97-22849. Migratory Bird Harvest Information Program  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 167 (Thursday, August 28, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 45706-45708]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-22849]
    [[Page 45705]]
    Part II
    Department of the Interior
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 20
    Migratory Bird Harvest Information Program; Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 167 / Thursday, August 28, 1997 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 45706]]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 20
    RIN 1018-AD08
    Migratory Bird Harvest Information Program
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and State wildlife 
    agencies (States) are cooperatively establishing a national Migratory 
    Bird Harvest Information Program (Program). The Program requires 
    licensed migratory game bird hunters to supply their names, addresses, 
    and other necessary information to the hunting licensing authority of 
    the State in which they hunt. The Program improves the quality and 
    extent of information about the harvests of migratory game birds to 
    better manage these populations. The Program requires hunters to have 
    evidence of current Program participation (Program validation) on their 
    person while hunting migratory game birds in participating States. 
    Hunters' names and addresses will provide a sample frame for voluntary 
    hunter surveys needed to improve harvest estimates for all migratory 
    game birds. States will gather migratory bird hunters' names and 
    addresses and the Service will conduct the harvest surveys. This 
    specific action adds five States to the list of those participating in 
    the Program, bringing the total to 22.
    DATE: This rule takes effect on September 1, 1997.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul I. Padding, Office of Migratory 
    Bird Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 10815 Loblolly Pine 
    Drive, Laurel, Maryland 20708-4028, (301) 497-5980, FAX (301) 497-5981.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This final rule facilitates the collection 
    of needed information about migratory game bird harvests. A proposed 
    rule was published in the March 14, 1997, Federal Register (62 FR 
    12524). This final rule amends Section 20.20 of 50 CFR by adding 
    Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Kentucky, and North Carolina to the list of 
    participating States. Licensed hunters, as a condition for hunting 
    migratory game birds in these States, will be required to annually 
    provide their names, addresses, and other necessary information to the 
    licensing authority of the State in which they hunt. This information 
    will provide a nationwide sampling frame of migratory bird hunters, 
    from which representative samples of hunters will be selected and asked 
    to participate in voluntary harvest surveys that the Service will 
    conduct annually.
        The Service and States are currently implementing this Program over 
    a 5-year period, starting with the 1994-95 hunting season. During this 
    implementation, the Program's participation requirement will not apply 
    on Federal Indian Reservations or to tribal members hunting on ceded 
    lands. Participating States will provide the sample frame by annually 
    collecting the name, address, and date of birth of each State licensed 
    migratory bird hunter. To reduce survey costs and to identify hunters 
    who hunt less commonly-hunted species, States will also request that 
    each migratory bird hunter provide a brief summary of his or her 
    migratory bird hunting activity for the previous year. States will send 
    this information to the Service, and the Service will sample hunters 
    and conduct national hunter activity and harvest surveys.
        A notice of intent to establish the Program was published in the 
    June 24, 1991, Federal Register (56 FR 28812). A final rule 
    establishing the Program and initiating a 2-year pilot phase in three 
    volunteer States (California, Missouri, and South Dakota) was published 
    in the March 19, 1993, Federal Register (58 FR 15093). The pilot phase 
    was completed following the 1993-94 migratory bird hunting seasons in 
    California, Missouri, and South Dakota.
        The Service formed a State/Federal group to evaluate Program 
    requirements, the different approaches used by the pilot States, and 
    the Service's survey procedures during the pilot phase. Their 
    evaluation resulted in Program changes specified in a final rule, 
    published in the October 21, 1994, Federal Register (59 FR 53334), 
    initiating the implementation phase of the Program.
        Currently, all licensed migratory game birds hunters in 
    participating States are required to have a Program validation, 
    indicating that they have identified themselves as migratory bird 
    hunters and have provided the required information to the State 
    wildlife agency. Hunters must provide the required information to each 
    State in which they hunt migratory birds. Validations are printed on or 
    attached to the annual State hunting license or on a State-specific 
    supplementary permit.
        Names, addresses, and other information are needed in time to 
    distribute hunting record forms to selected hunters before they forget 
    the details of their hunts. Previously, the Service's survey design 
    required participating States to send the required information to the 
    Service within 5 business days of the hunting license or permit 
    issuance (10 business days if the information is in electronic form). 
    Several States expressed concern that they could not meet this time 
    requirement. The Service conducted an experiment during the 1994-95 
    hunting season to determine whether extending the time requirement 
    would adversely affect the accuracy of survey results. Based on the 
    results of that experiment, the Service now requires participating 
    States to forward hunter information to the Service within 30 calendar 
    days from the date of license or permit issuance.
        The Service does not require hunters exempted from State permit and 
    licensing requirements to participate in the Program. This would 
    include junior hunters, senior hunters, landowners, and other special 
    categories. Exemptions vary on a State-by-State basis. Excluding these 
    hunters from the Program also excludes their harvest from the estimates 
    which may result in serious bias. Thus States may require exempted 
    hunters to participate; and the Service encourages States to provide 
    any available information about these groups (for example, junior 
    hunter safety course participant lists and State harvest estimates for 
    exempted categories) to the Service for use in improving harvest 
    estimates. Methodology may vary by State and will be incorporated into 
    individual Memoranda of Agreement with the Service.
        The Service will use the names and addresses only for conducting 
    hunter surveys, and will delete names and addresses after the surveys. 
    State uses of these names and addresses will be governed by State laws.
        Under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3), at least 30 days is required for a rule 
    to become effective unless an agency has good cause to make it sooner. 
    The Service and the States are currently implementing this Program over 
    a five-year period at the request of the International Association of 
    Fish and Wildlife Agencies. The States added by this rule to the list 
    of participating States, Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Kentucky, and 
    North Carolina, have prepared for a September 1 implementation date of 
    the Program. Generally, migratory game bird hunting seasons may begin 
    as early as September 1, 1997, and since migratory game bird hunters 
    are required to have a Program validation on their person while hunting 
    migratory game birds in these States, the Service believes good cause 
    exists to make this rule effective on September 1, 1997.
    [[Page 45707]]
    Review of Comments and the Service's Response
        The Service received comments on the proposed rule from two States.
    1. Implementation Phase--Schedule of State Participation
        Comment: Delaware requested that its scheduled implementation be 
    advanced from 1998 to 1997. Delaware will implement a telephone license 
    sales system in 1997 and prefers to implement the Program at the same 
        Service Response: The Service welcomes Delaware's proposed advance 
    and will accommodate this change in the schedule.
        Comment: Texas indicated that it experienced some technical 
    difficulties with the electronic license sales system that it 
    implemented last year. Texas requested that the Program's requirements 
    be waived for a portion of its 1997-98 hunting license year, to give 
    the State additional time to resolve those problems. Thus, Texas 
    proposed to begin collecting the required information from migratory 
    bird hunters on October 1, 1997.
        Service Response: The Service recognizes the unique problems 
    associated with implementing a new electronic license system in Texas, 
    where the number of licensed hunters exceeds 1,000,000. However, this 
    proposal will result in an incomplete sample frame from Texas. 
    Therefore, the Service will not conduct Harvest Information Program 
    surveys of Texas' migratory bird hunters during the 1997 hunting 
    season. The Service will conduct the traditional waterfowl harvest 
    survey based upon a sample of Federal duck stamp purchasers in Texas. 
    To avoid confusion among hunters and law enforcement personnel in 
    Texas, the Service will omit Texas from the list of States in which 
    hunters are required to participate in the Program in 1997.
    NEPA Consideration
        The Service considered the establishment of this Harvest 
    Information Program and options in the ``Environmental Assessment: 
    Migratory Bird Harvest Information Program.'' Copies of this document 
    are available from the Service at the address indicated under the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        On June 14, 1991, the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and 
    Parks concluded that the rule would not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities under the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.). This rule will eventually 
    affect about 3-5 million migratory game bird hunters when it is fully 
    implemented. It will require licensed migratory game bird hunters to 
    identify themselves and to supply their names, addresses, and birth 
    dates to the State licensing authority. Additional information will be 
    requested in order that they can be efficiently sampled for a voluntary 
    national harvest survey. Hunters will be required to have evidence of 
    current participation in the Program on their person while hunting 
    migratory game birds.
        The States may require a handling fee to cover their administrative 
    costs. Many of the State hunting-license vendors are small entities, 
    but this rule should not economically impact those vendors. Only 
    migratory game bird hunters, individuals, would be required to provide 
    this information, so this rule should not adversely affect small 
    Collection of Information: Migratory Bird Harvest Information 
        As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507 
    (d)), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has received approval for this 
    collection of information, with approval number 1018-0015, with the 
    expiration date of August 31, 1998.
        The information to be collected includes: the name, address, and 
    date of birth of each licensed migratory bird hunter in each 
    participating State. Hunters' names, addresses, and other information 
    will be used to provide a sample frame for voluntary hunter surveys to 
    improve harvest estimates for all migratory game birds. The Service 
    needs and uses the information to improve the quality and extent of 
    information about harvests of migratory game birds in order to better 
    manage these populations.
        All information is to be collected once annually from licensed 
    migratory bird hunters in participating States by the State license 
    authority. Participating States are required to forward the hunter 
    information to the Service within 30 calendar days of license or permit 
    issuance. Annual reporting and record keeping burden for this 
    collection of information is estimated to average 0.015 hours per 
    response for 1,650,000 respondents, including the time for reviewing 
    instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and 
    maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the 
    collection of information. Thus, the total annual reporting and record 
    keeping burden for this collection is estimated to be 24,750 hours. 
    Organizations and individuals desiring to submit comments on the 
    information collection requirements should direct them to the Service 
    Information Collection Clearance Officer, ms 224--ARLSQ, U.S. Fish and 
    Wildlife Service, 1849 C Street, NW., Washington, DC 20240, or the 
    Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project 1018-0015, 
    Washington, DC 20503.
        The Department considered comments by the public on this proposed 
    collection of information in--
        (1) Evaluating whether the proposed collection of information is 
    necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the 
    Department, including whether the information will have practical 
        (2) Evaluating the accuracy of the Department's estimate of the 
    burden of the proposed collection of information, including the 
    validity of the methodology and assumptions used;
        (3) Enhancing the quality, usefulness, and clarity of the 
    information to be collected; and
        (4) Minimizing the burden or the collection of information on those 
    who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, 
    electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or 
    other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic 
    submission of responses.
    Executive Order 12866
        This rule was not subject to Office of Management and Budget review 
    under Executive Order 12866.
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        The Service has determined and certifies pursuant to the Unfunded 
    Mandates Act, 2 U.S.C. 1502 et seq., that this rulemaking will not 
    impose a loss of $100 million or more in any given year on local or 
    state governments or private entities.
    Civil Justice Reform--Executive Order 12988
        The Department has determined that these regulations meet the 
    applicable standards provided in Sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of Executive 
    Order 12988.
        The primary author of this rule is Paul I. Padding, Office of 
    Migratory Bird Management.
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 20
        Exports, Hunting, Imports, Reporting and record keeping 
    requirements, Transportation, Wildlife.
    [[Page 45708]]
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 20 is amended 
    as set forth below.
        1. The authority citation for part 20 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 703-711, 16 U.S.C. 712, and 16 U.S.C. 742 
        2. In Section 20.20 paragraphs (a), (b) and (e) are revised to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 20.20  Migratory Bird Harvest Information Program.
        (a) Information collection requirements. The collections of 
    information contained in Sec. 20.20 have been approved by the Office of 
    Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. and assigned 
    clearance number 1018-0015. The information will be used to provide a 
    sampling frame for the national Migratory Bird Harvest Survey. Response 
    is required from licensed hunters to obtain the benefit of hunting 
    migratory game birds. Public reporting burden for this information is 
    estimated to average 0.015 hours per response for 1,650,000 
    respondents, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching 
    existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and 
    completing and reviewing the collection of information. Thus the total 
    annual reporting and record keeping burden for this collection is 
    estimated to be 24,750 hours. Send comments regarding this burden 
    estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, 
    including suggestions for reducing the burden, to the Service 
    Information Collection Clearance Officer, MS--224 ARLSQ, Fish and 
    Wildlife Service, Washington, DC 20240, or the Office of Management and 
    Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project 1018-0015, Washington, DC 20503.
        (b) General provisions. Each person hunting migratory game birds in 
    Alabama, Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, 
    Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, 
    Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, 
    Tennessee, and Vermont must have identified himself or herself as a 
    migratory bird hunter and given his or her name, address, and date of 
    birth to the respective State hunting licensing authority and must have 
    on his or her person evidence, provided by that State, of compliance 
    with this requirement.
    * * * * *
        (e) Implementation schedule. The Service is completing the 
    implementation of this Program in 1998, which will incorporate 
    approximately 1.6 million additional migratory bird hunters. The State 
    of Texas will collect the name, address, and other necessary 
    information from migratory bird hunters who are issued hunting licenses 
    in Texas on or after October 1, 1997. All States must participate in 
    the Program in 1998.
        Dated: August 21, 1997.
    William L. Leary,
    Acting Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks.
    [FR Doc. 97-22849 Filed 8-27-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-F

Document Information

Effective Date:
Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule takes effect on September 1, 1997.
45706-45708 (3 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
50 CFR 20.20