99-15010. Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Revised Format for Materials Being Incorporated by Reference for Florida; Approval of Recodification of the Florida Administrative Code  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 115 (Wednesday, June 16, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 32346-32351]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-15010]
    [[Page 32345]]
    Part III
    Environmental Protection Agency
    40 CFR Part 52
    Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans for 
    Florida; Revised Format for Materials Being Incorporated by Reference 
    and Approval of Recodification of the Florida Administrative Code; 
    Final Rule and Proposed Rule
    Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans for Florida: Approval 
    of Revisions to the Florida State Implementation Plan; Final Rule and 
    Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 115 / Wednesday, June 16, 1999 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 32346]]
    40 CFR Part 52
    [FL-62-1-9610a; FL-66-1-9729a;
    Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; 
    Revised Format for Materials Being Incorporated by Reference for 
    Florida; Approval of Recodification of the Florida Administrative Code
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Direct final rule.
    SUMMARY: EPA is approving revisions to the Florida State Implementation 
    Plan (SIP) submitted on December 21, 1994, and April 15, 1996, by the 
    State of Florida through the Florida Department of Environmental 
    Protection (FDEP). These submittals include miscellaneous revisions and 
    the recodification of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). This 
    recodification renumbers and reorganizes the Florida SIP to match the 
    F.A.C. numbering system, reduces the number of rule sections to make 
    the SIP less complex, and corrects typographical errors. EPA is also 
    revising the format of 40 CFR part 52 for materials submitted by 
    Florida that are incorporated by reference (IBR) into their SIP. The 
    regulations affected by this format change have all been previously 
    submitted by the State agency and approved by EPA. This format revision 
    will primarily affect the ``Identification of plan'' section of CFR 
    part 52, as well as the format of the SIP materials that will be 
    available for public inspection at the Office of the Federal Register 
    (OFR), the Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center located in 
    Waterside Mall, Washington, DC, and the Regional Office. The sections 
    of 40 CFR part 52 pertaining to provisions promulgated by EPA or State-
    submitted materials that are not subject to IBR review remain 
    DATES: This direct final rule is effective on August 16, 1999 without 
    further notice, unless EPA receives adverse comments by July 16, 1999. 
    If EPA receives adverse comment, we will publish a timely withdrawal of 
    the direct final rule in the Federal Register and inform the public 
    that the rule will not take effect.
    ADDRESSES: You should address comments on this recodification action to 
    Joey LeVasseur at the EPA, Region 4 Air Planning Branch, 61 Forsyth 
    Street, SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8960.
        Copies of documents related to this action are available for the 
    public to review during normal business hours at the locations below. 
    If you would like to review these documents, please make an appointment 
    with the appropriate office at least 24 hours before the visiting day. 
    Reference file FL62-1-9610 and FL66-1-9729. The Region 4 office may 
    have additional documents not available at the other locations.
    Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center (Air Docket 6102), U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 
    Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4 Air Planning Branch, 61 
    Forsyth Street, SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8960. Office of the Federal 
    Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC.
    Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Twin Towers Office 
    Building, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joey LeVasseur at 404/562-9035 (E-
    mail: levasseur.joey@epa.gov).
    I. Revised IBR Format
    A. Background
        Each State is required to have a SIP which contains the control 
    measures and strategies which will be used to attain and maintain the 
    national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS). The SIP is extensive, 
    containing such elements as emission inventories, monitoring network, 
    attainment demonstrations, and enforcement mechanisms. The control 
    measures and strategies must be formally adopted by each state after 
    the public has had an opportunity to comment on them. They are then 
    submitted to EPA as SIP revisions on which EPA must formally act.
        Once these control measures are approved by EPA after notice and 
    comment, they are incorporated into the SIP and are identified in part 
    52 (Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans), Title 40 of the 
    Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR part 52). The actual State 
    regulations which are approved by EPA are not reproduced in their 
    entirety in 40 CFR part 52, but are ``incorporated by reference,'' 
    which means that the citation of a given State regulation with a 
    specific effective date has been approved by EPA. This format allows 
    both EPA and the public to know which measures are contained in a given 
    SIP and insures that the State is enforcing the regulations. It also 
    allows EPA and the public to take enforcement action, should a State 
    not enforce its SIP-approved regulations.
        The SIP is a living document which can be revised by the State as 
    necessary to address the unique air pollution problems in the State. 
    Therefore, EPA from time to time must take action on SIP revisions 
    which may contain new and/or revised regulations. On May 22, 1997 (62 
    FR 27968), EPA revised the procedures for incorporating by reference 
    federally-approved SIPs, as a result of consultations between EPA and 
    OFR. EPA began the process of developing (1)A revised SIP document for 
    each State that would be IBR under the provisions of 1 CFR part 51; (2) 
    a revised mechanism for announcing EPA approval of revisions to an 
    applicable SIP and updating both the IBR document and the CFR, and (3) 
    a revised format of the ``Identification of plan'' sections for each 
    applicable subpart to reflect these revised IBR procedures. The 
    description of the revised SIP document, IBR procedures and 
    ``Identification of plan'' format are discussed in further detail in 
    the May 22, 1997, Federal Register document.
    B. Content of revised IBR document
        The new SIP compilations contain the Federally-approved portion of 
    regulations and source specific SIP revisions submitted by each State 
    agency. These regulations and source specific SIP revisions have all 
    been approved by EPA through previous rule making actions in the 
    Federal Register. The compilations are stored in 3-ring binders and 
    will be updated, primarily on an annual basis.
        Each compilation consists of two parts. Part 1 contains the 
    regulations and Part 2 contains the source specific SIP revisions that 
    have been approved as part of the SIP. Each part has a table of 
    contents identifying each regulation or each source specific SIP 
    revision. The table of contents in the compilation corresponds to the 
    table of contents published in 40 CFR part 52 for these States. The 
    Regional EPA Offices have the primary responsibility for ensuring 
    accuracy and updating the compilations. The Region 4 EPA Office 
    developed and will maintain the compilation for Florida. A copy of the 
    full text of the State's current compilation will also be maintained at 
    the Office of Federal Register and EPA's Air Docket and Information 
    Center. EPA is continuing, with this document, the phasing in of SIP 
    compilations for individual States that began with Mississippi and 
    South Carolina on July 1, 1997 (See 62 FR 35441). EPA expects to 
    complete the conversion of the
    [[Page 32347]]
    revised ``Identification of plan'' format and IBR documentation for all 
    States by May 1999. This revised format is consistent with the SIP 
    compilation requirements of section 110(h)(1) of the Clean Air Act.
    C. Revised Format of the ``Identification of plan'' Sections in Each 
        In order to better serve the public, EPA is revising the 
    organization of the ``Identification of plan'' section and including 
    additional information which will make it clearer as to what provisions 
    constitute the enforceable elements of the SIP.
        The revised Identification of plan section will contain five 
    subsections: (a) Purpose and scope, (b) Incorporation by reference, (c) 
    EPA approved regulations, (d) EPA approved source specific SIP 
    revisions, and (e) EPA approved nonregulatory provisions such as 
    transportation control measures, statutory provisions, control 
    strategies, monitoring networks, etc.
    D. Enforceability and Legal Effect
        All revisions to the applicable SIP become federally enforceable as 
    of the effective date of the revisions to paragraphs (c), (d) or (e) of 
    the applicable ``Identification of plan'' found in each subpart of 40 
    CFR part 52. To facilitate enforcement of previously approved SIP 
    provisions and provide a smooth transition to the new SIP processing 
    system, EPA is retaining the original ``Identification of plan'' 
    section, previously appearing in the CFR as the first or second section 
    of part 52 for each State subpart. After an initial two year period, 
    EPA will review its experience with the new system and enforceability 
    of previously approved SIP measures, and will decide whether or not to 
    retain the ``Identification of plan'' appendices for some further 
    II. Recodification Submittals
    A. December 21, 1994, Submittal
        On December 21, 1994, the State of Florida through the FDEP 
    submitted a recodification of the F.A.C. with miscellaneous revisions 
    to the Florida SIP. As a result of the 1993 merger of the Department of 
    Environmental Regulation (DER) and Department of Natural Resources 
    (DNR) into the Department of Environmental Protection, all ``title 17'' 
    rule chapters of the DER were transferred to ``title 62'' of the 
    Florida Administrative Code, effective August 10, 1994. All rule 
    numbers comprising Florida's SIP are unchanged except for the first two 
    digits. The EPA is now merely approving the recodification to make the 
    SIP consistent with the numbering system currently used by the F.A.C., 
    and approving the miscellaneous revisions.
    B. April 15, 1996, Submittal
        On April 15, 1996, FDEP submitted another recodification to reduce 
    the number and complexity of the FDEP regulations, along with minor 
    revisions and corrections. Most definitions were moved to Chapter 62-
    204 and Chapter 62-210, while other rules were repealed which are 
    obsolete or redundant.
        The miscellaneous rule revisions, repeals, and corrections from 
    both submittals that are being approved in this action are fully 
    discussed in the submittals and the technical support document (TSD) at 
    the Region 4 Office listed in the addresses section of this notice.
        EPA has reviewed the submitted revisions, but has not fully 
    reviewed the substance of the recodified regulations that were approved 
    into the SIP in previous rulemakings. The EPA is now merely approving 
    the renumbering system submitted by the State and the revisions 
    outlined in the submittals and the TSD. To the extent EPA has issued 
    any SIP calls to the State with respect to the adequacy of any of the 
    rules subject to this recodification, EPA will continue to require the 
    State to correct any such rule deficiencies despite EPA's approval of 
    this recodification.
    Final Action
        EPA is approving the aforementioned changes to the SIP without 
    prior proposal because the Agency views this as a noncontroversial 
    amendment and anticipates no adverse comments. However, in this issue 
    of the Federal Register, EPA is publishing a separate document that 
    will serve as the proposal to approve the SIP revision should relevant 
    adverse comments be filed. This rule will be effective August 16, 1999 
    without further notice unless the agency receives relevant adverse 
    comments by July 16, 1999.
        If the EPA receives such comments, then EPA will publish a document 
    withdrawing the final rule and informing the public that the rule will 
    not take effect. All public comments received will then be addressed in 
    a subsequent final rule based on the proposed rule. The EPA will not 
    institute a second comment period on this rule. Only parties interested 
    in commenting on this rule should do so at this time. If no such 
    comments are received, the public is advised that this rule will be 
    effective on August 16, 1999 and no further action will be taken on the 
    proposed rule.
    III. Administrative Requirements
    A. Executive Order 12866
        The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has exempted this 
    regulatory action from review under Executive Order 12866, entitled 
    Regulatory Planning and Review.
    B. Executive Order 13045
        The final rule is not subject to Executive Order 13045, entitled 
    Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety 
    Risks, because it is not an ``economically significant'' action under 
    Executive Order 12866.
    C. Regulatory Flexibility
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) generally requires an agency 
    to conduct a regulatory flexibility analysis of any rule subject to 
    notice and comment rulemaking requirements unless the agency certifies 
    that the rule will not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities. Small entities include small 
    businesses, small not-for-profit enterprises, and small government 
        SIP approvals under section 110 and subchapter I, part D of the 
    Clean Air Act do not create any new requirements but simply approve 
    requirements that the State is already imposing. Therefore, because the 
    Federal SIP approval does not create any new requirements, I certify 
    that this action will not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities. Moreover, due to the nature of 
    the Federal-State relationship under the CAA, preparation of a 
    flexibility analysis would constitute Federal inquiry into the economic 
    reasonableness of state action. The CAA forbids EPA to base its actions 
    concerning SIPs on such grounds. Union Electric Co. v. U.S. EPA, 427 
    U.S. 246, 255-66 (1976); 42 U.S.C. 7410(a)(2).
    D. Unfunded Mandates
        Under Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 
    (``Unfunded Mandates Act''), signed into law on March 22, 1995, EPA 
    must prepare a budgetary impact statement to accompany any proposed or 
    final rule that includes a Federal mandate that may result in estimated 
    costs to State, local, or tribal governments in the aggregate; or to 
    private sector, of $100 million or more. Under Section 205, EPA must 
    select the most cost-effective and least burdensome alternative that 
    achieves the objectives of the rule and is consistent with statutory 
    requirements. Section 203 requires EPA
    [[Page 32348]]
    to establish a plan for informing and advising any small governments 
    that may be significantly or uniquely impacted by the rule.
        EPA has determined that the approval action promulgated does not 
    include a Federal mandate that may result in estimated costs of $100 
    million or more to either State, local, or tribal governments in the 
    aggregate, or to the private sector. This Federal action approves pre-
    existing requirements under State or local law, and imposes no new 
    requirements. Accordingly, no additional costs to State, local, or 
    tribal governments, or to the private sector, result from this action.
    E. Submission to Congress and the Comptroller General
        The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the 
    Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, generally 
    provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating 
    the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy of the rule, 
    to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the 
    United States. EPA will submit a report containing this rule and other 
    required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of 
    Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior 
    to publication of the rule in the Federal Register. This rule is not a 
    ``major rule'' as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
    F. Petitions for Judicial Review
        Under section 307(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act, petitions for 
    judicial review of this action must be filed in the United States Court 
    of Appeals for the appropriate circuit by August 16, 1999. Filing a 
    petition for reconsideration by the Administrator of this final rule 
    does not affect the finality of this rule for the purposes of judicial 
    review nor does it extend the time within which a petition for judicial 
    review may be filed, and shall not postpone the effectiveness of such 
    rule or action. This action may not be challenged later in proceedings 
    to enforce its requirements. (See section 307(b)(2).)
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Carbon monoxide, 
    Hydrocarbons, Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, 
    Lead, Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone, Particulate matter, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Sulfur oxides.
        Dated: September 1, 1998.
    A. Stanley Meiburg,
    Acting Regional Administrator, Region 4.
        Note: This document was received at the Office of the Federal 
    Register on June 9, 1999.
        Part 52 of chapter I, title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, is 
    amended as follows:
    PART 52--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority for citation for part 52 continues to read as 
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
    Subpart K--Florida
        2. Section 52.520 is redesignated as Sec. 52.536 and the section 
    heading and paragraph (a) are revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 52.536  Original identification of plan section.
        (a) This section identifies the original ``State of Florida Air 
    Implementation Plan'' and all revisions submitted by Florida that were 
    federally approved prior to July 1, 1998.
    * * * * *
        3. A new Sec. 52.520 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 52.520  Identification of plan.
        (a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State 
    implementation plan for Florida under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 
    42 U.S.C. 7401, and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality 
        (b) Incorporation by reference.
        (1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with 
    an EPA approval date prior to July 1, 1998, was approved for 
    incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in 
    accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is 
    incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of 
    any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. 
    Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval 
    dates after July 1, 1998, will be incorporated by reference in the next 
    update to the SIP compilation.
        (2) EPA Region 4 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by 
    EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) are an 
    exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State rules/regulations 
    which have been approved as part of the State implementation plan as of 
    July 1, 1998.
        (3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be 
    inspected at the Region 4 EPA Office at 61 Forsyth Street, SW., 
    Atlanta, GA 30303; the Office of Federal Register, 800 North Capitol 
    Street, NW., Suite 700, Washington, DC; or at the EPA, Air and 
    Radiation Docket and Information Center, Air Docket (6102), 401 M 
    Street, SW., Washington, DC 20460.
        (c) EPA approved regulations.
                                                                EPA Approved Florida Regulations
             State citation                Title/subject        effective date            EPA approval date                         Explanation
    62-204                                                                  Air Pollution Control--General Provisions
    62-204.100.....................  Purpose and Scope........        03/13/96  06/16/99                               .....................................
    62-204.200.....................  Definitions..............        03/13/96  06/16/99                               .....................................
    62-204.220.....................  Ambient Air Quality              03/13/96  06/16/99                               .....................................
    62-204.240.....................  Ambient Air Quality              03/13/96  06/16/99                               .....................................
    62-204.260.....................  Prevention of Significant        03/13/96  06/16/99                               .....................................
                                      Deterioration Increments.
    62-204.320.....................  Procedures for                   03/13/96  06/16/99                               .....................................
                                      Designation and
                                      Redesignation of Areas.
    62-204.340.....................  Designation of                   03/13/96  06/16/99                               .....................................
                                      Nonattainment, and
                                      Maintenance Areas.
    62-204.360.....................  Designation of Prevention        03/13/96  06/16/99                               .....................................
                                      of Significant
                                      Deterioration Areas.
    62-204.400.....................  Public Notice and Hearing        11/30/94  06/16/99                               .....................................
                                      Requirements for State
                                      Implementation Plan
    [[Page 32349]]
    62-210                                                                   Stationary Sources--General Requirements
    62-210.100.....................  Purpose and Scope........        11/23/94  06/16/99                               .....................................
    62-210.200.....................  Definitions..............        10/15/96  05/27/98, 63 FR 28905                  .....................................
    62-210.220.....................  Small Business Assistance        10/15/96  05/27/98, 63 FR 28905                  .....................................
    62-210.300.....................  Permits Required.........        08/15/96  01/17/97, 62 FR 2587                   .....................................
    62-210.350.....................  Public Notice and Comment        11/23/94  06/16/99                               .....................................
    62-210.360.....................  Administrative Permit            11/23/94  06/16/99                               .....................................
    62-210.370.....................  Reports..................        11/23/94  06/16/99                               .....................................
    62-210.550.....................  Stack Height Policy......        11/23/94  06/16/99                               .....................................
    62-210.650.....................  Circumvention............        10/15/92  10/20/94, 59 FR 52916                  .....................................
    62-210.700.....................  Excess Emissions.........        11/23/94  06/16/99                               .....................................
    62-212                                                                  Stationary Sources--Preconstruction Review
    62-212.100.....................  Purpose and Scope........        03/13/96  06/16/99                               .....................................
    62-212.300.....................  Sources Not Subject to           11/23/94  06/16/99                               .....................................
                                      Prevention of
                                      Deterioration or
    62-212.400.....................  Prevention of Significant        03/13/96  06/16/99                               .....................................
    62-212.500.....................  New Source Review for            03/13/96  06/16/99                               .....................................
                                      Nonattainment Areas.
    62-212.600.....................  Source Specific New              03/13/96  06/16/99                               .....................................
                                      Source Review
    62-242                                                            Motor Vehicle Emissions Standards and Test Procedures
    62-242.100.....................  Purpose and Scope........        03/21/91  03/22/93, 58 FR 15277                  .....................................
    62-242.200.....................  Definitions..............        03/13/96  06/16/99,                              .....................................
    62-242.400.....................  Standards and Procedures         02/02/93  10/11/94, 59 FR 51382                  .....................................
                                      For Inspection of
                                      Vehicles; Pass/Fail
    62-242.500.....................  Standards and Procedures         02/02/93  10/11/94, 59 FR 51382                  .....................................
                                      For Inspection of Diesel
                                      Fueled Vehicles; Pass/
                                      Fail Criteria.
    62-242.600.....................  Equipment Performance            02/02/93  10/11/94, 59 FR 51382                  .....................................
    62-242.700.....................  Tampering Inspection.....        02/02/93  10/11/94, 59 FR 51382                  .....................................
    62-242.800.....................  Low Emissions Adjustment.        02/02/93  10/11/94, 59 FR 51382                  .....................................
    62-242.900.....................  Training Criteria For            02/02/93  10/11/94, 59 FR 51382                  .....................................
                                      Motor Vehicle Emissions
                                      Inspection Personnel.
    62-243                                                         Tampering With Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Control Equipment
    62-243.100.....................  Purpose and Scope........        05/29/90  06/09/92, 57 FR 24370                  .....................................
    62-243.200.....................  Definitions..............        01/02/91  06/09/92, 57 FR 24378                  .....................................
    62-243.300.....................  Exemptions...............        01/02/91  06/09/92, 57 FR 24378                  .....................................
    62-243.400.....................  Prohibitions.............        01/02/91  06/09/92, 57 FR 24378                  .....................................
    62-243.500.....................  Certification............        01/02/91  06/09/92, 57 FR 24378                  .....................................
    62-243.600.....................  Enforcement..............        01/02/91  06/09/92, 57 FR 24378                  .....................................
    62-243.700.....................  Penalties................        05/29/90  06/09/92, 57 FR 24370
    62-244                                                                    Visible Emissions From Motor Vehicles
    62-244.100.....................  Purpose and Scope........        02/21/90  06/09/92, 57 FR 24370                  .....................................
    62-244.200.....................  Definitions..............        02/21/90  06/09/92, 57 FR 24370                  .....................................
    62-244.300.....................  Exemptions...............        02/21/90  06/09/92, 57 FR 24370                  .....................................
    62-244.400.....................  Prohibitions.............        02/21/90  06/09/92, 57 FR 24370                  .....................................
    62-244.500.....................  Enforcement..............        02/21/90  06/09/92, 57 FR 24370                  .....................................
    62-244.600.....................  Penalties................        02/21/90  06/09/92, 57 FR 24370                  .....................................
    62-252                                                                            Gasoline Vapor Control
    62-252.100.....................  Purpose and Scope........        02/02/93  03/24/94, 59 FR 13883                  .....................................
    62-252.200.....................  Definitions..............        02/02/93  03/24/94, 59 FR 13883                  .....................................
    62-252.300.....................  Gasoline Dispensing              02/02/93  03/21/94, 59 FR 13883                  .....................................
                                      Facilities--Stage I
                                      Vapor Recovery.
    62-252.400.....................  Gasoline Dispensing              11/23/94  06/16/99                               .....................................
                                      Facilities--Stage II
                                      Vapor Recovery.
    62-252.500.....................  Gasoline Tanker Trucks...        09/10/96  07/21/97 62 FR 38918                   .....................................
    62-252.800.....................  Penalties................        02/02/93  03/24/94, 59 FR 13883                  .....................................
    62-252.900.....................  Forms....................        09/10/96  07/21/97, 62 FR 38918
    [[Page 32350]]
    62-256                                                                   Open Burning and Frost Protection Fires
    62-256.100.....................  Declaration and Intent...        12/09/75  11/01/77, 42 FR 57124
    62-256.200.....................  Definitions..............        11/30/94  06/16/99
    62-256.300.....................  Prohibitions.............        11/30/94  06/16/99
    62-256.400.....................  Agricultural and                 07/01/71  05/31/72, 37 FR 10842
                                      Silvicultural Fires.
    62-256.450.....................  Burning for Cold or Frost        06/27/91  09/09/94, 59 FR 46552
    62-256.500.....................  Land Clearing............        11/30/94  06/16/99
    62-256.600.....................  Industrial, Commercial,          07/01/71  05/31/72, 37 FR 10842
                                      Municipal, and Research
                                      Open Burning.
    62-256.700.....................  Open Burning Allowed.....        11/30/94  06/16/99
    62-256.800.....................  Effective Date...........        07/01/71  05/31/72, 37 FR 10842
    62-296                                                                    Stationary Sources--Emission Standards
    62-296.100.....................  Purpose and Scope........        03/13/96  06/16/99
    62-296.320.....................  General Pollutant                03/13/96  06/16/99
                                      Emission Limiting
    62-296.401.....................  Incinerators.............        03/13/96  06/16/99
    62-296.402.....................  Sulfuric Acid Plants.....        03/13/96  06/16/99
    62-296.403.....................  Phosphate Processing.....        03/13/96  06/16/99
    62-296.404.....................  Kraft (Sulfate) Pulp             03/13/96  06/16/99
                                      Mills and Tall Oil
    62-296.405.....................  Fossil Fuel Steam                03/13/96  06/16/99
                                      Generators with more
                                      than 250 million Btu per
                                      Hour Heat Input.
    62-296.406.....................  Fossil Fuel Steam                03/13/96  06/16/99
                                      Generators with less
                                      than 250 million Btu per
                                      Hour Heat Input, New and
                                      Existing Emissions Units.
    62-296.407.....................  Portland Cement Plants...        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.408.....................  Nitric Acid Plants.......        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.409.....................  Sulfur Recovery Plants...        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.410.....................  Carbonaceous Fuel Burning        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.411.....................  Sulfur Storage and               11/23/94  06/16/99
                                      Handling Facilities.
    62-296.412.....................  Dry Cleaning Facilities..        03/13/96  06/16/99
    62-296.413.....................  Synthetic Organic Fiber          03/13/96  06/16/99
    62-296.414.....................  Concrete Batching Plants.        03/13/96  06/16/99
    62-296.415.....................  Soil Thermal Treatment           03/13/96  06/16/99
    62-296.500.....................  Reasonably Available             11/23/94  06/16/99
                                      Control Technology
                                      (RACT)--Volatile Organic
    62-296.501.....................  Can Coating..............        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.502.....................  Coil Coating.............        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.503.....................  Paper Coating............        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.504.....................  Fabric and Vinyl Coating.        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.505.....................  Metal Furniture Coating..        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.506.....................  Surface Coating of Large         11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.507.....................  Magnet Wire Coating......        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.508.....................  Petroleum Liquid Storage.        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.509.....................  Bulk Gasoline Plants.....        10/15/92  10/20/94, 59 FR 52916
    62-296.510.....................  Bulk Gasoline Terminals..        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.511.....................  Solvent Metal Cleaning...        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.512.....................  Cutback Asphalt..........        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.513.....................  Surface Coating of               11/23/94  06/16/99
                                      Miscellaneous Metal
                                      Parts and Products.
    62-296.514.....................  Surface Coating of Flat          11/23/94  06/16/99
                                      Wood Paneling.
    62-296.515.....................  Graphic Arts Systems.....        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.516.....................  Petroleum Liquid Storage         11/23/94  06/16/99
                                      Tanks With External
                                      Floating Roofs.
    62-296.570.....................  Reasonably Available             11/23/94  06/16/99
                                      Control Technology
                                      (RACT)--Requirements for
                                      Major VOC- and NOX-
                                      Emitting Facilities.
    62-296.600.....................  Reasonably Available             03/13/96  06/16/99
                                      Control Technology
    62-296.601.....................  Lead Processing                  08/08/94  09/18/96, 61 FR 49064
                                      Operations in General.
    62-296.602.....................  Primary Lead-Acid Battery        03/13/96  06/16/99
                                      Manufacturing Operations.
    62-296.603.....................  Secondary Lead Smelting          08/08/94  09/18/96, 61 FR 49064
    62-296.604.....................  Electric Arc Furnace             08/08/94  09/18/96, 61 FR 49064
                                      Equipped Secondary Steel
                                      Manufacturing Operations.
    62-296.605.....................  Lead Oxide Handling              08/08/94  09/18/96, 61 FR 49064
    [[Page 32351]]
    62-296.700.....................  Reasonably Available             11/23/94  06/16/99
                                      Control Technology
    62-296.701.....................  Portland Cement Plants...        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.702.....................  Fossil Fuel Steam                11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.703.....................  Carbonaceous Fuel Burners        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.704.....................  Asphalt Concrete Plants..        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.705.....................  Phosphate Processing             11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.706.....................  Glass Manufacturing              11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.707.....................  Electric Arc Furnaces....        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.708.....................  Sweat or Pot Furnaces....        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.709.....................  Lime Kilns...............        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.710.....................  Smelt Dissolving Tanks...        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-296.711.....................  Materials Handling,              11/23/94  06/16/99
                                      Sizing, Screening,
                                      Crushing and Grinding
    62-296.712.....................  Miscellaneous                    11/23/94  06/16/99
                                      Manufacturing Process
    62-297                                                                   Stationary Sources--Emissions Monitoring
    62-297.100.....................  Purpose and Scope........        03/13/96  06/16/99
    62-297.310.....................  General Test Requirements        03/13/96  06/16/99
    62-297.400.....................  EPA Methods Adopted by           11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-297.401.....................  Compliance Test Methods..        03/13/96  06/16/99
    62-297.411.....................  DEP Method 1.............        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-297.412.....................  DEP Method 2.............        10/15/92  10/20/94, 59 FR 52916
    62-297.413.....................  DEP Method 3.............        10/15/92  10/20/94, 59 FR 52916
    62-297.415.....................  DEP Method 5.............        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-297.416.....................  DEP Method 5A............        10/15/92  10/20/94, 59 FR 52916
    62-297.417.....................  DEP Method 6.............        11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-297.423.....................  EPA Method 12--                  11/23/94  06/16/99
                                      Determination of
                                      Inorganic Lead Emissions
                                      from Stationary Sources.
    62-297.440.....................  Supplementary Test               11/23/94  06/16/99
    62-297.450.....................  EPA VOC Capture                  11/23/94  06/16/99
                                      Efficiency Test
    62-297.620.....................  Exceptions and Approval          11/23/94  06/16/99
                                      of Alternate Procedures
                                      and Requirements.
        (d) EPA-approved State Source--specific requirements.
                                   EPA-Approved Florida Source--Specific Requirements
                                                              State       EPA approval
               Name of source             Permit number  effective date       date               Explanation
        (e) Reserved.
    [FR Doc. 99-15010 Filed 6-15-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Direct final rule.
Document Number:
This direct final rule is effective on August 16, 1999 without further notice, unless EPA receives adverse comments by July 16, 1999. If EPA receives adverse comment, we will publish a timely withdrawal of the direct final rule in the Federal Register and inform the public that the rule will not take effect.
32346-32351 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
FL-62-1-9610a, FL-66-1-9729a, FRL-6352-9
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
40 CFR 52.520
40 CFR 52.536