96-21391. Fees for Official Inspection and Official Weighing Services  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 164 (Thursday, August 22, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 43301-43305]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-21391]
    Rules and Regulations
                                                    Federal Register
    This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains regulatory documents 
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    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 164 / Thursday, August 22, 1996 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 43301]]
    Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration
    7 CFR Part 800
    RIN 0580-AA40
    Fees for Official Inspection and Official Weighing Services
    AGENCY: Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration, USDA.
    ACTION: Final rule and Withdrawal of Interim final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS), of the Grain 
    Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA), is changing 
    the way it collects user fees for official inspection and weighing 
    services performed in the United States under the United States Grain 
    Standards Act (USGSA), as amended. The new fee structure establishes 
    fees for specific services using hourly rates and/or unit fees. This 
    structure provides customers with information to better assess the cost 
    of specific services, and allows FGIS to pass savings (in the form of 
    fewer billable hours) to customers who invest in operational 
    efficiencies. The new fee structure includes a 4 percent increase to 
    recover salary increases.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: October 1, 1996.
    South Building, STOP 3649, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 
    20250-3649, or telephone (202) 720-0292.
    Executive Order 12866 and Regulatory Flexibility Act
        This rule has been determined to be significant for the purposes of 
    Executive Order 12866 and, therefore, has been reviewed by the Office 
    of Management and Budget.
        The change in the way user fees are collected provides customers 
    with information to better assess the costs of specific inspection 
    services because the fees will be more service specific than under the 
    current hourly rate. Further, it allows savings to be passed on to 
    users of the service who invest in operational efficiencies. Currently, 
    applicants choose only those services they want, but individual service 
    costs are supported by hourly rates without segregation. Fiscal year 
    1993 financial and volume data were used in developing the new fee 
    structure. While certain fees are increased and new fees are 
    established, the revenue generated using fiscal year 1993 data is 
    equivalent to the $23,192,178 collected that year.
        The new fee structure does include a 4 percent increase to recover 
    salary increases since 1993, and would have generated sufficient 
    revenue to cover costs for fiscal year 1994 and the costs for fiscal 
    year 1995. For information, fiscal year 1994 revenues were $20,662,062 
    with obligations of $21,415,400. For fiscal year 1995, revenues were 
    $23,382,253 with obligations of $24,015,289, and for the first half of 
    fiscal year 1996 revenues were $1,924,516 with obligations of 
    $1,916,609. Obligations include buyout costs, along with costs 
    associated with office consolidations.
        Presently, users of the inspection service are charged on an hourly 
    basis. This hourly rate includes the salary and benefits for each 
    service representative providing the service, as well as a portion of 
    overhead and program support costs. The overall cost of a wide variety 
    of services, e.g., grading, weighing, wheat protein measurement, 
    soybean protein and oil measurement, and aflatoxin detection, are 
    averaged together and recovered through an hourly service rate. Under 
    the new system, customers will be charged a lower base hourly rate plus 
    a unit fee to cover the cost of the specific service they request, such 
    as wheat protein. Overhead and program costs will be recovered through 
    a per-metric-ton volume fee assessed on all grain loaded from a 
        This rule may have an economic impact on infrequent users of the 
    service. FGIS incurs difficulty balancing costs and revenue in some 
    locations where customers desire local FGIS service capacity but use 
    the service infrequently. The new fee schedule is designed to shift the 
    cost of non-revenue producing time to those users responsible for 
    incurring it. Consequently, infrequent users of the service may find 
    the net effect of the new hourly fees and per-metric-ton administrative 
    fee increases their total per-metric-ton cost for inspection service. 
    Conversely, highly efficient and/or high-volume users of the service 
    may realize a decrease in their per-metric-ton cost for inspection 
    service due to the reduced contract hourly rate and the use of an 
    administrative fee to cover overhead and program support expenses.
        Most users of the official inspection and weighing services do not 
    meet the requirements for small entities. Further, FGIS is required by 
    statute to make services available and to recover costs of providing 
    such services as nearly as practicable. Therefore, James R. Baker, 
    Administrator, GIPSA, has determined that this final rule does not have 
    a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities 
    as defined in the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.).
    Executive Order 12778
        This final rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12778, 
    Civil Justice Reform. This action does not have a retroactive effect. 
    The USGSA provides in Sec. 87g that no subdivision may require or 
    impose any requirements or restrictions concerning the inspection, 
    weighing, or description of grain under the Act. Otherwise, this final 
    rule does not preempt any State or local laws, regulations, or policies 
    unless they present irreconcilable conflict with this rule. There are 
    no administrative procedures which must be exhausted prior to any 
    judicial challenge to provisions of this rule.
    Information Collection and Recordkeeping Requirements
        In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Chapter 
    3504), the previously approved information collection and recordkeeping 
    requirements concerning applications for inspection and weighing 
    services have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget 
    under control number 0580-0013.
    [[Page 43302]]
        On November 30, 1995, FGIS proposed in the Federal Register (60 FR 
    61499) to change the way it collects user fees for official inspection 
    and weighing services performed under the USGSA.
        The USGSA fees for inspection and weighing services were last 
    increased and became effective on May 20, 1991 (56 FR 15803). 
    Currently, they appear in 7 CFR Sec. 800.71, Schedule A, Fees for 
    Official Inspection, Weighing, and Appeal Inspection Services Performed 
    in the United States.
        FGIS is revising Sec. 800.71, Schedule A--Fees for Official 
    Inspection, Weighing, and Appeal Inspection Services Performed in the 
    United States. Instead of one schedule covering all services, there are 
    now three new tables. The new tables are: Table 1, ``Fees for Official 
    Services Performed at an Applicant's Facility in an Onsite FGIS 
    Laboratory;'' Table 2, ``Services Performed at Other Than an 
    Applicant's Facility in an FGIS Laboratory;'' and Table 3, 
    ``Miscellaneous Services.''
        Schedule A, Table 1. This table covers all services performed 
    onsite at an applicant's facility and continues the existing provision 
    for using contract and noncontract hourly rates. The hourly rates are 
    calculated to include only those costs directly related to labor and do 
    not include overhead. The current 1 year contract is retained, but 
    provisions are included for 3- and 6-month contracts. FGIS will 
    evaluate the use of 3- and 6-month contracts after 1-year to determine 
    if they shall be continued. The rate differences between 1-year, 6-
    month, and 3-month contracts reflect the costs associated with 
    increased staff production under a contract.
    1. Hourly Rates
        The new hourly rates are divided into four categories related to 
    how FGIS employees are paid: regular time (6 a.m. to 6 p.m.), 10 
    percent night differential (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.), overtime at 1\1/2\ the 
    regular hourly rate (for applicant-caused or requested overtime), and 
    holiday rates at double the regular hourly rate (all hourly rates other 
    than those of regular time are calculated using only the average base 
    hourly rate; this does not include personnel benefits).
    2. Additional Tests
        Additional unit fees for certain tests such as Aflatoxin, 
    Vomitoxin, Soybean protein and/or oil, Sunflower oil, Wheat protein, 
    Waxy corn, and Class Y weighing are implemented. These fees will 
    recover additional costs incurred such as testing materials, equipment, 
    and hazardous waste disposal which are not recovered through the hourly 
    fee or administrative fee.
    3. Administrative Fee
        A per-metric-ton administrative charge is implemented to recover 
    the indirect costs of FGIS field offices and headquarters such as the 
    salaries and benefits for office management and support staff, and 
    rent. This charge is assessed on all outbound grain inspected and/or 
    weighed at an applicant's facility. Six levels of fees are implemented 
    ranging from 1 metric ton or less to over 7,000,001 metric tons with 
    fees decreasing as the number of metric tons inspected increases. The 
    charge is assessed in addition to the base hourly rate. At the 
    beginning of each fiscal year (October 1), all applicants pay the same 
    per-metric-ton fee. Once a level has been reached, the fee for 
    additional metric tons is reduced until the maximum volume level is 
    reached. Inspections performed on grain that cannot be captured as part 
    of the metric ton charge has a unit fee assessed in addition to the 
    hourly rate to recover overhead costs. Inspections such as submitted 
    samples, factor only, and sacked grain are included.
        Schedule A, Table 2, covers fees for inspection and weighing 
    services where FGIS does not have an onsite laboratory at an 
    applicant's facility. The fees in this table are a mixture of hourly 
    rates and unit fees. They cover a vast array of specific services 
    presently provided under the current hourly rates. The hourly rates 
    applied in Table 2 are the appropriate rates from Table 1, unless 
    specific hourly rates are identified. Unit fees cover the time required 
    to perform the service plus a portion for overhead. The types of 
    service provided under these fees include inspection for grade and 
    factor for specific carriers probe sampled or sampled online, 
    additional services and testing (i.e., individual tests), Board appeals 
    and appeals, weighing (Class X and Y), and stowage examinations.
        Schedule A, Table 3, provides fees to cover a variety of services 
    not included in the previous tables. As with Table 2, the change in the 
    fee structure from an hourly fee that recovers all costs to a service-
    specific fee structure requires a listing of specific services 
    currently funded by the hourly rate. These service-specific fees are a 
    mixture of hourly rates and unit fees and apply to Grain Grading 
    Seminars, Certification of Diverter Samplers, Special Services, Scale 
    Testing and Certification, Evaluation of Weighing and Material Handling 
    Systems, National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) Prototype Evaluation 
    (this hourly rate applies to scales, moisture meters and NIR 
    analyzers), NTEP Prototype Evaluation of Railroad Track Scales, Mass 
    Standards Calibration and Reverification, Special Projects, Foreign 
    Travel, Online Customized Data Export Grain Information System (EGIS) 
    Service, Samples Provided to Interested Parties, Divided-Lot 
    Certificates, Extra Copies of Certificates, Faxing, Special Mailing, 
    and Preparing Certificates Onsite.
        Further, FGIS is establishing a unit fee to recover expenses 
    incurred when FGIS employees are requested to provide consulting 
    services outside the United States. Currently, there is no fee for 
    recovering costs of salary, travel, per diem, and related costs which 
    is not related to an official service provided on a shipment of grain 
    at the time of export from the United States. For example, an exporter 
    may ask for an FGIS microbiologist to consult with microbiologists in 
    an importing country to resolve adispute on the presence of grain 
    fungi; or a USDA cooperator may request an FGIS inspector to conduct 
    training for inspectors in an importing country.
        FGIS is also changing Secs. 800.72 and 800.73 of the regulations to 
    further clarify the application of fees covered in Schedule A. 
    Specifically, service provided under Schedule A covers service provided 
    within 25 miles of the employee's assigned duty point. Travel, per 
    diem, and other related costs are assessed for providing service beyond 
    the 25-mile limit. A minimum fee is established for services identified 
    in Table 2 performed outside of normal business hours Monday through 
    Comment Review
        FGIS received four comments during the 60-day comment period. Two 
    comments were from grain handling trade associations, one from a State, 
    and one from a steamship association. Both comments from the grain 
    handling trade associations were generally supportive of the proposed 
    rule; however, one commented that under the current hourly fees FGIS 
    field office managers are encouraged to assign more employees to a 
    shift than may be prudent. The commentor went on to say that the 
    proposed fee structure does promote a more fair allocation of costs, 
    but does not go far enough to reduce direct labor costs through job 
    consolidation or by assigning supervisory personnel collateral duty for 
    performing additional tests in those situations where the shift 
    supervisor or journeyman grader are qualified or capable of doing the 
    additional test.
    [[Page 43303]]
        FGIS does not agree that its field office managers are over 
    staffing shifts under the current hourly fees. FGIS further believes 
    that direct labor costs will be reduced through the new lower hourly 
    rate fee structure which includes a lower hourly rate for online 
    supervisory personnel and the recovery of overhead through a per-
    metric-ton administrative fee. FGIS does utilize its inspection 
    personnel to their maximum potential.
        The comment from the State was entirely supportive and encouraged 
    FGIS to adopt a unit fee for direct services provided to the industry 
    with minimum hourly rates.
        The comment from the steamship association requested that FGIS 
    maintain the current hourly rate with a small increase, that FGIS 
    increase the number of hours and personnel available for stowage 
    examinations, and that stowage examinations and stowage re-examinations 
    will cost more to the steamship line if the inspections are done in 
    different parts of the country.
        FGIS has determined that changing the way it collects fees from an 
    hourly rate to a combination of reduced hourly rates and unit fees is 
    the most equitable way to recover its costs and provide the grain 
    industry quality service. FGIS agrees re-examining ship holds will cost 
    more to the steamship line if the inspections are done in different 
    parts of the country. Therefore, FGIS is modifying the provisions for 
    charging for stowage examinations when the initial examination was 
    performed at a different port. FGIS will not charge the minimum fee and 
    will charge the per hold charge if the ship has moved from one port to 
        While the comment concerning FGIS increasing the hours and 
    personnel available for inspection is not within the scope of this 
    rulemaking, we do note that stowage examination is conducted generally 
    during daylight hours.
    Withdrawal of Interim Final Rule
        On January 8, 1993 (58 FR 3213), FGIS published an interim rule, 
    which would have implemented fee increases for official inspection and 
    weighing services, effective February 1, 1993. On January 21, 1993, 
    FGIS published in the Federal Register, a document indefinitely 
    postponing the fee increase. This action withdraws the interim final 
    rule published at 58 FR 3213.
    October 1, 1996, Effective Date
        The changes to the fee schedules made in this final rule are 
    effective October 1, 1996. That date corresponds to the beginning of 
    the 1997 fiscal year and the start of a new accounting cycle.
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 800
        Administrative practice and procedure; Grain.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 7 CFR Part 800 is amended 
    as follows:
        1. The authority citation for Part 800 continues to read as 
        Authority: Pub. L. 94-582, 90 Stat. 2867, as amended (7 U.S.C. 
    71 et seq.)
        2. Section 800.71 is amended by revising Schedule A to read as 
    Sec. 800.71  Fees assessed by the Service.
        (a) * * *
    Schedule A.--Fees for Official Inspection and Weighing Services 
    Performed in the United States
       Table 1.--Fees for Official Services Performed at an Applicant's Facility in an Onsite FGIS Laboratory \1\   
                                                                   Monday to    Monday to                           
                                                                   Friday  (6   Friday  (6   Saturday,              
                                                                   a.m. to  6   p.m. to  6  Sunday, and    Holidays 
                                                                     p.m.)        a.m.)       Overtime              
                     (1) Inspection and Weighing Services Hourly Rates (per service representative)                 
    1-year contract.............................................       $23.00       $24.80       $32.40       $39.00
    6-month contract............................................        25.00        26.80        34.40        43.60
    3-month contract............................................        28.00        29.80        37.40        46.60
    Noncontract.................................................        33.00        35.00        42.80        52.60
     (2) Additional Tests (cost per test, assessed in addition to the hourly
                                    rate) \3\                               
    (i) Aflatoxin (other than Thin Layer Chromatography)...........    $8.50
    (ii) Aflatoxin (Thin Layer Chromatography method)..............    20.00
    (iii) Soybean protein and oil (one or both)....................     1.50
    (iv) Wheat protein (per test)..................................     1.50
    (v) Sunflower oil (per test)...................................     1.50
    (vi) Vomitoxin (qualitative)...................................     7.50
    (vii) Vomitoxin (quantitative).................................    12.50
    (viii) Waxy corn (per test)....................................     1.50
    (ix) Fees for other tests not listed above will be based on the         
     lowest noncontract hourly rate.                                        
    (x) Other services                                                      
        (a) Class Y Weighing (per carrier).........................         
            (1) Truck/container....................................      .30
            (2) Railcar............................................     1.25
            (3) Barge..............................................     2.50
      (3) Administrative Fee (assessed in addition to all other applicable  
     fees, only one administrative fee will be assessed when inspection and 
              weighing services are performed on the same carrier).         
    (i) All outbound carriers (per-metric-ton) \4\                          
        (a) 1-1,000,000............................................   $0.090
        (b) 1,000,001-1,500,000....................................    0.082
        (c) 1,500,001-2,000,000....................................    0.042
        (d) 2,000,001-5,000,000....................................    0.032
        (e) 5,000,001-7,000,000....................................    0.017
    [[Page 43304]]
        (f) 7,000,001-.............................................    0.002
    (ii) Additional services (assessed in addition to all other             
     fees) \3\                                                              
        (a) Submitted sample (per sample-grade and factor).........     1.50
        (b) Submitted sample--Factor only (per factor).............    0.70 
    \1\ Fees apply for original inspection and weighing, reinspection, and  
      appeal inspection service include, but are not limited to, sampling,  
      grading, weighing, prior to loading stowage examinations, and         
      certifying results performed within 25 miles of an employee's assigned
      duty station. Travel and related expenses will be charged for service 
      outside 25 miles as found in Sec.  800.72(a).                         
    \2\ Overtime rates will be assessed for all hours in excess of 8        
      consecutive hours that result from an applicant scheduling or         
      requesting service beyond 8 hours, or if requests for additional      
      shifts exceed existing staffing.                                      
    \3\ Appeal and reinspection services will be assessed the same fee as   
      the original inspection service.                                      
    \4\ The administrative fee is assessed on an accumulated basis beginning
      at the start of the Service's fiscal year (October 1 each year).      
    Table 2.--Services Performed at Other Than an Applicant's Facility in an
                             FGIS Laboratory \1\ \2\                        
    (1) Original Inspection and Weighing (Class X) Services                 
      (i) Sampling only (use hourly rates from Table 1)                     
      (ii) Stationary lots (sampling, grade/factor, and                     
          (a) Truck/trailer/container (per carrier)..............     $17.60
          (b) Railcar (per carrier)..............................     $27.00
          (c) Barge (per carrier)................................    $173.60
          (d) Sacked grain (per hour per service representative             
           plus an administrative fee per hundredweight) (CWT)...      $0.02
      (iii) Lots sampled online during loading (sampling charge             
       under (i) above plus)                                                
          (a) Truck/trailer container (per carrier)..............      $9.40
          (b) Railcar (per carrier)..............................     $18.80
          (c) Barge (per carrier)................................    $107.60
          (d) Sacked grain (per hour per service representative             
           plus an administrative fee per hundredweight) (CWT)...      $0.02
      (iv) Other services                                                   
          (a) Submitted sample (per sample--grade and factor)....     $10.00
          (b) Warehouseman inspection (per sample)...............     $17.00
          (c) Factor only (per factor--maximum 2 factors)........      $4.10
          (d) Checkloading/condition examination (use hourly                
           rates from Table 1, plus an administrative fee per               
           hundredweight if not previously assessed) (CWT).......      $0.02
          (e) Reinspection (grade and factor only. Sampling                 
           service additional, item (i) above....................     $11.00
          (f) Class X Weighing (per hour per service                        
           representative).......................................     $43.60
      (v) Additional tests (excludes sampling)                              
          (a) Aflatoxin (per test--other than TLC method)........     $25.00
          (b) Aflatoxin (per test--TLC method)...................    $100.50
          (c) Soybean protein and oil (one or both)..............      $7.80
          (d) Wheat protein (per test)...........................      $7.80
          (e) Sunflower oil (per test)...........................      $7.80
          (f) Vomitoxin (qualitative)............................     $25.00
          (g) Vomitoxin (quantitative)...........................     $30.00
          (h) Waxy corn (per test)...............................      $9.00
          (i) Canola (per test--00 dip test)                           $9.00
          (j) Pesticide Residue Testing \3\                                 
            (1) Routine Compounds (per sample)...................    $200.00
            (2) Special Compounds (per service representative)...    $100.00
      (k) Fees for other tests not listed above will be based on            
       the lowest noncontract hourly rate from Table 1.                     
    (2) Appeal inspection and review of weighing service.\4\                
      (i) Board Appeals and Appeals (grade and factor)...........     $74.60
          (a) Factor only (per factor--max 2 factors)............     $38.00
          (b) Sampling service for Appeals additional (hourly               
           rates from Table 1)...................................           
      (ii) Additional tests (assessed in addition to all other              
       applicable fees)                                                     
          (a) Aflatoxin (per test, other than TLC)...............     $25.00
          (b) Aflatoxin (TLC)....................................    $110.00
          (c) Soybean protein and oil (one or both)..............     $15.30
          (d) Wheat protein (per test)...........................     $15.30
          (e) Sunflower oil (per test)...........................     $15.30
          (f) Vomitoxin (per test--qualitative)..................     $35.00
          (g) Vomitoxin (per test--quantitative).................     $40.00
          (h) Vomitoxin (per test--HPLC Board Appeal)............    $125.70
      (i) Pesticide Residue Testing \3\..........................           
          (1) Routine Compounds (per sample).....................    $200.00
          (2) Special Compounds (per service representative).....    $100.00
          (j) Fees for other tests not listed above will be based           
           on the lowest noncontract hourly rate from Table 1.              
      (iii) Review of weighing (per hour per service                        
       representative)...........................................     $63.50
    (3) Stowage examination (service-on- request)\3\                        
      (i) Ship (per stowage space) (minimum $250 per ship).......     $50.00
      (ii) Subsequent ship examinations (same as original)\5\               
       (minimum $150 per ship)                                              
          (iii) Barge (per examination)..........................     $40.00
          (iv) All other carriers (per examination)..............     $15.00
    \1\ Fees apply for original inspection and weighing, reinspection, and  
     appeal inspection service include, but are not limited to, sampling,   
     grading, weighing, prior to loading stowage examinations, and          
     certifying results performed within 25 miles of an employee's assigned 
     duty station. Travel and related expenses will be charged for service  
     outside 25 miles are found in Sec.  800.72 (a).                        
    \2\ An additional charge will be assessed when the revenue from the     
     services in Schedule A, Table 2, does not cover what would have been   
     collected at the applicable hourly rate as provided in Sec.  800.72    
    \3\ If performed outside of normal business, 1\1/2\ times the applicable
     unit fee will be charged.                                              
    \4\ If, at the request of the Service, a file sample is located and     
     forwarded by the Agency for an official appeal, the Agency may, upon   
     request, be reimbursed at the rate of $2.50 per sample by the Service. 
    \5\ If a ship has had, and passed, a stowage examination at one port    
     location but not loaded all holds examined, then moved to another port,
     the subsequent stowage examination shall charged the minimum hold fee  
     but only the per hold unit charge.                                     
                      Table 3.--Miscellaneous Services \1\                  
    (1) Grain grading seminars (per hour per service                        
     representative).............................................     $43.60
    [[Page 43305]]
    (2) Certification of diverter-type mechanical samplers (per             
     hour per service representative)............................     $43.60
    (3) Special services (per hour per service representative):..           
        (i) Scale testing and certification......................     $43.60
        (ii) Evaluation of weighing and material handling systems     $43.60
        (iii) NTEP Prototype evaluation (other than Railroad                
         Track Scales)...........................................     $43.60
        (iv) NTEP Prototype evaluation of Railroad Track Scales             
         (usage fee per day for test car)........................    $100.00
        (v) Mass standards calibration and reverification........     $43.60
        (vi) Special projects....................................     $43.60
    (4) Foreign travel (per day per service representative)......    $416.00
    (5) Online customized data EGIS service                                 
        (i) One data file per week for 1 year....................    $500.00
        (ii) One data file per month for 1 year..................    $300.00
    (6) Samples provided to interested parties (per sample)......      $2.50
    (7) Divided-lot certificates (per certificate)...............      $1.50
    (8) Extra copies of certificates (per certificate)...........      $1.50
    (9) Faxing (per page)........................................      $1.50
    (10) Special mailing (actual cost)...........................           
    (11) Preparing certificates onsite or during other than                 
     normal business hours (use hourly rates from Table 1).                 
    \1\ Any requested service that is not listed will be performed at the   
     applicable noncontract hourly rate.                                    
    \2\ Regular business hours-Monday thru Friday- service provided at other
     than regular hours charged at the applicable overtime hourly rate.     
                      *        *        *        *        *                 
        3. Section 800.72 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 800.72  Explanation of additional service fees for services 
    performed in the United States only.
        (a) When transportation of the service representative to the 
    service location (at other than a specified duty point) is more than 25 
    miles from an FGIS office, the actual transportation cost in addition 
    to the applicable hourly rate for each service representative will be 
    assessed from the FGIS office to the service point and return. When 
    commercial modes of transportation (e.g., airplanes) are required, the 
    actual expense incurred for the round-trip travel will be assessed. 
    When services are provided to more than one applicant, the travel and 
    other related charges will be prorated between applicants.
        (b) In addition to a 2-hour minimum charge for service on 
    Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, an additional charge will be assessed 
    when the revenue from the services in Sec. 800.71, Schedule A, Table 2, 
    does not equal or exceed what would have been collected at the 
    applicable hourly rate. The additional charge will be the difference 
    between the actual unit fee revenue and the hourly fee revenue. Hours 
    accrued for travel and standby time shall apply in determining the 
    hours for the minimum fee.
        4. Section 800.73 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 800.73  Computation and payment of service fees; general fee 
        (a) Computing hourly rates. The applicable hourly rate will be 
    assessed in quarter hour increments for:
        (1) Travel from the FGIS field office or assigned duty station to 
    the service point and return;
        (2) The performance of the requested service, less mealtime.
        (b) Application of fees when service is delayed or dismissed by the 
    applicant. The applicable hourly rate will be assessed for the entire 
    period of scheduled service when:
        (1) Service has been requested at a specified location;
        (2) A service representative is on duty and ready to provide 
    service but is unable to do so because of a delay not caused by the 
    Service; and
        (3 FGIS officials determine that the service representative cannot 
    be utilized to provide service elsewhere without cost to the Service.
        (c) Application of fees when an application for service is 
    withdrawn or dismissed. The applicable hourly rate will be assessed to 
    the applicant for the entire period of scheduled service if the request 
    is withdrawn or dismissed after the service representative departs for 
    the service point, or if the service request is not canceled by 2 p.m., 
    local time, the business day preceding the date of scheduled service. 
    However, the applicable hourly rate will not be assessed to the 
    applicant if FGIS officials determine that the service representative 
    can be utilized elsewhere or released without cost to the Service.
        (d) To whom fees are assessed. Fees for inspection, weighing, and 
    related services performed by service representatives, including 
    additional fees as provided in Sec. 800.72, shall be assessed to and 
    paid by the applicant for the service.
        (e) Monthly payment of administrative fee. At the option of the 
    applicant, an agreement for 12 equal monthly payments may be entered 
    into for payment of the administrative fee. These monthly payments will 
    be based on the previous fiscal year's volume applied to the current 
    year's administrative fee schedule. If the volume of grain inspected is 
    more than the amount of grain agreed upon at the beginning of the 
    fiscal year, at the point the agreed upon volume is exceeded, the 
    current year's administrative fee schedule shall apply to the remaining 
    amount of grain for the rest of the fiscal year. If the volume of grain 
    inspected is less than the agreed upon amount, any excess monies paid 
    to the Service shall be applied to the next fiscal year's 
    administrative fee unless a request for a refund is made by the 
        (f) Advance payment. As necessary, the Administrator may require 
    that fees shall be paid in advance of the performance of the requested 
    service. Any fees paid in excess of the amount due shall be used to 
    offset future billings, unless a request for a refund is made by the 
        (g) Form of payment. Bills for fees assessed under the regulations 
    in this part for official services performed by FGIS shall be paid by 
    check, draft, or money order, payable to the U.S. Department of 
    Agriculture, Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration.
        Dated: August 16, 1996.
    Shirley Watkins,
    Acting Assistant Secretary, Marketing and Regulatory Programs.
    [FR Doc. 96-21391 Filed 8-21-96; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Effective Date:
Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule and Withdrawal of Interim final rule.
Document Number:
October 1, 1996.
43301-43305 (5 pages)
0580-AA40: Fees for Official Inspection and Weighing Service
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (3)
7 CFR 800.71
7 CFR 800.72
7 CFR 800.73