97-11768. Reallocation of Digital Electronic Messaging Service  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 87 (Tuesday, May 6, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 24576-24583]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-11768]
    47 CFR Parts 1, 2, and 101
    [ET Docket No. 97-99; FCC 97-95]
    Reallocation of Digital Electronic Messaging Service
    AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    [[Page 24577]]
    SUMMARY: The Commission has adopted rules and policies to amend its 
    Table of Frequency Allocations and its rules regarding Fixed Microwave 
    Services to permit Fixed Service use of the 24.25-24.45 GHz and 25.05-
    25.25 GHz bands (24 GHz band). This action facilitates the relocation 
    of the digital electronic message service (DEMS) from the 18.82-18.92 
    GHz and 19.16-19.26 GHz bands (18 GHz band) to the 24 GHz band and to 
    prohibit certain new low power operations in the Washington, D.C., and 
    Denver, Colorado, areas. This action is being taken to advance, 
    support, and accommodate the national defense. In order to accommodate 
    this relocation, the Commission establishes rules to govern DEMS 
    operations in the 24 GHz band.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: June 5, 1997.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Meribeth McCarrick, News Media 
    Contact, (202) 418-0256; Fred Thomas at (202) 418-2449 or Rodney Small 
    at (202) 418-2452, Office of Engineering and Technology; Chris Murphy, 
    International Bureau, Satellite Policy Branch, (202) 418-2373; or Ron 
    Netro, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, (202) 418-1310.
    I. Introduction
        By this action, the Commission amends its Table of Frequency 
    Allocations and Part 101 of its rules regarding Fixed Microwave 
    Services to permit Fixed Service use of the 24.25-24.45 GHz and 25.05-
    25.25 GHz bands (``24 GHz band''). This action will facilitate 
    relocation of the digital electronic message service (``DEMS'') from 
    the 18.82-18.92 GHz and 19.16-19.26 GHz bands (``18 GHz band'') to the 
    24 GHz band. This action is being taken to advance, support and 
    accommodate the national defense. 1 In order to accommodate 
    this relocation, the Commission establishes rules to govern DEMS 
    operations in the 24 GHz band.
        \1\ See 47 U.S.C. Sec. 151.
    II. Background
        2. In a July 1995 Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 95-316, 60 FR 
    39657 (``MO&O''), we amended our Table of Frequency Allocations by 
    adding footnote US334 to permit use of the 17.8-20.2 GHz band for 
    Government space-to-Earth fixed satellite transmissions and by 
    modifying footnote G117 to limit Government use of this band to 
    military systems. 2 This action was taken at the request of 
    the National Telecommunications and Information Administration 
    (``NTIA'') because, according to NTIA, the
        \2\ See 10 FCC Rcd 9931 (1995).
    reallocation is essential to fulfill requirements for Government 
    space systems to perform satisfactorily [and] current Department of 
    Defense (DoD) requirements cannot be accommodated in frequency bands 
    currently allocated for Government use. * * * '' 3
        \3\ Id. at para. 3.
    In the MO&O, we stated that this band is allocated on a worldwide basis 
    for Fixed Satellite Service (``FSS'') downlinks and domestically is 
    predominantly exclusive non-Government spectrum. We further stated that 
    the 17.8-19.7 GHz band is used by a variety of fixed services, 
    including auxiliary broadcast, common carrier, private, cable 
    television, digital termination systems, and, the main service 
    addressed in this Order, DEMS. 4
        \4\ Id. at para. 2.
        3. Subsequently, the Commission discussed various coordination 
    alternatives with NTIA and put in place interim coordination procedures 
    for services in this band. In Maryland, Virginia, the District of 
    Columbia and Colorado (``Washington, D.C. and Denver areas''), fixed 
    service licensees may not begin operation until their applications are 
    approved. 5 These interim measures have permitted licensing 
    of non-Government facilities while preserving protection of the 
    Government operations and providing an opportunity to evaluate longer 
    term solutions that are acceptable to both the NTIA and the Commission.
        \5\ 11 FCC Rcd 13449, 13462 (1996) at para. 29. In all other 
    parts of the U.S. licensees may begin conditional operations upon 
    filing an application for a license to operate. See 47 CFR 101.5(d).
        4. Since adoption of footnote US334, the NTIA and the Commission 
    have explored various methods of protecting the Government Earth 
    stations while minimizing the impact on non-Government services. 
    Because of the variety of non-Government terrestrial services in the 
    17.8-20.2 GHz band, it was determined that the optimum solution differs 
    depending on the characteristics of the service. For instance, the 
    highly directional nature of fixed point-to-point operations allows 
    individual point-to-point links to be coordinated with Government 
    operations at much closer distances than is possible with point-to-
    multipoint operations. In the case of DEMS, based on typical system 
    parameters, NTIA determined that it would not be possible for DEMS to 
    be provided within 40 km of the Government Earth stations. 6 
    Considering the maximum system parameters permitted under our rules for 
    DEMS, a potential for interference extends well beyond 40 km. Licenses 
    for DEMS have already been granted in the vicinity of the Government 
    facilities and operations under these licenses would not be compatible 
    with Government operations.
        \6\ See Letter from Richard Parlow, Associate Administrator, 
    Office of Spectrum Management, NTIA to Richard Smith, Chief, Office 
    of Engineering and Technology, FCC, dated January 7, 1997.
        5. Considering the extent of the area in which DEMS operations 
    would be excluded, NTIA, on behalf of the Department of Defense, sent a 
    letter dated January 7, 1997, stating that co-frequency, co-coverage 
    operation of DEMS and the Government Earth stations is not possible and 
    that steps should be taken to ensure protection of the Government Earth 
    stations. Further, recognizing the Commission's desire to ensure the 
    viability of DEMS and that this would require that spectrum for DEMS be 
    available on a nationwide basis, NTIA proposed to make spectrum from 
    the 24.25--24.65 GHz band available nationwide for DEMS. In addition, 
    NTIA requested that accommodation of the Government Earth stations and 
    relocation of DEMS be undertaken on an expedited basis because of the 
    essential nature of these actions to military functions and sensitive 
    national security interests of the United States. 7 NTIA 
    also stated that there are a limited number of Government 
    radionavigation assignments in portions of the 24.25--24.65 GHz band 
    and that coordination between NTIA and the Commission may be necessary 
    to determine any sharing arrangements or transition plans for these 
        \7\ Id.
        6. On March 5, 1997, we received a second letter from NTIA making 
    the 24.25--24.45 and 25.05--25.25 GHz bands available for non-
    Government uses (``Second NTIA Letter''). 8 The Second NTIA 
    Letter reiterates the Government's determination that existing DEMS 
    licensees must relocate to minimize potential interference to 
    Government Earth stations in the 18 GHz band pursuant to footnote US334 
    and national security interests. To this end, NTIA has withdrawn the 
    allocation for the Government radionavigation service in the 24.25--
    24.45 GHz and 25.05--25.25 GHz bands to permit relocation of DEMS from 
    the 18 GHz band. In addition, NTIA requires that the Commission limit 
    future FCC licensees from using the 17.8-20.2 GHz
    [[Page 24578]]
    band for operations in the Washington, D.C. and Denver areas based on 
    criteria discussed below.
        \8\ See Letter from Richard Parlow, Associate Administrator, 
    Office of Spectrum Management, NTIA to Richard Smith, Chief, Office 
    of Engineering and Technology, FCC, dated March 5, 1997.
        7. In addition to Government satellite use, in July 1996, we set 
    forth a plan for non-Government satellite downlink use of the 17.7--
    20.2 GHz band and for paired GSO and non-GSO (``NGSO'') satellite 
    uplinks, as well as Local Multipoint Distribution Service, in the 
    27.5--30 GHz band (``28 GHz Order'') See First Report and Order and 
    Fourth Notice of Proposed Rule Making to Amend Part 1, 2, 21, and 25 of 
    the Commission's Rules to Redesignate the 27.5-29.5 GHz Frequency Band, 
    to Establish Rules and Policies for Local Multipoint Distribution 
    Service and for Fixed Satellite Services, CC Docket No. 92-297, FCC 96-
    311, rel. July 22, 1996, 61 FR 44177, at para. 77. Specifically, of 
    relevance to this decision, we designated the 18.8--19.3 GHz segment 
    for NGSO/FSS uses. That designation raised the issue of coordination 
    with terrestrial services.
        8. As part of the 28 GHz proceeding, a great deal of effort, over 
    several years, was put into determining whether ubiquitous satellite 
    services could share spectrum with ubiquitous terrestrial services. In 
    the 28 GHz Order we concluded, based on the entire record before us, 
    that co-frequency sharing between NGSO/FSS uplinks from ubiquitously 
    deployed terminals (satellite services) and Local Multipoint 
    Distribution Service (``LMDS'') (a high density point-to-multipoint 
    terrestrial service) with its ubiquitously deployed subscriber 
    terminals, was not feasible. We also concluded, however, that there was 
    no indication in the record that sharing between NGSO/FSS downlinks and 
    terrestrial services in the 18.8--19.3 GHz range would be infeasible, 
    and indicated that we would rely on traditional coordination methods to 
    address potential incompatibility between the satellite and terrestrial 
    services in the absence of such evidence. 9 However, 
    subsequent developments, such as the availability of equipment to 
    provide point-to-multipoint service in this band, have raised 
    substantial questions concerning the feasibility of traditional 
    coordination methods for DEMS and NGSO/FSS in the 18 GHz band.
        \9\ Id. at para. 79.
        9. After the release of the 28 GHz Order on August 23, 1996, an 
    NGSO/FSS applicant, Teledesic Corporation, seeking to use the 18 GHz 
    band, filed a written request seeking an administrative freeze on 
    acceptance and processing of applications for DEMS licenses in the 18 
    GHz band, due to concerns about frequency sharing with DEMS operations. 
    There were many DEMS applications at various stages at that time. 
    10 Recognizing the need to maintain the existing environment 
    and study the spectrum sharing issue, the Wireless Telecommunications 
    and International Bureaus granted Teledesic's request and ordered an 
    administrative freeze on new applications, amendments to pending 
    applications, renewals, modifications, or extensions for either 
    terrestrial fixed services or NGSO/FSS earth stations in the 18 GHz 
    band (``18 GHz Freeze Order''). Freeze on the Filing of Applications 
    for New Licenses, Amendments, and Modifications in the 18.8-19.3 GHz 
    Frequency Band, DA 96-1481 (rel. Aug. 30, 1996), para. 3. The Bureaus 
    also ordered that already-filed applications for new markets in the 18 
    GHz band be held in abeyance. 11 In the interim, Teledesic 
    and DEMS operators have been involved in private negotiations to 
    resolve the issues that gave rise to the 18 GHz Freeze Order. 
        \10\ These included applications for additional nodal sites 
    within already-licensed exclusive defined areas and for new 
    exclusive geographic areas. Id.,  para. 2.
        \11\ Id.,  para. 12.
        10. Teledesic has a separate interest in relocating DEMS from the 
    18 GHz band due to interference with its Earth station downlinks in the 
    18 GHz band. Even if the DEMS licensees in the Washington, D.C. and 
    Denver areas had ceased service due to interference with Government 
    Earth stations, Teledesic determined that it was unable to share the 18 
    GHz band with point-to-multipoint operations in other geographic areas 
    as well. In order to facilitate the relocation of DEMS, and eliminate 
    sharing concerns with the DEMS licensees, Teledesic has now agreed to 
    reimburse licensees which are required to modify existing equipment in 
    order to operate in the 24 GHz band being offered by the Government. 
        \12\ See Letter dated February 27, 1997, from Russell Daggatt, 
    President, Teledesic Corporation, and Laurence Harris, Counsel for 
    Associated Communications, L.L.C., to Michele C. Farquhar, Chief, 
    Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, and Donald H. Gips, Chief, 
    International Bureau.
    III. Discussion
        11. In order to give effect to NTIA's request, we implement changes 
    to our rules, as described below, without notice and comment 
    procedures. These rule changes provide for the relocation of DEMS 
    interests from the 18 GHz band to the 24 GHz band. This is necessary 
    because we are required to relocate DEMS in the Washington, D.C. and 
    Denver, Colorado, regions in the interests of national security. 
    Although this goal might be accomplished by moving the Washington, D.C. 
    and Denver, Colorado operations only, doing so would effectively 
    preclude these areas from getting DEMS service, since it is unlikely 
    that 24 GHz equipment could be manufactured at economic prices solely 
    for these two markets. We believe that the public interest is served by 
    ensuring that services are deployed so that consumers are not 
    disadvantaged by greater complexity in providing service to their 
    geographic location. Accordingly, we seek to maintain the DEMS on a 
    unified frequency band nationwide. 13 Therefore, rather than 
    license DEMS using a second band of frequencies solely for the 
    Washington, D.C. and Denver areas, NTIA has offered to make Government 
    spectrum available in the 24 GHz band to relocate the entire DEMS 
    service for continued nationwide deployment.
        \13\ See Amendment of Parts 2, 21, 74 and 94 of the Commission's 
    Rules to Allocate Spectrum at 18 GHz, 54 RR2d 1091, 1100 (1983) at 
    para. 40 (describing the Commission's policy that DEMS should be 
    treated uniformly in Alaska and the contiguous 48 states and that 
    service allocation applies equally to all areas of Commission 
        12. Specifically, NTIA has made available 400 megahertz of spectrum 
    in the 24.25--24.45 GHz and 25.05--25.25 GHz bands in order to 
    accommodate DEMS and will delete its Radionavigation Service allocation 
    in those bands. Based on a very narrow set of parameters that arise 
    from the need to move DEMS as quickly and with as little impact as 
    possible, we find that 400 megahertz of spectrum in the 24 GHz band 
    will provide DEMS with service equivalent to that at 18 GHz. The 24 GHz 
    band will accommodate existing licensees using four times the channel-
    width and sufficient transmit/receive frequency separation to permit 
    DEMS systems to maintain equivalent information capacity to similarly 
    engineered systems at 18 GHz. For a more detailed technical 
    explanation, attached hereto.
        13. Therefore, in order to accommodate the Government's needs in 
    the 18 GHz band, by this Order, we are allocating, for Fixed Service 
    use, the 24.25-24.45 GHz and 25.05-25.25 GHz bands and are relocating 
    DEMS to those bands from the 18 GHz band. In addition, NTIA has 
    included, in the Second NTIA Letter, a request that we replace our 
    current interim coordination procedures for non-DEMS fixed services in 
    the 18 GHz band with permanent coordination requirements developed by 
    the Government user. 14 These
    [[Page 24579]]
    permanent coordination procedures include exclusion zones around the 
    Government Earth stations in which no new DEMS or low power non-
    Government operations will be permitted in the 18 GHz band. We will 
    adopt rules consistent with the exclusion and coordination requirements 
    requested by NTIA in a future order, except that by this Order we are 
    modifying our rules with regard to low power operations at 18 GHz. 
    Because these low power operations are licensed on an area basis, it is 
    very difficult to ensure that individual transmitters are properly 
    coordinated with the Government operations in the band. Accordingly, to 
    help ensure the protection of the Government operations, we are 
    prohibiting any new low power operations within 55 km when used outdoor 
    and 20 km when used indoor of the coordinates 38 deg.48' N and 
    76 deg.52' W (Washington, D.C., area) and 39 deg.43' N and 104 deg.46' 
    W (Denver, Colorado, area). 15 Pending adoption of a future 
    order consistent with NTIA's request, we will continue to protect 
    Government operations in the 18 GHz band from other non-Government 
    operations by using the interim procedures currently in place. 
        \14\ See Letter from Richard Parlow, Associate Administrator, 
    Office of Spectrum Management, NTIA to Richard Smith, Chief, Office 
    of Engineering and Technology, FCC, dated March 5, 1997, at para. 
    iv, v.
        \15\ See Appendix A, amended rule 47 CFR 101.147(r)(10).
        \16\ Supra  para. 3.
        14. To effectuate the transition of DEMS licensees from 18 GHz to 
    24 GHz, we are amending our rules to require incumbent DEMS licensees 
    to cease operations using the 18 GHz band in the Denver and Washington 
    areas immediately upon the effective date of our amended rules. 
    17 In all other areas, incumbent DEMS licensees must cease 
    operations not later than January 1, 2001. The amended rules reflect 
    the current provisions of Part 101 governing existing DEMS licensing 
    and operations with certain revisions necessary to effect the 
    relocation of these licensees to 24 GHz, for example, frequency band 
    and channel bandwidth. The purpose of these revisions is to ensure 
    that, to the fullest extent practicable, incumbent DEMS operations are 
    able to provide service using frequencies in the 24 GHz band in a 
    manner equivalent to their operations in the 18 GHz band. To implement 
    these changes, we are also exercising our authority under section 316 
    of the Communications Act to modify licenses. 18 All DEMS 
    licenses for the 18 GHz band will be modified as described above as 
    well as to authorize operations in the 24 GHz band. These modifications 
    will be effected by separate action by the Wireless Telecommunications 
    Bureau. None of these revisions is intended otherwise to alter, modify, 
    expand, or change in any material way the authorizations provided to 
    incumbent DEMS licensees under the terms of their current licenses.
        \17\ These areas are defined by a circle with a radius of 150 km 
    from 38 deg.48' N and 76 deg.52' W (Washington, D.C., area) and a 
    circle with a radius of 150 km from 39 deg.43' N and 104 deg.46' W 
    (Denver, Colorado, area).
        \18\ Licensees will be afforded the 30 day protest period, 
    pursuant to the statute. However, due to the consensual nature of 
    this relocation, we do not anticipate any objections to the proposed 
    license modifications.
        15. The only current operations in the United States in the 24 GHz 
    band are two radionavigation radar facilities operated by the FAA. 
    These are located near Washington, D.C. and Newark, New Jersey. These 
    facilities are scheduled to be decommissioned as of January 1, 1998 and 
    January 1, 2000, respectively. Accordingly, DEMS operations at 24 GHz 
    will be required to protect these facilities until the decommissioning 
    dates. The FAA, NTIA, FCC, and affected licensees will coordinate to 
    assure compatible operations in these areas. However, we do not 
    anticipate the protection criteria as to unduly limit DEMS operations, 
    especially in view of near term decommissioning. 19 We also 
    note that there are NASA operations in the adjacent band that must be 
    considered. 20 Also, operations in United States border 
    areas will be subject to coordination with Canada and Mexico, as 
        \19\ See Letter from Richard Parlow, Associate Administrator, 
    Office of Spectrum Management, NTIA to Richard Smith, Chief, Office 
    of Engineering and Technology, FCC, dated March 5, 1997.
        \20\ We have adopted limitations on out-of-band emissions which 
    we believe are sufficient to afford any necessary protection. See 
    also Letter from Richard Parlow, Associate Administrator, Office of 
    Spectrum Management, NTIA, to Richard Smith, Chief, Office of 
    Engineering and Technology, FCC, dated May 14, 1996 (NTIA making 
    certain changes in the Table of Frequency Allocations concerning 
    these services and suggesting that the FCC do the same). We intend 
    to consider such changes to the Table of Frequency Allocations in a 
    future proceeding.
        16. In that this Order resolves conflicts surrounding the use of 
    the 18 GHz band, we believe that we can now rescind our action in the 
    18 GHz Freeze Order and substitute the following. We will grant the 
    pending applications that have passed both the 30-day Public Notice 
    period and the 60 day competing application cut-off period and for 
    which there are no mutually exclusive competing applications. We will 
    also grant the pending applications for nodal stations within markets 
    for which a license exists. The licenses granted will permit operations 
    at 18 GHz until the year 2001 and at 24 GHz for the term of the 
    license. New facilities will be permitted only to the extent they are 
    consistent with current authorizations, except that in the Denver and 
    Washington areas, no new facilities, or modifications to existing 
    facilities, will be permitted. No applications for new 18 GHz DEMS 
    facilities will be accepted for filing. Future licensing in the 24 GHz 
    band will be addressed in a subsequent rulemaking.
        17. With regard to the applications that were pending at the time 
    of the 18 GHz freeze but had not passed the 60-day cut-off period for 
    competing applications because of the freeze on the filing of new 
    applications, we believe that it is appropriate and equitable to 
    dismiss them. These applications are not ripe for processing because we 
    cannot predict whether competing applications would have been filed. 
    Furthermore, in view of our decision to move DEMS operations to the 24 
    GHz band, it is unnecessary to retain these applications in a pending 
    status in that we are not in the process of establishing new rules for 
    the continued operation of DEMS at 18 GHz.
    IV. Procedural Matters
        18. Based on the representations of NTIA that the relocation is 
    essential to fulfill requirements for Government military space systems 
    to perform satisfactorily,21 we are amending the Table of 
    Allocations in Part 2 of the rules to include the Fixed service in the 
    24.25-24.45 and 25.05-25.25 GHz bands and making other changes in our 
    rules necessary to relocate DEMS systems to the 24 GHz band on a 
    nationwide basis. The rules adopted in this order therefore involve the 
    exercise of military functions of the United States in that they ensure 
    the Government's current and future ability to operate military space 
    systems in the 18 GHz frequency band. In addition, to the extent that 
    any additional frequencies are being reallocated, these measures are 
    necessary to ensure that DEMS service providers continue to be able to 
    provide nationwide service. We believe that it would not be practical 
    to have DEMS operating in two bands on a long term basis because of the 
    complications involved with coordinating with the Government Earth 
    stations, inconvenience to subscribers, and coordination with NGSO/FSS
    [[Page 24580]]
    operations. Therefore, based on national security needs and because 
    notice and public comment and procedures are otherwise, for good cause 
    shown, unnecessary and contrary to the public interest, notice and 
    comment procedures need not be followed prior to adoption of these 
    rules. See 5 U.S.C. 553 (a)(1), (b)(3)(B); Bendix Aviation Corp. v. 
    F.C.C., 272 F.2d 533 (D.C. Cir. 1959), cert. denied sub nom. 
    Aeronautical Radio, Inc. v. U.S., 361 U.S. 965 (1960).
        \21\ See Letter from Richard Parlow, Associate Administrator, 
    Office of Spectrum Management, NTIA, to Richard Smith, Chief, Office 
    of Engineering and Technology, FCC, dated January 7, 1997.
    V. Ordering Clauses
        19. Accordingly, it is ordered that Parts 1, 2, and 101 of the 
    Commission's Rules ARE AMENDED as specified below, effective June 5, 
    1997. This action is authorized by Sections 4(i), 303(c), 303(f), and 
    303(r) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Section 
    154(i), 303(c), 303(f), and 303(r).
        20. It is further ordered that all DEMS licenses for the 18 GHz 
    band that include service in an area within 150 km of the coordinates 
    38 deg.48' N/76 deg.52' W (Washington, D.C area) and 39 deg.43' N/
    104 deg.46' W (Denver, CO area) will be modified so as to prohibit 
    operations in those areas on those frequencies at midnight on the 
    effective date of the rules adopted herein. Furthermore, all DEMS 
    licenses for the 18 GHz band will be modified to expire on midnight of 
    January 1, 2001 so as to prohibit operations on those frequencies 
    beyond that date. All DEMS licenses will be modified to permit 
    operations in the 24 GHz band for the remainder of their license term 
    and consistent with the rules applicable in the 24 GHz band. Incumbent 
    licensees will have 30 days from the date of release of this Order to 
    protest the license modification consistent with Section 316 of the 
    Communications Act of 1934, as amended. The Chief, Wireless 
    Telecommunications Bureau, is instructed to notify the incumbent DEMS 
    licensees of this Order on the release date pursuant to Section 1.87 of 
    the Commission's Rules.
        21. It is further ordered that licenses for low power systems in 
    the 18 GHz band will be modified to prohibit any new low power 
    operations within 55 km when used outdoor and 20 km when used indoor of 
    the coordinates 38 deg.48' N and 76 deg.52' W (Washington, D.C., area) 
    and 39 deg.43' N and 104 deg.46' W (Denver, Colorado, area). Incumbent 
    licensees will have 30 days from the date of release of this Order to 
    protest the license modification consistent with Section 316 of the 
    Communications Act of 1934, as amended. The Chief, Wireless 
    Telecommunications Bureau, is instructed to notify the incumbent low 
    power licensees of this Order on the release date pursuant to section 
    1.87 of the Commission's Rules.
        22. It is further ordered that, pending adoption of a future order 
    consistent with NTIA's request for permanent coordination criteria 
    concerning all non-Government operations in the 18 GHz band, we will 
    continue to protect Government operations from non-Government 
    operations not covered by this Order by using the interim procedures 
    currently in place.
    DEMS Relocation Technical Description
        We have reviewed the operations and proposed operations of 
    incumbent 18 GHz DEMS licensees and evaluated the changes that would be 
    necessary to provide equivalent operations at 24 GHz. Differences in 
    propagation, rain attenuation, and available equipment at 18 GHz, 
    compared to 24 GHz, will require the licensees to use different 
    modulation and will affect the ability of operators to dynamically 
    assign channels to users. Assuming use of similar equipment in all 
    other respects including transmit power, systems at 24 GHz will require 
    approximately four times the bandwidth as at 18 GHz to maintain 
    equivalent capacity and coverage. Specifically, based on a typical cell 
    with a radius of 5 km and for a typical U.S. climate, there is an 
    additional 11.8 dB of loss due to propagation and rain attenuation at 
    24 GHz compared to 18 GHz based on a reliability of 99.99%.
        To provide for as rapid a transition as possible, as requested by 
    NTIA, we have performed an analysis based on the use of the same or 
    similar equipment to the extent possible. Based on this assumption, 
    existing licensees will not be able to compensate for losses in the 
    link budget merely by increasing transmitter power. Instead, changes in 
    system operation will be required to achieve a reliable link comparable 
    to that available at 18 GHz. Some benefit is realized by using the same 
    antenna at the higher frequency. This provides 2.3 dB of additional 
    gain at 24 GHz compared to 18 GHz. If licensees are to maintain the 
    same cell coverage area, the remaining loss must be made up by changes 
    in modulation and system operation. Current systems use 16-TCM (\3/4\) 
    modulation, but have the capability to use QPSK (\1/2\). Using QPSK 
    rather than 16-TCM to serve user stations at the edge of the cell 
    recovers 7 dB of the loss. The information capacity, however, is 
    reduced by a factor of three (3). The additional path loss must be 
    recouped by eliminating the dynamic bandwidth allocation planned by 
    current licensees. Dynamic bandwidth allocation allows the DEMS systems 
    to dynamically change the bandwidth available to a user based on actual 
    demand at any given time. Fixing the amount of spectrum available to a 
    user provides an additional 4 dB in the link budget over dynamic 
    operations. Eliminating the efficiencies inherent in dynamically 
    allocating spectrum, however, results in a significant reduction in 
    system capacity. The exact reduction in capacity varies with parameters 
    assumed for a typical system. Taken together, the changes in system 
    operations necessary to compensate for greater losses at 24 GHz 
    compared to 18 GHz result in a loss in system capacity in excess of 
    four times the capacity at 18 GHz.
        It is not necessary, however, to implement these changes in all 
    areas of the cell. The changes are only necessary to maintain reliable 
    coverage to the edge of a typical 5 km cell. We expect that, to the 
    extent possible, licensees will maximize system capacity by maintaining 
    the efficiencies planned for 18 GHz. Accordingly, we calculated the net 
    effect on system capacity by considering the impact on information for 
    any changes necessary to maintain a reliable link weighted by the area 
    in which those changes would be necessary. Taking these factors into 
    consideration, the information capacity at 24 GHz is approximately one-
    fourth that at 18 GHz, for a similar system with the same reliability 
    and coverage. As a result, channels at 24 GHz will be four times those 
    at 18 GHz.
    List of Subjects
    47 CFR Part 1
        Administrative practice and procedure.
    47 CFR Part 2
    47 CFR Part 101
        Communications equipment, Radio, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    Federal Communications Commission.
    William F. Caton,
    Acting Secretary.
    Final Rules
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, Parts 1, 2, and 101 of 
    Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations are amended as set forth 
        1. The authority citation for Part 1 continues to read as follows:
    [[Page 24581]]
        Authority: 15 U.S.C. 79 et seq., and 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i), 
    154(j), and 303(r).
    Sec. 1.825  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 1.825 remove paragraph (b) and remove the paragraph 
    designation (a).
        1. The authority citation for Part 2 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: Sec. 4, 302, 303, and 307 of the Communications Act 
    of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Sections 154, 302, 303 and 307, 
    unless otherwise noted.
        2. Section 2.106, the Table of Frequency Allocations, is amended as 
        a. Remove the entries for 24.25-24.45 GHz and 24.75-25.25 GHz;
        b. Add entries for 24.25-24.45 GHz, 24.75-25.05, and 25.05-25.25 
        c. In the International Footnotes under heading I., add footnotes 
    S5.534 and S5.535;
        d. In the International Footnotes under heading II., remove 
    footnote 882G; and
        e. Add new footnote US341.
        The additions read as follows:
    Sec. 2.106  Table of Frequency Allocations.
                     International table                        United States table          FCC use designators    
                                                             Government        Non-                                 
                          Region 2--        Region 3--    ---------------   Government                              
        Region 1--      allocation GHz    allocation GHz                 ---------------     Rule       Special-use 
      allocation GHz                                         Allocation     Allocation     part(s)      frequencies 
                                                                GHz            GHz                                  
    (1)                (2)               (3)               (4)            (5)            (6)          (7)           
            *                  *                 *               *              *             *              *      
    24.25-24.45        24.25-24.45       24.25-24.45       24.25-24.45    24.25-24.45                               
    FIXED              RADIONAVIGATION   RADIONAVIGATION   .............  RADIONAVIGATI  AVIATION                   
                                         FIXED                             ON             (87)                      
                                         MOBILE                           FIXED          FIXED                      
                       ................  ................  US341          US341                                     
            *                  *                 *               *              *             *              *      
    24.75-25.05        24.75-25.05       24.75-25.05       24.75-25.05    24.75-25.05                               
    FIXED              FIXED-SATELLITE   FIXED             RADIONAVIGATI  RADIONAVIGATI  AVIATION                   
                        (Earth-to-       FIXED-SATELLITE    ON             ON             (87)                      
                        space) S5.535     (Earth-to-                                                                
                                          space) S5.535                                                             
    25.05-25.25        25.05-25.25       25.05-25.25       25.05-25.25    25.05-25.25                               
    FIXED              FIXED-SATELLITE   FIXED             .............  RADIONAVIGATI  AVIATION                   
                        (Earth-to-       FIXED-SATELLITE                   ON             (87)                      
                        space) S5.535     (Earth-to-                      FIXED          FIXED                      
                                          space) S5.535                                   MICROWAVE                 
                                         MOBILE                                           (101)                     
            *                  *                 *               *              *             *              *      
    International Footnotes
    * * * * *
    I. New ``S'' Numbering Scheme
    * * * * *
        S5.534  Additional allocation: in Japan, the band 24.65-25.25 
    GHz is also allocated to the radionavigation service on a primary 
    basis until 2008.
        S5.535  In the band 24.75-25.25 GHz, feeder links to stations of 
    the broadcasting-satellite service shall have priority over other 
    users in the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space). Such other 
    users shall protect and shall not claim protection from existing and 
    future operating feeder-link networks to such broadcasting satellite 
    * * * * *
    United States (US) Footnotes
    * * * * *
        US341  Non-government operations in the 24.25-24.45 GHz band 
    must provide protection to FAA radionavigation radar facilities near 
    Washington, D.C., and Newark, New Jersey, until January 1, 1998, and 
    January 1, 2000, respectively. Protection will be afforded in 
    accordance with criteria developed by the F.C.C. and N.T.I.A.
    * * * * *
        1. The authority citation for Part 101 continues to read as 
        Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303.
        2. In Section 101.13, paragraph (c) is amended by revising the 
    first sentence to read as follows:
    Sec. 101.13  Application forms and requirements for private operational 
    fixed stations.
    * * * * *
        (c) A separate Form 402 for point-to-multipoint frequencies in the 
    10.6, 18 GHz and 24 GHz bands must be filed for each Nodal Station 
    except for operations consistent with Sec. 101.147. * * *
    * * * * *
    [[Page 24582]]
        3. Section 101.45 is amended by adding a new paragraph (h) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 101.45  Mutually exclusive applications.
    * * * * *
        (h) Renewal applications will not be included in a random selection 
    Sec. 101.49  [Removed]
        4. Section 101.49 is removed.
        5. In Sec. 101.59, paragraphs (b)(1), (c)(1)(i) and (c)(2)(i) are 
    revised; paragraph (c)(2)(ii) is removed; and paragraph (c)(2)(iii) is 
    redesignated as paragraph (c)(2)(ii), to read as follows:
    Sec. 101.59  Processing of applications for facility minor 
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (1) It is in the Private Operational Fixed Point-to-Point 
    Microwave, Common Carrier Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave, or Local 
    Television Transmission Services;
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (i) Any increase in equivalent isotropically radiated power is less 
    than 3 dB over the previously authorized output power;
    * * * * *
        (2) * * *
        (i) Any increase in antenna height is less than 3.0 meters (10 
    feet) above the previously authorized height;
    * * * * *
        6. Section 101.101 is amended by adding an entry to the table to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 101.101  Frequency availability.
           Frequency band (MHz)                                                             Radio service                                                   
                                         Common carrier  (Part   Private radio  (Part    Broadcast auxilliary    Other (Parts 15, 21,                       
                                                 101)                    101)                  (Part 74)        24, 25, 74, 78 & 100)          Notes        
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  
    24,250-25,250.....................  DEMS                    DEMS                                                                                        
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  
    * * * * *
        7. In Sec. 101.109, paragraph (c) is amended by adding an entry to 
    the table to read as follows:
    Sec. 101.109  Bandwidth.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
                                                      Maximum authorized    
                Frequency band (MHz)                       bandwidth        
    24,250-25,250...............................  40 MHz                    
    * * * * *
        8. In Sec. 101.111, the introductory text of paragraph (a)(4) is 
    revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 101.111  Emission limitations.
        (a) * * *
        (4) For Digital Termination System channels used in the Digital 
    Electronic Message Service (DEMS) operating in the 17,700-19,700 and 
    24,250-25,250 MHz bands:
    * * * * *
        9. In Sec. 101.113, paragraph (a) is amended by adding an entry to 
    the table to read as follows:
    Sec. 101.113  Transmitter power limitations.
        (a) * * *
                                            Maximum allowable  EIRP 1, 2    
           Frequency band  (MHz)       -------------------------------------
                                           Fixed  (dBW)      Mobile  (dBW)  
                      *        *        *        *        *                 
    24,250-25,250.....................  +55                                 
                      *        *        *        *        *                 
    \1\ Per polarization.                                                   
    \2\ For multiple address operations, see Sec.  101.147. Remote alarm    
      units that are part of a multiple address central station protection  
      system are authorized a maximum of 2 watts.                           
    * * * * *
        10. In Sec. 101.115, paragraph (c) is amended by adding the entries 
    to the table to read as follows:
    Sec. 101.115  Directional antennas.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
                                                            Maximum               Minimum radiation suppression to angle in degrees from centerline of main 
                                                              beam                                             beam in decibels                             
                                                            width to   Minimum  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              3 dB     antenna                                                                              
               Frequency (MHz)                Category       points      gain                10 deg.    15 deg.    20 deg.    30 deg.    100 deg.   140 deg.
                                                              \1\       (dbi)    5 deg. to    to 15      to 20      to 30      to 100     to 140     to 180 
                                                           (included              10 deg.      deg.       deg.       deg.       deg.       deg.       deg.  
                                                           angles in                                                                                        
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  
    24,250 to 25,250 \10\...............  A                      2.2         38         25         29         33         36         42         55         55
                                          B                      2.2         38         20         24         28         32         35         36         36
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  
    \1\ If a licensee chooses to show compliance using maximum beamwidth to 3 dB points, the beamwidth limit shall apply in both the azimuth and the        
      elevation planes.                                                                                                                                     
    [[Page 24583]]
    \10\ DEMS User Stations antennas in this band must meet performance Standard B and have a minimum antenna gain of 34 dBI. The maximum beamwidth         
      requirement does not apply to DEMS User Stations. DEMS Nodal Stations need not comply with these standards.                                           
    * * * * *
        11. In Sec. 101.141, the introductory text of paragraph (a) is 
    revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 101.141  Microwave modulation.
        (a) Microwave transmitters employing digital modulation techniques 
    and operating below 19.7 GHz and in the 24.25-25.25 GHz band must, with 
    appropriate multiplex equipment, comply with the following additional 
    * * * * *
        12. In Sec. 101.147, paragraph (a) is amended by adding an entry to 
    the listing; revising paragraph (r) heading, paragraph (r)(9) 
    introductory text, and the first two sentences of paragraph (r)(10); 
    and adding new entries to the table in paragraph (r)(9), to read as 
    Sec. 101.147  Frequency assignments.
        (a) * * *
    * * * * *
        24,250-25,250 MHz
    * * * * *
        (r) 17,700 to 19,700 and 24,250 to 25,250 MHz. * * *
    * * * * *
        (9) The following frequencies are available for point-to-multipoint 
    DEMS Systems, except that channels 35-39 are available only to existing 
    18 GHz DEMS licensees as of March 14, 1997. Systems operating on 
    Channels 25-34 must cease operations as of January 1, 2001, except that 
    those stations on these channels within 150 km of the coordinates 
    38 deg.48' N/76 deg.52' W (Washington, D.C., area) and 39 deg.43' N/
    104 deg.46' W (Denver, Colorado, area) must cease operations as of June 
    5, 1997:
                                       Nodal station         User station   
              Channel No.              frequency band       frequency band  
                                        (MHz) limits         (MHz) limits   
                      *        *        *        *        *                 
    35............................  24,250-24,290......  25,050-25,090      
    36............................  24,290-24,330......  25,090-25,130      
    37............................  24,330-24,370......  25,130-25,170      
    38............................  24,370-24,410......  25,170-25,210      
    39............................  24,410-24,450......  25,210-25,250      
    * * * * *
        (10) Special provision for low power systems in the 17,700-19,700 
    MHz band: Notwithstanding other provisions in this rule part and except 
    for specified areas around Washington, D.C., and Denver, Colorado, 
    licensees of point-to-multipoint channel pairs 25-29 identified in 
    paragraph (r)(9) of this section may operate multiple low power 
    transmitting devices within a defined service area. New operations are 
    prohibited within 55 km when used outdoor and within 20 km when used 
    indoor of the coordinates 38 deg.48' N/76 deg.52' W and 39 deg.43' N/
    104 deg.46' W. * * *
    * * * * *
        13. Section 101.501 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 101.501  Eligibility.
        In that DEMS operations will be transitioned to the 24 GHz band, 
    applications for new facilities using the 18 GHz channels identified in 
    Sec. 101.147(r)(9) are not acceptable for filing as of June 5, 1997.
        14. Section 101.505 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 101.505  Frequencies.
        Frequencies, and the conditions on which they are available, for 
    DEMS operations are contained in this subpart as well as in 
    Sec. 101.147(r)(9) of subpart C of this part.
        15. Section 101.507 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 101.507  Frequency stability.
        The frequency stability in the 17,700-19,700 and 24,250-25,250 MHz 
    bands must be  0.001% for each DEMS Nodal Station 
    transmitter and  0.003% for each DEMS User Station 
        16. In Sec. 101.509, the introductory text of paragraph (c) is 
    revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 101.509  Interference protection criteria.
    * * * * *
        (c) The following interference studies, as appropriate, must be 
    included in DEMS Nodal Station applications to the extent they are 
    provided for in this subpart:
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 97-11768 Filed 5-5-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6712-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Communications Commission
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
June 5, 1997.
24576-24583 (8 pages)
Docket Numbers:
ET Docket No. 97-99, FCC 97-95
PDF File:
CFR: (18)
47 CFR 101.147(r)(9)
47 CFR 1.825
47 CFR 2.106
47 CFR 101.13
47 CFR 101.45
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