97-3086. Comprehensive Methamphetamine Control Act of 1996; Possession of List I Chemicals, Definitions, Record Retention, and Temporary Exemption From Chemical Registration for Distributors of Combination Ephedrine Products  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 27 (Monday, February 10, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 5914-5917]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-3086]
    Drug Enforcement Administration
    21 CFR Parts 1309, 1310, and 1313
    [DEA Number 154I]
    RIN 1117-AA42
    Comprehensive Methamphetamine Control Act of 1996; Possession of 
    List I Chemicals, Definitions, Record Retention, and Temporary 
    Exemption From Chemical Registration for Distributors of Combination 
    Ephedrine Products
    AGENCY: Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Justice.
    ACTION: Interim rule with request for comments.
    SUMMARY: DEA is amending its regulations to incorporate certain 
    amendments of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) made by the 
    Comprehensive Methamphetamine Control Act of 1996 (MCA) and to provide 
    temporary exemption from registration for persons who distribute 
    combination ephedrine drug products. The MCA amends the CSA with 
    respect to: possession of listed chemicals following suspension or 
    revocation of registration; the record retention requirements for List 
    I chemical transactions; certain definitions; and establishes the 
    requirement that, effective October 3, 1996, persons that distribute 
    combination ephedrine products shall be subject to the chemical 
    registration requirement. To avoid interruption in the legitimate 
    distribution of combination ephedrine products, DEA is amending its 
    regulations to provide certain temporary exemptions from the 
    registration requirement pending promulgation of final regulations.
    DATES: Effective February 10, 1997. Written comments or objections must 
    be submitted on or before April 11, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Comments and objections should be submitted in quintuplicate 
    to the Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Diversion Control, 
    Drug Enforcement Administration, Washington, D.C. 20537, Attention: DEA 
    Federal Register Representative/CCR.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: G. Thomas Gitchel, Chief, Liaison and 
    Policy Section, Office of Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement 
    Administration, Washington, D.C. 20537, Telephone (202) 307-7297.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Comprehensive Methamphetamine Control 
    Act of 1996 was enacted on October 3, 1996. Among its provisions, the 
    MCA contained revisions of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) with 
    respect to possession of listed chemicals following revocation or 
    suspension of registration, the record retention requirements for 
    transactions involving List I chemicals and tableting or encapsulating 
    machines, and definitions, of ``regulated transaction'', ``retail 
    distributor'', and ``combination ephedrine product''. To accommodate 
    the amendments made by the MCA, DEA is making the following changes to 
    Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR):
    21 CFR 1309.43  Suspension or Revocation of Registration
        The MCA amends Section 404 of the CSA (21 U.S.C. 844) to make it 
    unlawful for any person to knowingly or intentionally possess any list 
    I chemical obtained under the authority of a registration or an 
    exemption from registration granted by the Administrator by regulation, 
    if that registration or exemption has been revoked or suspended. The 
    revised language also makes it illegal to possess list I chemicals 
    obtained under the authority of a registration or an exemption granted 
    by regulation by the Administrator, if the registration has expired or 
    if the registrant has ceased to do business as originally intended 
    under that registration.
        To reflect the amendments in the law, DEA is revising 21 CFR 
    1309.43, to include seizure and forfeiture instructions. Persons whose 
    registrations or exemptions have been revoked or suspended shall be 
    required, upon service of the notice of revocation or suspension, to 
    surrender all List I
    [[Page 5915]]
    chemicals in their possession obtained under the authority of a 
    registration or an exemption from registration granted by the 
    Administrator by regulation, to the nearest office of the 
    Administration or authorized agent of the Administration, or place such 
    List I chemicals under seal as described in 21 U.S.C. 824(f). When the 
    suspension or revocation is limited to certain chemicals, the 
    registrant shall surrender those chemicals affected by the revocation 
    or suspension as indicated above.
    21 CFR 1309.02, 1310.01 & 1313.02  Definitions
        The definition of ``retail distributor'' found in Sec. 1309.02(f) 
    has been amended by the MCA. As defined by the MCA, the term refers to 
    persons, such as grocery stores, general merchandise stores, drug 
    stores, etc., that engage in sales of pseudoephedrine, 
    phenylpropanolamine, and combination ephedrine drug products almost 
    exclusively to individuals for personal use in face-to-face 
    transactions. The new definition will apply to all retail distributors 
    of regulated drug products, including single entity ephedrine products.
        The MCA also amends the definition of ``regulated transaction'' to 
    make all ephedrine products and certain drug products containing 
    pseudoephedrine and phenylpropanolamine subject to regulation. However, 
    because the provisions relating to pseudoephedrine and 
    phenylpropanolamine products will not become effective until October 3, 
    1997, the definition of ``regulated transaction'', as found in 21 CFR 
    1310.01(f) and 1313.02(d), is being amended only with respect to 
    ephedrine products at this time. The MCA also defines ``combination 
    ephedrine product''; that definition, together with the appropriate 
    guidelines clarifying the specific criteria established by the 
    definition, has been added to Secs. 1309.02 and 1310.01.
        As a result of the amendment to the definition of ``regulated 
    transaction'', persons who distribute, import, or export combination 
    ephedrine products are now subject to the chemical registration, 
    recordkeeping, and reporting requirements. As noted later in this 
    document, DEA is establishing certain temporary exemptions from the 
    registration requirement pending promulgation of regulations, subject 
    to notice and comment, relating to the control of combination ephedrine 
    21 CFR 1310.02  Substances Covered and 21 CFR 1310.04  Maintenance of 
        The MCA amends Section 802(34) of the CSA to correct the spelling 
    of ``Isosafrole'' and ``hydriodic acid'' and Section 830(a) to modify 
    the record retention period from the current 4 years to 2 years for all 
    transactions involving a listed chemical or a tableting or 
    encapsulating machine. The corresponding amendments are being made in 
    the regulations. With respect to the change in the record retention 
    period, the new language of the law does not distinguish between 
    records created before and after the change in the retention 
    requirement. Thus, effective October 3, 1996, a regulated person's 
    records must only contain records of those regulated transactions that 
    occurred within the past two years; records of transactions that are 
    more than two years old are no longer required.
    Temporary Exemptions From Registration Pending Promulgation, With 
    Notice and Comment, of Regulations
        As noted earlier, combination ephedrine products became subject to 
    the CSA's chemical registration, recordkeeping, and reporting 
    provisions effective October 3, 1996. Under this new requirement, any 
    person who distributes, imports, or exports combination ephedrine 
    products must first obtain a DEA registration. Because implementation 
    of this provision will require amendment to DEA's regulations, DEA is 
    establishing temporary exemptions from the registration requirement for 
    persons handling combination ephedrine products, to allow for 
    continuation of legitimate commerce in the products. In addition, the 
    existing exemptions from chemical registration for persons registered 
    with DEA to handle controlled substances, which is contained in 21 CFR 
    1309.25 and for distributors of prescription drug products, which is 
    contained in 21 CFR 1309.28, are continued for combination ephedrine 
        The first new exemption applies to retail distributors of 
    combination ephedrine products. A single transaction limit of 24 grams 
    has been established by the MCA for combination ephedrine products in 
    retail distributions. Consistent with previous proposals regarding the 
    regulation of retail distributions of drug products that contain List I 
    chemicals, DEA is temporarily exempting retail distributors from the 
    registration requirement. This interim rule is subject to public 
    comment. Under this exemption, retail distributors will not be required 
    to obtain a registration if they engage exclusively in distributions of 
    combination ephedrine products below the 24 gram limit in a single 
    transaction for legitimate medical use either directly to walk-in 
    customers or in face-to-face transactions by direct sales. This 
    exemption is set out in the new section 21 CFR 1309.29. Retail 
    distributors that operate under this exemption are reminded that they 
    will be subject to civil penalties for violations of the 24 gram single 
    transaction limit, as set out in Section 401(f)(2) of the MCA.
        The second exemption applies to those persons (other than retail 
    distributors, as described above, or persons subject to the existing 
    exemptions regarding CSA registrants and prescription drug products) 
    who are required to obtain a registration. Any such person who submits 
    an application for registration for activities involving combination 
    ephedrine products on or before May 12, 1997 will be exempt from the 
    registration requirement for their lawful activities with combination 
    ephedrine products until the Administration has taken final action with 
    respect to that application. This exemption is set out in 21 CFR 
        DEA recognizes that, unlike the second exemption, which provides a 
    general benefit to all affected persons, the first exemption is limited 
    in its benefit. Therefore, while the regulatory changes in this interim 
    rule take effect upon publication, the notice is open for public 
    comment or objection until May 12, 1997. Further, the exemptions are 
    temporary and may be subject to change, based on the comments or 
    objections received.
        The Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Office of Diversion 
    Control hereby certifies that this interim rulemaking will not have a 
    significant economic impact upon a substantial number of entities whose 
    interests must be considered under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 
    U.S.C. 601 et seq. This interim rulemaking is an administrative action 
    to make the regulations consistent with the law and to avoid 
    interruption of legitimate commerce by granting temporary exemptions 
    from registration pending promulgation, through notice and comment, of 
    the regulations necessary to implement the provisions of the MCA 
    pertaining to combination ephedrine products. Further, since this is a 
    temporary action which provides affected persons with a means to comply 
    with the law pending promulgation of regulations implementing the MCA, 
    this action is
    [[Page 5916]]
    not a significant regulatory action and therefore has not been reviewed 
    by the Office of Management and Budget pursuant to Executive Order 
    12866. Consideration of the significance and impact of the new 
    requirements of the MCA will be addressed as part of a future proposed 
    rulemaking by DEA proposing regulations to implement the MCA.
        This action has been analyzed in accordance with the principles and 
    criteria in Executive Order 12612, and it has been determined that this 
    interim rule does not have sufficient federalism implications to 
    warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
    List of Subjects
    21 CFR Part 1309
        Administrative practice and procedure, Drug traffic control, List I 
    and List II chemicals, Security measures.
    21 CFR 1310
        Drug traffic control, List I and List II chemicals, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
    21 CFR Part 1313
        Drug traffic control, Exports, Imports, list I and List II 
    chemicals, Transshipment and in-transit shipments.
        For the reasons set out above, 21 CFR Parts 1309, 1310, and 1313 
    are to be amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 1309 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 821, 822, 823, 824, 830, 871(b), 875, 877, 
        2. Section 1309.29 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 1309.29  Exemption of retail distributors of combination ephedrine 
    drug products.
        The requirement of registration is waived for any retail 
    distributor whose activities with respect to List I chemicals are 
    restricted to the distribution of below-threshold quantities of a 
    combination ephedrine drug product in a single transaction to an 
    individual for legitimate medical use. The threshold for a distribution 
    of a combination ephedrine drug product in a single transaction to an 
    individual for legitimate medical use is 24 grams of ephedrine base.
        2. Section 1309.43 is amended by revising paragraph (d) and adding 
    a new paragraph (e) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1309.43  Suspension or revocation of registration.
    * * * * *
        (d) Upon service of the order of the Administrator suspending or 
    revoking registration, the registrant shall immediately deliver his or 
    her Certificate of Registration to the nearest office of the 
    Administration. Also, upon service of the order of the Administrator 
    revoking or suspending registration, the registrant shall, as 
    instructed by the Administrator:
        (1) Deliver all List I chemicals in his or her possession that were 
    obtained under the authority of a registration or an exemption from 
    registration granted by the Administrator by regulation, to the nearest 
    office of the Administration or to authorized agents of the 
    Administration; or
        (2) Place all such List I chemicals in his or her possession under 
    seal as described in section 304(f) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 824(f)).
        (e) In the event that revocation or suspension is limited to a 
    particular chemical or chemicals, the registrant shall be given a new 
    Certificate of Registration for all substances not affected by such 
    revocation or suspension; no fee shall be required for the new 
    Certificate of Registration. The registrant shall deliver the old 
    Certificate of Registration to the nearest office of the 
    Administration. Also, upon service of the order of the Administrator 
    revoking or suspending registration with respect to a particular 
    chemical or chemicals, the registrant shall, as instructed by the 
        (1) Deliver to the nearest office of the Administration or to 
    authorized agents of the Administration all of the particular chemical 
    or chemicals in his or her possession that were obtained under the 
    authority of a registration or an exemption from registration granted 
    by the Administrator by regulation, which are affected by the 
    revocation or suspension; or
        (2) Place all of such chemicals under seal as described in section 
    304(f) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 824(f)).
        3. Section 1309.44 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 
    Sec. 1309.44  Suspension of registration pending final order.
    * * * * *
        (b) Upon service of the order of immediate suspension, the 
    registrant shall promptly return his Certificate of Registration to the 
    nearest office of the Administration. Also, upon service of the order 
    of immediate suspension, the registrant shall, as instructed by the 
        (1) Deliver to the nearest office of the Administration or to 
    authorized agents of the Administration all of the particular chemical 
    or chemicals in his or her possession that were obtained under the 
    authority of a registration or an exemption from registration granted 
    by the Administrator by regulation, which are affected by the 
    revocation or suspension; or
        (2) Place all of such chemicals under seal as described in section 
    304(f) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 824(f)).
    * * * * *
        4. Section 1309.62 is to be amended by revising the existing text 
    and redesignating it as paragraph (a) and adding a new paragraph (b) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 1309.62  Termination of registration.
        (a) The registration of any person shall terminate if and when such 
    person dies, ceases legal existence, or discontinues business or 
    professional practice. Any registrant who cases legal existence or 
    discontinues business or professional practice shall promptly notify 
    the Special Agent in Charge of the Administration in the area in which 
    the person is located of such fact and seek authority and instructions 
    to dispose of any List I chemicals obtained under the authority of that 
        (b) The Special Agent in Charge shall authorize and instruct the 
    person to dispose of the List I chemical in one of the following 
        (1) By transfer to person registered under the Act and authorized 
    to possess the substances;
        (2) By delivery to an agent of the Administration or to the nearest 
    office of the Administration;
        (3) By such other means as the Special Agent in Charge may 
    determine to assure that the substance does not become available to 
    unauthorized persons.
        1. The authority citation for part 1310 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 802, 830, 871(b).
        2. Section 1310.01 is amended by revising paragraphs (f)(1)(iv)(A) 
    and (B) redesignating paragraphs (g) through (l) as paragraphs (h) 
    through (m), redesignating paragraph (m) as paragraph (o), and adding 
    new paragraphs (g) and (n) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1310.01  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        (f) * * *
        (1) * * *
    [[Page 5917]]
        (iv) * * *
        (A) (1) the drug contains ephedrine or its salts, optical isomers, 
    or salts of optical isomers; or
        (2) The Administrator has determined pursuant to the criteria in 
    1310.10 that the drug or group of drugs is being diverted to obtain the 
    listed chemical for use in the illicit production of a controlled 
    substance; and
        (B) The quantity of ephedrine or other listed chemical contained in 
    the drug included in the transaction or multiple transactions equals or 
    exceeds the threshold established for that chemical.
    * * * * *
        (g) The term combination ephedrine product means a drug product 
    containing ephedrine or its salts, optical isomers, or salts of optical 
    isomers and therapeutically significant quantities of another active 
    medicinal ingredient. The term ``therapeutically significant 
    quantities'' shall apply if the product formulation (i.e., the 
    qualitative and quantitative composition of active ingredients within 
    the product) is listed in American Pharmaceutical Association (APHA) 
    Handbook of NonPrescription Drugs; Drug Facts and Comparisons 
    (published by Wolters Kluwer Company); or USP DI (published by 
    authority of the United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc.); or the 
    product is listed in Sec. 1310.15 as an exempt drug product. For drug 
    products having formulations not found in the above compendiums, the 
    Administrator shall determine, pursuant to a written request as 
    specified in Sec. 1310.14 whether the active medicinal ingredients are 
    present in quantities considered therapeutically significant for 
    purposes of this paragraph.
    * * * * *
        (n) The term retail distributor means a grocery store, general 
    merchandise store, drug store, or other entity or person whose 
    activities as a distributor relating to drug products containing 
    pseudeophedrine, phenylpropanolamine, or ephedrine are limited almost 
    exclusively to sales for personal use, both in number of sales and 
    volume of sales, either directly to walk-in customers or in face-to-
    face transactions by direct sales. For the purposes of this paragraph, 
    sale for personal use means the distribution of below-threshold 
    quantities in a single transaction to an individual for legitimate 
    medical use. Also for the purposes of this paragraph, a grocery store 
    is an entity within Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code 5411, 
    a general merchandise store is an entity within SIC codes 5300 through 
    5399 and 5499, and a drug store is an entity within SIC code 5912.
    * * * * *
        3. Section 1310.02 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(16) and 
    (a)(21) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1310.02  Substances covered.
    * * * * *
        (a) * * *
    (16) Isosafrole..................................................   8704
                      *        *        *        *        *                 
    (21) Hydriodic Acid..............................................   6695
                      *        *        *        *        *                 
        4. Section 1310.04 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as 
    Sec. 1310.04  Maintenance of records.
        (a) Every record required to be kept subject to Sec. 1310.03 for a 
    List I chemical, a tableting machine, or an encapsulating machine shall 
    be kept by the regulated person for two years after the date of the 
    * * * * *
        5. Section 1310.09 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1310.09  Temporary exemption from registration.
        Each person required by section 302 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 822) to 
    obtain a registration to distribute, import, or export an combination 
    ephedrine product is temporarily exempted from the registration 
    requirement, provided that the person submits a proper application for 
    registration on or before May 12, 1997. The exemption will remain in 
    effect for each person who has made such application until the 
    Administration has approved or denied that application. This exemption 
    applies only to registration; all other chemical control requirements 
    set forth in parts 1309, 1310, and 1313 of this chapter remain in full 
    force and effect.
        1. The authority citation for part 1313 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 802, 830, 871(b), 971.
        2. Section 1313.02 is amended by revising paragraphs (d)(1)(iv)(A) 
    and (B), to read as follows:
    Sec. 1313.02  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (iv) * * *
        (A)(1) the drug contains ephedrine or its salts, optical isomers, 
    or salts of optical isomers; or
        (2) The Administrator has determined pursuant to the criteria in 
    1310.10 that the drug or group of drugs is being diverted to obtain the 
    listed chemical for use in the illicit production of a controlled 
    substance; and
        (B) The quantity of ephedrine or other listed chemical contained in 
    the drug included in the transaction or multiple transactions equals or 
    exceeds the threshold established for that chemical.
    * * * * *
        Dated: January 28, 1997.
    Gene R. Haislip,
    Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Diversion Control.
    [FR Doc. 97-3086 Filed 2-7-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4410-09-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Drug Enforcement Administration
Entry Type:
Interim rule with request for comments.
Document Number:
Effective February 10, 1997. Written comments or objections must be submitted on or before April 11, 1997.
5914-5917 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
DEA Number 154I
1117-AA42: Temporary Exemption From Chemical Registration Requirements for Distributions of Combination Ephedrine Products
RIN Links:
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