97-8367. Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum Operations  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 68 (Wednesday, April 9, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 17480-17489]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-8367]
    [[Page 17479]]
    Part III
    Department of Transportation
    Federal Aviation Administration
    14 CFR Part 91
    Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum Operations; Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 68 / Wednesday, April 9, 1997 / Rules 
    and Regulations
    [[Page 17480]]
    Federal Aviation Administration
    14 CFR Part 91
    [Docket No. 28870; Amdt No. 91-254]
    RIN 2120-AE51
    Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum Operations
    AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.
    ACTION: Final rule; request for comments.
    SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is establishing 
    requirements for operations of U.S.-registered aircraft in airspace 
    designated as Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) airspace. RVSM 
    refers to airspace between flight level (FL) 290 and FL 410, with 
    assigned altitudes separated by a minimum of 1,000 feet rather than the 
    2,000 foot minimum separation currently required above FL 290. The 
    current requirement is based on navigation equipment with a level of 
    accuracy that necessitated a 2,000 foot buffer. Modern navigation 
    equipment permits more precise navigation, including altitude control. 
    These regulations require operators and their aircraft to be approved 
    in accordance with new requirements, in order to operate in RVSM 
    specified airspace. The regulations ensure that operators and their 
    aircraft are properly qualified and equipped to conduct flight 
    operations while separated by 1,000 feet, and ensure that compliance 
    with the RVSM requirements is maintained. This amendment makes more 
    tracks and altitudes available for air traffic control to assign to 
    operators, thus increasing efficiency of operations and air traffic 
    capacity. This action maintains a level of safety equal to or greater 
    than that provided by the current regulations. RVSM will be applied in 
    designated areas, with the first area being certain flight levels in 
    the North Atlantic (NAT) Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications 
    (MNPS) airspace.
    DATES: This final rules is effective April 9, 1997. Comments must be 
    submitted on or before June 9, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Substantive comments on this action should be delivered or 
    mailed, in triplicate, to: Federal Aviation Administration, Office of 
    the Chief Counsel, Attention: Rules Docket (AGC-200), Room 915-G, 
    Docket No. 28870, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591. 
    Comments delivered must be marked Docket No. 28870. Substantive 
    comments also may be submitted electronically to the following Internet 
    address: [email protected] Comments may be examined in Room 915G 
    weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., except on Federal holidays.
    Mr. Roy Grimes, AFS-400, Technical Programs Division, Flight Standards 
    Service, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., 
    Washington, DC 20591, telephone (202) 267-3734.
    Substantive Comments Invited
        This action is a product of international agreements under which 
    the international aviation community, including the United States, is 
    prepared to and plans to begin operational testing of the RVSM 
    procedures in certain altitudes on March 27, 1997. Arriving air 
    traffic, having departed Europe and separated at RVSM altitudes, cannot 
    as a practical matter arrive in oceanic airspace controlled by the 
    United States, all needing to be reassigned to a pre-RVSM separation 
    altitude. Unless this rule is implemented by March 27, 1997, there 
    would have to be major delays for westbound NAT traffic in airspace 
    that the FAA does not control, to avoid a significant safety problem.
        Because the United States international commitments in this matter 
    cannot otherwise reasonably be met and because of the potential safety 
    problem for aircraft entering U.S.-controlled oceanic airspace without 
    the benefit of this rule, the FAA is publishing this action as a final 
    rule without an opportunity for public comment. It should be noted, 
    however, that this action has been developed through the international 
    committee process, a variety of related program meetings, and a formal 
    public meeting in 1993. No significant adverse comment was received.
        If an individual believes that a significant salient issue has been 
    overlooked, that person is invited to comment by submitting such 
    written data, views, or arguments as they may desire. Comments should 
    identify the regulatory docket number and should be submitted in 
    triplicate to the Rules Docket address specified above. Because this 
    rule was developed as a result of an international agreement, comments 
    deemed substantive will be presented for consideration and reviewed by 
    the international community under the auspices of ICAO. If considered 
    salient, the comment will be included for use by all participating 
    member States.
        All comments received will be available, both before and after the 
    closing date for comments, in the Rules Docket for examination by 
    interested persons. Commenters wishing the FAA to acknowledge receipt 
    of their comments must include a preaddressed, stamped postcard on 
    which the following statement is made: ``Comments to Docket No. 
    28870.'' The postcard will be date stamped and returned to the 
    Availability of This Document
        An electronic copy of this document may be downloaded using a modem 
    and suitable communications software from the FAA regulations section 
    of the Fedworld electronic bulletin board service (telephone 703-321-
    3339), the Federal Register's electronic bulletin board service 
    (telephone: 202-512-1661), or the FAA's Aviation Rulemaking Advisory 
    Committee Bulletin Board Service (telephone: 202-267-5948).
        Internet users may reach the FAA's web page at http://www.faa.gov 
    or the Federal Register's webpage at http://www.access.gpo/su__docs for 
    access to recently published rulemaking documents.
        Any person may obtain a copy of this document by submitting a 
    request to the Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Rulemaking, 
    ARM-1, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591, or by 
    calling (202) 267-9677. Communications must identify the docket number 
    of this rule.
        Persons interested in being placed on the mailing list for future 
    rulemaking actions should request from the above office a copy of 
    Advisory Circular No. 11-2A, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Distribution 
    System, that describes the application procedure.
    Statement of the Problem
        With air traffic increasing annually worldwide, FAA airspace 
    planners and their international counterparts continually study methods 
    of enhancing the air traffic control (ATC) system's ability to 
    accommodate this traffic in a safe and efficient manner. The traffic 
    problem has become particularly acute in the NAT airspace, where the 
    number of flight operations increased 30 percent from 1988 through 
    1992, according to the NAT Traffic Forecasting Group. The forecast 
    indicates that traffic will rise 60 percent over the 1992 level of 
    228,200 operations by 2005. Currently, 27 percent of operations in the 
    NAT airspace receive clearances on tracks and to altitudes other than 
    [[Page 17481]]
    requested by the operators in their filed flight plans because of 
    airspace limitations. These flights are conducted at less than optimum 
    tracks and altitudes for the aircraft, resulting in time and fuel 
        One limitation on air traffic management at high altitudes is the 
    required vertical separation. Whereas at lower altitudes air traffic 
    controllers can assign aircraft operating under Instrument Flight Rules 
    (IFR) altitudes a minimum of 1,000 feet apart, above FL 290, required 
    vertical separation is a minimum of 2,000 feet.
        Note: Flight levels are stated in digits that represent hundreds 
    of feet. The term flight level is used to describe a surface of 
    constant atmospheric pressure related to a reference datum of 29.92 
    inches of mercury. Rather than adjusting altimeters for changes in 
    atmospheric pressure, pilots base altitude readings above the 
    transition altitude [in the United States, 18,000 feet] on this 
    standard reference. FL 290 represents 29,000 feet; FL 310 represents 
    31,000 feet, and so on.)
        The 2,000 foot vertical separation minimum applied above FL 290 in 
    U.S. and international airspace dates to the 1950's. At that time, 
    high-altitude flight was possible for only a limited number of military 
    aircraft, and inaccuracies in altitude-keeping systems were evident 
    above FL 290. (``Altitude-keeping'' means the accuracy in the vertical 
    plane with which an aircraft adheres to its assigned pressure altitude 
    using the aircraft altitude-keeping and barometric altimeter systems.) 
    However, advances in technology eventually gave transport and general 
    aviation aircraft the ability to operate at higher altitudes, resulting 
    in increased traffic along high-altitude routes.
        The 2,000 ft minimum vertical separation restricts the number of 
    flight levels available, even though many more air carrier and general 
    aviation aircraft are capable of high altitude operations now than when 
    the standard was established. Flight levels 310, 330, 350, 370, and 390 
    are the flight levels at which aircraft crossing between North America 
    and Europe operate most economically, thus causing congestion at peak 
    hours. One solution to air traffic management limitations would be to 
    make available other flight levels, such as 320, 340, 360, and 380. 
    Exhaustive technical studies show that a 1,000 ft minimum vertical 
    separation is feasible and safe. The solution is based on marked 
    improvement in altitude-keeping technology and provides relief from the 
    fuel and time inefficiencies being seen in the NAT MNPS airspace.
        Rising traffic volume and fuel costs, which made flight at fuel 
    efficient altitudes a priority for operators, sparked an interest in 
    the early 1970's in implementing RVSM above FL 290. In April 1973, the 
    Air Transport Association of America (ATA) petitioned the FAA for a 
    rule change to reduce the vertical separation minimum to 1,000 feet for 
    aircraft operating above FL 290. The petition was denied in 1977 in 
    part because (1) aircraft altimeters had not been improved 
    sufficiently, (2) improved maintenance and operational standards had 
    not been developed, and (3) altitude correction was not available in 
    all aircraft. In addition, the cost of modifying nonconforming aircraft 
    was prohibitive. The FAA concluded that granting the ATA petition at 
    that time would have adversely affected safety.
        Nevertheless, the FAA recognized the potential benefits of RVSM 
    under certain circumstances and continued to review technological 
    developments, committing extensive resources to studying aircraft 
    altitude-keeping performance and necessary criteria for safely reducing 
    vertical separation above FL 290. These benefits and data showing that 
    implementing RVSM is technically feasible have been demonstrated in 
    studies conducted cooperatively in international forums, as well as 
    separately by the FAA.
        Because of the high standard of performance and equipment required 
    for RVSM, the FAA foresees initial introduction of RVSM in oceanic 
    airspace where special navigation performance standards already exist. 
    (Special navigation areas require high levels of long-range navigation 
    precision due to the separation standard applied). RVSM implementation 
    in such airspace requires an increased level of precision demanded of 
    operators, aircraft, and vertical navigation systems.
        In 1997, RVSM is planned only for one such special navigation area 
    of operation, the NAT MNPS, established in the International Civil 
    Aviation Organization (ICAO) NAT Region. In designated NAT MNPS 
    airspace, tracks are spaced 60 nautical miles (nm) apart. On these 
    tracks, aircraft are separated vertically by 2000 feet. All aircraft 
    operating in this airspace must be appropriately equipped and capable 
    of meeting the MNPS standards. Operators must follow procedures that 
    ensure the standards are met, and flightcrews must be trained and 
    qualified to meet the MNPS standards. Each operator, aircraft, and 
    navigation system combination must receive and maintain authorization 
    to operate in the NAT MNPS. The NATSPG Central Monitoring Agency for 
    the NAT Systems Planning Group monitors NAT aircraft fleet performance 
    to ensure that a safe operating environment is maintained.
        FAA data indicate that the altitude-keeping performance of most 
    aircraft flying in the NAT could meet the standards for RVSM 
    operations. The FAA and ICAO research to determine the feasibility of 
    implementing RVSM in the NAT MNPS included the following four efforts:
        1. FAA Vertical Studies Program. This program began in mid-1981, 
    with the objectives of collecting and analyzing data on aircraft 
    performance in maintaining assigned altitude, developing program 
    requirements to reduce vertical separation, and providing technical and 
    operational representation on the various working groups studying the 
    issue outside the FAA.
        2. RTCA Special Committee (SC)-150. RTCA, Inc., (formerly Radio 
    Technical Commission for Aeronautics) is an industry organization in 
    Washington, DC, that addresses aviation technical requirements and 
    concepts and produces recommended standards. When the FAA hosted a 
    public meeting in early 1982 on vertical separation, it was recommended 
    that RTCA be the forum for development of minimum system performance 
    standards for RVSM. RTCA SC-150 was formed in March 1982 to develop 
    minimum system performance requirements, identify required improvements 
    to aircraft equipment and changes to operational procedures, and assess 
    the impact of the requirements on the aviation community. SC-150 served 
    as the focal point for the study and development of RVSM criteria and 
    programs in the United States from 1982 to 1987, including analysis of 
    the results of the FAA Vertical Studies Program.
        3. ICAO Review of the General Concept of Separation Panel (RGCSP). 
    In 1987, the FAA concentrated its resources for the development of RVSM 
    programs in the ICAO RGCSP. The U.S. delegation to the ICAO RGCSP used 
    the material developed by SC-150 as the foundation for U.S. positions 
    and plans on RVSM criteria and programs. The panel's major conclusions 
         RVSM is ``technically feasible without imposing 
    unreasonably demanding technical requirements on the equipment.''
         RVSM provides ``significant benefits in terms of economy 
    and en route airspace capacity.''
         Implementation of RVSM on either a regional or global 
    basis requires ``sound operational judgment supported
    [[Page 17482]]
    by an assessment of system performance based on: Aircraft altitude-
    keeping capability, operational considerations, system performance 
    monitoring, and risk assessment.''
        4. NATSPG and the NATSPG Vertical Separation Implementation Group 
        The NATSPG Task Force was established in 1988 to identify the 
    requirements to be met by the future NAT Region air traffic services 
    system; to design the framework for the NAT airspace system concept; 
    and to prepare a general plan for the phased introduction of the 
    elements of the concept. The objective of this effort was to permit 
    ``significant increases in airspace capacity and improvements in flight 
    economy.'' At the meeting of the NATSPG in June 1991, all of the NAT 
    air traffic service provider States, as well as the International Air 
    Transport Association (IATA) and International Federation of Airline 
    Pilots Association (IFALPA), endorsed the Future NAT Air Traffic 
    Services System Concept Description developed by the NATSPG Task Force. 
    With regard to the implementation of RVSM, the Concept Description 
    concludes that ``priority must be given to implementation of this 
    measure as it is believed to be achievable within the early part of the 
    concept timeframe.'' NATSPG's initial goal was to implement RVSM 
    between 1996 and 1997. To meet this goal, the NATSPG established the 
    VSIG in June 1991 to take the necessary actions to implement RVSM in 
    the NAT. These actions included:
         Programs and documents to approve aircraft and operators 
    to conduct flight in the RVSM environment and to address all issues 
    related to aircraft airworthiness, maintenance, and operations. The 
    group has produced guidance material for aircraft and operator 
    approval, which ICAO has distributed to civil aviation authorities and 
    NAT users. ICAO has planned that the guidance material be incorporated 
    in the approval process established by the States.
         Developing the system for monitoring aircraft altitude-
    keeping performance. This system is used to observe aircraft 
    performance in the vertical plane to determine that the approval 
    process is uniformly effective and that the RVSM airspace system is 
         Evaluating and developing ATC procedures for RVSM, 
    conducting simulation studies to assess the effect of RVSM on ATC, and 
    developing documents to address ATC issues.
        The NATSPG RVSM implementation program was endorsed by the ICAO 
    Limited NAT Regional Air Navigation Meeting held in Portugal in 
    November 1992. At that meeting, it was concluded that RVSM 
    implementation should be pursued. The FAA concurred with the 
    conclusions of the NATSPG on RVSM implementation.
        On August 17, 1993, the FAA held a public meeting to obtain input 
    and data that would be considered by the FAA in determining if and how 
    to implement reduced vertical separation in appropriate airspace. The 
    32 meeting participants included representatives of the aviation 
    industry, including manufacturers and air carriers, and unions, as well 
    as pilots and government officials. Five members of the public made 
    formal statements.
        The ATA supported RVSM, indicating that the FAA should proceed as 
    quickly as possible with implementation because of direct economic 
    benefit for airlines. A member of the ATA supported the concept and 
    indicated that Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS) 
    should be included in the system specifications. The speaker indicated 
    that, in his analysis, no changes to the TCAS system would be needed to 
    implement the reduced vertical separation.
        The Airline Pilots Association (ALPA) supported RVSM, but expressed 
    concern that the engineering requirements were so complex that 
    continuing compliance could be difficult. Therefore, ALPA emphasized 
    that there must be an ongoing effort to collect data on altitude 
    keeping performance through monitoring to prevent those not meeting the 
    requirements from entering or using RVSM airspace.
        The National Air-Traffic Controllers' Association (NATCA) opposed 
    RVSM at that time because of the potential increase in traffic volume 
    in RVSM airspace without a corresponding increase in the number of 
    controllers. However, the NATCA speaker said the increase in oceanic 
    capacity through RVSM implementation should be pursued when the FAA 
    fully staffs the air traffic control system and provides adequate 
    automation to aid the controllers.
        (In the interim since the August, 1993 public meeting, the FAA 
    conducted a series of real time simulations at the FAA Technical 
    Center's National Simulation Capability (NSC). Simulations where 
    conducted to assist the FAA's Air Traffic organizations in defining 
    geographical areas for RVSM transitioning and establishing procedures 
    to effect that transition. Controllers, and controllers representing 
    NATCA, from New York, Boston and Miami Air Route Traffic Control 
    Centers, participated in the simulations. As indicated in the National 
    Simulation Capability RVSM Phase I Result Report, August 1995, the 
    simulation results indicated that, while interval increases in 
    controller workload occurred under RVSM traffic conditions when 
    compared with conventional vertical separation minima (2000 feet) 
    conditions, the overall controller workload did not increase. High 
    interval workload did not interfere with a controller's ability to 
    provide service to the aircraft. Based upon the Phase I RVSM simulation 
    results, the introduction of RVSM in the New York Oceanic Airspace is 
    feasible provided that certain procedures are well defined and agreed 
    upon prior to implemention.)
        The National Business Aircraft Association (NBAA) supported the 
    reduced vertical separation concept. However, NBAA expressed concern 
    over the cost of equipping aircraft to enter RVSM airspace. Also, NBAA 
    was concerned that if the RVSM concept was to be considered for the 
    Pacific area and domestic airspace, significant expense to operators 
    could result from the requirement for all airplanes to be equipped, 
    validated, and maintained to RVSM standards. NBAA viewed this as a 
    significant long-range cost impact.
    Reference Material
        The FAA and other entities studying the issue of RVSM requirements 
    have produced a number of studies and reports. The FAA used the 
    following documents in the development of this amendment.
         Summary Report of United States Studies on 1,000-Foot 
    Vertical Separation Above Flight Level 290 (FAA, July 1988).
         Initial Report on Minimum System Performance Standards 
    for 1,000-Foot Vertical Separation Above Flight Level 290 (RTCA SC-
    150, November 1984); the report provides information on the 
    methodology for evaluating safety, factors influencing vertical 
    separation, and strawman system performance standards.
         Minimum System Performance Standards for 1,000-Foot 
    Vertical Separation Above Flight Level 290 (Draft 7, RTCA, August 
    1990); the FAA concurred with the material developed by RTCA SC-150.
         The Report of RGCSP/6 (ICAO, Montreal, 28 November-15 
    December 1988) published in two volumes. Volume 1 summarizes the 
    major conclusions reached by the panel and the individual States. 
    Volume 2 presents the complete RVSM study reports of the individual 
         European Studies of Vertical Separation Above FL 290--
    Summary Report (prepared by the Eurocontrol Vertical Studies 
    [[Page 17483]]
         Summary Report of United States Studies on 1,000-Foot 
    Vertical Separation Above Flight Level 290 (prepared by the FAA 
    Technical Center and ARINC Research Corporation).
         The Japanese Study on Vertical Separation.
         The Report of the Canadian Mode C Data Collection.
         The Results of Studies on the Reduction of Vertical 
    Separation Intervals for USSR Aircraft at Altitudes Above 8,100 m 
    (prepared by the USSR).
         Report of RGCSP/7 (Montreal, 30 October-20 November 
    1990) containing a draft Manual on Implementation of a 300 M (1,000 
    Ft) Vertical Separation Minimum (VSM) Between FL 290 and 410 
    Inclusive, approved by the ICAO Air Navigation Commission in 
    February 1991 and published as ICAO Document 9574.
         Interim Guidance Material 91-RVSM, ``Approval of 
    Aircraft and Operators for Flight in Airspace Above FL 290 Where a 
    1,000 Foot Vertical Separation is Applied'' (March 14, 1994). (The 
    interim guidance continues to provide recommended procedural steps 
    for obtaining FAA approval.)
         AC No. 91-70, ``Oceanic Operations'' (September 6, 
         Flight Standards Handbook Bulletin for Air 
    Transportation (HBAT) ``Approval of Aircraft and Operators for 
    Flight in Airspace Above Flight Level 290 Where a 1,000 Foot 
    Vertical Separation Minimum is Applied'' (HBAT 97-02).
    Related Activity
        The FAA plans to implement RVSM starting in the NAT MNPS airspace 
    because of the data and operational controls available for this 
    airspace, and because of the operational efficiency problems in that 
    airspace. The FAA's groundwork for determining the feasibility of RVSM 
    and developing this rule has been carried out in conjunction with the 
    NATSPG's plans to implement RVSM in the NAT MNPS Airspace.
        Implementation is occurring in two phases:
    1. Verification Phase
        During the verification phase, aircraft have continued to be 
    vertically separated by 2,000 feet, and operators and aircraft have 
    begun to receive RVSM approval in accordance with the FAA's ``Interim 
    Guidance Material'' (91-RVSM).
        The overall objectives of the verification phase are to:
        1. Confirm that the NAT target level of safety (TLS) will continue 
    to be met.
        2. Confirm that aircraft approved for RVSM operation demonstrate 
    altitude-keeping performance that meets RVSM standards. This will be 
    achieved by:
         Identifying and eliminating any causes of out-of-tolerance 
    altitude-keeping performance, in general or for specific aircraft 
    groups; and
         Monitoring a sample of RVSM-approved aircraft and 
    operators that is representative of the total NAT MNPS population.
        3. Verify that operational procedures adopted for RVSM are 
    effective and appropriate.
        4. Confirm that the altitude-monitoring program is effective.
        The principal purpose of this phase has been to gain confidence 
    that the operational trial phase can begin.
    2. Operational Trial Phase
        As the objectives of the system verification phase have been met, 
    NATSPG plans to implement RVSM at designated flight levels with 
    separation of 1,000 feet on an operational trial basis starting March 
    27, 1997 for approximately one year. In the initial phase of 
    implementation, the NATSPG plans to implement RVSM only at certain 
    flight levels (FL 330 to FL 370). The objectives of the operational 
    trial phase are to:
        1. Continue to collect altitude-keeping performance data.
        2. Increase the level of confidence that safety goals are being 
        3. Demonstrate operationally that there are no difficulties with 
    RVSM implementation.
        Starting March 27, 1997, aircraft that do not meet the RVSM 
    requirements will be excluded from operations at flight levels where 
    RVSM is applied. Provided that all requirements continue to be met, at 
    the end of the operational trial period, RVSM will be declared fully 
        To help operators prepare to comply with the requirements of this 
    rule, the FAA has prepared two documents, which are available in the 
    docket. The first of these documents, distributed at the ICAO meetings 
    since April, 1994, is Interim Guidance Material on the Approval of 
    Operators/Aircraft for RVSM Operations (91-RVSM). This document 
    contains guidance for the approval of aircraft and operators to conduct 
    RVSM operations. It is based on the ICAO manual on RVSM. It was 
    developed in the NATSPG forum by technical and operational experts from 
    the FAA, the European Joint Airworthiness Authorities (JAA), the 
    aircraft manufacturers, and pilot associations. The FAA is taking steps 
    to publish it as an advisory circular (AC). In the interim, a copy of 
    91-RVSM may be obtained by contacting the person identified under FOR 
        The second document is a Flight Standards Handbook Bulletin (HBAT) 
    97-02 entitled Approval of Aircraft and Operators for Flight in 
    Airspace Above Flight Level 290 Where 1,000 Foot Vertical Separation 
    Minimum Is Applied, and has been distributed through Flight Standards 
        The interim guidance material describes methods of complying with 
    the airworthiness approval, maintenance program approval, and 
    operations approval requirements in the rule. It discusses timing, 
    process, and maintenance and operations material that the operator 
    should submit for FAA review and evaluation normally at least 60 days 
    before the planned operation in RVSM airspace. Operators under Title 
    14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 91 receive FAA approval 
    in the form of a letter of authorization, and operators under 14 CFR 
    parts 121, 125, and 135 receive operations specifications approval.
        The HBAT contains background information on RVSM, directs 
    inspectors to use the Interim Guidance 91-RVSM for operator approval, 
    and contains specific direction on issuing operating authority.
    Altitude-Keeping Performance
        The FAA, in conjunction with the NATSPG, also has been monitoring 
    aircraft altitude-keeping performance. The NATSPG, with industry 
    participation, determined that the overall (i.e., accounting for 
    equipment and human error) criterion for safety in the NAT region is 
    the target level of safety (TLS) of no more than five fatal accidents 
    in 1 billion flying hours. The FAA has determined that the appropriate 
    method of assessing collision risk is the Reich collision risk model 
    (CRM). As noted in AC No. 91-70, ``Oceanic Operations,'' collision risk 
    refers to the number of midair accidents likely to occur due to loss of 
    separation in a prescribed volume of airspace for a specific number of 
    flight hours.
        To ensure that the TLS considered acceptable in the NAT is met, the 
    FAA and the NATSPG are monitoring the total vertical error (TVE) and 
    the remaining CRM parameters that are critical for safety assessment 
    (probability of lateral and longitudinal overlap). TVE is defined as 
    the geometric difference between aircraft and flight level altitude. To 
    monitor TVE, the FAA and the NATSPG have deployed measurement systems 
    that will produce estimates of aircraft and flight level geometric 
    altitude. The overall goal of monitoring is to ensure that 
    airworthiness, maintenance, and operational approval requirements 
    result in required system performance (and level of safety) in the 
    flight environment on a continuing basis. Currently, two altitude-
    [[Page 17484]]
    systems are operating: a Global Positioning System (GPS)-based 
    monitoring system and a Height monitoring unit (HMU) that uses a Mode C 
    multilateration system. Data are currently being collected on both 
    systems to determine technical and operational feasibility.
        Collision Risk Methodology (CRM) (including an acceptable level of 
    safety) was used to develop the requirements for safe implementation of 
    a 1,000 foot vertical separation standard. The level of safety was 
    developed using historical data on safety from global sources. One 
    precedence used was a period of 100 to 150 years between midair 
    collisions. When the NATSPG TLS of 5 accidents in a billion flying 
    hours is projected in terms of a calendar year interval between 
    accidents, it yields a theoretical interval of approximately 390 years 
    between midair collisions. The accepted level of safety is consistent 
    with the acceptable level for aircraft hull loss and is based on the 
    precedence of extremely improbable events as they relate to system 
    safety, the basis for certain requirements in certification regulations 
    such as 14 CFR 25.1309. The United States supported the methodology 
    used to derive the accepted level of safety for RVSM implementation.
        Following the development of the accepted level of safety, the 
    corresponding limits for TVE and altimetry system errors were 
    developed. A detailed discussion of the mathematical rationale leading 
    to the requirements for safe implementation of RVSM is available in the 
    Current Requirements
        In the Federal Aviation Regulations, 14 CFR 91.179(b)(3) 
    establishes the 2,000 ft minimum separation in domestic airspace by 
    requiring that flights in uncontrolled airspace at and above FL 290 on 
    easterly magnetic courses (zero degrees through 179 degrees) be 
    conducted at 4,000 ft intervals, starting at FL 290, (e.g., FL 290, 
    330, or 370). West-bound flights (magnetic courses of 180 degrees 
    through 359 degrees) must be conducted at 4,000 ft intervals beginning 
    at FL 310 (e.g., FL 310, 350, or 390). Flights in controlled airspace 
    must be conducted at an altitude assigned by ATC.
        For operations within a foreign country, 14 CFR 91.703 requires 
    compliance with that country's regulations. For operations over the 
    high seas outside the United States, 14 CFR 91.703 requires that 
    aircraft of U.S. registry comply with Annex 2 (Rules of the Air) to the 
    Convention on International Civil Aviation. Annex 2, amendment 32, 
    effective February 19, 1996, reflects the planned change from 2,000 
    feet to 1,000 feet vertical separation for Instrument Flight Rules 
    (IFR) traffic between FL 290 and FL 410, based on appropriate airspace 
    designation, international agreements, and conformance with specified 
    conditions. By this amendment, Annex 2, through amendment 32, is 
    incorporated by reference in Sec. 91.703(b).
        Regulatory requirements for operations within the NAT MNPS by U.S.-
    registered aircraft are contained in 14 CFR 91.705. The regulation 
    states that the aircraft must have approved navigation performance 
    capability that meets specified requirements, and that the operator 
    have authorization from the Administrator for operations in the NAT 
        The NAT MNPS is addressed in greater detail in appendix C to Part 
    91, Operations in the North Atlantic (NAT) Minimum Navigation 
    Performance Specifications (MNPS) Airspace. The appendix defines the 
    airspace geographically and sets minimum navigation performance 
    capability requirements.
    General Discussion of the Amendment
        This rule allows operations of civil aircraft of U.S. registration 
    outside the U.S. in airspace where a 1,000 foot vertical separation is 
    applied, based on improvements in altitude-keeping technology. These 
    improvements include:
         Introduction of the air data computer (ADC), which 
    provides an automatic means of correcting the known static source error 
    of aircraft to improve aircraft altitude measurement capability.
         Development of altimeters with enhanced transducers or 
    double aneroids for computing altitude.
        Under this amendment, airspace or routes in which RVSM is applied 
    are considered special qualification airspace. Both the operator and 
    the specific types of aircraft that the operator intends to use in RVSM 
    airspace would have to be approved by the appropriate FAA office before 
    the operator conducts flights in RVSM airspace.
        Implementation of a 1,000 foot vertical separation standard above 
    FL 290 offers substantial operational benefits to operators, including:
         Greater availability of the most fuel-efficient altitudes. 
    In the RVSM environment, aircraft are able to fly closer to their 
    optimum altitude at initial level off and through step climbing to the 
    optimum altitude during the enroute phase.
         Greater availability of the most time- and fuel-efficient 
    tracks and routes (and an increased probability of obtaining these 
    tracks and routes). Operators often are not cleared on the track or 
    route that was filed due to demand for the optimum routes, and 
    resultant traffic congestion on those routes. RVSM allows ATC to 
    accommodate a greater number of aircraft on a given track or route. 
    More time- and fuel-efficient tracks or routes would therefore be 
    available to more aircraft.
         Increased controller flexibility. RVSM gives ATC greater 
    flexibility to manage traffic by increasing the number of flight levels 
    on each track or route.
         Enhanced safety in the lateral dimension. Studies indicate 
    that RVSM produces a wider distribution of aircraft among different 
    tracks and altitudes, resulting in less exposure to aircraft at 
    adjacent separation standards. RVSM reduces the number of occasions 
    when two aircraft pass each other separated by a single separation 
    standard (e.g., 60 nm laterally). The benefit to safety is that, should 
    an aircraft enter, as a result of gross navigation error, onto an 
    adjacent track, and another aircraft is on that track, there is an 
    increased probability that the two aircraft would be flying at 
    different flight levels.
        This rule amends Sec. 91.703(a)(4) and continues to require that 
    operations conducted within airspace designated as MNPS airspace be 
    conducted in accordance with Sec. 91.705. The rule also requires that 
    operations conducted within airspace designated as Reduced Vertical 
    Separation Airspace be conducted in accordance with a new Sec. 91.706.
        Section 91.705 has been edited to delete references to the North 
    Atlantic. The revised section also corrects format errors.
        Section 91.706 is added to prescribe the requirements for 
    operations conducted in airspace designated as Reduced Vertical 
    Separation Minimum Airspace. That section is similar in form to 
    Sec. 91.705. It requires that each operator obtain authorization from 
    the FAA to operate in airspace designated as RVSM, and requires each 
    operator to obtain RVSM approval for their aircraft in accordance with 
    appendix G.
        The new appendix G specifies essential aircraft equipment and 
    capabilities, including altitude measurement systems; altitude control 
    systems; and an altitude alert system. RVSM aircraft are required to 
    meet requirements for altimetry system error containment, equipment 
    installation, and equipment tolerances. The control systems are 
    required to automatically
    [[Page 17485]]
    control aircraft altitude to within specified limits (in non-turbulent, 
    non-gust conditions). The associated alert systems are required to 
    alert flightcrews to deviations of more than 300 feet from selected 
    altitudes, or 200 feet for aircraft for which application for type 
    certification occurs after April 8, 1997.
        Altitude system error (ASE) requirements are prescribed in part 91, 
    appendix G, section 2, paragraph (e). The ASE that aircraft groups are 
    required to exhibit in service for acceptable aircraft altitude-keeping 
    performance to be achieved in the full RVSM flight envelope is:
        The mean ASE of an aircraft group must not exceed 120 feet and the 
    sum of mean ASE plus three standard deviations of ASE must not exceed 
    245 feet.
        On the basis of studies documented in ICAO Document 9536, Volume 2, 
    a margin was established between the ASE to be exhibited in service and 
    the ASE criteria used for initial approval to allow for some 
    degradation with increasing aircraft age. Thus, for initial aircraft 
    approval, the following ASE requirements are established in the basic 
    envelope (as defined below):
        The mean ASE of the group must not exceed 80 feet, and the sum of 
    ASE for the aircraft group plus three standard deviations must not 
    exceed 200 feet.
        For the purpose of approving in-service aircraft, the FAA divides 
    the flight envelope into two parts to provide a reasonable method for 
    applying the above criteria to currently type-certificated aircraft. 
    The Basic RVSM flight envelope (see part 91, appendix G, section 1) 
    represents the aircraft speeds, altitudes and weights at which the 
    majority of aircraft operations are conducted. The Full RVSM flight 
    envelope also includes portions of the operating flight envelope in 
    which aircraft operate less frequently. The values of 80 feet for mean 
    ASE and 200 feet for mean ASE plus three standard deviations of ASE 
    must be met in the Basic RVSM flight envelope. The values of 120 feet 
    for mean ASE and 245 feet for mean ASE plus three standard deviations 
    must be met in the Full RVSM flight envelope.
        For RVSM approval of aircraft for which a type certificate is 
    requested after April 9, 1997, however, the FAA has determined that it 
    is not necessary to continue designating two flight envelopes (i.e., 
    Basic and Full flight envelopes). With values of 80 feet for mean ASE 
    and 200 feet for mean ASE plus three standard deviations for ASE 
    established during the design phase, the FAA has determined that those 
    values can also be achieved throughout the Full RVSM flight envelope.
        The ASE criteria for group aircraft will not be applied to non-
    group aircraft, because with non-group aircraft there is no data with 
    which to measure airframe to airframe variability. Therefore, a single 
    ASE value would be established to control the simple sum of altimetry 
    errors. To control the overall population distribution, this limit 
    would be set at a value less than that for group aircraft.
        The new appendix G also provides for limited deviations to the 
    operator and aircraft approval requirements. To accomplish this, the 
    appendix states that an operator's request should normally be submitted 
    at least 48 hours in advance of the proposed flight except under 
    mitigating circumstances, so that ATC could then determine if proper 
    separation could be provided without interference with normal RVSM 
    operations. As with current appendix C to part 91, such deviations are 
    considered as exceptions, not normal operations. For example, the 
    operations envisioned that could be conducted in deviation from the 
    RVSM requirements are the occasional part 91 flight in a business jet, 
    or a maintenance ferry flight of a part 121 certificate holder's 
    aircraft for the purpose of performing maintenance and returning the 
    aircraft to RVSM-approved status.
        Under this amendment, the new appendix G designates, in Section 8, 
    those areas in which RVSM may be applied. Initially, as previously 
    stated, RVSM will be applied only at designated flight levels in NAT 
    MNPS airspace (e.g., FL 330 to FL 370). However, the appendix is 
    otherwise structured in a generic format so that other airspace could 
    be added to the designation when RVSM is expanded. By reviewing Section 
    8, operators are provided notification of areas where RVSM may be 
    applied. (Operations still have the Annex 2 requirements to determine 
    route requirements during preflight.)
        NATSPG has agreed to change the floor and ceiling of MNPS airspace 
    to FL 285 and FL 420. This change will enable the application of RVSM 
    between FL 290 and FL 410, inclusive. The FAA does not consider this to 
    be a substantive change.
        The new appendix generally defines RVSM airspace as any airspace 
    between FL 290 and FL 410 (inclusive) where aircraft are to be 
    separated by a minimum of 1,000 feet vertically. The appendix also 
    specifies that operators receive approval for RVSM operations either 
    through operations specifications or a Letter of Authorization, as 
    appropriate. Applicants for operation in RVSM airspace are required to 
    submit supporting material for aircraft approval, including information 
    on compliance with the performance and hardware requirements and on the 
    operator's maintenance program, in connection with meeting RVSM minimum 
    performance requirements. Operators are also required to implement 
    policies and procedures related to RVSM operations and to show that 
    their pilots have necessary knowledge of those policies and procedures.
        Specific guidance on how to meet the requirements is available in 
    Interim Guidance Material 91-RVSM, which addresses various aspects of 
    RVSM requirements, including maintenance and operations programs. 
    Operators can obtain authorization for RVSM from their local Flight 
    Standards District Office (FSDO) or Certificate Management Office. 
    Approval of aircraft may be given for aircraft groups or for individual 
    aircraft. In the former case, the FAA expects that operators would need 
    to enlist the assistance of the aircraft manufacturers to develop the 
    necessary data on the aircraft group. In the latter case, the operator 
    would work with the FAA to determine the accuracy of the altitude-
    keeping equipment on the individual aircraft.
        This amendment results in more stringent vertical navigation 
    standards in oceanic airspace; the standards will be applied in other 
    airspace above FL 290 as they are designated as RVSM airspace in the 
    future. In NAT MNPS airspace, aircraft and operators that do not meet 
    the vertical navigation requirements of RVSM will be accommodated in 4 
    ways--First, RVSM will be implemented in stages. In Stage 1, RVSM 
    approval will be required when operating between FL 33 to FL 370 
    inclusive. Unapproved operators will have the option of flying at FL 
    310 and below or FL 390 and above. The staged implementation plan was 
    adopted to give operators more time and flexibility in their planning 
    to gain RVSM approval (Note: NATSPG will evaluate user needs before 
    implementing a second stage that applies RVSM requirements to other 
    flight levels.). Second, unapproved operators will be allowed to climb 
    or descend in MNPS airspace through flight levels where RVSM is applied 
    to operate at FL's where RVSM is not applied. Third, the operator may 
    be authorized to deviate from RVSM requirements in accordance with the 
    provisions of Appendix G, Section 5. Though it is not intended to be 
    the routine mode of operation, this section
    [[Page 17486]]
    does enable an operator that has not been RVSN approved (or an aircraft 
    with an RVSM required system temporarily inoperative) to fly in MNPS 
    airspace where RVSM is applied provided request is made in advance and 
    ATC determines that appropriate separation can be applied without 
    imposing a burden on other operators. And fourth, when RVSM is applied 
    to all flight levels in MNPS airspace (FL 290 to 410 inclusive), the 
    operator not wishing to gain RVSM approval will retain the option of 
    crossing the North Atlantic at FL's above or below airspace where RVSM 
    requirements apply. Such an operator will be able to fly at FL 280 and 
    below or FL 430 and above. The FAA has determined that these are 
    reasonable and adequate means to accommodate the transition to RVSM 
    requirements, particularly for general aviation operators.
        The Interim Guidance is intended to be applicable for RVSM aircraft 
    and operator approval in continental, oceanic, and remote airspace. The 
    FAA expects that RVSM eventually will be applied in other airspace, 
    including the Pacific region, Europe, and eventually even U.S. 
    airspace. The rule establishes requirements for operation of U.S. 
    registered aircraft outside the U.S. in any airspace designated for 
    RVSM; it specifically establishes that the NAT MNPS airspace is an area 
    where RVSM may be applied.
    Need for Immediate Adoption
        This action is a product of international agreements. It is the 
    implementation of a joint, ongoing action started in 1988 with the 
    member States of ICAO. The international aviation community is prepared 
    to and will begin operational testing of the RVSM procedures in certain 
    altitudes on March 27, 1997.
        The United States, as a member of ICAO, has an international 
    commitment to participate in this action. Arriving air traffic, having 
    departed Europe and separated at RVSM altitudes, as a practical matter, 
    cannot arrive in oceanic airspace controlled by the United States, all 
    needing to be reassigned to a pre-RVSM separation altitude. Unless this 
    rule is implemented by March 27, 1997, to avoid a significant safety 
    problem, there would have to be major delays for westbound NAT traffic 
    in airspace the FAA does not control.
        Additionally, U.S. operators will incur an economic disadvantage 
    compared to their European competitors, if they are unable to utilize 
    the benefits gained from operating at RVSM altitudes beginning on March 
    27, 1997,
        Because of the imminent beginning of operational testing by all 
    countries involved, good cause exists for making this final rule 
    effective immediately.
    Regulatory Evaluation Summary
        Changes to Federal regulations must undergo several economic 
    analyses. First, Executive Order 12866 directs that each Federal agency 
    shall adopt a regulation only upon a reasoned determination that the 
    benefits of the intended regulation justify its costs. Second, the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 requires agencies to analyze the 
    economic effect of regulatory changes on small entities. Third, the 
    Office of Management and Budget directs agencies to assess the effect 
    of regulatory changes on international trade. In conducting these 
    analyses, the FAA has determined that this rule: (1) generates benefits 
    that justify its costs and is not ``a significant regulatory action'' 
    as defined in the Executive Order; (2) is significant as defined in 
    Department of Transportation's Regulatory Policies and Procedures; (3) 
    does not have a significant impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities; and (4) does not constitute a barrier to international trade. 
    These analyses, available in the docket are summarized below.
        This rule establishes a new Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) 
    section that allows the vertical separation minimum from 2,000 feet to 
    1,000 feet between FL 290 and FL 410 to be reduced in certain 
    designated airspace. This action is intended to increase the number of 
    available flight levels, enhance airspace capacity, permit operators to 
    fly more fuel/time efficient tracks and altitudes, and enhance air 
    traffic controller flexibility by increasing the number of available 
    flight levels, while maintaining an equivalent level of safety.
        Assuming that operators with the capability of operating above FL 
    410 would do so in lieu of obtaining RVSM approval, the FAA estimates 
    that this rule costs U.S. operators $28.1 million in constant 1995 
    dollars for the fifteen-year time period 1996-2010 or $20.4 million 
    discounted. Benefits begin accruing in 1997. Benefits, based on fuel 
    savings for the commercial aircraft fleet over the years 1997 to 2010, 
    are estimated to be $35.8 million undiscounted in constant 1995 dollars 
    or discounted at $24.0 million. The other benefits of implementing RVSM 
    are: (1) availability of added tracks; (2) increased controller 
    flexibility to clear aircraft for efficient step (enroute) climbs; and 
    (3) increased controller flexibility to route aircraft to appropriate 
    tracks. Therefore, based on a quantitative and qualitative evaluation 
    of this action, the FAA believes that the amendment is cost-beneficial.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The FAA has determined that these amendments do not significantly 
    affect a substantial number of small entities.
    International Trade Impact Analysis
        This amendment does not affect the importation of foreign products 
    or services into the United States or the exportation of U.S. products 
    or services to foreign countries.
    Federalism Implications
        This rule will not have substantial direct effects on the States, 
    on the relationship between the national government and the States, or 
    on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various 
    levels of government. Therefore, in accordance with Executive Order 
    12612, it is determined that this amendment does not have sufficient 
    federalism implications to warrant the preparation of a Federalism 
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
        The reporting and recordkeeping requirements associated with this 
    rule remain the same as under the current rules and have previously 
    been approved by the Office of Management and Budget under the 
    provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96-511) and 
    have been assigned OMB Control Numbers 2120-0026. The FAA believes that 
    this rule does not impose any additional recordkeeping or reporting 
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
        The FAA has determined that the requirements of Title II of the 
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 do not apply to this rulemaking.
    International Civil Aviation Organization and Joint Aviation 
        In keeping with U.S. obligations under the Convention on 
    International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), it is FAA policy to 
    comply with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARP) to maximum 
    extent practicable. The operator and aircraft approval process was 
    developed jointly by the FAA and the JAA under the auspices of NATSPG. 
    The FAA has determined that this amendment does not present any 
    [[Page 17487]]
        For the reasons discussed in the Preamble, and based on the 
    findings in the Regulatory Flexibility Determination and the 
    International Trade Impact Analysis, the FAA has determined that this 
    rule is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order 
    12866. In addition, the FAA certifies that this regulation does not 
    have a significant economic impact, positive or negative, on a 
    substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1990. This amendment is considered 
    significant under Order DOT 2100.5, Policies and Procedures for 
    Simplification, Analysis, and Review of Regulations due to the 
    significant international ramifications of this rule. A regulatory 
    evaluation of the regulation, including a Regulatory Flexibility 
    Determination and International Trade Impact Analysis, are available in 
    the docket. A copy may be obtained by contacting the person identified 
    List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 91
        Air-traffic control, Aircraft, Airmen, Airports, Aviation safety, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    The Amendment
        In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation 
    Administration amends part 91 of Title 14 of the Code of Federal 
    Regulations (14 CFR part 91) as follows:
        1. The authority citation for Part 91 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40103, 40113, 40120, 44101, 44111, 
    44701, 44709, 44711, 44712, 44715, 44716, 44717, 44722, 46306, 
    46315, 46316, 46502, 46504, 46506-46507, 47122, 47508, 47528-47531.
        2. Section 91.703 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(4) and (b) 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 91.703  Operations of civil aircraft of U.S. registry outside of 
    the United States.
        (a)* * *
        (4) When operating within airspace designated as Minimum Navigation 
    Performance Specifications (MNPS) airspace, comply with Sec. 91.705. 
    When operating within airspace designated as Reduced Vertical 
    Separation Minimum (RVSM) airspace, comply with Sec. 91.706.
        (b) Annex 2 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, 
    Ninth Edition--July 1990, with Amendments through Amendment 32 
    effective February 19, 1996, to which reference is made in this part, 
    is incorporated into this part and made a part hereof as provided in 5 
    U.S.C. Sec. 552 and pursuant to 1 CFR part 51. Annex 2 (including a 
    complete historic file of changes thereto) is available for public 
    inspection at the Rules Docket, AGC-200, Federal Aviation 
    Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591; or 
    at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., 
    Suite 700, Washington, DC. In addition, Annex 2 may be purchased from 
    the International Civil Aviation Organization (Attention: Distribution 
    Officer), P.O. Box 400, Succursale, Place de L'Aviation Internationale, 
    1000 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2R2.
        3. Section 91.705 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 91.705  Operations within airspace designated as Minimum 
    Navigation Performance Specification Airspace.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, no person 
    may operate a civil aircraft of U.S. registry in airspace designated as 
    Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications airspace unless--
        (1) The aircraft has approved navigation performance capability 
    that complies with the requirements of appendix C of this part; and
        (2) The operator is authorized by the Administrator to perform such 
        (b) The Administrator may authorize a deviation from the 
    requirements of this section in accordance with Section 3 of appendix C 
    to this part.
        4. New Sec. 91.706 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 91.706  Operations within airspace designed as Reduced Vertical 
    Separation Minimum Airspace.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, no person 
    may operate a civil aircraft of U.S. registry in airspace designated as 
    Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) airspace unless:
        (1) The operator and the operator's aircraft comply with the 
    requirements of appendix G of this part; and
        (2) The operator is authorized by the Administrator to conduct such 
        (b) The Administrator may authorize a deviation from the 
    requirements of this section in accordance with Section 5 of appendix G 
    to this part.
        5. Section 1 of Appendix C to Part 91 is amended by removing the 
    flight levels ``FL 275'' and ``FL 400'' cited in the first sentence and 
    replacing them with ``FL 285'' ``FL 420'' respectively.
        6. A new appendix G is added to read as follows:
    Appendix G to Part 91--Operations in Reduced Vertical Separation 
    Minimum (RVSM) Airspace
    Section 1. Definitions
        Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) Airspace. Within RVSM 
    airspace, air traffic control (ATC) separates aircraft by a minimum 
    of 1,000 feet vertically between flight level (FL) 290 and FL 410 
    inclusive. RVSM airspace is special qualification airspace; the 
    operator and the aircraft used by the operator must be approved by 
    the Administrator. Air-traffic control notifies operators of RVSM by 
    providing route planing information. Section 8 of this appendix 
    identifies airspace where RVSM may be applied.
        RVSM Group Aircraft. Aircraft within a group of aircraft, 
    approved as a group by the Administrator, in which each of the 
    aircraft satisfy each of the following:
        (a) The aircraft have been manufactured to the same design, and 
    have been approved under the same type certificate, amended type 
    certificate, or supplemental type certificate.
        (b) The static system of each aircraft is installed in a manner 
    and position that is the same as those of the other aircraft in the 
    group. The same static source error correction is incorporated in 
    each aircraft of the group.
        (c) The avionics units installed in each aircraft to meet the 
    minimum RVSM equipment requirements of this appendix are:
        (1) Manufactured to the same manufacturer specification and have 
    the same part number; or
        (2) Of a different manufacturer or part number, if the applicant 
    demonstrates that the equipment provides equivalent system 
        RVSM Nongroup Aircraft. An aircraft that is approved for RVSM 
    operations as an individual aircraft.
        RVSM Flight envelope. An RVSM flight envelope includes the range 
    of Mach number, weight divided by atmospheric pressure ratio, and 
    altitudes over which an aircraft is approved to be operated in 
    cruising flight within RVSM airspace. RVSM flight envelopes are 
    defined as follows:
        (a) The full RVSM flight envelope is bounded as follows:
        (1) The altitude flight envelope extends from FL 290 upward to 
    the lowest altitude of the following:
        (i) FL 410 (the RVSM altitude limit);
        (ii) The maximum certificated altitude for the aircraft; or
        (iii) The altitude limited by cruise thrust, buffet, or other 
    flight limitations.
        (2) The airspeed flight envelope extends:
        (i) From the airspeed of the slats/flaps-up maximum endurance 
    (holding) airspeed, or the maneuvering airspeed, whichever is lower;
        (ii) To the maximum operating airspeed (Vmo/Mmo), or 
    airspeed limited by cruise thrust buffet, or other flight 
    limitations, whichever is lower.
    [[Page 17488]]
        (3) All permissible gross weights within the flight envelopes 
    defined in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this definition.
        (b) The basic RVSM flight envelope is the same as the full RVSM 
    flight envelope except that the airspeed flight envelope extends:
        (1) From the airspeed of the slats/flaps-up maximum endurance 
    (holding) airspeed, or the maneuver airspeed, whichever is lower;
        (2) To the upper Mach/airspeed boundary defined for the full 
    RVSM flight envelope, or a specified lower value not less than the 
    long-range cruise Mach number plus .04 Mach, unless further limited 
    by available cruise thrust, buffet, or other flight limitations.
    Section 2. Aircraft Approval
        (a) An operator may be authorized to conduct RVSM operations if 
    the Administrator finds that its aircraft comply with this section.
        (b) The applicant for authorization shall submit the appropriate 
    data package for aircraft approval. The package must consist of at 
    least the following:
        (1) An identification of the RVSM aircraft group or the nongroup 
        (2) A definition of the RVSM flight envelopes applicable to the 
    subject aircraft;
        (3) Documentation that establishes compliance with the 
    applicable RVSM aircraft requirements of this section; and
        (4) The conformity tests used to ensure that aircraft approved 
    with the data package meet the RVSM aircraft requirements.
        (c) Altitude-keeping equipment: All aircraft. To approve an 
    aircraft group or a nongroup aircraft, the Administrator must find 
    that the aircraft meets the following requirements:
        (1) The aircraft must be equipped with two operational 
    independent altitude measurement systems.
        (2) The aircraft must be equipped with at least one automatic 
    altitude control system that controls the aircraft altitude--
        (i) Within a tolerance band of 65 feet about an 
    acquired altitude when the aircraft is operated in straight and 
    level flight under nonturbulent, nongust conditions; or
        (ii) Within a tolerance band of 130 feet under 
    nonturbulent, nongust conditions for aircraft for which application 
    for type certification occurred on or before April 9, 1997 that are 
    equipped with an automatic altitude control system with flight 
    management/performance system inputs.
        (3) The aircraft must be equipped with an altitude alert system 
    that signals an alert when the altitude displayed to the flight crew 
    deviates from the selected altitude by more than:
        (i) 300 feet for aircraft for which application for 
    type certification was made on or before April 9, 1997; or
        (ii) 200 feet for aircraft for which application for 
    type certification is made after April 9, 1997.
        (d) Altimetry system error containment: Group aircraft for which 
    application for type certification was made on or before April 9, 
    1997. To approve group aircraft for which application for type 
    certification was made on or before April 9, 1997, the Administrator 
    must find that the altimetry system error (ASE) is contained as 
        (1) At the point in the basic RVSM flight envelope where mean 
    ASE reaches its largest absolute value, the absolute value may not 
    exceed 80 feet.
        (2) At the point in the basic RVSM flight envelope where mean 
    ASE plus three standard deviations reaches its largest absolute 
    value, the absolute value may not exceed 200 feet.
        (3) At the point in the full RVSM flight envelope where mean ASE 
    reaches its largest absolute value, the absolute value may not 
    exceed 120 feet.
        (4) At the point in the full RVSM flight envelope where mean ASE 
    plus three standard deviations reaches its largest absolute value, 
    the absolute value may not exceed 245 feet.
        (5) Necessary operating restrictions. If the applicant 
    demonstrates that its aircraft otherwise comply with the ASE 
    containment requirements, the Administrator may establish an 
    operating restriction on that applicant's aircraft to restrict the 
    aircraft from operating in areas of the basic RVSM flight envelope 
    where the absolute value of mean ASE exceeds 80 feet, and/or the 
    absolute value of mean ASE plus three standard deviations exceeds 
    200 feet; or from operating in areas of the full RVSM flight 
    envelope where the absolute value of the mean ASE exceeds 120 feet 
    and/or the absolute value of the mean ASE plus three standard 
    deviations exceeds 245 feet.
        (e) Altimetry system error containment: Group aircraft for which 
    application for type certification is made after April 9, 1997. To 
    approve group aircraft for which application for type certification 
    is made after April 9, 1997, the Administrator must find that the 
    altimetry system error (ASE) is contained as follows:
        (1) At the point in the full RVSM flight envelope where mean ASE 
    reaches its largest absolute value, the absolute value may not 
    exceed 80 feet.
        (2) At the point in the full RVSM flight envelope where mean ASE 
    plus three standard deviations reaches its largest absolute value, 
    the absolute value may not exceed 200 feet.
        (f) Altimetry system error containment: Nongroup aircraft. To 
    approve a nongroup aircraft, the Administrator must find that the 
    altimetry system error (ASE) is contained as follows:
        (1) For each condition in the basic RVSM flight envelope, the 
    largest combined absolute value for residual static source error 
    plus the avionics error may not exceed 160 feet.
        (2) For each condition in the full RVSM flight envelope, the 
    largest combined absolute value for residual static source error 
    plus the avionics error may not exceed 200 feet.
        (g) If the Administrator finds that the applicant's aircraft 
    comply with this section, the Administrator notifies the applicant 
    in writing.
    Section 3. Operator Authorization
        (a) Authority for an operator to conduct flight in airspace 
    where RVSM is applied is issued in operations specifications or a 
    Letter of Authorization, as appropriate. To issue an RVSM 
    authorization, the Administrator must find that the operator's 
    aircraft have been approved in accordance with Section 2 of this 
    appendix and that the operator complies with this section.
        (b) An applicant for authorization to operate within RVSM 
    airspace shall apply in a form and manner prescribed by the 
    Administrator. The application must include the following:
        (1) An approved RVSM maintenance program outlining procedures to 
    maintain RVSM aircraft in accordance with the requirements of this 
    appendix. Each program must contain the following:
        (i) Periodic inspections, functional flight tests, and 
    maintenance and inspection procedures, with acceptable maintenance 
    practices, for ensuring continued compliance with the RVSM aircraft 
        (ii) A quality assurance program for ensuring continuing 
    accuracy and reliability of test equipment used for testing aircraft 
    to determine compliance with the RVSM aircraft requirements.
        (iii) Procedures for returning noncompliant aircraft to service.
        (2) For an applicant who operates under part 121 or 135, initial 
    and recurring pilot training requirements.
        (3) Policies and Procedures. An applicant who operates under 
    part 121 or 135 shall submit RVSM policies and procedures that will 
    enable it to conduct RVSM operations safely.
        (c) Validation and Demonstration. In a manner prescribed by the 
    Administrator, the operator must provide evidence that:
        (1) It is capable to operate and maintain each aircraft or 
    aircraft group for which it applies for approval to operate in RVSM 
    airspace; and
        (2) Each pilot has an adequate knowledge of RVSM requirements, 
    policies, and procedures.
    Section 4. RVSM Operations
        (a) Each person requesting a clearance to operate within RVSM 
    airspace shall correctly annotate the flight plan filed with air 
    traffic control with the status of the operator and aircraft with 
    regard to RVSM approval. Each operator shall verify RVSM 
    applicability for the flight planned route through the appropriate 
    flight planning information sources.
        (b) No person may show, on the flight plan filed with air 
    traffic control, an operator or aircraft as approved for RVSM 
    operations, or operate on a route or in an area where RVSM approval 
    is required, unless:
        (1) The operator is authorized by the Administrator to perform 
    such operations; and
        (2) The aircraft has been approved and complies with the 
    requirements of Section 2 of this appendix.
    Section 5. Deviation Authority Approval
        The Administrator may authorize an aircraft operator to deviate 
    from the requirements of Sec. 91.706 for a specific flight in RVSM 
    airspace if that operator has not been approved in accordance with 
    Section 3 of this appendix, and if:
        (2) The operator submits an appropriate request with the air 
    traffic control center
    [[Page 17489]]
    controlling the airspace, (request should be made at least 48 hours 
    in advance of the operation unless prevented by exceptional 
    circumstances); and
        (b) At the time of filing the flight plan for that flight, ATC 
    determines that the aircraft may be provided appropriate separation 
    and that the flight will not interfere with, or impose a burden on, 
    the operations of operators who have been approved for RVSM 
    operations in accordance with Section 3 of this appendix.
    Section 6. Reporting Altitude-Keeping Errors
        Each operator shall report to the Administrator each event in 
    which the operator's aircraft has exhibited the following altitude-
    keeping performance:
        (a) Total vertical error of 300 feet or more;
        (b) Altimetry system error of 245 feet or more; or
        (c) Assigned altitude deviation of 300 feet or more.
    Section 7. Removal or Amendment of Authority
        The Administrator may amend operations specifications to revoke 
    or restrict an RVSM authorization, or may revoke or restrict an RVSM 
    letter of authorization, if the Administrator determines that the 
    operator is not complying, or is unable to comply, with this 
    appendix or subpart H of this part. Examples of reasons for 
    amendment, revocation, or restriction include, but are not limited 
    to, an operator's:
        (a) Committing one or more altitude-keeping errors in RVSM 
        (b) Failing to make an effective and timely response to identify 
    and correct an altitude-keeping error; or
        (c) Failing to report an altitude-keeping error.
    Section 8. Airspace Designation
        RVSM may be applied in the following ICAO Flight Information 
    Regions (FIR's): New York Oceanic, Gander Oceanic, Sondrestrom FIR, 
    Reykjavik Oceanic, Shanwick Oceanic, and Santa Maria Oceanic.
        RVSM may be effective in the Minimum Navigation Performance 
    Specification (MNPS) airspace with the NAT. The MNPS airspace within 
    the NAT is defined by the volume of airspace FL 285 and FL 420 
    extending between latitude 27 degrees north and the North Pole, 
    bounded in the east by the eastern boundaries of control areas Santa 
    Maria Oceanic, Shanwick Oceanic, and Reykjavik Oceanic and in the 
    west by the western boundaries of control areas Reykjavik Oceanic, 
    Gander Oceanic, and New York Oceanic, excluding the areas west of 60 
    degrees west and south of 38 degrees 30 minutes north.
        Issued in Washington, DC, on March 27, 1997.
    Barry L. Valentine,
    Acting Administrator.
    [FR Doc. 97-8367 Filed 4-8-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Aviation Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule; request for comments.
Document Number:
This final rules is effective April 9, 1997. Comments must be submitted on or before June 9, 1997.
17480-17489 (10 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 28870, Amdt No. 91-254
2120-AE51: Reduced Altitude Separation
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (3)
14 CFR 91.703
14 CFR 91.705
14 CFR 91.706