98-9135. VA Acquisition Regulations: Commercial Items  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 68 (Thursday, April 9, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 17334-17339]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-9135]
    48 CFR Parts 801, 810, 811, 812, 836, 852 and 870
    RIN 2900-AI05
    VA Acquisition Regulations: Commercial Items
    AGENCY: Department of Veterans Affairs.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This document amends the Department of Veterans Affairs 
    Acquisition Regulations (VAAR) concerning the acquisition of commercial 
    items. It amends VAAR provisions to conform to the Federal Acquisition 
    Regulation (FAR), to delete obsolete references and titles, to update 
    references and titles, to reorganize material and to remove obsolete 
    material. This document also sets forth VAAR provisions and clauses for 
    use by contracting officers for commercial item solicitations and 
    contracts. These provisions and clauses are warranted for use in 
    commercial item solicitations and contracts. This document also 
    incorporates Paperwork Reduction Act approval concerning collection of 
    information regarding clauses and provisions for use in both commercial 
    and non-commercial item, service, and construction solicitations and 
    DATES: Effective Date: May 11, 1998.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Don Kaliher, Acquisition Policy Team 
    (95A), Office of Acquisition and Materiel Management, Department of 
    Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Ave., NW, Washington DC 20420, (202) 273-
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On August 25, 1997, we published in the 
    Federal Register (62 FR 44932) a proposal to amend the Department of 
    Veterans Affairs Acquisition Regulations to make changes relating to 
    the acquisition of commercial items. Comments were solicited concerning 
    the proposal for 60 days, ending October 24, 1997. We did not receive 
    any comments. The information presented in the proposed rule document 
    still provides a basis for this final rule. In addition, the proposed 
    rule requested Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) comments concerning the 
    collection of information regarding clauses and provisions for use in 
    both commercial and non-commercial item, service, and construction 
    solicitations and contracts. No comments were received by the Office of 
    Management and Budget (OMB). The reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements of the proposed rule have been approved by OMB; clearance 
    numbers have been
    [[Page 17335]]
    assigned to the provisions and clauses contained therein. Therefore, 
    based on the rationale set forth in the proposed rule document, we are 
    adopting the provisions of the proposed rule as a final rule with no 
    changes, except for nonsubstantive changes to reflect, at 48 CFR 
    801.301-70(c), the new PRA clearance numbers assigned by OMB, for 
    correction to references made in 811.202(a), and for changes made in 
    811.202 to update the title for the Federal Hospital Subsistence Guide, 
    which has been incorporated into the Federal Supply Catalog, Stock 
    List, FSC Group 89, Subsistence, as Part IV.
        The Secretary hereby certifies that this rule would not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities 
    as they are defined in the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), 5 U.S.C. 
    601-612. This rule would have a minuscule effect, if any, on small 
    businesses. Therefore, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 605(b), this rule is exempt 
    from the initial and final regulatory flexibility analysis requirements 
    of Secs. 603 and 604.
    List of Subjects
    48 CFR Parts 810, 811, and 812
        Government procurement.
    48 CFR Parts 801, 836 and 852
        Government procurement, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    48 CFR Part 870
        Asbestos, Frozen foods, Government procurement, Telecommunications.
        Approved: March 26, 1998.
    Togo D. West, Jr.,
    Acting Secretary.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, 48 CFR Chapter 8 is 
    amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for parts 801, 836, and 852 continues to 
    read as follows:
        Authority:  38 U.S.C. 501 and 40 U.S.C. 486(c).
    801.301-70(c)  [Amended]
        2. In part 801, the chart contained in Sec. 801.301-70(c) is 
    revised to read as follows:
    801.301-70  Paperwork Reduction Act requirements.
        (c) * * *
    * * * * *
                                                                 Current OMB
       48 CFR part or section where identified and described     control No.
    809.504(d).................................................    2900-0418
    819.7003...................................................    2900-0445
    836.606-71.................................................    2900-0422
    852.219-70.................................................    2900-0584
    852.211-70.................................................    2900-0587
    852.211-74.................................................    2900-0588
    852.211-75.................................................    2900-0586
    852.211-77.................................................    2900-0585
    852.214-70.................................................    2900-0593
    852.236-72.................................................    2900-0422
    852.236-79.................................................    2900-0422
    852.236-81 through 852.236-85..............................    2900-0422
    852.236-88.................................................    2900-0422
    852.237-71.................................................    2900-0590
    852.270-03.................................................    2900-0589
    871.201-2..................................................    2900-0416
    PART 810  [REMOVED]
        3. Under the authority of 38 U.S.C. 501 and 40 U.S.C. 486(c), Part 
    810 is removed.
        4. Part 811 is added to read as follows:
    811.001  Definitions.
    Subpart 811.1--Selecting and Developing Requirements Documents
    811.104  Items particular to one manufacturer.
    811.104-70  Purchase descriptions.
    811.104-71  Bid evaluation and award.
    811.104-72  Procedure for negotiated procurements.
    Subpart 811.2--Using and Maintaining Requirements Documents
    811.202  Maintenance of standardization documents.
    811.204  Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
    Subpart 811.4--Delivery or Performance Schedules
    811.404  Contract clauses.
    Subpart 811.5--Liquidated Damages
    811.502  Policy.
    811.504  Contract clauses.
    Subpart 811.6--Priorities and Allocations
    811.602  General.
        Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501 and 40 U.S.C. 486(c).
    811.001 Definitions.
        (a) Brand name product means a commercial product described by 
    brand name and make or model number or other appropriate nomenclature 
    by which such product is offered for sale to the public by the 
    particular manufacturer, producer or distributor.
        (b) Salient characteristics are those particular characteristics 
    that specifically describe the essential physical and functional 
    features of the material or service required. They are those essential 
    physical or functional features which are identified in the 
    specifications as a mandatory requirement which a proposed ``equal'' 
    product or material must possess in order for the bid to be considered 
    responsive. Bidders must furnish all descriptive literature and bid 
    samples required by the solicitation to establish such ``equality''.
    Subpart 811.1--Selecting and Developing Requirements Documents
    811.104  Items particular to one manufacturer.
        (a) Specifications shall be written in accordance with FAR 11.002 
    unless otherwise justified by the specification writer and approved by 
    the contracting officer as described in paragraph (b) of this section. 
    The contract file shall be documented accordingly.
        (b) When it is determined that a particular physical or functional 
    characteristic of only one product will meet the minimum requirements 
    of the Department of Veterans Affairs (see FAR 11.104) or that a 
    ``brand name or equal'' purchase description will be used, the 
    specification writer, whether agency personnel, architect-engineer, or 
    consultant with which the Department of Veterans Affairs has 
    contracted, shall separately identify the item(s) to the contracting 
    officer and provide a full written justification of the reason the 
    particular characteristic is essential to the Government's requirements 
    or why the ``brand name or equal'' purchase description is necessary. 
    The contracting officer shall make the final determination whether 
    restrictive specifications or ``brand name or equal'' purchase 
    descriptions will be included in the solicitation.
        (c) Purchase descriptions that contain references to one or more 
    brand name products may be used only in accordance with 811.104-70, 
    811.104-71, and 811.104-72. In addition, purchase descriptions that 
    contain references to one or more brand name products shall be followed 
    by the words ``or equal,'' except when the acquisition is fully 
    justified under FAR 6.3 and VAAR 806.3. Acceptable brand name products 
    should be listed in the solicitation. Where a ``brand name or equal'' 
    purchase description is used, prospective contractors must be given the 
    opportunity to offer products other than those specifically referenced 
    by brand name if such other products are determined by the Government 
    to fully meet the salient characteristics listed in
    [[Page 17336]]
    the invitation. The contract file will be documented in accordance with 
    paragraph (b) of this section, justifying the need for use of a brand 
    name or equal description.
        (d) ``Brand name or equal'' purchase descriptions shall set forth 
    those salient physical, functional, or other characteristics of the 
    referenced products which are essential to the minimum needs of the 
    Government. For example, when interchangeability of parts is required, 
    such requirement should be specified. Purchase descriptions shall 
    contain the following information to the extent available and include 
    such other information as is necessary to describe the item required:
        (1) Complete common generic identification of the item required;
        (2) Applicable model, make or catalog number for each brand name 
    product referenced, and identity of the commercial catalog in which it 
    appears; and
        (3) Name of manufacturer, producer or distributor of each brand 
    name product referenced (and address if not well known).
        (e) When necessary to describe adequately the item required, an 
    applicable commercial catalog description or pertinent extract may be 
    used if such description is identified in the solicitation as being 
    that of the particular named manufacturer, producer or distributor. The 
    contracting officer will insure that a copy of any catalogs referenced 
    (except parts catalogs) is available on request for review by bidders 
    at the purchasing office.
        (f) Except as noted in paragraph (d) of this section, purchase 
    descriptions shall not include either minimum or maximum restrictive 
    dimensions, weights, materials or other salient characteristics which 
    are unique to a brand name product or which would tend to eliminate 
    competition or other products which are only marginally outside the 
    restrictions. However, purchase description may include restrictive 
    dimensions, weights, materials or other salient characteristics if such 
    restrictions are determined in writing by the user to be essential to 
    the Government's requirements, the brand name of the product is 
    included in the purchase description, and all other determinations 
    required by 811.104 are made.
    811.104-70  Purchase descriptions.
        (a) When any purchase description, including a ``brand name or 
    equal'' purchase description, is used in a solicitation for a supply 
    contract to describe required items of mechanical equipment, the 
    solicitation will include the clauses in 852.211-70 (Service Data 
    Manual) and in 852.211-71 (Guarantee).
        (b) Solicitations using ``brand name or equal'' purchase 
    descriptions will contain the ``brand name or equal'' clause in 
    852.211-77, and the provision set forth at FAR 52.214-21, Descriptive 
    Literature. Contracting officers are cautioned to review the 
    requirements at FAR 14.202-5(d) when utilizing the descriptive 
    literature provision.
        (c) Except as provided in paragraph 811.104-70(d), when a ``brand 
    name or equal'' purchase description is included in an invitation for 
    bids, the following shall be inserted after each item so described in 
    the solicitation, for completion by the bidder:
    Bidding on:
    Manufacturer name------------------------------------------------------
        (d)(1) When component parts of an end item are described in the 
    solicitation by a ``brand name or equal'' purchase description and the 
    contracting officer determines that the clause in 811.104-70(b) is 
    inapplicable to such component parts, the requirements of 811.104-70(c) 
    shall not apply with respect to such component parts. In such cases, if 
    the clause is included in the solicitation for other reasons, a 
    statement substantially as follows also shall be included:
        The clause entitled ``Brand Name or Equal'' does not apply to 
    the following component parts (list the component parts to which the 
    clause does not apply): and
        (2) In the alternative, if the contracting officer determines that 
    the clause in 811.104-70(b) shall apply to only certain such component 
    parts, the requirements of 811.104-70(c) shall apply to such component 
    parts and a statement substantially as follows also shall be included:
        The clause entitled ``Brand Name or Equal'' applies to the 
    following component parts (list the component parts to which the 
    clause applies):
        (e) When a solicitation contains ``brand name or equal'' purchase 
    descriptions, bidders who offer brand name products, including 
    component parts, referenced in such descriptions shall not be required 
    to furnish bid samples of the referenced brand name products. However, 
    solicitations may require the submission of bid samples in the case of 
    bidders offering ``or equal'' products. If bid samples are required, 
    the solicitation shall include the provision set forth at FAR 52.214-
    20, Bid Samples. The bidder must still furnish all descriptive 
    literature in accordance with and for the purpose set forth in the 
    ``Brand Name or Equal'' clause, 852.211-77(c)(1) and (2), even though 
    bid samples may not be required.
    811.104-71  Bid evaluation and award.
        (a) Bids offering products that differ from brand name products 
    referenced in a ``brand name or equal'' purchase description shall be 
    considered for award when the contracting officer determines in 
    accordance with the terms of the clause at 852.211-77 that the offered 
    products are clearly identified in the bids and are equal in all 
    material respects to the products specified.
        (b) Award documents shall identify, or incorporate by reference, an 
    identification of the specific products which the contractor is to 
    furnish. Such identification shall include any brand name and make or 
    model number, descriptive material, and any modifications of brand name 
    products specified in the bid. Included in this requirement are those 
    instances when the descriptions of the end items contain ``brand name 
    or equal'' purchase descriptions of component parts or of accessories 
    related to the end item, and the clause at 852.211-77 was applicable to 
    such component parts or accessories (see 811.104-70(d)(2)).
    811.104-72  Procedure for negotiated procurements.
        (a) The policies and procedures prescribed in 811.104-70 and 
    811.104-71 should be used as a guide in developing adequate purchase 
    descriptions for negotiated procurements.
        (b) The clause at 852.211-77 may be adapted for use in negotiated 
    procurements. If use of the clause is not practicable (as may be the 
    case in unusual and compelling urgency purchases), suppliers shall be 
    suitably informed that proposals offering products different from the 
    products referenced by brand name will be considered if the contracting 
    officer determines that such offered products are equal in all material 
    respects to the products referenced.
    Subpart 811.2--Using and Maintaining Requirements Documents
    811.202  Maintenance of standardization documents.
        (a) Military and departmental specifications. Contracting officers 
    may, when they deem it to be advantageous to the Department of Veterans 
    Affairs, utilize these specifications when procuring supplies and 
    equipment costing less than the simplified
    [[Page 17337]]
    acquisition threshold. However, when purchasing items of perishable 
    subsistence, contracting officers shall observe only those exemptions 
    set forth in paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this section.
        (b) Nutrition and Food Service specifications. (1) The Department 
    of Veterans Affairs has adopted for use in the procurement of 
    packinghouse products, the purchase descriptions and specifications set 
    forth in the Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications (IMPS), and the 
    IMPS General Requirements, which have been developed by the U.S. 
    Department of Agriculture. Purchase descriptions and specifications for 
    dairy products, poultry, eggs, fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, 
    as well as certain packinghouse products selected from the IMPS 
    especially for Department of Veterans Affairs use, are contained in 
    Part IV of the Federal Supply Catalog, Stock List, FSC Group 89, 
    Subsistence, Publication No. C8900-SL. A copy of Part IV of this 
    catalog and the IMPS may be obtained from any Department of Veterans 
    Affairs contracting officer.
        (2) The military specifications for meat and meat products 
    contained in Part IV of the Federal Supply Catalog, Stock List, FSC 
    Group 89, Subsistence, shall be used by the Department of Veterans 
    Affairs only when purchasing such items of subsistence from the Defense 
    Logistics Agency (DLA). Military specifications for poultry, eggs, and 
    egg products contained in Part IV of the Federal Supply Catalog, Stock 
    List, FSC Group 89, Subsistence, may be used when purchasing either 
    from DLA or from local dealers.
        (3) Except as authorized in part 846 of this chapter, contracting 
    officers shall not deviate from the specifications contained in Part IV 
    of the Federal Supply Catalog, Stock List, FSC Group 89, Subsistence, 
    and the IMPS without prior approval of the Deputy Assistant Secretary 
    for Acquisition and Materiel Management.
        (4) Items of meat, cured pork and poultry not listed in either Part 
    IV of the Federal Supply Catalog, Stock List, FSC Group 89, 
    Subsistence, or the IMPS, will not be purchased without prior approval 
    of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition and Materiel 
        (c) Department of Veterans Affairs specifications. (1) The 
    Director, Publications Service, is responsible for developing, 
    publishing, and distributing Department of Veterans Affairs 
    specifications covering printing and binding.
        (2) Department of Veterans Affairs specifications, as they are 
    revised, are placed in stock in the VA Forms and Publications Depot. 
    Facility requirements for these specifications will be requisitioned 
    from that source.
        (d) Government paper specification standards. (1) Invitations for 
    bids, requests for proposals, purchase orders, or other procurement 
    instruments covering the purchase of paper stocks to be used in 
    duplicating or printing, or which specify the paper stocks to be used 
    in buying printing, binding, or duplicating, will require that such 
    paper stocks be in accordance with the Government Paper Specification 
    Standards issued by the Joint Committee on Printing of Congress.
        (2) All binding or rebinding of books, magazines, pamphlets, 
    newspapers, slip cases and boxes will be procured in accordance with 
    Government Printing Office (GPO) specifications and will be procured 
    from the servicing GPO Regional Printing Procurement Office or, when 
    appropriate, from commercial sources.
        (3) There are three types of binding/rebinding: Class A (hard 
    cover); Perfect (glued); and Lumbinding (sewn). The most suitable type 
    of binding will be procured to satisfy the requirements, based upon the 
    intended use of the bound material.
    811.204  Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
        Specifications. When product specifications are cited in an 
    invitation for bids or requests for proposals, the citation shall 
    include desired options and shall conform to the following:
        Shall be type __________, grade __________, in accordance with 
    (type of specification) No. ________, dated____________ and 
    amendment ________ dated __________, except paragraphs ________ and 
    __________ which are amended as follows:
    Subpart 811.4--Delivery or Performance Schedules
    811.404  Contract clauses.
        When delivery is required by or on a particular date, the time of 
    delivery clause set forth in FAR 52.211-8 as it relates to f.o.b. 
    destination contracts will state that the delivery date specified is 
    the date by which the shipment is to be delivered, not the shipping 
    date. In f.o.b. origin contracts, the clause will state that the date 
    specified is the date shipment is to be accepted by the carrier.
    Subpart 811.5--Liquidated Damages
    811.502  Policy.
        Liquidated damages provisions will not be routinely included in 
    supply or construction contracts, regardless of dollar amount. The 
    decision to include liquidated damages provisions will conform to the 
    criteria in FAR 11.502. In making this decision, consideration will be 
    given to whether the necessity for timely delivery or performance as 
    required in the contract schedule is so critical that a probable 
    increase in contract price is justified. Liquidated damages provisions 
    will not be included as insurance against selection of a non-
    responsible bidder, as a substitute for efficient contract 
    administration, or as a penalty for failure to perform on time.
    811.504  Contract clauses.
        When the liquidated damages clause prescribed in FAR 52.211-11 or 
    52.211-12 is to be used and where partial performance may be utilized 
    to the advantage of the Government, the clause in 852.211-78 will be 
    included in the contract.
    Subpart 811.6--Priorities and Allocations
    811.602  General.
        (a) Priorities and allocations of critical materials are controlled 
    by the Department of Commerce. Essentially, such priorities and 
    allocations are restricted to projects having a direct connection with 
    supporting current defense needs. The Department of Veterans Affairs is 
    not authorized to assign a priority rating to its purchase orders or 
    contracts involving the acquisition or use of critical materials.
        (b) In those instances where it has been technically established 
    that it is not feasible to use a substitute material, the Department of 
    Commerce has agreed to assist us in obtaining critical materials for 
    maintenance and repair projects. They will also, where possible, render 
    assistance in connection with the purchase of new items, which may be 
    in short supply because of their use in connection with the defense 
        (c) Contracting officers having problems in acquiring critical 
    materials will ascertain all the facts necessary to enable the 
    Department of Commerce to render assistance to the Department of 
    Veterans Affairs in acquiring these materials. The contracting officer 
    will submit a request for assistance containing the following 
    information to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition and 
    Materiel Management (90):
        (1) A description of the maintenance and repair project or the new 
    item, whichever is applicable;
        (2) The critical material and the amount required;
        (3) The contractor's sources of supply, including any addresses. If 
    the source is other than the manufacturer or
    [[Page 17338]]
    producer, also list the name and address of the manufacturer or 
        (4) The Department of Veterans Affairs contract or purchase order 
        (5) The contractor's purchase order number, if known, and the 
    delivery time requirement as stated in the solicitation or offer;
        (6) The additional time the contractor claims will be necessary to 
    effect delivery if priority assistance is not provided;
        (7) The nature and extent of the emergency that will be generated 
    at the station, e.g.,
        (i) damage to the physical plant,
        (ii) impairment of the patient care program,
        (iii) creation of safety hazards, and
        (iv) any other pertinent condition that will result because of 
    failure to secure assistance in obtaining the critical materials; and
        (8) If applicable, a statement that the item required is for use in 
    a construction contract which was authorized by the Chief Facilities 
    Management Officer, Office of Facilities Management, to be awarded and 
    administered by the facility contracting officer.
        5. Part 812 is revised to read as follows:
    Subpart 812.3--Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses for the 
    Acquisition of Commercial Items
    812.301  Solicitation provisions and contract clauses for the 
    acquisition of commercial items.
    812.302  Tailoring of provisions and clauses for the acquisition of 
    commercial items.
        Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501 and 40 U.S.C. 486(c).
    812.301  Solicitation provisions and contract clauses for the 
    acquisition of commercial items.
        (a) Notwithstanding prescriptions contained elsewhere in the VAAR, 
    when acquiring commercial items, contracting officers shall be required 
    to use only those provisions and clauses prescribed in this part.
        (b) The provision and clause in the following VAAR sections shall 
    be used, in accordance with the prescriptions contained therein or 
    elsewhere in the VAAR, in requests for quotations, solicitations, or 
    contracts for the acquisition of commercial items:
        (1) 852.219-70, Veteran-owned small business.
        (2) 852.270-4, Commercial advertising.
        (c) The provisions and clauses in the following VAAR sections shall 
    be used, when appropriate, in accordance with the prescriptions 
    contained therein or elsewhere in the VAAR, in requests for quotations, 
    solicitations, or contracts for the acquisition of commercial items:
        (1) 852.211-71, Guarantee clause.
        (2) 852.211-72, Inspection.
        (3) 852.211-73, Frozen processed foods.
        (4) 852.211-74, Telecommunications equipment.
        (5) 852.211-75, Technical industry standards.
        (6) 852.214-70, Caution to bidders--bid envelopes.
        (7) 852.216-70, Estimated quantities for requirements contracts.
        (8) 852.229-70, Purchases from patient's funds.
        (9) 852.229-71, Purchases for patients using Government funds and/
    or personal funds of patients.
        (10) 852.233-70, Protest content.
        (11) 852.237-70, Contractor responsibilities.
        (12) 852.237-71, Indemnification and insurance (vehicle and 
    aircraft service contracts).
        (13) 852.270-1, Representatives of contracting officers.
        (14) 852.270-2, Bread and bakery products.
        (15) 852.270-3, Purchase of shell fish.
        (d) The clauses in the following VAAR sections shall be used, when 
    appropriate, in accordance with the prescriptions contained therein or 
    elsewhere in the VAAR, in requests for quotations, solicitations, or 
    contracts for the acquisition of commercial items, provided the 
    contracting officer determines that use of the clauses is consistent 
    with customary commercial practices.
        (1) 852.211-70, Requirements for operating and maintenance manuals.
        (2) 852.211-77, Brand name or equal.
        (e) The contracting officer shall insert the clause in 852.271-70, 
    Services provided eligible beneficiaries, by reference, in all requests 
    for quotations, solicitations, and contracts meeting the prescription 
    contained therein.
        (f) Clauses are not required for micro-purchases using the 
    procedures of this part or part 813. However, this does not prohibit 
    the use of any clause prescribed in this part or elsewhere in this 
    chapter in micro-purchases when determined by the contracting officer 
    to be in the Government's best interest.
    812.302  Tailoring of provisions and clauses for the acquisition of 
    commercial items.
        Agency procedures for approval of waivers: Waivers to tailor 
    solicitations in a manner that is inconsistent with customary 
    commercial practice shall be prepared by contracting officers in 
    accordance with FAR 12.302(c). Waiver requests shall be submitted to 
    the contracting officer's next higher level supervisor for approval. 
    Approved requests shall be retained in the contract file.
    836.202  [Amended]
        6. In part 836, Sec. 836.202(a) is amended by removing ``part 810'' 
    and adding, in its place, ``part 811''.
    836.206  [Amended]
        7. In part 836, Sec. 836.206 is amended by removing ``812.202'' and 
    adding, in its place, ``811.502''; by removing ``852.212-70'' and 
    adding, in its place, ``852.211-78''; and by removing ``52.212-5'' and 
    adding, in its place, ``52.211-12''.
        8. Part 852 is amended by redesignating the following sections as 
    set forth below:
                            Old section                          New section
    852.210-70................................................    852.211-70
    852.210-71................................................    852.211-71
    852.210-72................................................    852.211-72
    852.210-73................................................    852.211-73
    852.210-74................................................    852.211-74
    852.210-75................................................    852.211-75
    852.210-76................................................    852.211-76
    852.210-77  [Redesignated as 852.211-77]
        9. In part 852, Sec. 852.210-77 is redesignated as Sec. 852.211-77 
    and the introductory text is amended by removing ``810.004'' and 
    adding, in its place, ``811.104''.
    852.212-70  [Redesignated as 852.211-78]
        10. In part 852, Sec. 852.212-70 is redesignated as Sec. 852.211-
    78, and the introductory text is amended by removing ``812.204'' and 
    adding, in its place, ``811.504''.
    852.219-70  [Amended]
        11. In part 852, Sec. 852.219-70 introductory text is amended by 
    removing ``819.7003(a)'' and adding, in its place, ``819.7003(b)''.
    [[Page 17339]]
    852.229-70  [Amended]
        12. In part 852, Sec. 852.229-70 introductory text is amended by 
    adding ``or, if the contract is for commercial items, in lieu of 
    paragraph (k), Taxes, in FAR clause 52.212-4'' immediately after ``in 
    FAR 52.229-1''.
    852.229-71  [Amended]
        13. In part 852, Sec. 852.229-71 introductory text is amended by 
    adding ``or, if the contract is for commercial items, as an addendum to 
    FAR clause 52.212-4'' immediately after ``in FAR 52.229-1''.
    852.271-70  [Amended]
        14. In part 852, Sec. 852.271-70 is amended by removing ``Chief 
    Medical Director'' and adding, in its place, ``Under Secretary for 
        15. The authority citation for part 870 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501 and 40 U.S.C. 486(c).
    870.112  [Amended]
        16. In part 870, Sec. 870.112, paragraph (a) is amended by removing 
    ``852.210-74'' and adding, in its place, ``852.211-74'', Footnote 1 is 
    amended by removing ``Veterans Administration'' and adding, in its 
    place, ``Department of Veterans Affairs'', paragraph (b) is amended by 
    removing ``852.210-74'' and adding, in its place, ``852.211-74'', by 
    removing ``the Office of Information Resources Operations'' and adding, 
    in its place, ``Telecommunications Support Service''; by removing 
    ``(93)'' each time it appears in paragraphs (b) and (c)(1) and adding, 
    in its place, ``, Acquisition Administration Team''.
    [FR Doc. 98-9135 Filed 4-8-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8320-01-U

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Veterans Affairs Department
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Effective Date: May 11, 1998.
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