99-22208. Pipeline Safety: Qualification of Pipeline Personnel  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 166 (Friday, August 27, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 46853-46867]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-22208]
    Research and Special Programs Administration
    49 CFR Parts 192 and 195
    [Docket No. RSPA-98-3783; Amendment 192-86; 195-67]
    RIN 2137-AB38
    Pipeline Safety: Qualification of Pipeline Personnel
    AGENCY: Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA); Office of 
    Pipeline Safety (OPS).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This final rule requires pipeline operators to develop and 
    maintain a written qualification program for individuals performing 
    covered tasks on pipeline facilities. The intent of this qualification 
    rule is to ensure a qualified work force and to reduce the probability 
    and consequence of incidents caused by human error. This final rule 
    creates new subparts in the gas and hazardous liquid pipeline safety 
    regulations. It establishes qualification requirements for individuals 
    performing covered tasks, and amends certain training requirements in 
    the hazardous liquid regulations. This final rule was developed through 
    a negotiation process.
    DATES: This final rule will be effective on October 26, 1999.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Eben M. Wyman, (202) 366-0918, or by 
    e-mail at eben.wyman@rspa.dot.gov, regarding the subject matter of this 
    final rule; or the Dockets Unit, (202) 366-4453, for copies of this 
    final rule or other material in the docket. All materials in this 
    docket may be accessed electronically at http://dms.dot.gov. General 
    information about the RSPA Office of Pipeline Safety can be obtained by 
    accessing OPS's Internet home page at http://ops.dot.gov.
    Table of Contents for Supplementary Information
    I. Introduction.
    II. Statutory Authority and Regulatory History.
    III. Negotiated Rulemaking.
        A. Members of the RSPA Negotiated Rulemaking Committee.
        B. Negotiated Rulemaking Committee Groundrules.
        C. Committee Meetings.
    IV. Discussion of Comments Received on Notice of Proposed 
    V. Scope.
        A. Persons Covered by the Final Rule.
        B. Operators are Responsible for Identifying Covered Tasks.
        C. Identification of Covered Tasks.
        1. Tasks Performed on a Pipeline Facility.
        2. Operation or Maintenance Tasks.
        3. Tasks Performed Pursuant to a Requirement in 49 CFR Part 192 
    or 195.
        4. Tasks Affecting the Operation or Integrity of the Pipeline.
        D. Amendments to Section 195.403.
    VI. Definitions.
    VII. Qualification program.
    VIII. Recordkeeping.
    IX. General.
    I. Introduction
        Although no regulatory program is capable of completely eliminating 
    human error, the objective of this final rule is to reduce the risk of 
    accidents on pipeline facilities attributable to human error. This 
    final rule for the qualification of individuals is intended to provide 
    an additional level of safety. This final rule does not replace 
    existing qualification requirements in 49 CFR Part 192. However, it 
    does remove the operations and maintenance training requirements of 
    195.403. The final rule does not diminish the importance of the safety 
    requirements already in the pipeline safety regulations. These include 
    requirements for safety design features, such as relief valves and 
    over-pressure protection devices, to provide protection against human 
    error and other causes of incidents and accidents.
        The final rule requires operators of pipelines to develop a 
    qualification program to evaluate an individual's ability to perform 
    covered tasks, and to recognize and react to abnormal operating 
    conditions that may occur while performing covered tasks.
        The final rule also sets recordkeeping requirements that operators 
    must follow to successfully demonstrate compliance, and the information 
    that must be maintained on each individual who has been evaluated and 
    deemed qualified to work on a pipeline facility. Finally, the final 
    rule specifies the deadlines by which operators must develop and 
    implement their qualification programs.
        This final rule allows operators with existing programs to modify 
    those programs if necessary to ensure compliance with the minimum 
    requirements of this final rule. The final rule also requires operators 
    without a qualification program to establish a program to evaluate the 
    qualifications of individuals performing certain operation and 
    maintenance activities on those pipeline facilities that could affect 
    pipeline operation or integrity.
        This final rule establishes a new Subpart N in 49 CFR Part 192 and 
    a new Subpart G in 49 CFR part 195. The final rule amends the training 
    regulations in
    [[Page 46854]]
    49 CFR 195.403. The emergency response training requirements remain as 
    they appear in 49 CFR 195.403.
    II. Statutory Authority and Regulatory History
        Sections 106 and 205 of the Pipeline Safety Act of 1992 (Pub. L. 
    No. 102-508) required the Department of Transportation to establish 
    regulations requiring that ``all individuals responsible for the 
    operation and maintenance of pipeline facilities be tested for 
    qualifications and certified to operate and maintain those 
        On August 3, 1994, RSPA published a notice of proposed rulemaking 
    to establish specific training requirements for the qualification of 
    pipeline workers (59 FR 39506). This proposal would have introduced 
    qualification standards for personnel that perform, or supervise 
    persons performing, regulated operations, maintenance, and emergency 
    response functions. The purpose of the proposal was to improve pipeline 
    safety by requiring operators to ensure the competency of pipeline 
    personnel through training, testing, and periodic refresher training.
        In response to this notice, RSPA received 131 comments that 
    expressed a wide variety of interests and concerns. Most commenters 
    asserted that the proposal should have taken a more general approach to 
    qualification with broad requirements for persons performing ``safety 
    related'' functions. Commenters stated that the proposal was too 
    prescriptive and that the many references to training requirements 
    should be modified to focus the proposal on actual qualification, 
    rather than on the method(s) of achieving qualification.
        OPS' technical advisory committees, the Technical Pipeline Safety 
    Standards Committee and the Technical Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety 
    Standards Committee, disapproved of the proposal. These Committees 
    passed several motions for amendments to the proposal. These motions 
    were generally consistent with the written comments.
        Subsequently, the Pipeline Safety Act was amended to require that 
    ``all individuals who operate and maintain pipeline facilities shall be 
    qualified to operate and maintain the pipeline facilities'' (49 U.S.C. 
    60102(a)). This Act also requires that the ``qualifications applicable 
    to an individual who operates and maintains a pipeline facility shall 
    address the ability to recognize and react appropriately to abnormal 
    operating conditions that may indicate a dangerous situation or a 
    condition exceeding design limits'' (49 U.S.C. 60102(a)).
        Following review of the comments to the 1994 proposed rulemaking, 
    as well as recommendations by the Technical Advisory Committees, and a 
    petition for withdrawal and alternative proposal submitted collectively 
    by the American Gas Association, the American Public Gas Association, 
    and the Southern Gas Association, RSPA decided that a regulatory 
    process other than traditional rulemaking would better address the 
    issues surrounding operator qualifications. Consequently, RSPA issued a 
    Notice of Withdrawal of the 1994 proposed rulemaking (61 FR 34413; July 
    22, 1996) and simultaneously issued a Notice of Intent to form a 
    negotiated rulemaking committee to develop a final rule on the 
    qualification of pipeline personnel (61 FR 34410; July 22, 1996).
    III. Negotiated Rulemaking
        RSPA understands that effective regulatory solutions to certain 
    issues can be difficult for an agency to craft. In the typical 
    rulemaking process, the participants often develop adversarial 
    relationships that prevent effective communication and creative 
    solutions. Exchange of ideas that may lead to solutions that are 
    acceptable to all interested groups does not often occur in the 
    traditional notice and comment rulemaking procedure.
        Negotiated rulemaking is conducted under authority of the 
    Negotiated Rulemaking Act of 1990 and the Federal Advisory Committee 
    Act. The process involves assembling representatives of the affected 
    interests to discuss a particular issue and all potential solutions. 
    The goal was to reach consensus and prepare a proposed rule for 
    consideration by the agency. On February 22-23, 1999, the group 
    reconvened to review received comments and make recommendations for the 
    final rule. This inclusive process was intended to make the rule more 
    acceptable to all affected interests and minimize the likelihood of 
    petitions for reconsideration and litigation.
        RSPA believed that the negotiated rulemaking process would provide 
    ample opportunity for all affected parties to present their views and 
    to reach a consensus on a proposed qualification rule. Negotiated 
    rulemakings have been used successfully by the Department of 
    Transportation, including the Federal Aviation Administration, the 
    United States Coast Guard, the Federal Highway Administration, the 
    National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the Federal 
    Railroad Administration. In addition, the Environmental Protection 
    Agency, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration have 
    successfully used the process.
    A. Members of the RSPA Negotiated Rulemaking Committee
        The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) served as the 
    convenor and facilitator for the RSPA Negotiated Rulemaking Committee 
    (Committee). FMCS chaired the negotiations, offered suggestions in 
    attempting to reach the desired consensus, and helped determine the 
    feasibility of negotiating particular issues. From the beginning of 
    this process, RSPA met with FMCS on several occasions to discuss the 
    issues that needed to be addressed and the interests that needed to be 
    represented on a Committee. After a comprehensive search, RSPA selected 
    the following organizations, representing broad interests, to serve on 
    the Committee:
        1. American Gas Association (A.G.A.): represents a large number of 
    gas distribution and a few transmission companies in the pipeline 
    industry. A.G.A. members consist of both large and small operators.
        2. American Petroleum Institute (API): represents the interests of 
    the hazardous liquid pipeline companies. API is the major trade 
    association in the petroleum industry, and also represents the 
    interests of operators of other hazardous liquid pipelines.
        3. Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA): 
    represents the interests of the larger interstate gas transmission 
    pipeline companies in the natural gas transportation industry. INGAA 
    consists mainly of the larger interstate gas transmission pipelines.
        4. American Public Gas Association (APGA): represents publicly-
    owned and municipal gas companies. Although these public companies are 
    generally small, they operate a large number of the distribution 
    pipelines in American cities and suburbs.
        5. National Propane Gas Association (NPGA): represents the 
    interests of propane marketing and distribution at the local level. 
    NPGA is made up of both large and small companies.
        6. Association of Texas Intrastate Natural Gas Pipelines: 
    represents the interests of intrastate natural gas transmission 
        7. Midwest Energy Association (MEA): represents over 300 investor-
    owned utilities, municipal utilities, contractors and manufacturers. 
    MEA brought considerable expertise in pipeline personnel training 
        8. NACE International, The Corrosion Society (NACE): an 
    organization of corrosion experts. NACE works
    [[Page 46855]]
    primarily on issues of corrosion and corrosion control systems.
        9. National Association of Pipeline Safety Representatives (NAPSR): 
    represents state pipeline safety programs. Many of these organizations 
    will incorporate the final rule on operator qualifications into their 
    pipeline safety program.
        10. National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners 
    (NARUC): represents the interests of the state utility commissioners, 
    who regulate gas rates and terms of service in most of the fifty 
        11. National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM): represents 
    the interests of state fire officials in state safety programs and the 
    issue of qualification for emergency response.
        12. International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE): represents 
    the interests of a substantial number of pipeline construction and 
    maintenance workers.
        13. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW): 
    represents over 21,000 gas industry workers.
        14. Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS): served as the representative 
    of RSPA, and the Designated Federal Official on the Committee.
    B. Negotiated Rulemaking Committee Ground Rules
        Most of the procedures and protocols followed in the negotiation 
    were established by the Committee. A set of Committee ``ground rules'' 
    was developed by participants at the initial meeting. Issues discussed 
    and agreed upon by the Committee included: how discussions would be 
    conducted, possibility of subgroups to work on particular issues, 
    expectations of Committee members, the Committee's role throughout the 
    rulemaking process, audience participation, and other topics. The 
    following are some of the more significant ground rules established by 
    the Committee:
        1. Membership: All organizations were allowed one seat at the 
    table, and permitted to name one alternate to serve in their absence.
        2. Good faith: All participants were expected to act in good faith 
    on behalf of their organization. OPS agreed to issue the Committee's 
    proposed rule as long as it was not in conflict with any other legal 
    requirements. In turn, the Committee agreed to support the proposal 
    following publication in the Federal Register. It was agreed that the 
    Committee would be actively involved through publication of the final 
        3. Conduct of meetings: Committee members reserved the right to 
    bring constituents to the table to address the Committee, and could 
    quietly consult with constituents during the course of the negotiation. 
    All meetings were open to the public. The Committee agreed that there 
    would be time scheduled on every meeting agenda for comment by the 
        4. Public Record: RSPA kept a record of all Committee meetings. 
    This record was placed in the public docket (Docket No. PS-94) and is 
    publicly available.
        5. Consensus: The goal of the negotiating process is consensus. The 
    Committee developed its own definition of consensus for the purposes of 
    this rulemaking, which was as follows: ``A decision which all members 
    or designated alternates present at the meeting can agree upon. The 
    decision may not be everyone's first choice, but they have heard it and 
    everyone can live with it.''
    C. Committee Meetings
        The Committee convened a total of eight times between May 1997, and 
    February 1999. Each negotiating session lasted a minimum of two days, 
    with two sessions convening for two and a half days. These meetings 
    resulted in an NPRM which was published in the Federal Register on 
    October 27, 1998, (63 FR 57269). The Committee reached final consensus 
    on the final rule in its last meeting in February 1999.
    IV. Discussion of Comments in Response to NPRM
    General Comments
        RSPA received 41 comments to the NPRM. Comments were received from 
    nine pipeline-related trade associations, 25 pipeline operators, two 
    state government agencies, two union organizations, two independent 
    organizations, and the National Transportation Safety Board. Most 
    commenters expressed support for the rule.
        Four commenters questioned the need for an operator qualification 
    rule. They said there is no evidence in the pipeline industry's safety 
    record to demonstrate the need for what they alleged would be a new 
    administrative burden. Another commenter expressed that it is 
    inappropriate to add a new subpart to the pipeline safety regulations. 
    However, RSPA was mandated by Congress to develop qualification 
    requirements in several pipeline safety reauthorization actions, most 
    recently in 1996. The mandate was supported by several entities, 
    including many state government agencies, the National Transportation 
    Safety Board, and others.
        In addition, seven out of the 14 members of the Committee that 
    developed this rule represented various parts of the gas and hazardous 
    liquid pipeline industry. The Committee agreed to focus the rule on the 
    requirements of the 1996 Act, which called for the establishment of 
    ``qualification'' requirements rather than ``training and 
    certification'' requirements that were mandated in the 1992 Pipeline 
    Reauthorization Act. RSPA believes the proposed rule addresses the 
    intent of the 1996 Act.
        One commenter said that the goal of the rule could be better served 
    by implementing general language into the pipeline safety regulations, 
    such as ``all tasks required by Part 192 will be carried out by 
    qualified individuals.'' RSPA disagrees that this language would be 
    sufficient to ensure a qualified work force. This ambiguous language 
    would not satisfy the requirements called for in the 1996 Act.
        A pipeline industry trade association recommended that RSPA conduct 
    a formal cost-benefit analysis as described in the 1996 Act. A cost-
    benefit analysis was performed and is a part of the public docket. RSPA 
    is statutorily required to prepare a cost-benefit analysis, even if a 
    rule is developed by a negotiated rulemaking committee. RSPA worked 
    closely with the Committee on the regulatory analysis section of the 
        Another commenter said that RSPA did not adequately consider the 
    burdens imposed on the operator resulting from responsibility for 
    contractor qualification, and asked that RSPA exempt operators from 
    qualifying contractors. Another commenter noted that pipeline 
    contractors with in-house safety training will suffer because different 
    pipeline companies will have different qualification plans. As is the 
    case with all pipeline safety regulations, responsibility for 
    compliance lies with the pipeline operator. RSPA does not have 
    regulatory jurisdiction over pipeline contractors. However, to ensure 
    the qualification of the many contractor personnel that work regularly 
    on pipelines, the proposed rule covers all operator employees, 
    contractors, sub-contractors, or any other entities working on behalf 
    of the operator.
        One commenter suggested that RSPA facilitate the development of a 
    ``model qualification program,'' to assist small operators, and to 
    provide outreach and explanation of the rule to pipeline contractors 
    and sub-contractors. Another commenter said that RSPA should not 
    require compliance with ``model'' or ``industry standard'' 
    qualification programs. RSPA believes the spirit of this rule is to 
    allow flexibility for operators to develop
    [[Page 46856]]
    specific qualification programs for their unique systems, and that a 
    compliance ``model'' would be inconsistent with the spirit of the rule. 
    However, RSPA will be working with state government agencies, and 
    pipeline industry groups to facilitate implementation of the 
    qualification rule. RSPA believes cooperative efforts with affected 
    parties will provide the necessary guidance for compliance with the 
        One commenter said there should be provisions for ``transitional 
    allowances,'' in situations where merging operators have inconsistent 
    qualification programs. RSPA believes the time frames provided allow 
    adequate time to resolve inconsistencies between qualification 
    programs. Program modifications are inevitable in the case of company 
    mergers. RSPA understands the problems that arise in the event of 
    company mergers, and will work with operators on a case by case basis 
    to ensure compliance with this rule.
        Eleven commenters believed that the references to the existing 
    authority of inspectors to evaluate the adequacy of qualification 
    programs should be eliminated from the preamble of the final rule, 
    because this authority ``already exists.'' They insisted that existing 
    procedures provide administrative processes for resolution of 
    disagreements. The Committee discussed this issue at length, and agreed 
    that the references should be retained to remind all affected parties 
    that the increased flexibility provided in this rule does not limit the 
    authority of oversight agencies.
        There were several comments regarding the implementation of this 
    rule, and on measuring performance. A commenter suggested that RSPA 
    provide the following provisions to mitigate the financial impact on 
    local government systems that must comply with the rule: (1) A 
    federally sponsored and funded training program to be administered on a 
    state/local level; and (2) federal funds necessary for local government 
    compliance. RSPA provides federal funds in the pipeline safety grant 
    program, which provides up to 50% of a state agency's program, if they 
    are considered a ``state partner'' to RSPA. Additional training 
    programs dealing with compliance with the rule are currently under 
    development and will be open to all interested parties, including local 
    government entities affected by the regulation. Further, federal 
    guidance documents such as the revised version of the ``Guidance Manual 
    for Operators of Small Gas Systems'' will help small operators achieve 
    compliance. Also, two commenters suggested that RSPA develop a 
    mechanism(s) to evaluate the rule's effectiveness. RSPA plans to 
    establish a periodic review with stakeholders regarding the 
    effectiveness of the qualification rule.
        Finally, eleven commenters said that language should be implemented 
    in the preamble describing what process or procedure RSPA would use if 
    it became necessary to revise the qualification rule. They suggested 
    the following options: (1) Reconvene the Committee; (2) establish an 
    industry/government task team; (3) hold public meetings and/or 
    workshops; or (4) nominating stakeholders to form a peer review team. 
    RSPA cannot predict what changes might be necessary for this rule in 
    the future, but will periodically work with stakeholders to evaluate 
    the effectiveness of this rule.
        One commenter was concerned with the effect of the proposed rule on 
    small operators, and suggested that RSPA provide guidance on compliance 
    with the rule to assist small operators, and state pipeline safety 
    inspection personnel. Another commenter believed master meter operators 
    should be exempt from qualification requirements, because many master 
    meter operators are small ``mom and pop'' operations. This commenter 
    asked how these small operators would be able to evaluate qualification 
    of the many contract personnel that work on their master meter systems.
        The Committee discussed the issue of the effects of the rule on 
    small operators and master meter systems, and agreed that special 
    provisions would not be appropriate because the qualification of 
    workers at both large and small pipeline operators can impact safety. 
    Federal guidance documents such as the ``Guidance Manual for Operators 
    of Small Gas Systems'' will be revised to help small operators achieve 
    compliance. In addition, many training programs are currently under 
    development by government organizations and members of the pipeline 
        A commenter said RSPA should clarify how individuals involved in 
    emergency response, who do not perform covered tasks, would be subject 
    to the qualification requirements. The Committee agreed not to re-write 
    the qualification requirements of emergency response personnel. The 
    rule applies only to personnel performing operations and maintenance 
    Comments to Secs. 192.801/195.501--Scope
        One pipeline operator suggested the reference to gas control 
    operations on page 57273 of the proposed rule be removed from the rule. 
    This operator claimed that monitoring is related to market response and 
    customer delivery, not overpressure protection, and would not 
    necessarily be a covered task. RSPA believes that controlling gas would 
    clearly have to be considered a covered task. Any handling of the noted 
    ``physical and mechanical devices'' would require qualification. The 
    example remains in the final rule.
        Thirty commenters were concerned with a paragraph on page 57273 of 
    the proposed rule dealing with tasks ``performed pursuant to 
    requirement in part 192 or 195,'' and the example of ``calibrations and 
    low-pressure shutdowns.'' These commenters believe this language 
    directly conflicts with the rule language, which describes a covered 
    task as one that is ``performed as a requirement of this Part.'' The 
    commenters noted RSPA added this paragraph to clarify the meaning of a 
    covered task, but that it appears to expand the criteria for 
    determining a covered task. These commenters also said that any 
    references to ``pursuant to'' a requirement in the pipeline safety 
    regulations should be revised to ``as required by'' to be consistent 
    throughout the preamble and rule language. This paragraph was intended 
    to provide further clarification of activities that would be considered 
    covered tasks, but apparently caused confusion. RSPA has deleted the 
    paragraph in the final rule.
        Two commenters called for better guidance in identifying covered 
    tasks. For clarification, they believed the term ``pipeline facility'' 
    should be defined in the rule, using the existing definition in the 
    pipeline safety regulations. The definition of the term ``pipeline 
    facility'' can be found in 192.3 and 195.2. These definitions apply 
    generally to those subparts of the pipeline safety regulations. RSPA 
    does not see any merit in adding the definition to the rule.
        One commenter said the preamble should include a note of 
    clarification to distinguish the term ``task'' from ``covered task,'' 
    as there could be some misinterpretation of the meaning of the term. 
    RSPA agrees with this comment and has revised any appropriate 
    references to ``task'' with ``covered tasks'' or replaced the term 
    ``task'' with ``activity.''
        Thirteen commenters expressed that under ``Tasks affecting the 
    operation or integrity of the pipeline,'' the term ``could'' should be 
    deleted where used in the generic sense in column 1 of page 57273 of 
    the proposed rule to match the language in the rule. RSPA agrees and 
    has made this change in the final rule.
    [[Page 46857]]
        Fourteen commenters wanted clarification of the ``examples'' in the 
    proposed rule used to describe the four-part test. These commenters 
    said that the spirit of the rule is to provide operators with 
    opportunity to identify covered tasks unique to their systems, but the 
    discussion of ``examples'' imply that these examples would always be 
    covered tasks under the rule. These commenters said the preamble should 
    be revised to express that the ``hypothetical examples,'' are not to 
    imply that they would necessarily be covered for all operators. RSPA 
    believes the term ``hypothetical'' speaks for itself. We believe no 
    change is necessary.
        One pipeline operator had many problems with various provisions and 
    examples throughout the preamble. This operator incorrectly believed 
    that the example dealing with leak surveys on page 57273 of the NPRM 
    was inappropriate, because leak surveys do not affect the operation or 
    integrity of the pipeline. The commenter also incorrectly said use of 
    the term ``covered task'' is unnecessary because a covered task is 
    simply an operations and maintenance task. Activities such as painting 
    a pipeline for appearance reasons would not require qualification. This 
    operator also stated that the concept of a task not being covered when 
    performed on an unattached pipeline component was confusing, and asked 
    for clarification. The Committee decided that when pipeline facilities 
    are not physically attached to the pipeline, work on these facilities 
    should not be ``covered,'' such as a manufacturers repair work off 
        This operator also alleged that the preamble does not explain that 
    the term ``integrity'' includes the potential long-term effects of an 
    activity. Also, this operator did not believe the example dealing with 
    the coating and jacketing of pipelines was appropriate to illustrate 
    the significance of tasks affecting the operation or integrity of a 
    pipeline. RSPA disagrees with this commenter in all of these areas. The 
    Committee discussed pipeline integrity considerably, and agreed that 
    the examples used were appropriate. Therefore RSPA does not believe any 
    changes are necessary.
    Comments to 192.803/195.503--Definitions
    Abnormal Operating Condition
        Fourteen commenters suggested that the preamble should state that 
    the Committee determined that the current definition for ``Abnormal 
    Operation'' in part 192 would not satisfy the provisions in the 1996 
    Act. These commenters also claimed that this definition could be read 
    to require individuals to recognize and react to an abnormal operating 
    condition that is unrelated to their expertise. RSPA believes that all 
    persons performing covered tasks should be able to reasonably recognize 
    and react to abnormal operating conditions while performing their work. 
    The current definition of ``Abnormal Operation'' in part 192 does not 
    meet the requirements of the 1996 Act. Further, the Committee agreed 
    that a separate definition would be appropriate for the purposes of 
    this subpart.
        One commenter said that the structure of Abnormal Operating 
    Condition definition is unclear and inconsistent with the structure of 
    other definitions. RSPA agrees and has revised the format of the 
    definition to provide clarity.
        Eleven commenters said that Note 1 of the table on page 57274 of 
    the NPRM, should be clarified from ``during the period between the 
    effective date of the rule and the three-year compliance date'' to 
    ``October 28, 2002.'' RSPA agrees and has made the appropriate change 
    in the final rule.
        Twelve commenters said that RSPA should add the table to the rule 
    language because the description in the preamble is not sufficient 
    guidance for pipeline operators. RSPA does not believe the change is 
    warranted because the rule language provides clear guidance. The table 
    was included in the preamble for illustrative purposes only.
        One commenter asked that RSPA clarify how operators should identify 
    and document covered tasks during ``transitional'' qualification. The 
    commenter said the reference to transitional qualification is confusing 
    because no covered tasks are required to be documented for 20 months. 
    It is clear that no worker may be qualified under this rule before an 
    operator has established a qualification program, including a covered 
    task list. Although a qualification program may be established at any 
    time, it must be completed and documented no later than 20 months after 
    the rule is published in the Federal Register. The use of the term 
    ``transitional'' in the preamble to the rule merely highlights that 
    current workers can be qualified solely through use of a work 
    performance history review only during the period ending 38 months 
    after the rule is published.
        One commenter believed there was no need to define this term 
    because it will lead to confusion and inconsistency with other 
    regulations. However, the Committee agreed early in the negotiating 
    process that this term should be defined for the purposes of this rule, 
    so no changes have been made.
        One commenter stated that RSPA may need to define ``Operations and 
    Maintenance'' or designate which sections of parts 192 and 195 are 
    covered by the proposed rule. The final rule describes covered tasks as 
    those identified by the operator using the ``four-part test.'' This 
    topic is discussed further in the discussion concerning identification 
    of covered tasks, in particular operations and maintenance tasks. 
    Therefore, RSPA does not believe that further description is warranted 
    in the final rule.
    Comments to Secs. 192.805/195.505--Qualification Program
        Two commenters did not agree with the language ``contributed to an 
    incident as defined in Part 191 of this chapter,'' because it includes 
    LNG facilities in the definition of ``incident.'' These commenters do 
    not believe the scope of the rule should include individuals that work 
    at or near LNG facilities. The scope section of this rule states that 
    the regulation would cover only Parts 192 or 195 of the pipeline safety 
        Two commenters believed that there may be situations where a 
    covered task is simple or repetitive enough that a required re-
    evaluation at any interval is not warranted. The commenters asked that 
    this be noted in the preamble. The Committee discussed this issue at 
    length, and agreed that simple repetition of a covered task does not 
    ensure that the task is performed safely and properly. Appropriate 
    intervals (as determined by the operator) will ensure that the person 
    performing a covered task is continually qualified. Thus, RSPA does not 
    believe a change is needed.
        One commenter noted that the description of 192.805 allows 
    operators to add to the seven required elements of their qualification 
    program and makes clear that operators will not be held accountable for 
    the qualification of personnel performing non-covered tasks. However, 
    the commenter was concerned that attempts could be made to treat non-
    covered tasks included in a qualification program as if they were 
    covered tasks. The commenter suggested that RSPA revise the preamble to 
    emphasize that voluntary tasks included
    [[Page 46858]]
    in a qualification program would not be treated as required covered 
    tasks. RSPA believes the rule is clear as written. If a task does not 
    meet the ``four-part test'' in Sec. 192.805 and Sec. 195.505, it is not 
    covered task, even if voluntarily included in the qualification 
    Comments to Secs. 192.807/195.507--Recordkeeping
        No comments were received regarding these sections.
    Comments to Secs. 192.809/195.509--General
        Thirteen commenters suggested that ``18 months'' should be changed 
    to ``20 months after publication of the final rule.'' They also asked 
    that RSPA change the final rule to clarify ``three years'' to ``38 
    months from the publication date of the final rule.'' RSPA agrees and 
    has made the appropriate change in the final rule.
        Thirteen commenters said that the language stating that a 
    ``qualification program would be effective for a minimum of 10 years'' 
    is confusing. Commenters suggested that RSPA remove the sentence 
    because it could be subject to multiple interpretations. RSPA agrees 
    and has made the change in the final rule.
    Comments to 195.403--Emergency Response Training
        A petroleum trade association supported the proposed revisions in 
    195.403, which would remove prescriptive O&M training requirements and 
    provide consistency with gas regulations. However, the commenter 
    suggested that the preamble clarify that hazardous liquid operators may 
    modify or discontinue operations and maintenance training requirements 
    only when the qualification rule is fully implemented. RSPA agrees and 
    has added language in 195.403 to reflect this change.
        RSPA has implemented several other suggested grammatical 
    corrections in the final rule.
    Comments to rulemaking analysis and notices
        RSPA worked closely with the Committee, as well as with several 
    representatives in the pipeline industry when developing the rulemaking 
    analysis. One commenter suggested RSPA should use simple annualized 
    costs, rather than amortized costs. However, amortized costs more 
    accurately reflect the costs incurred by the pipeline industry.
        RSPA received several comments on the following paragraphs 
    regarding Executive Order 12866:
        ``However, the impact of inadequate qualification of pipeline 
    personnel is not always apparent. For example, incidents/accidents 
    that operators attribute to equipment failure or corrosion may 
    actually have been set in motion by poorly performed operation or 
    maintenance procedures.'' (63 FR 57276)
        ``In 1997, there were a total of 363 reportable pipeline 
    incidents/accidents. Of these, 105 were directly attributable to 
    human error.'' (63 FR 57276)
        ``In fact, human error frequently is not cited as a contributing 
    factor in incident/accident investigations, even though it is 
    recognized that human error underlies nearly all pipeline failures 
    to some degree.'' (63 FR 57276)
        ``Perhaps the most important factor to consider when assessing 
    the benefits of this proposal is that very few pipeline failures 
    occur without some degree of human failure.'' (63 FR 57277)
        Twenty-two commenters contend that the above references are not 
    reasonable. They request that RSPA describe its methodology used to 
    reach these conclusions, and substantiate these statements with 
    sufficient and credible data, or delete them.
        These commenters did not agree that human error is a contributing 
    factor to nearly all incidents. Further, human error is not always 
    related to lack of qualification. The commenters suggested that RSPA 
    remove or substantiate the ``non-quantifiable benefits,'' because they 
    questioned the assumption that the rule will improve ``work 
    productivity and down-time.''
        ``[I]n 1997, there were 88 reportable incidents attributed to 
    outside force damage in the natural gas pipeline industry. Although 
    the data reflects outside force damage as the cause of the 
    incidents, human error is inherently present in most outside force 
    damage. For instance, the outside force damage may have resulted 
    from a pipeline worker not following local one-call system 
    procedures or from improper marking of the pipeline prior to 
    excavation'' (63 FR 57277).
        Seventeen commenters expressed that this discussion is misleading 
    and not supported by facts. They noted that the discussion referring to 
    ``the difficulty in quantifying the benefits of this proposed rule * * 
    *'' were only made to narrow the gap between costs and benefits. They 
    believe that these assumptions were not substantiated and should be 
    deleted from the preamble. RSPA acknowledges that language was added to 
    the NPRM after the final review by the Committee. However, the cost/
    benefit section was not part of the negotiated discussion by the entire 
    Committee during the development of this rulemaking. RSPA has 
    nonetheless considerably revised this discussion to take into 
    consideration the comments on this topic.
        Two commenters argued that litigation costs may increase, not 
    decrease, as a result of this rule. RSPA has removed the reference to 
    litigation costs since it would be difficult to predict the effect of 
    this rule on litigation costs.
        Eighteen commenters expressed that DOT's reference to the 1994 gas 
    pipeline incident in Edison, NJ is inappropriate. This incident was the 
    result of illegal third party activity. They requested that DOT delete 
    the paragraph. RSPA agrees with these commenters and has removed the 
    reference in this final rule.
    Specific Comments on the Proposed Rule Language
        Several comments were received regarding the regulatory language. 
    One commenter suggested that 192.801 does not need the phrase ``as 
    identified by the operator.'' Several industry representatives on the 
    Committee wanted this clarification to highlight that the operator is 
    responsible for identifying covered tasks. Therefore, RSPA has not made 
    the suggested change to the final rule.
        Ten commenters said that 192.803 should be changed by adding the 
    phrase ``that may reasonably be anticipated to be encountered while 
    performing the covered task'' to the end of item #2 in the definition 
    of ``Qualified'' (63 FR 57278). The commenters believed this would be 
    consistent with the language in the preamble and thus does not obligate 
    pipeline personnel to know all types of potential abnormal conditions. 
    The Committee discussed this issue and concluded that no change to the 
    regulatory language is warranted.
        Nine commenters suggested that 191.805(f) should have the word 
    ``substantive'' between the words ``communicate'' and ``changes''. 
    Commenters believed this change would make the rule consistent with the 
    preamble (page 57275, 3rd column, 2nd full paragraph) where the term 
    ``substantive'' is used and makes it clear that not every change must 
    be communicated. This issue was discussed by the Committee, and RSPA 
    does not believe change to the regulatory language is warranted.
        Ten commenters noted that 192.809(a) should read ``20 months'' 
    instead of ``2018 months''. This typographical error was corrected in 
    this final rule.
        Eleven commenters said 192.803 should be revised to clarify that 
    the reference to ``other forms of assessment'' is distinct from 
    ``observation during'' in the Evaluation definition. RSPA discussed 
    this with the Committee and revised the rule to distinguish the term
    [[Page 46859]]
    ``observation'' from ``other forms of assessment.''
        The term ``integrity'' in the Scope sections is unclear. This issue 
    was discussed by the Committee, and RSPA does not believe changes to 
    the regulatory language are warranted.
        One commenter suggested that section 192.809 be revised to allow 
    extra time for operators to ensure qualification of contractor 
    personnel. This issue was discussed by the Committee, and RSPA does not 
    believe changes to the regulatory language are warranted.
        One commenter suggested that an additional section be inserted in 
    the rule to measure the performance of the qualification rule. RSPA 
    plans to establish a periodic review with stakeholders regarding the 
    effectiveness of the qualification rule. RSPA does not believe changes 
    to the regulatory language are warranted.
    V. Scope
        The Accountable Pipeline Safety and Partnership Act of 1996 
    required RSPA to adopt regulations requiring that ``all individuals who 
    operate and maintain pipeline facilities shall be qualified to operate 
    and maintain the pipeline facilities'' and ``shall address the ability 
    to recognize and react appropriately to abnormal operating conditions 
    that may indicate a dangerous situation or a condition exceeding design 
    limits'' (49 U.S.C. 60102(a)). The Committee determined that a national 
    qualification program conducted by RSPA, another federal agency, or a 
    state agency, would not be an appropriate or practical response to the 
    1996 Act. Such a system offers the advantages of national consistency, 
    including the ability of contractor employees to work for different 
    operators under a single qualification regime. However, it was 
    determined that the complexity and cost of administering such a system, 
    coupled with the difficulty of devising a system appropriate for the 
    wide variations in the operations and maintenance procedures and 
    facilities of individual operators, precluded this from being an 
    effective option.
        The Committee determined the mandate would best be met by a non-
    prescriptive, performance based regulation requiring each operator to 
    develop, or have developed, a written program for the qualification of 
    individuals. This would allow each program to be tailored to the unique 
    operations and practices of each operator.
    A. Persons Covered by the Final Rule
        This final rule applies to operators subject to the requirements of 
    49 CFR parts 192 or 195. The rule applies to all individuals who 
    perform covered tasks, regardless of whether they are employed by the 
    operator, a contractor, a sub-contractor, or any other entity 
    performing covered tasks on behalf of the operator.
    B. Operators are Responsible for Identifying Covered Tasks
        Under this final rule, the operator is responsible for identifying 
    which activities performed on the pipeline facility are covered tasks. 
    The process for identifying covered tasks is set forth in 49 CFR 
    192.801 and 195.501 (``Scope'') of this final rule.
        The Committee discussed whether the regulator or the operator 
    should be responsible for identifying covered tasks. Because of large 
    differences between operations of pipelines across the country, a 
    uniform list of covered tasks would not be useful, and could result in 
    overall increased costs. For example, some operators do not have 
    transmission lines in their systems, others operate only distribution 
    lines, and others do not have compressors, pump stations, or storage 
    facilities. Some operators perform a large number of covered tasks, 
    while other, smaller, operators may have only a limited number of tasks 
    that must be classified as covered tasks.
        Identification of covered tasks is a key component of the 
    qualification requirements under this final rule. The Committee 
    proposed that it would be more effective and practical to let each 
    operator determine the covered tasks requiring qualification.
        However, some Committee members were concerned that if operators 
    are allowed to determine the covered tasks, the final rule should also 
    ensure that the regulators retain the authority to review each 
    operator's determinations. Some Committee members objected to allowing 
    each operator to identify covered tasks requiring individuals to be 
    qualified. These members objected to the use of the words ``determined 
    by,'' which could be interpreted to preclude regulators from 
    questioning the operator's identification of covered tasks. The 
    Committee decided to use the words ``identified by'' to mean the 
    selection of covered tasks by the operator. The Committee concluded 
    that the authority to allow pipeline safety regulators to require 
    modifications to programs that fail to meet regulatory requirements was 
    already within the scope of federal and state jurisdiction, as was the 
    authority to question particular activities included as covered tasks 
    by the operator. The Committee concluded that covered tasks would be 
    activities identified by the operator.
        Therefore, under this final rule, the operator of a pipeline 
    facility is responsible for identifying which activities performed on 
    that facility are covered tasks. The criteria for identifying covered 
    tasks on gas and hazardous liquid pipelines is set forth in 49 CFR 
    192.801 and 195.501, respectively.
        Although operators are responsible for identifying covered tasks 
    for which individuals must be qualified, regulators remain responsible 
    for reviewing operator qualification programs and ensuring that federal 
    regulatory standards are applied and met nationwide. Regulators may 
    question an operator's inclusion and exclusion of particular activities 
    as covered tasks. Regulators may require modifications to programs that 
    fail to meet the requirements of the rule.
    B. Identification of Covered Tasks
        The final rule includes a four-part test that each operator must 
    use to determine whether an activity constitutes a covered task. A 
    covered task is: (1) Performed on a pipeline facility; (2) an 
    operations or maintenance task; (3) performed pursuant to a requirement 
    in 49 CFR part 192 or 195; and (4) affects the operation or integrity 
    of the pipeline.
        1. Tasks Performed on a Pipeline Facility. The phrase ``performed 
    on a pipeline facility'' means an activity that is performed by an 
    individual whose performance directly impacts the pipeline facility. An 
    individual who works on a pipeline component that is physically 
    connected to the pipeline system is performing work ``on a pipeline 
    facility'' and may be subject to the final rules, regardless of whether 
    or not product is flowing through the pipeline. However, a person who 
    repairs a pipeline system or appurtenance, that has been removed from 
    the system, would not be performing work on the pipeline, and therefore 
    would not be performing a covered task.
        2. Operations or Maintenance Tasks. The Federal pipeline safety law 
    requires that all individuals who operate and maintain pipeline 
    facilities be qualified to operate and maintain those facilities (49 
    U.S.C. 60102(a)(1)(C)).
        Most of the operations and maintenance activities on pipeline 
    facilities are found in 49 CFR part 192, subparts L and M, or in 49 CFR 
    part 195, subpart F. In addition, the regulations contain other 
    subparts that include requirements for conducting operations and 
    maintenance activities. For example, part 192, Subpart I, establishes
    [[Page 46860]]
    requirements for protecting metallic pipelines from external, internal, 
    and atmospheric corrosion. The requirements to monitor corrosion 
    control systems are operations activities. The requirements to take 
    corrective action when deficiencies are found in a corrosion control 
    program are maintenance activities. Therefore, repairing pipelines 
    affected by corrosion is also a maintenance activity.
        Certain tasks performed on pipeline facilities may be covered tasks 
    when performed in the course of operation and maintenance activities, 
    but may not be covered tasks in the course of other activities. For 
    example, ``welding'' could be a covered task when performed as an 
    operations and maintenance activity on a pipeline, such as when 
    installing a weld-over sleeve to repair an anomaly. However, 
    ``welding'' is not a covered task under this subpart when performed 
    during the fabrication of new installations, because this would not be 
    an operations and maintenance task.
        However, welders are currently subject to qualification 
    requirements in 49 CFR part 192, Subpart E, and Part 195, Subpart D. To 
    comply with the final rule, welders would have to be additionally 
    qualified to recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions when 
    welding as a covered task. This also applies to other activities such 
    as ``plastic pipe joining,'' for which the regulations contain specific 
        3. Tasks Performed Pursuant to a Requirement in 49 CFR Part 192 or 
    195. Covered tasks include only those operations and maintenance 
    activities required by 49 CFR Part 192 or 195.
        Examples of covered tasks might include:
         purging a pipeline because it is specifically required by 
    49 CFR 192.629;
         leakage surveys of distribution lines, required by 49 CFR 
         starting, operating, and shutting down gas compressor 
    units, because 49 CFR 192.605(b)(7) specifically requires written 
    procedures on these activities, to provide safety during maintenance 
    and operations;
         inspection of navigable water crossings under 49 CFR 
    195.412; and
         inspection of breakout tanks required by 49 CFR 195.432.
        Operators of pipeline facilities may voluntarily conduct operations 
    and maintenance activities that are not required by a specific 
    provision in 49 CFR parts 192 or 195. However, an activity does not 
    necessarily become a covered task simply because an operator develops 
    procedures for conducting the activity, and includes those procedures 
    in its Operations and Maintenance Plan. For example, an operator may 
    voluntarily choose to maintain a customer's buried piping, and include 
    procedures for this activity in its Operations and Maintenance Plan. 
    Because such maintenance is not specifically required by 49 CFR parts 
    192 or 195, the associated maintenance activities are not covered 
        4. Tasks Affecting the Operation or Integrity of the Pipeline. 
    Under the final rule, covered tasks include only those activities that 
    affect the operation or integrity of the pipeline.
        The main purpose of the final rule is to ensure safety of pipelines 
    through qualification of individuals. Initial discussions centered 
    around safety-related activities and the need to categorize covered 
    tasks as only those activities having safety implications. Some 
    Committee members argued that most of the provisions in parts 49 CFR 
    192 and 195 regulate safety-related activities. It would therefore be 
    redundant to include the word ``safe'' on pipeline operations addressed 
    under this criteria. Therefore, it was decided to use the phrase, 
    ``operation or integrity,'' because some activities do not adversely 
    affect the operation or integrity of the pipeline, even though they 
    meet the other three criteria. The Committee decided to include a 
    fourth criteria that must be satisfied for an activity to be a covered 
    task, namely that the activity affects the operation or integrity of 
    the pipeline.
        The Committee discussed the term ``operation'' as used here in the 
    safety context of normal versus abnormal operation, where the latter 
    could result in an unsafe condition. For example, the control of flow 
    and pressure in pipelines could result in abnormal operation, if the 
    pressure is allowed to rise above an acceptable limit. Therefore, in 
    this example, activities that include controlling flow and pressure on 
    a pipeline system would be considered covered tasks if the other three 
    criteria for covered tasks were met.
        An additional example of an activity affecting the integrity of the 
    pipeline would be coating or jacketing of aboveground pipeline 
    components. In the event atmospheric corrosion is present, coating or 
    jacketing the component could affect the integrity of the pipeline. 
    However, painting a pipeline for aesthetic reasons would not affect the 
    integrity of the pipeline.
        The ``integrity'' of the pipeline refers to the pipeline's ability 
    to operate safely and to withstand stresses imposed during operations. 
    An example of a short-term effect on integrity would be exceeding the 
    Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP) for gas pipelines and 
    Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP) for liquid pipelines. An example of a 
    long-term effect would be failure from corrosion due to improper 
    coating after repair of a welded joint.
        Because the term ``pipeline facility'' was used in the first 
    criterion, the Committee also considered whether it would be 
    appropriate to use the term ``pipeline facility'' in the fourth 
    criterion instead of the term ``pipeline.'' Although some argued that 
    consistency should be maintained, others stated that the primary goal 
    of the final rule is to ensure the safe operation and integrity of the 
    pipeline itself. Furthermore, the term ``pipeline'' as defined in 49 
    CFR parts 192 and 195 already encompasses the ``facilities'' targeted 
    by the final rule. The Committee therefore agreed that this criterion 
    should remain unchanged.
        If an activity fails to meet any one of the four criteria, the 
    activity would not be considered a covered task under this final rule. 
    The following are hypothetical examples of how the four-part test can 
    be used to identify a covered task:
        Example 1: Leakage surveys on gas transmission pipelines.
        (1) Performed on a pipeline facility? Yes, because leakage surveys 
    are performed immediately above the pipeline and on the pipeline right-
        (2) Is an operations and maintenance task? Yes, leakage surveys are 
    conducted in the course of pipeline operations and maintenance 
        (3) Is performed as a requirement of this part? Yes, leakage 
    surveys are required by 49 CFR 192.706 and 192.723.
        (4) Affects the operation or integrity of the pipeline? Yes, if a 
    leakage survey is not properly conducted, a leak might not be detected, 
    resulting in a potentially hazardous situation.
        Since all four criteria are met, the leakage survey is a covered 
        Example 2: Measuring pipe-to-soil potentials.
        (1) Performed on a pipeline facility? Yes, pipe-to-soil potentials 
    are measured at cathodic test stations attached directly to the 
        (2) Is an operations and maintenance task? Yes, pipe-to-soil 
    potentials are read in the course of pipeline operations and 
    maintenance activities.
        (3) Is performed as a requirement of this part? Yes, pipe-to-soil 
    potential measurements are required by 49 CFR 192.465 and 195.416.
        (4) Affects the operation or integrity of the pipeline? Yes, pipe-
    to-soil potential measurements, if taken improperly, will not 
    accurately reflect the level of cathodic protection being provided.
    [[Page 46861]]
    While not affecting the immediate operation of the pipeline, the future 
    integrity of the pipeline might be jeopardized (for example, corrosion 
    might develop), if inadequate cathodic protection is applied to the 
    pipeline over a period of time.
        Since all four criteria are met, the measurement of pipe-to-soil 
    potentials is a covered task.
        Example 3: Meter reading.
        (1) Performed on a pipeline facility? Yes, a meter is a part of a 
    pipeline facility.
        (2) Is an operations and maintenance task? Yes, meters are read in 
    the course of pipeline operations and maintenance activities.
        (3) Is performed as a requirement of this part? No, meter reading 
    is not a requirement of 49 CFR part 192 or part 195.
        (4) Affects the operation or integrity of the pipeline? No, meter 
    reading has no impact on pipeline operation or integrity.
        Because meter reading fails at least one of the four criteria, 
    meter reading is not considered a covered task.
        In identifying covered tasks, operators must consider specific 
    activities and not necessarily the job classification of individuals 
    performing the activities, because each job classification may 
    incorporate several activities. For example, an individual with the job 
    classification, ``meter reader,'' may be assigned activities other than 
    reading a meter, such as distribution line patrolling under 49 CFR Part 
    192.721, that could be covered tasks.
    D. Amendments to Section 195.403 (Training).
        Section 195.403 currently prescribes the training requirements for 
    operations, maintenance, and emergencies for operators of hazardous 
    liquid pipelines. Because the final rule includes a qualification 
    process for operations and maintenance activities, but does not address 
    emergency response qualification, 49 CFR Sec. 195.403 is amended to 
    retain emergency response training requirements. This rule removes the 
    specific operations and maintenance training requirements addressed in 
    49 CFR Sec. 195.403. Persons performing operations and maintenance 
    tasks need to be qualified in accordance with the final rule. This 
    amendment is not effective until October 28, 2002.
    VI. Definitions
        The definitions section of this final rule was developed to 
    facilitate common understanding of key terms. The Committee began using 
    a number of terms that were not commonly defined by all members. To 
    facilitate communication, these terms were defined and are provided in 
    the final rule.
    Abnormal operating condition.
        An abnormal operating condition, as defined in this final rule, is 
    ``a condition identified by the operator that may indicate a 
    malfunction of a component or deviation from normal operations that 
        (1) Indicate a condition exceeding design limits; or
        (2) Result in a hazard(s) to persons, property, or the 
        This definition is derived from Federal pipeline safety law (49 
    U.S.C. 60102) and from the pipeline safety regulations (49 CFR 192.605 
    (c)(1)(v) and 49 CFR 195.402(d)(1)(v)).
        ``Abnormal operating conditions'' is also referenced in the 
    definition of the term ``qualified''. To be qualified, an individual 
    needs to be able to properly perform assigned covered tasks and be able 
    to recognize and react to an abnormal operating condition that may be 
    encountered while performing the covered task. For example, this may 
    include notifying the responsible parties or taking corrective action 
    to mitigate the condition.
        As an example, an individual who has been qualified to perform leak 
    surveys should be able to recognize and react to an abnormal operating 
    condition such as blowing gas. Likewise, an individual who is qualified 
    to perform control of gas pressure and flow should be able to recognize 
    and react to an abnormal operating pressure in a pipeline segment.
        Not all atypical operating conditions are abnormal. An example of 
    an atypical operating condition that is not abnormal is a pipeline 
    which can (not to exceed MAOP or MOP) operate up to 200 pounds per 
    square inch (psig), but which typically operates at 50 psig. Operating 
    this pipeline at 150 psig could be atypical, but not abnormal. If 
    however the atypical operating condition would cause the pressure in 
    the pipeline to exceed its allowable limits or cause a hazard to 
    persons, property or the environment, an abnormal operating condition 
    would result. A qualified individual performing control of gas pressure 
    and flow who observes an unanticipated pressure increase in such a 
    pipeline segment should know to investigate the cause of the change 
    before it reaches the MAOP/MOP of the line.
        An evaluation of an individual's ability to perform a covered task 
    is the process that assesses and documents the individual's 
    qualifications to perform the covered task. Although the definition 
    lists several acceptable methods for evaluation, the list is not all-
        The evaluation of an individual's qualifications should be an 
    objective, consistent process that documents an individual's ability to 
    perform the covered task. This includes the individual's ability to 
    recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions that the operator 
    could reasonably anticipate the qualified individual will encounter 
    while performing the covered task. The operator should establish the 
    acceptance criteria for the evaluation method used (for example, for 
    on-the-job training spell out the performance criteria; for a written 
    exam establish the cutoff score). The following table was developed in 
    Committee discussion to illustrate acceptable evaluation methods for 
    ``transitional'', ``initial'' and ``subsequent'' qualification, 
    although these terms do not appear in the rule:
                                              ``Transitional''            ``Initial''             ``Subsequent''
              Evaluation method               qualification\1\          qualification\2\         qualification\3\
    Written exam........................  YES.....................  YES....................  YES.
    Oral exam...........................  YES.....................  YES....................  YES.
    Work performance history review.....  YES.....................  May not be used as the   May not be used as the
                                                                     sole evaluation method.  sole evaluation method
                                                                                              after the three-year
                                                                                              compliance date.
    Performance on-the-job..............  YES.....................  YES....................  YES.
    On-the-Job Training.................  YES.....................  YES....................  YES.
    Simulation..........................  YES.....................  YES....................  YES.
    Other...............................  YES.....................  YES....................  YES.
    [[Page 46862]]
    \1\ ``Transitional'' qualification means qualification completed by October 28, 2002, of individuals who have
      been performing a covered task on a regular basis prior to the effective date of the rule.
    \2\ ``Initial'' qualification means qualification, at any time, of individuals who were not performing a covered
      task on a regular basis prior to the effective date of the rule.
    \3\ ``Subsequent'' qualification means evaluation of an individual's qualification, after ``transitional'' or
      ``initial'' qualification, at the interval established by the operator.
        Under 49 CFR Secs. 192.809(c) and 195.509(c), a work performance 
    history review may not be used as a sole evaluation method after 
    October 28, 2002. ``Transitional'' qualification may rely on a work 
    performance history review as the sole evaluation method. ``Initial'' 
    qualification may not rely on only a work performance history review. 
    ``Subsequent'' qualifications may rely on work performance history 
    review if used in conjunction with at least one other evaluation 
        Prior to the three year compliance date operators may use work 
    performance history review as the sole method for evaluation when 
    qualifying individuals. After the three year compliance date, if work 
    performance history review is used, it must be combined with at least 
    one other form of assessment. Any of the other forms of assessment 
    specified in the definition of evaluation may be used as the sole 
    method of evaluation both before and after the three year compliance 
    date. When an operator has qualified an individual prior to the three 
    year compliance date and used work performance history review as the 
    sole method of evaluation, the operator is not required to re-evaluate 
    each individual using additional criteria until the next scheduled 
    evaluation, which may vary by covered task.
        The operator must establish the parameters for the work performance 
    history review. For example, a work performance history review may 
        (1) A search of existing records for documentation of an 
    individual's past satisfactory performance of a covered task(s);
        (2) verification that the individual's work performance history 
    contains no indications of substandard work or involvement in an 
    incident (part 192) or accident (part 195), caused by an error in 
    performing a covered task; and,
        (3) verification that the individual has successfully performed the 
    covered task on a regular basis prior to the effective date of the 
        Qualified, means that an individual has been evaluated and is able 
    to properly perform a covered task(s), and recognize and react to 
    abnormal operating conditions that may be encountered during the 
    performance of the covered task(s). An individual may be qualified 
    using any of the evaluation methods specified in the operator's written 
    qualification program.
    VII. Qualification program
        The Committee identified the following seven elements as 
    requirements in the operator's qualification program:
        Paragraph (a) of 49 CFR 192.805 and 195.505 requires operators to 
    identify the covered tasks to be included in the qualification program. 
    Whether an activity is a covered task would be determined using the 
    four criteria in 49 CFR 192.801(b) or 195.501(b). Because operators are 
    responsible for identifying covered tasks, variations among 
    qualification programs are expected.
        A concern of the Committee was whether periodic review of covered 
    tasks should be required. Although a periodic review requirement was 
    not included in the final rule, an operator may consider a periodic 
    review to ensure the accuracy of its covered task list.
        Paragraph (b) requires that the qualification program include 
    provisions to ensure through evaluation that individuals performing 
    covered tasks are qualified. This would set forth the evaluation 
    methods to determine if an individual is qualified.
        The Committee discussed contractor personnel and who is responsible 
    for their qualification and compliance under this rule. Some members 
    believed contractors should not be subject to this final rule and that 
    OPS should be responsible for ensuring the qualification of contractor 
    personnel. OPS does not have the authority to directly enforce 
    compliance by contractors with this rule. The pipeline operator is 
    responsible for all individuals working on their pipeline systems. This 
    includes operator and contractor personnel.
        The Committee discussed the role of those performing evaluations. 
    Members agreed not to include a provision in the rule to require that 
    evaluators be ``qualified'' to evaluate. However, persons performing 
    evaluations should possess the required knowledge (1) to ascertain an 
    individual's ability to perform covered tasks and (2) to substantiate 
    an individual's ability to recognize and react to abnormal operating 
    conditions that might surface while performing those activities. This 
    does not necessarily mean that the persons performing evaluations 
    should be physically able to perform the covered tasks themselves.
        The Committee discussed the concerns and options available to the 
    operator regarding who should evaluate the individuals performing 
    covered tasks. Because the operator is responsible for the development 
    and implementation of the evaluation methods, the Committee thought 
    that the operator should also be responsible for selecting 
    appropriately knowledgeable individuals to perform evaluations. The 
    final rule requires a qualification program that focuses on ensuring an 
    individual can properly perform a covered task(s) rather than the 
    credentials of persons conducting evaluations.
        Paragraph (c) allows for performance of covered tasks by 
    individuals who are not qualified as long as a qualified individual 
    directly observes the non-qualified individual(s), and is able to take 
    immediate corrective actions when necessary. For example, an operator 
    may use a three-person crew to repair gas leaks. Two of the crew 
    members could be non-qualified. The crew excavates and repairs leaking 
    gas mains and services under the direct and close observation of the 
    qualified member of the crew. The intent of this provision is to ensure 
    that non-qualified individuals performing covered tasks are subject to 
    close observation by a qualified individual. Ultimately, the qualified 
    member of the crew is responsible for the repair. The ratio of non-
    qualified individuals to ``qualified'' individuals should be kept to a 
        Paragraph (d) requires the operator to evaluate an individual if 
    the operator has reason to believe that the individual's performance of 
    a covered task could have contributed to an incident as defined in 49 
    CFR part 191 or accident as defined in 49 CFR part 195. If so, the 
    individual's qualification should be evaluated to determine if the 
    individual continues to be qualified to perform the covered task.
        Paragraph (e) requires the operator to evaluate an individual if 
    there is reason to believe that the individual is no longer qualified 
    to perform a covered task. This could occur if the individual displays 
    unsatisfactory performance of
    [[Page 46863]]
    the task or if there is reason to believe the individual can no longer 
    perform the covered task. The operator's qualification program must 
    include provisions for evaluating an individual's qualification if the 
    circumstances warrant.
        Paragraph (f) recognizes that changes may occur that impact how a 
    covered task is performed. Changes that may need to be communicated to 
    individuals performing covered tasks may include:
         Modifications to company policies or procedures.
         Changes in state or Federal regulations.
         Utilization of new equipment and/or technology.
         New information from equipment or product manufacturers.
        The final rule requires that the qualification program include 
    provisions for communicating information on substantive changes to the 
    individuals performing the affected covered tasks. When significant 
    changes occur, the operator should consider whether additional 
    qualification requirements are necessary and whether individuals 
    performing the covered task should be evaluated again.
        Paragraph (g) addresses the identification of covered tasks, and 
    the frequency of evaluation intervals for each covered task. The 
    appropriate interval may vary depending on the covered task. It was 
    therefore left to the operator to determine which covered tasks and the 
    interval at which subsequent qualification of an individual performing 
    a covered task will occur. The Committee felt that the evaluation 
    intervals could be specified in units of time, frequency of performance 
    or other appropriate units. The Committee recognized that subsequent 
    evaluation methods may differ from initial qualification methods.
        This rule does not require that the written qualification program 
    be incorporated into an operator's Operations and Maintenance Plan. The 
    operator may expand any of the seven required elements and add 
    additional elements to their program but will only be held accountable 
    to meet the requirements of this Subpart.
    VIII. Recordkeeping
        Under the final rule, each operator is required to maintain records 
    that demonstrate compliance. The Committee had considerable discussion 
    regarding records content, records to be retained, and length of 
        The records that support an individual's qualifications must 
    include the identity of each qualified individual (for example, name, 
    social security number, or employee number), identification of each 
    covered task for which qualified, date(s) of current qualification and 
    qualification methods(s). Records of an individual's current 
    qualifications must be maintained while the individual is performing 
    the covered tasks for which qualified. When an individual is evaluated 
    for subsequent qualification, the prior qualification records must be 
    maintained for a period of five years. Also, when an individual stops 
    performing a covered task (for example, the individual retires or is 
    promoted) the individual's qualification records must be retained for a 
    period of five years. The Committee selected five years to be 
    consistent with other regulatory time periods. The records may be kept 
    in paper, electronic, or any other appropriate format. The records may 
    be kept at a central location or at multiple locations.
        The final rule does not address whether a certification or other 
    record of qualification need be issued to each qualified individual. 
    This matter is solely within the discretion of the operator.
    IX. General
        Development and implementation of a qualification program will take 
    some operators longer than others. Many operators currently have 
    adequate processes or programs to ensure the qualification of 
    individuals working on their pipeline systems. However, to ensure that 
    this final rule is enforceable, definitive time frames must be 
    specified. The Committee decided that 18 months would be sufficient 
    time to develop a written qualification program.
        An operator will have 38 months from the effective date of the 
    final rule to complete the qualification of all individuals performing 
    covered tasks on its system. This will allow operators with more 
    limited resources and differing budget cycles adequate time to complete 
    the qualification process. Those operators who are able to comply 
    before the mandatory compliance date are encouraged to do so. The rule 
    does not intend to penalize early compliance. Therefore, the starting 
    time for subsequent evaluation intervals determined by the operator is 
    not required to begin until the compliance date.
        Finally, work performance history review will only be allowed as 
    the sole method of evaluation during the three-year period prior to 
    mandatory compliance with the rule. After this time, work performance 
    history review will be an acceptable method of evaluating individuals 
    only in combination with another evaluation method.
    Rulemaking Analyses and Notices
    Executive Order 12866
        This final rule is considered a significant regulatory action under 
    section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 and, therefore, is subject to 
    review by the Office of Management and Budget. The final rule is 
    considered significant under the Department of Transportation Policies 
    and Procedures (44 FR 1103; February 26, 1979) because of the 
    substantial interest expressed by the pipeline industry, state and 
    Federal agencies, and Congress. This section summarizes the conclusions 
    of the regulatory evaluation. Copies of the regulatory evaluation are 
    available in the docket. Several groups, including the Congress, the 
    National Transportation Safety Board, and the National Association of 
    State Pipeline Safety Representatives, have called repeatedly for a 
    pipeline personnel qualification rule.
        This final rule is the product of a negotiated rulemaking in which 
    representatives of all interested parties participated, including 
    pipeline trade associations, pipeline operators both large and small, 
    organized labor, state pipeline safety representatives, and the Federal 
    government. The members of the negotiated rulemaking committee agreed 
    that this process ensured adoption of a cost-effective standard for 
    pipeline personnel qualification. The American Gas Association (AGA) 
    and other participants in the negotiated rulemaking contributed to 
    estimates of the cost of this proposal. RSPA adjusted the cost 
    estimates to provide an annualized cost estimate for the entire 
    pipeline industry. Based on an estimated 175,000 covered pipeline 
    employees, including both operator employees and contractors, the 
    industry and the Committee identified three major cost categories for 
    implementation and compliance with the rule by gas and hazardous liquid 
    pipeline operators:
    1. Cost for qualification program set-up, $210 million
    2. Cost of transitional evaluation and qualification, $140 million
    3. Cost of subsequent evaluation and qualification, $87.5 million
        RSPA determined that the program set-up costs should be amortized 
    over 9 years. Therefore, RSPA amortized the set-up costs over 9 years 
    using a 7% interest rate for an annualized cost of $29.3 million for 
    program development and initial qualification.
    [[Page 46864]]
        The transitional qualification costs were amortized over a six year 
    period (three years before the effective date of the regulation that 
    requires initial qualification, and an estimated three years before 
    subsequent qualification) using a 7% interest rate for an annualized 
    transitional qualification cost of $28.6 million.
        The Committee estimated that qualification for various covered 
    tasks would be reviewed approximately every three years, although the 
    length of time between evaluations for a particular covered task and 
    pipeline operator might vary widely. Therefore, the next qualification 
    (and each subsequent qualification) is amortized over three years at 7% 
    or an annual subsequent qualification cost of $32.4 million.
        The result of these calculations is a cost of $57.9 million per 
    year for the years 1-6 ($29.3 million + $28.6 million) and a cost of 
    $61.7 million per year for years 7-9 ($29.3 million + $32.4 million). 
    The average annual cost for compliance with the rule is approximately 
    $59 million.
        The preamble to this final rule notes that the intent of the 
    qualification rule is to ensure a qualified workforce and to reduce the 
    probability and consequences of accidents caused by human error. 
    Investigations of pipeline incidents/accidents clearly attributable to 
    human error often indicate either a deficiency of knowledge or skill 
    (for example, lack of qualification) or an error in judgement on the 
    part of pipeline personnel. However, the impact of inadequate 
    qualification of pipeline personnel is not always apparent. For 
    example, incidents/accidents that operators attribute to equipment 
    failure or corrosion may actually have been set in motion by poorly 
    performed operation or maintenance procedures. Although many state 
    pipeline safety representatives have stated that this rule will reduce 
    incidents/accidents by ensuring a qualified workforce, they concede 
    that the task of quantifying that reduction is very difficult.
        Perhaps the most important factor to consider when assessing the 
    benefits of this rule is that human error is frequently not cited as an 
    element contributing to an incident/accident. Available data does not 
    always capture the contribution of human error to incidents/accidents. 
    In 1997, there were 354 reportable pipeline incidents/accidents. Of 
    these, 87 gas pipeline incidents and 40 hazardous liquid pipeline 
    accidents were attributed to outside force damage. Although most 
    outside force damage is caused by persons not covered by this rule--as 
    when a third party disregards one-call procedures--damage sometimes 
    results when a pipeline worker fails to follow one-call system 
    procedures or from improper marking of the pipeline prior to 
    excavation. Consequently, while third parties causing damage will not 
    be better prepared to prevent pipeline damage, they will potentially 
    reap the benefits of this rule by working around pipelines that are 
    more clearly marked.
        These scenarios show the difficulty in quantifying the benefits of 
    this rule. Nonetheless, it is clear that some incidents/accidents could 
    be avoided as a result of implementation of this rule, and that the 
    cost of these incidents/accidents is substantial. Total outside force 
    incidents/accidents resulted in 7 fatalities ($19 million), 38 injuries 
    ($18.5 million), and $27 million in property damage. This results in a 
    total monetized loss of $ 64.5 million in 1997. Monetization of 
    fatalities and injuries employed DOT's ``willingness to pay'' 
    estimates. Because the record keeping and reporting system of OPS lacks 
    detailed data, it is not possible to accurately quantify the percentage 
    of accidents that will be avoided as a result of this rule.
        Although quantifying all the benefits of an operator qualification 
    rule is impossible, most of the Committee members agreed that this 
    rule, as written, is as cost beneficial as practicable, and RSPA 
    believes that the overall benefits justify the costs of the rule. 
    Furthermore, although relatively few fatalities and injuries occur each 
    year from pipeline failures, the potential exists for significant, and 
    very costly, disasters.
        In addition, even a small reduction in overall pipeline expenses 
    resulting from a fully-qualified workforce could result in significant 
    savings that could offset the costs of this rule. If standardizing 
    qualification procedures increases productivity and reduces operating 
    expenses by one-half of one percent per year, the annual expenses of 
    the major pipeline operators could drop by more than $68 million (FERC 
    Form 2, page 116, reports $13.77 billion in total 1996 operating 
    expenses for 53 large pipeline operators).
        Other nonquantifiable benefits of this rule may include:
        1. Reducing the likelihood of incorrectly following procedures;
        2. Eliminating and correcting inadequate operating and maintenance 
        3. Reducing or eliminating the occurrence of sending inadequately 
    prepared individuals into the field to perform covered tasks;
        4. Increasing the formal communications between operator and 
        5. Increasing the attention and oversight on safety-related 
    procedures; and
        6. Improving the documentation that ensures a qualified workforce.
        These nonquantifiable benefits could translate into reduced 
    operating expenses. Finally, documentation of a qualified workforce 
    could improve operator public relations. RSPA provides further analysis 
    for its conclusion that this rule will have a positive benefit/cost in 
    its ``Regulatory Evaluation,'' which is included in the docket.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), RSPA 
    must consider whether a rulemaking would have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities. Based on the 
    regulatory evaluation, RSPA has determined that the rule will not have 
    a significant impact on a substantial number of small entities. The 
    Committee unanimously agreed that all operators, regardless of size, 
    should be subject to the final rule because the qualification of 
    workers at both large and small pipeline operators can impact safety. 
    One of the participants in the negotiated rulemaking was a 
    representative of the American Public Gas Association (APGA). The APGA 
    represents municipal gas distribution companies, the main group of 
    small entities in the pipeline industry. Hazardous liquid and gas 
    transmission companies tend to be quite large. As a result, there are 
    not a substantial number of small hazardous liquid pipeline entities. 
    In conversations between RSPA and APGA, APGA indicated that as a trade 
    association it would make itself available to assist its members in 
    complying with this final rule.
        As indicated in the regulatory evaluation, many resources exist to 
    assist both small and large operators in compliance with this rule, 
    including classes from DOT's Transportation Safety Institute, nonprofit 
    industry associations, as well as for-profit companies. Additionally, 
    while some costs, such as the development of the qualification program, 
    are on a per company basis, the actual qualification will be on a per-
    employee basis. As a result, costs incurred by smaller companies should 
    not be significant.
        Further, the Committee considered the flexibility that this final 
    rule allows in terms of permitting each company to tailor its worker 
    qualification program
    [[Page 46865]]
    to its own unique needs, and would allow small operators to interact 
    with inspectors to evaluate and modify their qualification programs if 
    necessary. Because of this flexibility, the availability of assistance 
    in developing qualification plans, the fact that much of the cost will 
    be proportionate to the number of employees, and the fact that very few 
    small entities can be found among hazardous liquid and gas transmission 
    companies, I certify that this final rule will not have a significant 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This Final Rule contains information collection requirements. As 
    required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507(d)), 
    the information collection requirements in the rule have been submitted 
    to the Office of Management and Budget for their review and have been 
    approved under OMB #2139-0600.
    Executive Order 12612
        This final rule has been analyzed with the principles and criteria 
    in Executive Order 12612 (``Federalism'') (52 FR 41685), and does not 
    have sufficient federalism impacts to warrant the preparation of a 
    federalism assessment.
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
        This final rule does not impose unfunded mandates under the 
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995. It does not result in costs of 
    $100 million or more to either State, local, or tribal governments, in 
    the aggregate, or to the private sector, and is the least burdensome 
    alternative that achieves the objective of the final rule.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        We have analyzed the final rule for purposes of the National 
    Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.). Requiring all gas 
    and hazardous liquid pipeline operators to adopt the operator personnel 
    qualification regulation should result in a reduction of pipeline 
    incidents that are caused by human error. This should result in reduced 
    fatalities, injuries, property damage, and environmental damage. 
    Furthermore, this regulation will not have a detrimental impact on the 
    environment. Thus, we have determined that the final rule will not 
    significantly affect the quality of the human environment. An 
    environmental assessment document is available for review in the 
    Impact on Business Processes and Computer Systems
        Many computers that use two digits to keep track of dates will, on 
    January 1, 2000, recognize ``double zero'' not as 2000 but as 1900. 
    This glitch, the Year 2000 problem, could cause computers to stop 
    running or to start generating erroneous data. The Year 2000 problem 
    poses a threat to the global economy in which Americans live and work. 
    With the help of the President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion, 
    Federal agencies are reaching out to increase awareness of the problem 
    and to offer support. We do not want to impose new requirements that 
    would mandate business process changes when the resources necessary to 
    implement those requirements would otherwise be applied to the Year 
    2000 Problem.
        This final rule does not require business process changes or 
    require modifications to computer systems. Because this final rule 
    should not affect the ability of organizations to respond to the Year 
    2000 problem, we do not intend to delay the effectiveness of the rule 
    List of Subjects
    49 CFR Part 192
        Natural gas, Pipeline safety.
    49 CFR Part 195
        Anhydrous ammonia, Carbon dioxide, Hazardous liquids, Petroleum, 
    Pipeline safety.
        In consideration of the foregoing, RSPA amends 49 CFR Parts 192 and 
    195 as follows:
        1. The authority citation for Part 192 continues to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5103, 60102, 60104, 60108, 60109, 60110, 
    60113, and 60118; and 49 CFR 1.53.
        2. Subpart N is added to read as follows:
    192.801  Scope.
    192.803  Definitions.
    192.805  Qualification Program.
    192.807  Recordkeeping.
    192.809  General.
    192.801  Scope.
        (a) This subpart prescribes the minimum requirements for operator 
    qualification of individuals performing covered tasks on a pipeline 
        (b) For the purpose of this subpart, a covered task is an activity, 
    identified by the operator, that:
        (1) Is performed on a pipeline facility;
        (2) Is an operations or maintenance task;
        (3) Is performed as a requirement of this part; and
        (4) Affects the operation or integrity of the pipeline.
    Sec. 192.803  Definitions.
        Abnormal operating condition means a condition identified by the 
    operator that may indicate a malfunction of a component or deviation 
    from normal operations that may:
        (a) Indicate a condition exceeding design limits; or
        (b) Result in a hazard(s) to persons, property, or the environment.
        Evaluation means a process, established and documented by the 
    operator, to determine an individual's ability to perform a covered 
    task by any of the following:
        (a) Written examination;
        (b) Oral examination;
        (c) Work performance history review;
        (d) Observation during:
        (e) Performance on the job,
        (f) On the job training, or
        (g) Simulations; or
        (h) Other forms of assessment.
        Qualified means that an individual has been evaluated and can:
        (a) Perform assigned covered tasks; and
        (b) Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    Sec. 192.805  Qualification program.
        Each operator shall have and follow a written qualification 
    program. The program shall include provisions to:
        (a) Identify covered tasks;
        (b) Ensure through evaluation that individuals performing covered 
    tasks are qualified;
        (c) Allow individuals that are not qualified pursuant to this 
    subpart to perform a covered task if directed and observed by an 
    individual that is qualified;
        (d) Evaluate an individual if the operator has reason to believe 
    that the individual's performance of a covered task contributed to an 
    incident as defined in Part 191;
        (e) Evaluate an individual if the operator has reason to believe 
    that the individual is no longer qualified to perform a covered task;
        (f) Communicate changes that affect covered tasks to individuals 
    performing those covered tasks; and
        (g) Identify those covered tasks and the intervals at which 
    evaluation of the individual's qualifications is needed.
    Sec. 192.807  Recordkeeping.
        Each operator shall maintain records that demonstrate compliance 
    with this subpart.
        (a) Qualification records shall include:
    [[Page 46866]]
        (1) Identification of qualified individual(s);
        (2) Identification of the covered tasks the individual is qualified 
    to perform;
        (3) Date(s) of current qualification; and
        (4) Qualification method(s).
        (b) Records supporting an individual's current qualification shall 
    be maintained while the individual is performing the covered task. 
    Records of prior qualification and records of individuals no longer 
    performing covered tasks shall be retained for a period of five years.
    Sec. 192.809  General.
        (a) Operators must have a written qualification program by April 
    27, 2001.
        (b) Operators must complete the qualification of individuals 
    performing covered tasks by October 28, 2002.
        (c) Work performance history review may be used as a sole 
    evaluation method for individuals who were performing a covered task 
    prior to August 27, 1999.
        (d) After October 28, 2002, work performance history may not be 
    used as a sole evaluation method.
        3. The authority citation for Part 195 continues to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5103, 60102, 60104, 60108, 60109, 60118; 
    and 49 CFR 1.53.
        4. Section 195.403 is revised to read as follows:
        This section becomes effective October 28, 2002.
    Sec. 195.403  Emergency response training.
        (a) Each operator shall establish and conduct a continuing training 
    program to instruct emergency response personnel to:
        (1) Carry out the emergency procedures established under 195.402 
    that relate to their assignments;
        (2) Know the characteristics and hazards of the hazardous liquids 
    or carbon dioxide transported, including, in case of flammable HVL, 
    flammability of mixtures with air, odorless vapors, and water 
        (3) Recognize conditions that are likely to cause emergencies, 
    predict the consequences of facility malfunctions or failures and 
    hazardous liquids or carbon dioxide spills, and take appropriate 
    corrective action;
        (4) Take steps necessary to control any accidental release of 
    hazardous liquid or carbon dioxide and to minimize the potential for 
    fire, explosion, toxicity, or environmental damage; and
        (5) Learn the proper use of firefighting procedures and equipment, 
    fire suits, and breathing apparatus by utilizing, where feasible, a 
    simulated pipeline emergency condition.
        (b) At the intervals not exceeding 15 months, but at least once 
    each calendar year, each operator shall:
        (1) Review with personnel their performance in meeting the 
    objectives of the emergency response training program set forth in 
    paragraph (a) of this section; and
        (2) Make appropriate changes to the emergency response training 
    program as necessary to ensure that it is effective.
        (c) Each operator shall require and verify that its supervisors 
    maintain a thorough knowledge of that portion of the emergency response 
    procedures established under 195.402 for which they are responsible to 
    ensure compliance.
    Subpart G--[Added]
        5. Subpart G is added to read as follows:
    195.501  Scope.
    195.503  Definitions.
    195.505  Qualification Program.
    195.507  Recordkeeping.
    195.509  General.
    Sec. 195.501  Scope.
        (a) This subpart prescribes the minimum requirements for operator 
    qualification of individuals performing covered tasks on a pipeline 
        (b) For the purpose of this subpart, a covered task is an activity, 
    identified by the operator, that:
        (1) Is performed on a pipeline facility;
        (2) Is an operations or maintenance task;
        (3) Is performed as a requirement of this part; and
        (4) Affects the operation or integrity of the pipeline.
    Sec. 195.503  Definitions.
        Abnormal operating condition means a condition identified by the 
    operator that may indicate a malfunction of a component or deviation 
    from normal operations that may:
        (a) indicate a condition exceeding design limits; or
        (b) result in a hazard(s) to persons, property, or the environment.
        Evaluation means a process, established and documented by the 
    operator, to determine an individual's ability to perform a covered 
    task by any of the following:
        (a) written examination;
        (b) oral examination;
        (c) work performance history review;
        (d) observation during:
        (e) performance on the job,
        (f) on the job training, or
        (g) simulations; or
        (h) other forms of assessment.
        Qualified means that an individual has been evaluated and can:
        (a) perform assigned covered tasks and
        (b) recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    Sec. 195.505  Qualification program.
        Each operator shall have and follow a written qualification 
    program. The program shall include provisions to:
        (a) Identify covered tasks;
        (b) Ensure through evaluation that individuals performing covered 
    tasks are qualified;
        (c) Allow individuals that are not qualified pursuant to this 
    subpart to perform a covered task if directed and observed by an 
    individual that is qualified;
        (d) Evaluate an individual if the operator has reason to believe 
    that the individual's performance of a covered task contributed to an 
    accident as defined in Part 195;
        (e) Evaluate an individual if the operator has reason to believe 
    that the individual is no longer qualified to perform a covered task;
        (f) Communicate changes that affect covered tasks to individuals 
    performing those covered tasks; and
        (g) Identify those covered tasks and the intervals at which 
    evaluation of the individual's qualifications is needed.
    Sec. 195.507  Recordkeeping.
        Each operator shall maintain records that demonstrate compliance 
    with this subpart.
        (a) Qualification records shall include:
        (1) Identification of qualified individual(s);
        (2) Identification of the covered tasks the individual is qualified 
    to perform;
        (3) Date(s) of current qualification; and
        (4) Qualification method(s).
        (b) Records supporting an individual's current qualification shall 
    be maintained while the individual is performing the covered task. 
    Records of prior qualification and records of individuals no longer 
    performing covered tasks shall be retained for a period of five years.
    Sec. 195.509  General.
        (a) Operators must have a written qualification program by April 
    27, 2001.
        (b) Operators must complete the qualification of individuals 
    performing covered tasks by October 28, 2002.
        (c) Work performance history review may be used as a sole 
    evaluation method for individuals who were performing a covered task 
    prior to August 27, 1999.
    [[Page 46867]]
        (d) After October 28, 2002, work performance history may not be 
    used as a sole evaluation method.
        Issued in Washington, DC, on August 20, 1999.
    Kelley S. Coyner,
    [FR Doc. 99-22208 Filed 8-26-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-60-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Research and Special Programs Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This final rule will be effective on October 26, 1999.
46853-46867 (15 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. RSPA-98-3783, Amendment 192-86, 195-67
2137-AB38: Pipeline Safety: Qualification of Pipeline Personnel
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (11)
49 CFR 192.801
49 CFR 192.803
49 CFR 192.805
49 CFR 192.807
49 CFR 192.809
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