97-8909. The Wireless Communications Service (``WCS'')  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 66 (Monday, April 7, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 16493-16498]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-8909]
    47 CFR Part 27
    [GN Docket No. 96-228; FCC 97-112]
    The Wireless Communications Service (``WCS'')
    AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: On March 31, 1997, the Federal Communications Commission 
    (``Commission'') adopted a Memorandum Opinion and Order amending 
    certain rules pertaining to Wireless Communications Service (``WCS'') 
    operations in the 2305-2320 and 2345-2360 MHz bands. These amendments 
    are being made in response to certain petitions for reconsideration of 
    the Report and Order in this proceeding which established rules and 
    policies for WCS. The effect of this action is to make minor amendments 
    to the power and out-of-band emission limits imposed on WCS operations.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: April 7, 1997.
    Telecommunications Bureau, (202) 418-0660, or Tom Mooring, Office of 
    Engineering and Technology, (202) 418-2450.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's 
    Memorandum Opinion and Order in GN Docket No. 96-228. The complete 
    Memorandum Opinion and Order is available for inspection and copying 
    during normal business hours in the FCC Reference Center (Room 239), 
    1919 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., and also may be purchased from 
    the Commission's copy contractor, International Transcription Service, 
    (202) 857-3800, 2100 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037. The 
    complete Memorandum Opinion and Order is also available on the 
    Commission's Internet home page (http://www.fcc.gov)
    Summary of the Memorandum Opinion and Order
        1. The Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act, 1997, Public Law 
    104-208, 110 Stat. 3009 (1996) (``Appropriations Act'') directed the 
    Commission to reallocate the use of frequencies at 2305-2320 megahertz 
    and 2345-2360 megahertz to wireless services that are consistent with 
    international agreements concerning spectrum allocations, and to assign 
    the use of such frequencies by competitive bidding pursuant to Section 
    309(j) of the Communications Act of 1934. In making these bands of 
    frequencies available for competitive bidding, the Commission was 
    directed to seek to promote the most efficient use of the spectrum and 
    to commence the competitive bidding for the assignment of these 
    frequencies no later than April 15, 1997.
        2. On February 19, 1997, the Commission adopted a Report and Order 
    in this proceeding establishing the Wireless Communications Service 
    (``WCS''). See Amendment of the Commission's Rules to Establish Part 
    27, the Wireless Communications Service (``WCS''), GN Docket No. 96-
    228, Report and Order, FCC 97-50, 62 FR 9636 (March 3, 1997). (``Report 
    and Order''). Specifically, the Commission allocated the 2305-2320 MHz 
    and 2345-2360 MHz bands to the fixed, mobile, and radiolocation 
    services on a primary basis and maintained the primary allocation for 
    the broadcasting-satellite service (sound) in the 2310-2320 MHz and 
    2345-2360 MHz bands. WCS licensees will be permitted to provide any of 
    these services. The Commission did not adopt any limitations on 
    transmitter power, except to require that the equipment comply with our 
    radiofrequency (``RF'') safety program. The Commission also declined to 
    impose any technical restrictions on WCS licensees aimed at protecting 
    the multipoint distribution service and the instructional television 
    fixed service (``MDS/ITFS'') reception because, based on the record 
    before the Commission at that time, the Commission was not persuaded 
    that the operation of WCS facilities would irreparably harm the MDS and 
    ITFS services. The Commission also noted that MDS/ITFS block 
    downconverters traditionally have employed an inexpensive design that 
    has minimal frequency selectivity, and observed that the industry 
    appears to be converting to newer, more robustly designed 
    downconverters that would not receive WCS signals. The Commission 
    concluded that it would be improvident to adopt a requirement for WCS 
    licensees to protect MDS/ITFS operations before having a more complete 
    understanding of the nature and extent of problems that may actually 
        3. Also in the Report and Order, in order to protect satellite 
    digital audio radio service (``Satellite DARS'' or ``DARS'') operations 
    in the 2320-2345 MHz band, the Commission adopted stringent out-of-band 
    emission limits that it believed would, at least in the foreseeable 
    future, make mobile operations in WCS spectrum technologically 
    infeasible. Specifically, all emissions into the 2320-2345 MHz band 
    from fixed WCS transmitters must be attenuated below the transmitter 
    output power (``p'') by at least 80 + 10 log (p) dB and all emissions 
    from mobile WCS transmitters must be attenuated below p by at least 110 
    + 10 log (p) dB.
        4. On March 10, 1997, the Wireless Cable Association International, 
    Inc. (``WCA'') filed an Emergency Motion for Stay and a Petition for 
    Expedited Reconsideration of the Report and Order. Concurrent with the 
    adoption of this Memorandum Opinion and Order, the Commission is 
    denying WCA's Emergency Motion for Stay, ruling that the Appropriations 
    Act does not afford the Commission the authority to defer the 
    commencement date of the WCS auction. On March 11, 1997, the PACS 
    Providers Forum and DigiVox Corporation (``PPF/DigiVox'') jointly filed 
    a Petition for Expedited Reconsideration of the Report and Order. On 
    March 13, 1997, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau placed the 
    petitions on public notice and established an expedited pleading cycle. 
    By this Memorandum Opinion and Order, the Commission amends certain 
    aspects of its rules governing the WCS in response to these two 
    petitions for reconsideration.
        5. Specifically, based on a better understanding of the potential 
    for WCS operations to interfere with MDS/ITFS reception, the Commission 
    is specifying limits on WCS operating power and is requiring that, for 
    a limited time, WCS licensees assume responsibility under certain 
    circumstances for interference they may cause to MDS/ITFS operations. 
    The Commission also is requiring WCS licensees to provide advance 
    notification to nearby MDS/
    [[Page 16494]]
     ITFS licensees of certain technical parameters and is encouraging 
    voluntary coordination among affected licensees. Additionally, though 
    reaffirming the original out-of-band emission limits as generally 
    appropriate across the broad range of flexible WCS systems and uses, 
    the Commission is adopting an alternative, less stringent out-of-band 
    emission limit for portable WCS transmitters in the 2305-2315 MHz band 
    (the lower portions of Blocks A and B) that meet specific power, duty 
    cycle and other technical restrictions. The Commission believes that 
    providing WCS applicants and licensees with this additional design 
    choice will facilitate certain potentially beneficial uses of WCS 
    spectrum that may not otherwise be feasible, or would incur unnecessary 
    higher costs, under the general, more stringent out-of-band emission 
    limits. The Commission wishes to caution prospective WCS licensees, 
    however, to consider carefully whether their anticipated uses and 
    business plans can be successfully implemented under the additional 
    technical and operational restrictions necessary to qualify for the 
    less stringent out-of-band emission limit. In particular, wide area, 
    full mobility systems and services such as those being provided or 
    anticipated in the cellular and PCS bands are likely to be of 
    questionable feasibility under either the alternative restrictions or 
    the general out-of-band emission limits.
    WCS Interference to MDS/ITFS
        6. MDS and ITFS operate in the 2150-2162 and 2500-2690 MHz bands. 
    Nonetheless, MDS/ITFS downconverters have minimal frequency selectivity 
    and, thus, some models are designed to operate throughout the entire 
    2.1-2.7 GHz band. In the Report and Order, the Commission stated that 
    the digital downconverters to which the MDS/ITFS industry are expected 
    to convert over the next several years are expected to be better 
    designed and not subject to overloading from WCS signals. Nonetheless, 
    in order to better understand the interference concerns of the MDS/ITFS 
    industry, staff from the Commission's Office of Engineering and 
    Technology obtained block diagrams from Pacific Monolithics, a 
    manufacturer of MDS/ITFS equipment, for three of their MDS 
    downconverters. All have similar construction and, according to Hardin 
    Associates, the firm which prepared an Engineering Statement in support 
    of the WCA petition, the downconverter construction for all the major 
    manufacturers is essentially identical. The interference issues raised 
    by the WCA petition relate to the possibility that WCS signals could 
    overload the Low Noise Amplifier (``LNA'') input stage of this 
    equipment. This stage is directly fed by the receive antenna and thus 
    has little or no isolation. Between the receive antenna and the LNA, 
    this equipment does not employ any filtering related to the block of 
    frequencies between 2162 MHz and 2500 MHz. Interference protection from 
    the WCS service to the MDS downconverter would have to be provided at 
    this point to prevent signal overload of the LNA. This could be 
    accomplished by trapping out the WCS signal in the 2305-2360 MHz band 
    or by moving the RF diplexer from the output of the LNA to the input of 
    the LNA. The MDS industry is currently designing equipment to protect 
    against interference caused by high input power from PCS operations in 
    the 1850-1990 MHz band, and it seems reasonable that the industry could 
    also design these downconverters to protect against interference from 
    WCS equipment operating with similar high power levels. The Commission 
    estimates that such a filter is likely to cost about $5 to $10 per 
    unit. The Commission believes, however, that filters could not be 
    economically installed in existing units due to the design and 
    construction of these downconverters. A MDS/ITFS subscriber receiving 
    interference would thus have to have the entire unit replaced at a 
    substantially higher unit cost. The Commission notes that MDS/ITFS 
    interference issues have been raised in a petition to deny filed 
    against a number of applications for broadband PCS licensees in the D, 
    E and F blocks. The Commission wishes to make clear that its resolution 
    of MDS/ITFS interference issues with respect to WCS is based solely on 
    the totality of the circumstances presented here.
        7. After careful consideration of this issue, the Commission finds 
    that the public interest would be best served by setting limits on WCS 
    operating power. The Commission will therefore restrict WCS fixed, land 
    and radiolocation land stations to 2,000 watts peak EIRP and WCS mobile 
    and radiolocation mobile stations to 20 watts EIRP. Setting maximum 
    power limits on WCS operations will provide MDS/ITFS equipment 
    manufacturers and service providers with the necessary certainty 
    regarding the potential WCS environment to enable them to design and 
    purchase more robust receiving installations, including better designed 
    downconverters. The Commission does not, however, wish to unnecessarily 
    limit the service offerings that can be provided using WCS spectrum, 
    and therefore does not adopt the 20 watt EIRP power limit suggested by 
    WCA. Instead, as more fully discussed below, the Commission will assign 
    to WCS licensees certain responsibilities to cure actual interference 
    to existing and soon-to-be-installed MDS/ITFS downconverters. With 
    respect to the power limits we are setting, the Commission believes it 
    is unlikely that, in the foreseeable future, any potential WCS operator 
    would consider employing power levels greater than these limits given 
    the considerable economic cost of developing high power transmitters 
    that would comply with the stringent out-of-band emission limits 
    adopted in this proceeding. The Commission also observes that the 
    maximum EIRP of a transmitter station in the MDS and ITFS services with 
    an omnidirectional antenna is limited to 2,000 watts (33 dBW), and that 
    wireless cable service is a potential use for WCS spectrum. In 
    addition, the Commission notes that WCA has concluded that 20 watts 
    EIRP will not cause destructive interference to MDS/ITFS reception. 
    Thus, WCS mobile stations, to the extent mobile services are or become 
    technologically feasible, should be able to operate ubiquitously 
    without substantial risk of interference to MDS/ITFS reception.
        8. The Commission agrees with WCA that MDS/ITFS equipment that was 
    designed to operate in a pre-WCS environment should be afforded some 
    degree of protection from interference. The introduction of possibly a 
    large number of transmitters in WCS spectrum will increase the 
    potential for interference to existing MDS/ITFS receivers that were 
    designed with different expectations about the extent and nature of use 
    of nearby bands. Given sufficient notice and time to adjust to 
    allocation changes in nearby bands, licensees might be expected to 
    mitigate interference costs by voluntarily introducing better, more 
    selective receivers in new installations and in the normal replacement 
    of older receivers. Such a response has not been possible in this 
    instance, however, because of the accelerated rule making and licensing 
    procedures that are required for WCS under the Appropriations Act. 
    Considering these circumstances, and that the WCS auction has not yet 
    occurred, the Commission believes it is appropriate and equitable to 
    shift to WCS licensees some of the cost and responsibility for 
    remedying interference to MDS/ITFS operations.
        9. Nonetheless, the Commission also believes that the MDS/ITFS 
    [[Page 16495]]
    should be encouraged to employ equipment in the future which will not 
    require undue power restrictions on users of nearby spectrum. To 
    balance these objectives, the Commission is establishing an 
    interference protection rule for MDS/ITFS receivers, based on aspects 
    of the existing FM blanketing rule. See 47 CFR 73.318. Specifically, 
    WCS licensees will bear full financial obligation to remedy 
    interference to MDS/ITFS block downconverters if all of the following 
    conditions are met: (1) The complaint of interference is received by 
    the WCS licensee prior to February 20, 2002; (2) the MDS/ITFS 
    downconverter was installed prior to August 20, 1998; (3) the WCS 
    operation transmits at 50 or more watts peak EIRP; (4) the MDS/ITFS 
    downconverter is located within a WCS transmitter's power flux density 
    contour of -34 dBW/m\2\; and (5) the MDS/ITFS customer or licensee has 
    informed the WCS licensee of the interference within one year from the 
    initial operation of the WCS transmitter or within one year from any 
    subsequent power increase at the WCS station. If the WCS licensee 
    cannot otherwise promptly eliminate interference caused to MDS/ITFS 
    reception, then that licensee would be required to cease operations 
    from the offending WCS facility. In addition to this blanketing-type 
    rule, the Commission will require WCS licensees, at least 30 days 
    before commencing operations from any new WCS transmission site or with 
    increased power from any existing WCS transmission site, to notify all 
    MDS/ITFS licensees in or through whose licensed service areas they 
    intend to operate of the technical parameters of the WCS transmission 
    facility. The Commission emphasizes, however, that WCS licensees have 
    no obligation to remedy interference unless all of the conditions are 
    met. If the WCS licensees and the MDS and ITFS licensees coordinate 
    voluntarily, the Commission believes that WCS fixed and land stations 
    can generally be located in a manner to avoid causing interference to 
    MDS/ITFS receivers. The Commission expects the WCS and MDS/ITFS 
    licensees to coordinate voluntarily and in good faith to avoid 
    interference problems and to allow the greatest operational flexibility 
    in each other's operations.
        10. The Commission believes that the above approach appropriately 
    apportions the burdens and incentives between the WCS and MDS/ITFS 
    licensees. WCS licensees will have an incentive to coordinate 
    voluntarily with the MDS/ITFS industry in order to prevent interference 
    problems from occurring, and the 30-day notification requirement will 
    afford MDS/ITFS licensees an opportunity to alert their subscribers to 
    the potential for interference and explain what to do in the event it 
    occurs. In turn, MDS/ITFS licensees will have an incentive to develop 
    and use better technology for new receiving installations. The MDS/ITFS 
    industry will have 18 months from the release date of the Report and 
    Order in this proceeding to deplete inventories of existing equipment 
    and to design more robust replacement equipment, and WCS licensees will 
    be obligated for five years to remedy actual interference. Beyond that 
    time, it is reasonable to expect the MDS/ITFS industry to bear full 
    financial responsibility for any necessary equipment replacement costs. 
    Further, we believe that basing MDS/ITFS protection on a power flux 
    density contour rather than a restrictive power limitation serves the 
    public interest. This approach will provide WCS licensees with greater 
    flexibility to design and implement new wireless services. WCS 
    licensees operating at power levels higher than 50 watts will have a 
    larger zone within which they will be obligated to remedy interference 
    to MDS/ITFS downconverters, but they will be able to make that choice 
    given the particular characteristics of the market in which they will 
    operate. From its experience in addressing technically analogous issues 
    of blanketing interference caused by FM broadcast transmitters, the 
    Commission believes that the ``technological fixes'' contemplated by 
    the blanketing-type rule coupled with the 30-day notification 
    requirement will adequately protect MDS/ITFS operations and yet allow 
    WCS substantially greater operational flexibility than would be 
    possible under the power limit approach suggested by the petitioner. 
    The Commission therefore concludes that the approach it adopts here to 
    address concerns about WCS signal overloading of MDS/ITFS 
    downconverters will best serve the overall public interest.
    WCS Out-of-Band Emission Limits
        11. The Commission has dedicated considerable staff engineering 
    expertise and resources to evaluate the proposal set forth by PPF/
    DigiVox and finds that it is appropriate to adjust the WCS out-of-band 
    limits for systems that comply with certain parameters. Accordingly, 
    the Commission will permit WCS systems that operate in accordance with 
    the specific parameters set forth below to reduce their portable unit 
    emissions into the 2320-2345 MHz band by a factor not less than 93 + 10 
    log (p) dB, where p is the transmitter power in watts. While this is 
    considerably more permissive than the limit for WCS mobile operations 
    that the Commission adopted in the Report and Order, the Commission 
    believes that the specific operating parameters set forth by PPF/
    DigiVox will limit the potential for such a system to interfere with 
    DARS to a reasonable level generally equivalent to that provided by the 
    stricter limits for more general WCS operations.
        12. In authorizing DARS, it was the Commission's desire to ensure a 
    high quality radio service. However, a desire for an interference-free 
    radio service must be balanced with the need to provide reasonable 
    operating parameters for adjacent services. Accordingly, the 
    Commission's intention in determining out-of-band emission limits for 
    WCS into the spectrum used by DARS has been to limit the potential for 
    interference to a reasonable level--not to provide a pure, 
    interference-free environment. In determining the out-of-band emission 
    limits adopted in the Report and Order the Commission had to take into 
    consideration the wide flexibility that the Commission providing WCS 
    licensees to provide any services consistent with the Table of 
    Frequency Allocations. Because the Commission is unable to determine 
    the specific operating parameters of a WCS service until the service is 
    actually implemented, the Commission found it appropriate to adopt 
    limits that take into account any possible system configuration. Such 
    limits are necessary to ensure the viability of Satellite DARS, which 
    will operate with very low signal levels at the receive antennas, in a 
    frequency band adjacent to a terrestrial service that will likely 
    employ much higher powers and whose transmitters may be in the 
    immediate vicinity of a DARS receiver. Accordingly, the Commission 
    affirms its decision generally to require WCS operations to reduce 
    their emissions in the 2320-2345 MHz band by not less than 80 + 10 log 
    (p) dB for fixed, land, and radiolocation land station transmissions 
    and 110 + 10 log (p) dB for mobile and radiolocation mobile station 
    transmissions, where p is the transmitter power in watts. The 
    Commission is, however, clarifying that the out-of-band emission limits 
    specified in the Report and Order for ``fixed operations'' pertain to 
    transmissions from fixed, land, and radiolocation land stations and 
    that the emission limits specified for ``mobile operations'' pertain to 
    transmissions from mobile and radiolocation mobile stations.
    [[Page 16496]]
        13. The Commission recognizes, however, that it is possible to 
    provide a reasonable level of protection to DARS by taking into account 
    a specific WCS system, although it may exceed the out-of-band emission 
    limits adopted in the Report and Order. A specific system configuration 
    may have certain attributes that were not taken into account when 
    developing the general emission limits but which reduce its potential 
    to interfere with DARS. For instance, a system may have reduced gain in 
    the direction of Satellite DARS receiver, or the probability of the 
    transmitters of a certain type of WCS system being close enough to 
    interfere with Satellite DARS systems may be very low. PPF/DigiVox has 
    provided a specific set of operating parameters that the Commission can 
    take into account in its analysis of potential interference to DARS. By 
    taking these specific parameters into account, the Commission believes 
    that it is possible for a system to operate with less stringent out-of-
    band limits than those originally adopted.
        14. The system described by PPF/DigiVox is a low power, low 
    mobility portable system that will provide voice and data service from 
    fixed and portable units. No vehicle mounted units would be permitted. 
    In reaching its decision to reduce the out-of-band limits for WCS 
    systems that operate in a manner consistent with that described by PPF/
    DigiVox, the Commission takes into account both the technical and 
    operational factors specific to the interaction of this specific system 
    and a DARS system. One of the greatest difficulties in performing this 
    type of analysis, however, is the fact that neither system has yet been 
    deployed. Accordingly, the Commission's analysis must take into 
    consideration what it believes to be realistic assumptions about system 
    equipment and operations. While the Commission based its analysis on 
    the record of the proceeding, it recognizes that there is some 
    uncertainty inherent in trying to evaluate two systems that have not 
    yet been deployed and for which equipment designs are not yet final. 
    The Commission also recognizes that the 2320-2345 MHz frequency band is 
    the only spectrum specifically available for provision of Satellite 
    DARS in the United States. Accordingly, if Satellite DARS in this 
    spectrum is subject to excessive interference, the service will not be 
    successful and the American public will not benefit from the service. 
    In contrast, PACS can be provided in other spectrum currently available 
    for use by services including cellular and PCS. Thus, should the 
    potential for WCS operations to interfere with DARS prove to be greater 
    when the systems are implemented than the Commission's analysis 
    indicates, the Commission would of course revisit this issue and make 
    appropriate adjustments. Specifically, parties should note that per 47 
    CFR 27.53(c), when emissions outside of the authorized bandwidth cause 
    harmful interference, the Commission may, at its discretion, require 
    greater attenuation than that specified in the Rules.
        15. PPF/DigiVox questions some of the technical parameters of the 
    DARS system. One area of contention is the Satellite DARS receiver 
    noise temperature used in the analysis. Primosphere used a 200 Kelvin 
    noise temperature in its analysis, which is greater than the 120 Kelvin 
    noise temperature proposed in its application. PPF/DigiVox contends 
    that 370 Kelvins is more realistic. Based on the type of antenna 
    proposed for DARS use and the need for cost effective equipment, the 
    Commission believes that a receiver noise temperature of 250 Kelvins is 
    realistic and that is what the Commission's calculations are based 
        16. PPF/DigiVox contends that a rise in noise floor from a single 
    interferer of 2 dB should be allowed, rather than the 0.2 dB rise 
    considered by Primosphere. Considering the limited power that the 
    satellite systems will be able to operate with and the potential for a 
    DARS receiver to be affected by more than one interfering source, 
    whether it is another WCS transmitter, out-of-band emissions from 
    another source, or signal blockage, the Commission believes that a 2 dB 
    allowable rise is too great a contribution from a single source. The 
    Commission also, however, believes that a 0.2 dB allowable rise is 
    overly conservative. Accordingly, the Commission has based its 
    calculations on a 1.0 dB allowable rise, which corresponds to a 25% 
    rise in receiver noise. These values are consistent with those used in 
    determining the out-of-band limits adopted in the Report and Order.
        17. In determining the potential for interference from its portable 
    units, PPF/DigiVox takes into account a number of factors. These 
    include the duty cycle of the WCS handset, the antenna pattern of a 
    Satellite DARS antenna, isolation due to differences in polarization 
    between DARS and WCS, and losses due to the proximity of a WCS portable 
    unit to the head of the user. Users of portable units for the system 
    described by PPF/DigiVox will generally be to the side and, in many 
    instances, slightly below the roof of an automobile. The Commission 
    therefore agrees with PPF/DigiVox that the antenna pattern can be taken 
    into account in performing an interference analysis. While antenna 
    patterns can vary greatly, thereby affecting the strength of the 
    undesired signal into the DARS receiver, the Commission believes that 
    the values proposed by DigiVox are reasonable. The Commission also 
    agrees that the isolation realized between the circularly polarized 
    DARS signal and the linearly polarized WCS operations can be taken into 
    consideration. The Commission disagrees, however, with the contention 
    that the out-of-band limits should be reduced by 9 dB due to the duty 
    cycle of the WCS handset. Because the symbol time used by DARS is 
    shorter than the WCS burst of 312 microsecond, the DARS data will be 
    disrupted by the WCS operations. While it may be possible for the DARS 
    operators to employ error correction techniques that take into account 
    the limited duty cycle of the WCS operations, any reduction in 
    interference potential does not correlate directly to the reduction in 
    power claimed by PPF/DigiVox. The Commission does believe, however, 
    that DARS operators will be able to use the duty cycle to their 
    advantage and are therefore requiring WCS operations to employ a 12.5% 
    duty cycle in order to qualify for the reduced out-of-band emission 
    limits. Finally, the Commission does not agree that any isolation can 
    be assumed for energy absorbed by the human head. As Primosphere points 
    out (pg. 7), the subscriber's head often will not be positioned between 
    the WCS transmitter and the Satellite DARS receiver and, in some 
    positions, may add to, rather than subtract from, undesired radiation. 
    No statistical information was provided as to the probability of head 
    loss occurring, or of its magnitude at those times. Due to the mobility 
    of the hand-held units, it is highly unlikely that head loss is always 
        18. In its analysis, PPF/DigiVox assumes a separation of 12 feet 
    between the WCS user and the DARS receiver. The Commission has reviewed 
    the statistical analysis provided in support of this assumption and, 
    while the Commission does not necessarily agree with all aspects of the 
    analysis, 12 feet is a reasonable distance to assume in evaluating the 
    potential interaction of DARS listeners and users of portable WCS 
    operations as described by PPF/DigiVox. While the Commission believes 
    that there will be interference to the DARS service from these WCS 
    operations, the Commission believes
    [[Page 16497]]
    that actual instances of interference will be sufficiently limited as 
    to not unduly jeopardize the commercial viability of DARS. Based on 
    this analysis, the Commission finds it reasonable to allow portable WCS 
    units that meet the criteria described in paragraph 16 to reduce their 
    emission into the 2320-2345 MHz band by only 93 + 10 log (p) dB.
        19. PPF/DigiVox has also requested that the Commission relax the 
    out-of-band limits for base stations used in the type of system they 
    describe. PPF/DigiVox bases its argument on the relative gain of the 
    WCS antenna with respect to the position of the DARS receiver. As 
    pointed out by Primosphere, depending on the exact antenna employed by 
    the WCS station, the greatest potential for interference is not 
    directly under the antenna as claimed by PPF/DigiVox. Although the path 
    loss does increase as the DARS receiver moves away from the WCS base 
    station, the gain of the WCS antenna will also increase. It is not 
    possible to determine the precise relationship between these two 
    factors without knowing the gain pattern for the specific antenna to be 
    employed. In addition, if the Commission made such an adjustment, the 
    Commission would have to require that any WCS licensee operating under 
    the reduced emission limits use an antenna meeting those 
    characteristics. The Commission also notes that in its evaluation, PPF/
    DigiVox considered a separation of 24 feet between its base station and 
    a DARS receiver directly underneath. The system described by PPF/
    DigiVox may employ antennas mounted as low as 25 feet. If a DARS 
    antenna is mounted on the roof of a vehicle it will be closer than 24 
    feet to the WCS antenna, resulting in reduced path loss. Accordingly, 
    fixed WCS stations will continue to be required to reduce their 
    emissions into the 2320-2345 MHz band by 80 + 10 log (p) dB.
        20. For the reasons discussed above, the Commission is permitting 
    WCS Block A and B licensees to employ portable devices (defined for the 
    purposes of this decision as transmitters designed to be used within 20 
    centimeters of the body of the user) that transmit in the 2305-2315 MHz 
    band only to attenuate all emissions into the 2320-2345 MHz band by a 
    factor of not less than 93 + 10 log (p) dB and to employ base stations 
    that transmit in the 2350-2360 MHz band only to attenuate all emissions 
    into the 2320-2345 MHz band by a factor of not less than 80 + 10 log 
    (p) dB. These less stringent out-of-band emission limits may be used 
    only if the average portable transmit power is limited to 25 mW, the 
    peak portable transmit power is limited to 200 mW, the portable devices 
    employ means to limit the power to the minimum necessary for successful 
    communications, the portable devices have a duty cycle of 12.5% or 
    less, and the portable devices use time division multiple access 
    (``TDMA'') technology. In addition, the Commission prohibits the 
    installation of vehicle-mounted units, requires that transmitting 
    antennas employ linear polarization or another polarization that 
    provides equivalent or better discrimination with respect to a 
    Satellite DARS antenna, requires that the average base station transmit 
    output power be limited to 800 mW, and requires that base station 
    antennas be located at a height of at least 8 meters (26.25 feet) above 
        21. Accordingly, it is ordered, that Part 27 of the Commission's 
    Rules is amended, as set forth below, and that, in accordance with the 
    Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act, 1997, Public Law 104-208, 110 
    Stat. 3009 (1996), these Rules shall be effective immediately upon 
    publication in the Federal Register. This action is taken pursuant to 
    Sections 4(i), 7(a), 303(c), 303(f), 303(g), and 303(r) of the 
    Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Sections 154(i), 
    157(a), 303(c), 303(f), 303(g), and 303(r) and the Omnibus Consolidated 
    Appropriations Act, 1997, Public Law 104-208, 110 Stat. 3009 (1996).
        Furthermore, it is ordered, that the petitions for reconsideration 
    are granted, to the extent described above and denied in all other 
    List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 27
    Federal Communications Commission.
    William F. Caton,
    Acting Secretary.
    Rule Changes
        Part 27 of title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations is amended 
    as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 27 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 301, 302, 303, 307, 309, and 332.
        2. Section 27.4 is amended by adding the definitions for Base 
    Station, Portable Device, Radiolocation Land Station, Radiolocation 
    Mobile Station, Time Division Multiple Access, and Time Division 
    Multiplexing in alphabetical order to read as follows:
    Sec. 27.4  Terms and definitions.
    * * * * *
        Base station. A land station in the land mobile service.
    * * * * *
        Portable device. Transmitters designed to be used within 20 
    centimeters of the body of the user.
    * * * * *
        Radiolocation land station. A station in the radiolocation service 
    not intended to be used while in motion.
        Radiolocation mobile station. A station in the radiolocation 
    service intended to be used while in motion or during halts at 
    unspecified points.
    * * * * *
        Time division multiple access (TDMA). A multiple access technique 
    whereby users share a transmission medium by being assigned and using 
    (one-at-a-time) for a limited number of time division multiplexed 
    channels; implies that several transmitters use one channel for sending 
    several bit streams.
        Time division multiplexing (TDM). A multiplexing technique whereby 
    two or more channels are derived from a transmission medium by dividing 
    access to the medium into sequential intervals. Each channel has access 
    to the entire bandwidth of the medium during its interval. This implies 
    that one transmitter uses one channel to send several bit streams of 
    * * * * *
        3. Section 27.50 is added to subpart C to read as follows:
    Sec. 27.50  Power limits.
        (a) Fixed, land, and radiolocation land stations transmitting in 
    the 2305-2320 MHz and 2345-2360 MHz bands are limited to 2000 watts 
    peak equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP).
        (b) Mobile and radiolocation mobile stations transmitting in the 
    2305-2320 MHz and 2345-2360 MHz bands are limited to 20 watts EIRP peak 
        (c) Peak transmit power shall be measured over any interval of 
    continuous transmission using instrumentation calibrated in terms of 
    rms-equivalent voltage. The measurement results shall be properly 
    adjusted for any instrument limitations, such as detector response 
    times, limited resolution bandwidth capability when compared to the 
    emission bandwidth, etc., so as to obtain a true peak measurement for 
    the emission in question over the full bandwidth of the channel.
        4. Section 27.53 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 27.53  Emission limits.
        (a) The power of any emission outside the licensee's frequency 
    band(s) of
    [[Page 16498]]
    operation shall be attenuated below the transmitter power (p) within 
    the licensed band(s) of operation, measured in watts, by the following 
        (1) For fixed, land, and radiolocation land stations: By a factor 
    not less than 80 + 10 log (p) dB on all frequencies between 2320 and 
    2345 MHz;
        (2) For mobile and radiolocation mobile stations: By a factor not 
    less than 110 + 10 log (p) dB on all frequencies between 2320 and 2345 
        (3) For fixed, land, mobile, radiolocation land and radiolocation 
    mobile stations: By a factor not less than 70 + 10 log (p) dB on all 
    frequencies below 2300 MHz and on all frequencies above 2370 MHz; and 
    not less than 43 + 10 log (p) dB on all frequencies between 2300 and 
    2320 MHz and on all frequencies between 2345 and 2370 MHz that are 
    outside the licensed bands of operation;
        (4) Compliance with these provisions is based on the use of 
    measurement instrumentation employing a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz 
    or less, but at least one percent of the emission bandwidth of the 
    fundamental emission of the transmitter, provided the measured energy 
    is integrated over a 1 MHz bandwidth;
        (5) In complying with the requirements in Sec. 27.53(a)(1) and 
    Sec. 27.53(a)(2), WCS equipment that uses opposite sense circular 
    polarization from that used by Satellite DARS systems in the 2320-2345 
    MHz band shall be permitted an allowance of 10 dB;
        (6) When measuring the emission limits, the nominal carrier 
    frequency shall be adjusted as close to the edges, both upper and 
    lower, of the licensee's bands of operation as the design permits;
        (7) The measurements of emission power can be expressed in peak or 
    average values, provided they are expressed in the same parameters as 
    the transmitter power;
        (8) Waiver requests of any of the out-of-band emission limits in 
    paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(7) of this section shall be entertained 
    only if interference protection equivalent to that afforded by the 
    limits is shown;
        (9) In the 2305-2315 MHz band, if portable devices comply with all 
    of the following requirements, then paragraph (a)(2) of this section 
    shall not apply to portable devices, which instead shall attenuate all 
    emissions into the 2320-2345 MHz band by a factor of not less than 93 + 
    10 log (p) dB:
        (i) The portable device has a duty cycle of 12.5% or less, with at 
    most a 312.5 microsecond pulse every 2.5 milliseconds;
        (ii) The portable device must employ time division multiple access 
    (TDMA) technology;
        (iii) The nominal peak transmit output power of the portable device 
    is no more than 200 milliwatts (25 milliwatts average power);
        (iv) The portable device operates with the minimum power necessary 
    for successful communications;
        (v) The nominal average base station transmit output power is no 
    more than 800 milliwatts when the base station antennas is located at a 
    height of at least 8 meters (26.25 feet) above the ground;
        (vi) Only fixed and portable devices and services may be provided: 
    vehicle-mounted units are not permitted; and
        (vii) Transmitting antennas shall employ linear polarization or 
    another polarization that provides equivalent of better discrimination 
    with respect to a DARS antenna;
        (10) The out-of-band emissions limits in paragraphs (a)(1) through 
    (a)(9) of this section may be modified by the private contractual 
    agreement of all affected licensees, who shall maintain a copy of the 
    agreement in their station files and disclose it to prospective 
    assignees or transferees and, upon request, to the Commission.
        (b) For WCS Satellite DARS operations: The limits set forth in 
    Sec. 25.202(f) of this chapter shall apply, except that Satellite DARS 
    operations shall be limited to a maximum power flux density of -197 
    dBW/m2/4 kHz in the 2370-2390 MHz band at Arecibo, Puerto Rico.
        (c) When an emission outside of the authorized bandwidth causes 
    harmful interference, the Commission may, at its discretion, require 
    greater attenuation than specified in this section.
        5. Section 27.58 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 27.58  Interference to MDS/ITFS receivers.
        (a) WCS licensees shall bear full financial obligation to remedy 
    interference to MDS/ITFS block downconverters if all of the following 
    conditions are met:
        (1) The complaint is received by the WCS licensee prior to February 
    20, 2002;
        (2) The MDS/ITFS downconverter was installed prior to August 20, 
        (3) The WCS fixed or land station transmits at 50 or more watts 
    peak EIRP;
        (4) The MDS/ITFS downconverter is located within a WCS 
    transmitter's free space power flux density contour of -34 dBW/m2; 
        (5) The MDS/ITFS customer or licensee has informed the WCS licensee 
    of the interference within one year from the initial operation of the 
    WCS transmitter or within one year from any subsequent power increase 
    at the WCS station.
        (b) Resolution of complaints shall be at no cost to the 
        (c) Two or more WCS licensees collocating their antennas on the 
    same tower shall assume shared responsibility for remedying 
    interference complaints within the area determined by paragraph (a)(4) 
    of this section unless an offending station can be readily determined 
    and then that station shall assume full financial responsibility.
        (d) If the WCS licensee cannot otherwise eliminate interference 
    caused to MDS/ITFS reception, then that licensee must cease operations 
    from the offending WCS facility.
        (e) At least 30 days prior to commencing operations from any new 
    WCS transmission site or with increased power from any existing WCS 
    transmission site, a WCS licensee shall notify all MDS/ITFS licensees 
    in or through whose licensed service areas they intend to operate of 
    the technical parameters of the WCS transmission facility. WCS and MDS/
    ITFS licensees are expected to coordinate voluntarily and in good faith 
    to avoid interference problems and to allow the greatest operational 
    flexibility in each other's operations.
    [FR Doc. 97-8909 Filed 4-4-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6712-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Communications Commission
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
April 7, 1997.
16493-16498 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
GN Docket No. 96-228, FCC 97-112
PDF File:
CFR: (6)
47 CFR 27.53(a)(2)
47 CFR 25.202(f)
47 CFR 27.4
47 CFR 27.50
47 CFR 27.53
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