97-22903. Coal Moisture; Republication  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 215 (Thursday, November 6, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 60138-60149]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-22903]
    [[Page 60137]]
    Part IV
    Department of the Interior
    Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
    30 CFR Part 870
    Coal Moisture; Republication; Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 215 / Thursday, November 6, 1997 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 60138]]
    Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
    30 CFR Part 870
    RIN 1029-AB78
    Coal Moisture; Republication
        Editorial Note: FR Doc. 97-22903 was originally published as 
    Part II in the issue of Tuesday, August 29, 1997. The corrected 
    document is republished below in its entirety at the request of the 
    agency, due to the omission of the Table numbers.
    AGENCY: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Interior.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) 
    is amending its regulations governing how the excess moisture allowance 
    is determined for reclamation fee purposes. This action defines terms 
    and phrases related to the collection and testing of coal samples used 
    to determine the inherent and total moisture of coal; identifies 
    acceptable American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard 
    sampling and testing methods for high and low-rank coals; prescribes 
    frequencies for collecting and testing coal samples; and provides the 
    coal industry with formulas for use in calculating an excess moisture 
    tonnage allowance for the purpose of reducing the weight of coal 
    subject to the abandoned mine land reclamation fee.
        The regulatory revision clarifies and simplifies technical guidance 
    for all users, and provides the coal industry with standard criteria 
    for calculating an excess moisture allowance on all coals subject to 
    reclamation fee payment. The intended effect of this revision is to 
    enhance compliance with the provisions of section 402 of the Surface 
    Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA or the Act). The 
    prescribed criteria will ensure that all tonnage reductions for excess 
    moisture are taken on comparable bases.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: This regulation is effective October 1, 1997. The 
    incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in the 
    regulations is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of 
    October 1, 1997.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Kewal Kohli, Office of Surface 
    Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 3 Parkway Center, Pittsburgh, PA 
    15220; telephone (412) 937-2175.
    I. Background
    II. Discussion of Final Rule and Responses to Comments
        A. Section 870.5--Definitions.
        B. Section 870.18--General rules for calculating excess 
        C. Section 870.19--How to calculate excess moisture in HIGH-rank 
        D. Section 870.20--How to calculate excess moisture in LOW-rank 
    III. Procedural Matters
    I. Background
        Section 402(a) of the SMCRA requires all operators of coal mining 
    operations subject to its provisions to pay a reclamation fee on each 
    ton of coal produced. In December 1977, OSM first promulgated 
    regulations to implement this provision (42 FR 62714, December 13, 
    1977). Briefly, the regulations require that the Abandoned Mine Land 
    (AML) fees must be paid on the actual gross weight of the coal, at the 
    time of the first transaction (sale, transfer of ownership, or use) 
    involving the coal. This regulation has been in effect basically 
    unchanged since 1977. In 1982, OSM revised the regulatory language to 
    clarify the point in time of fee determination and to stress that the 
    actual gross weight of the coal must be used for fee calculation. At 
    that time OSM also specifically noted that no fees were owed on 
    impurities physically removed before the sale, transfer of ownership, 
    or use. In 1988, OSM again revised this regulation to allow an operator 
    who mined coal after July 1, 1988, to elect to take an allowance for 
    moisture contained in the coal at the time of sale that is determined 
    to be in excess of the inherent, or natural bed, moisture in the coal.
        Initially, OSM adopted the excess moisture allowance to address an 
    inconsistency in the methods of determining coal weight under various 
    Federal taxation requirements. At the time OSM proposed to amend its 
    regulation to allow a deduction for excess moisture, the ASTM Committee 
    on Coal and Coke, whose membership included representatives of the 
    Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and OSM, was conducting a study to 
    develop and/or confirm precision statements for the ASTM standard test 
    method used to estimate the bed moisture in high-rank coals, ASTM 
    D1412-85, as it applied to all coals. In a letter of November 18, 1987, 
    the IRS submitted the following comment in response to the OSM 
    proposal, ``the results of the ASTM or a similar study should be 
    received before one test is prescribed for use by all taxpayers.''
        As an interim measure, until adequate and fully reliable testing 
    procedures became available for coals of all ranks, OSM's 1988 adopted 
    regulation incorporated a suggestion made by the IRS. OSM decided to 
    rely on a facts and circumstances test to allow an operator to elect to 
    take an allowance for excess moisture provided the operator could 
    demonstrate, through competent evidence, that there was a reasonable 
    basis for determining the existence and amount of excess moisture. 
    OSM's standard of reasonableness required an operator to provide 
    sufficient documentation to sustain the weight reduction. Although no 
    specific time periods were given for testing, an operator was also 
    required to prove that time frames chosen to measure the existence and 
    amount of excess moisture were reasonable.
        The preamble to the 1988 rule discussed OSM's willingness to accept 
    the ASTM standard test methods to determine inherent moisture, ASTM 
    D1412-85, and total moisture, ASTM D3302-82, pending the availability 
    of more suitable alternatives. OSM recognized that these tests were not 
    always reliable for this purpose and acknowledged its willingness to 
    accept other testing methods for some subbituminous and lignite coals. 
    OSM also stated its intent to develop technical guidance to assist 
    operators and to assure uniform application of the excess moisture 
    allowance throughout the industry.
        The final rule which OSM adopted in 1988, at 30 CFR 870.18, allowed 
    an operator to elect to reduce the weight of coal tonnage subject to 
    reclamation fee payment by a percentage of excess moisture estimated to 
    be contained in the coal at the time of fee assessment. OSM 
    subsequently issued five AML Payer Letters to provide technical 
    guidance to the coal industry and assist with the application of this 
    regulation. OSM also published the guidance in the OSM Payer Handbooks.
        OSM's audits of excess moisture reduced tonnages find that 
    operators frequently fail to conform to inherent moisture test 
    procedures described in AML Payer Letters, and do not provide adequate 
    support for procedures they do use. Some operators mining large volumes 
    of low-rank coal base tonnage reductions on test data that is known to 
    be unreliable.
        On December 3, 1996 (61 FR 64220), OSM published its proposal for 
    revising the rule in the Federal Register. The public comment period 
    closed on February 3, 1997.
    [[Page 60139]]
    II. Discussion of the Final Rule and Responses to Comments
        Five commenters commented on the proposed rule revision: two coal 
    companies, a trade association, a law firm representing a coal company, 
    and an industry consulting firm. The majority of the commenters 
    supported the intent of consolidating previous guidance into a single 
    rulemaking, but expressed various concerns on specific issues.
        Based on the comments received, OSM is revising its regulations 
    governing the excess moisture allowance to codify regulatory technical 
    requirements as proposed, with some changes. The proposal incorporates 
    by reference ASTM standards used for collecting and testing a coal 
    sample as specified in 30 CFR 870.19(a), Table 1 and Table 2, and 30 
    CFR 870.20(a), Tables 1, 2, and 3. The ASTM standards were published in 
    the 1994 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 05.05. A copy of the 
    ASTM standards is available for inspection at the OSM Headquarters 
    Office, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 
    Administrative Record, Room 101, 1951 Constitution Avenue, NW., 
    Washington, DC, and at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North 
    Capitol St., Washington, DC. The rule establishes a frequency for using 
    ASTM standard test methods on coals of all ranks, and adopts the method 
    approved by the ASTM to establish inherent moisture in low-rank coal, 
    the ASTM D1412-93, Appendix X1. Use of this procedure for low-rank coal 
    will ensure excess moisture allowances taken on low-rank coals are on a 
    comparable basis to those taken on high-rank coal, and all excess 
    moisture allowances are fair and equitable. Definitions for high and 
    low rank coal are provided. The rule also includes an option that 
    provides operators with a method to calculate an allowance for the 
    excess moisture present in as-shipped coal. This is of particular 
    benefit when an operator sells large volumes of coal, and/or sells coal 
    with a substantial variance between the total and inherent moisture.
    A. Section 870.5--Definitions
        None of the commenters addressed this section, and the revised 
    definitions for excess, inherent, and total moisture are being adopted 
    as proposed. The definition for excess moisture is revised by 
    including, by reference, a formula for use in calculating excess 
    moisture in high and low-rank coals. The formula to be used for high-
    rank coals is found in a new section 870.19 and the formula for low-
    rank coals is found in a new section 870.20. The existing definition of 
    inherent moisture is expanded to incorporate by reference the specific 
    ASTM methods of sample collection and test procedures shown in section 
    870.19, Table 2, Calculating INHERENT moisture percentage in HIGH-rank 
    coals, and section 870.20, Table 2, and Table 3, Calculating INHERENT 
    moisture percentage in LOW-rank coals. The existing definition of total 
    moisture is expanded to incorporate by reference ASTM criteria in 
    section 870.19, Table 1, for Calculating the TOTAL moisture percentage 
    in HIGH-rank coals, and section 870.20, Table 1, for Calculating the 
    TOTAL moisture percentage in LOW-rank coals. The expansion of the 
    existing definitions to incorporate by reference specific ASTM sample 
    collection methods and test procedures provides precise technical 
    standards to facilitate operator compliance with OSM's requirements, 
    and provides a consistent basis to calculate all excess moisture 
    B. Section 870.18--General Rules for Calculating Excess Moisture
        The modifications to 30 CFR 870.18, excess moisture content 
    allowance at section 870.18(a), (b), and (c) are adopted as proposed. 
    The previous section 870.18(a) required an operator to demonstrate 
    through competent evidence that the basis for determining the existence 
    and amount of excess moisture is reasonable. Section 870.18(b) required 
    standard laboratory analyses for testing inherent and total moisture. 
    Section 870.18(c) required an operator who blended coal mined from 
    multiple seams prior to the initial sale, transfer, or use of the coal 
    to test for variations in the inherent moisture amounts from different 
        This revision replaces the reasonableness standard found at section 
    870.18(a), the generic laboratory test requirement at section 
    870.18(b), and the requirement for a separate test of coal from each 
    seam mined prior to blending the coal for sale, transfer of ownership 
    or use at section 870.18(c). The revision also recognizes the distinct 
    differences in high and low-rank coals in sections 870.19 and 870.20. 
    Section 870.19 provides acceptable standards for collecting and testing 
    a sample of high-rank coals to establish the percentage of inherent and 
    total moisture contained in the coal, and calculate the excess moisture 
    allowance. Section 870.20 provides like standards for calculating the 
    excess moisture allowance for low-rank coals.
        Revised section 870.18(c) adds definitions to further explain the 
    meaning of terms as they are used in new sections 870.19 and 870.20. 
    ``As-shipped coal'' and ``tipple coal'' is defined as the coal found at 
    the mine or loading facility. A precise meaning for a ``channel 
    sample'' and ``core sample'' is given and the definitions incorporate 
    by reference the specific ASTM procedure used to take the particular 
    kind of sample. The ``correction factor'' is added as the method used 
    to establish the difference between the equilibrium moisture and 
    inherent moisture in low-rank coals under section 870.20. ``Equilibrium 
    moisture'' is defined as the method used to estimate the inherent 
    moisture in all coals, and ASTM D1412 and ASTM D1412, Appendix X1, are 
    incorporated by reference. Types of ``high-rank coals'' and ``low-rank 
    coals'' are defined to explain how these terms are used throughout 
    sections 870.5 and 870.18-20.
    C. Section 870.19--How To Calculate Excess Moisture in HIGH-Rank Coals
        The new section 870.19, which provides standard criteria for an 
    operator to use to establish excess moisture in high-rank coals, is 
    being adopted as proposed. Table 1 includes the ASTM standard sample 
    collection method, ASTM D2234-89, Standard Test Methods for Collection 
    of a Gross Sample of Coal, that OSM will accept for use as the basis 
    for calculating the percentage of total moisture in as-shipped high-
    rank coals each day the coal is either shipped or used. Table 1 also 
    provides the test procedure, ASTM D3302-91, Standard Test Method for 
    Total Moisture in Coal, that would be acceptable for that purpose.
        Two commenters suggested that more than one test method be accepted 
    for determining total moisture in high-rank coals. The prescribed test 
    methodology is designed to provide operators with the most reliable 
    means of determining the total moisture in the coals. While other 
    methods are available, the results produced may be less accurate, and 
    they are not incorporated as being acceptable in all cases. Operators 
    wishing to use other methodologies should obtain prior OSM approval to 
    avoid possible disallowance of their excess moisture amounts. The 
    operator must demonstrate that the test used yields accurate results.
        One commenter opposed the requirement to test for total moisture 
    each day coal is shipped or used because:
    --It would represent an excessive burden for small to medium-sized 
    operators who do not now test for total moisture every day they ship 
    [[Page 60140]]
    --The cost involved with testing for total moisture every day in many 
    cases will either exceed or substantially diminish the value of the 
    coal moisture deduction; and
    --The previous regulation did not require it.
        The commenter recommended that one analysis of each stockpile of 
    coal be allowed as an alternative to daily testing. OSM has considered 
    these comments, but is retaining the daily testing requirement. The 
    basis for the coal moisture deduction is to recognize that coal 
    operators generally are not compensated for the weight of excess 
    moisture in the coal they ship, and therefore, should not be required 
    to pay fees on that weight. The total moisture of the coal can vary 
    significantly from day to day based on weather and other conditions. 
    The commenter stated that a single test of each stockpile, if depleted 
    in 10 days or less, would provide an average value of the total 
    moisture percentage for the stockpile for each day that the coal was 
    used or shipped. In OSM's view, such an approach will not adequately 
    recognize the variations in day-to-day moisture amounts and tonnages 
    shipped. The more this relationship is obscured, the less relevant it 
    becomes in recognizing the weight of excess moisture for which the 
    operator may not be compensated.
        OSM also recognizes that the cost of daily moisture tests could 
    exceed the value of the excess moisture fee deduction that would be 
    derived. For that reason, OSM emphasizes in section 870.18(a) that the 
    operator may use the customer's test results on the shipped coal in 
    support of an excess moisture deduction. It has been OSM's experience 
    that the majority of buyers conduct such tests as part of their efforts 
    to ensure quality. By obtaining copies of the test results and related 
    records, the seller could avoid the expense of testing.
        The daily total moisture test results must be converted to 
    quarterly figures to be reported to OSM on the OSM-1 Form, Coal 
    Reclamation Fee Report. To calculate the quarterly total moisture 
    percentage an operator should: (1) Multiply the daily total moisture 
    percentage by the tonnage shipped or used that day, to find the daily 
    total moisture tonnage; and, (2) add the daily total moisture tonnage 
    for each day in the quarter; and, (3) add the daily tonnage shipped or 
    used in the quarter, to find the total tonnage shipped or used during 
    the quarter. Then, divide the sum of the daily total moisture tonnage, 
    step (2), by the sum of the daily tonnage shipped or used in the 
    quarter, step (3). This will result in the total moisture percentage in 
    high-rank coals for the quarter which is reported on the Coal 
    Reclamation Fee Report.
        Table 2 provides three methods for sampling high-rank coals, and 
    testing the sample to determine the inherent moisture percentage that 
    will be acceptable to OSM. To collect a coal sample directly from a 
    coal seam an operator could use either a core or a channel sample 
    method. If a core sample is collected the operator is required to 
    collect the sample using procedures in ASTM D5192-91, Standard Practice 
    for Collection of Coal Samples from Core and to test by ASTM D1412-93, 
    Standard Test Method for Equilibrium Moisture of Coal at 96 to 97 
    Percent Relative Humidity and 30 deg.C. If a channel sample is used, 
    the operator is required to collect the sample using procedures in ASTM 
    D4596-93, Standard Practice for Collection of Channel Samples of Coal 
    in a Mine and to test by either ASTM D1412-93, Standard Test Method for 
    Equilibrium Moisture of Coal at 96 to 97 Percent Relative Humidity and 
    30 deg.C, or ASTM D3302-91, Standard Test Method for Total Moisture in 
    Coal. To collect a sample of blended coal, as-shipped coal, tipple 
    coal, commingled coal, or coal from slurry ponds an operator will use 
    procedures in ASTM D2234-89, Standard Test Methods for Collection of a 
    Gross Sample of Coal and test by ASTM D1412-93, Standard Test Method 
    for Equilibrium Moisture of Coal at 96 to 97 Percent Relative Humidity 
    and 30 deg.C to estimate the inherent moisture.
        An operator may select one of two options for timing inherent 
    moisture tests, either quarterly or monthly. If a quarterly inherent 
    moisture test is chosen, the operator must report the results of one 
    inherent moisture test taken at any time during the quarter on the OSM-
    1 form for the quarter in which the test was taken. If monthly inherent 
    moisture testing is preferred, the operator must create a 24-month 
    inherent moisture baseline during the first 24-months a coal seam is in 
    continuous operation. To create the 24-month inherent moisture 
    baseline, an operator must collect and test one sample in each month of 
    the calendar quarter. The quarterly inherent moisture percentage 
    reported to OSM for each of the first 8 quarters a seam is in 
    continuous operation is then based on a weighted average of the 3-
    monthly inherent moisture tests results from each quarter. To determine 
    the quarterly weighted average inherent moisture percentage an operator 
    would then: (1) Multiply the inherent moisture percentage for one month 
    by the number of tons produced or shipped in that month to find the 
    monthly inherent moisture tonnage; (2) add the inherent moisture 
    tonnage determined in (1) for each of the 3 months to find the 
    quarterly inherent moisture tonnage; (3) divide the inherent moisture 
    tonnage found in (2) by the total number of tons produced or shipped 
    during the three months of the quarter; and, (4) report the weighted 
    average percentage determined in (3) for the quarter to OSM on the OSM-
    1 form. After the first 24-months, an operator would use an updated 
    rolling average percentage to report inherent moisture percentages for 
    all subsequent quarters in which a coal seam is continuously mined. The 
    rolling average percentage would be calculated by: Adding the results 
    of one inherent moisture test of one coal sample collected during every 
    12-month period to the inherent moisture percentages for the preceding 
    23 tests, and dividing the sum of these tests by 24.
        Section 870.19(a) provides instruction on how an operator would 
    calculate the excess moisture in high-rank coals by using one of two 
    methods. One method involves the simple subtraction of the inherent 
    moisture percentage from the total moisture percentage as it is found 
    in the existing rule. OSM expects that most operators of small to 
    medium size mines would likely prefer to continue to use this method. A 
    new alternative formula is added as a second method in section 
    870.19(a) that allows an adjustment in the excess moisture calculation 
    for a percentage of inherent moisture contained in the as-shipped coal. 
    Some operators who either mine a large volume of coal, or mine coal 
    with a significant variance in total and inherent moisture, have 
    requested OSM's approval to use this formula for calculating a tonnage 
    reduction for excess moisture. OSM is now providing this option as an 
    alternative to the existing formula used to determine the excess 
    moisture percentage. The excess moisture percentage found in section 
    870.19(a) is multiplied by the tonnage sold, transferred, or used 
    during the quarter to determine the excess moisture reduced tonnage for 
    the quarter under section 870.19(b).
    D. Section 870.20--How To Calculate Excess Moisture in LOW-Rank Coals
        A new section 870.20, which provides standard criteria for an 
    operator to use to establish excess moisture in low-rank coals, is 
    being adopted with changes. Table 1 includes the ASTM standard sample 
    collection procedure, ASTM D2234-89, Standard Test Methods for 
    Collection of a Gross Sample, and test
    [[Page 60141]]
    procedure, ASTM D3302-91, Standard Test Method for Total Moisture in 
    Coal, OSM will accept for use as the basis for calculating the 
    percentage of total moisture in as shipped low-rank coals each day the 
    coal is either shipped or used.
        The daily total moisture test results must be converted to 
    quarterly figures to be reported to OSM on the OSM-1, Coal Reclamation 
    Fee Report. To calculate the quarterly total moisture percentage an 
    operator must: (1) Multiply the daily total moisture percentage by the 
    tonnage shipped or used that day, to find the daily total moisture 
    tonnage; (2) add the daily total moisture tonnage for each day in the 
    quarter; and, (3) add the daily tonnage shipped or used in the quarter, 
    to find the total tonnage shipped or used during the quarter. Then, 
    divide the sum of the daily total moisture tonnage, step (2), by the 
    sum of the daily tonnage shipped or used in the quarter, step (3). This 
    will result in the total moisture percentage in low-rank coal for the 
    quarter which would be reported by the OSM-1, Coal Reclamation Fee 
        Table 2 provides instructions on how an operator will determine the 
    inherent moisture percentage of coal mined from one or more benches of 
    low-rank coals by: collecting one sample of as-shipped coal each month 
    of the calendar quarter using procedure ASTM D2234-89, Standard Test 
    Methods for Collection of a Gross Sample of Coal; and testing each 
    sample for equilibrium moisture by ASTM D1412-93, Standard Test Method 
    for Equilibrium Moisture of Coal at 96 to 97 Percent Relative Humidity 
    and 30 deg.C.
        The operator would calculate the inherent moisture percentage to 
    report to OSM for the quarter by averaging the results from the 3 
    monthly equilibrium moisture tests, and adding the correction factor.
        Table 3 provides the method an operator is required to use to 
    establish the correction factor during the first quarter an excess 
    moisture allowance is taken on low-rank coals mined from a bench or 
    multiple benches. The correction factor is found by using procedures in 
    ASTM D1412-93 Appendix X1, Standard Test Method for Equilibrium 
    Moisture of Coal at 96 to 97 Percent Relative Humidity and 30 deg.C to 
    collect 15 samples of coal from a freshly exposed, unweathered coal 
    seam face during the quarter. All 15 samples would be tested for 
    inherent moisture and equilibrium moisture as required by ASTM D1412-93 
    Appendix X1, Standard Test Method for Equilibrium Moisture of Coal at 
    96 to 97 Percent Relative Humidity and 30 deg.C.
        In the proposed rule, we stated that 5 samples had to be taken in 
    each month of the first quarter for a total of 15 samples. Three 
    commenters suggested a variety of alternatives, including allowing 
    companies to:
    --Perform a single annual collection of 20 samples;
    --Collect all 15 samples in a single month; or
    --Take 20 to 30 samples annually.
        The OSM-1 forms reporting tonnage and moisture amounts are to be 
    filed for each calendar quarter. The purpose of the samples is to help 
    determine the appropriate moisture amount for the coal shipped or used 
    in the calendar quarter being reported. As a result, it is not feasible 
    to delay the sampling and testing beyond that quarter. In response to 
    the commenters, however, we have revised the final rule to state that 
    the sampling and testing need not be done until the first quarter a 
    deduction is taken, and that all 15 samples may be taken anytime during 
    the quarter rather than 5 each month. This is also designed to address 
    some commenters' concerns that sampling on some days during the quarter 
    may be difficult due to harsh weather.
        The operator is required to establish the correction factor for the 
    first quarter and all later quarters by: averaging the 15 inherent 
    moisture test results; averaging the 15 equilibrium moisture test 
    results; and, subtracting the average inherent moisture from the 
    average equilibrium moisture.
        Three commenters also suggested that a regression formula be 
    allowed to determine the correction factor rather than simple 
    subtraction of the average equilibrium moisture from the average 
    inherent moisture. Generally, regression analysis is a statistical 
    approach which can be used to determine inherent moisture based on its 
    relationship to possibly several other variables of coal content, such 
    as ash, Btu, and equilibrium moisture. We examined this approach and 
    found that it would require sampling for every variable used in the 
    analysis and a substantially greater number of tests to produce 
    reliable results. We also found it difficult to specify all the 
    different variables that should be considered in every situation. As a 
    result, we are not incorporating a regression approach into the final 
    rule. If an operator elects to use a method other than that provided in 
    the rule, the operator should obtain prior OSM approval to avoid having 
    to revert to the simple subtraction method.
        One commenter objected to calculating a correction factor for each 
    bench as we originally proposed, pointing out that multiple benches may 
    be mined simultaneously. We have revised the requirement in the final 
    rule to allow an average correction factor to be calculated and applied 
    when such situations exist. The correction factor could be changed at 
    any time provided new samples are taken and all procedures shown in 
    Table 3 are repeated.
    III. Procedural Matters
    Federal Paperwork Reduction Act
        In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 
    104-13, OSM requested comments from the public and the Office of 
    Management and Budget (OMB) on the information collections contained in 
    the proposed rulemaking. Commenters were asked to address: (a) Whether 
    the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper 
    performance of OSM, including whether the information will have 
    practical utility; (b) the accuracy of OSM's estimate of the burdens of 
    the proposed collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the 
    quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and 
    (d) ways to minimize the burden of collection on the respondents, 
    including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of 
    information technology. Comments received on the information collection 
    requirements in the proposed rule have been addressed in the preamble 
        Title: Abandoned mine reclamation fund--fee collection and coal 
    production reporting: 30 CFR part 870.
        OMB Control Number: 1029-0090.
        Abstract: Section 402 of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation 
    Act of 1977 requires operators of coal mining operations to pay a 
    reclamation fee to the Secretary for deposit in the Abandoned Mine 
    Reclamation Fund for the purpose of reclaiming lands mined and left 
    abandoned, or inadequately reclaimed, prior to the Act's effective 
    date. Reclamation fees are to be paid on each ton of coal produced.
        Sections 870.18, 870.19, and 870.20 of the regulations allow an 
    operator to take an excess moisture content allowance when calculating 
    the amount of reclamation fees that are owed. To substantiate the 
    calculated moisture deduction claimed, an operator (or other entity 
    responsible for the payment of the reclamation fee) is required to 
    document by standard laboratory analysis the excess moisture content 
    for each coal seam mined. This documentation must be updated as 
    necessary to establish the continuing validity of the excess moisture 
    content allowance taken by the operator.
    [[Page 60142]]
        Need For and Use: The information submitted will be used by OSM 
    auditors to verify an operator's compliance with Section 402 of the Act 
    and the requirements of the regulation at 30 CFR 870.18, 870.19, and 
    870.20. During an audit, operators must substantiate how the 
    calculation for excess moisture was determined. Response to this 
    collection of information is required to obtain a benefit and is held 
    confidential under the Freedom of Information Act.
        Operators must retain their records for a 6-year period to allow 
    for the audit of tax records. Courts have ruled that the AML fee is an 
    excise tax. The applicable provision of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 
    (Section 2515) extended the fee through 2004.
        Respondents: Approximately 1,050 coal mining operators who take the 
    coal moisture deduction allowance.
        Total Annual Burden: OSM estimates that 2 hours will be required to 
    prepare and maintain the documentation for audit purposes per 
    respondent. The total annual burden is estimated to be 2,100 hours.
    Executive Order 12988 on Civil Justice Reform
        The Department of the Interior has determined that this rule meets 
    the requirements of sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988, 
    Civil Justice Reform.
    Executive Order 12866
        This rule has been determined to be significant under Executive 
    Order 12866 and has been reviewed by the Office of Management and 
        The rule is not considered economically significant under section 
    3(f)(1) of Executive Order 12866 and will not have a significant 
    economic effect on the coal mining industry, or on regional or national 
    economies. OSM is providing a viable methodology that will enable coal 
    mine operators to calculate the correct allowance for excess moisture. 
    OSM is not attempting to specify any given amount, or percentage, as an 
    excess moisture allowance. For that reason it is not possible to 
    predict the cost that this revision will have in terms of the amount of 
    the additional AML fees that the industry will pay and the government 
    collect or the industry save and the government not collect. Based on 
    AML tonnages reported, and the total moisture allowances taken for 
    1996, the industry saved approximately $5,729,000 in terms of the 
    tonnage reported. With regard to benefits, the rule revision will 
    ensure that all excess moisture allowances are fair and equitable. 
    OSM's revision also includes an option that will provide operators with 
    a method to calculate an allowance for the inherent moisture present in 
    as-shipped coal. This will be of particular benefit when an operator 
    sells large volumes of coal, and/or sells coal with a substantial 
    variance between the total and inherent moisture.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        In accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 et 
    seq., the Department of the Interior has determined that this rule will 
    not have a significant economic effect on a substantial number of small 
    entities for the following reason. The rule will provide two methods 
    for operators to calculate the excess moisture in high-rank coal. OSM 
    expects that most operators of small to medium size mines will likely 
    prefer to continue to use the current method of calculation while 
    operators who either mine a large volume of coal, or mine coal with a 
    significant variance in total and inherent moisture, will use the other 
    option as an alternative to the existing formula used to determine the 
    excess moisture percentage. Thus, for small operators any change from 
    current practices is optional.
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        This rule will not impose a cost of $100 million or more in any 
    given year on any governmental entity or the private sector.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        OSM has prepared an environmental assessment (EA) of this rule and 
    has made a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) on the quality of 
    the human environment under section 102(2)(C) of the National 
    Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), 42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C). The EA 
    and FONSI are on file in the OSM Administrative Record.
        Author: The principal author of this rule is Dr. Kewal Kohli, 
    Mining Engineer, Office of Surface Mining, U.S. Department of the 
    Interior, 3 Parkway Center, Pittsburgh, PA 15220. Inquiries with 
    respect to the rule should be directed to Dr. Kohli at the address and 
    telephone specified under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. 
    List of Subjects in 30 CFR Part 870
        Incorporation by reference, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Surface mining, Underground mining.
        Dated: July 2, 1997.
    Bob Armstrong,
    Assistant Secretary, Land and Minerals Management.
        Accordingly, 30 CFR part 870 is amended as set forth below:
        1. The authority citation for part 870 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.
        2. Section 870.5 is amended by revising definitions of ``excess 
    moisture,'' ``inherent moisture'' and ``total moisture'' to read as 
    Sec. 870.5  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        Excess moisture means the difference between total moisture and 
    inherent moisture, calculated according to Sec. 870.19 for high-rank 
    coals or the difference between total moisture and inherent moisture 
    calculated according to Sec. 870.20 for low-rank coals.
    * * * * *
        Inherent moisture means moisture that exists as an integral part of 
    the coal seam in its natural state, including water in pores, but 
    excluding that present in macroscopically visible fractures, as 
    determined according to Sec. 870.19(a) or Sec. 870.20(a).
    * * * * *
        Total moisture means the measure of weight loss in an air 
    atmosphere under rigidly controlled conditions of temperature, time and 
    air flow, as determined according to either Sec. 870.19(a) or 
    Sec. 870.20(a).
        3. Section 870.18 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 870.18  General rules for calculating excess moisture.
        If you are an operator who mined coal after June 1988, you may 
    deduct the weight of excess moisture in the coal to determine 
    reclamation fees you owe under 30 CFR 870.12(b)(3)(i). Excess moisture 
    is the difference between total moisture and inherent moisture. To 
    calculate excess moisture in HIGH-rank coal, follow Sec. 870.19. To 
    calculate excess moisture in LOW-rank coal, follow Sec. 870.20. Report 
    your calculations on the OSM-1 form, Coal Reclamation Fee Report, for 
    every calendar quarter in which you claim a deduction. Some cautions:
        (a) You or your customer may do any test required by Secs. 870.19 
    and 870.20. But whoever does a test, you are to keep test results and 
    all related records for at least six years after the test date.
    [[Page 60143]]
        (b) If OSM disallows any or all of an allowance for excess 
    moisture, you must submit an additional fee plus interest computed 
    according to Sec. 870.15(c) and penalties computed according to 
    Sec. 870.15(f).
        (c) The following definitions are applicable to Secs. 870.19 and 
    870.20. ASTM standards D4596-93, Standard Practice for Collection of 
    Channel Samples of Coal in a Mine; D5192-91, Standard Practice for 
    Collection of Coal Samples from Core; and, D1412-93, Standard Test 
    Method for Equilibrium Moisture of Coal at 96 to 97 Percent Relative 
    Humidity and 30 deg.C are incorporated by reference as published in the 
    1994 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 05.05. The Director of the 
    Federal Register approved this incorporation by reference in accordance 
    with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Each applicable ASTM standard 
    is incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and a notice 
    of any change in it will be published in the Federal Register. You may 
    obtain copies from the ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, 
    Pennsylvania 19428. A copy of the ASTM standards is available for 
    inspection at the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 
    Administrative Record, Room 101, 1951 Constitution Avenue, NW., 
    Washington, DC, or at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North 
    Capitol St., NW., Suite 700, Washington, DC.
        (1) As-shipped coal means raw or prepared coal that is loaded for 
    shipment from the mine or loading facility.
        (2) Blended coal means coals of various qualities and predetermined 
    quantities mixed to control the final product.
        (3) Channel sample means a sample of coal collected according to 
    ASTM standard D4596-93 from a channel extending from the top to the 
    bottom of a coal seam.
        (4) Commingled coal means coal from different sources and/or types 
    combined prior to shipment or use.
        (5) Core sample means a cylindrical sample of coal that represents 
    the thickness of a coal seam penetrated by drilling according to ASTM 
    standard D5192-91.
        (6) Correction factor means the difference between the equilibrium 
    moisture and the inherent moisture in low rank coals for the purpose of 
    Sec. 870.20(a).
        (7) Equilibrium moisture means the moisture in the coal as 
    determined through ASTM standard D1412-93.
        (8) High-rank coals means anthracite, bituminous, and subbituminous 
    A and B coals.
        (9) Low-rank coals means subbituminous C and lignite coals.
        (10) Slurry pond means any natural or artificial pond or lagoon 
    used for the settlement and draining of the solids from the slurry 
    resulting from the coal washing process.
        (11) Tipple coal means coal from a mine or loading facility that is 
    ready for shipment.
        4. Sections 870.19 and 870.20 are added to read as follows:
    Sec. 870.19  How to calculate excess moisture in HIGH-rank coals.
        Here are the requirements for calculating the excess moisture in 
    high-rank coals for a calendar quarter. ASTM standards D2234-89, 
    Standard Test Methods for Collection of a Gross Sample of Coal; D3302-
    91, Standard Test Method for Total Moisture in Coal; D5192-91, Standard 
    Practice for Collection of Coal Samples from Core; D1412-93, Standard 
    Test Method for Equilibrium Moisture of Coal at 96 to 97 Percent 
    Relative Humidity and 30 deg.C; and, D4596-93, Standard Practice for 
    Collection of Channel Samples of Coal in a Mine are incorporated by 
    reference as published in the 1994 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 
    Volume 05.05. The Director of the Federal Register approved this 
    incorporation by reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR 
    part 51. Each applicable ASTM standard is incorporated as it exists on 
    the date of the approval, and a notice of any change in it will be 
    published in the Federal Register. You may obtain copies from the ASTM, 
    100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428. A copy of 
    the ASTM standards is available for inspection at the Office of Surface 
    Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Administrative Record, Room 101, 
    1951 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC, or at the Office of the 
    Federal Register, 800 North Capitol St., NW., Suite 700, Washington, 
        (a)(1) Calculate the excess moisture percentage using one of these 
        (2) EM equals excess moisture percentage. TM equals total as-
    shipped moisture percentage calculated according to Table 1 of this 
    section. IM equals inherent moisture percentage calculated according to 
    Table 2 of this section.
        (b) Multiply the excess moisture percentage by the tonnage from the 
    bonafide sales, transfers of ownership, or uses by the operator during 
    the quarter.
    BILLING CODE 1505-01-D
    [[Page 60144]]
    [[Page 60145]]
    BILLING CODE 1505-01-D
    [[Page 60146]]
    Sec. 870.20  How to calculate excess moisture in LOW-rank coals.
        Here are the requirements for calculating the excess moisture in 
    low-rank coals for a calendar quarter. ASTM standards D2234-89, 
    Standard Test Methods for Collection of a Gross Sample of Coal; D3302-
    91, Standard Test Method for Total Moisture in Coal; and, D1412-93, 
    Standard Test Method for Equilibrium Moisture of Coal at 96 to 97 
    Percent Relative Humidity and 30 deg.C are incorporated by reference as 
    published in the 1994 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 05.05. The 
    Director of the Federal Register approved this incorporation by 
    reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Each 
    applicable ASTM standard is incorporated as it exists on the date of 
    the approval, and a notice of any change in it will be published in the 
    Federal Register. You may obtain copies from the ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor 
    Drive, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428. A copy of the ASTM 
    standards is available for inspection at the Office of Surface Mining 
    Reclamation and Enforcement, Administrative Record, Room 120, 1951 
    Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC, or at the Office of the 
    Federal Register, 800 North Capitol St., NW., Suite 700, Washington, 
        (a)(1) Calculate the excess moisture percentage using one of these 
        (2) EM equals excess moisture percentage. TM equals total as-
    shipped moisture percentage calculated according to Table 1 of this 
    section. IM equals inherent moisture percentage calculated according to 
    Tables 2 and 3 of this section.
        (b) Multiply the excess moisture percentage by the tonnage from the 
    bona fide sales, transfers of ownership, or uses by the operator during 
    the quarter.
    BILLING CODE 1505-01-D
    [[Page 60147]]
    [[Page 60148]]
    [[Page 60149]]
        Editorial Note: FR Doc. 97-22903 was originally published as 
    Part II in the issue of Tuesday, August 29, 1997. The corrected 
    document is republished in its entirety at the request of the 
    agency, due to the omission of the Table numbers.
    [FR Doc. 97-22903 Filed 8-28-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 1505-01-D

Document Information

Effective Date:
Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This regulation is effective October 1, 1997. The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in the regulations is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of October 1, 1997.
60138-60149 (12 pages)
1029-AB78: Coal Moisture
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