96-18537. Medicaid Program; Medicaid Eligibility Quality Control, Progressive Reductions in Federal Financial Participation for FYs 1982- 1984, Payment for Physician Billing for Clinical Laboratory Services, and Utilization Control of Skilled ...  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 143 (Wednesday, July 24, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 38395-38399]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-18537]
    42 CFR Parts 431, 433, 440, 441, 447, and 456
    RIN 0938-AH31
    Medicaid Program; Medicaid Eligibility Quality Control, 
    Progressive Reductions in Federal Financial Participation for FYs 1982-
    1984, Payment for Physician Billing for Clinical Laboratory Services, 
    and Utilization Control of Skilled Nursing Facility Services: Removal 
    of Obsolete Requirements
    AGENCY: Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), HHS.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This final rule removes several obsolete sections of the 
    Medicaid regulations that specify rules and procedures for disallowing 
    Federal financial participation for erroneous medical assistance 
    payments due to eligibility and beneficiary liability errors as 
    detected through the Medicaid eligibility quality control program for 
    assessment periods from 1980 through June 1990. The Medicaid 
    regulations that contain the rules and procedures for the progressive 
    reductions in Federal financial participation in medical assistance 
    expenditures made to the States for fiscal years 1982 through 1984 are 
    removed to reflect the repeal of the statutory bases for the 
    reductions. The Medicaid regulations that provide for physician billing 
    for clinical laboratory services that a physician bills or pays for but 
    did not personally perform or supervise are removed to reflect the 
    statutory repeal of this provision. In addition, the rule removes 
    obsolete regulations that prescribe requirements concerning utilization 
    control of Medicaid services furnished in skilled nursing facilities.
        This rule is part of the Department's initiative to reinvent health 
    care regulations and eliminate obsolete requirements.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: These regulations are effective on August 23, 1996.
    Mary Linda Morgan (410) 786-2011, Medicaid Eligibility Quality Control 
    and Reductions in FFP for FYs 1982-1984 Issues
    Linda Peltz (410) 786-3399, Utilization Control of Skilled Nursing 
    Facilities Issues
    Robert Weaver (410) 786-5914, Laboratory Services Issues.
    I. Reinventing Regulations Effort
        Last year, the Department began an initiative to assist in meeting 
    the Administration's commitment to reinventing government regulations. 
    As part of this effort, we began to examine the requirements contained 
    in regulations issued by HCFA governing the Medicare and Medicaid 
    programs to determine which requirements could be reduced or eliminated 
    while assuring that we continually improve the quality of services to 
    Medicaid and Medicare beneficiaries. This rule is a result of part of 
    our efforts in this regard to eliminate obsolete and burdensome 
    II. Medicaid Eligibility Quality Control Program
        Under the Medicaid program, States are required to operate a 
    Medicaid eligibility quality control (MEQC) program. The program is 
    designed to reduce erroneous expenditures in medical assistance 
    payments by monitoring eligibility determinations. Under the MEQC 
    program, States are required to select a sample of cases every month 
    and review them for eligibility errors. HCFA annually calculates each 
    States' error rate on the basis of State review findings. Federal 
    financial participation (FFP) in State medical assistance expenditures 
    [[Page 38396]]
    disallowed to the extent that a State has a Medicaid eligibility 
    quality control payment error rate that is above a statutorily 
    specified target error rate or national standard. HCFA may waive all or 
    part of the disallowance under specific circumstances.
        The current statutory authority for disallowances of payments in 
    erroneous State medical assistance expenditures and for consideration 
    of waiver requests is contained in section 1903(u) of the Social 
    Security Act (the Act). The authority for disallowance determinations 
    and the specified national target error rate have changed over the 
    years since the original legislation was enacted in 1978. The HCFA 
    regulations that contain the conditions under which disallowances are 
    taken for erroneous State medical assistance expenditures if errors 
    exceed the national error rate standards are contained in 42 CFR 
    431.861 through 431.865. Because the legislation governing the national 
    target error rates and how disallowances are taken has changed 
    frequently over the years, the existing regulations contain conditions 
    and requirements for specified periods, that is, the period prior to 
    September 1980 (Sec. 431.861); interim periods of October 1, 1980 
    through September 30, 1982 (Sec. 431.862), April 1 through December 31, 
    1983 (Sec. 431.863), and January 1, 1984 through June 30, 1990 
    (Sec. 431.864); and the period effective beginning July 1, 1990 
    (Sec. 431.865). We found it was necessary in the past to retain the 
    regulatory provisions for periods prior to July 1, 1990, because of 
    pending reconsiderations of proposed disallowances for State medical 
    assistance expenditures based on expenditure reports for these prior 
    periods and the processing of waiver requests related to these prior 
    periods. The pre-July 1, 1990 provisions are now obsolete and we are 
    therefore deleting them from the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). We 
    are deleting Secs. 431.861 through 431.864.
    III. Progressive Reductions in FFP for Fiscal Years 1982 Through 1984
        Sections 1903 (s) and (t) of the Act (as enacted by sections 
    2161(a) and (b) of the Medicare and Medicaid Amendments of 1981 (Pub. 
    L. 97-35)) provided for progressive reductions in total Federal 
    payments to the States for medical assistance expenditures to which 
    they were entitled for fiscal years 1982 through 1984. The reductions 
    applied only to the 49 States with Medicaid programs in operation under 
    State plans approved by HCFA as of July 1, 1981, and to the District of 
    Columbia. The provisions in section 1903(s) of the Act were effective 
    August 13, 1981, and repealed by the same enacting legislation, 
    effective for calendar quarters beginning on or after October 1, 1984. 
    The provisions in section 1903(t) of the Act were effective August 13, 
    1981, and repealed by the same enacting legislation, effective after 
    payments for the first quarter of fiscal year 1985.
        Sections 433.8 and subpart E of part 433 (Secs. 433.201 through 
    433.217) implemented sections 1903 (s) and (t) of the Act. We are 
    deleting these regulations to reflect the repeal of sections 1903 (s) 
    and (t) of the Act by section 2161(c) of the Medicare and Medicaid 
    Amendments of 1981.
    IV. Payment for Physician Billing for Clinical Laboratory Services
        Section 1902(a)(32) of the Act prohibits Medicaid payments to 
    anyone other than the provider of services, except in specified 
    circumstances. This restriction is commonly referred to as the direct 
    payment provision and is implemented in Sec. 447.10. From 1980 to 1984, 
    section 1902(a)(43) of the Act provided an exception for physician 
    billing of laboratory services which a physician did not personally 
    perform or supervise. Specifically, section 1902(a)(43) of the Act 
    provided that, if the State plan provides for payment to a physician 
    for laboratory services for which the physician (or any other physician 
    with whom he shares his practice) did not personally perform or 
    supervise, the plan must include a provision to ensure that payment for 
    such laboratory services does not exceed the payment authorized for 
    such services under Medicare. Section 2303(g)(1)(B) of the Deficit 
    Reduction Act of 1984 (DRA '84) (Pub. L. 98-369) deleted section 
    1902(a)(43) of the Act.
        Sections 447.10(g)(1) and 447.342 implemented section 1902(a)(43) 
    of the Act. Section 447.10(g)(1) provides that payment may be made to a 
    physician who bills for outside laboratory services that the physician 
    orders and pays for, but that he or she did not personally perform or 
    supervise, or which were not performed or supervised by another 
    physician with whom he or she shares a practice. Section 447.342 
    specifies that if a State plan provides for payment to a physician who 
    bills for clinical laboratory services performed by an outside 
    laboratory, the State plan must provide that the agency will not pay 
    the physician more than the amount that would be authorized under 
        We are deleting Secs. 447.10(g)(1) and 447.342 to reflect the 
    deletion of section 1902(a)(43) of the Act by DRA '84.
    V. Utilization Control: Skilled Nursing Facilities
        Section 1902(a)(30) of the Act requires each State Medicaid agency 
    to have methods and procedures to safeguard against unnecessary 
    utilization of care and services. In addition to this general 
    provision, State Medicaid agencies are required to meet a number of 
    specific requirements for certain institutional providers. The 
    utilization control requirements are set forth in the regulations at 42 
    CFR part 456.
        Prior to the implementation of the Omnibus Budget and 
    Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA '87) (Pub. L. 100-203), the Medicaid 
    statute made a distinction between skilled nursing facility (SNF) and 
    intermediate care facility (ICF) services. The Medicaid statute 
    contained separate certification requirements for facilities providing 
    each type of long-term care. Section 1905(a)(4) of the Act authorized 
    coverage of inpatient services furnished in facilities that met the SNF 
    requirements. Section 1905(a)(15) of the Act provided for coverage of 
    inpatient services in facilities certified to provide ICF services.
        OBRA '87 significantly revised the Medicaid requirements for long-
    term care facility services. The legislation created a new Medicaid 
    benefit category called ``nursing facility (NF) services'' that, 
    effective October 1, 1990, replaced the Medicaid SNF and ICF benefits. 
    NFs participating in the Medicaid program must now meet certain 
    requirements specified in section 1919 of the Act. Among the reform 
    provisions was an entirely new process, called preadmission screening 
    and annual resident review (PASARR), which requires States to determine 
    the need for admitting or retaining individuals with mental illness or 
    mental retardation who are applicants to or residents of NFs, and to 
    determine whether these persons require specialized services. The NF 
    requirements are codified in the regulations at 42 CFR part 483, 
    subparts B and D, and part 488. The PASARR requirements are codified in 
    the regulations at 42 CFR part 483, subparts C and E.
        The utilization control regulations relating to SNF services at 42 
    CFR part 456 are obsolete because they implement the utilization 
    control process that was in effect before the implementation of the 
    nursing home reform provisions in OBRA '87. Formerly, sections 1902(a) 
    (30), (31), and (44), 1903(g)(1), and 1903(i)(4) of the Act contained 
    requirements for monitoring and controlling utilization of SNF 
    services. Specifically, section
    [[Page 38397]]
    1902(a)(30)(A) of the Act required each State to have methods and 
    procedures relating to utilization of care and services and further 
    required State procedures to include facility-based utilization review 
    plans for SNF services as described in section 1903(i)(4) of the Act. 
    Furthermore, section 1902(a)(30)(B) of the Act required SNFs to screen 
    each admission and precluded certain medical and other professional 
    personnel from establishing criteria for utilization review in SNFs. 
    Section 1902(a)(31) (formerly in section 1902(a)(26)) of the Act 
    required States to establish medical review programs for SNF services. 
    State medical review programs had to (1) ensure that SNF services were 
    furnished in accordance with a written plan of care and be periodically 
    reviewed, and (2) provide for on-site inspections of the care being 
    provided to Medicaid patients in each SNF by State inspection teams who 
    would report their findings to the State Medicaid agency. Section 
    1902(a)(44) of the Act required the medical necessity of a Medicaid 
    patient's initial placement and continued stay to be certified by a 
    physician, a nurse practitioner, or clinical nurse specialist. Section 
    1903(g)(1) of the Act provided for a reduction in Federal matching 
    funds for extended inpatient stays unless the State Medicaid agency 
    could satisfactorily demonstrate that it had an effective program of 
    medical review for SNF services. Section 1903(i)(4) of the Act 
    precluded Federal matching payments for inpatient services provided by 
    a SNF unless its utilization review plan met the Medicare standards.
        All of the utilization control provisions mentioned above that 
    applied to SNF services were stricken from the Medicaid statute by OBRA 
    '87. Specifically, OBRA '87 made the following deletions to the Act:
         The utilization review requirements in sections 
    1902(a)(30)(B) and 1903(i)(4) of the Act were deleted by sections 
    4211(h)(3) and 4211(i) of OBRA '87, respectively.
         The medical review requirements in section 1902(a)(31) of 
    the Act were deleted by section 4212(d)(2) of OBRA '87.
         The certification and recertification of need requirements 
    in section 1902(a)(44) of the Act were deleted by section 4212(e)(1)(A) 
    of OBRA '87.
         The reduction in Federal matching funds provision in 
    section 1903(g) of the Act was deleted by 4212(d)(1) of OBRA '87.
        We are removing all of the regulations that contain utilization 
    control requirements for SNFs to reflect the elimination of those 
    provisions from the Medicaid statute made by OBRA '87.
    VI. Other Technical Changes
        In conjunction with the deletions discussed above in this preamble, 
    we are making the following technical changes:
         We are deleting references to section 1902(a)(43) of the 
    Act and Secs. 447.10 and 447.342 associated with payment for physician 
    billing for clinical laboratory services in Secs. 440.1, 447.10(a), and 
         We are deleting references associated with utilization 
    control of SNFs in parts 441 and 456 of the regulations.
    VII. Waiver of Proposed Rulemaking
        We ordinarily publish a notice of proposed rulemaking in the 
    Federal Register and invite prior public comment on proposed rules. The 
    notice of proposed rulemaking includes a reference to the legal 
    authority under which the rule is proposed, and describes the terms and 
    substances of the proposed rule and the subjects and issues involved. 
    This procedure can be waived, however, if an agency finds good cause 
    that notice-and-public-comment rulemaking is impracticable, 
    unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest and incorporates a 
    statement of the finding and its reasons in the rule issued.
        This final rule merely removes regulations that contain obsolete 
    provisions and regulations implementing parts of the Social Security 
    Act that have been repealed. This final rule also makes related 
    technical corrections. Therefore, we find good cause to waive the 
    notice of proposed rulemaking procedures as impracticable and 
    unnecessary and to issue this rule in final form.
    VIII. Collection of Information Requirements
        This document does not impose information collection and 
    recordkeeping requirements. Consequently, it need not be reviewed by 
    the Office of Management and Budget under the authority of the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
    IX. Regulatory Impact Statement
        Consistent with the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) (5 U.S.C. 601 
    through 612), we prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis unless we 
    certify that a rule will not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities. For purposes of the RFA, all 
    health care providers and facilities are considered to be small 
    entities. Individuals and States are not included in the definition of 
    a small entity.
        In addition, section 1102(b) of the Act requires us to prepare a 
    regulatory impact analysis if a rule may have a significant impact on 
    the operations of a substantial number of small rural hospitals. Such 
    an analysis must conform to the provisions of section 604 of the RFA. 
    For purposes of section 1102(b) of the Act, we define a small rural 
    hospital as a hospital that is located outside of a Metropolitan 
    Statistical Area and has fewer than 50 beds.
        In keeping with the Administration's commitment to reinvent 
    government regulations, this final rule merely removes regulations that 
    contain obsolete provisions and makes related technical corrections. 
    For these reasons, we are not preparing analyses for either the RFA or 
    section 1102(b) of the Act because we have determined, and we certify, 
    that this final rule will not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities or a significant impact on the 
    operations of a substantial number of small rural hospitals.
        In accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 12866, this 
    regulation was not reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget.
        Under the provisions of Pub. L. 104-121, we have determined that 
    this rule is not a major rule.
    List of Subjects
    42 CFR Part 431
        Grant programs-health, Health facilities, Medicaid, Privacy, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    42 CFR Part 433
        Administrative practice and procedure, Child support, Claims, Grant 
    programs-health, Medicaid, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    42 CFR Part 440
        Grant programs-health, Medicaid.
    42 CFR Part 441
        Family planning, Grant programs-health, Infants and children, 
    Medicaid, Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    42 CFR Part 447
        Accounting, Administrative practice and procedure, Drugs, Grant 
    programs-health, Health facilities, Health professions, Medicaid, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Rural areas.
    [[Page 38398]]
    42 CFR Part 456
        Administrative practice and procedure, Grant programs-health, 
    Health facilities, Medicaid, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        42 CFR chapter IV is amended as set forth below:
        A. Part 431 is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 431 continues to read as 
        Authority: Sec. 1102 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 
    Secs. 431.861, 431.862, 431.863, and 431.864  [Removed and reserved]
        2. Sections 431.861, 431.862, 431.863, and 431.864 are removed and 
    Sec. 431.865  [Amended]
        3. In paragraph (d)(8) of Sec. 431.865, the parenthetical phrase 
    ``(See Sec. 431.863(d)(8) for an example of a disallowance 
    computation)'' is removed.
        B. Part 433 is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 433 continues to read as 
        Authority: Secs. 1102, 1137, 1902(a)(4), 1902(a)(18), 
    1902(a)(25), 1902(a)(45), 1902(t), 1903(a)(3), 1903(d)(2), 
    1903(d)(5), 1903(i), 1903(o), 1903(p), 1903(r), 1903(w), 1912, 1917, 
    and 1919(e) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1302, 1320b-7, 
    1396a(a)(4), 1396a(a)(18), 1396a(a)(25), 1396a(a)(45), 1396a(t), 
    1396b(a)(3), 1396b(d)(2), 1396b(d)(5), 1396b(i), 1396b(o), 1396b(p), 
    1396b(r), 1396b(w), 1396k and 1396(p)).
    Sec. 433.8  [Removed and reserved]
        2. Section 433.8 is removed and reserved.
    Secs. 433.201--433.217 (Subpart E)  [Removed and reserved]
        3. In part 433, subpart E consisting of Secs. 433.201 through 
    433.217 is removed and reserved.
        C. Part 440 is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 440 continues to read as 
        Authority: Sec. 1102 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 
    Sec. 440.1  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 440.1, the reference that reads ``1902(a)(43) Laboratory 
    services. (See also Secs. 447.10 and 447.342 for related provisions on 
    laboratory services.)'' is removed.
        D. Part 441 is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 441 continues to read as 
        Authority: Sec. 1102 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 
    Sec. 441.152  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 441.152(b), the reference ``456.260,'' is removed.
    Sec. 441.155  [Amended]
        3. Section 441.155 is amended as follows:
        a. In paragraph (a), the phrase ``in accordance with Secs. 456.180-
    456.181, and 456.280-456.281 of this subchapter,'' is revised to read 
    ``in accordance with Secs. 456.180 and 456.181 of this chapter,''.
        b. In paragraph (d), the references ``456.260(b),'' and 
    ``456.280,'' are removed.
        E. Part 447 is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 447 continues to read as 
        Authority: Sec. 1102 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 
        2. In Sec. 447.10, paragraph (a) is revised, paragraph (g)(1) is 
    removed, and paragraphs (g)(2) through (g)(4) are redesignated as 
    paragraphs (g)(1) through (g)(3). The revision reads as follows:
    Sec. 447.10  Prohibition against reassignment of provider claims.
        (a) Basis and purpose. This section implements section 1902(a)(32) 
    of the Act which prohibits State payments for Medicaid services to 
    anyone other than a provider or recipient, except in specified 
    * * * * *
    Sec. 447.300  [Amended]
        3. In Sec. 447.300, the second sentence that reads ``Section 
    447.342 of this subpart implements section 1902(a)(43) of the Act, 
    which permits the State plan to provide for payment to a physician for 
    laboratory services which the physician did not personally perform or 
    supervise.'' is removed.
    Subpart F--[Amended]
        4. In subpart F, the undesignated center heading that reads 
    Sec. 447.342  [Removed and reserved]
        5. Section 447.342 is removed and reserved.
        F. Part 456 is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 456 continues to read as 
        Authority: Sec. 1102 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 
    1302), unless otherwise noted.
    Sec. 456.1  [Amended]
        2. Section 456.1 is amended as follows:
        a. In paragraph (b)(2), the phrase ``skilled nursing facilities 
    (SNF's),'' is removed.
        b. In paragraph (b)(2)(iv), the phrase ``skilled nursing and'' is 
        c. In paragraph (b)(3), the phrases ``skilled nursing facilities 
    and'' and ``SNF or'' are removed.
        d. In paragraph (b)(5), the word ``SNF's,'' is removed.
        e. In paragraph (b)(6), the phrase ``hospital, mental hospital, or 
    SNF services'' is revised to read ``hospital or mental hospital 
        f. In Table 1, remove from the first and second columns the 
    Subpart E--Utilization Control: Skilled                                 
     Nursing Facilities                                                     
        Certification of need for care.....  1903(g)(1)(A)                  
        Medical evaluation and admission     1902(a)(26)(A)                 
         review.                             1903(g)(1)(C)                  
        Plan of care.......................  1902(a)(26)(A)                 
    Utilization review plan................  1902(a)(30)                    
                                             1903(g)(1)(C) 1903(i)(4)       
    Discharge plan.........................  1902(a)(30).                   
        g. In Table 1, in column 1, subparts H and I are revised to read as 
                                     Table 1                                
     [This table relates the regulations in this part to the sections of the
                          Act on which they are based.]                     
                      *        *        *        *        *                 
    Subpart H--Utilization Review Plans: FFP, Waivers,                      
     and Variances for Hospitals and Mental Hospitals.              *  *  * 
    Subpart I--Inspections of Care in Intermediate Care                     
     Facilities and Institutions for Mental Diseases.               *  *  * 
                     *        *        *        *          *                
    Sec. 456.5  [Amended]
        3. Section 456.5 is amended as follows:
    [[Page 38399]]
        a. The phrase ``hospitals, mental hospitals, and SNFs.'' is revised 
    to read ``hospitals and mental hospitals.''
        b. The phrase ``Sec. 456.232 of subpart D; and Sec. 456.332 of 
    subpart E.'' is revised to read ``and Sec. 456.232 of subpart D.''
    Secs. 456.250 through 456.348 (Subpart E)  [Removed and reserved]
        4. In part 456, subpart E consisting of Secs. 456.250 through 
    456.348 is removed and reserved.
    Sec. 456.480  [Amended]
        5. In Sec. 456.480, the phrase ``skilled nursing facilities,'' is 
    Secs. 456.481, 456.482, and 456.652  [Amended]
        6. In part 456, remove the references ``456.260,'' ``456.270,'' and 
    ``456.280,'' wherever they appear, in the following places:
        a. Sections 456.481 (a) and (b);
        b. Section 456.482; and
        c. Sections 456.652 (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(4).
    Subpart H--[Amended]
        7. In the heading of subpart H, the phrase ``Hospitals, Mental 
    Hospitals, and Skilled Nursing Facilities'' is revised to read 
    ``Hospitals and Mental Hospitals.''
    Sec. 456.500  [Amended]
        8. In Sec. 456.500, in the introductory text, the phrase 
    ``hospitals, mental hospitals and SNFs,'' is revised to read 
    ``hospitals and mental hospitals,''
    Sec. 456.501  [Amended]
        9. Section 456.501 is amended as follows:
        a. In paragraph (a), the phrase ``hospital, mental hospital, or 
    SNF'' is revised to read ``hospital or mental hospital''
        b. In paragraph (c), the phrase ``in subpart C, D, or E of this 
    part,'' is revised to read ``in subpart C or D of this part,''
    Sec. 456.505  [Amended]
        10. Section 456.505 is amended as follows:
        a. In the introductory text, the phrase ``subpart C, D, or E of 
    this part,'' is revised to read ``subpart C or D of this part,''
        b. In the introductory text, the phrase, ``Sec. 456.206 of subpart 
    D, and Sec. 456.306 of subpart E,'' is revised to read ``and 
    Sec. 456.206 of subpart D,''
        c. In paragraph (b), the phrase ``under subpart C, D, or E.'' is 
    revised to read ``under subpart C or D of this part.''
    Sec. 456.506  [Amended]
        11. Section 456.506 is amended as follows:
        a. In paragraph (b), the phrase ``hospital, mental hospital, or 
    SNF'' is revised to read ``hospital or mental hospital''
        b. In paragraph (b), the phrase ``under subpart C, D, or E of this 
    part.'' is revised to read ``under subpart C or D of this part.''
    Sec. 456.508  [Amended]
        12. Section 456.508 is amended as follows:
        a. In paragraph (a), the phrase ``under subpart C, D, or E.'' and, 
    in paragraph (b), the phrase ``under subpart C, D, or E of this part.'' 
    are revised to read ``under subpart C or D of this part.''
        b. In paragraph (b), the phrase ``hospital, mental hospital, or 
    SNF'' is revised to read ``hospital or mental hospital.''
    Sec. 456.520  [Amended]
        13. Section 456.520 is amended as follows:
        a. In paragraph (b), the phrase ``Sec. 456.207 of subpart D; or 
    Sec. 456.307 of subpart E;'' is revised to read ``or Sec. 456.207 of 
    subpart D;''
        b. In paragraph (c), in the definition of Remote facility, the 
    phrase ``under subpart C, D, or E of this part,'' is revised to read 
    ``under subparts C or D of this part,''
        c. In paragraph (c), in the definition of Variance, the phrase 
    ``Sec. 456.238 of subpart D; and Secs. 456.333, 456.334, and 456.336 of 
    subpart E.'' is revised to read ``and Sec. 456.238 of subpart D.''
    Sec. 456.522  [Amended]
        14. Section 456.522 is amended as follows:
        a. In paragraph (d), the word ``SNF,'' is removed.
        b. In paragraph (i), the phrase ``subpart C, D, or E of this 
    part;'' and, in paragraph (j), the phrase ``subpart C, D, or E of this 
    part;'' are revised to read ``subpart C or D of this part;''
        15. In the heading of subpart I, the phrase ``Skilled Nursing and'' 
    is removed.
    Sec. 456.600   [Amended]
        16. In Sec. 456.600, the phrase ``in skilled nursing facilities 
    (SNF's),'' is removed.
    Sec. 456.601  [Amended]
        17. Section 456.601 is amended as follows:
        a. In the definition of Facility, the phrase ``a skilled nursing 
    facility,'' is removed.
        b. In the definition of Institution for mental diseases, the phrase 
    ``skilled nursing or'' is removed.
    Sec. 456.603  [Amended]
        18. In Sec. 456.603, paragraph (a)(1) is removed and reserved.
    Sec. 456.608  [Amended]
        19. In Sec. 456.608(a) introductory text, remove the words ``SNFs 
    Sec. 456.610  [Amended]
        20. In Sec. 456.610(b)(1), remove the word ``SNFs,''.
    Sec. 456.651  [Amended]
        21. In Sec. 456.651, in the definition of Level of care, the phrase 
    ``skilled nursing facility,'' is removed.
    Sec. 456.654  [Amended]
        22. Section 456.654 is amended as follows:
        a. In paragraph (a)(2), the phrase ``skilled nursing facilities,'' 
    is removed.
        b. In paragraph (a)(7), the phrase ``skilled nursing or'' is 
        c. In paragraph (a)(8), the phrase ``or skilled nursing facility'' 
    is removed.
    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program No. 93.778, Medical 
    Assistance Program)
        Dated: May 28, 1996.
    Bruce C. Vladeck,
    Administrator, Health Care Financing Administration.
        Dated: July 11, 1996.
    Donna E. Shalala,
    [FR Doc. 96-18537 Filed 7-23-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4120-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Health and Human Services Department
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
These regulations are effective on August 23, 1996.
38395-38399 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
0938-AH31: Medicaid Eligibility Quality Control, Staffing and Training, and Utilization Control: Removal of Obsolete and Restrictive Requirements (MB-099-P)
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (27)
42 CFR 431.865
42 CFR 433.8
42 CFR 440.1
42 CFR 441.152
42 CFR 441.155
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