97-25882. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories; National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 194 (Tuesday, October 7, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 52384-52428]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-25882]
    [[Page 52383]]
    Part II
    Environmental Protection Agency
    40 CFR Parts 9, 60, and 63
    National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source 
    Categories; National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants 
    for Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants; Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 194 / Tuesday, October 7, 1997 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 52384]]
    40 CFR Parts 9, 60, and 63
    [IL-64-2-5807; FRL-5898-5]
    RIN 2060-AE76
    National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for 
    Source Categories; National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air 
    Pollutants for Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This action promulgates national emission standards for each 
    new or existing potline, paste production plant, and anode bake furnace 
    associated with a primary aluminum reduction plant, and for each new 
    pitch storage tank associated with a primary aluminum production plant. 
    In addition, the new source performance standard for primary aluminum 
    plants is amended and most of the requirements are incorporated in the 
    final national emission standards. This action also adds Method 315 for 
    the measurement of extractable organic matter to appendix A of part 63 
    and Method 14A for the measurement of total fluoride (TF) to appendix A 
    of part 60.
        The major hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) emitted by the facilities 
    covered by this rule include hydrogen fluoride (HF) and polycyclic 
    organic matter (POM). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are 
    included in the chemical group POM. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 
    have been reported to produce carcinogenic, reproductive, and 
    developmental effects as well as toxic effects on blood, the liver, 
    eyes, and the immune system. The final rule will result in a 50 percent 
    reduction in fluoride and POM emissions from the current level of 
    11,000 tons per year (tpy); a substantial reduction in emissions of 
    nonHAP pollutants, such as particulate matter, also will be achieved.
        These standards implement section 112(d) of the Clean Air Act as 
    amended (the Act) and are based on the Administrator's determination 
    that primary aluminum plants may reasonably be anticipated to emit 
    several of the HAPs listed in section 112(b) of the Act from the 
    various process operations found within the industry.
    section concerning judicial review.
        The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in 
    the rule is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of 
    October 7, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Docket. The docket for this rulemaking containing the 
    information considered by the EPA in development of the final rule is 
    Docket No. A-92-60. This docket is available for public inspection 
    between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday except for Federal 
    holidays, at the following address: U.S. Environmental Protection 
    Agency, Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center (6102), 401 M 
    Street SW., Washington, DC 20460; telephone: (202) 260-7548. The docket 
    is located at the above address in Room M-1500, Waterside Mall (ground 
    floor). A reasonable fee may be charged for copying.
        Background Information Document. A background information document, 
    titled ``National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants 
    (NESHAP) for Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants--Background Information 
    for Promulgated Standards, Summary of Public Comments and Responses,'' 
    has been prepared summarizing the significant public comments made on 
    the proposed rule and the Administrator's response to those comments. 
    This document is available in the docket for this rulemaking and also 
    is available for downloading from the Technology Transfer Network under 
    the Clean Air Act Amendments, Recently Signed Rules.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Steve Fruh, Policy, Planning, and 
    Standards Group, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research 
    Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711, telephone number (919) 541-2837, 
    electronic mail address, fruh.steve@epamail.epa.gov''.
    Regulated Entities
        Entities potentially regulated by this action are those that emit 
    or have the potential to emit HAPs listed in section 112(b) of the Act. 
    Regulated categories and entities include:
                                                    Examples of regulated   
                     Category                             entities          
    Industry..................................  Primary aluminum reduction  
    Federal government:                                                     
      Not affected                                                          
    State/local/tribal government:                                          
      Not affected.                                                         
        This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a 
    guide for readers regarding entities likely to be regulated by this 
    action. This table lists the types of entities that EPA is now aware 
    could potentially be regulated by this action. Other types of entities 
    not listed in the table could also be regulated. To determine whether 
    your facility is regulated by this action, you should carefully examine 
    the applicability criteria in Sec. 63.840 of the final rule. If you 
    have any questions regarding the applicability of this action to a 
    particular entity, consult the person listed in the preceding FOR 
    Judicial Review
        This NESHAP for primary aluminum reduction plants was proposed on 
    September 26, 1996 (61 FR 50586). This notice promulgating a NESHAP for 
    primary aluminum reduction plants constitutes final administrative 
    action concerning that proposal. Under section 307(b)(1) of the Clean 
    Air Act, judicial review of this final rule is available only by filing 
    a petition for review in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of 
    Columbia Circuit by December 8, 1997. Under section 307(d)(7)(B) of the 
    Act, only an objection to this rule which was raised with reasonable 
    specificity during the period for public comment can be raised during 
    judicial review. Moreover, under section 307(b)(2) of the Act, the 
    requirements established by today's final action may not be challenged 
    separately in any civil or criminal proceeding brought by EPA to 
    enforce these requirements.
    Technology Transfer Network
        The Technology Transfer Network is one of the EPA's electronic 
    bulletin boards. The Technology Transfer Network provides information 
    and technology exchange in various areas of air pollution control. The 
    service is free except for the cost of a phone call. Dial (919) 541-
    5472 for up to a 14,400 bps modem. The Technology Transfer Network is 
    also accessible through the Internet at ``http://
    ttnwww.rtpnc.epa.gov.'' If more information on the Technology Transfer 
    Network is needed, call the HELP line at (919) 541-5384.
        The following outline is provided to aid in reading this preamble 
    to the final rule.
    I. Statutory Authority
    II. Purpose
    III. Background
        A. Primary Aluminum Source Category
        B. NESHAP for Source Categories
    [[Page 52385]]
        C. Health Effects of Pollutants
    IV. Summary of Final Rule and Changes Since Proposal
        A. Applicability
        B. Emission Limits and Standards
        C. Incorporation of the NSPS
        D. Emission Averaging
        E. Compliance Provisions
        F. Emission Monitoring
        G. Test Methods
        H. Time Limit for Approval or Disapproval of Submissions
        I. Notification, Reporting, and Recordkeeping Requirements
        J. Display of OMB Control Numbers
    V. Summary of Impacts
    VI. Summary of Responses to Major Comments
        A. Subcategories
        B. Format of the Standard
        C. Achievability of Emission Limits
        D. Incorporation of the NSPS
        E. Time Limit for Approval by the Regulatory Authority
        F. Relationship to Other Rules
        G. Reduced Sampling Frequency
        H. Approval of Alcan Cassette Method (Method 14A)
        I. Estimates of Costs for Control and Monitoring
        J. Exceeding an Operating Parameter Limit
        K. Pitch Storage Tanks
    VII. Administrative Requirements
        A. Docket
        B. Executive Order 12866
        C. Enhancing the Intergovernmental Partnership Under Executive 
    Order 12875
        D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        E. Regulatory Flexibility
        F. Submission to Congress and the General Accounting Office
        G. Paperwork Reduction Act
        H. Clean Air Act
    I. Statutory Authority
        The statutory authority for this rule is provided by sections 101, 
    112, 114, 116, and 301 of the Clean Air Act, as amended; 42 U.S.C., 
    7401, 7412, 7414, 7416, and 7601.
    II. Purpose
        The Clean Air Act was created in part ``to protect and enhance the 
    quality of the Nation's air resources so as to promote the public 
    health and welfare and the productive capacity of its population.'' 
    [See section 101(b)(1).] Section 112 of the Act establishes a 
    technology-based program to reduce stationary source emissions of HAPs 
    from new and existing sources.
        Section 112(d) of the Act requires the regulations to reflect the 
    maximum degree of reduction in emissions of HAPs that is achievable 
    taking into consideration the cost of achieving the emission reduction, 
    any non-air quality health and environmental impacts, and energy 
    requirements. This level of control is commonly referred to as the 
    maximum achievable control technology (MACT). The goal of the section 
    112(d) MACT standards is to apply such control technology to reduce 
    emissions and thereby reduce the hazard of HAPs emitted from stationary 
        This final rule is technology based, i.e., based on MACT. In 
    essence, these MACT standards ensure that all major sources of air 
    toxic emissions achieve the level of control already being achieved by 
    the better controlled and lower emitting sources in each category. This 
    approach provides assurance to citizens that each major source of toxic 
    air pollution will be required to effectively control its emissions. At 
    the same time, this approach provides a level economic playing field, 
    ensuring that facilities that use cleaner processes and good emission 
    controls are not disadvantaged relative to competitors with poorer 
    III. Background
    A. Primary Aluminum Source Category
        Section 112(c) of the Act requires the EPA to list each category of 
    major and area sources, as appropriate, emitting one or more of the 
    HAPs listed in section 112(b) of the Act. The term ``major source'' is 
    defined by the Act to mean:
        * * *Any stationary source or group of stationary sources 
    located within a contiguous area and under common control that emits 
    or has the potential to emit, considering controls, in the aggregate 
    10 tons per year or more of any HAP or 25 tons per year or more of 
    any combination of HAPs.
        On July 16, 1992 (57 FR 31576), the EPA published a list of major 
    and area sources for which NESHAP are to be promulgated, and primary 
    aluminum production was one of the 174 categories of sources listed. 
    The listing was based on the Administrator's determination that primary 
    aluminum plants may reasonably be anticipated to emit several of the 
    listed HAPs in sufficient quantity to be designated as major sources. 
    The EPA schedule for promulgation of the MACT standards was published 
    on December 3, 1993 (58 FR 63941), and requires that rules for the 
    primary aluminum source category be promulgated by November 15, 1997.
        The primary aluminum source category includes facilities engaged in 
    producing primary aluminum by electrolytically reducing alumina. The 
    NESHAP for primary aluminum production applies to all primary aluminum 
    production plants because all of these sites are major sources.
    B. NESHAP for Source Categories
        The control of HAPs is achieved through the promulgation of 
    technology-based emission standards under section 112(d) and design, 
    equipment, work practice, or operational standards under section 112(h) 
    for categories of sources that emit HAPs. Emission reductions may be 
    accomplished through the application of measures, processes, methods, 
    systems, or techniques including, but not limited to: (1) Reducing the 
    volume of, or eliminating emissions of, such pollutants through process 
    changes, substitution of materials, or other modifications; (2) 
    enclosing systems or processes to eliminate emissions; (3) collecting, 
    capturing, or treating such pollutants when released from a process, 
    stack, storage, or fugitive emissions point; (4) design, equipment, 
    work practice, or operational standards (including requirements for 
    operator training or certification) as provided in subsection (h); or 
    (5) a combination of the above. (See section 112(d)(2).)
        A statutory minimum or baseline level of HAP emission control that 
    the EPA can select to be MACT for a particular source category is 
    defined under section 112(d)(3) of the Act and is referred to as the 
    ``MACT floor.'' For new sources, the MACT floor is the level of HAP 
    emission control that is achieved in practice by the best controlled 
    similar source. The statute allows standards under a NESHAP for 
    existing sources to be less stringent than standards for new sources. 
    The determination of MACT floor for existing sources depends on the 
    nationwide number of existing sources within the source category. The 
    floor is based on the average emission limitation achieved by the best-
    performing 12 percent of existing sources for categories and 
    subcategories with 30 or more sources, or the best-performing 5 sources 
    for categories or subcategories with fewer than 30 sources.
        Once the MACT floors are determined for new and existing sources in 
    a source category, the EPA must establish standards under a NESHAP that 
    are no less stringent than the applicable MACT floors. The 
    Administrator may promulgate standards that are more stringent than the 
    MACT floor when such standards are determined by the EPA to be 
    achievable taking into consideration the cost of implementing the 
    standards as well as any non-air quality health and environmental 
    impacts and energy requirements.
        Section 112(d) of the Act requires EPA to establish emission 
    standards for
    [[Page 52386]]
    each category or subcategory of major and area sources. Section 
    112(d)(1) of the Act provides that the Administrator may distinguish 
    among classes, types, and sizes of sources within a category in 
    establishing such standards. In establishing subcategories, EPA 
    considers factors such as air pollution control engineering 
    differences, process operations (including differences between batch 
    and continuous operations), emission characteristics, control device 
    applicability, and opportunities for pollution prevention.
    C. Health Effects of Pollutants
        Available emission data, collected in conjunction with development 
    of the standard, show that the pollutants that are listed in section 
    112(b)(1) and are emitted by primary aluminum plants include HF, a 
    gaseous inorganic compound, and POM. Following is a summary of the 
    potential health effects caused by emission of pollutants that will be 
    reduced by the standard.
        Short-term inhalation exposure to gaseous HF and related fluoride 
    compounds can cause severe respiratory damage in humans, including 
    severe irritation and pulmonary edema. Long-term inhalation exposure to 
    low levels of HF by humans has been reported to result in irritation 
    and congestion of the nose, throat, and bronchi while damage to liver, 
    kidney, and lungs has been observed in animals. Occupational studies 
    have not specifically implicated inhaled fluoride as a cause of cancer, 
    and the Agency has not classified HF with respect to potential 
        There is generally a lack of information on human health effects 
    associated with exposures to HF at current ambient air concentrations 
    near primary aluminum plants. In their comments on the proposed rule, 
    the aluminum industry asserted that there was no evidence of adverse 
    effects on human health or the environment from HF emissions from 
    aluminum production at the industry's current level of emission 
        Emission test results reveal that primary aluminum reduction plants 
    emit POM, which includes a combination of PAHs such as anthracene, 
    benzo(a)pyrene, and naphthalene, among others. Several of the PAH 
    compounds, including benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, 
    benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, chrysene, 
    dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, and indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, are probable human 
    carcinogens. Cancer is the major concern from exposure to these PAHs. 
    Specifically, long-term exposure to benzo(a)pyrene has been reported to 
    result in toxic effects on skin, irritation to eyes, cataracts in 
    humans, and toxic effects on the liver, blood, and the immune system in 
    animal studies. Reproductive and developmental effects from 
    benzo(a)pyrene have also been reported in animal studies.
        In addition to HAPs, this final standard also would reduce 
    emissions of particulate matter smaller than 10 microns in diameter 
    (PM10), which are controlled under the National Ambient Air 
    Quality Standards (NAAQS). The health effects of PM10 are 
    described in EPA's criteria documents that support the NAAQS. For 
    example, particles addressed by the PM10 standard have been 
    associated with aggravation of existing respiratory and cardiovascular 
    disease and increased risk of premature death.
        The EPA does recognize that the degree of adverse effects to health 
    can range from mild to severe. The extent and degree to which the 
    health effects may be experienced depends upon: (1) The ambient 
    concentrations observed in the area (e.g., as influenced by emission 
    rates, meteorological conditions, and terrain), (2) the frequency of 
    and duration of exposures, (3) characteristics of exposed individuals 
    (e.g., genetics, age, pre-existing health conditions, and lifestyle), 
    which vary significantly with the population, and (4) pollutant-
    specific characteristics (e.g., toxicity, half-life in the environment, 
    bioaccumulation, and persistence).
    IV. Summary of Final Rule and Changes Since Proposal
        Changes have been incorporated into the final NESHAP for primary 
    aluminum reduction plants in response to comments on the proposed rule. 
    The principal changes made since proposal are summarized below.
    A. Applicability
        As proposed, the final standard applies to emissions of HF, 
    measured using TF as a surrogate, and POM (as measured by methylene 
    chloride extractables) from each affected source associated with 
    primary aluminum reduction and located at a major source.
        Under the proposed standard, affected sources included each new and 
    existing potline of reduction cells, anode bake furnace, and paste 
    production plant, except for one off-site anode bake furnace that is 
    subject to the State MACT determination established by the applicable 
    regulatory authority. No changes were made to the final standard 
    affecting the applicability of the rule to these affected sources.
        In response to public comments, the applicability of the proposed 
    rule was revised to include new pitch storage tanks. The control 
    technology and standards applicable to this affected source are 
    summarized in section IV.B of this document.
        Following proposal, the EPA's Office of Solid Waste (OSW) received 
    information that one primary aluminum plant has recently installed a 
    new process designed to recycle spent potliner from aluminum reduction 
    cells. Spent potliner is listed as a hazardous waste under the Resource 
    Conservation and Recovery Act. This process vitrifies the waste into a 
    glass material and recovers sodium fluoride and calcium fluoride for 
    use in the aluminum production process. Although the process is not 
    defined as an affected source under the final MACT rule, the Office of 
    Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) and OSW are working in 
    cooperation with the State agency and the plant to evaluate potential 
    air emissions (e.g., emission testing will be performed in the near 
    future) and to determine whether additional emission control 
    requirements beyond those currently required by the State are needed.
    B. Emission Limits and Standards
        No changes were made to the control options serving as the basis of 
    the proposed standards. The emission control technology selected as the 
    basis of the standards is discussed in section III.C of the proposal 
    preamble document (61 FR 50588, September 26, 1996).
        Three changes were made to the emission limits and standards in 
    Secs. 63.843 and 63.844 of the proposed rule. The POM emission limit 
    for the VSS2 subcategory was reduced from 3.7 lbs/ton to 3.6 lbs/ton 
    based on data received for the MACT floor potline from that 
    subcategory. Section 63.843(b)(3) of the proposed rule concerning use 
    of an alternative control device for paste production plants was 
    revised to encourage pollution prevention options. Section 63.844 of 
    the proposed rule also was revised to include new paragraph (d) 
    containing provisions for new pitch storage tanks. No other changes 
    were made to the proposed limits and standards for potlines or anode 
    bake furnaces. These limits are summarized in Tables 1 and 2 of the 
    proposal preamble document (61 FR 50588-50589, September 26, 1996).
        No changes were made to the proposed equipment standard developed 
    under section 112(h) of the Act that required a dry coke scrubber for 
    the paste production plant. The EPA
    [[Page 52387]]
    concluded that it was not feasible or practicable to develop a 
    defensible quantitative emission limit because there were too few POM 
    data available. However, the available information and engineering 
    judgement indicated that the best POM control technology in use for 
    paste plants was the dry coke scrubber, which was determined to 
    represent MACT.
        The proposed provisions in Sec. 63.843(b)(3) that qualify 
    alternatives to the dry coke scrubber for paste production plants were 
    revised in response to public comments to encourage pollution 
    prevention measures, such as reducing the quantity of POMs used in 
    paste production. The control efficiency standard that was proposed was 
    replaced with POM emission limits for batch and continuous mixers in 
    terms of pounds of POM per ton of paste. With this approach, an 
    affected plant would not be penalized for using pollution prevention 
    measures that reduce uncontrolled emissions. This change will encourage 
    innovative or pollution prevention measures, such as reducing the 
    quantity of POMs used in the paste operation. The alternative limit in 
    lb/ton does not preclude plants from petitioning for other alternative 
    means of emission limitation under section 112(h)(3) of the Act based 
    on demonstrating an equivalent or greater emission reduction. A 
    detailed discussion is provided in section VI.B of this document.
        Section 63.844 of the proposed rule was revised to include new 
    paragraph (d) establishing standards for new pitch storage tanks. New 
    paragraph (d) requires that each new pitch storage tank be equipped 
    with an emission control system designed and operated to reduce inlet 
    emissions of POM by 95 percent or greater. Compliance and monitoring 
    provisions are summarized in sections IV.E and IV.F of this document.
    C. Incorporation of the NSPS
        In response to comments on this issue, the EPA incorporated the 
    provisions of the new source performance standard (NSPS) in subpart S 
    of part 60 into a new section (Sec. 63.845) of the final rule and added 
    appropriate definitions from the NSPS. Also, the NSPS was amended to 
    allow the owner or operator to comply with either the NSPS or with the 
    special provisions that were incorporated into Sec. 63.845. With this 
    change, any modified, reconstructed, or new potroom group that would 
    have triggered the NSPS may now use the special provisions in the 
    NESHAP to demonstrate compliance. Sampling and monitoring were 
    streamlined by using the MACT requirements and by developing a single 
    emission limit for a potline rather than overlapping limits for both 
    the potline and the affected potroom group. The NSPS opacity limit was 
    also incorporated.
    D. Emission Averaging
        Only one change was made to the emission limits in Sec. 63.845 of 
    the proposed NESHAP pertaining to emission averaging for potlines and 
    anode bake furnaces. The POM limits for the VSS2 subcategory were 
    reduced based on data collected for the MACT floor potline from that 
    subcategory. The proposed limits are summarized in Tables 3 and 4 of 
    the proposal preamble document (61 FR 50591, September 26, 1996). This 
    section is renumbered as Sec. 63.846 in the final rule.
        The final standard contains provisions allowing the owner or 
    operator to demonstrate compliance through averaging emissions of TF 
    from all existing potlines, POM from existing Soderberg potlines, and 
    TF and POM from existing anode bake furnaces (i.e., averaging is not 
    allowed for new sources). Averaging between pollutants (TF and POM) is 
    not allowed. The final standard also limits averaging to like sources 
    (i.e., TF emissions from a potline can be averaged only with TF 
    emissions from another potline at the same plant site). Emission 
    averaging would not be allowed in any State that selects to exclude 
    this option from its approved permitting program.
        Monthly TF and quarterly POM limits for each group of potlines (two 
    or more lines) are included in the rule. Under this approach, the owner 
    or operator samples TF and/or POM emissions from at least three runs 
    each month/quarter for each potline in the group to determine the 
    average emissions from each potline. A minor revision was made to the 
    wording in Sec. 63.845(d)(2) of the proposed NESHAP (Sec. 63.846(d)(2) 
    of the final rule) to clarify that monthly average potline emissions 
    are determined from each potline from at least three runs per potline 
    each month for TF secondary emissions and/or the quarterly average 
    emissions from at least one run each month for POM emissions using the 
    procedures and methods in Secs. 63.847 and 63.849 of the final rule 
    (emphasis added). As proposed, the sum of emissions from each potline 
    is divided by total aluminum production from all of the potlines for 
    the month (or for the quarter for POM) to determine the emissions in 
    lb/ton for comparison to the applicable emission limit.
        Section 63.846(d) of the NESHAP describes the requirements for an 
    emission averaging implementation plan. The proposed standard required 
    that unless an operating permit application has been submitted, the 
    owner or operator must develop and submit an implementation plan for 
    emission averaging to the applicable regulatory authority for review 
    and approval. This language was revised to remove the misleading phase, 
    ``unless an operating permit application has been submitted'' to 
    clarify that each owner or operator desiring to participate in emission 
    averaging must develop and submit an implementation plan. Paragraph 
    (d)(2) of this section clearly states that the owner or operator must 
    include the specified information in an implementation plan or in the 
    application for an operating permit.
        The language in Sec. 63.845(d)(1) of the proposed NESHAP pertaining 
    to the deadline for submission of the plan also was revised. Section 
    63.846(d)(1) of the final rule clarifies that the plan is to be 
    submitted 6 months before the facility intends to comply with the 
    emission averaging limits rather than 6 months before the applicable 
    compliance date.
        The content of the implementation plan is described in 
    Sec. 63.846(d)(2) of the final rule. The proposed rule required that 
    this information include the emission sources to be averaged, the 
    applicable limit assigned to each averaging group, the specific control 
    technology or measure to be used for each source in the group, the 
    results of an initial performance test, the operating parameters to be 
    monitored (with additional information if an alternative parameter is 
    monitored), and a demonstration that compliance with each of the 
    applicable limits will be achieved under representative operating 
    conditions. A clarifying change was made in the final rule to delete 
    the requirement for submission of the results of an initial performance 
    test to determine the TF or POM emissions and emission reduction from 
    each source in the averaging group. This provision was replaced with a 
    requirement for a test plan to measure TF or POM emissions in 
    accordance with the performance test requirements in Sec. 63.847. 
    Section 63.847 requires a performance test to be conducted during the 
    first month following the applicable compliance date.
        As proposed, the owner or operator may submit a request to revise 
    the plan, or if emission averaging is not selected initially, the owner 
    or operator may submit a request to implement emission averaging after 
    the compliance date.
    [[Page 52388]]
        This standard is not the first NESHAP to include provisions 
    permitting emission averaging. However, the mechanism by which EPA has 
    previously permitted owners and operators to average emissions has been 
    to define the affected source governed by the standard broadly enough 
    such that it includes all emission points to be averaged. Under this 
    model, which was first employed in the Hazardous Organics NESHAP 
    (``HON''), 59 FR 19402, 19425-34, April 22, 1994, compliance by 
    particular units within a broadly defined source is only an element in 
    determining the overall compliance with the standard by the aggregate 
    source. For this type of standard, conformity of the quantitative 
    standard to the MACT floor provision in section 112(d)(3) is determined 
    for the source as a whole, and averaging or trading between discrete 
    emission points within the source presents no potential conflict with 
    the MACT floor provision.
        The HON approach to averaging affords substantial flexibility, by 
    permitting averaging of dissimilar emission points and differing 
    pollutants. However, there are also potential disadvantages to this 
    approach to averaging. Heterogeneous emission points are deemed to be 
    part of one affected source, rather than discrete sources that can be 
    subcategorized and regulated in relatively homogeneous groups. New 
    sources often must be defined more narrowly than existing sources in 
    order to ensure that state-of-the-art controls are required for 
    technically discrete new units.
        The final primary aluminum NESHAP takes a different approach to 
    averaging from the HON approach. In this standard, owners or operators 
    are permitted to average across sources in determining overall 
    compliance with the standard. In the HON rulemaking, EPA expressed 
    concern that averaging across sources could be incompatible with the 
    MACT floor provisions. However, upon further analysis, EPA has decided 
    that averaging across affected sources is neither expressly permitted 
    nor expressly precluded by the Clean Air Act. Thus, in construing the 
    statute, EPA has focused instead on identifying those circumstances in 
    which averaging across sources would be fully consistent with the 
    overall statutory intent.
        In general, EPA has concluded that it is permissible to establish 
    within a NESHAP a unified compliance regimen that permits averaging or 
    trading across affected sources subject to the standard under certain 
    conditions. Averaging across affected sources is permitted only if it 
    can be demonstrated that the total quantity of any particular HAP that 
    may be emitted by that portion of a contiguous major source that is 
    subject to the NESHAP will not be greater under the averaging mechanism 
    than it would be if each individual affected source complied separately 
    with the applicable standard. Under this rigorous test, the practical 
    outcome of averaging is equivalent in every respect to compliance by 
    the discrete sources, and the statutory policy embodied in the MACT 
    floor provisions is therefore fully effectuated. A construction of the 
    Act which permits EPA to establish a unified compliance regimen in 
    these limited circumstances promotes economic efficiency and has no 
    adverse environmental consequences. In a NESHAP incorporating such a 
    unified compliance regimen, EPA would construe compliance with the 
    overall regimen to constitute compliance for each of the affected 
        Strict limits on the scope and nature of averaging across sources 
    are necessary to ensure that no HAP is emitted by that portion of a 
    major source subject to a NESHAP in quantities that are greater than 
    those that would result from compliance by each discrete affected 
    source within the facility. These limits include: (1) No averaging can 
    be permitted between differing pollutants, (2) no averaging can be 
    permitted between sources that are not part of the same major source, 
    (3) no averaging can be permitted between sources within the same major 
    source that are not subject to the same NESHAP, (4) statistical 
    discounts must be derived and applied to account for the variability in 
    emissions by the sources to be averaged, and (5) no averaging can be 
    permitted between existing sources and new sources.
        This NESHAP fully satisfies each of these criteria. Accordingly, 
    EPA has concluded that the averaging of emissions across affected 
    sources permitted by this NESHAP is consistent with the Clean Air Act. 
    In addition, EPA notes that the provision in this NESHAP that requires 
    each facility that intends to utilize emission averaging to submit an 
    implementation plan provides additional assurance that the necessary 
    criteria will be adhered to.
    E. Compliance Provisions
        Compliance with the standard must be demonstrated at startup for 
    new sources and in 2 to 4 years from the effective date of the final 
    rule for existing sources. All existing plants would be allowed at 
    least 2 years. An extension for a fourth year may be granted by the 
    regulatory authority under section 112(i)(3)(B) of the Act.
        Few changes were made to Sec. 63.846 of the proposed rule 
    concerning requirements for performance tests. Following approval of a 
    site-specific test plan, Sec. 63.847 of the final rule requires the 
    owner or operator to conduct an initial performance test during the 
    first month following the compliance date. A clarification was made to 
    Sec. 63.846(d) of the proposed rule (Sec. 63.847(c) of the final rule) 
    that not all of the primary emission control devices have to be sampled 
    during the first month of compliance. If valid emission test results 
    are available for the control device from tests during the preceding 12 
    months, those results can be used to determine the contribution of the 
    primary control system to the total emissions for the initial 
    performance test.
        Section 63.847(d), which contains instructions for determining 
    compliance, also includes clarifying revisions. Sections 63.847(d)(1) 
    of the final standard clarifies that to determine compliance for TF 
    emissions from potlines, the owner or operator must compute and record 
    the average of at least three runs each month for secondary emissions 
    and at least three runs each year for the primary control device. 
    Section 63.847(d)(2) clarifies that to determine compliance for POM 
    emissions from Soderberg potlines, the average of at least three runs 
    each quarter (one run per month) for secondary emissions and at least 
    three runs each year for the primary control system is required. 
    Compliance with the applicable emission limits for anode bake plants is 
    determined by the average of at least three runs each year. Section 
    63.847(d)(3) clarifies that the provisions for previous control device 
    tests include anode bake furnaces as well as potlines.
        Section 63.847(e) of the final rule also includes minor changes to 
    clarify the equations used to determine compliance. Editorial changes 
    were made to correct misnumbering of Equations 1 and 2. In Equation 1, 
    the definition of Qsd was clarified to read as the 
    volumetric flow rate of effluent gas ``corresponding to the appropriate 
    subscript location'' with units of dry standard cubic meters per hour 
    (dscm/hr) or dry standard cubic feet per hour (dscf/hr). The 
    instructions for determining the aluminum rate (P) in 
    Secs. 63.846(e)(6) and (e)(7) also were revised. Sections 63.847(e)(6) 
    and (e)(7) of the final rule require the owner or operator to determine 
    the aluminum production rate by dividing the number of hours in the 
    calendar month into the weight of aluminum tapped from the
    [[Page 52389]]
    potline during the calendar month that includes the three runs of a 
    performance test. The rate of green anode material introduced into the 
    furnace is determined by dividing the number of operating hours in the 
    calendar month into the weight of green anode material used during the 
    calendar month in which the performance test was conducted.
        No changes were made to the proposed performance test provisions 
    for paste production in Sec. 63.847(f) of the final rule. Initial 
    compliance with the equipment standards for new and existing plants is 
    demonstrated through site inspections(s) and review of site records by 
    the applicable regulatory authority.
        A new paragraph, Sec. 63.847(g), was added to describe compliance 
    provisions for new pitch storage tanks. The owner or operator may elect 
    one of two methods of demonstrating compliance: (1) Submit a design 
    evaluation documenting that the control device being used achieves the 
    required control efficiency for POM (95 percent or more) during a 
    reasonably expected maximum filling rate; or (2) submit the results of 
    a performance test. Specific information to be included under either 
    method of compliance is described in the rule. The owner or operator 
    also would include a description of the parameters to be monitored to 
    ensure the control device is being properly operated and maintained, an 
    explanation of the criteria used to select that parameter, and the 
    frequency with which monitoring will be performed.
        Section 63.846(g) of the proposed rule was renumbered as 
    Sec. 63.847(h) in the final rule to accommodate the addition of the 
    preceding paragraph. Minor changes were made to clarify the wording in 
    paragraph (h), which requires that the owner or operator determine the 
    parametric operating limits and monitoring frequency for each control 
    device. Section 63.847(h)(1) of the final rule clarifies that for 
    potlines and anode bake furnaces, the owner or operator must determine 
    upper and/or lower operating limits, as appropriate, for each 
    monitoring device ``for the emission control system'' from the values 
    recorded during each of the runs performed during the initial 
    performance test and from historical data from previous performance 
    tests. The wording of Sec. 63.847(h)(2) also was clarified to require 
    the owner or operator of a paste production plant to specify parameters 
    to be monitored and operating limits for the emission control device 
    (rather than the emission capture and control devices). References to 
    the part 70 operating permit were deleted.
    F. Emission Monitoring
        Few changes were made since the proposal in the emission monitoring 
    requirements of Sec. 63.848. The final standard requires the owner or 
    operator to perform monthly sampling of TF secondary emissions from 
    each potline using Methods 13 and 14 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A) or an 
    approved alternative method. Emissions of POM from Soderberg potlines 
    are monitored by performing quarterly sampling of POM using Method 315 
    or an approved alternative method. The monthly average for TF and the 
    quarterly average for POM are computed using the results of at least 
    three runs per month for secondary emissions of TF and at least one run 
    per month (three runs per quarter) for POM from Soderberg potlines, the 
    aluminum production rate, and the most recent compliance test for the 
    primary control system. Sections 63.848(a) and (b) clarify that the 
    duration of each run for secondary emissions must cover a complete 
    operating cycle. Under Sec. 63.848(b), the primary control system for 
    POM emissions must be sampled over an 8-hour period, unless site-
    specific factors dictate an alternative sampling time, subject to the 
    approval of the regulatory authority. Annual sampling of TF using 
    Method 13 and POM (for Soderberg potlines) using Method 315 is required 
    for the primary emission control system for potlines. Annual sampling 
    of TF using Method 13 and POM using Method 315 is required for the 
    anode bake furnace stack.
        Section 63.848(d) of the rule provides an alternative to monthly 
    monitoring of TF or POM secondary emissions from each potline by 
    allowing the owner or operator to conduct a monthly performance test 
    for one potline using reference test methods and to monitor similar 
    potline(s) using approved alternative methods. In response to public 
    comment, the criteria for similar potlines were revised to require that 
    their structure, operability, type of emissions, and volume and 
    concentration of emissions be substantially equivalent.
        Section 63.848(d) provides that a similar potline is to be 
    monitored using an alternative method meeting the requirements in the 
    rule. An approved alternative may include an HF continuous emission 
    monitor (CEM). Because the Alcan cassette method is included in the 
    final rule as Method 14A, references to this method as an approved 
    alternative for monitoring similar potlines were unnecessary and were 
    deleted from the rule.
        To show that another method is an acceptable alternative, the owner 
    or operator must develop a correlation with results from the applicable 
    methods in the rule (such as Methods 13, 14, and 315) to the 
    satisfaction of the regulatory authority. For fluoride measurements, 
    the alternative method must account for or include gaseous fluoride and 
    cannot be based on measurement of particulate matter or particulate 
    fluoride alone because HF, the HAP of interest, is in gaseous form. The 
    final rule also requires the owner or operator to derive an alternative 
    limit for the HF CEM or other alternative monitoring method. The owner 
    or operator must demonstrate that the alternative method and limit will 
    result in a level of emission control that is the same as or better 
    than the level that would have otherwise been achieved. After 
    demonstrating that the potlines are similar, EPA methods must be used 
    to monitor one potline, and the other similar potlines must be 
    monitored using an approved alternative procedure.
        Under Sec. 63.848(e) of the final standard, the owner or operator 
    of a plant that demonstrates consistent compliance with an applicable 
    emission limit and low variability may apply for a reduced sampling 
    frequency, such as quarterly sampling instead of monthly sampling. This 
    section of the proposed rule was changed after proposal to provide a 
    simplified procedure to obtain reduced sampling frequency, including 
    removal of the requirement to publish the approval of reduced sampling 
    in the Federal Register. This reduced sampling provision was clarified 
    to apply only to the monthly sampling requirement for TF from potroom 
    roofs. If a facility achieves a long-term average over 24 months of 
    sampling that is no more than 60 percent of the applicable limit and no 
    monthly average exceeds 75 percent of the limit, then monthly sampling 
    for TF can be reduced to quarterly sampling.
        Proposed provisions governing excess emissions also were revised. 
    Under the final rule, if emissions in excess of the applicable TF limit 
    occur while performing quarterly sampling (under an approved 
    alternative), the owner or operator must return to monthly sampling for 
    at least 12 months and may reduce to quarterly sampling when: (1) The 
    average of all tests performed over the most recent 24-month period 
    does not exceed 60 percent of the applicable limit and (2) no more than 
    one monthly performance test in the most recent 24-month period exceeds 
    75 percent of the
    [[Page 52390]]
    applicable limit. If emissions in excess of the applicable TF limit 
    occur while performing quarterly sampling (under an approved 
    alternative), the owner or operator must return to the monthly sampling 
    schedule until another request for an alternative sampling frequency is 
        The final standard requires the monitoring of control device 
    parameters. For example, plants with dry alumina scrubbers must perform 
    a daily visual inspection of the stack and install devices to monitor 
    the flow of alumina and air. The control device parameters are 
    evaluated from data collected during the initial performance test and 
    from historical performance tests to determine upper and/or lower 
    limit(s), as appropriate, for each process parameter. The owner or 
    operator may redetermine the upper and/or lower operating limits, as 
    appropriate, based on historical data and other information and submit 
    an application to the regulatory authority to change the applicable 
    limit(s). A corrective action program is triggered if the control 
    device is operating outside of the acceptable range for the specified 
    parameters. Failure to initiate corrective actions within 1 hour after 
    exceeding the limit is a violation. A violation also occurs if the 
    operating limit for a parameter is exceeded more than six times in any 
    6-month reporting period. For the purpose of determining the number of 
    exceedances, no more than one exceedance will be attributed in any 
    given 24-hour period.
        A clarification was made to Sec. 63.848(f) with respect to the 
    selection of monitoring parameters and frequency. Whenever practicable, 
    the EPA expects the owner or operator to install a continuous parameter 
    monitoring system as defined in the general provisions and this 
    subpart. At a minimum, the owner or operator must submit a description 
    of the parameters and a rationale for selecting the operating limits 
    and monitoring frequency. A discussion of how the selected parameters 
    would relate to emission controls must be included.
        The owner or operator also must install devices to measure the 
    daily weight of aluminum produced and the weight of anodes placed in 
    the furnace for an operating cycle. The total weight of all anodes 
    placed in the furnace may be measured, or the number of anodes placed 
    in the furnace and a representative weight may be measured to determine 
    the total weight.
    G. Test Methods
        Section 63.849 of the final rule adds Method 14A to appendix A of 
    40 CFR part 60 as an approved alternative method for measuring TF from 
    potroom roofs. Minor changes were made to Method 315 (added to appendix 
    A of 40 CFR part 63) as a result of public comment. For example, 
    section 6.1 of Method 315 was revised to acknowledge that the use of 
    grease for sampling train components is not recommended because many 
    greases are soluble in methylene chloride. Section 6.2 of Method 315 
    was revised to include the use of Teflon bristle brushes and 
    tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) wash bottles. A Buchner fritted funnel was 
    substituted for Allihin tubes in section 6.3.8 and other sections.
        Section 63.849(e) of the final rule was clarified in terms of 
    procedures and criteria to qualify an alternative test method. The 
    alternative method must be evaluated from simultaneous sampling using a 
    reference test method. Approval is granted only if the owner or 
    operator demonstrates that the level of emission control from an 
    alternative method and alternative emission limit is the same as or 
    better than the level that would have otherwise been achieved.
    H. Time Limit for Approval or Disapproval of Submissions
        The proposed rule was revised to add a new section (Sec. 63.851) 
    that places a 60-day limit on the amount of time for the regulatory 
    authority to indicate the need for additional time to review the 
    applications and requests for changes allowed under this rule or to 
    approve or disapprove applications and requests for changes allowed 
    under the rule. The 60-day period begins after the owner or operator 
    has been notified that the submission is complete. This provision 
    applies to the compliance test plan, an application to change control 
    device parameter operating limits, requests for alternative monitoring 
    for similar potlines, requests for approval of alternative methods for 
    sampling and analysis, and requests for reduced sampling frequency.
    I. Notification, Reporting, and Recordkeeping Requirements
        Notification, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements for MACT 
    standards are included in the NESHAP general provisions (40 CFR part 
    63, subpart A). Section 63.850 of the final standard incorporates all 
    of these provisions, except that the existing performance 
    specifications for CEM are not applicable to an HF CEM because such 
    specifications have not yet been developed for that device.
        The notification requirements include one-time notifications of 
    applicability, intent to construct or reconstruct, anticipated startup 
    date, actual startup date, date of performance test, compliance status, 
    compliance approach (if applicable), and the intent to use an HF CEM 
    (if applicable) for each affected source. The notification of special 
    compliance obligations was deleted because it does not apply to this 
    source category. The proposed rule also was revised to indicate that 
    the notification of the intent to use an HF CEM was a one-time event 
    per affected source.
        The owner or operator is required to submit a report of performance 
    test results (which can be sent as part of the compliance status 
    notification), an annual summary of all subsequent tests, and 
    semiannual reports of excess emissions, if any excess emissions 
    occurred. If excess emissions are reported, quarterly reports are 
    required until compliance has been demonstrated for 1 year. A startup, 
    shutdown, and malfunction plan also would be required with semiannual 
    reports of events that are not managed according to the plan. The plan 
    must also include the corrective actions to be taken if the limit for a 
    control device's operating parameter is exceeded.
        Recordkeeping requirements for all MACT standards are established 
    in Sec. 63.10(b) of the general provisions. In addition to these 
    requirements, the standard requires plants to maintain records of 
    information needed to determine compliance. Section 63.850(e)(4)(ii) of 
    the final rule clarifies that the owner or operator must maintain the 
    daily production rate of green anode material placed in the anode bake 
    furnace (rather than the production rate for each operating cycle). A 
    new recordkeeping requirement was also added in response to public 
    comment. Section 63.850(e)(4)(xv) requires records documenting the 
    portion of TF that is captured and measured as particulate matter and 
    the portion that is captured and measured as gaseous. This requirement 
    provides potentially useful information to EPA and the States at no 
    additional cost.
        All records must be retained for at least 5 years following the 
    date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, corrective action, 
    report, or record. The records for the most recent 2 years must be 
    retained onsite; records for the remaining 3 years may be retained 
    offsite but still must be readily available for review. The files may 
    be retained on microfilm, on microfiche, on a computer, or on computer 
    or magnetic disks.
    [[Page 52391]]
    J. Display of OMB Control Numbers
        In a separate rulemaking action taken in conjunction with the final 
    rule adopting a NESHAP for primary aluminum reduction plants, EPA is 
    amending the table of currently approved information collection request 
    (ICR) control numbers issued by the Office of Management and Budget 
    (OMB) for various regulations. This separate amendment updates the 
    table to accurately display those information requirements contained in 
    the NESHAP. This display of the OMB control number and its subsequent 
    codification in the Code of Federal Regulations satisfies the 
    requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) 
    and OMB's implementing regulations at 5 CFR 1320.
        The ICR was previously subject to public notice and comment prior 
    to OMB approval. As a result, EPA finds there is ``good cause'' under 
    section 553(b)(B) of the Administrative Procedure Act [5 U.S.C. 
    553(b)(B)] to amend this table without prior notice and comment. Due to 
    the technical nature of the table, further notice and comment would be 
    unnecessary. For the same reasons, EPA also finds that there is good 
    cause under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3).
    V. Summary of Impacts
        Nationwide emissions from primary aluminum potlines are estimated 
    at 6,400 tpy of TF. After implementation of the final standards, these 
    emissions will decrease by almost 50 percent to 3,400 tpy. Polycyclic 
    organic matter emissions will be reduced by about 45 percent, from 
    3,200 tpy to 1,800 tpy. TF emissions from the anode bake furnaces are 
    estimated at 700 tpy; POM emissions are estimated at 555 tpy. After 
    control of all bake furnaces, TF emissions will be reduced by 97 
    percent, and POM emissions will be reduced by 84 percent. Polycyclic 
    organic matter emissions from paste production plants, estimated at 147 
    tpy at baseline, will be reduced by about 130 tpy, to about 16 tpy--an 
    89 percent reduction from current levels. Emissions of other HAPs 
    included in the TF and POM emissions will also be reduced, as will non-
    HAP pollutants such as PM. For example, PM emissions will be reduced by 
    16,000 tpy.
        The generation of solid waste and wastewater will be reduced when 
    at least one plant replaces its wet scrubber system with a dry alumina 
    scrubber. The dry alumina scrubber captures fluorides and other 
    pollutants and returns them to the reduction cell. The proposed rule is 
    estimated to have no significant effect on energy consumption.
        The total capital cost of the proposed rule is estimated as about 
    $160 million, with a total annualized cost of $40 million per year. As 
    discussed in section VI.I of this document, cost estimates supplied by 
    the industry's trade association were much higher than the EPA 
    estimates. The major cost impacts for potlines are expected to come 
    from the installation of dry alumina scrubbers for the primary control 
    system at one plant and from work practices, operating procedures, 
    maintenance and repair, and equipment modifications at most plants. A 
    few plants may incur capital costs to replace or upgrade hoods or doors 
    and to install automated equipment for improved emission control.
        The cost estimates for paste production assume that the 18 plants 
    without dry coke scrubbers for controlling POM emissions will each 
    install one. However, some plants may be able to meet the performance 
    standard with dry alumina scrubbers or other control devices, or they 
    may be able to utilize many of the components of their existing system. 
    The estimated cost for control of anode bake furnaces assumes that the 
    5 of 17 plants without a dry alumina scrubber must each install one.
        Currently, about one-third of existing potlines are sampled for TF 
    regularly. Because of the flexibility provided in the rule, many plants 
    are expected to take advantage of the use of HF CEMs and Alcan 
    cassettes for similar potlines, both of which are much less expensive 
    than manual sampling using Methods 13 and 14. The nationwide capital 
    cost estimate of $7 million for monitoring equipment includes new 
    Method 14 manifolds, HF CEMs, and Alcan cassettes. The total annualized 
    cost of monitoring (including capital recovery) is estimated as about 
    $4 million per year after all plants are subject to the rule. These 
    costs may be reduced significantly as plants qualify for reduced 
    sampling frequency (e.g., quarterly instead of monthly). The CEM will 
    have value as a process monitoring tool in addition to its use for 
    monitoring to determine compliance.
        The market price increase calculation indicated that implementing 
    the controls will result in a primary aluminum market price increase of 
    less than 1 percent. As a result of the low market price increase and 
    relatively inelastic demand, the corresponding changes in output, 
    employment, and total revenue were also low (all less than 1 percent). 
    Therefore, the economic impact analysis estimates that the rule will 
    not result in significant economic impacts for the primary aluminum 
    VI. Summary of Responses to Major Comments
        The EPA proposed the NESHAP for primary aluminum reduction plants 
    on September 26, 1996 (61 FR 50586). The proposed regulatory text of 
    the rule, the Basis and Purpose Document, and the Technical Support 
    Document that presented information used in developing the proposed 
    rule were made available to the public for review and comment. A 60-day 
    comment period from September 26, 1996, to November 25, 1996, was 
    provided to accept written comments from the public on the proposed 
    rule. The opportunity for a public hearing was provided to allow 
    interested people to present oral comments to the EPA on the 
    rulemaking. However, the EPA did not receive a request for a public 
    hearing, so a public hearing was not held.
        The EPA received a total of 15 comment letters regarding the 
    proposed NESHAP for primary aluminum reduction plants. A copy of each 
    comment letter is available for public inspection in the docket for the 
    rulemaking (Docket No. A-92-60; see the ADDRESSES section of this 
    document for information on inspecting the docket). The EPA has had 
    follow-up discussions with various commenters regarding specific issues 
    initially raised in their written comments that were submitted to the 
    Agency during the comment period. Copies of correspondence and other 
    information exchanged between the EPA and the commenters during the 
    post-comment period are available for public inspection in the docket 
    for the rulemaking.
        All of the comments received by the EPA were reviewed and carefully 
    considered by the Agency. Changes to the rule were made when the EPA 
    determined it to be appropriate. A summary of responses to selected 
    major comments received on the proposed rule is presented below. 
    Additional discussion of the EPA's responses to public comments is 
    presented in the Background Information Document (see the ADDRESSES 
    section of this preamble).
    A. Subcategories
        Comment: Several commenters supported the subcategories that were 
    developed for potlines, and two commenters questioned the number of and 
    basis for the subcategories. Specific questions were raised about the 
    subcategories for the older vintage
    [[Page 52392]]
    prebake potlines (CWPB2), for potlines producing high-purity aluminum 
    (CWPB3), and for the vertical stud Soderberg potlines (VSS2).
        Response: The development of subcategories is discussed in detail 
    in the Basis and Support Document. In general, the subcategories are 
    based primarily on differences in the process operation, process 
    equipment, emissions, and the applicability of control devices.
        A distinction was made between the larger and more modern prebake 
    potlines in CWPB1 and the smaller and older potlines in CWPB2. The 
    CWPB2 potlines have somewhat higher emissions than the CWPB1 potlines 
    because they are more difficult to control and there are more 
    opportunities for fugitive emissions to escape. A major factor is that 
    these smaller potlines require more frequent anode changes and more 
    frequent opening of the reduction cells, both of which result in more 
    fugitive emissions' escaping from the cells.
        The potlines in the CWPB3 subcategory that produce high-purity 
    aluminum can do so only because they use wet scrubbers as the primary 
    control device and do not return the contaminants removed with the 
    pollution control residue back to the process. In contrast, the 
    potlines in the CWPB1 subcategory use dry alumina scrubbers as the 
    primary control device and return pollution control residue, including 
    contaminants and fluorides, back to the process. If the CWPB3 potlines 
    were forced to install dry alumina scrubbers, an adequate quantity of 
    high-purity aluminum could not be produced and their market would be 
        A distinction was made between two types of vertical stud Soderberg 
    potlines (VSS1 and VSS2) because of differences in the applicability of 
    control devices. The VSS1 group of potlines uses wet roof scrubbers to 
    control fugitive emissions from the cells, and the VSS2 group of 
    potlines uses work practices and equipment maintenance to control the 
    escape of fugitive emissions from the cells (i.e., they focus on 
    pollution prevention for emission control). A major concern in 
    requiring the installation of wet roof scrubbers on the VSS2 potlines 
    was that other plants with wet roof scrubbers had reported operational 
    problems in cold weather (i.e., freezing conditions), and the VSS2 
    potlines operate in the cold climate of northern Montana. Consequently, 
    the technology was judged not to be adequately demonstrated for the 
    VSS2 potlines. Another concern was that roof scrubbers could provide a 
    disincentive for the VSS2 potlines to continue their efforts to prevent 
    the escape of emissions because the emissions would be subsequently 
    controlled by the scrubbers. Currently, the VSS2 potlines have much 
    lower levels of fugitive emissions in terms of the quantity that 
    actually escapes from the reduction cells compared to the VSS1 
    potlines, which rely in large part on the roof scrubbers for additional 
    fugitive emission control.
    B. Format of the Standard
        Comment: Two State commenters asked that EPA consider developing 
    work practice standards for potlines, and some commenters also 
    suggested that an emission limit be developed for paste plants instead 
    of an equipment standard.
        Other commenters supported the development of an equipment standard 
    for paste plants. Commenters also asked that EPA consider alternatives 
    for the paste plant that would allow and encourage pollution 
    prevention, as well as other control alternatives that might be 
    equivalent to or better than the equipment standard that was proposed 
    (dry coke scrubber).
        Response: Section 112(h) of the Act only allows development of a 
    design, equipment, work practice, or operational standard when it is 
    not feasible or practicable to establish an emission standard. 
    Consequently, a work practice standard was not developed for potlines 
    because there was an extensive database on TF emissions on which to 
    base an emission standard. An emission standard allows the owner or 
    operator to meet the emission limit using any combination of control 
    techniques, including work practices, upgrading equipment, process 
    modifications, pollution prevention, etc. It also provides flexibility 
    for developing innovative controls or pollution prevention measures in 
    the future that may be more cost effective by not mandating work 
    practice techniques. The owner or operator will find it necessary to 
    have adequate work practices in place to meet the emission limits in 
    the rule; consequently, it is not necessary to develop a work practice 
        The first choice was also the development of an emission standard 
    for paste production plants; however, there were too few POM data (only 
    two data points) to develop defensible and achievable limits. One 
    reason for this is that the control technology is relatively new, and 
    there were no data collected by EPA test methods prior to this 
    rulemaking. Therefore, the development of a quantitative standard was 
    not feasible or practicable. The problem was also complicated by the 
    numerous variations in the design and operation of paste plants. 
    However, the available information and engineering judgement indicated 
    that the best POM control technology in use for paste plants was the 
    dry coke scrubber, which was determined to represent MACT. For these 
    reasons, an equipment standard requiring the use of a dry coke scrubber 
    or equivalent alternative control for paste production was developed 
    under section 112(h) of the Act.
        Comments were received from both the industry and States asking for 
    consideration of control techniques, including pollution prevention, 
    that might provide a level of control equivalent to or better than a 
    dry coke scrubber. After consideration, EPA decided that a streamlined 
    approach could be used to implement more efficiently section 112(h)(3) 
    of the Act, which allows the development of an alternative means of 
    emission limitation if it achieves an emission reduction at least 
    equivalent to that achieved by the design, equipment, work practice, or 
    operational standard. An emission limit for POM in lb/ton of paste was 
    developed from the limited data associated with two of the best 
    controlled plants in the industry. Although the limit may represent a 
    level of emission control more stringent than the equipment standard 
    that was determined to be MACT, an alternative standard in lb/ton of 
    paste will provide opportunity for pollution prevention measures (such 
    as reducing the quantity of POM used in paste production). The 
    alternative standard also provides the opportunity to qualify other 
    types of emission controls that might be developed in the future that 
    are more efficient than the dry coke scrubber.
        The alternative limit in lb/ton does not preclude plants from 
    petitioning for other alternative means of emission limitation under 
    section 112(h)(3) of the Act based on demonstrating an equivalent or 
    greater emission reduction. However, it provides one method to 
    implement the provisions for alternative standards more efficiently. As 
    required in section 112(h)(4) of the Act, when EPA has sufficient data 
    to replace both parts of the current standard for paste production 
    plants with a quantitative emission limit, EPA will revise that 
    standard accordingly.
    C. Achievability of Emission Limits
        Comment: Several commenters expressed concern that the emission 
    limits for anode bake furnaces might not be achievable and requested 
    that the rule acknowledge that these limits may
    [[Page 52393]]
    need to be increased as more data are collected. One commenter 
    questioned the achievability of the POM limit for HSS potlines, and 
    another commenter supported the HSS limits and submitted additional 
    data for the MACT floor potlines to show that it had been achieved. One 
    commenter questioned the POM limits for VSS2 potlines because the 
    limits were based on data from VSS1 potlines.
        Response: The data for anode bake furnaces support that the 
    proposed emission limits for both new and existing sources are 
    achievable. Opportunities for improved control other than the 
    installation of dry alumina scrubbers are available, and each owner or 
    operator should investigate these opportunities thoroughly. For 
    example, careful cleaning of recycled anodes to remove fluorides has 
    been demonstrated to reduce fluoride emissions from anode bake 
    furnaces. Careful control and optimization of combustion conditions 
    improve destruction of POM compounds and reduce POM emissions.
        The EPA believes that the data show that the POM limit is 
    achievable for the HSS subcategory by plants using the MACT floor 
    technology. Note that the control technology used for the primary 
    system for the MACT floor plant is a dry alumina scrubber, whereas the 
    plant concerned about the achievability uses an electrostatic 
    precipitator. Improvements may be needed in the electrostatic 
    precipitator primary control system and in the potline's capture system 
    to reduce fugitive emissions to achieve the same level of control 
    achieved by the MACT floor plant.
        The proposed POM limit for the VSS2 subcategory was based on data 
    from VSS1 potlines because there were no valid data available for POM 
    emissions from VSS2 potlines. Following proposal, POM data were 
    collected for the MACT floor VSS2 potline, and a commenter for the 
    company asked that EPA consider their data in establishing the POM 
    limit. The EPA analyzed the new POM data and concluded that the POM 
    limit for the VSS2 subcategory should be reduced from 3.7 lbs/ton to 
    3.6 lbs/ton. The emission test reports and EPA's analysis are 
    documented in the rulemaking docket. [See Docket Item IV-B-1.] The EPA 
    appreciates the effort of the company to perform emission testing and 
    to provide data that improve the technical basis of the POM limit for 
    VSS2 potlines.
    D. Incorporation of the NSPS
        Comment: Several commenters recommended that the NSPS for primary 
    aluminum plants (40 CFR part 60, subpart S) be removed and any 
    necessary provisions be incorporated into the NESHAP. These commenters 
    believed that the higher TF limits in the amended NSPS should be 
    incorporated instead of the lower limits in the original NSPS because 
    the amendment concluded that the original emission limits were not 
    achievable 100 percent of the time. In addition, the NESHAP general 
    provisions (40 CFR part 63, subpart A) require that control equipment 
    be operated and maintained in a manner consistent with good air 
    pollution control practices for minimizing emissions at least to the 
    level required by all relevant standards. Therefore, these commenters 
    concluded that this requirement overlaps the ``exemplary operation'' 
    requirement of the NSPS, and by complying with the general provisions, 
    a source qualifies for the higher limits in the NSPS. State agency 
    commenters thought that the more stringent limits in the original NSPS 
    should be used for incorporation into the NESHAP.
        Some commenters stated that the opacity requirements of the NSPS 
    were a monitoring provision and not an emission limit. They pointed out 
    that the proposed NESHAP contained more provisions than the NSPS to 
    ensure the control equipment was operating properly, such as monitoring 
    the air and alumina flow to the dry alumina scrubbers and a daily 
    visual inspection of the control equipment rather than only a monthly 
    observation of opacity, which the NSPS requires. Consequently, they 
    believed the opacity standard in the NSPS could be removed without any 
    loss of stringency. Another commenter stated that the NSPS opacity 
    limit was not applicable for wet emission control systems because of 
    interferences and observer error and recommended that facilities with 
    wet emission control systems be allowed to develop an alternative 
    opacity limit if they could demonstrate that the mass emission limit 
    for TF was being met. State agency commenters stated that the opacity 
    standard should be retained when the NSPS is incorporated into the 
        In general, State agency commenters agreed that the NSPS could be 
    incorporated into the NESHAP, but only if all of the NSPS provisions 
    are retained. These include the lower emission limits in the original 
    NSPS, retention of the modification and reconstruction provisions of 
    part 60, and maintenance of the opacity limits.
        Response: The EPA had stated in the original proposal when 
    requesting comments on this issue that incorporating the NSPS into the 
    NESHAP should result in a standard that would be no less stringent than 
    if both standards remained in place. Following the receipt of comments 
    and no indication that anyone was opposed to incorporation of the NSPS, 
    EPA conducted additional discussions with all stakeholders. 
    Representatives from each of the 14 States that have primary aluminum 
    reduction plants were contacted and were provided the opportunity to 
    discuss the issues and provide comments. Similar discussions were held 
    with the Aluminum Association and industry representatives, who also 
    provided comments.
        Based on these discussions, a general consensus was reached on how 
    the NSPS could be incorporated into the NESHAP. First, the NSPS was 
    amended to allow an affected facility to comply either with the NSPS or 
    with the special provisions incorporated into the NESHAP. Second, the 
    NSPS requirements were included in a separate section of the NESHAP, 
    and these provisions apply only to emissions of TF. They apply only to 
    Soderberg potlines and prebake potlines in the CWPB2 and CWPB3 
    subcategories because other types of existing potlines are subject to 
    TF emission limits under the NESHAP that are more stringent than the 
    NSPS limits. Anode bake furnaces are not included because the NESHAP 
    limits for existing bake furnaces are equivalent to those in the NSPS, 
    and the NESHAP limits for new bake furnaces are much more stringent 
    than those in the NSPS.
        The result of these discussions was general agreement that the 
    definitions of ``modification'' and ``reconstruction'' should be 
    incorporated so that any new, modified, or reconstructed potroom group 
    would trigger the NSPS provisions that have been included in the 
    NESHAP. In other words, any potroom group that would have become 
    subject to the NSPS because of the part 60 provisions would become 
    subject to the special provisions incorporated into subpart LL of part 
    63. This was accomplished by adding definitions for ``potroom group 
    modification'' and ``potroom group reconstruction'' that matched the 
    requirements in part 60. The modification would occur if there was an 
    increase in the total or overall TF emissions from the potroom group 
    (i.e., changes that result in a decrease in emissions in one part of 
    the potroom group and an increase in another part of the group are not 
    modifications if total emissions from the group do not increase).
        The EPA decided not to incorporate only the lower NSPS limits as 
    [[Page 52394]]
    by some commenters or only the higher limits recommended by other 
    commenters. Instead, both sets of limits were incorporated into the 
    NESHAP with the same language as that used in the amended NSPS. In 
    other words, the lower limits apply unless the owner or operator can 
    meet the exemplary operation requirements as stated in the NSPS, in 
    which case the upper limits would apply. This requires that the owner 
    or operator demonstrate that exemplary operation and maintenance 
    procedures were used with respect to the emission control system and 
    that control equipment was operating properly at the potline during the 
    performance test.
        Additional insight into proper operation and maintenance is given 
    in the proposal preamble for the amended NSPS (45 FR 44203), which 
    lists these items as basic to good control of emissions from prebake 
        (1) Hood covers should fit properly and be in good repair;
        (2) The hood exhaust rate should be increased for individual pots 
    when hood covers are removed (if there is an adjustable air damper 
        (3) Hood covers should be replaced as soon as possible after each 
    potroom operation;
        (4) Dust entrainment should be minimized during materials handling 
    operations and sweeping of the working aisles;
        (5) Only tapping crucibles with functional air return systems 
    should be used; and
        (6) The primary control system should be regularly inspected and 
    properly maintained.
        For horizontal stud Soderberg potlines, Items (4) through (6) 
    apply, but Items (1) through (3) are replaced by the following because 
    of differences in pot design:
        (1) Side and end doors should fit properly and be in good repair;
        (2) The exhaust rate should be increased for individual pots when a 
    side or end door is open (if there is an adjustable air damper system); 
        (3) Side and end doors should be closed as soon as possible after 
    each potroom operation.
        The following variations apply to vertical stud Soderberg potlines:
        (1) An ore cover should be maintained on the pot;
        (2) The collector skirt and burner should be in good repair; and
        (3) Tap holes should not be opened too far in advance of the tap.
        Another issue was related to the fact that the NSPS limits apply to 
    a potroom group, whereas the NESHAP limits apply to a potline. Because 
    of many variations in the configuration of potrooms and potlines in the 
    industry, limits for both would result in a somewhat confusing 
    situation of duplicative emission limits and other requirements for 
    certain reduction cells and unnecessary requirements associated with 
    monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping for both potroom groups and 
    the potline. To resolve this issue, a method was devised in the NESHAP 
    to combine the limit for the NSPS potroom group with that for the 
    NESHAP potline based on the production capacity of the reduction cells 
    that would be subject to each set of limits. The result is a single TF 
    emission limit for the entire potline that maintains equivalent 
    stringency, and it has the additional advantage of allowing the use of 
    the NESHAP potline requirements for monitoring, reporting, and 
    recordkeeping to avoid unnecessary duplication.
        The opacity issue was resolved by incorporating the 10 percent 
    limit for potroom groups from the NSPS into the NESHAP. However, the 
    provisions in part 60 that allow the development of an alternative 
    opacity limit when the facility demonstrates that the mass emission 
    limits are being met were also included in the NESHAP. The alternative 
    opacity limit cannot exceed 20 percent. Historically, opacity has been 
    measured routinely for the discharge stacks of primary control systems. 
    However, the EPA has no indication that the opacity of a potroom group 
    roof monitor has been measured using Method 9.
        The EPA decided that additional provisions for anode bake furnaces 
    were not necessary because the NESHAP requires that existing furnaces 
    be controlled at levels equivalent to what the NSPS would have required 
    for new, modified, or reconstructed furnaces. This ensures that the 
    MACT floor control technology (dry alumina scrubbers) or the equivalent 
    will be installed on all bake furnaces to control emissions. There was 
    no need to incorporate the NSPS opacity limit of 20 percent for bake 
    furnaces because the MACT floor technology will achieve lower opacity 
    levels, the NESHAP monitoring requirements for the control device are 
    more comprehensive, there is no loss in stringency, and most States 
    already have general opacity limits of 20 percent for stationary point 
        In consolidating the two rules, the EPA decided to use the sampling 
    frequency and monitoring provisions of the NESHAP. They offer several 
    advantages over the NSPS provisions alone, there is no effect on the 
    relative stringency or the emission reductions achieved, and they will 
    reduce unnecessary monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping. In 
    addition, the NESHAP requires that any new, modified, or reconstructed 
    potroom group be sampled for TF emissions, which is what the NSPS would 
    have required. Sampling can be performed effectively for the potroom 
    group with the addition of new monitoring equipment or the expansion or 
    adaptation of existing monitoring equipment in the same potline if the 
    sampling system is determined to be representative of the entire 
    potline and if the relevant regulatory authority determines that the 
    sampling system meets the requirements of the reference test methods. 
    In addition, the sampling of that potroom group may be used to 
    determine emissions from the total potline if they are representative 
    of the entire potline. To be representative of the entire potline, the 
    sampling system must not cover only or primarily new reduction cells, 
    which would be expected to have better hooding and emission control 
    than older cells.
    E. Time Limit for Approval by the Regulatory Authority
        Comment: Several industry commenters recommended that the final 
    rule include a time limit for regulatory authority review, approval, 
    and/or action on submissions. Examples include the compliance test 
    plan, the implementation plan for emission averaging, an application to 
    change control device parameter operating limits, requests for 
    alternative monitoring for similar potlines, requests for approval of 
    alternative methods for sampling and analysis, requests for reduced 
    sampling frequency, and requests to modify the startup, shutdown, and 
    malfunction plan. According to the commenters, each submission should 
    be given automatic approval if no action or response is taken by the 
    applicable regulatory authority within some time period (generally 
    within 30 days of receipt).
        Response: The proposed rule contained provisions for a time limit 
    of 120 days for regulatory approval or disapproval of the 
    implementation plan for emission averaging, and this provision was kept 
    in the final rule. In addition, the general provisions in subpart A of 
    40 CFR part 63 allow the owner or operator to revise the startup, 
    shutdown, and malfunction plan without submitting it for approval. The 
    owner or operator must keep the previous (superseded) version and make 
    it available upon request for a period of 5 years after the revision. 
    With respect to other submissions, the rule was
    [[Page 52395]]
    revised to give the regulatory authority 60 days after the submission 
    is deemed to be complete to approve or disapprove the submission. The 
    60-day period applies to the facility's test plan used to determine 
    compliance, requests for changes in operating parameter limits, 
    applications for similar potline monitoring, requests for reduced 
    sampling frequency, and requests for alternative test methods.
    F. Relationship to Other Rules
        Comment: Several commenters asked about the relationship of the 
    NESHAP to other rules. One commenter asked for discussion of how 
    existing new source review (NSR) and prevention of significant 
    deterioration (PSD) rules affect the NESHAP, and another asked for 
    clarification of what TF emission limit would apply in the event of a 
    modification under the NSPS. Another commenter believes that conversion 
    and installation of equipment in order to comply with this rule should 
    not trigger the NSPS. The commenter requested that the language of the 
    preamble and the rule be changed to reflect that modifications made to 
    affected sources to come into compliance with the primary aluminum 
    NESHAP are exempted from NSPS applicability. Several industry 
    commenters recommended that the final rule include a provision 
    acknowledging that the monitoring provisions in the rule, including the 
    approved methods and alternatives, satisfy the monitoring provisions 
    under section 114 of the Act and the title I monitoring requirements 
    for PM emissions. Other commenters asked that certain alternatives 
    allowed by the rule, such as requests to change monitoring parameters 
    or to implement emission averaging, be identified within the rule as 
    ``administrative changes'' to the operating permit issued under the 
    part 70 permit program.
        Response: The NSR and PSD requirements are not changed or directly 
    affected by the provisions in the NESHAP. However, the NESHAP 
    incorporates the NSPS provisions for primary aluminum reduction plants, 
    which will reduce duplicative monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping 
    requirements while maintaining equivalent stringency in the applicable 
    emission limits. In addition, the incorporation of the NSPS includes 
    language from part 60 that excludes from the definition of 
    ``modification'' the addition of an emission control system that 
    results in the reduction of air pollutants, as the commenter suggested. 
    As several commenters suggested, the compliance assurance monitoring 
    (CAM) rule would not apply to the sources and pollutants regulated 
    under the NESHAP. Standards promulgated after 1990 are not subject to 
    the CAM under the assumption that the prescribed monitoring in such 
    rules would meet the requirements equivalent to those required for CAM. 
    The EPA determined that it is not appropriate to specify within the 
    NESHAP whether changes to permits should be considered administrative 
    or as permit modifications. This is accomplished more directly through 
    the permit writer, who can incorporate the alternatives allowed by the 
    NESHAP into the permit. By adding the NESHAP provisions to the permit, 
    the flexibility allowed by the NESHAP is maintained with respect to 
    implementation of emission averaging and other provisions. In addition, 
    the source may suggest to the permit writer that certain flexible 
    provisions are important to the source based on the compliance approach 
    that the source anticipates implementing.
    G. Reduced Sampling Frequency
        Comment: One commenter did not think there is any need for Federal 
    Register publication to provide public notification of approval of 
    reduced sampling frequency. Another commenter asked that criteria for 
    qualifying for reduced sampling frequency be included in the rule and 
    suggested using the approaches that had been used in other rules, with 
    reductions in the frequency after demonstrating compliance over some 
    period of time.
        Several commenters recommended that monitoring provisions in the 
    final rule be expanded to allow less frequent monitoring for POM upon 
    demonstration of good emission control performance, as is allowed for 
        State agency commenters supported the concept of reduced sampling 
    if a facility consistently achieves compliance with an emission limit 
    and has low variability. However, the commenters asked that EPA specify 
    a minimum measure of acceptable variability for reduced sampling 
    frequency to ensure consistent evaluations of these requests and to 
    ease the burden on the regulatory authority.
        Response: The EPA agrees that the provisions for qualifying for 
    reduced sampling can be improved by making them easier to implement and 
    that there is no need for publication in the Federal Register. In 
    addition, if they are structured properly, provisions for reduced 
    sampling frequency can be used to obtain control performance well below 
    the emission limit, which will result in additional emission 
        The EPA reviewed the performance of plants that had qualified for 
    reduced sampling under the NSPS and also examined the average 
    performance, variability, and emission limits achieved by the MACT 
    floor plants. Based on this review, a procedure was developed that was 
    designed to ensure that plants that qualified for reduced sampling had 
    low variability, consistently met the limit, and achieved an average 
    long-term performance that was well below the limit. The proposed rule 
    was revised to allow the monthly sampling of a potline's secondary 
    emissions of TF to be reduced to quarterly if: (1) The overall average 
    after 24 consecutive months of sampling was no more than 60 percent of 
    the applicable limit and (2) no monthly average during the 24 
    consecutive months exceeded 75 percent of the applicable emission 
        If an exceedance occurs while under the reduced sampling frequency, 
    the plant must return to monthly sampling for at least 12 months. The 
    plant can qualify for a reduction to quarterly sampling again when: (1) 
    The average of all results over the most recent 24-month period is no 
    more than 60 percent of the limit and (2) no more than one monthly 
    average during the 24-month period exceeds 75 percent of the limit.
        As an alternative, the facility can petition for reduced sampling 
    based on the statistical approach given in the EPA guidance document, 
    ``Primary Aluminum: Statistical Analysis of Potline Fluoride Emissions 
    and Alternative Sampling Frequency'' (EPA-450/3-86-012, October 1986). 
    A copy of this document is included in the docket (docket item II-A-
    10). This document also is available from the National Technical 
    Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 
        Reduced sampling was not considered for POM because the sampling is 
    already reduced relative to sampling for TF. The rule contains 
    provisions for reducing TF sampling of secondary emissions from monthly 
    to quarterly, and it only requires quarterly sampling for POM secondary 
    emissions (and only annual sampling for POM from the primary control 
    system). The quarterly sampling is necessary to ensure compliance and 
    is particularly important for POM because of the potential risk 
    associated with the POM compounds.
    H. Approval of Alcan Cassette Method (Method 14A)
        Comment: Several commenters stated that the Alcan cassette 
    [[Page 52396]]
    method should be included as an approved method to determine compliance 
    for emissions monitoring, as it is approved for demonstrating similar 
    potlines. The final rule should also allow the method to be used in 
    developing correlations of emissions for alternative monitoring 
    devices, such as the HF CEM. Another commenter asked for the results of 
    the investigation of the use of Alcan cassettes as an alternative to 
    Methods 13 and 14, including information on accuracy, precision, and 
    any biases.
        Response: The EPA's intent to evaluate and approve the Alcan 
    cassette method as an acceptable alternative to Method 14 was discussed 
    in the proposal preamble. Numerous comments were received supporting 
    the method, and no comments were received that were opposed to the 
    method as an alternative to Methods 13 and 14. The method had been 
    previously approved for sampling and analysis of TF for the NSPS, and 
    additional data from comparison testing (available in the docket) 
    confirmed it to be an acceptable alternative. Consequently, the EPA has 
    approved the Alcan cassette method as an alternative to Method 14 and 
    has included it as Method 14A in appendix A to 40 CFR part 60.
    I. Estimates of Costs for Control and Monitoring
        Comment: The industry commenters contended the capital costs of the 
    proposed rule are higher than the EPA's estimates and asked that the 
    estimates presented at promulgation be revised to incorporate their 
    higher estimates of cost. The cost estimates submitted by the Aluminum 
    Association included a capital cost estimate of $555 million and a 
    total annual cost of $126 million compared to the EPA cost estimate of 
    $160 million in capital and a total annual cost of $40 million. Another 
    commenter believes the monitoring costs estimates are low and asked for 
    information on the monitoring scenario that was used for costing.
        Response: The limited information supplied with the industry's cost 
    estimates suggests that these costs may be overstated; relevant points 
    are discussed below. The industry's report states that the largest 
    component of their capital cost estimate of $555 million is for 
    removing existing primary control systems and installing dry alumina 
    scrubbers, which they say is 60 percent of the total capital cost. The 
    EPA worked closely with the industry to develop the MACT floor, and 
    based on numerous discussions with the industry, only one plant was 
    identified as likely to install new dry alumina scrubbers. This plant 
    estimated a cost of $120 million; however, this total capital 
    investment includes costs for controls that are not directly 
    attributable to the MACT standard (e.g., it includes the cost of sulfur 
    dioxide scrubbers that are required by the State but are not required 
    by the MACT standard). In addition, there is an indication that the 
    company's decision to install dry alumina scrubbers may not have been 
    made only because of the impending MACT standard but also in 
    consideration of State and local agency concerns. Another company that 
    included the capital cost of new dry scrubbers in its estimate 
    submitted by the Aluminum Association has subsequently confirmed that 
    new dry scrubbers will not be installed to meet MACT. Instead, they 
    will upgrade their existing control equipment at a much lower cost.
        Included in the industry's estimate are costs for several potlines 
    that have been idled, and it has not been determined when these 
    potlines will operate at capacity. If they are not restarted, it is 
    obvious that large investments to improve emission control will not be 
        Significant cost estimates are included in the industry's estimates 
    for MACT floor potlines, which are lines that by definition are already 
    achieving the MACT level of control (because the proposed emission 
    limits for MACT are based on the floor). Apparently these companies 
    included the routine capital and operating costs currently being 
    incurred or planned for the near future, probably to meet existing 
    State limits, and attributed this cost to MACT. The cost due to MACT is 
    the incremental cost above what would be spent in the absence of MACT 
    and should not include what is being spent to meet existing 
        The few details that are available in the industry's report 
    indicate that some of the estimated capital investment is for 
    improvements or modernization of the process that is not necessarily 
    being done only to improve emission control. In addition, companies 
    will save operating expenses through improved efficiency and operation 
    from these improvements, and no credit (cost savings) is identified for 
    these improvements.
        The information available for the cost of dry coke scrubbers 
    indicates that the industry's estimate is overstated by a factor of at 
    least two. The EPA estimate is based on the actual installation cost 
    reported by one company and was verified by another company that 
    obtained an actual construction cost estimate prior to installing a new 
    coke scrubber. The source of the industry's estimate is undocumented. 
    In addition, more recent information from a few plants indicates that 
    they may be able to improve the control efficiency of existing control 
    equipment without installing dry coke scrubbers. The EPA cost estimate 
    assumes that all plants without dry coke scrubbers will install one.
    J. Exceeding an Operating Parameter Limit
        Comment: Several industry commenters stated that an exceedance of 
    an enforceable operating parameter limit for which the owner or 
    operator has submitted a request for redetermination should not count 
    toward the six allowable exceedances or automatically constitute a 
    violation. Another commenter felt that exceedances should be a matter 
    of enforcement discretion and any mention of what would constitute a 
    violation should be deleted from the rule. One commenter asked for 
    EPA's basis in deciding that a violation has occurred only after there 
    have been six exceedances of a monitoring parameter (in any 6-month 
    reporting period).
        Response: The proposal preamble discussed at length why any single 
    exceedance of the parametric monitoring limits should not be considered 
    an exceedance of the emission limit and a violation of the standard. 
    However, a limit was placed on the number of exceedances (six) allowed 
    in a 6-month period to provide incentive to correct any problems with 
    control devices promptly and to avoid recurring difficulties with 
    control devices. Consequently, any exceedance of an enforceable 
    operating parameter limit will count toward the six allowable 
    exceedances, or will constitute a violation if a source has already had 
    six exceedances. The fact that a facility has submitted a request for a 
    redetermination of its operating parameter limits is no shield against 
    enforcement of the existing permit limits. This is because the owner or 
    operator could submit requests for redetermination to avoid a violation 
    whenever control device monitoring indicates a problem. While the 
    commenter is correct in pointing out that EPA may exercise 
    prosecutorial discretion, such discretion is independent from the 
    identification of a violation.
    K. Pitch Storage Tanks
        Comment: Several commenters requested that the proposed rule be 
    clarified to indicate that pitch storage
    [[Page 52397]]
    tanks are not included as part of the paste production plant.
        Response: Based on comments that pitch storage tanks are not a part 
    of the paste production operation, the EPA reexamined this issue and 
    determined that pitch storage tanks not located within the paste 
    production plant should be defined as a separate affected source. Pitch 
    storage tanks located within the boundaries of the paste production 
    plant, such as day tanks or feed tanks that manage heated pitch, are 
    included in the definition of paste production plant and must be 
    controlled as required for the paste plant. An examination of the 
    available data for pitch storage tanks that are not a part of the paste 
    production plant indicated that the MACT floor and MACT for existing 
    sources was no control. However, one plant was found to have installed 
    controls on a recently constructed pitch storage tank. In addition, the 
    EPA found that a new pitch storage tank planned for installation in 
    Canada would be installing a catalytic oxidizer to control pitch fumes 
    with a control efficiency of at least 95 percent. Consequently, EPA 
    determined that new source MACT for pitch storage tanks would require 
    at least 95 percent control of POM, and these provisions were added to 
    the final rule.
        There are several types of emission control techniques that can 
    achieve 95 percent control or better, including combustion devices, dry 
    scrubbers, and carbon adsorption. A question arose about the 
    acceptability of vapor balancing, in which emissions displaced from the 
    pitch storage tank during loading are returned to the tank truck or 
    rail car as it is emptied. This technique would be an acceptable 
    alternative if the owner or operator demonstrates (to the satisfaction 
    of the applicable regulatory authority) that emissions from the 
    transport vessel are controlled when it is refilled and that POM 
    emissions from the pitch storage tank are ultimately controlled at 95 
    percent or better.
    VII. Administrative Requirements
    A. Docket
        The docket is an organized and complete file of information 
    considered by the EPA in the development of a rulemaking. The docket is 
    a dynamic file because information is added throughout the rulemaking 
    development process. The docketing system is intended to allow members 
    of the public and industries involved to readily identify and locate 
    documents so that they can effectively participate in the rulemaking 
    process. Along with the proposed and promulgated standards and their 
    preambles, the contents of the docket will serve as the record in case 
    of judicial review. [See section 307(d)(7)(A) of the Act.] The official 
    rulemaking record, including all public comments received on the 
    proposed rule, is located at the address in the ADDRESSES section at 
    the beginning of this document.
    B. Executive Order 12866
        Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), the EPA 
    must determine whether the regulatory action is ``significant'' and 
    therefore subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget 
    (OMB) and the requirements of the Executive Order. The Executive Order 
    defines ``significant regulatory action'' as one that is likely to 
    result in a rule that may:
        (1) Have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or 
    adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the 
    economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
    health or safety, or State, local, or tribal governments or 
        (2) create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an 
    action taken or planned by another agency;
        (3) materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlements, grants, 
    user fees, or loan programs, or the rights and obligation of recipients 
    thereof; or
        (4) raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal 
    mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in 
    the Executive Order.
        Although this is a significant regulatory action OMB has waived 
    Executive Order 12866 review because there was no significant negative 
    comment on the proposed rule.
    C. Enhancing the Intergovernmental Partnership Under Executive Order 
        In compliance with Executive Order 12875, the EPA involved State 
    regulatory experts in the development of the rule. The EPA also 
    coordinated with tribal governments having an interest in the 
    rulemaking. State and local governments and tribal governments are not 
    directly affected by the rule, i.e., they are not required to purchase 
    control systems to meet the requirements of the rule. However, State 
    and local governments will be required to implement the rule; i.e., 
    incorporate the rule into permits and enforce the rule. They will 
    collect permit fees that will be used to offset the resource burden of 
    implementing the rule. Comments were solicited from States and tribal 
    governments and have been considered in the development of the final 
    D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA), Public 
    Law 104-4, establishes requirements for Federal agencies to assess the 
    effects of their regulatory actions on State, local, and tribal 
    governments and the private sector. Under section 202 of the UMRA, EPA 
    generally must prepare a written statement, including a cost-benefit 
    analysis, for proposed and final rules with ``Federal mandates'' that 
    may result in expenditures to State, local, and tribal governments, in 
    the aggregate, or to the private sector, of $100 million or more in any 
    one year. Before promulgating an EPA rule for which a written statement 
    is needed, section 205 of the UMRA generally requires EPA to identify 
    and consider a reasonable number of regulatory alternatives and adopt 
    the least costly, most cost-effective, or least burdensome alternative 
    that achieves the objectives of the rule. The provisions of section 205 
    do not apply when they are inconsistent with applicable law. Moreover, 
    section 205 allows EPA to adopt an alternative other than the least 
    costly, most cost-effective, or least burdensome alternative if the 
    Administrator publishes with the final rule an explanation why that 
    alternative was not adopted. Before EPA establishes any regulatory 
    requirements that may significantly or uniquely affect small 
    governments, including tribal governments, it must have developed under 
    section 203 of UMRA a small government agency plan. The plan must 
    provide for notifying potentially affected small governments; enabling 
    officials of affected small governments to have meaningful and timely 
    input in developing EPA regulatory proposals with significant Federal 
    intergovernmental mandates; and informing, educating, and advising 
    small governments on compliance with the regulatory requirements.
        The EPA has determined that this rule does not contain a Federal 
    mandate that may result in expenditures of $100 million or more for 
    State, local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, or the private 
    sector in any one year. The total annualized cost of the final standard 
    is estimated at $40 million per year--well under the $100 million per 
    year threshold. Thus, today's rule is not subject to the requirements 
    of sections 202 and 205 of UMRA.
    E. Regulatory Flexibility
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) generally requires an agency 
    to conduct
    [[Page 52398]]
    a regulatory flexibility analysis of any rule subject to notice and 
    comment rulemaking requirements unless the agency certifies that the 
    rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial 
    number of small entities. Small entities include small businesses, 
    small not-for-profit enterprises, and small governmental jurisdictions.
        The EPA has determined that it is not necessary to prepare a 
    regulatory flexibility analysis in connection with this final rule. 
    None of the 23 facilities in this industry is classified as a small 
    entity. The EPA has determined that this rule will not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
    F. Submission to Congress and the General Accounting Office
        Under 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A), as added by the Small Business 
    Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, EPA submitted a report 
    containing this rule and other required information to the U.S. Senate, 
    the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the 
    General Accounting Office prior to publication of the rule in today's 
    Federal Register. This rule is not a ``major rule'' as defined by 5 
    U.S.C. 804(2).
    G. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The information collection requirements for this NESHAP have been 
    submitted for approval to OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 
    U.S.C. 3501 et seq. An Information Collection Request (ICR) document 
    has been prepared by the EPA (ICR No. 1767.02), and a copy may be 
    obtained from Sandy Farmer, OPPE Regulatory Information Division, U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency (2137), 401 M Street, S.W., Washington, 
    DC 20460, or by calling (202) 260-2740. The information requirements 
    are not effective until OMB approves them.
        The information collection requirements include mandatory 
    notifications, records, and reports required by the NESHAP general 
    provisions (40 CFR part 63, subpart A). These information collection 
    requirements are needed to confirm the compliance status of major 
    sources, to identify any nonmajor sources not subject to the standards 
    and any new or reconstructed sources subject to the standards, to 
    confirm that emission control devices are being properly operated and 
    maintained, and to ensure that the standards are being achieved. Based 
    on the recorded and reported information, EPA can decide which plants, 
    records, or processes should be inspected. These recordkeeping and 
    reporting requirements are specifically authorized by section 114 of 
    the Act (42 U.S.C. 7414). All information submitted to the Agency for 
    which a claim of confidentiality is made will be safeguarded according 
    to Agency policies in 40 CFR part 2, subpart B. (See 41 FR 36902, 
    September 1, 1976; 43 FR 39999, September 28, 1978; 43 FR 42251, 
    September 28, 1978; and 44 FR 17674, March 23, 1979.)
        The annual public reporting and recordkeeping burden for collecting 
    this information (averaged over the first 3 years after the effective 
    date of the rule) is estimated to total 52,544 hours for the 23 
    respondents and to average 2,300 hours per respondent (i.e., per 
    plant). Each respondent is required to report semiannually. The 
    annualized cost of monitoring equipment is estimated as $390,000 per 
    year, with an operation and maintenance cost of $39,000 per year 
    (excluding labor hours included in the previous total).
        Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources 
    expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or 
    provide information to or for a Federal agency. This includes the time 
    needed to review instructions; develop, acquire, install, and utilize 
    technology and systems for collecting, validating, and verifying 
    information; process and maintain information and disclose and provide 
    information; adjust the existing ways to comply with any previously 
    applicable instructions and requirements; train personnel to respond to 
    a collection of information; search existing data sources; complete and 
    review the collection of information; and transmit or otherwise 
    disclose the information.
        An Agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
    to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a 
    currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control numbers for EPA's 
    regulations are listed in 40 CFR part 9 and 48 CFR chapter 15.
    H. Clean Air Act
        The NESHAP for primary aluminum reduction plants will be reviewed 8 
    years from the date of promulgation. This review will include an 
    assessment of such factors as residual health risks, any duplication 
    with other air programs, the existence of alternative methods, 
    enforceability, improvements in air emission control technology and 
    health data, and the recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
    List of Subjects
    40 CFR Part 9
        Environmental protection, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    40 CFR Part 60
        Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure, 
    Air pollution control, Incorporation by reference.
    40 CFR Part 63
        Air pollution control, Hazardous substances, Incorporation by 
    reference, Primary aluminum reduction plants, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: September 19, 1997.
    Carol M. Browner,
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, parts 9, 60, and 63 of 
    title 40, chapter I of the Code of Federal Regulations are amended as 
        1. The authority citation for part 9 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 135 et seq., 136-136y; 15 U.S.C. 2001, 2003, 
    2005, 2006, 2601-2671; 21 U.S.C. 331j, 346a, 348; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 33 
    U.S.C. 1251 et. seq., 1311, 1313d, 1314, 1321, 1326, 1330, 1342, 
    1344, 1345 (d) and (e), 1361; E.O. 11735, 38 FR 21243, 3 CFR, 1971-
    1975 Comp. p. 973; 42 U.S.C. 241, 242b, 243, 246, 300f, 300g, 300g-
    1, 300g-2, 300g-3, 300g-4, 300g-5, 300g-6, 300j-1, 300j-2, 300j-3, 
    300j-4, 300j-9, 1857 et seq., 6901-6992k, 7401-7671q, 7542, 9601-
    9657, 11023, 11048.
        2. In Sec. 9.1 the table is amended by adding new entries under the 
    indicated heading in numerical order to read as follows:
    Sec. 9.1  OMB approvals under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
    * * * * *
                                                                 OMB control
                          40 CFR citation                            No.    
                     *        *        *        *        *                  
       National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source  
                                 Categories \3\                             
                      *        *        *        *        *                 
    63.846(d)..................................................    2060-0360
    63.847(b), (g).............................................    2060-0360
    63.848(d)(5), (e),.........................................             
    (f)(5)(ii), (g), (k), (m)..................................    2060-0360
    63.850.....................................................    2060-0360
                     *        *        *        *        *                  
    \3\ The ICRs referenced in this section of the Table encompass the      
      applicable general provisions contained in 40 CFR part 63, subpart A, 
      which are not independent information collection requirements.        
    [[Page 52399]]
        3. The authority for part 60 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401, 7411, 7413, 7414, 7416, 7429, 7601 
    and 7602.
    Sec. 60.17  [Amended]
        4. Section 60.17(a)(22) of subpart A is amended by adding the 
    phrase ``; Method 14A, par. 7.1'' to the end of the paragraph.
        5. Section 60.190 is amended by revising paragraph (b) and adding 
    new paragraph (c) to read as follows:
    Sec. 60.190  Applicability and designation of affected facility.
    * * * * *
        (b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, any 
    affected facility under paragraph (a) of this section that commences 
    construction or modification after October 23, 1974, is subject to the 
    requirements of this subpart.
        (c) An owner or operator of an affected facility under paragraph 
    (a) of this section may elect to comply with the requirements of this 
    subpart or the requirements of subpart LL of part 63 of this chapter.
        6. Appendix A to part 60 is amended by revising the appendix 
    heading and adding, in numerical order, Method 14A to read as follows:
    Appendix A To part 60--Test Methods
    * * * * *
    Method 14A--Determination of Total Fluoride Emissions from Selected 
    Sources at Primary Aluminum Production Facilities
        Note: This method does not include all the specifications (e.g., 
    equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling) essential to 
    its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from 
    other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, 
    persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at 
    least the following additional test methods: Method 5, Methods 13A 
    and 13B, and Method 14 of this appendix.
    1.0  Scope and Application.
        1.1  Analytes.
                 Analyte                    CAS No.           Sensitivity   
    Total fluorides.................  None assigned.....  Not determined.   
    Includes hydrogen fluoride......  007664-39-3.......  Not determined.   
        1.2  Applicability. This method is applicable for the 
    determination of total fluorides (TF) emissions from sources 
    specified in the applicable regulation. This method was developed by 
    consensus with the Aluminum Association and the U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency (EPA).
    2.0  Summary of Method.
        2.1  Total fluorides, in the form of solid and gaseous 
    fluorides, are withdrawn from the ascending air stream inside of an 
    aluminum reduction potroom and, prior to exiting the potroom roof 
    monitor, into a specific cassette arrangement. The cassettes are 
    connected by tubing to flowmeters and a manifold system that allows 
    for the equal distribution of volume pulled through each cassette, 
    and finally to a dry gas meter. The cassettes have a specific 
    internal arrangement of one unaltered cellulose filter and support 
    pad in the first section of the cassette for solid fluoride 
    retention and two cellulose filters with support pads that are 
    impregnated with sodium formate for the chemical absorption of 
    gaseous fluorides in the following two sections of the cassette. A 
    minimum of eight cassettes shall be used for a potline and shall be 
    strategically located at equal intervals across the potroom roof so 
    as to encompass a minimum of 8 percent of the total length of the 
    potroom. A greater number of cassettes may be used should the 
    regulated facility choose to do so. The mass flow rate of pollutants 
    is determined with anemometers and temperature sensing devices 
    located immediately below the opening of the roof monitor and spaced 
    evenly within the cassette group.
    3.0  Definitions.
        3.1  Cassette. A segmented, styrene acrylonitrile cassette 
    configuration with three separate segments and a base, for the 
    purpose of this method, to capture and retain fluoride from potroom 
        3.2  Cassette arrangement. The cassettes, tubing, manifold 
    system, flowmeters, dry gas meter, and any other related equipment 
    associated with the actual extraction of the sample gas stream.
        3.3  Cassette group. That section of the potroom roof monitor 
    where a distinct group of cassettes is located.
        3.4  Potline. A single, discrete group of electrolytic reduction 
    cells electrically connected in series, in which alumina is reduced 
    to form aluminum.
        3.5  Potroom. A building unit that houses a group of 
    electrolytic reduction cells in which aluminum is produced.
        3.6  Potroom group. An uncontrolled potroom, a potroom that is 
    controlled individually, or a group of potrooms or potroom segments 
    ducted to a common primary control system.
        3.7  Primary control system. The equipment used to capture the 
    gases and particulate matter generated during the reduction process 
    and the emission control device(s) used to remove pollutants prior 
    to discharge of the cleaned gas to the atmosphere.
        3.8  Roof monitor. That portion of the roof of a potroom 
    building where gases, not captured at the cell, exit from the 
        3.9  Total fluorides (TF). Elemental fluorine and all fluoride 
    compounds as measured by Methods 13A or 13B of this appendix or by 
    an approved alternative method.
    4.0  Interferences and Known Limitations.
        4.1  There are two principal categories of limitations that must 
    be addressed when using this method. The first category is sampling 
    bias and the second is analytical bias. Biases in sampling can occur 
    when there is an insufficient number of cassettes located along the 
    roof monitor of a potroom or if the distribution of those cassettes 
    is spatially unequal. Known sampling biases also can occur when 
    there are leaks within the cassette arrangement and if anemometers 
    and temperature devices are not providing accurate data. Applicable 
    instruments must be properly calibrated to avoid sampling bias. 
    Analytical biases can occur when instrumentation is not calibrated 
    or fails calibration and the instrument is used out of proper 
    calibration. Additionally, biases can occur in the laboratory if 
    fusion crucibles retain residual fluorides over lengthy periods of 
    use. This condition could result in falsely elevated fluoride 
    values. Maintaining a clean work environment in the laboratory is 
    crucial to producing accurate values.
        4.2  Biases during sampling can be avoided by properly spacing 
    the appropriate number of cassettes along the roof monitor, 
    conducting leak checks of the cassette arrangement, calibrating the 
    dry gas meter every 30 days, verifying the accuracy of individual 
    flowmeters (so that there is no more than 5 percent difference in 
    the volume pulled between any two flowmeters), and calibrating or 
    replacing anemometers and temperature sensing devices as necessary 
    to maintain true data generation.
        4.3  Analytical biases can be avoided by calibrating instruments 
    according to the manufacturer's specifications prior to conducting 
    any analyses, by performing internal and external audits of up to 10 
    percent of all samples analyzed, and by rotating individual 
    crucibles as the ``blank'' crucible to detect any potential residual 
    fluoride carry-over to samples. Should any contamination be 
    discovered in the blank crucible, the crucible shall be thoroughly 
    cleaned to remove any detected residual fluorides and a ``blank'' 
    analysis conducted again to evaluate the effectiveness of the 
    cleaning. The crucible shall remain in service as long as no 
    detectable residual fluorides are present.
    5.0  Safety.
        5.1  This method may involve the handling of hazardous materials 
    in the analytical phase. This method does not purport to address all 
    of the potential safety hazards associated with its use. It is the 
    responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and 
    health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory 
    limitations prior to performing this test method.
        5.2  Corrosive reagents. The following reagents are hazardous. 
    Personal protective equipment and safe procedures are useful in 
    preventing chemical splashes. If contact occurs, immediately flush 
    with copious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove 
    clothing under shower and
    [[Page 52400]]
    decontaminate. Treat residual chemical burn as thermal burn.
        5.3  Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH). Causes severe damage to eyes and 
    skin. Inhalation causes irritation to nose, throat, and lungs. 
    Reacts exothermically with limited amounts of water.
        5.4  Perchloric Acid (HClO4). Corrosive to eyes, 
    skin, nose, and throat. Provide ventilation to limit exposure. Very 
    strong oxidizer. Keep separate from water and oxidizable materials 
    to prevent vigorous evolution of heat, spontaneous combustion, or 
    explosion. Heat solutions containing HClO4 only in hoods 
    specifically designed for HClO4.
    216.0  Equipment and Supplies.
        6.1 Sampling.
        6.1.1  Cassette arrangement. The cassette itself is a three-
    piece, styrene acrylonitrile cassette unit (a Gelman Sciences 
    product), 37 millimeter (mm), with plastic connectors. In the first 
    section (the intake section), an untreated Gelman Sciences 37 mm, 
    0.8 micrometer (m) DM-800 metricel membrane filter and 
    cellulose support pad, or equivalent, is situated. In the second and 
    third segments of the cassette there is placed one each of Gelman 
    Sciences 37 mm, 5 m GLA-5000 low-ash PVC filter with a 
    cellulose support pad or equivalent product. Each of these two 
    filters and support pads shall have been immersed in a solution of 
    10 percent sodium formate (volume/volume in an ethyl alcohol 
    solution). The impregnated pads shall be placed in the cassette 
    segments while still wet and heated at 50 deg.C (122 deg.F) until 
    the pad is completely dry. It is important to check for a proper fit 
    of the filter and support pad to the cassette segment to ensure that 
    there are no areas where gases could bypass the filter. Once all of 
    the cassette segments have been prepared, the cassette shall be 
    assembled and a plastic plug shall be inserted into the exhaust hole 
    of the cassette. Prior to placing the cassette into service, the 
    space between each segment shall be taped with an appropriately 
    durable tape to prevent the infiltration of gases through the points 
    of connection, and an aluminum nozzle shall be inserted into the 
    intake hole of the cassette. The aluminum nozzle shall have a short 
    section of tubing placed over the opening of the nozzle, with the 
    tubing plugged to prevent dust from entering the nozzle and to 
    prepare the nozzle for the cassette arrangement leak check. An 
    alternate nozzle type can be used if historical results or 
    scientific demonstration of applicability can be shown.
        6.1.2  Anemometers and temperature sensing devices. To calculate 
    the mass flow rate of TF from the roof monitor under standard 
    conditions, anemometers that meet the specifications in section 
    2.1.1 in Method 14 of this appendix or an equivalent device yielding 
    equivalent information shall be used. A recording mechanism capable 
    of accurately recording the exit gas temperature at least every 2 
    hours shall be used.
        6.1.3  Barometer. To correct the volumetric flow from the 
    potline roof monitor to standard conditions, a mercury (Hg), 
    aneroid, or other barometer capable of measuring atmospheric 
    pressure to within 2.5 mm [0.1 inch (in)] Hg shall be used.
        Note: The barometric reading may be obtained from a nearby 
    National Weather Service Station. In this case, the station value 
    (which is absolute barometric pressure) shall be requested and an 
    adjustment for elevation differences between the weather station and 
    the sampling point shall be made at a rate of minus 2.5 mm (0.1 in) 
    Hg per 30 meters (m) [100 feet (ft)] elevation increase or plus 2.5 
    mm (0.1 in) Hg per 30 m (100 ft) elevation decrease.
        6.2  Sample recovery.
        6.2.1  Hot plate.
        6.2.2  Muffle furnace.
        6.2.3  Nickel crucible.
        6.2.4  Stirring rod. Teflon'.
        6.2.5  Volumetric flask. 50-milliliter (ml).
        6.2.6  Plastic vial. 50-ml.
        6.3  Analysis.
        6.3.1  Primary analytical method. An automated analyzer having 
    the following components or equivalent: a multichannel proportioning 
    pump, multiposition sampler, voltage stabilizer, colorimeter, 
    instrument recording device, microdistillation apparatus, flexible 
    Teflon heating bath, vacuum pump, pulse suppressers and 
    an air flow system.
        6.3.2  Secondary analytical method. Specific Ion Electrode 
    7.0  Reagents and Standards.
        7.1  Water. Deionized distilled to conform to ASTM Specification 
    D 1193-77, Type 3 (incorporated by reference in Sec. 60.17(a)(22) of 
    this part). The KMnO4 test for oxidizable organic matter 
    may be omitted when high concentrations of organic matter are not 
    expected to be present.
        7.2  Calcium oxide.
        7.3  Sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Pellets.
        7.4  Perchloric acid (HClO4). Mix 1:1 with water. 
    Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) may be used in place of 
        7.5  Audit samples. The audit samples discussed in section 9.1 
    shall be prepared from reagent grade, water soluble stock reagents, 
    or purchased as an aqueous solution from a commercial supplier. If 
    the audit stock solution is purchased from a commercial supplier, 
    the standard solution must be accompanied by a certificate of 
    analysis or an equivalent proof of fluoride concentration.
    8.0  Sample Collection and Analysis.
        8.1  Preparing cassette arrangement for sampling. The cassettes 
    are initially connected to flexible tubing. The tubing is connected 
    to flowmeters and a manifold system. The manifold system is 
    connected to a dry gas meter (Research Appliance Company model 
    201009 or equivalent). The length of tubing is managed by 
    pneumatically or electrically operated hoists located in the roof 
    monitor, and the travel of the tubing is controlled by encasing the 
    tubing in aluminum conduit. The tubing is lowered for cassette 
    insertion by operating a control box at floor level. Once the 
    cassette has been securely inserted into the tubing and the leak 
    check performed, the tubing and cassette are raised to the roof 
    monitor level using the floor level control box. Arrangements 
    similar to the one described are acceptable if the scientific sample 
    collection principles are followed.
        8.2  Test run sampling period. A test run shall comprise a 
    minimum of a 24-hour sampling event encompassing at least eight 
    cassettes per potline (or four cassettes per potroom group). Monthly 
    compliance shall be based on three test runs during the month. Test 
    runs of greater than 24 hours are allowed; however, three such runs 
    shall be conducted during the month.
        8.3  Leak-check procedures.
        8.3.1  Pretest leak check. A pretest leak-check is recommended; 
    however, it is not required. To perform a pretest leak-check after 
    the cassettes have been inserted into the tubing, isolate the 
    cassette to be leak-checked by turning the valves on the manifold to 
    stop all flows to the other sampling points connected to the 
    manifold and meter. The cassette, with the plugged tubing section 
    securing the intake of the nozzle, is subjected to the highest 
    vacuum expected during the run. If no leaks are detected, the tubing 
    plug can be briefly removed as the dry gas meter is rapidly turned 
        8.3.2  Post-test leak check. A leak check is required at the 
    conclusion of each test run for each cassette. The leak check shall 
    be performed in accordance with the procedure outlined in section 
    8.3.1 of this method except that it shall be performed at a vacuum 
    greater than the maximum vacuum reached during the test run. If the 
    leakage rate is found to be no greater than 4 percent of the average 
    sampling rate, the results are acceptable. If the leakage rate is 
    greater than 4 percent of the average sampling rate, either record 
    the leakage rate and correct the sampling volume as discussed in 
    section 12.4 of this method or void the test run if the minimum 
    number of cassettes were used. If the number of cassettes used was 
    greater than the minimum required, discard the leaking cassette and 
    use the remaining cassettes for the emission determination.
        8.3.3  Anemometers and temperature sensing device placement. 
    Install the recording mechanism to record the exit gas temperature. 
    Anemometers shall be installed as required in section 6.1.2 of 
    Method 14 of this appendix, except replace the word ``manifold'' 
    with ``cassette group'' in section These two different 
    instruments shall be located near each other along the roof monitor. 
    See conceptual configurations in Figures 14A-1, 14A-2, and 14A-3 of 
    this method. Fewer temperature devices than anemometers may be used 
    if at least one temperature device is located within the span of the 
    cassette group. Other anemometer location siting scenarios may be 
    acceptable as long as the exit velocity of the roof monitor gases is 
    representative of the entire section of the potline being sampled.
        8.4  Sampling. The actual sample run shall begin with the 
    removal of the tubing and plug from the cassette nozzle. Each 
    cassette is then raised to the roof monitor area, the dry gas meter 
    is turned on, and the flowmeters are set to the calibration point, 
    which allows an equal volume of sampled gas to enter each cassette. 
    The dry gas meter shall be set to a range suitable for the specific 
    potroom type being sampled that will yield valid data known from 
    previous experience or a range determined by the use of the 
    calculation in section 12 of this method.
    [[Page 52401]]
    Parameters related to the test run that shall be recorded, either 
    during the test run or after the test run if recording devices are 
    used, include: anemometer data, roof monitor exit gas temperature, 
    dry gas meter temperature, dry gas meter volume, and barometric 
    pressure. At the conclusion of the test run, the cassettes shall be 
    lowered, the dry gas meter turned off, and the volume registered on 
    the dry gas meter recorded. The post-test leak check procedures 
    described in section 8.3.2 of this method shall be performed. All 
    data relevant to the test shall be recorded on a field data sheet 
    and maintained on file.
        8.5  Sample recovery.
        8.5.1  The cassettes shall be brought to the laboratory with the 
    intake nozzle contents protected with the section of plugged tubing 
    previously described. The exterior of cassettes shall carefully be 
    wiped free of any dust or debris, making sure that any falling dust 
    or debris does not present a potential laboratory contamination 
        8.5.2  Carefully remove all tape from the cassettes and remove 
    the initial filter, support pad, and all loose solids from the first 
    (intake) section of the cassette. Fold the filter and support pad 
    several times and, along with all loose solids removed from the 
    interior of the first section of the cassette, place them into a 
    nickel crucible. Using water, wash the interior of the nozzle into 
    the same nickel crucible. Add 0.1 gram (g) [0.1 
    milligram (mg)] of calcium oxide and a sufficient amount of water to 
    make a loose slurry. Mix the contents of the crucible thoroughly 
    with a Teflon'' stirring rod. After rinsing any adhering residue 
    from the stirring rod back into the crucible, place the crucible on 
    a hot plate or in a muffle furnace until all liquid is evaporated 
    and allow the mixture to gradually char for 1 hour.
        8.5.3  Transfer the crucible to a cold muffle furnace and ash at 
    600 deg.C (1,112 deg.F). Remove the crucible after the ashing phase 
    and, after the crucible cools, add 3.0 g (0.1 g) of NaOH 
    pellets. Place this mixture in a muffle furnace at 600 deg.C 
    (1,112 deg.F) for 3 minutes. Remove the crucible and roll the melt 
    so as to reach all of the ash with the molten NaOH. Let the melt 
    cool to room temperature. Add 10 to 15 ml of water to the crucible 
    and place it on a hot plate at a low temperature setting until the 
    melt is soft or suspended. Transfer the contents of the crucible to 
    a 50-ml volumetric flask. Rinse the crucible with 20 ml of 1:1 
    perchloric acid or 20 ml of 1:1 sulfuric acid in two (2) 10 ml 
    portions. Pour the acid rinse slowly into the volumetric flask and 
    swirl the flask after each addition. Cool to room temperature. The 
    product of this procedure is particulate fluorides.
          8.5.4 Gaseous fluorides can be isolated for analysis by 
    folding the gaseous fluoride filters and support pads to 
    approximately \1/4\ of their original size and placing them in a 50-
    ml plastic vial. To the vial add exactly 10 ml of water and leach 
    the sample for a minimum of 1 hour. The leachate from this process 
    yields the gaseous fluorides for analysis.
    9.0  Quality Control.
        9.1  Laboratory auditing. Laboratory audits of specific and 
    known concentrations of fluoride shall be submitted to the 
    laboratory with each group of samples submitted for analysis. An 
    auditor shall prepare and present the audit samples as a ``blind'' 
    evaluation of laboratory performance with each group of samples 
    submitted to the laboratory. The audits shall be prepared to 
    represent concentrations of fluoride that could be expected to be in 
    the low, medium and high range of actual results. Average recoveries 
    of all three audits must equal 90 to 110 percent for acceptable 
    results; otherwise, the laboratory must investigate procedures and 
    instruments for potential problems.
        Note: The analytical procedure allows for the analysis of 
    individual or combined filters and pads from the cassettes provided 
    that equal volumes (10 percent) are sampled through each 
    10.0  Calibrations.
        10.1  Equipment evaluations. To ensure the integrity of this 
    method, periodic calibrations and equipment replacements are 
        10.1.1  Metering system. At 30-day intervals the metering system 
    shall be calibrated. Connect the metering system inlet to the outlet 
    of a wet test meter that is accurate to 1 percent. Refer to Figure 
    5-4 of Method 5 of this appendix. The wet-test meter shall have a 
    capacity of 30 liters/revolution [1 cubic foot (ft\3\)/revolution]. 
    A spirometer of 400 liters (14 ft\3\) or more capacity, or 
    equivalent, may be used for calibration; however, a wet-test meter 
    is usually more practical. The wet-test meter shall be periodically 
    tested with a spirometer or a liquid displacement meter to ensure 
    the accuracy. Spirometers or wet-test meters of other sizes may be 
    used, provided that the specified accuracies of the procedure are 
    maintained. Run the metering system pump for about 15 min. with the 
    orifice manometer indicating a median reading as expected in field 
    use to allow the pump to warm up and to thoroughly wet the interior 
    of the wet-test meter. Then, at each of a minimum of three orifice 
    manometer settings, pass an exact quantity of gas through the wet-
    test meter and record the volume indicated by the dry gas meter. 
    Also record the barometric pressure, the temperatures of the wet 
    test meter, the inlet temperatures of the dry gas meter, and the 
    temperatures of the outlet of the dry gas meter. Record all 
    calibration data on a form similar to the one shown in Figure 5-5 of 
    Method 5 of this appendix and calculate Y, the dry gas meter 
    calibration factor, and H@, the orifice 
    calibration factor at each orifice setting. Allowable tolerances for 
    Y and H@ are given in Figure 5-6 of Method 5 of 
    this appendix.
        10.1.2  Estimating volumes for initial test runs. For a 
    facility's initial test runs, the regulated facility must have a 
    target or desired volume of gases to be sampled and a target range 
    of volumes to use during the calibration of the dry gas meter. Use 
    Equations 14A-1 and 14A-2 in section 12 of this method to derive the 
    target dry gas meter volume (Fv) for these purposes.
        10.1.3  Calibration of anemometers and temperature sensing 
    devices. If the standard anemometers in Method 14 of this appendix 
    are used, the calibration and integrity evaluations in sections through of Method 14 of this appendix shall be 
    used as well as the recording device described in section 2.1.3 of 
    Method 14. The calibrations or complete change-outs of anemometers 
    shall take place at a minimum of once per year. The temperature 
    sensing and recording devices shall be calibrated according to the 
    manufacturer's specifications.
        10.1.4  Calibration of flowmeters. The calibration of flowmeters 
    is necessary to ensure that an equal volume of sampled gas is 
    entering each of the individual cassettes and that no large 
    differences, which could possibly bias the sample, exist between the 
    cassettes.  Variable area, 65 mm flowmeters or equivalent shall be 
    used. These flowmeters can be mounted on a common base for 
    convenience. These flowmeters shall be calibrated by attaching a 
    prepared cassette, complete with filters and pads, to the flowmeter 
    and then to the system manifold. This manifold is an aluminum 
    cylinder with valved inlets for connections to the flowmeters/
    cassettes and one outlet to a dry gas meter. The connection is then 
    made to the wet-test meter and finally to a dry gas meter. All 
    connections are made with tubing.  Turn the dry gas meter on for 15 min. in preparation 
    for the calibration. Turn the dry gas meter off and plug the intake 
    hole of the cassette. Turn the dry gas meter back on to evaluate the 
    entire system for leaks. If the dry gas meter shows a leakage rate 
    of less than 0.02 ft3/min at 10 in. of Hg vacuum as noted 
    on the dry gas meter, the system is acceptable to further 
    calibration.  With the dry gas meter turned on and the flow 
    indicator ball at a selected flow rate, record the exact amount of 
    gas pulled through the flowmeter by taking measurements from the wet 
    test meter after exactly 10 min. Record the room temperature and 
    barometric pressure. Conduct this test for all flowmeters in the 
    system with all flowmeters set at the same indicator ball reading. 
    When all flowmeters have gone through the procedure above, correct 
    the volume pulled through each flowmeter to standard conditions. The 
    acceptable difference between the highest and lowest flowmeter rate 
    is 5 percent. Should one or more flowmeters be outside of the 
    acceptable limit of 5 percent, repeat the calibration procedure at a 
    lower or higher indicator ball reading until all flowmeters show no 
    more than 5 percent difference among them.  This flowmeter calibration shall be conducted at least 
    once per year.
        10.1.5  Miscellaneous equipment calibrations. Miscellaneous 
    equipment used such as an automatic recorder/ printer used to 
    measure dry gas meter temperatures shall be calibrated according to 
    the manufacturer's specifications in order to maintain the accuracy 
    of the equipment.
    11.0  Analytical Procedure.
        11.1  The preferred primary analytical determination of the 
    individual isolated samples or the combined particulate and gaseous 
    samples shall be performed by an automated methodology. The 
    [[Page 52402]]
    method for this technology shall be based on the manufacturer's 
    instructions for equipment operation and shall also include the 
    analysis of five standards with concentrations in the expected range 
    of the actual samples. The results of the analysis of the five 
    standards shall have a coefficient of correlation of at least 0.99. 
    A check standard shall be analyzed as the last sample of the group 
    to determine if instrument drift has occurred. The acceptable result 
    for the check standard is 95 to 105 percent of the standard's true 
        11.2  The secondary analytical method shall be by specific ion 
    electrode if the samples are distilled or if a TISAB IV buffer is 
    used to eliminate aluminum interferences. Five standards with 
    concentrations in the expected range of the actual samples shall be 
    analyzed, and a coefficient of correlation of at least 0.99 is the 
    minimum acceptable limit for linearity. An exception for this limit 
    for linearity is a condition when low-level standards in the range 
    of 0.01 to 0.48 g fluoride/ml are analyzed. In this 
    situation, a minimum coefficient of correlation of 0.97 is required. 
    TISAB II shall be used for low-level analyses.
    12.0  Data Analysis and Calculations.
        12.1  Carry out calculations, retaining at least one extra 
    decimal point beyond that of the acquired data. Round off values 
    after the final calculation. Other forms of calculations may be used 
    as long as they give equivalent results.
        12.2  Estimating volumes for initial test runs.
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR07OC97.000
    Fv = Desired volume of dry gas to be sampled, ft\3\.
    Fd = Desired or analytically optimum mass of TF per 
    cassette, micrograms of TF per cassette (g/cassette).
    X = Number of cassettes used.
    Fe = Typical concentration of TF in emissions to be 
    sampled, g/ft \3\, calculated from Equation 14A-2.
    Re = Typical emission rate from the facility, pounds of 
    TF per ton (lb/ton) of aluminum.
    Rp = Typical production rate of the facility, tons of 
    aluminum per minute (ton/min).
    Vr = Typical exit velocity of the roof monitor gases, 
    feet per minute (ft/min).
    Ar=Open area of the roof monitor, square feet 
        12.2.1  Example calculation. Assume that the typical emission rate 
    (Re) is 1.0 lb TF/ton of aluminum, the typical roof vent gas 
    exit velocity (Vr) is 250 ft/min, the typical production 
    rate (Rp) is 0.10 ton/min, the known open area for the roof 
    monitor (Ar) is 8,700 ft2, and the desired 
    (analytically optimum) mass of TF per cassette is 1,500 g. 
    First calculate the concentration of TF per cassette (Fe) in 
    g/ft3 using Equation 14A-2. Then calculate the 
    desired volume of gas to be sampled (Fv) using Equation 14A-
    [[Page 52403]]
        This is a total of 575.40 ft3 for eight cassettes or 
    71.925 ft3/cassette.
        12.3  Calculations of TF emissions from field and laboratory 
    data that would yield a production related emission rate can be 
    calculated as follows:
        12.3.1  Obtain a standard cubic feet (scf) value for the volume 
    pulled through the dry gas meter for all cassettes by using the 
    field and calibration data and Equation 5-1 of Method 5 of this 
        12.3.2  Derive the average quantity of TF per cassette (in 
    g TF/cassette) by adding all laboratory data for all 
    cassettes and dividing this value by the total number of cassettes 
    used. Divide this average TF value by the corrected dry gas meter 
    volume for each cassette; this value then becomes TFstd 
        12.3.3  Calculate the production-based emission rate 
    (Re) in lb/ton using Equation 14A-5.
        12.3.4  As an example calculation, assume eight cassettes 
    located in a potline were used to sample for 72 hours during the 
    run. The analysis of all eight cassettes yielded a total of 3,000 
    g of TF. The dry gas meter volume was corrected to yield a 
    total of 75 scf per cassette, which yields a value for 
    TFstd of 3,000/75=5 g/ft3. The open 
    area of the roof monitor for the potline (Ar) is 17,400 
    ft2. The exit velocity of the roof monitor gases 
    (Vr) is 250 ft/min. The production rate of aluminum over 
    the previous 720 hours was 5,000 tons, which is 6.94 tons/hr or 
    0.116 ton/min (Rp). Substituting these values into 
    Equation 14A-5 yields:
        12.4  Corrections to volumes due to leakage. Should the post-
    test leak check leakage rate exceed 4 percent as described in 
    section 8.3.2 of this method, correct the volume as detailed in Case 
    I in section 6.3 of Method 5 of this appendix.
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P
    [[Page 52404]]
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    [[Page 52406]]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-L
    [[Page 52407]]
    * * * * *
        7. The authority citation for part 63 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
        8. Part 63 is amended by adding subpart LL to read as follows:
    Subpart LL--National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants 
    for Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants
    63.840  Applicability.
    63.841  Incorporation by reference.
    63.842  Definitions.
    63.843  Emission limits for existing sources.
    63.844  Emission limits for new or reconstructed sources.
    63.845  Incorporation of new source performance standards for 
    potroom groups.
    63.846  Emission averaging.
    63.847  Compliance provisions.
    63.848  Emission monitoring requirements.
    63.849  Test methods and procedures.
    63.850  Notification, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements.
    63.851  Regulatory authority review procedures.
    63.852  Applicability of general provisions.
    63.853  Delegation of authority.
    63.854-63.859  [Reserved]
    Table 1 to Subpart LL--Potline TF Limits for Emission Averaging
    Table 2 to Subpart LL--Potline POM Limits for Emission Averaging
    Table 3 to Subpart LL--Anode Bake Furnace Limits for Emission 
    Appendix A to Subpart LL--Applicability of General Provisions (40 
    CFR Part 63, Subpart A) to Subpart LL
    Subpart LL--National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air 
    Pollutants for Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants
    Sec. 63.840  Applicability.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the 
    requirements of this subpart apply to the owner or operator of each new 
    pitch storage tank and new or existing potline, paste production plant, 
    or anode bake furnace associated with primary aluminum production and 
    located at a major source as defined in Sec. 63.2.
        (b) The requirements of this subpart do not apply to any existing 
    anode bake furnace that is not located on the same site as a primary 
    aluminum reduction plant. The owner or operator shall comply with the 
    State MACT determination established by the applicable regulatory 
        (c) An owner or operator of an affected facility (potroom group or 
    anode bake furnace) under Sec. 60.190 of this chapter may elect to 
    comply with either the requirements of Sec. 63.845 of this subpart or 
    the requirements of subpart S of part 60 of this chapter.
    Sec. 63.841  Incorporation by reference.
        (a) The following material is incorporated by reference in the 
    corresponding sections noted. This incorporation by reference was 
    approved by the Director of the Federal Register on October 7, 1997, in 
    accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. These materials are 
    incorporated as they exist on the date of approval, and notice of any 
    change in the materials will be published in the Federal Register. 
    Revisions to ``Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended 
    Practice'' (22nd ed.) are applicable only after publication of a 
    document in the Federal Register to amend subpart LL to require use of 
    the new information.
        (1) Chapter 3, ``Local Exhaust Hoods'' and Chapter 5, ``Exhaust 
    System Design Procedure'' of ``Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of 
    Recommended Practice,'' American Conference of Governmental Industrial 
    Hygienists, 22nd edition, 1995, IBR approved for Secs. 63.843(b) and 
    63.844(b); and
        (2) ASTM D 2986-95A, Standard Practice for Evaluation of Air Assay 
    Media by the Monodisperse DOP (Dioctyl Phthalate) Smoke Test, IBR 
    approved for section 7.1.1 of Method 315 in appendix A to this part.
        (b) The materials incorporated by reference are available for 
    inspection at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol 
    Street NW., Suite 700, 7th Floor, Washington, DC, and at the Air and 
    Radiation Docket Center, U.S. EPA, 401 M Street, SW., Washington, DC. 
    The materials also are available for purchase from one of the following 
        (1) Customer Service Department, American Conference of 
    Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), 1330 Kemper Meadow Drive, 
    Cincinnati, Ohio 45240, telephone number (513) 742-2020; or
        (2) American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Bar Harbour 
    Drive, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428, telephone number (610) 
    Sec. 63.842  Definitions.
        Terms used in this subpart are defined in the Clean Air Act as 
    amended (the Act), in Sec. 63.2, or in this section as follows:
        Anode bake furnace means an oven in which the formed green anodes 
    are baked for use in a prebake process. This definition includes 
    multiple anode bake furnaces controlled by a common control device 
    (bake furnaces controlled by a common control device are considered to 
    be one source).
        Center-worked prebake (CWPB) process means a method of primary 
    aluminum reduction using the prebake process in which the alumina feed 
    is added down the center of the reduction cell.
        Center-worked prebake one (CWPB1) means all existing center-worked 
    prebake potlines not defined as center-worked prebake two (CWPB2) or 
    center-worked prebake three (CWPB3) potlines.
        Center-worked prebake two (CWPB2) means all existing center-worked 
    prebake potlines located at Alcoa in Rockdale, Texas; Kaiser Aluminum 
    in Mead, Washington; Ormet Corporation in Hannibal, Ohio; Ravenswood 
    Aluminum in Ravenswood, West Virginia; Reynolds Metals in Troutdale, 
    Oregon; and Vanalco Aluminum in Vancouver, Washington.
        Center-worked prebake three (CWPB3) means all existing center-
    worked prebake potlines that produce very high purity aluminum, have a 
    wet scrubber for the primary control system, and are located at the NSA 
    primary aluminum plant in Hawesville, Kentucky.
        Continuous parameter monitoring system means the total equipment 
    that may be required to meet the data acquisition and availability 
    requirements of this subpart, used to sample, condition (if 
    applicable), analyze, and provide a record of process or control system 
        Horizontal stud Soderberg (HSS) process means a method of primary 
    aluminum reduction using the Soderberg process in which the electrical 
    current is introduced to the anode by steel rods (studs) inserted into 
    the side of a monolithic anode.
        Modified potroom group means an existing potroom group to which any 
    physical change in, or change in the method of operation of, results in 
    an increase in the amount of total fluoride emitted into the atmosphere 
    by that potroom group.
        Paste production plant means the processes whereby calcined 
    petroleum coke, coal tar pitch (hard or liquid), and/or other materials 
    are mixed, transferred, and formed into briquettes or paste for 
    vertical stud Soderberg (VSS) and HSS processes or into green anodes 
    for a prebake process. This definition includes all operations from 
    initial mixing to final forming (i.e., briquettes, paste, green anodes) 
    within the paste plant, including conveyors and units managing heated 
    liquid pitch.
        Pitch storage tank means any fixed roof tank that is used to store 
    [[Page 52408]]
    pitch that is not part of the paste production plant.
        Polycyclic organic matter (POM) means organic matter extractable by 
    methylene chloride as determined by Method 315 in appendix A to this 
    part or by an approved alternative method.
        Potline means a single, discrete group of electrolytic reduction 
    cells electrically connected in series, in which alumina is reduced to 
    form aluminum.
        Potroom means a building unit that houses a group of electrolytic 
    cells in which aluminum is produced.
        Potroom group means an uncontrolled potroom, a potroom that is 
    controlled individually, or a group of potrooms or potroom segments 
    ducted to a common control system.
        Prebake process means a method of primary aluminum reduction that 
    uses an anode that was baked in an anode bake furnace, which is 
    introduced into the top of the reduction cell and consumed as part of 
    the reduction process.
        Primary aluminum reduction plant means any facility manufacturing 
    aluminum by electrolytic reduction.
        Primary control system means the equipment used to capture the 
    gases and particulate matter evacuated directly from the reduction cell 
    and the emission control device(s) used to remove pollutants prior to 
    discharge of the cleaned gas to the atmosphere. A roof scrubber is not 
    part of the primary control system.
        Primary emissions means the emissions discharged from the primary 
    control system.
        Reconstructed potroom group means an existing potroom group for 
    which the components are replaced to such an extent that the fixed 
    capital cost of the new components exceeds 50 percent of the fixed 
    capital cost that would be required to construct a comparable entirely 
    new potroom group, and for which it is technologically and economically 
    feasible to meet the applicable emission limits for total fluoride set 
    forth in this subpart.
        Reconstruction means the replacement of components of a source to 
    such an extent that:
        (1) All of the major components of the source are replaced (for 
    example, the major components of a potline include the raw material 
    handling system, reduction cells, superstructure, hooding, ductwork, 
    etc.); and
        (2) It is technologically and economically feasible for the 
    reconstructed source to meet the standards for new sources established 
    in this subpart.
        Roof monitor means that portion of the roof of a potroom building 
    where gases not captured at the cell exit from the potroom.
        Secondary emissions means the fugitive emissions that are not 
    captured and controlled by the primary control system and that escape 
    through the roof monitor or through roof scrubbers.
        Side-worked prebake (SWPB) process means a method of primary 
    aluminum reduction using the prebake process, in which the alumina is 
    added along the sides of the reduction cell.
        Soderberg process means a method of primary aluminum reduction in 
    which the anode paste mixture is baked in the reduction pot by the heat 
    resulting from the electrolytic process.
        Total fluorides (TF) means elemental fluorine and all fluoride 
    compounds as measured by Methods 13A or 13B in appendix A to part 60 of 
    this chapter or by an approved alternative method.
        Vertical stud Soderberg (VSS) process means a method of primary 
    aluminum reduction using the Soderberg process, in which the electrical 
    current is introduced to the anode by steel rods (studs) inserted into 
    the top of a monolithic anode.
        Vertical stud Soderberg one (VSS1) means all existing vertical stud 
    Soderberg potlines located either at Northwest Aluminum in The Dalles, 
    Oregon, or at Goldendale Aluminum in Goldendale, Washington.
        Vertical stud Soderberg two (VSS2) means all existing vertical stud 
    Soderberg potlines located at Columbia Falls Aluminum in Columbia 
    Falls, Montana.
    Sec. 63.843  Emission limits for existing sources.
        (a) Potlines. The owner or operator shall not discharge or cause to 
    be discharged into the atmosphere any emissions of TF or POM in excess 
    of the applicable limits in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this 
        (1) TF limits. Emissions of TF shall not exceed:
        (i) 0.95 kg/Mg (1.9 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each CWPB1 
        (ii) 1.5 kg/Mg (3.0 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each CWPB2 
        (iii) 1.25 kg/Mg (2.5 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each CWPB3 
        (iv) 0.8 kg/Mg (1.6 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each SWPB 
        (v) 1.1 kg/Mg (2.2 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each VSS1 
        (vi) 1.35 kg/Mg (2.7 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each VSS2 
    potline; and
        (vii) 1.35 kg/Mg (2.7 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each HSS 
        (2) POM limits. Emissions of POM shall not exceed:
        (i) 2.35 kg/Mg (4.7 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each HSS 
        (ii) 1.2 kg/Mg (2.4 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each VSS1 
    potline; and
        (iii) 1.8 kg/Mg (3.6 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each VSS2 
        (3) Change in subcategory. Any potline, other than a reconstructed 
    potline, that is changed such that its applicable subcategory also 
    changes shall meet the applicable emission limit in this subpart for 
    the original subcategory or the new subcategory, whichever is more 
        (b) Paste production plants. The owner or operator shall install, 
    operate, and maintain equipment to capture and control POM emissions 
    from each paste production plant.
        (1) The emission capture system shall be installed and operated to 
    meet the generally accepted engineering standards for minimum exhaust 
    rates as published by the American Conference of Governmental 
    Industrial Hygienists in Chapters 3 and 5 of ``Industrial Ventilation: 
    A Handbook of Recommended Practice'' (incorporated by reference in 
    Sec. 63.841 of this part); and
        (2) Captured emissions shall be routed through a closed system to a 
    dry coke scrubber; or
        (3) The owner or operator may submit a written request for use of 
    an alternative control device to the applicable regulatory authority 
    for review and approval. The request shall contain information and data 
    demonstrating that the alternative control device achieves POM 
    emissions less than 0.011 lb/ton of paste for plants with continuous 
    mixers or POM emissions less than 0.024 lb/ton of paste for plants with 
    batch mixers. The POM emission rate shall be determined by sampling 
    using Method 315 in appendix A to this part.
        (c) Anode bake furnaces. The owner or operator shall not discharge 
    or cause to be discharged into the atmosphere any emissions of TF or 
    POM in excess of the limits in paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this 
        (1) TF limit. Emissions of TF shall not exceed 0.10 kg/Mg (0.20 lb/
    ton) of green anode; and
        (2) POM limit. Emissions of POM shall not exceed 0.09 kg/Mg (0.18 
    lb/ton) of green anode.
    [[Page 52409]]
    Sec. 63.844  Emission limits for new or reconstructed sources.
        (a) Potlines. The owner or operator shall not discharge or cause to 
    be discharged into the atmosphere any emissions of TF or POM in excess 
    of the limits in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section.
        (1) TF limit. Emissions of TF shall not exceed 0.6 kg/Mg (1.2 lb/
    ton) of aluminum produced; and
        (2) POM limit. Emissions of POM from Soderberg potlines shall not 
    exceed 0.32 kg/Mg (0.63 lb/ton) of aluminum produced.
        (b) Paste production plants. The owner or operator shall meet the 
    requirements in Sec. 63.843(b) for existing paste production plants.
        (c) Anode bake furnaces. The owner or operator shall not discharge 
    or cause to be discharged into the atmosphere any emissions of TF or 
    POM in excess of the limits in paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this 
        (1) TF limit. Emissions of TF shall not exceed 0.01 kg/Mg (0.02 lb/
    ton) of green anode; and
        (2) POM limit. Emissions of POM shall not exceed 0.025 kg/Mg (0.05 
    lb/ton) of green anode.
        (d) Pitch storage tanks. Each pitch storage tank shall be equipped 
    with an emission control system designed and operated to reduce inlet 
    emissions of POM by 95 percent or greater.
    Sec. 63.845  Incorporation of new source performance standards for 
    potroom groups.
        (a) Applicability. The provisions in paragraphs (a) through (i) of 
    this section shall apply to any Soderberg, CWPB2, and CWPB3 potline 
    that adds a new potroom group to an existing potline or that is 
    associated with a potroom group that meets the definition of ``modified 
    potroom group'' or ``reconstructed potroom group.''
        (1) The following shall not, by themselves, be considered to result 
    in a potroom group modification:
        (i) Maintenance, repair, and replacement that the applicable 
    regulatory authority determines to be routine for the potroom group;
        (ii) An increase in production rate of an existing potroom group, 
    if that increase can be accomplished without a capital expenditure on 
    that potroom group;
        (iii) An increase in the hours of operation;
        (iv) Use of an alternative fuel or raw material if, prior to the 
    effective date of this subpart, the existing potroom group was designed 
    to accommodate that alternative use;
        (v) The addition or use of any system or device whose primary 
    function is the reduction of air pollutants, except when an emission 
    control system is removed or is replaced by a system that the 
    applicable regulatory authority determines to be less environmentally 
    beneficial; and
        (vi) The relocation or change in ownership of an existing potroom 
        (2) The provisions in paragraphs (a)(2)(i) through (a)(2)(iv) of 
    this section apply when the applicable regulatory authority must 
    determine if a potroom group meets the definition of reconstructed 
    potroom group.
        (i) ``Fixed capital cost'' means the capital needed to provide all 
    the depreciable components.
        (ii) If an owner or operator of an existing potroom group proposes 
    to replace components, and the fixed capital cost of the new components 
    exceeds 50 percent of the fixed capital cost that would be required to 
    construct a comparable entirely new potroom group, he/she shall notify 
    the applicable regulatory authority of the proposed replacements. The 
    notice must be postmarked 60 days (or as soon as practicable) before 
    construction of the replacements is commenced and must include the 
    following information:
        (A) Name and address of the owner or operator;
        (B) The location of the existing potroom group;
        (C) A brief description of the existing potroom group and the 
    components that are to be replaced;
        (D) A description of the existing air pollution control equipment 
    and the proposed air pollution control equipment;
        (E) An estimate of the fixed capital cost of the replacements and 
    of constructing a comparable entirely new potroom group;
        (F) The estimated life of the existing potroom group after the 
    replacements; and
        (G) A discussion of any economic or technical limitations the 
    potroom group may have in complying with the applicable standards of 
    performance after the proposed replacements.
        (iii) The applicable regulatory authority will determine, within 30 
    days of the receipt of the notice required by paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of 
    this section and any additional information he/she may reasonably 
    require, whether the proposed replacement constitutes a reconstructed 
    potroom group.
        (iv) The applicable regulatory authority's determination under 
    paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section shall be based on:
        (A) The fixed capital cost of the replacements in comparison to the 
    fixed capital cost that would be required to construct a comparable 
    entirely new potroom group;
        (B) The estimated life of the potroom group after the replacements 
    compared to the life of a comparable entirely new potroom group;
        (C) The extent to which the components being replaced cause or 
    contribute to the emissions from the potroom group; and
        (D) Any economic or technical limitations on compliance with 
    applicable standards of performance that are inherent in the proposed 
        (b) Lower TF emission limit. The owner or operator shall calculate 
    a lower TF emission limit for any potline associated with the modified 
    potroom group, reconstructed potroom group, or new potroom group using 
    the following equation:
    L1=f1  x  LPG1 + (1-f1)  x  
    L1=the lower TF emission limit in kg/Mg (lb/ton);
    f1=the fraction of the potline's total aluminum production 
    capacity that is contained within all modified potroom groups, 
    reconstructed potroom groups, and new potroom groups;
    LPG1=0.95 kg/Mg (1.9 lb/ton) for prebake potlines and 1.0 
    kg/Mg (2.0 lb/ton) for Soderberg potlines; and
    LPL=the TF emission limit from Sec. 63.843(a)(1) for the 
    appropriate potline subcategory that would have otherwise applied to 
    the potline.
        (c) Upper TF emission limit. The owner or operator shall calculate 
    an upper TF emission limit for any potline associated with the modified 
    potroom group, reconstructed potroom group, or new potroom group using 
    the following equation:
    L2=f1  x  LPG2 + (1-f1)  x  
    L2=the upper TF emission limit in kg/Mg (lb/ton); and
    LPG2=1.25 kg/Mg (2.5 lb/ton) for prebake potlines and 1.3 
    kg/Mg (2.6 lb/ton) for Soderberg potlines.
        (d) Recalculation. The TF emission limits in paragraphs (b) and (c) 
    of this section shall be recalculated each time a new potroom group is 
    added to the potline and each time an additional potroom group meets 
    the definition of ``modified potroom group'' or ``reconstructed potroom 
        (e) Emission limitation. The owner or operator shall not discharge 
    or cause to be discharged into the atmosphere emissions of TF from any 
    [[Page 52410]]
    associated with the modified potroom group, reconstructed potroom 
    group, or new potroom group that exceed the lower emission limit 
    calculated in paragraph (b) of this section, except that emissions less 
    than the upper limit calculated in paragraph (c) of this section will 
    be considered in compliance if the owner or operator demonstrates that 
    exemplary operation and maintenance procedures were used with respect 
    to the emission control system and that proper control equipment was 
    operating at the potline during the performance test.
        (f) Report. Within 30 days of any performance test that reveals 
    emissions that fall between the lower limit calculated in paragraph (b) 
    of this section and the upper limit calculated in paragraph (c) of this 
    section, the owner or operator shall submit to the applicable 
    regulatory authority a report indicating whether all necessary control 
    devices were online and operating properly during the performance test, 
    describing the operating and maintenance procedures followed, and 
    setting forth any explanation for the excess emissions.
        (g) Procedures to determine TF emissions. The owner or operator 
    shall determine TF emissions for the potline using the following 
        (1) Determine the emission rate of TF in kg/Mg (lb/ton) from 
    sampling secondary emissions and the primary control system for all new 
    potroom groups, modified potroom groups, and reconstructed potroom 
    groups using the procedures, equations, and test methods in 
    Secs. 63.847, 63.848, and 63.849.
        (2) Determine the emission rate of TF in kg/Mg (lb/ton) from 
    sampling secondary emissions and the primary control system for potroom 
    groups or sections of potroom groups within the potline that are not 
    new potroom groups, modified potroom groups, or reconstructed potroom 
    groups according to paragraphs (g)(2)(i) or (g)(2)(ii) of this section.
        (i) Determine the mass emission rate of TF in kg/Mg (lb/ton) from 
    at least one potroom group within the potline that is not a new potroom 
    group, modified potroom group, or reconstructed potroom group using the 
    procedures, equations, and test methods in Secs. 63.847, 63.848, and 
    63.849, or
        (ii) Use the results of the testing required by paragraph (g)(1) of 
    this section to represent the entire potline based on a demonstration 
    that the results are representative of the entire potline. 
    Representativeness shall be based on showing that all of the potroom 
    groups associated with the potline are substantially equivalent in 
    terms of their structure, operability, type of emissions, volume of 
    emissions, and concentration of emissions.
        (3) Calculate the TF emissions for the potline in kg/Mg (lb/ton) 
    based on the production-weighted average of the TF emission rates from 
    paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this section using the following 
    E=f1  x  EPG1 + (1-f1) x 
    E=the TF emission rate for the entire potline, kg/Mg (lb/ton);
    f1=the fraction of the potline's total aluminum production 
    rate that is contained within all modified potroom groups, 
    reconstructed potroom groups, and new potroom groups;
    EPG1=the TF emission rate from paragraph (g)(1) of this 
    section for all modified potroom groups, reconstructed potroom groups, 
    and new potroom groups, kg/Mg (lb/ton); and
    EPL=the TF emission rate for the balance of the potline from 
    paragraph (g)(2) of this section, kg/Mg (lb/ton).
        Compliance is demonstrated when TF emissions for the potline meet 
    the requirements in paragraph (e) of this section.
        (4) As an alternative to sampling as required in paragraphs (g)(1) 
    and (g)(2) of this section, the owner or operator may perform 
    representative sampling of the entire potline subject to the approval 
    of the applicable regulatory authority. Such sampling shall provide 
    coverage by the sampling equipment of both the new, modified, or 
    reconstructed potroom group and the balance of the potline. The 
    coverage for the new, modified, or reconstructed potroom group must 
    meet the criteria specified in the reference methods in Sec. 63.849. TF 
    emissions shall be determined for the potline using the procedures, 
    equations, and test methods in Secs. 63.847, 63.848, and 63.849. 
    Compliance is demonstrated when TF emissions for the potline meet the 
    requirements in paragraph (e) of this section.
        (h) Opacity. Except as provided in paragraph (i) of this section, 
    the owner or operator shall not discharge or cause to be discharged 
    into the atmosphere from the modified potroom group, reconstructed 
    potroom group, or new potroom group any emissions of gases that exhibit 
    10 percent opacity or greater.
        (i) Alternative opacity limit. An alternative opacity limit may be 
    established in place of the opacity limit in paragraph (h) of this 
    section using the following procedures:
        (1) If the regulatory authority finds that a potline is in 
    compliance with the applicable TF standard for which performance tests 
    are conducted in accordance with the methods and procedures in 
    Sec. 63.849 but during the time such performance tests are being 
    conducted fails to meet any applicable opacity standard, the regulatory 
    authority shall notify and advise the owner or operator that he/she may 
    petition the regulatory authority within 10 days of receipt of 
    notification to make appropriate adjustment to the opacity standard.
        (2) The regulatory authority will grant such a petition upon a 
    demonstration by the owner or operator that the potroom group and 
    associated air pollution control equipment were operated and maintained 
    in a manner to minimize the opacity of emissions during the performance 
    tests; that the performance tests were performed under the conditions 
    established by the regulatory authority; and that the potroom group and 
    associated air pollution control equipment were incapable of being 
    adjusted or operated to meet the applicable opacity standard.
        (3) As indicated by the performance and opacity tests, the 
    regulatory authority will establish an opacity standard for any potroom 
    group meeting the requirements in paragraphs (i)(1) and (i)(2) of this 
    section such that the opacity standard could be met by the potroom 
    group at all times during which the potline is meeting the TF emission 
        (4) The alternative opacity limit established in paragraph (i)(3) 
    of this section shall not be greater than 20 percent opacity.
    Sec. 63.846  Emission averaging.
        (a) General. The owner or operator of an existing potline or anode 
    bake furnace in a State that does not choose to exclude emission 
    averaging in the approved operating permit program may demonstrate 
    compliance by emission averaging according to the procedures in this 
        (b) Potlines. The owner or operator may average TF emissions from 
    potlines and demonstrate compliance with the limits in Table 1 of this 
    subpart using the procedures in paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this 
    section. The owner or operator also may average POM emissions from 
    potlines and demonstrate compliance with the limits in Table 2 of this 
    subpart using the procedures in paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(3) of this 
        (1) Monthly average emissions of TF and/or quarterly average 
    emissions of POM shall not exceed the applicable
    [[Page 52411]]
    emission limit in Table 1 of this subpart (for TF emissions) and/or 
    Table 2 of this subpart (for POM emissions). The emission rate shall be 
    calculated based on the total emissions from all potlines over the 
    period divided by the quantity of aluminum produced during the period, 
    from all potlines comprising the averaging group.
        (2) To determine compliance with the applicable emission limit in 
    Table 1 of this subpart for TF emissions, the owner or operator shall 
    determine the monthly average emissions (in lb/ton) from each potline 
    from at least three runs per potline each month for TF secondary 
    emissions using the procedures and methods in Secs. 63.847 and 63.849. 
    The owner or operator shall combine the results of secondary TF monthly 
    average emissions with the TF results for the primary control system 
    and divide total emissions by total aluminum production.
        (3) To determine compliance with the applicable emission limit in 
    Table 2 of this subpart for POM emissions, the owner or operator shall 
    determine the quarterly average emissions (in lb/ton) from each potline 
    from at least one run each month for POM emissions using the procedures 
    and methods in Secs. 63.847 and 63.849. The owner or operator shall 
    combine the results of secondary POM quarterly average emissions with 
    the POM results for the primary control system and divide total 
    emissions by total aluminum production.
        (c) Anode bake furnaces. The owner or operator may average TF 
    emissions from anode bake furnaces and demonstrate compliance with the 
    limits in Table 3 of this subpart using the procedures in paragraphs 
    (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section. The owner or operator also may 
    average POM emissions from anode bake furnaces and demonstrate 
    compliance with the limits in Table 3 of this subpart using the 
    procedures in paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section.
        (1) Annual emissions of TF and/or POM from a given number of anode 
    bake furnaces making up each averaging group shall not exceed the 
    applicable emission limit in Table 3 of this subpart in any one year; 
        (2) To determine compliance with the applicable emission limit in 
    Table 3 of this subpart for anode bake furnaces, the owner or operator 
    shall determine TF and/or POM emissions from the control device for 
    each furnace at least once a year using the procedures and methods in 
    Secs. 63.847 and 63.849.
        (d) Implementation plan. The owner or operator shall develop and 
    submit an implementation plan for emission averaging to the applicable 
    regulatory authority for review and approval according to the following 
    procedures and requirements:
        (1) Deadlines. The owner or operator must submit the implementation 
    plan no later than 6 months before the date that the facility intends 
    to comply with the emission averaging limits.
        (2) Contents. The owner or operator shall include the following 
    information in the implementation plan or in the application for an 
    operating permit for all emission sources to be included in an 
    emissions average:
        (i) The identification of all emission sources (potlines or anode 
    bake furnaces) in the average;
        (ii) The assigned TF or POM emission limit for each averaging group 
    of potlines or anode bake furnaces;
        (iii) The specific control technology or pollution prevention 
    measure to be used for each emission source in the averaging group and 
    the date of its installation or application. If the pollution 
    prevention measure reduces or eliminates emissions from multiple 
    sources, the owner or operator must identify each source;
        (iv) The test plan for the measurement of TF or POM emissions in 
    accordance with the requirements in Sec. 63.847(b);
        (v) The operating parameters to be monitored for each control 
    system or device and a description of how the operating limits will be 
        (vi) If the owner or operator requests to monitor an alternative 
    operating parameter pursuant to Sec. 63.848(l):
        (A) A description of the parameter(s) to be monitored and an 
    explanation of the criteria used to select the parameter(s); and
        (B) A description of the methods and procedures that will be used 
    to demonstrate that the parameter indicates proper operation of the 
    control device; the frequency and content of monitoring, reporting, and 
    recordkeeping requirements; and a demonstration, to the satisfaction of 
    the applicable regulatory authority, that the proposed monitoring 
    frequency is sufficient to represent control device operating 
    conditions; and
        (vii) A demonstration that compliance with each of the applicable 
    emission limit(s) will be achieved under representative operating 
        (3) Approval criteria. Upon receipt, the regulatory authority shall 
    review and approve or disapprove the plan or permit application 
    according to the following criteria:
        (i) Whether the content of the plan includes all of the information 
    specified in paragraph (d)(2) of this section; and
        (ii) Whether the plan or permit application presents sufficient 
    information to determine that compliance will be achieved and 
        (4) Prohibitions. The applicable regulatory authority shall not 
    approve an implementation plan or permit application containing any of 
    the following provisions:
        (i) Any averaging between emissions of differing pollutants or 
    between differing sources. Emission averaging shall not be allowed 
    between TF and POM, and emission averaging shall not be allowed between 
    potlines and bake furnaces;
        (ii) The inclusion of any emission source other than an existing 
    potline or existing anode bake furnace or the inclusion of any potline 
    or anode bake plant not subject to the same operating permit;
        (iii) The inclusion of any potline or anode bake furnace while it 
    is shut down; or
        (iv) The inclusion of any periods of startup, shutdown, or 
    malfunction, as described in the startup, shutdown, and malfunction 
    plan required by Sec. 63.850(c), in the emission calculations.
        (5) Term. Following review, the applicable regulatory authority 
    shall approve the plan or permit application, request changes, or 
    request additional information. Once the applicable regulatory 
    authority receives any additional information requested, the applicable 
    regulatory authority shall approve or disapprove the plan or permit 
    application within 120 days.
        (i) The applicable regulatory authority shall approve the plan for 
    the term of the operating permit;
        (ii) To revise the plan prior to the end of the permit term, the 
    owner or operator shall submit a request to the applicable regulatory 
    authority; and
        (iii) The owner or operator may submit a request to the applicable 
    regulatory authority to implement emission averaging after the 
    applicable compliance date.
        (6) Operation. While operating under an approved implementation 
    plan, the owner or operator shall monitor the operating parameters of 
    each control system, keep records, and submit periodic reports as 
    required for each source subject to this subpart.
    Sec. 63.847  Compliance provisions.
        (a) Compliance dates. The owner or operator of a primary aluminum 
    plant shall demonstrate initial compliance with the requirements of 
    this subpart by:
        (1) October 7, 1999, for an owner or operator of an existing plant 
    or source;
    [[Page 52412]]
        (2) October 9, 2000, for an existing source, provided the owner or 
    operator demonstrates to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory 
    authority that additional time is needed to install or modify the 
    emission control equipment;
        (3) October 8, 2001, for an existing source that is granted an 
    extension by the regulatory authority under section 112(i)(3)(B) of the 
    Act; or
        (4) Upon startup, for an owner or operator of a new or 
    reconstructed source.
        (b) Test plan. The owner or operator shall prepare a site-specific 
    test plan prior to the initial performance test according to the 
    requirements of Sec. 63.7(c) of this part. The test plan must include 
    procedures for conducting the initial performance test and for 
    subsequent performance tests required in Sec. 63.848 for emission 
    monitoring. In addition to the information required by Sec. 63.7, the 
    test plan shall include:
        (1) Procedures to ensure a minimum of three runs are performed 
    annually for the primary control system for each source;
        (2) For a source with a single control device exhausted through 
    multiple stacks, procedures to ensure that at least three runs are 
    performed annually by a representative sample of the stacks 
    satisfactory to the applicable regulatory authority;
        (3) For multiple control devices on a single source, procedures to 
    ensure that at least one run is performed annually for each control 
    device by a representative sample of the stacks satisfactory to the 
    applicable regulatory authority;
        (4) Procedures for sampling single stacks associated with multiple 
    anode bake furnaces;
        (5) For plants with roof scrubbers, procedures for rotating 
    sampling among the scrubbers or other procedures to obtain 
    representative samples as approved by the applicable regulatory 
        (6) For a VSS1 potline, procedures to ensure that one fan (or one 
    scrubber) per potline is sampled for each run;
        (7) For a SWPB potline, procedures to ensure that the average of 
    the sampling results for two fans (or two scrubbers) per potline is 
    used for each run; and
        (8) Procedures for establishing the frequency of testing to ensure 
    that at least one run is performed before the 15th of the month, at 
    least one run is performed after the 15th of the month, and that there 
    are at least 6 days between two of the runs during the month, or that 
    secondary emissions are measured according to an alternate schedule 
    satisfactory to the applicable regulatory authority.
        (c) Initial performance test. Following approval of the site-
    specific test plan, the owner or operator shall conduct an initial 
    performance test during the first month following the compliance date 
    in accordance with the procedures in paragraph (d) of this section. If 
    a performance test has been conducted on the primary control system for 
    potlines or for the anode bake furnace within the 12 months prior to 
    the compliance date, the results of that performance test may be used 
    to determine initial compliance.
        (d) Performance test requirements. The initial performance test and 
    all subsequent performance tests shall be conducted in accordance with 
    the requirements of the general provisions in subpart A of this part, 
    the approved test plan, and the procedures in this section.
        (1) TF emissions from potlines. For each potline, the owner or 
    operator shall measure and record the emission rate of TF exiting the 
    outlet of the primary control system for each potline and the rate of 
    secondary emissions exiting through each roof monitor, or for a plant 
    with roof scrubbers, exiting through the scrubbers. Using the equation 
    in paragraph (e)(1) of this section, the owner or operator shall 
    compute and record the average of at least three runs each month for 
    secondary emissions and at least three runs each year for the primary 
    control system to determine compliance with the applicable emission 
    limit. Compliance is demonstrated when the emission rate of TF is equal 
    to or less than the applicable emission limit in Secs. 63.843, 63.844, 
    or 63.846.
        (2) POM emissions from Soderberg potlines. For each Soderberg (HSS, 
    VSS1, and VSS2) potline, the owner or operator shall measure and record 
    the emission rate of POM exiting the primary emission control system 
    and the rate of secondary emissions exiting through each roof monitor, 
    or for a plant with roof scrubbers, exiting through the scrubbers. 
    Using the equation in paragraph (e)(2) of this section, the owner or 
    operator shall compute and record the average of at least three runs 
    each quarter (one run per month) for secondary emissions and at least 
    three runs each year for the primary control system to determine 
    compliance with the applicable emission limit. Compliance is 
    demonstrated when the emission rate of POM is equal to or less than the 
    applicable emission limit in Secs. 63.843, 63.844, or 63.846.
        (3) Previous control device tests. If the owner or operator has 
    performed more than one test of primary emission control device(s) for 
    a potline or for a bake furnace during the previous consecutive 12 
    months, the average of all runs performed in the previous 12-month 
    period shall be used to determine the contribution from the primary 
    emission control system.
        (4) TF and POM emissions from anode bake furnaces. For each anode 
    bake furnace, the owner or operator shall measure and record the 
    emission rate of TF and POM exiting the exhaust stacks(s) of the 
    primary emission control system for each anode bake furnace. Using the 
    equations in paragraphs (e)(3) and (e)(4) of this section, the owner or 
    operator shall compute and record the average of at least three runs 
    each year to determine compliance with the applicable emission limits 
    for TF and POM. Compliance is demonstrated when the emission rates of 
    TF and POM are equal to or less than the applicable TF and POM emission 
    limits in Secs. 63.843, 63.844, or 63.846.
        (e) Equations. The owner or operator shall determine compliance 
    with the applicable TF and POM emission limits using the following 
    equations and procedures:
        (1) Compute the emission rate (Ep) of TF from each 
    potline using Equation 1:
    Ep=emission rate of TF from a potline, kg/Mg (lb/ton);
    Cs1=concentration of TF from the primary control system, mg/
    dscm (mg/dscf);
    Qsd=volumetric flow rate of effluent gas corresponding to 
    the appropriate subscript location, dscm/hr (dscf/hr);
    Cs2=concentration of TF as measured for roof monitor 
    emissions, mg/dscm (mg/dscf);
    [[Page 52413]]
    P=aluminum production rate, Mg/hr (ton/hr);
    K=conversion factor, 10\6\ mg/kg (453,600 mg/lb);
    1 = subscript for primary control system effluent gas; and
    2 = subscript for secondary control system or roof monitor 
    effluent gas.
        (2) Compute the emission rate of POM from each potline using 
    Equation 1,
    Ep = emission rate of POM from the potline, kg/mg (lb/ton); 
    Cs = concentration of POM, mg/dscm (mg/dscf). POM emission 
    data collected during the installation and startup of a cathode shall 
    not be included in Cs.
        (3) Compute the emission rate (Eb) of TF from each anode 
    bake furnace using Equation 2,
    Eb = emission rate of TF, kg/mg (lb/ton) of green anodes 
    Cs = concentration of TF, mg/dscm (mg/dscf);
    Qsd = volumetric flow rate of effluent gas, dscm/hr (dscf/
    Pb = quantity of green anode material placed in the furnace, 
    mg/hr (ton/hr); and
    K = conversion factor, 10\6\ mg/kg (453,600 mg/lb).
        (4) Compute the emission rate of POM from each anode bake furnace 
    using Equation 2,
    Cs = concentration of POM, mg/dscm (mg/dscf).
        (5) Determine the weight of the aluminum tapped from the potline 
    and the weight of the green anode material placed in the anode bake 
    furnace using the monitoring devices required in Sec. 63.848(j).
        (6) Determine the aluminum production rate (P) by dividing the 
    number of hours in the calendar month into the weight of aluminum 
    tapped from the potline during the calendar month that includes the 
    three runs of a performance test.
        (7) Determine the rate of green anode material introduced into the 
    furnace by dividing the number of operating hours in the calendar month 
    into the weight of green anode material used during the calendar month 
    in which the performance test was conducted.
        (f) Paste production plants. Initial compliance with the standards 
    for existing and new paste production plants in Secs. 63.843(b) and 
    63.844(b) will be demonstrated through site inspection(s) and review of 
    site records by the applicable regulatory authority.
        (g) Pitch storage tanks. The owner or operator shall demonstrate 
    initial compliance with the standard for pitch storage tanks in 
    Sec. 63.844(d) by preparing a design evaluation or by conducting a 
    performance test. The owner or operator shall submit for approval by 
    the regulatory authority the information specified in paragraph (g)(1) 
    of this section, along with the information specified in paragraph 
    (g)(2) of this section where a design evaluation is performed or the 
    information specified in paragraph (g)(3) of this section where a 
    performance test is conducted.
        (1) A description of the parameters to be monitored to ensure that 
    the control device is being properly operated and maintained, an 
    explanation of the criteria used for selection of that parameter (or 
    parameters), and the frequency with which monitoring will be performed; 
        (2) Where a design evaluation is performed, documentation 
    demonstrating that the control device used achieves the required 
    control efficiency during reasonably expected maximum filling rate. The 
    documentation shall include a description of the gas stream that enters 
    the control device, including flow and POM content under varying liquid 
    level conditions, and the information specified in paragraphs (g)(2)(i) 
    through (g)(2)(vi) of this section, as applicable.
        (i) If the control device receives vapors, gases, or liquids, other 
    than fuels, from emission points other than pitch storage tanks, the 
    efficiency demonstration is to include consideration of all vapors, 
    gases, and liquids, other than fuels, received by the control device;
        (ii) If an enclosed combustion device with a minimum residence time 
    of 0.5 seconds and a minimum temperature of 760 deg.C (1,400 deg.F) is 
    used to meet the emission reduction requirement specified in 
    Sec. 83.844(d), documentation that those conditions exist is sufficient 
    to meet the requirements of Sec. 83.844(d);
        (iii) Except as provided in paragraph (g)(2)(ii) of this section, 
    for thermal incinerators, the design evaluation shall include the 
    autoignition temperature of the organic HAP, the flow rate of the 
    organic HAP emission stream, the combustion temperature, and the 
    residence time at the combustion temperature;
        (iv) If the pitch storage tank is vented to the emission control 
    system installed for control of emissions from the paste production 
    plant pursuant to Sec. 63.843(b), documentation of compliance with the 
    requirements of Sec. 63.843(b) is sufficient to meet the requirements 
    of Sec. 63.844(d);
        (v) For carbon adsorbers, the design evaluation shall include the 
    affinity of the organic vapors for carbon, the amount of carbon in each 
    bed, the number of beds, the humidity of the feed gases, the 
    temperature of the feed gases, the flow rate of the organic HAP 
    emission stream, and if applicable, the desorption schedule, the 
    regeneration stream pressure or temperature, and the flow rate of the 
    regeneration stream. For vacuum desorption, the pressure drop shall be 
    included; and
        (vi) For condensers, the design evaluation shall include the final 
    temperature of the organic HAP vapors, the type of condenser, and the 
    design flow rate of the organic HAP emission stream.
        (3) If a performance test is conducted, the owner or operator shall 
    determine the control efficiency for POM during tank loading using 
    Method 315 in appendix A to this part. The owner or operator shall 
    include the following information:
        (i) Identification of the pitch storage tank and control device for 
    which the performance test will be submitted; and
        (ii) Identification of the emission point(s) that share the control 
    device with the pitch storage tank and for which the performance test 
    will be conducted.
        (h) Selection of monitoring parameters. The owner or operator shall 
    determine the operating limits and monitoring frequency for each 
    control device that is to be monitored as required in Sec. 63.848(f).
        (1) For potlines and anode bake furnaces, the owner or operator 
    shall determine upper and/or lower operating limits, as appropriate, 
    for each monitoring device for the emission control system from the 
    values recorded during each of the runs performed during the initial 
    performance test and from historical data from previous performance 
    tests conducted by the methods specified in this subpart.
        (2) For a paste production plant, the owner or operator shall 
    specify and provide the basis or rationale for selecting parameters to 
    be monitored and the associated operating limits for the emission 
    control device.
        (3) The owner or operator may redetermine the upper and/or lower 
    operating limits, as appropriate, based on historical data or other 
    information and submit an application to the applicable regulatory 
    authority to change the applicable limit(s). The redetermined limits 
    shall become
    [[Page 52414]]
    effective upon approval by the applicable regulatory authority.
    Sec. 63.848  Emission monitoring requirements.
        (a) TF emissions from potlines. Using the procedures in Sec. 63.847 
    and in the approved test plan, the owner or operator shall monitor 
    emissions of TF from each potline by conducting monthly performance 
    tests. The owner or operator shall compute and record the monthly 
    average from at least three runs for secondary emissions and the 
    previous 12-month average of all runs for the primary control system to 
    determine compliance with the applicable emission limit. The owner or 
    operator must include all valid runs in the monthly average. The 
    duration of each run for secondary emissions must represent a complete 
    operating cycle.
        (b) POM emissions from Soderberg potlines. Using the procedures in 
    Sec. 63.847 and in the approved test plan, the owner or operator shall 
    monitor emissions of POM from each Soderberg (HSS, VSS1, and VSS2) 
    potline every three months. The owner or operator shall compute and 
    record the quarterly (3-month) average from at least one run per month 
    for secondary emissions and the previous 12-month average of all runs 
    for the primary control systems to determine compliance with the 
    applicable emission limit. The owner or operator must include all valid 
    runs in the quarterly (3-month) average. The duration of each run for 
    secondary emissions must represent a complete operating cycle. The 
    primary control system must be sampled over an 8-hour period, unless 
    site-specific factors dictate an alternative sampling time subject to 
    the approval of the regulatory authority.
        (c) TF and POM emissions from anode bake furnaces. Using the 
    procedures in Sec. 63.847 and in the approved test plan, the owner or 
    operator shall monitor TF and POM emissions from each anode bake 
    furnace on an annual basis. The owner or operator shall compute and 
    record the annual average of TF and POM emissions from at least three 
    runs to determine compliance with the applicable emission limits. The 
    owner or operator must include all valid runs in the annual average.
        (d) Similar potlines. As an alternative to monthly monitoring of TF 
    or POM secondary emissions from each potline using the test methods in 
    Sec. 63.849, the owner or operator may perform monthly monitoring of TF 
    or POM secondary emissions from one potline using the test methods in 
    Secs. 63.849 (a) or (b) to represent the performance of similar 
    potline(s). The similar potline(s) shall be monitored using an 
    alternative method that meets the requirements of paragraphs (d)(1) 
    through (d)(7) of this section. Two or more potlines are similar if the 
    owner or operator demonstrates that their structure, operability, type 
    of emissions, volume of emissions, and concentration of emissions are 
    substantially equivalent.
        (1) To demonstrate (to the satisfaction of the regulatory 
    authority) that the level of emission control performance is the same 
    or better, the owner or operator shall perform an emission test using 
    an alternative monitoring procedure for the similar potline 
    simultaneously with an emission test using the applicable test methods. 
    The results of the emission test using the applicable test methods must 
    be in compliance with the applicable emission limit for existing or new 
    potlines in Secs. 63.843 or 63.844. An alternative method:
        (i) For TF emissions, must account for or include gaseous fluoride 
    and cannot be based on measurement of particulate matter or particulate 
    fluoride alone; and
        (ii) For TF and POM emissions, must meet or exceed Method 14 
        (2) An HF continuous emission monitoring system is an approved 
    alternative for the monitoring of TF secondary emissions.
        (3) An owner or operator electing to use an alternative monitoring 
    procedure shall establish an alternative emission limit based on at 
    least nine simultaneous runs using the applicable test methods and the 
    alternative monitoring method. All runs must represent a full process 
        (4) The owner or operator shall derive an alternative emission 
    limit for the HF continuous emission monitor or an alternative method 
    using either of the following procedures:
        (i) Use the highest value from the alternative method associated 
    with a simultaneous run by the applicable test method that does not 
    exceed the applicable emission limit; or
        (ii) Correlate the results of the two methods (the applicable test 
    method results and the alternative monitoring method results) and 
    establish an emission limit for the alternative monitoring system that 
    corresponds to the applicable emission limit.
        (5) The owner or operator shall submit the results required in 
    paragraph (d)(4) of this section and all supporting documentation to 
    the applicable regulatory authority for review and approval.
        (6) The regulatory authority shall review and approve or disapprove 
    the request for an alternative method and alternative emission limit. 
    The criterion for approval shall be a demonstration (to the 
    satisfaction of the regulatory authority) that the alternative method 
    and alternative emission limit achieve a level of emission control that 
    is the same as or better than the level that would have otherwise been 
    achieved by the applicable method and emission limit.
        (7) If the alternative method is approved by the applicable 
    regulatory authority, the owner or operator shall perform monthly 
    emission monitoring using the approved alternative monitoring procedure 
    to demonstrate compliance with the alternative emission limit for each 
    similar potline.
        (e) Reduced sampling frequency. The owner or operator may submit a 
    written request to the applicable regulatory authority to establish an 
    alternative testing requirement to reduce the sampling of secondary TF 
    emissions from potlines from monthly to quarterly.
        (1) In the request, the owner or operator shall provide information 
    and data demonstrating, to the satisfaction of the applicable 
    regulatory authority, that secondary emissions of TF from potlines have 
    low variability during normal operations using the procedures in 
    paragraphs (e)(1)(i) or (e)(1)(ii) of this section.
        (i) Submit data from 24 consecutive months of sampling that show 
    the average TF emissions are less than 60 percent of the applicable 
    limit and that no monthly performance test in the 24 months of sampling 
    exceeds 75 percent of the applicable limit; or
        (ii) Submit data and a statistical analysis that the regulatory 
    authority may evaluate based on the approach used in ``Primary 
    Aluminum: Statistical Analysis of Potline Fluoride Emissions and 
    Alternative Sampling Frequency'' (EPA-450-86-012, October 1986), which 
    is available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 
    5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.
        (2) An approved alternative requirement must include a test 
    schedule and the method to be used to measure emissions for performance 
        (3) The owner or operator of a plant that has received approval of 
    an alternative sampling frequency under Sec. 60.194 of this chapter is 
    deemed to have approval of the alternative sampling frequency under 
    this subpart.
        (4) If emissions in excess of the applicable TF limit occur while 
    performing quarterly sampling approved under paragraph (e)(1)(i) of 
    this section, the owner or operator shall return to monthly sampling 
    for at least 12 months and may reduce to quarterly sampling when:
    [[Page 52415]]
        (i) The average of all tests performed over the most recent 24-
    month period does not exceed 60 percent of the applicable limit, and
        (ii) No more than one monthly performance test in the most recent 
    24-month period exceeds 75 percent of the applicable limit.
        (5) If emissions in excess of the applicable TF limit occur while 
    performing quarterly sampling approved under paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of 
    this section, the owner or operator shall immediately return to the 
    monthly sampling schedule required by paragraph (a) of this section 
    until another request for an alternative sampling frequency is approved 
    by the applicable regulatory authority.
        (f) Monitoring parameters for emission control devices. The owner 
    or operator shall install, operate, calibrate, and maintain a 
    continuous parameter monitoring system for each emission control 
    device. The owner or operator shall submit for approval by the 
    regulatory authority a description of the parameter(s) to be monitored, 
    the operating limits, and the monitoring frequency to ensure that the 
    control device is being properly operated and maintained. An 
    explanation of the criteria used for selection of the parameter(s), the 
    operating limits, and the monitoring frequency, including how these 
    relate to emission control also shall be submitted to the regulatory 
    authority. Except as provided in paragraph (l) of this section, the 
    following monitoring devices shall be installed:
        (1) For dry alumina scrubbers, devices for the measurement of 
    alumina flow and air flow;
        (2) For dry coke scrubbers, devices for the measurement of coke 
    flow and air flow;
        (3) For wet scrubbers as the primary control system, devices for 
    the measurement of water flow and air flow;
        (4) For electrostatic precipitators, devices for the measurement of 
    voltage and secondary current; and
        (5) For wet roof scrubbers for secondary emission control:
        (i) A device for the measurement of total water flow; and
        (ii) The owner or operator shall inspect each control device at 
    least once each operating day to ensure the control device is operating 
    properly and record the results of each inspection.
        (g) Visible emissions. The owner or operator shall visually inspect 
    the exhaust stack(s) of each control device on a daily basis for 
    evidence of any visible emissions indicating abnormal operation.
        (h) Corrective action. If a monitoring device for a primary control 
    device measures an operating parameter outside the limit(s) established 
    pursuant to Sec. 63.847(h), if visible emissions indicating abnormal 
    operation are observed from the exhaust stack of a control device 
    during a daily inspection, or if a problem is detected during the daily 
    inspection of a wet roof scrubber for potline secondary emission 
    control, the owner or operator shall initiate the corrective action 
    procedures identified in the startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan 
    within 1 hour. Failure to initiate the corrective action procedures 
    within 1 hour or to take the necessary corrective actions to remedy the 
    problem is a violation.
        (i) Exceedances. If the limit for a given operating parameter 
    associated with monitoring a specific control device is exceeded six 
    times in any semiannual reporting period, then any subsequent 
    exceedance in that reporting period is a violation. For the purpose of 
    determining the number of exceedances, no more than one exceedance 
    shall be attributed in any given 24-hour period.
        (j) Weight of aluminum and green anodes. The owner or operator of a 
    new or existing potline or anode bake furnace shall install, operate, 
    and maintain a monitoring device to determine the daily weight of 
    aluminum produced and the weight of green anode material placed in the 
    anode bake furnace. The weight of green anode material may be 
    determined by monitoring the weight of all anodes or by monitoring the 
    number of anodes placed in the furnace and determining an average 
    weight from measurements of a representative sample of anodes.
        (k) Accuracy and calibration. The owner or operator shall submit 
    recommended accuracy requirements to the regulatory authority for 
    review and approval. All monitoring devices required by this section 
    must be certified by the owner or operator to meet the accuracy 
    requirements and must be calibrated in accordance with the 
    manufacturer's instructions.
        (l) Alternative operating parameters. The owner or operator may 
    monitor alternative control device operating parameters subject to 
    prior written approval by the applicable regulatory authority.
        (m) Other control systems. An owner or operator using a control 
    system not identified in this section shall request that the applicable 
    regulatory authority include the recommended parameters for monitoring 
    in the facility's part 70 permit.
    Sec. 63.849  Test methods and procedures.
        (a) The owner or operator shall use the following reference methods 
    to determine compliance with the applicable emission limits for TF and 
    POM emissions:
        (1) Method 1 in appendix A to part 60 of this chapter for sample 
    and velocity traverses;
        (2) Method 2 in appendix A to part 60 of this chapter for velocity 
    and volumetric flow rate;
        (3) Method 3 in appendix A to part 60 of this chapter for gas 
        (4) Method 13A or Method 13B in appendix A to part 60 of this 
    chapter, or an approved alternative, for the concentration of TF where 
    stack or duct emissions are sampled;
        (5) Method 13A or Method 13B and Method 14 or Method 14A in 
    appendix A to part 60 of this chapter or an approved alternative method 
    for the concentration of TF where emissions are sampled from roof 
    monitors not employing wet roof scrubbers;
        (6) Method 315 in appendix A to this part or an approved 
    alternative method for the concentration of POM where stack or duct 
    emissions are sampled; and
        (7) Method 315 in appendix A to this part and Method 14 in appendix 
    A to part 60 of this chapter or an approved alternative method for the 
    concentration of POM where emissions are sampled from roof monitors not 
    employing wet roof scrubbers.
        (b) The owner or operator of a VSS potline or a SWPB potline 
    equipped with wet roof scrubbers for the control of secondary emissions 
    shall use methods that meet the intent of the sampling requirements of 
    Method 14 in appendix A to part 60 of this chapter and that are 
    approved by the State. Sample analysis shall be performed using Method 
    13A or Method 13B in appendix A to part 60 of this chapter for TF, 
    Method 315 in appendix A to this part for POM, or an approved 
    alternative method.
        (c) Except as provided in Sec. 63.845(g)(1), references to 
    ``potroom'' or ``potroom group'' in Method 14 in appendix A to part 60 
    of this chapter shall be interpreted as ``potline'' for the purposes of 
    this subpart.
        (d) For sampling using Method 14 in appendix A to part 60 of this 
    chapter, the owner or operator shall install one Method 14 manifold per 
    potline in a potroom that is representative of the entire potline, and 
    this manifold shall meet the installation requirements specified in 
    section 2.2.1 of Method 14 in appendix A to part 60 of this chapter.
    [[Page 52416]]
        (e) The owner or operator may use an alternative test method for TF 
    or POM emissions providing:
        (1) The owner or operator has already demonstrated the equivalency 
    of the alternative method for a specific plant and has received 
    previous approval from the Administrator or the applicable regulatory 
    authority for TF or POM measurements using the alternative method; or
        (2) The owner or operator demonstrates to the satisfaction of the 
    applicable regulatory authority that the results from the alternative 
    method meet the criteria specified in Secs. 63.848(d)(1) and (d)(3) 
    through (d)(6). The results from the alternative method shall be based 
    on simultaneous sampling using the alternative method and the following 
    reference methods:
        (i) For TF, Methods 13 and 14 or Method 14A in appendix A to part 
    60 of this chapter; or
        (ii) For POM, Method 315 in appendix A to this part and Method 14 
    in appendix A to part 60 of this chapter.
    Sec. 63.850  Notification, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements.
        (a) Notifications. The owner or operator shall submit the following 
    written notifications:
        (1) Notification for an area source that subsequently increases its 
    emissions such that the source is a major source subject to the 
        (2) Notification that a source is subject to the standard, where 
    the initial startup is before the effective date of the standard;
        (3) Notification that a source is subject to the standard, where 
    the source is new or has been reconstructed, the initial startup is 
    after the effective date of the standard, and for which an application 
    for approval of construction or reconstruction is not required;
        (4) Notification of intention to construct a new major source or 
    reconstruct a major source; of the date construction or reconstruction 
    commenced; of the anticipated date of startup; of the actual date of 
    startup, where the initial startup of a new or reconstructed source 
    occurs after the effective date of the standard, and for which an 
    application for approval of construction or reconstruction is required 
    [see Secs. 63.9(b)(4) and (b)(5)];
        (5) Notification of initial performance test;
        (6) Notification of initial compliance status;
        (7) One-time notification for each affected source of the intent to 
    use an HF continuous emission monitor; and
        (8) Notification of compliance approach. The owner or operator 
    shall develop and submit to the applicable regulatory authority, if 
    requested, an engineering plan that describes the techniques that will 
    be used to address the capture efficiency of the reduction cells for 
    gaseous hazardous air pollutants in compliance with the emission limits 
    in Secs. 63.843, 63.844, and 63.846.
        (b) Performance test reports. The owner or operator shall report 
    the results of the initial performance test as part of the notification 
    of compliance status required in paragraph (a)(6) of this section. 
    Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, the owner or 
    operator shall submit a summary of all subsequent performance tests to 
    the applicable regulatory authority on an annual basis.
        (c) Startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan and reports. The owner 
    or operator shall develop and implement a written plan as described in 
    Sec. 63.6(e)(3) that contains specific procedures to be followed for 
    operating the source and maintaining the source during periods of 
    startup, shutdown, and malfunction and a program of corrective action 
    for malfunctioning process and control systems used to comply with the 
    standard. The plan does not have to be submitted with the permit 
    appplication or included in the operating permit. The permitting 
    authority may review the plan upon request. In addition to the 
    information required in Sec. 63.6(e)(3), the plan shall include:
        (1) Procedures, including corrective actions, to be followed if a 
    monitoring device measures an operating parameter outside the limit(s) 
    established under Sec. 63.847(h), if visible emissions from an exhaust 
    stack indicating abnormal operation of a control device are observed by 
    the owner or operator during the daily inspection required in 
    Sec. 63.848(g), or if a problem is detected during the daily inspection 
    of a wet roof scrubber for potline secondary emission control required 
    in Sec. 63.848(f)(5)(ii); and
        (2) The owner or operator shall also keep records of each event as 
    required by Sec. 63.10(b) and record and report if an action taken 
    during a startup, shutdown, or malfunction is not consistent with the 
    procedures in the plan as described in Sec. 63.6(e)(3)(iv).
        (d) Excess emissions report. As required by Sec. 63.10(e)(3), the 
    owner or operator shall submit a report (or a summary report) if 
    measured emissions are in excess of the applicable standard. The report 
    shall contain the information specified in Sec. 63.10(e)(3)(v) and be 
    submitted semiannually unless quarterly reports are required as a 
    result of excess emissions.
        (e) Recordkeeping. The owner or operator shall maintain files of 
    all information (including all reports and notifications) required by 
    Sec. 63.10(b) and by this subpart.
        (1) The owner or operator must retain each record for at least 5 
    years following the date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, 
    corrective action, report, or record. The most recent 2 years of 
    records must be retained at the facility. The remaining 3 years of 
    records may be retained offsite;
        (2) The owner or operator may retain records on microfilm, on a 
    computer, on computer disks, on magnetic tape, or on microfiche;
        (3) The owner or operator may report required information on paper 
    or on a labeled computer disc using commonly available and compatible 
    computer software; and
        (4) In addition to the general records required by Sec. 63.10(b), 
    the owner or operator shall maintain records of the following 
        (i) Daily production rate of aluminum;
        (ii) Daily production rate of green anode material placed in the 
    anode bake furnace;
        (iii) A copy of the startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan;
        (iv) Records of design information for paste production plant 
    capture systems;
        (v) Records of design information for an alternative emission 
    control device for a paste production plant;
        (vi) Records supporting the monitoring of similar potlines 
    demonstrating that the performance of similar potlines is the same as 
    or better than that of potlines sampled by manual methods;
        (vii) Records supporting a request for reduced sampling of 
        (viii) Records supporting the correlation of emissions measured by 
    a continuous emission monitoring system to emissions measured by manual 
    methods and the derivation of the alternative emission limit derived 
    from the measurements;
        (ix) The current implementation plan for emission averaging and any 
    subsequent amendments;
        (x) Records, such as a checklist or the equivalent, demonstrating 
    that the daily inspection of a potline with wet roof scrubbers for 
    secondary emission control has been performed as required in 
    Sec. 63.848(f)(5)(ii), including the results of each inspection;
        (xi) Records, such as a checklist or the equivalent, demonstrating 
    that the daily visual inspection of the exhaust stack for each control 
    device has been performed as required in Sec. 63.848(g), including the 
    results of each inspection;
        (xii) For a potline equipped with an HF continuous emission 
    [[Page 52417]]
    records of information and data required by Sec. 63.10(c);
        (xiii) Records documenting the corrective actions taken when the 
    limit(s) for an operating parameter established under Sec. 63.847(h) 
    were exceeded, when visible emissions indicating abnormal operation 
    were observed from a control device stack during a daily inspection 
    required under Sec. 63.848(g), or when a problem was detected during 
    the daily inspection of a wet roof scrubber for potline secondary 
    control required in Sec. 63.848(f)(5)(ii);
        (xiv) Records documenting any POM data that are invalidated due to 
    the installation and startup of a cathode; and
        (xv) Records documenting the portion of TF that is measured as 
    particulate matter and the portion that is measured as gaseous when the 
    particulate and gaseous fractions are quantified separately using an 
    approved test method.
    Sec. 63.851  Regulatory authority review procedures.
        (a) The applicable regulatory authority shall notify the owner or 
    operator in writing of the need for additional time to review the 
    submissions in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(5) of this section or of 
    approval or intent to deny approval of the submissions in paragraphs 
    (a)(1) through (a)(5) of this section within 60 calendar days after 
    receipt of sufficient information to evaluate the submission. The 60-
    day period begins after the owner or operator has been notified that 
    the submission is complete.
        (1) The test plan in Sec. 63.847(b);
        (2) Request to change limits for operating parameters in 
    Sec. 63.847(h)(3);
        (3) Request for similar potline monitoring in Sec. 63.848(d)(5);
        (4) Request for reduced sampling frequency in Sec. 63.848(e); and
        (5) Request for an alternative method in Sec. 63.849(e)(2).
        (b) The applicable regulatory authority shall notify the owner or 
    operator in writing whether the submission is complete within 30 
    calendar days of receipt of the original submission or within 30 days 
    of receipt of any supplementary information that is submitted. When a 
    submission is incomplete, the applicable regulatory authority shall 
    specify the information needed to complete the submission and shall 
    give the owner or operator 30 calendar days after receipt of the 
    notification to provide the information.
    Sec. 63.852  Applicability of general provisions.
        The requirements of the general provisions in subpart A of this 
    part that are not applicable to the owner or operator subject to the 
    requirements of this subpart are shown in appendix A of this subpart.
    Sec. 63.853  Delegation of authority.
        In delegating implementation and enforcement authority to a State 
    under section 112(d) of the Act, all authorities are transferred to the 
    Secs. 63.854-63.859  [Reserved]
                                                 Table 1 To Subpart LL--Potline TF Limits for Emission Averaging                                            
                                                                                   Monthly TF limit (1b/ton) [for given number of potlines]                 
                                Type                             -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                     2 lines      3 lines      4 lines      5 lines      6 lines      7 lines      8 lines  
    CWPB1.......................................................           1.7          1.6          1.5          1.5          1.4          1.4          1.4
    CWPB2.......................................................           2.9          2.8          2.7          2.7          2.6          2.6          2.6
    CWPB3.......................................................           2.3          2.2          2.2          2.1          2.1          2.1          2.1
    VSS1........................................................           2            1.9          1.8          1.7          1.7          1.7          1.7
    VSS2........................................................           2.6          2.5          2.5          2.4          2.4          2.4          2.4
    HSS.........................................................           2.5          2.4          2.4          2.3          2.3          2.3          2.3
    SWPB........................................................           1.4          1.3          1.3          1.2          1.2          1.2          1.2
                                                Table 2 to Subpart LL--Potline POM Limits for Emission Averaging                                            
                                                                                  Quarterly POM limit (lb/ton) [for given number of potlines]               
                                 Type                             ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                     2 lines      3 lines      4 lines      5 lines      6 lines      7 lines      8 lines  
    HSS..........................................................          4.1          3.8          3.7          3.5          3.5          3.4          3.3
    VSS1.........................................................          2.1          2.0          1.9          1.9          1.8          1.8          1.8
    VSS2.........................................................          3.2          3.0          2.9          2.9          2.8          2.8          2.7
     Table 3 to Subpart LL--Anode Bake Furnace Limits for Emission Averaging
                                                   Emission limit (lb/ton of
                  Number of furnaces              --------------------------
                                                        TF           POM    
    2............................................         0.11          0.17
    3............................................         0.090         0.17
    4............................................         0.077         0.17
    5............................................         0.070         0.17
    [[Page 52418]]
                              Appendix A to Subpart LL--Applicability of General Provisions                         
                                        [40 CFR part 63, subpart A to Subpart LL]                                   
      General provisions citation        Requirement              Applies to subpart LL               Comment       
    63.1(c)(2)....................  .....................  No................................  All are major        
    63.2 Definition of              .....................  No................................  Subpart LL defines   
     ``reconstruction''.                                                                        ``reconstruction.'' 
    63.6(c)(1)....................  Compliance date for    No................................  Subpart LL specifies 
                                     existing sources.                                          compliance date for 
                                                                                                existing sources.   
    63.6(h).......................  Opacity/VE standards.  Only in Sec.  63.845..............  Opacity standards    
                                                                                                applicable only when
                                                                                                incorporating the   
                                                                                                NSPS requirements   
                                                                                                under Sec.  63.845. 
    63.8(c)(4)-(c)(8).............  CMS operation and      No................................  Subpart LL does not  
                                     maintenance.                                               require COMS/CMS or 
                                                                                                CMS performance     
    63.8(d).......................  Quality control......  No................................  Subpart LL does not  
                                                                                                require CMS or CMS  
    63.8(e).......................  Performance            No                                                       
                                     evaluation for CMS.                                                            
    63.9(e).......................  Notification of        No................................  Subpart LL specifies 
                                     performance test.                                          notification of     
                                                                                                performance tests.  
    63.9(f).......................  Notification of VE or  Only in Sec.  63.845..............  Notification is      
                                     opacity test.                                              required only when  
                                                                                                incorporating the   
                                                                                                NSPS requirements   
                                                                                                under Sec.  63.845. 
    63.9(g).......................  Additional CMS         No                                                       
    63.10(d)(2)...................  Performance test       No................................  Subpart LL specifies 
                                     reports.                                                   performance test    
    63.10(d)(3)...................  Reporting VE/opacity   Only in Sec.  63.845..............  Reporting is required
                                     observations.                                              only when           
                                                                                                incorporating the   
                                                                                                NSPS requirements   
                                                                                                under Sec.  63.845. 
    63.10(e)(2)...................  Reporting performance  No................................  Subpart LL does not  
                                     evaluations.                                               require performance 
                                                                                                evaluation for CMS. 
    63.11(a)-(b)..................  Control device         No................................  Flares not           
                                     requirements.                                              applicable.         
        9. Appendix A to part 63 is amended by adding, in numerical order, 
    Method 315 to read as follows:
    Appendix A to Part 63--Test Methods
    * * * * *
    Method 315--Determination of Particulate and Methylene Chloride 
    Extractable Matter (MCEM) From Selected Sources at Primary Aluminum 
    Production Facilities
        Note: This method does not include all of the specifications 
    (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling and 
    analytical) essential to its performance. Some material is 
    incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. 
    Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method 
    should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following 
    additional test methods: Method 1, Method 2, Method 3, and Method 5 
    of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.
        1.0  Scope and Application.
        1.1  Analytes. Particulate matter (PM). No CAS number assigned. 
    Methylene chloride extractable matter (MCEM). No CAS number 
        1.2  Applicability. This method is applicable for the 
    simultaneous determination of PM and MCEM when specified in an 
    applicable regulation. This method was developed by consensus with 
    the Aluminum Association and the U.S. Environmental Protection 
    Agency (EPA) and has limited precision estimates for MCEM; it should 
    have similar precision to Method 5 for PM in 40 CFR part 60, 
    appendix A since the procedures are similar for PM.
        1.3  Data quality objectives. Adherence to the requirements of 
    this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air 
    pollutant sampling methods.
        2.0  Summary of Method.
        Particulate matter and MCEM are withdrawn isokinetically from 
    the source. PM is collected on a glass fiber filter maintained at a 
    temperature in the range of l20  14  deg.C (248 
     25  deg.F) or such other temperature as specified by an 
    applicable subpart of the standards or approved by the Administrator 
    for a particular application. The PM mass, which includes any 
    material that condenses on the probe and is subsequently removed in 
    an acetone rinse or on the filter at or above the filtration 
    temperature, is determined gravimetrically after removal of 
    uncombined water. MCEM is then determined by adding a methylene 
    chloride rinse of the probe and filter holder, extracting the 
    condensable hydrocarbons collected in the impinger water, adding an 
    acetone rinse followed by a methylene chloride rinse of the sampling 
    train components after the filter and before the silica gel 
    impinger, and determining residue gravimetrically after evaporating 
    the solvents.
        3.0  Definitions. [Reserved]
        4.0  Interferences. [Reserved]
        5.0  Safety.
        This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and 
    equipment. This method does not purport to address all of the safety 
    problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the 
    user of this method to establish appropriate safety and health 
    practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations 
    prior to performing this test method.
        6.0  Equipment and Supplies.
        Note: Mention of trade names or specific products does not 
    constitute endorsement by the EPA.
        6.1  Sample collection. The following items are required for 
    sample collection:
        6.1.1  Sampling train. A schematic of the sampling train used in 
    this method is shown in Figure 5-1, Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, 
    appendix A. Complete construction details are given in APTD-0581 
    (Reference 2 in section 17.0 of this method); commercial models of 
    this train are also available. For changes from APTD-0581 and for 
    allowable modifications of the train shown in Figure 5-1, Method 5, 
    40 CFR part 60, appendix A, see the following subsections.
        Note: The operating and maintenance procedures for the sampling 
    train are described in APTD-0576 (Reference 3 in section 17.0 of 
    this method). Since correct usage is important in obtaining valid 
    results, all users should read APTD-0576 and adopt the operating and 
    maintenance procedures outlined in it, unless otherwise specified 
    herein. The use of grease for sealing sampling train components is 
    not recommended because many greases are soluble in methylene 
    chloride. The sampling train consists of the following components:
     Probe nozzle. Glass or glass lined with sharp, tapered 
    leading edge. The angle of taper shall be 30 deg., and 
    the taper shall be on the outside to preserve a constant internal 
    diameter. The probe nozzle shall be of the button-hook or elbow 
    design, unless otherwise specified by the Administrator. Other 
    materials of construction may be used, subject to the approval of 
    the Administrator. A range of nozzle sizes suitable for isokinetic 
    sampling should be available. Typical nozzle
    [[Page 52419]]
    sizes range from 0.32 to 1.27 cm (\1/8\ to \1/2\ in.) inside 
    diameter (ID) in increments of 0.16 cm (\1/16\ in.). Larger nozzle 
    sizes are also available if higher volume sampling trains are used. 
    Each nozzle shall be calibrated according to the procedures outlined 
    in section 10.0 of this method.  Probe liner. Borosilicate or quartz glass tubing with a 
    heating system capable of maintaining a probe gas temperature at the 
    exit end during sampling of 12014 deg.C 
    (24825 deg.F), or such other temperature as specified by 
    an applicable subpart of the standards or approved by the 
    Administrator for a particular application. Because the actual 
    temperature at the outlet of the probe is not usually monitored 
    during sampling, probes constructed according to APTD-0581 and using 
    the calibration curves of APTD-0576 (or calibrated according to the 
    procedure outlined in APTD-0576) will be considered acceptable. 
    Either borosilicate or quartz glass probe liners may be used for 
    stack temperatures up to about 480 deg.C (900 deg.F); quartz liners 
    shall be used for temperatures between 480 and 900 deg.C (900 and 
    1,650 deg.F). Both types of liners may be used at higher 
    temperatures than specified for short periods of time, subject to 
    the approval of the Administrator. The softening temperature for 
    borosilicate glass is 820 deg.C (1,500 deg.F) and for quartz glass 
    it is 1,500 deg.C (2,700 deg.F).  Pitot tube. Type S, as described in section 6.1 of 
    Method 2, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, or other device approved by 
    the Administrator. The pitot tube shall be attached to the probe (as 
    shown in Figure 5-1 of Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A) to 
    allow constant monitoring of the stack gas velocity. The impact 
    (high pressure) opening plane of the pitot tube shall be even with 
    or above the nozzle entry plane (see Method 2, Figure 2-6b, 40 CFR 
    part 60, appendix A) during sampling. The Type S pitot tube assembly 
    shall have a known coefficient, determined as outlined in section 
    10.0 of Method 2, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.  Differential pressure gauge. Inclined manometer or 
    equivalent device (two), as described in section 6.2 of Method 2, 40 
    CFR part 60, appendix A. One manometer shall be used for velocity 
    head (Dp) readings, and the other, for orifice differential pressure 
    readings.  Filter holder. Borosilicate glass, with a glass frit 
    filter support and a silicone rubber gasket. The holder design shall 
    provide a positive seal against leakage from the outside or around 
    the filter. The holder shall be attached immediately at the outlet 
    of the probe (or cyclone, if used).  Filter heating system. Any heating system capable of 
    maintaining a temperature around the filter holder of 
    12014 deg.C (24825 deg.F) during sampling, 
    or such other temperature as specified by an applicable subpart of 
    the standards or approved by the Administrator for a particular 
    application. Alternatively, the tester may opt to operate the 
    equipment at a temperature lower than that specified. A temperature 
    gauge capable of measuring temperature to within 3 deg.C (5.4 deg.F) 
    shall be installed so that the temperature around the filter holder 
    can be regulated and monitored during sampling. Heating systems 
    other than the one shown in APTD-0581 may be used.  Temperature sensor. A temperature sensor capable of 
    measuring temperature to within 3 deg.C (5.4 deg.F) 
    shall be installed so that the sensing tip of the temperature sensor 
    is in direct contact with the sample gas, and the temperature around 
    the filter holder can be regulated and monitored during sampling.  Condenser. The following system shall be used to 
    determine the stack gas moisture content: four glass impingers 
    connected in series with leak-free ground glass fittings. The first, 
    third, and fourth impingers shall be of the Greenburg-Smith design, 
    modified by replacing the tip with a 1.3 cm (1/2 in.) ID glass tube 
    extending to about 1.3 cm (1/2 in.) from the bottom of the flask. 
    The second impinger shall be of the Greenburg-Smith design with the 
    standard tip. The first and second impingers shall contain known 
    quantities of water (section 8.3.1 of this method), the third shall 
    be empty, and the fourth shall contain a known weight of silica gel 
    or equivalent desiccant. A temperature sensor capable of measuring 
    temperature to within 1 deg.C (2 deg.F) shall be placed at the 
    outlet of the fourth impinger for monitoring.  Metering system. Vacuum gauge, leak-free pump, 
    temperature sensors capable of measuring temperature to within 
    3 deg.C (5.4 deg.F), dry gas meter (DGM) capable of measuring volume 
    to within 2 percent, and related equipment, as shown in Figure 5-1 
    of Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A. Other metering systems 
    capable of maintaining sampling rates within 10 percent of 
    isokinetic and of determining sample volumes to within 2 percent may 
    be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator. When the 
    metering system is used in conjunction with a pitot tube, the system 
    shall allow periodic checks of isokinetic rates.  Sampling trains using metering systems designed for 
    higher flow rates than that described in APTD-0581 or APTD-0576 may 
    be used provided that the specifications of this method are met.
        6.1.2  Barometer. Mercury, aneroid, or other barometer capable 
    of measuring atmospheric pressure to within 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) Hg.
        Note: The barometric reading may be obtained from a nearby 
    National Weather Service station. In this case, the station value 
    (which is the absolute barometric pressure) shall be requested and 
    an adjustment for elevation differences between the weather station 
    and sampling point shall be made at a rate of minus 2.5 mm (0.1 in) 
    Hg per 30 m (100 ft) elevation increase or plus 2.5 mm (0.1 in) Hg 
    per 30 m (100 ft) elevation decrease.
        6.1.3  Gas density determination equipment. Temperature sensor 
    and pressure gauge, as described in sections 6.3 and 6.4 of Method 
    2, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, and gas analyzer, if necessary, as 
    described in Method 3, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A. The temperature 
    sensor shall, preferably, be permanently attached to the pitot tube 
    or sampling probe in a fixed configuration, such that the tip of the 
    sensor extends beyond the leading edge of the probe sheath and does 
    not touch any metal. Alternatively, the sensor may be attached just 
    prior to use in the field. Note, however, that if the temperature 
    sensor is attached in the field, the sensor must be placed in an 
    interference-free arrangement with respect to the Type S pitot tube 
    openings (see Method 2, Figure 2-4, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A). As 
    a second alternative, if a difference of not more than 1 percent in 
    the average velocity measurement is to be introduced, the 
    temperature sensor need not be attached to the probe or pitot tube. 
    (This alternative is subject to the approval of the Administrator.)
        6.2  Sample recovery. The following items are required for 
    sample recovery:
        6.2.1  Probe-liner and probe-nozzle brushes. Nylon or 
    Teflon bristle brushes with stainless steel wire 
    handles. The probe brush shall have extensions (at least as long as 
    the probe) constructed of stainless steel, nylon, 
    Teflon, or similarly inert material. The brushes shall 
    be properly sized and shaped to brush out the probe liner and 
        6.2.2  Wash bottles. Glass wash bottles are recommended. 
    Polyethylene or tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) wash bottles may be used, 
    but they may introduce a positive bias due to contamination from the 
    bottle. It is recommended that acetone not be stored in polyethylene 
    or TFE bottles for longer than a month.
        6.2.3  Glass sample storage containers. Chemically resistant, 
    borosilicate glass bottles, for acetone and methylene chloride 
    washes and impinger water, 500 ml or 1,000 ml. Screw-cap liners 
    shall either be rubber-backed Teflon or shall be 
    constructed so as to be leak-free and resistant to chemical attack 
    by acetone or methylene chloride. (Narrow-mouth glass bottles have 
    been found to be less prone to leakage.) Alternatively, polyethylene 
    bottles may be used.
        6.2.4  Petri dishes. For filter samples, glass, unless otherwise 
    specified by the Administrator.
        6.2.5  Graduated cylinder and/or balance. To measure condensed 
    water, acetone wash and methylene chloride wash used during field 
    recovery of the samples, to within 1 ml or 1 g. Graduated cylinders 
    shall have subdivisions no greater than 2 ml. Most laboratory 
    balances are capable of weighing to the nearest 0.5 g or less. Any 
    such balance is suitable for use here and in section 6.3.4 of this 
        6.2.6  Plastic storage containers. Air-tight containers to store 
    silica gel.
        6.2.7  Funnel and rubber policeman. To aid in transfer of silica 
    gel to container; not necessary if silica gel is weighed in the 
        6.2.8  Funnel. Glass or polyethylene, to aid in sample recovery.
        6.3  Sample analysis. The following equipment is required for 
    sample analysis:
        6.3.1  Glass or Teflon weighing dishes.
        6.3.2  Desiccator. It is recommended that fresh desiccant be 
    used to minimize the chance for positive bias due to absorption of 
    organic material during drying.
        6.3.3  Analytical balance. To measure to within 0.l mg.
        6.3.4  Balance. To measure to within 0.5 g.
        6.3.5   Beakers. 250 ml.
        6.3.6  Hygrometer. To measure the relative humidity of the 
    laboratory environment.
    [[Page 52420]]
        6.3.7  Temperature sensor. To measure the temperature of the 
    laboratory environment.
        6.3.8  Buchner fritted funnel. 30 ml size, fine (<50 micron)-="" porosity="" fritted="" glass.="" 6.3.9="" pressure="" filtration="" apparatus.="" 6.3.10="" aluminum="" dish.="" flat="" bottom,="" smooth="" sides,="" and="" flanged="" top,="" 18="" mm="" deep="" and="" with="" an="" inside="" diameter="" of="" approximately="" 60="" mm.="" 7.0="" reagents="" and="" standards.="" 7.l="" sample="" collection.="" the="" following="" reagents="" are="" required="" for="" sample="" collection:="" 7.1.1="" filters.="" glass="" fiber="" filters,="" without="" organic="" binder,="" exhibiting="" at="" least="" 99.95="" percent="" efficiency=""><0.05 percent="" penetration)="" on="" 0.3="" micron="" dioctyl="" phthalate="" smoke="" particles.="" the="" filter="" efficiency="" test="" shall="" be="" conducted="" in="" accordance="" with="" astm="" method="" d="" 2986-95a="" (incorporated="" by="" reference="" in="" sec.="" 63.841="" of="" this="" part).="" test="" data="" from="" the="" supplier's="" quality="" control="" program="" are="" sufficient="" for="" this="" purpose.="" in="" sources="" containing="">2 or 
    S03, the filter material must be of a type that is 
    unreactive to S02 or S03. Reference 10 in 
    section 17.0 of this method may be used to select the appropriate 
        7.1.2  Silica gel. Indicating type, 6 to l6 mesh. If previously 
    used, dry at l75 deg.C (350 deg.F) for 2 hours. New silica gel may 
    be used as received. Alternatively, other types of desiccants 
    (equivalent or better) may be used, subject to the approval of the 
        7.1.3  Water. When analysis of the material caught in the 
    impingers is required, deionized distilled water shall be used. Run 
    blanks prior to field use to eliminate a high blank on test samples.
        7.1.4  Crushed ice.
        7.1.5  Stopcock grease. Acetone-insoluble, heat-stable silicone 
    grease. This is not necessary if screw-on connectors with Teflon'' 
    sleeves, or similar, are used. Alternatively, other types of 
    stopcock grease may be used, subject to the approval of the 
    Administrator. [Caution: Many stopcock greases are methylene 
    chloride-soluble. Use sparingly and carefully remove prior to 
    recovery to prevent contamination of the MCEM analysis.]
        7.2  Sample recovery. The following reagents are required for 
    sample recovery:
        7.2.1  Acetone. Acetone with blank values < 1="" ppm,="" by="" weight="" residue,="" is="" required.="" acetone="" blanks="" may="" be="" run="" prior="" to="" field="" use,="" and="" only="" acetone="" with="" low="" blank="" values="" may="" be="" used.="" in="" no="" case="" shall="" a="" blank="" value="" of="" greater="" than="" 1e-06="" of="" the="" weight="" of="" acetone="" used="" be="" subtracted="" from="" the="" sample="" weight.="" note:="" this="" is="" more="" restrictive="" than="" method="" 5,="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 60,="" appendix="" a.="" at="" least="" one="" vendor="" (supelco="" incorporated="" located="" in="" bellefonte,="" pennsylvania)="" lists=""><1 mg/l="" as="" residue="" for="" its="" environmental="" analysis="" solvents.="" 7.2.2="" methylene="" chloride.="" methylene="" chloride="" with="" a="" blank="" value=""><1.5 ppm,="" by="" weight,="" residue.="" methylene="" chloride="" blanks="" may="" be="" run="" prior="" to="" field="" use,="" and="" only="" methylene="" chloride="" with="" low="" blank="" values="" may="" be="" used.="" in="" no="" case="" shall="" a="" blank="" value="" of="" greater="" than="" 1.6e-06="" of="" the="" weight="" of="" methylene="" chloride="" used="" be="" subtracted="" from="" the="" sample="" weight.="" note:="" a="" least="" one="" vendor="" quotes=""><1 mg/l="" for="" environmental="" analysis="" solvents-grade="" methylene="" chloride.="" 7.3="" sample="" analysis.="" the="" following="" reagents="" are="" required="" for="" sample="" analysis:="" 7.3.l="" acetone.="" same="" as="" in="" section="" 7.2.1="" of="" this="" method.="" 7.3.2="" desiccant.="" anhydrous="" calcium="" sulfate,="" indicating="" type.="" alternatively,="" other="" types="" of="" desiccants="" may="" be="" used,="" subject="" to="" the="" approval="" of="" the="" administrator.="" 7.3.3="" methylene="" chloride.="" same="" as="" in="" section="" 7.2.2="" of="" this="" method.="" 8.0="" sample="" collection,="" preservation,="" storage,="" and="" transport.="" note:="" the="" complexity="" of="" this="" method="" is="" such="" that,="" in="" order="" to="" obtain="" reliable="" results,="" testers="" should="" be="" trained="" and="" experienced="" with="" the="" test="" procedures.="" 8.1l="" pretest="" preparation.="" it="" is="" suggested="" that="" sampling="" equipment="" be="" maintained="" according="" to="" the="" procedures="" described="" in="" aptd-0576.="" 8.1.1="" weigh="" several="" 200="" g="" to="" 300="" g="" portions="" of="" silica="" gel="" in="" airtight="" containers="" to="" the="" nearest="" 0.5="" g.="" record="" on="" each="" container="" the="" total="" weight="" of="" the="" silica="" gel="" plus="" container.="" as="" an="" alternative,="" the="" silica="" gel="" need="" not="" be="" preweighed="" but="" may="" be="" weighed="" directly="" in="" its="" impinger="" or="" sampling="" holder="" just="" prior="" to="" train="" assembly.="" 8.1.2="" a="" batch="" of="" glass="" fiber="" filters,="" no="" more="" than="" 50="" at="" a="" time,="" should="" placed="" in="" a="" soxhlet="" extraction="" apparatus="" and="" extracted="" using="" methylene="" chloride="" for="" at="" least="" 16="" hours.="" after="" extraction,="" check="" filters="" visually="" against="" light="" for="" irregularities,="" flaws,="" or="" pinhole="" leaks.="" label="" the="" shipping="" containers="" (glass="" or="" plastic="" petri="" dishes),="" and="" keep="" the="" filters="" in="" these="" containers="" at="" all="" times="" except="" during="" sampling="" and="" weighing.="" 8.1.3="" desiccate="" the="" filters="" at="" 20=""> 5.6 deg.C (68 
    10 deg.F) and ambient pressure for at least 24 hours and 
    weigh at intervals of at least 6 hours to a constant weight, i.e., 
    <0.5 mg="" change="" from="" previous="" weighing;="" record="" results="" to="" the="" nearest="" 0.1="" mg.="" during="" each="" weighing="" the="" filter="" must="" not="" be="" exposed="" to="" the="" laboratory="" atmosphere="" for="" longer="" than="" 2="" minutes="" and="" a="" relative="" humidity="" above="" 50="" percent.="" alternatively="" (unless="" otherwise="" specified="" by="" the="" administrator),="" the="" filters="" may="" be="" oven-dried="" at="" 104="" deg.c="" (220="" deg.f)="" for="" 2="" to="" 3="" hours,="" desiccated="" for="" 2="" hours,="" and="" weighed.="" procedures="" other="" than="" those="" described,="" which="" account="" for="" relative="" humidity="" effects,="" may="" be="" used,="" subject="" to="" the="" approval="" of="" the="" administrator.="" 8.2="" preliminary="" determinations.="" 8.2.1="" select="" the="" sampling="" site="" and="" the="" minimum="" number="" of="" sampling="" points="" according="" to="" method="" 1,="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 60,="" appendix="" a="" or="" as="" specified="" by="" the="" administrator.="" determine="" the="" stack="" pressure,="" temperature,="" and="" the="" range="" of="" velocity="" heads="" using="" method="" 2,="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 60,="" appendix="" a;="" it="" is="" recommended="" that="" a="" leak="" check="" of="" the="" pitot="" lines="" (see="" section="" 8.1="" of="" method="" 2,="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 60,="" appendix="" a)="" be="" performed.="" determine="" the="" moisture="" content="" using="" approximation="" method="" 4="" (section="" 1.2="" of="" method="" 4,="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 60,="" appendix="" a)="" or="" its="" alternatives="" to="" make="" isokinetic="" sampling="" rate="" settings.="" determine="" the="" stack="" gas="" dry="" molecular="" weight,="" as="" described="" in="" section="" 8.6="" of="" method="" 2,="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 60,="" appendix="" a;="" if="" integrated="" method="" 3="" sampling="" is="" used="" for="" molecular="" weight="" determination,="" the="" integrated="" bag="" sample="" shall="" be="" taken="" simultaneously="" with,="" and="" for="" the="" same="" total="" length="" of="" time="" as,="" the="" particulate="" sample="" run.="" 8.2.2="" select="" a="" nozzle="" size="" based="" on="" the="" range="" of="" velocity="" heads="" such="" that="" it="" is="" not="" necessary="" to="" change="" the="" nozzle="" size="" in="" order="" to="" maintain="" isokinetic="" sampling="" rates.="" during="" the="" run,="" do="" not="" change="" the="" nozzle="" size.="" ensure="" that="" the="" proper="" differential="" pressure="" gauge="" is="" chosen="" for="" the="" range="" of="" velocity="" heads="" encountered="" (see="" section="" 8.2="" of="" method="" 2,="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 60,="" appendix="" a).="" 8.2.3="" select="" a="" suitable="" probe="" liner="" and="" probe="" length="" such="" that="" all="" traverse="" points="" can="" be="" sampled.="" for="" large="" stacks,="" consider="" sampling="" from="" opposite="" sides="" of="" the="" stack="" to="" reduce="" the="" required="" probe="" length.="" 8.2.4="" select="" a="" total="" sampling="" time="" greater="" than="" or="" equal="" to="" the="" minimum="" total="" sampling="" time="" specified="" in="" the="" test="" procedures="" for="" the="" specific="" industry="" such="" that:="" (1)="" the="" sampling="" time="" per="" point="" is="" not="" less="" than="" 2="" minutes="" (or="" some="" greater="" time="" interval="" as="" specified="" by="" the="" administrator);="" and="" (2)="" the="" sample="" volume="" taken="" (corrected="" to="" standard="" conditions)="" will="" exceed="" the="" required="" minimum="" total="" gas="" sample="" volume.="" the="" latter="" is="" based="" on="" an="" approximate="" average="" sampling="" rate.="" 8.2.5="" the="" sampling="" time="" at="" each="" point="" shall="" be="" the="" same.="" it="" is="" recommended="" that="" the="" number="" of="" minutes="" sampled="" at="" each="" point="" be="" an="" integer="" or="" an="" integer="" plus="" one-half="" minute,="" in="" order="" to="" eliminate="" timekeeping="" errors.="" 8.2.6="" in="" some="" circumstances="" (e.g.,="" batch="" cycles),="" it="" may="" be="" necessary="" to="" sample="" for="" shorter="" times="" at="" the="" traverse="" points="" and="" to="" obtain="" smaller="" gas="" sample="" volumes.="" in="" these="" cases,="" the="" administrator's="" approval="" must="" first="" be="" obtained.="" 8.3="" preparation="" of="" sampling="" train.="" 8.3.1="" during="" preparation="" and="" assembly="" of="" the="" sampling="" train,="" keep="" all="" openings="" where="" contamination="" can="" occur="" covered="" until="" just="" prior="" to="" assembly="" or="" until="" sampling="" is="" about="" to="" begin.="" place="" l00="" ml="" of="" water="" in="" each="" of="" the="" first="" two="" impingers,="" leave="" the="" third="" impinger="" empty,="" and="" transfer="" approximately="" 200="" to="" 300="" g="" of="" preweighed="" silica="" gel="" from="" its="" container="" to="" the="" fourth="" impinger.="" more="" silica="" gel="" may="" be="" used,="" but="" care="" should="" be="" taken="" to="" ensure="" that="" it="" is="" not="" entrained="" and="" carried="" out="" from="" the="" impinger="" during="" sampling.="" place="" the="" container="" in="" a="" clean="" place="" for="" later="" use="" in="" the="" sample="" recovery.="" alternatively,="" the="" weight="" of="" the="" silica="" gel="" plus="" impinger="" may="" be="" determined="" to="" the="" nearest="" 0.5="" g="" and="" recorded.="" 8.3.2="" using="" a="" tweezer="" or="" clean="" disposable="" surgical="" gloves,="" place="" a="" labeled="" (identified)="" and="" weighed="" filter="" in="" the="" filter="" holder.="" be="" sure="" that="" the="" filter="" is="" properly="" centered="" and="" the="" gasket="" properly="" placed="" so="" as="" to="" prevent="" the="" sample="" gas="" stream="" from="" circumventing="" the="" filter.="" check="" the="" filter="" for="" tears="" after="" assembly="" is="" completed.="" 8.3.3="" when="" glass="" liners="" are="" used,="" install="" the="" selected="" nozzle="" using="" a="" viton="" a="" 0-ring="" when="" stack="" temperatures="" are="" less="" than="" 260="" deg.c="" (500="" deg.f)="" and="" an="" asbestos="" string="" gasket="" when="" temperatures="" are="" higher.="" see="" aptd-0576="" for="" details.="" mark="" the="" probe="" with="" heat-resistant="" tape="" or="" by="" some="" other="" method="" to="" denote="" the="" proper="" distance="" into="" the="" stack="" or="" duct="" for="" each="" sampling="" point.="" 8.3.4="" set="" up="" the="" train="" as="" in="" figure="" 5-1="" of="" method="" 5,="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 60,="" appendix="" a,="" using="" (if="" necessary)="" a="" very="" light="" coat="" of="" silicone="" grease="" on="" all="" ground="" glass="" joints,="" greasing="" [[page="" 52421]]="" only="" the="" outer="" portion="" (see="" aptd-0576)="" to="" avoid="" possibility="" of="" contamination="" by="" the="" silicone="" grease.="" subject="" to="" the="" approval="" of="" the="" administrator,="" a="" glass="" cyclone="" may="" be="" used="" between="" the="" probe="" and="" filter="" holder="" when="" the="" total="" particulate="" catch="" is="" expected="" to="" exceed="" 100="" mg="" or="" when="" water="" droplets="" are="" present="" in="" the="" stack="" gas.="" 8.3.5="" place="" crushed="" ice="" around="" the="" impingers.="" 8.4="" leak-check="" procedures.="" 8.4.1="" leak="" check="" of="" metering="" system="" shown="" in="" figure="" 5-1="" of="" method="" 5,="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 60,="" appendix="" a.="" that="" portion="" of="" the="" sampling="" train="" from="" the="" pump="" to="" the="" orifice="" meter="" should="" be="" leak-checked="" prior="" to="" initial="" use="" and="" after="" each="" shipment.="" leakage="" after="" the="" pump="" will="" result="" in="" less="" volume="" being="" recorded="" than="" is="" actually="" sampled.="" the="" following="" procedure="" is="" suggested="" (see="" figure="" 5-2="" of="" method="" 5,="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 60,="" appendix="" a):="" close="" the="" main="" valve="" on="" the="" meter="" box.="" insert="" a="" one-hole="" rubber="" stopper="" with="" rubber="" tubing="" attached="" into="" the="" orifice="" exhaust="" pipe.="" disconnect="" and="" vent="" the="" low="" side="" of="" the="" orifice="" manometer.="" close="" off="" the="" low="" side="" orifice="" tap.="" pressurize="" the="" system="" to="" 13="" to="" 18="" cm="" (5="" to="" 7="" in.)="" water="" column="" by="" blowing="" into="" the="" rubber="" tubing.="" pinch="" off="" the="" tubing,="" and="" observe="" the="" manometer="" for="" 1="" minute.="" a="" loss="" of="" pressure="" on="" the="" manometer="" indicates="" a="" leak="" in="" the="" meter="" box;="" leaks,="" if="" present,="" must="" be="" corrected.="" 8.4.2="" pretest="" leak="" check.="" a="" pretest="" leak-check="" is="" recommended="" but="" not="" required.="" if="" the="" pretest="" leak-check="" is="" conducted,="" the="" following="" procedure="" should="" be="" used.="""" after="" the="" sampling="" train="" has="" been="" assembled,="" turn="" on="" and="" set="" the="" filter="" and="" probe="" heating="" systems="" to="" the="" desired="" operating="" temperatures.="" allow="" time="" for="" the="" temperatures="" to="" stabilize.="" if="" a="" viton="" a="" 0-ring="" or="" other="" leak-free="" connection="" is="" used="" in="" assembling="" the="" probe="" nozzle="" to="" the="" probe="" liner,="" leak-check="" the="" train="" at="" the="" sampling="" site="" by="" plugging="" the="" nozzle="" and="" pulling="" a="" 380="" mm="" (15="" in.)="" hg="" vacuum.="" note:="" a="" lower="" vacuum="" may="" be="" used,="" provided="" that="" it="" is="" not="" exceeded="" during="" the="" test.="""" if="" an="" asbestos="" string="" is="" used,="" do="" not="" connect="" the="" probe="" to="" the="" train="" during="" the="" leak="" check.="" instead,="" leak-check="" the="" train="" by="" first="" plugging="" the="" inlet="" to="" the="" filter="" holder="" (cyclone,="" if="" applicable)="" and="" pulling="" a="" 380="" mm="" (15="" in.)="" hg="" vacuum.="" (see="" note="" in="" section="""" of="" this="" method).="" then="" connect="" the="" probe="" to="" the="" train="" and="" perform="" the="" leak="" check="" at="" approximately="" 25="" mm="" (1="" in.)="" hg="" vacuum;="" alternatively,="" the="" probe="" may="" be="" leak-checked="" with="" the="" rest="" of="" the="" sampling="" train,="" in="" one="" step,="" at="" 380="" mm="" (15="" in.)="" hg="" vacuum.="" leakage="" rates="" in="" excess="" of="" 4="" percent="" of="" the="" average="" sampling="" rate="" or="" 0.00057="" m\3\/min="" (0.02="" cfm),="" whichever="" is="" less,="" are="" unacceptable.="""" the="" following="" leak="" check="" instructions="" for="" the="" sampling="" train="" described="" in="" aptd-0576="" and="" aptd-058l="" may="" be="" helpful.="" start="" the="" pump="" with="" the="" bypass="" valve="" fully="" open="" and="" the="" coarse="" adjust="" valve="" completely="" closed.="" partially="" open="" the="" coarse="" adjust="" valve="" and="" slowly="" close="" the="" bypass="" valve="" until="" the="" desired="" vacuum="" is="" reached.="" do="" not="" reverse="" the="" direction="" of="" the="" bypass="" valve,="" as="" this="" will="" cause="" water="" to="" back="" up="" into="" the="" filter="" holder.="" if="" the="" desired="" vacuum="" is="" exceeded,="" either="" leak-check="" at="" this="" higher="" vacuum="" or="" end="" the="" leak="" check="" as="" shown="" below="" and="" start="" over.="""" when="" the="" leak="" check="" is="" completed,="" first="" slowly="" remove="" the="" plug="" from="" the="" inlet="" to="" the="" probe,="" filter="" holder,="" or="" cyclone="" (if="" applicable)="" and="" immediately="" turn="" off="" the="" vacuum="" pump.="" this="" prevents="" the="" water="" in="" the="" impingers="" from="" being="" forced="" backward="" into="" the="" filter="" holder="" and="" the="" silica="" gel="" from="" being="" entrained="" backward="" into="" the="" third="" impinger.="" 8.4.3="" leak="" checks="" during="" sample="" run.="" if,="" during="" the="" sampling="" run,="" a="" component="" (e.g.,="" filter="" assembly="" or="" impinger)="" change="" becomes="" necessary,="" a="" leak="" check="" shall="" be="" conducted="" immediately="" before="" the="" change="" is="" made.="" the="" leak="" check="" shall="" be="" done="" according="" to="" the="" procedure="" outlined="" in="" section="" 8.4.2="" of="" this="" method,="" except="" that="" it="" shall="" be="" done="" at="" a="" vacuum="" equal="" to="" or="" greater="" than="" the="" maximum="" value="" recorded="" up="" to="" that="" point="" in="" the="" test.="" if="" the="" leakage="" rate="" is="" found="" to="" be="" no="" greater="" than="" 0.00057="" m\3\/min="" (0.02="" cfm)="" or="" 4="" percent="" of="" the="" average="" sampling="" rate="" (whichever="" is="" less),="" the="" results="" are="" acceptable,="" and="" no="" correction="" will="" need="" to="" be="" applied="" to="" the="" total="" volume="" of="" dry="" gas="" metered;="" if,="" however,="" a="" higher="" leakage="" rate="" is="" obtained,="" either="" record="" the="" leakage="" rate="" and="" plan="" to="" correct="" the="" sample="" volume="" as="" shown="" in="" section="" 12.3="" of="" this="" method="" or="" void="" the="" sample="" run.="" note:="" immediately="" after="" component="" changes,="" leak="" checks="" are="" optional;="" if="" such="" leak="" checks="" are="" done,="" the="" procedure="" outlined="" in="" section="" 8.4.2="" of="" this="" method="" should="" be="" used.="" 8.4.4="" post-test="" leak="" check.="" a="" leak="" check="" is="" mandatory="" at="" the="" conclusion="" of="" each="" sampling="" run.="" the="" leak="" check="" shall="" be="" performed="" in="" accordance="" with="" the="" procedures="" outlined="" in="" section="" 8.4.2="" of="" this="" method,="" except="" that="" it="" shall="" be="" conducted="" at="" a="" vacuum="" equal="" to="" or="" greater="" than="" the="" maximum="" value="" reached="" during="" the="" sampling="" run.="" if="" the="" leakage="" rate="" is="" found="" to="" be="" no="" greater="" than="" 0.00057="" m\3\/min="" (0.02="" cfm)="" or="" 4="" percent="" of="" the="" average="" sampling="" rate="" (whichever="" is="" less),="" the="" results="" are="" acceptable,="" and="" no="" correction="" need="" be="" applied="" to="" the="" total="" volume="" of="" dry="" gas="" metered.="" if,="" however,="" a="" higher="" leakage="" rate="" is="" obtained,="" either="" record="" the="" leakage="" rate="" and="" correct="" the="" sample="" volume,="" as="" shown="" in="" section="" 12.4="" of="" this="" method,="" or="" void="" the="" sampling="" run.="" 8.5="" sampling="" train="" operation.="" during="" the="" sampling="" run,="" maintain="" an="" isokinetic="" sampling="" rate="" (within="" l0="" percent="" of="" true="" isokinetic="" unless="" otherwise="" specified="" by="" the="" administrator)="" and="" a="" temperature="" around="" the="" filter="" of="" 120="" 14="" deg.c="" (248="" 25="" deg.f),="" or="" such="" other="" temperature="" as="" specified="" by="" an="" applicable="" subpart="" of="" the="" standards="" or="" approved="" by="" the="" administrator.="" 8.5.1="" for="" each="" run,="" record="" the="" data="" required="" on="" a="" data="" sheet="" such="" as="" the="" one="" shown="" in="" figure="" 5-2="" of="" method="" 5,="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 60,="" appendix="" a.="" be="" sure="" to="" record="" the="" initial="" reading.="" record="" the="" dgm="" readings="" at="" the="" beginning="" and="" end="" of="" each="" sampling="" time="" increment,="" when="" changes="" in="" flow="" rates="" are="" made,="" before="" and="" after="" each="" leak-="" check,="" and="" when="" sampling="" is="" halted.="" take="" other="" readings="" indicated="" by="" figure="" 5-2="" of="" method="" 5,="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 60,="" appendix="" a="" at="" least="" once="" at="" each="" sample="" point="" during="" each="" time="" increment="" and="" additional="" readings="" when="" significant="" changes="" (20="" percent="" variation="" in="" velocity="" head="" readings)="" necessitate="" additional="" adjustments="" in="" flow="" rate.="" level="" and="" zero="" the="" manometer.="" because="" the="" manometer="" level="" and="" zero="" may="" drift="" due="" to="" vibrations="" and="" temperature="" changes,="" make="" periodic="" checks="" during="" the="" traverse.="" 8.5.2="" clean="" the="" portholes="" prior="" to="" the="" test="" run="" to="" minimize="" the="" chance="" of="" sampling="" deposited="" material.="" to="" begin="" sampling,="" remove="" the="" nozzle="" cap="" and="" verify="" that="" the="" filter="" and="" probe="" heating="" systems="" are="" up="" to="" temperature="" and="" that="" the="" pitot="" tube="" and="" probe="" are="" properly="" positioned.="" position="" the="" nozzle="" at="" the="" first="" traverse="" point="" with="" the="" tip="" pointing="" directly="" into="" the="" gas="" stream.="" immediately="" start="" the="" pump="" and="" adjust="" the="" flow="" to="" isokinetic="" conditions.="" nomographs="" are="" available,="" which="" aid="" in="" the="" rapid="" adjustment="" of="" the="" isokinetic="" sampling="" rate="" without="" excessive="" computations.="" these="" nomographs="" are="" designed="" for="" use="" when="" the="" type="" s="" pitot="" tube="" coefficient="">p) is 0.85 # 0.02 and the stack gas equivalent density 
    (dry molecular weight) is 29  4. APTD-0576 details the 
    procedure for using the nomographs. If Cp and 
    Md are outside the above-stated ranges, do not use the 
    nomographs unless appropriate steps (see Reference 7 in section 17.0 
    of this method) are taken to compensate for the deviations.
        8.5.3  When the stack is under significant negative pressure 
    (height of impinger stem), close the coarse adjust valve before 
    inserting the probe into the stack to prevent water from backing 
    into the filter holder. If necessary, the pump may be turned on with 
    the coarse adjust valve closed.
        8.5.4  When the probe is in position, block off the openings 
    around the probe and porthole to prevent unrepresentative dilution 
    of the gas stream.
        8.5.5  Traverse the stack cross-section, as required by Method 
    1, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A or as specified by the Administrator, 
    being careful not to bump the probe nozzle into the stack walls when 
    sampling near the walls or when removing or inserting the probe 
    through the portholes; this minimizes the chance of extracting 
    deposited material.
        8.5.6  During the test run, make periodic adjustments to keep 
    the temperature around the filter holder at the proper level; add 
    more ice and, if necessary, salt to maintain a temperature of less 
    than 20 deg.C (68 deg.F) at the condenser/silica gel outlet. Also, 
    periodically check the level and zero of the manometer.
        8.5.7  If the pressure drop across the filter becomes too high, 
    making isokinetic sampling difficult to maintain, the filter may be 
    replaced in the midst of the sample run. It is recommended that 
    another complete filter assembly be used rather than attempting to 
    change the filter itself. Before a new filter assembly is installed, 
    conduct a leak check (see section 8.4.3 of this method). The total 
    PM weight shall include the summation of the filter assembly 
        8.5.8  A single train shall be used for the entire sample run, 
    except in cases where simultaneous sampling is required in two or 
    more separate ducts or at two or more different locations within the 
    same duct, or in cases where equipment failure necessitates
    [[Page 52422]]
    a change of trains. In all other situations, the use of two or more 
    trains will be subject to the approval of the Administrator.
        Note: When two or more trains are used, separate analyses of the 
    front-half and (if applicable) impinger catches from each train 
    shall be performed, unless identical nozzle sizes were used in all 
    trains, in which case the front-half catches from the individual 
    trains may be combined (as may the impinger catches) and one 
    analysis of the front-half catch and one analysis of the impinger 
    catch may be performed.
        8.5.9  At the end of the sample run, turn off the coarse adjust 
    valve, remove the probe and nozzle from the stack, turn off the 
    pump, record the final DGM reading, and then conduct a post-test 
    leak check, as outlined in section 8.4.4 of this method. Also leak-
    check the pitot lines as described in section 8.1 of Method 2, 40 
    CFR part 60, appendix A. The lines must pass this leak check in 
    order to validate the velocity head data.
        8.6  Calculation of percent isokinetic. Calculate percent 
    isokinetic (see Calculations, section 12.12 of this method) to 
    determine whether a run was valid or another test run should be 
    made. If there was difficulty in maintaining isokinetic rates 
    because of source conditions, consult the Administrator for possible 
    variance on the isokinetic rates.
        8.7 Sample recovery.
        8.7.1  Proper cleanup procedure begins as soon as the probe is 
    removed from the stack at the end of the sampling period. Allow the 
    probe to cool.
        8.7.2  When the probe can be safely handled, wipe off all 
    external PM near the tip of the probe nozzle and place a cap over it 
    to prevent losing or gaining PM. Do not cap off the probe tip 
    tightly while the sampling train is cooling down. This would create 
    a vacuum in the filter holder, thus drawing water from the impingers 
    into the filter holder.
        8.7.3  Before moving the sample train to the cleanup site, 
    remove the probe from the sample train, wipe off the silicone 
    grease, and cap the open outlet of the probe. Be careful not to lose 
    any condensate that might be present. Wipe off the silicone grease 
    from the filter inlet where the probe was fastened and cap it. 
    Remove the umbilical cord from the last impinger and cap the 
    impinger. If a flexible line is used between the first impinger or 
    condenser and the filter holder, disconnect the line at the filter 
    holder and let any condensed water or liquid drain into the 
    impingers or condenser. After wiping off the silicone grease, cap 
    off the filter holder outlet and impinger inlet. Ground-glass 
    stoppers, plastic caps, or serum caps may be used to close these 
        8.7.4  Transfer the probe and filter-impinger assembly to the 
    cleanup area. This area should be clean and protected from the wind 
    so that the chances of contaminating or losing the sample will be 
        8.7.5  Save a portion of the acetone and methylene chloride used 
    for cleanup as blanks. Take 200 ml of each solvent directly from the 
    wash bottle being used and place it in glass sample containers 
    labeled ``acetone blank'' and ``methylene chloride blank,'' 
        8.7.6  Inspect the train prior to and during disassembly and 
    note any abnormal conditions. Treat the samples as follows:  Container No. 1. Carefully remove the filter from the 
    filter holder, and place it in its identified petri dish container. 
    Use a pair of tweezers and/or clean disposable surgical gloves to 
    handle the filter. If it is necessary to fold the filter, do so such 
    that the PM cake is inside the fold. Using a dry nylon bristle brush 
    and/or a sharp-edged blade, carefully transfer to the petri dish any 
    PM and/or filter fibers that adhere to the filter holder gasket. 
    Seal the container.  Container No. 2. Taking care to see that dust on the 
    outside of the probe or other exterior surfaces does not get into 
    the sample, quantitatively recover PM or any condensate from the 
    probe nozzle, probe fitting, probe liner, and front half of the 
    filter holder by washing these components with acetone and placing 
    the wash in a glass container. Perform the acetone rinse as follows:  Carefully remove the probe nozzle and clean the 
    inside surface by rinsing with acetone from a wash bottle and 
    brushing with a nylon bristle brush. Brush until the acetone rinse 
    shows no visible particles, after which make a final rinse of the 
    inside surface with acetone.  Brush and rinse the inside parts of the Swagelok 
    fitting with acetone in a similar way until no visible particles 
    remain.  Rinse the probe liner with acetone by tilting and 
    rotating the probe while squirting acetone into its upper end so 
    that all inside surfaces are wetted with acetone. Let the acetone 
    drain from the lower end into the sample container. A funnel (glass 
    or polyethylene) may be used to aid in transferring liquid washes to 
    the container. Follow the acetone rinse with a probe brush. Hold the 
    probe in an inclined position, squirt acetone into the upper end as 
    the probe brush is being pushed with a twisting action through the 
    probe, hold a sample container under the lower end of the probe, and 
    catch any acetone and PM that is brushed from the probe. Run the 
    brush through the probe three times or more until no visible PM is 
    carried out with the acetone or until none remains in the probe 
    liner on visual inspection. With stainless steel or other metal 
    probes, run the brush through in the above-described manner at least 
    six times, since metal probes have small crevices in which PM can be 
    entrapped. Rinse the brush with acetone and quantitatively collect 
    these washings in the sample container. After the brushing, make a 
    final acetone rinse of the probe as described above.  It is recommended that two people clean the probe to 
    minimize sample losses. Between sampling runs, keep brushes clean 
    and protected from contamination.  After ensuring that all joints have been wiped clean 
    of silicone grease, clean the inside of the front half of the filter 
    holder by rubbing the surfaces with a nylon bristle brush and 
    rinsing with acetone. Rinse each surface three times or more if 
    needed to remove visible particulate. Make a final rinse of the 
    brush and filter holder. Carefully rinse out the glass cyclone also 
    (if applicable).  After rinsing the nozzle, probe, and front half of 
    the filter holder with acetone, repeat the entire procedure with 
    methylene chloride and save in a separate No. 2M container.  After acetone and methylene chloride washings and PM 
    have been collected in the proper sample containers, tighten the lid 
    on the sample containers so that acetone and methylene chloride will 
    not leak out when it is shipped to the laboratory. Mark the height 
    of the fluid level to determine whether leakage occurs during 
    transport. Label each container to identify clearly its contents.  Container No. 3. Note the color of the indicating 
    silica gel to determine whether it has been completely spent, and 
    make a notation of its condition. Transfer the silica gel from the 
    fourth impinger to its original container and seal the container. A 
    funnel may make it easier to pour the silica gel without spilling. A 
    rubber policeman may be used as an aid in removing the silica gel 
    from the impinger. It is not necessary to remove the small amount of 
    dust particles that may adhere to the impinger wall and are 
    difficult to remove. Since the gain in weight is to be used for 
    moisture calculations, do not use any water or other liquids to 
    transfer the silica gel. If a balance is available in the field, 
    follow the procedure for Container No. 3 in section 11.2.3 of this 
    method.  Impinger water. Treat the impingers as follows:  Make a notation of any color or film in the liquid 
    catch. Measure the liquid that is in the first three impingers to 
    within 1 ml by using a graduated cylinder or by weighing it to 
    within 0.5 g by using a balance (if one is available). Record the 
    volume or weight of liquid present. This information is required to 
    calculate the moisture content of the effluent gas.  Following the determination of the volume of liquid 
    present, rinse the back half of the train with water, add it to the 
    impinger catch, and store it in a container labeled 3W (water).  Following the water rinse, rinse the back half of the 
    train with acetone to remove the excess water to enhance subsequent 
    organic recovery with methylene chloride and quantitatively recover 
    to a container labeled 3S (solvent) followed by at least three 
    sequential rinsings with aliquots of methylene chloride. 
    Quantitatively recover to the same container labeled 3S. Record 
    separately the amount of both acetone and methylene chloride used to 
    the nearest 1 ml or 0.5g.
        Note: Because the subsequent analytical finish is gravimetric, 
    it is okay to recover both solvents to the same container. This 
    would not be recommended if other analytical finishes were required.
        8.8  Sample transport. Whenever possible, containers should be 
    shipped in such a way that they remain upright at all times.
        9.0  Quality Control.
        9.1  Miscellaneous quality control measures.
    [[Page 52423]]
                                        Quality control                     
                 Section                    measure             Effect      
    8.4, 10.1-10.6..................  Sampling and        Ensure accurate   
                                       equipment leak      measurement of   
                                       check and           stack gas flow   
                                       calibration.        rate, sample     
        9.2  Volume metering system checks. The following quality 
    control procedures are suggested to check the volume metering system 
    calibration values at the field test site prior to sample 
    collection. These procedures are optional.
        9.2.1  Meter orifice check. Using the calibration data obtained 
    during the calibration procedure described in section 10.3 of this 
    method, determine the Ha for the metering 
    system orifice. The Ha is the orifice pressure 
    differential in units of in. H20 that correlates to 0.75 
    cfm of air at 528 deg.R and 29.92 in. Hg. The 
    Ha is calculated as follows:
    0.0319 = (0.0567 in. Hg/ deg.R)(0.75 cfm)2;
    H = Average pressure differential across the orifice 
    meter, in. H20;
    Tm = Absolute average DGM temperature,  deg.R;
     = Total sampling time, min;
    Pbar = Barometric pressure, in. Hg;
    Y = DGM calibration factor, dimensionless;
    Vm = Volume of gas sample as measured by DGM, dcf.
     Before beginning the field test (a set of three runs 
    usually constitutes a field test), operate the metering system 
    (i.e., pump, volume meter, and orifice) at the 
    Ha pressure differential for 10 minutes. Record 
    the volume collected, the DGM temperature, and the barometric 
    pressure. Calculate a DGM calibration check value, Yc, as 
    Yc = DGM calibration check value, dimensionless;
    10 = Run time, min.
     Compare the Yc value with the dry gas meter 
    calibration factor Y to determine that: 0.97 Y <>c < 1.03y.="" if="" the="">c value is not within this range, the 
    volume metering system should be investigated before beginning the 
        9.2.2  Calibrated critical orifice. A calibrated critical 
    orifice, calibrated against a wet test meter or spirometer and 
    designed to be inserted at the inlet of the sampling meter box, may 
    be used as a quality control check by following the procedure of 
    section 16.2 of this method.
        10.0 Calibration and Standardization.
        Note: Maintain a laboratory log of all calibrations.
        10.1  Probe nozzle. Probe nozzles shall be calibrated before 
    their initial use in the field. Using a micrometer, measure the ID 
    of the nozzle to the nearest 0.025 mm (0.001 in.). Make three 
    separate measurements using different diameters each time, and 
    obtain the average of the measurements. The difference between the 
    high and low numbers shall not exceed 0.1 mm (0.004 in.). When 
    nozzles become nicked, dented, or corroded, they shall be reshaped, 
    sharpened, and recalibrated before use. Each nozzle shall be 
    permanently and uniquely identified.
        10.2  Pitot tube assembly. The Type S pitot tube assembly shall 
    be calibrated according to the procedure outlined in section 10.1 of 
    Method 2, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.
        10.3  Metering system.
        10.3.1  Calibration prior to use. Before its initial use in the 
    field, the metering system shall be calibrated as follows: Connect 
    the metering system inlet to the outlet of a wet test meter that is 
    accurate to within 1 percent. Refer to Figure 5-5 of Method 5, 40 
    CFR part 60, appendix A. The wet test meter should have a capacity 
    of 30 liters/revolution (1 ft3/rev). A spirometer of 400 
    liters (14 ft3) or more capacity, or equivalent, may be 
    used for this calibration, although a wet test meter is usually more 
    practical. The wet test meter should be periodically calibrated with 
    a spirometer or a liquid displacement meter to ensure the accuracy 
    of the wet test meter. Spirometers or wet test meters of other sizes 
    may be used, provided that the specified accuracies of the procedure 
    are maintained. Run the metering system pump for about 15 minutes 
    with the orifice manometer indicating a median reading, as expected 
    in field use, to allow the pump to warm up and to permit the 
    interior surface of the wet test meter to be thoroughly wetted. 
    Then, at each of a minimum of three orifice manometer settings, pass 
    an exact quantity of gas through the wet test meter and note the gas 
    volume indicated by the DGM. Also note the barometric pressure and 
    the temperatures of the wet test meter, the inlet of the DGM, and 
    the outlet of the DGM. Select the highest and lowest orifice 
    settings to bracket the expected field operating range of the 
    orifice. Use a minimum volume of 0.15 m3 (5 cf) at all 
    orifice settings. Record all the data on a form similar to Figure 5-
    6 of Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, and calculate Y (the DGM 
    calibration factor) and Ha (the orifice 
    calibration factor) at each orifice setting, as shown on Figure 5-6 
    of Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A. Allowable tolerances for 
    individual Y and Ha values are given in Figure 
    5-6 of Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A. Use the average of the 
    Y values in the calculations in section 12 of this method.  Before calibrating the metering system, it is 
    suggested that a leak check be conducted. For metering systems 
    having diaphragm pumps, the normal leak check procedure will not 
    detect leakages within the pump. For these cases the following leak 
    check procedure is suggested: make a 10-minute calibration run at 
    0.00057 m3/min (0.02 cfm); at the end of the run, take 
    the difference of the measured wet test meter and DGM volumes; 
    divide the difference by 10 to get the leak rate. The leak rate 
    should not exceed 0.00057 m3/min (0.02 cfm).
        10.3.2  Calibration after use. After each field use, the 
    calibration of the metering system shall be checked by performing 
    three calibration runs at a single, intermediate orifice setting 
    (based on the previous field test) with the vacuum set at the 
    maximum value reached during the test series. To adjust the vacuum, 
    insert a valve between the wet test meter and the inlet of the 
    metering system. Calculate the average value of the DGM calibration 
    factor. If the value has changed by more than 5 percent, recalibrate 
    the meter over the full range of orifice settings, as previously 
        Note: Alternative procedures, e.g., rechecking the orifice meter 
    coefficient, may be used, subject to the approval of the 
        10.3.3  Acceptable variation in calibration. If the DGM 
    coefficient values obtained before and after a test series differ by 
    more than 5 percent, either the test series shall be voided or 
    calculations for the test series shall be performed using whichever 
    meter coefficient value (i.e., before or after) gives the lower 
    value of total sample volume.
        10.4  Probe heater calibration. Use a heat source to generate 
    air heated to selected temperatures that approximate those expected 
    to occur in the sources to be sampled. Pass this air through the 
    probe at a typical sample flow rate while measuring the probe inlet 
    and outlet temperatures at various probe heater settings. For each 
    air temperature generated, construct a graph of probe heating system 
    setting versus probe outlet temperature. The procedure outlined in 
    APTD-0576 can also be used. Probes constructed according to APTD-
    0581 need not be calibrated if the calibration curves in APTD-0576 
    are used. Also, probes with outlet temperature monitoring 
    capabilities do not require calibration.
        Note: The probe heating system shall be calibrated before its 
    initial use in the field.
        10.5  Temperature sensors. Use the procedure in section 10.3 of 
    Method 2, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A to calibrate in-stack 
    temperature sensors. Dial thermometers, such as are used for the DGM 
    and condenser outlet, shall be calibrated against mercury-in-glass 
        10.6  Barometer. Calibrate against a mercury barometer.
        11.0  Analytical Procedure.
        11.1  Record the data required on a sheet such as the one shown 
    in Figure 315-1 of this method.
        11.2  Handle each sample container as follows:
        11.2.1  Container No. 1.  PM analysis. Leave the contents in the shipping 
    container or transfer the filter and any loose PM from the sample 
    container to a tared glass weighing dish. Desiccate for 24 hours in 
    a desiccator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate. Weigh to a 
    constant weight and report the results to the nearest 0.1 mg. For 
    purposes of this section, the term ``constant weight'' means a 
    difference of no more than 0.5 mg or 1 percent of total weight less 
    tare weight, whichever is greater, between two consecutive 
    weighings, with no less than 6 hours of desiccation time between 
    [[Page 52424]]
    (overnight desiccation is a common practice). If a third weighing is 
    required and it agrees within 0.5 mg, then the results 
    of the second weighing should be used. For quality assurance 
    purposes, record and report each individual weighing; if more than 
    three weighings are required, note this in the results for the 
    subsequent MCEM results.  MCEM analysis. Transfer the filter and contents 
    quantitatively into a beaker. Add 100 ml of methylene chloride and 
    cover with aluminum foil. Sonicate for 3 minutes then allow to stand 
    for 20 minutes. Set up the filtration apparatus. Decant the solution 
    into a clean Buchner fritted funnel. Immediately pressure filter the 
    solution through the tube into another clean, dry beaker. Continue 
    decanting and pressure filtration until all the solvent is 
    transferred. Rinse the beaker and filter with 10 to 20 ml methylene 
    chloride, decant into the Buchner fritted funnel and pressure 
    filter. Place the beaker on a low-temperature hot plate (maximum 
    40 deg.C) and slowly evaporate almost to dryness. Transfer the 
    remaining last few milliliters of solution quantitatively from the 
    beaker (using at least three aliquots of methylene chloride rinse) 
    to a tared clean dry aluminum dish and evaporate to complete 
    dryness. Remove from heat once solvent is evaporated. Reweigh the 
    dish after a 30-minute equilibrium in the balance room and determine 
    the weight to the nearest 0.1 mg. Conduct a methylene chloride blank 
    run in an identical fashion.
        11.2.2  Container No. 2.  PM analysis. Note the level of liquid in the 
    container, and confirm on the analysis sheet whether leakage 
    occurred during transport. If a noticeable amount of leakage has 
    occurred, either void the sample or use methods, subject to the 
    approval of the Administrator, to correct the final results. Measure 
    the liquid in this container either volumetrically to 1 
    ml or gravimetrically to 10.5 g. Transfer the contents 
    to a tared 250 ml beaker and evaporate to dryness at ambient 
    temperature and pressure. Desiccate for 24 hours, and weigh to a 
    constant weight. Report the results to the nearest 0.1 mg.  MCEM analysis. Add 25 ml methylene chloride to the 
    beaker and cover with aluminum foil. Sonicate for 3 minutes then 
    allow to stand for 20 minutes; combine with contents of Container 
    No. 2M and pressure filter and evaporate as described for Container 
    1 in section of this method.
    Notes for MCEM Analysis
        1. Light finger pressure only is necessary on 24/40 adaptor. A 
    Chemplast adapter #15055-240 has been found satisfactory.
        2. Avoid aluminum dishes made with fluted sides, as these may 
    promote solvent ``creep,'' resulting in possible sample loss.
        3. If multiple samples are being run, rinse the Buchner fritted 
    funnel twice between samples with 5 ml solvent using pressure 
    filtration. After the second rinse, continue the flow of air until 
    the glass frit is completely dry. Clean the Buchner fritted funnels 
    thoroughly after filtering five or six samples.
        11.2.3  Container No. 3. Weigh the spent silica gel (or silica 
    gel plus impinger) to the nearest 0.5 g using a balance. This step 
    may be conducted in the field.
        11.2.4  Container 3W (impinger water).  MCEM analysis. Transfer the solution into a 1,000 ml 
    separatory funnel quantitatively with methylene chloride washes. Add 
    enough solvent to total approximately 50 ml, if necessary. Shake the 
    funnel for 1 minute, allow the phases to separate, and drain the 
    solvent layer into a 250 ml beaker. Repeat the extraction twice. 
    Evaporate with low heat (less than 40 deg.C) until near dryness. 
    Transfer the remaining few milliliters of solvent quantitatively 
    with small solvent washes into a clean, dry, tared aluminum dish and 
    evaporate to dryness. Remove from heat once solvent is evaporated. 
    Reweigh the dish after a 30-minute equilibration in the balance room 
    and determine the weight to the nearest 0.1 mg.
        11.2.5  Container 3S (solvent).  MCEM analysis. Transfer the mixed solvent to 250 ml 
    beaker(s). Evaporate and weigh following the procedures detailed for 
    container 3W in section 11.2.4 of this method.
        11.2.6  Blank containers. Measure the distilled water, acetone, 
    or methylene chloride in each container either volumetrically or 
    gravimetrically. Transfer the ``solvent'' to a tared 250 ml beaker, 
    and evaporate to dryness at ambient temperature and pressure. 
    (Conduct a solvent blank on the distilled deionized water blank in 
    an identical fashion to that described in section of this 
    method.) Desiccate for 24 hours, and weigh to a constant weight. 
    Report the results to the nearest 0.l mg.
        Note: The contents of Containers No. 2, 3W, and 3M as well as 
    the blank containers may be evaporated at temperatures higher than 
    ambient. If evaporation is done at an elevated temperature, the 
    temperature must be below the boiling point of the solvent; also, to 
    prevent ``bumping,'' the evaporation process must be closely 
    supervised, and the contents of the beaker must be swirled 
    occasionally to maintain an even temperature. Use extreme care, as 
    acetone and methylene chloride are highly flammable and have a low 
    flash point.
        12.0  Data Analysis and Calculations.
        12.1  Carry out calculations, retaining at least one extra 
    decimal figure beyond that of the acquired data. Round off figures 
    after the final calculation. Other forms of the equations may be 
    used as long as they give equivalent results.
        12.2  Nomenclature.
    An = Cross-sectional area of nozzle, m3 
    Bws = Water vapor in the gas stream, proportion by 
    Ca = Acetone blank residue concentration, mg/g.
    Cs = Concentration of particulate matter in stack gas, 
    dry basis, corrected to standard conditions, g/dscm (g/dscf).
    I = Percent of isokinetic sampling.
    La = Maximum acceptable leakage rate for either a pretest 
    leak check or for a leak check following a component change; equal 
    to 0.00057 m3/min (0.02 cfm) or 4 percent of the average 
    sampling rate, whichever is less.
    Li = Individual leakage rate observed during the leak 
    check conducted prior to the ``ith'' component change (I 
    = l, 2, 3...n), m3/min (cfm).
    Lp = Leakage rate observed during the post-test leak 
    check, m3/min (cfm).
    ma = Mass of residue of acetone after evaporation, mg.
    mn = Total amount of particulate matter collected, mg.
    Mw = Molecular weight of water, 18.0 g/g-mole (18.0 lb/
    Pbar = Barometric pressure at the sampling site, mm Hg 
    (in Hg).
    Ps = Absolute stack gas pressure, mm Hg (in. Hg).
    Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92 in. 
    R = Ideal gas constant, 0.06236 [(mm Hg)(m3)]/[( deg.K) 
    (g-mole)] {21.85 [(in. Hg)(ft3)]/[( deg.R)(lb-mole)]}.
    Tm = Absolute average dry gas meter (DGM) temperature 
    (see Figure 5-2 of Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A),  deg.K 
    ( deg.R).
    Ts = Absolute average stack gas temperature (see Figure 
    5-2 of Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A),  deg.K( deg.R).
    Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293 deg.K 
    (528 deg.R).
    Va = Volume of acetone blank, ml.
    Vaw = Volume of acetone used in wash, ml.
    Vt = Volume of methylene chloride blank, ml.
    Vtw = Volume of methylene chloride used in wash, ml.
    Vlc = Total volume liquid collected in impingers and 
    silica gel (see Figure 5-3 of Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A), 
    Vm = Volume of gas sample as measured by dry gas meter, 
    dcm (dcf).
    Vm(std) = Volume of gas sample measured by the dry gas 
    meter, corrected to standard conditions, dscm (dscf).
    Vw(std) = Volume of water vapor in the gas sample, 
    corrected to standard conditions, scm (scf).
    Vs = Stack gas velocity, calculated by Equation 2-9 in 
    Method 2, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, using data obtained from 
    Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, m/sec (ft/sec).
    Wa = Weight of residue in acetone wash, mg.
    Y = Dry gas meter calibration factor.
    H = Average pressure differential across the orifice meter 
    (see Figure 5-2 of Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A), mm 
    H2O (in H2O).
     = Density of acetone, 785.1 mg/ml (or 
    see label on bottle).
     = Density of water, 0.9982 g/ml 
    (0.00220l lb/ml).
     = Density of methylene chloride, 
    1316.8 mg/ml (or see label on bottle).
     = Total sampling time, min.
    1 = Sampling time interval, from the beginning 
    of a run until the first component change, min.
    1 = Sampling time interval, between two 
    successive component changes, beginning with the interval between 
    the first and second changes, min.
    p = Sampling time interval, from the final 
    (nth) component change until the end of the sampling run, 
    13.6 = Specific gravity of mercury.
    [[Page 52425]]
    60 = Sec/min.
    100 = Conversion to percent.
        12.3 Average dry gas meter temperature and average orifice 
    pressure drop. See data sheet (Figure 5-2 of Method 5, 40 CFR part 
    60, appendix A).
        12.4 Dry gas volume. Correct the sample volume measured by the 
    dry gas meter to standard conditions (20 deg.C, 760 mm Hg or 
    68 deg.F, 29.92 in Hg) by using Equation 315-1.
    Kl = 0.3858  deg.K/mm Hg for metric units,
        = 17.64  deg.R/in Hg for English units.
        Note: Equation 315-1 can be used as written unless the leakage 
    rate observed during any of the mandatory leak checks (i.e., the 
    post-test leak check or leak checks conducted prior to component 
    changes) exceeds La. If Lp or Li 
    exceeds La, Equation 315-1 must be modified as follows:
        (a) Case I. No component changes made during sampling run. In 
    this case, replace Vm in Equation 315-1 with the 
    [Vm--(Lp--La) ]
        (b) Case II. One or more component changes made during the 
    sampling run. In this case, replace Vm in Equation 315-1 
    by the expression:
    and substitute only for those leakage rates (Li or 
    Lp) which exceed La.
        12.5  Volume of water vapor condensed.
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR07OC97.012
    K2 = 0.001333 m3/ml for metric units;
        = 0.04706 ft3/ml for English units.
    12.6  Moisture content.
        Note: In saturated or water droplet-laden gas streams, two 
    calculations of the moisture content of the stack gas shall be made, 
    one from the impinger analysis (Equation 315-3), and a second from 
    the assumption of saturated conditions. The lower of the two values 
    of Bws shall be considered correct. The procedure for 
    determining the moisture content based upon assumption of saturated 
    conditions is given in section 4.0 of Method 4, 40 CFR part 60, 
    appendix A. For the purposes of this method, the average stack gas 
    temperature from Figure 5-2 of Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A 
    may be used to make this determination, provided that the accuracy 
    of the in-stack temperature sensor is 1 deg.C (2 deg.F).
        12.7  Acetone blank concentration.
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR07OC97.014
        12.8  Acetone wash blank.
    Wa = Ca Vaw a Eq. 315-5
        12.9  Total particulate weight. Determine the total PM catch 
    from the sum of the weights obtained from Containers l and 2 less 
    the acetone blank associated with these two containers (see Figure 
        Note: Refer to section 8.5.8 of this method to assist in 
    calculation of results involving two or more filter assemblies or 
    two or more sampling trains.
        12.10  Particulate concentration.
    cs = K3 mn/Vm(std)      
    Eq. 315-6
    K = 0.001 g/mg for metric units;
        = 0.0154 gr/mg for English units.
        12.11  Conversion factors.
                  From                       To              Multiply by    
    ft \3\.........................  m \3\............  0.02832             
    gr.............................  mg...............  64.80004            
    gr/ft\3\.......................  mg/m\3\..........  2288.4              
    mg.............................  g................  0.001               
    gr.............................  lb...............  1.429 x 10-4        
        12.12  Isokinetic variation.
        12.12.1  Calculation from raw data.
    [[Page 52426]]
    K4 = 0.003454 [(mm Hg)(m3)]/[(m1)( deg.K)] for 
    metric units;
        = 0.002669 [(in Hg)(ft3)]/[(m1)( deg.R)] for English 
        12.12.2  Calculation from intermediate values.
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR07OC97.016
    K5 = 4.320 for metric units;
        = 0.09450 for English units.
        12.12.3  Acceptable results. If 90 percent  I 
     110 percent, the results are acceptable. If the PM or 
    MCEM results are low in comparison to the standard, and ``I'' is 
    over 110 percent or less than 90 percent, the Administrator may opt 
    to accept the results. Reference 4 in the Bibliography may be used 
    to make acceptability judgments. If ``I'' is judged to be 
    unacceptable, reject the results, and repeat the test.
        12.13  Stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate. Calculate 
    the average stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate, if needed, 
    using data obtained in this method and the equations in sections 5.2 
    and 5.3 of Method 2, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.
        12.14  MCEM results. Determine the MCEM concentration from the 
    results from Containers 1, 2, 2M, 3W, and 3S less the acetone, 
    methylene chloride, and filter blanks value as determined in the 
    following equation:
    mmcem = total - wa 
    - wt - fb
        13.0  Method Performance. [Reserved]
        14.0  Pollution Prevention. [Reserved]
        15.0  Waste Management. [Reserved]
        16.0  Alternative Procedures.
        16.1  Dry gas meter as a calibration standard. A DGM may be used 
    as a calibration standard for volume measurements in place of the 
    wet test meter specified in section 16.1 of this method, provided 
    that it is calibrated initially and recalibrated periodically as 
        16.1.1 Standard dry gas meter calibration. The DGM to be calibrated and used as a secondary 
    reference meter should be of high quality and have an appropriately 
    sized capacity, e.g., 3 liters/rev (0.1 ft \3\/rev). A spirometer 
    (400 liters or more capacity), or equivalent, may be used for this 
    calibration, although a wet test meter is usually more practical. 
    The wet test meter should have a capacity of 30 liters/rev (1 ft 
    \3\/rev) and be capable of measuring volume to within 1.0 percent; 
    wet test meters should be checked against a spirometer or a liquid 
    displacement meter to ensure the accuracy of the wet test meter. 
    Spirometers or wet test meters of other sizes may be used, provided 
    that the specified accuracies of the procedure are maintained.  Set up the components as shown in Figure 5-7 of Method 
    5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A. A spirometer, or equivalent, may be 
    used in place of the wet test meter in the system. Run the pump for 
    at least 5 minutes at a flow rate of about 10 liters/min (0.35 cfm) 
    to condition the interior surface of the wet test meter. The 
    pressure drop indicated by the manometer at the inlet side of the 
    DGM should be minimized (no greater than 100 mm H2O [4 
    in. H2O] at a flow rate of 30 liters/min [1 cfm]). This 
    can be accomplished by using large-diameter tubing connections and 
    straight pipe fittings.  Collect the data as shown in the example data sheet 
    (see Figure 5-8 of Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A). Make 
    triplicate runs at each of the flow rates and at no less than five 
    different flow rates. The range of flow rates should be between 10 
    and 34 liters/min (0.35 and 1.2 cfm) or over the expected operating 
    range.  Calculate flow rate, Q, for each run using the wet 
    test meter volume, Vw, and the run time, q. Calculate the 
    DGM coefficient, Yds, for each run. These calculations 
    are as follows: 
    K1 = 0.3858 for international system of units (SI); 17.64 
    for English units;
    Pbar = Barometric pressure, mm Hg (in Hg);
    Vw = Wet test meter volume, liter (ft\3\);
    tw = Average wet test meter temperature,  deg.C ( deg.F);
    tstd = 273 deg.C for SI units; 460'F for English units;
     = Run time, min;
    tds = Average dry gas meter temperature,  deg.C ( deg.F);
    Vds = Dry gas meter volume, liter (ft\3\);
    p = Dry gas meter inlet differential pressure, mm 
    H2O (in H2O).
     Compare the three Yds values at each of the 
    flow rates and determine the maximum and minimum values. The 
    difference between the maximum and minimum values at each flow rate 
    should be no greater than 0.030. Extra sets of triplicate runs may 
    be made in order to complete this requirement. In addition, the 
    meter coefficients should be between 0.95 and 1.05. If these 
    specifications cannot be met in three sets of successive triplicate 
    runs, the meter is not suitable as a calibration standard and should 
    not be used as such. If these specifications are met, average the 
    three Yds values at each flow rate resulting in five 
    average meter coefficients, Yds.  Prepare a curve of meter coefficient, Yds, 
    versus flow rate, Q, for the DGM. This curve shall be used as a 
    reference when the meter is used to calibrate other DGMs and to 
    determine whether recalibration is required.
        16.1.2  Standard dry gas meter recalibration.  Recalibrate the standard DGM against a wet test meter 
    or spirometer annually or after every 200 hours of operation, 
    whichever comes first. This requirement is valid provided the 
    standard DGM is kept in a laboratory and, if transported, cared for 
    as any other laboratory instrument. Abuse to the standard meter may 
    cause a change in the calibration and will require more frequent 
    recalibrations.  As an alternative to full recalibration, a two-point 
    calibration check may be made. Follow the same procedure and 
    equipment arrangement as for a full recalibration, but run the meter 
    at only two flow rates (suggested rates are 14 and 28 liters/min 
    [0.5 and 1.0 cfm]). Calculate the meter coefficients for these two 
    points, and compare the values with the meter calibration curve. If 
    the two coefficients are within 1.5 percent of the calibration curve 
    values at the same flow rates, the meter need not be recalibrated 
    until the next date for a recalibration check.
        6.2  Critical orifices as calibration standards. Critical 
    orifices may be used as
    [[Page 52427]]
    calibration standards in place of the wet test meter specified in 
    section 10.3 of this method, provided that they are selected, 
    calibrated, and used as follows:
        16.2.1  Selection of critical orifices.  The procedure that follows describes the use of 
    hypodermic needles or stainless steel needle tubing that has been 
    found suitable for use as critical orifices. Other materials and 
    critical orifice designs may be used provided the orifices act as 
    true critical orifices; i.e., a critical vacuum can be obtained, as 
    described in section of Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix 
    A. Select five critical orifices that are appropriately sized to 
    cover the range of flow rates between 10 and 34 liters/min or the 
    expected operating range. Two of the critical orifices should 
    bracket the expected operating range. A minimum of three critical 
    orifices will be needed to calibrate a Method 5 DGM; the other two 
    critical orifices can serve as spares and provide better selection 
    for bracketing the range of operating flow rates. The needle sizes 
    and tubing lengths shown in Table 315-1 give the approximate flow 
    rates indicated in the table.  These needles can be adapted to a Method 5 type 
    sampling train as follows: Insert a serum bottle stopper, 13 x 20 mm 
    sleeve type, into a 0.5 in Swagelok quick connect. Insert the needle 
    into the stopper as shown in Figure 5-9 of Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, 
    appendix A.
        16.2.2  Critical orifice calibration. The procedure described in 
    this section uses the Method 5 meter box configuration with a DGM as 
    described in section of this method to calibrate the 
    critical orifices. Other schemes may be used, subject to the 
    approval of the Administrator.  Calibration of meter box. The critical orifices must 
    be calibrated in the same configuration as they will be used; i.e., 
    there should be no connections to the inlet of the orifice.  Before calibrating the meter box, leak-check the 
    system as follows: Fully open the coarse adjust valve and completely 
    close the bypass valve. Plug the inlet. Then turn on the pump and 
    determine whether there is any leakage. The leakage rate shall be 
    zero; i.e., no detectable movement of the DGM dial shall be seen for 
    1 minute.  Check also for leakages in that portion of the 
    sampling train between the pump and the orifice meter. See section 
    5.6 of Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A for the procedure; make 
    any corrections, if necessary. If leakage is detected, check for 
    cracked gaskets, loose fittings, worn 0-rings, etc. and make the 
    necessary repairs.  After determining that the meter box is leakless, 
    calibrate the meter box according to the procedure given in section 
    5.3 of Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A. Make sure that the wet 
    test meter meets the requirements stated in section of 
    Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A. Check the water level in the 
    wet test meter. Record the DGM calibration factor, Y.  Calibration of critical orifices. Set up the apparatus 
    as shown in Figure 5-10 of Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.  Allow a warm-up time of 15 minutes. This step is 
    important to equilibrate the temperature conditions through the DGM.  Leak-check the system as in section of 
    Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A. The leakage rate shall be 
    zero.  Before calibrating the critical orifice, determine 
    its suitability and the appropriate operating vacuum as follows: 
    turn on the pump, fully open the coarse adjust valve, and adjust the 
    bypass valve to give a vacuum reading corresponding to about half of 
    atmospheric pressure. Observe the meter box orifice manometer 
    reading, DH. Slowly increase the vacuum reading until a stable 
    reading is obtained on the meter box orifice manometer. Record the 
    critical vacuum for each orifice. Orifices that do not reach a 
    critical value shall not be used.  Obtain the barometric pressure using a barometer as 
    described in section 6.1.2 of this method. Record the barometric 
    pressure, Pbar, in mm Hg (in. Hg).  Conduct duplicate runs at a vacuum of 25 to 50 mm Hg 
    (1 to 2 in. Hg) above the critical vacuum. The runs shall be at 
    least 5 minutes each. The DGM volume readings shall be in increments 
    of complete revolutions of the DGM. As a guideline, the times should 
    not differ by more than 3.0 seconds (this includes allowance for 
    changes in the DGM temperatures) to achieve 0.5 percent 
    in K'. Record the information listed in Figure 5-11 of Method 5, 40 
    CFR part 60, appendix A. Calculate K' using Equation 315-11.
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR07OC97.019
    K' = Critical orifice coefficient, [m\3\)( deg.K)1/2]/
    [(mm Hg)(min)] {[(ft\3\)( deg.R)1/2)]/[(in. Hg)(min)]};
    Tamb = Absolute ambient temperature,  deg.K ( deg.R).  Average the K' values. The individual K' values 
    should not differ by more than 0.5 percent from the 
        16.2.3  Using the critical orifices as calibration standards.  Record the barometric pressure.  Calibrate the metering system according to the 
    procedure outlined in sections to of Method 5, 
    40 CFR part 60, appendix A. Record the information listed in Figure 
    5-12 of Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.  Calculate the standard volumes of air passed through 
    the DGM and the critical orifices, and calculate the DGM calibration 
    factor, Y, using the equations below:
    Vm(std) = K1 Vm [Pbar + 
    (H/13.6)]/Tm Eq. 315-12
    Vcr(std) = K' (Pbar )/
    Tamb1/2 Eq. 315-13
    Y = Vcr(std)/Vm(std) Eq. 315-14
    Vcr(std) = Volume of gas sample passed through the 
    critical orifice, corrected to standard conditions, dscm (dscf).
    K' = 0.3858  deg.K/mm Hg for metric units
        = 17.64  deg.R/in Hg for English units.
     Average the DGM calibration values for each of the 
    flow rates. The calibration factor, Y, at each of the flow rates 
    should not differ by more than 2 percent from the 
    average.  To determine the need for recalibrating the critical 
    orifices, compare the DGM Y factors obtained from two adjacent 
    orifices each time a DGM is calibrated; for example, when checking 
    orifice 13/2.5, use orifices 12/10.2 and 13/5.1. If any critical 
    orifice yields a DGM Y factor differing by more than 2 percent from 
    the others, recalibrate the critical orifice according to section of Method 5, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.
        17.0  References.
        1. Addendum to Specifications for Incinerator Testing at Federal 
    Facilities. PHS, NCAPC. December 6, 1967.
        2. Martin, Robert M. Construction Details of Isokinetic Source-
    Sampling Equipment. Environmental Protection Agency. Research 
    Triangle Park, NC. APTD-0581. April 1971.
        3. Rom, Jerome J. Maintenance, Calibration, and Operation of 
    Isokinetic Source Sampling Equipment. Environmental Protection 
    Agency. Research Triangle Park, NC. APTD-0576. March 1972.
        4. Smith, W.S., R.T. Shigehara, and W.F. Todd. A Method of 
    Interpreting Stack Sampling Data. Paper Presented at the 63rd Annual 
    Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association, St. Louis, MO. 
    June 14-19, 1970.
        5. Smith, W.S., et al. Stack Gas Sampling Improved and 
    Simplified With New Equipment. APCA Paper No. 67-119. 1967.
        6. Specifications for Incinerator Testing at Federal Facilities. 
    PHS, NCAPC. 1967.
        7. Shigehara, R.T. Adjustment in the EPA Nomograph for Different 
    Pitot Tube Coefficients and Dry Molecular Weights. Stack Sampling 
    News 2:4-11. October 1974.
        8. Vollaro, R.F. A Survey of Commercially Available 
    Instrumentation for the Measurement of Low-Range Gas Velocities. 
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Emission Measurement Branch. 
    Research Triangle Park, NC. November 1976 (unpublished paper).
        9. Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Part 26. Gaseous Fuels; Coal 
    and Coke; Atmospheric Analysis. American Society for
    [[Page 52428]]
    Testing and Materials. Philadelphia, PA. 1974. pp. 617-622.
        10. Felix, L.G., G.I. Clinard, G.E. Lacy, and J.D. McCain. 
    Inertial Cascade Impactor Substrate Media for Flue Gas Sampling. 
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Research Triangle Park, NC 
    27711. Publication No. EPA-600/7-77-060. June 1977. 83 p.
        11. Westlin, P.R., and R.T. Shigehara. Procedure for Calibrating 
    and Using Dry Gas Volume Meters as Calibration Standards. Source 
    Evaluation Society Newsletter. 3(1):17-30. February 1978.
        12. Lodge, J.P., Jr., J.B. Pate, B.E. Ammons, and G.A. Swanson. 
    The Use of Hypodermic Needles as Critical Orifices in Air Sampling. 
    J. Air Pollution Control Association. 16:197-200. 1966.
        18.0  Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data
                           TABLE 315-1. Flow Rates for Various Needle Sizes and Tube Lengths.                       
                                                     Flow rate                                            Flow rate 
                  Gauge/length  (cm)                  (liters/             Gauge/length  (cm)              (liters/ 
                                                        min)                                                 min)   
    12/7.6........................................        32.56  14/2.5................................        19.54
    12/10.2.......................................        30.02  14/5.1................................        17.27
    13/2.5........................................        25.77  14/7.6................................        16.14
    13/5.1........................................        23.50  15/3.2................................        14.16
    13/7.6........................................        22.37  15/7.6................................        11.61
    13/10.2.......................................        20.67  115/10.2..............................        10.48
                                                  Particulate Analysis                                              
    Plant.....................................  ....................................................................
    Date......................................  ....................................................................
    Run No....................................  ....................................................................
    Filter No.................................  ....................................................................
    Amount liquid lost during transport.......  ....................................................................
    Acetone blank volume (ml).................  ....................................................................
    Acetone blank concentration (Eq. 315-4)     ....................................................................
    Acetone wash blank (Eq. 315-5) (mg).......  ....................................................................
                                    Final weight   Tare weight   Weight gain
                                        (mg)           (mg)          (mg)   
    Container No. 1..............  .............                            
    Container No. 2..............  .............                            
        Total....................  .............                            
    Less Acetone blank...........  .............                            
    Weight of particulate matter.  .............                            
                                    Final volume     Initial        Liquid  
                                        (mg)        volume (mg)   collected 
                                Moisture Analysis                           
    Impingers....................  Note 1         Note 1                    
    Silica gel...................  .............                            
        Total....................  .............                            
      Note 1: Convert volume of                                             
     water to weight by                                                     
     multiplying by the density                                             
     of water (1 g/ml).                                                     
                                                     Tare of                                            Methylene   
              Container No.              Final       aluminum      Weight gain      Acetone wash      chloride wash 
                                      weight (mg)   dish (mg)                        volume (ml)       volume (ml)  
                                                      MCEM Analysis                                                 
        Total.......................  ...........  ...........  <3-ln-grk-s>mtot  <3-ln-grk-s>Vaw   <3-ln-grk-s>Vtw 
    Less acetone wash blank (mg) (not to exceed 1 mg/l of   wa = capa <3-ln-grk-s>Vaw                               
     acetone used).                                                                                                 
    Less methylene chloride wash blank (mg) (not to exceed  wt = ctpt <3-ln-grk-s>Vtw                               
     1.5 mg/l of methylene chloride used).                                                                          
    Less filter blank (mg) (not to exceed . . . (mg/        Fb                                                      
    MCEM weight (mg)......................................  mMCEOM = <3-ln-grk-s>mtotal - wa - wt - fb              
    [FR Doc. 97-25882 Filed 10-6-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
October 7, 1997. See the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section concerning judicial review.
52384-52428 (45 pages)
Docket Numbers:
IL-64-2-5807, FRL-5898-5
2060-AE76: NESHAP: Primary Aluminum Plants
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