96-24047. State of Texas; Approval of State Implementation Plan (SIP) Addressing the Sulfur Dioxide Emission Limit; Site-Specific Revision to the SIP for the Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA) Facility in Rockdale, TX  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 185 (Monday, September 23, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 49685-49688]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-24047]
    [[Page 49685]]
    40 CFR Part 52
    [TX-58-1-7256a; FRL-5557-8]
    State of Texas; Approval of State Implementation Plan (SIP) 
    Addressing the Sulfur Dioxide Emission Limit; Site-Specific Revision to 
    the SIP for the Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA) Facility in 
    Rockdale, TX
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Direct final rule.
    SUMMARY: This document announces the EPA's decision to approve a 
    September 20, 1995, request from the State of Texas for a site-specific 
    revision to the Texas sulfur dioxide (SO2) SIP. The revision 
    amends the SO2 emission limitations applicable to the ALCOA 
    facility in Milam County, Texas. In this action, the EPA is approving 
    Texas' SIP revision allowing an increase in lignite fuel emissions of 
    SO2 from 3.0 pounds per million British thermal units (lb/MMBtu) 
    to 4.0 lb/MMBtu. The SIP revision also includes new requirements for 
    limits on the sulfur content of the petroleum coke used at the ALCOA 
    facility and an increased stack height to ``Good Engineering 
    Practices'' (GEP) as defined in 40 CFR 51.100 (ii). Texas has modeled 
    these changes demonstrating that with the revisions the National 
    Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for SO2 will remain 
    DATES: This action is effective on November 22, 1996, unless adverse 
    comments are received by October 23, 1996. If the effective date is 
    delayed, timely notice will be published in the Federal Register.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be mailed to Thomas H. Diggs, Chief, Air 
    Planning Section (6PD-L), Environmental Protection Agency Region 6, 
    1445 Ross Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75202-2733. Copies of the State's 
    petition and other information relevant to this action are available 
    for inspection during normal hours at the following locations:
    Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, Air Planning Section (6PD-
    L), 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 1200, Dallas, TX 75202-2733.
    Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, Environmental 
    Protection Agency, 401 M. Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20460.
    Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Office of Air Quality, 
    12124 Park 35 Circle, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087.
        Anyone wishing to review this petition at the EPA office is asked 
    to contact the person below to schedule an appointment 24 hours in 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Petra Sanchez, Air Planning 
    Section (6PD-L), Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, 1445 Ross 
    Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75202-2733, telephone (214) 665-6686.
    I. Background
        On May 31, 1972 the EPA approved the original Texas SIP submission 
    allowing for 3.0 lbs/MMBtu SO2 emissions from solid fossil fuel-
    fired steam generators at the ALCOA plant. In 1979, ALCOA petitioned 
    the Texas Air Control Board (TACB), now the Texas Natural Resource 
    Conservation Commission (TNRCC), to allow relaxed SO2 emission 
    limitations for its power plant units.
        The 1979 relaxation increased the allowable SO2 limit to 5.0 
    lb/MMBtu, and was published in the Texas Register on July 6, 1979. 
    After a public hearing conducted by the TACB on November 13, 1979, 
    ALCOA modified its original petition and agreed to gradually lower the 
    SO2 emission limit from 5.0 lb/MMBtu SO2 to 4.5 lb/MMBtu in 
    1981, and eventually to 4.0 lb/MMBtu after January 1, 1982. The TACB 
    adopted this phased-in schedule on December 14, 1979, thus, lowering 
    the requirement to 4.0 lb/MMBtu, as it remains today in the Texas 
    regulations (see TAC Sec. 112.8). However, the increase in allowable 
    SO2 limits was not officially revised and submitted to the EPA for 
    approval as a SIP revision. Also in 1979, a new 545 MW power plant 
    (Sandow Four) was built, doubling the fuel capacity from 2.1 million to 
    5.6 million tons of lignite per year. Sandow Four is owned by TU 
    Electric Company and is under a contractual agreement with ALCOA to 
    supply most of its power to ALCOA's operations. Therefore, Sandow Four 
    Unit is not part of this SIP action but must meet more stringent 
    emissions limitations. Sandow Four has a Prevention of Significant 
    Deterioration (PSD) permit and is under New Source Performance 
    Standards (NSPS) as well thus, BACT (Best Available Control Technology) 
    applies. Under NSPS, Sandow Four is subject to a limitation of 1.2 lb/
    MMBtu SO2 emissions in accordance with 40 CFR 60, Subpart D.
    SIP Violation
        On May 5, 1981, the EPA issued a Notice of Violation to ALCOA for 
    exceeding the 3.0 lb/MMBtu SO2 limit in the approved 1972 SIP. 
    Without an approved SIP revision, ALCOA should have complied with the 
    3.0 lb/MMBtu limit under federal law rather than the higher state 
    limit. The SIP revision provided by Texas includes information on the 
    ALCOA facilities (i.e., Sandow One, Two, and Three) to ensure that a 
    sulfur limit relaxation for those units will result in acceptable 
    levels of SO2 concentrations and to ensure continued attainment of 
    the SO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standards. To support the 
    proposal, ALCOA submitted technical feasibility studies and economic 
    evaluations, supported by ambient monitoring data and dispersion 
    modeling. Compliance with the NAAQS and Prevention of Significant 
    Deterioration (PSD) increments for SO2 emission levels were 
    supported through modeling procedures. The final submittal from the 
    State contained limits on the use of sulfur-bearing fuels for the three 
    units to prevent potential violations of the SO2 NAAQS. A public 
    hearing announcement was published on May 11, 1995, and a hearing was 
    held on June 14, 1995, in Rockdale, Texas. No adverse comments were 
    received. Comments were generally supportive of the action. The EPA 
    found the SIP revision to be administratively complete in a letter 
    dated November 28, 1995. For further details on the SIP submittal, 
    please reference the Technical Support Document on file.
    Good Engineering Practice and Stack Height Increase at Sandow Three
        In June of 1995, ALCOA completed construction of a new stack for 
    Sandow Three to increase the height of the emission point from 81 to 
    161 meters. The increase in height helped avoid the down-washing effect 
    caused by the presence of large nearby structures. However, another 
    effect of increasing stack height is to disperse emissions over a 
    larger area, resulting in lower ambient concentrations without a true 
    emissions reduction in grams per second. To limit over-crediting, the 
    EPA federal regulations which define ``Good Engineering Practices'' 
    (GEP) for the stack height, were evaluated to ensure that emissions do 
    not result in excessive concentrations due to atmospheric downwash, or 
    wakes created by terrain or structures in the vicinity of a source. 
    Requirements, promulgated under 40 CFR Part 51, regulate stack height 
    ``credits'' instead of actual stack height.
        A GEP stack is defined under 40 CFR 51.100 (ii) by a formula that 
    relates stack height to the dimensions of nearby structures, thus 
    restricting stack increases to the modeling height necessary to avoid 
    over-crediting by dilution. It also specifies certain site-specific 
    demonstrations that are required to justify increases of an
    [[Page 49686]]
    existing stack to GEP formula height. The EPA interpretation of this 
    rule (stated in a July 29, 1992 memo from the EPA's Office of Air 
    Quality Planning and Standards to the EPA Directors) waives the 
    requirement for a site-specific demonstration if a new structure has 
    been built since the construction of the original stack. Thus, the 
    siting of a new nearby structure removes a presumption that the 
    original stack height is the GEP height, since the new structure may 
    create downwash effects that were not anticipated in the original stack 
    design. In ALCOA's case, the stack for Sandow Three was built in the 
    early 1950's and Sandow Four was built in the late 1970's on adjacent 
    property. The presence of the Sandow Four structure created new 
    downwash effects. Therefore, the stack height increase is allowed by 
    the EPA's stack height regulations, as long as it is within the 
    allowable height as defined by 40 CFR 51.100(ii).
    Dispersion Modeling Analysis
        Dispersion modeling was used to demonstrate that ambient SO2 
    concentrations are predicted to be below the NAAQS and allowable 
    Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) increments. Dispersion 
    modeling integrates historical meteorological data and continuous 
    industrial emissions to predict whether the population outside of a 
    facility's property could be exposed to SO2 levels above 
    applicable health-based standards.
        Alcoa hired Earth Tech/Sigma Research to conduct the modeling 
    analyses to demonstrate that the ALCOA aluminum reduction facility and 
    power plant was in compliance with the NAAQS. The PSD increments 
    modeling was also performed to determine whether an incremental 
    increase in SO2 emissions from three to four pounds per MMBtu heat 
    input at Units one, two, and three of the Sandow Power Plant would 
    cause any violations.
        The Industrial Source Complex--Short Term (ISCST2) model was used 
    to model the Sandow power plant point sources along with 132 non-ALCOA 
    background sources. The Buoyant Line and Point (BLP) Source model was 
    used to model all of the line and scrubber stacks for the aluminum 
    reduction facilities. The meteorological data used in the analyses were 
    obtained from the Austin surface station and the Stephenville upper air 
    station. The modeling was conducted in accordance to EPA's Guideline on 
    Air Quality Models and were generally consistent with the EPA's 
    regulatory recommendations.
    NAAQS Modeling Analysis
        The NAAQS analyses was performed in three phases. Results of the 
    ISCST2 model and BLP dispersion modeling runs were summed up to provide 
    ambient concentrations on an hourly basis for each receptor. Ambient 
    concentrations were then compared with the primary and secondary NAAQS. 
    The NAAQS limits are:
                             National SO2 Standards                         
                                                                   per cubic
                                NAAQS                             meter  (ug/
    Primary annual SO2..........................................         80 
    Primary 24-hour.............................................        365 
    Secondary 3-hour............................................      1,300 
        To demonstrate compliance with the SO2 NAAQS, four 
    alternatives were used (based on smelter production levels and sulfur 
    content in the anodes). As discussed in the Technical Support Document, 
    the modeling runs predicted no violations of the applicable NAAQS.
        The predicted concentrations for the annual average and the 
    highest-second-high (H2H) concentrations for three-hour and 24-hour 
    concentrations were below the SO2 NAAQS for all years evaluated. 
    The maximum annual concentrations for seven and eight lines scenarios 
    are 76.83 ug/m3 and 76.90 ug/m3, respectively. Both occur at 
    684900 easting and 3389100 northing, approximately six kilometers north 
    of the center of the ALCOA Rockdale facility. Meanwhile, the maximum 
    H2H 24-hour concentration which occurs with the 2.6 percent sulfur 
    content eight-line scenario is 355.29 ug/m3 at 683783 easting and 
    3381889 northing. The maximum H2H three-hour concentration which occurs 
    with the 3.0 percent sulfur content seven-line operating scenario is 
    1025.59 ug/m3 at 682500 easting and 3382000 northing.
    PSD Modeling Analysis
        In addition to the NAAQS evaluations, the EPA requires an analysis 
    to ensure that incremental increases of SO2 due to a SIP 
    relaxation will not cause a violation of the PSD increments. Milam 
    County is classified as a Class II area for the purpose of establishing 
    its allowable PSD increments.
        There are no Class III areas in Texas. Numerical increments for 
    SO2 are defined below as the maximum increase above baseline, 
    ambient concentrations.
                    Class II PSD Increment Standards for SO2                
                             PSD increment                            ug/m3 
    Annual SO2 average............................................        20
    24-hour SO2 average...........................................        91
    3-hour SO2 average............................................       512
        The PSD modeling analysis was also performed in three phases. For 
    the PSD analysis, the main ALCOA increment-consuming sources are Sandow 
    One, Two, and Three. These sources were modeled with ISCST2 using a 1.0 
    lb/MMBtu emission rate increase, representing the proposed increase in 
    allowable SO2 emission from 3.0 to 4.0 lb/MMBtu. Sandow Four was 
    also included in the modeling because it too consumes PSD increment. 
    The modeling predicted some exceedances of allowable PSD increments in 
    an area about thirty kilometers to the southwest of the ALCOA facility. 
    The predicted exceedances however, occurred inside the private property 
    owned by the Acme Brick Company.
    Closure of FM 1786 and Construction of Alternate Route
        The TNRCC modeling staff predicted excesses of the NAAQS on a 
    public roadway, Farm-to-Market Road 1786 (FM 1786), which was 
    originally built as an entrance into the plant. ALCOA confirmed these 
    possible impacts in their preliminary modeling efforts. After the 
    public hearing, ALCOA and Milam County agreed to provide an alternate 
    route as part of the county road system, resolving potential citizen 
    complaints. ALCOA eventually acquired a 2.4-mile section of FM 1786 and 
    privatized the road to limit its public access. On November 23, 1994, 
    the Governor of Texas signed the deed transferring this section of 
    roadway to ALCOA. With the closure of the former FM 1786, which is the 
    entrance to the Rockdale Operations Facility, measures to restrict 
    public access are to be taken. A gate has been installed and security 
    guards patrol for unauthorized entry.
        ALCOA is currently operating a monitoring network with two monitors 
    collecting data on SO2 concentrations, fluoride, wind speed, and 
    wind direction. The Agreed Order requires ALCOA to continue providing 
    ambient SO2 and meteorological monitors installed and operated at 
    the TNRCC approved sites in accordance with the Quality Assurance 
    Project Plan (QAPP) to ensure that the NAAQS are protected. The QAPP 
    was submitted to the TNRCC for approval and was approved on June
    [[Page 49687]]
    13, 1995. The TNRCC assumes all responsibility for ensuring quality 
    data collection, analysis, calibration, and reporting requirements from 
    ALCOA will protect the NAAQS. Monitoring reports submitted to the TNRCC 
    currently show no exceedances of the NAAQS.
        In order to protect the annual NAAQS, an annual limit of 3.1 
    million MW-hours of power generation from Sandow One, Two and Three is 
    imposed on the facility. This limit was used to calculate the annual 
    average for all four operating scenarios modeled. The Agreed Order 
    adopted by TNRCC and ALCOA ensure the annual limits will be enforced 
    and become federally enforceable through this SIP action. Within sixty 
    days after adoption of the Agreed Order by the TNRCC, ALCOA began a 
    fuel sampling program to determine continuous compliance with the 
    emissions limit of 4.0 lbs SO2/MMBtu.
        ALCOA is required to ensure that the total percentage of sulfur 
    contained in the new petroleum coke used in the anodes in the operating 
    potlines and portions of potlines do not exceed the following amount 
    when averaged over a thirty-day period and considering the number of 
    potlines in operation during that period:
                                                                 Percent SO2
                                                                  allowed in
                    Number of operating potlines                     new    
    8..........................................................          2.6
    7 or fewer.................................................          3.0
        When additional potlines or portions of potlines are started up or 
    shut down, the maximum allowable percentage of sulfur in the new 
    petroleum coke shall conform with the applicable sulfur limits stated 
    above. If ALCOA operates a portion of a potline between the number of 
    potlines specified above, the maximum allowable percentage of sulfur in 
    the new petroleum coke shall be determined by proportional 
    interpolations between the pair of limits specified above. ALCOA will 
    notify the TNRCC Regional Office ten (10) days prior to the start up or 
    shut down of any potline(s) or portions of potlines except that in the 
    case of an emergency shutdown, notice shall be given as soon as 
    reasonably possible.
        ALCOA is prohibited from using any new petroleum coke without test 
    reports or on-site testing demonstrating compliance. ALCOA is also 
    required to ensure that the sulfur content of the returned anode butts 
    is no greater than the sulfur content of the new petroleum coke used in 
    the manufacture of those returned anode butts. ALCOA will demonstrate 
    compliance with the total sulfur content limits specified in the Agreed 
    Order by limiting the percent sulfur in new petroleum coke to the 
    petroleum coke supplier and will require its supplier to sample, 
    analyze, and demonstrate that the total sulfur content complies with 
    ALCOA's percent sulfur specification before shipment of any single lot 
    of new petroleum coke is made. Test reports from suppliers may be used 
    to document the sulfur content of new petroleum coke, or on-site 
    testing of each incoming new petroleum coke shipment in accordance with 
    ASTM Methods D346-90 or ASTM D4239-85. ALCOA will maintain records 
    documenting compliance with the requirements of the Agreed Order. 
    Records will include computations which show the amounts and total 
    percent sulfur content of new petroleum coke and the sulfur content of 
    the returned anode butts used in production of anodes. The sulfur 
    content of the returned anode butts may be based on records of the new 
    petroleum coke that went into them and ALCOA records showing the 
    statistically established relationship between that sulfur content and 
    the sulfur content of returned anode butts.
    Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
        ALCOA will maintain a record of the gross power generated for each 
    calendar month, and of the gross power generated for the previous 
    twelve month period. Records will be made available upon request to the 
    TNRCC, the EPA or any local air pollution control agency having 
    jurisdiction. Periodic compliance demonstrations will be conducted at 
    least quarterly beginning with the calendar quarter ending December 31, 
    1995 using methods prescribed for the initial demonstration in the 
    Agreed Order. Results will be reported to the TNRCC and the EPA Region 
    VI no later than thirty days after the completion of testing.
        The provisions for the Milam County Agreed Order are adopted 
    through this SIP action. The Order includes SO2 maximum allowable 
    emissions limits, recordkeeping, reporting and compliance monitoring 
    requirements and other required stipulations briefly described in this 
    notice. For further details on compliance monitoring and record keeping 
    requirements please reference the Agreed Order and the Technical 
    Support Document.
    Final Rulemaking Action
        In today's action, the EPA is approving the ALCOA SIP revision 
    which includes among other things, TNRCC Agreed Order No. 95-0583-SIP. 
    Texas's revised Milam County SO2 Order creates an enforceable 
    restriction on the operations of a primary aluminum smelting plant and 
    three units of a lignite-fueled power plant at the ALCOA facility. This 
    action is also approving revisions to 31 TAC Chapter 112, section 
    112.8, ``Allowable Emissions From Solid Fossil Fuel-Fired Steam 
    Generators,'' Subsections 112.8(a) and 112.8(b). Adequate modeling 
    demonstrating that the NAAQS for SO2 and SO2 PSD increment 
    will be protected in Milam County, Texas was also provided.
        This action is being published without a prior proposal because the 
    EPA views this as a noncontroversial revision and anticipates no 
    adverse comments to the proposal. However, the EPA is publishing a 
    separate document in this Federal Register publication, which 
    constitutes a ``proposed approval'' of the requested SIP revision and 
    clarifies that the rulemaking will not be deemed final if timely 
    adverse or critical comments are filed. The ``direct final'' approval 
    shall be effective on November 22, 1996, unless the EPA receives 
    adverse or critical comments by October 23, 1996.
        If the EPA receives comments adverse to or critical of the approval 
    discussed above, the EPA will withdraw this approval before its 
    effective date by publishing a subsequent Federal Register document 
    which withdraws this final action. All public comments received will 
    then be addressed in a subsequent rulemaking document. Please be aware 
    that the EPA will institute a second comment period on this action only 
    if warranted by significant revisions to the rulemaking based on 
    comments received in response to this action. Any parties interested in 
    commenting on this action should do so at this time. If no such 
    comments are received, the EPA hereby advises the public that this 
    action will be effective on November 22, 1996.
        Nothing in this action should be construed as permitting, allowing 
    or establishing a precedent for any future request for revision to any 
    SIP. The EPA shall consider each request for revision to the SIP in 
    light of specific technical, economic, and environmental factors and in 
    relation to relevant statutory and regulatory requirements.
        This action has been classified as a Table 3 action for signature 
    by the Regional Administrator under the
    [[Page 49688]]
    procedures published in the Federal Register on January 19, 1989 (54 FR 
    2214-2225), as revised by a July 10, 1995, memorandum from Mary D. 
    Nichols, Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation. The Office of 
    Management and Budget (OMB) has exempted this regulatory action from 
    Executive Order 12866 review. Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates 
    Reform Act of 1995, signed into law on March 22, 1995, requires that 
    the EPA prepare a budgetary impact statement before promulgating a rule 
    that includes a Federal mandate that may result in expenditure by 
    State, local, and tribal governments, in aggregate, or by the private 
    sector, of $100 million or more in any one year. Section 203 requires 
    the EPA to establish a plan for obtaining input from and informing, 
    educating, and advising any small governments that may be significantly 
    or uniquely affected by the rule.
        Under section 205 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act, the EPA must 
    identify and consider a reasonable number of regulatory alternatives 
    before promulgating a rule for which a budgetary impact statement must 
    be prepared. The EPA must select from those alternatives the least 
    costly, most cost-effective, or least burdensome alternative that 
    achieves the objectives of the rule, unless the EPA explains why this 
    alternative is not selected or the selection of this alternative is 
    inconsistent with law.
        This final rule is estimated to result in the expenditure by State, 
    local, and tribal governments or the private sector of less then $100 
    million in any one year. Therefore the EPA has not prepared a budgetary 
    impact statement or specifically addressed the selection of the least 
    costly, most cost-effective, or least burdensome alternative. Small 
    governments will not be significantly or uniquely affected by this 
    rule. Hence, the EPA is not required to develop a plan with regard to 
    small governments. This rule only approves the incorporation of 
    existing State rules into the SIP. It imposes no additional 
        Under 5 U.S.C. 801 (a)(1)(A) as added by the Small Business 
    Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, EPA submitted a report 
    containing this rule and other required information to the U.S. Senate, 
    the U.S. House of Representatives and the Comptroller General of the 
    General Accounting Office prior to publication of the rule in today's 
    Federal Register. This rule is not a ``major rule'' as defined by 5 
    U.S.C. 804(2).
        Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 600 et seq., the EPA 
    must prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis assessing the impact of 
    any proposed or final rule on small entities (5 U.S.C. 603 and 604). 
    Alternatively, the EPA may certify that the rule will not have a 
    significant impact on a substantial number of small entities. Small 
    entities include small businesses, small not-for-profit enterprises, 
    and government entities with jurisdiction over populations of less than 
        SIP approvals under section 110 and subchapter I, part D of the Act 
    do not create any new requirements but simply approve requirements that 
    the State is already imposing. The Federal SIP approval does not impose 
    any additional requirements. Therefore, I certify that the SIP does not 
    have a significant impact on any small entities affected. Moreover, due 
    to the nature of the Federal-State relationship under the Act, 
    preparation of a regulatory flexibility analysis would constitute 
    Federal inquiry into the economic reasonableness of the State action. 
    The Act forbids the EPA to base its actions concerning SIPs on such 
    grounds. See Union Electric Co. v. EPA, 427 U.S. 246, 256-66 (S.Ct. 
    1976); 42 U.S.C. 7410(a)(2).
        Under section 307(b)(1) of the Act, petitions for judicial review 
    of this action must be filed in the United States Court of Appeals for 
    the appropriate circuit by November 22, 1996. Filing a petition for 
    reconsideration by the Regional Administrator of this final rule does 
    not affect the finality of this rule for the purposes of judicial 
    review nor does it extend the time within which a petition for judicial 
    review may be filed, and shall not postpone the effectiveness of such 
    rule or action. This action may not be challenged later in proceedings 
    to enforce its requirements. See section 307(b)(2).
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Incorporation by 
    reference, Sulfur oxides.
        Dated: August 9, 1996.
    Allyn M. Davis,
    Acting Regional Administrator.
        Title 40, part 52, of the Code of the Federal Regulations is 
    amended as follows:
    PART 52--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 52 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q.
    Subpart SS--Texas
        2. Section 52.2270 is amended by adding paragraph (c) (101) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 52.2270   Identification of Plan.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (101) Revisions to Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission 
    Regulation II and the Texas State Implementation Plan concerning the 
    Control of Air Pollution from Sulfur Compounds, submitted by the 
    Governor by cover letters dated October 15, 1992 and September 20, 
    1995. These revisions relax the SO2 limit from 3.0 lb/MMBtu to 4.0 
    lb/MMBtu, and include Agreed Order No. 95-0583-SIP, which stipulates 
    specific SO2 emission limit compliance methodologies for the 
    Aluminum Company of America, located in Rockdale, Texas.
        (i) Incorporation by reference.
        (A) Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Agreed Order No. 
    95-0583-SIP, approved and effective on August 23, 1995.
        (B) Revisions to 31 TAC Chapter 112, Section 112.8, ``Allowable 
    Emissions From Solid Fossil Fuel-Fired Steam Generators,'' Subsections 
    112.8(a) and 112.8(b) as adopted by the TNRCC on August 23, 1995.
        (ii) Additional material.
        (A) The State submittal entitled Revisions to the State 
    Implementation Plan Concerning Sulfur Dioxide in Milam County, dated 
    June 14, 1995.
        (B) The document entitled Dispersion Modeling Analysis of ALCOA 
    Rockdale Operations, Rockdale, Texas, dated April 28, 1995 (document 
    No. 1345-05).
    [FR Doc. 96-24047 Filed 9-20-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Direct final rule.
Document Number:
This action is effective on November 22, 1996, unless adverse comments are received by October 23, 1996. If the effective date is delayed, timely notice will be published in the Federal Register.
49685-49688 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
TX-58-1-7256a, FRL-5557-8
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 52.2270