96-26561. Streamlining Disclosure Requirements Relating to Significant Business Acquisitions  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 203 (Friday, October 18, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 54509-54517]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-26561]
    17 CFR Parts 210, 228, 239 and 249
    [Release Nos. 33-7355; 34-37802; FR-47; International Series No. 1021; 
    File No. S7-19-95]
    RIN 3235-AG47
    Streamlining Disclosure Requirements Relating to Significant 
    Business Acquisitions
    AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission.
    ACTION: Final rules.
    SUMMARY: The Commission is adopting revisions to its rules that will 
    streamline requirements with respect to financial statements of 
    significant business acquisitions in filings made under the Securities 
    Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: The rule revisions are effective November 18, 1996.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Douglas Tanner, (202) 942-2960, 
    Associate Chief Accountant, Office of Chief Accountant, or Walter Van 
    Dorn, (202) 942-2990, Special Counsel, Office of International 
    Corporate Finance, Division of Corporation Finance, U.S. Securities and 
    Exchange Commission, Washington, D.C. 20549.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Commission is adopting amendments to the 
    following rules and forms under the Securities Act of 1933 (the 
    ``Securities Act'') 1 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the 
    ``Exchange Act'') 2 concerning financial statements of acquired 
    (or to be acquired) businesses: Rule 3-05 of Regulation S-X,3 Item 
    310 of Regulation S-B,4 Item 17 of Form S-4,5 Item 17 of Form 
    F-4,6 and General Instructions and Item 7 of Form 8-K.7
        \1\ 15 U.S.C. 77a et seq.
        \2\ 15 U.S.C. 78a et seq.
        \3\ 17 CFR 210.3-05.
        \4\ 17 CFR 228.310.
        \5\ 17 CFR 239.25.
        \6\ 17 CFR 239.34.
        \7\ 17 CFR 249.308.
    I. Introduction
        On June 27, 1995, the Commission published for comment proposed 
    revisions to rules and forms that would streamline reporting 
    requirements concerning financial statements of acquired and to be 
    acquired businesses and require quarterly reporting of unregistered 
    equity offerings.8 The proposals were intended to reduce 
    impediments to registered offerings and address certain problematic 
    practices involving unregistered sales of equity securities of domestic 
    reporting companies purportedly in reliance on Regulation S.9 A 
    significant number of sales under Regulation S have been attributed to 
    the inability of issuers to meet the registration disclosure 
    requirement of providing audited financial statements of significant 
    businesses acquired or likely to be acquired.10 The Commission is 
    today adopting amendments to those requirements. In a companion release
    [[Page 54510]]
    issued today, the Commission is also adopting certain amendments 
    regarding requirements for reporting unregistered sales of equity 
    securities, including sales made under Regulation S.11
        \8\ Securities Act Release No. 7189 (June 27, 1995) [60 FR 
    35656] (the ``Proposing Release'').
        \9\ 17 CFR 230.901-904. Regulation S was adopted by the 
    Commission in 1990 to clarify the extraterritorial application of 
    the registration requirements of the Securities Act. See Release No. 
    33-6863 (Apr. 24, 1990) [55 FR 18306].
        \10\ See ``Recent Problems Arising Under Regulation S,'' 
    Insights, Volume 98, Number 8, August 1994.
        \11\ Release No. 34-37801 (Oct. 10, 1996).
        The amendments adopted today will allow companies in most 
    circumstances to provide information about significant acquisitions in 
    Securities Act registration statements on the same basis as for 
    Exchange Act reporting. The amendments eliminate in most cases the 
    impediment of obtaining audited financial statements for a business 
    acquisition more promptly than otherwise would be required. That 
    requirement may have caused companies to forgo public offerings and to 
    undertake private or offshore offerings. As discussed more completely 
    in Section II, the amended rules provide that financial statements of a 
    business acquired within the preceding 74 days or expected to be 
    acquired in the future need not be furnished in connection with most 
    initial and repeat offerings under the Securities Act if the business 
    falls below a 50% significance level. Those financial statements will 
    continue to be required to be filed in most cases on Form 8-K 
    subsequent to the offering. In addition, as discussed more completely 
    in Section III, the Commission is raising the thresholds of 
    significance that determine whether financial statements of an acquired 
    business must be provided in filings made under either the Securities 
    Act or the Exchange Act, and the number of years for which historical 
    financial statements must be furnished. Audited financial statements of 
    acquired businesses for one, two or three years were required under the 
    former rules for businesses significant at the 10%, 20%, and 40% 
    levels, respectively. The amended rules raise those thresholds to 20%, 
    40%, and 50%, respectively.
    II. Waiver of Financial Statements for Certain Pending and Recently 
    Completed Business Acquisitions in Registration Statements and Proxy 
        The amendments adopted today will eliminate in most circumstances 
    the requirement to include in Securities Act registration statements 
    audited financial statements for probable business acquisitions or for 
    business acquisitions that were consummated 74 or fewer days before a 
    registered offering of securities.12 Although the proposed rules 
    would have permitted omission of those financial statements in all 
    circumstances other than offerings by ``blank check companies,'' 
    13 the rules as adopted provide that financial statements of 
    probable and recently consummated business acquisitions will continue 
    to be required in registration statements of any issuer if the 
    acquisition would be significant above the 50% level using the tests 
    that have been previously established.14 As was permitted prior to 
    today's amendments, registered offerings that are not primarily of a 
    capital raising nature and certain private placements may go forward 
    without financial statements of an acquired business, regardless of its 
    significance, until 75 days following the acquisition.15
        \12\ See revisions to Rule 3-05 of Regulation S-X and Item 
    310(c) of Regulation S-B [17 CFR 210.3-05 and 17 CFR 228.310(c)]. 
    The date of an offering is specified as the date of a final 
    prospectus or prospectus supplement relating to the offering as 
    filed with the Commission pursuant to Rule 424(b) [17 CFR 
    230.424(b)] under the Securities Act.
        \13\ A ``blank check company'' is defined in Sec. 230.419 of 
    Regulation C [17 CFR 230.419(a)(2)].
        \14\ The significance of an acquired business is evaluated based 
    on: (i) the amount of the issuer's investment in the acquired 
    business; (ii) the total assets of the acquired business; and (iii) 
    the pre-tax income of the acquired business, all as compared to the 
    comparable items in the registrant's most recent audited annual 
    financial statements. [See 17 CFR 210.1-02(w) and 17 CFR 
        \15\ See Instruction 2 to Item 7 of Form 8-K.
        The Commission received nineteen comment letters on the Proposing 
    Release, of which seventeen generally supported conforming the 
    disclosure requirements under the Exchange Act and the Securities Act 
    for significant business acquisitions. Although some commenters 
    recommended that offerings be allowed to proceed without limitation as 
    to the size of the business acquisition, most commenters favored 
    limiting the waiver of financial statements to acquisitions below some 
    particular significance level. Among the commenters supporting a limit, 
    the recommended thresholds for disclosure varied greatly, ranging from 
    10% to 80%.
        As adopted, the amendments to Rule 3-05 of Regulation S-X and Item 
    310 of Regulation S-B require inclusion of the audited financial 
    statements in registration statements only if the pending or recent 
    acquisition exceeds the 50% significance level. The Commission believes 
    it is an appropriate policy to strive to remove obstacles to proceeding 
    with registered offerings despite pending or recent acquisitions, but 
    recognizes that an acquisition could be so large relative to an issuer 
    that investors would need financial statements of the acquired business 
    for a reasoned evaluation of any primary capital raising transaction by 
    the issuer. The selection of the 50% significance level reflects a 
    weighing of conflicting considerations in the light of comments 
    received on the proposal.
        The amended rules do not require the financial statements of 
    businesses below the 50% significance level to be included in 
    registration statements until 75 days after consummation of the 
    acquisition, although registrants may choose to do so on a voluntary 
    basis. Under the proposal, the requirement to furnish financial 
    statements in registration statements would have been automatically 
    waived until the 75th day unless the financial statements were readily 
    available at an earlier time, which was similar to the requirement for 
    Exchange Act reporting purposes.16 Eight commenters criticized the 
    term ``readily available'' as vague and unworkable. In that regard, 
    several commenters observed that, although an acquired business's 
    financial statements may have been audited previously, filing of the 
    financial statements may be delayed while consents and representations 
    are obtained, due diligence procedures are performed, pro forma 
    information is prepared, and compliance with all filing requirements is 
    ascertained. While some issuers may choose to complete promptly all 
    steps necessary to file the financial statements well in advance of the 
    75th day deadline, others may schedule these activities solely to 
    ensure that the financial statements can be filed by the final date 
    due. Because of the discretion exercisable by issuers, the ``readily 
    available'' criterion would not appear to result in more prompt filing 
    of financial statements nor would it be interpreted consistently by 
    issuers. Accordingly, as adopted, the rule omits the ``readily 
    available'' criterion for presenting financial statements during the 
    75-day period. A conforming change to the requirements of Form 8-K also 
    has been adopted.17
        \16\ A Form 8-K reporting a significant acquisition is required 
    to be filed within 15 days of consummation of the acquisition. If 
    financial statements of the acquired business are not available, 
    they are required to be filed by amendment to the Form 8-K as soon 
    thereafter as practicable, but not later than 60 days after the 
    initial report is filed. See General Instructions and Items 2 and 
    7(a)(4) of Form 8-K.
        \17\ See revisions to Item 7 of Form 8-K.
        As contemplated by the proposal, today's amendments provide that 
    the pro forma financial information required by Regulation S-X to 
    depict the effects of a business acquisition need not be furnished 
    unless the financial statements of the acquiree are furnished. Article 
    11 of Regulation S-X is amended to conform the significance threshold 
    for providing pro forma financial statements in connection with
    [[Page 54511]]
    business acquisitions to the minimum 20% significance level in Rule 3-
    05 and Item 310 of Regulation S-B.18
        \18\ See revisions to Rule 11-01 of Regulation S-X and Item 
    310(c) of Regulation S-B [17 CFR 210.11-01 and 228.310(c)].
        Other than the changes described herein affecting the financial 
    statements and pro forma information required pursuant to Rules 3-05 
    and Article 11 of Regulation S-X and Item 310 of Regulation S-B, the 
    amendments do not change the information required in filings with 
    respect to significant acquisitions. For example, likely effects of a 
    probable or recently consummated business combination are required to 
    be discussed in Management's Discussion and Analysis, to the extent 
    material.19 In addition, an issuer's financial statements must 
    include disclosures regarding the terms and effects of material 
    business combinations to the extent required by generally accepted 
    accounting principles.20
        \19\ See Item 303 of Regulations S-K and S-B [17 CFR 229.303 and 
        \20\ Material terms, significant accounting policies applied, 
    and certain summarized pro forma information must be included with 
    respect to material business combination in a note to financial 
    statements for the period in which the transaction occurs. See 
    paragraphs 95 and 96 of Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 16, 
    ``Business Combinations.'' Comparable summary disclosure is required 
    in interim financial statements pursuant to Rule 10-01(b)(4) of 
    Regulation S-X [17 CFR 210.10-01(b)(4)].
        The Commission recognizes the difficulty in determining the 
    disclosure to be made regarding significant transactions and events 
    that occur in proximity to an issuer's capital raising activities 
    before complete and reliable information becomes available. Issuers may 
    conclude in some cases that an offering must be delayed until 
    significant uncertainties are resolved, or at least until they are 
    identified fully, while in other cases no delay is necessary because 
    adequate disclosure can be furnished. One commenter recommended that a 
    safe harbor be provided for disclosures pertaining to significant 
    acquisitions until audited financial statements are available. Since a 
    business acquisition is not fundamentally different from other 
    significant events affecting issuers and requiring careful 
    consideration of the appropriate disclosure to be made in Management's 
    Discussion and Analysis and the financial statements, the Commission 
    believes it is not appropriate at this time to address separately the 
    need for a safe harbor.
        A domestic company may proceed with a registered offering of 
    securities without financial statements of a recent or probable 
    acquiree in the circumstances described above, but it is required by 
    Form 8-K to file financial statements of each significant acquired 
    business within 75 days of consummation of the acquisition.21 
    Although the amended rules apply to offerings of domestic and foreign 
    issuers alike, foreign private issuers are not subject to quarterly or 
    Form 8-K reporting rules. Several commenters believed that foreign 
    issuers should be required to file the financial statements within some 
    specified time after completion of a business acquisition as a 
    condition for omission of the acquiree's financial statements in a 
    registration statement under the new rules. However, a requirement to 
    furnish those financial statements would modify significantly the 
    foreign private issuer's interim and current events reporting 
    requirements, which rely generally on home country standards and 
    already contemplate that investors in securities of foreign private 
    issuers will not necessarily receive the information customarily 
    provided by domestic issuers regarding significant business 
    acquisitions. Consequently, no amendment to require a special report by 
    foreign private issuers is adopted.
        \21\ See Item 2 and Item 7 of Form 8-K [17 CFR 249.308]. Also, 
    under the rules as revised, an issuer, other than a foreign private 
    issuer, that omits financial statements of a recently consummated 
    business combination from its initial registration statement in 
    reliance on the new rules must furnish those financial statements, 
    and related pro forma information, within 75 days of the 
    consummation of the acquisition under cover of Form 8-K.
        The Commission also had proposed to eliminate the requirement that 
    issuers provide in registration statements audited financial statements 
    of recently acquired businesses that, in the aggregate, but not 
    individually, are significant at the 20% level.22 Although a 
    number of commenters supported elimination of the requirement, several 
    commenters observed that individually insignificant businesses could be 
    so numerous as to become material, or could be components of a broader 
    acquisition plan that is material.
        \22\ Under the former rules, if the businesses in aggregate 
    exceeded the 20% level under the tests for significance, the issuer 
    was required to furnish audited financial statements of the most 
    recent fiscal year for a majority of the individually insignificant 
    businesses. See Rule 3-05(b)(i) of Regulation S-X.
        To address these concerns, the amendments adopted today provide 
    that the acquisition of ``related businesses'' should be treated as a 
    single business combination for purposes of determining the 
    transaction's significance under Rule 3-05 and the periods for which 
    financial statements of those businesses are required. The amendment 
    codifies present staff interpretive practices concerning acquisitions 
    of related businesses. The amended rule defines related businesses as 
    businesses under common ownership or management or whose acquisitions 
    are conditional on each other or on a single common condition.23
        \23\ See revisions to Rule 3-05(a)(3).
        In addition, the amended rules require one year of audited 
    financial statements of a majority of individually insignificant 
    businesses acquired subsequent to the issuer's latest audited balance 
    sheet date if, in the aggregate, the businesses are significant at a 
    level exceeding 50%.24 Accordingly, the amendment raises the 
    threshold for the requirement to furnish financial statements of 
    individually insignificant businesses from the present 20% level to 
        \24\ Instructions to Item 2 of Form 8-K are amended to clarify 
    that acquisitions of individually insignificant businesses do not 
    result in a reporting requirement under that item unless the 
    businesses are related businesses, as defined. See revisions to 
    Instruction to Item 2 of Form 8-K.
        Although there may be other circumstances in which investors would 
    want audited financial statements of individually insignificant 
    businesses to be provided, the Commission believes that extending the 
    requirement to other circumstances would unintentionally impose a 
    costly and unnecessary burden. Existing rules permit the staff to 
    exercise appropriate discretion where warranted in determining that 
    financial statements in addition to those expressly required by a form 
    should be provided for an adequate presentation of an issuer's 
    financial condition, as well as to permit the omission of required 
    financial statements where consistent with investor protection.25
        \25\ 17 CFR 210.3-13.
        Consistent with the proposal, the amendments do not modify the 
    requirement to furnish audited financial statements of a business to be 
    acquired if securities are being registered in connection with the 
    acquisition of that business.26 In such a registration statement, 
    however, the issuer may rely on the amended rules with respect to 
    omission of other pending or recently completed acquisitions. The 
    amended rules apply to proxy statements and registration statements 
    under the Exchange Act, but do not change the proxy statement 
    requirement of Item 14 of Schedule 14A to provide financial statements 
    of a business to be acquired.27 Accordingly, the financial
    [[Page 54512]]
    statements of the acquiree will continue to be required in registration 
    statements and proxy statements delivered to shareholders in connection 
    with the solicitation of their approval of the acquisition transaction 
    or other investment decision.28
        \26\ Forms S-4 and F-4 do provide certain accommodations with 
    respect to acquirees that are not reporting companies under the 
    Exchange Act. See Item 17 in each Form [17 CFR 239.25 and 34].
        \27\ If action is to be taken with respect to a merger, 
    consolidation, acquisition or similar matters, financial statements 
    of an acquired business that is the subject of the action are 
    required pursuant to Item 14 [17 CFR 240.14a-101.14].
        \28\ The Commission may consider in the future certain 
    recommendations to modify requirements for financial statements of 
    nonreporting companies in registration statements relating to 
    exchange offers. See Section VI.B.2 of the Report of the Task Force 
    on Disclosure Simplification, published by the Commission on March 
    6, 1996.
        The revisions adopted today do not effect Rule 3-14 of Regulation 
    S-X governing financial statements required for acquired operating real 
    estate properties.29 Several commenters expressed the view that 
    clarification or modification of that rule was needed. In the future, 
    the Commission may address generally disclosure requirements applicable 
    to real estate partnerships, real estate investment trusts, and similar 
    types of businesses. Because Rule 3-14 is intended to address unique 
    features of that industry, such as the ``blind pool'' type of offering 
    frequently used in the industry, the Commission has decided to consider 
    revision of Rule 3-14 in the context of its evaluation of a more 
    comprehensive disclosure scheme.30
        \29\ Audited income statements of significant acquired or to be 
    acquired operating real estate properties are required to be 
    furnished pursuant to Rule 3-14 of Regulation S-X and Item 310(e) of 
    Regulation S-B [17 CFR 210.3-14 and 228.310(e)]. The income 
    statements are required to be presented only for the most recent 
    fiscal year, regardless of significance, if the property is not 
    acquired from a related party and the registrant is not aware of any 
    material factors relating to the specific property that would cause 
    the reported financial information not to be necessarily indicative 
    of future operating results. The income statements may exclude items 
    not comparable to the proposed future operation of the property, 
    such as mortgage interest, leasehold rental, depreciation, corporate 
    expenses and federal and state income taxes.
        \30\ See Section IX.E. of the Report of the Task Force on 
    Disclosure Simplification, published by the Commission on March 6, 
    1996, which discusses recommendations to streamline and update 
    requirements of Industry Guide 5 pertaining to partnerships and 
    III. Increased Significance Thresholds for Acquiree Financial 
        The rules amended today raise the thresholds at which an acquired 
    business will be considered significant enough to require the provision 
    of its audited financial statements in filings made under either the 
    Exchange Act or the Securities Act. Issuers are required to report 
    under Form 8-K the acquisition of a significant business within 15 days 
    of consummation of that transaction. Prior to today's amendments, 
    issuers were required to furnish audited financial statements of the 
    acquired business as soon as practicable thereafter, but no later than 
    60 days after the initial report on Form 8-K. Audited financial 
    statements for one, two or three years were required if the acquired 
    business was significant at the 10%, 20% or 40% levels, 
    respectively.31 A small business issuer could omit audited 
    financial statements of an acquired business falling below the 20% 
    level if they were not readily available, and could omit under similar 
    circumstances the first of two years of financial statements required 
    if the acquired business was between the 20% and 40% significance 
    level. Financial statements for periods preceding the two most recent 
    fiscal years are not required in filings by small business 
        \31\ See General Instructions and Items 2 and 7 of Form 8-K.
        \32\ See Item 310 of Regulation S-B [17 CFR 228.310].
        As originally proposed, the rules applicable to businesses acquired 
    by small business issuers would be extended to all issuers, except that 
    the present requirement applicable to all issuers other than small 
    business issuers--that three years of audited financial statements must 
    be furnished for acquirees exceeding the 40% significance level--would 
    be retained.33 The Commission requested comment as to the 
    appropriate significance threshold for determining when financial 
    statements that are not readily available should be waived.
        \33\ See old Item 310(c) of Regulation S-B [17 CFR 228.310(c)].
        As discussed above, many commenters criticized the ``readily 
    available'' criterion because of the possibility of different 
    interpretations and, therefore, different levels of disclosure based on 
    factors such as an issuer's discretionary scheduling of activities 
    necessary to furnish the financial statements. In addition, several 
    commenters favored raising the significance thresholds for required 
    financial statements and believed that a requirement for readily 
    available financial statements at lower thresholds was unnecessary. 
    Several commenters expressed the view that imposition of the costs of 
    providing financial statements of acquired businesses was justified 
    only at thresholds higher than those in place currently.
        The amendments to Rule 3-05 of Regulation S-X and Item 310 of 
    Regulation S-B adopted today do not include a ``readily available'' 
    criterion, and provisions of Item 310 of Regulation S-B are amended in 
    a conforming fashion to eliminate requirements to furnish financial 
    statements based on availability.34 The amended rules provide that 
    audited financial statements of an acquired business should be 
    furnished for the most recent fiscal year if the significance of the 
    acquiree exceeds 20%, for the most recent two years if significance 
    exceeds 40%, and, except with respect to issuers making offerings under 
    Regulation S-B and acquired businesses reporting annual revenues of 
    less than $25 million, for the latest three years if the significance 
    exceeds 50%. No financial statements will be required for acquisitions 
    below the 20% significance threshold.35
        \34\ See revisions to Item 310(c) of Regulation S-B. Also, a 
    technical correction revises a reference in Form 8-K to paragraphs 
    of Item 310 of Regulation S-B. See revisions to the General 
    Instructions to Form 8-K.
        \35\ See revisions to Rule 3-05 of Regulation S-X and Item 
    310(c) of Regulation S-B.
        The threshold at which audited financial statements of an acquired 
    business are required for three years, as required for the issuer 
    itself (except for small business issuers), has been raised from 40% to 
    50% in recognition of the significant burden imposed by the lower 
    threshold. In addition, consistent with the criteria for small business 
    issuers, financial statements for periods preceding the most recent two 
    fiscal years would not be required for acquired businesses reporting 
    revenues below $25 million.36
        \36\ See Item 10 of Regulation S-B [17 CFR 228.10].
        The revised rules are expected to be less subjective in their 
    application. Also, they will accomplish the goal of reducing the burden 
    of providing audited financial statements of acquired businesses, 
    thereby increasing issuers' flexibility to make registered offerings 
    without jeopardizing investor protection. Although investors will 
    receive less information about some business acquisitions under the 
    revised rules, the Commission believes that the benefits of the 
    amendments outweigh that cost.
    IV. Cost-Benefit Analysis
        It is expected that the amendments will decrease registrants' costs 
    and compliance burdens because the instances in which financial 
    statements of acquired businesses and the number of years for which 
    such financial statements are required will be reduced, enabling 
    issuers to avoid the cost of preparing and auditing those statements. 
    The amendments also are expected to reduce impediments to sales of 
    securities in registered offerings, enabling companies the flexibility 
    [[Page 54513]]
    raise capital at a lower cost that may be available through 
    unregistered sales.
    V. Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
        The Commission has prepared a Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis 
    pursuant to the requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act,37 
    regarding the amendments to Rule 3-05 of Regulation S-X, Item 310 of 
    Regulation S-B, Form S-4 and Form F-4 and Form 8-K. The analysis notes 
    that these amendments relating to financial statement requirements for 
    acquired businesses will provide issuers greater flexibility and 
    efficiency in accessing the public securities markets.
        \37\ 5 U.S.C. 603 (1988).
        As stated in the analysis, the amendments would eliminate certain 
    requirements that a company registering securities under the Securities 
    Act provide information, including audited financial statements, in the 
    registration statement about significant acquisitions from such time as 
    the acquisition is probable, and provide an automatic waiver in some 
    circumstances for such financial statements under the Exchange Act. The 
    reduction in expense, time and effort resulting from the elimination of 
    this requirement will benefit all entities that issue securities in the 
    United States, including small entities. An additional expected benefit 
    of the amendments would be that offerings may be registered for sale in 
    the United States in situations where hitherto investors in the United 
    States would have been excluded due to the time and expense involved in 
    registration. A resulting increase in registered offerings in the 
    United States by issuers could be expected to increase ease of 
    investment for small U.S. entities acting as investors.
        As stated in the analysis, the proposed amendments would eliminate 
    certain requirements that a company registering securities under the 
    Securities Act provide information in a registration statement, 
    including audited financial statements, about significant acquisitions 
    from such time as the acquisition is probable, and would provide an 
    automatic waiver in some circumstances for such financial statements 
    under the Exchange Act.
        It is expected that the new rules will decrease reporting, 
    recordkeeping and compliance burdens for persons that are small 
    entities, as defined by the Commission's rules. The Commission is aware 
    of approximately 1,100 reporting companies that currently satisfy the 
    definition of ``small business'' under Rule 157. With respect to the 
    amended Securities Act filing requirements, only small businesses that 
    undertake a registered offering during the pendency of an acquisition 
    will be affected. Of the above-referenced 1,100 companies, the 
    Commission staff estimates that a maximum of approximately 50 companies 
    will be affected in any single fiscal year. The Commission staff does 
    not believe any will be negatively affected by these amendments. With 
    respect to the amended Exchange Act reporting requirements, the 
    Commission staff does not believe the amendments will have any 
    significant effect on the such 1,100 companies. Therefore, the economic 
    impact of the proposed amendments would be only to lessen the 
    regulatory, reporting, recordkeeping and compliance burden on all 
    reporting entities, both small and large.
        A copy of the Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis may be obtained 
    by contacting Walter Van Dorn, Office of International Corporate 
    Finance, Division of Corporation Finance at (202) 942-2990, U.S. 
    Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, 
    D.C. 20549.
    VI. Paperwork Reduction Act
        In June, 1995, the staff submitted to the Office of Management and 
    Budget (``OMB'') for review proposals to amend the following 
    information collections: Form 10, Form 8-K, Form S-1, Form S-2, Form S-
    3, Form SB-1, Form SB-2, Form 20-F, Form F-1, Form F-2, and Form F-
    3.\38\ These information collections display an OMB control number and 
    expiration date.\39\ The information collections are required to be 
    filed by companies registering securities under the Securities Act. The 
    Commission solicited comment on the compliance burdens associated with 
    the proposals but received no public comment on the burden estimates.
        \38\ There are no changes regarding the purpose, use or 
    necessity of the information collections for which OMB approval was 
    requested, nor are there changes to the estimates of reporting or 
    recordkeeping burden expected to result from adoption of the 
    proposed amendments. See the Proposing Release for estimates of 
    changes in reporting or recordkeeping burden.
        \39\ Unless a currently valid OMB number is displayed, an agency 
    may not sponsor or conduct or require response to an information 
    collection pursuant to 44 U.S.C. Sec. 3506(c)(1)(B).
        As discussed in Sections II and III of this release, some changes 
    to the information collections are being adopted that differ from the 
    proposed changes to such information collections. Specifically, audited 
    annual and unaudited interim financial statements of business acquired 
    or to be acquired will no longer be required in filings made under the 
    Exchange Act or Securities Act with respect to individual acquisitions 
    below the 20% significance level or individually insignificant 
    acquisitions below the 50% significance level. Only one year of audited 
    financial statements, rather than two years, will be required for 
    acquisitions falling in the 20% to 40% significance levels; and only 
    two years, rather than three years, of audited financial statements 
    will be required for acquisitions falling in the 40% to 50% 
    significance levels. The amendments also permit omission of audited 
    financial statements of acquired businesses between the 20% and 50% 
    significance levels from registration statements and proxy materials in 
    certain circumstances, although those financial statements will be 
    required at a later date in a Form 8-K. Although some of the 
    differences will increase the total annual burdens estimated at the 
    proposing stage, other differences will decrease the burdens estimated 
    at the proposing stage. The overall effect is that the differences will 
    not result in any significant changes to the total burden estimates 
    that were submitted to OMB at the proposing stage.
    VII. Statutory Bases
        The foregoing amendments to the Commission's rules and forms are 
    being adopted pursuant to sections 2, 3, 4 and 19 of the Securities Act 
    of 1933 and 3(b), 4A, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 23 of the Securities 
    Exchange Act of 1934.
    List of Subjects in 17 CFR Parts 210, 228, 239, and 249
        Accountants, Accounting, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 
    Securities, Small businesses.
    Text of Amendments
        In accordance with the foregoing, title 17, chapter II of the Code 
    of Federal Regulations is to be amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 210 continues to read as 
        Authority: 15 U.S.C. 77f, 77g, 77h, 77j, 77s, 77aa(25), 
    77aa(26), 78l, 78m, 78n, 78o(d), 78w(a), 78ll(d), 79e(b), 79j(a), 
    79n, 79t(a), 80a-8, 80a-20, 80a-29, 80a-30, 80a-37a, unless 
    otherwise noted.
        2. By amending Sec. 210.3-05 by revising paragraphs (a)(3) and (b) 
    to read as follows:
    [[Page 54514]]
    Sec. 210.3-05   Financial statements of businesses acquired or to be 
        (a) * * *
        (3) Acquisitions of a group of related businesses that are probable 
    or that have occurred subsequent to the latest fiscal year-end for 
    which audited financial statements of the registrant have been filed 
    shall be treated under this section as if they are a single business 
    combination. The required financial statements of related businesses 
    may be presented on a combined basis for any periods they are under 
    common control or management. For purposes of this section, businesses 
    shall be deemed to be related if:
        (i) They are under common control or management;
        (ii) The acquisition of one business is conditional on the 
    acquisition of each other business; or
        (iii) Each acquisition is conditioned on a single common event.
    * * * * *
        (b) Periods to be presented. (1) If securities are being registered 
    to be offered to the security holders of the business to be acquired, 
    the financial statements specified in Secs. 210.3-01 and 210.3-02 shall 
    be furnished for the business to be acquired, except as provided 
    otherwise for filings on Form N-14, S-4 or F-4 (Secs. 239.23, 239.25 or 
    239.34 of this chapter). The financial statements covering fiscal years 
    shall be audited except as provided in Item 14 of Schedule 14A 
    (Sec. 240.14a-101 of this chapter) with respect to certain proxy 
    statements or in registration statements filed on Forms N-14, S-4 or F-
    4 (Secs. 239.23, 239.25 or 239.34 of this chapter).
        (2) In all cases not specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, 
    financial statements of the business acquired or to be acquired shall 
    be filed for the periods specified in this paragraph (b)(2) or such 
    shorter period as the business has been in existence. The periods for 
    which such financial statements are to be filed shall be determined 
    using the conditions specified in the definition of significant 
    subsidiary in Sec. 210.1-02(w) as follows:
        (i) If none of the conditions exceeds 20 percent, financial 
    statements are not required. However, if the aggregate impact of the 
    individually insignificant businesses acquired since the date of the 
    most recent audited balance sheet filed for the registrant exceeds 50%, 
    financial statements covering at least the substantial majority of the 
    businesses acquired shall be furnished. Such financial statements shall 
    be for at least the most recent fiscal year and any interim periods 
    specified in Secs. 210.3-01 and 210.3-02.
        (ii) If any of the conditions exceeds 20 percent, but none exceed 
    40 percent, financial statements shall be furnished for at least the 
    most recent fiscal year and any interim periods specified in 
    Secs. 210.3-01 and 210.3-02.
        (iii) If any of the conditions exceeds 40 percent, but none exceed 
    50 percent, financial statements shall be furnished for at least the 
    two most recent fiscal years and any interim periods specified in 
    Secs. 210.3-01 and 210.3-02.
        (iv) If any of the conditions exceeds 50 percent, the full 
    financial statements specified in Secs. 210.3-01 and 210.3-02 shall be 
    furnished. However, financial statements for the earliest of the three 
    fiscal years required may be omitted if net revenues reported by the 
    acquired business in its most recent fiscal year are less than $25 
        (3) The determination shall be made by comparing the most recent 
    annual financial statements of each such business, or group of related 
    businesses on a combined basis, to the registrant's most recent annual 
    consolidated financial statements filed at or prior to the date of 
    acquisition. However, if the registrant made a significant acquisition 
    subsequent to the latest fiscal year-end and filed a report on Form 8-K 
    (Sec. 249.308 of this chapter) which included audited financial 
    statements of such acquired business for the periods required by this 
    section and the pro forma financial information required by 
    Sec. 210.11, such determination may be made by using pro forma amounts 
    for the latest fiscal year in the report on Form 8-K (Sec. 249.308 of 
    this chapter) rather than by using the historical amounts of the 
    registrant. The tests may not be made by ``annualizing'' data.
        (4) Financial statements required for the periods specified in 
    paragraph (b)(2) of this section may be omitted to the extent specified 
    as follows:
        (i) Registration statements not subject to the provisions of 
    Sec. 230.419 of this chapter (Regulation C) and proxy statements need 
    not include separate financial statements of the acquired or to be 
    acquired business if it does not exceed any of the conditions of 
    significance in the definition of significant subsidiary in Sec. 210.1-
    02 at the 50 percent level, and either:
        (A) The consummation of the acquisition has not yet occurred; or
        (B) The date of the final prospectus or prospectus supplement 
    relating to an offering as filed with the Commission pursuant to 
    Sec. 230.424(b) of this chapter, or mailing date in the case of a proxy 
    statement, is no more than 74 days after consummation of the business 
    combination, and the financial statements have not previously been 
    filed by the registrant.
        (ii) An issuer, other than a foreign private issuer required to 
    file reports on Form 6-K, that omits from its initial registration 
    statement financial statements of a recently consummated business 
    combination pursuant to paragraph (b)(4)(i) of this section shall 
    furnish those financial statements and any pro forma information 
    specified by Article 11 of this chapter under cover of Form 8-K 
    (Sec. 249.308 of this chapter) no later than 75 days after consummation 
    of the acquisition.
        (iii) Separate financial statements of the acquired business need 
    not be presented once the operating results of the acquired business 
    have been reflected in the audited consolidated financial statements of 
    the registrant for a complete fiscal year unless such financial 
    statements have not been previously filed or unless the acquired 
    business is of such significance to the registrant that omission of 
    such financial statements would materially impair an investor's ability 
    to understand the historical financial results of the registrant. For 
    example, if, at the date of acquisition, the acquired business met at 
    least one of the conditions in the definition of significant subsidiary 
    in Sec. 210.1-02 at the 80 percent level, the income statements of the 
    acquired business should normally continue to be furnished for such 
    periods prior to the purchase as may be necessary when added to the 
    time for which audited income statements after the purchase are filed 
    to cover the equivalent of the period specified in Sec. 210.3-02.
        (iv) A separate audited balance sheet of the acquired business is 
    not required when the registrant's most recent audited balance sheet 
    required by Sec. 210.3-01 is for a date after the date the acquisition 
    was consummated.
    * * * * *
        3. By amending Sec. 210.11-01 by revising paragraphs (b) and (c) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 210.11-01   Presentation requirements.
    * * * * *
        (b) A business combination or disposition of a business shall be 
    considered significant if:
        (1) A comparison of the most recent annual financial statements of 
    the business acquired or to be acquired and the registrant's most 
    recent annual consolidated financial statements filed at or prior to 
    the date of acquisition indicates that the business would be a 
    significant subsidiary pursuant to the conditions specified in 
    Sec. 210.1-02(w),
    [[Page 54515]]
    substituting 20 percent for 10 percent each place it appears therein; 
        (2) The business to be disposed of meets the conditions of a 
    significant subsidiary in Sec. 210.1-02(w).
        (c) The pro forma effects of a business combination need not be 
    presented pursuant to this section if separate financial statements of 
    the acquired business are not included in the filing.
    * * * * *
        4. The authority citation for part 228 continues to read as 
        Authority: 15 U.S.C. 77e, 77f, 77g, 77h, 77j, 77k, 77s, 
    77aa(25), 77aa(26), 77ddd, 77eee, 77ggg, 77hhh, 77jjj, 77nnn, 77sss, 
    78l, 78m, 78n, 78o, 78w, 78ll, 80a-8, 80a-29, 80a-30, 80a-37, 80b-
    11, unless otherwise noted.
        5. By amending Sec. 228.310 by revising paragraphs (c) and (d)(1), 
    removing paragraph (d)(2), and redesignating paragraph (d)(3) as 
    paragraph (d)(2), to read as follows:
    Sec. 228.310   (Item 310) Financial Statements.
    * * * * *
        (c) Financial Statements of Businesses Acquired or to be Acquired. 
    (1) If a business combination accounted for as a ``purchase'' has 
    occurred or is probable, or if a business combination accounted for as 
    a ``pooling of interest'' is probable, financial statements of the 
    business acquired or to be acquired shall be furnished for the periods 
    specified in paragraph (c)(3) of this Item.
        (i) The term ``purchase'' encompasses the purchase of an interest 
    in a business accounted for by the equity method.
        (ii) Acquisitions of a group of related businesses that are 
    probable or that have occurred subsequent to the latest fiscal year-end 
    for which audited financial statements of the issuer have been filed 
    shall be treated as if they are a single business combination for 
    purposes of this section. The required financial statements of related 
    businesses may be presented on a combined basis for any periods they 
    are under common control or management. A group of businesses are 
    deemed to be related if:
        (A) They are under common control or management;
        (B) The acquisition of one business is conditional on the 
    acquisition of each other business; or
        (C) Each acquisition is conditioned on a single common event.
        (iii) Annual financial statements required by this paragraph (c) 
    shall be audited. The form and content of the financial statements 
    shall be in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Item.
        (2) The periods for which financial statements are to be presented 
    are determined by comparison of the most recent annual financial 
    statements of the business acquired or to be acquired and the small 
    business issuer's most recent annual financial statements filed at or 
    prior to the date of acquisition to evaluate each of the following 
        (i) Compare the small business issuer's investments in and advances 
    to the acquiree to the total consolidated assets of the small business 
    issuer as of the end of the most recently completed fiscal year. For a 
    proposed business combination to be accounted for as a pooling of 
    interests, also compare the number of common shares exchanged or to be 
    exchanged by the small business issuer to its total common shares 
    outstanding at the date the combination is initiated.
        (ii) Compare the small business issuer's proportionate share of the 
    total assets (after intercompany eliminations) of the acquiree to the 
    total consolidated assets of the small business issuer as of the end of 
    the most recently completed fiscal year.
        (iii) Compare the small business issuer's equity in the income from 
    continuing operations before income taxes, extraordinary items and 
    cumulative effect of a change in accounting principles of the acquiree 
    to such consolidated income of the small business issuer for the most 
    recently completed fiscal year.
        Computational note to paragraph (c)(2): For purposes of making 
    the prescribed income test the following guidance should be applied: 
    If income of the small business issuer and its subsidiaries 
    consolidated for the most recent fiscal year is at least 10 percent 
    lower than the average of the income for the last five fiscal years, 
    such average income should be substituted for purposes of the 
    computation. Any loss years should be omitted for purposes of 
    computing average income.
        (3)(i) If none of the conditions specified in paragraph (c)(2) of 
    this Item exceeds 20%, financial statements are not required. If any of 
    the conditions exceed 20%, but none exceeds 40%, financial statements 
    shall be furnished for the most recent fiscal year and any interim 
    periods specified in paragraph (b) of this item. If any of the 
    conditions exceed 40%, financial statements shall be furnished for the 
    two most recent fiscal years and any interim periods specified in 
    paragraph (b) of this item.
        (ii) The separate audited balance sheet of the acquired business is 
    not required when the small business issuer's most recent audited 
    balance sheet filed is for a date after the acquisition was 
        (iii) If the aggregate impact of individually insignificant 
    businesses acquired since the date of the most recent audited balance 
    sheet filed for the registrant exceeds 50%, financial statements 
    covering at least the substantial majority of the businesses acquired 
    shall be furnished. Such financial statements shall be for the most 
    recent fiscal year and any interim periods specified in paragraph (b) 
    of this Item.
        (iv) Registration statements not subject to the provisions of 
    Sec. 230.419 of this chapter (Regulation C) and proxy statements need 
    not include separate financial statements of the acquired or to be 
    acquired business if it does not meet or exceed any of the conditions 
    specified in paragraph (c)(2) of this Item at the 50 percent level, and 
        (A) The consummation of the acquisition has not yet occurred; or
        (B) The effective date of the registration statement, or mailing 
    date in the case of a proxy statement, is no more than 74 days after 
    consummation of the business combination, and the financial statements 
    have not been filed previously by the registrant.
        (v) An issuer that omits from its initial registration statement 
    financial statements of a recently consummated business combination 
    pursuant to paragraph (c)(3)(iv) of this section shall furnish those 
    financial statements and any pro forma information specified by 
    paragraph (d) of this Item under cover of Form 8-K (Sec. 249.308 of 
    this chapter) no later than 75 days after consummation of the 
        (4) If the small business issuer made a significant business 
    acquisition subsequent to the latest fiscal year end and filed a report 
    on Form 8-K which included audited financial statements of such 
    acquired business for the periods required by paragraph (c)(3) of this 
    Item and the pro forma financial information required by paragraph (d) 
    of this Item, the determination of significance may be made by using 
    pro forma amounts for the latest fiscal year in the report on Form 8-K 
    rather than by using the historical amounts of the registrant. The 
    tests may not be made by ``annualizing'' data.
        (d) Pro Forma Financial Information. (1) Pro forma information 
    showing the effects of the acquisition shall be furnished if financial 
    statements of a business acquired or to be acquired are presented.
    * * * * *
    [[Page 54516]]
        6. The authority citation for part 239 continues to read in part as 
        Authority: 15 U.S.C. 77f, 77g, 77h, 77j, 77s, 77sss, 78c, 78l, 
    78m, 78n, 78o(d), 78w(a), 78ll(d), 79e, 79f, 79g, 79j, 79l, 79m, 
    79n, 79q, 79t, 80a-8, 80a-29, 80a-30 and 80a-37, unless otherwise 
    * * * * *
        7. By revising paragraph (b)(7) of Item 17 of Form S-4 (referenced 
    in Sec. 239.25) to read as follows:
        Note: Form S-4 does not and these amendments will not appear in 
    the Code of Federal Regulations.
    Form S-4
    * * * * *
    Item 17. Information with Respect to Companies Other Than S-3 or S-2 
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (7) Financial statements as would have been required to be included 
    in an annual report furnished to security holders pursuant to Rules 
    14a-3 (b)(1) and (b)(2) (Sec. 240.14a-3 of this chapter) or Rules 14c-3 
    (a)(1) and (a)(2) (Sec. 240.14c-3 of this chapter), had the company 
    being acquired been required to prepare such a report; Provided, 
    however, that the balance sheet for the year preceding the latest full 
    fiscal year and the income statements for the two years preceding the 
    latest full fiscal year need not be audited if they have not previously 
    been audited. In any case, such financial statements need only be 
    audited to the extent practicable. If this Form is used for resales to 
    the public by any person who with regard to the securities being 
    reoffered is deemed to be an underwriter within the meaning of Rule 
    145(c) (Sec. 230.145(c) of this chapter), the financial statements of 
    such companies must be audited for the fiscal years required to be 
    presented pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of Rule 3-05 of Regulation S-X 
    (17 CFR 210.3-05).
    * * * * *
        8. By revising paragraph (b)(5) of Item 17 of Form F-4 (referenced 
    in Sec. 239.34) to read as follows:
        Note: Form F-4 does not and these amendments will not appear in 
    the Code of Federal Regulations.
    Form F-4
    * * * * *
    Item 17.  Information with Respect to Foreign Companies Other Than F-3 
    or F-2 Companies.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (5) Financial statements as would have been required to be included 
    in an annual report on Form 20-F (17 CFR 249.220f) had the company 
    being acquired been required to prepare such a report; Provided, 
    however, that the balance sheet for the year preceding the latest full 
    fiscal year and the income statements for the two years preceding the 
    latest full fiscal year need not be audited if they have not previously 
    been audited. In any case, such financial statements need only be 
    audited to the extent practicable. If this Form is used for resales to 
    the public by any person who with regard to the securities being 
    reoffered is deemed to be an underwriter within the meaning of Rule 
    145(c) (Sec. 230.145(c) of this chapter), the financial statements of 
    such companies must be audited for the fiscal years required to be 
    presented pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of Rule 3-05 of Regulation S-X 
    (17 CFR 210.3-05).
    * * * * *
        9. The authority citation for part 249 continues to read in part as 
        Authority: 15 U.S.C. 78a, et seq., unless otherwise noted;
    * * * * *
        10. By amending Form 8-K (referenced in Sec. 249.308) by removing 
    Instruction 2, by revising paragraph C.3 of the General Instructions, 
    revising Instruction 4 of Item 2, and revising paragraph (a)(4) and 
    Instruction 1 of Item 7 to read as follows:
        Note: Form 8-K does not and these amendments will not appear in 
    the Code of Federal Regulations.
    Form 8-K
    * * * * *
    * * * * *
    C. Application of General Rules and Regulations
    * * * * *
        3. A ``small business issuer,'' defined under Rule 12b-2 of the 
    Exchange Act (Sec. 240.12b-2 of this chapter), shall refer to the 
    disclosure items in Regulation S-B (17 CFR 228.10 et seq.) and not 
    Regulation S-K. If there is no comparable disclosure item in Regulation 
    S-B, a small business issuer need not provide the information 
    requested. A small business issuer shall provide the information 
    required by Item 310 (c) and (d) of Regulation S-B in lieu of the 
    financial information required by Item 7 of this Form.
    * * * * *
    Item 2.  Acquisition or Disposition of Assets.
    * * * * *
    * * * * *
        4. An acquisition or disposition shall be deemed to involve a 
    significant amount of assets (i) if the registrant's and its other 
    subsidiaries' equity in the net book value of such assets or the amount 
    paid or received therefor upon such acquisition or disposition exceeded 
    10 percent of the total assets of the registrant and its consolidated 
    subsidiaries, or (ii) if it involved a business (see Sec. 210.11-01(d)) 
    which is significant (see Sec. 210.11.01(b)). Acquisitions of 
    individually insignificant businesses are not required to be reported 
    pursuant to this item unless they are related businesses (see 
    Sec. 210.3-05(a)(3)) and are, in the aggregate, significant.
    * * * * *
    Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits.
    * * * * *
        (a) * * *
        (4) Financial statements required by this item may be filed with 
    the initial report, or by amendment not later than 60 days after the 
    date that the initial report on Form 8-K must be filed. If the 
    financial statements are not included in the initial report, the 
    registrant should so indicate in the Form 8-K report and state when the 
    required financial statements will be filed. The registrant may, at its 
    option, include unaudited financial statements in the initial report on 
    Form 8-K.
    * * * * *
        Instructions. 1. During the period after a registrant has reported 
    a business combination pursuant to Item 2 above until the date on which 
    the financial statements specified by Item 7 above must be filed, the 
    registrant will be deemed current for purposes of its reporting 
    obligations under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act 
    of 1934. With respect to filings under the Securities Act of 1933, 
    however, registration statements will not be declared effective and 
    post-effective amendments to registrations statements will not be 
    declared effective unless financial statements meeting the requirements 
    of Rule 3-05 of Regulation S-X (Sec. 210.3-05 of this chapter) are 
    provided. In addition, offerings should not be made pursuant to 
    effective registrations statements or pursuant to Rules 505 and 506 of 
    Regulation D (Secs. 230.501 through 506 of this chapter), where any 
    purchasers are not accredited investors under Rule 5-01(a) of that 
    Regulation, until the audited financial
    [[Page 54517]]
    statements required by Rule 3-05 of Regulation S-X (Sec. 210.3-05 of 
    this chapter) are filed. Provided, however, that the following 
    offerings or sales of securities may proceed notwithstanding that 
    financial statements of the acquired business have not been filed:
        (a) Offerings or sales of securities upon the conversion of 
    outstanding convertible securities or upon the exercise of outstanding 
    warrants or rights;
        (b) Dividend or interest reinvestment plans;
        (c) Employee benefit plans;
        (d) Transactions involving secondary offerings; or
        (e) Sales of securities pursuant to Rule 144 (Sec. 230.144 of this 
    * * * * *
        Dated: October 10, 1996.
        By the Commission.
    Margaret H. McFarland,
    Deputy Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 96-26561 Filed 10-17-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8010-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Securities and Exchange Commission
Entry Type:
Final rules.
Document Number:
The rule revisions are effective November 18, 1996.
54509-54517 (9 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Release Nos. 33-7355, 34-37802, FR-47, International Series No. 1021, File No. S7-19-95
3235-AG47: Streamlining Disclosure Requirements Relating to Significant Business Acquisitions and Requiring Quarterly Reporting of Unregistered Equity Sales
RIN Links:
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CFR: (9)
17 CFR 210.3-05(a)(3))
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17 CFR 210.1-02(w)
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