99-17597. Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Fisheries; Regulatory Adjustments  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 133 (Tuesday, July 13, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 37700-37705]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-17597]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Part 635
    [Docket No. 981216308-9180-03; I.D. 052699A]
    RIN 0648-AJ67
    Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Fisheries; Regulatory 
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Final rule; technical amendment.
    SUMMARY: NMFS is amending the final consolidated regulations governing 
    the Atlantic HMS fisheries to clarify the applicability of recreational 
    retention limits to persons aboard charter/headboat vessels; to set 
    Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT) quotas for the period beginning January 1, 
    1999, and ending May 31, 1999; to clarify the requirements for 
    embarking observers aboard shark gillnet vessels; to reestablish 
    certain enforcement provisions inadvertently edited from the 
    consolidated HMS regulations; to clarify transfer provisions for 
    limited access
    [[Page 37701]]
    permits; to correct the baseline reference point for limited access 
    fishery vessel upgrades; to clarify references to the management unit 
    and jurisdictional areas for species under regulation by the 
    International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas 
    (ICCAT); to correct the effective dates of the restriction on length of 
    pelagic longlines; to correct cross references; and to remove the 
    interim provisions that were not intended to remain in effect beyond 
    June 30, 1999.
    DATES: Effective July 1, 1999, except that Sec. 635.69(h) will be 
    effective September 1, 1999.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Chris Rogers at 301-713-2347, FAX: 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On May 28, 1999, NMFS published a final rule 
    (64 FR 29090) that implemented the Atlantic Tunas, Swordfish, and 
    Sharks Fishery Management Plan (HMS FMP), and an Amendment to the 
    Atlantic Billfish FMP and that consolidated regulations for Atlantic 
    HMS into one CFR part. The final consolidated rule inadvertently 
    omitted certain provisions of the final HMS FMP and/or previously 
    issued regulations and contained regulatory text that, in some 
    instances, was not consistent with the final HMS FMP. In addition, 
    because the final rule was not to be effective until July 1, 1999, 
    certain interim provisions that pertained to fishing activities 
    occurring in June were made effective on May 24, 1999. However, the 
    amendatory instructions did not indicate that the effectiveness of the 
    interim provisions would lapse as of the effective date of the 
    remainder of the final rule because these provisions duplicate 
    regulatory text that appears elsewhere in 50 CFR part 635. Finally, a 
    supplement to the proposed rule to implement the HMS FMP (64 FR 9298, 
    February 25, 1999) proposed, among other things, BFT quotas for the 
    proposed new fishing year to begin on June 1, 1999, and, as a 
    consequence, BFT quotas for the transition period of January 1, 1999, 
    through May 31, 1999. The final consolidated HMS regulations 
    implemented the new fishing year, and final quota specifications were 
    issued in a separate document (64 FR 29806, June 3, 1999). The quotas 
    for the transition period were inadvertently omitted from the final 
    specifications notice. All these items are rectified by this technical 
    Shark Gillnet Observers
        Under the terms of the biological opinion issued as a result of an 
    Endangered Species Act, section 7, consultation on the HMS FMP, NMFS 
    required that all shark gillnet vessels carry an observer on all trips 
    in the southeast during the season when right whales are present.
        It was intended that the mandatory observer requirement apply only 
    to vessels in the directed shark fishery and not to vessels taking 
    sharks under an incidental catch limited access permit or under the 
    recreational retention limit. The regulatory text was drafted such that 
    the observer requirement was broader than that intended. This technical 
    amendment revises the regulatory text to clarify that observers are 
    required to be embarked on all trips of gillet vessels issued directed 
    shark limited access permits.
    Jurisdictional Issues
        Regulations managing the Atlantic shark fishery are issued under 
    the authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and 
    Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act) and as such are generally 
    applicable with respect to the U.S. exclusive economic zone (EEZ). As 
    some Atlantic sharks in the management unit are harvested from waters 
    under state jurisdiction and by vessels that fish exclusively in state 
    waters, certain of the Federal regulations may not apply to all vessels 
    or to all cases of transfer of sharks to a dealer. Specifically, 
    federally permitted dealers may purchase regulated sharks from non-
    federally permitted vessels that fish for sharks exclusively in waters 
    under state jurisdiction but may not purchase sharks from federally 
    permitted vessels after a closure of any specific management group even 
    if those sharks were taken shoreward of the EEZ.
        Regulations governing the management of Atlantic billfish are 
    issued under the authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Act and, if 
    implementing a recommendation of ICCAT, also under the authority of the 
    Atlantic Tunas Convention Act (ATCA). As such, billfish regulations, 
    generally applicable in the U.S. exclusive economic zone (EEZ), may 
    apply throughout all waters of the convention area or for a particular 
    stock management unit, as defined by ICCAT. As regulated billfish may 
    be harvested from waters under state, U.S. EEZ, or high seas 
    jurisdictions, or by persons or vessels subject to U.S. jurisdiction 
    within the EEZ of another nation bordering the convention area, certain 
    Federal regulations may apply in all areas, depending on the ICCAT 
    recommendation and the species.
        In consolidating the HMS regulations under 50 CFR part 635, certain 
    specific references to these jurisdictional issues for sharks and 
    billfish were inadvertently omitted or stated incorrectly. This 
    technical amendment clarifies these
        jurisdictional issues and the applicability of Federal regulations 
    for the different species within the U.S. EEZ and the U.S. territorial 
    sea, or on the high seas, or within the EEZ of another nation.
    Facilitation of Enforcement
        In consolidating the HMS regulations into one CFR part, certain 
    provisions were inadvertently omitted or drafting errors occurred which 
    limit NMFS' ability to enforce the regulations. Specifically, omitted 
    language in the prohibitions on attempting to purchase, sell, trade, or 
    barter HMS contrary to the regulations elsewhere in 50 CFR part 635 is 
    necessary to facilitate enforcement. Also, reports of BFT landed under 
    the Angling category quota must be made through NMFS' automated catch 
    reporting system. A drafting error in the final rule omitted the 24-
    hour time limit for such catch reporting. To facilitate enforcement, 
    this technical amendment reestablishes the 24-hour requirement. 
    Additionally, a provision for access to position data was inadvertently 
    omitted from the regulations on vessel monitoring systems. For 
    enforcement purposes, NMFS must have unrestricted access to vessel 
    position information. Because VMS units transmit from the vessel to 
    NMFS through a communications service provider that is a third party, 
    access to the data could be at issue. This technical amendment adds the 
    omitted regulatory text and corrects the drafting errors.
    Transferability of Tuna Permits
        The final consolidated HMS regulations limit transferability of 
    tuna permits to those limited access permits issued to purse seine 
    vessels. As stated in the HMS FMP, however, the limited access program 
    for the Atlantic swordfish and shark fisheries required that limited 
    access also be implemented in the tuna longline fishery so that 
    regulatory discards of swordfish and sharks would not increase in an 
    expanding tuna longline fishery. Further, because the final regulations 
    introduced a limited access system for Atlantic Tunas Longline category 
    permits, and the transfer provisions of the swordfish/shark LAPs 
    require that an Atlantic tunas permit also be obtained, it is necessary 
    to allow the limited access Longline category permits to be transferred 
    from current owners rather than issued on an open-
    [[Page 37702]]
    access basis by NMFS. This Technical amendment corrects the drafting 
    error to make limited access Atlantic Tunas Longline category permits 
    Vessel Upgrade Baseline
        As limited access permits for shark, swordfish, and tuna longline 
    vessels were issued based on historical records, certain qualifying 
    vessels were no longer owned by current fishery participants but had 
    been replaced with the intent to retain the qualifying catch history. 
    The HMS FMP established the baseline for limited access vessel upgrades 
    as of the date of publication of the final rule (May 28, 1999). 
    Accordingly, this technical amendment clarifies the regulatory text to 
    establish the baseline for upgrade of vessel parameters (length, 
    tonnage, horsepower) to coincide with the vessel owned as of May 28, 
    1999, in such cases that the limited access qualifying vessel had 
    already been replaced.
    Retention Limits for Charter/Headboats
        NMFS recognizes that certain vessels operating as charter vessels 
    and headboats by taking anglers fishing for HMS on a fee basis may, on 
    occasion, sell fish taken by those anglers. Additionally, some of these 
    vessels may, when not operating as a charter/headboat, directly engage 
    in commercial fishing operations. As the retention limits applicable to 
    the recreational fisheries for HMS do not generally apply to persons 
    aboard permitted commercial fishing vessels, it is necessary to clarify 
    the circumstances under which persons aboard a charter/headboat vessel 
    are subject to the recreational retention limits.
        For BFT, the consolidated regulations at 50 CFR part 635 allow 
    persons aboard a vessel issued an Atlantic tunas permit in the Charter/
    Headboat category to land BFT either against the Angling category quota 
    or against the General category quota subject to the applicable size 
    limits, daily catch limits, restricted fishing days and closures. The 
    designation of category is determined by the size of the first BFT 
    retained. Such designation is practical for BFT because the quota 
    categories are related to size limits.
        A similar designation is not possible for yellowfin tuna (YFT) 
    because all fish above the 27-inch minimum size limit may be landed in 
    either the commercial or recreational fisheries. While the HMS FMP and 
    compliance guide clearly indicated NMFS' intent that the daily catch 
    limit of three YFT per person per day would apply to persons aboard 
    vessels permitted in the Atlantic Tunas Charter/Headboat category, the 
    consolidated regulations at 50 CFR part 635 are not clear. Although the 
    regulations at Sec. 635.22(a) indicate that the YFT retention limit 
    applies to all persons aboard vessels in the recreational fishery, that 
    same section states that the limit does not apply aboard vessels issued 
    a commercial permit. Under Sec. 635.4, the Atlantic Tunas Charter/
    Headboat category permit is classified as a commercial permit, and fish 
    landed by persons aboard such vessels may be sold to permitted dealers.
        The technical amendment revises the regulatory text to clarify that 
    the YFT retention limit applies to persons aboard charter/headboat 
    vessels. While such YFT may be sold to permitted dealers, the number of 
    fish landed cannot exceed three times the number of persons aboard, 
    including captain and crew.
    Transition Period BFT Quota
        In specifying the 1999 BFT allocations, NMFS considered carryover 
    adjustments from the 1998 fishing year, new provisions for the discard 
    allowance and limitations on school BFT catch, and additional 
    adjustments to accommodate the establishment of the new fishing year 
    proposed to begin on June 1, 1999. NMFS proposed to allocate BFT quota 
    for the transition period (January 1, 1999, through May 31, 1999) based 
    on underharvest in 1998. At the end of 1998, the following subquotas 
    had not been harvested: 1 metric ton (mt) in the General category, 2 mt 
    in the Purse Seine category, 67 mt in the Angling category, and 26 mt 
    in the Incidental (Longline) category. Additionally, 15 mt remained in 
    the Reserve category.
        NMFS proposed to use the 1998 underharvest from the Angling and 
    Incidental categories for the transition period, a time period in which 
    only the Angling and Longline fishing categories would be active. Based 
    on public comment, NMFS had determined that no changes to the proposed 
    transition period BFT quota specifications were necessary. However, the 
    final BFT quota specifications published on June 3, 1999 (64 FR 29806) 
    inadvertently omitted the transition period to the new fishing year 
    beginning June 1, 1999. NMFS, therefore, issues final BFT quota 
    specifications for the transition period of January 1, 1999, through 
    May 31, 1999 in this technical amendment to the final rule.
        Consistent with the proposed transition period BFT quota 
    specifications, NMFS subdivides the Angling category transition period 
    quota of 79 mt as follows: Large school/small medium bluefin--75 mt, 
    with 16 mt to the northern area and 59 mt to the southern area; and 
    large medium/giant bluefin--4 mt, allocated entirely to the southern 
    area given the distribution of large BFT during the period. NMFS also 
    subdivides the Longline category transition period quota of 26 mt as 
    follows: 1 mt to longline vessels operating north of 34 deg. N. lat. 
    and 25 mt to longline vessels operating south of 34 deg. N. lat. During 
    the transition period, no BFT quota is allocated to other fishing 
    Longline Operations
        In the final consolidated HMS regulations, the period during which 
    pelagic longlines deployed in the Mid-Atlantic Bight are limited to 24 
    nautical miles was misspecified. The corrected regulatory text limits 
    the length of longlines for the period beginning August 1, 1999, and 
    ending November 30, 2000. Additionally, the prohibition at Sec. 635.71 
    (a)(18) regarding movement of longline gear after an entanglement with 
    a protected species is corrected to cross reference paragraph 
    Sec. 635.21(c)(3).
        The Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, under 5 U.S.C. 
    553(b)(B), finds that providing prior notice and opportunity for public 
    comment on this rule is unnecessary and contrary to the public 
    interest. The rule merely corrects an earlier rule by clarifying 
    regulatory text inconsistent with the final HMS FMP, correcting 
    drafting errors, and reestablishing regulatory provisions that were 
    intended to remain in effect but were inadvertently omitted during the 
    consolidation. These corrections and clarifications are necessary to 
    avoid adverse impacts on fishery participants that would result from 
    inconsistent interpretations of the regulations relative to the HMS FMP 
    and/or the inability of NMFS to enforce regulations due to lack of 
    clarity. For similar reasons, the Assistant Administrator for 
    Fisheries, under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3), finds that delaying the effective 
    date of this rule for 30 days is unnecessary and contrary to the public 
        Because prior notice and opportunity for public comment are not 
    required for this rule by 5 U.S.C. 553, or by any other law, the 
    analytical requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 USC 601 et 
    seq., are inapplicable. This rule is exempt from review under E.O. 
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 635
        Fisheries, Fishing, Fishing vessels, Foreign relations, 
    Intergovernmental relations, Penalties, Reporting and
    [[Page 37703]]
    recordkeeping requirements, Statistics, Treaties.
        Dated: July 6, 1999.
    Penelope D. Dalton,
    Assistant Administrator for Fisheries,
        National Marine Fisheries Service.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 635, is 
    amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 635 continues to read as 
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 971 et seq.; 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
        2. In Sec. 635.4, paragraphs (d)(4), (f)(4), (l) and (m) are 
    revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 635.4  Permits and fees.
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (4) A person can obtain an Atlantic Tunas Longline category permit 
    for a vessel only if the vessel has been issued both a limited access 
    permit for shark and a limited access permit for swordfish. NMFS will 
    issue Atlantic Tunas Longline category permits to qualifying vessels in 
    calendar year 1999. Thereafter, such permits may be obtained through 
    transfer from current owners consistent with the provisions under 
    paragraph (l)(2) of this section.
    * * * * *
        (f) * * *
        (4) Unless the owner has been issued a swordfish handgear permit, a 
    limited access permit for swordfish is valid only when the vessel has 
    on board a valid limited access permit for shark and a valid Atlantic 
    Tunas Longline category permit issued for such vessel.
    * * * * *
        (l) Transfer--(1) General. A permit issued under this section is 
    not transferable or assignable to another vessel or owner or dealer; it 
    is valid only for the vessel or owner or dealer to whom it is issued. 
    If a person acquires a vessel or dealership and wants to conduct 
    activities for which a permit is required, that person must apply for a 
    permit in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (h) of this 
    section or, if the acquired vessel is permitted in either the shark, 
    swordfish or tuna longline fishery, in accordance with paragraph (l)(2) 
    of this section. If the acquired vessel or dealership is currently 
    permitted, an application must be accompanied by the original permit 
    and by a copy of a signed bill of sale or equivalent acquisition 
        (2) Shark, swordfish, and tuna longline LAPs. (i) Subject to the 
    restrictions on upgrading the harvesting capacity of permitted vessels 
    in paragraph (l)(2)(ii) of this section and to the limitations on 
    ownership of permitted vessels in paragraph (l)(2)(iii) of this 
    section, an owner may transfer a shark or swordfish ILAP or LAP or an 
    Atlantic Tunas Longline category permit to another vessel that he or 
    she owns or to another person. Directed handgear ILAPs and LAPs for 
    swordfish may be transferred to another vessel but only for use with 
    handgear and subject to the upgrading restrictions in paragraph 
    (l)(2)(ii) of this section and the limitations on ownership of 
    permitted vessels in paragraph (l)(2)(iii) of this section. Incidental 
    catch ILAPs and LAPs are not subject to the requirements specified in 
    paragraphs (l)(2)(ii) and (l)(2)(iii) of this section.
        (ii) An owner may upgrade a vessel with a shark, swordfish, or tuna 
    longline limited access permit, or transfer the limited access permit 
    to another vessel, and be eligible to retain or renew a limited access 
    permit only if the upgrade or transfer does not result in an increase 
    in horsepower of more than 20 percent or an increase of more than 10 
    percent in length overall, gross registered tonnage, or net tonnage 
    from the vessel baseline specifications.
        (A) The vessel baseline specifications are the respective
        specifications (length overall, gross registered tonnage, net 
    tonnage, horsepower) of the first vessel that was issued an initial 
    limited access permit or, if applicable, of that vessel's replacement 
    owned as of May 28, 1999.
        (B) The vessel's horsepower may be increased only once subsequent 
    to the issuance of a limited access permit, whether through refitting, 
    replacement, or transfer. Such an increase may not exceed 20 percent of 
    the horsepower of the vessel's baseline specifications, as applicable.
        (C) The vessel's length overall, gross registered tonnage, and net 
    tonnage may be increased only once subsequent to the issuance of a 
    limited access permit, whether through refitting, replacement, or 
    transfer. Any increase in any of these three specifications of vessel 
    size may not exceed 10 percent of the vessel's baseline specifications, 
    as applicable. If any of these three specifications is increased, any 
    increase in the other two must be performed at the same time. This type 
    of upgrade may be done separately from an engine horsepower upgrade.
        (iii) No person or entity may own or control more than 5 percent of 
    the vessels for which swordfish directed, shark directed or tuna 
    longline limited access permits have been issued.
        (iv) In order to transfer a swordfish, shark or tuna longline 
    limited access permit to a replacement vessel, the owner of the vessel 
    issued the limited access permit must submit a request to NMFS, at an 
    address designated by NMFS, to transfer the limited access permit to 
    another vessel, subject to requirements specified in paragraph 
    (l)(2)(ii) of this section, if applicable. The owner must return the 
    current valid limited access permit to NMFS with a complete application 
    for a limited access permit, as specified in paragraph (h) of this 
    section, for the replacement vessel. Copies of both vessels' U.S. Coast 
    Guard documentation or state registration must accompany the 
        (v) For swordfish, shark, and tuna longline limited access permit 
    transfers to a different person, the transferee must submit a request 
    to NMFS, at an address designated by NMFS, to transfer the original 
    limited access permit(s), subject to requirements specified in 
    paragraphs (l)(2)(ii) and (l)(2)(iii) of this section, if applicable. 
    The following must accompany the completed application: The original 
    limited access permit(s) with signatures of both parties to the 
    transaction on the back of the permit(s) and the bill of sale for the 
    permit(s). A person must include copies of both vessels' U.S. Coast 
    Guard documentation or state registration for limited access permit 
    transfers involving vessels.
        (vi) For limited access permit transfers in conjunction with the 
    sale of the permitted vessel, the transferee of the vessel and limited 
    access permit(s) issued to that vessel must submit a request to NMFS, 
    at an address designated by NMFS, to transfer the limited access 
    permit(s), subject to requirements specified in paragraphs (l)(2)(ii) 
    and (l)(2)(iii) of this section, if applicable. The following must 
    accompany the completed application: The original limited access 
    permit(s) with signatures of both parties to the transaction on the 
    back of the permit(s), the bill of sale for the limited access 
    permit(s) and the vessel, and a copy of the vessel's U.S. Coast Guard 
    documentation or state registration.
        (vii) The owner of a vessel issued a limited access permit(s) who 
    sells the permitted vessel but retains the limited access permit(s) 
    must notify NMFS within 30 days after the sale of the change in 
    application information in accordance with paragraph (i) of this 
    section. If the owner wishes to transfer the limited access permit(s) 
    to a replacement vessel, he/she must apply
    [[Page 37704]]
    according to the procedures in paragraph (l)(2)(iv) of this section.
        (viii) As specified in paragraph (f)(4) of this section, a directed 
    or incidental ILAP or LAP for swordfish, a directed or an incidental 
    catch ILAP or LAP for shark, and an Atlantic Tunas commercial category 
    permit are required to retain swordfish. Accordingly, a LAP for 
    swordfish obtained by transfer without
        either a directed or incidental catch shark LAP or an Atlantic 
    tunas commercial category permit will not entitle an owner or operator 
    to use a vessel to fish in the swordfish fishery.
        (ix) As specified in paragraph (d)(4) of this section, a directed 
    or incidental ILAP or LAP for swordfish, a directed or an incidental 
    catch ILAP or LAP for shark, and an Atlantic Tunas Longline category 
    permit are required to retain Atlantic tunas taken by pelagic longline 
    gear. Accordingly, an Atlantic Tunas Longline category permit obtained 
    by transfer without either a directed or incidental catch swordfish or 
    shark LAP will not entitle an owner or operator to use the permitted 
    vessel to fish in the Atlantic tunas fishery with pelagic longline 
        (m) Renewal--(1) General. Persons must apply annually for a vessel 
    or dealer permit for Atlantic tunas, sharks, and swordfish, and HMS 
    Charter/Headboats. Persons must apply annually for an Atlantic tunas or 
    HMS Charter/headboat vessel permit. A renewal application must be 
    submitted to NMFS, at an address designated by NMFS, at least 30 days 
    before a permit's expiration to avoid a lapse of permitted status. NMFS 
    will renew a permit provided that the specific requirements for the 
    requested permit are met, including those described in Sec. 635.4 
    (l)(2), all reports required under the Magnuson-Stevens Act and ATCA 
    have been submitted, including those described in Sec. 635.5, and the 
    applicant is not subject to a permit sanction or denial under paragraph 
    (a)(6) of this section.
        (2) Shark, swordfish, and tuna longline LAPs. As of June 1, 2000, 
    the owner of a vessel of the United States that fishes for, possesses, 
    lands or sells shark or swordfish from the management unit, or takes or 
    possesses such shark or swordfish as incidental catch or that fishes 
    for Atlantic tunas with longline gear must have the applicable limited 
    access permit(s) issued pursuant to the requirements in Sec. 635.4, 
    paragraphs (e) and (f). However, any ILAP that expires on June 30, 
    2000, is valid through that date. Only valid limited access permit 
    holders in the preceding year are eligible for renewal of a limited 
    access permit(s). Limited access permits that have been transferred 
    according to the procedures of paragraph (l) of this section are not 
    eligible for renewal by the transferor.
        3. In 635.5, the first sentence of paragraph (c) is revised to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 635.5  Recordkeeping and reporting.
    * * * * *
        (c) Anglers. The owner of a vessel permitted in the Atlantic tunas 
    Angling or Atlantic tunas or HMS Charter/Headboat category must report 
    all BFT landed under the Angling category quota to NMFS through the 
    automated catch reporting system by calling 1-888-USA-TUNA within 24 
    hours of the landing. * * *
    * * * * *
        4. In Sec. 635.7, the last sentence of paragraph (d) is revised to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 635.7  At-sea observer coverage.
    * * * * *
        (d) * * * Notwithstanding the above procedures for assignment or 
    waiver, at no time shall a person aboard a vessel issued a directed 
    shark ILAP or LAP under Sec. 635.4 fish for Atlantic sharks with a 
    gillnet or possess sharks on board a vessel issued a directed shark 
    ILAP or LAP with a gillnet on board unless a NMFS-approved observer is 
    aboard the vessel.
    * * * * *
        5. In Sec. 635.20, the first sentence of paragraph (e)(1) and 
    paragraph (e)(2) are revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 635.20  Size limits.
    * * * * *
        (e) Sharks. (1) No person shall take, retain, or possess in the 
    Atlantic EEZ any species classified as a ridgeback LCS shark, taken 
    from its management unit that is less than 54 inches (137 cm), fork 
    length, or, if the head and fins have been removed, 30 inches (76 cm) 
    as a straight line from the first dorsal fin ray to the precaudal pit * 
    * *
        (2) All sharks landed under the recreational retention limits 
    specified at Sec. 635.22(c) must have the head, tail, and fins attached 
    and be at least 54 inches (137 cm), FL, except that the minimum size 
    limit does not apply for Atlantic sharpnose sharks.
    * * * * *
        6. In Sec. 635.21, paragraph (c)(1), the first two sentences of 
    (d)(1), and paragraphs (d)(2)(ii) and (d)(3)(i) are revised to read as 
    Sec. 635.21  Gear operation and deployment restrictions.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (1) From August 1, 1999, through November 30, 2000, no person may 
    deploy a pelagic longline that is more than 24 nautical miles (44.5 km) 
    in length in the Mid-Atlantic Bight.
    * * * * *
        (d) Authorized gear --(1) Atlantic tunas. A person that retains or 
    possesses an Atlantic bluefin tuna may not have on board a vessel or 
    use on board the vessel any gear other than that authorized for the 
    category for which the Atlantic tunas or HMS permit has been issued for 
    such vessel. When fishing for Atlantic tunas other than BFT, fishing 
    gear authorized for any Atlantic Tunas permit category may be used, 
    except that purse seine gear may be used only on board vessels 
    permitted in the Purse Seine category and pelagic longline gear may be 
    used only on board vessels issued an Atlantic Tunas Longline category 
    tuna permit as well as ILAPs or LAPs for both swordfish and sharks. * * 
    * * * * *
        (2) * * *
        (ii) Persons may possess or take a sailfish shoreward of the outer 
    boundary of the Atlantic EEZ only if it is harvested by rod and reel. 
    Regardless of how taken, persons may not possess or take a sailfish 
    shoreward of the outer boundary of the Atlantic EEZ on board a vessel 
    using or having on board a pelagic longline.
        (3) Sharks. (i) No person may possess a shark in the EEZ if the 
    shark was taken from its management unit by any gear other than 
    handgear, longline or gillnet.
    * * * * *
        7. In Sec. 635.22, paragraphs (a) and (b) are revised to read as 
    Sec. 635.22  Recreational retention limits.
        (a) General. Recreational retention limits apply to a longbill 
    spearfish taken or possessed shoreward of the outer boundary of the 
    Atlantic EEZ, to a shark taken from or possessed in the Atlantic EEZ, 
    and to a yellowfin tuna taken from or possessed in the Atlantic Ocean. 
    The operator of a vessel for which a retention limit applies is 
    responsible for the vessel retention limit and the cumulative retention 
    limit based on the number of persons aboard. Federal recreational 
    retention limits may not be combined with any recreational retention 
    limit applicable in state waters. The recreational retention limit for 
    sharks applies to a person who fishes in any manner, except to a person 
    aboard a vessel who has been issued a vessel permit under Sec. 635.4 
    for Atlantic sharks. The recreational retention limit for yellowfin 
    tuna applies to a person
    [[Page 37705]]
    who fishes in any manner, except to a person aboard a vessel who has 
    been issued a vessel permit under Sec. 635.4 for Atlantic tunas in any 
    category other than Angling or Charter/Headboat.
        (b) Billfish. No longbill spearfish from the management unit may be 
    possessed shoreward of the outer boundary of the EEZ.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 635.25  [Removed on Reserved]
        8. Section 635.25 is removed and reserved.
        9. In Sec. 635.28, paragraph (b)(3) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 635.28  Closures.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (3) When the fishery for a shark species group is closed, a fishing 
    vessel issued a shark ILAP or LAP pursuant to Sec. 635.4 may not 
    possess or sell a shark of that species group, and a permitted shark 
    dealer may not purchase or receive a shark of that species group from a 
    vessel issued a shark ILAP or LAP, except that a permitted shark dealer 
    or processor may possess sharks that were harvested, off-loaded, and 
    sold, traded, or bartered, prior to the effective date of the closure 
    and were held in storage.
    * * * * *
        10. In Sec. 635.69, paragraph (h) is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 635.69  Vessel monitoring systems.
    * * * * *
        (h) Access. As a condition to obtaining a limited access permit for 
    Atlantic swordfish, sharks or tunas, all vessel owners or operators 
    using pelagic longline gear subject to the VMS provisions of this 
    section must allow NMFS, the USCG, and their authorized officers and 
    designees access to the vessel's position data obtained from the VMS at 
    the time of or after its transmission to the vendor or receiver, as the 
    case may be.
        11. In Sec. 635.71, paragraphs (a)(3), (a)(4) and (a)(18) are 
    revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 635.71  Prohibitions.
    * * * * *
        (a) * * *
        (3) Purchase, receive, or transfer or attempt to purchase, receive, 
    or transfer, for commercial purposes, any Atlantic HMS landed by owners 
    of vessels not permitted to do so under Sec. 635.4, or purchase, 
    receive, or transfer, or attempt to purchase, receive, or transfer, for 
    commercial purposes, any Atlantic HMS without the appropriate valid 
    dealer permit issued under Sec. 635.4, except that this does not apply 
    to a shark harvested from a vessel that has not been issued a permit 
    under this part and that fishes exclusively within the waters under the 
    jurisdiction of any state.
        (4) Sell or transfer or attempt to sell or transfer an Atlantic 
    tuna, shark, or swordfish other than to a dealer that has a valid 
    dealer permit issued under Sec. 635.4, except that this does not apply 
    to a shark harvested from a vessel that has not been issued a permit 
    under this part and that fishes exclusively within the waters under the 
    jurisdiction of any state.
    * * * * *
        (18) Fail to retrieve fishing gear and move after an interaction 
    with a marine mammal or sea turtle, as specified in Sec. 635.21(c)(3).
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 99-17597 Filed 7-8-99; 2:25 pm]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-F

Document Information

Effective Date:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule; technical amendment.
Document Number:
Effective July 1, 1999, except that Sec. 635.69(h) will be effective September 1, 1999.
37700-37705 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 981216308-9180-03, I.D. 052699A
0648-AJ67: Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Highly Migratory Species
RIN Links:
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CFR: (11)
50 CFR 635.21(c)(3)
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50 CFR 635.20
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