98-3714. Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Restructuring Costs  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 30 (Friday, February 13, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 7308-7311]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-3714]
    48 CFR Part 231
    [DFARS Case 97-D313]
    Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Restructuring 
    AGENCY: Department of Defense (DoD).
    ACTION: Interim rule with request for comments.
    SUMMARY: The Director of Defense Procurement has issued an interim rule 
    amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 
    to implement Section 8092 of the National Defense Appropriations Act 
    for Fiscal Year 1998 and Section 804 of the National Defense 
    Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998 concerning the reimbursement of 
    external restructuring costs associated with a business combination.
    DATES: Effective date: February 13, 1998.
        Comment date: Comments on the interim rule should be submitted in 
    writing to the address shown below on or before April 14, 1998, to be 
    considered in the formulation of the final rule.
    ADDRESSES: Interested parties should submit written comments to: 
    Defense Acquisition Regulations Council, Attn: Ms. Sandra G. Haberlin, 
    PDUSD (A&T) DP (DAR), IMD 3D139, 3062 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 
    20301-3062. Telefax number (703) 602-0350.
    [[Page 7309]]
        E-mail comments submitted over the Internet should be addressed to: 
        Please cite DFARS Case 97-D313 in all correspondence related to 
    this issue. E-mail comments should cite DFARS Case 97-D313 in the 
    subject line.
    Ms. Sandra G. Haberlin, (703) 602-0131.
    A. Background
        This interim rule amends DFARS 231.205-70, External restructuring 
    costs, to implement Section 8092 of the National Defense Appropriations 
    Act for Fiscal Year 1998 (Public Law 105-56), and Section 804 of the 
    National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998 (Pub. L. 105-
        Section 8092 of Pub. L. 105-56 restricts DoD form using fiscal year 
    1998 funds to reimburse external restructuring costs associated with a 
    business combination undertaken by a defense contractor unless certain 
    conditions are met. These conditions include that either (1) the 
    audited savings for DoD resulting from the restructuring will exceed 
    the costs allowed by a factor of at least two to one; or (2) the 
    savings for DoD resulting from the restructuring will exceed the costs 
    allowed and the Secretary of Defense determines that the business 
    combination will result in the preservation of a critical capability 
    that might otherwise be lost to DoD.
        Section 804 of Pub. L. 105-85 (1) specifies that similar conditions 
    be met before DoD reimburses contractors for restructuring costs; (2) 
    codifies this limitation on payment of restructuring costs under 
    defense contracts at 10 U.S.C. 2324; and (3) repeals Section 818(a) of 
    the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995 (10 U.S.C. 
    2324 note). Section 818(a) required an official of DoD at the level of 
    Assistant Secretary of Defense or above to certify in writing that 
    projections of future cost savings resulting from the business 
    combination were based on audited cost data and should result in 
    overall reduced costs to DoD, prior to DoD reimbursing contractors for 
    restructuring costs.
    B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The interim rule is not expected to have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities within the meaning of 
    the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq., because most 
    contracts awarded to small entities use simplified acquisition 
    procedures or are awarded on a competitive fixed-price basis, and do 
    not require application of the cost principle contained in this rule. 
    An Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis has, therefore, not been 
    performed. Comments are invited from small businesses and other 
    interested parties. Comments from small entities concerning the 
    affected DFARS subpart also will be considered in accordance with 5 
    U.S.C. 610. Such comments should be submitted separately and should 
    cite DFARS Case 97-D313 in correspondence.
    C. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The Paperwork Reduction Act does not apply because the interim rule 
    does not impose any information collection requirements that require 
    Office of Management and Budget approval under 44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.
    D. Determination To Issue an Interim Rule
        A determination has been made under the authority of the Secretary 
    of Defense that urgent and compelling reasons exist to promulgate this 
    interim rule without prior opportunity for public comment. This rule 
    implements Section 8092 of the National Defense Appropriations Act for 
    Fiscal Year 1998 (Pub. L. 105-56), which was effective upon enactment 
    on October 8, 1997; and Section 804 of the National Defense 
    Authorizations Act for Fiscal Year 1998 (Pub. L. 105-85), which was 
    effective upon enactment on November 18, 1997. These sections restrict 
    the reimbursement of restructuring costs associated with a business 
    combination of a defense contractor unless certain conditions are met. 
    Comments received in response to the publication of this interim rule 
    will be considered in formulating the final rule.
    List of Subjects in 48 CFR Part 231
        Government procurement.
    Michele P. Peterson,
    Executive Editor, Defense Acquisition Regulations Council.
        Therefore, 48 CFR part 231 is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for 48 CFR part 231 continues to read as 
        Authority: 41 U.S.C. 421 and 48 CFR Chapter 1.
        2. Section 231.205-70 is revised to read as follows:
    231.205-70  External restructuring costs.
        (a) Scope. This subsection prescribes policies and procedures for 
    allowing contractor external restructuring costs when savings would 
    result for DoD. This subsection also implements 10 U.S.C. 2325, Section 
    818 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995 
    (Pub. L. 103-337) (10 U.S.C. 2324 note), Section 8115 of the National 
    Defense Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 1997 (Pub. L. 104-208), and 
    Section 8092 of the National Defense Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 
    1998 (Pub. L. 105-56).
        (b) Definitions. As used in this subsection:
        (1) Business combination means a transaction whereby assets or 
    operations of two or more companies not previously under common 
    ownership or control are combined, whether by merger, acquisition, or 
    sale/purchase of assets.
        (2) External restructuring activities means restructuring 
    activities occurring after a business combination that affect the 
    operations of companies not previously under common ownership or 
    control. They do not include restructuring activities occurring after a 
    business combination that affect the operations of only one of the 
    companies not previously under common ownership or control, or, when 
    there has been no business combination, restructuring activities 
    undertaken within one company. External restructuring activities are a 
    direct outgrowth of a business combination. They normally will be 
    initiated within 3 years of the business combination.
        (3) Restructuring activities means nonroutine, nonrecurring, or 
    extraordinary activities to combine facilities, operations, or 
    workforce, in order to eliminate redundant capabilities, improve future 
    operations, and reduce overall costs. Restructuring activities do not 
    include routine or ongoing repositionings and redeployments of a 
    contractor's productive facilities or workforce (e.g., normal plant 
    rearrangement or employee relocation), nor do they include other 
    routine or ordinary activities charged as indirect costs that would 
    otherwise have been incurred (e.g., planning and analysis, contract 
    administration and oversight, or recurring financial and administrative 
        (4) Restructuring costs means the costs, including both direct and 
    indirect, of restructuring activities. Restructuring costs that may be 
    allowed include, but are not limited to, severance pay for employees, 
    employee retraining costs, relocation expense for retained employees, 
    and relocation and rearrangement of plant and equipment. For purposes 
    of this definition, if restructuring costs associated with
    [[Page 7310]]
    external restructuring activities allocated to DoD contracts are less 
    than $2.5 million, the costs shall not be subject to the audit, review, 
    certification, and determination requirements of paragraph (c)(1) of 
    this subsection; instead, the normal rules for determining cost 
    allowability in accordance with FAR part 31 shall apply.
        (5) Restructuring savings means cost reductions, including both 
    direct and indirect cost reductions, that result from restructuring 
    activities. Reassignments of cost to future periods are not 
    restructuring savings.
        (c) Limitations on cost allowability. (1) Restructuring costs 
    associated with external restructuring activities shall not be allowed 
        (i) Such costs are allowable in accordance with FAR part 31 and 
    DFARS part 231;
        (ii) An audit of projected restructuring costs and restructuring 
    savings is performed;
        (iii) The cognizant administrative contracting officer (ACO) 
    reviews the audit report and the projected costs and projected savings, 
    and negotiates an advance agreement in accordance with paragraph (d)(8) 
    of this subsection; and
        (iv) For business combinations that occur--
        (A) Prior to October 1, 1996, the Under Secretary of Defense 
    (Acquisition & Technology) or the Principal Deputy certifies that 
    projections of future restructuring savings resulting for DoD from the 
    business combination are based on audited cost data and should result 
    in overall reduced costs for DoD.
        (B) October 1, 1996, through November 18, 1997, the Under Secretary 
    of Defense (Acquisition & Technology) or the Principal Deputy--
        (1) Certifies that projections of future restructuring savings 
    resulting for DoD from the business combination are based on audited 
    cost data and should result in overall reduced costs for DoD; and
        (2) Determines in writing that the audited projected savings for 
    DoD resulting from the restructuring will exceed either--
        (i) The costs allowed by a factor of at least two to one; or
        (ii) The costs allowed, and the business combination will result in 
    the preservation of a critical capability that might otherwise be lost 
    to DoD.
        (C) After November 18, 1997, the Under Secretary of Defense 
    (Acquisition & Technology) or the Principal Deputy determines in 
    writing that the audited projected savings for DoD resulting from 
    restructuring will exceed either--
        (1) The costs allowed by a factor of at least two to one; or
        (2) The costs allowed, and the business combination will result in 
    the preservation of a critical capability that might otherwise be lost 
    to DoD.
        (2) The audit, review, certification, and determination required by 
    paragraph (c)(1) of this subsection shall not apply to any business 
    combination for which payments for restructuring costs were made before 
    August 15, 1994, or for which the cognizant ACO executed an advance 
    agreement establishing cost ceilings based on audit/negotiation of 
    detailed cost proposals for individual restructuring projects before 
    August 15, 1994.
        (d) Procedures and ACO responsibilities. As soon as it is known 
    that the contractor will incur restructuring costs for external 
    restructuring activities, the cognizant ACO shall:
        (1) Promptly execute a novation agreement, if one is required, in 
    accordance with FAR subpart 42.12 and DFARS subpart 242.12 and include 
    the provision at DFARS 242.1204(e).
        (2) Direct the contractor to segregate restructuring costs and to 
    suspend these amounts from any billings, final contract price 
    settlements, and overhead settlements until the certification, or 
    determination, or both, as applicable, in paragraph (c)(1)(iv) of this 
    subsection is obtain.
        (3) Require the contractor to submit an overall plan of 
    restructuring activities and an adequately supported proposal for 
    planned restructuring projects. The proposal must include a breakout by 
    year by cost element, showing the present value of projected 
    restructuring costs and projected restructuring savings.
        (4) Notify major buying activities of contractor restructuring 
    actions and inform them about any potential monetary impacts on major 
    weapons programs, when known.
        (5) Upon receipt of the contractor's proposal, as soon as 
    practicable, adjust forward pricing rates to reflect the impact of 
    projected restructuring savings. If restructuring costs are included in 
    forward pricing rates prior to execution of an advance agreement in 
    accordance with paragraph (d)(8) of this subsection, the contracting 
    officer shall include a repricing clause in each fixed-price action 
    that is priced based on the rates. The repricing clause must provide 
    for a downward price adjustment to remove restructuring costs if the 
    certification, or determination, or both, as applicable, required by 
    paragraph (c)(1)(iv) of this subsection is not obtained.
        (6) Upon receipt of the contractor's proposal, immediately request 
    an audit review of the contractor's proposal.
        (7) Upon receipt of the audit report, determine if restructuring 
    savings will exceed restructuring costs on a present value basis. 
    However, for business combinations that occur on or after October 1, 
    1996, the audited projected savings for DoD must exceed the costs 
    allowed by a factor of at least two to one on a present value basis, 
    unless the determination in paragraph (c)(1)(iv)(B) (2)(ii) or 
    (c)(1)(iv)(C) (2) of this subsection applies.
        (8) Negotiate an advance agreement with the contractor setting 
    forth, at a minimum, a cumulative cost ceiling for restructuring 
    projects and, when necessary, a cost amortization schedule. The costs 
    may not exceed the amount of projected restructuring savings on a 
    present value basis. The advance agreement shall not be executed until 
    the certification, or determination, or both, as applicable, required 
    by paragraph (c)(1)(iv) of this subsection is obtained.
        (9) Submit to the Director of Defense Procurement, Office of the 
    Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition & Technology), ATTN: OUSD (A&T) 
    DP/CPF, a recommendation for certification, or determination, or both, 
    as applicable. Include the information described in paragraph (e) of 
    this subsection.
        (10) Consult with the Director of Defense Procurement, Office of 
    the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition & Technology), when 
    paragraph (c)(1) (iv)(B) (2)(ii) or (c)(1)(iv)(C) (2) of this 
    subsection applies.
        (e) Information needed to obtain certification and determination. 
    (1) The novation agreement (if one is required).
        (2) The contractor's restructuring proposal.
        (3) The proposed advance agreement.
        (4) The audit report.
        (5) Any other pertinent information.
        (6) The cognizant ACO's recommendation for certification, or 
    determination, or both, as applicable. This recommendation must clearly 
    indicate one of the following, consistent with paragraph (c)(1)(iv) of 
    this subsection:
        (i) Contractor projections of future cost savings resulting for DoD 
    from the business combination are based on audited cost data and should 
    result in overall reduced costs for the Department.
        (ii) The audited projected savings for DoD will exceed the costs 
    allowed by a factor of at least two to one.
        (iii) The business combination will result in the preservation of a 
    critical capability that might otherwise be lost
    [[Page 7311]]
    to DoD, and the audited projected savings will exceed the costs 
    [FR Doc. 98-3714 Filed 2-12-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 5000-04-M

Document Information

Defense Department
Entry Type:
Interim rule with request for comments.
Document Number:
7308-7311 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
DFARS Case 97-D313
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
48 CFR 231