99-31023. Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992; Cable Act Reform Provision of the Telecommunications Act of 1996: Review of the Commission's Cable Attribution Rules  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 230 (Wednesday, December 1, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 67193-67197]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-31023]
    47 CFR Part 76
    [CS Docket No. 98-82; CS Docket No. 96-85; FCC 99-288]
    Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992; 
    Cable Act Reform Provision of the Telecommunications Act of 1996: 
    Review of the Commission's Cable Attribution Rules
    AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This document adopts amendments to the cable attribution and 
    affiliation rules, which determine whether an entity is subject to the 
    Commission's cable regulations, in order to more accurately identify 
    interests that confer on their holders the ability to influence or 
    control the operations of a held entity or create the type of economic 
    incentives that the Commission's rules relating to the provision of 
    cable television services are designed to address.
    DATES: Effective February 9, 2000, following OMB approval, unless a 
    notice is published in the Federal Register stating otherwise.
        Written comments by the public on the new and/or modified 
    information collections are due January 31, 2000.
    ADDRESSES: In addition to filing comments with the Office of the 
    Secretary, a copy of any comments on the information collection(s) 
    contained herein should be submitted to Judy Boley, Federal 
    Communications Commission, Room 1-C804, 445 12th Street, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20554, or via the Internet to jboley@fcc.gov.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Darryl Cooper at (202) 418-7200 or via 
    Internet at dacooper@fcc.gov. For additional information concerning the 
    information collection(s) contained in this document, contact Judy 
    Boley at 202-418-0214, or via the Internet at jboley@fcc.gov.
    SUPPLMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a synopsis of the Commission's Report 
    and Order, FCC 99-288, adopted on October 8, 1999 and released October 
    20, 1999. The full text of this decision is available for inspection 
    and copying during normal business hours in the FCC Reference Center, 
    445 12th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20554, or may be purchased from the 
    Commission's copy contractor, International Transcription Service 
    (``ITS''), (202) 857-3800, 1231 20th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036, 
    or may be reviewed via internet at http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Cable/
    WWW/csb.html. For copies in alternative formats, such as braille, audio 
    cassette or large print, please contact Sheila Ray at ITS.
        This Report and Order contains new or modified information 
    collection(s) subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), 
    Public Law 104-13. It will be submitted to the Office of Management and 
    Budget (OMB) for review under Section 3507(d) of the PRA. OMB, the 
    general public, and other Federal agencies are invited to comment on 
    the new or modified information collection(s) contained in this 
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This Report and Order contains either a new or modified information 
    collection. The Commission, as part of its continuing effort to reduce 
    paperwork burdens, invites the general public to comment on the 
    information collection(s) contained in this Report and Order as 
    required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13. 
    Public and agency comments are due January 31, 2000. Comments should 
    address: (a) whether the new or modified collection of information is 
    necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the 
    Commission, including whether the information shall have practical 
    utility; (b) the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimates; (c) 
    ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information 
    collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of 
    information on the respondents, including the use of automated 
    collection techniques or other forms of information technology.
        OMB Control Number: 3060-XXXX.
        Title: Cable Attribution Rules.
        Form No.: Not applicable.
        Type of Review: New collection.
        Respondents: Business or other for-profit.
        Number of Respondents: 20.
        Estimated Time per Response: 4 hours.
        Total Annual Burden: 80 hours.
        Cost to Respondents: $3200.
        Needs and Uses: Filings will be used by the Commission to determine 
    the nature of the corporate, financial, partnership, ownership and 
    other business relationships that confer on their holders a degree of 
    ownership or other economic interest, or influence or control over an 
    entity engaged in the provision of communications services such that 
    the holders are subject to the Commission's regulations.
    Synopsis of Report and Order
        1. The Commission's Report and Order amends the Commission's cable 
    attribution and affiliation rules to more accurately identify interests 
    that confer on their holders the ability to influence the operations of 
    the held entity such that the holders should be subject to the cable 
        2. Key Decisions:
         The Report and Order maintains the 5% voting equity 
    attribution standard and adopts this standard for the Commission's 
    cable-telco buyout prohibition rule, cable/SMATV cross-ownership rule, 
    and the competing provider prong of the effective competition test. 47 
    CFR 76.505, 76.501(d), 76.905(h).
         The Report and Order raises the passive institutional 
    investor threshold from 10% to 20%.
         The Report and Order eliminates the cable attribution 
    rule's single majority shareholder exemption.
         The Report and Order attributes nonvoting equity and debt 
    where an investor's interest is greater than 33% of a company's total 
    assets, which is the sum of all equity and debt. This equity debt rule 
    will also act as an exemption to the insulated limited partner 
         For the horizontal ownership and channel occupancy rules, 
    47 CFR 503, 504, the Report and Order narrowly tailors the insulated 
    limited partnership criteria to permit a limited partner to insulate 
    its interest so long as the limited partner is not involved in the 
    video-programming activities of the partnership. In addition, for these 
    two rules, the Report and Order permits interlocking and appointed 
    directors and officers to petition the Commission for a waiver from 
    attribution where the directors and officers are not involved in the 
    video-programming activities of either company.
         The Report and Order adopts a 10% partnership or voting 
    equity attribution threshold for the local exchange carrier prong of 
    the effective competition test. 47 CFR 76.905(b)(4).
         The Report and Order permits investors in limited 
    liability companies to insulate their interests under the insulated 
    limited partnership criteria.
         The Report and Order clarifies the attribution and 
    affiliation standards for the following rules: 47 CFR 76.1000 (program 
    access); 47 CFR 76.1300 (program carriage); 47 CFR 76.924 (allocation 
    of service cost categories); 47
    [[Page 67194]]
    CFR 76.922 (rates for the basic service tier and cable programming 
    services tiers); 47 CFR 76.970 (commercial leased access); and 47 CFR 
    76.1500 (open video systems). Under these rules, entities are 
    affiliated if either entity has an attributable interest in the other 
    or if a third party has an attributable interest in both entities.
         The Report and Order adopts transitional provisions. For 
    the ownership rules covered in the Report and Order, the new 
    attribution rules apply only to interests acquired on or after June 26, 
    1998. For the other rules covered in the Report and Order, the new 
    attribution rules apply to all interests, no matter when acquired.
    Ordering Clauses
        3. Accordingly, pursuant to Sections 4(i), 303 and 612, 
    613(f)(1)(A)&(B), 616, 623, 628 and 652 of the Communications Act of 
    1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i), 303, 532, 533(f)(1)(A)&(B), 536(a), 
    543, 548(b), 572 and 573, the amendments discussed in this Report and 
    Order Are adopted. These amendments shall become effective 70 days 
    after publication in the Federal Register, following OMB approval, 
    unless a notice is published in the Federal Register stating otherwise.
        4. The Commission's Office of Public Affairs, Reference Operations 
    Division, Shall send a copy of this Report and Order, including the 
    Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, to the Chief Counsel for 
    Advocacy of the Small Business Administration in accordance with 
    paragraph 603(a) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, Public Law 96-354, 
    94 Stat. 1164, 5 U.S.C.A. 601 et seq.
    List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 76
        Administrative practice and procedure, Cable television, Equal 
    employment opportunity, Political candidates, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
    Federal Communications Commission.
    Magalie Roman Salas,
    Rule Changes
        For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Federal 
    Communications Commission amends 47 CFR part 76 as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 76 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 47 U.S.C. 151, 152, 153, 154, 301, 302, 303, 303a, 
    307, 308, 309, 312, 315, 317, 325, 503, 521, 522, 531, 532, 533, 
    534, 535, 536, 537, 543, 544, 544a, 545, 548, 549, 552, 554, 556, 
    558, 560, 561, 571, 572, 573.
        2. Section 76.501 is amended by revising Notes 1, 2, 5 and 6 to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 76.501  Cross-ownership.
    * * * * *
        Note 1: Actual working control, in whatever manner exercised, 
    shall be deemed a cognizable interest.
        Note 2: In applying the provisions of this section, ownership 
    and other interests in an entity or entities covered by this rule 
    will be attributed to their holders and deemed cognizable pursuant 
    to the following criteria:
        (a) Except as otherwise provided herein, partnership and direct 
    ownership interests and any voting stock interest amounting to 5% or 
    more of the outstanding voting stock of a corporation will be 
        (b) Investment companies, as defined in 15 U.S.C. 80a-3, insurance 
    companies and banks holding stock through their trust departments in 
    trust accounts will be considered to have a cognizable interest only if 
    they hold 20% or more of the outstanding voting stock of a corporation, 
    or if any of the officers or directors of the corporation are 
    representatives of the investment company, insurance company or bank 
    concerned. Holdings by a bank or insurance company will be aggregated 
    if the bank or insurance company has any right to determine how the 
    stock will be voted. Holdings by investment companies will be 
    aggregated if under common management.
        (c) Attribution of ownership interests in an entity covered by this 
    rule that are held indirectly by any party through one or more 
    intervening corporations will be determined by successive 
    multiplication of the ownership percentages for each link in the 
    vertical ownership chain and application of the relevant attribution 
    benchmark to the resulting product, except that wherever the ownership 
    percentage for any link in the chain exceeds 50%, it shall not be 
    included for purposes of this multiplication. [For example, if A owns 
    10% of company X, which owns 60% of company Y, which owns 25% of 
    ``Licensee,'' then X's interest in ``Licensee'' would be 25% (the same 
    as Y's interest since X's interest in Y exceeds 50%), and A's interest 
    in ``Licensee'' would be 2.5% (0.1 x 0.25). Under the 5% attribution 
    benchmark, X's interest in ``Licensee'' would be cognizable, while A's 
    interest would not be cognizable.]
        (d) Voting stock interests held in trust shall be attributed to any 
    person who holds or shares the power to vote such stock, to any person 
    who has the sole power to sell such stock, and to any person who has 
    the right to revoke the trust at will or to replace the trustee at 
    will. If the trustee has a familial, personal or extra-trust business 
    relationship to the grantor or the beneficiary, the grantor or 
    beneficiary, as appropriate, will be attributed with the stock 
    interests held in trust. An otherwise qualified trust will be 
    ineffective to insulate the grantor or beneficiary from attribution 
    with the trust's assets unless all voting stock interests held by the 
    grantor or beneficiary in the relevant entity covered by this rule are 
    subject to said trust.
        (e) Subject to paragraph (i) of this Note, holders of non-voting 
    stock shall not be attributed an interest in the issuing entity. 
    Subject to paragraph (i) of this Note, holders of debt and instruments 
    such as warrants, convertible debentures, options or other non-voting 
    interests with rights of conversion to voting interests shall not be 
    attributed unless and until conversion is effected.
        (f)(1) Subject to paragraph (i) of this Note, a limited partnership 
    interest shall be attributed to a limited partner unless that partner 
    is not materially involved, directly or indirectly, in the management 
    or operation of the media-related activities of the partnership and the 
    relevant entity so certifies. An interest in a Limited Liability 
    Company (``LLC'') or Registered Limited Liability Partnership 
    (``RLLP'') shall be attributed to the interest holder unless that 
    interest holder is not materially involved, directly or indirectly, in 
    the management or operation of the media-related activities of the 
    partnership and the relevant entity so certifies.
        (2) In the case of a limited partnership, in order for an entity to 
    make the certification set forth in paragraph (g)(1) of this section, 
    it must verify that the partnership agreement or certificate of limited 
    partnership, with respect to the particular limited partner exempt from 
    attribution, establishes that the exempt limited partner has no 
    material involvement, directly or indirectly, in the management or 
    operation of the media activities of the partnership. In the case of an 
    LLC or RLLP, in order for an entity to make the certification set forth 
    in paragraph (g)(1) of this section, it must verify that the 
    organizational document, with respect to the particular interest holder 
    exempt from attribution, establishes that the exempt interest holder 
    has no material involvement, directly or indirectly, in the management 
    or operation of the media activities of the LLC or RLLP. The criteria 
    which would assume adequate insulation for purposes of these
    [[Page 67195]]
    certifications are described in the Memorandum Opinion and Order in MM 
    Docket No. 83-46, FCC 85-252 (released June 24, 1985), as modified on 
    reconsideration in the Memorandum Opinion and Order in MM Docket No. 
    83-46, FCC 86-410 (released November 28, 1986). Irrespective of the 
    terms of the certificate of limited partnership or partnership 
    agreement, or other organizational document in the case of an LLC or 
    RLLP, however, no such certification shall be made if the individual or 
    entity making the certification has actual knowledge of any material 
    involvement of the limited partners, or other interest holders in the 
    case of an LLC or RLLP, in the management or operation of the media 
    businesses of the partnership or LLC or RLLP.
        (3) In the case of an LLC or RLLP, the entity seeking insulation 
    shall certify, in addition, that the relevant state statute authorizing 
    LLCs permits an LLC member to insulate itself as required by our 
        (g) Officers and directors of an entity covered by this rule are 
    considered to have a cognizable interest in the entity with which they 
    are so associated. If any such entity engages in businesses in addition 
    to its primary media business, it may request the Commission to waive 
    attribution for any officer or director whose duties and 
    responsibilities are wholly unrelated to its primary business. The 
    officers and directors of a parent company of a media entity, with an 
    attributable interest in any such subsidiary entity, shall be deemed to 
    have a cognizable interest in the subsidiary unless the duties and 
    responsibilities of the officer or director involved are wholly 
    unrelated to the media subsidiary, and a certification properly 
    documenting this fact is submitted to the Commission. The officers and 
    directors of a sister corporation of a media entity shall not be 
    attributed with ownership of that entity by virtue of such status.
        (h) Discrete ownership interests held by the same individual or 
    entity will be aggregated in determining whether or not an interest is 
    cognizable under this section. An individual or entity will be deemed 
    to have a cognizable investment if:
        (1) The sum of the interests held by or through ``passive 
    investors'' is equal to or exceeds 20 percent; or
        (2) The sum of the interests other than those held by or through 
    ``passive investors'' is equal to or exceeds 5 percent; or
        (3) The sum of the interests computed under paragraph (i)(1) of 
    this section plus the sum of the interests computed under paragraph 
    (i)(2) of this section is equal to or exceeds 20 percent.
        (i) Notwithstanding paragraphs (e) and (f) of this Note, the holder 
    of an equity or debt interest or interests in an entity covered by this 
    rule shall have that interest attributed if the equity (including all 
    stockholdings, whether voting or nonvoting, common or preferred, and 
    partnership interests) and debt interest or interests, in the 
    aggregate, exceed 33 percent of the total asset value (all equity plus 
    all debt) of that entity, provided however that:
        (1) in applying the provisions of paragraph (i) of this note to 
    Secs. 76.501, 76.505 and 76.905(b)(2), the holder of an equity or debt 
    interest or interests in a broadcast station, cable system, SMATV or 
    multiple video distribution provider subject to Secs. 76.501, 76.505, 
    or 76.905(b)(2) (``interest holder'') shall have that interest 
    attributed if the equity (including all stockholdings, whether voting 
    or nonvoting, common or preferred, and partnership interests) and debt 
    interest or interests, in the aggregate, exceed 33 percent of the total 
    asset value (defined as the aggregate of all equity plus all debt) of 
    that entity; and
        (i) the interest holder also holds an interest in a broadcast 
    station, cable system, SMATV, or multiple video distribution provider 
    that operates in the same market, is subject to Secs. 76.501, 76.505, 
    or 76.905(b)(2) and is attributable without reference to this paragraph 
    (i); or
        (ii) the interest holder supplies over fifteen percent of the total 
    weekly broadcast programming hours of the station in which the interest 
    is held.
        (2) For purposes of applying subparagraph (i)(1), the term 
    ``market'' will be defined as it is defined under the rule that is 
    being applied.
    * * * * *
        Note 5: Certifications pursuant to this section and these notes 
    shall be sent to the attention of the Cable Services Bureau, Federal 
    Communications Commission, 445 12th Street, NW Washington, DC 20554.
        Note 6: In applying paragraph (a) of Sec. 76.501, no minority 
    voting stock interest will be cognizable if there is a single holder 
    of more than 50% of the outstanding voting stock of the corporation 
    in which the minority interest is held, provided however, that an 
    investor that has an interest under the terms of Note 2(i) of this 
    section shall have that interest attributed.
        3. Section 76.503 is amended by adding a Note 2 to read as follows:
    Sec. 76.503  National subscriber limits.
    * * * * *
        Note 2: Attributable Interest shall be defined by reference to 
    the criteria set forth in Notes 1 through 5 to Sec. 76.501 provided 
    however, that:
        (a) Notes 2(f) and 2(g) to Sec. 76.501 to shall not apply;
        (b)(1) Subject to Note 2(i) to Sec. 76.501, a limited partnership 
    interest shall be attributed to a limited partner unless that partner 
    is not materially involved, directly or indirectly, in the management 
    or operation of the video programming-related activities of the 
    partnership and the relevant entity so certifies. An interest in a 
    Limited Liability Company (``LLC'') or Registered Limited Liability 
    Partnership (``RLLP'') shall be attributed to the interest holder 
    unless that interest holder is not materially involved, directly or 
    indirectly, in the management or operation of the video programming-
    related activities of the partnership and the relevant entity so 
        (2) In the case of a limited partnership, in order for an entity to 
    make the certification set forth in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, 
    it must verify that the partnership agreement or certificate of limited 
    partnership, with respect to the particular limited partner exempt from 
    attribution, establishes that the exempt limited partner has no 
    material involvement, directly or indirectly, in the management or 
    operation of the video programming activities of the partnership. In 
    the case of an LLC or RLLP, in order for an entity to make the 
    certification set forth in paragraph (g)(1) of this section, it must 
    verify that the organizational document, with respect to the particular 
    interest holder exempt from attribution, establishes that the exempt 
    interest holder has no material involvement, directly or indirectly, in 
    the management or operation of the video programming activities of the 
    LLC or RLLP. The criteria which would assume adequate insulation for 
    purposes of these certifications are described in the Report and Order, 
    FCC No. 99-288, CS Docket No. 98-82 (released October 20, 1999). In 
    order for the Commission to accept the certification, the certification 
    must be accompanied by facts, e.g. in the form of documents, affidavits 
    or declarations, that demonstrate that these insulation criteria are 
    met. Irrespective of the terms of the certificate of limited 
    partnership or partnership agreement, or other organizational document 
    in the case of an LLC or RLLP, however, no such certification shall be 
    made if the individual or entity making the certification has actual 
    knowledge of any material involvement of the limited partners, or other 
    interest holders in the case of an LLC or RLLP, in the
    [[Page 67196]]
    management or operation of the video-programming activities of the 
    partnership or LLC or RLLP.
        (3) In the case of an LLC or RLLP, the entity seeking insulation 
    shall certify, in addition, that the relevant state statute authorizing 
    LLCs permits an LLC member to insulate itself as required by our 
        (c) Officers and directors of an entity covered by this rule are 
    considered to have a cognizable interest in the entity with which they 
    are so associated. If any such entity engages in activities other than 
    video-programming activities, it may request the Commission to waive 
    attribution for any officer or director whose duties and 
    responsibilities are wholly unrelated to the entity's video-programming 
    activities. In the case of common or appointed directors and officers, 
    if common or appointed directors or officers have duties and 
    responsibilities that are wholly unrelated to video-programming 
    activities for both entities, the relevant entity may request the 
    Commission to waive attribution of the director or officer. The 
    officers and directors of a parent company of a video-programming 
    business, with an attributable interest in any such subsidiary entity, 
    shall be deemed to have a cognizable interest in the subsidiary unless 
    the duties and responsibilities of the officer or director involved are 
    wholly unrelated to the video-programming subsidiary, and a 
    certification properly documenting this fact is submitted to the 
    Commission. The officers and directors of a sister corporation of a 
    cable system shall not be attributed with ownership of that entity by 
    virtue of such status.
        4. Section 76.504 is amended by removing paragraph (h) and adding a 
    Note 1 to read as follows:
    Sec. 76.504  Limits on carriage of vertically integrated programming.
    * * * * *
        Note 1: Attributable interest shall be defined by reference to 
    the criteria set forth in Notes 1 through 5 to Sec. 76.501 provided 
    however, that:
        (a) Notes 2(f) and 2(g) to Sec. 76.501 to shall not apply;
        (b)(1) Subject to Note 2(i) to Sec. 76.501, a limited partnership 
    interest shall be attributed to a limited partner unless that partner 
    is not materially involved, directly or indirectly, in the management 
    or operation of the video programming-related activities of the 
    partnership and the relevant entity so certifies. An interest in a 
    Limited Liability Company (``LLC'') or Registered Limited Liability 
    Partnership (``RLLP'') shall be attributed to the interest holder 
    unless that interest holder is not materially involved, directly or 
    indirectly, in the management or operation of the video programming-
    related activities of the partnership and the relevant entity so 
        (2) In the case of a limited partnership, in order for an entity to 
    make the certification set forth in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, 
    it must verify that the partnership agreement or certificate of limited 
    partnership, with respect to the particular limited partner exempt from 
    attribution, establishes that the exempt limited partner has no 
    material involvement, directly or indirectly, in the management or 
    operation of the video programming activities of the partnership. In 
    the case of an LLC or RLLP, in order for an entity to make the 
    certification set forth in paragraph (g)(1) of this section, it must 
    verify that the organizational document, with respect to the particular 
    interest holder exempt from attribution, establishes that the exempt 
    interest holder has no material involvement, directly or indirectly, in 
    the management or operation of the video programming activities of the 
    LLC or RLLP. The criteria which would assume adequate insulation for 
    purposes of these certifications are described in the Report and Order, 
    FCC No. 99-288, CS Docket No. 98-82 (released October 20, 1999). In 
    order for the Commission to accept the certification, the certification 
    must be accompanied by facts, e.g. in the form of documents, affidavits 
    or declarations, that demonstrate that these insulation criteria are 
    met. Irrespective of the terms of the certificate of limited 
    partnership or partnership agreement, or other organizational document 
    in the case of an LLC or RLLP, however, no such certification shall be 
    made if the individual or entity making the certification has actual 
    knowledge of any material involvement of the limited partners, or other 
    interest holders in the case of an LLC or RLLP, in the management or 
    operation of the video-programming activities of the partnership or LLC 
    or RLLP.
        (3) In the case of an LLC or RLLP, the entity seeking insulation 
    shall certify, in addition, that the relevant state statute authorizing 
    LLCs permits an LLC member to insulate itself as required by our 
        (c) Officers and directors of an entity covered by this rule are 
    considered to have a cognizable interest in the entity with which they 
    are so associated. If any such entity engages in activities other than 
    video-programming activities, it may request the Commission to waive 
    attribution for any officer or director whose duties and 
    responsibilities are wholly unrelated to the entity's video-programming 
    activities. In the case of common or appointed directors and officers, 
    if common or appointed directors or officers have duties and 
    responsibilities that are wholly unrelated to video-programming 
    activities for both entities, the relevant entity may request the 
    Commission to waive attribution of the director or officer. The 
    officers and directors of a parent company of a video-programming 
    business, with an attributable interest in any such subsidiary entity, 
    shall be deemed to have a cognizable interest in the subsidiary unless 
    the duties and responsibilities of the officer or director involved are 
    wholly unrelated to the video-programming subsidiary, and a 
    certification properly documenting this fact is submitted to the 
    Commission. The officers and directors of a sister corporation of a 
    cable system shall not be attributed with ownership of that entity by 
    virtue of such status.
        5. Section 76.505 is amended by adding paragraphs (f) and (g) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 76.505  Prohibition on buy outs.
    * * * * *
        (f) For purposes of this section, entities are affiliated if either 
    entity has an attributable interest in the other or if a third party 
    has an attributable interest in both entities.
        (g) Attributable interest shall be defined by reference to the 
    criteria set forth in Notes 1 through 5 to Sec. 76.501.
        6. Section 76.905 is amended by adding paragraphs (h) and (i) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 76.905  Standards for identification of cable systems subject to 
    effective competition.
    * * * * *
        (h) For purposes of paragraph (b)(2) of this section, entities are 
    affiliated if either entity has an attributable interest in the other 
    or if a third party has an attributable interest in both entities. 
    Attributable interest shall be defined by reference to the criteria set 
    forth in Notes 1 through 5 to Sec. 76.501.
        (i) For purposes of paragraph (b)(4) of this section, entities are 
    affiliated if either entity has an attributable interest in the other 
    or if a third party has an attributable interest in both entities. 
    Attributable interest shall be defined as follows:
        (1) A 10% partnership or voting equity interest in a corporation 
    will be cognizable.
        (2) Subject to paragraph (i)(3), a limited partnership interest of 
    10% or
    [[Page 67197]]
    more shall be attributed to a limited partner unless that partner is 
    not materially involved, directly or indirectly, in the management or 
    operation of the media-related activities of the partnership and the 
    relevant entity so certifies. An interest in a Limited Liability 
    Company (``LLC'') or Registered Limited Liability Partnership 
    (``RLLP'') shall be attributed to the interest holder unless that 
    interest holder is not materially involved, directly or indirectly, in 
    the management or operation of the media-related activities of the 
    partnership and the relevant entity so certifies. Certifications must 
    be made pursuant to the guidelines set forth in Note 2(f) to 
    Sec. 76.501.
        (3) Notwithstanding paragraph (i)(2), the holder of an equity or 
    debt interest or interests in an entity covered by this rule shall have 
    that interest attributed if the equity (including all stockholdings, 
    whether voting or nonvoting, common or preferred, and partnership 
    interests) and debt interest or interests, in the aggregate, exceed 33 
    percent of the total asset value (all equity plus all debt) of that 
        (4) Discrete ownership interests held by the same individual or 
    entity will be aggregated in determining whether or not an interest is 
    cognizable under this section. An individual or entity will be deemed 
    to have a cognizable investment if the sum of the interests other than 
    those held by or through ``passive investors'' is equal to or exceeds 
        7. Section 76.922 is amended by adding paragraphs (f)(6) (i) and 
    (ii) to read as follows:
    Sec. 76.922  Rates for the basic service tier and cable programming 
    services tiers.
    * * * * *
        (f) * * *
        (6)(i) For purposes of this section, entities are affiliated if 
    either entity has an attributable interest in the other or if a third 
    party has an attributable interest in both entities.
        (ii) Attributable interest shall be defined by reference to the 
    criteria set forth in Notes 1 through 5 to Sec. 76.501 provided, 
    however, that:
        (A) The limited partner and LLC/LLP/RLLP insulation provisions of 
    Note 2(f) shall not apply; and
        (B) The provisions of Note 2(a) regarding five (5) percent 
    interests shall include all voting or nonvoting stock or limited 
    partnership equity interests of five (5) percent or more.
    * * * * *
        8. Section 76.924 is amended by adding paragraphs (i)(6) and (i)(7) 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 76.924  Allocation to service cost categories.
    * * * * *
        (i) * * *
        (6) For purposes of this section, entities are affiliated if either 
    entity has an attributable interest in the other or if a third party 
    has an attributable interest in both entities.
        (7) Attributable interest shall be defined by reference to the 
    criteria set forth in Notes 1 through 5 to Sec. 76.501 provided, 
    however, that:
        (i) The limited partner and LLC/LLP/RLLP insulation provisions of 
    Note 2(f) shall not apply; and
        (ii) The provisions of Note 2(a) regarding five (5) percent 
    interests shall include all voting or nonvoting stock or limited 
    partnership equity interests of five (5) percent or more.
    * * * * *
        9. Section 76.970 is amended by redesignating paragraphs (c), (d), 
    (e), (f), (g) and (h) as paragraphs (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (i); 
    revising paragraph (b); and adding a new paragraph (c) to read as 
    Sec. 76.970  Commercial leased access rates.
    * * * * *
        (b) In determining whether an entity is an ``affiliate'' for 
    purposes of commercial leased access, entities are affiliated if either 
    entity has an attributable interest in the other or if a third party 
    has an attributable interest in both entities.
        (c) Attributable interest shall be defined by reference to the 
    criteria set forth in Notes 1-5 to Sec. 76.501 provided, however, that:
        (1) The limited partner and LLC/LLP/RLLP insulation provisions of 
    Note 2(f) shall not apply; and
        (2) The provisions of Note 2(a) regarding five (5) percent 
    interests shall include all voting or nonvoting stock or limited 
    partnership equity interests of five (5) percent or more.
    * * * * *
        10. Section 76.1000 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 
    Sec. 76.1000  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        (b) Cognizable interests. In applying the provisions of this 
    subpart, ownership and other interests in cable operators, satellite 
    cable programming vendors or satellite broadcast programming vendors 
    will be attributed to their holders and subject the interest holders to 
    the rules of this subpart. Cognizable and attributable interests shall 
    be defined by reference to the criteria set forth in Notes 1 through 5 
    to Sec. 76.501 provided, however, that:
        (1) The limited partner and LLC/LLP/RLLP insulation provisions of 
    Note 2(f) shall not apply; and
        (2) The provisions of Note 2(a) regarding five (5) percent 
    interests shall include all voting or nonvoting stock or limited 
    partnership equity interests of five (5) percent or more.
    * * * * *
        11. Section 76.1300 is amended by redesignating paragraphs (b), (c) 
    and (d) as paragraphs (c), (d) and (e); revising paragraph (a) and 
    adding a new paragraph (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 76.1300  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        (a) Affiliated. For purposes of this subpart, entities are 
    affiliated if either entity has an attributable interest in the other 
    or if a third party has an attributable interest in both entities.
        (b) Attributable interest. The term ``attributable interest'' shall 
    be defined by reference to the criteria set forth in Notes 1 through 5 
    to Sec. 76.501 provided, however, that:
        (1) The limited partner and LLC/LLP/RLLP insulation provisions of 
    Note 2(f) shall not apply; and
        (2) The provisions of Note 2(a) regarding five (5) percent 
    interests shall include all voting or nonvoting stock or limited 
    partnership equity interests of five (5) percent or more.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 76.1401  [Removed]
        12. Section 76.1401 is removed.
        13. Section 76.1500 is amended by redesignating paragraph (h) as 
    paragraph (i), revising paragraph (g) and adding a new paragraph (h) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 76.1500  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        (g) Affiliated. For purposes of this subpart, entities are 
    affiliated if either entity has an attributable interest in the other 
    or if a third party has an attributable interest in both entities.
        (h) Attributable Interest. The term ``attributable interest'' shall 
    be defined by reference to the criteria set forth in Notes 1 through 5 
    to Sec. 76.501 provided, however, that:
        (1) The limited partner and LLC/LLP/RLLP insulation provisions of 
    Note 2(f) shall not apply; and
        (2) The provisions of Note 2(a) regarding five (5) percent 
    interests shall include all voting or nonvoting stock or limited 
    partnership equity interests of five (5) percent or more.
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 99-31023 Filed 11-30-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6712-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Communications Commission
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
Effective February 9, 2000, following OMB approval, unless a notice is published in the Federal Register stating otherwise.
67193-67197 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
CS Docket No. 98-82, CS Docket No. 96-85, FCC 99-288
PDF File:
CFR: (12)
47 CFR 76.501
47 CFR 76.503
47 CFR 76.504
47 CFR 76.505
47 CFR 76.905
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