97-20766. Securities Representing Investment of Customer Funds Held in Segregated Accounts by Futures Commission Merchants  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 152 (Thursday, August 7, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 42398-42401]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-20766]
    17 CFR Part 1
    Securities Representing Investment of Customer Funds Held in 
    Segregated Accounts by Futures Commission Merchants
    AGENCY: Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
    ACTION: Final Rules.
    SUMMARY: The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (''Commission'') is 
    amending Rules 1.23 and 1.25 to allow futures commission merchants 
    (``FCMs'') to make direct transfers into segregated accounts of 
    permissible, unencumbered securities of the types set forth in Section 
    4d(2) of the Commodity Exchange Act (``Act'') and Rule 1.25 promulgated 
    thereunder. This will provide FCMs a more efficient means to increase 
    or decrease their residual interest in funds segregated for the benefit 
    of commodity customers than heretofore permitted. In addition, the 
    revised rules will permit FCMs to deposit the proceeds from the sale or 
    maturity of any such investments directly into a nonsegregated bank 
    account, provided that the FCM maintains a sufficient residual 
    financial interest in the funds segregated for commodity customers to 
    assure that all of an FCM's obligations to its customers are covered. 
    The Commission's expectation is that these rule changes will reduce the 
    number of transactions required to manage an FCM's segregated cash and 
    securities balances, thus reducing operating costs for the industry. To 
    assure that there will be a clear audit trail for the increased types 
    of permitted transactions, Rule 1.27 also is being amended to require 
    that the description of the investment securities, required by the 
    rule, includes the security identification number developed by the 
    Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures (``CUSIP 
    Number''). Also, Rule 1.25 is being amended to require identification, 
    in the record of investments required to be maintained by Rule 1.27, of 
    the manner in which the proceeds from the sale or maturity of any 
    segregated securities are disposed of.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: September 8, 1997.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul H. Bjarnason, Jr., Chief 
    Accountant, or Lawrence B. Patent, Associate Chief Counsel, Division of 
    Trading and Markets (``Division''), Commodity Futures Trading 
    Commission, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street, N.W., Washington, 
    D.C. 20581. Telephone (202) 418-5430.
    I. Investment of Customers' Segregated Funds
        At all times, an FCM is required to have sufficient funds in 
    segregation to meet its obligations to customers. As a consequence, to 
    protect against a customer account going into deficit, an FCM must 
    deposit funds of its own to cover any customer account deficits, and 
    such funds must remain in segregation until more funds are remitted to 
    the FCM by the customers who hold such deficit accounts. Thus, 
    maintaining an adequate cushion of its own in segregation is a part of 
    routine FCM funds management operations. FCM operational funding needs 
    often dictate that any unneeded excess funds in segregation be moved so 
    that they can be used in other aspects of the firm's operations. 
    Therefore, prudent and efficient funds management typically requires an 
    FCM to make frequent transfers of funds into and out of segregation.
        Prior to these rule changes, FCMs were only allowed to increase or 
    decrease their interest in customers' segregated funds by direct 
    transfers of cash. That is, securities owned by the FCM and held in a 
    non-segregated account could not be transferred to a segregated 
    account. Moreover, to assure an audit trail, if an FCM wished to move 
    funds represented by securities into segregation, the securities had to 
    be sold and the cash proceeds transferred into a segregated account. 
    The FCM could, then, use the segregated cash to purchase more 
    securities that would be held in segregation. The effect of these 
    requirements was that any segregated securities, except for securities 
    purchased and specifically owned and deposited by individual customers, 
    always had to be purchased with cash from a segregated cash account. 
    Likewise, the proceeds from any sale of segregated securities always 
    had to be deposited into a segregated account, even if there was no 
    longer a need for the funds to be in segregation. That is, such funds 
    could only be moved to a non-segregated account after the securities 
    were converted to cash and the cash had been deposited into a 
    segregated account.
        On March 21, 1997, the Commission published for comment proposed 
    amendments to Rules 1.23, 1.25, and 1.27.\1\ The proposed changes would 
    permit FCMs to transfer their own unencumbered securities from a non-
    segregated account directly into a customer segregated safekeeping 
    account. This would enable an FCM to increase the amount of funds 
    segregated for the benefit of commodity customers more quickly and 
    economically. To be eligible for direct transfer, such securities were 
    required to be unencumbered and to qualify as permitted investments of 
    customer funds under Rule 1.25. The proposed rule amendments also would 
    permit an FCM to transfer such securities from a segregated customer 
    safekeeping account directly to the FCM's own non-segregated account, 
    to the extent the FCM had excess funds available in segregation. The 
    30-day public comment period on the proposed rule changes expired on 
    April 21, 1997. The Commission received one written comment letter on 
    this proposal from the Joint Audit Committee (``JAC'').\2\ The JAC 
    raised two issues.
        \1\ See 62 FR 13564 (March 21, 1997).
        \2\ JAC is comprised of representatives from each commodity 
    exchange and National Futures Association which coordinate the 
    industry's audit and ongoing surveillance activities to promote a 
    uniform framework of self-regulation.
        First, JAC suggested that Rule 1.25 be amended by removing the 
    requirement contained in the rule that the proceeds from any sale of 
    segregated securities be redeposited into a segregated account. JAC 
    indicated that by eliminating this restriction, FCMs would be able to 
    sell segregated securities directly out of the segregated account and 
    deposit the funds to a non-segregated account. Since it was the 
    Commission's aim to permit cash and securities to be treated the same 
    way, thus reducing the number of transactions required to administer 
    segregated funds and reduce transaction costs, the Commission agrees 
    with this suggestion. Therefore, to adopt the JAC's suggestion, Rule 
    1.25 is further amended in two respects: 1) the requirement to deposit 
    the proceeds from the sale of segregated securities to a segregated 
    account is eliminated; and 2) a requirement to identify, in the record 
    of investments required to be maintained by Rule 1.27, the manner in 
    which the proceeds from the sale or maturity of any segregated 
    securities are disposed of, is added to the rule. That is, if proceeds 
    are not redeposited in a segregated account, the record must
    [[Page 42399]]
    reflect that the proceeds were deposited to an identified non-
    segregated account.
        These changes to the rules are achieved without any sacrifice of 
    the audit trail related to segregated funds transfers. Also, the rules 
    do not impose any significant costs or other undue burdens upon FCMs, 
    because the additional information required to be maintained by the 
    rule should be available to FCMs in the internal records they already 
        The Commission's proposed amendment to Rule 1.23 would have 
    modified the restrictions to allow the transfer of the types of 
    securities set forth in Rule 1.25 between segregated and nonsegregated 
    accounts. These proposed changes would permit transfers between 
    segregated and non-segregated accounts, whether made in cash or 
    securities, to be treated the same way. Therefore, the Commission has 
    determined to adopt the amendment to Rule 1.23 as originally proposed, 
    but to add the amendment to Rule 1.25 to assure that the Rule 1.23 rule 
    changes achieve the desired result.
        In its second comment, JAC pointed out that the proposed amendments 
    to Rules 1.23 and 1.25 would restrict the transfer of securities to 
    those held in a segregated safekeeping account with a bank or trust 
    company. JAC's original request for the proposed rule change was to 
    allow FCMs the ability to transfer segregated securities held by any 
    permitted segregation depository, including contract market clearing 
    organizations and other FCMs. The Commission agrees. Therefore, the 
    final amendments to Rules 1.23 and 1.25, as adopted, refer to 
    securities held in segregated safekeeping at any permitted custodian of 
    segregated funds, that is a bank, trust company, contract market 
    clearing organization, or another FCM. It should be noted that clearing 
    organizations and FCMs ultimately deposit customer funds in a 
    segregated safekeeping account with a bank or trust company.\3\ In this 
    connection the Commission notes that to be considered properly 
    segregated, pursuant to the Act and the rules promulgated thereunder, 
    securities must be held in safekeeping.
        \3\ In proposing these rule amendments, the Commission noted 
    that their adoption would also require the Division to revise 
    Financial and Segregation Interpretation No. 7, which includes the 
    following statement:
        Under Regulations 1.23 and 1.25 such obligations must be: (1) 
    purchased with money deposited in an account used for the deposit of 
    customers' funds; (2) made through such an account; and (3) the 
    proceeds from any sale of such obligations must be redeposited in 
    such an account. Thus, all additions to and withdrawals from 
    customer segregated funds which represent topping up by the FCM to 
    cover actual or expected customer deficits must be in the form of 
        1 Comm. Fut. L. Rep. (CCH) para. 7117, at 7124 (July 23, 1980).
        The Division will delete this text from the interpretation 
    shortly and will publish an amended interpretation on its Internet 
    web site (http://www.cftc.gov) and request Commerce Clearing Housng 
    to publish the revised interpretation in the Commodity Futures Law 
        For purposes of Rules 1.26, 1.27, 1.28 and 1.29, all permissible 
    investments, when deposited into segregated accounts, will be deemed to 
    be securities and obligations which represent investments of customers' 
    funds until such time as the FCM withdraws or otherwise disposes of 
    such investments.
        Also, the Commission is adopting as proposed amendments to Rule 
    1.27, which require FCMs to maintain records of permissible investments 
    held in segregated accounts. Rule 1.27 now will require the record to 
    include the CUSIP number of such securities as a part of the 
    description of such investments, and Rule 1.25 will require the FCM's 
    record to indicate if securities were liquidated and the non-segregated 
    account where the proceeds were transferred. The Commission is not 
    adopting any other changes to Rule 1.27, but wants to remind FCMs that 
    Rule 1.27 requires them to include in the investments record, among 
    other information, the name of the person through whom such investments 
    were made and the name of the person to or through whom such 
    investments were disposed of. Therefore, this record should identify 
    permissible investments owned by the FCM which were deposited into 
    segregation and any investments withdrawn from segregation and 
    deposited in the FCM's own account. Securities owned by the FCM, used 
    to meet its segregation requirements, must be identified as customer 
    securities and properly segregated, whether physically deposited or 
    deposited by book entry.
        The Commission also invited comments on whether custodians for 
    these purposes should be limited to banks and trust companies not 
    affiliated with the FCM. The Commission asked this question, in part, 
    as a follow-up to issues raised during the Barings crisis. Many firms 
    had deposited their cash with affiliates of the Barings bank, which in 
    turn used the Barings bank as a depository for those assets. During the 
    Barings crisis, these firms found that their assets, notwithstanding 
    some interpretations that the segregation laws in the United Kingdom 
    impose a complete trust on customer funds, would not necessarily be 
    considered segregated for their benefit in any impending liquidation in 
    bankruptcy of the Barings group. In this connection, the Commission 
    notes that the International Organisation of Securities Commissions 
    issued guidance on client asset protection, which is contained in a 
    report published in August 1996, that recommends to regulatory 
    authorities that they should: ``. . . carefully consider the 
    circumstances in which authorised firms may be permitted to meet the 
    requirements of a client asset protection regime by holding client 
    assets with a related custodian.''
        In this connection, the only commenter, the JAC, stated that such a 
    limitation on affiliated depositories would not seem warranted. In most 
    jurisdictions, funds in securities held in safekeeping can be separated 
    from funds amenable to the claims of a creditor of the custodian, as 
    well as a creditor of the FCM. Amendments added to the Act in 1968, to 
    impose the requirement to segregate directly on the custodian, are 
    intended to achieve that effect.\4\ The adoption of the rules in this 
    release is intended to facilitate maintaining segregated funds in the 
    form of securities. The Commission, therefore, believes that there is 
    no compelling reason to impose a condition, at this time, that such 
    funds be held at non-affiliated custodians. The Commission notes that 
    it intends to keep this conclusion under review. This is because 
    legislative and regulatory changes in the U.S. or in other countries, 
    developments in risk assessment systems or cooperative arrangements 
    with domestic and/or international regulators and encountering new 
    types of custodianship problems in connection with a failed firm could 
    at some future time suggest that the Commission consider a change in 
    its current rules and policies in this connection.
        \4\ Pub. L. No. 90-258, Sec. 6, 82 Stat. 26, 28 (1968), now 
    codified as the concluding paragraph of Sec. 4d(2) of the Act, 7 
    U.S.C. 6d(2) (1994).
        Under the Act, an FCM may segregate commodity customers' funds at a 
    bank or trust company, another registered FCM, or a clearing 
    organization of a contract market. Each of these depositories is, 
    itself, required by the Act to treat and deal with such funds as 
    belonging to the FCM's customers and not as the FCM's own funds. Each 
    of these persons is also liable under the Act for any misuse of, or 
    failure to segregate, such funds. Such liability accrues whether or not 
    the depository is related to the FCM. When customer funds are deposited 
    with another FCM or contract market clearing organization, the funds, 
    ultimately, are deposited
    [[Page 42400]]
    with a bank or trust company by such FCM or clearing organization.
        With respect to net capital compliance issues, the Commission's 
    staff has previously informally advised the Joint Audit Committee and 
    individual registrants that deposits of funds with affiliates would be 
    deemed by staff to be returns of capital by an FCM and, therefore, such 
    deposits could not be treated as regulatory capital by an FCM, unless 
    such funds represented either: (1) Funds segregated or set aside in 
    safekeeping under the Commission's rules for commodity or foreign 
    futures or foreign options customers; (2) funds held pursuant to the 
    Securities and Exchange Commission's customer protection rules (17 CFR 
    240.15c3-3); or (3) amounts to be used for normal operating expenses. 
    The Commission is in agreement with that policy and does not believe 
    any additional limitation needs to be imposed at this time. Unusually 
    large amounts of cash held in segregation will be reviewed as part of 
    Commission and SRO audit programs.
    II. Related Matters
    A. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act (``RFA''), 5 U.S.C. 601-611 (1988), 
    requires that agencies, in proposing rules, consider the impact of 
    those rules on small businesses. The rule amendments discussed herein 
    would affect registered FCMs. The Commission has previously established 
    certain definitions of ``small entities'' to be used by the Commission 
    in evaluating the impact of its rules on such entities in accordance 
    with RFA.\5\ The Commission previously determined that registered FCMs 
    are not small entities for the purpose of the RFA.\6\
        \5\ 47 FR 18618-18621 (April 30, 1982).
        \6\ 47 FR 18619-18620.
        Further, the amendments discussed herein do not impose any 
    significant new burdens upon FCMs. These amendments facilitate the use 
    of firm-owned obligations to enhance funds segregated for commodity 
    customers by allowing the direct transfer of said obligations into and 
    out of segregated accounts. As a result, the Commission anticipates 
    that adoption of the amendments will reduce the burden of compliance 
    with segregation requirements by FCMs. Accordingly, when these rule 
    amendments were proposed, the Chairperson, on behalf of the Commission, 
    certified, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 605(b), that the rule amendments would 
    not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities. The Commission, nonetheless, invited comment from any 
    registered FCM that believed these rules would have a significant 
    impact on its operations, but none was received.
    B. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. No. 104-13, May 13, 
    1995) (``PRAct'') imposes certain requirements on federal agencies 
    (including the Commission) in connection with their conducting or 
    sponsoring any collection of information, as defined by the PRAct. 
    While these rule amendments have no burden, the group of rules (3038-
    0024) of which the rules proposed to be amended are a part has the 
    following burden:
    Average burden hours per response.................................18.00
    Number of Respondents..........................................1,662.00
    Frequency of response.............................................19.00
        Copies of the OMB approved information collection package 
    associated with these rules may be obtained from the Desk Officer, 
    CFTC, Office of Management and Budget, Room 10202, NEOB, Washington, DC 
    20503, (202) 395-7340.
    List of Subjects in 17 CFR Part 1
        Brokers, Commodity futures, Consumer protection, Reporting and 
    Recordkeeping requirements, Segregation requirements.
        In consideration of the foregoing and pursuant to the authority 
    contained in the Act and, in particular, Sections 4d, 4g and 8a (5) 
    thereof, 7 U.S.C. 6d, 6g and 12a(5), the Commission hereby amends 
    Chapter I of Title 17 of the Code of Federal Regulations as follows:
        1. The authority citation for Part 1 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1a, 2, 2a, 4, 4a, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 6e, 6f, 
    6g, 6h, 6i, 6j, 6k, 6l, 6m, 6n, 6o, 6p, 7, 7a, 7b, 8, 9, 12, 12a, 
    12c, 13a, 13a-1, 16, 16a, 19, 21, 23, and 24.
        2. Section 1.23 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1.23  Interest of futures commission merchant in segregated funds; 
    additions and withdrawals.
        The provision in section 4d(2) of the Act and the provision in 
    Sec. 1.20(c), which prohibit the commingling of customer funds with the 
    funds of a futures commission merchant, shall not be construed to 
    prevent a futures commission merchant from having a residual financial 
    interest in the customer funds, segregated as required by the Act and 
    the rules in this part and set apart for the benefit of commodity or 
    option customers; nor shall such provisions be construed to prevent a 
    futures commission merchant from adding to such segregated customer 
    funds such amount or amounts of money, from its own funds or 
    unencumbered securities from its own inventory, of the type set forth 
    in Sec. 1.25, as it may deem necessary to ensure any and all commodity 
    or option customers' accounts from becoming undersegregated at any 
    time. The books and records of a futures commission merchant shall at 
    all times accurately reflect its interest in the segregated funds. A 
    futures commission merchant may draw upon such segregated funds to its 
    own order, to the extent of its actual interest therein, including the 
    withdrawal of securities held in segregated safekeeping accounts held 
    by a bank, trust company, contract market clearing organization or 
    other futures commission merchant. Such withdrawal shall not result in 
    the funds of one commodity and/or option customer being used to 
    purchase, margin or carry the trades, contracts or commodity options, 
    or extend the credit of any other commodity customer, option customer 
    or other person.
        3. Section 1.25 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1.25  Investment of customer funds.
        No futures commission merchant and no clearing organization shall 
    invest customer funds, except in obligations of the United States, in 
    general obligations of any State or of any political subdivision 
    thereof, or in obligations fully guaranteed as to principal and 
    interest by the United States. This shall not prohibit a futures 
    commission merchant from directly depositing unencumbered securities, 
    of the type specified in this section, which it owns for its own 
    account, into a segregated safekeeping account or from transferring any 
    such securities from a segregated account to its own account, up to the 
    extent of its residual financial interest in customers' segregated 
    funds; provided, however, that such investments, transfers of 
    securities, and disposition of proceeds from the sale or maturity of 
    such securities are recorded in the record of investments, required to 
    be maintained by Sec. 1.27. All such securities may be segregated in 
    safekeeping only with a bank, trust company, clearing organization of a 
    contract market, or other registered futures commission merchant. 
    Furthermore, for purposes of Secs. 1.25, 1.26, 1.27, 1.28 and 1.29, 
    investments permitted by Sec. 1.25 that are owned by the futures 
    commission merchant and deposited into such a segregated account shall 
    be considered
    [[Page 42401]]
    customer funds until such investments are withdrawn from segregation.
        4. Section 1.27 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(4) and (b)(2) 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 1.27  Record of investments.
        (a) * * *
        (4) A description of the obligations in which such investments were 
    made, including the CUSIP numbers;
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (2) A description of such documents, including the CUSIP numbers; 
    * * * * *
        Issued in Washington D.C. on July 28, 1997, by the Commission.
    Jean A. Webb,
    Secretary of the Commission.
    [FR Doc. 97-20766 Filed 8-6-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6351-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Entry Type:
Final Rules.
Document Number:
September 8, 1997.
42398-42401 (4 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (4)
17 CFR 1.20(c)
17 CFR 1.23
17 CFR 1.25
17 CFR 1.27