97-14442. Regulations of Fuels and Fuel Additives: Extension of the Reformulated Gasoline Program to the Phoenix, Arizona Moderate Ozone Nonattainment Area  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 106 (Tuesday, June 3, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 30260-30270]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-14442]
    40 CFR Part 80
    Regulations of Fuels and Fuel Additives: Extension of the 
    Reformulated Gasoline Program to the Phoenix, Arizona Moderate Ozone 
    Nonattainment Area
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (``EPA'').
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: Under section 211(k)(6) of the Clean Air Act, as amended 
    (``Act'' or ``CAA''), the Administrator of EPA must require the sale of 
    reformulated gasoline (``RFG'') in an ozone nonattainment area 
    classified as Marginal, Moderate, Serious, or Severe upon the 
    application of the governor of the state in which the nonattainment 
    area is located. As requested by the Governor of Arizona, today's 
    action extends the requirement to sell RFG to the Phoenix, Arizona 
    moderate ozone nonattainment area, effective July 3, 1997 for all 
    persons other than retailers and wholesale purchaser-consumers (i.e., 
    refiners, importers, and distributors), and August 4, 1997 for 
    retailers and wholesale purchaser-consumers. As of the implementation 
    date for retailers and wholesale purchaser-consumers, the Phoenix ozone 
    nonattainment area will be a covered area for all purposes in the 
    federal RFG program. The federal Phase I RFG program provides 
    reductions in ozone-forming volatile organic compounds (``VOC'') 
    emissions and air toxics, and prohibits increase in oxides of nitrogen 
    (``NOX'') emissions. Reductions in VOCs are environmentally 
    significant because of the associated reductions in ozone formation. 
    Exposure to ground-level ozone (or smog) can cause respiratory 
    problems, chest pain, and coughing and may worsen bronchitis, 
    emphysema, and asthma.
    DATES: This final rule is effective July 3, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Materials relevant to the final rule have been placed in 
    Docket A-97-02. The docket is located at the Air Docket Section, Mail 
    Code 6102, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20460, in room M-1500 Waterside Mall. Documents may be 
    inspected on business days from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. A reasonable fee 
    may be charged for copying docket material. An identical docket is also 
    located in EPA's Region IX office in Docket A-AZ-97. The docket is 
    located at 75 Hawthorne Street, AIR-2, 17th Floor, San Francisco, 
    California 94105. Documents may be inspected from 9:00 a.m. to noon and 
    from 1:00--4:00 p.m. A reasonable fee may be charged for copying docket 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Janice Raburn at U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency Office of Air and Radiation, 401 M Street, SW 
    (6406J), Washington, DC 20460, (202) 233-9856.
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    Regulated Entities
        Entities potentially regulated by this action are those which 
    produce, supply or distribute motor gasoline. Regulated categories and 
    entities include:
                                                    Examples of regulated   
                     Category                             entities          
    Industry..................................  Petroleum refiners, motor   
                                                 gasoline distributors and  
    This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a 
    guide for readers regarding entities likely to be regulated by this 
    action. This table lists the types of entities that EPA is now aware 
    could potentially be regulated by this action. Other types of entities 
    not listed in the table could also be regulated. To determine whether 
    your business would have been regulated by this action, you should 
    carefully examine the list of areas covered by the reformulated 
    gasoline program in section 80.70 of title 40 of the Code of Federal 
    Regulations. If you have questions regarding the applicability of this 
    action to a particular entity, consult the person listed in the 
        The remainder of this preamble is organized into the following 
    I. Background
        A. Clean Air Act Opt-in Provision
        B. EPA Procedures and Arizona Opt-in Request
    II. Action
    III. Response to Comments
        A. EPA Interpretation of section 211(k)(6) of the Clean Air Act
        B. Phoenix Circumstances
        1. Need for Air Quality Benefits of Federal RFG
        2. Supply
        C. Implementation Issues
        1. Enforcement Relief Provided by EPA
        2. Other Implementation Issues
    IV. Environmental Impact
    V. Statutory Authority
    VI. Regulatory Flexibility
    VII. Public Participation
    VIII. Executive Order 12866
    IX. Paperwork Reduction Act
    X. Unfunded Mandates
    XI. Judicial Review
    XII. Submission to Congress
    XIII. List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 80
    I. Background
    A. Clean Air Act Opt-in Provision
        As part of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, Congress added a 
    new subsection (k) to section 211 of the Act. Subsection (k) requires 
    the sale of gasoline that EPA has certified as reformulated in the nine 
    worst ozone nonattainment areas beginning January 1, 1995. Section 
    211(k)(10)(D) defines the areas required to be covered by the 
    reformulated gasoline (``RFG'') program as the nine ozone nonattainment 
    areas having a 1980 population in excess of 250,000 and having the 
    highest ozone design values during the period 1987 through 1989. 
    1 Under section 211(k)(10)(D), any area reclassified as a 
    severe ozone nonattainment area under section 181(b) must also be 
    included in the RFG program. 2 EPA published final 
    regulations for the RFG program on February 16, 1994. See 59 FR 7716.
        \1\ Applying these criteria, EPA has determined the nine covered 
    areas to be the metropolitan areas including Los Angeles, Houston, 
    New York City, Baltimore, Chicago, San Diego, Philadelphia, Hartford 
    and Milwaukee.
        \2\ Sacramento was reclassified from Serious to Severe effective 
    June 1, 1995 and became a mandatory covered RFG area effective June 
    1, 1996.
        Any ozone nonattainment area classified as Marginal, Moderate, 
    Serious, or Severe may be included in the program at the request of the 
    Governor of the state in which the area is located. Section 
    211(k)(6)(A) provides that upon the application of a Governor, EPA 
    shall apply the prohibition against selling conventional gasoline 
    (``CG'') in any area requested by the Governor which has been 
    classified under subpart 2 of Part D of Title I of the Act as a 
    Marginal, Moderate, Serious or Severe ozone nonattainment 
    area.3 Subparagraph 211(k)(6)(A) further provides that EPA 
    is to apply the prohibition as of the date the Administrator ``deems 
    appropriate, not later than January 1, 1995, or 1 year after such 
    application is received, whichever is later.'' In some cases the 
    effective date for a potential opt-in area may be extended beyond the 
    one year required by section 211(k)(6)(A). Such an extension, as 
    provided in section 211(k)(6)(B), would be based on a determination by 
    EPA that there is ``insufficient domestic capacity to produce'' RFG. 
    Finally, section 211(k)(6)(A) requires that EPA publish a governor's 
    application in the Federal Register.
        \3\ EPA recently published a proposed rulemaking that would 
    allow areas previously classified as Marginal through Severe to opt-
    in. 62 FR 15074 (March 28, 1997).
        Although section 211(k)(6) provides EPA discretion to establish the 
    effective date for this prohibition to apply to such areas, EPA does 
    not have discretion to deny a Governor's request. Therefore, the scope 
    of EPA's Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (``NPRM'') was limited to 
    proposing an effective date for Phoenix's opt-in to the RFG program. 
    EPA solicited comments addressing the proposed implementation date and 
    stated in the NPRM that it was not soliciting comments that supported 
    or opposed Phoenix participating in the RFG program.
    B. EPA Procedures and Arizona Opt-in Request
        The Governor of Arizona established in May 1996 an Air Quality 
    Strategies Task Force (``Arizona Task Force'') to develop a report 
    describing long- and short-term strategies that would contribute to 
    attainment of the federal national ambient air quality standards 
    (``NAAQS'') for ozone, carbon monoxide and particulates. In July 1996, 
    this task
    [[Page 30262]]
    force recommended establishment of a Fuels Subcommittee to evaluate 
    potential short-term and long-term fuels options for the Phoenix ozone 
    nonattainment area. The Fuels Subcommittee was composed of 
    representatives of a diverse mixture of interests including gasoline-
    related industries, public health organizations, and both in-county and 
    out-of-county interests. Several members of the refining industry 
    supported the opt-in to the federal RFG program for Phoenix for the 
    onset of the 1997 VOC control season. The subcommittee submitted its 
    final report to the Arizona Task Force on November 26, 
        \4\ See Docket A-97-02, II-A-3.
        By letter dated January 17, 1997, the Governor of the State of 
    Arizona applied to EPA to include the Phoenix moderate ozone 
    nonattainment area in the federal RFG program. The Governor requested 
    an implementation date of June 1, 1997. EPA published the Governor's 
    letter in the Federal Register, as required by section 211(k)(6). The 
    Direct Final rule published by EPA on February 18, 1997 (62 FR 7164) 
    extended the RFG program to the Phoenix moderate ozone nonattainment 
    area by setting two implementation dates. EPA set an effective date of 
    June 1, 1997 for refiners, importers, and distributors, and July 1, 
    1997 for retailers and wholesale purchaser-consumers. The Agency 
    published a Direct Final Rule because it viewed setting the effective 
    date for the addition of the Phoenix ozone nonattainment area to the 
    federal RFG program as non-controversial and anticipated no adverse or 
    critical comments.
        Also on February 18, 1997 EPA published an NPRM (62 FR 7197), in 
    which EPA proposed to apply the prohibitions of subsection 211(k)(5) to 
    the Phoenix, Arizona nonattainment area. EPA proposed to adopt the same 
    two implementation dates for Phoenix specified in the Direct Final 
    Rule. EPA published an NPRM so that, in the event that it did receive 
    an adverse comment in response to the Direct Final Rule, the Agency 
    would proceed with notice-and-comment rulemaking. EPA is today taking 
    final action on that NPRM.
        After publication of the Direct Final Rule and the NPRM, EPA 
    received several requests for a hearing. A copy of these comments can 
    be found in Air Docket A-97-02. (See ADDRESSES) Since EPA received a 
    request for a hearing, the Direct Final Rule adding the Phoenix ozone 
    nonattainment area to the RFG program was withdrawn by the 
    Administrator on March 31, 1997. See 62 FR 16082 (April 4, 1997.) EPA 
    published a Notice of public hearing on March 12, 1997 (62 FR 11405) 
    and held a public hearing in Phoenix, Arizona on March 18, 1997.
    II. Action
        Pursuant to the governor's letter and the provisions of section 
    211(k)(6), EPA is today adopting regulations that apply the 
    prohibitions of subsection 211(k)(5) to the Phoenix, Arizona moderate 
    ozone nonattainment area. EPA believes the implementation dates adopted 
    today achieve a reasonable balance between requiring the earliest 
    possible start date to achieve air quality benefits in Phoenix and 
    providing adequate lead time for industry to prepare for program 
    implementation. These dates are consistent with the state's request 
    that EPA require that the RFG program begin in the Phoenix area as 
    early as possible in the high ozone season, which begins June 1. These 
    dates will provide environmental benefits by allowing Phoenix to 
    achieve VOC reduction benefits for some of the 1997 VOC-controlled 
        EPA has concluded, based on its analysis of available information, 
    including public comments received and discussed below (See III. 
    Response to Comments), that the refining and distribution industry's 
    capacity to supply federal RFG to Phoenix this summer exceeds the 
    estimated demand. EPA has also concluded that the implementation dates 
    adopted today provide adequate lead time to industry to set up storage 
    and sales agreements to ensure supply of RFG to the Phoenix ozone 
    nonattainment area.
        The Governor's request seeks a single implementation date of June 1 
    for the RFG program in the Phoenix area. However, pursuant to its 
    discretion to set an effective date under section 211(k)(6), EPA is 
    establishing two implementation dates. For all persons other than 
    retailers and wholesale purchaser-consumers (i.e., refiners, importers, 
    and distributors), implementation shall take effect on the effective 
    date of this rule, July 3, 1997. This date applies to the refinery 
    level and all other points in the distribution system other than the 
    retail level. For retailers and wholesale purchaser-consumers, 
    implementation shall take effect 30 days after the effective date of 
    this rule, August 4, 1997. As of the implementation date for retailers 
    and wholesale purchaser-consumers, the Phoenix ozone nonattainment area 
    will be treated as a covered area for all purposes of the federal RFG 
    III. Response to Comments
    A. EPA Interpretation of Section 211(k)(6) of the Clean Air Act
        Several parties noted that EPA would be setting a precedent for 
    future opt-ins by the criteria it uses to determine an appropriate 
    effective date for the Phoenix opt-in. They noted that the decision 
    would have a national impact and asked for assurance from EPA that it 
    would apply these criteria uniformly. One commenter stated that the 
    compliance date set for the first opt-in requests allowed refiners many 
    months to set up the systems and organizations necessary to comply with 
    the rules. This timing provided industry with the certainty it needed 
    to make informed compliance decisions and the time it needed to 
    implement the required changes either in the production of different 
    fuels or in the administrative requirements for compliance. The 
    commenter said that EPA had never contemplated such a rapid opt-in 
    process as the one proposed for Phoenix and recommended that EPA avoid 
    setting an undesirable precedent.
        The Arizona opt-in request is the first request EPA has received 
    since the federal RFG program began in January 1995.5 
    Previous opt-in requests were sent in from two to three and a half 
    years before January 1, 1995. Section 211(k)(6)(A) authorizes EPA to 
    set an effective date for an area's opt-in that is no later than one 
    year from the date of the request, or January 1, 1995, whichever is 
    later. In the case of these early opt-in requests, January 1, 1995, was 
    later than one year from the date of the requests. Therefore, EPA set 
    an effective date of January 1, 1995, for those areas to opt-in. EPA 
    received one opt-in request shortly before the federal RFG program 
    began. For that request, EPA set an effective date of June 1, 1995, 
    less than one year from the Governor's opt-in request.6
        \5\ Voluntarily covered federal RFG areas (``opt-in'' areas) 
    currently exist in twelve States and the District of Columbia. Each 
    of these areas submitted opt-in requests (a letter from the State 
    Governor to the EPA Administrator) between June 1991 and October 
    1992. EPA responded to these requests to set an effective date under 
    section 211(k)(6)(A) of the CAA by (1) publishing a ``Notice of 
    Application for the Extension of the RFG program'' in which EPA set 
    an effective date of January 1, 1995, the date when the federal RFG 
    program was required to begin; and (2) including these areas as 
    ``covered areas'' under 40 CFR section 80.70(j) in the Final Rule 
    for Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline 59 FR 7716, 
    7852 (February 16, 1994), as amended at 59 FR 36944, 36964 (July 20, 
        \6\ The Governor of Wisconsin requested to opt-in some areas in 
    April 1994; in August 1994, the Governor requested the effective 
    date of June 1995. EPA published a Direct Final Rule on January 11, 
    1995 (60 FR 2693) setting June 1, 1995 as the effective date. 
    Wisconsin subsequently withdrew its opt-in request by letter dated 
    March 31, 1995 and EPA published a Notice to Withdraw Final Rule on 
    May 3, 1995 (60 FR 21724).
    [[Page 30263]]
        EPA recognizes that each ozone nonattainment area that submits an 
    opt-in request will have a unique set of circumstances that has led the 
    State to select federal RFG as a control measure. Section 211(k)(6)(A) 
    of the Act gives the Administrator discretion to ``establish an 
    effective date * * * as he deems appropriate* * *.'' EPA interprets 
    this provision to mean that it has broad discretion to consider any 
    factors reasonably relevant to the timing of the effective date. This 
    would include factors that affect industry and the potential opt-in 
    area. The factors that affect industry could include productive 
    capacity and capability, other markets for RFG, oxygenate supply, cost, 
    lead time, supply logistics for the area, potential price spikes, and 
    potential disruption to business. The circumstances of the potential 
    opt-in area could include environmental benefits and the timing of such 
    benefits; amount and types of reductions it needs; and effects of 
    transport, geography, climate, and weather patterns on air quality. EPA 
    will review each opt-in request and the particular facts pertaining to 
    the potential opt-in area and the suppliers for that area to determine 
    the appropriate implementation date. EPA believes that Phoenix is an 
    ozone nonattainment area in extraordinary circumstances. (See 
    discussion in III.B.1. below.) Thus, at the request of the Arizona 
    Governor, EPA has reviewed this opt-in request as expeditiously as 
    possible. EPA has provided the flexibility refiners need to meet the 
    effective date by providing enforcement relief for several 
    implementation issues. (See discussion in III.C. below.)
        Some commenters were concerned that EPA viewed its scope of review 
    for the Phoenix opt-in too narrowly. They suggested that EPA should 
    consider all issues relevant to a successful and orderly 
    implementation.7 One commenter argued that the Arizona 
    Governor made four requests in his January 17, 1997 letter and that EPA 
    should consider all these requests together: that EPA set an effective 
    date for Phoenix to opt-in to federal RFG; that EPA grant two waivers 
    under section 211(c)(4)(C) of the Act from EPA, one for a state Reid 
    vapor pressure (``RVP'') standard of 7.0 pounds per square inch 
    (``psi'') and one for a state wintertime oxygenated fuel standard; and 
    that EPA allow Phoenix to opt-out of federal RFG.8 The 
    commenter asked that EPA justify its decision to address opt-in first 
    and separated from these other requests.
        \7\ EPA stated in the Notice of public hearing (62 FR 16082 
    (March 12, 1997)) that comments regarding Arizona's decision to opt-
    in to federal RFG; EPA opt-out procedures; the Arizona Reid vapor 
    pressure (RVP) waiver; and enforcement issues would not be relevant 
    to the limited scope of the opt-in rulemaking. EPA has discussed the 
    RVP waiver and enforcement issues, to the extent that they are 
    relevant to setting the effective date, in the preamble to today's 
    final rule.
        \8\ See Docket A-97-02, II-D-1.
        EPA interprets the Governor's January 17 letter as a request to 
    opt-in to federal RFG. The first paragraph of the letter states that 
    the purpose of the letter is to request that EPA require federal RFG to 
    be supplied to the Phoenix ozone nonattainment area beginning June 1, 
    1997. In addition, the fact that the Governor's letter requesting to 
    opt-in to RFG raises other issues on which EPA action may be pending 
    does not require EPA to resolve those issues in conjunction with the 
    Agency's action on the opt-in request.
        The Governor's letter includes references to the pending RVP and 
    oxygenated fuels standards waivers, but these references simply seek 
    expeditious approval of these previously submitted waiver requests. 
    EPA's Region 9 is currently considering these 211(c)(4)(C) waiver 
        \9\ The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (``ADEQ'') 
    re-submitted a formal request, (a SIP Revision with supporting 
    documentation) for the RVP waiver by letter dated April 29, 1997 to 
    Region 9. A copy of this letter (without attachments) is in Docket 
    A-97-02, IV-D. A copy of the letter (with attachments) can be found 
    in the Region 9 Docket for this rulemaking (A-AZ-97) and the Region 
    9 Docket for the RVP Waiver (AZ-RVP-97).
        Commenters stated that in determining an appropriate effective date 
    EPA should consider the capacity to supply both RFG and low RVP 
    gasoline. Commenters argued that EPA should address the RVP waiver 
    request and the timing of the waiver decision, and acknowledge the 
    impact on refiners. EPA has considered the effect of a state 7.0 psi 
    RVP program on timing and supply for federal RFG. While refiners stated 
    that they need to know exactly what the fuel specifications are going 
    to be, EPA received comments from refiners stating that they could 
    supply RFG to Phoenix without having a final 7.0 psi RVP waiver 
    preemption in place. EPA acknowledges the importance for refiners to 
    know what all the specifications will be for Phoenix gasoline. EPA also 
    acknowledges that until EPA waives preemption for a state 7.0 psi RVP 
    standard under section 211(c)(4)(C), Arizona is preempted from 
    enforcing that standard. Nonetheless, the waiver of preemption is a 
    separate action. If EPA waives preemption and refiners need some 
    transition time, because the RVP program would be a state program, 
    Arizona would have authority to provide the appropriate transition 
        Regarding the wintertime oxygenated fuel waiver request, the state 
    has not yet submitted the documentation for this request. When it does, 
    Region 9 will address it in a timely manner. Regarding Arizona's 
    potential opt-out, EPA does not consider the January 17 letter to be an 
    opt-out request. While the Governor asked for clarification of EPA opt-
    out procedures, he did not request to opt-out; he did not ask EPA to 
    set an opt-out effective date or discuss any of the criteria required 
    in the Opt-Out Procedures Rule.10 The Governor simply made a 
    statement of current intent to submit an opt-out request if a certain 
    condition exists. That is, if Arizona were to decide that a different 
    fuel would better meet its needs, the Governor would submit an opt-out 
    request by December 31, 1997.11
        \10\ 61 FR 35673 (July 8, 1996).
        \11\ See 62 FR 15077 (March 28, 1997), EPA Notice of Proposed 
    Rulemaking for Transitional and General Opt Out Procedures for Phase 
    II Reformulated Gasoline Requirements. EPA proposed, inter alia that 
    states decide and submit to EPA a complete opt-out petition by 
    December 31, 1997, if they want a current opt-in area to opt-out 
    before December 31, 1999.
        Several commenters believe EPA should consider the Governor's 
    statement of intent to opt-out in the future in setting the effective 
    opt-in date. Given that EPA has not received from Arizona an opt-out 
    request and thus no request for a particular opt-out effective date, 
    EPA cannot determine what effect, if any, a potential opt-out would 
    have on supply as of the opt-in effective date. While EPA is concerned 
    with potential supply disruptions and uncertainty for the regulated 
    community that could result with cyclic state opt-in and opt-out, the 
    CAA allows states to determine which control measures for meeting 
    federal air quality standards are most appropriate and best meet their 
    needs.12 In addition, the Opt-out Procedures Rule provides a 
    process a state must follow to petition for removal from the program, 
    the criteria used by EPA to evaluate a request, and the necessary 
    transition period before the opt-out becomes effective.13
        \12\ There is no indication that Arizona intends to initiate 
    another cycle of federal RFG adoption.
        \13\ 61 FR 35673, 35674 (July 8, 1996).
    [[Page 30264]]
    B. Phoenix Circumstances
    1. Need for Air Quality Benefits of Federal RFG
        Many commenters addressed Phoenix's air quality situation, the 
    conclusion by the Arizona Task Force that federal RFG was the most 
    effective short-term control measure for Phoenix, and the consequences 
    for Phoenix air quality if it does not receive those 
    benefits.14 A representative of the Arizona Department of 
    Environmental Quality (``ADEQ'') testified at the hearing, providing 
    the following reasons for why the State of Arizona needs EPA to 
    expeditiously set an effective date for Phoenix to opt-in to federal 
    RFG this summer. First, Arizona has some of the toughest combinations 
    of strategies to address ozone pollution in the nation. Arizona 
    implemented the Inspection and Maintenance 240 program, including the 
    pressure test; has a trip reduction program more stringent than was 
    required for Severe ozone nonattainment areas; has a regulatory remote 
    sensing program; and has had a state low (7.0 psi) RVP standard since 
        \14\ Some commenters discussed what they considered to be the 
    best fuel for Phoenix in the long-term. As stated in the NPRM and 
    Notice of public hearing, Arizona's short-or long-term fuel choice 
    is not relevant to this opt-in rulemaking.
        \15\ A remote sensor is an instrument that measures emissions in 
    a pathway across a road as a vehicle drives by. At the same time the 
    vehicle drives by, a photograph is taken of the license plate. 
    Remote sensing programs are designed to target the highest emitting 
    vehicles in an unobtrusive way. Arizona's program requires owners of 
    vehicles that are found to be exceeding emissions standards (with 
    remote sensing) to bring their vehicle in for further emissions 
    testing and possible repair.
        Despite these requirements, ozone violations persist in the Phoenix 
    nonattainment area. Twenty-nine exceedances were recorded in the summer 
    of 1995, and ten exceedences were recorded in 1996. In addition, 
    Phoenix has a long ozone season; ADEQ documents violations from mid-May 
    to early September. These ozone violations have significant health 
    implications because they affect large numbers of people in the Phoenix 
    metropolitan area. For example, ADEQ estimates that as many as 496,000 
    people could have been exposed to unhealthful levels of air quality due 
    to violations on July 23, 1996.
        ADEQ pointed out that Phoenix is currently a Moderate nonattainment 
    area, but the State is concerned about potential redesignation to 
    Serious because of the new source review (``NSR'') requirements that 
    would come with it. ADEQ believes, based on its current emissions 
    inventory, that NSR requirements would not produce significant air 
    quality benefits and thus would not be an effective ozone attainment 
    strategy for Phoenix.16 ADEQ has been working with EPA's 
    Region 9 on a Voluntary Early Ozone Plan (``VEOP'') to bring cleaner 
    air to Phoenix sooner and obviate the need for reclassification to 
    Serious. The tonnage reductions represented by federal RFG for 1997 
    through 1999 in Phoenix are a critical portion of the emissions 
    reductions that ADEQ needs to show in the VEOP.
        \16\ ADEQ's current emissions inventory shows that contributions 
    to ozone nonattainment from mobile sources are in excess of twenty-
    five percent and from stationary sources are approximately six 
    percent. ADEQ is currently reevaluating the inventory that it used 
    for the Voluntary Early Ozone Plan (``VEOP'') because they have 
    reason to believe that mobile emissions may have been underestimated 
    and biogenic emissions overestimated.
        ADEQ also stated that the Arizona Task Force concluded that supply 
    of RFG for Phoenix would not be at issue, based on an independent 
    contractor study on fuel and refining capabilities.17 The 
    report was reviewed by dozens of stakeholders, many of whom were fuel 
    suppliers. The consultant determined that there was an adequate supply 
    of federal RFG available for Phoenix.
        \17\ See ``Final Report: Assessment of Fuel Formulations Options 
    for Maricopa County for State of Arizona Department of Environmental 
    Quality'' performed under Contract 97-0013AA by MathPro Inc. with 
    Air Improvement Resource, Inc., November 7, 1996 (``MathPro 
    Report''), EPA Air Docket A-97-02, II-A-2.
        One commenter who served on the Arizona Task Force stated at the 
    hearing that, after reviewing the analysis done by a contractor, the 
    Task Force concluded that opt-in to federal RFG was the single most 
    effective measure that the state could adopt in the short term to 
    improve air quality in Phoenix.18 In addition to providing 
    the emissions reductions Phoenix needs, supply was available and the 
    federal enforcement mechanism was in place. The commenter added that if 
    there was a delay in the opt-in effective date for Phoenix, they would 
    move into this summer's ozone season when humidity and higher 
    temperatures could result in an ozone violation this summer, and this 
    was what the Arizona Task Force was seeking to avoid by adopting a 
    short-term fuels measure. One commenter, on the other hand, argued that 
    the summer emissions benefits of federal RFG for Phoenix would be small 
    (2-4 percent) for ground level ozone.
        \18\ Id.
    2. Supply
        Commenters asked EPA to list the criteria it would use to determine 
    that adequate supply of RFG exists in a potential opt-in area. As 
    stated earlier, EPA believes section 211(k)(6)(A) provides broad 
    discretion to the Administrator to establish an appropriate effective 
    date. In setting an effective date for a potential opt-in area, EPA 
    believes it should review the many factors that could affect the supply 
    of gasoline to that area. These include, but are not limited to, supply 
    logistics, cost, potential price spikes, the number of current and 
    potential suppliers for that market, whether such suppliers have 
    experience producing RFG or the capability to produce RFG, intent of 
    suppliers to withdraw from the market, availability of adequate 
    gasoline volumes, and the amount of lead time needed by suppliers and 
    the distribution industry to set up storage and sales agreements to 
    ensure supply. By evaluating these and other factors, EPA can make a 
    determination as to whether industry's capacity to supply RFG for an 
    opt-in area meets or exceeds the demand.
        EPA has determined that capacity to supply federal RFG to Phoenix 
    this summer exceeds the estimated gasoline demand. EPA has concluded 
    that refiners will be able to adequately supply federal RFG for Phoenix 
    within 30 days of publication of the final rule, the effective date for 
    terminal compliance. EPA has concluded that retailers will be able to 
    supply RFG within 60 days of publication of the final rule, the 
    effective date for retailers and wholesale purchaser-consumers. The 
    following is a discussion of the factors EPA considered in reaching 
    this conclusion.
    a. Logistics
        Many commenters stated that Phoenix is in a unique logistical 
    situation. It has no pipeline access to the large production facilities 
    on the Gulf Coast. It is relatively isolated from refineries and 
    dependent on two common carrier pipelines, one coming from the east and 
    one coming from the west.19 Commenters emphasized to EPA the 
    importance of Phoenix having a reliable supply of gasoline from both 
    the east and west because temporary shutdowns have occurred on each 
    side, disrupting supply up to 24 hours or longer. One commenter 
    testified at the hearing that these disruptions happen periodically. 
    The pipelines are primarily constructed on railroad right-of-ways, so 
    train derailments cause the pipeline to
    [[Page 30265]]
    shutdown. A shutdown occurred recently on the west pipeline due to a 
    train derailment, and the downtime was 24 hours. The downtime could be 
    longer, depending on the severity of the derailment or other problem, 
    such as heavy rains.
        \19\ The Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline (``SFPP'') is the common 
    carrier that transports gasoline and other products (diesel, jet 
    fuel, and heating oil) to Phoenix by one pipeline from the west 
    (originating in Los Angeles, California) and one pipeline from the 
    east (originating in El Paso, Texas).
        The west pipeline now delivers approximately 70 thousand B/D of 
    gasoline to Phoenix and about 12 percent (8,000) of that continues on 
    to Tucson. The east pipeline now delivers approximately 25 thousand B/D 
    of gasoline to Phoenix.20 Both the east and west pipelines 
    have significant additional capacity beyond what is currently being 
    shipped.21 About 20 percent of the Phoenix total is 
    ultimately shipped to markets outside Maricopa County and will not be 
    RFG unless market conditions result in a give-away.22
        \20\ MathPro Report at pages 20-27.
        \21\ See Docket A-97-02, IV-E-7, Memorandum to EPA Air Docket 
    regarding telephone conversations between EPA and industry 
    representatives on the issue of supply to Phoenix.
        \22\ MathPro Report at pages 20-27. A give-away occurs when 
    higher quality gasoline, that costs more to produce, is sold at a 
    lower price, one reflective of conventional gasoline. MathPro Report 
    at page 30.
        Phoenix is considered part of the West Coast distribution area that 
    supplies 1.3 million B/D of gasoline.23 Industry 
    representatives believe that it is inconsequential whether a small 
    shortfall in RFG supply for Phoenix occurs in the east or the west 
    pipeline. The west pipeline has the capacity, with some disruption, to 
    adjust and meet the majority of the Phoenix demand for all types of 
    gasoline in the event of loss of the east line supply. The loss of the 
    east supply has happened before, when one of the two suppliers was down 
    for periodic maintenance and a breakdown occurred at the other. Several 
    refiners agreed that the only situation that is likely to cause an RFG 
    shortage in Phoenix is a break or stoppage in the west 
    pipeline.24 Given that the total Phoenix/Tucson area 
    gasoline demand is 110 thousand B/D and the maximum east pipeline flow 
    rate is 55 thousand B/D for all products, shortages and price increases 
    are inevitable if the west pipeline goes down.25 This would 
    occur regardless of the type of gasoline required by Arizona; 
    therefore, the state's opt-in to RFG does not affect this situation.
        \23\ See Docket A-97-02, IV-E-7.
        \24\ Id.
        \25\ MathPro Report at pages 20-27.
    b. Estimated Phoenix Gasoline Market and Refiner Capability to Supply
        The total gasoline demand for the state of Arizona is approximately 
    130 thousand B/D. The total gasoline now being delivered to Phoenix 
    terminals by both pipelines is about 88 thousand B/D. Approximately 80 
    percent (70 thousand B/D) of the Phoenix terminal volume is used in 
    Maricopa County (the Phoenix ozone nonattainment area). The remaining 
    20 percent of the Phoenix terminal volume is shipped to five other 
    Arizona counties.26
        \26\ Id.
        Based on the comments received, EPA believes at least six refiners 
    will supply federal RFG from the west and two to three refiners will 
    supply RFG from the east. This assures some supply of federal RFG to 
    Phoenix from both the west and the east. Most of the refiners that 
    commented, with one exception, stated that they intend to supply 
    federal RFG for the Phoenix market for the summer of 1997. In addition, 
    one company stated that it intends to supply Phoenix by displacement; 
    that is, it supplies the Texas and California markets with federal RFG 
    and California RFG (``CaRFG''), thus making it possible for Texas and 
    California refiners to supply the Phoenix market. Furthermore, one 
    commenter submitted a plot of the price difference between RFG and CG 
    in the New York, Gulf Coast, and California markets. The commenter 
    concluded that the very narrow differential, which was about 2 cents in 
    the federal program and about 4 cents for the California gasoline, 
    indicates that supplies are more than adequate. And finally, the 
    Arizona Task Force contractor stated in its report that its analysis of 
    the gasoline distribution system (which includes the refineries, the 
    SFPP South Pipeline System, and the local bulk terminals) led to the 
    finding that in general ``the existing distribution system has the 
    capability to deliver the required volumes of special Maricopa County 
    gasolines meeting any of the proposed standards [the Arizona Task Force 
    considered several fuels options] .'' 27
        \27\ Id. at pages 76-77.
        One refiner commented that it currently supplies Phoenix from a 
    refinery located in El Paso and will not be able to produce RFG for 
    this summer at that refinery. The company stated, however, that they 
    are looking at various options to replace those volumes. Another party 
    stated that for the few refiners that might not be able to meet the RFG 
    specifications this summer, the industry has an often-utilized method 
    of arranging exchanges or trades of gasoline in one market for gasoline 
    in another. This arrangement is designed to provide relief for refiners 
    and marketers during company-specific supply disruptions.
    c. Potential for Phoenix RFG Supply Shortage
        Industry has told EPA in written comments and in meetings that the 
    continuous buying, selling and trading of gasoline stocks in response 
    to the spot prices makes supply shortages of types of gasoline, like 
    RFG, very unlikely.28 The short term price increases that 
    occurred when CaRFG was introduced in California was caused by an 
    unusual and unexpected combination of refinery disruptions not expected 
    to occur in Phoenix. Typical spot prices are: (1) CaRFG--$0.70/gallon; 
    (2) federal RFG-$0.69/gallon; and (3) CG--$0.66/gallon. Generally, the 
    differences in price correspond to difference in refining costs. Thus, 
    in order to supply RFG, a trader could opt to buy any of the gasoline 
    types, whether barged from Texas, San Francisco, Washington, or other 
    more distant locations, and, if necessary, turn CG into RFG, at a cost 
    of 3 cents/gallon.29 In effect, the cost of purchasing of 
    RFG would be about the same as the cost of purchasing CG and converting 
    it to RFG. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) recently 
    informed EPA that there was an oversupply of gasoline in California and 
    the price of CaRFG dropped 8 cents during the first week in 
    May.30 One commenter, however, argued that the Phoenix 
    requirement to supply federal RFG with a 7.0 psi RVP makes the gasoline 
    unique. This commenter believes that fewer refiners will supply the 
    Phoenix gasoline, resulting in recurring shortages, accompanied by 
    price spikes. As discussed in this preamble, however, most refiners 
    that currently supply gasoline to Phoenix commented that they intend to 
    continue to do so.
        \28\ ``Spot Market'' is defined as commodity transactions 
    whereby participants make buy-and-sell commitments of relatively 
    short duration, in contrast to the ``contract'' market in which 
    transactions are long term. U.S. Petroleum Refining, Meeting 
    Requirements for Cleaner Fuels and Refiners, Volume I--Analyses and 
    Results, National Petroleum Council, August 1993 at GL-8. ``Spot 
    prices'' are the prices for a single sale of a product, i.e., 
    gasoline, on the Spot Market.
        \29\ See Docket A-97-02, IV-E-7.
        \30\ See Docket A-97-02, IV-E-8.
    d. Oxygenate Supply
        Federal RFG requires the addition of oxygenates (2.0 percent by 
    weight). This addition of oxygenate will increase the volume of 
    gasoline supply by approximately 10 percent. If Phoenix requires 65 
    thousand B/D of RFG and industry continues to provide that amount of 
    gasoline, the supply will
    [[Page 30266]]
    increase by approximately 6500 B/D just by the addition of oxygenate. 
    Several commenters provided information that there is a plentiful 
    supply of oxygenates. A commenter stated that given that oxygenate 
    producers are presently operating at approximately 90 percent of 
    manufacturing capacity, an RFG program for Phoenix is not expected to 
    cause any disruptions in oxygenate supply or drastic impacts on the 
    oxygenate marketplace.
    e. Infrastructure and Reformulation
        EPA received comments that the needed infrastructure, blending, and 
    segregation capability are in place for Phoenix. Phoenix has had a 
    winter oxygenated gasoline program since 1989, so the infrastructure 
    associated with oxygenate blending and product segregation is already 
    present. This will help ensure a smooth transition to RFG. A commenter 
    stated that based on its study of Arizona's distribution system, it 
    believed that the time required to get RFG to the marketplace will be a 
    month or less after it is produced.
        EPA received comment that relatively small quality changes will be 
    required by refiners to produce RFG. Most refiners providing 
    conventional gasoline to Phoenix currently meet the RFG specifications 
    except for benzene. The most significant change in the formulation will 
    be the reduction of benzene to one volume percent. The addition of two 
    weight percent oxygen to the gasoline will contribute to the reduction 
    of benzene.
    f. Effective Dates
        In the NPRM, EPA proposed that 30 days be allowed between the 
    terminal and retail compliance dates and requested comment on whether a 
    shorter time period would be appropriate. The Agency received two 
    comments on this issue. One refiner stated that under the best 
    conditions, thirty days was feasible but not guaranteed. The refiner 
    explained that thirty days at a minimum was needed due to potential 
    difficulties in blending gasoline and in order to assure compliance at 
    low-volume stations. Another refiner stated it supported the 30 days 
    but thought 15 sufficient. Two commenters did not speak directly to 
    this issue but included in their comments potential schedules for opt-
    in compliance. One allowed 21 days and one allowed 15 days between the 
    two dates. EPA has decided that 30 days is an appropriate time period 
    to allow between terminal and retail compliance dates. While it appears 
    that 15 days would be sufficient for high-volume stations, the 
    additional 15 days could be important for low-volume stations.
        EPA proposed that the terminal effective date be 30 days following 
    the publication of the final opt-in rule. One commenter argued that 45 
    days would be more appropriate because a longer transition time would 
    allow terminals to gradually convert to RFG by slowly replacing their 
    normal inventory levels of conventional gasoline. A shorter time period 
    would mean that the terminal must draw down their conventional gasoline 
    to lower levels in order to accelerate the conversion. If a refinery 
    outage were to occur while inventories are artificially low, the 
    possibility of a physical shortage would increase and higher prices 
    could result. This situation could be exacerbated by the timing of the 
    conversion, well into the high demand summer driving season. One 
    commenter concerned with the precedent set by an effective date 30 days 
    after publication questioned whether this would provide adequate lead 
    time regardless of ability to supply.
        EPA has decided that a terminal effective date of 30 days after 
    publication of the final rule provides refiners sufficient lead time. 
    Refiner ability to supply RFG is one of the factors EPA considers in 
    setting the effective date for an opt-in request, and several refiners 
    who supply Phoenix have stated that they have the ability to supply 
    federal RFG to Phoenix within 30 days of publication of the final rule. 
    One commenter stated that if EPA resolved issues regarding enforcement 
    of the RFG requirements in Phoenix by May 1, service stations could 
    supply federal RFG in Phoenix by mid-July. Moreover, as several 
    commenters stated, industry has been on notice that Phoenix would opt-
    in since the date of the Arizona Governor's letter, January 17, 1997. 
    EPA proposed that the terminal compliance date be 30 days after 
    publication of the final rule or June 1, whichever was later. Based on 
    this proposed date, SFPP stated in its comments that it would have to 
    begin shipments by April 22. Refiners testified at the hearing that 
    they could supply RFG to Phoenix by the proposed date of June 1 if EPA 
    worked with them to resolve certain implementation issues. EPA has 
    agreed to provide enforcement relief on several implementation issues 
    (See discussion in III.C.1. below) and expects that refiners will be 
    ready to supply RFG by the terminal compliance date, which will be 
    later than the proposed date. The fact that EPA has set an effective 
    date of 30 days from publication of the final rule does not mean, 
    however, that EPA will decide that is the appropriate amount of lead 
    time for future opt-in requests. As discussed above, pursuant to 
    section 211(k)(6)(A), EPA will review all relevant factors for each 
    opt-in request to determine the appropriate effective date for a 
    particular area.
        EPA received one comment requesting that in setting a Phoenix opt-
    in effective date, EPA consider any effect that could have on the 
    supply of CaRFG in California. The commenter stated that a reduction in 
    production of CaRFG could have an adverse effect on gasoline price and 
    availability in California. Several California refiners commented that 
    they intend to supply federal RFG to Phoenix. None of these refiners 
    indicated that producing federal RFG would limit their production of 
    CaRFG. EPA has not received any information that would indicate that 
    the Phoenix opt-in effective date will affect the supply of CaRFG in 
        EPA asked parties at the hearing to comment on whether supplying 
    RFG to Phoenix would affect the supply of CG to Arizona. EPA received 
    one comment on this issue from a refiner who stated that it could meet 
    its CG contracts for Arizona.
    C. Implementation Issues
        Several refiners and one trade association representing the 
    refiners identified implementation and enforcement issues they faced in 
    preparing to provide RFG to Phoenix in the summer of 1997. These issues 
    resulted from the lead time available for the Phoenix opt-in resulting 
    from the date of the Arizona Governor's opt-in request and his 
    requested implementation date; and the fact that much of the gasoline 
    supplied to Phoenix (approximately two-thirds) is produced at 
    refineries located in California. These California refineries are 
    covered by the California Enforcement Exemption in the federal RFG 
    rules (40 CFR 80.81). The association stated, however, that it did not 
    support delay of the proposed effective date. Its members could supply 
    RFG to Phoenix if EPA could provide some enforcement relief for the 
    identified implementation issues. In addition, one refiner commented 
    that while it encouraged EPA to grant enforcement relief, it did not 
    believe the issues were any reason to delay the implementation date 
    because refiners had actually been on notice that they would need to 
    prepare to supply Phoenix with RFG since January 17, 1997, the date of 
    the Governor's letter to EPA.
    [[Page 30267]]
    1. Enforcement Relief Provided by EPA
        EPA provided enforcement relief from certain RFG requirements 
    related to compliance in an April 18, 1997 letter from Steven A. 
    Herman, EPA Assistant Administrator for Enforcement and Compliance 
    Assurance, to Urvan Sternfels, President of the National Petroleum 
    Refiner's Association. 31 The enforcement relief is provided 
    only until January 1, 1998, and consists of the following:
        \31\ See Docket A-97-02, IV-C-6.
    a. Registration of Parties
        40 CFR 80.76 requires that refiners, importers and oxygenate 
    blenders register with EPA no later than three months prior to the date 
    they intend to produce or import RFG in order to provide EPA with 
    information about the companies and their facilities. In light of the 
    timing associated with the Phoenix opt-in, EPA will not enforce the 
    requirement to register three months in advance, provided a party 
    registers before producing any RFG for Phoenix, including the 
    requirement to notify EPA of which independent laboratory a party will 
    b. Submittal of RFG Survey Plan
        Section 80.68 requires certain refiners to submit to EPA a plan for 
    conducting gasoline quality surveys in each RFG covered area. This plan 
    must be submitted no later than September 1 of the year preceding the 
    year the surveys are to be conducted. However, given the date of 
    Governor Symington's opt-in letter, EPA will not enforce the 
    requirement to submit a Phoenix survey plan by September 1, 1996, 
    provided that within 30 days of EPA's final Phoenix opt-in rule a 
    Phoenix survey plan that meets all the requirements of section 80.68 is 
    c. Use of California Test Methods
        Both the federal RFG and the California Air Resources Board 
    (``CARB'') Phase 2 programs require refiners to use certain test 
    methods to demonstrate compliance with the standards applicable under 
    these programs. In the case of the tests for certain parameters the 
    methods specified under the two programs are different.
        Section 80.81 allows California refiners to use CARB test methods 
    as an acceptable federal test method when producing CARB gasoline. This 
    exemption is limited to gasoline used in California, and refiners are 
    required to use federal test methods for gasoline exported from 
        A letter of February 29, 1996 from Steve Herman to the Western 
    States Petroleum Association allows California refiners to use CARB 
    test methods for CG exported from California, subject to certain 
    conditions, but does not allow non-federal test methods for RFG 
    exported from California because of the stringent requirements 
    associated with federal RFG. However, the Phoenix opt-in presents a 
    situation where limited use of CARB test methods for certain federal 
    RFG requirements is appropriate in the case of RFG used in Phoenix.
        Section 80.65(e) requires RFG refiners to use federal test methods 
    to analyze each RFG batch in order to certify compliance with the 
    federal RFG standards, and under section 80.75(a) to report results to 
    EPA on a quarterly basis. In addition, section 80.65(e) provides that 
    before a refiner can ship RFG the refiner must have received the 
    results of federal tests for parameters that are subject to downstream 
    standards, i.e., the federal test results for oxygen and benzene, and 
    RVP for VOC-controlled RFG, in order to prevent the introduction into 
    commerce of RFG that violates a downstream standard.
        EPA believes that refiners in California can meet the requirement 
    to use federal test methods for purposes of determining batch 
    properties that are reported to EPA, either by using the federal test 
    methods at the refinery or by using an independent laboratory to 
    conduct federal tests. However, a refiner using an independent 
    laboratory may not have received the test results before the RFG 
    normally would be shipped. As a result, such a refiner would be 
    required to purchase the equipment necessary to conduct the federal 
    tests on site, which EPA estimates would cost about $150,000 for both 
    the oxygen and the benzene tests. The federal RVP test equipment costs 
    much less, and is already owned by most or all refiners.
        Given the fact that Governor Symington's letter states that he may 
    request to opt-out of the RFG program by December 31, 1997, and the 
    cost of the equipment necessary to conduct the federal oxygen and 
    benzene tests, EPA believes it is appropriate to allow use of CARB test 
    methods to meet the RFG pre-shipping testing requirement. However, 
    refiners and importers using the CARB test methods also must test each 
    RFG batch using federal test methods, and the results of the federal 
    tests must be used to satisfy the batch reporting requirements of 
    section 80.75(a).
        Therefore, EPA will not enforce the requirement at section 
    80.65(e)(1) that refiners and importers must have received the results 
    of federal oxygen and benzene tests before shipping RFG, provided the 
    following conditions are met.
        (1) The refiner or importer does not have the equipment necessary 
    to conduct the federal benzene and/or oxygen tests at its refinery or 
    import facility.
        (2) The refiner or importer has received the results of CARB 
    benzene and/or oxygen tests before shipping any RFG batch, these test 
    results have been correlated with the federal test method, and these 
    test results must demonstrate compliance with the federal downstream 
    standards. If the results of federal benzene and/or oxygen tests show 
    the RFG violated the federal downstream standards the refiner or 
    importer will have violated these standards regardless of the results 
    of the CARB tests. This would be true whether the federal tests are 
    conducted by the refiner's independent laboratory, by another regulated 
    party or by EPA.
        (3) The refiner or importer must retain the results of any tests 
    conducted using CARB methods, and records demonstrating correlation 
    between the CARB and federal test methods, and must supply these 
    records to EPA on request. Enforcement of the RFG requirements in this 
    manner will expire on January 1, 1998.
    d. Adjustment of the Reid Vapor Pressure Lower Limit
        The federal RFG program includes standards for the RVP of gasoline. 
    The maximum RVP of RFG is controlled primarily because of the increased 
    VOC emissions that result from gasoline with higher RVP levels. A 
    minimum RVP is included because of limited availability of RVP data at 
    the time the simple model standards were developed. In addition, the 
    minimum RVP standard addresses vehicle driveability problems, such as 
    poor starting and running, that can occur when low volatility gasoline 
    does not vaporize in the vehicle engine. As a result, under section 
    80.42(c)(1) the minimum RVP allowed for RFG is 6.6 pounds per square 
    inch (``psi''), although under section 80.45(f)(1) this minimum RVP 
    standard changes to 6.4 psi beginning in 1998.
        Arizona has regulations that require that Phoenix be subject to a 
    maximum summertime volatility standard of 7.0 psi. As a result, 
    refiners supplying RFG for Phoenix for use during the summer will have 
    to meet an RVP standard of 6.6 psi minimum (the federal RFG standard) 
    and 7.0 psi maximum (the state-imposed standard). Some refiners have 
    said this narrow RVP range would create gasoline production problems 
    because of testing variability, but that this problem would be resolved 
    if the
    [[Page 30268]]
    RVP minimum standard were 6.4 psi. In addition, the American Automobile 
    Manufacturers Association commented, stating that it did not believe a 
    summertime 6.4 RVP minimum in Phoenix would pose significant risk of 
    vehicle performance problems.
        For these reasons, EPA believes it is appropriate to allow a 
    minimum RVP of 6.4 psi for VOC-controlled RFG in Phoenix. As a result, 
    EPA will not enforce the 6.6 psi minimum RVP standard under section 
    80.42(c)(1) for VOC-controlled RFG used in Phoenix, including RFG 
    produced for the Phoenix market that is used in non-RFG areas around 
    Phoenix, provided the following conditions are met.
        (1) RFG must meet a minimum RVP standard of 6.4 psi during the 
    period May 1 through October 31.
        (2) All other RFG must meet a minimum RVP standard of 6.6 psi.
        (3) The refiner or importer must specify in the product transfer 
    documents, required in section 80.77, the VOC-controlled RFG is for use 
    only in the Phoenix covered area.
    2. Other Implementation Issues
        One refiner stated its support of EPA extension of the CARB 
    certified laboratory tests for gasoline properties as an alternative 
    for all refineries. This would include recognition of the GC-FTIR (ASTM 
    5986) for Aromatics, Benzene and Oxygen content. EPA intends to issue 
    proposed regulations establishing a performance based analytical test 
    method approach for the measurement of the RFG parameters specified in 
    section 80.46. Under this approach, quality assurance specifications 
    would be developed under which the performance of alternate analytical 
    test methods would be deemed acceptable for compliance. The Agency 
    envisions that this approach, if adopted, would provide additional 
    flexibility to the regulated industry in their choice of analytical 
    test methods to be utilized for compliance under the RFG and 
    conventional gasoline programs for analytical test methods that differ 
    from the designated analytical test method.
        Refiners raised the issue that due to modeling effects, winter 
    gasoline via simple (and complex) model gives a lower toxics reduction 
    than summer gasoline. Since it is difficult to meet the toxics 
    reduction on a per gallon basis with winter gasoline, supply 
    flexibility is enhanced by averaging. With only part of the year being 
    available for averaging, it is important to implement the rule early 
    enough so that the partial year does not have more winter than summer 
    months than a full calendar year would have.
        EPA proposed that if refiners produce RFG prior to June 15, 1997, 
    it would not be necessary to change anything because there is a balance 
    of summer and winter days. EPA proposed to refiners (that have 
    registered) that any gasoline produced and federally certified as 
    Federal RFG, even if produced before the effective date for Phoenix, 
    will count for refiner averaging. Various refiners indicated to EPA 
    that this approach satisfactorily addressed their concerns on this 
        \32\ See Docket A-97-02, IV-E-6.
        Another implementation issue raised by refiners arose from the 
    independent laboratory sampling program required in the RFG 
    regulations. While this should not pose a problem in areas such as Los 
    Angeles, Houston or Dallas where many such labs are located, there 
    could be a lead time problem in West Texas and New Mexico where the 
    refineries are more isolated and there are no labs. EPA proposed to 
    refiners that enforcement discretion was not needed because isolated 
    refiners could meet the independent lab requirements by mail. Various 
    refiners indicated to EPA that this approach satisfactorily addressed 
    their concerns on this issue.33
        \33\ Id.
        One refiner commented that a minor implementation problem results 
    from the fact that in-line blender certification by EPA could require 
    six months to a year. The refiner suggested that a solution would be 
    for EPA to certify promptly new in-line blenders within thirty days. 
    EPA believes the appropriate way to address this issue is contained in 
    the RFG regulations (40 CFR 80.65(f)(4)). In addition, EPA has 
    expeditiously reviewed any in-line blending petitions received to 
    address any supply issues.
        Refiners commented that transitions from conventional gasoline to 
    RFG always pose unique problems. One refiner stated it was willing to 
    work with industry, EPA, and Arizona to ensure a successful transition. 
    Another refiner commented that Phoenix may be facing two fuel 
    transitions in rapid succession--a transition from conventional 
    gasoline to federal RFG and a transition from federal RFG to federal 
    RFG plus 7.0 RVP. The refiner urged EPA to work with Arizona to educate 
    the public about these changes because public acceptance of the fuels 
    changes coming to Phoenix is critical to acceptance of longer-term 
    presumably more stringent, fuels solutions now being devised for the 
    Phoenix area.
        EPA agrees that a public education strategy is important for fuel 
    changes. EPA's Office of Mobile Sources and Region 9 have been working 
    with Arizona, which has prepared a public outreach and education plan 
    that includes meetings with stakeholders, television advertisements, 
    hotlines, informational brochures provided directly to motorists, and 
    training for technicians and service station employees. EPA has also 
    provided some funding for the Phoenix federal RFG public education 
    IV. Environmental Impact
        Gasoline vapors and vehicle exhaust contain VOCs and NOX 
    that react in the atmosphere in the presence of sunlight and heat to 
    produce ozone, a major component of smog. Vehicles also release toxic 
    emissions, one of which (benzene) is a known human carcinogen. Federal 
    RFG contains less of the ingredients that contribute to these harmful 
    forms of air pollution. Consequently, RFG reduces the exposure of the 
    U.S. public overall to ozone and certain air toxics.
        The federal Phase I RFG program provides reductions in ozone-
    forming VOC emissions and air toxics, and prohibits any increase in 
    NOX emissions. Reductions in VOCs are environmentally 
    significant because of the associated reductions in ozone formation and 
    in secondary formation of particulate matter, with the associated 
    improvements in human health and welfare. Exposure to ground-level 
    ozone (or smog) can damage sensitive lung tissue, reduce lung function, 
    cause lung inflammation, increase susceptibility to respiratory 
    infection, and increase sensitivity of asthmatics to allergens (e.g., 
    pollen) and other bronchoconstrictors. Symptoms from short-term 
    exposure to ozone include coughing, eye and throat irritation, and 
    chest pain. Animal studies suggest that long-term exposure (months to 
    years) to ozone can damage lung tissue and may lead to chronic 
    respiratory illness.
        Toxic emissions from motor vehicles have been estimated to account 
    for roughly half of the total exposure of the urban U.S. population to 
    toxic air emissions. Reductions in emissions of toxic air pollutants 
    are environmentally important because they carry significant benefits 
    for human health and welfare primarily by reducing the number of cancer 
    cases each year. The reduction of benzene provides the majority of air 
    toxics emission reductions from RFG. New monitoring data from the 1995 
    EPA Air Quality Trends Report shows that in RFG areas, benzene was 
    reduced by 43 percent. A number of adverse non-
    [[Page 30269]]
    cancer health effects, such as eye, nose, and throat irritation, have 
    also been associated with exposure to elevated levels of these air 
        The Arizona Task Force estimates that if federal RFG is required to 
    be sold in Phoenix, VOC emissions will be cut by more than nine tons 
    per day. In addition, all vehicles would have improved emissions and 
    the area would also get reductions in toxic emissions.
    V. Statutory Authority
        The Statutory authority for the action proposed today is granted to 
    EPA by sections 211(c) and (k) and 301 of the Clean Air Act, as 
    amended; 42 U.S.C. 7545 (c) and (k) and 7601.
    VI. Regulatory Flexibility
        For the following reasons, EPA has determined that it is not 
    necessary to prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis in connection 
    with this rule. EPA has also determined that this rule will not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. 
    In promulgating the RFG and anti-dumping regulations, the Agency 
    analyzed the impact of the regulations on small businesses. The Agency 
    concluded that the regulations may possibly have some economic effect 
    on a substantial number of small refiners, but that the regulations may 
    not significantly affect other small entities, such as gasoline 
    blenders, terminal operators, service stations and ethanol blenders. 
    See 59 FR 7810-7811 (February 16, 1994). As stated in the preamble to 
    the final RFG/anti-dumping rule, exempting small refiners from the RFG 
    regulations would result in the failure of meeting CAA standards. 59 FR 
    7810. However, since most small refiners are located in the mountain 
    states or in California, which has its own RFG program, the vast 
    majority of small refiners are unaffected by the federal RFG 
    requirements (although all refiners of conventional gasoline are 
    subject to the anti-dumping requirements). Moreover, all businesses, 
    large and small, maintain the option to produce conventional gasoline 
    to be sold in areas not obligated by the Act to receive RFG or those 
    areas which have not chosen to opt into the RFG program. A complete 
    analysis of the effect of the RFG/anti-dumping regulations on small 
    businesses is contained in the Regulatory Flexibility Analysis which 
    was prepared for the RFG and anti-dumping rulemaking, and can be found 
    in the docket for that rulemaking. The docket number is: EPA Air Docket 
        Today's rule will affect only those refiners, importers or blenders 
    of gasoline that choose to produce or import RFG for sale in the 
    Phoenix ozone nonattainment area, and gasoline distributors and retail 
    stations in those areas. As discussed above, EPA determined that, 
    because of their location, the vast majority of small refiners would be 
    unaffected by the RFG requirements. For the same reason, most small 
    refiners will be unaffected by today's action. Other small entities, 
    such as gasoline distributors and retail stations located in Phoenix, 
    which will become a covered area as a result of today's action, will be 
    subject to the same requirements as those small entities which are 
    located in current RFG covered areas. The Agency did not find the RFG 
    regulations to significantly affect these entities.
    VII. Public Participation
        The Agency held a public hearing on March 18, 1997 to hear comments 
    on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (62 FR 7197) published February 
    18, 1997. Comments were provided at the hearing by the Arizona 
    Department of Environmental Quality, fuel oxygenate producers, and 
    representatives of the oil industry, environmental organizations, and 
    other businesses that participated on the Arizona Air Quality 
    Strategies Task Force. In addition, EPA reviewed and considered written 
    comments on the proposal submitted by the same groups. These comments 
    have been presented and addressed in the preamble above (See III. 
    Response to Comments). All comments received by the Agency are located 
    in the EPA Air Docket A-97-02 (See ADDRESSES).
    VIII. Executive Order 12866
        Under Executive Order 12866,34 the Agency must determine 
    whether a regulation is ``significant'' and therefore subject to OMB 
    review and the requirements of the Executive Order. The Order defines 
    ``significant regulatory action'' as one that is likely to result in a 
    rule that may:
        \34\ See 58 FR 51735 (October 4, 1993).
        (1) Have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more, 
    or adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the 
    economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
    health or safety, or State, local or tribal governments of communities;
        (2) Create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an 
    action taken or planned by another agency;
        (3) Materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlements, grants, 
    user fees, or loan programs or the rights and obligations of recipients 
    thereof, or
        (4) Raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal 
    mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in 
    this Executive Order.35
        \35\ Id. At section 3(f) (1)--(4).
        It has been determined that this rule is not a ``significant 
    regulatory action'' under the terms of Executive Order 12866 and is 
    therefore not subject to OMB review.
    IX. Paperwork Reduction Act
        Today's action does not impose any new information collection 
    burden. Refiners are currently subject to the information collection 
    requirements for federal reformulated gasoline and conventional 
    gasoline. Today's rule adds an additional ozone nonattainment area as a 
    federal RFG covered area; the rule does not change the information 
    collection requirements already associated with federal RFG. The Office 
    of Management and Budget (OMB) has previously approved the information 
    collection requirements contained in the final RFG/antidumping rule 
    under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et 
    seq. and has assigned OMB control number 2060-0277 (EPA ICR No. 1951).
        Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources 
    expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or 
    provide information to or for a Federal agency. This includes the time 
    needed to review instructions; develop, acquire, install, and utilize 
    technology and systems for the purposes of collecting, validating, and 
    verifying information, processing and maintaining information, and 
    disclosing and providing information; adjust the existing ways to 
    comply with any previously applicable instructions and requirements; 
    train personnel to be able to respond to a collection of information; 
    search data sources; complete and review the collection of information; 
    and transmit or otherwise disclose the information.
        Copies of the ICR document(s) may be obtained from Sandy Farmer, 
    Information Policy Branch; EPA; 401 M St., SW. (mail code 2136); 
    Washington, DC 20460 or by calling (202) 260-2740. Include the ICR and/
    or OMB number in any correspondence.
    X. Unfunded Mandates
        Under section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 
    (``UMRA''), P.L. 104-4, EPA must prepare a budgetary impact statement 
    to accompany any general notice of proposed rulemaking or final rule 
    that includes a Federal mandate which may result in estimated costs to 
    State, local,
    [[Page 30270]]
    or tribal governments in the aggregate, or to the private sector, of 
    $100 million or more in any one year. Under section 205, for any rule 
    subject to section 202 EPA generally must select the least costly, most 
    cost-effective, or least burdensome alternative that achieves the 
    objectives of the rule and is consistent with statutory requirements. 
    Under section 203, before establishing any regulatory requirements that 
    may significantly or uniquely affect small governments, EPA must take 
    steps to inform and advise small governments of the requirements and 
    enable them to provide input.
        EPA has determined that today's rule does not trigger the 
    requirements of UMRA. The rule does not include a Federal mandate that 
    may result in estimated annual costs to State, local or tribal 
    governments in the aggregate, or to the private sector, of $100 million 
    or more, and it does not establish regulatory requirements that may 
    significantly or uniquely affect small governments.
    XI. Judicial Review
        Under section 307(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act, petitions for 
    judicial review of this action to extend the federal RFG program to the 
    Phoenix ozone nonattainment area must be filed in the United States 
    Court of Appeals for the appropriate circuit by August 4, 1997. Filing 
    a petition for reconsideration by the Administrator of this final rule 
    does not affect the finality of this rule for the purposes of judicial 
    review nor does it extend the time within which a petition for judicial 
    review may be filed, and shall not postpone the effectiveness of such 
    rule or action. This action may not be challenged later in proceedings 
    to enforce its requirements (see section 307(b)(2)).
    XII. Submission to Congress
        Under 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A) as added by the Small Business 
    Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, EPA submitted a report 
    containing this rule and other required information to the U.S. Senate, 
    the U.S. House of Representatives and the Comptroller General of the 
    General Accounting Office prior to publication of the rule in today's 
    Federal Register. This rule is not a ``major rule'' as defined by 5 
    U.S.C. 804(2).
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Fuel additives, 
    Gasoline, and Motor vehicle pollution.
        Dated: May 28, 1997.
    Carol M. Browner,
        40 CFR part 80 is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 80 is revised to read as 
        Authority: Secs. 114, 211, and 301(a) of the Clean Air Act, as 
    amended (42 U.S.C. 7414, 7545 and 7601(a)).
        2. Section 80.70 is amended by adding paragraph (m) as follows:
    Sec. 80.70  Covered areas.
    * * * * *
        (m) The prohibitions of section 211(k)(5) will apply to all persons 
    other than retailers and wholesale purchaser-consumers July 3, 1997. 
    The prohibitions of section 211(k)(5) will apply to retailers and 
    wholesale purchaser-consumers August 4, 1997. As of the effective date 
    for retailers and wholesale purchaser-consumers, the Phoenix, Arizona 
    ozone nonattainment area is a covered area. The geographical extent of 
    the covered area listed in this paragraph shall be the nonattainment 
    boundaries for the Phoenix ozone nonattainment area as specified in 40 
    CFR 81.303.
    [FR Doc. 97-14442 Filed 6-2-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This final rule is effective July 3, 1997.
30260-30270 (11 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 80.70