a rule in the Federal Register.
        (ii) The NEFMC may recommend to the Regional Director, through the 
    framework procedure specified in Sec. 648.90(b), additions or deletions 
    to exemptions for fisheries, either existing or proposed, for which 
    there may be insufficient data or information for the Regional Director 
    to determine, without
    [[Page 34998]]
    public comment, percentage catch of regulated species.
        (iii) The Regional Director may, using the process described in 
    either paragraph (a)(7)(i) or (ii) of this section, authorize an 
    exemption for a white hake fishery by vessels using regulated mesh or 
    hook gear. Determination of the percentage of regulated species caught 
    in such fishery shall not include white hake.
        (iv) Exempted fisheries authorized under this paragraph (a)(7) are 
    subject, at minimum, to the following restrictions:
        (A) With the exception of fisheries authorized under paragraph 
    (a)(7)(iii) of this section, a prohibition on the possession of 
    regulated species.
        (B) A limit on the possession of monkfish or monkfish parts of 10 
    percent, by weight, of all other species on board.
        (C) A limit on the possession of lobsters of 10 percent, by weight, 
    of all other species on board or 200 lobsters, whichever is less.
        (D) A limit on the possession of skate or skate parts in the 
    Southern New England regulated mesh area described in paragraph (a)(10) 
    of this section of 10 percent, by weight, of all other species on 
        (8) Small Mesh Area 1/Small Mesh Area 2. Vessels subject to the 
    minimum mesh size restrictions specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this 
    section may fish with or possess nets with a mesh size smaller than the 
    minimum size specified from July 15 through October 31 when fishing in 
    Small Mesh Area 1, and from January 1 through June 30 when fishing in 
    Small Mesh Area 2. A vessel may not fish for, possess on board, or land 
    any species of fish other than: Butterfish, dogfish, herring, mackerel, 
    ocean pout, scup, squid, silver hake, and red hake, except for the 
    following species, with the restrictions noted, as allowable bycatch 
    species: Longhorn sculpin; monkfish and monkfish parts--up to 10 
    percent, by weight, of all other species on board; and American 
    lobster--up to 10 percent, by weight, of all other species on board or 
    200 lobsters, whichever is less. These areas are defined by straight 
    lines connecting the following points in the order stated (copies of a 
    map depicting these areas are available from the Regional Director upon 
                                                    Small Mesh Area 1                                               
                                                                                               Approximate Loran C  
                                Point                                N. Lat.      W. Long.           bearings       
    SM1..........................................................   43 deg.03'   70 deg.27'           13600    25910
    SM2..........................................................   42 deg.57'   70 deg.22'           13600    25840
    SM3..........................................................   42 deg.47'   70 deg.32'           13720    25840
    SM4..........................................................   42 deg.45'   70 deg.29'           13710    25810
    SM5..........................................................   42 deg.43'   70 deg.32'           (\1\)    25810
    SM6..........................................................   42 deg.44'   70 deg.39'    13780           (\1\)
    SM7..........................................................   42 deg.49'   70 deg.43'           13780    25910
    SM8..........................................................   42 deg.50'   70 deg.41'           13760    25910
    SM9..........................................................   42 deg.53'   70 deg.43'           13760    25935
    SM10.........................................................   42 deg.55'   70 deg.40'    25935           (\1\)
    SM11.........................................................   42 deg.59'   70 deg.32'           (\1\)    25910
    SM1..........................................................   43 deg.03'   70 deg.27'           13600    25910
    \1\ 3-mile line                                                                                                 
                                                    Small Mesh Area 2                                               
                                                                                               Approximate Loran C  
                                Point                                N. Lat.      W. Long.           bearings       
    SM13.........................................................  43 deg.20.3                                      
                                                                             '  69 deg.59.4                         
                                                                                          '           13320    44480
    SM14.........................................................  43 deg.25.9                                      
                                                                             '  69 deg.45.6                         
                                                                                          '           13200    44480
    SM15.........................................................  42 deg.49.5                                      
                                                                             '   69 deg.40'           13387.5  44298
    SM16.........................................................  42 deg.41.5                                      
                                                                             '   69 deg.40'           13430    44260
    SM17.........................................................  42 deg.34.9                                      
                                                                             '   70 deg.00'           13587    44260
    SM13.........................................................  43 deg.20.3                                      
                                                                             '  69 deg.59.4                         
                                                                                          '           13320    44480
        (9) Nantucket Shoals dogfish fishery exemption area. Vessels 
    subject to the minimum mesh size restrictions specified in paragraph 
    (a)(2) of this section may fish with, use, or possess nets of mesh 
    smaller than the minimum size specified in the Nantucket Shoals Dogfish 
    Fishery Exemption Area, if the vessel complies with the requirements 
    specified in paragraph (a)(9)(i) of this section. The Nantucket Shoals 
    Dogfish Fishery Exemption Area (copies of a map depicting this area are 
    available from the Regional Director upon request) is defined by 
    straight lines connecting the following points in the order stated:
                     Nantucket Shoals Dogfish Exemption Area                
                         Point                        N. Lat.      W. Long. 
    NS1...........................................   41 deg.45'   70 deg.00'
    NS2...........................................   41 deg.45'   69 deg.20'
    NS3...........................................   41 deg.30'   69 deg.20'
    Cl1...........................................   41 deg.30'   69 deg.23'
    NS5...........................................  41 deg.26.5             
                                                              '   69 deg.20'
    NS6...........................................   40 deg.50'   69 deg.20'
    NS7...........................................   40 deg.50'   70 deg.00'
    NS1...........................................   41 deg.45'   70 deg.00'
        (i) Requirements. (A) A vessel fishing in the Nantucket Shoals 
    Dogfish Fishery Exemption Area under the exemption must have on board a 
    letter of authorization issued by the Regional Director and may not 
    fish for, possess on board, or land any species of fish other than 
    dogfish, except as provided under paragraph (a)(9)(i)(D) of this 
        (B) Fishing is confined to June 1 through October 15.
        (C) When transitting the GOM/GB regulated mesh area, specified 
    under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, any nets with a mesh size 
    smaller than the
    [[Page 34999]]
    minimum mesh size specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section must be 
    stowed and unavailable for immediate use in accordance with 
    Sec. 648.23(b).
        (D) The following species may be retained, with the restrictions 
    noted, as allowable bycatch species in the Nantucket Shoals Dogfish 
    Fishery Exemption Area: Longhorn sculpin; silver hake--up to two 
    standard totes; monkfish and monkfish parts--up to 10 percent, by 
    weight, of all other species on board; American lobster--up to 10 
    percent, by weight, of all other species on board or 200 lobsters, 
    whichever is less; and skate or skate parts--up to 10 percent, by 
    weight, of all other species on board.
        (E) A vessel fishing in the Nantucket Shoals Dogfish Fishery 
    Exemption Area under the exemption must comply with any additional gear 
    restrictions specified in the letter of authorization issued by the 
    Regional Director.
        (ii) Sea sampling. The Regional Director may conduct periodic sea 
    sampling to determine if there is a need to change the area or season 
    designation, and to evaluate the bycatch of regulated species.
        (b) Southern New England (SNE) Regulated Mesh Area--(1) Area 
    definition. The SNE Regulated Mesh Area (copies of a map depicting this 
    area are available from the Regional Director upon request) is that 
        (i) bounded on the east by straight lines connecting the following 
    points in the order stated:
                    Southern New England Regulated Mesh Area                
                         Point                        N. Lat.      W. Long. 
    G5............................................  41 deg.18.6             
                                                              '  66 deg.24.8
    G6............................................  40 deg.55.5             
                                                              '   66 deg.38'
    G7............................................  40 deg.45.5             
                                                              '   68 deg.00'
    G8............................................   40 deg.37'   68 deg.00'
    G9............................................  40 deg.30.5             
                                                              '   69 deg.00'
    NL3...........................................  40 deg.22.7             
                                                              '   69 deg.00'
    NL2...........................................  40 deg.18.7             
                                                              '   69 deg.40'
    NL1...........................................   40 deg.50'   69 deg.40'
    G11...........................................   40 deg.50'   70 deg.00'
    G12...........................................  ...........  \1\ 70 deg.
    \1\ Northward to its intersection with the shoreline of mainland        
        (ii) bounded on the west by the eastern boundary of the Mid-
    Atlantic Regulated Mesh Area.
        (2) Gear restrictions--(i) Minimum mesh size. Except as provided in 
    paragraphs (b)(2) (iii) and (i) of this section, and unless otherwise 
    restricted under paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section, the minimum mesh 
    size for any trawl net, sink gillnet, Scottish seine, purse seine or 
    midwater trawl, not stowed and not unavailable in use or available for 
    immediate use in accordance with Sec. 648.23(b) by a vessel fishing 
    under a DAS in the multispecies DAS program in the SNE regulated mesh 
    area, is 6-inch (15.24-cm) square or diamond mesh throughout the entire 
    net. This restriction does not apply to vessels that have not been 
    issued a multispecies permit and that are fishing exclusively in state 
        (ii) Large Mesh vessels. When fishing in the SNE regulated mesh 
    area, the minimum mesh size for any sink gillnet on a vessel, or used 
    by a vessel, fishing under a DAS in the Large Mesh DAS program 
    specified in Sec. 648.82(b) (6) and (7) is 7-inch (17.78-cm) diamond 
    mesh throughout the entire net. The minimum mesh size for any trawl net 
    on a vessel or used by a vessel fishing under a DAS in the Large Mesh 
    DAS program is 8-inch (20.32-cm) diamond mesh throughout the entire 
    net. This restriction does not apply to nets or pieces of nets smaller 
    than 3 ft (0.9 m) x 3 ft (0.9 m), (9 ft\2\ (0.81 m\2\)), or to vessels 
    that have not been issued a multispecies permit and that are fishing 
    exclusively in state waters.
        (iii) Other gear and mesh exemptions. The minimum mesh size for any 
    trawl net, sink gillnet, Scottish seine, midwater trawl, or purse seine 
    in use or available for immediate use, as described under 
    Sec. 648.23(b), by a vessel when not fishing under the NE multispecies 
    DAS program and when fishing in the SNE regulated mesh area is 
    specified under the exemptions set forth in paragraphs (b)(3), (c), 
    (e), (h), and (i) of this section. Vessels that are not fishing in one 
    of these exemption programs, with exempted gear (as defined under this 
    part), or under the scallop state waters exemption specified in 
    Sec. 648.54, or under a NE multispecies DAS, are prohibited from 
    fishing in the SNE regulated mesh area.
        (3) Exemptions--(i) Species exemptions. Vessels subject to the 
    minimum mesh size restrictions specified in paragraph (b)(2) of this 
    section may fish for, harvest, possess, or land butterfish, dogfish, 
    herring, mackerel, ocean pout, scup, shrimp, squid, summer flounder, 
    silver hake, and weakfish with nets with a mesh size smaller than the 
    minimum size specified in the SNE Regulated Mesh Area, provided such 
    vessels comply with the requirements specified in paragraph (b)(3)(ii) 
    of this section.
        (ii) Possession and net stowage requirements. Vessels may possess 
    regulated species while in possession of nets with mesh smaller than 
    the minimum size specified in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, 
    provided that such nets are stowed and are not available for immediate 
    use in accordance with Sec. 648.23(b), and provided that regulated 
    species were not harvested by nets of mesh size smaller than the 
    minimum mesh size specified in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section. 
    Vessels fishing for the exempted species identified in paragraph 
    (b)(3)(i) of this section may also possess and retain the following 
    species, with the restrictions noted, as incidental take to these 
    exempted fisheries: Conger eels; searobins; black sea bass; red hake; 
    tautog (blackfish); blowfish; cunner; John Dory; mullet; bluefish; 
    tilefish; longhorn sculpin; fourspot flounder; alewife; hickory shad; 
    American shad; blueback herring; sea ravens; Atlantic croaker; spot; 
    swordfish; monkfish and monkfish parts--up to 10 percent, by weight, of 
    all other species on board; American lobster--up to 10 percent, by 
    weight, of all other species on board or 200 lobsters, whichever is 
    less; and skate and skate parts--up to 10 percent, by weight, of all 
    other species on board.
        (4) Addition or deletion of exemptions. Same as paragraph (a)(7) of 
    this section.
        (c) Mid-Atlantic (MA) Regulated Mesh Area--(1) Area definition. The 
    MA Regulated Mesh Area (copies of a map depicting this area are 
    available from the Regional Director upon request) is that area bounded 
    on the east by a line running from the Rhode Island shoreline along 
    71 deg.47.5' W. long. to its intersection with the 3-nm line, south 
    along the 3-nm line to Montauk Point, southwesterly along the 3-nm line 
    to the intersection of 72 deg.30' W. long., and south along that line 
    to the intersection of the outer boundary of the EEZ.
        (2) Gear restrictions--(i) Minimum mesh size. Except as provided in 
    paragraphs (c)(3) and (i) of this section, and unless otherwise 
    restricted under paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section, the minimum mesh 
    size for any trawl net, sink gillnet, Scottish seine, purse seine or 
    midwater trawl not stowed or not unavailable for immediate use as 
    described in Sec. 648.23(b), by a vessel fishing under a DAS in the NE 
    multispecies DAS program in the MA Regulated Mesh Area shall be that 
    specified at Sec. 648.104(a). This restriction does not apply to 
    vessels that have not been issued a multispecies permit and that are 
    fishing exclusively in state waters.
        (ii) Large mesh vessels. When fishing in the MA Regulated Mesh 
    Area, the minimum mesh size for any sink gillnet on a vessel, or used 
    by a vessel, fishing under a DAS in the Large Mesh DAS program 
    specified in Sec. 648.82(b) (6) and (7) is 7-inch (17.78-cm) diamond 
    mesh throughout the entire net. The minimum
    [[Page 35000]]
    mesh size for any trawl net on a vessel, or used by a vessel, fishing 
    under a DAS in the Large Mesh DAS program is 8-inch (20.32-cm) diamond 
    mesh throughout the net. This restriction does not apply to nets or 
    pieces of nets smaller than 3 ft (0.9 m) x 3 ft (0.9 m), (9 ft\2\ (0.81 
    m\2\)), or to vessels that have not been issued a multispecies permit 
    and that are fishing exclusively in state waters.
        (3) Net stowage exemption. Vessels may possess regulated species 
    while in possession of nets with mesh smaller than the minimum size 
    specified in paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section, provided that such 
    nets are stowed and are not available for immediate use in accordance 
    with Sec. 648.23(b), and provided that regulated species were not 
    harvested by nets of mesh size smaller than the minimum mesh size 
    specified in paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section.
        (4) Additional exemptions. The Regional Director may, using the 
    process described in either paragraph (a)(7) (i) or (ii) of this 
    section, authorize an exemption for a white hake fishery by vessels 
    using regulated mesh or hook gear. Determination of the percentage of 
    regulated species caught in such a fishery shall not include white 
        (d) Midwater trawl gear exemption. Fishing may take place 
    throughout the fishing year with midwater trawl gear of mesh size less 
    than the applicable minimum size specified in this section, provided 
        (1) Midwater trawl gear is used exclusively;
        (2) When fishing under this exemption in the GOM/GB and SB/JL 
    Areas, the vessel has on board a letter of authorization issued by the 
    Regional Director;
        (3) The vessel only fishes for, possesses, or lands Atlantic 
    herring, blueback herring, mackerel, or squid in areas south of 
    42 deg.20' N. lat.; and Atlantic herring, blueback herring, or mackerel 
    in areas north of 42 deg.20' N. lat; and
        (4) The vessel does not fish for, possess, or land NE multispecies.
        (e) Purse seine gear exemption. Fishing may take place throughout 
    the fishing year with purse seine gear of mesh size smaller than the 
    applicable minimum size specified in this section, provided that:
        (1) The vessel uses purse seine gear exclusively;
        (2) When fishing under this exemption in the GOM/GB and SB/JL 
    areas, the vessel has on board an authorizing letter issued by the 
    Regional Director;
        (3) The vessel only fishes for, possesses, or lands Atlantic 
    herring, blueback herring, mackerel, or menhaden; and
        (4) The vessel does not fish for, possess, or land NE multispecies.
        (f) Mesh measurements--(1) Gillnets. Beginning October 15, 1996, 
    mesh size of gillnet gear shall be measured by lining up five 
    consecutive knots perpendicular to the float line and, with a ruler or 
    tape measure, measuring ten consecutive measures on the diamond, inside 
    knot to inside knot. The mesh shall be the average of the measurements 
    of ten consecutive measures.
        (2) All other nets. With the exception of gillnets, mesh size shall 
    be measured by a wedged-shaped gauge having a taper of 2 cm in 8 cm and 
    a thickness of 2.3 mm, inserted into the meshes under a pressure or 
    pull of 5 kg.
        (i) Square-mesh measurement. Square mesh in the regulated portion 
    of the net is measured by placing the net gauge along the diagonal line 
    that connects the largest opening between opposite corners of the 
    square. The square mesh size is the average of the measurements of 20 
    consecutive adjacent meshes from the terminus forward along the long 
    axis of the net. The square mesh is measured at least five meshes away 
    from the lacings of the net.
        (ii) Diamond-mesh measurement. Diamond mesh in the regulated 
    portion of the net is measured running parallel to the long axis of the 
    net. The mesh size is the average of the measurements of any series of 
    20 consecutive meshes. The mesh is measured at least five meshes away 
    from the lacings of the net.
        (g) Restrictions on gear and methods of fishing--(1) Net 
    obstruction or constriction. A fishing vessel shall not use any device 
    or material, including, but not limited to, nets, net strengtheners, 
    ropes, lines, or chafing gear, on the top of a trawl net, except that 
    one splitting strap and one bull rope (if present), consisting of line 
    and rope no more than 3 inches (7.62 cm) in diameter, may be used if 
    such splitting strap and/or bull rope does not constrict in any manner 
    the top of the trawl net. ``The top of the trawl net'' means the 50 
    percent of the net that (in a hypothetical situation) would not be in 
    contact with the ocean bottom during a tow if the net were laid flat on 
    the ocean floor. For the purpose of this paragraph (g)(1), head ropes 
    are not considered part of the top of the trawl net.
        (2) Mesh obstruction or constriction. (i) A fishing vessel may not 
    use any mesh configuration, mesh construction, or other means on or in 
    the top of the net, as defined in paragraph (g)(1) of this section, if 
    it obstructs the meshes of the net in any manner.
        (ii) A fishing vessel may not use a net capable of catching 
    multispecies if the bars entering or exiting the knots twist around 
    each other.
        (3) Pair trawl prohibition. No vessel may fish for NE multispecies 
    while pair trawling, or possess or land NE multispecies that have been 
    harvested by means of pair trawling.
        (h) Scallop vessels. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (h)(2) of 
    this section, a scallop vessel that possesses a limited access scallop 
    permit and either a multispecies combination vessel permit or a scallop 
    multispecies possession limit permit, and that is fishing under a 
    scallop DAS allocated under Sec. 648.53, may possess and land up to 300 
    lb (136.1 kg) of regulated species, provided it has at least one 
    standard tote on board, unless otherwise restricted by 
    Sec. 648.86(a)(2).
        (2) Combination vessels fishing under a NE multispecies DAS are 
    subject to the gear restrictions specified in Sec. 648.80 and may 
    possess and land unlimited amounts of regulated species. Such vessels 
    may simultaneously fish under a scallop DAS.
        (i) State waters winter flounder exemption. Any vessel issued a 
    multispecies permit may fish for, possess, or land winter flounder 
    while fishing with nets of mesh smaller than the minimum size specified 
    in paragraphs (a)(2), (b)(2), and (c)(2) of this section, provided 
        (1) The vessel has on board a certificate approved by the Regional 
    Director and issued by the state agency authorizing the vessel's 
    participation in the state's winter flounder fishing program and is in 
    compliance with the applicable state laws pertaining to minimum mesh 
    size for winter flounder.
        (2) Fishing is conducted exclusively in the waters of the state 
    from which the certificate was obtained.
        (3) The state's winter flounder plan has been approved by the 
    Commission as being in compliance with the Commission's winter flounder 
    fishery management plan.
        (4) The state elects, by a letter to the Regional Director, to 
    participate in the exemption program described by this section.
        (5) The vessel does not enter or transit the EEZ.
        (6) The vessel does not enter or transit the waters of another 
    state, unless such other state is participating in the exemption 
    program described by this section and the vessel is enrolled in that 
    state's program.
        (7) The vessel, when not fishing under the DAS program, does not 
    fish for, possess, or land more than 500 lb (226.8
    [[Page 35001]]
    kg) of winter flounder, and has at least one standard tote on board.
        (8) The vessel does not fish for, possess, or land any species of 
    fish other than winter flounder and the exempted small mesh species 
    specified under paragraphs (a)(3)(i), (a)(8)(iii), (b)(3), and (c)(3) 
    of this section when fishing in the areas specified under paragraphs 
    (a)(3), (a)(8), (b)(1), and (c)(1) of this section, respectively. 
    Vessels fishing under this exemption in New York and Connecticut state 
    waters may also possess and retain skate as incidental take in this 
        (9) The vessel complies with all other applicable requirements.
    Sec. 648.81  Closed areas.
        (a) Closed Area I. (1) No fishing vessel or person on a fishing 
    vessel may enter, fish, or be in the area known as Closed Area I 
    (copies of a map depicting this area are available from the Regional 
    Director upon request), as defined by straight lines connecting the 
    following points in the order stated, except as specified in paragraphs 
    (a)(2) and (d) of this section:
                                  Closed Area I                             
                         Point                        N. Lat.      W. Long. 
    CI1...........................................   41 deg.30'   69 deg.23'
    CI2...........................................   40 deg.45'   68 deg.45'
    CI3...........................................   40 deg.45'   68 deg.30'
    CI4...........................................   41 deg.30'   68 deg.30'
    CI1...........................................   41 deg.30'   69 deg.23'
        (2) Paragraph (a)(1) of this section does not apply to persons on 
    fishing vessels or fishing vessels--
        (i) Fishing with or using pot gear designed and used to take 
    lobsters, or pot gear designed and used to take hagfish, and that have 
    no other gear on board capable of catching NE multispecies; or
        (ii) Fishing with or using pelagic hook or longline gear or harpoon 
    gear, provided that there is no retention of regulated species, and 
    provided that there is no other gear on board capable of catching NE 
        (b) Closed Area II. (1) No fishing vessel or person on a fishing 
    vessel may enter, fish, or be in the area known as Closed Area II 
    (copies of a map depicting this area is available from the Regional 
    Director upon request), as defined by straight lines connecting the 
    following points in the order stated, except as specified in paragraph 
    (b)(2) of this section:
                                 Closed Area II                             
              Point                  N. Lat.                 W. Long.       
    ClI1....................  41 deg.00'             67 deg.20'             
    ClI2....................  41 deg.00'             66 deg.35.8'           
    G5......................  41 deg.18.6'           66 deg.24.8' (the U.S.-
                                                      Canada Maritime       
    ClI3....................  42 deg.22'             67 deg.20' (the U.S.-  
                                                      Canada Maritime       
    ClI1....................  41 deg.00'             67 deg.20'             
        (2) Paragraph (b)(1) of this section does not apply to persons on 
    fishing vessels or fishing vessels fishing with gears as in paragraph 
    (a)(2) (i) or (ii) of this section, or that are transitting the area, 
        (i) The operator has determined that there is a compelling safety 
    reason; and
        (ii) The vessel's fishing gear is stowed in accordance with the 
    requirements of paragraph (e) of this section.
        (c) Nantucket Lightship Closed Area. (1) No fishing vessel or 
    person on a fishing vessel may enter, fish, or be in the area known as 
    the Nantucket Lightship Closed Area (copies of a map depicting this 
    area are available from the Regional Director upon request), as defined 
    by straight lines connecting the following points in the order stated, 
    except as specified in paragraphs (c)(2) and (d) of this section:
                         Nantucket Lightship Closed Area                    
                         Point                        N. Lat.      W. Long. 
    G10...........................................   40 deg.50'   69 deg.00'
    CN1...........................................   40 deg.20'   69 deg.00'
    CN2...........................................   40 deg.20'   70 deg.20'
    CN3...........................................   40 deg.50'   70 deg.20'
    G10...........................................   40 deg.50'   69 deg.00'
        (2) Paragraph (c)(1) of this section does not apply to persons on 
    fishing vessels or fishing vessels--
        (i) Fishing with gear as in paragraph (a)(2) (i) or (ii) of this 
        (ii) Fishing with or using dredge gear designed and used to take 
    surf clams or ocean quahogs, and that have no other gear on board 
    capable of catching NE multispecies; or
        (iii) Classified as charter, party or recreational vessel, provided 
        (A) If the vessel is a party or charter vessel, it has a letter of 
    authorization issued by the Regional Director on board;
        (B) Fish harvested or possessed by the vessel are not sold or 
    intended for trade, barter or sale, regardless of where the fish are 
    caught; and
        (C) The vessel has no gear other than rod and reel or handline gear 
    on board.
        (d) Transitting. Vessels may transit Closed Area I, the Nantucket 
    Lightship Closed Area, the NE Closure Area, the Mid-coast Closure Area, 
    and the Massachusetts Bay Closure Area, as defined in paragraphs 
    (a)(1), (c)(1), (f)(1), (g)(1), and (h)(1), respectively, of this 
    section, provided that their gear is stowed in accordance with the 
    provisions of paragraph (e) of this section.
        (e) Gear stowage requirements. Vessels transitting the closed areas 
    must stow their gear as follows:
        (1) Nets. In accordance with one of the methods specified in 
    Sec. 648.23(b) and capable of being shown not to have been in recent 
        (2) Scallop dredges. The towing wire is detached from the scallop 
    dredge, the towing wire is reeled up onto the winch, and the dredge is 
    secured and covered so that it is rendered unusable for fishing.
        (3) Hook gear (other than pelagic). All anchors and buoys are 
    secured and all hook gear, including jigging machines, is covered.
        (4) Sink gillnet gear. All nets are covered with canvas or other 
    similar material and lashed or otherwise securely fastened to the deck 
    or rail, and all buoys larger than 6 inches (15.24 cm) in diameter, 
    high flyers, and anchors are disconnected.
        (f) NE Closure Area. (1) From August 15 through September 13, no 
    fishing vessel or person on a fishing vessel may enter, fish, or be, 
    and no fishing gear capable of catching NE multispecies, unless 
    otherwise allowed in this part may be, in the area known as the NE 
    Closure Area (copies of a map depicting this area are available from 
    the Regional Director upon request), as defined by straight lines 
    connecting the following points in the order stated, except as 
    specified in paragraphs (d) and (f)(2) of this section:
                             Northeast Closure Area                         
                         Point                        N. Lat.      W. Long. 
    NE1...........................................        (\1\)  68 deg.55.0
    NE2...........................................  43 deg.29.6             
                                                              '  68 deg.55.0
    NE3...........................................  44 deg.04.4             
                                                              '  67 deg.48.7
    NE4...........................................  44 deg.06.9             
                                                              '  67 deg.52.8
    NE5...........................................  44 deg.31.2             
                                                              '  67 deg.02.7
    NE6...........................................        (\1\)  67 deg.02.7
    \1\ Maine shoreline.                                                    
        (2) Paragraph (f)(1) of this section does not apply to persons on 
    fishing vessels or fishing vessels:
        (i) That have not been issued a multispecies permit and that are 
    fishing exclusively in state waters;
    [[Page 35002]]
        (ii) That are fishing with or using exempted gear as defined under 
    this part, excluding midwater trawl gear, provided that there is no 
    other gear on board capable of catching NE multispecies; or
        (iii) That are classified as charter, party, or recreational.
        (g) Mid-coast Closure Area. (1) From November 1 through December 
    31, no fishing vessel or person on a fishing vessel may enter, fish, or 
    be, and no fishing gear capable of catching multispecies, unless 
    otherwise allowed in this part, may be in the area known as the Mid-
    coast Closure Area, as defined by straight lines connecting the 
    following points in the order stated, except as specified in paragraphs 
    (d) and (g)(2) of this section (copies of a map depicting this area are 
    available from the Regional Director upon request):
                             Mid-Coast Closure Area                         
                         Point                        N. Lat.      W. Long. 
    MC1...........................................   42 deg.30'        (\1\)
    MC2...........................................   42 deg.30'   70 deg.15'
    MC3...........................................   42 deg.40'   70 deg.15'
    MC4...........................................   42 deg.40'   70 deg.00'
    MC5...........................................   43 deg.00'   70 deg.00'
    MC6...........................................   43 deg.00'   69 deg.30'
    MC7...........................................   43 deg.15'   69 deg.30'
    MC8...........................................   43 deg.15'   69 deg.00'
    MC9...........................................        (\2\)  69 deg.00'W
    \1\ Massachusetts shoreline.                                            
    \2\ Maine shoreline.                                                    
        (2) Paragraph (g)(1) of this section does not apply to persons on 
    fishing vessels or fishing vessels that meet the criteria in paragraph 
    (f)(2)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this section.
        (h) Massachusetts Bay Closure Area. (1) During the period March 1 
    through March 30, no fishing vessel or person on a fishing vessel may 
    enter, fish, or be in; and no fishing gear capable of catching NE 
    multispecies, unless otherwise allowed in this part, may be in the area 
    known as the Massachusetts Bay Closure Area (copies of a map depicting 
    this area are available from the Regional Director upon request), as 
    defined by straight lines connecting the following points in the order 
    stated, except as specified in paragraphs (d) and (h)(2) of this 
                         Massachusetts Bay Closure Area                     
                         Point                        N. Lat.      W. Long. 
    MB1...........................................   42 deg.30'        (\1\)
    MB2...........................................   42 deg.30'   70 deg.30'
    MB3...........................................   42 deg.12'   70 deg.30'
    MB4...........................................   42 deg.12'   70 deg.00'
    MB5...........................................        (\2\)   70 deg.00'
    MB6...........................................   42 deg.00'        (\2\)
    MB7...........................................   42 deg.00'        (\1\)
    \1\ Massachusetts shoreline.                                            
    \2\ Cape Cod shoreline.                                                 
        (2) Paragraph (h)(1) of this section does not apply to persons on 
    fishing vessels or fishing vessels that meet the criteria in paragraph 
    (f)(2)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this section.
    Sec. 648.82  Effort-control program for limited access vessels.
        (a) General. A vessel issued an limited access multispecies permit 
    may not fish for, possess, or land regulated species, except during a 
    DAS as allocated under and in accordance with the applicable DAS 
    program described in this section, unless otherwise provided in these 
        (b) DAS program--permit categories, allocations and initial 
    assignments to categories. Beginning with the 1996 fishing year, all 
    limited access multispecies permit holders shall be assigned to one of 
    the following DAS permit categories according to the criteria 
    specified. Permit holders may request a change in permit category for 
    the 1996 fishing year and all fishing years thereafter, as specified in 
    Sec. 648.4(a)(1)(i)(I)(2). Each fishing year shall begin on May 1 and 
    extend through April 30 of the following year.
        (1) Individual DAS category--(i) DAS allocation. A vessel fishing 
    under the individual DAS category shall be allocated 65 percent of its 
    initial 1994 allocation baseline, as established under Amendment 5 to 
    the NE Multispecies FMP, for the 1996 fishing year and 50 percent of 
    its initial allocation baseline for the 1997 fishing year and beyond, 
    as calculated under paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
        (ii) Initial assignment. Any vessel issued a valid limited access 
    multispecies individual DAS permit, including any vessel also issued a 
    limited access multispecies gillnet permit, as of July 1, 1996, shall 
    be initially assigned to the individual DAS category.
        (2) Fleet DAS category--(i) DAS allocation. A vessel fishing under 
    the fleet DAS category shall be allocated 116 DAS (139 DAS multiplied 
    by the proration factor of 0.83) for the 1996 fishing year and 88 DAS 
    for the 1997 fishing year and beyond.
        (ii) Initial assignment. Any vessel issued a valid fleet DAS 
    permit, including any vessel also issued a limited access multispecies 
    gillnet permit; limited access multispecies hook-gear permit; limited 
    access multispecies gillnet permit that has not also been issued a DAS 
    permit; or a limited access multispecies small vessel (less than or 
    equal to 45 ft (13.7 m)) permit and that is larger than 20 ft (6.1 m) 
    in length as determined by its most recent permit application, as of 
    July 1, 1996, shall be initially assigned to the fleet DAS category.
        (3) Small vessel category--(i) DAS allocation. A vessel qualified 
    and electing to fish under the small vessel category may retain cod, 
    haddock, and yellowtail flounder, combined up to 300 lb (136.1 kg) per 
    trip without being subject to DAS restrictions. Such a vessel is not 
    subject to a possession limit for other NE multispecies.
        (ii) Initial assignment. A vessel issued a valid limited access 
    multispecies permit and fishing under the small vessel category (less 
    than or equal to 45 ft (13.7 m)) permit as of July 1, 1996, and that is 
    20 ft (6.1 m) or less in length as determined by the vessel's last 
    application for a permit, shall be initially assigned to the small 
    vessel category. Any other vessel may elect to switch into this 
    category, as provided for in Sec. 648.4(a)(1)(i)(I)(2), if such vessel 
    meets or complies with the following:
        (A) The vessel is 30 ft (9.1 m) or less in length overall as 
    determined by measuring along a horizontal line drawn from a 
    perpendicular raised from the outside of the most forward portion of 
    the stem of the vessel to a perpendicular raised from the after most 
    portion of the stern.
        (B) If construction of the vessel was begun after May 1, 1994, the 
    vessel must be constructed such that the quotient of the overall length 
    divided by the beam is not less than 2.5.
        (C) Acceptable verification for vessels 20 ft (6.1 m) or less in 
    length shall be USCG documentation or state registration papers. For 
    vessels over 20 ft (6.1 m) in length, the measurement of length must be 
    verified in writing by a qualified marine surveyor, or the builder, 
    based on the vessel's construction plans, or by other means determined 
    acceptable by the Regional Director. A copy of the verification must 
    accompany an application for a multispecies permit.
        (D) Adjustments to the small vessel category requirements, 
    including changes to the length requirement, if required to meet 
    fishing mortality goals, may be made by the Regional Director following 
    framework procedures of Sec. 648.90.
        (4) Hook-gear category--(i) DAS allocation. Any vessel issued a 
    valid limited access multispecies hook-gear
    [[Page 35003]]
    permit shall be allocated 116 DAS (139 DAS multiplied by the proration 
    factor of 0.83) for the 1996 fishing year and 88 DAS for the 1997 
    fishing year, and beyond. A vessel fishing under this category in the 
    DAS program must meet or comply with the following while fishing for, 
    in possession of, or landing, regulated species:
        (A) Vessels, and persons on such vessels, are prohibited from 
    possessing gear other than hook gear on board the vessel.
        (B) Vessels, and persons on such vessels, are prohibited from 
    fishing, setting, or hauling back, per day, or possessing on board the 
    vessel, more than 4,500 rigged hooks. An unbaited hook and gangion that 
    has not been secured to the ground line of the trawl on board a vessel 
    is deemed to be a replacement hook and is not counted toward the 4,500-
    hook limit. A ``snap-on'' hook is deemed to be a replacement hook if it 
    is not rigged or baited.
        (ii) Initial assignment. No vessel shall be initially assigned to 
    the hook-gear category. Any vessel that meets the qualifications 
    specified in Sec. 648.4(a)(1)(ii) may apply for and obtain a permit to 
    fish under this category.
        (5) Combination vessel category--(i) DAS allocation. A vessel 
    fishing under the combination vessel category shall be allocated 65 
    percent of its initial 1994 allocation baseline, as established under 
    Amendment 5 to the FMP, for the 1996 fishing year and 50 percent of its 
    initial allocation baseline for the 1997 fishing year and beyond, as 
    calculated under paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
        (ii) Initial assignment. A vessel issued a valid limited access 
    multispecies permit qualified to fish as a combination vessel as of 
    July 1, 1996, shall be assigned to the combination vessel category.
        (6) Large Mesh Individual DAS category--(i) DAS allocation. A 
    vessel fishing under the large mesh individual DAS category shall be 
    allocated a DAS increase of 12 percent in year one and of 36 percent in 
    year two beyond the DAS allocations specified in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of 
    this section (this includes the proration factor for 1996). To be 
    eligible to fish under the large mesh individual DAS category, a vessel 
    while fishing under this category must fish with gillnet gear with a 
    minimum mesh size of 7-inch (17.78-cm) diamond mesh or with trawl gear 
    with a minimum mesh size of 8-inch (20.32-cm) diamond mesh, as 
    described under Sec. 648.80 (a)(2)(ii), (b)(2)(ii), and (c)(2)(ii).
        (ii) Initial assignment. No vessel shall be initially assigned to 
    the large mesh individual DAS category. Any vessel that is initially 
    assigned to the individual DAS, fleet DAS, or small vessel category may 
    request and be granted a switch into this category as specified in 
    Sec. 648.4(a)(1)(i)(I)(2).
        (7) Large Mesh Fleet DAS category--(i) DAS allocation. A vessel 
    fishing under the large mesh fleet DAS category shall be allocated 129 
    DAS (155 DAS multiplied by the proration factor of 0.83) for the 1996 
    fishing year and 120 DAS for the 1997 fishing year, and beyond. To be 
    eligible to fish under the large mesh fleet DAS category, a vessel 
    while fishing under this category must fish with gillnet gear with a 
    minimum mesh size of 7-inch (17.78-cm) diamond mesh or with trawl gear 
    with a minimum mesh size of 8-inch (20.32-cm) diamond mesh, as 
    described under Sec. 648.80 (a)(2)(ii), (b)(2)(ii), and (c)(2)(ii).
        (ii) Initial assignment. No vessel shall be initially assigned to 
    the large mesh fleet DAS category. Any vessel that is initially 
    assigned to the individual DAS, fleet DAS, or small vessel category may 
    request and be granted a switch into this category as specified in 
    Sec. 648.4(a)(1)(i)(I)(2).
        (c) 1996 DAS appeals. (1) Previously exempted vessels. A vessel 
    that was issued a valid 1995 limited access multispecies permit, and 
    that has been fishing under the small vessel (less than or equal to 45 
    ft (13.7 m)), hook-gear, or gillnet categories, is eligible to appeal 
    its allocation of DAS, if it has not previously done so, as described 
    under paragraph (d)(2) of this section. Each vessel's initial 
    allocation of DAS will be considered to be 176 DAS for purposes of this 
    appeal (i.e., the fleet DAS category baseline prior to the 1996-1997 
        (2) Exempted gillnet vessels that held an individual DAS permit. A 
    vessel that was issued a valid 1995 limited access multispecies permit 
    and that has been fishing under both the gillnet and individual DAS 
    categories, is eligible to appeal its allocation of gillnet DAS, as 
    described under paragraph (d)(2) of this section. Each vessel's initial 
    allocation of DAS will be considered to be 176 DAS for purposes of this 
    appeal (i.e., the fleet DAS category baseline prior to the 1996-1997 
        (d) Individual DAS allocations--(1) Calculation of a vessel's 
    individual DAS. The DAS assigned to a vessel for purposes of 
    determining that vessel's annual allocation under the individual DAS 
    program is calculated as follows:
        (i) Count the total number of the vessel's NE multispecies DAS for 
    the years 1988, 1989, and 1990. NE multispecies DAS are deemed to be 
    the total number of days the vessel was absent from port for a trip 
    where greater than 10 percent of the vessel's total landings were 
    comprised of regulated species, minus any days for such trips in which 
    a scallop dredge was used;
        (ii) Exclude the year of least NE multispecies DAS; and
        (iii) If 2 years of multispecies DAS are remaining, average those 
    years' DAS; or
        (iv) If only 1 year remains, use that year's DAS.
        (2) Appeal of DAS allocation. (i) Initial allocations of individual 
    DAS to those vessels authorized to appeal under paragraph (c) of this 
    section may be appealed to the Regional Director if a request to appeal 
    is received by the Regional Director no later than July 31, 1996, or 30 
    days after the initial allocation is made, whichever is later. Any such 
    appeal must be in writing and be based on one or more of the following 
        (A) The information used by the Regional Director was based on 
    mistaken or incorrect data.
        (B) The applicant was prevented by circumstances beyond his/her 
    control from meeting relevant criteria.
        (C) The applicant has new or additional information.
        (ii) The Regional Director will appoint a designee who will make an 
    initial decision on the written appeal.
        (iii) If the applicant is not satisfied with the initial decision, 
    the applicant may request that the appeal be presented at a hearing 
    before an officer appointed by the Regional Director.
        (iv) The hearing officer shall present his/her findings to the 
    Regional Director and the Regional Director will make a decision on the 
    appeal. The Regional Director's decision on this appeal is the final 
    administrative decision of the Department of Commerce.
        (3) Status of vessels pending appeal of DAS allocations. While a 
    vessel's individual DAS allocation is under appeal, the vessel may fish 
    under the fleet DAS category until the Regional Director has made a 
    final determination on the appeal. Any DAS spent fishing for regulated 
    species by a vessel while that vessel's initial DAS allocation is under 
    appeal, shall be counted against any DAS allocation that the vessel may 
    ultimately receive.
        (e) Accrual of DAS. Same as Sec. 648.53(e).
        (f) Good Samaritan credit. Same as Sec. 648.53(f).
        (g) Spawning season restrictions. A vessel issued a valid small 
    vessel permit under paragraph (b)(3) of this section may not fish for, 
    possess, or land regulated species from March 1 through March 20 of 
    each year. Any other vessel issued a limited access multispecies permit 
    must declare out and be out of
    [[Page 35004]]
    the regulated NE multispecies for a 20-day period between March 1 and 
    May 31 of each fishing year using the notification requirements 
    specified in Sec. 648.10. If a vessel owner has not declared and been 
    out for a 20-day period between March 1 and May 31 of each fishing year 
    on or before May 12 of each such year, the vessel is prohibited from 
    fishing for, possessing or landing any regulated species after May 11 
    of such year for the number of days needed to fulfill the 20-day 
        (h) Declaring DAS and 20-day blocks. A vessel's owner or authorized 
    representative shall notify the Regional Director of a vessel's 
    participation in the DAS program and declaration of its 20-day out 
    period of the NE multispecies fishery, using the notification 
    requirements specified in Sec. 648.10.
        (i) Adjustments in annual DAS allocations. Adjustments in annual 
    DAS allocations, if required to meet fishing mortality goals, may be 
    made by the Regional Director following the framework procedures of 
    Sec. 648.90.
    Sec. 648.83  Minimum fish sizes.
        (a) Minimum fish sizes. (1) Minimum fish sizes for recreational 
    vessels and charter/party vessels that are not fishing under a NE 
    multispecies DAS are specified in Sec. 648.89. All other vessels are 
    subject to the following minimum fish sizes (TL):
                             Minimum Fish Sizes (TL)                        
                             Species                           Size (Inches)
    Cod.....................................................    19 (48.3 cm)
    Haddock.................................................    19 (48.3 cm)
    Pollock.................................................    19 (48.3 cm)
    Witch flounder (gray sole)..............................    14 (35.6 cm)
    Yellowtail flounder.....................................    13 (33.0 cm)
    American plaice (dab)...................................    14 (35.6 cm)
    Winter flounder (blackback).............................   12 (30.48 cm)
    Redfish.................................................     9 (22.9 cm)
        (2) The minimum fish size applies to the whole fish or to any part 
    of a fish while possessed on board a vessel, except as provided in 
    paragraph (b) of this section, and to whole fish only, after landing. 
    Fish or parts of fish must have skin on while possessed on board a 
    vessel and at the time of landing in order to meet minimum size 
    requirements. ``Skin on'' means the entire portion of the skin normally 
    attached to the portion of the fish or fish parts possessed.
        (b) Exceptions. (1) Each person aboard a vessel issued a limited 
    access permit and fishing under the DAS program may possess up to 25 lb 
    (11.3 kg) of fillets that measure less than the minimum size, if such 
    fillets are from legal-sized fish and are not offered or intended for 
    sale, trade, or barter.
        (2) Recreational, party, and charter vessels may possess fillets 
    less than the minimum size specified, if the fillets are taken from 
    legal-sized fish and are not offered or intended for sale, trade or 
        (c) Adjustments. (1) At any time when information is available, the 
    NEFMC will review the best available mesh selectivity information to 
    determine the appropriate minimum size for the species listed in 
    paragraph (a) of this section, except winter flounder, according to the 
    length at which 25 percent of the regulated species would be retained 
    by the applicable minimum mesh size.
        (2) Upon determination of the appropriate minimum sizes, the NEFMC 
    shall propose the minimum fish sizes to be implemented following the 
    procedures specified in Sec. 648.90.
        (3) Additional adjustments or changes to the minimum fish sizes 
    specified in paragraph (a) of this section, and exemptions as specified 
    in paragraph (b) of this section, may be made at any time after 
    implementation of the final rule as specified under Sec. 648.90.
    Sec. 648.84  Gear-marking requirements and gear restrictions.
        (a) Bottom-tending fixed gear, including, but not limited to 
    gillnets and longlines, designed for, capable of, or fishing for NE 
    multispecies must have the name of the owner or vessel, or the official 
    number of that vessel permanently affixed to any buoys, gillnets, 
    longlines, or other appropriate gear so that the name of the owner or 
    vessel or official number of the vessel is visible on the surface of 
    the water.
        (b) Bottom-tending fixed gear, including, but not limited to 
    gillnets or longline gear, must be marked so that the westernmost end 
    (measuring the half compass circle from magnetic south through west to, 
    and including, north) of the gear displays a standard 12-inch (30.5-cm) 
    tetrahedral corner radar reflector and a pennant positioned on a staff 
    at least 6 ft (1.8 m) above the buoy. The easternmost end (meaning the 
    half compass circle from magnetic north through east to, and including, 
    south) of the gear need display only the standard 12-inch (30.5-cm) 
    tetrahedral radar reflector positioned in the same way.
        (c) Continuous gillnets must not exceed 6,600 ft (2,011.7 m) 
    between the end buoys.
        (d) In the GOM/GB regulated mesh area specified in Sec. 648.80(a), 
    gillnet gear set in an irregular pattern or in any way that deviates 
    more than 30 deg. from the original course of the set must be marked at 
    the extremity of the deviation with an additional marker, which must 
    display two or more visible streamers and may either be attached to or 
    independent of the gear.
    Sec. 648.85  Flexible Area Action System.
        (a) The Chair of the Multispecies Oversight Committee, upon 
    learning of the presence of discard problems associated with large 
    concentrations of juvenile, sublegal, or spawning multispecies, shall 
    determine if the situation warrants further investigation and possible 
    action. In making this determination, the Committee Chair shall 
    consider the amount of discard of regulated species, the species 
    targeted, the number and types of vessels operating in the area, the 
    location and size of the area, and the resource condition of the 
    impacted species. If he/she determines it is necessary, the Committee 
    Chair will request the Regional Director to initiate a fact finding 
    investigation to verify the situation and publish notification in the 
    Federal Register requesting public comments in accordance with the 
    procedures therefor in Amendment 3 to the NE Multispecies FMP.
        (b) After examining the facts, the Regional Director shall, within 
    the deadlines specified in Amendment 3, provide the technical analysis 
    required by Amendment 3.
        (c) The NEFMC shall prepare an economic impact analysis of the 
    potential management options under consideration within the deadlines 
    specified in Amendment 3.
        (d) Copies of the analysis and reports prepared by the Regional 
    Director and the NEFMC shall be made available for public review at the 
    NEFMC's office and the Committee shall hold a meeting/public hearing, 
    at which time it shall review the analysis and reports and request 
    public comments. Upon review of all available sources of information, 
    the Committee shall determine what course of action is warranted by the 
    facts and make a recommendation, consistent with the provisions of 
    Amendment 3 to the Regional Director.
        (e) By the deadline set in Amendment 3 the Regional Director shall 
    either accept or reject the Committee's recommendation. If the 
    recommended action is consistent with the record established by the 
    fact-finding report, impact analysis, and comments received at the 
    public hearing, he/she shall accept the Committee's recommendation and 
    implement it through notification in the Federal Register and by notice 
    sent to all vessel owners holding multispecies permits. The Regional 
    Director shall also use
    [[Page 35005]]
    other appropriate media, including, but not limited to, mailings to the 
    news media, fishing industry associations and radio broadcasts, to 
    disseminate information on the action to be implemented.
        (f) Once implemented, the Regional Director shall monitor the 
    affected area to determine if the action is still warranted. If the 
    Regional Director determines that the circumstances under which the 
    action was taken, based on the Regional Director's report, the NEFMC's 
    report, and the public comments, are no longer in existence, he/she 
    shall terminate the action by notification in the Federal Register.
        (g) Actions taken under this section will ordinarily become 
    effective upon the date of filing with the Office of the Federal 
    Register. The Regional Director may determine that facts warrant a 
    delayed effective date.
    Sec. 648.86  Possession restrictions.
        (a) Haddock--(1) NE multispecies DAS vessels. A vessel issued a 
    limited access multispecies permit that is fishing under a NE 
    multispecies DAS may land or possess on board up to 1,000 lb (453.6 kg) 
    of haddock provided it has at least one standard tote on board. Haddock 
    on board a vessel subject to this possession limit must be separated 
    from other species of fish and stored so as to be readily available for 
        (2) Scallop dredge vessels. (i) No person owning or operating a 
    scallop dredge vessel issued a multispecies permit may land haddock 
    from, or possess haddock on board, a scallop dredge vessel, from 
    January 1 through June 30.
        (ii) No person owning or operating a scallop dredge vessel without 
    a multispecies permit may possess haddock in, or harvested from, the 
    EEZ, from January 1 through June 30.
        (iii) From July 1 through December 31, scallop dredge vessel or 
    persons owning or operating a scallop dredge vessel that is fishing 
    under a scallop DAS allocated under Sec. 648.53 may land or possess on 
    board up to 300 lb (136.1 kg) of haddock provided the vessel has at 
    least one standard tote on board. Haddock on board a vessel subject to 
    this possession limit must be separated from other species of fish and 
    stored so as to be readily available for inspection.
        (b) Winter flounder. A vessel issued a limited access multispecies 
    permit that is fishing in the MA regulated mesh area and is not fishing 
    under a NE multispecies DAS, may land, or possess on board, winter 
    flounder up to 10 percent, by weight, of all other species on board, or 
    200 lb (90.7 kg), whichever is less. Winter flounder on board a vessel 
    subject to this possession limit must be separated from other species 
    of fish and stored so as to be readily available for inspection in 
    standard totes.
        (c) Other possession restrictions. Vessels are subject to any other 
    applicable possession limit restrictions of this part.
    Sec. 648.87  Sink gillnet requirements to reduce harbor porpoise takes.
        (a) Areas closed to sink gillnets. Section 648.81(f) through (h) 
    sets forth closed area restrictions to reduce the take of harbor 
    porpoise consistent with the harbor porpoise mortality reduction goals.
        (b) Additional areas closed to sink gillnets. All persons owning or 
    operating vessels must remove all of their sink gillnet gear from, and 
    may not use, set, haul back, fish with, or possess on board, unless 
    stowed in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 648.23(b), a sink 
    gillnet in the EEZ portion of the areas and for the times specified in 
    paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section, and all persons owning or 
    operating vessels issued a limited access multispecies permit must 
    remove all of their sink gillnet gear from, and may not use, set, haul 
    back, fish with, or possess on board, unless stowed in accordance with 
    the requirements of Sec. 648.23(b), a sink gillnet in the EEZ portion 
    of the areas and for the times specified in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) 
    of this section.
        (1) Mid-coast Closure Area. From March 25 through April 25 of each 
    fishing year, the restrictions and requirements specified in paragraph 
    (a)(2) of this section apply to the Mid-coast Closure area, as defined 
    under Sec. 648.81(g)(1).
        (2) Cape Cod South Area Closure. From March 1 through March 10 of 
    each fishing year, the restrictions and requirements specified under 
    paragraph (a)(2) of this section shall apply to the area known as the 
    Cape Cod South Closure Area (copies of a map depicting this area are 
    available from the Regional Director upon request), which is the area 
    bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order 
                           Cape Cod South Closure Area                      
                         Point                        N. Lat.      W. Long. 
    CCS1..........................................        (\1\)   71 deg.45'
    CCS2..........................................   40 deg.40'             
                                                              N   71 deg.45'
    CCS3..........................................   40 deg.40'             
                                                              N   70 deg.30'
    CCS4..........................................        (\2\)   70 deg.30'
    \1\ RI shoreline.                                                       
    \2\ MA shoreline.                                                       
        (c) Framework adjustment. (1) At least annually, the Regional 
    Director will provide the NEFMC with the best available information on 
    the status of Gulf of Maine harbor porpoise, including estimates of 
    abundance and estimates of bycatch in the sink gillnet fishery. Within 
    60 days of receipt of that information, the NEFMC's HPRT shall complete 
    a review of the data, assess the adequacy of existing regulations, 
    evaluate the impacts of other measures that reduce harbor porpoise take 
    and, if necessary, recommend additional measures in light of the 
    NEFMC's harbor porpoise mortality reduction goals. In addition, the 
    HPRT shall make a determination on whether other conservation issues 
    exist that require a management response to meet the goals and 
    objectives outlined in the NE Multispecies FMP. The HPRT shall report 
    its findings and recommendations to the NEFMC.
        (2) After receiving and reviewing the HPRT's findings and 
    recommendations, the NEFMC shall determine whether adjustments or 
    additional management measures are necessary to meet the goals and 
    objectives of the NE Multispecies FMP. If the NEFMC determines that 
    adjustments or additional management measures are necessary, or at any 
    other time in consultation with the HPRT, it shall develop and analyze 
    appropriate management actions over the span of at least two NEFMC 
        (3) The NEFMC may request, at any time, that the HPRT review and 
    make recommendations on any harbor porpoise take reduction measures or 
    develop additional take reduction proposals.
        (4) The NEFMC shall provide the public with advance notice of the 
    availability of the proposals, appropriate rationale, economic and 
    biological analyses, and opportunity to comment on them prior to and at 
    the second NEFMC meeting. The NEFMC's recommendation on adjustments or 
    additions to management measures must come from one or more of the 
    categories specified under Sec. 648.90(b)(1).
        (5) If the NEFMC recommends that the management measures should be 
    issued as a final rule, the NEFMC must consider at least the factors 
    specified in Sec. 648.90(b)(2).
        (6) The Regional Director may accept, reject, or with NEFMC 
    approval, modify the NEFMC's recommendation, including the NEFMC's 
    recommendation to issue a final rule, as specified under 
    Sec. 648.90(b)(3).
    [[Page 35006]]
    Sec. 648.88  Open access permit restrictions.
        (a) Handgear permit. A vessel issued a valid open access 
    multispecies handgear permit is subject to the following restrictions:
        (1) The vessel may possess and land up to 300 lb (136.1 kg) of cod, 
    haddock, and yellowtail flounder, combined, per trip, and unlimited 
    amounts of the other NE multispecies, provided that it does not use or 
    possess on board gear other than rod and reel or handlines while in 
    possession of, fishing for, or landing NE multispecies, and provided it 
    has at least one standard tote on board.
        (2) A vessel may not fish for, possess, or land regulated species 
    from March 1 through March 20 of each year.
        (b) Charter/party permit. A vessel that has been issued a valid 
    open access multispecies charter/party permit is subject to the 
    restrictions on gear, recreational minimum fish sizes and prohibitions 
    on sale specified in Sec. 648.89, and any other applicable provisions 
    of this part.
        (c) Scallop multispecies possession limit permit. A vessel that has 
    been issued a valid open access scallop multispecies possession limit 
    permit may possess and land up to 300 lb (136.1 kg) of regulated 
    species when fishing under a scallop DAS allocated under Sec. 648.53, 
    provided the vessel does not fish for, possess, or land haddock from 
    January 1 through June 30 as specified under Sec. 648.86(a)(2)(i), and 
    provided the vessel has at least one standard tote on board.
    Sec. 648.89  Recreational and charter/party restrictions.
        (a) Recreational gear restrictions. Persons aboard charter or party 
    vessels permitted under this part and not fishing under the DAS 
    program, and recreational fishing vessels in the EEZ, are prohibited 
    from fishing with more than two hooks per line and one line per angler 
    and must stow all other fishing gear on board the vessel as specified 
    under Secs. 648.23(b) and 648.81(e) (2), (3), and (4).
        (b) Recreational minimum fish sizes--(1) Minimum fish sizes. 
    Persons aboard charter or party vessels permitted under this part and 
    not fishing under the DAS program, and recreational fishing vessels in 
    the EEZ, are subject to minimum fish sizes (TL) as follows:
                             Minimum Fish Sizes (TL)                        
                     Species                 -------------------------------
                                                   1996            1997+    
    Cod.....................................    20 (50.8 cm)    21 (53.3 cm)
    Haddock.................................    20 (50.8 cm)    21 (53.3 cm)
    Pollock.................................    19 (48.3 cm)    19 (48.3 cm)
    Witch flounder (gray sole)..............    14 (35.6 cm)    14 (35.6 cm)
    Yellowtail flounder.....................    13 (33.0 cm)    13 (33.0 cm)
    American plaice (dab)...................    14 (35.6 cm)    14 (35.6 cm)
    Winter flounder (blackback).............    12 (30.5 cm)    12 (30.5 cm)
    Redfish.................................     9 (22.9 cm)     9 (22.9 cm)
        (2) Exception. Vessels may possess fillets less than the minimum 
    size specified, if the fillets are taken from legal-sized fish and are 
    not offered or intended for sale, trade or barter.
        (c) Possession restrictions. Each person on a recreational vessel 
    may not possess more than 10 cod and/or haddock, combined, in or 
    harvested from the EEZ.
        (1) For purposes of counting fish, fillets will be converted to 
    whole fish at the place of landing by dividing fillet number by two. If 
    fish are filleted into a single (butterfly) fillet, such fillet shall 
    be deemed to be from one whole fish.
        (2) Cod and haddock harvested by recreational vessels with more 
    than one person aboard may be pooled in one or more containers. 
    Compliance with the possession limit will be determined by dividing the 
    number of fish on board by the number of persons aboard. If there is a 
    violation of the possession limit on board a vessel carrying more than 
    one person, the violation shall be deemed to have been committed by the 
    owner and operator.
        (3) Cod and haddock must be stored so as to be readily available 
    for inspection.
        (d) Restrictions on sale. It is unlawful to sell, barter, trade, or 
    otherwise transfer for a commercial purpose, or to attempt to sell, 
    barter, trade, or otherwise transfer for a commercial purpose, NE 
    multispecies caught or landed by charter or party vessels permitted 
    under this part not fishing under a DAS or a recreational fishing 
    vessels fishing in the EEZ.
    Sec. 648.90  Framework specifications.
        (a) Annual review. The Multispecies Monitoring Committee (MSMC) 
    shall meet on or before November 15 of each year to develop target TACs 
    for the upcoming fishing year and options for NEFMC consideration on 
    any changes, adjustment or additions to DAS allocations, closed areas, 
    or other measures necessary to achieve the NE Multispecies FMP goals 
    and objectives.
        (1) The MSMC shall review available data pertaining to: Catch and 
    landings, DAS and other measures of fishing effort, survey results, 
    stock status, current estimates of fishing mortality, and any other 
    relevant information.
        (2) Based on this review, the MSMC shall recommend target TACs and 
    develop options necessary to achieve the FMP goals and objectives, 
    which may include a preferred option. The MSMC must demonstrate through 
    analysis and documentation that the options it develops are expected to 
    meet the NE Multispecies FMP goals and objectives. The MSMC may review 
    the performance of different user groups or fleet sectors in developing 
    options. The range of options developed by the MSMC may include any of 
    the management measures in the NE Multispecies FMP, including, but not 
    limited to: Annual target TACs, which must be based on the projected 
    fishing mortality levels required to meet the goals and objectives 
    outlined in the NE Multispecies FMP for the 10 regulated species; DAS 
    changes; possession limits; gear restrictions; closed areas; permitting 
    restrictions; minimum fish sizes; recreational fishing measures; and 
    any other management measures currently included in the NE Multispecies 
        (3) The NEFMC shall review the recommended target TACs and all of 
    the options developed by the MSMC and other relevant information, 
    consider public comment, and develop a recommendation to meet the NE 
    Multispecies FMP objective that is consistent with other applicable 
    law. If the NEFMC does not submit a recommendation that meets the NE 
    Multispecies FMP objectives and is
    [[Page 35007]]
    consistent with other applicable law, the Regional Director may adopt 
    any option developed by the MSMC, unless rejected by the NEFMC, as 
    specified in paragraph (a)(5) of this section, provided that the option 
    meets the NE Multispecies FMP objective and is consistent with other 
    applicable law.
        (4) Based on this review, the NEFMC shall submit a recommendation 
    to the Regional Director of any changes, adjustments or additions to 
    DAS allocations, closed areas or other measures necessary to achieve 
    the NE Multispecies FMP's goals and objectives. Included in the NEFMC's 
    recommendation will be supporting documents, as appropriate, concerning 
    the environmental and economic impacts of the proposed action and the 
    other options considered by the NEFMC.
        (5) If the NEFMC submits, on or before January 7, a recommendation 
    to the Regional Director after one NEFMC meeting, and the Regional 
    Director concurs with the recommendation, the Regional Director shall 
    publish the NEFMC's recommendation in the Federal Register as a 
    proposed rule. The Federal Register notification of the proposed action 
    will provide a 30-day public comment period. The NEFMC may instead 
    submit its recommendation on or before February 1, if it chooses to 
    follow the framework process outlined in paragraph (b) of this section 
    and requests that the Regional Director publish the recommendation as a 
    final rule. If the Regional Director concurs that the NEFMC's 
    recommendation meets the NE Multispecies FMP objective and is 
    consistent with other applicable law, and determines that the 
    recommended management measures should be published as a final rule, 
    the action will be published as a final rule in the Federal Register. 
    If the Regional Director concurs that the recommendation meets the FMP 
    objective and is consistent with other applicable law and determines 
    that a proposed rule is warranted, and, as a result, the effective date 
    of a final rule falls after the start of the fishing year on May 1, 
    fishing may continue. However, DAS used by a vessel on or after May 1 
    will be counted against any DAS allocation the vessel ultimately 
    receives for that year.
        (6) If the Regional Director concurs in the NEFMC's recommendation, 
    a final rule shall be published in the Federal Register on or about 
    April 1 of each year, with the exception noted in paragraph (a)(5) of 
    this section. If the NEFMC fails to submit a recommendation to the 
    Regional Director by February 1 that meets the FMP goals and 
    objectives, the Regional Director may publish as a proposed rule one of 
    the options reviewed and not rejected by the NEFMC, provided that the 
    option meets the FMP objective and is consistent with other applicable 
    law. If, after considering public comment, the Regional Director 
    decides to approve the option published as a proposed rule, the action 
    will be published as a final rule in the Federal Register.
        (b) Within season management action. The NEFMC may, at any time, 
    initiate action to add or adjust management measures if it finds that 
    action is necessary to meet or be consistent with the goals and 
    objectives of the NE Multispecies FMP.
        (1) Adjustment process. After a management action has been 
    initiated, the NEFMC shall develop and analyze appropriate management 
    actions over the span of at least two NEFMC meetings. The NEFMC shall 
    provide the public with advance notice of the availability of both the 
    proposals and the analysis, and opportunity to comment on them prior to 
    and at the second NEFMC meeting. The NEFMC's recommendation on 
    adjustments or additions to management measures must come from one or 
    more of the following categories: DAS changes, effort monitoring, data 
    reporting, possession limits, gear restrictions, closed areas, 
    permitting restrictions, crew limits, minimum fish sizes, onboard 
    observers, minimum hook size and hook style, the use of crucifiers in 
    the hook-gear fishery, fleet sector shares, recreational fishing 
    measures, area closures and other appropriate measures to mitigate 
    marine mammal entanglements and interactions, and any other management 
    measures currently included in the FMP.
        (2) NEFMC recommendation. After developing management actions and 
    receiving public testimony, the NEFMC shall make a recommendation to 
    the Regional Director. The NEFMC's recommendation must include 
    supporting rationale and, if management measures are recommended, an 
    analysis of impacts and a recommendation to the Regional Director on 
    whether to issue the management measures as a final rule. If the NEFMC 
    recommends that the management measures should be issued as a final 
    rule, the NEFMC must consider at least the following factors and 
    provide support and analysis for each factor considered:
        (i) Whether the availability of data on which the recommended 
    management measures are based allows for adequate time to publish a 
    proposed rule, and whether regulations have to be in place for an 
    entire harvest/fishing season.
        (ii) Whether there has been adequate notice and opportunity for 
    participation by the public and members of the affected industry in the 
    development of the NEFMC's recommended management measures.
        (iii) Whether there is an immediate need to protect the resource.
        (iv) Whether there will be a continuing evaluation of management 
    measures adopted following their implementation as a final rule.
        (3) Regional Director action. If the NEFMC's recommendation 
    includes adjustments or additions to management measures and, after 
    reviewing the NEFMC's recommendation and supporting information:
        (i) If the Regional Director concurs with the NEFMC's recommended 
    management measures and determines that the recommended management 
    measures should be issued as a final rule based on the factors 
    specified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the measures will be 
    issued as a final rule in the Federal Register.
        (ii) If the Regional Director concurs with the NEFMC's 
    recommendation and determines that the recommended management measures 
    should be published first as a proposed rule, the measures will be 
    published as a proposed rule in the Federal Register. After additional 
    public comment, if the Regional Director concurs with the NEFMC 
    recommendation, the measures will be issued as a final rule in the 
    Federal Register.
        (iii) If the Regional Director does not concur, the NEFMC will be 
    notified in writing of the reasons for the non-concurrence.
        (c) Emergency action. Nothing in this section is meant to derogate 
    from the authority of the Secretary to take emergency action under 
    section 305(e) of the Magnuson Act.
    Subpart G--Management Measures for the Summer Flounder Fisheries
    Sec. 648.100  Catch quotas and other restrictions.
        (a) Annual review. The Summer Flounder Monitoring Committee shall 
    review the following data on or before August 15 of each year to 
    determine the allowable levels of fishing and other restrictions 
    necessary to achieve a fishing mortality rate (F) of 0.41 in 1996, 0.30 
    in 1997, and 0.23 in 1998 and thereafter, provided the allowable levels 
    of fishing in 1996 and 1997 may not exceed 18,518,830 lb (8,400 mt), 
    unless such fishing levels have an associated F of 0.23: Commercial and 
    recreational catch data; current estimates of fishing mortality; stock 
    status; recent estimates
    [[Page 35008]]
    of recruitment; virtual population analysis results; levels of 
    noncompliance by fishermen or individual states; impact of size/mesh 
    regulations; sea sampling and winter trawl survey data or, if sea 
    sampling data are unavailable, length frequency information from the 
    winter trawl survey and mesh selectivity analyses; impact of gear other 
    than otter trawls on the mortality of summer flounder; and any other 
    relevant information.
        (b) Recommended measures. Based on this review, the Summer Flounder 
    Monitoring Committee shall recommend to the Demersal Species Committee 
    of the MAFMC and the Commission the following measures to assure that 
    the F specified in paragraph (a) of this section will not be exceeded:
        (1) Commercial quota set from a range of 0 to the maximum allowed 
    to achieve the specified F.
        (2) Commercial minimum fish size.
        (3) Minimum mesh size.
        (4) Recreational possession limit set from a range of 0 to 15 
    summer flounder to achieve the specified F.
        (5) Recreational minimum fish size.
        (6) Recreational season.
        (7) Restrictions on gear other than otter trawls.
        (8) Adjustments to the exempted area boundary and season specified 
    in Sec. 648.104(b)(1) by 30-minute intervals of latitude and longitude 
    and 2-week intervals, respectively, based on data specified in 
    paragraphs (a) (8) and (10) of this section to prevent discarding of 
    sublegal sized summer flounder in excess of 10 percent, by weight.
        (c) Annual fishing measures. The Demersal Species Committee shall 
    review the recommendations of the Summer Flounder Monitoring Committee. 
    Based on these recommendations and any public comment, the Demersal 
    Species Committee shall recommend to the MAFMC measures necessary to 
    assure that the applicable specified F will not be exceeded. The MAFMC 
    shall review these recommendations and, based on the recommendations 
    and any public comment, recommend to the Regional Director measures 
    necessary to assure that the applicable specified F will not be 
    exceeded. The MAFMC's recommendations must include supporting 
    documentation, as appropriate, concerning the environmental and 
    economic impacts of the recommendations. The Regional Director shall 
    review these recommendations and any recommendations of the Commission. 
    After such review, the Regional Director will publish a proposed rule 
    in the Federal Register by October 15 to implement a coastwide 
    commercial quota and recreational harvest limit and additional 
    management measures for the commercial fishery, and will publish a 
    proposed rule in the Federal Register by February 15 to implement 
    additional management measures for the recreational fishery, if he/she 
    determines that such measures are necessary to assure that the 
    applicable specified F will not be exceeded. After considering public 
    comment, the Regional Director will publish a final rule in the Federal 
    Register to implement the measures necessary to assure that the 
    applicable specified F will not be exceeded.
        (d) Distribution of annual quota. (1) The annual commercial quota 
    will be distributed to the states, based upon the following 
                         Annual Commercial Quota Shares                     
                                State                              (percent)
    Maine........................................................    0.04756
    New Hampshire................................................    0.00046
    Massachusetts................................................    6.82046
    Rhode Island.................................................   15.68298
    Connecticut..................................................    2.25708
    New York.....................................................    7.64699
    New Jersey...................................................   16.72499
    Delaware.....................................................    0.01779
    Maryland.....................................................    2.03910
    Virginia.....................................................   21.31676
    North Carolina...............................................   27.44584
        (2) All summer flounder landed for sale in a state shall be applied 
    against that state's annual commercial quota, regardless of where the 
    summer flounder were harvested. Any overages of the commercial quota 
    landed in any state will be deducted from that state's annual quota for 
    the following year.
        (e) Quota transfers and combinations. Any state implementing a 
    state commercial quota for summer flounder may request approval from 
    the Regional Director to transfer part or all of its annual quota to 
    one or more states. Two or more states implementing a state commercial 
    quota for summer flounder may request approval from the Regional 
    Director to combine their quotas, or part of their quotas, into an 
    overall regional quota. Requests for transfer or combination of 
    commercial quotas for summer flounder must be made by individual or 
    joint letter(s) signed by the principal state official with marine 
    fishery management responsibility and expertise, or his/her previously 
    named designee, for each state involved. The letter(s) must certify 
    that all pertinent state requirements have been met and identify the 
    states involved and the amount of quota to be transferred or combined.
        (1) Within 10 working days following the receipt of the letter(s) 
    from the states involved, the Regional Director shall notify the 
    appropriate state officials of the disposition of the request. In 
    evaluating requests to transfer a quota or combine quotas, the Regional 
    Director shall consider whether:
        (i) The transfer or combination would preclude the overall annual 
    quota from being fully harvested.
        (ii) The transfer addresses an unforeseen variation or contingency 
    in the fishery.
        (iii) The transfer is consistent with the objectives of the Summer 
    Flounder FMP and Magnuson Act.
        (2) The transfer of quota or the combination of quotas will be 
    valid only for the calendar year for which the request was made and 
    will be effective upon the filing by NMFS of a notice of the approval 
    of the transfer or combination with the Office of the Federal Register.
        (3) A state may not submit a request to transfer quota or combine 
    quotas if a request to which it is party is pending before the Regional 
    Director. A state may submit a new request when it receives notice that 
    the Regional Director has disapproved the previous request or when 
    notice of the approval of the transfer or combination has been filed at 
    the Office of the Federal Register.
        (4) If there is a quota overage among states involved in the 
    combination of quotas at the end of the fishing year, the overage will 
    be deducted from the following year's quota for each of the states 
    involved in the combined quota. The deduction will be proportional, 
    based on each state's relative share of the combined quota for the 
    previous year. A transfer of quota or combination of quotas does not 
    alter any state's percentage share of the overall quota specified in 
    paragraph (d) of this section.
    Sec. 648.101  Closures.
        (a) EEZ closure. The Regional Director shall close the EEZ to 
    fishing for summer flounder by commercial vessels for the remainder of 
    the calendar year by publishing notification in the Federal Register if 
    he/she determines that the inaction of one or more states will cause 
    the applicable F specified in Sec. 648.100(a) to be exceeded, or if the 
    commercial fisheries in all states have been closed. The Regional 
    Director may reopen the EEZ if earlier inaction by a state has been 
    remedied by that state, or if commercial fisheries in one or more 
    states have been reopened without
    [[Page 35009]]
    causing the applicable specified F to be exceeded.
        (b) State quotas. The Regional Director will monitor state 
    commercial quotas based on dealer reports and other available 
    information and shall determine the date when a state commercial quota 
    will be harvested. The Regional Director shall publish notification in 
    the Federal Register advising a state that, effective upon a specific 
    date, its commercial quota has been harvested and notifying vessel and 
    dealer permit holders that no commercial quota is available for landing 
    summer flounder in that state.
    Sec. 648.102  Time restrictions.
        Vessels that are not eligible for a moratorium permit under 
    Sec. 648.4(a)(3) and fishermen subject to the possession limit may fish 
    for summer flounder from January 1 through December 31. This time 
    period may be adjusted pursuant to the procedures in Sec. 648.100.
    Sec. 648.103  Minimum fish sizes.
        (a) The minimum size for summer flounder is 13 inches (33 cm) TL 
    for all vessels issued a moratorium permit under Sec. 648.4(a)(3), 
    except on board party and charter boats carrying passengers for hire or 
    carrying more than three crew members, if a charter boat, or more than 
    five crew members, if a party boat;
        (b) The minimum size for summer flounder is 14 inches (35.6 cm) TL 
    for all vessels that do not qualify for a moratorium permit, or party 
    and charter boats holding moratorium permits, but fishing with 
    passengers for hire or carrying more than three crew members, if a 
    charter boat, or more than five crew members, if a party boat.
        (c) The minimum sizes in this section apply to whole fish or to any 
    part of a fish found in possession, e.g., fillets. These minimum sizes 
    may be adjusted pursuant to the procedures in Sec. 648.100.
    Sec. 648.104  Gear restrictions.
        (a) General. (1) Otter trawlers whose owners are issued a summer 
    flounder permit and that land or possess 100 or more lb (45.4 or more 
    kg) of summer flounder from May 1 through October 31, or 200 lb or more 
    (90.8 kg or more) of summer flounder from November 1 through April 30, 
    per trip, must fish with nets that have a minimum mesh size of 5.5-inch 
    (14.0-cm) diamond mesh or 6-inch (15.2-cm) square mesh applied 
    throughout the codend for at least 75 continuous meshes forward of the 
    terminus of the net, or, for codends with less than 75 meshes, the 
    minimum-mesh-size codend must be a minimum of one-third of the net, 
    measured from the terminus of the codend to the head rope, excluding 
    any turtle excluded device extension.
        (2) Mesh sizes are measured by a wedge-shaped gauge having a taper 
    of 2 cm in 8 cm and a thickness of 2.3 mm inserted into the meshes 
    under a pressure or pull of 5 kg. The mesh size is the average of the 
    measurement of any series of 20 consecutive meshes for nets having 75 
    or more meshes, and 10 consecutive meshes for nets having fewer than 75 
    meshes. The mesh in the regulated portion of the net is measured at 
    least five meshes away from the lacings, running parallel to the long 
    axis of the net.
        (b) Exemptions. The minimum mesh-size requirements specified in 
    paragraph (a)(1) of this section do not apply to:
        (1) Vessels issued a summer flounder moratorium permit and fishing 
    from November 1 through April 30 in the ``exemption area,'' which is 
    east of the line that follows 72 deg.30.0' W. long. until it intersects 
    the outer boundary of the EEZ. Vessels fishing with a summer flounder 
    exemption permit shall not fish west of the line. Vessels issued a 
    permit under Sec. 648.4(a)(3)(iii) may transit the area west or south 
    of the line, if the vessel's fishing gear is stowed in a manner 
    prescribed under Sec. 648.100(e), so that it is not ``available for 
    immediate use'' outside the exempted area. The Regional Director may 
    terminate this exemption if he/she determines, after a review of sea 
    sampling data, that vessels fishing under the exemption are discarding 
    more than 10 percent, by weight, of their entire catch of summer 
    flounder per trip. If the Regional Director makes such a determination, 
    he/she shall publish notification in the Federal Register terminating 
    the exemption for the remainder of the exemption season.
        (2) Vessels fishing with a two-seam otter trawl fly net with the 
    following configuration, provided that no other nets or netting with 
    mesh smaller than 5.5 inches (14.0 cm) are on board:
        (i) The net has large mesh in the wings that measures 8 inches 
    (20.3 cm) to 64 inches (162.6 cm).
        (ii) The first body section (belly) of the net has 35 or more 
    meshes that are at least 8 inches (20.3 cm).
        (iii) The mesh decreases in size throughout the body of the net to 
    2 inches (5 cm) or smaller towards the terminus of the net.
        (3) The Regional Director may terminate this exemption if he/she 
    determines, after a review of sea sampling data, that vessels fishing 
    under the exemption, on average, are discarding more than 1 percent of 
    their entire catch of summer flounder per trip. If the Regional 
    Director makes such a determination, he/she shall publish a notice in 
    the Federal Register terminating the exemption for the remainder of the 
    calendar year.
        (c) Net modifications. No vessel subject to this part shall use any 
    device, gear, or material, including, but not limited to nets, net 
    strengtheners, ropes, lines, or chafing gear, on the top of the 
    regulated portion of a trawl net; except that, one splitting strap and 
    one bull rope (if present) consisting of line or rope no more than 3 
    inches (7.2 cm) in diameter may be used if such splitting strap and/or 
    bull rope does not constrict, in any manner, the top of the regulated 
    portion of the net, and one rope no greater than 0.75 inches (1.9 cm) 
    in diameter extending the length of the net from the belly to the 
    terminus of the codend along the top, bottom, and each side of the net. 
    ``Top of the regulated portion of the net'' means the 50 percent of the 
    entire regulated portion of the net that (in a hypothetical situation) 
    will not be in contact with the ocean bottom during a tow if the 
    regulated portion of the net were laid flat on the ocean floor. For the 
    purpose of this paragraph (c), head ropes shall not be considered part 
    of the top of the regulated portion of a trawl net. A vessel shall not 
    use any means or mesh configuration on the top of the regulated portion 
    of the net, as defined in Sec. 648.104(e), if it obstructs the meshes 
    of the net or otherwise causes the size of the meshes of the net while 
    in use to diminish to a size smaller than the minimum specified in 
    Sec. 648.100(a).
        (d) Mesh obstruction or constriction. (1) A fishing vessel may not 
    use any mesh configuration, mesh construction, or other means on or in 
    the top of the net, as defined in paragraph (c) of this section, that 
    obstructs the meshes of the net in any manner.
        (2) No person on any vessel may possess or fish with a net capable 
    of catching summer flounder in which the bars entering or exiting the 
    knots twist around each other.
        (e) Stowage of nets. Otter trawl vessels retaining 100 lb (45.3 kg) 
    or more of summer flounder from May 1 through October 31, or 200 lb 
    (90.6 kg) or more of summer flounder from November 1 through April 30, 
    and subject to the minimum mesh size requirement of paragraph (a)(1) of 
    this section may not have ``available for immediate use'' any net or 
    any piece of net that does not meet the minimum mesh size requirement, 
    or any net, or any piece of net, with mesh that is rigged in a manner 
    that is inconsistent with the minimum mesh size requirement. A net that 
    is stowed in conformance with one
    [[Page 35010]]
    of the methods specified in Sec. 648.23(b) and that can be shown not to 
    have been in recent use is considered to be not ``available for 
    immediate use.''
    Sec. 648.105  Possession restrictions.
        (a) No person shall possess more than eight summer flounder in, or 
    harvested from, the EEZ unless that person is the owner or operator of 
    a fishing vessel issued a summer flounder moratorium permit. Persons 
    aboard a commercial vessel that is not eligible for a summer flounder 
    moratorium permit are subject to this possession limit. The owner, 
    operator, and crew of a charter or party boat issued a summer flounder 
    moratorium permit are not subject to the possession limit when not 
    carrying passengers for hire and when the crew size does not exceed 
    five for a party boat and three for a charter boat.
        (b) If whole summer flounder are processed into fillets, the number 
    of fillets will be converted to whole summer flounder at the place of 
    landing by dividing the fillet number by two. If summer flounder are 
    filleted into single (butterfly) fillets, each fillet is deemed to be 
    from one whole summer flounder.
        (c) Summer flounder harvested by vessels subject to the possession 
    limit with more than one person on board may be pooled in one or more 
    containers. Compliance with the daily possession limit will be 
    determined by dividing the number of summer flounder on board by the 
    number of persons on board, other than the captain and the crew. If 
    there is a violation of the possession limit on board a vessel carrying 
    more than one person, the violation shall be deemed to have been 
    committed by the owner and operator.
        (d) Owners and operators of otter trawl vessels issued a permit 
    under Sec. 648.4(a)(3) that fish with or possess nets or pieces of net 
    on board that do not meet the minimum mesh requirements and that are 
    not stowed in accordance with Sec. 648.104(f), may not retain 100 lb 
    (45.3 kg) or more of summer flounder from May 1 through October 31, or 
    200 lb (90.6 kg) or more of summer flounder from November 1 through 
    April 30. Summer flounder on board these vessels must be stored so as 
    to be readily available for inspection in standard 100-lb (45.3-kg) 
    totes or fish boxes having a liquid capacity of 18.2 gal (70 L), or a 
    volume of not more than 4,320 in \3\ (2.5 ft \3\ or 70.79 cm \3\).
    Sec. 648.106  Sea turtle conservation.
        This section will be suspended during the effectiveness of any 
    temporary regulations issued to regulate incidental take of sea turtles 
    in the summer flounder under authority of the ESA under parts 217, 222, 
    and 227 of this title. Such suspensions and temporary regulations will 
    be issued by publication in the Federal Register and will be effective 
    for a specified period of time, not to exceed 1 year.
        (a) Sea turtle handling and resuscitation. The sea turtle handling 
    and resuscitation requirements specified in Sec. 227.72(e)(1) (i) and 
    (ii) of this title apply with respect to sea turtles incidentally taken 
    by a vessel fishing for summer flounder.
        (b) Sea turtle monitoring and assessment program. (1) The Regional 
    Director will establish a monitoring and assessment program, in 
    cooperation with the MAFMC and the State of North Carolina, to measure 
    the incidental take of sea turtles in the summer flounder fishery, 
    monitor compliance with required conservation measures by trawlers, and 
    predict interactions between the fishery and sea turtles to prevent 
    turtle mortalities.
        (2) A scientifically designed, observer-based monitoring program in 
    accordance with Sec. 648.11 may be used to gather scientific data 
    measuring the incidental take of turtles by trawlers in the summer 
    flounder fishery and to report turtle distribution and abundance.
        (3) A cooperative sea turtle monitoring and assessment program 
    utilizing a variety of information, including aerial and vessel 
    surveys; onboard observers; individually tagged turtles; physical 
    parameters, such as sea surface temperatures, and reports from the sea 
    turtle stranding network; and other relevant and reliable information, 
    will assess and predict turtle distribution, abundance, movement 
    patterns, and timing to provide information to NMFS to prevent turtle 
    mortality caused by the summer flounder fishery.
        (c) Required use of Turtle Excluder Devices (TED). The Regional 
    Director will require the use of a NMFS-approved TED by any vessels 
    engaged in summer flounder fishing operations and utilizing trawl gear 
    on or after October 15 as necessary to protect sea turtles. The 
    Regional Director will publish notification in the Federal Register 
    with the specific time period. Descriptions of NMFS-approved TEDs can 
    be found in Sec. 227.72(e)(4) of this title. This requirement applies 
    to vessels within the EEZ bounded on the north by a line along 
    37 deg.05' N. lat., bounded on the south by a line along 33 deg.35' N. 
    lat., and bounded on the east by a line 7 nm from the shoreward 
    boundary of the EEZ.
        (d) Closure of the fishery. The Regional Director may close the 
    summer flounder fishery in the EEZ, or any part thereof, after 
    consultation with the MAFMC, the Director of the State of North 
    Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries, and the marine fisheries agency 
    of any other affected state, by publishing notification in the Federal 
    Register. The Regional Director shall take such action if he/she 
    determines a closure is necessary to avoid jeopardizing the continued 
    existence of any species listed under the ESA. The determination of the 
    impact on sea turtles must be based on turtle mortalities and 
    projections of turtle mortality by the NMFS monitoring and assessment 
    program. A closure will be applicable to those areas specified in the 
    notification and for the period specified in the notification. The 
    Regional Director will provide as much advance notice as possible, 
    consistent with the requirements of the ESA, and will have the closure 
    announced on channel 16 of the marine VHF radio. A closure may prohibit 
    all fishing operations, may prohibit the use of certain gear, may 
    require that gear be stowed, or may impose similar types of 
    restrictions on fishing activities. The prohibitions, restrictions, and 
    duration of the closure will be specified in the notification.
        (e) Reopening of the fishery. (1) The Regional Director may reopen 
    the summer flounder fishery in the EEZ, or any part thereof, after 
    consultation with the MAFMC, the Director of the State of North 
    Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries, and the marine fisheries agency 
    of any other affected state, by publishing notification in the Federal 
    Register. The Regional Director may reopen the summer flounder fishery 
    in the EEZ, or any part thereof, if additional sea turtle conservation 
    measures are implemented and if projections of NMFS' sea turtle 
    monitoring program indicate that such measures will ensure that 
    continued operation of the summer flounder fishery is not likely to 
    jeopardize the continued existence of any species listed under the ESA.
        (2) The Regional Director may reopen the summer flounder fishery in 
    the EEZ, or any part thereof, if the sea turtle monitoring program 
    indicates changed conditions and if projections of the sea turtle 
    monitoring program indicate that NMFS can ensure that continued 
    operation of the summer flounder fishery is not likely to jeopardize 
    the continued existence of any species listed under the ESA.
        (f) Additional sea turtle conservation measures. (1) The Regional 
    Director may impose additional sea turtle conservation measures, 
    including tow-time requirements, in the EEZ, after consultation with 
    the MAFMC, the
    [[Page 35011]]
    Director of the State of North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries, 
    and the marine fisheries agency of any other affected state, by 
    publishing notification in the Federal Register. The Regional Director 
    shall take such action if he/she determines further measures are 
    necessary to avoid jeopardizing the continued existence of any species 
    listed under the ESA or if such action would allow reopening of the 
    summer flounder fishery in the EEZ. The determination of the impact on 
    sea turtles must be based on turtle mortalities and projections of 
    turtle mortality by the NMFS monitoring and assessment program.
        (2) Consistent with the procedures specified in Sec. 648.10, the 
    Regional Director may require that all or a certain portion of the 
    vessels engaged in fishing for summer flounder carry observers, 
    consistent with the requirements of Sec. 648.10, to gather data on 
    incidental capture of sea turtles and to monitor compliance with 
    required conservation measures. This requirement may apply to certain 
    types of vessels, certain areas, or during certain times of the year.
        (g) Experimental projects. Notwithstanding paragraphs (a) through 
    (f) of this section, the Regional Director may authorize summer 
    flounder fishing, as a part of experimental projects to measure turtle 
    capture rates, to monitor turtle abundance, to test alternative gear or 
    equipment, or for other research purposes. Research must be approved by 
    the Regional Director, and it must not be likely to jeopardize the 
    continued existence of any species listed under the ESA. The Regional 
    Director will impose such conditions as he/she determines necessary to 
    ensure adequate turtle protection during experimental projects. 
    Individual authorizations may be issued in writing. Authorizations 
    applying to multiple vessels will be published in the Federal Register.
    Subpart H--Management Measures for the Scup Fishery
    Sec. 648.124  Gear restrictions.
        (a) General. Otter trawl vessels that land or possess 4,000 lb or 
    more (1,814.4 kg or more) of scup harvested in or from the EEZ must 
    fish with nets that have a minimum mesh size of 4 inches (10.2 cm) 
    applied throughout the codend for at least 75 continuous meshes forward 
    of the terminus of the net, or, for codends with less than 75 meshes, 
    the minimum-mesh-size codend must be a minimum of one-third of the net, 
    measured from the terminus of the codend to the center of the head 
    rope, excluding any turtle excluder device extension.
        (b) Mesh-size measurement. Mesh sizes will be measured according to 
    the procedure described in Sec. 648.104(a)(2).
        (c) Net modification and mesh obstruction and constriction. Same as 
    Sec. 648.104 (c) and (d) except substitute the word ``scup'' for the 
    words ``summer flounder.''
        (d) Stowage of nets. Otter trawl vessels retaining 4,000 pounds or 
    more (1,814.4 or more kg) of scup harvested in or from the EEZ, and 
    subject to the minimum mesh requirement specified in paragraph (a) of 
    this section may not have available for immediate use any net, or any 
    piece of net, not meeting the minimum mesh size requirement, or mesh 
    that is rigged in a manner that is inconsistent with the minimum mesh 
    size. A net that conforms to the specifications specified in 
    Sec. 648.23(b) and that can be shown not to have been in recent use is 
    considered to be not ``available for immediate use.''
    Sec. 648.125  Minimum fish sizes.
        (a) The minimum size for scup is 9 inches (22.9 cm) TL for all 
    vessels engaged in commercial fishing.
        (b) The minimum size for scup is 7 inches (17.8 cm) TL for all 
    vessels that are engaged in recreational fishing.
        (c) The minimum size applies to whole fish or any part of a fish 
    found in possession, e.g., fillets.
    PARTS 625, 650, 651, 652, 655, AND 657--[REMOVED]
        4. Parts 625, 650, 651, 652, 655, and 657 are removed.
    [FR Doc. 96-16660 Filed 7-1-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
July 1, 1996, except for paragraphs (a)(78), (k), and (l) of Sec. 648.14, and subpart H of part 648 (Secs. 648.124--648.125), which are effective from July 1, through September 29, 1996.
34966-35011 (46 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 960612172-6172-01, I.D. 051096C
0648-AI21: Consolidation of Fisheries Regulations of the Northeastern United States
RIN Links:
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15 CFR 648.23(b)
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