99-13622. Funding and Fiscal Affairs, Loan Policies and Operations, and Funding Operations; Investment Management  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 103 (Friday, May 28, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 28884-28900]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-13622]
    12 CFR Part 615
    RIN 3052-AB76
    Funding and Fiscal Affairs, Loan Policies and Operations, and 
    Funding Operations; Investment Management
    AGENCY: Farm Credit Administration.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Farm Credit Administration (FCA) adopts final investment 
    management regulations that help Farm Credit System (System or FCS) 
    banks and associations respond to rapid and continual changes in 
    financial markets and instruments. The final regulations:
         Expand the list of high-quality investments that System 
    banks and associations can purchase;
         Provide more flexibility to use comprehensive analytical 
    techniques to manage risks at the portfolio or institutional level;
         Strengthen our requirements for sound investment 
    management practices; and
         Streamline the requirements for investments in mortgage 
    securities issued or guaranteed by the Federal Agricultural Mortgage 
    Corporation (Farmer Mac).
    EFFECTIVE DATE: These regulations will become effective 30 days after 
    they are published in the Federal Register during which either one or 
    both houses of Congress are in session. We will publish a notice of the 
    effective date in the Federal Register.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Laurie A. Rea, Senior Policy Analyst, 
    Office of Policy Analysis, Farm Credit Administration, McLean, VA 
    22102-5090, (703) 883-4498; or Richard Katz, Senior Attorney, Office of 
    General Counsel, Farm Credit Administration, McLean, VA 22102-5090, 
    (703) 883-4020, TDD (703) 883-4444.
    I. Background
        System banks may purchase eligible investments for the purpose of
    [[Page 28885]]
    maintaining a liquidity reserve, managing interest rate risk, and 
    investing surplus funds. Farm Credit associations have authority to 
    hold eligible investments to manage short-term surplus funds and reduce 
    interest rate risk, subject to the approval of their funding banks.
        Eligible investments help FCS banks and associations to control 
    risks that result from their operations as single-industry agricultural 
    lenders. On June 18, 1998, we proposed revisions to our investment 
    management regulations.
        The proposal balanced our desire to institute a disciplined 
    investment management framework with the System's desire for more 
    flexibility to respond to changing market conditions and advances in 
    risk management and securities valuation.\1\
        \1\ See 63 FR 33281.
        We proposed two fundamental changes to the existing investment 
    regulations. First, we established guidelines for implementing an 
    effective oversight and risk management process for investment 
    activities. Second, our proposal expanded the list of eligible 
    investments, and it relaxed or repealed many of the restrictions on 
    investments that we previously authorized. For instance, we proposed to 
    expand System bank and association investment authority to include a 
    broader array of money market instruments, mortgage securities, and 
    asset-backed securities.
        Our proposal also balanced the System's need for greater 
    flexibility regarding investments with essential safety and soundness 
    controls, such as credit rating and diversification standards. 
    Furthermore, our proposal continued to limit non-agricultural 
    investments to 30 percent of each bank's total outstanding loans.
    Overview of the Comments
        The Presidents Finance Committee (PFC) for Farm Credit System 
    banks, The Bond Market Association, and Farmer Mac commented on the 
    proposed rule. All eight FCS banks fully supported the PFC's comments. 
    The PFC's letter identified over 20 separate issues concerning 
    investment management and eligible investments that the PFC asked us to 
    address in the final rule. The Bond Market Association, which 
    represents securities firms and investment banks that underwrite and 
    trade debt securities, supported many of the System's positions on 
    eligible investments. Farmer Mac's comments focused primarily on the 
    different regulatory treatment of its mortgage securities and the 
    Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home 
    Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac).
        Separately, we published a notice in the Federal Register that 
    asked the public to identify existing FCA regulations and policies that 
    impose unnecessary regulatory burdens on FCS institutions.\2\ CoBank 
    ACB and four Farm Credit associations asked us to reduce regulatory 
    burden on the System by repealing or revising provisions in the 
    existing investment regulations that pertain to the liquidity reserve 
    requirement, association investments and the portfolio limit on Farmer 
    Mac mortgage securities. We address these regulatory burden comments in 
    the final investment rule.
        \2\ See 63 FR 44176 (Aug. 18, 1998); 63 FR 64013 (Nov. 18, 
        We respond to these comments by making several substantive changes 
    to the proposed investment management regulations and by rewriting the 
    regulations so they are easier to understand. In addition, we also 
    address commenters' questions and requests for clarification in the 
    II. Investment Activities of Associations and Service Corporations
        We received several comments and questions about the investment 
    authorities of associations, both in response to the proposed 
    investment rule and our regulatory burden initiative. The PFC asked us 
    to confirm that funding banks still retain the responsibility to review 
    and approve the investments of their affiliated associations. In 
    response to our regulatory burden initiative, three associations stated 
    that the Farm Credit Act of 1971, as amended (Act) does not require the 
    degree of bank oversight that redesignated Sec. 615.5142 imposes on 
    association investment activities. These associations suggested that 
    funding banks should rely on the General Financing Agreements (GFA) to 
    oversee the investment activities of their affiliated associations.
        We modified final Secs. 615.5131, 615.5133, 615.5140, 615.5141, 
    615.5142, and 615.5143 to confirm the existing investment authorities 
    of associations and clarify that associations that elect to hold 
    investments are expressly subject to regulations governing investment 
    management, eligible investments, stress tests, and divestiture.
        Redesignated Sec. 615.5142 continues to authorize associations to 
    acquire eligible investments that are listed in Sec. 615.5140, with the 
    approval of their funding banks, for the purposes of reducing interest 
    rate risk and investing surplus funds. The final rule also retains the 
    existing requirement that each System bank annually review the 
    investment portfolio of every association that it funds.
        Final Sec. 615.5142 implements sections 2.2(10) and 2.12(18) of the 
    Act, which require each funding bank to supervise and approve the 
    investment activities of its affiliated associations. In response to 
    comments that focused on the scope of bank supervision of association 
    investments, we note that a number of satisfactory methods exist for 
    System banks to oversee association investment activities under our 
    regulatory framework. A bank may take an active role in advising and 
    approving an association's investment decisions and strategies. For 
    example, banks may provide research, analytical or advisory services 
    that help associations to manage their investment portfolios. 
    Alternatively, as suggested by three association commenters, the GFA 
    can be an appropriate tool for funding banks to oversee the investment 
    activities of their affiliated associations.
        Bank oversight does not absolve an association's board and managers 
    of their fiduciary duties to manage investments in a safe and sound 
    manner. The fiduciary responsibilities of association boards of 
    directors obligate them to develop appropriate investment management 
    policies and practices to manage the credit, market, liquidity, and 
    operational risks associated with investment activities. Additionally, 
    it is incumbent upon each association's investment managers to fully 
    understand the risks of its investments and make independent and 
    objective evaluations of investments prior to purchase.
        We incorporated explicit references to associations into final 
    Sec. 615.5133 to acknowledge the existing responsibility of 
    associations to effectively manage their investments. We recognize, 
    however, that associations have historically maintained few or no 
    investments in non-agricultural financial instruments. The few 
    associations that maintain investment portfolios hold primarily money 
    market instruments and municipal securities. Therefore, the final 
    regulation requires an association's board of directors to develop 
    investment policies that are commensurate with its institution's 
    investment activities.
        An association's investment policies should be appropriate for the 
    size, risk characteristics, and complexity of the association's 
    investment portfolio and should be based on an association's unique 
    circumstances, risk tolerances, and objectives. Associations must
    [[Page 28886]]
    comply with all the requirements in Sec. 615.5133 if the level or type 
    of their investments could expose their capital to material loss. 
    However, an association's board does not need to develop an investment 
    policy if it elects not to hold non-agricultural investments authorized 
    under Sec. 615.5140.
        Final Sec. 615.5140, which lists eligible investments, is modified 
    to clarify that it applies to associations. As noted earlier, 
    associations already have the authority under redesignated 
    Sec. 615.5142 to hold eligible investments that are listed in 
    Sec. 615.5140. This revision more accurately reflects the scope of this 
        We take this opportunity to reiterate our long-standing position 
    that service corporations, organized under section 4.25 of the Act, are 
    subject to the investment regulations in subpart E of part 615. 
    Although we have noted on past occasions that Sec. 611.1136 of this 
    chapter applies these investment regulations to both incorporated and 
    unincorporated service organizations, questions about this issue have 
    remained. Final Sec. 615.5131(m) resolves this matter by expressly 
    subjecting FCS service corporations that hold investments to these 
    regulations. Service corporations that hold no investments are not 
    required to develop investment policies or comply with Sec. 615.5133.
    III. Investment Management
        We proposed significant changes to Sec. 615.5133, which governs 
    investment management practices and internal controls in the FCS. Our 
    objective was to strengthen this regulation so each System institution 
    would follow certain fundamental practices that enable its board and 
    management to fully understand and effectively manage risks in its 
    investment portfolio. An effective risk management process for 
    investments requires financial institutions to establish: (1) Policies; 
    (2) risk limits; (3) a mechanism for identifying, measuring, and 
    reporting risk exposures; and, (4) a system of internal controls. As a 
    result, the proposed rule required each Farm Credit board of directors 
    to adopt policies that establish risk parameters and guide the 
    decisions of investment managers. More specifically, we required board 
    policies to establish objective criteria so investment managers can 
    prudently manage credit, market, liquidity, and operational risks. 
    Additionally, proposed Sec. 615.5133 established other controls that 
    help prevent loss, such as:
         Clear delegation of responsibilities and authorities to 
    investment managers;
         Separation of duties;
         Timely and effective security valuation practices; and,
         Routine reports on investment performance.
    A. Requests for Change
        Only the PFC commented on proposed Sec. 615.5133. Although the PFC 
    supported the FCA's approach, it requested changes to three provisions 
    of proposed Sec. 615.5133. In response, we revised two of these 
    regulations so they advance our safety and soundness objectives without 
    placing unnecessary burden on the FCS. We resolved the PFC's third 
    concern with a preamble explanation rather than a regulatory change. In 
    addition to the two substantive amendments described above, we 
    reorganized and rewrote this regulation so it is easier to understand 
    and use.
    1. Limits on Transactions With Each Securities Firm
        The PFC asked us to eliminate the provision in proposed 
    Sec. 615.5133(a)(1)(ii) that requires investment policies to ``set 
    limits on the amounts and types of transactions that the bank shall 
    execute with authorized securities firms.'' \3\ The PFC believes that 
    this requirement is overly burdensome because the risk of loss from 
    purchase and sale transactions with securities firms is negligible. The 
    commenter also opined that this provision reduces the System's 
    flexibility to trade with the securities firm that provides the best 
    terms and execution for investment transactions.
        \3\ The term ``securities firms'' in the final rule and this 
    preamble collectively refers to brokers, dealers, and investment 
        The PFC persuaded us that some of the requirements in proposed 
    Sec. 615.5133(a)(1)(ii) might have inadvertently reduced the System's 
    flexibility in executing transactions with various securities firms. 
    However, we continue to believe that each System institution must 
    carefully select and properly manage its relationships with securities 
    firms as part of its efforts to manage credit risk associated with 
    settlements on securities transactions. Thus, we respond to the PFC's 
    concerns by revising the regulation so that the necessary safety and 
    soundness constraints do not unreasonably hinder business 
    relationships. In addition, this revision offers System institutions 
    greater flexibility to trade with the securities firms of their choice.
        Specifically, final and redesignated Sec. 615.5133(c)(1)(ii) no 
    longer obligates the board of directors to set specific limits on the 
    amount and types of transactions that its institution executes with 
    authorized securities firms. Instead, the final regulation requires 
    System institutions to buy and sell eligible investments with more than 
    one securities firm. As a result, the final rule still requires System 
    institutions to diversify their exposure to credit risk from brokers, 
    dealers, and investment bankers.
        Nevertheless, final and redesignated Sec. 615.5133(c)(1)(ii) still 
    requires board policies to establish the criteria that investment 
    managers will use to select securities firms. We have also retained the 
    regulatory provisions that require each board of directors to:
         Annually review its criteria for selecting securities 
    firms; and
         Determine whether its existing relationships with various 
    securities firms should continue.
    2. Reporting Investment Performance to the Board
        The PFC expressed concern about a provision in proposed 
    Sec. 615.5133(e) that requires investment managers to report quarterly 
    to the board on the performance and risk of ``each'' investment in the 
    portfolio. According to the PFC, many FCS banks hold several hundred 
    individual securities in sizeable investment portfolios. Under these 
    circumstances, reporting to the board on every single investment is 
    cumbersome and meaningful board review is difficult. The PFC suggests 
    the reports to the board should summarize the risks associated with 
    investment activities and address compliance with investment policies, 
    objectives, risk limits, and regulatory requirements. The commenter 
    further suggests that managers should report on individual investments 
    only in exceptional circumstances.
        We revise this provision to address the PFC's concern. Final and 
    redesignated Sec. 615.5133(g) requires management to report each 
    quarter to its board of directors or a committee thereof on the 
    performance and risk of each class of investments and the entire 
    investment portfolio. Additionally, the final rule continues to require 
    the report to identify all gains and losses that the institution incurs 
    during the quarter on individual securities sold before maturity. We 
    retained a reporting requirement on individual securities because it 
    provides the board important and accurate information relating to the 
    performance of investments and investment activity in general.
        This new approach requires investment portfolio managers to provide 
    System boards of directors
    [[Page 28887]]
    accurate, concise, meaningful, and timely information on the 
    performance and risk of their institution's investments. This 
    information helps the board to understand the risks inherent in the 
    investment portfolio and oversee the investment activities of 
    investment managers. We believe this revision removes burdensome 
    reporting requirements from the final regulation while simultaneously 
    promoting safe and sound investment management practices in the FCS. We 
    have made no other modification to redesignated Sec. 615.5133(g).
    3. Securities Valuations
        The only comment on securities valuation was from the PFC. The PFC 
    asked us to delete proposed Sec. 615.5133(d)(1), which requires System 
    institutions to verify with an independent source the value of any 
    security (other than a new issue) that they purchase or sell. The PFC 
    interprets proposed Sec. 615.5133(d)(1) as requiring FCS institutions 
    to solicit a second bid for all securities from a competing broker, 
    dealer, or other intermediary. The PFC warns that this requirement 
    would undermine the good reputation of the System and cause its 
    business relationships with securities firms to quickly deteriorate. As 
    a result, the FCS would ultimately pay higher prices for securities and 
    obtain lower yields.
        We observe that nothing in the proposed regulation or preamble 
    would require bids on investments from parties who compete with the 
    seller, purchaser, counterparty, or other intermediary to a specific 
    transaction. Instead, our regulation requires System banks, 
    associations, and service corporations to verify the value of a 
    security with an independent source. As the preamble to the proposed 
    regulation notes, ``independent verification of a price can be as 
    simple as obtaining a price from an industry recognized information 
    provider.'' The same preamble passage also states that ``although price 
    quotes from information providers are not actual market prices, they 
    confirm whether the broker's price is reasonable.'' \4\ This regulatory 
    provision allows System institutions to independently verify the price 
    of a security with an on-line market reporting service, such as 
    Bloomberg, Telerate, or Reuters. Additionally, the regulation provides 
    sufficient flexibility for System institutions to use internal 
    valuation models to verify the reasonableness of prices that they pay 
    or receive for securities. Moreover, independent verification of 
    securities prices is a fundamental component of safe and sound 
    investment management, and ensures that FCS institutions understand the 
    value of their investments at purchase and sale.
        \4\ See 63 FR 33284 (June 18, 1998).
        In view of these considerations, we conclude that the requirement 
    for independent verification of securities prices is appropriate and 
    should be retained in the final regulation. We also made several 
    stylistic changes to the securities valuation requirements, which we 
    redesignated as final Sec. 615.5133(f)(1).
    B. Other Comments and Questions on Investment Management
        We offer the following responses to requests for clarification on 
    proposed Sec. 615.5133 and additional guidance regarding investment 
    1. Are the FCA Regulations Consistent With the Federal Financial 
    Institutions Examination Council's Policy on Investment Activities?
        Yes. We confirm that Sec. 615.5133 is consistent with the Federal 
    Financial Institutions Examination Council's (FFIEC) ``Supervisory 
    Policy Statement on Investment Securities and End-User Derivatives 
    Activities'' (Policy Statement).\5\ We used the FFIEC's Policy 
    Statement as a benchmark for developing this regulation. In our 
    opinion, the FFIEC's guidance to other federally regulated financial 
    institutions on sound investment management practices is suitable for 
    the FCS. We encourage System institutions to refer to the FFIEC's 
    Policy Statement when they devise, implement, and review policies that 
    govern their investment management practices pursuant to Sec. 615.5133. 
    Additionally, FCS institutions should refer to our policy statement on 
    interest rate risk management (FCA-PS-74) for further guidance on 
    managing market risks.\6\
        \5\ See 63 FR 20191 (Apr. 23, 1998).
        \6\ See 63 FR 69285 (Dec. 10, 1998).
    2. What Are the Responsibilities of Boards of Directors?
        In general, the board of directors of any association or service 
    corporation that holds eligible investments and every bank is 
    responsible for establishing written investment policies that are 
    appropriate for the size, types, and risk characteristics of its 
    investments. Investment policies are a critical aspect of effective 
    risk management and should set appropriate limits on exposure to 
    credit, market, and liquidity risks. We emphasize that investment 
    policies of each Farm Credit bank and any association or service 
    corporation with significant investments should embody the following 
    key elements.
        Investment Objectives. A general explanation of the board's 
    investment objectives, expectations, and performance goals is necessary 
    to guide investment managers.
        Risk Tolerance. Risk tolerance should be based on the strength of 
    each institution's capital position and its ability to measure and 
    manage risk. Additionally, risk limits should be consistent with 
    broader business strategies and institutional objectives. Risk 
    tolerance can be expressed through several parameters: duration, 
    convexity, sector distribution, yield curve distribution, credit 
    quality, risk-adjusted return, portfolio size, total return volatility, 
    or value-at-risk.\7\ Each institution should use a combination of 
    parameters to appropriately limit its exposure to credit and market 
        \7\ Generically, duration is a measure of a bond or portfolio's 
    price sensitivity to a change in interest rates. Convexity measures 
    the rate of change in duration with respect to a change in interest 
    rates. A sector refers to a broad class of investments with similar 
    characteristics or industry classification. Yield curve distribution 
    refers to the distribution of the portfolio's investments in short-
    term, intermediate, or long-term investments. Value-at-risk is a 
    methodology used to measure market risk in an investment portfolio.
        Asset Allocation. The board's asset allocation policy should ensure 
    appropriate diversification within the various asset classes, as well 
    as across the entire investment portfolio.\8\ Final Sec. 615.5140 
    eliminates the portfolio limits on many eligible investments, and 
    therefore, we expect each bank, association, and service corporation to 
    establish its own asset allocation guidelines. Investment parameters 
    may include points where the investment portfolio should be reallocated 
    or rebalanced to bring it back in line with the board's strategic asset 
    allocation goals.
        \8\ Asset allocation is generally defined as the allocation of 
    your investment portfolio across major asset classes, such as United 
    States Treasury, corporate, mortgage or asset-backed securities.
        Asset Selection. The investment policy should identify the risk 
    characteristics (e.g., credit quality, price sensitivity, maturity, 
    marketability or liquidity, maximum premiums or discounts, etc.) of 
    investments that are suitable for inclusion in the investment 
        Derivatives. Derivative instruments can be used to hedge risk, 
    leverage a position or otherwise modify the risk profile of an 
    investment portfolio. The board's investment policy should address the 
    application of derivatives
    [[Page 28888]]
    within the portfolio and set appropriate limits on the use of 
        Controls and Reporting Requirements. The investment policy should 
    describe the duties and responsibilities of the investment manager(s), 
    set the delegation of authorities, outline any prohibited investments 
    or activities, and specify the content and frequency of reports to the 
    board on investment activities.
    3. What Analysis Must Management Perform on Individual Investments 
    Prior to Purchase and on an Ongoing Basis?
        Not all investment instruments need an extensive pre-purchase or 
    post-purchase analysis. Non-complex instruments that have minimal price 
    sensitivity need little or no pre-purchase analysis. Final and 
    redesignated Sec. 615.5133(f) (previously proposed Sec. 615.5133(d)(3)) 
    generally requires System banks to perform an analysis of the credit 
    and market risks on investments prior to purchase and on an ongoing 
    basis. The primary objective of this provision is to ensure that 
    management understands the risks and cashflow characteristics of any 
    investment that it purchases. The board's investment policy should 
    fully address the extent of the pre-purchase analysis that management 
    needs to perform for various classes of instruments. For example, the 
    policy should specifically indicate which stress tests in Sec. 615.5141 
    should be performed on various types of mortgage securities.
        For investments that have unusual, leveraged, or highly variable 
    cashflows, it is especially important for investment managers to 
    exercise diligence and thoroughness in making investment decisions. 
    Managers should have a reasonable and adequate basis, supported by 
    appropriate analysis for their investment decisions, and maintain 
    adequate documentation. The analysis should describe the basic risk 
    characteristics of the investment and include a balanced discussion of 
    risks involved in purchasing the investment. In preparing the analysis, 
    investment managers should consider the current rate of return or 
    yield, expected total return, annual income, the degree of uncertainty 
    associated with the cashflows, the investment's marketability or 
    liquidity, as well as its credit and market risks.
    4. What Investment Management Approach Does the FCA Prefer?
        The PFC asked us to clarify when we expect System institutions to 
    manage their investments on an individual, portfolio or institutional 
    basis. The appropriate level of risk management depends on the 
    complexity of instruments and the size of your investment portfolio. A 
    System institution may need to analyze risk on an individual, 
    portfolio, and institutional level. As appropriate, stress testing 
    should be performed on individual investments, the investment portfolio 
    or the entire institution. Additionally, other risk management 
    techniques, such as total return analysis or value-at-risk, may be used 
    to effectively manage risk exposures.
        When a new investment position is likely to significantly alter the 
    risk profile of an institution, management should complete an analysis 
    of the potential effects on the portfolio and the entire institution 
    prior to purchasing the investment. Although investors have 
    traditionally looked at investments one at a time, modern portfolio 
    theory suggests that investors should look at the effect of individual 
    investments on the entire portfolio. Often, investments that seem 
    acceptable on an individual basis have a significant exposure to a 
    single risk factor on a cumulative basis. Conversely, under the 
    portfolio approach, financial institutions may hold individual 
    investments that are fairly risky, if the risks are offset by other 
    investments or derivative instruments. As a result, the portfolio 
    approach allows investment managers to achieve higher returns while 
    maintaining overall portfolio risk at a reasonable level.
        System institutions should tailor their investment management 
    approach to meet their needs based on the type and level of their 
    investment activities and unique risk profile. Regardless of the 
    approach taken, each Farm Credit bank, association, and service 
    corporation should ensure that it is able to effectively measure, 
    monitor, and control the credit, market, liquidity, and operational 
    risks stemming from its investment activities. This requires an 
    understanding of the source and degree of the institution's risk 
    exposures and how these risk exposures may change under differing 
    economic scenarios.
    III. Eligible Investments
    A. Overview
        System banks may purchase and hold the eligible investments listed 
    in Sec. 615.5140 to maintain liquidity reserves, manage interest rate 
    risk, and invest surplus short-term funds. Similarly, redesignated 
    Sec. 615.5142 (formerly Sec. 615.5141) authorizes FCS associations to 
    hold eligible investments listed in Sec. 615.5140 to invest surplus 
    funds and reduce interest rate risk. Only investments that can be 
    promptly converted into cash without significant loss are suitable for 
    achieving these objectives. For this reason, the eligible investments 
    listed in Sec. 615.5140 generally have short terms to maturity and high 
    credit ratings from nationally recognized statistical rating 
    organizations (NRSROs). Furthermore, all eligible investments are 
    either traded in active secondary markets or are valuable as 
        We proposed to amend Sec. 615.5140 so System banks and associations 
    could purchase and hold a broader array of high-quality and liquid 
    investments. As a result, the proposed regulations expanded the list of 
    eligible investments and relaxed or repealed certain restrictions in 
    Sec. 615.5140. These revisions reflect changes in the financial markets 
    and help fulfill our objective of developing a regulatory framework 
    that can more readily accommodate innovations in financial products and 
    analytical tools.
        Two commenters, the PFC and The Bond Market Association, generally 
    supported our proposal to amend Sec. 615.5140. The commenters also 
    asked us to approve other instruments that would offer higher yields 
    and further diversify the investment portfolios of System institutions. 
    As we explain in greater detail below, we incorporated many of the 
    commenters' suggestions into final Sec. 615.5140. In addition, as part 
    of our efforts to write regulations that are easier to understand and 
    use, we converted most of Sec. 615.5140 into a chart.
        We received no comments on proposed Sec. 615.5140(a)(1), (a)(3), 
    (a)(7), and (a)(8), which respectively authorize FCS banks and 
    associations to invest in:
         Securities that are issued or guaranteed by the United 
    States, its agencies, or instrumentalities;
         Obligations of international and multilateral development 
         Corporate debt obligations; and
         Shares of investment companies that register under the 
    Investment Company Act of 1940 (e.g., money market mutual funds).
        Accordingly, we made no substantive changes to Sec. 615.5140(a)(1), 
    (a)(3), (a)(7), and (a)(8).
    State and Municipal Securities
        Existing Sec. 615.5140(a)(10) authorizes System banks and 
    associations to invest in the general obligations of State and 
    municipal governments. We proposed to redesignate this provision as 
    Sec. 615.5140(a)(2) without significant change. However, we added a 
    definition of ``general obligation of a State or political 
    subdivision'' to Sec. 615.5131 to
    [[Page 28889]]
    codify our recent guidance on bonds guaranteed by the full faith and 
    credit of a State or local government.\9\ We rewrote the definition to 
    make it clear and we now adopt Secs. 615.5140(a)(2) and 615.5131(e) as 
    final regulations.
        \9\ See FCA BL-038, ``Guidance Relating to Investment 
    Activities,'' Nov. 26, 1997).
        Prior to this rulemaking, System banks requested authority to 
    invest in revenue bonds. Revenue bonds are not supported by the 
    taxation powers of the obligor, and are repayable from fee income and 
    other sources of revenue. We requested input on how the final 
    regulation could authorize investments in revenue bonds while limiting 
    risks to System institutions. More specifically, we solicited comments 
    on how the final regulation could establish:
         Criteria for determining which revenue bonds meet the 
    investment purposes in Sec. 615.5132; and
         Appropriate limits on the amount of these investments.
        We received only one comment concerning municipal securities. The 
    PFC suggested that all highly rated revenue bonds should be eligible 
    investments. The PFC believes that highly rated revenue bonds are 
    suitable for meeting liquidity and interest rate risk management 
        Municipal revenue bonds may provide FCS banks and associations with 
    another suitable investment to diversify their portfolios. The universe 
    of municipal revenue bonds is diverse and some, but not all, of these 
    instruments are actively traded in established secondary markets. 
    Although the full faith and credit of a governmental entity with 
    taxation powers does not back municipal revenue bonds, these 
    instruments usually enjoy an implicit guarantee of the State 
    government. For these reasons, we add municipal revenue bonds as 
    eligible investments, subject to certain safety and soundness controls. 
    Final Sec. 615.5140(a)(2) authorizes FCS banks and associations to 
    invest in municipal revenue bonds that are rated in the highest 
    investment rating category by an NRSRO and mature within 5 years or 
    less. The final regulation requires the investing System bank or 
    association to document, at the time of purchase, that the particular 
    issue is actively traded in an established secondary market. 
    Additionally, these investments are subject to a 15-percent portfolio 
    limit. We also added a conforming definition of ``revenue bonds'' to 
    final Sec. 615.5131.
    C. Money Market Instruments
        We proposed several changes to the provisions in Sec. 615.5140 that 
    authorize FCS banks and associations to invest in money market 
    instruments. Under our proposal, all money market instruments were 
    grouped together into a single regulatory provision, 
    Sec. 615.5140(a)(4). We proposed to repeal existing limitations on the 
    amounts of negotiable certificates of deposit, Federal funds (Fed 
    Funds), bankers acceptances, and prime commercial paper that each FCS 
    institution can hold in its investment portfolio. We also added 
    Eurodollar time deposits and master notes to the list of eligible money 
    market investments.
        Only the PFC commented on proposed Sec. 615.5140(a)(4). The 
    commenter asked us to: (1) Repeal the ``callable'' requirement for Term 
    Federal Funds; and (2) clarify the credit rating requirements for 
    repurchase agreements and master notes.
    1. Term Federal Funds
        From the commenter's perspective, our insistence that System 
    institutions invest only in negotiable Term Fed Funds is inconsistent 
    with our approach toward Eurodollar time deposits. The PFC pointed out 
    that proposed Sec. 615.5140(a)(4) granted System institutions new 
    authority to invest in non-negotiable Eurodollar time deposits, which 
    are very similar to Term Fed Funds in terms of credit, liquidity, and 
    market risks. The PFC asserts that Term Fed Funds do not need a 
    ``callable'' feature to make them liquid because our regulation already 
    requires them to maintain a high credit rating and mature within 100 
    days. Thus, the PFC urges us to delete the provision in 
    Sec. 615.5140(a)(4)(i) that requires all Term Fed Funds to be 
        The PFC persuaded us that highly rated Term Fed Funds that mature 
    within 100 days are suitable investments, even if they are not 
    ``callable.'' Thus, we amended this provision so final 
    Sec. 615.5140(a)(4) no longer requires System banks and associations to 
    invest only in ``callable'' Term Fed funds.\10\ This change will 
    provide System institutions with additional flexibility to invest with 
    counterparties that do not offer ``callable'' features on Term Fed 
        \10\ In the final regulations, Term Fed Funds are defined as 
    having a maturity between 2 and 100 business days.
        In addition, the final regulations apply consistent treatment of 
    investments in Term Fed Funds and Eurodollar time deposits. Final 
    Sec. 615.5140 subjects non-callable Term Fed Funds to the same 20-
    percent portfolio limit as Eurodollar time deposits. From a safety and 
    soundness perspective, this portfolio limit is necessary to limit the 
    amount of non-negotiable instruments that are held in bank and 
    association investment portfolios. The final regulation continues to 
    place no portfolio limit on the amount of ``continuously callable'' 
    Term Fed Funds that FCS banks and associations can hold. Like 
    Eurodollar time deposits, non-callable Term Fed Funds must also be 
    invested at depository institutions with the highest short-term credit 
    rating from an NRSRO.
    2. Response to Comments on Credit Ratings
        a. When are short-term or long-term credit ratings appropriate for 
    the collateral securing repurchase agreements? Final 
    Sec. 615.5140(a)(4) allows System banks and associations to invest in 
    repurchase agreements that are backed either by: (1) Eligible 
    investments; or (2) other marketable securities that are rated in the 
    highest credit rating category by an NRSRO. The type of collateral 
    should determine whether a short-term or a long-term credit rating is 
    appropriate. System banks and associations may use an equivalent long-
    term rating if it is the only credit rating available for a short-term 
    financial instrument held as collateral in a repurchase agreement.
        b. Are long-term credit ratings appropriate when no short-term 
    ratings are available for counterparties to master note agreements? 
    Yes. We recognize that certain institutions that are counterparties to 
    master note agreements may only have long-term credit ratings from an 
    NRSRO. When short-term credit ratings are unavailable, System 
    institutions may use an equivalent long-term rating to determine if the 
    money market instrument is eligible under our regulations. For example, 
    we consider an ``A-1'' short-term rating from Standard and Poor's (S&P) 
    to be the equivalent to a ``AA'' or higher long-term S&P rating.
    D. Mortgage Securities
    1. Overview
        We proposed significant changes to the authority of FCS 
    institutions to invest in mortgage securities. The proposal expanded 
    the list of eligible investments to include certain non-agency mortgage 
    securities and stripped mortgage-backed securities (SMBS). We proposed 
    these amendments to grant FCS banks and associations more options for 
    managing risks and diversifying their portfolios.
        Both the PFC and The Bond Market Association suggested additional 
    revisions to the regulation, and asked us
    [[Page 28890]]
    several questions about the proposed requirements. They recommend that 
    we grant FCS banks and associations authority to invest in: (1) 
    Mortgage securities that are rated within the two highest rating 
    categories by an NRSRO, (2) multifamily mortgage securities, and (3) 
    non-agency commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS). In response to 
    these comments, we revised Sec. 615.5140(a)(5) so System banks and 
    associations can invest in a broader array of mortgage securities.
    2. Credit Ratings
        Both the PFC and The Bond Market Association asked us to authorize 
    investments in mortgage securities that are rated in the ``two'' 
    highest (rather than only the highest) credit rating categories of an 
    NRSRO. The commenters assert that investment grade mortgage securities 
    in general have exhibited a remarkable credit performance history. Over 
    the past 20 years, few mortgage security issues have experienced 
    credit-related problems. Furthermore, the two highest credit ratings 
    would correspond with the criteria in the Secondary Mortgage Market 
    Enhancement Act of 1984.\11\
        \11\ See Pub. L. 98-440, 98 Stat. 1689 (Oct. 3, 1984).
        After carefully considering the commenters' input and weighing the 
    potential risks, we did not adopt the suggestion to lower the credit 
    rating for mortgage securities. There is an ample assortment of 
    mortgage securities in the highest investment credit rating category 
    that System banks and associations can use for liquidity, cash and 
    interest rate risk management. We believe the final regulation 
    maintains the high credit quality of System investments without 
    depriving System institutions of any significant opportunity to invest 
    in mortgage securities.
    3. Mortgage Securities that are Issued or Guaranteed by the United 
        We made a technical correction to the provision that allows FCS 
    banks and associations to invest in mortgage securities that are issued 
    or fully guaranteed by the United States. Our proposal omitted language 
    in the former regulations that authorize investment in securities that 
    are backed by mortgages that are guaranteed as to both principal and 
    interest by the full faith and credit of the United States. Final 
    Sec. 615.5140(a)(5) allows System banks and associations to invest in 
    mortgage securities that are:
         Issued or guaranteed by the Government National Mortgage 
    Association (GNMA); or
         Secured by mortgages that are guaranteed as to both 
    principal and interest by the full faith and credit of the United 
        This provision extends to mortgage securities issued by the Small 
    Business Administration (SBA) or other Federal government agencies if 
    the full faith and credit of the United States back the principal and 
    interest payment of the underlying mortgages. All mortgage securities 
    that System banks and associations purchase under Sec. 615.5140(a)(5) 
    must comply with the stress-testing requirements in Sec. 615.5141.
    4. Agency Mortgage Securities
        We made no changes to FCS institutions' authorities to invest in 
    residential mortgage securities that are:
         Issued by Fannie Mae and the Freddie Mac; or
         Issued under a private label but are collateralized by 
    Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac mortgage-backed securities.
        System banks, however, suggested that we add Fannie Mae Delegated 
    Underwriting and Servicing (DUS) bonds to the list of eligible 
    investments. Fannie Mae DUS bonds are mortgage securities backed by 
    multifamily mortgage loans. They carry the Fannie Mae guarantee on the 
    timely payment of principal and interest. They also have low prepayment 
    risk due to yield maintenance agreements, prepayment lockouts, and 
    prepayment fees. We agree that agency mortgage securities backed by 
    multifamily loans are suitable investments for FCS institutions. 
    Therefore, we amended the definition of ``mortgage securities'' in 
    Sec. 615.5131(i) to clarify that FCS banks and associations have the 
    authority to invest in Fannie Mae DUS bonds and other mortgage 
    securities on multifamily residential properties that are issued or 
    guaranteed by Federal agencies and instrumentalities. Agency mortgage 
    securities that are secured by multifamily loans must meet the stress-
    testing requirements of Sec. 615.5141.
    5. Portfolio Limits on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Mortgage Securities
        Two commenters, the PFC and The Bond Market Association, asserted 
    that the 50-percent portfolio limit on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac 
    mortgage securities is overly restrictive and unprecedented. According 
    to these commenters, the credit risk on these securities is almost non-
    existent and no other financial regulatory agency places any 
    restrictions on the amount of these securities.
        After a thorough evaluation of these comments, we decided not to 
    eliminate the portfolio limit on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage 
    securities. We believe that regulatory portfolio limits enhance safety 
    and soundness by promoting diversification of System investment 
    portfolios and curtailing investments in securities that may exhibit 
    considerable interest rate risk. The final regulation greatly expands 
    the types of mortgage securities that are eligible investments. Under 
    the circumstances, we believe portfolio limits are an appropriate 
    regulatory tool for controlling the System's market risk exposure from 
    these instruments.
        We did, however, make one important modification to the proposed 
    portfolio limits in response to the commenters' concerns. Under the 
    final regulations, the 50-percent limit on agency mortgage securities 
    is now separate from the 15-percent limit on non-agency residential and 
    commercial mortgage securities. The new portfolio limits accommodate 
    the System's desire for greater opportunities to invest in mortgage 
        We emphasize that the board and management of each System bank, 
    association, or service corporation are responsible for establishing 
    exposure limits on all types of mortgage securities. Regulatory 
    portfolio limits on certain mortgage securities do not absolve an 
    institution's board or management of its responsibility to set limits 
    based on its unique risk-bearing capacity, management capabilities, and 
    objectives. Moreover, the board of directors of each System bank or 
    association has a fiduciary duty to maintain a well-diversified 
    investment portfolio to reduce the risk of substantial loss. We also 
    expect FCS banks and associations to diversify their investments within 
    each major asset class.
    6. Non-Agency Mortgage Securities
        Our proposal would authorize System institutions to invest in 
    mortgage securities that are offered by private entities.\12\ Under the 
    proposal, only the highest rated privately issued securities that are 
    collateralized by qualifying residential mortgages meeting the 
    collateral requirements of the Secondary Mortgage Market Enhancement 
    Act of 1984 (SMMEA), would be eligible investments.\13\ SMMEA 
    securities must generally be secured by a first lien on
    [[Page 28891]]
    a single parcel of real estate (residential or mixed residential 
    commercial structure) and originated by a qualifying financial 
    institution.\14\ Our proposal required System banks and associations to 
    subject these mortgage securities to a stress test under Sec. 615.5141 
    prior to purchase.
        \12\ See proposed Sec. 615.5140(a)(5)(ii).
        \13\ The proposed rule allows investments in mortgage securities 
    that are offered and sold pursuant to section 4(5) of the Securities 
    Act of 1933, 15 U.S.C. 77d(5) or are residential mortgage-related 
    securities within the meaning of section 3(a)(41) of the Securities 
    Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(41).
        \14\ See SMMEA amended section 3(a)(41) of the Securities 
    Exchange Act of 1934.
        System banks requested additional authority to invest in mortgage 
    securities that are collateralized by mortgages on commercial 
    properties, such as apartment buildings, shopping centers, office 
    buildings, and hotels. CMBS typically have yield maintenance provisions 
    or other features that provide greater prepayment protection to 
    investors than residential mortgage securities.\15\ However, CMBS are 
    more difficult to analyze in terms of credit risk. The structure of 
    CMBS securities can vary widely and the more unique structures may 
    contain additional risks that need to be thoroughly evaluated. The CMBS 
    market is relatively young and has recently experienced liquidity 
        \15\ ``CMBS'' refers only to non-mortgage securities on 
    commercial real estate. This term does not cover Fannie Mae mortgage 
    securities on mixed residential and commercial properties or 
    mortgage securities on commercial real estate that the SBA issues or 
        On balance, we conclude CMBS with appropriate safety and soundness 
    controls may help Farm Credit banks achieve greater portfolio 
    diversification and risk-adjusted returns. We, therefore, authorized 
    investments in CMBS that are rated in the highest credit rating 
    category by an NRSRO and supported by no less than 100 mortgage loans 
    that are geographically dispersed. Additionally, no single obligor can 
    be the mortgagor on more than 5 percent of the loans in the entire 
    mortgage pool. The final regulation subjects CMBS to the same portfolio 
    cap as non-agency mortgage securities. As a result, the combined 
    investment in CMBS and non-agency mortgage securities cannot exceed 15 
    percent of the total investment portfolio.
        Prudent investment practices require investment managers to fully 
    understand the cashflow characteristics and price sensitivity of CMBS 
    investments. Thus, we require System institutions to subject CMBS 
    investments to stress testing in accordance with Sec. 615.5141. 
    Furthermore, System banks should rely on evaluation methodologies that 
    take into account all the risk elements in CMBS investments. In this 
    regard, we stress the importance of making an independent and critical 
    evaluation of the security's credit and liquidity risks prior to 
    purchase, and on an ongoing basis.
    7. Other Mortgage-Derivative Products
        The FCA proposed to repeal existing Secs. 615.5131(r) and (s), 
    615.5140(a)(2)(v), and certain provisions in Sec. 615.5174(c) that 
    explicitly ban investments in SMBS and inverse floating-rate debt 
    classes. We concluded that the explicit regulatory ban on certain 
    mortgage-derivative products (MDP) is unnecessary because all mortgage 
    securities are subject to stress-testing requirements. We received no 
    comments regarding these proposed changes, and therefore adopt this 
    provision as a final rule.
        However, certain MDP (such as SMBS) may pose substantial risks to 
    the System institutions, and, therefore we take this opportunity to 
    reiterate the importance of effective risk management and to provide 
    additional guidance. Although we recognize that MDP can be useful tools 
    for reducing interest rate risk, certain MDP are risky because their 
    prices may be subject to substantial fluctuations. Successful risk 
    management of these instruments requires a thorough understanding of 
    the principles that govern the pricing of these instruments. The degree 
    of price sensitivity that a mortgage security exhibits to changes in 
    market interest rates is influenced by its unique characteristics. A 
    System institution should determine whether a particular mortgage 
    security meets its risk management objectives by using analytical 
    techniques and methodologies that effectively evaluate how interest 
    rate changes will affect prepayments and cashflows of the instrument.
        Investment managers must have a reasonable basis for making 
    investments in MDP that exhibit significant price sensitivity and 
    maintain appropriate records to support their investment decisions. In 
    general, the FCA would view it as an unsafe and unsound practice for 
    FCS banks and associations to hold highly price-sensitive MDPs, such as 
    interest-only or principal-only SMBS, for any purpose other than to 
    reduce specific interest rate risks. Managers must document, prior to 
    purchase and each quarter thereafter, that the MDP is reducing the 
    interest rate risk of a designated group of assets or liabilities and 
    the interest rate risk of the institution.
    E. Asset-Backed Securities
    1. An Overview of Our Proposal and Summary of Comments
        Our proposal expanded the collateral for eligible asset-backed 
    securities (ABS) to include student loans, manufactured housing loans, 
    wholesale dealer automobile loans, equipment loans and home equity 
    loans. Under these regulations, securities collateralized by home 
    equity loans qualify as ABS, not mortgage securities. Proposed 
    Sec. 615.5140(a)(6) specified that the weighted average life (WAL) for 
    all eligible ABS could not exceed 5 years and the final maturity could 
    not exceed 7 years. We further proposed that all eligible ABS achieve 
    the highest credit rating from an NRSRO, and we suggested a 20-percent 
    portfolio cap on these investments. We also solicited your comments on 
    how we could develop a more flexible regulatory framework that could 
    effectively respond to new innovations in the ABS market.
        The PFC and The Bond Market Association responded to our proposal 
    on ABS. They asked us to revise the provisions in proposed 
    Sec. 615.5140(a)(6) relating to ABS maturity, collateral, and credit 
    rating requirements and the portfolio limit. In response, we made 
    several modifications to these proposed provisions, which are explained 
    2. Final Maturity
        The PFC and The Bond Market Association advised us that the 
    combination of a 5-year WAL and a final maturity of 7 years would 
    effectively prevent System banks and associations from investing in 
    some of the most liquid segments of the ABS markets. As a result, both 
    commenters asked us to omit the provision that establishes a final 
    maturity for ABS from final Sec. 615.5140(a)(6).
        We conclude that the commenters' suggestion has merit. Generally, 
    the WAL is the average amount of time required for each dollar of 
    invested principal to be repaid, based on the cashflow structure of an 
    ABS and an assumed level of prepayments. In contrast, the final 
    maturity of an ABS refers to the date that the final principal payment 
    on the underlying collateral is due. Nearly all ABS are priced and 
    traded on the basis of their WAL. We agree that the 7-year final 
    maturity restriction in the proposed rule would have effectively 
    foreclosed the System's ability to invest in ABS that are backed by 
    certain types of collateral, especially manufactured housing and home 
    equity loans. Therefore, the final rule does not
    [[Page 28892]]
    impose a maximum final maturity on ABS.
    3. Adjustable Rate ABS
        The PFC also asked us to modify the maturity guidelines for 
    adjustable rate ABS so that they are more consistent with the criteria 
    for adjustable rate mortgage securities. The preamble to the proposed 
    rule noted that repricing frequency, periodic life caps, and the 
    underlying index are important determinants of how a floating rate ABS 
    performs and its interest rate risk profile.\16\ Although the PFC 
    generally agreed with this statement, it pointed out that the maturity 
    (whether defined as WAL, expected final or legal final maturity) will 
    not provide much insight into the interest rate risk profile of the 
    instrument. The PFC also noted that these securities have minimal price 
    sensitivity and interest rate risk because most adjustable rate ABS: 
    (1) Frequently reprice off a recognized index; (2) are uncapped; or (3) 
    have very high lifetime interest rate caps. We agree and we have 
    modified the regulations to address these concerns. Under the final 
    regulations, the expected WAL on eligible ABS must not exceed:
        \16\ See 63 FR 33281, 33289 (June 18, 1998).
         Five (5) years for a fixed rate security or floating rate 
    security at its contractual interest rate cap;
         Seven (7) years for a floating rate security without a cap 
    or floating rate security that remains below its contractual interest 
    rate cap.
    4. Collateral and Credit Ratings
        The PFC suggests that final Sec. 615.5140(a)(6) authorizes System 
    banks to invest in any ABS that is rated in the two highest credit 
    rating categories by an NRSRO once a liquid market is established. The 
    PFC believes that its suggestion would expand the System's 
    opportunities to invest in the ABS market while preventing System banks 
    and associations from acquiring individual securities that are 
    illiquid. The PFC asserts that a high credit rating is indicative of 
    whether an ABS is liquid. The commenter supports its position by 
    pointing out that the secondary market for ABS is now larger than the 
    secondary market for Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMOs). If we 
    adopted this approach, the final regulation would not restrict the 
    types of collateral that back eligible ABS.
        We did not incorporate the PFC's suggestion into final 
    Sec. 615.5140(a)(6). This regulation allows System banks and 
    associations to invest in most ABS that are available in the financial 
    markets. Although the ABS market now outpaces the CMO market, the 
    secondary market for ABS issues secured by other types of collateral is 
    more limited. The PFC acknowledges in its comment letter that its 
    suggestion may not necessarily be a reliable gauge of liquidity in ABS 
    markets. Final Sec. 615.5140(a)(6) provides System institutions ample 
    opportunities to invest in highly rated, fixed-income ABS that offer 
    stable cashflows. Furthermore, the FCA will consider approval of other 
    types of ABS on a case-by-case basis under final Sec. 615.5140(e).
    5. Portfolio Limit
        We did not incorporate The Bond Market Association's suggestion to 
    increase the portfolio limit on ABS from 20 to 50 percent. The ABS 
    market primarily developed during a period of prolonged economic 
    growth, and, for the most part, the performance of the ABS market has 
    not been tested under significant economic stress. For this reason, we 
    are reluctant to increase the System's exposure to ABS investments at 
    this time.
        Separately, System institutions asked us to explain how 
    Sec. 615.5140 applies to senior ABS that are secured by student loans 
    the United States Department of Education conditionally guarantees. 
    These securities are backed by loans that are conditionally guaranteed 
    by the United States Department of Education through a program that 
    reinsures the guarantees of loans by State and nonprofit agencies. The 
    portion of the security that the United States Department of Education 
    does not conditionally guarantee must be counted toward the 20-percent 
    ABS limit. The portfolio limit does not apply to the portion of the 
    security that the United States guarantees. This treatment is 
    consistent with our approach of placing no portfolio restrictions on 
    investments in obligations that are insured or guaranteed by the United 
    States or its agencies. Obligations that are insured or guaranteed by 
    the United States or its agencies are authorized under 
    Sec. 615.5140(a)(1).
    F. Approval Process for Other Investments
        We solicited comments on how final Sec. 615.5140 could permit FCS 
    banks and associations to invest in highly rated marketable securities 
    that are not expressly authorized by Sec. 615.5140 without requiring 
    FCA approval. System banks suggested that the FCA should pursue a more 
    general and broader approach to risk management and establish a set of 
    price volatility guidelines that could be applied to all types of 
    investments. After considering this suggestion, we concluded, for the 
    reasons explained below, that this suggestion is not an effective 
    replacement for the prior approval requirement in Sec. 615.5140.
        We make no changes in our process for approving investments not 
    listed in Sec. 615.5140 for several reasons. We designed final 
    regulations that would grant FCS banks more flexibility to manage risk 
    in accordance with their own unique risk tolerance and objectives. For 
    example, FCS institutions now have the option under Sec. 615.5141 to 
    establish their own internal price volatility guidelines for mortgage 
    securities. Furthermore, the final regulations expand the list of 
    eligible investments and remove or relax regulatory restrictions on 
    other authorized investments. Together, these amendments provide each 
    FCS bank with a broader selection of investments so it can establish a 
    well diversified investment portfolio that will enable it to maintain a 
    liquidity reserve, invest surplus funds, and manage interest rate 
    risks. Similarly, Sec. 615.5133 places the primary responsibility for 
    identifying, measuring, and managing risk with each System institution. 
    This provision allows each FCS institution to set its own risk 
    tolerance levels based on its unique circumstances.
        Furthermore, establishing a single set of price volatility 
    guidelines that applies to all types of investments and all System 
    banks and associations is inconsistent with our new regulatory 
    approach. We believe we can achieve our safety and soundness objectives 
    by placing greater emphasis on effective investment and risk management 
    practices within the System. Therefore, the final regulations continue 
    to require System institutions to seek our approval before they 
    purchase investments not listed in Sec. 615.5140.
    G. Equity Investments
        CoBank, ACB, responded to our initiative on regulatory burden by 
    suggesting that we amend Sec. 615.5140 so FCS banks could hold equity 
    investments in borrowers and other third parties who form strategic 
    alliances to serve System customers. These types of investments further 
    the System's mission to finance agriculture and rural communities, but 
    usually they are not suitable for managing liquidity and market risks 
    at System institutions. We plan to initiate a rulemaking in the future 
    that will address the authority of FCS banks and associations to hold 
    equity investments that are related to their agricultural credit 
    [[Page 28893]]
    Accordingly, we will address CoBank's request at that time.
    IV. Stress Testing for Mortgage Securities
        We adopt the requirements for stress testing mortgage securities in 
    Sec. 615.5141 as a final regulation without substantive amendment. 
    However, we did receive several questions and comments regarding stress 
    testing that require a response.
        Prior to this rulemaking, FCS banks requested technical 
    modifications to our existing regulatory stress tests. System banks 
    subsequently requested that we repeal the regulatory stress tests after 
    the FFIEC rescinded a policy statement that required depository 
    institutions to stress test mortgage-derivative products.\17\ System 
    banks commented that the FCA should make its regulatory approach 
    consistent with the FFIEC's new policy. In response, we proposed 
    significant changes to existing requirements for evaluating the price 
    sensitivity of mortgage securities and determining their suitability. 
    We, however, did not propose to rescind the stress-testing requirement 
    for mortgage securities.
        \17\ See 63 FR 20191 (Apr. 23, 1998).
        We concluded that stress testing is an essential risk management 
    practice for several reasons. Although credit risk on highly rated 
    mortgage securities is minimal, mortgage securities may expose 
    investors to significant interest rate risk. Since borrowers may prepay 
    their mortgages, investors may not receive the expected cashflows and 
    returns on these securities. Additionally, numerous factors influence 
    the cashflow pattern and price sensitivity of mortgage securities. 
    Prepayments on these securities are affected by the spread between 
    market rates and the actual interest rates of mortgages in the pool, 
    the path of interest rates, and the unpaid balances and remaining terms 
    to maturity on the mortgage collateral. The price behavior of a 
    mortgage security also depends on whether the security was purchased at 
    a premium or at a discount. As a result of these factors, we concluded 
    that each System institution needs to employ appropriate analytical 
    techniques and methodologies to measure and evaluate interest rate risk 
    inherent in mortgage securities. More specifically, prudent risk 
    management practices require every System institution to examine the 
    performance of each mortgage security under a wide array of possible 
    interest rate scenarios.
        Our proposal allowed each System institution to accomplish this 
    performance analysis by choosing between two options for stress testing 
    mortgage securities. Under the first option, an FCS institution could 
    continue to use a modified version of the existing three-pronged stress 
    test in Sec. 615.5141(a). The three tests include an average life test, 
    an average life sensitivity test, and a price sensitivity test.
        The Bond Market Association suggested that we eliminate the 
    standardized stress tests in Sec. 615.5141(a) because a risk management 
    program that requires a financial institution to identify, measure, 
    monitor, and control risk on an institutional or portfolio level is 
    more effective than a pass/fail test for individual instruments.
        However, we elect to retain the three-pronged stress test in 
    Sec. 615.5141(a) as a viable option for System institutions. Our 
    reasoning for this decision stems from our concerns about additional 
    resources, costs, and expertise associated with more comprehensive 
    analytical techniques needed to effectively manage risk at the 
    portfolio or institutional level. From a historical perspective, the 
    tests in Sec. 615.5141(a) successfully protected Farm Credit banks from 
    significant losses in certain mortgage products. By requiring the pre-
    purchase and quarterly price sensitivity analysis, System banks were 
    better able to understand the risks associated with their investments.
        Under the second stress-testing option, proposed Sec. 615.5141(b) 
    allowed the use of alternative stress test criteria and methodologies 
    to evaluate the price sensitivity of mortgage securities. We proposed 
    this alternative because new risk management techniques better enable 
    investors to measure interest rate risks in complex mortgage 
    securities. We also emphasized that alternate stress tests must be able 
    to measure the price sensitivity of mortgage instruments over different 
    interest rate and yield curve scenarios. Furthermore, the methodology 
    must be commensurate with the complexity of the instrument's structure 
    and cashflows. For example, a pre-purchase analysis should show the 
    effect of an immediate and parallel shift in the yield curve of plus 
    and minus 100, 200, and 300 basis points. An instrument's complexity 
    determines whether the risk analysis should encompass a wider range of 
    scenarios, including non-parallel changes in the yield curve. A 
    comprehensive analysis may also take into consideration other relevant 
    factors. Most importantly, the methodology that each System bank or 
    association uses to evaluate an instrument's suitability must be able 
    to determine that a particular mortgage security:
         Meets the objectives and risk limits in its investment 
    policies; and
         Does not expose the capital and earnings of the 
    institution to excessive risk.
        We received one comment from the PFC on proposed Sec. 615.5141(b). 
    The PFC requested clarification on whether the board or the management 
    of each FCS bank and association is responsible for establishing the 
    risk parameters of alternate stress tests. If the board elects to use 
    alternative stress tests as permitted under Sec. 615.5141(b) to gauge 
    market risk in mortgage securities, it must also assume responsibility 
    for establishing the risk parameters for the stress test.
        In further response to the PFC, we reaffirm that Sec. 615.5141(b) 
    is consistent with the guidance in the FFIEC's policy statement 
    regarding stress testing mortgage securities. Our new approach, which 
    we now adopt as a final regulation, enables System banks and 
    associations to rely on more comprehensive analytical techniques that 
    enhance their risk management. Our regulations no longer prevent System 
    banks and associations from holding mortgage securities solely on the 
    basis that they exhibit significant price sensitivity. The final 
    regulation affords FCS banks and associations the latitude to consider 
    a number of factors when evaluating a mortgage security's suitability. 
    For example, System banks and associations may consider interest rate 
    volatility, changes in credit spreads, an instrument's total return or 
    whether the instrument reduces the overall risk in the investment 
    portfolio or throughout the institution.
        The PFC inquired whether derivative hedge transactions could be 
    considered when determining whether a mortgage security is an eligible 
    investment. We confirm that FCS institutions may consider the effect of 
    derivative hedge transactions on the price sensitivity of instruments 
    as part of their evaluation of whether a particular mortgage security 
    is a suitable investment under either Sec. 615.5141(a) or (b).
    V. Farmer Mac Mortgage Securities
    1. Our Proposal
        We proposed technical amendments to Sec. 615.5174, which authorizes 
    FCS banks and associations to invest in mortgage securities that are 
    issued or guaranteed by Farmer Mac. Basically, we intended to revise 
    Sec. 615.5174 so it conforms to amendments in subpart E of part 615. 
    More specifically, these technical amendments would:
    [[Page 28894]]
         Delete cross-references to the former definitions of 
    ``mortgage-backed securities,'' ``collateralized mortgage 
    obligations,'' ``Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits,'' and 
    ``adjustable rate mortgages'' in Sec. 615.5131; and
         Repeal existing Sec. 615.5174(c), which prohibits FCS 
    banks and associations from investing in Farmer Mac stripped mortgage-
    backed securities.
    2. Summary of Comments
        Two commenters requested substantive revisions to Sec. 615.5174. 
    Farmer Mac asked us to amend our regulations to equalize the regulatory 
    treatment of mortgage securities of Farmer Mac, Fannie Mae, and Freddie 
    Mac. Farmer Mac asserts that our original justification for according 
    Farmer Mac mortgage securities a different regulatory treatment than 
    Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage securities is no longer valid. 
    Farmer Mac points out that 2 years after we adopted existing 
    Sec. 615.5174, Congress enacted the Farm Credit System Reform Act of 
    1996 \18\ (1996 Act), which repealed several statutory provisions that 
    distinguished its mortgage securities from those of Fannie Mae and 
    Freddie Mac. As a result of these statutory changes, Farmer Mac asserts 
    that the spreads of Farmer Mac mortgage securities are now close to 
    those on comparable Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac products. For these 
    reasons, Farmer Mac believes that the mortgage securities of all three 
    GSEs expose investors to approximately the same risk of loss and should 
    be treated in a similar fashion.
        \18\ Pub. L. 104-105, 110 Stat. 162 (Feb. 10, 1996).
        The jointly managed Central Coast Production Credit Association/
    Federal Land Credit Association (Central Coast) responded to our notice 
    on regulatory burden by encouraging us to repeal the 20-percent 
    portfolio limit on Farmer Mac mortgage securities in existing 
    Sec. 615.5174(a). As the commenter notes, we enacted this portfolio 
    limit in 1993, when the Act required System banks and associations to 
    guarantee 10 percent of Farmer Mac mortgage securities through either a 
    cash reserve or a subordinated participation interest in the underlying 
    loans. The associations assert that the original safety and soundness 
    rationale for the 20-percent portfolio limit no longer exists because 
    Farmer Mac now has the authority both to issue mortgage securities and 
    to fully guarantee principal and interest payments to investors.
    3. Response to Comments
        We acknowledge that the 1996 Act granted Farmer Mac many of the 
    same powers that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have to issue and guarantee 
    mortgage securities. These statutory amendments profoundly changed 
    Farmer Mac's business operations and the market for its securities. We 
    agree that the 1996 Act has rendered many provisions of existing 
    Sec. 615.5174 obsolete, and for this reason, this regulation requires 
    more than technical and conforming amendments.
    4. Final Regulation
        We have fashioned a final regulation that balances the interests of 
    both Farmer Mac and other System institutions. We recognized Farmer 
    Mac's new statutory powers and market realities by repealing all 
    obsolete provisions in Sec. 615.5174. The final regulation responds to 
    Farmer Mac's request for comparable treatment with Fannie Mae and 
    Freddie Mac by applying the investment management provisions of final 
    Sec. 615.5133(b) and (c) and the stress test requirements of final 
    Sec. 615.5141 to Farmer Mac mortgage securities. In the same context, 
    final Sec. 615.5174 focuses on issues that are unique to investments by 
    FCS banks and associations in Farmer Mac mortgage securities. In 
    addition, the final regulation allows System banks and associations 
    more latitude to manage their credit risks through investments in 
    Farmer Mac securities.
        Final Sec. 615.5174(a) continues to authorize System banks and 
    associations to invest in mortgage securities that are issued or 
    guaranteed as to principal and interest by Farmer Mac. This provision 
    specifically allows System banks and associations to purchase and hold 
    Farmer Mac securities for the purposes of: (1) Managing credit and 
    interest rate risk; and (2) furthering their mission to finance 
    agriculture. Certain Farmer Mac mortgage securities may help System 
    banks and associations to manage interest rate risk exposures in their 
    portfolios. Additionally, System banks and associations can use these 
    mortgage securities for cashflow management because Farmer Mac 
    guarantees that investors will receive timely payment of principal and 
        We added explicit references to associations to final Sec. 615.5174 
    to clarify the scope of this regulation. Because redesignated 
    Sec. 615.5142 contained a redundant authorization for FCS associations 
    to purchase and hold Farmer Mac mortgage securities, we deleted the 
    reference to Sec. 615.5174 in redesignated Sec. 615.5142.
        System banks and associations can still acquire subordinated 
    participation interests in Farmer Mac pools, although title VII of the 
    Act no longer requires them to do so. Investments by System banks and 
    associations in subordinate Farmer Mac securities are also subject to 
    regulations in part 614 of this chapter.
        In response to Central Coast's request, we modified the portfolio 
    cap in this regulation. Farmer Mac mortgage securities can be used to 
    diversify the credit risk exposure in FCS bank and association 
    agricultural loans and further their important mission objectives. 
    Therefore, final Sec. 615.5174 allows System banks and associations to 
    hold Farmer Mac mortgage securities in an amount that is equal to their 
    total outstanding loans.
        We note that System banks must not count Farmer Mac mortgage 
    securities as part of their total outstanding loans when they calculate 
    their 30-percent portfolio limit for liquid investments under 
    Sec. 615.5132. Our reason for this treatment is that Farmer Mac 
    mortgage securities are not considered loans of System banks and 
        Final Sec. 615.5174(b) covers the responsibilities of boards and 
    senior management for overseeing investments in Farmer Mac securities. 
    This provision requires each Farm Credit bank and association board of 
    directors to adopt written policies that will govern their investments 
    in Farmer Mac securities. Final Sec. 615.5174(b) closely parallels 
    similar provisions in Sec. 615.5133 that guide investment management 
    practices for non-agricultural investments.
        Final Sec. 615.5174(c) also closely follows similar provisions in 
    Sec. 615.5133. This provision requires banks and associations to 
    establish policies that identify the types and quantity of Farmer Mac 
    securities they will hold to achieve their objectives and set credit, 
    market, and liquidity risk limits. Under final Sec. 615.5174(c)(2), the 
    board's policy must establish specific criteria for managing credit 
    risk by establishing product and geographic diversification 
    requirements for investments in Farmer Mac mortgage securities. Final 
    Sec. 615.5174(c)(3) requires the board's policies to address how the 
    market risk of Farmer Mac mortgage securities affects the institution's 
    capital and earnings.
        Under final Sec. 615.5174(c)(4), board policies must indicate 
    liquidity risk tolerance levels. Risk preferences may be based on the 
    liquidity characteristics of the types of Farmer Mac securities you 
    wish to select for your portfolio and your institutional objectives. We
    [[Page 28895]]
    recognize that if your objective is to hold Farmer Mac securities until 
    maturity, liquidity risk is less important. Additionally, the final 
    regulations prohibit Farm Credit banks from holding Farmer Mac mortgage 
    securities in the liquidity reserve they maintain under Sec. 615.5134. 
    Our concern over concentration risk led us to develop this provision. 
    For example, if the System had real or perceived credit problems due to 
    a crisis in the agricultural economy and could not access the market at 
    reasonable rates, those same economic factors may also adversely affect 
    the price and liquidity of Farmer Mac securities.
        Lastly, final Sec. 615.5174(d) requires System banks and 
    associations to perform stress tests in accordance with final 
    Sec. 615.5141 to measure market risks in these securities.
    VI. Liquidity Reserve
        We received no comment on our proposal to repeal a provision in 
    existing Sec. 615.5134(b) which requires System banks to segregate 
    investments in the liquidity reserve from investments that are held for 
    other purposes under Sec. 615.5132. This amendment provides FCS banks 
    with greater flexibility to decide how to best use their investments to 
    manage risk exposure.
        In response to our initiative on regulatory burden, CoBank, ACB, 
    stated that the ``burdensome liquidity reserve requirement calculations 
    should be simplified.'' The commenter did not offer any suggestions for 
    simplifying the liquidity reserve requirement in Sec. 615.5134.
        The liquidity reserve requirement for System banks is calculated 
    using a basic formula. The liquidity reserve requirement ensures that 
    FCS banks have a pool of liquid investments to fund their operations 
    for approximately 15 days if their access to the capital markets 
    becomes impeded. We believe the significance of maintaining an ample 
    supply of liquid funds outweighs any burdens created by the liquidity 
    reserve calculation process. Thus, we made no changes to the liquidity 
    reserve calculation at this time.
    List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 615
        Accounting, Agriculture, Banks, banking, Government securities, 
    Investments, Rural areas.
        For the reasons stated in the preamble, part 615 of chapter VI, 
    title 12 of the Code of Federal Regulations is amended to read as 
        1. The authority citation for part 615 continues to read as 
        Authority: Secs. 1.5, 1.7, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 
    2.12, 3.1, 3.7, 3.11, 3.25, 4.3, 4.3A, 4.9, 4.14B, 4.25, 5.9, 5.17, 
    6.20, 6.26, 8.0, 8.3, 8.4, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.10, 8.12 of the Farm 
    Credit Act (12 U.S.C. 2013, 2015, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2073, 2074, 
    2075, 2076, 2093, 2122, 2128, 2132, 2146, 2154, 2154a, 2160, 2202b, 
    2211, 2243, 2252, 2278b, 2278b-6, 2279aa, 2279aa-3, 2279aa-4, 
    2279aa-6, 2279aa-7, 2279aa-8, 2279aa-10, 2279aa-12); sec. 301(a) of 
    Pub. L. 100-233, 101 Stat. 1568, 1608.
    Subpart E--Investment Management
        2. Section 615.5131 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 615.5131  Definitions.
        For purposes of this subpart, the following definitions apply:
        (a) Asset-backed securities (ABS) mean investment securities that 
    provide for ownership of a fractional undivided interest or collateral 
    interests in specific assets of a trust that are sold and traded in the 
    capital markets. For the purposes of this subpart, ABS exclude mortgage 
    securities that are defined in Sec. 615.5131(i).
        (b) Bank means a Farm Credit Bank, agricultural credit bank, or 
    bank for cooperatives.
        (c) Eurodollar time deposit means a non-negotiable deposit 
    denominated in United States dollars and issued by an overseas branch 
    of a United States bank or by a foreign bank outside the United States.
        (d) Final maturity means the last date on which the remaining 
    principal amount of a security is due and payable (matures) to the 
    registered owner. It does not mean the call date, the expected average 
    life, the duration, or the weighted average maturity.
        (e) General obligations of a State or political subdivision means:
        (1) The full faith and credit obligations of a State, the District 
    of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, a territory or possession 
    of the United States, or a political subdivision thereof that possesses 
    general powers of taxation, including property taxation; or
        (2) An obligation that is unconditionally guaranteed by an obligor 
    possessing general powers of taxation, including property taxation.
        (f) Liquid investments are assets that can be promptly converted 
    into cash without significant loss to the investor. In the money 
    market, a security is liquid if the spread between its bid and ask 
    price is narrow and a reasonable amount can be sold at those prices.
        (g) Loans are defined by Sec. 621.2(f) of this chapter and they are 
    calculated quarterly (as of the last day of March, June, September, and 
    December) by using the average daily balance of loans during the 
        (h) Market risk means the risk to the financial condition of your 
    institution because the value of your holdings may decline if interest 
    rates or market prices change. Exposure to market risk is measured by 
    assessing the effect of changing rates and prices on either the 
    earnings or economic value of an individual instrument, a portfolio, or 
    the entire institution.
        (i) Mortgage securities means securities that are either:
        (1) Pass-through securities or participation certificates that 
    represent ownership of a fractional undivided interest in a specified 
    pool of residential (excluding home equity loans), multifamily or 
    commercial mortgages, or
        (2) A multiclass security (including collateralized mortgage 
    obligations and real estate mortgage investment conduits) that is 
    backed by a pool of residential, multifamily or commercial real estate 
    mortgages, pass-through mortgage securities, or other multiclass 
    mortgage securities.
        (j) Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization (NRSRO) 
    means a rating organization that the Securities and Exchange Commission 
    recognizes as an NRSRO.
        (k) Revenue bond means an obligation of a municipal government that 
    finances a specific project or enterprise but it is not a full faith 
    and credit obligation. The obligor pays a portion of the revenue 
    generated by the project or enterprise to the bondholders.
        (l) Weighted average life (WAL) means the average time until the 
    investor receives the principal on a security, weighted by the size of 
    each principal payment and calculated under specified prepayment 
        (m) You means a Farm Credit bank, association, or service 
        3. Section 615.5133 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 615.5133  Investment management.
        (a) Responsibilities of Board of Directors. Your board must adopt 
    written policies for managing your investment activities. Your board of 
    directors must also ensure that management complies with these policies 
    and that appropriate internal controls are in place to prevent loss. 
    Annually, the board of directors must
    [[Page 28896]]
    review these investment policies and make any changes that are needed.
        (b) Investment policies. Your board's written investment policies 
    must address the purposes and objectives of investments, risk 
    tolerance, delegations of authority, and reporting requirements. 
    Investment policies must be appropriate for the size, types, and risk 
    characteristics of your investments.
        (c) Risk tolerance. Your investment policies must establish risk 
    limits and diversification requirements for the various classes of 
    eligible investments and for the entire investment portfolio. These 
    policies must ensure that you maintain appropriate diversification of 
    your investment portfolio. Risk limits must be based on your 
    institutional objectives, capital position, and risk tolerance. Your 
    policies must identify the types and quantity of investments that you 
    will hold to achieve your objectives and control credit, market, 
    liquidity, and operational risks. The policy of any association or 
    service corporation that holds significant investments and each bank 
    must establish risk limits for the following four types of risk.
        (1) Credit risk. Investment policies must establish:
        (i) Credit quality standards, limits on counterparty risk, and risk 
    diversification standards that limit concentrations based on a single 
    or related counterparty(ies), a geographical area, industries or 
    obligations with similar characteristics.
        (ii) Criteria for selecting brokers, dealers, and investment 
    bankers (collectively, securities firms). You must buy and sell 
    eligible investments with more than one securities firm. As part of 
    your annual review of your investment policies, your board of directors 
    must review the criteria for selecting securities firms and determine 
    whether to continue your existing relationships with them.
        (iii) Collateral margin requirements on repurchase agreements.
        (2) Market risk. Investment policies must set market risk limits 
    for specific types of investments, the investment portfolio, or your 
    institution. Your board of directors must establish market risk limits 
    in accordance with these regulations and our other policies.
        (3) Liquidity risk. Investment policies must describe the liquidity 
    characteristics of eligible investments that you will hold to meet your 
    liquidity needs and institutional objectives.
        (4) Operational risk. Investment policies must address operational 
    risks, including delegations of authority and internal controls in 
    accordance with paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section.
        (d) Delegation of authority. All delegations of authority to 
    specified personnel or committees must state the extent of management's 
    authority and responsibilities for investments.
        (e) Internal controls. You must:
        (1) Establish appropriate internal controls to detect and prevent 
    loss, fraud, embezzlement, conflicts of interest, and unauthorized 
        (2) Establish and maintain a separation of duties and supervision 
    between personnel who execute investment transactions and personnel who 
    approve, revaluate, and oversee investments.
        (3) Maintain management information systems that are appropriate 
    for the level and complexity of your investment activities.
        (f) Securities valuation.
        (1) Before you purchase a security, you must evaluate its credit 
    quality and its price sensitivity to changes in market interest rates. 
    You must also verify the value of a security that you plan to purchase, 
    other than a new issue, with a source that is independent of the 
    broker, dealer, counterparty or other intermediary to the transaction.
        (2) You must determine the fair market value of each security in 
    your portfolio and the fair market value of your whole investment 
    portfolio at least monthly. You must also evaluate the credit quality 
    and price sensitivity to change in market interest rates of all 
    investments that you hold on an ongoing basis.
        (3) Before you sell a security, you must verify its value with a 
    source that is independent of the broker, dealer, counterparty, or 
    other intermediary to the transaction.
        (g) Reports to the board. Each quarter, management must report to 
    the board of directors or a board committee on the performance and risk 
    of each class of investments and the entire investment portfolio. These 
    reports must identify all gains and losses that you incur during the 
    quarter on individual securities that you sold before maturity. Reports 
    must also identify potential risk exposure to changes in market 
    interest rates and other factors that may affect the value of your 
    bank's investment holdings. Management's report must discuss how 
    investments affect your bank's overall financial condition and must 
    evaluate whether the performance of the investment portfolio 
    effectively achieves the board's objectives. Any deviations from the 
    board's policies must be specifically identified in the report.
        4. Section 615.5134 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 
    Sec. 615.5134  Liquidity reserve requirement.
    * * * * *
        (b) All investments that the bank holds for the purpose of meeting 
    the liquidity reserve requirement of this section must be free of lien.
    * * * * *
        5. Section 615.5140 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 615.5140  Eligible investments.
        (a) You may hold only the following types of investments listed in 
    the Investment Eligibility Criteria Table. These investments must be 
    denominated in United States dollars.
    Billing Code 6705-01-P
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        (b) Rating of foreign countries. Whenever the obligor or issuer of 
    an eligible investment is located outside the United States, the host 
    country must maintain the highest sovereign rating for political and 
    economic stability by an NRSRO.
        (c) Marketable securities. All eligible investments, except money 
    market instruments, must be marketable. An eligible investment is 
    marketable if you can sell it quickly at a price that closely reflects 
    its fair value in an active and universally recognized secondary 
        (d) Obligor limits.
        (1) You may not invest more than 20 percent of your total capital 
    in eligible investments issued by any single institution, issuer, or 
    obligor. This obligor limit does not apply to obligations, including 
    mortgage securities, that are issued or guaranteed as to interest and 
    principal by the United States, its agencies, instrumentalities, or 
        (2) Obligor limits for your holdings in an investment company You 
    must count securities that you hold through an investment company 
    towards the obligor limit of this section unless the investment 
    company's holdings of the security of any one issuer do not exceed five 
    (5) percent of the investment company's total portfolio.
        (e) Other investments approved by the FCA. You may purchase and 
    hold other investments that we approve. Your request for our approval 
    must explain the risk characteristics of the investment and your 
    purpose and objectives for making the investment.
    Secs. 615.5141 through 615.5143  [Redesignated]
        6. Sections 615.5141, 615.5142, and 615.5143 are redesignated as 
    Secs. 615.5142, 615.5143, and 615.5144, respectively, and a new 
    Sec. 615.5141 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 615.5141  Stress tests for mortgage securities.
        Mortgage securities are not eligible investments unless they pass a 
    stress test. You must perform stress tests to determine how interest 
    rate changes will affect the cashflow and price of each mortgage 
    security that you purchase and hold, except for adjustable rate 
    securities that reprice at intervals of 12 months or less and are tied 
    to an index. You must also use stress tests to gauge how interest rate 
    fluctuations on mortgage securities affect your institution's capital 
    and earnings. You may conduct the stress tests as described in either 
    paragraph (a) or (b) of this section.
        (a) Mortgage securities must comply with the following three tests 
    at the time of purchase and each following quarter:
        (1) Average Life Test. The expected WAL of the instrument does not 
    exceed 5 years.
        (2) Average Life Sensitivity Test. The expected WAL does not extend 
    for more than 2 years, assuming an immediate and sustained parallel 
    shift in the yield curve of plus 300 basis points, nor shorten for more 
    than 3 years, assuming an immediate and sustained parallel shift in the 
    yield curve of minus 300 basis points.
        (3) Price Sensitivity Test. The estimated change in price is not 
    more than thirteen (13) percent due to an immediate and sustained 
    parallel shift in the yield curve of plus or minus 300 basis points.
        (4) Exemption. A floating rate mortgage security is subject only to 
    the price sensitivity test in paragraph (a)(3) of this section if at 
    the time of purchase and each quarter thereafter it bears a rate of 
    interest that is below its contractual cap.
        (b) You may use an alternative stress test to evaluate the price 
    sensitivity of your mortgage securities. An alternative stress test 
    must be able to measure the price sensitivity of mortgage instruments 
    over different interest rate/yield curve scenarios. The methodology 
    that you use to analyze mortgage securities must be appropriate for the 
    complexity of the instrument's structure and cashflows. Prior to 
    purchase and each quarter thereafter, you must use the stress test to 
    determine that the risk in the mortgage security is within the risk 
    limits of your board's investment policies. The stress test must enable 
    you to determine at the time of purchase and each subsequent quarter 
    that the mortgage security does not expose your capital or earnings to 
    excessive risks.
        (c) You must rely on verifiable information to support all your 
    assumptions, including prepayment and interest rate volatility 
    assumptions, when you apply the stress tests in either paragraph (a) or 
    (b) of this section. You must document the basis for all assumptions 
    that you use to evaluate the security and its underlying mortgages. You 
    must also document all subsequent changes in your assumptions. If at 
    any time after purchase, a mortgage security no longer complies with 
    requirements in this section, you must divest it in accordance with 
    Sec. 615.5143.
        7. Newly designated Sec. 615.5142 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 615.5142  Association investments.
        An association may hold eligible investments listed in 
    Sec. 615.5140, with the approval of its funding bank, for the purposes 
    of reducing interest rate risk and managing surplus short-term funds. 
    Each bank must review annually the investment portfolio of every 
    association that it funds.
        8. Newly designated Sec. 615.5143 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 615.5143  Disposal of ineligible investments.
        You must dispose of an ineligible investment within 6 months unless 
    we approve, in writing, a plan that authorizes you to divest the 
    instrument over a longer period of time. An acceptable divestiture plan 
    must require you to dispose of the ineligible investment as quickly as 
    possible without substantial financial loss. Until you actually dispose 
    of the ineligible investment, the managers of your investment portfolio 
    must report at least quarterly to your board of directors about the 
    status and performance of the ineligible instrument, the reasons why it 
    remains ineligible, and the managers' progress in disposing of the 
    Subpart F--Property and Other Investments
        9. Section 615.5174 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 615.5174  Farmer Mac securities.
        (a) General authority. You may purchase and hold mortgage 
    securities that are issued or guaranteed as to both principal and 
    interest by the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (Farmer Mac 
    securities). You may purchase and hold Farmer Mac securities for the 
    purposes of managing credit and interest rate risks, and furthering 
    your mission to finance agriculture. The total value of your Farmer Mac 
    securities cannot exceed your total outstanding loans, as defined by 
    Sec. 615.5131(g).
        (b) Board and management responsibilities. Your board of directors 
    must adopt written policies that will govern your investments in Farmer 
    Mac securities. All delegations of authority to specified personnel or 
    committees must state the extent of management's authority and 
    responsibilities for managing your investments in Farmer Mac 
    securities. The board of directors must also ensure that appropriate 
    internal controls are in place to prevent loss, in accordance with 
    Sec. 615.5133(e). Management must submit quarterly reports to the board 
    of directors on the performance of all investments in Farmer Mac 
    securities. Annually, your board of directors must review these 
    policies and the performance of your
    [[Page 28900]]
    Farmer Mac securities and make any changes that are needed.
        (c) Policies. Your board of directors must establish investment 
    policies for Farmer Mac securities that include your:
        (1) Objectives for holding Farmer Mac securities.
        (2) Credit risk parameters including:
        (i) The quantities and types of Farmer Mac mortgage securities that 
    are collateralized by qualified agricultural mortgages, rural home 
    loans, and loans guaranteed by the Farm Service Agency.
        (ii) Product and geographic diversification for the loans that 
    underlie the security; and
        (iii) Minimum pool size, minimum number of loans in each pool, and 
    maximum allowable premiums or discounts on these securities.
        (3) Liquidity risk tolerance and the liquidity characteristics of 
    Farmer Mac securities that are suitable to meet your institutional 
    objectives. A bank may not include Farmer Mac mortgage securities in 
    the liquidity reserve maintained to comply with Sec. 615.5134.
        (4) Market risk limits based on the effects that the Farmer Mac 
    securities have on your capital and earnings.
        (d) Stress Test. You must perform stress tests on mortgage 
    securities that are issued or guaranteed by Farmer Mac in accordance 
    with the requirements of Sec. 615.5141(b) and (c). If a Farmer Mac 
    security fails a stress test, you must divest it as required by 
    Sec. 615.5143.
        Dated: May 13, 1999.
    Vivian Portis,
    Secretary, Farm Credit Administration Board.
    [FR Doc. 99-13622 Filed 5-27-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6705-01-P

Document Information

Farm Credit Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
These regulations will become effective 30 days after they are published in the Federal Register during which either one or both houses of Congress are in session. We will publish a notice of the effective date in the Federal Register.
28884-28900 (17 pages)
3052-AB76: Funding and Fiscal Affairs, Loan Policies and Operations, and Funding Operations (Investment Management)
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