99-22402. Operator Services Providers and Call Aggregators.  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 167 (Monday, August 30, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 47118-47119]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-22402]
    47 CFR Part 64
    [CC Docket No. 94-158; FCC 99-171]
    Operator Services Providers and Call Aggregators.
    AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This document amends the Commission's rules to specify a 
    deadline to update inaccurate information posted on a public phone 
    about the presubscribed provider of long-distance operator services at 
    that location. The FCC acted in further implementation of the dual 
    goals of the Telephone Operator Consumer Services Improvement Act of 
    1990 (``TOCSIA''). Those are to protect consumers from unfair and 
    deceptive practices relating to their use of operator services to place 
    interstate telephone calls; and to ensure that consumers have the 
    opportunity to make informed choices in making such calls. The FCC 
    concluded that, consistent with its obligations to protect consumers 
    pursuant to that Congressional mandate, it should specify deadlines by 
    which aggregators must provide accurate information to consumers.
    DATES: New Sec. 64.703(c) contains information collection requirements 
    that are not effective until approved by the Office of Management and 
    Budget. The FCC will publish a document in the Federal Register 
    announcing the effective date for that section.
        Written comments by the public on the information collections are 
    due September 29, 1999.
        OMB notification of action is due October 29, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Federal Communications Commission, Office of the Secretary, 
    445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20554.
        Send a copy of any comments that concern information collection 
    requirements for the new rule adopted in CC Docket No. 94-158 to the 
    Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB, Room 3002, New 
    Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Adrien Auger, 202-418-0960. For 
    additional information concerning the information collections contained 
    in this Report and Order contact Judy Boley at 202-418-0214, or via the 
    Internet at jboley@fcc.gov.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 1. The Telephone Operator Consumer Services 
    Improvement Act of 1990 (TOCSIA), codified as Section 226 of the 
    Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 226, requires that call 
    aggregators post, on or near a payphone or other aggregator location, 
    the name, address, and toll-free telephone number of the presubscribed 
    provider of long-distance operator services. The FCC implements the 
    Section 226 requirements with its rules at 47 CFR 64.703 et seq. Both 
    Section 226(c)(1)(A) of the Communications Act and Sec. 64.703(b) of 
    the Commission's rules require call aggregators to post, on or near a 
    payphone, the name, address, and toll-free telephone number of the 
    presubscribed long-distance provider of operator services. Neither 
    Congress nor the FCC previously has specified a deadline by which to 
    update any change in such information to consumers.
        2. In 1995, the Commission sought comment whether it should specify 
    a time by which aggregators must update information posted on or near 
    payphones. 60 FR 8217, Feb. 13, 1995. In 1996, the Commission requested 
    comment on a proposed 30-day deadline that the majority of those who 
    had commented favored. 61 FR 15 020 Apr. 4, 1996.
        3. The Commission has revised 47 CFR part 64, in a Second Report 
    and Order released July 19, 1999, in CC Docket No. 94-158. The revised 
    rule provides greater certainty to aggregators and presubscribed 
    providers of operator services at aggregator locations with regard to 
    their obligations under Section 226 of the Communications Act. The 
    Commission's purpose in adopting the new rule is to protect consumers, 
    ensure their opportunity to make informed choices when placing calls 
    from public phones, enable them to choose a long-distance carrier of 
    their choice, and thus further greater price and service competition in 
    the marketplace.
        4. This Report and Order contains new or modified information 
    collections subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). It 
    has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for 
    review under the PRA. OMB, the general public, and other federal 
    agencies are invited to comment on the new or modified information 
    collections contained in this proceeding. This is a synopsis of the new 
    information collection requirement. Section 64.703(c) requires that 
    information that call aggregators must post on or near payphones, 
    pursuant to Section 226 of the Communication Act of 1934, as amended, 
    47 U.S.C. 226, be updated as soon as practicable, but no later than 30 
    days from the time of a change of the presubscribed provider of 
    operator services.
        Paperwork Reduction Act: This Report and Order contains either a 
    new or modified information collection. The Commission, as part of its 
    continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, invites the general 
    public and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to comment on the 
    information collections contained in this Order, as required by the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law No. 104-12. Written 
    comments by the public on the information collections are due September 
    29, 1999. OMB notification of action is due October 29, 1999. Comments 
    should address: (a) Whether the new or modified collection of 
    information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of 
    the Commission, including whether the information shall practical 
    utility; (b) the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimates; (c) 
    ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information 
    collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of 
    information on the respondents including the use of automated 
    collection techniques or other forms of information technology.
        OMB Approval Number: 3060-0653.
        Title: Consumer Information Posting by Aggregators--Sec. 64.703(b) 
    and (c).
        Form No.: N/A.
        Type of Review: Revised collection.
        Respondents: Businesses or other for profit.
                                                                          No. of       Est. time per   Total annual
                              Section/Title                              responses       response         burden
    Sections 64.703(b) and (c)......................................                          56,200  ..............
    3.67............................................................         206,566
    [[Page 47119]]
        Total Annual Burden: 206,566 burden hours
        Estimated Costs Per Respondents: $0.
        Needs and Uses: Section 64.703(c) establishes a 30-day outer limit 
    for updating the posted consumer information when an aggregator has 
    changed the presubscribed operator service provider. This modified 
    information collection requirement was a response to widespread failure 
    of aggregators to disclose information necessary for informed consumer 
    choice in the marketplace.
    List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 64
        Communications common carriers, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Telephone.
    Federal Communications Commission.
    Magalie Roman Salas,
    Rule Changes
        For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Federal 
    Communications Commission amends 47 CFR part 64 as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 64 continues to read:
        Authority: 47 U.S.C. 10, 201, 218, 226, 332, unless otherwise 
        2. Section 64.703 is amended by revising paragraph (c) to read as 
    Sec. 64.703  Consumer information.
    * * * * *
        (c) Updating of postings. The posting required by this section 
    shall be updated as soon as practicable following any change of the 
    carrier presubscribed to provide interstate service at an aggregator 
    location, but no later than 30 days following such change. This 
    requirement may be satisfied by applying to a payphone a temporary 
    sticker displaying the required posting information, provided that any 
    such temporary sticker shall be replaced with permanent signage during 
    the next regularly scheduled maintenance visit.
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 99-22402 Filed 8-27-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6712-01-P

Document Information

Federal Communications Commission
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
New Sec. 64.703(c) contains information collection requirements that are not effective until approved by the Office of Management and Budget. The FCC will publish a document in the Federal Register announcing the effective date for that section.
47118-47119 (2 pages)
Docket Numbers:
CC Docket No. 94-158, FCC 99-171
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
47 CFR 64.703