99-23065. Implementing Foreign Proposals to NASA Research Announcements on a No-Exchange-of-Funds Basis  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 172 (Tuesday, September 7, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 48560-48562]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-23065]
    48 CFR Parts 1806, 1813, 1815, 1835, 1852, and 1872
    Implementing Foreign Proposals to NASA Research Announcements on 
    a No-Exchange-of-Funds Basis
    AGENCY: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
    ACTION: Interim rule with request for comments.
    SUMMARY: This is an interim rule to revise the NASA FAR Supplement 
    (NFS) to conform the handling of foreign proposals under NASA Research 
    Announcements (NRAs) with that under Announcements of Opportunity 
    DATES: Effective Date: This rule is effective September 7, 1999.
        Applicability Date: This rule applies to NRAs and AOs issued on or 
    after September 7, 1999.
        Comment Date: Comments should be submitted to NASA at the address 
    shown below on or before November 8, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Interested parties should submit written comments to: 
    Celeste Dalton, NASA Headquarters Office of Procurement, Contract 
    Management Division (Code HK), Washington, DC 20546. Comments may also 
    be submitted by email to celeste.dalton@hq.nasa.gov.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Celeste Dalton, (202) 358-1645, email: 
    A. Background
        NASA uses NRAs and AOs to solicit research proposals from both U.S. 
    and non-U.S. sources. Because of NASA's policy to conduct research with 
    foreign entities on a cooperative, no-exchange-of-funds basis, NASA 
    does not normally fund foreign research proposals or foreign research 
    efforts that are part of U.S. research proposals. Rather, cooperative 
    research efforts are normally implemented via international agreements 
    between NASA and the foreign entity involved. Thus, foreign proposers, 
    whether as primary proposers or as participants in U.S. research 
    efforts, are expected to arrange for financing for their portion of the 
    research. This rule will implement NASA's policy for NRAs and make it 
    consistent with the existing policy for AOs contained in NASA FAR 
    Supplement (NFS) Part 1872, which requires foreign research to be 
    implemented on a no-exchange-of-funds basis. Additional changes are 
    made to NFS Part 1872 for consistency in the treatment of foreign 
    proposals under NRAs and AOs. Treatment of late proposals under NRAs 
    and AOs is clarified and subcontracting plans (when applicable) are 
    added to the items required of selectees under NRAs. Other editorial 
    changes are made to revise several references to the NASA Office of 
    External Relations.
    B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        NASA certifies that this interim rule will not have a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small business entities 
    within the meaning of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601, et 
    seq.), because it only affects small business entities in the rare 
    circumstance when such entities team with a foreign entity in response 
    to an NRA.
    C. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The Paperwork Reduction Act does not apply because the changes to 
    the NFS do not impose any recordkeeping or information collection 
    requirements, or collections of information from offerors, contractors, 
    or members of the public that require the approval of the Office of 
    Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.
    D. Interim Rule
        In accordance with 41 U.S.C. 418(d), NASA has determined that 
    urgent and compelling reasons exist to promulgate this interim rule 
    without prior opportunity for public comment. This action is necessary 
    to ensure that NRAs reflect NASA's policy that foreign research be 
    implemented on a no-exchange-of-funds basis, and that foreign proposals 
    received in response to NRAs are handled in accordance with the 
    existing policy for AOs contained in NFS Part 1872. However, pursuant 
    to Public Law 98-577 and FAR 1.501, public comments received in 
    response to this interim rule will be considered in the formation of 
    the final rule.
    [[Page 48561]]
    List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 1806, 1813, 1815, 1835, 1852, and 
        Government procurement.
    Tom Luedtke,
    Associate Administrator for Procurement.
        Accordingly, 48 CFR Parts 1806, 1813, 1815, 1835, 1852, and 1872 
    are amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for 48 CFR Parts 1806, 1813, 1815, 1835, 
    1852, and 1872 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 2473(c)(1).
        2. In paragraph (d) to section 1806.303-1, ``International 
    Relations Division (Code IR)'' is revised to read ``Office of External 
    Relations (Code I)''.
        3. Section 1813.000 is revised to read as follows:
    1813.000  Scope of part.
        FAR Part 13 and 1813 do not apply to NASA Research Announcements 
    and Announcements of Opportunity. These acquisitions shall be conducted 
    in accordance with the procedures in 1835.016-71 and 1872, 
    respectively. If awards are to be made as procurement instruments, they 
    shall be made as bilateral contracts rather than purchase orders.
        4. In paragraph (b)(3) to section 1815.300-70, the reference ``(see 
    1835.016-70)'' is revised to read ``(see 1835.016-71)''.
        5. In the introductory text to section 1815.606-70, the reference 
    ``(see 1835.016-70)'' is revised to read ``(see 1835.016-71)''.
        6. In paragraph (a)(i)(B) to section 1835.016, the reference ``(see 
    1835.016-70)'' is revised to read ``(see 1835.016-71)''.
        7. Section 1835.016-70 is redesignated as section 1835.016-71 and a 
    new section 1835.016-70 is added to read as follows:
    1835.016-70  Foreign participation under broad agency announcements 
        (a) Policy.
        (1) NASA seeks the broadest participation in response to broad 
    agency announcements, including foreign proposals or proposals 
    including foreign participation. NASA's policy is to conduct research 
    with foreign entities on a cooperative, no-exchange-of-funds basis (see 
    NPD 1360.2, Initiation and Development of International Cooperation in 
    Space and Aeronautics Programs). NASA does not normally fund foreign 
    research proposals or foreign research efforts that are part of U.S. 
    research proposals. Rather, cooperative research efforts are 
    implemented via international agreements between NASA and the 
    sponsoring foreign agency or funding/sponsoring institution under which 
    the parties agree to each bear the cost of discharging their respective 
        (2) In accordance with the National Space Transportation Policy, 
    use of a non-U.S. manufactured launch vehicle is permitted only on a 
    no-exchange-of-funds basis.
        (3) NASA funding may not be used for subcontracted foreign research 
    efforts. The direct purchase of supplies and/or services, which do not 
    constitute research, from non-U.S. sources by U.S. award recipients is 
        (b) Procedure. When a foreign proposal or a U.S. proposal with 
    foreign participation is received in response to a BAA, the NASA 
    sponsoring office shall determine whether the proposal conforms to the 
    no-exchange-of-funds policy in 1835.016-70(a).
        (1) If the proposal conforms to the policy in 1835.016-70(a), the 
    NASA sponsoring office shall evaluate the proposal and make selection 
    in accordance with 1835.016-71(d). In conjunction with the notification 
    of successful foreign proposers, the NASA sponsoring office shall 
    notify the Headquarters Office of External Relations, Code I. Code I 
    will negotiate the agreement with the sponsoring foreign agency or 
    funding institution for the proposed participation.
        (2) If the proposal does not conform to the policy in 1835.016-
    70(a), the NASA sponsoring office shall:
        (i) Determine whether the proposal merits further consideration;
        (ii) If further consideration is warranted, refer the proposal to 
    Code I; and
        (iii) Complete the evaluation of the proposal. However, no 
    notification of selection, whether tentative or final, shall be made 
    without Code I approval.
        (3) Notification to Code I required by paragraphs (b)(1) and 
    (b)(2)(ii) of this section, shall address the items contained in 
    1872.504(c), and shall be coordinated through the Office of 
    Procurement, Code HS.
        8. In the newly redesignated section 1836.016-71, paragraph (e)(3) 
    is revised to read as follows:
    1835.016-71  NASA Research Announcements.
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (3) Request the offeror to complete and return certifications and 
    representations and Standard Form 33, Solicitation, Offer, and Award, 
    or other appropriate forms. If FAR 52.219-9, Small Business 
    Subcontracting Plan, is required for the resultant contract, request 
    the offeror to provide a subcontracting plan.
    * * * * *
        9. Section 1835.016-72 is added to read as follows:
    1835.016-72  Foreign participation in NRA proposals.
        Foreign proposals or U.S. proposals with foreign participation 
    shall be treated in accordance with 1835.016-70. Additional guidelines 
    applicable to foreign proposers are contained in the provision at 
    1852.235-72, Instructions for responding to NASA Research 
        10. In Section 1852.235-72, the date of the provision is revised, 
    paragraph (c)(8) heading is revised, paragraph (c)(8)(iv) is added, 
    paragraph (g) is revised, paragraph (l) is redesignated as paragraph 
    (m) and a new paragraph (l) is added to read as follows:
    1852.235-72  Instructions for responding to NASA Research 
    * * * * *
    Instructions for Responding to NASA Research Announcements (Aug. 1999)
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (8) Proposed Costs (U.S. Proposals Only).
    * * * * *
        (iv) Use of NASA funds--NASA funding may not be used for foreign 
    research efforts at any level, whether as a collaborator or a 
    subcontract. The direct purchase of supplies and/or services, which 
    do not constitute research, from non-U.S. sources by U.S award 
    recipients is permitted. Additionally, in accordance with the 
    National Space Transportation Policy, use of a non-U.S. manufactured 
    launch vehicle is permitted only on a no-exchange-of-funds basis.
    * * * * *
        (g) Late Proposals. Proposals or proposal modifications received 
    after the latest date specified for receipt may be considered if a 
    significant reduction in cost to the Government is probable or if 
    there are
    [[Page 48562]]
    significant technical advantages, as compared with proposals 
    previously received.
    * * * * *
        (l) Additional Guidelines Applicable to Foreign Proposals and 
    Proposals Including Foreign Participation.
        (1) NASA welcomes proposals from outside the U.S. However, 
    foreign entities are generally not eligible for funding from NASA. 
    Therefore, proposals from foreign entities should not include a cost 
    plan unless the proposal involves collaboration with a U.S. 
    institution, in which case a cost plan for only the participation of 
    the U.S. entity must be included (unless otherwise noted in the 
    NRA). Proposals from foreign entities and proposals from U.S. 
    entities that include foreign participation must be endorsed by the 
    respective government agency or funding/sponsoring institution in 
    the country from which the non-U.S. participant is proposing. Such 
    endorsement should indicate that the proposal merits careful 
    consideration by NASA, and if the proposal is selected, sufficient 
    funds will be made available to undertake the activity as proposed.
        (2) When a ``Notice of Intent'' to propose is required, 
    prospective foreign proposers should write directly to the NASA 
    official designated in the NRA and send a copy of this letter to 
    NASA's Office of External Relations at the address in paragraph 
    (l)(3) of this provision.
        (3) In addition to sending the requested number of copies of the 
    proposal to the designated address, one copy of the proposal, along 
    with the Letter of Endorsement from the sponsoring non-U.S. 
    government agency or funding/sponsoring institution must be 
    forwarded to: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Code I, 
    Office of External Relations, (NRA Number), Washington, DC 20546-
    0001, USA.
        (4) All foreign proposals must be typewritten in English and 
    comply with all other submission requirements stated in the NRA. All 
    foreign proposals will undergo the same evaluation and selection 
    process as those originating in the U.S. All proposals must be 
    received before the established closing date. Those received after 
    the closing date will be treated in accordance with paragraph (g) of 
    this provision. Sponsoring foreign government agencies or funding 
    institutions may, in exceptional situations, forward a proposal 
    without endorsement to the above address if endorsement is not 
    possible before the announced closing date. In such cases, NASA's 
    Office of External Relations should be advised when a decision on 
    endorsement can be expected.
        (5) Successful and unsuccessful non-U.S. proposers will be 
    contacted directly by the NASA sponsoring office. Copies of these 
    letters will be sent to the sponsoring government agency or funding 
    institution. Should a foreign proposal or a U.S. proposal with 
    foreign participation be selected, NASA's Office of External 
    Relations will arrange with the foreign sponsoring agency or funding 
    institution for the proposed participation on a no-exchange-of-funds 
    basis, in which NASA and the non-U.S. sponsoring agency or funding 
    institution will each bear the cost of discharging their respective 
        (6) Depending on the nature and extent of the proposed 
    cooperation, this arrangement may entail:
        (i) A letter of notification by NASA;
        (ii) An exchange of letters between NASA and the sponsoring 
    foreign governmental agency; or
        (iii) A formal Agency-to-Agency Memorandum of Understanding 
    * * * * *
        11. Section 1872.306 is revised to read as follows:
    1872.306  Announcement of opportunity soliciting foreign participation.
        Foreign proposals or U.S. proposals with foreign participation 
    shall be treated in accordance with 1835.016-70. Additional guidelines 
    applicable to foreign proposers are contained in the Management Plan 
    Section of Appendix B and must be included in any Guidelines for 
    Proposal Preparation or otherwise furnished to foreign proposers.
        12. In paragraphs (b)(6), (c) introductory text, and (d) to section 
    1872.504, the phrase ``International Affairs Division,'' is removed.
        13. In section 1872.705-1, paragraph VII is revised to read as 
    1872.705-1  Appendix A: General Instructions and Provisions.
    * * * * *
    VII. Late Proposals
        Proposals or proposal modifications received after the latest 
    date specified for receipt may be considered if a significant 
    reduction in cost to the Government is probable or if there are 
    significant technical advantages, as compared with proposals 
    previously received.
        14. In section1872.705-2, paragraphs (a)(3)(i), (ii), (iv), (vi) 
    and the introductory text of paragraph (a)(3)(viii) of the Management 
    Plan and Cost Plan are revised, paragraph (b)(e) is redesignated as 
    (b)(3) and paragraph (b)(4) is added to read as follows.
    1872.705-2, Appendix B: Guidelines for Proposal Preparation
    * * * * *
    Management Plan and Cost Plan
        (a) * * *
        (3) * * *
        (i) Where a ``Notice of Intent'' to propose is requested, 
    prospective foreign proposers should write directly to the NASA 
    official designated in the AO and send a copy of this letter to 
    NASA, Code I, Office of External Relations, Washington, DC 20546, 
        (ii) Unless otherwise indicated in the AO, proposals will be 
    submitted in accordance with this Appendix. Proposals should be 
    typewritten and written in English. Foreign entities are generally 
    not eligible for funding from NASA. Therefore, proposals from 
    foreign entities should not include a cost plan unless the proposal 
    involves collaboration with a U.S. institution, in which case a cost 
    plan for only the participation of the U.S. entity must be included 
    (unless otherwise noted in the AO).
    * * * * *
        (iv) Proposals including the requested number of copies and 
    letters of endorsement from the foreign governmental agency must be 
    forwarded to NASA in time to arrive before the deadline established 
    for each AO. These documents should be sent to: National Aeronautics 
    and Space Administration, Code I, Office of External Relations, 
    Washington, DC 20546, U.S.A.
    * * * * *
        (vi) Shortly after the deadline for each AO, NASA's Office of 
    External Relations will advise the appropriate sponsoring agency 
    which proposals have been received and when the selection process 
    should be completed. A copy of this acknowledgment will be provided 
    to each proposer.
    * * * * *
        (viii) NASA's Office of External Relations will then begin 
    making the arrangements to provide for the selectee's participation 
    in the appropriate NASA program. Depending on the nature and extent 
    of the proposed cooperation, these arrangements may entail:
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (4) Use of NASA funds. NASA funding may not be used for foreign 
    research efforts at any level, whether as a collaborator or a 
    subcontract. The direct purchase of supplies and/or services, which 
    do not constitute research, from non-U.S. sources by U.S award 
    recipients is permitted. Additionally, in accordance with the 
    National Space Transportation Policy, use of a non-U.S. manufactured 
    launch vehicle is permitted only on a no-exchange-of-funds basis.
    [FR Doc. 99-23065 Filed 9-3-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7510-01-P

Document Information

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Entry Type:
Interim rule with request for comments.
Document Number:
48560-48562 (3 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (6)
48 CFR 1806
48 CFR 1813
48 CFR 1815
48 CFR 1835
48 CFR 1852
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