98-27091. Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Contracting by Negotiation; Part 215 Rewrite  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 198 (Wednesday, October 14, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 55040-55053]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-27091]
    [[Page 55040]]
    48 CFR Parts 212, 215, 217, 225, 227, 230, 237, 242, 247, 252, and 
    [DFARS Case 97-D018]
    Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Contracting by 
    Negotiation; Part 215 Rewrite
    AGENCY: Department of Defense (DoD).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Director of Defense Procurement has issued a final rule 
    amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 
    to revise procedures pertaining to contracting by negotiation. These 
    amendments conform with amendments made to the Federal Acquisition 
    Regulation (FAR) in Federal Acquisition Circular 97-02, which was 
    published in the Federal Register on September 30, 1997.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: October 14, 1998.
    Defense Acquisition Regulations Council, Attn: Ms. Melissa Rider, 
    PDUSD(A&T)DP(DAR), IMD 3D139, 3062 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 
    20301-3062. Telephone (703) 602-0131; telefax (703) 602-0350.
    A. Background
        This final rule revises DFARS Part 215 to align it with the 
    reorganized format of FAR Part 15 that was published as a final rule in 
    the Federal Register on September 30, 1997 (62 FR 51224). In addition 
    to changes related to format, this rule makes the following changes to 
    DFARS Part 215:
         Guidance on the four-step source selection process and the 
    alternate source selection process have been removed, as the new 
    guidance at FAR 15.101, Best value continuum, clearly allows such 
    source selection processes.
         Requirements for obtaining approvals before requesting 
    second or subsequent best and final offers have been removed in view of 
    the new guidance on proposal revisions at FAR 15.307.
         Guidance on cost realism analysis has been revised to 
    reflect the new guidance on cost realism analysis at FAR 15.404-1(d).
         Thresholds for requesting field pricing assistance have 
    been added at 215.404-2. Similar guidance was removed from the FAR, but 
    is still considered to be appropriate for DoD activities.
         Guidance on field pricing support has been revised to 
    conform with the FAR revisions that eliminated standard content 
    requirements for field pricing reports.
        A proposed rule with request for comments was published in the 
    Federal Register on November 26, 1997 (62 FR 63050). Thirty-six 
    comments were received from five sources. All comments were considered 
    in the development of the final rule.
    B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        DoD certifies that this final rule will not have a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities within the 
    meaning of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq., 
    because the rule primarily consists of conforming DFARS amendments, and 
    implementing guidance for contracting officers, to reflect existing FAR 
    policy on contracting by negotiation.
    C. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The Paperwork Reduction Act does not apply because the final rule 
    does not impose any information collection requirements that require 
    the approval of the Office of Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 
    3501, et seq.
    List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 212, 215, 217, 225, 227, 230, 237, 
    242, 247, 252, and 253
        Government procurement.
    Michele P. Peterson,
    Executive Editor, Defense Acquisition Regulations Council.
        Therefore, 48 CFR Parts 212, 215, 217, 225, 227, 230, 237, 242, 
    247, 252, and 253 are amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for 48 CFR Parts 212, 215, 217, 225, 227, 
    230, 237, 242, 247, 252, and 253 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 41 U.S.C. 421 and 48 CFR Chapter 1.
    212.503  [Amended]
        2. Section 212.503 is amended in paragraph (c)(ii) by revising the 
    parenthetical to read ``(see FAR 15.403-4)''.
        3. Part 215 is revised to read as follows:
    215.000  Scope of part.
    Subpart 215.2--Solicitation and Receipt of Proposals and Information
    215.204-2  Part I--The Schedule.
    Subpart 215.3--Source Selection
    215.303  Responsibilities.
    215.304  Evaluation factors and significant subfactors.
    215.305  Proposal evaluation.
    Subpart 215.4--Contract Pricing
    215.403  Obtaining cost or pricing data.
    215.403-1  Prohibition on obtaining cost or pricing data.
    215.403-5  Instructions for submission of cost or pricing data or 
    information other than cost or pricing data.
    215.404  Proposal analysis.
    215.404-1  Proposal analysis techniques.
    215.404-2  Information to support proposal analysis.
    215.404-3  Subcontract pricing considerations.
    215.404-4  Profit.
    215.404-70  DD Form 1547, Record of Weighted Guidelines Method 
    215.404-71  Weighted guidelines method.
    215.404-71-1  General.
    215.404-71-2  Performance risk.
    215.404-71-3  Contract type risk and working capital adjustment.
    215.404-71-4  Facilities capital employed.
    215.404-72  Modified weighted guidelines method for nonprofit 
    215.404-73  Alternate structure approaches.
    215.404-74  Fee requirements for cost-plus-award-fee contracts.
    215.404-75  Reporting profit and fee statistics.
    215.406-1  Prenegotiation objectives.
    215.406-3  Documenting the negotiation.
    215.407-2  Make-or-buy programs.
    215.407-3  Forward pricing rate agreements.
    215.407-4  Should-cost review.
    215.407-5  Estimating systems.
    215.407-5-70  Disclosure, maintenance, and review requirements.
    215.408  Slicitation provisions and contract clauses.
    215.470  Estimated data prices.
    215.000  Scope of part.
        See 225.872 for additional guidance on procedures for purchasing 
    form qualifying countries.
    215.204-2  Part I--The Schedule.
        (g) When a contract contains both fixed-priced and cost-
    reimbursement line items or subline items, the contracting officer 
    shall provide, in Section B, Supplies or Services and Prices/Costs, an 
    identification of contract type specified for each contract line item 
    or subline item to facilitate appropriate payment.
    Subpart 215.3--Source Selection
    215.303  Responsibilities.
        (b)(2) For high-dollar value and other acquisitions, as prescribed 
    by agency procedures, the source selection authority (SSA) shall 
    approve a source
    [[Page 55041]]
    selection plan (SSP) before the solicitation is issued. The SSP--
        (A) Shall be prepared and maintained by a person designated by the 
    SSA or as prescribed by agency procedures;
        (B) Shall be coordinated with the contracting officer and senior 
    advisory group, if any, within the source selection organization; and
        (C) Shall include, as a minimum--
        (1) The organization, membership, and responsibilities of the 
    source selection team;
        (2) A statement of the proposed evaluation factors and any 
    significant subfactors and their relative importance;
        (3) A description of the evaluation process, including specific 
    procedures and techniques to be used in evaluating proposals; and
        (4) A schedule of significant events in the source selection 
    process, including documentation of the source selection decision and 
    announcement of the source selection decision.
    215.304  Evaluation factors and significant subfactors.
        (c)(i) In acquisitions that require use of the clause at FAR 
    52.219-9, Small, Small Disadvantaged and Women-Owned Small Business 
    Subcontracting Plan, the extent of participation of small and small 
    disadvantaged businesses in performance of the contact shall be 
    addressed in source selection.
        (A) For acquisitions other than those based only on cost or price 
    competition, the contracting officer shall evaluate the extent to which 
    offerors identify and commit to small business and to small 
    disadvantaged business, historically black college and university, or 
    minority institution performance of the contract, whether as a joint 
    venture, teaming arrangement, or subcontractor.
        (B) Evaluation factors may include--
        (1) The extent to which such firms are specifically identified in 
        (2) The extent of commitment to use such firms (for example, 
    enforceable commitments are to be weighted more heavily than non-
    enforceable ones);
        (3) The complexity and variety of the work small firms are to 
        (4) The realism of the proposal;
        (5) When not otherwise required by 215.305(a)(2), past performance 
    of the offerors in complying with requirements of the clauses at FAR 
    52.219-8, Utilization of Small, Small Disadvantaged and Women-Owned 
    Small Business Concerns, and 52.219-9, Small, Small Disadvantaged and 
    Women-Owed Small Business Subcontracting Plan; and
        (6) The extent of participation of such firms in terms of the value 
    of the total acquisition.
        (C) Proposals addressing the extent of small and small 
    disadvantaged business performance may be separate from subcontracting 
    plans submitted pursuant to the clause at FAR 52.219-9 and should be 
    structured to allow for consideration of offers from small businesses.
        (D) When an evaluation includes the factor in paragraph 
    (c)(i)(B)(1) of this section, the small, small disadvantaged, or women-
    owned small businesses considered in the evaluation shall be listed in 
    any subcontracting plan submitted pursuant to FAR 52.219-9 to 
    facilitate compliance with 252.219-7003(g).
        (ii) The costs or savings related to contract administration and 
    audit may be considered when the offeror's past performance or 
    performance risk indicates the likelihood of significant costs or 
    Sec. 215.305  Proposal evaluation.
        (a)(1) Cost or price evaluation. Contracting officers shall ensure 
    that the use of uncompensated overtime in contracts to acquire services 
    on the basis of the number of hours provided (see FAR 37.115) will not 
    degrade the level of technical expertise required to fulfill the 
    Government's requirements. When acquiring such services, contracting 
    officers shall conduct a risk assessment, and evaluate for award on 
    that basis, any proposals received that reflect factors such as--
        (A) Unrealistically low labor rates or other costs that may result 
    in quality or service shortfalls; and
        (B) Unbalanced distribution of uncompensated overtime among skill 
    levels and its use in key technical positions.
        (2) Past performance evaluation. When a past performance evaluation 
    is required by FAR 15.304, and the solicitation includes the clause at 
    FAR 52.219-8, Utilization of Small, Small Disadvantaged and Women-Owned 
    Small Business Concerns, the evaluation factors shall include the past 
    performance of offerors in complying with requirements of that clause. 
    When a past performance evaluation is required by FAR 15.304, and the 
    solicitation includes the clause at FAR 52.219-9, Small, Small 
    Disadvantaged and Women-Owned Small Business Subcontracting Plan, the 
    evaluation factors shall include the past performance of offerors in 
    complying with requirements of that clause.
        (b) Any determination to reject a proposal based on a violation or 
    possible violation of Section 27 of the OFPP Act shall be made as 
    specified in FAR 3.104.
    Subpart 215.4--Contract Pricing
    215.403  Obtaining cost or pricing data.
    Sec. 215.403-1  Prohibition on obtaining cost or pricing data.
        (c) Standards for exceptions from cost or pricing data 
    requirements--(1) Adequate price competition. For acquisitions under 
    dual or multiple source programs:
        (A) The determination of adequate price competition must be made on 
    a case-by-case basis. Even when adequate price competition exists, in 
    certain cases it may be appropriate to obtain additional information to 
    assist in price analysis.
        (B) Adequate price competition normally exists when--
        (i) Prices are solicited across a full range of step quantities, 
    normally including a 0-100 percent split, from at least two offerors 
    that are individually capable of producing the full quantity; and
        (ii) The reasonableness of all prices awarded is clearly 
    established on the basis of price analysis (see FAR 15.404-1(b)).
        (4) Waivers. (A) DoD has waived the requirement for submission of 
    cost or pricing data for the Canadian Commercial Corporation and its 
        (B) DoD has waived cost or pricing data requirements for nonprofit 
    organizations (including education institutions) on cost-reimbursement-
    no-fee contracts. The contracting officer shall require--
        (1) Submission of information other than cost or pricing data to 
    the extent necessary to determine reasonableness and cost realism; and
        (2) Cost or pricing data from subcontractors that are not nonprofit 
    organizations when the subcontractor's proposal exceeds the cost or 
    pricing data threshold at FAR 15.403-4(a)(1).
    215.403-5  Instructions for submission of cost or pricing data or 
    information other than cost or pricing data.
        (b) When the solicitation requires contractor compliance with the 
    Contractors Cost Data Reporting (CCDR) System (Army--AMCP 715-8, Navy--
    NAV PUB P-5241, and Air Force--AFMCP 800-15), require the contractor to 
    submit DD Form 1921 or 1921-1 with its pricing proposal.
    215.404  Proposal analysis.
    215.404-1  Proposal analysis techniques.
        (a) General. For spare parts or support equipment, perform an 
    analysis of--
        (i) Those line items where the proposed price exceeds by 25 percent 
    [[Page 55042]]
    more the lowest price the Government has paid within the most recent 
    12-month period based on reasonably available information;
        (ii) Those line items where a comparison of the item description 
    and the proposal price indicates a potential for overpricing;
        (iii) Significant high-dollar-value items. If there are no obvious 
    high-dollar-value items, include an analysis of a random sample of 
    items; and
        (iv) A random sample of the remaining low-dollar value items. 
    Sample size may be determined by subjective judgment, e.g., experience 
    with the offeror and the reliability of its estimating and accounting 
        (d) Cost realism analysis. The contracting officer should determine 
    what information other than cost or pricing data is necessary for the 
    cost realism analysis during acquisition planning and development of 
    the solicitation. Unless such information is available from sources 
    other than the offerors (see FAR 15.402(a)(2)), the contracting officer 
    will need to request data from the offerors. The contracting officer--
        (i) Shall request only necessary data; and
        (ii) May not request submission of cost or pricing data.
    215.404-2  Information to support proposal analysis.
        (a) Field pricing assistance. (i) The contracting officer should 
    consider requesting field pricing assistance for--
        (A) Fixed-price proposals exceeding the cost or pricing data 
        (B) Cost-type proposals exceeding the cost or pricing data 
    threshold from offerors with significant estimating system deficiencies 
    (see 215.407-5-70(a)(4) and (c)(2)(i)); or
        (C) Cost-type proposals exceeding $10 million from offerors without 
    significant estimating system deficiencies.
        (ii) The contracting officer should not request field pricing 
    support for proposed contracts or modifications in an amount less than 
    that specified in paragraph (a)(i) of this subsection. An exception may 
    be made when a reasonable pricing result cannot be established because 
        (A) A lack of knowledge of the particular offeror; or
        (B) Sensitive conditions (e.g., a change in, or unusual problems 
    with, an offeror's internal systems).
        (c) Audit assistance for prime contracts or subcontracts. (i) If, 
    in the opinion of the contracting officer or auditor, the review of a 
    prime contractor's proposal requires further review of subcontractors' 
    cost estimates at the subcontractors' plants (after due consideration 
    of reviews performed by the prime contractor), the contracting officer 
    should inform the administrative contracting officer (ACO) having 
    cognizance of the prime contractor before the review is initiated.
        (ii) Notify the appropriate contract administration activities when 
    extensive, special, or expedited field pricing assistance will be 
    needed to review and evaluate subcontractors' proposals under a major 
    weapon system acquisition. If audit reports are received on contracting 
    actions that are subsequently cancelled, notify the cognizant auditor 
    in writing.
    Sec. 215.404-3  Subcontract pricing considerations.
        (a)(i) When obtaining field pricing assistance on a prime 
    contractor's proposal, the contracting officer should request audit or 
    field pricing assistance to analyze and evaluate the proposal of a 
    subcontractor at any tier (notwithstanding availability of data or 
    analyses performed by the prime contractor) if the contracting officer 
    believes that such assistance is necessary to ensure the reasonableness 
    of the total proposed price. Such assistance may be appropriate when, 
    for example--
        (A) There is a business relationship between the contractor and the 
    subcontractor not conducive to independence and objectivity;
        (B) The contractor is a sole source supplier and the subcontract 
    costs represent a substantial part of the contract cost;
        (C) The contractor has been denied access to the subcontractor's 
        (D) The contracting officer determines that, because of factors 
    such as the size of the proposed subcontract price, audit or field 
    pricing assistance for a subcontract at any tier is critical to a fully 
    detailed analysis of the prime contractor's proposal;
        (E) The contractor or higher-tier subcontractor has been cited for 
    having significant estimating system deficiencies in the area of 
    subcontract pricing, especially the failure to perform adequate cost 
    analyses of proposed subcontract costs or to perform subcontract 
    analyses prior to negotiation of the prime contract with the 
    Government; or
        (F) A lower-tier subcontractor has been cited as having significant 
    estimating system deficiencies.
        (ii) It may be appropriate for the contracting officer or the ACO 
    to provide assistance to a contractor or subcontractor at any tier, 
    when the contractor or higher-tier subcontractor has been denied access 
    to a subcontractor's records in carrying out the responsibilities at 
    FAR 15.404-3 to conduct price or cost analysis to determine the 
    reasonableness of proposed subcontract prices. Under these 
    circumstances, the contracting officer or the ACO should consider 
    whether providing audit or field pricing assistance will serve a valid 
    Government interest.
        (iii) When DoD performs the subcontract analysis, DoD shall furnish 
    to the prime contractor or higher-tier subcontractor, with the consent 
    of the subcontractor reviewed, a summary of the analysis performed in 
    determining any unacceptable costs included in the subcontract 
    proposal. If the subcontractor withholds consent, DoD shall furnish a 
    range of unacceptable costs for each element in such a way as to 
    prevent disclosure of subcontractor proprietary data.
        (iv) Price redeterminable or fixed-price incentive contracts may 
    include subcontracts placed on the same basis. When the contracting 
    officer wants to reprice the prime contract even though the contractor 
    has not yet established final prices for the subcontracts, the 
    contracting officer may negotiate a firm contract price--
        (A) If cost or pricing data on the subcontracts show the amounts to 
    be reasonable and realistic; or
        (B) If cost or pricing data on the subcontracts are too indefinite 
    to determine whether the amounts are reasonable and realistic, but--
        (1) Circumstances require prompt negotiation; and
        (2) A statement substantially as follows is included in the 
    repricing modification of the prime contract:
        As soon as the Contractor establishes firm prices for each 
    subcontract listed below, the Contractor shall submit (in the format 
    and with the level of detail specified by the Contracting Officer) 
    to the Contracting Officer the subcontractor's cost incurred in 
    performing the subcontract and the final subcontract price. The 
    Contractor and Contracting Officer shall negotiate an equitable 
    adjustment in the total amount paid or to be paid under this 
    contract to reflect the final subcontract price.
        (v) If the selection of the subcontractor is based on a trade-off 
    among cost or price and other non-cost factors rather than lowest 
    price, the analysis supporting subcontractor selection should include a 
    discussion of the factors considered in the selection (also see FAR 
    15.101 and 15.304 and 215.304). If the contractor's analysis is not 
    adequate, return it for correction of deficiencies.
    [[Page 55043]]
        (vi) The contracting officer shall make every effort to ensure that 
    fees negotiated by contractors for cost-plus-fixed-fee subcontracts do 
    not exceed the fee limitations in FAR 15.404-4(c)(4).
    215.404-4  Profit.
        (b) Policy. (1) Departments and agencies shall use a structured 
    approach for developing a prenegotiation profit or fee objective on any 
    negotiated contract action that requires cost analysis, except on cost-
    plus-award-fee contracts (see 215.404-74). There are three approaches--
        (A) The weighted guidelines method;
        (B) The modified weighted guidelines method; and
        (C) An alternate structured approach.
        (c) Contracting officer responsibilities. (1) Also, do not perform 
    a profit analysis when assessing cost realism in competitive 
        (2) The contracting officer--
        (A) Shall use the weighted guidelines method (see 215.404-71), 
        (1) The modified weighted guidelines method applies; or
        (2) An alternate approach is justified.
        (B) Shall use the modified weighted guidelines method (see 215.404-
    72) on contract actions with nonprofit organizations.
        (C) May use an alternate structured approach (see 215.404-73) 
        (1) The contract action is--
        (i) Under $500,000;
        (ii) For architect-engineer or construction work;
        (iii) Primarily for delivery of material from subcontractors; or
        (iv) A termination settlement; or
        (2) The weighted guidelines method does not produce a reasonable 
    overall profit objective and the head of the contracting activity 
    approves use of the alternate approach in writing.
        (D) Shall use the weighted guidelines method to establish a basic 
    profit rate under a formula-type pricing agreement, and may then use 
    the basic rate on all actions under the agreement, provided that 
    conditions affecting profit do not change.
        (E) Shall document the profit analysis in the contract file.
        (5) Although specific agreement on the applied weights or values 
    for individual profit factors shall not be attempted, the contracting 
    officer may encourage the contractor to--
        (A) Present the details of its proposed profit amounts in the 
    weighted guidelines format or similar structured approached; and
        (B) Use the weighted guidelines method in developing profit 
    objectives for negotiated subcontracts.
        (6) The contracting officer must also verify that relevant 
    variables have not materially changed (e.g., performance risk, interest 
    rates, progress payment rates, distribution of facilities capital).
        (d) Profit-analysis factors.--(1) Common factors. The common 
    factors are embodied in the DoD structured approaches and need not be 
    further considered by the contracting officer.
    Sec. 215.404-70  DD Form 1547, Record of Weighted Guidelines Method 
        (a) The DD Form 1547--
        (1) Provides a vehicle for performing the analysis necessary to 
    develop of profit objectives;
        (2) Provides a format for summarizing profit amounts subsequently 
    negotiated as part of the contract price; and
        (3) Serves as the principal source documents for reporting profit 
    statistics to DoD's management information system.
        (b) The military departments are responsible for establishing 
    policies and procedures for feeding the DoD-wide management information 
    system on profit and fee statistics (see 215.404-75).
        (c) The contracting officer shall--
        (1) Use and prepare a DD Form 1547 whenever a structured approach 
    to profit analysis is required by 215.404-4(b) (see 215.404-71, 
    215.404-72, and 215.404-73 for guidance on using the structured 
    approaches). Administrative instructions for completing the form are in 
        (2) Ensure that the DD Form 1547 is accurately completed. The 
    contracting officer is responsible for the correction any errors 
    detected by the management system auditing process.
    Sec. 215.404-71  Weighted guidelines method.
    Sec. 215.404-71-1  General.
        (a) The weighted guidelines method focuses on three profit 
        (1) Performance risk;
        (2) Contract type risk; and
        (3) Facilities capital employed.
        (b) The contracting officer assigns values to each profit factor; 
    the value multiplied by the base results in the profit objective for 
    that factor. Each profit factor has a normal value and a designated 
    range of values. The normal value is representative of average 
    conditions on the prospective contract when compared to all goods and 
    services acquired by DoD. The designated range provides values based on 
    above normal or below normal conditions. In the negotiation 
    documentation, the contracting officer need not explain assignment of 
    the normal value, but should address conditions that justify assignment 
    of other than the normal value.
    Sec. 215.404-71-2  Performance risk.
        (a) Description. this profit factor addresses the contractor's 
    degree of risk in fulfilling the contract requirements. The factor 
    consists of three parts:
        (1) Technical--the technical uncertainties of performance.
        (2) Management--the degree of management effort necessary to ensure 
    that contract requirements are met.
        (3) Cost control--the contractor's efforts to reduce and control 
        (b) Determination. The following extract from the DD Form 1547 is 
    annotated to describe the process.
                  Item                         Contractor risk factors                weighting        Assigned value     Base (item 18)    Profit objective
    21.............................  Technical..................................  (1)                (2)                N/A                N/A
    22.............................  Management.................................  (1)                (2)                N/A                N/A
    23.............................  Cost control...............................  (1)                (2)                N/A                N/A
    24.............................  Performance risk (composite)...............  N/A                (3)                (4)                (5)
        (1) Assign a weight (percentage) to each element according to its 
    input to the total performance risk. The total of the three weights 
    equals 100 percent.
        (2) Select a value for each element from the list in paragraph (c) 
    of this subsection using the evaluation criteria in paragraphs (d), 
    (e), and (f) of this subsection.
        (3) Compute the composite as shown in the following example:
    [[Page 55044]]
                                                                         weighting    Assigned value  Weighted value
    Technical.......................................................             30%            5.0%            1.5%
    Management......................................................              30             4.0             1.2
    Cost control....................................................              40             4.5             1.8
    Composite value.................................................            100%  ..............            4.5%
        (4) Insert the amount from Block 18 of the DD Form 1547. Block 18 
    is total contract costs, excluding general and administrative expenses, 
    contractor independent research and development and bid and proposal 
    expenses, and facilities capital cost of money.
        (5) Multiply (3) by (4).
        (c) Values: Normal and designated ranges.
                                                       Normal     Designated
                                                       value        range
                                                     (percent)    (percent)
    Standard......................................            4       2 to 6
    Alternate.....................................            6       4 to 8
        (1) Standard. The standard designated range should apply to most 
        (2) Alternate. Contracting officers may use the alternate 
    designated range for research and development and service contractors 
    when these contractors require relatively low capital investment in 
    buildings and equipment when compared to the defense industry overall. 
    If the alternate designated range is used, do not give any profit for 
    facilities capital employed (see 215.404-71-4(c)(3)).
        (d) Evaluation criteria for technical. (1) Review the contract 
    requirements and focus on the critical performance elements in the 
    statement of work or specifications. Factors to consider include--
        (i) Technology being applied or developed by the contractor;
        (ii) Technical complexity;
        (iii) Program maturity;
        (iv) Performance specifications and tolerances;
        (v) Delivery schedule; and
        (vi) Extent of a warranty or guarantee.
        (2) Above normal conditions. (i) The contracting officer may assign 
    a higher than normal value in those cases where there is a substantial 
    technical risk. Indicators are--
        (A) The contractor is either developing or applying advanced 
        (B) Items are being manufactured using specifications with 
    stringent tolerance limits;
        (C) The efforts require highly skilled personnel or require the use 
    of state-of-the-art machinery;
        (D) The services and analytical efforts are extremely important to 
    the Government and must be performed to exacting standards;
        (E) The contractor's independent development and investment has 
    reduced the Government's risk or cost;
        (F) The contractor has accepted an accelerated delivery schedule to 
    meet DoD requirements; or
        (G) The contractor has assumed additional risk through warranty 
        (ii) Extremely complex, vital efforts to overcome difficult 
    technical obstacles that require personnel with exceptional abilities, 
    experience, and professional credentials may justify a value 
    significantly above normal.
        (iii) The following may justify a maximum value--
        (A) Development or initial production of a new item, particularly 
    if performance or quality specifications are tight; or
        (B) A high degree of development or production concurrency.
        (3) Below normal conditions.
        (i) The contracting officer may assign a lower than normal value in 
    those cases where the technical risk is low. Indicators are--
        (A) Acquisition is for off-the-shelf items;
        (B) Requirements are relatively simple;
        (C) Technology is not complex;
        (D) Efforts do not require highly skilled personnel;
        (E) Efforts are routine;
        (F) Programs are mature; or
        (G) Acquisition is a follow-on effort or a repetitive type 
        (ii) The contracting officer may assign a value significantly below 
    normal for--
        (A) Routine services;
        (B) Production of simple items;
        (C) Rote entry or routine integration of Government-furnished 
    information; or
        (D) Simple operations with Government-furnished property.
        (e) Evaluation criteria for management. (1) The contracting officer 
        (i) Assess the contractor's management and internal control systems 
    using contracting office information and reviews made by field contract 
    administration offices or other DoD field offices;
        (ii) Assess the management involvement expected on the prospective 
    contract action;
        (iii) Consider the degree of cost mix as an indication of the types 
    of resources applied and value added by the contractor; and
        (iv) Consider the contractor's support of Federal socioeconomic 
        (2) Above normal conditions. (i) The contracting officer may assign 
    a higher than normal value when the management effort is intense. 
    Indicators of this are--
        (A) The contractor's value added is both considerable and 
    reasonably difficult;
        (B) The effort involves a high degree of integration or 
    coordination; or
        (C) The contractor has a substantial record of active participation 
    in Federal socioeconomic programs.
        (ii) The contracting officer may justify a maximum value when the 
        (A) Requires large scale integration of the most complex nature;
        (B) Involves major international activities with significant 
    management coordination (e.g., offsets with foreign vendors); or
        (C) Has critically important milestones.
        (3) Below normal conditions. (i) The contracting officer may assign 
    a lower than normal value when the management effort is minimal 
    Indicators of this are--
        (A) The program is mature and many end item deliveries have been 
        (B) The contractor adds minimum value to an item;
        (C) The efforts are routine and require minimal supervision;
        (D) The contractor provides poor quality, untimely proposals;
        (E) The contractor fails to provide an adequate analysis of 
    subcontractor costs; or
        (F) The contractor does not cooperate in the evaluation and 
    negotiation of the proposal.
        (ii) The following may justify a value significantly below normal--
        (A) Reviews performed by the field contract administration offices 
    disclose unsatisfactory management and internal control systems (e.g., 
    quality assurance, property control, safety, security); or
        (B) The effort requires an unusually low degree of management 
        (f) Evaluation criteria for cost control. (1) The contracting 
    officer should evaluate--
    [[Page 55045]]
        (i) The expected reliability of the contractor's cost estimates 
    (including the contractor's cost estimating system);
        (ii) The contractor's cost reduction initiatives (e.g., competition 
    advocacy programs, dual sourcing, spare parts pricing reform, value 
        (iii) The adequacy of the contractor's management approach to 
    controlling cost and schedule; and
        (IV) Any other factors that affect the contractor's ability to meet 
    the cost targets (e.g., foreign currency exchange rates and inflation 
        (2) Above normal conditions. The contracting officer may assign a 
    higher than normal value if the contractor can demonstrate a highly 
    effective cost control program. Indicator of this are--
        (i) The contractor provides fully documented and reliable cost 
        (ii) The contractor has an aggressive cost reduction program that 
    has demonstrable benefits;
        (iii) The contractor uses a high degree of subcontract competition 
    (e.g., aggressive dual sourcing); or
        (iv) The contractor has a proven record of cost tracking and 
        (3) Below normal conditions. The contracting officer may assign a 
    lower normal value if the contractor demonstrates minimal concern for 
    cost control. Indicators are--
        (i) The contractor's cost estimating system is marginal;
        (ii) The contractor has made minimal effort to initiate cost 
    reduction programs;
        (iii) The contractor's cost proposal is inadequate; or
        (iv) The contractor has a record of cost overruns or other 
    indication of unreliable cost estimates and lack of cost control.
    Sec. 215.404-71-3  Contract type risk and working capital adjustment.
        (a) Description. The contract type risk factor focuses on the 
    degree of cost risk accepted by the contractor under varying contract 
    types. The working capital adjustment is an adjustment added to the 
    profit objective for contract type risk. It only applies to fixed-price 
    contracts that provide for progress payments. Though it uses a formula 
    approach, it is not intended to be an exact calculation of the cost of 
    working capital. Its purpose is to give general recognition to the 
    contractor's cost of working capital under varying contract 
    circumstances, financing policies, and the economic environment.
        (b) Determination. The following extract from the DD 1547 is 
    annotated to explain the process.
                 Item                         Contractor risk factors                                 Assigned value      Base (item 18)    Profit objective
    25............................  CONTRACT type risk........................                      (1)                 (2)                (3)
                                                                                Cost financed       Length factor       Interest rate
    26............................  WORKING capital (4).......................  (5)                 (6)                 (7)                (8)
        (1) Select a value from the list of contract types in paragraph (c) 
    of this subsection using the evaluation criteria in paragraph (d) of 
    this subsection.
        (2) Insert the amount from Block 18, i.e., the total allowable 
    costs excluding general and administrative expenses, independent 
    research and development and bid and proposal expenses, and facilities 
    capital cost of money.
        (3) Multiply (1) by (2).
        (4) Only complete this block when the prospective contract is a 
    fixed-price contract containing provisions for progress payments.
        (5) Insert the amount computed per paragraph (e) of this 
        (6) Insert the appropriate figure from paragraph (f) of this 
        (7) Use the interest rate established by the Secretary of the 
    Treasury (see 230.7101-1(a)). Do not use any other interest rate.
        (8) Multiply (5) by (6) by (7). This is the working capital 
    adjustment. It shall not exceed 4 percent of the contract costs in 
    Block 20.
        (c) Values: Normal and designated ranges.
                                                    Normal      Designated
             Contract type             Notes        value          range
                                                  (percent)      (percent)
    Firm-fixed-price, no financing          (1)            5          4 to 6
    Firm-fixed-price, with
     financing....................          (2)            3          2 to 4
    Fixed-priced-incentive, no
     financing....................          (1)            3          2 to 4
    Fixed-priced with
     predeterminable provision....          (3)  ...........  ..............
    Fixed-price-incentive, with
     financing....................          (2)            1          0 to 2
    Cost-plus-incentive-fee.......          (4)            1          0 to 2
    Cost-plus-fixed-fee...........          (4)           .5          0 to 1
    Time-and-materials contracts
     (including overhaul contracts
     priced on time-and-materials
     basis).......................          (5)           .5          0 to 1
    Labor-hour contracts..........          (5)           .5          0 to 1
     effort-term..................          (5)           .5          0 to 1
        (1) ``No financing'' means that the contractor either does not 
    provide progress payments, or provides them only on a limited basis, 
    such as financing of first articles. Do not compute a working capital 
        (2) ``With financing'' means progress payments. When progress 
    payments are present, compute a working capital adjustment (Block 26).
        (3) For the purposes of assigning profit values, treat a fixed-
    price contract with redeterminable provisions as if it were a fixed-
    price-incentive contract with below normal conditions.
        (4) Cost-plus contracts shall not receive the working capital 
        (5) These types of contracts are considered cost-plus-fixed-fee 
    contracts for the purposes of assigning profit values. They shall not 
    receive the working capital adjustment in Block 26. However, they may 
    receive higher than normal values within the designated range to the 
    extent that portions of cost are fixed.
        (d) Evaluation criteria--(1) General. The contracting officer 
    should consider elements that affect contract type risk such as--
        (i) Length of contract;
    [[Page 55046]]
        (ii) Adequacy of cost data for projections;
        (iii) Economic environment;
        (iv) Nature and extent of subcontracted activity;
        (v) Protection provided to the contractor under contract provisions 
    (e.g., economic price adjustment clauses);
        (vi) The ceilings and share lines contained in incentive 
    provisions; and
        (vii) Risk associated with contracts for foreign military sales 
    (FMS) that are not funded by U.S. appropriations.
        (2) Mandatory. The contracting officer shall assess the extent to 
    which costs have been incurred prior to definitization of the contract 
    action (also see 217.7404-6(a)). The assessment shall include any 
    reduced contractor risk on both the contract before definitization and 
    the remaining portion of the contract. When costs have been incurred 
    prior to definitization, generally regard the contract type risk to be 
    in the low end of the designated range. If a substantial portion of the 
    costs have been incurred prior to definitization, the contracting 
    officer may assign a value as low as 0 percent, regardless of contract 
        (3) Above normal conditions. The contracting officer may assign a 
    higher than normal value when there is substantial contract type risk. 
    Indicators of this are--
        (i) Efforts where there is minimal cost history;
        (ii) Long-term contracts without provisions protecting the 
    contractor, particularly when there is considerable economic 
        (iii) Incentive provisions (e.g., cost and performance incentives) 
    that place a high degree of risk on the contractor; or
        (iv) FMS sales (other than those under DoD cooperative logistics 
    support arrangements or those made from U.S. Government inventories or 
    stocks) where the contractor can demonstrate that there are substantial 
    risk above those normally present in DoD contracts for similar items.
        (4) Below normal conditions. The contracting officer may assign a 
    lower than normal value when the contract type risk is low. Indicators 
    of this are--
        (i) Very mature product line with extensive cost history;
        (ii) Relatively short-term contracts;
        (iii) Contractual provisions that substantially reduce the 
    contractor's risk; or
        (iv) Incentive provisions that place a low degree of risk on the 
        (e) Costs financed. (1) Costs financial equal total costs 
    multiplied by the portion (percent) of costs financed by the 
        (2) Total costs equal Block 20 (i.e., all allowable costs, 
    including general and administrative and independent research and 
    development/bid and proposal, but excluding facilities capital cost of 
    money), reduced as appropriate when--
        (i) The contractor has little cash investment (e.g., subcontractor 
    progress payments liquidated late in period of performance);
        (ii) some costs are covered by special financing provisions, such 
    as advance payments; or
        (iii) The contract is multiyear and there are special funding 
        (3) The portion financed by the contractor is generally the portion 
    not covered by progress payments, i.e., 100 percent minus the customary 
    progress payment rate (see FAR 32.501). For example, if a contractor 
    receives progress payments at 75 percent, the portion financed by the 
    contractor is 25 percent. On contracts that provide flexible progress 
    payments (see 252.232-7003) or progress payments to small businesses, 
    use the customary progress payment rate for large businesses.
        (f) Contract length factor. (1) This is the period of time that the 
    contractor has a working capital investment in the contract. It--
        (i) Is based on the time necessary for the contractor to complete 
    the substantive portion of the work;
        (ii) Is not necessarily the period of time between contract award 
    and final delivery (or final payment), as periods of minimal effort 
    should be excluded;
        (iii) Should not include periods of performance contained in option 
    provisions; and
        (iv) Should not, for multiyear contracts, include periods of 
    performance beyond that required to complete the initial program year's 
        (2) The contracting officer--
        (i) Should use the following table to select the contract length 
        (ii) Should develop a weighted average contract length when the 
    contract has multiple deliveries; and
        (iii) May use sampling techniques provided they produce a 
    representative result.
        Period to perform substantive portion (in months)      length factor
    21 or less..............................................             .40
    22 to 27................................................             .65
    28 to 33................................................             .90
    34 to 39................................................            1.15
    40 to 45................................................            1.40
    46 to 51................................................            1.65
    52 to 57................................................            1.90
    58 to 63................................................            2.15
    64 to 69................................................            2.40
    70 to 75................................................            2.65
    76 or more..............................................            2.90
        (3) Example: A prospective contract has a performance period of 40 
    months with end items being delivered in the 34th, 36th, 38th, and 40th 
    months of the contract. The average period is 37 months and the 
    contract length factor is 1.15.
    215.404-71-4  Facilities capital employed.
        (a) Description. This factor focuses on encouraging and rewarding 
    aggressive capital investment in facilities that benefit DoD. It 
    recognizes both the facilities capital that the contractor will employ 
    in contract performance and the contractor's commitment to improving 
        (b) Determination. The following extract from the DD Form 1547 has 
    been annotated to explain the process.
                   Item                     Contractor facilities capital employed           Assigned value        Amount employed        Profit objective
    27................................  LAND..........................................  N/A                     (2)                    N/A
    28................................  BUILDINGS.....................................  (1)                     (2)                    (3)
    29................................  EQUIPMENT.....................................  (1)                     (2)                    (3)
        (1) Select a value from the list in paragraph (c) of this 
    subsection using the evaluation criteria in paragraph (d) of this 
        (2) Use the allocated facilities capital attributable to land, 
    buildings, and equipment, as derived in DD Form 1861,
    [[Page 55047]]
    Contract Facilities Capital Cost of Money (see 230,7001).
        (i) In addition to the net book value of facilities capital 
    employed, consider facilities capital that is part of a formal 
    investment plan if the contractor submits reasonable evidence that--
        (A) Achievable benefits to DoD will result from the investment; and
        (B) The benefits of the investment are included in the forward 
    pricing structure.
        (ii) If the value of intracompany transfers has been included in 
    Block 18 at cost (i.e., excluding general and administrative (G&A) 
    expenses and profit), add to the contractor's allocated facilities 
    capital, the allocated facilities capital attributable to the buildings 
    and equipment of those corporate divisions supplying the intracompany 
    transfers. Do not make this addition if the value of intracompany 
    transfers has been included in Block 18 at price (i.e., including G&A 
    expenses and profit).
        (3) Multiply (1) by (2).
        (c) Values: Normal and designated ranges.
                        Notes                                  Asset type              Normal value        range
                                                                                         (percent)       (percent)
    (1)..........................................  Land.............................               0             N/A
    (1)..........................................  Buildings........................              15        10 to 20
    (1)..........................................  Equipment........................              35        20 to 50
    (2)..........................................  Land.............................               0             N/A
    (2)..........................................  Buildings........................               5         0 to 10
    (2)..........................................  Equipment........................              20        15 to 25
    (3)..........................................  Land.............................               0             N/A
    (3)..........................................  Buildings........................               0               0
    (3)..........................................  Equipment........................               0               0
        (1) These are the normal values and ranges. They apply to all 
    situations except those noted in (2) and (3).
        (2) These alternate values and ranges apply to situations where a 
    highly facilitized manufacturing firm will be performing a research and 
    development or services contract. They balance the method used to 
    allocate facilities capital cost of money, which may produce 
    disproportionate allocation of assets to these types of efforts.
        (3) When using a value from the alternate designated range for the 
    performance risk factor (see 215.404-71-2(c)(2)), do not allow profit 
    on facilities capital employed.
        (d) Evaluation criteria. (1) In evaluating facilities capital 
    employed, the contracting officer--
        (i) Should relate the usefulness of the facilities capital to the 
    goods or services being acquired under the prospective contract;
        (ii) Should analyze the productivity improvements and other 
    anticipated industrial base enhancing benefits resulting from the 
    facilities capital investment, including--
        (A) The economic value of the facilities capital, such as physical 
    age, undepreciated value, idleness, and expected contribution to future 
    defense needs; and
        (B) The contractor's level of investment in defense related 
    facilities as compared with the portion of the contractor's total 
    business that is derived from DoD;
        (iii) Should consider any contractual provisions that reduce the 
    contractor's risk of investment recovery, such as termination 
    protection clauses and capital investment indemnification; and
        (iv) Shall ensure that increases in facilities capital investments 
    are not merely asset revaluations attributable to mergers, stock 
    transfers, take-overs, sales of corporate entities, or similar actions.
        (2) Above normal conditions. (i) The contracting officer may assign 
    a higher than normal value if the facilities capital investment has 
    direct, identifiable, and exceptional benefits. Indicators are--
        (A) New investments in state-of-the-art technology that reduce 
    acquisition cost of yield other tangible benefits such as improved 
    product quality or accelerated deliveries;
        (B) Investments in new equipment for research and development 
    applications; or
        (C) Contractor demonstration that the investments are over and 
    above the normal capital investments necessary to support anticipated 
    requirements of DoD programs.
        (ii) The contracting officer may assign a value significantly above 
    normal when there are direct and measurable benefits in efficiency and 
    significantly reduced acquisition cost on the effort being priced. 
    Maximum values apply only to those cases where the benefits of the 
    facilities capital investment are substantially above normal.
        (3) Below normal conditions. (i) The contracting officer may assign 
    a lower than normal value if the facilities capital investment has 
    little benefit to DoD. Indicators are--
        (A) Allocations of capital apply predominantly to commercial item 
        (B) Investments are for such things as furniture and fixtures, home 
    or group level administrative offices, corporate aircraft and hangars, 
    gymnasiums; or
        (C) Facilities are old or extensively idle.
        (ii) The contracting officer may assign a value significantly below 
    normal when a significant portion of defense manufacturing is done in 
    an environment characterized by outdated, inefficient, and labor-
    intensive capital equipment.
    215.404-72  Modified weighted guidelines method for nonprofit 
        (a) Definitions As used in this subpart, a nonprofit organization 
    is a business entity--
        (1) That operates exclusively for charitable, scientific, or 
    educational purposes;
        (2) Whose earnings do not benefit any private shareholder or 
        (3) Whose activities do not involve influencing legislation or 
    political campaigning for any candidate for public office; and
        (4) That is exempted from Federal income taxation under section 501 
    of the Internal Revenue Code.
        (b) For nonprofit organizations that are Federally Funded Research 
    and Development Centers (FFRDCs), the contracting officer--
        (1) Should consider whether any fee is appropriate. Considerations 
    shall include the FFRDC's--
        (i) Proportion of retained earnings (as established under generally 
    accepted accounting methods) that relates to DoD contracted effort;
        (ii) Facilities capital acquisition plans;
        (iii) Working capital funding as assessed on operating cycle cash 
        (iv) Contingency funding; and
    [[Page 55048]]
        (v) Provision for funding unreimbursed costs deemed ordinary and 
    necessary to the FFRDC.
        (2) Shall, when a fee is considered appropriate, compute the fee 
    objective using the weighted guidelines method in 215.404-71, with the 
    following modifications:
        (i) Modifications to performance risk (Blocks 21-243 of the DD Form 
    1547). (A) If the contracting officer assigns a value from the standard 
    designated range (see 215.404-71-2(c)), reduce the fee objective by an 
    amount equal to 1 percent of the costs in Block 18 of the DD Form 1547. 
    Show the net (reduced) amount on the DD Form 1547.
        (B) If the contracting officer assigns a value from the alternate 
    designated range, reduce the fee objective by an amount equal to 2 
    percent of the costs in Block 18 of the DD Form 1547. Show the net 
    (reduced) amount of the DD Form 1547.
        (ii) Modifications to contract type risk (Block 25 of the DD Form 
    1547). Use a designated range of -1 percent to 0 percent in lieu of the 
    values in 215.404-71-3. There is no normal value.
        (c) For nonprofit organizations that are entities that have been 
    identified by the Secretary of Defense or a Secretary of a Department 
    as receiving sustaining support on a cost-plus-fixed-fee basis from a 
    particular DoD department or agency, compute a fee objective for 
    covered actions using the weighted guidelines method in 215.404-71, 
    modified as described in paragraph (b)(2) of this subsection.
        (d) For all other nonprofit organizations, compute a fee objective 
    for covered actions using the weighted guidelines method in 215.404-71, 
    modified as described in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this subsection.
    215.404-73  Alternate structured approaches.
        (a) The contracting officer may use an alternate structured 
    approach under 215.404-4(c).
        (b) The contracting officer may design the structure of the 
    alternate, but it shall include--
        (1) Consideration of the three basic components of profit--
    performance risk, contract type risk (including working capital), and 
    facilities capital employed. However, the contracting officer is not 
    required to complete Blocks 21 through 30 of the DD Form 1547.
        (2) Offset for facilities capital cost of money.
        (i) The contracting officer shall reduce the overall prenegotiation 
    profit objective by the lesser of 1 percent of total cost or the amount 
    of facilities capital cost of money. The profit amount in the 
    negotiation summary of the DD Form 1547 must be net of the offset.
        (ii) This adjustment is needed for the following reason: The values 
    of the profit factors used in the weighted guidelines method were 
    adjusted to recognize the shift in facilities capital cost of money 
    from an element of profit to an element of contract cost (see FAR 
    31.205-10) and reductions were made directly to the profit factors for 
    performance risk. In order to ensure that this policy is applied to all 
    DoD contracts that allow facilities capital cost of money, similar 
    adjustments shall be made to contracts that use alternate structured 
    215.404-74  Fee requirements for cost-plus-award-fee contracts.
        In developing a fee objective for cost-plus-award-fee contracts, 
    the contracting officer shall--
        (a) Follow the guidance in FAR 16.405-2 and 216.405-2;
        (b) Not use the weighted guidelines method or alternate structured 
        (c) Apply the offset policy in 215.404-73(b)(2) for facilities 
    capital cost of money, i.e., reduce the base fee by the lesser of 1 
    percent of total costs or the amount of facilities capital cost of 
    money; and
        (d) Not complete a DD Form 1547.
    215.404-75  Reporting profit and fee statistics.
        (a) Contracting officers in contracting offices that participate in 
    the management information system for profit and fee statistics send 
    completed DD Forms 1547 on actions of $500,000 or more , where the 
    contracting officer used either the weighted guidelines method, an 
    alternate structured approach, or the modified weighted guidelines 
    method, to their designated office within 30 days after contract award.
        (b) Participating contracting offices and their designated offices 
               Contracting office                   Designated officer
    All....................................  U.S. Army, Contracting Support
                                              Agency, ATTN: SARD--RS, 5109
                                              Leesburg Pike, Suite 916,
                                              Falls Church, VA 22041-3201
    *Naval Air Systems Command.............  Commander, Fleet and Industrial
                                              Supply Center, Norfolk
                                              Washington Detachment, Code
                                              402, Washington Navy Yard,
                                              Washington, DC 20374-5000
    *Naval Sea Systems Command
    *Space and Naval Warfare Systems
    *Naval Facilities Engineering Command
    *Naval Supply Systems Command
    *Office of Naval Research
    *Headquarters, United States Marine
    *Strategic Systems Programs Office
    *Military Sealift Command
    *Automatic Data Processing Selection
    *Navy Regional Data Automation Center
    *Naval Research Laboratory
    *Navy Commercial Communications Center
    *Naval Aviation Depot Operations Center
    [[Page 55049]]
                                    AIR FORCE
    Air Force Materiel Command (all field    Air Force Materiel Command, 645
     offices).                                CCSG/SCOS, ATTN: J010 Clerk,
                                              2721 Sacramento Street, Wright-
                                              Patterson Air Force Base, OH
    *Includes all subordinate field offices
        (c) When negotiation of a contract action over $500,000 has been 
    delegated to another contracting agency (e.g., to an ACO), that agency 
    shall ensure that a copy of the DD Form 1547 is provided to the 
    delegating office for reporting purposes within 30 days from 
    negotiation of the contract action.
        (d) Contracting offices outside the United States, its possessions, 
    and Puerto Rico are exempt from reporting.
        (e) Designated offices send a quarterly (non-cumulative) report of 
    DD Form 1547 data to--
        Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information 
    Operations and Reports, (WHS/DIOR), 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, 
    Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302
        (f) In preparing and sending the quarterly report, designated 
        (1) Perform the necessary audits to ensure information accuracy;
        (2) Do not enter classified information;
        (3) Transmit the report via computer magnetic tape using the 
    procedures, format, and editing process issued by the Director of 
    Defense Procurement; and
        (4) Send the reports not later than the 30th day after the close of 
    the quarterly reporting periods.
        (g) These reporting requirements have been assigned report control 
    symbol: A&T (Q) 1751.
    215.406-1  Prenegotiation objectives.
        (a) Also consider--
        (i) Data resulting from application of work measurement systems in 
    developing prenegotiation objectives; and
        (ii) Field pricing assistance personnel participation in planned 
    prenegotiation and negotiation activities.
        (b) Prenegotiation objectives, including objectives related to 
    disposition of findings and recommendations contained in preaward and 
    postward contract audit and other advisory reports, shall be documented 
    an reviewed in accordance with Departmental procedures.
    215.406-3   Documenting the negotiation.
        (a)(7) Include the principal factors related to the disposition of 
    findings and recommendation contained in preaward and postaward 
    contract audit and other advisory reports.
        (10) The documentation--
        (A) Must address significant deviations from the prenegotiation 
    profit objective;
        (B) Should include the DD Form 1547, Record of Weighted Guidelines 
    Application (see 215.404-70), if used, with supporting rationale; and
        (C) Must address the rationale for not using the weighted 
    guidelines method when its use would otherwise be required by 215.404-
    215.407-2   Make-or-buy programs.
        (e) Program requirements--(1) Items and work included. The minimum 
    dollar amount is $1 million.
    215.407-3  Forward pricing rate agreements.
        (b)(i) Use forward pricing rate agreement (FPRA) rates when such 
    rates are available, unless waived on a case-by-case basis by the head 
    of the contracting activity.
        (ii) Advise the ACO of each case waived.
        (iii) Contact the ACO for questions on FPRAs or recommended rates.
    215.407-4   Should-cost review.
        (b) Program should-cost review. (2) DoD contracting activities 
    should consider performing a program should-cost review before award of 
    a definitive contract for a major system as defined by DoDI 5000.2R. 
    See DoDI 5000.2R regarding industry participation.
        (c) Overhead should-cost review. (1) Contact the DCMC/DLA Overhead 
    Center, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6621, at (703) 767-3387, for questions 
    on overhead should-cost analysis.
        (2)(A) The Defense Contract Management Command/Defense Logistics 
    Agency (DCMC/DLA), or the military department responsible for 
    performing contract administration functions (e.g., Navy SUPSHIP), 
    should consider, based on risk assessment, performing an overhead 
    should-cost review of a contractor business unit (as defined in FAR 
    31.001) when all of the following conditions exist--
        (1) Projected annual sales to DoD exceed $1 billion;
        (2) Projected DoD versus total business exceeds 30 percent;
        (3) Level of sole source DoD contracts is high;
        (4) Significant volume of proposal activity is anticipated;
        (5) Production or development of a major weapon system or program 
    is anticipated; and
        (6) Contractor cost control/reduction initiatives appear 
        (B) The head of the contracting activity may request an overhead 
    should-cost review for a business unit that does not meet the criteria 
    in paragraph (c)(2)(A) of this subsection.
        (C) Overhead should-cost reviews are labor intensive. These reviews 
    generally involve participation by the contracting, contract 
    administration, and contract audit elements. The extent of availability 
    of military department, contract administration, and contract audit 
    resources to support DCMC/DLA led teams should be considered when 
    determining whether a review will be conducted. Overhead should-cost 
    reviews generally shall not be conducted at a contractor business 
    segment more frequently than every 3 years.
    215.407-5  Estimating systems.
    215.407-5-70  Disclosure, maintenance, and review requirements.
        (a) Definitions.
        (1) Acceptable estimating system means an estimating system that--
        (i) Is established, maintained, reliable, and consistently applied; 
        (ii) Produces verifiable, supportable, and documented cost 
        (2) Contractor means a business unit as defined in FAR 31.001.
        (3) Estimating system is as defined in the clause at 252.215-7002, 
    Cost Estimating System Requirements.
        (4) Significant estimating system deficiency means a shortcoming in 
    the estimating system that is likely to consistently result in proposal 
    estimates for total cost or a major cost element(s) that do not provide 
    an acceptable basis for negotiation of fair and reasonable prices.
        (b) Applicability. (1) DoD policy is that all contractors have 
    estimating systems that--
        (i) Are acceptable;
        (ii) Consistently produce well-supported proposals that are 
    [[Page 55050]]
    as a basis for negotiation of fair and reasonable prices;
        (iii) Are consistent with and integrated with the contractor's 
    related management systems; and
        (iv) Are subject to applicable financial control systems.
        (2) A large business contractor is subject to estimating system 
    disclosure, maintenance, and review requirements if--
        (i) In its preceding fiscal year, the contractor received DoD prime 
    contracts or subcontracts totaling $50 million or more for which cost 
    or pricing data were required; or
        (ii) In its preceding fiscal year, the contractor received DoD 
    prime contracts or subcontracts totaling $10 million or more (but less 
    than $50 million) for which cost or pricing data were required and the 
    contracting officer, with concurrence or at the request of the ACO, 
    determines it to be in the best interest of the Government (e.g., 
    significant estimating problems are believed to exist or the 
    contractor's sales are predominantly Government).
        (c) Responsibilities. (1) The contracting officer shall--
        (i) Through use of the clause at 252.215-7002, Cost Estimating 
    System Requirements, apply the disclosure, maintenance, and review 
    requirements to large business contractors meeting the criteria in 
    paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this subsection;
        (ii) Consider whether to apply the disclosure, maintenance, and 
    review requirements to large business contractors under paragraph 
    (b)(2)(ii) of this subsection; and
        (iii) Not apply the disclosure, maintenance, and review 
    requirements to other than large business contractors.
        (2) The cognizant ACO, for contractors subject to paragraph (b)(2) 
    of this subsection, shall--
        (i) Determine the acceptability of the disclosure and system; and
        (ii) Pursue correction of any deficiencies.
        (3) The cognizant auditor, on behalf of the ACO, serves as team 
    leader in conducting estimating system reviews.
        (4) A contractor subject to estimating system disclosure, 
    maintenance, and review requirements shall--
        (i) Maintain an acceptable system;
        (ii) Describe its system to the ACO:
        (iii) Provide timely notice of changes in the system; and
        (iv) Correct system deficiencies identified by the ACO.
        (d) Characteristics of an acceptable estimating system--(1) 
    General. An acceptable system should provide for the use of appropriate 
    source data, utilize sound estimating techniques and good judgment, 
    maintain a consistent approach, and adhere to established policies and 
        (2) Evaluation. In evaluating the acceptability of a contractor's 
    estimating system, the ACO should consider whether the contractor's 
    estimating system, for example--
        (i) Establishes clear responsibility for preparation, review, and 
    approval of cost estimates;
        (ii) Provides a written description of the organization and duties 
    of the personnel responsible for preparing, reviewing, and approving 
    cost estimates;
        (iii) Assures that relevant personnel have sufficient training, 
    experience, and guidance to perform estimating tasks in accordance with 
    the contractor's established procedures;
        (iv) Identifies the sources of data and the estimating methods and 
    rationale used in developing cost estimates;
        (v) Provides for appropriate supervision throughout the estimating 
        (vi) Provides for consistent application of estimating techniques;
        (vii) Provides for detection and timely correction of errors;
        (viii) Protects against cost duplication and omissions;
        (ix) Provides for the use of historical experience, including 
    historical vendor pricing information, where appropriate;
        (x) Requires use of appropriate analytical methods;
        (xi) Integrates information available from other management 
    systems, where appropriate;
        (xii) Requires management review including verification that the 
    company's estimating policies, procedures, and practices comply with 
    this regulation;
        (xiii) Provides for internal review of and accountability for the 
    acceptability of the estimating system, including the comparison of 
    projected results to actual results and an analysis of any differences;
        (xiv) Provides procedures to update cost estimates in a timely 
    manner throughout the negotiation process; and
        (xv) Addresses responsibility for review and analysis of the 
    reasonableness of subcontract prices.
        (3) Indicators of potentially significant estimating deficiencies. 
    The following examples indicate conditions that may produce or lead to 
    significant estimating deficiencies--
        (i) Failure to ensure that historical experience is available to 
    and utilized by cost estimators, where appropriate;
        (ii) Continuing failure to analyze material costs or failure to 
    perform subcontractor cost reviews as required;
        (iii) Consistent absence of analytical support for significant 
    proposed cost amounts;
        (iv) Excessive reliance on individual personal judgments where 
    historical experience or commonly utilized standards are available;
        (v) Recurring significant defective pricing findings within the 
    same cost element(s);
        (vi) Failure to integrate relevant parts of other management 
    systems (e.g., production control or cost accounting) with the 
    estimating system so that the ability to generate reliable cost 
    estimates is impaired; and
        (vii) Failure to provide established policies, procedures, and 
    practices to persons responsible for preparing and supporting 
        (e) Review procedures. Cognizant audit and contract administration 
    activities shall--
        (1) Establish and manage regular programs for reviewing selected 
    contractors' estimating systems.
        (2) Conduct reviews as a team effort.
        (i) The contract auditor will be the team leader.
        (ii) The team leader will--
        (A) Coordinate with the ACO to ensure that team membership includes 
    qualified contract administration technical specialists.
        (B) Advise the ACO and the contractor of significant findings 
    during the conduct of the review and during the exit conference.
        (C) Prepare a team report.
        (1) The ACO or a representative should--
        (i) Coordinate the contract administration activity's review;
        (ii) Consolidate findings and recommendations; and
        (iii) When appropriate, prepare a comprehensive written report for 
    submission to the auditor.
        (2) The contract auditor will attach the ACO's report to the team 
        (3) Tailor reviews to take full advantage of the day-to-day work 
    done by both organizations.
        (4) Conduct a review, every 3 years, of contractors subject to the 
    disclosure requirements. The ACO and the auditor may lengthen or 
    shorten the 3-year period based on their joint risk assessment of the 
    contractor's past experience and current vulnerability.
        (f) Disposition of survey team findings--(1) Reporting of survey 
    team findings. The auditor will document the findings and 
    recommendations of the survey team in a report to the ACO. If there are 
    significant estimating deficiencies, the auditor will recommend 
    disapproval of all or portions of the estimating system.
    [[Page 55051]]
        (2) Initial notification to the contractor. The ACO will provide a 
    copy of the team report to the contractor and, unless there are no 
    deficiencies mentioned in the report, will ask the contractor to submit 
    a written response in 30 days, or a reasonable extension.
        (i) If the contractor agrees with the report, the contractor has 60 
    days from the date of initial notification to correct any identified 
    deficiencies or submit a corrective action plan showing milestones and 
    actions to eliminate the deficiencies.
        (ii) If the contractor disagrees, the contractor should provide 
    rationale in its written response.
        (3) Evaluation of contractor's response. The ACO, in consultation 
    with the auditor, will evaluate the contractor's response to determine 
        (i) The estimating system contains deficiencies that need 
        (ii) The deficiencies are significant estimating deficiencies that 
    would result in disapproval of all or a portion of the contractor's 
    estimating system; or
        (iii) The contractor's proposed corrective actions are adequate to 
    eliminate the deficiency.
        (4) Notification of ACO determination. The ACO will notify the 
    contractor and the auditor of the determination and, if appropriate, of 
    the Government's intent to disapprove all or selected portions of the 
    system. The notice shall--
        (i) List the cost elements covered;
        (ii) Identify any deficiencies requiring correction; and
        (iii) Require the contractor to correct the deficiencies within 45 
    days or submit an action plan showing milestones and actions to 
    eliminate the deficiencies.
        (5) Notice of disapproval. If the contractor has neither submitted 
    an acceptable corrective action plan nor corrected significant 
    deficiencies within 45 days, the ACO shall disapprove all or selected 
    portions of the contractor's estimating system. The notice of 
    disapproval must--
        (i) Identify the cost elements covered;
        (ii) List the deficiencies that prompted the disapproval; and
        (iii) Be sent to the cognizant auditor, and each contracting and 
    contract administration officer having substantial business with the 
        (6) Monitoring contractor's corrective action. The auditor and the 
    ACO will monitor the contractor's progress in correcting deficiencies. 
    If the contractor fails to make adequate progress, the ACO shall take 
    whatever action is necessary to ensure that the contractor corrects the 
    deficiencies. Examples of actions the ACO can take are: bringing the 
    issue to the attention of higher level management, reducing or 
    suspending progress payments (see FAR 32.503-6), and recommending 
    nonaward of potential contracts.
        (7) Withdrawal of estimating system disapproval. The ACO will 
    withdraw the disapproval when the ACO determines that the contractor 
    has corrected the significant system deficiencies. The ACO will notify 
    the contractor, the auditor, and affected contracting and contract 
    administration activities of the withdrawal.
        (g) Impact of estimating system deficiencies on specific proposals. 
    (1) Field pricing teams will discuss identified estimating system 
    deficiencies and their impact in all reports on contractor proposals 
    until the deficiencies are resolved.
        (2) The contracting officer responsible for negotiation of a 
    proposal generated by an estimating system with an identified 
    deficiency shall evaluate whether the deficiency impacts the 
    negotiations. If it does not, the contracting officer should proceed 
    with negotiations. If it does, the contracting officer should consider 
    other alternatives, e.g.--
        (i) Allowing the contractor additional time to correct the 
    estimating system deficiency and submit a corrected proposal;
        (ii) Considering another type of contract, e.g., FPIF instead of 
        (iii) Using additional cost analysis techniques to determine the 
    reasonableness of the cost elements affected by the system's 
        (iv) Segregating the questionable areas as a cost reimbursable line 
        (v) Reducing the negotiation objective for profit or fee; or
        (vi) Including a contract (reopener) clause that provides for 
    adjustment of the contract amount after award.
        (3) The contracting officer who incorporates a reopener clause into 
    the contract is responsible for negotiating price adjustments required 
    by the clause. Any reopener clause necessitated by an estimating 
    deficiency should--
        (i) Clearly identify the amounts and items that are in question at 
    the time of negotiation;
        (ii) Indicate a specific time or subsequent event by which the 
    contractor will submit a supplemental proposal, including cost or 
    pricing data, identifying the cost impact adjustment necessitated by 
    the deficient estimating system;
        (iii) Provide for the contracting officer to unilaterally adjust 
    the contract price if the contractor fails to submit the supplemental 
    proposal; and
        (iv) Provide that failure of the Government and the contractor to 
    agree to the price adjustment shall be a dispute under the Disputes 
    215.408  Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
        (1) Use the clause at 252.215-7000, Pricing Adjustments, in 
    solicitations and contracts that contain the clause at--
        (i) FAR 52.215-11, Price Reduction for Defective Cost or Pricing 
        (ii) FAR 52.215-12, Subcontractor Cost or Pricing Data; or
        (iii) FAR 52.215-13, Subcontractor Cost or Pricing Data--
        (2) Use the clause at 252.215-7002, Cost Estimating System 
    requirements, in all solicitations and contracts to be award on the 
    basis of cost or pricing data.
    215.470  Estimated data prices.
        (a) DoD requires estimates of the prices of data in order to 
    evaluate the cost to the Government of data items in terms of their 
    management, product, or engineering value.
        (b) When data are required to be delivered under a contract, the 
    solicitation will include DD Form 1423, Contract Data Requirements 
    List. The form and the provision included in the solicitation request 
    the offeror to state what portion of the total price is estimated to be 
    attributable to the production or development of the listed data for 
    the Government (not to the sale of rights in the data). However, 
    offerors' estimated prices may not reflect all such costs; and 
    different offerors may reflect these costs in a different manner, for 
    the following reasons--
        (1) Differences in business practices in competitive situations;
        (2) Differences in accounting systems among offerors;
        (3) Use of factors or rates on some portions of the data;
        (4) Application of common effort to two or more data items; and
        (5) differences in data preparation methods among offerors.
        (c) Data price estimates should not be used for contract pricing 
    purposes without further analysis.
        (d) The contracting officer shall ensure that the contract does not 
    include a requirement for data that the contractor has delivered or is 
    obligated to deliver to the government under another contract or 
    subcontract, and that the successful offeror identifies any such data 
    required by the solicitation. However, where duplicate data are
    [[Page 55052]]
    desired, the contract price shall include the costs of duplication, but 
    not of preparation, of such data.
        4. Section 217.7103-3 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read 
    as follows:
    217.7103-3  Solicitation for job orders.
    * * * * *
        5. Section 217.7103-4 is revised to read as follows:
    217.7103-4  Award of a job order.
        Award job orders in accordance with FAR Subpart 14.4 or 15.5.
    217.7406  [Amended]
        6. Section 217.7406 is amended in paragraph (b) in the last 
    sentence by removing ``15.804-1'' and inserting in its place ``15.403-
    1, 15.403-2, or 15.403-3''.
    225.872-3  [Amended]
        7. Section 225.872-3 is amended in paragraph (g) in the first 
    sentence by revising the parenthetical to read ``(see FAR 14.207 and 
    225.872-6  [Amended]
        8. Section 225.872-6 is amended in paragraph (c) introductory text 
    by removing ``215.805-5(c)(1)'' and inserting in its place ``215.404-
    227.7203-10  [Amended]
        9. Section 227.7203-10 is amended in paragraph (a)(1) at the end of 
    the first sentence by revising the phrase ``release or disclosure'' to 
    read ``release, or disclosure''; and at the end of the fifth sentence 
    by removing ``15.607'' and inserting in its place ``15.306(a)''.
    230.7002  [Amended]
        10. Section 230.7002 is amended in paragraph (b) by removing 
    ``215.970-1(c)'' and inserting in its place ``215.404-71-4''.
    Sec. 230.7004-1  [Amended]
        11. Section 230.7004-1 is amended by inserting a period after the 
    section heading; and in paragraph (a) by revising the parenthetical to 
    read ``(see FAR Subpart 42.17)''.
    Sec. 230.7103  [Amended]
        12. Section 230.7103 is amended by removing ``Subpart 15.9'' and 
    inserting in its place ``15.404-4''.
        13. Section 237.7204 is amended under the heading ``GENERAL 
    PROVISIONS'' by revising paragraph 7. to read as follows:
    Sec. 237.7204  Format and clauses for educational service agreements.
    * * * * *
    * * * * *
        7. FAR 52.215-8, Order of Precedence--Uniform Contract Format.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 242.7205  [Amended]
        14. Section 242.7205 is amended in paragraph (b)(4)(iv) by revising 
    the parenthetical to read ``(see 215.407-5)''.
        15. Section 247.572-2 is amended by revising the first sentence of 
    paragraph (f)(3)(i) and by revising paragraph (f)(3)(ii) to read as 
    Sec. 247.572-2  Direct purchase of ocean transportation services.
    * * * * *
        (f) * * *
        (3) * * *
        (i) An analysis of the carrier's cost in accordance with FAR 
    Subpart 15.4, or profit in accordance with 215.404-4. * * *
        (ii) A description of efforts taken pursuant to FAR 15.405, to 
    negotiate a reasonable price. For the purpose of FAR 15.405(d), this 
    report is the referral to a level above the contracting officer; and
    * * * * *
    Sec. 252.215-7000  [Amended]
        16. Section 252.215-7000 is amended in the introductory text by 
    removing ``215.804-8'' and inserting in its place ``215.408(1)''.
        17. Section 252.215-7002 is amended by revising the introductory 
    text, the clause date, paragraph (c) introductory text, paragraph 
    (d)(2) introductory text, paragraph (d)(2)(ii), and paragraph (e)(1) 
    introductory text to read as follows:
    252.215-7002  Cost estimating system requirements.
        As prescribed in 215.408(2), use the following clause:
    Cost Estimating System Requirements (Oct 1998)
    * * * * *
        (c) Applicability.
        Paragraphs (d) and (e) of this clause apply if the Contractor is 
    a large business and either--
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (2) An estimating system disclosure is acceptable when the 
    Contractor has provided the ACO with documentation that--
    * * * * *
        (ii) Provides sufficient detail for the Government to reasonably 
    make an informed judgment regarding the acceptability of the 
    Contractor's estimating practices.
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (1) The Contractor shall respond to a written report from the 
    Government that identifies deficiencies in the Contractor's 
    estimating system as follows:
    * * * * *
    252.217-7027  [Amended]
        18. Section 252.217-7027 is amended by revising the clause date to 
    read ``OCT 1998)''; and in paragraph (c) in the first sentence by 
    removing ``15.8'' and inserting its place ``15.4''.
    252.219-7005  [Amended]
        19. Section 252.219-7005 is amended by revising the clause date to 
    read ``(OCT 1998)''; and in paragraph (c) by removing ``Subpart 15.9'' 
    and inserting in its place ``15.404-4''.
        20. Section 252.243-7000 is amended by revising the clause date and 
    paragraph (c)(1) to read as follows:
    252.243-7000  Engineering change proposals.
    * * * * *
    Engineering Change Proposals (Oct 1998)
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (1) A contract pricing proposal using the format in Table 15-2, 
    Section 15.408, of the Federal Acquisition Regulation; and
    * * * * *
    PART 253--FORMS
    253.204-70  [Amended]
        21. Section 253.204-70 is amended in paragraph (b)(6)(1) 
    introductory text in the first sentence by removing ``52.215-20'' and 
    inserting in its place ``52.215-6''.
        22. Section 253.215-70 is amended by revising paragraphs (a) and 
    (b)(4); by removing paragraph (b)(7) and redesignating paragraphs 
    (b)(8) and (b)(9) as paragraphs (b)(7) and (b)(8), respectively; by 
    revising paragraphs (c)(12) and (c)(14); and by revising the last 
    sentence of paragraph (c)(15) and the last sentence of paragraph 
    (c)(16) to read as follows:
    [[Page 55053]]
    253.215-70  DD Form 1547, Record of Weighted Guidelines Application.
        (a) Use the DD Form 1547 as prescribed in 215.404-70.
        (b) * * *
        (4) If the contracting office is exempt from reporting to the DoD 
    management information system on profit and fee statistics (see 
    215.404-75), do not complete Block 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (12) Block 12--use code. Enter the appropriate code for use of the 
    weighted guidelines method--
                               Description                              Code
    Standard weighted guidelines method (215.404-71).................      2
      Alternate performance risk, no facilities employed (215.404-71-
       2(c)(2))......................................................      1
      Alternate facilities capital employed (215.404-71-4(c)(2)).....      3
    Alternate structure approach (215.404-73)........................      4
    Modified weighted guidelines approach, (215.404-72)..............      5
    * * * * *
        (14) Blocks 21 through 29--weighted guidelines profit factors. 
    Enter the amounts determined in 215.404-71 or 215.404-72. This section 
    is not required to be completed when using an alternate structured 
    approach (215.404-73).
        (15) * * * This section is not required to be completed when using 
    an alternate structured approach (215.404-73).
        (16) * * * When using an alternate structured approach, see 
    215.404-73(b)(2) for offsets.
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 98-27091 Filed 10-13-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 5000-04-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Defense Department
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
October 14, 1998.
55040-55053 (14 pages)
Docket Numbers:
DFARS Case 97-D018
PDF File:
CFR: (44)
48 CFR 31.205-10)
48 CFR 31.001)
48 CFR 15.101
48 CFR 215.000
48 CFR 215.303
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