96-18644. Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approval of the Carbon Monoxide Implementation Plan Submitted by the State of Connecticut Pursuant to Sections 186-187 and 211(m)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 144 (Thursday, July 25, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 38574-38577]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-18644]
    40 CFR Part 52
    [CT26-1-7198; A-1-FRL-5523-2]
    Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; 
    Approval of the Carbon Monoxide Implementation Plan Submitted by the 
    State of Connecticut Pursuant to Sections 186-187 and 211(m)
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: On September 15, 1995, EPA proposed to approve the State 
    implementation plans (SIP) submitted by the State of Connecticut for 
    the purpose of bringing about the attainment of the national ambient 
    air quality standard (NAAQS) for carbon monoxide (CO). The 
    implementation plans were submitted by the State to satisfy the 
    requirements of Sections 187(a)(2)(A), 187(a)(3), 187(a)(7) and 211(m) 
    of the Clean Air Act for an approvable nonattainment area CO SIP for 
    Connecticut's portion of the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut CO 
    nonattainment area. Public comments were solicited on Connecticut's SIP 
    submittals, which included the CO attainment demonstration, contingency 
    measures, vehicle miles travelled (VMT) forecasts and the oxygenated 
    fuels program for Connecticut's portion of the New York-New Jersey-
    Connecticut CO nonattainment area, and on EPA's proposed action. No 
    public comments were received. In this action, EPA is finalizing the 
    approvals of these SIP revisions. This document also updates 40 CFR 
    52.372, 52.373, and 52.374.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: August 26, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Copies of the SIP revision relevant to this action are 
    available for public inspection during normal business hours at the 
    following location: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region I, Air 
    Quality Planning Unit, One Congress Street, 11th floor, Boston, MA 
    02203; and the Bureau of Air Management, Department of Environmental 
    Protection, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Wing H. Chau, Air Quality Planning 
    Unit (CAQ), Office of Ecosystem Protection, U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency, Region 1, J.F.K. Federal Building, Boston, MA 02203, 
    (617) 565-3570.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On January 12, 1993, January 14, 1993 April 
    7, 1994, and August 1, 1995, the Connecticut Department of 
    Environmental Protection (DEP) submitted revisions to its State 
    Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality. The revisions are designed 
    to satisfy the requirements of Sections 187(a)(2)(A), 187(a)(3), 
    187(a)(7) and 211(m) of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1990 (CAA).
        Those States containing CO nonattainment areas with design values 
    greater than 12.7 parts per million (ppm) were required to submit, 
    among other things, a State Implementation Plan revision, by November 
    15, 1992, that contains a forecast of VMT in the nonattainment area for 
    each year before the year in which the SIP projects the NAAQS for CO to 
    be attained and an attainment demonstration such that the plan will 
    provide for attainment by December 31, 1995 for moderate CO 
    nonattainment areas. The SIP revision is also required to provide for 
    annual updates of the VMT forecasts along with annual reports regarding 
    the extent to which the forecasts proved to be accurate. In addition, 
    these annual reports must contain estimates of actual VMT in each year 
    for which a forecast was required. The attainment demonstration must 
    include a SIP control strategy, which is also due by
    [[Page 38575]]
    November 15, 1992. The SIP control strategy for a given nonattainment 
    area must be designed to ensure that the area meets the specific annual 
    emissions reductions necessary for reaching attainment by the deadline. 
    In addition, section 187(a)(3) requires these areas to implement 
    contingency measures if any estimate of actual VMT or any updated VMT 
    forecast for the area contained in an annual report for any year prior 
    to attainment exceeds the number predicted in the most recent VMT 
    forecast. Contingency measures are also triggered by failure to attain 
    the NAAQS for CO by the attainment deadline. Contingency measures must 
    be submitted with the CO SIP by November 15, 1992. Section 211(m) of 
    the Act requires states with CO nonattainment areas classified as 
    moderate or above to submit SIP revisions to implement oxygenated 
    gasoline programs by November 1, 1992. The oxygenated gasoline program 
    must require gasoline sold or dispensed in the CMSA encompassing the CO 
    nonattainment area to contain not less than 2.7 percent oxygen by 
    weight during the portion of the year in which the area is prone to 
    high ambient CO levels. This control period is to be determined by the 
    Administrator, but shall not be less than four months.
        On September 15, 1995, (60 FR 47907) EPA proposed approval of the 
    SIP revisions designed to satisfy the requirements of Sections 
    187(a)(2)(A), 187(a)(3), 187(a)(7) and 211(m) of the Clean Air Act, as 
    amended in 1990 (CAA). Among the elements EPA proposed to approve was 
    Connecticut's oxygenated gasoline program as it applies to the 
    Southwestern Control Area and that portion of the definition of control 
    period that applies to the Southwestern Control Area. In a separate 
    action approving redesignation of the Hartford CO nonattainment area, 
    EPA approved Connecticut's oxygenated gasoline requirements as they 
    apply to the Hartford area. EPA is here approving the State's 
    oxygenated gasoline requirements as they apply to the Southwestern 
    Control Area, including the control period for this area. In final 
    action on the New York CO SIP published elsewhere in today's Federal 
    Register, EPA is determining that the length of the period prone to 
    high ambient concentrations of CO for the New York-New Jersey-
    Connecticut CMSA extends from November 1 through the last day of 
    February. The scope of the Connecticut oxygenated gasoline program 
    corresponds with this required control period, thereby satisfying that 
    element of the section 211(m) requirements. Please refer to the 
    September 15, 1995, Federal Register (60 FR 47907), the August 31, 
    1995, technical support document and the New York CO SIP approval for 
    additional information on this final rule.
    Public Comments
        The public comment period for the September 15, 1995, (60 FR 
    47907), notice of proposed rulemaking to approve the SIP revisions 
    submitted by the State of Connecticut for the purpose of bringing about 
    the attainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for 
    carbon monoxide closed on October 16, 1995, and no comments were 
    Final Rulemaking Action
        The EPA is approving collectively the plan revisions submitted to 
    EPA for the Connecticut portion of the NY-NJ-CT CO nonattainment area 
    on January 12, 1993, January 14, 1993, April 7, 1994, and August 1, 
    1995. Among other things, Connecticut has demonstrated that the 
    Connecticut portion of the NY-NJ-CT CO nonattainment area will continue 
    to attain the CO NAAQS through December 31, 1995, the applicable 
    attainment date.
        This action has been classified as a Table 3 action for signature 
    by the Regional Administrator under the procedures published in the 
    Federal Register on January 19, 1989 (54 FR 2214-2225), as revised by a 
    July 10, 1995 memorandum from Mary Nichols, Assistant Administrator for 
    Air and Radiation. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has 
    exempted this regulatory action from review under Executive Order 
        Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 600 et. seq., EPA 
    must prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis assessing the impact of 
    any proposed or final rule on small entities. 5 U.S.C. 603 and 604. 
    Alternatively, EPA may certify that the rule will not have a 
    significant impact on a substantial number of small entities. Small 
    entities include small businesses, small not-for-profit enterprises, 
    and government entities with jurisdiction over populations of less than 
        A SIP approval does not create any new requirements, but simply 
    approve requirements that the State is already imposing. Therefore, 
    because the federal SIP-approval does not impose any new requirements, 
    I certify that it does not have a significant impact on any small 
    entities affected. Moreover, due to the nature of the federal-state 
    relationship under the CAA, preparation of a regulatory flexibility 
    analysis would constitute federal inquiry into the economic 
    reasonableness of state action. The CAA forbids EPA to base its actions 
    concerning SIPs on such grounds. Union Electric Co. v. U.S. E.P.A., 427 
    U.S. 246, 256-66 (S.Ct. 1976); 42 U.S.C. 7410 (a)(2).
        As noted, additional submittals for the CO nonattainment areas are 
    required under Section 186 and 187 of the Act. The EPA will determine 
    the adequacy of any such submittal as appropriate. Nothing in this 
    action should be construed as permitting or allowing or establishing a 
    precedent for any future request for revision to any State 
    implementation plan. Each request for revision to the State 
    implementation plan shall be considered separately in light of specific 
    technical, economic, and environmental factors and in relation to 
    relevant statutory and regulatory requirements.
        The Administrator's decision to approve or disapprove the SIP 
    revision will be based on whether it meets the requirements of Section 
    110(a)(2)(A)-(K) and 110(a)(3) of the Clean Air Act, as amended, and 
    EPA regulations in 40 CFR Part 51.
    Unfunded Mandates
        Under Sections 202, 203, and 205 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform 
    Act of 1995 (``Unfunded Mandates Act''), signed into law on March 25, 
    1995, EPA must undertake various actions in association with proposed 
    or final rules that include a Federal mandate that may result in 
    estimated costs of $100 million or more to the private sector, or to 
    State, local, or tribal governments in the aggregate.
        Through submission of this state implementation plan or plan 
    revision, the State and any affected local or tribal governments have 
    elected to adopt the program provided for under section 175A and 
    section 187(a)(1) of the Clean Air Act. The rules and commitments 
    approved in this action may bind State, local and tribal governments to 
    perform certain actions and also may ultimately lead to the private 
    sector being required to certain duties. To the extent that the 
    imposition of any mandate upon the State, local or tribal governments 
    either as the owner or operator of a source or as mandate upon the 
    private sector, EPA's action will impose no new requirements under 
    State law; such sources are already subject to these requirements under 
    State law. Accordingly, no additional costs to State, local, or tribal 
    governments, or to the private sector, results from this action. EPA 
    has also determined that this final action does not include a mandate 
    that may result in estimated costs of $100 million or more to State,
    [[Page 38576]]
    local, or tribal governments in the aggregate or to the private sector.
    Submission to Congress and the General Accounting Office
        Under section 801(a)(1)(A) of the Administrative Procedure Act 
    (APA) as amended by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness 
    Act of 1996, EPA submitted a report containing this rule and other 
    required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of 
    Representatives and the Comptroller General of the General Accounting 
    Office prior to publication of this rule in today's Federal Register. 
    This rule is not a ``major rule'' as defined by section 804(2) of the 
    APA as amended.
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
        Incorporation by reference, Environmental protection, Air pollution 
    control, Carbon monoxide, Intergovernmental relations, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: June 7, 1996.
    John P. DeVillars,
    Regional Administrator, EPA-Region 1.
        Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, chapter I, part 52 is 
    amended as follows:
    PART 52--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 52 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q.
    Subpart H-Connecticut
        2. Section 52.370 is amended by adding paragraph (c)(71) to read as 
    Sec. 52.370   Identification of plan.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (71) Revisions to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan (SIP) 
    for carbon monoxide concerning the control of carbon monoxide from 
    mobile sources, dated January 12, 1993, January 14, 1993, April 7, 
    1994, and August 1, 1995 submitted by the Connecticut Department of 
    Environmental Protection (CT DEP).
        (i) Incorporation by reference.
        (A) Letter dated August 1, 1995 which included the amendments and 
    revisions to the Regulation of Connecticut State Agencies (RCSA), 
    Section 22a-174-28(a) regarding the definition for the Southwestern 
    Control Area and that portion of the definition of ``control period'' 
    that applies to the Southwestern Control Area with an effective date of 
    July 26, 1995.
        (ii) Additional materials.
        (A) January 12, 1993 and April 7, 1994, VMT forecasts beginning 
    with the year 1993 and including all subsequent years up to the year of 
    attainment (1995).
        (B) January 12, 1993 and April 7, 1994, Carbon Monoxide Attainment 
    Demonstration and Contingency Measures.
        3. Section 52.372 is removed and reserved.
    Sec. 52.372   [Removed and reserved]
        4. Section 52.373 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 52.373   Approval status.
        (a) The Administrator approves the general procedures of the 
    state's sulfur control regulations (19-508-19) and accompanying 
    narrative submitted on October 23, 1981, and November 4, 1981 and 
    identified under Sec. 52.370(c)(18), provided that any individual 
    source approvals granted by the state under the Air Pollution Control/
    Energy Trade Option and solid fuel burning permitting system are 
    submitted to EPA as SIP revisions.
        (b) The Administrator approves the total suspended particulate 
    regulation for foundry sand processes as submitted and identified under 
    paragraph (c)(22) of this section. This includes only the requirement 
    to remove ninety percent of the particulate matter and not the 
    requirement to emit not more than 0.75 pounds of particulate per ton of 
    material cast, a provision which may be found in state regulation 19-
        5. Section 52.374 is amended by revising the table to read as 
    Sec. 52.374   Attainment dates for national standards.
    * * * * *
                                  Attainment Dates Established By Clean Air Act of 1990                             
     Air quality control region               SO2                                                                   
       and nonattainment area    ----------------------------     PM-10          NO2           CO            O3     
                                     Primary      Secondary                                                         
    AQCR 41: Eastern Connecticut                                                                                    
        Middlesex County (part)                                                                                     
         All portions except                                                                                        
         cities and towns in                                                                                        
         Hartford Area..........          (a)           (b)           (a)           (a)           (a)           (a) 
        New London County.......          (a)           (b)           (a)           (a)           (a)           (a) 
        Tolland County (part)                                                                                       
         All portions except                                                                                        
         cities and towns in                                                                                        
         Hartford Area..........          (a)           (b)           (a)           (a)           (a)           (e) 
        Windham County..........          (a)           (b)           (a)           (a)           (a)           (e) 
    AQCR 42: Hartford-New Haven-                                                                                    
     Springfield Interstate:                                                                                        
        Hartford-New Britian-                                                                                       
         Middletown Area                                                                                            
            Hartford County                                                                                         
             (part) See 40 CFR                                                                                      
             81.307.............          (a)           (b)           (a)           (a)           (d)           (e) 
            Litchfield County                                                                                       
             (part) See 40 CFR                                                                                      
             81.307.............          (a)           (b)           (a)           (a)           (d)           (e) 
            Middlesex County                                                                                        
             (part) See 40 CFR                                                                                      
             81.307.............          (a)           (b)           (a)           (a)           (d)           (e) 
            Tolland County                                                                                          
             (part) See 40 CFR                                                                                      
             81.307.............          (a)           (b)           (a)           (a)           (d)           (e) 
        New Haven-Meriden-                                                                                          
         Waterbury Area                                                                                             
            Fairfield County                                                                                        
             (part) See 40 CFR                                                                                      
             81.307.............          (a)           (b)           (a)           (a)           (c)           (e) 
            Litchfield County                                                                                       
             (part) See 40 CFR                                                                                      
             81.307.............          (a)           (b)           (a)           (a)           (c)           (e) 
            New Haven County                                                                                        
                All portions                                                                                        
                 except City of                                                                                     
                 New Haven......          (a)           (b)           (a)           (a)           (c)           (e) 
                City of New                                                                                         
                 Haven..........          (a)           (b)           (a)           (a)           (c)           (e) 
    AQCR 43: NY-NJ-CT                                                                                               
        New York-N. New Jersey-                                                                                     
         Long Island Area                                                                                           
            Fairfield County                                                                                        
             (part) See 40 CFR                                                                                      
             81.307.............          (a)           (b)           (a)           (a)           (c)           (e) 
            Litchfield County                                                                                       
             (part) See 40 CFR                                                                                      
             81.307.............          (a)           (b)           (a)           (a)           (c)           (e) 
    AQCR 44: Northwestern                                                                                           
     Connecticut Intrastate                                                                                         
        Hartford County (part)                                                                                      
         Hartland Township......          (a)           (b)           (a)           (a)           (a)               
    [[Page 38577]]
        Litchfield County (part)                                                                                    
         All portions except                                                                                        
         cities and towns in                                                                                        
         Hartford, New Haven,                                                                                       
         and New York Areas.....          (a)           (b)           (a)           (a)           (a)           (e) 
    (a) Air quality levels presently below primary standards or area is unclassifiable.                             
    (b) Air quality levels presently below secondary standards or area is unclassifiable.                           
    (c) November 15, 1995.                                                                                          
    (d) December 31, 1995.                                                                                          
    (e) November 15, 1999.                                                                                          
    (f) November 15, 2007.                                                                                          
    (g) December 31, 1995 (one-year extension granted).                                                             
        6. Section 52.376 is amended by adding paragraph (c) to read as 
    Sec. 52.376  Control strategy: Carbon monoxide.
    * * * * *
        (c) Approval-On January 12, 1993 and April 7, 1994, the Connecticut 
    Department of Environmental Protection submitted revisions to the 
    carbon monoxide State Implementation Plan for VMT forecasts, 
    contingency measures, and attainment demonstration for CO. These VMT 
    forecasts, contingency measures, and attainment demonstration were 
    submitted by Connecticut to satisfy Federal requirements under sections 
    187(a)(2)(A), 187(a)(3) and 187(a)(7) of the Clean Air Act, as amended 
    in 1990, as revisions to the carbon monoxide State Implementation Plan.
    [FR Doc. 96-18644 Filed 7-24-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
August 26, 1996.
38574-38577 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
CT26-1-7198, A-1-FRL-5523-2
PDF File:
CFR: (5)
40 CFR 52.370
40 CFR 52.372
40 CFR 52.373
40 CFR 52.374
40 CFR 52.376