98-10295. Maryland Regulatory Program  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 75 (Monday, April 20, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 19403-19406]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-10295]
    Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
    30 CFR Part 920
    Maryland Regulatory Program
    AGENCY: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM), 
    ACTION: Final rule; approval of amendment.
    SUMMARY: OSM is approving a proposed amendment to the Maryland 
    regulatory program (hereinafter referred to as the ``Maryland 
    program'') under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 
    (SMCRA). Maryland proposed revisions to the Maryland regulations 
    regarding a reduced bond liability period for lands remined. The 
    amendments are intended to revise the Maryland program to be consistent 
    with the corresponding Federal regulations and SMCRA.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: April 20, 1998.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: George Rieger, Program Manager, OSM, 
    Appalachian Regional Coordinating Center, 3 Parkway Center, Pittsburgh, 
    PA 15220. Telephone: (412) 937-2153.
    I. Background on the Maryland Program
    II. Submission of the Proposed Amendment
    III. Director's Findings
    IV. Summary and Disposition of Comments
    V. Director's Decision
    VI. Procedural Determinations
    I. Background on the Maryland Program
        On December 1, 1980, the Secretary of the Interior conditionally 
    approved the Maryland program. Background information on the Maryland 
    program, including the Secretary's findings, the disposition of 
    comments, and the conditions of approval can be found in the December 
    1, 1980, Federal Register (45 FR 79449). Subsequent actions concerning 
    conditions of approval and program amendments can be found at 30 CFR 
    920.12, 920.15, and 920.16.
    II. Submission of the Proposed Amendment
        Maryland provided an informal amendment to OSM regarding a reduced 
    bond liability period for lands remined in a letter dated August 21, 
    1996. OSM completed its review of the informal amendment and submitted 
    comments to Maryland in a letter dated August 4, 1997. By letter dated 
    October 9, 1997 (Administrative Record No. MD-579-00), Maryland 
    submitted its response to OSM's comments in the form of a proposed 
    amendment to its program pursuant to SMCRA. OSM's review of the 
    proposed amendment resulted in additional questions for Maryland, to 
    which they responded in a fax dated February 26, 1998 (Administrative 
    Record No. 579-04).
        OSM announced receipt of the proposed amendment in the November 21, 
    1997 Federal Register (62 FR 62273), and in the same document opened 
    the public comment period and provided an opportunity for a public 
    hearing on the adequacy of the proposed amendment. The public comment 
    period closed on December 22, 1997.
    [[Page 19404]]
    III. Director's Findings
        Set forth below, pursuant to SMCRA and the Federal regulations at 
    30 CFR 732.15 and 732.17, are the Director's findings concerning the 
    proposed amendment. Revisions not specifically discussed below concern 
    paragraph notations to reflect organizational changes resulting from 
    this amendment.
    1. COMAR Definitions
        Specifically, Maryland proposes to delete the existing definition 
    at (49), ``keyway,'' and add a new definition at (49) as follows:
        Lands eligible for remining means any land that would otherwise be 
    eligible for expenditures under Environment Article, Title 15, Subtitle 
    11, Annotated Code of Maryland.
        There are no Federal counterparts to the term ``keyway'', nor is it 
    used in the Maryland Code for anything related to the Maryland program. 
    Therefore, the Director finds that the proposed deletion does not 
    render the Maryland program less effective than the Federal 
    regulations. Additionally, since subtitle 11 of the Maryland statute is 
    the State's counterpart to Title IV of SMCRA (Abandoned Mine Lands), 
    the Director finds that the proposed definition of ``lands eligible for 
    remining'' is substantively identical to and therefore no less 
    stringent than the Federal definition at section 701(34) of SMCRA.
    2. COMAR Duration of Performance Bonds
        Paragraph B. is modified by adding to the opening phrase, ``except 
    on lands eligible for remining''. Paragraph B. currently specifies that 
    the period of liability for a bond shall continue for a minimum period 
    of not less than 5 years, beginning with the last year of augmented 
    seeding, fertilizing, irrigation, or other work. The addition of the 
    phrase ``except on lands eligible for remining'' indicates that lands 
    eligible for remining would therefore be subject to a different period 
    of time, which is covered in new paragraph C. below. Since the addition 
    of this phrase to the opening sentence in paragraph B. simply adds a 
    qualification to exempt lands eligible for remining from the 5-year 
    period of liability, the Director finds the change no less effective 
    than the corresponding federal regulations at 816/817.116(c) in view of 
    the additional change explained below.
        New paragraph C. is added as follows:
        On lands eligible for remaining included in permits issued before 
    September 30, 2004, or any later date authorized by the federal Surface 
    Mining Control and Reclamation Act, or any renewal thereof, the period 
    of liability for a bond shall continue for a period of not less than 2 
    full years, beginning with the last year of augmented seeding, 
    fertilizing, irrigation, or other work. The period of liability shall 
    begin again when augmented seeding, fertilizing, irrigation or other 
    work is ordered by the Bureau to correct a failure to maintain the 
    permanent vegetative cover required under COMAR 08.20.29 on the site.
        The federal rule at 30 CFR 816/817.116(c) requires that on lands 
    eligible for remining, the operator must assume responsibility for 
    successful revegetation for a period of 2 full years after the last 
    year of augmented seeding, fertilizing, irrigation or other work to 
    comply with applicable standards. Although Maryland's proposed rule 
    includes the words ``beginning with the last year * * *'' and the 
    Federal rule includes the words ``after the last year. * * *'' the 
    rules do not conflict because of other regulatory sections in the 
    Maryland program. The preamble to the Federal Rule at 48 FR 40155, 
    dated September 2, 1983 regarding responsibility periods explained that 
    the responsibility period could begin from the point at which the 
    operator completes seeding and fertilizing. Maryland interprets the 
    rule for unmined lands in this manner, and will interpret the proposed 
    rule in the same manner. See February 26, 1998 fax (Administrative 
    Record No. 579-04), Maryland's statute at Sec. 15-513 and Maryland's 
    regulations at COMAR requires an operator to complete a 
    backfilling and planting report when an affected area has been 
    backfilled, regraded and planted in accordance with the statute and the 
    approved reclamation plan. This report is reviewed by the on-site 
    inspector, approved by his/her supervisor, and then approved by the 
    Department. Only when approved by the Department does the 
    responsibility period in Maryland begin. This is the actual practice in 
    Maryland as monitored by OSM. Maryland's proposed regulation also 
    requires the restart of the liability period when there is augmented 
    seeding, fertilizing, irrigation or other work to correct a failure to 
    maintain permanent vegetative cover. Therefore, the Director finds that 
    the proposed revision at COMAR is no less effective than 
    the revegetation provisions of 816/817.116(c) that requires the period 
    of extended responsibility for remined sites to last for two full years 
    after the last augmented seeding.
        Existing paragraph C. is re-lettered as D. and the 5-year reference 
    is deleted. This paragraph currently specifies that if the bureau 
    approves a long term intensive agricultural postmining land use, the 
    applicable 5-year period of liability shall commence at the date of 
    initial planting for such long-term intensive agricultural land use. 
    The deletion of the 5-year reference from this paragraph allows it to 
    pertain to all lands, i.e., lands not remined must still meet the 5-
    year criteria included in paragraph B., whereas lands remined would be 
    subject to the two year criteria included in the changes outlined above 
    in paragraph C. Since the deletion of the 5-year reference does not 
    change the appropriate liability periods, the Director finds the change 
    no less effective than the corresponding federal regulations at 816/
    817.116(c) in view of the additional changes explained above.
    3. COMAR Criteria and Schedule for Release of Performance 
        Paragraph D. discusses the schedule for release of performance 
    bonds. Existing paragraph D.(2) is deleted and new paragraph D.(2) is 
    added as follows:
        For acreage on which Reclamation Phase II has been completed and 
    for which a bond release application has been submitted, an amount of 
    bond not to exceed 50 percent of the per acre rate submitted in 
    accordance with Regulation .03D of this chapter may be released;
        Existing paragraph D.(3) is deleted and new paragraph D.(3) is 
    added as follows:
        For acreage on which Reclamation Phase III has been completed and 
    for which a bond release application has been submitted, the remaining 
    amount of bond equal to 50 percent of the per acre rate submitted in 
    accordance with Regulation .03D of this chapter may be released;
        New paragraph D.(4) is added as follows:
        On lands eligible for remining, for acreage on which Reclamation 
    Phases II and III have been completed and for which a bond release 
    application has been submitted, bond in the amount of the per acre rate 
    submitted in accordance with Regulation .03D of this chapter may be 
        The primary difference in paragraphs D.(2) and D.(3) added above 
    from those deleted is a reference change from 03E. to 03D. of this 
    regulation. Paragraph 03E of this regulation states that the minimum 
    amount of the total bonds shall be $10,000 for the entire area under 
    one permit, whereas 03D states the minimum amount of revegetation
    [[Page 19405]]
    bond shall be $600 per acre of affected land. These proposed paragraphs 
    only change the reference from one of an overall minimum bond amount to 
    a per acre minimum bond amount. Additionally, new paragraph D.(4) has 
    been added to specifically address bond release on lands eligible for 
    remining, which likewise requires that said release be performed 
    subject to the same criteria, i.e. minimum bond amounts per acre in the 
    same 03D reference. Since paragraph D.(4) requires the completion of 
    Phase II and III work on lands eligible for remining before bond 
    release, and the changes in proposed paragraphs D.(2) and (3) do not 
    conflict with corresponding federal regulations, the Director finds 
    that the proposed amendments are consistent with 30 CFR 800.40(c)(2) 
    and (3).
    4. COMAR Standards for Success
        Existing paragraph B.(8) is revised by adding the phrase ``except 
    on lands eligible for remining as provided in Sec. B.(9) of this 
    regulation.'' Paragraph B.(8) currently specifies that the period of 
    liability for a bond shall continue for a minimum period of not less 
    than 5 years. The addition of the phrase indicates that lands eligible 
    for remining would therefore be subject to a different period of time, 
    which is covered in new paragraph B.(9) below. Since the addition of 
    this phrase to the opening sentence in paragraph B.(8) simply adds a 
    qualification to exempt lands eligible for remining from the 5-year 
    period of liability, the Director finds the change no less effective 
    than the corresponding federal regulations at 816/817.116(c) in view of 
    the additional changes explained above.
        Paragraph B. of COMAR requires that the success 
    standards for revegetation be applied in accordance with the approved 
    post mining land use and now Maryland is adding the following condition 
    for remined lands as set forth in new paragraph B.(9), which states:
        On lands eligible for remining included in permits issued before 
    September 30, 2004, or on any later date authorized by the federal 
    Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act, or any renewal thereof, the 
    period of responsibility shall continue for a period of not less than 2 
    full years.
        New paragraph C. is added as follows:
        On lands eligible for remining included in any permit, the lands 
    shall equal or exceed the standards for success during the growing 
    season of the last year of the responsibility period in Sec. B(9) of 
    this regulation.
        The Director finds that these revisions are substantively identical 
    and no less effective than the corresponding Federal regulations at 30 
    CFR 816 and 817.116(c)(2)(ii).
    5. COMAR Release of Bonds on Remining Areas
        Maryland proposed to add, and the Office of Surface Mining 
    approved, this section as published in the Federal Register (62 FR 
    12028) dated March 25, 1996. However, Maryland subsequently chose not 
    to promulgate this regulation. Instead, Maryland now proposes the 
    changes enumerated in Items 1. through 4. above, which are approved by 
    the Director as stated. Since these revisions are no less effective 
    than the federal rules, OSM finds that the non-promulgation of this 
    section does not render the Maryland program less effective, and OSM is 
    now deleting this section from the approved Maryland program.
    IV. Summary and Disposition of Comments
    Public Comments
        The Director solicited public comments and provided an opportunity 
    for a public hearing on the proposed amendment. No comments were 
    received and because no one requested an opportunity to speak at a 
    public hearing, no hearing was held.
    Federal Agency Comments
        Pursuant to 30 CFR 732.17(h)(11)(i), the Director solicited 
    comments on the proposed amendment from various Federal agencies with 
    an actual or potential interest in the Maryland program. MSHA responded 
    in its letter dated November 19, 1997, (Administrative Record No. 579-
    02), that it anticipated no further action regarding the proposed 
    amendment. No other comments were received.
    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
        Pursuant to 30 CFR 732.17(h)(11)(ii), OSM is required to obtain the 
    written concurrence of the EPA with respect to those provisions of the 
    proposed program amendment that relate to air or water quality 
    standards promulgated under the authority of the Clean Water Act (33 
    U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) or the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.). The 
    Director has determined that this amendment contains no such provisions 
    and that EPA concurrence is therefore unnecessary. Also, EPA did not 
    respond to OSM's request for comments.
    V. Director's Decision
        The Federal regulations at 30 CFR Part 920, codifying decisions 
    concerning the Maryland program, are being amended to implement this 
    decision. This final rule is being made effective immediately to 
    expedite the State program amendment process and to encourage States to 
    bring their programs into conformity with the Federal standards without 
    undue delay. Consistency of State and Federal standards is required by 
    VI. Procedural Determinations
    Executive Order 12866
        This proposed rule is exempted from review by the Office of 
    Management and Budget (OMB) under Executive Order 12866 (Regulatory 
    Planning and Review).
    Executive Order 12998
        The Department of the Interior has conducted the reviews required 
    by section 3 of Executive Order 12998 (Civil Justice Reform) and has 
    determined that, to the extent allowed by law, this rule meets the 
    applicable standards of subsections (a) and (b) of that section. 
    However, these standards are not applicable to the actual language of 
    State regulatory programs and program amendments since each such 
    program is drafted and promulgated by a specific State, not by OSM. 
    Under sections 503 and 505 of SMCRA (30 U.S.C. 1253 and 1255) and 30 
    CFR 730.11, 732.15, and 732.17(h)(10), decisions on proposed State 
    regulatory programs and program amendments submitted by the States must 
    be based solely on a determination of whether the submittal is 
    consistent with SMCRA and its implementing Federal regulations and 
    whether the other requirements of 30 CFR Parts 730, 731, and 732 have 
    been met.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        No environmental impact statement is required for this rule since 
    section 702(d) of SMCRA (30 U.S.C. 1292(d)) provides that agency 
    decisions on proposed State regulatory program provisions do not 
    constitute major Federal actions within the meaning of section 
    102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This rule does not contain information collection requirements that 
    require approval by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 
    3507 et seq.).
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Department of the Interior has determined that this rule will 
    not have a significant economic impact on a
    [[Page 19406]]
    substantial number of small entities under the Regulatory Flexibility 
    Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.). The State submittal which is the subject of 
    this rule is based upon corresponding Federal regulations for which an 
    economic analysis was prepared and certification made that such 
    regulations would not have a significant economic effect upon a 
    substantial number of small entities. Accordingly, this rule will 
    ensure that existing requirements previously promulgated by OSM will be 
    implemented by the State. In making the determination as to whether 
    this rule would have a significant economic impact, the Department 
    relied upon the data and assumptions in the analyses for the 
    corresponding Federal regulations.
    Unfunded Mandates
        This rule will not impose a cost of $100 million or more in any 
    given year on any governmental entity or the private sector.
    List of Subjects in 30 CFR Part 920
        Intergovernmental relations, Surface mining, Underground mining.
    Allen D. Klein,
    Regional Director, Appalachian Regional Coordinating Center.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, Title 30, Chapter VII, 
    Subchapter T of the Code of Federal Regulations is amended as set forth 
        1. The authority citation for part 920 continues to read as 
        Authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.
        2. Section 920.15 is amended in the table by adding a new entry in 
    chronological order by ``Date of Final Publication'' to read as 
    Sec. 920.15  Approval of Maryland regulatory program amendments.
    * * * * *
                                                Date of final                                                       
      Original amendment submission date         publication                      Citation/description              
                              *         *         *         *         *         *         *                         
    October 9, 1997......................  April 20, 1998.........  COMMAR, B, C & D,  
                                                            through (4),                 
                                                           , B(9) and (C), deletion of    
    [FR Doc. 98-10295 Filed 4-17-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-05-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office
Entry Type:
Final rule; approval of amendment.
Document Number:
April 20, 1998.
19403-19406 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
30 CFR 920.15