97-19782. Radar Requirements for Towing Vessels 300 Gross Tons or More  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 144 (Monday, July 28, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 40270-40273]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-19782]
    Coast Guard
    33 CFR Part 164
    [CGD 97-034]
    RIN 2115-AF46
    Radar Requirements for Towing Vessels 300 Gross Tons or More
    AGENCY: Coast Guard, DOT.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: On July 3, 1996, the Coast Guard published a final rule 
    requiring certain towing vessels of 12 meters (39.4 feet) or more in 
    length, operating in the navigable waters of the United States other 
    than the St. Lawrence Seaway, to be equipped with a marine radar. This 
    final rule included a provision requiring, in some cases, towing 
    vessels of 300 tons gross tonnage or more to have a radar that is 
    azimuth stabilized. This requirement is scheduled to go into effect on 
    August 2, 1997. Following issuance of the final rule, the Coast Guard 
    received comments expressing concern about the need for and the expense 
    of this requirement on vessels operating on inland routes. After 
    reviewing this requirement with respect to towing vessels on inland 
    waters, the Coast Guard is issuing a final rule which revises the radar 
    requirement for a towing vessel of 300 tons gross tonnage or more 
    engaged in towing on Western rivers and U.S. navigable waters other 
    than Western rivers.
    DATES: This rule is effective on July 28, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Documents as indicated in this preamble are available for 
    inspection or copying at the office of the Executive Secretary, Marine 
    Safety Council (G-LRA/3406), U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, 2100 Second 
    Street SW., Washington, DC 20593-0001, between 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., 
    Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. The telephone number is 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Edward LaRue, Navigation Rules 
    Division (G-MOV-3), 202-267-0416.
    Regulatory History
        The regulatory history for this rulemaking is recounted in the 
    preamble of the final rule entitled ``Navigation
    [[Page 40271]]
    Safety Equipment for Towing Vessels'' (61 FR 35064, July 3, 1996). 
    After publication of the final rule, the Coast Guard received verbal 
    comments expressing concern about the requirement for towing vessels 
    300 tons gross tonnage or more to have azimuth stabilized radar.
    Background and Purpose
        Background information on navigation safety equipment for towing 
    vessels is provided in the preambles to the notice of proposed 
    rulemaking (NPRM) (60 FR 55890; November 3, 1995) and the final rule 
    (61 FR 35064; July 3, 1996).
    Discussion of Comments and Changes
        Verbal comments from the American Waterways Operators (AWO) 
    received by the Coast Guard expressed concern about the radar 
    requirement for towing vessels 300 tons gross tonnage or more to have 
    azimuth stabilized radar. Because river maps published by the Army 
    Corps of Engineers do not normally contain latitude and longitude 
    references or a compass rose, the utility of an azimuth stabilized 
    radar is greatly diminished. AWO concurred with the Coast Guard that 
    this requirement was appropriate for towing vessels 300 gross tons or 
    more, but was financially burdensome to towing vessels operating on 
    inland routes. The Towing Safety Advisory Committee (TSAC) supported 
    AWO's comments and stated that reducing the radar requirement would not 
    reduce navigational safety. TSAC recommended that the Coast Guard amend 
    the radar requirements for vessels 300 tons gross tonnage or more.
        The Coast Guard concurs. This final rule will reduce the economic 
    burden on the towing industry by changing the radar requirement for 
    towing vessels 300 tons gross tonnage or more operating on certain U.S. 
    navigable waters, including Western rivers. Because owners of towing 
    vessels affected by the current radar requirement may be planning 
    purchases of gyrocompasses or new radar to be in compliance with the 
    August 2, 1997, implementation date, the Coast Guard desires that the 
    reduced requirement become effective as soon as possible. The Coast 
    Guard has determined that not requiring an azimuth stabilized radar for 
    vessels on inland routes will not adversely affect safety and is 
    consistent with the precepts of the original rulemaking (61 FR 35064, 
    July 3, 1996).
        TSAC also requested clarification of the language in the Radio 
    Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM) standards dealing 
    with range performance. For towing vessels of less than 300 tons gross 
    tonnage, performance is rated at an antenna height of 15 meters. The 
    section then states parenthetically, ``the 15 meter height is a test 
    criteria only and not an installation requirement.'' Although similar 
    language is not used in the standards for vessels of 300 tons gross 
    tonnage or more, the Coast Guard does apply the same logic. For vessels 
    of 300 tons gross tonnage or more, the 15 meter height is a test 
    criteria and not an installation requirement.
    Regulatory Evaluation
        This final rule is not a significant regulatory action under 
    section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866, and does not require an 
    assessment of potential costs and benefits under section 6(a)(3) of 
    that Order. It has not been reviewed by the Office of Management and 
    Budget under that Order. It is not significant under the regulatory 
    policies and procedures of the Department of Transportation (DOT) (44 
    FR 11040 (February 26, 1979)).
        A final Regulatory Evaluation under paragraph 10e of the regulatory 
    policies and procedures of DOT has been prepared for the final rule 
    requiring radars on towing vessels (61 FR 35064; July 3, 1996) and is 
    available in docket CGD 94-020 for inspection or copying where 
    indicated under ADDRESSES.
        In addition to the original rule's Regulatory Evaluation, the Coast 
    Guard conducted a cost/benefit analysis based on this change of radar 
    requirements. The Coast Guard has determined that approximately 400 
    towing vessels 300 tons gross tonnage or more would be affected by the 
    azimuth stabilized radar requirement. This change would have created an 
    economic burden to the regulated industry of approximately $8.4 
    million. The original regulatory Evaluation did not anticipate that 
    vessels operating on the Western rivers or on inland waters would have 
    to be outfitted with a gyrocompass, at a cost of approximately $21,000, 
    in order to meet the radar requirements. The Coast Guard has determined 
    that while a marine surface-navigation radar is an essential piece of 
    navigational-safety equipment, for vessels operating in sheltered or 
    protected waters the requirement to have the radar azimuth stabilized 
    is not critical. Therefore, in this final rule the Coast Guard has 
    removed the stabilization requirement for towing vessels operating on 
    Western rivers and U.S. navigable waters other than Western rivers.
    Small Entities
        Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), the 
    Coast Guard considered whether this rule will have a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. ``Small 
    entities'' include small businesses, not-for-profit organizations that 
    are independently owned and operated and are not dominant in their 
    fields, and governmental jurisdictions with populations of less than 
    50,000. Approximately 200 towing vessels owned and operated by an 
    estimated 45 small entities would save $21,000 per vessel by this rule. 
    Therefore, the Coast Guard certifies that under section 605(b) of the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) that this final rule 
    will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
    small entities and is, in fact, beneficial to them.
    Assistance for Small Entities
        In accordance with section 213(a) of the Small Business Regulatory 
    Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-121), the Coast Guard 
    will provide assistance to small entities to determine how this rule 
    applies to them. If you are a small business and need assistance 
    understanding the provisions of this rule, please contact the Coast 
    Guard Captain of the Port (COTP) closest to your vessel's operational 
    Collection of Information
        This final rule does not include any collection requirements nor 
    change the collection of information requirements under the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) of the final rule 
    published in the Federal Register (61 FR 35064).
        The Coast Guard has analyzed these regulations under the principles 
    and criteria contained in Executive Order 12612 and has determined that 
    this rule does not have sufficient implications for federalism to 
    warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
        The Coast Guard considered the environmental impact of this rule 
    and concluded that, under paragraphs 2.B.2e(34) (d) and (e) of 
    Commandant Instruction M16475.1B, this rule is categorically excluded 
    from further environmental documentation. This rule requires navigation 
    safety equipment and the recordkeeping of the inspection and testing of 
    said equipment. The environmental impact of this rule will be to reduce 
    maritime accidents and oils spills in the marine environment. A 
    ``Categorical Exclusion Determination'' is available in the docket for 
    [[Page 40272]]
    or copying where indicated under ADDRESSES.
    List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 164
        Marine safety, Navigation (water), Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Waterways, Incorporation by reference.
        Dated: July 14, 1997.
    R. C. North,
    Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety 
    and Environmental Protection.
        For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Coast Guard amends 
    33 CFR part 164 as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 164 continues to read as 
        Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1223, 1231; 46 U.S.C. 2103, 3703; 49 CFR 
    1.46. Sec. 164.13 also issued under 46 U.S.C. 8502. Sec. 164.61 also 
    issued under 46 U.S.C. 6101.
    Sec. 164.72  [Amended]
        2. Amend Sec. 164.72 by revising paragraph (a)(1)(iii); designating 
    and revising paragraph (a)(1)(iv) as (a)(1)(v); adding a new paragraph 
    (a)(1)(iv); and revising paragraph (c) and table 164.72 to read as 
    Sec. 164.72  Navigational-safety equipment, charts or maps, and 
    publications required on towing vessels.
        (a) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (iii) For a vessel of 300 tons gross tonnage or more that engages 
    in towing on navigable waters of the U.S., including Western rivers, 
    the radar must meet--
        (A) The requirements of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 
    specified by 47 CFR part 80; and
        (B) RTCM Recommended Standards for Marine Radar Equipment Installed 
    on Ships of 300 Tons Gross Tonnage and Upwards, RTCM Paper 191-93/
    SC112-X, Version 1.2 except the requirements for azimuth stabilization 
    in paragraph 3.10.
        (iv) For a vessel of 300 tons gross tonnage or more that engages in 
    towing seaward of navigable waters of the U.S. or more than three 
    nautical miles from shore on the Great Lakes, the radar must meet--
        (A) The requirements of the FCC specified by 47 CFR Part 80; and
        (B) RTCM Recommended Standards for Marine Radar Equipment Installed 
    on Ships of 300 Tons Gross Tonnage and Upwards, RTCM Paper 191-93/
    SC112-X, Version 1.2.
        (v) A towing vessel with an existing radar must meet the applicable 
    requirements of paragraphs (a)(1) (i) through (iv) of this section by 
    August 2, 1998; except that a towing vessel with an existing radar must 
    meet the display and stabilization requirements of paragraph 
    (a)(1)(ii)(B) of this section by August 2, 2001.
    * * * * *
        (c) Table 164.72, following, summarizes the navigational-safety 
    equipment, charts or maps, and publications required for towing vessels 
    of 12 meters or more in length engaged in towing:
      Table 164.72.--Equipment, Charts or Maps, and Publications for Towing Vessels of 12 Meters or More in Length  
                                                                                                Waters seaward of   
                                                                    U.S. navigable waters    navigable waters and 3 
                                             Western rivers          other than western     NM or more from shore on
                                                                           rivers                the Great Lakes    
    Marine Radar:                                                                                                   
        Towing Vessels of Less Than    RTCM Paper 71-95/SC112-    RTCM Paper 71-95/SC112-   RTCM Paper 71-95/SC112- 
         300 GT.                        STD Version 1.1, Display   STD Version 1.1,          STD Version 1.1,       
                                        Category II \1\            Display Category II \1\   Display Category I \2\ 
                                        Stabilization Category     Stabilization Category    Stabilization Category 
                                        BRAVO.                     BRAVO.                    ALPHA.                 
        Towing Vessels of 300 GT or    RTCM Paper 191-93/SC112-X  RTCM Paper 191-93/SC112-  RTCM Paper 191-93/SC112-
         More.                          Version 1.2 (except the    X Version 1.2 (except     X Version 1.2.\1\      
                                        Azmuth stabilization       the Azmuth                                       
                                        requirement in paragraph   stabilization                                    
                                        3.10).\1\.                 requirement in                                   
                                                                   paragraph 3.10).\1\.                             
        Searchlight..................              X                          X                         X           
        VHF-FM Radio.................              X                          X                         X           
        Magnetic Compass.............            X \3\                        X                         X           
        Swing-Meter..................            X \3\                                                              
        Echo Depth-Sounding Device...                                         X                         X           
        Electronic Position-Fixing                                                                      X           
        Charts or Maps...............  (1) Large enough scale...  (1) Large enough scale..  (1) Large enough scale. 
                                       (2) Current edition or     (2) Current edition or    (2) Currently corrected 
                                        currently corrected        currently corrected       edition.               
                                        edition.                   edition.                                         
        General Publications.........  (1) U.S. Coast Guard       (1) U.S. Coast Guard      (1) U.S. Coast Guard    
                                        Light List.                Light List.               Light List.            
                                       (2) Notices to Navigation  (2) Local Notices to      (2) Local Notices to    
                                        or Local Notices to        Mariners.                 Mariners.              
                                       (3) River-current Tables.  (3) Tidal-current Tables  (3) Tidal-current       
                                                                  (4) Tide Tables.........  (4) Tide Tables.        
                                                                  (5) U.S. Coast Pilot....  (5) U.S. Coast Pilot.   
    \1\ Towing vessels with existing radar must meet this requirement by August 2, 1998.                            
    \2\ Towing vessels with existing radar must meet this requirement by August 2, 1998 but do not need to meet the 
      display and stabilization requirements until August 2, 2001.                                                  
    \3\ A towing vessel may carry either a swing-meter or a magnetic compass.                                       
    [[Page 40273]]
    [FR Doc. 97-19782 Filed 7-25-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-14-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Coast Guard
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule is effective on July 28, 1997.
40270-40273 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
CGD 97-034
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
33 CFR 164.72