98-6999. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants and Control Techniques Guideline Document for Source Categories: Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework Facilities  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 59 (Friday, March 27, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 15006-15033]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-6999]
    [[Page 15005]]
    Part II
    Environmental Protection Agency
    40 CFR Parts 9 and 63
    Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework Facilities; National Emission 
    Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants and Control Techniques Guideline 
    Document for Source Categories; Final and Proposed Rules
    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 1998 / Rules 
    and Regulations
    [[Page 15006]]
    40 CFR Parts 9 and 63
    RIN 2060-AE02
    National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants and 
    Control Techniques Guideline Document for Source Categories: Aerospace 
    Manufacturing and Rework Facilities
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Final rule and release of final control techniques guideline 
    (CTG) document.
    SUMMARY: This action finalizes several amendments to the national 
    emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for aerospace 
    manufacturing and rework facilities proposed in the Federal Register on 
    October 29, 1996 (61 FR 55842). The amendments include: Corrections to 
    several references in the rule; revisions and additions to definitions; 
    clarification of the applicability of the cleaning operations 
    standards; clarification of the applicability of the rule to space 
    vehicles; addition of standards for Type I chemical milling maskants; 
    addition of a test method for determining the filtration efficiency of 
    dry particulate filters; revision of standards for new and existing 
    sources using dry particulate filters to control emissions from topcoat 
    and primer application and depainting operations; addition of an 
    exemption for certain water-reducible coatings; addition of an 
    exemption from inorganic HAP requirements for hand-held spray can 
    applications; addition of an essential use exemption for cleaning 
    solvents; clarification of compliance dates; clarification of the 
    applicability of new source MACT to spray booths; clarification and 
    addition of emissions averaging provisions; revision of the 
    requirements for new and existing primer and topcoat application 
    operations; clarification of monitoring requirements for dry 
    particulate filter usage; revision of the standard for depainting 
    operations; addition of a cross reference to requirements in the 
    General Provisions in subpart A of part 63; addition of appendix A to 
    this subpart containing definitions for specialty coatings; 
    miscellaneous changes to the proposed amendatory language; and minor 
    technical corrections, including correction of the OMB tracking number 
    in 40 CFR part 9 (Section 9.1), that were not part of the October 29, 
    1996 proposal. Today's action takes final action on all of these 
    EFFECTIVE DATE: March 27, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Control Techniques Guideline. Copies of the final CTG may be 
    obtained from the U. S. EPA Library (MD-35), Research Triangle Park, NC 
    27711; telephone (919) 541-2777.
        An electronic version of documents from the Office of Air and 
    Radiation (OAR) are available through EPA's OAR Technology Transfer 
    Network Web site (TTNWeb). The TTNWeb is a collection of related Web 
    sites containing information about many areas of air pollution science, 
    technology, regulation, measurement, and prevention. The TTNWeb is 
    directly accessible from the Internet via the World Wide Web at the 
    following address, ``http://www.epa.gov/ttn''. Electronic versions of 
    this preamble and rule are located under the OAR Policy and Guidance 
    Information Web site, ``http://www.epa.gov/ttn/oarpg/'', under the 
    Recently Signed Rules section. If more information on the TTNWeb is 
    needed, contact the Systems Operator at (919) 541-5384.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For information concerning this notice 
    and analyses performed in developing this rule, contact Ms. Barbara 
    Driscoll, Policy Planning and Standards Group, Emission Standards 
    Division (MD-13), U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research 
    Triangle Park, NC 27711; telephone number (919) 541-0164. For 
    implementation issues (guidance documents), contact Ms. Ingrid Ward, 
    Program Review Group, Information Transfer and Program Integration 
    Division (MD-12), U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research 
    Triangle Park, NC 27711, telephone number (919) 541-0300. For 
    information concerning applicability and rule determinations, contact 
    your State or local representative or the appropriate EPA regional 
    representative. For a listing of EPA regional contacts, see the 
    following SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section.
    Regulated Entities
        Entities potentially regulated by this action are owners or 
    operators of facilities that are engaged, either in part or in whole, 
    in the manufacturing or rework of commercial, civil, or military 
    aerospace vehicles or components and that are major sources as defined 
    in Sec. 63.2 of this part. Regulated categories include:
               Category                  Examples of regulated entities     
    Industry.....................  Facilities that are major sources of     
                                    hazardous air pollutants and            
                                    manufacture, rework, or repair aircraft 
                                    such as airplanes, helicopters,         
                                    missiles, rockets, and space vehicles.  
    Federal Government...........  Federal facilities that are major sources
                                    of hazardous air pollutants and         
                                    manufacture, rework, or repair aircraft 
                                    such as airplanes, helicopters,         
                                    missiles, rockets, and space vehicles.  
    This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather it provides a 
    guide for readers regarding entities that EPA is now aware could 
    potentially be regulated by this action. Other types of entities not 
    listed in the table could also be regulated. To determine whether your 
    facility [company, business, organization, etc.] is regulated by this 
    action, you should carefully examine the applicability criteria in 
    Sec. 63.741 of the NESHAP for aerospace manufacturing and rework 
    facilities promulgated in the Federal Register on September 1, 1995 (60 
    FR 45948). If you have questions regarding the applicability of this 
    action to a particular entity, contact the appropriate regional 
    Region I
    NESHAP (MACT) Coordinator, U.S. EPA Region I, John F. Kennedy Federal 
    Building, One Congress Street, Boston, MA 02203-001, (617) 565-3438
    Region II
    Umesh Dholakia or Yue-On Chiu, U.S. EPA Region II, 290 Broadway Street, 
    New York, NY 10007-1866, (212) 637-4023 (Umesh), (212) 637-4065 (Yue-
    Region III
    Bernard Turlinski, U.S. EPA Region III, 841 Chestnut Building, 
    Philadelphia, PA 19107, (215) 566-2150
    Region IV
    Leonardo Ceron, U.S. EPA Region IV, Atlanta Federal Center, 61 Forsyth 
    Street SW, Atlanta, GA 30303-3104, (404) 562-9129
    [[Page 15007]]
    Region V
    Emmett Keegan, U.S. EPA Region V, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 
    IL 60604-3507, (312) 886-0678
    Region VI
    Elvia Evering, U.S. EPA Region VI, First Interstate Bank Tower, @ 
    Fountain Place, 1445 Ross Avenue, 12th Floor, Suite 1200, Dallas, TX 
    75202-2733, (214) 665-7575
    Region VII
    Richard Tripp, U.S. EPA Region VII, Air Toxics Coordinator, 726 
    Minnesota Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66101, (913) 551-7566
    Region VIII
    Heather Rooney, U.S. EPA Region VIII, Air Toxics Coordinator, 999 18th 
    Street, Suite 500, Denver, CO 80202-2466, (303) 312-6971
    Region IX
    Nikole Reaksecker, U.S. EPA Region IX, Air Division-6, 75 Hawthorne 
    Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, (415) 744-1187
    Region X
    Andrea Wullenweber, U.S. EPA Region X, Air Toxics Coordinator, 1200 
    Sixth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101, (206) 553-8760
        These amendments to the rule will not change the basic control 
    requirements of the rule or the level of health protection it provides. 
    The rule requires new and existing major sources to control emissions 
    of hazardous air pollutants to the level reflecting application of the 
    maximum achievable control technology.
        In addition, the EPA announces the availability of a final control 
    techniques guideline (CTG) document for control of volatile organic 
    compound (VOC) emissions from aerospace manufacturing and rework 
    facilities. This document has been prepared in accordance with section 
    183(b)(3) of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (the ``Act'') to 
    assist States in analyzing and determining reasonably available control 
    technology (RACT) for stationary sources of VOC emissions located 
    within ozone national ambient air quality standard nonattainment areas. 
    The final document recommends RACT for industries included in, but not 
    limited to, 10 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes: SIC 
    3720, Aircraft and Parts; SIC 3721, Aircraft; SIC 3724, Aircraft 
    Engines and Engine Parts; SIC 3728, Aircraft Parts and Equipment; SIC 
    3760, Guided Missiles, Space Vehicles, and Parts; SIC 3761, Guided 
    Missiles and Space Vehicles; SIC 3764, Space Propulsion Units and 
    Parts; SIC 3769, Space Vehicle Equipment; SIC 4512, Scheduled Air 
    Transportation; and SIC 4581, Airports, Flying Fields, and Services.
        (As of January 1, 1997, a new numerical coding system for 
    classifying industries has been implemented by the U.S. Census Bureau. 
    The new system is called the North American Industrial Classification 
    System--NAICS. The following list of affected industries was developed 
    as a cross-reference to the above SIC codes: NAICS 336411, Aircraft 
    Manufacturing; NAICS 336412, Aircraft Engine and Engine Parts 
    Manufacturing; NAICS 336413, Other Aircraft Part and Auxiliary 
    Equipment Manufacturing; NAICS 336414, Guided Missile and Space Vehicle 
    Manufacturing; NAICS 336419, Other Guided Missile and Space Vehicle 
    Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing; NAICS 481111, Scheduled 
    Passenger Air Transportation; and NAICS 481112, Scheduled Freight Air 
        The information presented below is organized as follows:
    I. Background
        A. Public Comment on the October 29, 1996 Proposal
        B. Judicial Review
    II. Summary of Major Comments and Changes to the Proposed Amendments 
    to the Rule
        A. Corrections to References
        B. Definitions
        C. Cleaning Operations
        D. Applicability to Space Vehicles
        E. Standards for Type I Maskants
        F. Test Method for Determining Filtration Efficiency
        G. Standards for Dry Particulate Filters
        H. Exemption for Waterborne Coatings
        I. Exemption From Inorganic HAP Requirements for Hand-Held Spray 
    Can Applications
        J. Essential Use Exemption for Cleaning Solvents
        K. Compliance Dates
        L. Requirements for New Affected Sources (Spray Booths)
        M. Emissions Averaging
        N. Requirements for New and Existing Primer and Topcoat 
    Application Operations
        O. Monitoring Requirements for Dry Particulate Filter Usage
        P. Depainting Operations
        Q. Applicability of General Provisions
        R. Specialty Coatings
        S. Miscellaneous Changes
        T. Technical Corrections
    III. Control Techniques Guideline
    IV. Administrative Requirements
        A. Docket
        B. Paperwork Reduction Act
        C. Executive Order 12866
        D. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        E. Submission to Congress
        F. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
    I. Background
        National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants for 
    aerospace manufacturing and rework facilities were proposed under 
    Section 112(d) of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (the ``Act'') in 
    the Federal Register on June 6, 1994 (59 FR 29216). Public comments 
    were received regarding the standards and the final NESHAP was 
    promulgated in the Federal Register on September 1, 1995 (60 FR 45948). 
    After promulgation of the final rule, several issues were raised by 
    various industry representatives and affected parties. Based on 
    discussions with the commenters, the Agency proposed actions to amend 
    Secs. 63.741, 63.742, 63.743, 63.744, 63.745, 63.746, 63.747, 63.749, 
    63.750, 63.751, 63.752 and 63.753 of subpart GG of 40 CFR part 63. 
    These sections deal with applicability, definitions, general standards, 
    cleaning operations, topcoat and primer application operations, 
    depainting operations, chemical milling maskant application operations, 
    compliance dates and determinations, test methods and procedures, 
    monitoring requirements, recordkeeping requirements, and reporting 
    requirements. These changes provide additional flexibility to the 
    regulated community and in several instances, clarify/correct errors in 
    the regulatory text.
    A. Public Comment on the October 29, 1996 Proposal
        Eighteen comment letters were received on the October 29, 1996 
    Federal Register document that proposed changes to the rule. The 
    proposed changes covered a variety of issues and many of the comment 
    letters were supportive of the amendments. A few other comment letters 
    also included suggested editorial revisions to further clarify some 
    aspects of the proposed amendments or to address oversights in the 
    proposed amendments. The EPA considered these suggestions and, where 
    appropriate, made changes to the proposed amendments. The significant 
    issues raised and the changes to the proposed amendments are summarized 
    in this preamble. More detailed responses are provided in an addendum 
    to the background information document (BID) volume II which can be 
    found in Docket A-92-20, document No. EPA 453/R-97-003b. Some of the 
    comment letters also included numerous issues not covered in the 
    October 29, 1996 proposal. The EPA reviewed and responded to each of 
    these in the addendum to the BID; any resulting changes to the final 
    rule will
    [[Page 15008]]
    be proposed in a future Federal Register notice.
    B. Judicial Review
        Under section 307(b)(1) of the Act, judicial review of today's 
    amendments to the NESHAP for aerospace manufacturing and rework 
    facilities is available only on the filing of a petition for review in 
    the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit within 
    60 days of today's publication of this final rule. Under section 
    307(b)(2) of the CAA, the requirements that are subject to today's 
    notice may not be challenged later in civil or criminal proceedings 
    brought by the EPA to enforce these requirements.
    II. Summary of Major Comments and Changes to the Proposed 
    Amendments to the Rule
    A. Corrections to References
        In the September 1995 promulgated rule, there were several 
    references to Sec. 63.751(b)(7)(iii), which only existed in an earlier 
    draft of the promulgated rule. The EPA proposed the following revisions 
    in October 1996: Sec. 63.751(b)(6)(ii)(A) of the promulgated rule 
    references (b)(7)(iii)(A)(3), but should reference paragraph 
    (b)(6)(iii)(A)(2); Sec. 63.751(b)(6)(iii) references (b)(7)(iii)(A), 
    and (b)(7)(iii) (B) or (C), but should reference paragraphs 
    (b)(6)(iii)(A), and (b)(6)(iii) (B) or (C); 
    Sec. 63.751(b)(6)(iii)(A)(2) references (b)(7)(iii)(A)(1), but should 
    reference paragraph (b)(6)(iii)(A)(1); Sec. 63.751(b)(6)(iii)(D) 
    references (b)(7)(iii) (B) or (C), but should reference paragraph 
    (b)(6)(iii) (B) or (C). There were no comments on these proposed 
    B. Definitions
        The October 29, 1996 Federal Register notice contained several 
    definitions to be added to Sec. 63.742 and several to be revised, based 
    on additional information submitted to the Agency after promulgation of 
    the final rule. These changes are summarized below.
        The definition of cleaning solvent in the promulgated rule stated 
    that ``cleaning solvent'' did not include solutions that contained 
    ``no'' HAP or VOC. Many aqueous cleaners contain negligible amounts of 
    HAP or VOC. The EPA wants to encourage the use of these aqueous 
    cleaners. Therefore, in October 1996 the EPA proposed the following 
    language to exclude cleaners containing de minimis levels of HAP or VOC 
    from the definition of cleaning solvent: ``Cleaning solvent means a 
    liquid material used for hand-wipe, spray gun, or flush cleaning. This 
    definition does not include solutions that contain HAP and VOC below 
    the de minimis levels specified in Sec. 63.741(f) (e.g., water or 
    acetone).'' The EPA also proposed to change the applicable portion of 
    Sec. 63.741(f) to read: ``The requirements of this subpart also do not 
    apply to primers, topcoats, chemical milling maskants, strippers, and 
    cleaning solvents containing HAP and VOC at a concentration less than 
    0.1 percent for carcinogens or 1.0 percent for noncarcinogens, as 
    determined from manufacturer's representations.'' One commenter stated 
    that not all HAP's are VOC's, nor are all VOC's HAP's. If the ``and'' 
    is used, then one could read Sec. 63.741(f) to require both VOC's and 
    HAP's to be present for an exemption to apply. The commenter 
    recommended using ``and/or'' which is unacceptable because it would 
    create an exemption when both HAP and VOC were present, but only one 
    was below the specified level. It is not the Agency's position that 
    both HAP and VOC need be present for the exemption described in 
    Sec. 63.741(f) to apply.
        The proposed definition also contained a parenthetical reference to 
    water or acetone as examples of substances that might be present at a 
    de minimis level. One commenter stated the parenthetical reference to 
    water or acetone is confusing and should be deleted. The EPA agreed and 
    has revised the definition as follows:
        Cleaning solvent means a liquid material used for hand-wipe, 
    spray gun, or flush cleaning. This definition does not include 
    solutions that contain HAP and VOC below the de minimis levels 
    specified in Sec. 63.741(f).
        The Agency also proposed adding a definition for antique aerospace 
    vehicle or component so that these vehicles and components would be 
    exempted from the regulation. One commenter supported the proposed 
    definition. Another commenter suggested revising the definition to 
    include those nonflight worthy aircraft intended for permanent display, 
    or used for static manufacturing technology demonstrations. The 
    commenter indicated that the definition in 14 CFR 45.22 is limited to 
    operational, flight worthy aircraft used in exhibitions (motion 
    pictures, television productions or air shows). The EPA believes that 
    the passage to which the commenter refers actually concerns 
    ``exhibition'' rather than ``antique'' aircraft. It was not EPA's 
    intent to add an exemption for exhibition aircraft that do not meet the 
    ``antique aircraft'' definition. In addition, EPA believes that it is 
    not necessary to expand the scope of the ``antique aircraft'' 
    definition because the Agency interprets the definition as including 
    aircraft built at least 30 years ago that are not currently 
    flightworthy. Therefore, EPA is promulgating the definition of antique 
    aircraft as set forth in the proposal with some clarification (i.e., 
    simplification) as follows:
        Antique aerospace vehicle or component means an aircraft or 
    component thereof that was built at least 30 years ago. An antique 
    aerospace vehicle would not routinely be in commercial or military 
    service in the capacity for which it was designed.
        Due to the proposed addition of a standard for Type I chemical 
    milling maskants, EPA proposed revising the definition for chemical 
    milling maskant. One commenter noted that in the proposed definition, 
    listed examples should be made identical to the listed names for these 
    maskants found in appendix A to subpart GG. Another commenter raised 
    the issue of exempting chemical milling maskants used for two different 
    types of chemical milling applications. The commenter stated the same 
    maskant can be used in aluminum chemical milling and titanium chemical 
    milling, but these applications are not used on the same part or 
    subassembly. A maskant used for both aluminum chemical milling and 
    titanium chemical milling could not meet the low VOC content limits. In 
    an existing plating shop which uses the same maskant tanks for two 
    chemical milling applications, the proposed definition and associated 
    maskant limits would require the addition of a new maskant tank to meet 
    the low VOC maskant limit and another tank to meet the critical use 
    applications. This might result in an increase in emissions since the 
    surface area of the maskant in the tanks would double. The EPA agreed 
    that the commenters' changes are reasonable because the purpose of the 
    rule is to reduce HAP emissions and that adding a new maskant tank 
    would likely increase HAP emissions in the aggregate. The definition 
    has been revised as follows:
        Chemical milling maskant means a coating that is applied 
    directly to aluminum components to protect surface areas when 
    chemical milling the component with a Type I or Type II etchant. 
    Type I chemical milling maskants are used with a Type I etchant and 
    Type II chemical milling maskants are used with a Type II etchant. 
    This definition does not include bonding maskants, critical use and 
    line sealer maskants, and seal coat maskants. Additionally, maskants 
    that must be used with a combination of Type I or Type II etchants 
    and any of the above types of maskants (i.e., bonding, critical use 
    and line sealer, and seal coat) are also exempt from this subpart. 
    (See also Type I and Type II etchant definitions.)
    [[Page 15009]]
        To further clarify the types of chemical milling maskants that are 
    covered by the final rule, the Agency is providing the following 
    separate definitions for Type I and Type II etchants:
        Type I etchant means a chemical milling etchant that contains 
    varying amounts of dissolved sulfur and does not contain amines.
        Type II etchant means a chemical milling etchant that is a 
    strong sodium hydroxide solution containing amines.
        A commenter provided example scenarios in which the current 
    definition of self-priming topcoat is overly restrictive. The commenter 
    further stated that self-priming topcoats should be recognized as 
    topcoats and the topcoat VOC/HAP limits should apply, not the primer 
    limits. The Agency did not agree that the described scenarios are 
    likely to present any problems in determining the appropriate coating 
    category. However, the Agency did agree that removing the last sentence 
    from the definition which stated: ``The coating is not subsequently 
    topcoated with any other product formulation'' does clarify the 
    definition of self-priming topcoat and makes it more consistent with 
    the definition of topcoat.
        Based on additional information received from industry, the EPA 
    proposed in October 1996 to change or add the following definitions:
        Aircraft transparency means the aircraft windshield, canopy, 
    passenger windows, lenses, and other components that are constructed 
    of transparent materials.
        Chemical milling maskant application operation means application 
    of chemical milling maskant for use with Type I or Type II chemical 
    milling etchants.
        Closed-cycle depainting system means a dust-free, automated 
    process that removes permanent coating in small sections at a time, 
    and maintains a continuous vacuum around the area(s) being depainted 
    to capture emissions.
        High volume low pressure (HVLP) spray equipment means spray 
    equipment that is used to apply coating by means of a spray gun that 
    operates at 10.0 psig of atomizing air pressure or less at the air 
        Specialty coating means a coating that, even though it meets the 
    definition of a primer, topcoat, or self-priming topcoat, has 
    additional performance criteria beyond those of primers, topcoats, 
    and self-priming topcoats for specific applications. These 
    performance criteria may include, but are not limited to, 
    temperature or fire resistance, substrate compatibility, 
    antireflection, temporary protection or marking, sealing, adhesively 
    joining substrates, or enhanced corrosion protection. Individual 
    specialty coatings are defined in appendix A to this subpart and in 
    the CTG for Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework Operations (Document 
    No. EPA 453/R-97-004).
        Waterborne (water-reducible) coating means any coating that 
    contains more than 5 percent water by weight as applied in its 
    volatile fraction.
    No comments were received on these proposed definitions.
        Section 63.741(f) has also been modified to include Sec. 63.742 
    (Definitions) in the list of additional specific exemptions from 
    regulatory coverage.
    C. Cleaning Operations
        Under the promulgated rule, the standards for cleaning operations 
    could be read to apply to all cleaning operations at a facility, not 
    only to cleaning operations that involve aerospace vehicles, 
    components, or coating equipment. In order to clarify the applicability 
    of the standards for cleaning operations, the Agency proposed to revise 
    Sec. 63.741(c) to limit the applicability of the final rule to the 
    manufacture or rework of aerospace vehicles or components. Other 
    nonaerospace activities (e.g., general facility cleaning) are not 
    subject to the requirements of this rule. No comments were received on 
    this issue and EPA is promulgating the revisions as proposed.
        The EPA proposed to replace the word ``solvent'' with the defined 
    term ``cleaning solvent'' for clarity and consistency in Sec. 63.744, 
    paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (e). The EPA has also changed the 
    cleaning rag storage requirement by rewording the first sentence of 
    Sec. 63.744(a)(1) as follows:
        Place cleaning solvent-laden cloth, paper, or any other 
    absorbent applicators used for cleaning in bags or other closed 
    containers upon completing their use.
        As originally promulgated, this NESHAP required that cleaning rags 
    be stored immediately after use. In October 1996, EPA proposed to 
    remove the word ``immediately'' from the sentence to make the rule more 
    consistent from a temporal standpoint with the storage requirements 
    contained in the California SIP-approved rules that were the basis for 
    this requirement. No comments were received on these revisions. 
    Accordingly, EPA decided to promulgate this change.
        In addition, the EPA has changed the requirements for flush 
    cleaning to cover the situation in which an operator is cleaning 
    multiple items at the same station, without leaving the station. The 
    change to Sec. 63.744(d) is as follows: ``* * * empty the used cleaning 
    solvent each time aerospace parts or assemblies, or components of a 
    coating unit (with the exception of spray guns) are flush cleaned * * * 
    .'' This change will better carry out the Agency's intent in regulating 
    flush cleaning. No comments were received on this change.
        Based on information from industry, the EPA proposed a modification 
    to the exemption in Sec. 63.744(e)(10). The revised text reads as 
        Cleaning of aircraft transparencies, polycarbonate, or glass 
    No comments were received on this revision.
    D. Applicability to Space Vehicles
        Space vehicles (i.e., vehicles designed to travel beyond the limit 
    of the earth's atmosphere) are specifically exempted from the 
    requirements of this rule, except for the standards for depainting 
    operations. The EPA proposed (1) removing the reference to these 
    vehicles in Sec. 63.741(f) and (2) adding an additional specific 
    exemption in a new paragraph, Sec. 63.741(h), to clarify the exemption. 
    The EPA proposed Sec. 63.741(h) as follows:
        Regulated activities associated with space vehicles designed to 
    travel beyond the limit of the earth's atmosphere, including but not 
    limited to satellites, space stations, and the Space Shuttle System 
    (including orbiter, external tanks, and solid rocket boosters), are 
    exempt from the requirements of this subpart, except for depainting 
    operations found in Sec. 63.746.
    One commenter concurred with this revision as an important 
    clarification of the applicability of the rule for aerospace 
    organizations. The EPA decided to promulgate this change to the final 
    E. Standards for Type I Maskants
        The EPA proposed to establish an emission limitation for Type I 
    maskants and to include Type I maskants within the definition of 
    chemical milling maskants. Pursuant to section 114 of the Act, 
    information regarding maskants was requested from nine companies that 
    own or operate aerospace manufacturing and rework facilities. 
    Information was requested for all types of maskants, including total 
    quantity used, formulation data, VOC and organic HAP content as 
    received and as applied, substrate category and the composition of the 
    metal alloy on which the maskant is applied, a listing of the type of 
    parts or specific aircraft surfaces on which the maskant is used, VOC 
    and HAP emissions from maskant application operations, and type(s) of 
    controls (if any). The information received on Type I maskants was used 
    to calculate a MACT floor. The MACT floor was determined to be the 
    weighted (by usage volume) average HAP emissions from the sources, 622 
    grams per liter [g/L] (5.2 pounds per gallon [lb/gal]).
    [[Page 15010]]
        The EPA proposed revising Sec. 63.747(c) to include organic HAP and 
    VOC content limits of 622 grams per liter (g/L) (5.2 pounds per gallon 
    [lb/gal]) as the standard for uncontrolled Type I chemical milling 
    maskants. The EPA proposed revising paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) to 
    specify that the organic HAP and VOC limits of 160 g/L (1.3 lb/gal) 
    apply only to Type II chemical milling maskants. One commenter 
    supported EPA's proposed limits and stated the proposed Type I limit 
    recognizes that some chemical etching applications require the use of 
    solvent-based maskants, while still achieving a significant reduction 
    in VOC and HAP emissions from masking operations.
        Due to the addition of a standard for Type I chemical milling 
    maskants, EPA also proposed removing the definition of Type I maskants 
    from the list of specialty coatings in appendix A of this subpart and 
    revising the definition for chemical milling maskant in Sec. 63.742 of 
    the promulgated rule. No comments were received on deletion of the 
    definition for Type I maskants from Appendix A, and comments received 
    on the definition for chemical milling maskant are discussed under 
    definitions in Section II.B of this preamble.
    F. Test Method for Determining Filtration Efficiency
        The Agency proposed a test method, Method 319, for the 
    determination of filtration efficiency for paint overspray arresters 
    (also referred to as particulate filters). The Agency proposed that 
    this method be used by filter manufacturers to certify their filter 
    efficiency. Commenters raised several issues related to the technical 
    validity of proposed Method 319 and who could run the test. Based on 
    these comments, the Agency has modified Sec. 63.750(o) to state that 
    this method can be used by filter manufacturers or distributors, paint/
    depainting booth suppliers, or owners or operators of affected sources 
    to certify the efficiency of their filters for meeting the dry 
    particulate filter requirements in today's amendments.
        The EPA also proposed filter efficiency tables (Tables 1, 2, 3, and 
    4 of Sec. 63.745) and one commenter recommended adding descriptive 
    language to the table headings. The EPA added ``for existing sources'' 
    or ``for new sources'' to each of the table headings in response to the 
    Table 1 of Sec.  63.745.--Two-Stage Arrestor; Liquid Phase Challenge for
                                Existing Sources                            
                                                  Aerodynamic particle size 
        Filtration efficiency requirement, %          range, m     
    >90........................................  >5.7                       
    >50........................................  >4.1                       
    >10........................................  >2.2                       
     Table 2 of Sec.  63.745.--Two-Stage Arrestor; Solid Phase Challenge for
                                Existing Sources                            
                                                  Aerodynamic particle size 
        Filtration efficiency requirement, %          range, m     
    >90........................................  >8.1                       
    >50........................................  >5.0                       
    >10........................................  >2.6                       
     Table 3 of Sec.  63.745.--Three-Stage Arrestor; Liquid Phase Challenge 
                                 for New Sources                            
                                                  Aerodynamic particle size 
        Filtration efficiency requirement, %          range, m     
    >95........................................  >2.0                       
    >80........................................  >1.0                       
    >65........................................  >0.42                      
      Table 4 of Sec.  63.745.--Three-Stage Arrestor; Solid Phase Challenge 
                                 for New Sources                            
                                                  Aerodynamic particle size 
        Filtration efficiency requirement, %          range, m     
    >95........................................  >2.5                       
    >85........................................  >1.1                       
    >75........................................  >0.70                      
        Three commenters raised several issues related to test Method 319 
    and disagreed with specifics of the test method. All of the issues are 
    addressed in the Agency's documented responses in Section 2.9 of the 
    Addendum to the BID (Volume II), Document No. EPA 453/R-97-003b. In 
    summary, Method 319 will retain use of oleic acid and potassium 
    chloride (KCl) challenge aerosols. By selecting oleic acid and KCl as 
    simulants for wet and dry overspray, the amount of testing needed is 
    reduced because only two challenge materials are used, particle sizing 
    accuracy is maintained, and safety and handling issues associated with 
    volatile paint components are avoided.
        The method has been revised to allow additional flexibility for 
    alternate duct configurations. The 180 degree bend in the duct has been 
    made optional thereby allowing use of a straight duct. Also, the 
    measurement procedures have been revised to allow the use of two 
    particle counters to allow simultaneous sampling (one sampling upstream 
    and one sampling downstream). Additionally, the NESHAP retains equal 
    requirements for ``paint overspray arrestors'' under Sec. 63.745 Primer 
    and Topcoat Application Operations, and ``particulate'' filters under 
    Sec. 63.746 Depainting Operations.
    G. Standards for Dry Particulate Filters
        The Agency proposed to revise MACT requirements for the control of 
    inorganic particulates from certain primer, topcoat, and depainting 
    operations. Based on a review of the available data, the EPA proposed 
    requiring existing sources using particulate filters in depainting as 
    well as topcoat and primer operations, in which any of the coatings 
    contain inorganic HAP, to meet the filtration efficiency established 
    for the two-stage system that was tested. Specifically, the Agency 
    proposed requiring owners or operators of existing sources to use 
    particulate filters that are certified under Sec. 63.750(o) to meet or 
    exceed the efficiency data in Tables 1 and 2 of Sec. 63.745 (developed 
    from the two-stage filter testing). The Agency has modified this 
    language to indicate certification must be consistent with 
    Sec. 63.750(o); therefore, this method can be used by filter 
    manufacturers or distributors, paint/depainting booth suppliers, and/or 
    owners or operators of affected sources to certify the efficiency of 
    their filters.
        The Agency also proposed that new sources meet the filtration 
    efficiency data points for the three-stage system that was tested. 
    Specifically, the Agency proposed requiring owners or operators of new 
    sources to use particulate filters that are certified under 
    Sec. 63.750(o) to meet or exceed the efficiency data in Tables 3 and 4 
    of Sec. 63.745 (developed from the three-stage filter testing). These 
    new filtration requirements reflect a performance based standard rather 
    than specified equipment, thus allowing more flexibility for affected 
    sources to comply with the NESHAP.
        One commenter believed that test Method 319 is flawed and therefore 
    questioned the filter efficiency limits
    [[Page 15011]]
    developed using testing based on Method 319. The Agency disagrees with 
    the commenter and believes the filter efficiency limits to be 
    technically based as equivalent to MACT. The test method is based on 
    several years of work performed for EPA and culminated in testing of 
    the two- and three-stage paint arrestors determined to represent MACT 
    for the aerospace industry.
        In announcing these revised MACT requirements for particulate 
    emissions, the Agency realizes that there are unique circumstances in 
    which owners and operators have commenced construction or 
    reconstruction of a new spray booth or hangar after the proposed 
    regulation (June 4, 1994) and have had to comply with the requirements 
    in the promulgated rule (September 1, 1995). For these owners or 
    operators of aerospace manufacturing or rework operations who have 
    commenced construction or reconstruction of new spray booth or hanger 
    for inorganic HAP depainting operations, primer, or topcoat operations 
    after June 4, 1994 but prior to October 29, 1996, the EPA has provided 
    the flexibility to meet either the requirements for new sources under 
    Sec. 63.745(g)(2)(ii) of the amendments to the final regulation found 
    in today's notice or the requirements for new sources under 
    Sec. 63.45(g)(2)(iv) of the September 1, 1995 promulgated rule which 
    are found in Sec. 63.745(g)(2)(iii) in the amended rule. Sources that 
    commenced construction prior to June 4, 1994 are still required to meet 
    the existing source requirements for depainting operations and painting 
    (topcoat or primer application) operations found in the final amended 
    H. Exemption for Waterborne Coatings
        The EPA proposed that any waterborne coating for which the 
    manufacturer's supplied data demonstrate that the coating meets the 
    organic HAP and VOC content limits for its coating type as specified in 
    the regulation be exempt from many of the organic HAP and VOC related 
    requirements of this regulation. If the manufacturer's supplied data 
    indicate that the waterborne coating meets the organic HAP and VOC 
    content emission limits for its coating type, as specified in 
    Secs. 63.745(c) and 63.747(c), then the owner or operator would not be 
    required to demonstrate compliance for these coatings using the test 
    method specified in Sec. 63.750(c). However, the owner or operator 
    would still be required to maintain purchase records and manufacturer's 
    supplied data sheets for exempt coatings. Owners or operators of 
    facilities using waterborne coatings would also be required to handle 
    and transfer these coatings in a manner that minimizes spills, apply 
    these coatings using one or more of the specified application 
    techniques, and comply with inorganic HAP emission requirements. This 
    exemption was added as Sec. 63.741(i) as follows:
        Any waterborne coating for which the manufacturer's supplied 
    data demonstrate that organic HAP and VOC contents are less than or 
    equal to the organic HAP and VOC content limits for its coating 
    type, as specified in Secs. 63.745(c) and 63.747(c), is exempt from 
    the following requirements of this subpart: Secs. 63.745(d)-(e), 
    63.747(d)-(e), 63.749(d) and (h), 63.750(c)-(h) and (k)-(m), 
    63.752(c) and (f), and 63.753(c) and (e). A facility shall maintain 
    the manufacturer's supplied data and annual purchase records for 
    each exempt waterborne coating readily available for inspection and 
    review, and shall retain these data for 5 years.
    Section 63.741(f) was also modified to include Sec. 63.741(i) in the 
    list of additional specific exemptions from regulatory coverage.
        The Agency proposed this exemption to streamline and simplify the 
    requirements for owners and operators of facilities using these 
    coatings and to encourage the use of waterborne coatings which may 
    result in lower emissions than other coating types. No comments were 
    received on this issue and EPA decided to promulgate this change.
    I. Exemption From Inorganic HAP Requirements for Hand-Held Spray Can 
        Two commenters noted that the final rule created a point of 
    confusion over the absence of an exemption from inorganic HAP 
    requirements for the use of hand-held spray cans used outside a paint 
    booth or hangar (i.e., touch-up operations). The Agency noted that such 
    an exemption currently exists under Sec. 63.745(f)(3)(v) for primers 
    and topcoats containing organic HAP or VOC, and the requirements for 
    touch-up operations would also provide an exemption for these 
    activities when conducted outside of the hangar or paint booth. 
    However, the Agency agreed with the commenters that potential confusion 
    could result in the absence of a clear exemption under the inorganic 
    HAP requirements. Therefore, the Agency has added the following 
    paragraph (x) to the list of operations in Sec. 63.745(g)(4) not 
    subject to the requirements of paragraphs 63.745 (g)(1) through (g)(3):
        (x) The use of hand-held spray can application methods.
    J. Essential Use Exemption for Cleaning Solvents
        In accordance with the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete 
    the Ozone Layer (``Montreal Protocol''), EPA has granted essential use 
    allowances for limited applications of ozone depleting substances 
    (ODS's). The EPA proposed that an essential use exemption be added to 
    this rule for cleaning operations that have been identified as 
    essential uses. The proposed language has been revised slightly for 
    greater consistency with the stratospheric ozone regulations. The 
    exemption was added as Sec. 63.744(e)(13) as follows:
        Cleaning operations identified as essential uses under the 
    Montreal Protocol for which the Administrator has allocated 
    essential use allowances or exemptions in 40 CFR 82.4.
    One commenter concurred with EPA on this added exemption and EPA 
    decided to promulgate this change.
    K. Compliance Dates
        The EPA wishes to clarify an inconsistency between the preamble to 
    the final rule and the regulation. The preamble to the final aerospace 
    NESHAP states, ``Owners or operators of new commercial, civil, or 
    military aerospace OEM and rework operations with initial startup after 
    September 1, 1998 will be required to comply with all requirements upon 
    startup.'' This statement is incorrect. The text of the promulgated 
    regulation correctly states that new sources, with initial startup on 
    or after September 1, 1995, must comply with all requirements upon 
    startup. In October 1996, the EPA also proposed to clarify that the 
    deadline for approval of an alternate control device is 120 days prior 
    to the compliance date. This clarification, mistakenly omitted from the 
    published final rule, is now reflected in Sec. 63.743(c). No comments 
    were received on this issue and, thus, EPA decided to promulgate this 
    L. Requirements for New Affected Sources (Spray Booths)
        The Agency has clarified the requirements for new affected sources. 
    An affected source is an emission unit, process, or operation 
    identified in the NESHAP that is part of the entire facility, but is 
    not necessarily a major source. In today's action the Agency is 
    clarifying its intent that for inorganic HAP emissions, each spray 
    booth or hangar that contains a primer or topcoat application operation 
    subject to Sec. 63.745(g) or a depainting operation
    [[Page 15012]]
    subject to Sec. 63.746(b)(4) is considered an affected source and has 
    added this description under Sec. 63.741(c). To avoid any 
    inconsistency, the Agency has also added the words ``For organic HAP or 
    VOC emissions'' at the beginning of Sec. 63.741(c) (2), (3), and (4). 
    If such an affected source is constructed or reconstructed after 
    October 29, 1996, then that spray booth or hangar must comply with the 
    applicable inorganic HAP control requirements. Construction or 
    reconstruction of a new spray booth or hangar at a facility with an 
    existing coating or depainting operation will not cause the existing 
    operation to be subject to any other new source standards; only the new 
    spray booth or hangar will be subject to the applicable new source 
    requirements for inorganic HAP and will need to comply upon the 
    effective date of the requirements or startup, whichever is later. The 
    EPA is also making this clarification in Sec. 63.749(a), the compliance 
    dates and determinations section of the final rule.
        In addition, EPA also clarified that Sec. 63.5(b)(3) of the General 
    Provisions, which requires advance notice and approval by the Agency 
    prior to construction or reconstruction of a major affected source, 
    shall apply to the construction or reconstruction of a new spray booth 
    or hangar at a facility for an existing coating or depainting operation 
    only if the booth or hangar has the potential to emit 10 tons/yr or 
    more of an individual inorganic HAP or 25 tons/yr or more of all 
    inorganic HAP combined. Owners or operators of an existing coating or 
    depainting operation who construct or reconstruct a new booth or hangar 
    that emit or have the potential to emit less than 10/25 tons/yr of 
    inorganic HAP's will only be required to submit an annual notification 
    on or before March 1 of each year. This annual notification shall 
    include all of the information required in Sec. 63.5(b)(4) for each 
    such booth or hangar constructed or reconstructed in the prior calendar 
    year, except that the information shall be limited to the inorganic 
    HAP's from the new booth or hangar. Of course, any owner or operator 
    that constructs or reconstructs a new spray booth or hangar at a 
    facility at which there is no existing coating or depainting operation 
    will be required to comply with all of the applicable notice and 
    advance approval requirements of Sec. 63.5.
    M. Emissions Averaging
        Under the September 1, 1995 promulgated rule the averaging of 
    emissions was permitted to occur within coating types (i.e., topcoats, 
    primers, or maskants). The EPA also indicated at that time in the 1995 
    background information document that EPA would be investigating options 
    with respect to implementing a broad-based averaging scheme as a 
    compliance option for the Aerospace NESHAP. Based on additional 
    discussion in roundtable meetings, the EPA proposed in the October 29, 
    1996 amendments to consolidate the language dealing with the averaging 
    of emissions as it applies to the aerospace industry. Paragraphs 
    63.745(e)(2) and 63.747(e)(2) were consolidated into a new 
    Sec. 63.743(d), which, if promulgated as proposed, would have permitted 
    averaging across coating types.
        In response to the October 1996 proposal, the EPA received two 
    comments that supported the changes to the averaging provisions. One 
    commenter indicated that introductory text was needed to clarify the 
    intent of Sec. 63.743(d), which is where the averaging provisions are 
    now located. The EPA agrees with the commenter and has added 
    introductory language to Sec. 63.743(d). Another commenter wanted the 
    averaging provisions to be expanded to include controlled operations 
    (i.e., those with control devices). The EPA believes that as currently 
    allowed, the averaging of uncontrolled coatings will encourage 
    development and use of lower HAP and VOC content coatings in the 
    aerospace industry. In order to preserve the environmental benefit of 
    pollution prevention, EPA will not extend the averaging system to 
    include controlled coatings.
        With regards to an expanded emissions averaging scheme, the EPA 
    looked at various ways to expand the averaging provisions in the 
    September 1995 promulgated rule so as to allow averaging between 
    certain coating types. In designing emissions trading and averaging 
    systems, EPA believes that it is important to consider the effect that 
    trading or averaging is likely to have on facilities' actual emissions, 
    as well as the effect on facilities' maximum allowable emissions. A 
    workable scheme for averaging across coating types was not developed 
    because the format of the coating limits in the rule as originally 
    promulgated creates inherent difficulties in making equitable 
    comparisons/calculations of actual emissions from coating categories 
    with different limits. In order to include effective emissions 
    averaging provisions for different coating categories (e.g., primers, 
    topcoats, and maskants) or other emission sources, the format of the 
    entire rule would have to be overhauled. Such changes are now beyond 
    the scope of the work involved in finalizing these amendments to the 
    aerospace rule.
    N. Requirements for New and Existing Primer and Topcoat Application 
        The September 1, 1995 promulgated NESHAP requires owners or 
    operators of primer and topcoat application operations who wish to use 
    an alternative application method (other than HVLP or electrostatic 
    spray) to demonstrate that the emissions generated during the initial 
    30-day period, the period of time required to apply primer to five 
    completely assembled aircraft, or a time period approved by the 
    permitting agency are less than or equal to the emissions generated 
    using HVLP or electrostatic spray application methods. Since 
    promulgation, the Agency has received comments from industry concerning 
    the test method for alternative spray equipment application requiring 
    actual production trials. Those concerns involved the use of 
    ineffective application equipment on actual production parts or 
    assemblies which could lead to product quality and safety issues with 
    significant cost to the manufacturer. The Agency has acknowledged those 
    concerns and provided additional flexibility to owners or operators of 
    primer and topcoat application operations seeking to use alternative 
    application methods.
        The October 1996, proposed amendments to the final NESHAP in 
    Sec. 63.750(i)(2)(ii) allowed owners or operators an alternative 
    approach whereby the proposed application method is tested against 
    either HVLP or electrostatic spray application methods in a laboratory 
    or pilot production area, using parts and coatings representative of 
    the process(es) in which the alternative method is to be used. Under 
    this alternative, the laboratory test will use the same part 
    configuration(s) and the same number of parts for both the proposed 
    method and the HVLP or electrostatic spray application methods. The 
    Agency intended to make the laboratory test an additional option 
    instead of replacing the production evaluation in the final rule. 
    Therefore, since no comments were received on the proposed revision to 
    Sec. 63.750(i)(2)(ii), the Agency decided to promulgate this change by 
    designating the proposed Sec. 63.750(i)(2)(ii) as 
    Sec. 63.750(i)(2)(iii). For consistency, this change has also been made 
    to Sec. 63.749 (d)(3)(iii)(B) and (d)(4)(iii)(B).
    O. Monitoring Requirements for Dry Particulate Filter Usage
        The Agency proposed to clarify the monitoring requirements for 
    owners or operators of depainting and painting
    [[Page 15013]]
    operations using dry particulate filters and HEPA filters to comply 
    with this NESHAP. The EPA proposed to add language to Sec. 63.751(c)(1) 
    to clarify that owners or operators are required to read and record 
    monitoring (i.e., pressure drop) data only once per shift.
        One commenter requested that the phrase ``continuously monitor'' in 
    Sec. 63.745(g)(2)(v) be changed to ``monitor once per shift'' to avoid 
    confusion with the Agency's clarification of monitoring requirements in 
    other sections of the final rule. Past experience with such control 
    systems indicates that reading the designated operating parameter once 
    per shift is sufficient for this system to be considered continuously 
    monitored. The Agency believes that the systems should be continuously 
    monitored by some mechanism, but that reading and recording the data 
    should be required only once per shift. Therefore, the EPA has changed 
    the cited text in Sec. 63.745 (g)(2)(iv)(C) and (g)(2)(v) to match 
    monitoring requirements in other sections of the final rule.
    P. Depainting Operations
        Based on numerous comments on the depainting operation standard, 
    the EPA proposed a clarification to Sec. 63.746. The promulgated 
    standard was presented in terms of volume (gallons) of organic HAP-
    containing chemical strippers per aircraft. Because the NESHAP is 
    specific to HAP, in October 1996 the EPA proposed changing the units of 
    the standard and stating the requirements in terms of weight (pounds) 
    of organic HAP per aircraft. The proposed standard was meant to be 
    equivalent in terms of actual HAP emissions to the atmosphere and was 
    based on assumptions concerning typical HAP contents of chemical 
    strippers. The proposed limits allowed greater flexibility to the owner 
    or operator of a new or existing depainting operation in selecting 
    materials to perform spot stripping and decal removal.
        Based on comments involving technical arguments both for and 
    against the different units for the spot stripping and decal removal 
    allowance, the EPA decided to include both types of units and allow 
    operators to decide which units they want to use and document their 
    decision in their initial notification and/or operating permit. 
    Accordingly, the EPA is promulgating the spot stripping and decal 
    removal allowance in Sec. 63.746(b)(3) as follows:
        Each owner or operator of a new or existing depainting operation 
    shall not, on an annual average basis, use more than 26 gallons of 
    organic-HAP containing chemical strippers or alternatively 190 
    pounds of organic HAP per commercial aircraft depainted; or more 
    than 50 gallons of organic HAP-containing chemical strippers or 
    alternatively 365 pounds of organic HAP per military aircraft 
    depainted for spot stripping and decal removal.
        One commenter noted an apparent error in the proposed revision of 
    Equation 20 and provided corrected definitions for the revised terms in 
    the corrected equation. The EPA has incorporated those corrections in 
    the final rule, as well as provided both equations to calculate the 
    average annual volume of organic HAP-containing chemical stripper 
    (Equation 20) or average annual weight of organic HAP (newly designated 
    Equation 21) used for spot stripping and decal removal.
        Accordingly, the EPA has also revised Equation 21 in 
    Sec. 63.750(j)(3) as follows:
    C=annual average weight (lb per aircraft) of organic HAP (chemical 
    stripper) used for spot stripping and decal removal.
    m=number of organic HAP contained in each chemical stripper, as 
    n=number of organic HAP-containing chemical strippers used in the 
    annual period.
    Whi=weight fraction (expressed as a decimal) of each organic 
    HAP (i) contained in the chemical stripper, as applied, for each 
    aircraft depainted.
    Dhi=density (lb/gal) of each organic HAP-containing chemical 
    stripper (i) used in the annual period.
    Vsi=volume (gal) of organic HAP-containing chemical stripper 
    (i) used during the annual period.
    A=number of aircraft for which depainting operations began during the 
    annual period.
        Another commenter noted a typographical error in the proposed 
    revision to the spot stripping and decal removal allowance in 
    Sec. 63.749(f)(3)(ii)(A). The Agency has incorporated the corrected 
    text into the final amendment.
    Q. Applicability of General Provisions
        The EPA proposed in October 1996 the addition of Table 1: General 
    Provisions' Applicability to subpart GG, in order to clarify the 
    applicability of the General Provisions to this rule. Table 1 is 
    referenced in Sec. 63.741 and is located at the end of the final rule 
    text. No comments were provided on this issue.
    R. Specialty Coatings
        In appendix A to this subpart, the EPA proposed to revise the last 
    sentence of the definition of adhesive bonding primer to state: ``There 
    are two categories of adhesive bonding primers: primers with a design 
    cure at 250 deg.F or below and primers with a design cure above 
    250 deg.F.'' This revision is a clarification that was omitted in the 
    final rule.
        Two commenters suggested that the specialty coating definitions be 
    reviewed and one of the commenters further suggested that the following 
    specialty coating categories be added:
        Bearing coating--a coating applied to an antifriction bearing, a 
    bearing housing, or the area adjacent to such a bearing in order to 
    facilitate bearing function or to protect base material from 
    excessive wear. A material shall not be classified as a bearing 
    coating if it can also be classified as a dry lubricative material 
    or a solid film lubricant.
        Dry lubricative material--a coating consisting of lauric acid, 
    cetyl alcohol, waxes, or other non-cross linked or resin-bound 
    materials which acts as a dry lubricant.
        Caulking and smoothing compounds--semi-solid materials which are 
    applied by hand application methods and are used to aerodynamically 
    smooth exterior vehicle surfaces or fill cavities such as bolt hole 
    accesses. A material shall not be classified as a caulking and 
    smoothing compound if it can also be classified as a sealant.
        These coating categories have been used by the San Diego and/or 
    South Coast (California) Air Quality Management Districts in their 
    aerospace coating regulations. Therefore, the Agency has incorporated 
    these definitions into appendix A to subpart GG (and has also 
    incorporated the suggested definitions and the corresponding VOC limits 
    into the final CTG document). The Agency has also deleted the 
    definitions for conformal coatings, protective oils/waxes, and space 
    vehicle coatings from appendix A to subpart GG to be consistent with 
    the CTG. Other commenters found typographical errors or areas for 
    clarification involving the definitions of ``electric or radiation-
    effect coating,'' ``pretreatment coatings,'' and ``wet fastener 
    installation coating'' which have been corrected in these final 
    S. Miscellaneous Changes
        The EPA also made a number of minor changes to several sections of 
    the October 1996 proposal based on public comments. One commenter 
    requested the removal of the prohibition on use of ozone-depleting 
    substances from Sec. 63.744. The control of HAP and ozone-depleting 
    substances are under two
    [[Page 15014]]
    separate programs; hence, the EPA has deleted the reference to ozone-
    depleting substances in Table 1 of Sec. 63.744.
        Another commenter noted that the table numbering in proposed 
    Sec. 63.750(o) was incorrect. The Agency has corrected the text to 
    state ``* * * found in Tables 1 and 2, or 3 and 4 of Sec. 63.745 for 
    existing and new sources respectively.''
        Two commenters noted there should be a reference to the term 
    ``Hi'' in Sec. 63.750(k) since Sec. 63.749(h)(3)(i) cites 
    this section for the method to determine Hi. The Agency has 
    clarified Sec. 63.750(k) by adding the term Hi to the stated 
    definition at the end of the paragraph.
    T. Technical Corrections
        The following amendments are technical corrections that were not 
    part of the October 29, 1996 proposal. These changes are being made as 
    part of today's action as a matter of efficiency in rulemaking. 
    Furthermore, these changes are noncontroversial and do not 
    substantively change the requirements of the rule. By promulgating 
    these technical corrections directly as a final rule, the EPA is 
    foregoing an opportunity for public comment on a notice of proposed 
    rulemaking. Section 553(b) of title V of the United States Code and 
    section 307(b) of the CAA permit an agency to forego notice and comment 
    when ``the agency for good cause finds (and incorporates the finding 
    and a brief statement of reasons therefore in the rules issued) that 
    notice and public procedure thereon are impracticable, unnecessary, or 
    contrary to the public interest.'' The EPA finds that notice and 
    comment regarding these technical corrections are unnecessary due to 
    their noncontroversial nature and because they do not change the 
    requirements of the final rule. The EPA finds that this constitutes 
    good cause under 5 U.S.C. Sec. 553(b) for a determination that the 
    issuance of a notice of proposed rulemaking is unnecessary.
    1. Clarification of the Definition of Coating
        The word ``protective'' was added to the definition of ``coating'' 
    in Sec. 63.742 to be consistent with other surface coating regulations 
    and CTG's.
    2. Addition of the Definition of Recovery Device
        Two commenters requested that the term ``dedicated solvent recovery 
    device'' be defined in the rule so that proper test procedures may be 
    followed. The Agency has included the following definition for 
    ``recovery device'' in Sec. 63.742 which is based on the definition 
    from the HON:
        Recovery device means an individual unit of equipment capable of 
    and normally used for the purpose of recovering chemicals for fuel 
    value, use, or reuse. Examples of equipment that may be recovery 
    devices include absorbers, carbon adsorbers, condensers, oil-water 
    separators, or organic-water separator or organic removal devices 
    such as decanters, strippers, or thin-film evaporation units.
    A dedicated solvent recovery device refers to such control equipment 
    (as described/defined above) that is specific to a given process or 
    control system.
    3. Correction of Cited Reference to Table 1 of this Section in 
    Sec. 63.744(a), (b)(1), and (d)
        The numbering format for several tables in the promulgated rule was 
    erroneous and confusing. The table reference in Sec. 63.744(a),(b)(1), 
    and (d) has been corrected to read: ``Table 1 of this section.''
    4. Clarification of Requirements in Sec. 63.744(c)
        Several questions have been raised related to spray gun cleaning 
    using water as the cleaning solvent. Language was added to the 
    introductory text at the end of Sec. 63.744(c) stating that spray gun 
    cleaning operations using cleaning solvent solutions that contain HAP 
    and VOC below the de minimis levels specified in Sec. 63.741(f) are 
    exempt from the subsequent requirements in paragraphs (c)(1) through 
    5. Clarifications to Sec. 63.745(e) and (f)
        All references to topcoat(s) or topcoat application operations 
    include self-priming topcoats. The parenthetical phrase ``(including 
    self-priming topcoats)'' was added to all applicable paragraphs in 
    Sec. 63.745 (e) and (f) for clarification and consistency with 
    Sec. 63.745(c)(3) and (c)(4). In Sec. 63.745(f)(1), the reference to 
    application techniques specified in paragraphs (f)(1)(i) through 
    (f)(1)(viii) has been corrected to read ``(f)(1)(i) through 
    6. Clarification to Sec. 63.746(a)
        The words ``or rework'' were added to the last sentence in 
    Sec. 63.746(a) to clarify that all aerospace facilities (manufacturing 
    or rework) that depaint six or less completed aerospace vehicles in a 
    calendar year are exempt from this section.
    7. Clarification of Language in Sec. 63.746(c)(1)
        The wording in Sec. 63.746(c)(1) was changed to three separate 
    paragraphs (paragraphs (c) (2) and (3) were added) to clarify the 
    procedures to be used in determining compliance with the control 
    efficiency (95 percent) for new control systems. The 
    language has been clarified to describe how the control efficiencies 
    are determined involving the capture and destruction or removal 
    efficiencies and may take into account the volume of chemical stripper 
    used (relative to baseline applications) and is consistent with the 
    example provided.
    8. Correction of Equation to Determine the Composite Vapor Pressure in 
    Sec. 63.750(b)(2)
        A summation sign was added in front of the second term of the 
    denominator (involving ``We'') of the equation used to 
    determine the composite vapor pressure of hand-wipe cleaning solvents.
    9. Correction of OMB Tracking Number
        In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), this 
    technical correction amends the table that lists the Office of 
    Management and Budget (OMB) control numbers issued under the PRA for 
    this final rule.
        The EPA is today amending the table in 40 CFR part 9 (Section 9.1) 
    of currently approved information collection request (ICR) control 
    numbers issued by OMB for various regulations. The affected regulations 
    are codified at 40 CFR part 63 subpart GG, sections 63.752 and 63.753 
    (recordkeeping and reporting requirements, respectively). The correct 
    OMB control (tracking) number for this final rule is 2060-0314.
        This ICR was previously subject to public notice and comment prior 
    to OMB approval. As a result, EPA finds that there is ``good cause'' 
    under section 553(b)(B) of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 
    553(b)(B)) to amend this table without prior notice and comment. Due to 
    the technical nature of the table, further notice and comment would be 
    III. Control Techniques Guideline
        Today's action includes the final issuance of the control 
    techniques guideline(CTG) whose availability in draft form was 
    announced in the Federal Register on October 29, 1996 (61 FR 55842). 
    There were several comments involving the draft CTG submitted with 
    other comments on the proposed NESHAP amendments. Most of those 
    comments involved specialty coating category definitions and their 
    associated VOC limits. One commenter who suggested adding three new 
    coating category definitions (discussed previously in section Q) also 
    raised several other concerns involving the proposed definitions and/or 
    associated limits for clear coatings, lacquers, and specialized 
    function coatings. Since the specialty coating limits are meant to
    [[Page 15015]]
    reflect baseline levels nationwide, and will have no significant impact 
    on emission reductions, the EPA has decided to maintain the proposed 
    definitions and associated limits for these coating categories.
        Under the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1990 (the ``Act''), State 
    implementation plans (SIP's) for ozone nonattainment areas (except 
    marginal areas) must be revised to require reasonably available control 
    technology (RACT) for sources for which the EPA publishes a CTG between 
    November 15, 1990 and the date an area achieves attainment status (the 
    Act, Sec. 182(b)(2), (c), (d), (e)). The EPA has defined RACT as ``the 
    lowest emission limitation that a particular source is capable of 
    meeting by the application of control technology that is reasonably 
    available considering technological and economic feasibility'' (44 FR 
    53761, 53762, September 17, 1979).
        The CTG's review current knowledge and data concerning the 
    technology and costs of various emissions control techniques. The CTG's 
    are intended to provide State and local air pollution authorities with 
    an information base for proceeding with their own analyses of RACT to 
    meet statutory requirements.
        Each CTG contains a ``presumptive norm'' for RACT for a specific 
    source category, based on the EPA's evaluation of the capabilities and 
    problems general to the category. Where applicable, the EPA recommends 
    that States adopt requirements consistent with the presumptive norm. 
    However, the presumptive norm is only a recommendation. States may 
    choose to develop their own RACT requirements on a case-by-case basis, 
    considering the emission reductions needed to achieve the national 
    ambient air quality standards and the economic and technical 
    circumstances of the individual source.
        This CTG is issued pursuant to Clean Air Act Sec. 183(b)(3), which 
    requires issuance of a CTG to reduce VOC emissions from aerospace 
    coatings and solvents. It addresses RACT for control of VOC emissions 
    from aerospace manufacturing and rework facilities. Volatile organic 
    compound emissions from primer, topcoat, and ``specialty'' coating 
    applications, maskant applications, sealing, adhesives, and cleaning 
    operations are addressed. Emission limits for processes also addressed 
    in the NESHAP are identical to the NESHAP limits. Those revisions to 
    the NESHAP amendments described in this preamble and relevant to the 
    CTG have been incorporated into the final CTG document. Many of the 
    steps in aerospace manufacturing and rework operations involve the use 
    of organic solvents and are sources of VOC emissions. The sources, 
    mechanisms, and control of these VOC emissions are described in the 
        The coating category VOC limits, application techniques, and 
    equipment requirements identified as RACT in the CTG were assumed to 
    represent RACT requirements 1 year after the major sources have met the 
    NESHAP (MACT) requirements, and therefore, will be effective on 
    September 1, 1999. (The NESHAP compliance date for existing sources is 
    September 1, 1998). The EPA estimates that State and local regulations 
    developed pursuant to this CTG will affect about 2,869 facilities. 
    Since the only new requirements in the CTG (requirements that are not 
    included in the NESHAP) concern sealants, adhesives, and specialty 
    coatings, which represent only about 3 percent of all VOC emissions 
    from aerospace operations, the additional costs and emission reductions 
    resulting from the CTG will be negligible. Further information on costs 
    is presented in the CTG document and in the July 1995 BID on the NESHAP 
    for Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework Facilities.
    IV. Administrative Requirements
    A. Docket
        The docket is an organized and complete file of all of the 
    information submitted to or otherwise considered by the EPA in the 
    development of this rulemaking. The docket is a dynamic file, since 
    material is added throughout the rulemaking development. The docketing 
    system is intended to allow members of the public and the involved 
    industries to readily identify and locate documents so that they can 
    effectively participate in the rulemaking process. Along with the 
    statement of basis and purpose of the proposed and promulgated 
    standards and the EPA responses to significant comments, the content of 
    the docket will serve as the record in case of judicial review (except 
    for interagency review materials) (section 307(d)(7)(A) of the Act).
    B. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The amendments do not impose any new information collection 
    requirements and result in no change to the currently approved 
    collection. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the 
    information collection requirements contained in the NESHAP for 
    aerospace manufacturing and rework facilities under the provisions of 
    the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq., and has assigned 
    OMB control No. 2060-0314. (EPA ICR No. 1687.03). A copy of the 
    Information Collection Request (ICR) may be obtained from Sandy Farmer, 
    Regulatory Information Division; EPA; 401 M Street, S.W., (Mail Code 
    2137); Washington, D.C. 20460 or by calling (202) 260-2740.
        Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources 
    expended by person to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or 
    provide information to or for a Federal agency. This includes the time 
    needed to review instructions; develop, acquire, install, and utilize 
    technology and systems for the purposes of collecting, validating, and 
    verifying information, processing and maintaining information, and 
    disclosing and providing information; adjust the existing ways to 
    comply with any previously applicable instructions and requirements; 
    train personnel to be able to respond to a collection of information; 
    search data searches; complete and review the collection of 
    information; and transmit or otherwise disclose the information.
        An Agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
    to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a 
    currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control numbers for EPA's 
    regulation are listed in 40 CFR Part 9 and 48 CFR Chapter 15.
        Today's amendments should have no impact on the information 
    collection burden estimates made previously. Today's action does not 
    impose any additional information collection requirements. The reduced 
    recordkeeping associated with cleaning solvents used for nonaerospace 
    manufacturing/rework activities represents a 6 percent reduction in the 
    burden estimated for the final rule. Consequently, the ICR has not been 
    revised for purposes of today's action.
    C. Executive Order 12866
        Under Executive Order (E.O.) 12866 (58 FR 51735 [October 4, 1993]), 
    the EPA is required to determine whether a regulation is 
    ``significant'' and therefore subject to OMB review and the 
    requirements of this E.O. to prepare a regulatory impact analysis 
    (RIA). The E.O. defines ``significant regulatory action'' as one that 
    is likely to result in a rule that may (1) have an annual effect on the 
    economy of $100 million or more, or adversely affect in a material way 
    the economy, a sector of the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, 
    the environment, public health or safety, or State, local, or Tribal 
    governments or communities; (2) create a serious inconsistency or 
    otherwise interfere with an action taken or
    [[Page 15016]]
    planned by another agency; (3) materially alter the budgetary impact of 
    entitlements, grants, user fees, or loan programs or the rights and 
    obligations of recipients thereof; or (4) raise novel legal or policy 
    issues arising out of legal mandates, the President's priorities, or 
    the principles set forth in the E.O.
        Pursuant to the terms of Executive Order 12866, it has been 
    determined that this action is not a ``significant regulatory action'' 
    within the meaning of the E.O.
        Under E.O. 12866, the final CTG document for aerospace 
    manufacturing and rework facilities is not considered a ``regulatory 
    action,'' defined as ``any substantive action by an agency * * * that 
    promulgates or is expected to lead to the promulgation of a final rule 
    or regulation.'' This CTG document is not a regulatory action by EPA, 
    rather it provides information to States to aid them in developing 
    D. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The EPA has determined that it is not necessary to prepare a 
    regulatory flexibility analysis in connection with this final rule. The 
    EPA has also determined that this rule will not have a significant 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities. This final rule makes 
    minor amendments to the Aerospace NESHAP, including changes to 
    definitions, applicability provisions, and several minor changes to the 
    standards (emission limits) and the monitoring, recordkeeping, and 
    reporting requirements. In addition, this notice includes a standard 
    for Type I chemical milling maskants and a test method for determining 
    filtration efficiency of dry particulate filters. The overall impact of 
    these amendments is a net decrease in requirements on all entities 
    affected by this rule, including small entities. Therefore these 
    amendments will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial 
    number of small entities.
    E. Submission to Congress
        Under 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A) as added by the Small Business 
    Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, EPA submitted a report 
    containing this rule and other required information to the U.S. Senate, 
    the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the 
    General Accounting Office prior to publication of the rule in today's 
    Federal Register. This rule is not a ``major rule'' as defined by 5 
    U.S.C. 804(2).
    F. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (``Unfunded 
    Mandates Act'') (signed into law on March 22, 1995) requires that the 
    Agency prepare a budgetary impact statement before promulgating a rule 
    that includes a Federal mandate that may result in expenditure by 
    State, local, and Tribal governments, in aggregate, or by the private 
    sector, of $100 million or more in any 1 year. Section 203 requires the 
    Agency to establish a plan for obtaining input from and informing, 
    educating, and advising any small governments that may be significantly 
    or uniquely affected by a proposed intergovernmental mandate. Section 
    204 requires the Agency to develop a process to allow elected state, 
    local, and Tribal government officials to provide input in the 
    development of any proposal containing a significant Federal 
    intergovernmental mandate.
        Under section 205 of the Unfunded Mandates Act, the Agency must 
    identify and consider a reasonable number of regulatory alternatives 
    before promulgating a rule for which a budgetary impact statement must 
    be prepared. The Agency must select from those alternatives the least 
    costly, most cost-effective, or least burdensome alternative that 
    achieves the objectives of the rule, unless the Agency explains why 
    this alternative is not selected or the selection of this alternative 
    is inconsistent with law. The EPA has determined that these amendments 
    do not include a Federal mandate that may result in expenditure by 
    State, local, and Tribal governments, in aggregate, or by the private 
    sector, of $100 million or more in any 1 year. Small governments will 
    not be uniquely impacted by these amendments. Therefore, the 
    requirements of the Unfunded Mandates Act do not apply to this action.
    List of Subjects
    40 CFR Part 9
        Environmental protection, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    40 CFR Part 63
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Hazardous 
    substances, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: March 10, 1998.
    Carol M. Browner,
        For reasons set out in the preamble, parts 9 and 63 of title 40, 
    chapter I, of the Code of Federal Regulations are amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 9 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 135 et seq., 136-136y; 15 U.S.C. 2001, 2003, 
    2005, 2006, 2601-2671; 21 U.S.C. 331j, 346a, 348; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 33 
    U.S.C. 1251 et seq., 1311, 1313d, 1314, 1318, 1321, 1326, 1330, 
    1342, 1344, 1345 (d) and (e), 1361; E.O. 11735, 38 FR 21243, 3 CFR, 
    1971-1975 Comp. p. 973; 42 U.S.C. 241, 242b, 243, 246, 300f, 300g, 
    300g-1, 300g-2, 300g-3, 300g-4, 300g-5, 300g-6, 300j-1, 300j-2, 
    300j-3, 300j-4, 300j-9 1857 et seq., 6901-6992k, 7401-7671g, 7542, 
    9601-9657, 11023, 11048.
        2. In Sec. 9.1 the table is amended by revising the entry ``63.752-
    63.753'' to read as follows:
    Sec. 9.1  OMB approvals under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
    * * * * *
                                                                 OMB control
                          40 CFR citation                            No.    
                             *    *    *    *    *                          
      National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source   
                              *    *    *    *    *                         
    63.752-63.753..............................................    2060-0314
                              *    *    *    *    *                         
    PART 63--[AMENDED]
        3. The authority citation for part 63 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
    Subpart GG--[Amended]
        4. Section 63.741 is amended by revising paragraph (b), paragraph 
    (c) introductory text, paragraphs (c)(2), (c)(3), (c)(4), and the last 
    three sentences of paragraph (f); and adding paragraphs (c)(7), (h), 
    (i), and (j) to read as follows:
    Sec. 63.741  Applicability and designation of affected sources.
    * * * * *
        (b) The owner or operator of an affected source shall comply with 
    the requirements of this subpart and of subpart A of this part, except 
    as specified in Sec. 63.743(a) and Table 1 of this subpart.
        (c) Affected sources. The affected sources to which the provisions 
    of this subpart apply are specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through (7) of 
    this section. The activities subject to this subpart are limited to the 
    manufacture or rework of aerospace vehicles or components as defined in 
    this subpart. Where a dispute arises relating to the applicability of 
    this subpart to a specific activity, the owner or operator shall 
    demonstrate whether or not the activity is regulated under this 
    * * * * *
    [[Page 15017]]
        (2) For organic HAP or VOC emissions, each primer application 
    operation, which is the total of all primer applications at the 
        (3) For organic HAP or VOC emissions, each topcoat application 
    operation, which is the total of all topcoat applications at the 
        (4) For organic HAP or VOC emissions, each depainting operation, 
    which is the total of all depainting at the facility.
    * * * * *
        (7) For inorganic HAP emissions, each spray booth or hangar that 
    contains a primer or topcoat application operation subject to 
    Sec. 63.745(g) or a depainting operation subject to Sec. 63.746(b)(4).
    * * * * *
        (f) * * * These requirements also do not apply to parts and 
    assemblies not critical to the vehicle's structural integrity or flight 
    performance. The requirements of this subpart also do not apply to 
    primers, topcoats, chemical milling maskants, strippers, and cleaning 
    solvents containing HAP and VOC at concentrations less than 0.1 percent 
    for carcinogens or 1.0 percent for noncarcinogens, as determined from 
    manufacturer's representations. Additional specific exemptions from 
    regulatory coverage are set forth in paragraphs (e), (g), (h), (i) and 
    (j) of this section and Secs. 63.742, 63.744(a)(1), (b), (e), 
    63.745(a), (f)(3), (g)(4), 63.746(a), (b)(5), 63.747(c)(3), and 
    * * * * *
        (h) Regulated activities associated with space vehicles designed to 
    travel beyond the limit of the earth's atmosphere, including but not 
    limited to satellites, space stations, and the Space Shuttle System 
    (including orbiter, external tanks, and solid rocket boosters), are 
    exempt from the requirements of this subpart, except for depainting 
    operations found in Sec. 63.746.
        (i) Any waterborne coating for which the manufacturer's supplied 
    data demonstrate that organic HAP and VOC contents are less than or 
    equal to the organic HAP and VOC content limits for its coating type, 
    as specified in Secs. 63.745(c) and 63.747(c), is exempt from the 
    following requirements of this subpart: Secs. 63.745(d)-(e), 63.747(d)-
    (e), 63.749(d) and (h), 63.750(c)-(h) and (k)-(m), 63.752(c) and (f), 
    and 63.753(c) and (e). A facility shall maintain the manufacturer's 
    supplied data and annual purchase records for each exempt waterborne 
    coating readily available for inspection and review and shall retain 
    these data for 5 years.
        (j) This subpart does not apply to rework operations performed on 
    antique aerospace vehicles or components.
        5. Section 63.742 is amended by revising the definitions for 
    ``aircraft transparency,'' ``chemical milling maskant,'' ``chemical 
    milling maskant application operation,'' ``cleaning solvent,'' 
    ``coating,'' ``high volume low pressure (HVLP) spray equipment,'' and 
    ``specialty coating''; by removing the parenthetical text from the end 
    of the definition of ``Type II etchant''; by removing the last sentence 
    from the definition of ``self-priming topcoat''; and by adding in 
    alphabetical order definitions for ``antique aerospace vehicle or 
    component,'' ``closed-cycle depainting system,'' ``recovery device,'' 
    ``Type I etchant,'' and ``waterborne (water-reducible) coating'' to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 63.742  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        Aircraft transparency means the aircraft windshield, canopy, 
    passenger windows, lenses, and other components which are constructed 
    of transparent materials.
        Antique aerospace vehicle or component means an aircraft or 
    component thereof that was built at least 30 years ago. An antique 
    aerospace vehicle would not routinely be in commercial or military 
    service in the capacity for which it was designed.
    * * * * *
        Chemical milling maskant means a coating that is applied directly 
    to aluminum components to protect surface areas when chemical milling 
    the component with a Type I or Type II etchant. Type I chemical milling 
    maskants are used with a Type I etchant and Type II chemical milling 
    maskants are used with a Type II etchant. This definition does not 
    include bonding maskants, critical use and line sealer maskants, and 
    seal coat maskants. Additionally, maskants that must be used with a 
    combination of Type I or II etchants and any of the above types of 
    maskants (i.e., bonding, critical use and line sealer, and seal coat) 
    are also exempt from this subpart. (See also Type I and Type II etchant 
        Chemical milling maskant application operation means application of 
    chemical milling maskant for use with Type I or Type II chemical 
    milling etchants.
    * * * * *
        Cleaning solvent means a liquid material used for hand-wipe, spray 
    gun, or flush cleaning. This definition does not include solutions that 
    contain HAP and VOC below the de minimis levels specified in 
    Sec. 63.741(f).
        Closed-cycle depainting system means a dust-free, automated process 
    that removes permanent coating in small sections at a time and 
    maintains a continuous vacuum around the area(s) being depainted to 
    capture emissions.
        Coating means a material that is applied to the surface of an 
    aerospace vehicle or component to form a decorative, protective, or 
    functional solid film, or the solid film itself.
    * * * * *
        High volume low pressure (HVLP) spray equipment means spray 
    equipment that is used to apply coating by means of a spray gun that 
    operates at 10.0 psig of atomizing air pressure or less at the air cap.
    * * * * *
        Recovery device means an individual unit of equipment capable of 
    and normally used for the purpose of recovering chemicals for fuel 
    value, use, or reuse. Examples of equipment that may be recovery 
    devices include absorbers, carbon adsorbers, condensers, oil-water 
    separators, or organic-water separators or organic removal devices such 
    as decanters, strippers, or thin-film evaporation units.
    * * * * *
        Specialty coating means a coating that, even though it meets the 
    definition of a primer, topcoat, or self-priming topcoat, has 
    additional performance criteria beyond those of primers, topcoats, and 
    self-priming topcoats for specific applications. These performance 
    criteria may include, but are not limited to, temperature or fire 
    resistance, substrate compatibility, antireflection, temporary 
    protection or marking, sealing, adhesively joining substrates, or 
    enhanced corrosion protection. Individual specialty coatings are 
    defined in appendix A to this subpart and in the CTG for Aerospace 
    Manufacturing and Rework Operations (EPA 453/R-97-004).
    * * * * *
        Type I etchant means a chemical milling etchant that contains 
    varying amounts of dissolved sulfur and does not contain amines.
    * * * * *
        Waterborne (water-reducible) coating means any coating that 
    contains more than 5 percent water by weight as applied in its volatile 
    * * * * *
        6. Section 63.743 is amended by revising paragraphs (a) 
    introductory text, (b) introductory text, and (c), and by adding 
    paragraphs (a)(10) and (d) to read as follows:
    Sec. 63.743  Standards: General.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraphs (a)(4) through (a)(10) of this 
    section and in Table 1 of this subpart, each owner
    [[Page 15018]]
    or operator of an affected source subject to this subpart is also 
    subject to the following sections of subpart A of this part:
    * * * * *
        (10) For the purposes of compliance with the requirements of 
    Sec. 63.5(b)(4) of the General Provisions and this subpart, owners or 
    operators of existing primer or topcoat application operations and 
    depainting operations who construct or reconstruct a spray booth or 
    hangar that does not have the potential to emit 10 tons/yr or more of 
    an individual inorganic HAP or 25 tons/yr or more of all inorganic HAP 
    combined shall only be required to notify the Administrator of such 
    construction or reconstruction on an annual basis. Notification shall 
    be submitted on or before March 1 of each year and shall include the 
    information required in Sec. 63.5(b)(4) for each such spray booth or 
    hangar constructed or reconstructed during the prior calendar year, 
    except that such information shall be limited to inorganic HAP's. No 
    advance notification or written approval from the Administrator 
    pursuant to Sec. 63.5(b)(3) shall be required for the construction or 
    reconstruction of such a spray booth or hangar unless the booth or 
    hangar has the potential to emit 10 tons/yr or more of an individual 
    inorganic HAP or 25 tons/yr or more of all inorganic HAP combined.
        (b) Startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan. Each owner or operator 
    that uses an air pollution control device or equipment to control HAP 
    emissions shall prepare and operate in accordance with a startup, 
    shutdown, and malfunction plan in accordance with Sec. 63.6. Dry 
    particulate filter systems operated per the manufacturer's instructions 
    are exempt from a startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan. A startup, 
    shutdown, and malfunction plan shall be prepared for facilities using 
    locally prepared operating procedures. In addition to the information 
    required in Sec. 63.6, this plan shall also include the following 
    * * * * *
        (c) An owner or operator who uses an air pollution control device 
    or equipment not listed in this subpart shall submit a description of 
    the device or equipment, test data verifying the performance of the 
    device or equipment in controlling organic HAP and/or VOC emissions, as 
    appropriate, and specific operating parameters that will be monitored 
    to establish compliance with the standards to the Administrator for 
    approval not later than 120 days prior to the compliance date.
        (d) Instead of complying with the individual coating limits in 
    Secs. 63.745 and 63.747, a facility may choose to comply with the 
    averaging provisions specified in paragraphs (d)(1) through (d)(6) of 
    this section.
        (1) Each owner or operator of a new or existing source shall use 
    any combination of primers, topcoats (including self-priming topcoats), 
    Type I chemical milling maskants, or Type II chemical milling maskants 
    such that the monthly volume-weighted average organic HAP and VOC 
    contents of the combination of primers, topcoats, Type I chemical 
    milling maskants, or Type II chemical milling maskants, as determined 
    in accordance with the applicable procedures set forth in Sec. 63.750, 
    complies with the specified content limits in Secs. 63.745(c) and 
    63.747(c), unless the permitting agency specifies a shorter averaging 
    period as part of an ambient ozone control program.
        (2) Averaging is allowed only for uncontrolled primers, topcoats 
    (including self-priming topcoats), Type I chemical milling maskants, or 
    Type II chemical milling maskants.
        (3) Averaging is not allowed between primers and topcoats 
    (including self-priming topcoats).
        (4) Averaging is not allowed between Type I and Type II chemical 
    milling maskants.
        (5) Averaging is not allowed between primers and chemical milling 
    maskants, or between topcoats and chemical milling maskants.
        (6) Each averaging scheme shall be approved in advance by the 
    permitting agency and adopted as part of the facility's title V permit.
        7. Section 63.744 is amended by revising the text of paragraph (a) 
    introductory text, and paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), (b) introductory 
    text, (b)(1), (c)(1)(ii), (c)(2), (c)(4), (d), (e)(1), (e)(2), (e)(9), 
    (e)(10), and (e)(11) and by removing the period at the end of paragraph 
    (e)(12) and replacing it with ``; and''; by adding a sentence to (6) 
    introductory text, and paragraph (e)(13); and by redesignating Table 3 
    as Table 1 and revising it and transferring it from paragraph (a) to 
    the end of this section as follows:
    Sec. 63.744  Standards: Cleaning operations.
        (a) Housekeeping measures. Each owner or operator of a new or 
    existing cleaning operation subject to this subpart shall comply with 
    the requirements in these paragraphs unless the cleaning solvent used 
    is identified in Table 1 of this section or contains HAP and VOC below 
    the de minimis levels specified in Sec. 63.741(f).
        (1) Place cleaning solvent-laden cloth, paper, or any other 
    absorbent applicators used for cleaning in bags or other closed 
    containers upon completing their use. Ensure that these bags and 
    containers are kept closed at all times except when depositing or 
    removing these materials from the container. Use bags and containers of 
    such design so as to contain the vapors of the cleaning solvent. 
    Cotton-tipped swabs used for very small cleaning operations are exempt 
    from this requirement.
        (2) Store fresh and spent cleaning solvents, except semi-aqueous 
    solvent cleaners, used in aerospace cleaning operations in closed 
    * * * * *
        (b) Hand-wipe cleaning. Each owner or operator of a new or existing 
    hand-wipe cleaning operation (excluding cleaning of spray gun equipment 
    performed in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section) subject to 
    this subpart shall use cleaning solvents that meet one of the 
    requirements specified in paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) of this 
    section. Cleaning solvent solutions that contain HAP and VOC below the 
    de minimis levels specified in Sec. 63.741(f) are exempt from the 
    requirements in paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) of this section.
        (1) Meet one of the composition requirements in Table 1 of this 
    * * * * *
        (c) * * * Spray gun cleaning operations using cleaning solvent 
    solutions that contain HAP and VOC below the de minimis levels 
    specified in Sec. 63.741(f) are exempt from the requirements in 
    paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(4) of this section.
        (1) * * *
        (ii) If leaks are found during the monthly inspection required in 
    Sec. 63.751(a), repairs shall be made as soon as practicable, but no 
    later than 15 days after the leak was found. If the leak is not 
    repaired by the 15th day after detection, the cleaning solvent shall be 
    removed, and the enclosed cleaner shall be shut down until the leak is 
    repaired or its use is permanently discontinued.
        (2) Nonatomized cleaning. Clean the spray gun by placing cleaning 
    solvent in the pressure pot and forcing it through the gun with the 
    atomizing cap in place. No atomizing air is to be used. Direct the 
    cleaning solvent from the spray gun into a vat, drum, or other waste 
    container that is closed when not in use.
    * * * * *
        (4) Atomizing cleaning. Clean the spray gun by forcing the cleaning 
    solvent through the gun and direct the resulting atomized spray into a 
    [[Page 15019]]
    container that is fitted with a device designed to capture the atomized 
    cleaning solvent emissions.
        (d) Flush cleaning. Each owner or operator of a flush cleaning 
    operation subject to this subpart (excluding those in which Table 1 or 
    semi-aqueous cleaning solvents are used) shall empty the used cleaning 
    solvent each time aerospace parts or assemblies, or components of a 
    coating unit (with the exception of spray guns) are flush cleaned into 
    an enclosed container or collection system that is kept closed when not 
    in use or into a system with equivalent emission control.
        (e) * * *
        (1) Cleaning during the manufacture, assembly, installation, 
    maintenance, or testing of components of breathing oxygen systems that 
    are exposed to the breathing oxygen;
        (2) Cleaning during the manufacture, assembly, installation, 
    maintenance, or testing of parts, subassemblies, or assemblies that are 
    exposed to strong oxidizers or reducers (e.g., nitrogen tetroxide, 
    liquid oxygen, or hydrazine);
    * * * * *
        (9) Cleaning of metallic and nonmetallic materials used in 
    honeycomb cores during the manufacture or maintenance of these cores, 
    and cleaning of the completed cores used in the manufacture of 
    aerospace vehicles or components;
        (10) Cleaning of aircraft transparencies, polycarbonate, or glass 
        (11) Cleaning and cleaning solvent usage associated with research 
    and development, quality control, and laboratory testing;
    * * * * *
        (13) Cleaning operations identified as essential uses under the 
    Montreal Protocol for which the Administrator has allocated essential 
    use allowances or exemptions in 40 CFR 82.4.
        Cleaning solvent type               Composition requirements        
    Aqueous......................  Cleaning solvents in which water is the  
                                    primary ingredient (80       
                                    percent of cleaning solvent solution as 
                                    applied must be water). Detergents,     
                                    surfactants, and bioenzyme mixtures and 
                                    nutrients may be combined with the water
                                    along with a variety of additives, such 
                                    as organic solvents (e.g., high boiling 
                                    point alcohols), builders, saponifiers, 
                                    inhibitors, emulsifiers, pH buffers, and
                                    antifoaming agents. Aqueous solutions   
                                    must have a flash point greater than 93 
                                    deg.C (200  deg.F) (as reported by the  
                                    manufacturer), and the solution must be 
                                    miscible with water.                    
    Hydrocarbon-based............  Cleaners that are composed of            
                                    photochemically reactive hydrocarbons   
                                    and oxygenated hydrocarbons and have a  
                                    maximum vapor pressure of 7 mm Hg at 20 
                                    deg.C (3.75 in. H2O at 68  deg.F). These
                                    cleaners also contain no HAP.           
        8. Section 63.745 is amended by revising paragraphs (e)(1), (e)(2), 
    (f) introductory text, (f)(1) introductory text, the first sentence of 
    (f)(2), (g)(2)(i), (g)(2)(ii), and (g)(2)(iii); removing paragraph 
    (g)(2)(iv); redesignating paragraphs (g)(2)(v) and (g)(2)(vi) as 
    (g)(2)(iv) and (g)(2)(v), respectively; revising the newly designated 
    paragraphs (g)(2)(iv) and (g)(2)(v); removing the word ``and'' at the 
    end of paragraph (g)(4)(viii); revising the punctuation ``.'' at the 
    end of paragraph (g)(4)(ix) to read ``; and''; and adding paragraph 
    (g)(4)(x) to read as follows:
    Sec. 63.745  Standards: Primer and topcoat application operations.
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (1) Use primers and topcoats (including self-priming topcoats) with 
    HAP and VOC content levels equal to or less than the limits specified 
    in paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(4) of this section; or
        (2) Use the averaging provisions described in Sec. 63.743(d).
        (f) Application equipment. Except as provided in paragraph (f)(3) 
    of this section, each owner or operator of a new or existing primer or 
    topcoat (including self-priming topcoat) application operation subject 
    to this subpart in which any of the coatings contain organic HAP or VOC 
    shall comply with the requirements specified in paragraphs (f)(1) and 
    (f)(2) of this section.
        (1) All primers and topcoats (including self-priming topcoats) 
    shall be applied using one or more of the application techniques 
    specified in paragraphs (f)(1)(i) through (f)(1)(ix) of this section. * 
    * *
    * * * * *
        (2) All application devices used to apply primers or topcoats 
    (including self-priming topcoats) shall be operated according to 
    company procedures, local specified operating procedures, and/or the 
    manufacturer's specifications, whichever is most stringent, at 
    alltimes. * * *
    * * * * *
        (g) * * *
        (2) * * *
        (i) For existing sources, the owner or operator must choose one of 
    the following:
        (A) Before exhausting it to the atmosphere, pass the air stream 
    through a dry particulate filter system certified using the methods 
    described in Sec. 63.750(o) to meet or exceed the efficiency data 
    points in Tables 1 and 2 of this section; or
        Table 1.--Two-Stage Arrestor; Liquid Phase Challenge for Existing   
                                                  Aerodynamic particle size 
        Filtration efficiency requirement, %          range, m     
    >90........................................  >5.7                       
    >50........................................  >4.1                       
    >10........................................  >2.2                       
    Table 2.--Two-Stage Arrestor; Solid Phase Challenge for Existing Sources
                                                  Aerodynamic particle size 
        Filtration efficiency requirement, %          range, m     
    >90........................................  >8.1                       
    >50........................................  >5.0                       
    >10........................................  >2.6                       
        (B) Before exhausting it to the atmosphere, pass the air stream 
    through a waterwash system that shall remain in operation during all 
    coating application operations; or
        (C) Before exhausting it to the atmosphere, pass the air stream 
    through an air pollution control system that meets or exceeds the 
    efficiency data points in Tables 1 and 2 of this section
    [[Page 15020]]
    and is approved by the permitting authority.
        (ii) For new sources, either:
        (A) Before exhausting it to the atmosphere, pass the air stream 
    through a dry particulate filter system certified using the methods 
    described in Sec. 63.750(o) to meet or exceed the efficiency data 
    points in Tables 3 and 4 of this section; or
     Table 3.--Three-Stage Arrestor; Liquid Phase Challenge for New Sources 
                                                  Aerodynamic particle size 
        Filtration efficiency requirement, %          range, m     
    >95........................................  >2.0                       
    >80........................................  >1.0                       
    >65........................................  >0.42                      
      Table 4.--Three-Stage Arrestor; Solid Phase Challenge for New Sources 
                                                  Aerodynamic particle size 
        Filtration efficiency requirement, %          range, m     
    >95........................................  >2.5                       
    >85........................................  >1.1                       
    >75........................................  >0.70                      
        (B) Before exhausting it to the atmosphere, pass the air stream 
    through an air pollution control system that meets or exceeds the 
    efficiency data points in Tables 3 and 4 of this section and is 
    approved by the permitting authority.
        (iii) Owners or operators of new sources that have commenced 
    construction or reconstruction after June 6, 1994 but prior to October 
    29, 1996 may comply with the following requirements in lieu of the 
    requirements in paragraph (g)(2)(ii) of this section:
        (A) Pass the air stream through either a two-stage dry particulate 
    filter system or a waterwash system before exhausting it to the 
        (B) If the primer or topcoat contains chromium or cadmium, control 
    shall consist of a HEPA filter system, three-stage filter system, or 
    other control system equivalent to the three stage filter system as 
    approved by the permitting agency.
        (iv) If a dry particulate filter system is used, the following 
    requirements shall be met:
        (A) Maintain the system in good working order;
        (B) Install a differential pressure gauge across the filter banks;
        (C) Continuously monitor the pressure drop across the filter and 
    read and record the pressure drop once per shift; and
        (D) Take corrective action when the pressure drop exceeds or falls 
    below the filter manufacturer's recommended limit(s).
        (v) If a waterwash system is used, continuously monitor the water 
    flow rate and read and record the water flow rate once per shift.
    * * * * *
        (4) * * *
        (x) The use of hand-held spray can application methods.
        9. Section 63.746 is amended by revising the last sentence of 
    paragraph (a) introductory text, (b)(1), (b)(3), (b)(4)(i), (b)(4)(ii), 
    (b)(4)(iii)(C), (b)(4)(iv), the second sentence of paragraph (b)(4)(v), 
    and (c)(1); and adding paragraphs (c)(2) and (c)(3) to read as follows:
    Sec. 63.746  Standards: Depainting operations.
        (a) * * * This section does not apply to an aerospace manufacturing 
    or rework facility that depaints six or less completed aerospace 
    vehicles in a calendar year.
    * * * * *
        (b)(1) HAP emissions--non-HAP chemical strippers and technologies. 
    Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this section, 
    each owner or operator of a new or existing aerospace depainting 
    operation subject to this subpart shall emit no organic HAP from 
    chemical stripping formulations and agents or chemical paint softeners.
    * * * * *
        (3) Each owner or operator of a new or existing depainting 
    operation shall not, on an annual average basis, use more than 26 
    gallons of organic HAP-containing chemical strippers or alternatively 
    190 pounds of organic HAP per commercial aircraft depainted; or more 
    than 50 gallons of organic HAP-containing chemical strippers or 
    alternatively 365 pounds of organic HAP per military aircraft depainted 
    for spot stripping and decal removal.
        (4) * * *
        (i) Perform the depainting operation in an enclosed area, unless a 
    closed-cycle depainting system is used.
        (ii)(A) For existing sources pass any air stream removed from the 
    enclosed area or closed-cycle depainting system through a dry 
    particulate filter system, certified using the method described in 
    Sec. 63.750(o) to meet or exceed the efficiency data points in Tables 1 
    and 2 of Sec. 63.745, through a baghouse, or through a waterwash system 
    before exhausting it to the atmosphere.
        (B) For new sources pass any air stream removed from the enclosed 
    area or closed-cycle depainting system through a dry particulate filter 
    system certified using the method described in Sec. 63.750(o) to meet 
    or exceed the efficiency data points in Tables 3 and 4 of Sec. 63.745 
    or through a baghouse before exhausting it to the atmosphere.
        (iii) * * *
        (C) Continuously monitor the pressure drop across the filter, and 
    read and record the pressure drop once per shift; and
    * * * * *
        (iv) If a waterwash system is used, continuously monitor the water 
    flow rate, and read and record the water flow rate once per shift.
        (v) * * * If the water path in the waterwash system fails the 
    visual continuity/flow characteristics check, as recorded pursuant to 
    Sec. 63.752(e)(7), or the water flow rate, as recorded pursuant to 
    Sec. 63.752(d)(2), exceeds the limit(s) specified by the booth 
    manufacturer or in locally prepared operating procedures, or the booth 
    manufacturer's or locally prepared maintenance procedures for the 
    filter or waterwash system have not been performed as scheduled, shut 
    down the operation immediately and take corrective action. * * *
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (1) All organic HAP emissions from the operation shall be reduced 
    by the use of a control system. Each control system that was installed 
    before the effective date shall reduce the operations' organic HAP 
    emissions to the atmosphere by 81 percent or greater, taking into 
    account capture and destruction or removal efficiencies.
        (2) Each control system installed on or after the effective date 
    shall reduce organic HAP emissions to the atmosphere by 95 percent or 
    greater. Reduction shall take into account capture and destruction or 
    removal efficiencies, and may take into account the volume of chemical 
    stripper used relative to baseline levels (e.g., the 95 percent 
    efficiency may be achieved by controlling emissions at 81 percent 
    efficiency with a control system and using 74 percent less stripper 
    than in baseline applications). The baseline shall be calculated using 
    data from 1996 and 1997, which shall be on a usage per aircraft or 
    usage per square foot of surface basis.
        (3) The capture and destruction or removal efficiencies are to be
    [[Page 15021]]
    determined using the procedures in Sec. 63.750(g) when a carbon 
    adsorber is used and those in Sec. 63.750(h) when a control device 
    other than a carbon adsorber is used.
        10. Section 63.747 is amended by revising paragraphs (c)(1), (c)(2) 
    and (e)(2) to read as follows:
    Sec. 63.747  Standards: Chemical milling maskant application 
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (1) Organic HAP emissions from chemical milling maskants shall be 
    limited to organic HAP content levels of no more than 622 grams of 
    organic HAP per liter (5.2 lb/gal) of Type I chemical milling maskant 
    (less water) as applied, and no more than 160 grams of organic HAP per 
    liter (1.3 lb/gal) of Type II chemical milling maskant (less water) as 
        (2) VOC emissions from chemical milling maskants shall be limited 
    to VOC content levels of no more than 622 grams of VOC per liter (5.2 
    lb/gal) of Type I chemical milling maskant (less water and exempt 
    solvents) as applied, and no more than 160 grams of VOC per liter (1.3 
    lb/gal) of Type II chemical milling maskant (less water and exempt 
    solvents) as applied.
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (2) Use the averaging provisions described in Sec. 63.743(d).
        11. Section 63.749 is amended by revising paragraphs (a), (b), 
    (d)(3)(iii)(B), (d)(4)(iii), (f)(3)(ii)(A), and (h)(3)(i) to read as 
    Sec. 63.749  Compliance dates and determinations.
        (a) Compliance dates. (1) Each owner or operator of an existing 
    affected source subject to this subpart shall comply with the 
    requirements of this subpart by September 1, 1998, except as specified 
    in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. Owners or operators of new 
    affected sources subject to this subpart shall comply on the effective 
    date or upon startup, whichever is later. In addition, each owner or 
    operator shall comply with the compliance dates specified in 
    Sec. 63.6(b) and (c).
        (2) Owners or operators of existing primer or topcoat application 
    operations and depainting operations who construct or reconstruct a 
    spray booth or hangar must comply with the new source requirements for 
    inorganic HAP specified in Secs. 63.745(g)(2)(ii) and 63.746(b)(4) for 
    that new spray booth or hangar upon startup. Such sources must still 
    comply with all other existing source requirements by September 1, 
        (b) General. Each facility subject to this subpart shall be 
    considered in noncompliance if the owner or operator fails to submit a 
    startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan as required by Sec. 63.743(b) 
    or uses a control device other than one specified in this subpart that 
    has not been approved by the Administrator, as required by 
    Sec. 63.743(c).
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (3) * * *
        (iii) * * *
        (B) Uses an alternative application technique, as allowed under 
    Sec. 63.745(f)(1)(ix), such that the emissions of both organic HAP and 
    VOC for the implementation period of the alternative application method 
    are less than or equal to the emissions generated using HVLP or 
    electrostatic spray application methods as determined using the 
    procedures specified in Sec. 63.750(i).
    * * * * *
        (4) * * *
        (iii) * * *
        (A) Uses an application technique specified in Sec. 63.745 
    (f)(1)(i) through (f)(1)(viii); or
        (B) Uses an alternative application technique, as allowed under 
    Sec. 63.745(f)(1)(ix), such that the emissions of both organic HAP and 
    VOC for the implementation period of the alternative application method 
    are less than or equal to the emissions generated using HVLP or 
    electrostatic spray application methods as determined using the 
    procedures specified in Sec. 63.750(i).
    * * * * *
        (f) * * *
        (3) * * *
        (ii) * * *
        (A) For any spot stripping and decal removal, the value of C, as 
    determined using the procedures specified in Sec. 63.750(j), is less 
    than or equal to 26 gallons of organic HAP-containing chemical stripper 
    or 190 pounds of organic HAP per commercial aircraft depainted 
    calculated on a yearly average; and is less than or equal to 50 gallons 
    of organic HAP-containing chemical stripper or 365 pounds of organic 
    HAP per military aircraft depainted calculated on a yearly average; and
    * * * * *
        (h) * * *
        (3) * * *
        (i) For all uncontrolled chemical milling maskants, all values of 
    Hi and Ha (as determined using the procedures 
    specified in Sec. 63.750 (k) and (l)) are less than or equal to 622 
    grams of organic HAP per liter (5.2 lb/gal) of Type I chemical milling 
    maskant as applied (less water), and 160 grams of organic HAP per liter 
    (1.3 lb/gal) of Type II chemical milling maskant as applied (less 
    water). All values of Gi and Ga (as determined 
    using the procedures specified in Sec. 63.750 (m) and (n)) are less 
    than or equal to 622 grams of VOC per liter (5.2 lb/gal) of Type I 
    chemical milling maskant as applied (less water and exempt solvents), 
    and 160 grams of VOC per liter (1.3 lb/gal) of Type II chemical milling 
    maskant (less water and exempt solvents) as applied.
    * * * * *
        12. Section 63.750 is amended by revising the equation in paragraph 
    (b)(2); paragraphs (c)(1), (e)(1), equation 7 (``Eq. 7'') in (e)(2), 
    (g)(3)(ii), (g)(9)(i), (i)(1), (i)(2)(iii), (j) introductory text, 
    (j)(1), (j)(3), (k) introductory text, (k)(1), (l)(4), and (n)(3); and 
    by adding paragraphs (i)(2)(iv) and (o) to read as follows:
    Sec. 63.750  Test methods and procedures.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (2) * * *
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR27MR98.001
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (1) For coatings that contain no exempt solvents, determine the 
    total organic HAP content using manufacturer's supplied data or Method 
    24 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, to determine the VOC content. The VOC 
    content shall be used as a surrogate for total HAP content for coatings 
    that contain no exempt solvent. If there is a discrepancy between the 
    manufacturer's formulation data and the results of the Method 24 
    analysis, compliance shall be based on the results from the Method 24 
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (1) Determine the VOC content of each formulation (less water and 
    exempt solvents) as applied using manufacturer's supplied data or 
    Method 24 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, to determine the VOC content. 
    The VOC content shall be used as a surrogate for total HAP content for 
    coatings that contain no exempt solvent. If there is a discrepancy 
    between the manufacturer's formulation data and the results of the 
    Method 24 analysis, compliance shall be based on the results from the 
    Method 24 analysis.
    [[Page 15022]]
        (2) * * *
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR27MR98.002
     * * * * *
        (g) * * *
        (3) * * *
        (ii) Assure that all HAP emissions from the affected HAP emission 
    point(s) are segregated from gaseous emission points not affected by 
    this subpart and that the emissions can be captured for measurement, as 
    described in paragraphs (g)(2)(ii) (A) and (B) of this section;
    * * * * *
        (9) * * *
        (i) When either EPA Method 18 or EPA Method 25A is to be used in 
    the determination of the efficiency of a fixed-bed carbon adsorption 
    system with a common exhaust stack for all the individual carbon 
    adsorber vessels pursuant to paragraph (g) (2) or (4) of this section, 
    the test shall consist of three separate runs, each coinciding with one 
    or more complete sequences through the adsorption cycles of all of the 
    individual carbon adsorber vessels.
    * * * * *
        (i)(1) Alternative application method--primers and topcoats. Each 
    owner or operator seeking to use an alternative application method (as 
    allowed in Sec. 63.745(f)(1)(ix)) in complying with the standards for 
    primers and topcoats shall use the procedures specified in paragraphs 
    (i)(2)(i) and (i)(2)(ii) or (i)(2)(iii) of this section to determine 
    the organic HAP and VOC emission levels of the alternative application 
    technique as compared to either HVLP or electrostatic spray application 
        (2) * * *
        (iii) Test the proposed application method against either HVLP or 
    electrostatic spray application methods in a laboratory or pilot 
    production area, using parts and coatings representative of the 
    process(es) where the alternative method is to be used. The laboratory 
    test will use the same part configuration(s) and the same number of 
    parts for both the proposed method and the HVLP or electrostatic spray 
    application methods.
        (iv) Whenever the approach in either paragraph (i)(2)(ii) or 
    (i)(2)(iii) of this section is used, the owner or operator shall 
    calculate both the organic HAP and VOC emission reduction using 
    P=organic HAP or VOC emission reduction, percent.
    Eb=organic HAP or VOC emissions, in pounds, before the 
    alternative application technique was implemented, as determined under 
    paragraph (i)(2)(i) of this section.
    Ea=organic HAP of VOC emissions, in pounds, after the 
    alternative application technique was implemented, as determined under 
    paragraph (i)(2)(ii) of this section.
    * * * * *
        (j) Spot stripping and decal removal. Each owner or operator 
    seeking to comply with Sec. 63.746(b)(3) shall determine the volume of 
    organic HAP-containing chemical strippers or alternatively the weight 
    of organic HAP used per aircraft using the procedure specified in 
    paragraphs (j)(1) through (j)(3) of this section.
        (1) For each chemical stripper used for spot stripping and decal 
    removal, determine for each annual period the total volume as applied 
    or the total weight of organic HAP using the procedure specified in 
    paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
    * * * * *
        (3) Calculate the annual average volume of organic HAP-containing 
    chemical stripper or weight of organic HAP used for spot stripping and 
    decal removal per aircraft using equation 20 (volume) or equation 21 
    C=annual average volume (gal per aircraft) of organic HAP-containing 
    chemical stripper used for spot stripping and decal removal.
    n=number of organic HAP-containing chemical strippers used in the 
    annual period.
    Vsi=volume (gal) of organic HAP-containing chemical stripper 
    (i) used during the annual period.
    A=number of aircraft for which depainting operations began during the 
    annual period.
    C = annual average weight (lb per aircraft) of organic HAP (chemical 
    stripper) used for spot stripping and decal removal.
    m = number of organic HAP contained in each chemical stripper, as 
    n = number of organic HAP-containing chemical strippers used in the 
    annual period.
    Whi = weight fraction (expressed as a decimal) of each 
    organic HAP (i) contained in the chemical stripper, as applied, for 
    each aircraft depainted.
    Dhi = density (lb/gal) of each organic HAP-containing 
    chemical stripper (i), used in the annual period.
    Vsi = volume (gal) of organic HAP-containing chemical 
    stripper (i) used during the annual period.
    A = number of aircraft for which depainting operations began during the 
    annual period.
        (k) Organic HAP content level determination--compliant chemical 
    milling maskants. For those uncontrolled chemical milling maskants 
    complying with the chemical milling maskant organic HAP content limit 
    specified in Sec. 63.747(c)(1) without being averaged, the following 
    procedures shall be used to determine the mass of organic HAP emitted 
    per unit volume of coating (chemical milling maskant) i as applied 
    (less water), Hi (lb/gal).
        (1) For coatings that contain no exempt solvents, determine the 
    total organic HAP content using manufacturer's supplied data or Method 
    24 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A to determine the VOC content. The VOC 
    content shall be used as a surrogate for total HAP content for coatings 
    that contain no exempt solvent. If there is a discrepancy between the 
    manufacturer's formulation data and the results of the Method 24 
    analysis, compliance shall be based on the results from the Method 24 
    * * * * *
        (l) * * *
        (4) Calculate the volume-weighted average mass of organic HAP 
    emitted per unit volume (lb/gal) of chemical milling maskant (less 
    water) as applied for all chemical milling maskants during each 30-day 
    period using equation 22:
    * * * * *
        (n) * * *
        (3) Calculate the volume-weighted average mass of VOC emitted per 
    unit volume (lb/gal) of chemical milling maskant (less water and exempt 
    solvents) as applied during each 30-day period using equation 23:
    [[Page 15023]]
    * * * * *
        (o) Inorganic HAP emissions--dry particulate filter certification 
    requirements. Dry particulate filters used to comply with 
    Sec. 63.745(g)(2) or Sec. 63.746(b)(4) must be certified by the filter 
    manufacturer or distributor, paint/depainting booth supplier, and/or 
    the facility owner or operator using method 319 in appendix A of 
    subpart A of this part, to meet or exceed the efficiency data points 
    found in Tables 1 and 2, or 3 and 4 of Sec. 63.745 for existing or new 
    sources respectively.
        13. Section 63.751 is amended by revising the first sentence of 
    paragraph (b)(6)(ii)(A), (b)(6)(iii) introductory text, and the first 
    sentence of paragraph (b)(6)(iii)(A)(2) introductory text and 
    paragraphs (b)(6)(iii)(D), (c)(1), (c)(2) and (d) to read as follows:
    Sec. 63.751  Monitoring requirements.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (6) * * *
        (ii) * * *
        (A) Except as allowed by paragraph (b)(6)(iii)(A)(2) of this 
    section, all continuous emission monitors shall comply with performance 
    specification (PS) 8 or 9 in 40 CFR part 60, appendix B, as appropriate 
    depending on whether VOC or HAP concentration is being measured. * * *
    * * * * *
        (iii) Owners or operators complying with Sec. 63.745(d), 
    Sec. 63.746(c), or Sec. 63.747(d) through the use of a control device 
    and establishing a site-specific operating parameter in accordance with 
    paragraph (b)(1) of this section shall fulfill the requirements of 
    paragraph (b)(6)(iii)(A) of this section and paragraph (b)(6)(iii)(B) 
    or (C) of this section, as appropriate.
        (A) * * *
        (2) For owners or operators using a nonregenerative carbon 
    adsorber, in lieu of using continuous emission monitors as specified in 
    paragraph (b)(6)(iii)(A)(1) of this section, the owner or operator may 
    use a portable monitoring device to monitor total HAP or VOC 
    concentration at the inlet and outlet or the outlet of the carbon 
    adsorber as appropriate. * * *
    * * * * *
        (D) If complying with Sec. 63.745(d), Sec. 63.746(c), or 
    Sec. 63.747(d) through the use of a nonregenerative carbon adsorber, in 
    lieu of the requirements of paragraph (b)(6)(iii)(B) or (C) of this 
    section, the owner or operator may replace the carbon in the carbon 
    adsorber system with fresh carbon at a regular predetermined time 
    interval as determined in accordance with paragraph (b)(2) of this 
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (1) Each owner or operator using a dry particulate filter system to 
    meet the requirements of Sec. 63.745(g)(2) shall, while primer or 
    topcoat application operations are occurring, continuously monitor the 
    pressure drop across the system and read and record the pressure drop 
    once per shift following the recordkeeping requirements of 
    Sec. 63.752(d).
        (2) Each owner or operator using a waterwash system to meet the 
    requirements of Sec. 63.745(g)(2) shall, while primer or topcoat 
    application operations are occurring, continuously monitor the water 
    flow rate through the system, and read and record the water flow rate 
    once per shift following the recordkeeping requirements of 
    Sec. 63.752(d).
        (d) Particulate filters and waterwash booths--depainting 
    operations. Each owner or operator using a dry particulate filter or 
    waterwash system in accordance with the requirements of 
    Sec. 63.746(b)(4) shall, while depainting operations are occurring, 
    continuously monitor the pressure drop across the particulate filters 
    or the water flow rate through the waterwash system and read and record 
    the pressure drop or the water flow rate once per shift following the 
    recordkeeping requirements of Sec. 63.752(e).
    * * * * *
        14. Section 63.752 is amended by revising paragraphs (b)(1), 
    (e)(1)(ii), (e)(6), and (f) introductory text; and by removing 
    paragraph (d)(4) to read as follows:
    Sec. 63.752  Recordkeeping requirements.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (1) The name, vapor pressure, and documentation showing the organic 
    HAP constituents of each cleaning solvent used for affected cleaning 
    operations at the facility.
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (ii) Monthly volumes of each organic HAP containing chemical 
    stripper used or monthly weight of organic HAP-material used for spot 
    stripping and decal removal.
    * * * * *
        (6) Spot stripping and decal removal. For spot stripping and decal 
    removal, the volume of organic HAP-containing chemical stripper or 
    weight of organic HAP used, the annual average volume of organic HAP-
    containing chemical stripper or weight of organic HAP used per 
    aircraft, the annual number of aircraft stripped, and all data and 
    calculations used.
    * * * * *
        (f) Chemical milling maskant application operations. Each owner or 
    operator seeking to comply with the organic HAP and VOC content limits 
    for the chemical milling maskant application operation, as specified in 
    Sec. 63.747(c), or the control system requirements specified in 
    Sec. 63.747(d), shall record the information specified in paragraphs 
    (f)(1) through (f)(4) of this section, as appropriate.
    * * * * *
        15. Section 63.753 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(1) 
    introductory text and (d)(2)(i) to read as follows:
    Sec. 63.753  Reporting requirements.
        (a)(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this 
    section, each owner or operator subject to this subpart shall fulfill 
    the requirements contained in Sec. 63.9(a) through (e) and (h) through 
    (j), Notification requirements, and Sec. 63.10(a), (b), (d), and (f), 
    Recordkeeping and reporting requirements, of the General Provisions, 40 
    CFR part 63, subpart A, and that the initial notification for existing 
    sources required in Sec. 63.9(b)(2) shall be submitted not later than 
    September 1, 1997. In addition to the requirements of Sec. 63.9(h), the 
    notification of compliance status shall include:
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (2) * * *
        (i) The average volume per aircraft of organic HAP-containing 
    chemical strippers or weight of organic HAP used for spot stripping and 
    decal removal operations if it exceeds the limits specified in 
    Sec. 63.746(b)(3); and
    * * * * *
        16. Table 1 is added to the end of subpart GG to read as follows:
    [[Page 15024]]
                    Table 1 to Subpart GG of Part 63--General Provisions Applicability to Subpart GG                
                  Reference                 Applies to affected sources in subpart GG             Comment           
    63.1(a)(1)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.1(a)(2)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.1(a)(3)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.1(a)(4)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.1(a)(5)...........................  No........................................  Reserved.                    
    63.1(a)(6)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.1(a)(7)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.1(a)(8)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.1(a)(9)...........................  No........................................  Reserved.                    
    63.1(a)(10)..........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.1(a)(11)..........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.1(a)(12)..........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.1(a)(13)..........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.1(a)(14)..........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.1(b)(1)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.1(b)(2)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.1(b)(3)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.1(c)(1)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.1(c)(2)...........................  Yes.......................................  Subpart GG does not apply to 
                                                                                        area sources.               
    63.1(c)(3)...........................  No........................................  Reserved.                    
    63.1(c)(4)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.1(c)(5)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.1(d)..............................  No........................................  Reserved.                    
    63.1(e)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.2.................................  Yes                                                                      
    63.3.................................  Yes                                                                      
    63.4(a)(1)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.4(a)(2)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.4(a)(3)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.4(a)(4)...........................  No........................................  Reserved.                    
    63.4(a)(5)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.4(b)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.4(c)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.5(a)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.5(b)(1)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.5(b)(2)...........................  No........................................  Reserved.                    
    63.5(b)(3)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.5(b)(4)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.5(b)(5)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.5(b)(6)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.5(c)..............................  No........................................  Reserved.                    
    63.5(d)(1)(i)........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.5(d)(1)(ii)(A)-(H)................  Yes                                                                      
    63.5(d)(1)(ii)(I)....................  No........................................  Reserved.                    
    63.5(d)(1)(ii)(J)....................  Yes                                                                      
    63.5(d)(1)(iii)......................  Yes                                                                      
    63.5(d)(2)-(4).......................  Yes                                                                      
    63.5(e)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.5(f)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.6(a)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.6(b)(1)-(5).......................  Yes.......................................  Sec.  63.749(a) specifies    
                                                                                        compliance dates for new    
    63.6(b)(6)...........................  No........................................  Reserved.                    
    63.6(b)(7)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.6(c)(1)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.6(c)(2)...........................  No........................................  The standards in subpart GG  
                                                                                        are promulgated under       
                                                                                        section 112(d) of the Act.  
    63.6(c)(3)-(4).......................  No........................................  Reserved.                    
    63.6(c)(5)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.6(d)..............................  No........................................  Reserved.                    
    63.6(e)..............................  Yes.......................................  63.743(b) includes additional
                                                                                        provisions for the operation
                                                                                        and maintenance plan.       
    63.6(f)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.6(g)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.6(h)..............................  No........................................  The standards in subpart GG  
                                                                                        do not include opacity      
    63.6(i)(1)-(3).......................  Yes                                                                      
    63.6(i)(4)(i)(A).....................  Yes                                                                      
    63.6(i)(4)(i)(B).....................  No........................................  Sec.  63.743(a)(4) specifies 
                                                                                        that requests for extension 
                                                                                        of compliance must be       
                                                                                        submitted no later than 120 
                                                                                        days before an affected     
                                                                                        source's compliance date.   
    63.6(i)(4)(ii).......................  No........................................  The standards in subpart GG  
                                                                                        are promulgated under       
                                                                                        section 112(d) of the Act.  
    [[Page 15025]]
    63.6(i)(5)-(12)......................  Yes                                                                      
    63.6(i)(13)..........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.6(i)(14)..........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.6(i)(15)..........................  No........................................  Reserved.                    
    63.6(i)(16)..........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.6(j)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.7(a)(1)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.7(a)(2)(i)-(vi)...................  Yes                                                                      
    63.7(a)(2)(vii)-(viii)...............  No........................................  Reserved.                    
    63.7(a)(2)(ix).......................  Yes                                                                      
    63.7(a)(3)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.7(b)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.7(c)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.7(d)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.7(e)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.7(f)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.7(g)(1)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.7(g)(2)...........................  No........................................  Reserved.                    
    63.7(g)(3)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.7(h)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.8(a)(1)-(2).......................  Yes                                                                      
    63.8(a)(3)...........................  No........................................  Reserved.                    
    63.8(a)(4)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.8(b)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.8(c)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.8(d)..............................  No                                                                       
    63.8(e)(1)-(4).......................  Yes                                                                      
    63.8(e)(5)(i)........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.8(e)(5)(ii).......................  No........................................  The standards in subpart GG  
                                                                                        do not include opacity      
    63.8(f)(1)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.8(f)(2)(i)-(vii)..................  Yes                                                                      
    63.8(f)(2)(viii).....................  No........................................  The standards in subpart GG  
                                                                                        do not include opacity      
    63.8(f)(2)(ix).......................  Yes                                                                      
    63.8(f)(3)-(6).......................  Yes                                                                      
    63.8(g)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.9(a)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.9(b)(1)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.9(b)(2)...........................  Yes.......................................  Sec.  63.753(a)(1) requires  
                                                                                        submittal of the initial    
                                                                                        notification at least 1 year
                                                                                        prior to the compliance     
                                                                                        date; Sec.  63.753(a)(2)    
                                                                                        allows a title V or part 70 
                                                                                        permit application to be    
                                                                                        substituted for the initial 
                                                                                        notification in certain     
    63.9(b)(3)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.9(b)(4)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.9(b)(5)...........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.9(c)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.9(d)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.9(e)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.9(f)..............................  No........................................  The standards in subpart GG  
                                                                                        do not include opacity      
    63.9(g)(1)...........................  No                                                                       
    63.9(g)(2)...........................  No........................................  The standards in subpart GG  
                                                                                        do not include opacity      
    63.9(g)(3)...........................  No                                                                       
    63.9(h)(1)-(3).......................  Yes.......................................  Sec.  63.753(a)(1) also      
                                                                                        specifies additional        
                                                                                        information to be included  
                                                                                        in the notification of      
                                                                                        compliance status.          
    63.9(h)(4)...........................  No........................................  Reserved.                    
    63.9(h)(5)-(6).......................  Yes                                                                      
    63.9(i)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.9(j)..............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.10(a).............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.10(b).............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.10(c)(1)..........................  No                                                                       
    63.10(c)(2)-(4)......................  No........................................  Reserved.                    
    63.10(c)(5)-(8)......................  No                                                                       
    63.10(c)(9)..........................  No........................................  Reserved.                    
    63.10(c)(10)-(13)....................  No                                                                       
    63.10(c)(14).........................  No........................................  Sec.  63.8(d) does not apply 
                                                                                        to this subpart.            
    63.10(c)(15).........................  No                                                                       
    [[Page 15026]]
    63.10(d)(1)-(2)......................  Yes                                                                      
    63.10(d)(3)..........................  No........................................  The standards in subpart GG  
                                                                                        do not include opacity      
    63.10(d)(4)..........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.10(d)(5)..........................  Yes                                                                      
    63.(10)(e)(1)........................  No                                                                       
    63.10(e)(2)(i).......................  No                                                                       
    63.10(e)(2)(ii)......................  No........................................  The standards in subpart GG  
                                                                                        do not include opacity      
    63.10(e)(3)..........................  No                                                                       
    63.10(e)(4)..........................  No........................................  The standards in subpart GG  
                                                                                        do not include opacity      
    63.10(f).............................  Yes                                                                      
    63.11................................  Yes                                                                      
    63.12................................  Yes                                                                      
    63.13................................  Yes                                                                      
    63.14................................  Yes                                                                      
    63.15................................  Yes                                                                      
        17. Appendix A of subpart GG is added to read as follows:
    Appendix A to Subpart GG of Part 63--Specialty Coating Definitions
        Ablative coating--A coating that chars when exposed to open 
    flame or extreme temperatures, as would occur during the failure of 
    an engine casing or during aerodynamic heating. The ablative char 
    surface serves as an insulative barrier, protecting adjacent 
    components from the heat or open flame.
        Adhesion promoter--A very thin coating applied to a substrate to 
    promote wetting and form a chemical bond with the subsequently 
    applied material.
        Adhesive bonding primer--A primer applied in a thin film to 
    aerospace components for the purpose of corrosion inhibition and 
    increased adhesive bond strength by attachment. There are two 
    categories of adhesive bonding primers: primers with a design cure 
    at 250 deg.F or below and primers with a design cure above 
    250 deg.F.
        Aerosol coating--A hand-held, pressurized, nonrefillable 
    container that expels an adhesive or a coating in a finely divided 
    spray when a valve on the container is depressed.
        Antichafe coating--A coating applied to areas of moving 
    aerospace components that may rub during normal operations or 
        Bearing coating--A coating applied to an antifriction bearing, a 
    bearing housing, or the area adjacent to such a bearing in order to 
    facilitate bearing function or to protect base material from 
    excessive wear. A material shall not be classified as a bearing 
    coating if it can also be classified as a dry lubricative material 
    or a solid film lubricant.
        Bonding maskant--A temporary coating used to protect selected 
    areas of aerospace parts from strong acid or alkaline solutions 
    during processing for bonding.
        Caulking and smoothing compounds--Semi-solid materials which are 
    applied by hand application methods and are used to aerodynamically 
    smooth exterior vehicle surfaces or fill cavities such as bolt hole 
    accesses. A material shall not be classified as a caulking and 
    smoothing compound if it can also be classified as a sealant.
        Chemical agent-resistant coating (CARC)--An exterior topcoat 
    designed to withstand exposure to chemical warfare agents or the 
    decontaminants used on these agents.
        Clear coating--A transparent coating usually applied over a 
    colored opaque coating, metallic substrate, or placard to give 
    improved gloss and protection to the color coat. In some cases, a 
    clearcoat refers to any transparent coating without regard to 
        Commercial exterior aerodynamic structure primer--A primer used 
    on aerodynamic components and structures that protrude from the 
    fuselage, such as wings and attached components, control surfaces, 
    horizontal stabilizers, vertical fins, wing-to-body fairings, 
    antennae, and landing gear and doors, for the purpose of extended 
    corrosion protection and enhanced adhesion.
        Commercial interior adhesive--Materials used in the bonding of 
    passenger cabin interior components. These components must meet the 
    FAA fireworthiness requirements.
        Compatible substrate primer--Includes two categories: compatible 
    epoxy primer and adhesive primer. Compatible epoxy primer is primer 
    that is compatible with the filled elastomeric coating and is epoxy 
    based. The compatible substrate primer is an epoxy-polyamide primer 
    used to promote adhesion of elastomeric coatings such as impact-
    resistant coatings. Adhesive primer is a coating that (1) inhibits 
    corrosion and serves as a primer applied to bare metal surfaces or 
    prior to adhesive application, or (2) is applied to surfaces that 
    can be expected to contain fuel. Fuel tank coatings are excluded 
    from this category.
        Corrosion prevention system--A coating system that provides 
    corrosion protection by displacing water and penetrating mating 
    surfaces, forming a protective barrier between the metal surface and 
    moisture. Coatings containing oils or waxes are excluded from this 
        Critical use and line sealer maskant--A temporary coating, not 
    covered under other maskant categories, used to protect selected 
    areas of aerospace parts from strong acid or alkaline solutions such 
    as those used in anodizing, plating, chemical milling and processing 
    of magnesium, titanium, high-strength steel, high-precision aluminum 
    chemical milling of deep cuts, and aluminum chemical milling of 
    complex shapes. Materials used for repairs or to bridge gaps left by 
    scribing operations (i.e. line sealer) are also included in this 
        Cryogenic flexible primer--A primer designed to provide 
    corrosion resistance, flexibility, and adhesion of subsequent 
    coating systems when exposed to loads up to and surpassing the yield 
    point of the substrate at cryogenic temperatures (-275 deg.F and 
        Cryoprotective coating--A coating that insulates cryogenic or 
    subcooled surfaces to limit propellant boil-off, maintain structural 
    integrity of metallic structures during ascent or re-entry, and 
    prevent ice formation.
        Cyanoacrylate adhesive--A fast-setting, single component 
    adhesive that cures at room temperature. Also known as ``super 
        Dry lubricative material--A coating consisting of lauric acid, 
    cetyl alcohol, waxes, or other non-cross linked or resin-bound 
    materials which act as a dry lubricant.
        Electric or radiation-effect coating--A coating or coating 
    system engineered to interact, through absorption or reflection, 
    with specific regions of the electromagnetic energy spectrum, such 
    as the ultraviolet, visible, infrared, or microwave regions. Uses 
    include, but are not limited to, lightning strike protection, 
    electromagnetic pulse (EMP) protection, and radar avoidance. 
    Coatings that have been designated as ``classified'' by the 
    Department of Defense are exempt.
        Electrostatic discharge and electromagnetic interference (EMI) 
    coating--A coating applied to space vehicles, missiles, aircraft 
    radomes, and helicopter blades to disperse static energy or reduce 
    electromagnetic interference.
    [[Page 15027]]
        Elevated-temperature Skydrol-resistant commercial primer--A 
    primer applied primarily to commercial aircraft (or commercial 
    aircraft adapted for military use) that must withstand immersion in 
    phosphate-ester (PE) hydraulic fluid (Skydrol 500b or equivalent) at 
    the elevated temperature of 150 deg.F for 1,000 hours.
        Epoxy polyamide topcoat--A coating used where harder films are 
    required or in some areas where engraving is accomplished in 
    camouflage colors.
        Fire-resistant (interior) coating--For civilian aircraft, fire-
    resistant interior coatings are used on passenger cabin interior 
    parts that are subject to the FAA fireworthiness requirements. For 
    military aircraft, fire-resistant interior coatings are used on 
    parts subject to the flammability requirements of MIL-STD-1630A and 
    MIL-A-87721. For space applications, these coatings are used on 
    parts subject to the flammability requirements of SE-R-0006 and SSP 
        Flexible primer--A primer that meets flexibility requirements 
    such as those needed for adhesive bond primed fastener heads or on 
    surfaces expected to contain fuel. The flexible coating is required 
    because it provides a compatible, flexible substrate over bonded 
    sheet rubber and rubber-type coatings as well as a flexible bridge 
    between the fasteners, skin, and skin-to-skin joints on outer 
    aircraft skins. This flexible bridge allows more topcoat flexibility 
    around fasteners and decreases the chance of the topcoat cracking 
    around the fasteners. The result is better corrosion resistance.
        Flight test coating--A coating applied to aircraft other than 
    missiles or single-use aircraft prior to flight testing to protect 
    the aircraft from corrosion and to provide required marking during 
    flight test evaluation.
        Fuel tank adhesive--An adhesive used to bond components exposed 
    to fuel and that must be compatible with fuel tank coatings.
        Fuel tank coating--A coating applied to fuel tank components to 
    inhibit corrosion and/or bacterial growth and to assure sealant 
    adhesion in extreme environmental conditions.
        High temperature coating--A coating designed to withstand 
    temperatures of more than 350  deg.F.
        Insulation covering--Material that is applied to foam insulation 
    to protect the insulation from mechanical or environmental damage.
        Intermediate release coating--A thin coating applied beneath 
    topcoats to assist in removing the topcoat in depainting operations 
    and generally to allow the use of less hazardous depainting methods.
        Lacquer--A clear or pigmented coating formulated with a 
    nitrocellulose or synthetic resin to dry by evaporation without a 
    chemical reaction. Lacquers are resoluble in their original solvent.
        Metalized epoxy coating--A coating that contains relatively 
    large quantities of metallic pigmentation for appearance and/or 
    added protection.
        Mold release--A coating applied to a mold surface to prevent the 
    molded piece from sticking to the mold as it is removed.
        Nonstructural adhesive--An adhesive that bonds nonload bearing 
    aerospace components in noncritical applications and is not covered 
    in any other specialty adhesive categories.
        Optical anti-reflection coating--A coating with a low 
    reflectance in the infrared and visible wavelength ranges, which is 
    used for anti-reflection on or near optical and laser hardware.
        Part marking coating--Coatings or inks used to make identifying 
    markings on materials, components, and/or assemblies. These markings 
    may be either permanent or temporary.
        Pretreatment coating--An organic coating that contains at least 
    0.5 percent acids by weight and is applied directly to metal or 
    composite surfaces to provide surface etching, corrosion resistance, 
    adhesion, and ease of stripping.
        Rain erosion-resistant coating--A coating or coating system used 
    to protect the leading edges of parts such as flaps, stabilizers, 
    radomes, engine inlet nacelles, etc. against erosion caused by rain 
    impact during flight.
        Rocket motor bonding adhesive--An adhesive used in rocket motor 
    bonding applications.
        Rocket motor nozzle coating--A catalyzed epoxy coating system 
    used in elevated temperature applications on rocket motor nozzles.
        Rubber-based adhesive--Quick setting contact cements that 
    provide a strong, yet flexible, bond between two mating surfaces 
    that may be of dissimilar materials.
        Scale inhibitor--A coating that is applied to the surface of a 
    part prior to thermal processing to inhibit the formation of scale.
        Screen print ink--Inks used in screen printing processes during 
    fabrication of decorative laminates and decals.
        Seal coat maskant--An overcoat applied over a maskant to improve 
    abrasion and chemical resistance during production operations.
        Sealant--A material used to prevent the intrusion of water, 
    fuel, air, or other liquids or solids from certain areas of 
    aerospace vehicles or components. There are two categories of 
    sealants: extrudable/rollable/brushable sealants and sprayable 
        Silicone insulation material--Insulating material applied to 
    exterior metal surfaces for protection from high temperatures caused 
    by atmospheric friction or engine exhaust. These materials differ 
    from ablative coatings in that they are not ``sacrificial.''
        Solid film lubricant--A very thin coating consisting of a binder 
    system containing as its chief pigment material one or more of the 
    following: molybdenum, graphite, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), or 
    other solids that act as a dry lubricant between faying surfaces.
        Specialized function coatings--Coatings that fulfill extremely 
    specific engineering requirements that are limited in application 
    and are characterized by low volume usage. This category excludes 
    coatings covered in other Specialty Coating categories.
        Structural autoclavable adhesive--An adhesive used to bond load-
    carrying aerospace components that is cured by heat and pressure in 
    an autoclave.
        Structural nonautoclavable adhesive--An adhesive cured under 
    ambient conditions that is used to bond load-carrying aerospace 
    components or for other critical functions, such as nonstructural 
    bonding in the proximity of engines.
        Temporary protective coating--A coating applied to provide 
    scratch or corrosion protection during manufacturing, storage, or 
    transportation. Two types include peelable protective coatings and 
    alkaline removable coatings. These materials are not intended to 
    protect against strong acid or alkaline solutions. Coatings that 
    provide this type of protection from chemical processing are not 
    included in this category.
        Thermal control coating--Coatings formulated with specific 
    thermal conductive or radiative properties to permit temperature 
    control of the substrate.
        Touch-up and Repair Coating--A coating used to cover minor 
    coating imperfections appearing after the main coating operation.
        Wet fastener installation coating--A primer or sealant applied 
    by dipping, brushing, or daubing to fasteners that are installed 
    before the coating is cured.
        Wing coating--A corrosion-resistant topcoat that is resilient 
    enough to withstand the flexing of the wings.
        18. Appendix A to Part 63 is amended by adding method 319 in 
    numerical order to read as follows:
    Appendix A to Part 63--Test Methods
    * * * * *
    Method 319: Determination of Filtration Efficiency for Paint Overspray 
        1.0  Scope and Application.
        1.1  This method applies to the determination of the initial, 
    particle size dependent, filtration efficiency for paint arrestors 
    over the particle diameter range from 0.3 to 10 m. The 
    method applies to single and multiple stage paint arrestors or paint 
    arrestor media. The method is applicable to efficiency 
    determinations from 0 to 99 percent. Two test aerosols are used--one 
    liquid phase and one solid phase. Oleic acid, a low-volatility 
    liquid (CAS Number 112-80-1), is used to simulate the behavior of 
    wet paint overspray. The solid-phase aerosol is potassium chloride 
    salt (KCl, CAS Number 7447-40-7) and is used to simulate the 
    behavior of a dry overspray. The method is limited to determination 
    of the initial, clean filtration efficiency of the arrestor. Changes 
    in efficiency (either increase or decrease) due to the accumulation 
    of paint overspray on and within the arrestor are not evaluated.
        1.2  Efficiency is defined as 1--Penetration (e.g., 70 percent 
    efficiency is equal to 0.30 penetration). Penetration is based on 
    the ratio of the downstream particle concentration to the upstream 
    concentration. It is often more useful, from a mathematical or 
    statistical point of view, to discuss the upstream and downstream 
    counts in terms of penetration rather than the derived efficiency 
    value. Thus, this document uses both penetration and efficiency as 
        1.3  For a paint arrestor system or subsystem which has been 
    tested by this method, adding additional filtration devices
    [[Page 15028]]
    to the system or subsystem shall be assumed to result in an 
    efficiency of at least that of the original system without the 
    requirement for additional testing. (For example, if the final stage 
    of a three-stage paint arrestor system has been tested by itself, 
    then the addition of the other two stages shall be assumed to 
    maintain, as a minimum, the filtration efficiency provided by the 
    final stage alone. Thus, in this example, if the final stage has 
    been shown to meet the filtration requirements of Table 1 of 
    Sec. 63.745 of subpart GG, then the final stage in combination with 
    any additional paint arrestor stages also passes the filtration 
        2.0  Summary of Method.
        2.1  This method applies to the determination of the fractional 
    (i.e., particle-size dependent) aerosol penetration of several types 
    of paint arrestors. Fractional penetration is computed from aerosol 
    concentrations measured upstream and downstream of an arrestor 
    installed in a laboratory test rig. The aerosol concentrations 
    upstream and downstream of the arrestors are measured with an 
    aerosol analyzer that simultaneously counts and sizes the particles 
    in the aerosol stream. The aerosol analyzer covers the particle 
    diameter size range from 0.3 to 10 m in a minimum of 12 
    contiguous sizing channels. Each sizing channel covers a narrow 
    range of particle diameters. For example, Channel 1 may cover from 
    0.3 to 0.4 m, Channel 2 from 0.4 to 0.5 m, * * * 
    By taking the ratio of the downstream to upstream counts on a 
    channel by channel basis, the penetration is computed for each of 
    the sizing channels.
        2.2  The upstream and downstream aerosol measurements are made 
    while injecting the test aerosol into the air stream upstream of the 
    arrestor (ambient aerosol is removed with HEPA filters on the inlet 
    of the test rig). This test aerosol spans the particle size range 
    from 0.3 to 10 m and provides sufficient upstream 
    concentration in each of the optical particle counter (OPC) sizing 
    channels to allow accurate calculation of penetration, down to 
    penetrations of approximately 0.01 (i.e., 1 percent penetration; 99 
    percent efficiency). Results are presented as a graph and a data 
    table showing the aerodynamic particle diameter and the 
    corresponding fractional efficiency.
        3.0  Definitions.
        Aerodynamic Diameter--diameter of a unit density sphere having 
    the same aerodynamic properties as the particle in question.
        Efficiency is defined as equal to 1--Penetration.
        Optical Particle Counter (OPC)--an instrument that counts 
    particles by size using light scattering. An OPC gives particle 
    diameters based on size, index of refraction, and shape.
        Penetration--the fraction of the aerosol that penetrates the 
    filter at a given particle diameter. Penetration equals the 
    downstream concentration divided by the upstream concentration.
        4.0  Interferences.
        4.1  The influence of the known interferences (particle losses) 
    are negated by correction of the data using blanks.
        5.0  Safety.
        5.1  There are no specific safety precautions for this method 
    above those of good laboratory practice. This standard does not 
    purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated 
    with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this method to 
    establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the 
    applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
        6.0  Equipment and Supplies.
        6.1  Test Facility. A schematic diagram of a test duct used in 
    the development of the method is shown in Figure 319-1.
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P
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        6.1.1  The test section, paint spray section, and attached 
    transitions are constructed of stainless and galvanized steel. The 
    upstream and downstream ducting is 20 cm diameter polyvinyl chloride 
    (PVC). The upstream transition provides a 7 deg. angle of expansion 
    to provide a uniform air flow distribution to the paint arrestors. 
    Aerosol concentration is measured upstream and downstream of the 
    test section to obtain the challenge and penetrating aerosol 
    concentrations, respectively. Because the downstream ducting runs 
    back under the test section, the challenge and penetrating aerosol 
    taps are located physically near each other, thereby facilitating 
    aerosol sampling and reducing sample-line length. The inlet nozzles 
    of the upstream and downstream aerosol probes are designed to yield 
    isokinetic sampling conditions.
        6.1.2  The configuration and dimensions of the test duct can 
    deviate from those of Figure 319-1 provided that the following key 
    elements are maintained: the test duct must meet the criteria 
    specified in Table 319-1; the inlet air is HEPA filtered; the blower 
    is on the upstream side of the duct thereby creating a positive 
    pressure in the duct relative to the surrounding room; the challenge 
    air has a temperature between 50 deg. and 100 deg.F and a relative 
    humidity of less than 65 percent; the angle of the upstream 
    transition (if used) to the paint arrestor must not exceed 7 deg.; 
    the angle of the downstream transition (if used) from the paint 
    arrestor must not exceed 30 deg.; the test duct must provide a means 
    for mixing the challenge aerosol with the upstream flow (in lieu of 
    any mixing device, a duct length of 15 duct diameters fulfills this 
    requirement); the test duct must provide a means for mixing any 
    penetrating aerosol with the downstream flow (in lieu of any mixing 
    device, a duct length of 15 duct diameters fulfills this 
    requirement); the test section must provide a secure and leak-free 
    mounting for single and multiple stage arrestors; and the test duct 
    may utilize a 180 deg. bend in the downstream duct.
                         Table 319-1.--QC Control Limits                    
                                      Frequency and                         
                                       description         Control limits   
    OPC zero count..............  Each Test. OPC        <50 counts="" per="" samples="" hepa-="" minute.="" filtered="" air.="" opc="" sizing="" accuracy="" check...="" daily.="" sample="" peak="" of="" distribution="" aerosolized="" psl="" should="" be="" in="" spheres.="" correct="" opc="" channel.="" minimum="" counts="" per="" channel="" each="" test...........="" minimum="" total="" of="" 500="" for="" challenge="" aerosol.="" particle="" counts="" per="" channel.="" maximum="" particle="" each="" test.="" needed="" to=""><10% of="" concentration.="" ensure="" opc="" is="" not="" manufacturer's="" overloaded.="" claimed="" upper="" limit="" corresponding="" to="" a="" 10%="" count="" error.="" standard="" deviation="" of="" computed="" for="" each=""><0.10 for="" 0.3="" to="" 3="" penetration.="" test="" based="" on="" the="">m         
                                   CV of the upstream    diameter.          
                                   and downstream       <0.30 for="">3 m diameter.      
    0% Penetration..............  Monthly.............  <0.01. 100%="" penetration--kcl.......="" triplicate="" tests="" 0.3="" to="" 1="">m:
                                   performed             0.90 to 1.10.      
                                   immediately before,  1 to 3 m:  
                                   during, or after      0.75 to 1.25.      
                                   triplicate arrestor  3 to 10 m: 
                                   tests.                0.50 to 1.50.      
    100% Penetration--Oleic Acid  Triplicate tests      0.3 to 1 m:
                                   performed             0.90 to 1.10.      
                                   immediately before,  1 to 3 m:  
                                   during, or after      0.75 to 1.25.      
                                   triplicate arrestor  3 to 10 m: 
                                   tests.                0.50 to 1.50.      
        6.2  Aerosol Generator. The aerosol generator is used to produce 
    a stable aerosol covering the particle size range from 0.3 to 10 
    m diameter. The generator used in the development of this 
    method consists of an air atomizing nozzle positioned at the top of 
    a 0.30-m (12-in.) diameter, 1.3-m (51-in.) tall, acrylic, 
    transparent, spray tower. This tower allows larger sized particles, 
    which would otherwise foul the test duct and sample lines, to fall 
    out of the aerosol. It also adds drying air to ensure that the KCl 
    droplets dry to solid salt particles. After generation, the aerosol 
    passes through an aerosol neutralizer (Kr85 radioactive source) to 
    neutralize any electrostatic charge on the aerosol (electrostatic 
    charge is an unavoidable consequence of most aerosol generation 
    methods). To improve the mixing of the aerosol with the air stream, 
    the aerosol is injected counter to the airflow. Generators of other 
    designs may be used, but they must produce a stable aerosol 
    concentration over the 0.3 to 10 m diameter size range; 
    provide a means of ensuring the complete drying of the KCl aerosol; 
    and utilize a charge neutralizer to neutralize any electrostatic 
    charge on the aerosol. The resultant challenge aerosol must meet the 
    minimum count per channel and maximum concentration criteria of 
    Table 319-1.
        6.3  Installation of Paint Arrestor. The paint arrestor is to be 
    installed in the test duct in a manner that precludes air bypassing 
    the arrestor. Since arrestor media are often sold unmounted, a 
    mounting frame may be used to provide back support for the media in 
    addition to sealing it into the duct. The mounting frame for 20 in. 
    x 20 in. arrestors will have minimum open internal dimensions of 18 
    in. square. Mounting frames for 24 in. x 24 in. arrestors will have 
    minimum open internal dimensions of 22 in. square. The open internal 
    dimensions of the mounting frame shall not be less than 75 percent 
    of the approach duct dimensions.
        6.4  Optical Particle Counter. The upstream and downstream 
    aerosol concentrations are measured with a high-resolution optical 
    particle counter (OPC). To ensure comparability of test results, the 
    OPC shall utilize an optical design based on wide-angle light 
    scattering and provided a minimum of 12 contiguous particle sizing 
    channels from 0.3 to 10m diameter (based on response to 
    PSL) where, for each channel, the ratio of the diameter 
    corresponding to the upper channel bound to the lower channel bound 
    must not exceed 1.5.
        6.5  Aerosol Sampling System. The upstream and downstream sample 
    lines must be made of rigid electrically-grounded metallic tubing 
    having a smooth inside surface, and they must be rigidly secured to 
    prevent movement during testing. The upstream and downstream sample 
    lines are to be nominally identical in geometry. The use of a short 
    length (100 mm maximum) of straight flexible tubing to make the 
    final connection to the OPC is acceptable. The inlet nozzles of the 
    upstream and downstream probes must be sharp-edged and of 
    appropriate entrance diameter to maintain isokinetic sampling within 
    20 percent of the air velocity.
        6.5.1  The sampling system may be designed to acquire the 
    upstream and downstream samples using (a) sequential upstream-
    downstream sampling with a single OPC, (b) simultaneous upstream and 
    downstream sampling with two OPC's, or (c) sequential upstream-
    downstream sampling with two OPC's.
        6.5.2  When two particle counters are used to acquire the 
    upstream and downstream counts, they must be closely matched in 
    flowrate and optical design.
        6.6  Airflow Monitor. The volumetric airflow through the system 
    shall be measured with a calibrated orifice plate, flow nozzle, or 
    laminar flow element. The measurement device must have an accuracy 
    of 5 percent or better.
        7.0  Reagents and Standards.
        7.1  The liquid test aerosol is reagent grade, 98 percent pure, 
    oleic acid (Table 319-2). The solid test aerosol is KCl aerosolized 
    from a solution of KCl in water. In addition to the test aerosol, a 
    calibration aerosol of monodisperse polystyrene latex (PSL) spheres 
    is used to verify the calibration of the OPC.
    [[Page 15031]]
                                                  Table 319-2.--Properties of the Test and Calibration Aerosols                                             
                                                                                            Density,  g/                                                    
                                                            Refractive index                   cm \3\                           Shape                       
    Oleic Acid (liquid-phase challenge        1.46 nonabsorbing...........................         0.89  Spherical.                                         
    KCl (solid-phase challenge aerosol).....  1.49........................................         1.98  Cubic or agglomerated cubes.                       
    PSL (calibration aerosol)...............  1.59 nonabsorbing...........................         1.05  Spherical.                                         
        8.0  Sample Collection, Preservation, and Storage.
        8.1  In this test, all sampling occurs in real-time, thus no 
    samples are collected that require preservation or storage during 
    the test. The paint arrestors are shipped and stored to avoid 
    structural damage or soiling. Each arrestor may be shipped in its 
    original box from the manufacturer or similar cardboard box. 
    Arrestors are stored at the test site in a location that keeps them 
    clean and dry. Each arrestor is clearly labeled for tracking 
        9.0  Quality Control.
        9.1  Table 319-1 lists the QC control limits.
        9.2  The standard deviation () of the penetration (P) 
    for a given test at each of the 15 OPC sizing channels is computed 
    from the coefficient of variation (CV, the standard deviation 
    divided by the mean) of the upstream and downstream measurements as:
     For a properly operating system, the standard deviation of the 
    penetration is < 0.10="" at="" particle="" diameters="" from="" 0.3="" to="" 3="">m 
    and less than 0.30 at diameters > 3 m.
        9.3  Data Quality Objectives (DQO).
        9.3.1  Fractional Penetration. From the triplicate tests of each 
    paint arrestor model, the standard deviation for the penetration 
    measurements at each particle size (i.e., for each sizing channel of 
    the OPC) is computed as:
    where Pi represents an individual penetration 
    measurement, and P the average of the 3 (n = 3) individual 
        9.3.2  Bias of the fractional penetration values is determined 
    from triplicate no-filter and HEPA filter tests. These tests 
    determine the measurement bias at 100 percent penetration and 0 
    percent penetration, respectively.
        9.3.3  PSL-Equivalent Light Scattering Diameter. The precision 
    and bias of the OPC sizing determination are based on sampling a 
    known diameter of PSL and noting whether the particle counts peak in 
    the correct channel of the OPC. This is a pass/fail measurement with 
    no calculations involved.
        9.3.4  Airflow. The precision of the measurement must be within 
    5 percent of the set point.
        10.0  Calibration and Standardization.
        10.1  Optical Particle Counter. The OPC must have an up-to-date 
    factory calibration. Check the OPC zero at the beginning and end of 
    each test by sampling HEPA-filtered air. Verify the sizing accuracy 
    on a daily basis (for days when tests are performed) with 1-size PSL 
        10.2  Airflow Measurement. Airflow measurement devices must have 
    an accuracy of 5 percent or better. Manometers used in conjunction 
    with the orifice plate must be inspected prior to use for proper 
    level, zero, and mechanical integrity. Tubing connections to the 
    manometer must be free from kinks and have secure connections.
        10.3  Pressure Drop. Measure pressure drop across the paint 
    arrestor with an inclined manometer readable to within 0.01 in. 
    H2O. Prior to use, the level and zero of the manometer, 
    and all tubing connections, must be inspected and adjusted as 
        11.0  Procedure.
        11.1  Filtration Efficiency. For both the oleic acid and KCl 
    challenges, this procedure is performed in triplicate using a new 
    arrestor for each test.
        11.1.1  General Information and Test Duct Preparation  Use the ``Test Run Sheet'' form (Figure 319-2) to 
    record the test information.
    Run Sheet
    Part 1. General Information
    Date and Time:---------------------------------------------------------
    Test Operator:---------------------------------------------------------
    Test #:----------------------------------------------------------------
    Paint Arrestor:
      Arrestor Assigned ID #-----------------------------------------------
        Condition of arrestor (i.e., is there any damage? Must be new 
    condition to proceed):
        Manometer zero and level confirmed?
    Part 2. Clean Efficiency Test
    Date and Time:---------------------------------------------------------
    Optical Particle Counter:
      20 min. warm up------------------------------------------------------
      Zero count (< 50="" counts/min)-----------------------------------------="" daily="" psl="" check------------------------------------------------------="" psl="" diam:="" ______="">m
      File name for OPC data:----------------------------------------------
    Test Conditions:
        Air Flow: ______
        Temp & RH: Temp ______  deg.F RH ______ %
        Atm. Pressure: ______in. Hg
    (From mercury barometer)
    Aerosol Generator: (record all operating parameters)
    Test Aerosol:
      (Oleic acid or KCl)--------------------------------------------------
        Pressure drop: at start ______ in. H2O
        at end ______ in. H2O
        Condition of arrestor at end of test (note any physical 
    Figure 319-2. Test Run Sheet
        Other report formats which contain the same information are 
    acceptable.  Record the date, time, test operator, Test #, paint 
    arrestor brand/model and its assigned ID number. For tests with no 
    arrestor, record none.  Ensure that the arrestor is undamaged and is in 
    ``new'' condition.  Mount the arrestor in the appropriate frame. Inspect 
    for any airflow leak paths.  Install frame-mounted arrestor in the test duct. 
    Examine the installed arrestor to verify that it is sealed in the 
    duct. For tests with no arrestor, install the empty frame.  Visually confirm the manometer zero and level. Adjust 
    as needed.
        11.1.2  Clean Efficiency Test.
    [[Page 15032]]
     Record the date and time upon beginning this section.  Optical Particle Counter.  General: Operate the OPC per the manufacturer's 
    instructions allowing a minimum of 20 minutes warm up before making 
    any measurements.  Overload: The OPC will yield inaccurate data if the 
    aerosol concentration it is attempting to measure exceeds its 
    operating limit. To ensure reliable measurements, the maximum 
    aerosol concentration will not exceed 10 percent of the 
    manufacturer's claimed upper concentration limit corresponding to a 
    10 percent count error. If this value is exceeded, reduce the 
    aerosol concentration until the acceptable conditions are met.  Zero Count: Connect a HEPA capsule to the inlet of 
    the OPC and obtain printouts for three samples (each a minimum of 1-
    minute each). Record maximum cumulative zero count. If the count 
    rate exceeds 50 counts per minute, the OPC requires servicing before 
    continuing.  PSL Check of OPC Calibration: Confirm the 
    calibration of the OPC by sampling a known size PSL aerosol. 
    Aerosolize the PSL using an appropriate nebulizer. Record whether 
    the peak count is observed in the proper channel. If the peak is not 
    seen in the appropriate channel, have the OPC recalibrated.  Test Conditions:  Airflow: The test airflow corresponds to a nominal 
    face velocity of 120 FPM through the arrestor. For arrestors having 
    nominal 20 in. x 20 in. face dimensions, this measurement 
    corresponds to an airflow of 333 cfm. For arrestors having nominal 
    face dimensions of 24 in. x 24 in., this measurement corresponds to 
    an airflow of 480 cfm.  Temperature and Relative Humidity: The temperature 
    and relative humidity of the challenge air stream will be measured 
    to within an accuracy of +/-2 deg.F and +/-10 percent RH. To protect 
    the probe from fouling, it may be removed during periods of aerosol 
    generation.  Barometric Pressure: Use a mercury barometer. Record 
    the atmospheric pressure.  Upstream and Downstream Background Counts.  With the arrestor installed in the test duct and the 
    airflow set at the proper value, turn on the data acquisition 
    computer and bring up the data acquisition program.  Set the OPC settings for the appropriate test sample 
    duration with output for both printer and computer data collection.  Obtain one set of upstream-downstream background 
    measurements.  After obtaining the upstream-downstream 
    measurements, stop data acquisition.  Efficiency Measurements:  Record the arrestor pressure drop.  Turn on the Aerosol Generator. Begin aerosol 
    generation and record the operating parameters.  Monitor the particle counts. Allow a minimum of 5 
    minutes for the generator to stabilize.  Confirm that the total particle count does not 
    exceed the predetermined upper limit. Adjust generator as needed.  Confirm that a minimum of 50 particle counts are 
    measured in the upstream sample in each of the OPC channels per 
    sample. (A minimum of 50 counts per channel per sample will yield 
    the required minimum 500 counts per channel total for the 10 
    upstream samples as specified in Table 319-1.) Adjust generator or 
    sample time as needed.  If you are unable to obtain a stable concentration 
    within the concentration limit and with the 50 count minimum per 
    channel, adjust the aerosol generator.  When the counts are stable, perform repeated 
    upstream-downstream sampling until 10 upstream-downstream 
    measurements are obtained.  After collection of the 10 upstream-downstream 
    samples, stop data acquisition and allow 2 more minutes for final 
    purging of generator.  Obtain one additional set of upstream-downstream 
    background samples.  After obtaining the upstream-downstream background 
    samples, stop data acquisition.  Record the arrestor pressure drop.  Turn off blower.  Remove the paint arrestor assembly from the test 
    duct. Note any signs of physical deterioration.  Remove the arrestor from the frame and place the 
    arrestor in an appropriate storage bag.
        11.2  Control Test: 100 Percent Penetration Test. A 100 percent 
    penetration test must be performed immediately before each 
    individual paint arrestor test using the same challenge aerosol 
    substance (i.e., oleic acid or KCl) as to be used in the arrestor 
    test. These tests are performed with no arrestor installed in the 
    test housing. This test is a relatively stringent test of the 
    adequacy of the overall duct, sampling, measurement, and aerosol 
    generation system. The test is performed as a normal penetration 
    test except the paint arrestor is not used. A perfect system would 
    yield a measured penetration of 1 at all particle sizes. Deviations 
    from 1 can occur due to particle losses in the duct, differences in 
    the degree of aerosol uniformity (i.e., mixing) at the upstream and 
    downstream probes, and differences in particle transport efficiency 
    in the upstream and downstream sampling lines.
        11.3  Control Test: 0 Percent Penetration. One 0 percent 
    penetration test must be performed at least monthly during testing. 
    The test is performed by using a HEPA filter rather than a paint 
    arrestor. This test assesses the adequacy of the instrument response 
    time and sample line lag.
        12.0  Data Analysis and Calculations.
        12.1  Analysis. The analytical procedures for the fractional 
    penetration and flow velocity measurements are described in Section 
    11. Note that the primary measurements, those of the upstream and 
    downstream aerosol concentrations, are performed with the OPC which 
    acquires the sample and analyzes it in real time. Because all the 
    test data are collected in real time, there are no analytical 
    procedures performed subsequent to the actual test, only data 
        12.2  Calculations.
        12.2.1  Penetration.
    U = Upstream particle count
    D = Downstream particle count
    Ub = Upstream background count
    Db = Downstream background count
    P100 = 100 percent penetration value determined 
    immediately prior to the arrestor test computed for each channel as:
    P = Penetration of the arrestor corrected for P100
    o = Sample standard deviation
    CV = Coefficient of variation = o/mean
    E = Efficiency.
        Overbar denotes arithmetic mean of quantity.
        Analysis of each test involves the following quantities:
         P100 value for each sizing channel from the 
    100 percent penetration control test,
         2 upstream background values,
         2 downstream background values,
         10 upstream values with aerosol generator on, and
         10 downstream values with aerosol generator on.
        Using the values associated with each sizing channel, the 
    penetration associated with each particle-sizing channel is 
    calculated as:
        Most often, the background levels are small compared to the 
    values when the aerosol generator is on.
        12.3  The relationship between the physical diameter 
    (DPhysical) as measured by the OPC to the aerodynamic 
    diameter (DAero) is given by:
    [[Page 15033]]
    pO = unit density of 1 g/cm3.
    pParticle = the density of the particle, 0.89 g/
    cm3 for oleic acid.
    CCFPhysical = the Cunningham Correction Factor at 
    CCFAero = the Cunningham Correction Factor at 
        12.4  Presentation of Results. For a given arrestor, results 
    will be presented for:
         Triplicate arrestor tests with the liquid-phase 
    challenge aerosol,
         Triplicate arrestor tests with the solid-phase 
    challenge aerosol,
         Triplicate 100 percent penetration tests with the 
    liquid-phase challenge aerosol,
         Triplicate 100 percent penetration tests with the 
    solid-phase challenge aerosol, and
         One 0 percent filter test (using either the liquid-
    phase or solid-phase aerosol and performed at least monthly).
        12.4.1  Results for the paint arrestor test must be presented in 
    both graphical and tabular form. The X-axis of the graph will be a 
    logarithmic scale of aerodynamic diameter from 0.1 to 100 
    m. The Y-axis will be efficiency (%) on a linear scale from 
    0 to 100. Plots for each individual run and a plot of the average of 
    triplicate solid-phase and of the average triplicate liquid-phase 
    tests must be prepared. All plots are to be based on point-to-point 
    plotting (i.e., no curve fitting is to be used). The data are to be 
    plotted based on the geometric mean diameter of each of the OPC's 
    sizing channels.
        12.4.2  Tabulated data from each test must be provided. The data 
    must include the upper and lower diameter bound and geometric mean 
    diameter of each of the OPC sizing channels, the background particle 
    counts for each channel for each sample, the upstream particle 
    counts for each channel for each sample, the downstream particle 
    counts for each channel for each sample, the 100 percent penetration 
    values computed for each channel, and the 0 percent penetration 
    values computed for each channel.
        13.0  Pollution Prevention.
        13.1  The quantities of materials to be aerosolized should be 
    prepared in accord with the amount needed for the current tests so 
    as to prevent wasteful excess.
        14.0  Waste Management.
        14.1  Paint arrestors may be returned to originator, if 
    requested, or disposed of with regular laboratory waste.
        15.0  References.
        1. Hanley, J.T., D.D. Smith and L. Cox. ``Fractional Penetration 
    of Paint Overspray Arrestors, Draft Final Report,'' EPA Cooperative 
    Agreement CR-817083-01-0, January 1994.
        2. Hanley, J.T., D.D. Smith, and D.S. Ensor. ``Define a 
    Fractional Efficiency Test Method that is Compatible with 
    Particulate Removal Air Cleaners Used in General Ventilation,'' 
    Final Report, 671-RP, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, 
    and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., December 1993.
        3. ``Project Work and Quality Assurance Plan: Fractional 
    Penetration of Paint Overspray Arrestors, Category II,'' EPA 
    Cooperative Agreement No. CR-817083, July 1994.
    [FR Doc. 98-6999 Filed 3-26-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Final rule and release of final control techniques guideline (CTG) document.
Document Number:
March 27, 1998.
15006-15033 (28 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (30)
40 CFR 63.751(a)
40 CFR 63.6(b)
40 CFR 63.5(b)(4)
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