E7-4982. Grant of Individual Exemptions Involving; D-11342, Mellon Financial Corporation (Mellon); and D-11370, Amendment to Prohibited Exemption (PTE) 2000-58 and (PTE) 2002-41 Involving Bear Stearns & Co. Inc., Prudential Securities Incorporated, ...  

  • Start Preamble


    Employee Benefits Security Administration, Labor.


    Grant of Individual Exemptions.


    This document contains exemptions issued by the Department of Labor (the Department) from certain of the prohibited transaction restrictions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA or the Act) and/or the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the Code).

    A notice was published in the Federal Register of the pendency before the Department of a proposal to grant such exemption. The notice set forth a summary of facts and representations contained in the application for exemption and referred interested persons to the application for a complete statement of the facts and representations. The application has been available for public inspection at the Department in Washington, DC. The notice also invited interested persons to submit comments on the requested exemption to the Department. In addition the notice stated that any interested person might submit a written request that a public hearing be held (where appropriate). The applicant has represented that it has complied with the requirements of the notification to interested persons. No requests for a hearing were received by the Department. Public comments were received by the Department as described in the granted exemption.

    The notice of proposed exemption was issued and the exemption is being granted solely by the Department because, effective December 31, 1978, section 102 of Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1978, 5 U.S.C. App. 1 (1996), transferred the authority of the Secretary of the Treasury to issue exemptions of the type proposed to the Secretary of Labor.

    Statutory Findings

    In accordance with section 408(a) of the Act and/or section 4975(c)(2) of the Code and the procedures set forth in 29 CFR part 2570, subpart B (55 FR 32836, 32847, August 10, 1990) and based upon the entire record, the Department makes the following findings:

    (a) The exemption is administratively feasible;

    (b) The exemption is in the interests of the plan and its participants and beneficiaries; and

    (c) The exemption is protective of the rights of the participants and beneficiaries of the plan.

    Mellon Financial Corporation (Mellon), Located in Pittsburgh, PA


    Section I—Exemption for In-Kind Redemption of Assets

    The restrictions in sections 406(a)(1)(A) through (D) and 406(b)(1) and (b)(2) of the Act, and the sanctions resulting from the application of section 4975 of the Code, by reason of section 4975(c)(1)(A) through (E) of the Code, shall not apply, effective November 30, 2005, to certain in-kind redemptions (the Redemption(s)) by the Mellon 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan or by any other employee benefit plan sponsored by Mellon or an affiliate (the Plan(s)), of shares (the Shares) of certain proprietary mutual funds in which the Plans were invested as of November 30, 2005 (the Funds), for which Mellon or an affiliate (collectively, referred to also as Mellon) provides investment advisory and other services, provided that the following conditions are satisfied:

    (A) The Plan pays no sales commissions, redemption fees, or other similar fees in connection with the Redemption—other than customary transfer charges paid to parties other than Mellon;

    (B) The assets transferred to the Plan pursuant to the Redemption consist entirely of cash and Transferable Securities, as such term is defined in Section II, below. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Transferable Securities that are odd lot securities, fractional shares, and accruals on such securities may be distributed in cash;

    (C) With certain exceptions described below, the Plan receives in any Redemption its pro rata portion of the securities of the Funds equal in value to that of the number of Shares redeemed, as determined in a single valuation (using sources independent of Mellon) performed in the same manner and as of the close of business on the same day, in accordance with the procedures established by the Fund pursuant to Rule 2a-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended from time to time (the 1940 Act), and the then-existing procedures established by the board of the Funds that are in compliance with the rules administered by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC);

    (D) Mellon does not receive any direct or indirect compensation or any fees, including any fees payable pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, in connection with any Redemption of the Shares;

    (E) Prior to a Redemption, Mellon provides in writing to an independent fiduciary (Independent Fiduciary, as such term is defined in Section II, below), a full and detailed written disclosure of information regarding the Redemption;

    (F) The Independent Fiduciary provides written authorization in advance of the Redemption to Mellon, such authorization being terminable at any time prior to the date of the Redemption without penalty to the Plan, provided that the termination is effectuated by the close of business following the date of receipt by Mellon of written or electronic notice regarding such termination (unless circumstances beyond the control of Mellon delay termination for no more than one additional business day);

    (G) Before approving a Redemption, based on the disclosures provided by the Funds to the Independent Fiduciary and discussions with appropriate operational personnel of the Plan, the Independent Fiduciary determines that the terms of the Redemption are fair to the Plan and comparable to, and no less favorable than, terms obtainable at arm’s length between unaffiliated parties, and that the Redemption is in the best interests of the Plan and its participants and beneficiaries;

    (H) Mellon makes a “make-whole payment” to ensure that the dollar value of the interests received by the Plan from the collective investment funds is not diminished by transaction costs nor by valuation differences as a result of the Redemption; Start Printed Page 13127

    (I) No later than thirty (30) business days after the completion of a Redemption, Mellon or the relevant Funds provides to the Independent Fiduciary a written confirmation regarding such Redemption containing:

    (i) The number of Shares held by the Plan immediately before the Redemption and the related per Share net asset value and the total dollar value of the Shares held;

    (ii) The identity and related aggregate dollar value of each security provided to the Plan pursuant to the Redemption, including each security valued (using sources independent of Mellon) in accordance with Rule 2a-4 under the 1940 Act and the then-existing procedures established by the board of the Fund for obtaining current prices from independent pricing services or market-makers;

    (iii) The current market price of each security received by the Plan pursuant to the Redemption; and

    (iv) The identity of each pricing service or market-maker consulted in determining the value of such securities;

    (J) The value of the securities and cash received by the Plan for each redeemed Share equals the net asset value of such Share at the time of the transaction, and such value equals the value that would have been received by any other investor for shares of the same class of the relevant Fund at that time;

    (K) Subsequent to a Redemption, the Independent Fiduciary performs a post-transaction review which will include, among other things, testing a sampling of material aspects of the Redemption deemed in its judgment to be representative, including pricing;

    (L) Each of the Plan's dealings with the Funds, the principal underwriter for the Funds, or any affiliate thereof, or with Mellon, are on a basis no less favorable to the Plan than dealings between the Funds and other shareholders holding shares of the same class as the Shares;

    (M) Mellon maintains, or causes to be maintained, for a period of six years from the date of any covered transaction, such records as are necessary to enable the persons described in paragraph (N)(1)(i)-(v), below, to determine whether the conditions described in this Section I have been met, except that:

    (i) if the records necessary to enable the persons described in paragraph (N)(1)(i)-(v), below, to determine whether the conditions of this exemption have been met are lost, or destroyed, due to circumstances beyond the control of Mellon, then no prohibited transaction will be considered to have occurred, solely on the basis of the unavailability of those records; and

    (ii) no party in interest with respect to the Plan other than Mellon shall be subject to the civil penalty that may be assessed under section 502(i) of the Act, or to the taxes imposed by section 4975(a) and (b) of the Code, if such records are not maintained or are not available for examination as required by paragraph (N) below.

    (N)(1) Except as provided in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph (N), and notwithstanding any provisions of section 504(a)(2) and (b) of the Act, the records referred to in paragraph (M), above, are unconditionally available at their customary locations for examination during normal business hours by:

    (i) any duly authorized employee or representative of the Department, the Internal Revenue Service, or the SEC,

    (ii) any fiduciary of the Plan or any duly authorized representative of such fiduciary,

    (iii) any participant or beneficiary of the Plan or duly authorized representative of such participant or beneficiary,

    (iv) any employer whose employees are covered by the Plan, and

    (v) any employee organization whose members are covered by such Plan;

    (2) None of the persons described in paragraphs (N)(1)(ii) through (v) shall be authorized to examine trade secrets of Mellon or the Funds, or commercial or financial information which is privileged or confidential; and

    (3) Should Mellon or the Funds refuse to disclose information on the basis that such information is exempt from disclosure pursuant to paragraph (N)(2) above, Mellon or the Funds shall, by the close of the 30th day following the request, provide a written notice advising that person of the reasons for the refusal and that the Department may request such information.

    Section II—Definitions

    (A) The term “affiliate” means:

    (1) Any person (including a corporation or partnership) directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the person;

    (2) Any officer, director, employee, relative, or partner in any such person; and

    (3) Any corporation or partnership of which such person is an officer, director, partner, or employee.

    (B) The term “control” means the power to exercise a controlling influence over the management or policies of a person other than an individual.

    (C) The term “net asset value” means the amount for purposes of pricing all purchases and sales calculated by dividing the value of all securities, determined by a method as set forth in the Fund's prospectus and statement of additional information, and other assets belonging to the Fund, less the liabilities charged to each such Fund, by the number of outstanding shares.

    (D) The term “Independent Fiduciary” means a fiduciary who is:

    (i) Independent of and unrelated to Mellon and its affiliates, and

    (ii) Appointed to act on behalf of the Plan with respect to the in-kind transfer of assets from one or more Funds to, or for the benefit of, the Plan. A fiduciary will not be independent of, and unrelated to, Mellon if:

    (i) Such fiduciary directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under common control with, Mellon;

    (ii) Such fiduciary, directly or indirectly, receives any compensation or other consideration in connection with any transaction described herein (except that an Independent Fiduciary may receive compensation from Mellon in connection with the transactions contemplated herein, if the amount or payment of such compensation is not contingent upon, or in any way affected by any decision made by the Independent Fiduciary); or

    (iii) More than 1 percent (1%) of such fiduciary's gross income, for federal income tax purposes, in its prior tax year, will be paid by Mellon in the fiduciary's current tax year.

    (E) The term “Transferable Securities” means securities—

    (1) for which market quotations are readily available, as determined pursuant to procedures established by the Funds under Rule 2a-4 of the 1940 Act; and

    (2) that are not:

    (i) Securities that, if publicly offered or sold, would require registration under the Securities Act of 1933;

    (ii) Securities issued by entities in countries that (a) restrict or prohibit the holding of securities by non-nationals other than through qualified investment vehicles, such as the Funds, or (b) permit transfers of ownership of securities to be effected only by transactions conducted on a local stock exchange;

    (iii) Certain portfolio positions (such as forward foreign currency contracts, futures and options contracts, swap transactions, certificates of deposit and repurchase agreements) that, although liquid and marketable, involve the assumption of contractual obligations, Start Printed Page 13128require special trading facilities, or can be traded only with the counter-party to the transaction to effect a change in beneficial ownership;

    (iv) Cash equivalents (such as certificates of deposit, commercial paper, and repurchase agreements);

    (v) Other assets that are not readily distributable (including receivables and prepaid expenses), net of all liabilities (including accounts payable); and

    (vi) Securities subject to “stop transfer” instructions or similar contractual restrictions on transfer.

    (F) The term “relative” means a “relative” as that term is defined in section 3(15) of the Act (or a “member of the family,” as that term is defined in section 4975(e)(6) of the Code), or a brother, sister, or a spouse of a brother or a sister.

    Effective Date: This exemption is effective as of November 30, 2005.

    For a more complete statement of the facts and representations supporting the Department's decision to grant this exemption, refer to the notice of proposed exemption published on August 21, 2006 at 71 FR 48781.

    Written Comments

    The Department received three written comments with respect to the notice of proposed exemption (the Proposal). The comments were submitted by the applicant and by two Plan participants.

    The comment by the applicant first raises an issue concerning the scope of exemptive relief provided in the Proposal from sections 406(a)(1)(A) through (D) and 406(b)(2) of the Act. The applicant had originally requested relief from all of sections 406(a) and 406(b), consistent with prior exemptions for similar in-kind redemption transactions. The Department informed the applicant that the current policy is to provide relief as narrow as possible and requested an explanation of the need for the requested relief; the applicant responded with a letter dated July 14, 2006 focusing on a potential violation of section 406(b)(2). The applicant notes, however, that the Department included language in the Summary of Facts and Representations (the Summary), at Item 4 (71 FR 48784, column 3), describing the in-kind redemptions “as raising the possibility of self-dealing,” implying a need for relief from section 406(b)(1), as well. The applicant requests, therefore, that the Department either expand this exemption to include relief from section 406(b)(1) or clarify that the transactions do not raise the possibility of self-dealing. To resolve this issue, the Department has revised the exemption to provide relief from section 406(b)(1) of the Act.

    The applicant further notes that the Department has defined “Mellon” in Section I of the Proposal to include Mellon affiliates. However, there are two places requiring revision to avoid reaching affiliates of Mellon affiliates. To resolve this issue, the Department has revised Section I(L) (71 FR 48782, column 1) and the definition of “Independent Fiduciary” at Section II(D) (71 FR 48782, column 2) of the exemption as follows (with underlining indicating new language and italics for deleted language).

    “(L) Each of the Plan's dealings with the Funds, Mellon, the principal underwriter for the Funds, or any affiliate thereof, or with Mellon, are on a basis no less favorable to the Plan than dealings between the Funds and other shareholders holding shares of the same class as the Shares;” and

    “(D)(iii) More than 1 percent (1%) of such fiduciary's gross income, for federal income tax purposes, in its prior tax year, will be paid by Mellon and its affiliates in the fiduciary's current tax year.”

    The applicant also notes certain formatting problems with the two charts in the Summary as printed in the Federal Register, such that it is unclear how the information in the first column of the chart related to the information in the second column. To resolve this issue, the Department notes the applicant's corrections as follows. In the first chart (71 FR 48783), under the title “Actively Managed Funds,” “Dreyfus LifeTime Portfolios” appears on the same line as “Mellon Stable Value,” making it appear as if the two are a single Fund holding $92.6 million in assets. The $92.6 million should be attributed solely to the Mellon Stable Value Fund. “Dreyfus LifeTime Portfolios” is the name of a subgroup of Dreyfus Funds that consists of the following three Funds on the list—Income Portfolio, Growth and Income Portfolio and Growth Portfolio. The second chart (71 FR 48784) fails to make clear which Actively Managed Funds are mapped into which recipient basic funds. The following chart shows the mapping:

    Fund Transfer or “Mapping” Chart

    Actively managed fundRecipient basic fund
    Dreyfus LifeTime Portfolios, Inc.
    Income PortfolioDaily Liquidity Asset Allocation Fund.
    Growth and Income Portfolio
    Growth Portfolio
    Dreyfus Appreciation
    Dreyfus Premier Core Value
    Dreyfus Disciplined StockDaily Liquidity Stock Index.
    Dreyfus Premier Third Century Fund, Inc.
    Dreyfus Premier Technology Growth
    Dreyfus Founders Growth
    Dreyfus Premier New Leaders
    Dreyfus Founders DiscoveryDaily Liquidity Small Cap Stock Index.
    Dreyfus Founders Worldwide Growth
    Dreyfus Premier International ValueDaily Liquidity International Stock Index.
    The Boston Company International Small Cap

    Finally, the applicant notes that, as printed in the Federal Register, footnote 21 erroneously references footnotes 3 and 4, due to the inadvertent failure to adjust the cross-references to reflect the continuation of footnote numbers from other proposed exemption notices in the same package. To resolve this issue, the Department revises the cross-references in footnote 21 so that the original footnote 3 is now footnote 19 and the original footnote 4 is now footnote 20.

    In the second comment, a Plan participant notes his displeasure about the change in investment options offered under the Mellon Plan: (a) The literature describing the change in funds was confusing so that the participant Start Printed Page 13129did not understand the need to take immediate action in order to be able to fully utilize the self-directed brokerage account feature; (b) Following the transfer, the self-directed brokerage account would be permanently unavailable for amounts greater than 50% of his account. Those assets can only be reallocated within the “core” Basic Funds, limiting the potential for investment gains; (c) Public information regarding the Basic Funds is limited—they do not appear in daily/weekly newspapers; (d) The effect of the changes was self-serving, done in the interests of Mellon, because it has required 50% of the Plan's assets to be tied up in Mellon collective funds, increasing Mellon's assets under management. The participant requested a hearing and hoped that Mellon would be forced to rescind the entire transfer of assets to the Basic Funds and to make up any losses to participants.

    In the third comment, another Plan participant expressed the following concerns: (a) The Plan trustees should not have engaged in a non-permitted transaction without first obtaining an exemption, as they should have known of the need for an exemption several months in advance; (b) He questioned the need to adhere to an “arbitrary” date that exposed the Plan to potential risk should the exemption not be granted. He questioned whether the rush to complete the transaction was done to benefit outside parties, or perhaps Mellon Plan committee members that served on the boards of other companies with a financial interest in the transactions; (c) He requested that a penalty be imposed that would send a message to the financial/legal community that no financial institution is above the law.

    The applicant responds that both commenters misunderstood the nature of the transfers and the reasons underlying the transfers, as well as the nature of the exemption process. As described in the Summary, there were two reasons for the changes in Plan investment options that were made at the end of 2005: (a) To simplify the investment offerings by eliminating the “Actively Managed Funds” category, which overlapped in several respects with the “Basic Funds” category—the third category, a self-directed brokerage window, was not affected; (b) to reduce investment management expenses borne by participants, as Mellon absorbs all the costs for the Basic Funds (as they are Mellon collective investment funds) but did not absorb the internal costs of the Actively Managed Funds.

    The applicant also asserts that no financial interest of Mellon, any related company, or any Plan committee member was served through these changes. To the contrary, the changes were undertaken with the goal of better serving the interests of the Plan participants and beneficiaries, in accordance with the fiduciary responsibilities of the Plan committee, by simplifying investments and reducing costs in the manner described above. In fact, as several of the Actively Managed Funds that were eliminated are advised by Mellon affiliates, those affiliates will receive reduced Plan-related income (to the extent that participants chose to continue to invest in those Funds in the self-directed brokerage account). Furthermore, as the Plan committee members do not serve on the boards of other financial services companies, one commenter's concern that committee members were enriched by the change in fund line-up through their outside board affiliations has no basis in fact.

    The applicant adds that information about the Basic Funds is not available in public newspapers because they are collective funds, available only to institutional investors. However, the information is readily available to Plan participants and beneficiaries on Mellon's 401(k) Plan website, the address for which is included in participant statements and other mailings. The website includes fund closing prices for the prior business day and performance information for each fund for the preceding quarter, year-to-date, and for the prior one-year, three-year and five-year periods.

    As represented in the Summary, Plan participants were notified of the changes in investment offerings by an announcement (Exhibit E to the application) distributed on or about October 6, 2005. The new fund line-up was to be implemented December 1st, with the increased self-directed account limit available until December 30th. The Plan committee believes that the three-page announcement was clearly written and sufficiently explained that the 50% limitation on investment in the self-directed brokerage window would be suspended only for a limited time period (see the bottom of page 2). Even so, to assure that its employees understood the changes, Mellon provided the same information in several additional ways prior to the December 30th deadline. A list of “Frequently Asked Questions” regarding the changes was posted on the Mellon intranet site, accessible through an “In the Spotlight” section that contains information for employees, and the changes also were the subject of a three-page article in a December employee newsletter, “EC News.” In addition, Mellon Human Resources sponsored “in person” and web-based presentations on the changes, giving employees the opportunity to ask questions of a knowledgeable presenter. As a result, the Plan participants had notice in several formats of what was taking place and almost three months to preserve their investments in the Actively Managed Funds that were being removed as designated investment options.

    The applicant states that the fund change deadline of December 1st had already been communicated to the participants and beneficiaries when it became clear that exemptive relief would be necessary, as a result of the discovery by the Plan committee that two of the Fund transfers would have to be made in kind. It would have been detrimental to the interests of the participants and beneficiaries to have delayed the transfers at that point because they had already received the October notices and may have begun to make adjustments or taken (or not taken) other action in light of the upcoming changes. Therefore, the Plan committee decided to proceed and to request retroactive relief. The risks of the exemption's not being granted were on Mellon and the Plan committee, as they, not the Plan, would be liable for any losses or prohibited transaction excise taxes in the event that the Fund transfers were prohibited without coverage under an exemption.

    Finally, the applicant explains that the 50% limitation on the investment of a participant's account in the self-directed brokerage window was imposed by the Plan committee when the brokerage window was first added to the Plan in 2001. The committee's view was that the Funds available as designated investment options under the Plan offered a broad range of well-performing and diverse investments and that participants should not be permitted to place more than half of their assets in potentially higher-risk investments. While the number of designated investment options has been reduced as a result of the 2005 changes, it is the committee's view that the remaining Funds still provide a range of well-performing and diverse investments. Therefore, it has kept in place the 50% limitation, subject to the one-time, limited exception to permit participants to preserve their existing investments in the Funds being removed as Plan investment options.

    After a careful consideration of the entire record, including the written comments and the applicant's responses thereto, the Department has determined Start Printed Page 13130that a public hearing in this instance is unwarranted and that the proposed exemption should be granted as modified herein.

    Start Further Info


    Ms. Karin Weng of the Department, telephone (202) 693-8557. (This is not a toll-free number.)

    Amendment to Prohibited Transaction Exemption (PTE) 2000-58, 65 FR 67765 (November 13, 2000) and PTE 2002-41, 67 FR 54487 (August 22, 2002) Involving Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc., Prudential Securities Incorporated, et al. to add Dominion Bond Rating Service Limited and Dominion Bond Rating Service, Inc. to the Definition of “Rating Agency”


    In accordance with section 408(a) of the Act and section 4975(c)(2) of the Code and the procedures set forth in 29 CFR Part 2570, Subpart B (55 FR 32836, August 10, 1990) and based upon the entire record, the Department amends the following individual Prohibited Transaction Exemptions (PTEs), as set forth below: PTE 89-88, 54 FR 42582 (October 17, 1989); PTE 89-89, 54 FR 42569 (October 17, 1989); PTE 89-90, 54 FR 42597 (October 17, 1989); PTE 90-22, 55 FR 20542 (May 17, 1990); PTE 90-24, 55 FR 20548 (May 17, 1990); PTE 90-28, 55 FR 21456 (May 24, 1990); PTE 90-29, 55 FR 21459 (May 24, 1990); PTE 90-30, 55 FR 21461 (May 24, 1990); PTE 90-32, 55 FR 23147 (June 6, 1990); PTE 90-36, 55 FR 25903 (June 25, 1990); PTE 90-39, 55 FR 27713 (July 5, 1990); PTE 90-59, 55 FR 36724 (September 6, 1990); PTE 90-83, 55 FR 50250 (December 5, 1990); PTE 90-84, 55 FR 50252 (December 5, 1990); PTE 90-88, 55 FR 52899 (December 24, 1990); PTE 91-14, 55 FR 48178 (February 22, 1991); PTE 91-22, 56 FR 03277 (April 18, 1991); PTE 91-23, 56 FR 15936 (April 18, 1991); PTE 91-30, 56 FR 22452 (May 15, 1991); PTE 91-62, 56 FR 51406 (October 11, 1991); PTE 93-31, 58 FR 28620 (May 5, 1993); PTE 93-32, 58 FR 28623 (May 14, 1993); PTE 94-29, 59 FR 14675 (March 29, 1994); PTE 94-64, 59 FR 42312 (August 17, 1994); PTE 94-70, 59 FR 50014 (September 30, 1994); PTE 94-73, 59 FR 51213 (October 7, 1994); PTE 94-84, 59 FR 65400 (December 19, 1994); PTE 95-26, 60 FR 17586 (April 6, 1995); PTE 95-59, 60 FR 35938 (July 12, 1995); PTE 95-89, 60 FR 49011 (September 21, 1995); PTE 96-22, 61 FR 14828 (April 3, 1996); PTE 96-84, 61 FR 58234 (November 13, 1996); PTE 96-92, 61 FR 66334 (December 17, 1996); PTE 96-94, 61 FR 68787 (December 30, 1996); PTE 97-05, 62 FR 1926 (January 14, 1997); PTE 97-28, 62 FR 28515 (May 23, 1997); PTE 98-08, 63 FR 8498 (February 19, 1998); PTE 99-11, 64 FR 11046 (March 8, 1999); PTE 2000-19, 65 FR 25950 (May 4, 2000); PTE 2000-33, 65 FR 37171 (June 13, 2000); PTE 2000-41, 65 FR 51039 (August 22, 2000); PTE 2000-55, 65 FR 37171 (November 13, 2000); PTE 2002-19, 67 FR 14979 (March 28, 2002); PTE 2003-31, 68 FR 59202 (October 14, 2003); and PTE 2006-07, 71 FR 32134 (June 2, 2006), each as subsequently amended by PTE 97-34, 62 FR 39021 (July 21, 1997) and PTE 2000-58, 65 FR 67765 (November 13, 2000) and for certain of the exemptions, amended by PTE 2002-41, 67 FR 54487 (August 22, 2002) (collectively, the Underwriter Exemptions).

    In addition, the Department notes that it is also granting individual exemptive relief for: Deutsche Bank A.G., New York Branch and Deutsche Morgan Grenfell/C.J. Lawrence Inc., Final Authorization Number (FAN) 97-03E (December 9, 1996); Credit Lyonnais Securities (USA) Inc., FAN 97-21E (September 10, 1997); ABN AMRO Inc., FAN 98-08E (April 27, 1998); Ironwood Capital Partners Ltd., FAN 99-31E (December 20, 1999) (supersedes FAN 97-02E (November 25, 1996)); William J. Mayer Securities LLC, FAN 01-25E (October 15, 2001); Raymond James & Associates Inc. & Raymond James Financial Inc., FAN 03-07E (June 14, 2003); WAMU Capital Corporation, FAN 03-14E (August 24, 2003); and Terwin Capital LLC, FAN 04-16E (August 18, 2004); which received the approval of the Department to engage in transactions substantially similar to the transactions described in the Underwriter Exemptions pursuant to PTE 96-62, 61 FR 39988 (July 31, 1996).

    I. Transactions

    A. Effective for transactions occurring on or after April 5, 2006, the restrictions of sections 406(a) and 407(a) of the Act, and the taxes imposed by sections 4975(a) and (b) of the Code, by reason of section 4975(c)(1)(A) through (D) of the Code shall not apply to the following transactions involving Issuers and Securities evidencing interests therein:

    (1) The direct or indirect sale, exchange or transfer of Securities in the initial issuance of Securities between the Sponsor or Underwriter and an employee benefit plan when the Sponsor, Servicer, Trustee or Insurer of an Issuer, the Underwriter of the Securities representing an interest in the Issuer, or an Obligor is a party in interest with respect to such plan;

    (2) The direct or indirect acquisition or disposition of Securities by a plan in the secondary market for such Securities; and

    (3) The continued holding of Securities acquired by a plan pursuant to subsection I.A.(1) or (2).

    Notwithstanding the foregoing, section I.A. does not provide an exemption from the restrictions of sections 406(a)(1)(E), 406(a)(2) and 407 of the Act for the acquisition or holding of a Security on behalf of an Excluded Plan by any person who has discretionary authority or renders investment advice with respect to the assets of that Excluded Plan.[1]

    B. Effective for transactions occurring on or after April 5, 2006, the restrictions of sections 406(b)(1) and 406(b)(2) of the Act and the taxes imposed by sections 4975(a) and (b) of the Code, by reason of section 4975(c)(1)(E) of the Code, shall not apply to:

    (1) The direct or indirect sale, exchange or transfer of Securities in the initial issuance of Securities between the Sponsor or Underwriter and a plan when the person who has discretionary authority or renders investment advice with respect to the investment of plan assets in the Securities is (a) an Obligor with respect to 5 percent or less of the fair market value of obligations or receivables contained in the Issuer, or (b) an Affiliate of a person described in (a); if:

    (i) The plan is not an Excluded Plan;

    (ii) Solely in the case of an acquisition of Securities in connection with the initial issuance of the Securities, at least 50 percent of each class of Securities in which plans have invested is acquired by persons independent of the members of the Restricted Group and at least 50 percent of the aggregate interest in the Issuer is acquired by persons independent of the Restricted Group;

    (iii) A plan's investment in each class of Securities does not exceed 25 percent of all of the Securities of that class outstanding at the time of the acquisition; and

    (iv) Immediately after the acquisition of the Securities, no more than 25 percent of the assets of a plan with respect to which the person has discretionary authority or renders investment advice are invested in Securities representing an interest in an Issuer containing assets sold or serviced by the same entity.[2] For purposes of this Start Printed Page 13131paragraph (iv) only, an entity will not be considered to service assets contained in an Issuer if it is merely a Subservicer of that Issuer;

    (2) The direct or indirect acquisition or disposition of Securities by a plan in the secondary market for such Securities, provided that the conditions set forth in paragraphs (i), (iii) and (iv) of subsection I.B.(1) are met; and

    (3) The continued holding of Securities acquired by a plan pursuant to subsection I.B.(1) or (2).

    C. Effective for transactions occurring on or after April 5, 2006, the restrictions of sections 406(a), 406(b) and 407(a) of the Act, and the taxes imposed by section 4975(a) and (b) of the Code by reason of section 4975(c) of the Code, shall not apply to transactions in connection with the servicing, management and operation of an Issuer, including the use of any Eligible Swap transaction; or the defeasance of a mortgage obligation held as an asset of the Issuer through the substitution of a new mortgage obligation in a commercial mortgage-backed Designated Transaction, provided:

    (1) Such transactions are carried out in accordance with the terms of a binding Pooling and Servicing Agreement;

    (2) The Pooling and Servicing Agreement is provided to, or described in all material respects in the prospectus or private placement memorandum provided to, investing plans before they purchase Securities issued by the Issuer;[3] and

    (3) The defeasance of a mortgage obligation and the substitution of a new mortgage obligation in a commercial mortgage-backed Designated Transaction meet the terms and conditions for such defeasance and substitution as are described in the prospectus or private placement memorandum for such Securities, which terms and conditions have been approved by a Rating Agency and does not result in the Securities receiving a lower credit rating from the Rating Agency than the current rating of the Securities.

    Notwithstanding the foregoing, section I.C. does not provide an exemption from the restrictions of section 406(b) of the Act or from the taxes imposed by reason of section 4975(c) of the Code for the receipt of a fee by a Servicer of the Issuer from a person other than the Trustee or Sponsor, unless such fee constitutes a Qualified Administrative Fee.

    D. Effective for transactions occurring on or after April 5, 2006, the restrictions of sections 406(a) and 407(a) of the Act, and the taxes imposed by section 4975(a) and (b) of the Code by reason of section 4975(c)(1)(A) through (D) of the Code, shall not apply to any transactions to which those restrictions or taxes would otherwise apply merely because a person is deemed to be a party in interest or disqualified person (including a fiduciary) with respect to a plan by virtue of providing services to the plan (or by virtue of having a relationship to such service provider described in section 3(14)(F), (G), (H) or (I) of the Act or section 4975(e)(2)(F), (G), (H) or (I) of the Code), solely because of the plan's ownership of Securities.

    II. General Conditions

    A. The relief provided under section I. is available only if the following conditions are met:

    (1) The acquisition of Securities by a plan is on terms (including the Security price) that are at least as favorable to the plan as they would be in an arm's-length transaction with an unrelated party;

    (2) The rights and interests evidenced by the Securities are not subordinated to the rights and interests evidenced by other Securities of the same Issuer, unless the Securities are issued in a Designated Transaction;

    (3) The Securities acquired by the plan have received a rating from a Rating Agency at the time of such acquisition that is in one of the three (or in the case of Designated Transactions, four) highest generic rating categories;

    (4) The Trustee is not an Affiliate of any member of the Restricted Group, other than an Underwriter. For purposes of this requirement:

    (a) The Trustee shall not be considered to be an Affiliate of a Servicer solely because the Trustee has succeeded to the rights and responsibilities of the Servicer pursuant to the terms of a Pooling and Servicing Agreement providing for such succession upon the occurrence of one or more events of default by the Servicer; and

    (b) Subsection II.A.(4) will be deemed satisfied notwithstanding a Servicer becoming an Affiliate of the Trustee as the result of a merger or acquisition involving the Trustee, such Servicer and/or their Affiliates which occurs after the initial issuance of the Securities, provided that:

    (i) Such Servicer ceases to be an Affiliate of the Trustee no later than six months after the date such Servicer became an Affiliate of the Trustee; and

    (ii) Such Servicer did not breach any of its obligations under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement, unless such breach was immaterial and timely cured in accordance with the terms of such agreement, during the period from the closing date of such merger or acquisition transaction through the date the Servicer ceased to be an Affiliate of the Trustee;

    (5) The sum of all payments made to and retained by the Underwriters in connection with the distribution or placement of Securities represents not more than Reasonable Compensation for underwriting or placing the Securities; the sum of all payments made to and retained by the Sponsor pursuant to the assignment of obligations (or interests therein) to the Issuer represents not more than the fair market value of such obligations (or interests); and the sum of all payments made to and retained by the Servicer represents not more than Reasonable Compensation for the Servicer's services under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement and reimbursement of the Servicer's reasonable expenses in connection therewith;

    (6) The plan investing in such Securities is an “accredited investor” as defined in Rule 501(a)(1) of Regulation D of the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Act of 1933; and

    (7) In the event that the obligations used to fund an Issuer have not all been transferred to the Issuer on the Closing Date, additional obligations of the types specified in subsection III.B.(1) may be transferred to the Issuer during the Pre-Funding Period in exchange for amounts credited to the Pre-Funding Account, provided that:

    (a) The Pre-Funding Limit is not exceeded;

    (b) All such additional obligations meet the same terms and conditions for determining the eligibility of the original obligations used to create the Issuer (as described in the prospectus or private placement memorandum and/or Pooling and Servicing Agreement for such Securities), which terms and Start Printed Page 13132conditions have been approved by a Rating Agency.

    Notwithstanding the foregoing, the terms and conditions for determining the eligibility of an obligation may be changed if such changes receive prior approval either by a majority vote of the outstanding securityholders or by a Rating Agency;

    (c) The transfer of such additional obligations to the Issuer during the Pre-Funding Period does not result in the Securities receiving a lower credit rating from a Rating Agency upon termination of the Pre-Funding Period than the rating that was obtained at the time of the initial issuance of the Securities by the Issuer;

    (d) The weighted average annual percentage interest rate (the average interest rate) for all of the obligations held by the Issuer at the end of the Pre-Funding Period will not be more than 100 basis points lower than the average interest rate for the obligations which were transferred to the Issuer on the Closing Date;

    (e) In order to ensure that the characteristics of the receivables actually acquired during the Pre-Funding Period are substantially similar to those which were acquired as of the Closing Date, the characteristics of the additional obligations will either be monitored by a credit support provider or other insurance provider which is independent of the Sponsor or an independent accountant retained by the Sponsor will provide the Sponsor with a letter (with copies provided to the Rating Agency, the Underwriter and the Trustee) stating whether or not the characteristics of the additional obligations conform to the characteristics of such obligations described in the prospectus, private placement memorandum and/or Pooling and Servicing Agreement. In preparing such letter, the independent accountant will use the same type of procedures as were applicable to the obligations which were transferred as of the Closing Date;

    (f) The Pre-Funding Period shall be described in the prospectus or private placement memorandum provided to investing plans; and

    (g) The Trustee of the Trust (or any agent with which the Trustee contracts to provide Trust services) will be a substantial financial institution or trust company experienced in trust activities and familiar with its duties, responsibilities and liabilities as a fiduciary under the Act. The Trustee, as the legal owner of the obligations in the Trust or the holder of a security interest in the obligations held by the Issuer, will enforce all the rights created in favor of securityholders of the Issuer, including employee benefit plans subject to the Act;

    (8) In order to insure that the assets of the Issuer may not be reached by creditors of the Sponsor in the event of bankruptcy or other insolvency of the Sponsor:

    (a) The legal documents establishing the Issuer will contain:

    (i) Restrictions on the Issuer's ability to borrow money or issue debt other than in connection with the securitization;

    (ii) Restrictions on the Issuer merging with another entity, reorganizing, liquidating or selling assets (other than in connection with the securitization);

    (iii) Restrictions limiting the authorized activities of the Issuer to activities relating to the securitization;

    (iv) If the Issuer is not a Trust, provisions for the election of at least one independent director/partner/member whose affirmative consent is required before a voluntary bankruptcy petition can be filed by the Issuer; and

    (v) If the Issuer is not a Trust, requirements that each independent director/partner/member must be an individual that does not have a significant interest in, or other relationships with, the Sponsor or any of its Affiliates; and

    (b) The Pooling and Servicing Agreement and/or other agreements establishing the contractual relationships between the parties to the securitization transaction will contain covenants prohibiting all parties thereto from filing an involuntary bankruptcy petition against the Issuer or initiating any other form of insolvency proceeding until after the Securities have been paid; and

    (c) Prior to the issuance by the Issuer of any Securities, a legal opinion is received which states that either:

    (i) A “true sale” of the assets being transferred to the Issuer by the Sponsor has occurred and that such transfer is not being made pursuant to a financing of the assets by the Sponsor; or

    (ii) In the event of insolvency or receivership of the Sponsor, the assets transferred to the Issuer will not be part of the estate of the Sponsor;

    (9) If a particular class of Securities held by any plan involves a Ratings Dependent or Non-Ratings Dependent Swap entered into by the Issuer, then each particular swap transaction relating to such Securities:

    (a) Shall be an Eligible Swap;

    (b) Shall be with an Eligible Swap Counterparty;

    (c) In the case of a Ratings Dependent Swap, shall provide that if the credit rating of the counterparty is withdrawn or reduced by any Rating Agency below a level specified by the Rating Agency, the Servicer (as agent for the Trustee) shall, within the period specified under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement:

    (i) Obtain a replacement swap agreement with an Eligible Swap Counterparty which is acceptable to the Rating Agency and the terms of which are substantially the same as the current swap agreement (at which time the earlier swap agreement shall terminate); or

    (ii) Cause the swap counterparty to establish any collateralization or other arrangement satisfactory to the Rating Agency such that the then current rating by the Rating Agency of the particular class of Securities will not be withdrawn or reduced.

    In the event that the Servicer fails to meet its obligations under this subsection II.A.(9)(c), plan securityholders will be notified in the immediately following Trustee's periodic report which is provided to securityholders, and sixty days after the receipt of such report, the exemptive relief provided under section I.C. will prospectively cease to be applicable to any class of Securities held by a plan which involves such Ratings Dependent Swap; provided that in no event will such plan securityholders be notified any later than the end of the second month that begins after the date on which such failure occurs.

    (d) In the case of a Non-Ratings Dependent Swap, shall provide that, if the credit rating of the counterparty is withdrawn or reduced below the lowest level specified in section III.GG., the Servicer (as agent for the Trustee) shall within a specified period after such rating withdrawal or reduction:

    (i) Obtain a replacement swap agreement with an Eligible Swap Counterparty, the terms of which are substantially the same as the current swap agreement (at which time the earlier swap agreement shall terminate); or

    (ii) Cause the swap counterparty to post collateral with the Trustee in an amount equal to all payments owed by the counterparty if the swap transaction were terminated; or

    (iii) Terminate the swap agreement in accordance with its terms; and

    (e) Shall not require the Issuer to make any termination payments to the counterparty (other than a currently scheduled payment under the swap agreement) except from Excess Spread or other amounts that would otherwise be payable to the Servicer or the Sponsor;

    (10) Any class of Securities, to which one or more swap agreements entered into by the Issuer applies, may be Start Printed Page 13133acquired or held in reliance upon this Underwriter Exemption only by Qualified Plan Investors; and

    (11) Prior to the issuance of any debt securities, a legal opinion is received which states that the debt holders have a perfected security interest in the Issuer's assets.

    B. Neither any Underwriter, Sponsor, Trustee, Servicer, Insurer or any Obligor, unless it or any of its Affiliates has discretionary authority or renders investment advice with respect to the plan assets used by a plan to acquire Securities, shall be denied the relief provided under section I., if the provision of subsection II.A.(6) is not satisfied with respect to acquisition or holding by a plan of such Securities, provided that (1) such condition is disclosed in the prospectus or private placement memorandum; and (2) in the case of a private placement of Securities, the Trustee obtains a representation from each initial purchaser which is a plan that it is in compliance with such condition, and obtains a covenant from each initial purchaser to the effect that, so long as such initial purchaser (or any transferee of such initial purchaser's Securities) is required to obtain from its transferee a representation regarding compliance with the Securities Act of 1933, any such transferees will be required to make a written representation regarding compliance with the condition set forth in subsection II.A.(6).

    III. Definitions

    For purposes of this exemption:

    A. “Security” means:

    (1) A pass-through certificate or trust certificate that represents a beneficial ownership interest in the assets of an Issuer which is a Trust and which entitles the holder to payments of principal, interest and/or other payments made with respect to the assets of such Trust; or

    (2) A security which is denominated as a debt instrument that is issued by, and is an obligation of, an Issuer; with respect to which the Underwriter is either (i) the sole underwriter or the manager or co-manager of the underwriting syndicate, or (ii) a selling or placement agent.

    B. “Issuer” means an investment pool, the corpus or assets of which are held in trust (including a grantor or owner Trust) or whose assets are held by a partnership, special purpose corporation or limited liability company (which Issuer may be a Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (REMIC) or a Financial Asset Securitization Investment Trust (FASIT) within the meaning of section 860D(a) or section 860L, respectively, of the Code); and the corpus or assets of which consist solely of:

    (1)(a) Secured consumer receivables that bear interest or are purchased at a discount (including, but not limited to, home equity loans and obligations secured by shares issued by a cooperative housing association); and/or

    (b) Secured credit instruments that bear interest or are purchased at a discount in transactions by or between business entities (including, but not limited to, Qualified Equipment Notes Secured by Leases); and/or

    (c) Obligations that bear interest or are purchased at a discount and which are secured by single-family residential, multi-family residential and/or commercial real property (including obligations secured by leasehold interests on residential or commercial real property); and/or

    (d) Obligations that bear interest or are purchased at a discount and which are secured by motor vehicles or equipment, or Qualified Motor Vehicle Leases; and/or

    (e) Guaranteed governmental mortgage pool certificates, as defined in 29 CFR 2510.3-101(i)(2)4; and/or

    (f) Fractional undivided interests in any of the obligations described in clauses (a)-(e) of this subsection B.(1).5

    (1) Notwithstanding the foregoing, residential and home equity loan receivables issued in Designated Transactions may be less than fully secured, provided that: (i) the rights and interests evidenced by the Securities issued in such Designated Transactions (as defined in section III.DD.) are not subordinated to the rights and interests evidenced by Securities of the same Issuer; (ii) such Securities acquired by the plan have received a rating from a Rating Agency at the time of such acquisition that is in one of the two highest generic rating categories; and (iii) any obligation included in the corpus or assets of the Issuer must be secured by collateral whose fair market value on the Closing Date of the Designated Transaction is at least equal to 80% of the sum of: (I) the outstanding principal balance due under the obligation which is held by the Issuer and (II) the outstanding principal balance(s) of any other obligation(s) of higher priority (whether or not held by the Issuer) which are secured by the same collateral.

    (2) Property which had secured any of the obligations described in subsection III.B.(1);

    (3)(a) Undistributed cash or temporary investments made therewith maturing no later than the next date on which distributions are made to securityholders; and/or

    (b) Cash or investments made therewith which are credited to an account to provide payments to securityholders pursuant to any Eligible Swap Agreement meeting the conditions of subsection II.A.(9) or pursuant to any Eligible Yield Supplement Agreement; and/or

    (c) Cash transferred to the Issuer on the Closing Date and permitted investments made therewith which:

    (i) Are credited to a Pre-Funding Account established to purchase additional obligations with respect to which the conditions set forth in paragraphs (a)-(g) of subsection II.A.(7) are met; and/or

    (ii) Are credited to a Capitalized Interest Account; and

    (iii) Are held by the Issuer for a period ending no later than the first distribution date to securityholders occurring after the end of the Pre-Funding Period.

    For purposes of this paragraph (c) of subsection III.B.(3), the term “permitted investments” means investments which: (i) are either: (x) direct obligations of, or obligations fully guaranteed as to timely payment of principal and interest by, the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof, provided that such obligations are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States or (y) have been rated (or the Obligor has been rated) in one of the three highest generic rating categories by a Rating Agency; (ii) are described in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement; and (iii) are permitted by the Rating Agency.

    (4) Rights of the Trustee under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement, and rights under any insurance policies, third-party guarantees, contracts of suretyship, Eligible Yield Supplement Agreements, Eligible Swap Agreements meeting the conditions of subsection II.A.(9) or other credit support arrangements with respect to any obligations described in subsection III.B.(1).

    Notwithstanding the foregoing, the term “Issuer” does not include any investment pool unless: (i) the assets of the type described in paragraphs (a)-(f) of subsection III.B.(1) which are contained in the investment pool have been included in other investment pools, (ii) Securities evidencing interests in such other investment pools have been rated in one of the three (or in the case of Designated Transactions, four) highest generic rating categories by a Rating Agency for at least one year prior to the plan's acquisition of Securities pursuant to this Underwriter Exemption, and (iii) Securities Start Printed Page 13134evidencing interests in such other investment pools have been purchased by investors other than plans for at least one year prior to the plan's acquisition of Securities pursuant to this Underwriter Exemption.

    C. “Underwriter” means:

    (1) An entity defined as an Underwriter in subsection III.C.(1) of each of the Underwriter Exemptions that are being amended by this exemption. In addition, the term Underwriter includes Deutsche Bank AG, New York Branch and Deutsche Morgan Grenfell/C.J. Lawrence Inc, Credit Lyonnais Securities (USA) Inc., ABN AMRO Inc., Ironwood Capital Partners Ltd., William J. Mayer Securities LLC, Raymond James & Associates Inc. & Raymond James Financial Inc., WAMU Capital Corporation, and Terwin Capital LLC (which received the approval of the Department to engage in transactions substantially similar to the transactions described in the Underwriter Exemptions pursuant to PTE 96-62);

    (2) Any person directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controlling, controlled by or under common control with such entity; or

    (3) Any member of an underwriting syndicate or selling group of which a person described in subsections III.C.(1) or (2) is a manager or co-manager with respect to the Securities.

    D. “Sponsor” means the entity that organizes an Issuer by depositing obligations therein in exchange for Securities.

    E. “Master Servicer” means the entity that is a party to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement relating to assets of the Issuer and is fully responsible for servicing, directly or through Subservicers, the assets of the Issuer.

    F. “Subservicer” means an entity which, under the supervision of and on behalf of the Master Servicer, services loans contained in the Issuer, but is not a party to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

    G. “Servicer” means any entity which services loans contained in the Issuer, including the Master Servicer and any Subservicer.

    H. “Trust” means an Issuer which is a trust (including an owner trust, grantor trust or a REMIC or FASIT which is organized as a Trust).

    I. “Trustee” means the Trustee of any Trust which issues Securities and also includes an Indenture Trustee. “Indenture Trustee” means the Trustee appointed under the indenture pursuant to which the subject Securities are issued, the rights of holders of the Securities are set forth and a security interest in the Trust assets in favor of the holders of the Securities is created. The Trustee or the Indenture Trustee is also a party to or beneficiary of all the documents and instruments transferred to the Issuer, and as such, has both the authority to, and the responsibility for, enforcing all the rights created thereby in favor of holders of the Securities, including those rights arising in the event of default by the Servicer.

    J. “Insurer” means the insurer or guarantor of, or provider of other credit support for, an Issuer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a person is not an insurer solely because it holds Securities representing an interest in an Issuer which are of a class subordinated to Securities representing an interest in the same Issuer.

    K. “Obligor” means any person, other than the Insurer, that is obligated to make payments with respect to any obligation or receivable included in the Issuer. Where an Issuer contains Qualified Motor Vehicle Leases or Qualified Equipment Notes Secured by Leases, “Obligor” shall also include any owner of property subject to any lease included in the Issuer, or subject to any lease securing an obligation included in the Issuer.

    L. “Excluded Plan” means any plan with respect to which any member of the Restricted Group is a “plan sponsor” within the meaning of section 3(16)(B) of the Act.

    M. “Restricted Group” with respect to a class of Securities means:

    (1) Each Underwriter;

    (2) Each Insurer;

    (3) The Sponsor;

    (4) The Trustee;

    (5) Each Servicer;

    (6) Any Obligor with respect to obligations or receivables included in the Issuer constituting more than 5 percent of the aggregate unamortized principal balance of the assets in the Issuer, determined on the date of the initial issuance of Securities by the Issuer;

    (7) Each counterparty in an Eligible Swap Agreement; or

    (8) Any Affiliate of a person described in subsections III.M.(1)-(7).

    N. “Affiliate” of another person includes:

    (1) Any person directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controlling, controlled by, or under common control with such other person;

    (2) Any officer, director, partner, employee, relative (as defined in section 3(15) of the Act), a brother, a sister, or a spouse of a brother or sister of such other person; and

    (3) Any corporation or partnership of which such other person is an officer, director or partner.

    O. “Control” means the power to exercise a controlling influence over the management or policies of a person other than an individual.

    P. A person will be “independent” of another person only if:

    (1) Such person is not an Affiliate of that other person; and

    (2) The other person, or an Affiliate thereof, is not a fiduciary who has investment management authority or renders investment advice with respect to any assets of such person.

    Q. “Sale” includes the entrance into a Forward Delivery Commitment, provided:

    (1) The terms of the Forward Delivery Commitment (including any fee paid to the investing plan) are no less favorable to the plan than they would be in an arm's-length transaction with an unrelated party;

    (2) The prospectus or private placement memorandum is provided to an investing plan prior to the time the plan enters into the Forward Delivery Commitment; and

    (3) At the time of the delivery, all conditions of this Underwriter Exemption applicable to sales are met.

    R. “Forward Delivery Commitment” means a contract for the purchase or sale of one or more Securities to be delivered at an agreed future settlement date. The term includes both mandatory contracts (which contemplate obligatory delivery and acceptance of the Securities) and optional contracts (which give one party the right but not the obligation to deliver Securities to, or demand delivery of Securities from, the other party).

    S. “Reasonable Compensation” has the same meaning as that term is defined in 29 CFR 2550.408c-2.

    T. “Qualified Administrative Fee” means a fee which meets the following criteria:

    (1) The fee is triggered by an act or failure to act by the Obligor other than the normal timely payment of amounts owing in respect of the obligations;

    (2) The Servicer may not charge the fee absent the act or failure to act referred to in subsection III.T.(1);

    (3) The ability to charge the fee, the circumstances in which the fee may be charged, and an explanation of how the fee is calculated are set forth in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement; and

    (4) The amount paid to investors in the Issuer will not be reduced by the amount of any such fee waived by the Servicer.

    U. “Qualified Equipment Note Secured By A Lease” means an equipment note:

    (1) Which is secured by equipment which is leased; Start Printed Page 13135

    (2) Which is secured by the obligation of the lessee to pay rent under the equipment lease; and

    (3) With respect to which the Issuer's security interest in the equipment is at least as protective of the rights of the Issuer as the Issuer would have if the equipment note were secured only by the equipment and not the lease.

    V. “Qualified Motor Vehicle Lease” means a lease of a motor vehicle where:

    (1) The Issuer owns or holds a security interest in the lease;

    (2) The Issuer owns or holds a security interest in the leased motor vehicle; and

    (3) The Issuer's security interest in the leased motor vehicle is at least as protective of the Issuer's rights as the Issuer would receive under a motor vehicle installment loan contract.

    W. “Pooling and Servicing Agreement” means the agreement or agreements among a Sponsor, a Servicer and the Trustee establishing a Trust. “Pooling and Servicing Agreement” also includes the indenture entered into by the Issuer and the Indenture Trustee.

    X. “Rating Agency” means Standard & Poor's Ratings Services, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.; Moody's Investors Service, Inc.; FitchRatings, Inc.; Dominion Bond Rating Service Limited, or Dominion Bond Rating Service, Inc.; or any successors thereto.

    Y. “Capitalized Interest Account” means an Issuer account: (i) which is established to compensate securityholders for shortfalls, if any, between investment earnings on the Pre-Funding Account and the interest rate payable under the Securities; and (ii) which meets the requirements of paragraph (c) of subsection III.B.(3).

    Z. “Closing Date” means the date the Issuer is formed, the Securities are first issued and the Issuer's assets (other than those additional obligations which are to be funded from the Pre-Funding Account pursuant to subsection II.A.(7)) are transferred to the Issuer.

    AA. “Pre-Funding Account” means an Issuer account: (i) Which is established to purchase additional obligations, which obligations meet the conditions set forth in paragraph (a)-(g) of subsection II.A.(7); and (ii) which meets the requirements of paragraph (c) of subsection III.B.(3).

    BB. “Pre-Funding Limit” means a percentage or ratio of the amount allocated to the Pre-Funding Account, as compared to the total principal amount of the Securities being offered, which is less than or equal to 25 percent.

    CC. “Pre-Funding Period” means the period commencing on the Closing Date and ending no later than the earliest to occur of: (i) The date the amount on deposit in the Pre-Funding Account is less than the minimum dollar amount specified in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement; (ii) the date on which an event of default occurs under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement; or (iii) the date which is the later of three months or ninety days after the Closing Date.

    DD. “Designated Transaction” means a securitization transaction in which the assets of the Issuer consist of secured consumer receivables, secured credit instruments or secured obligations that bear interest or are purchased at a discount and are: (i) Motor vehicle, home equity and/or manufactured housing consumer receivables; and/or (ii) motor vehicle credit instruments in transactions by or between business entities; and/or (iii) single-family residential, multi-family residential, home equity, manufactured housing and/or commercial mortgage obligations that are secured by single-family residential, multi-family residential, commercial real property or leasehold interests therein. For purposes of this section III.DD., the collateral securing motor vehicle consumer receivables or motor vehicle credit instruments may include motor vehicles and/or Qualified Motor Vehicle Leases.

    EE. “Ratings Dependent Swap” means an interest rate swap, or (if purchased by or on behalf of the Issuer) an interest rate cap contract, that is part of the structure of a class of Securities where the rating assigned by the Rating Agency to any class of Securities held by any plan is dependent on the terms and conditions of the swap and the rating of the counterparty, and if such Security rating is not dependent on the existence of the swap and rating of the counterparty, such swap or cap shall be referred to as a “Non-Ratings Dependent Swap”. With respect to a Non-Ratings Dependent Swap, each Rating Agency rating the Securities must confirm, as of the date of issuance of the Securities by the Issuer, that entering into an Eligible Swap with such counterparty will not affect the rating of the Securities.

    FF. “Eligible Swap” means a Ratings Dependent or Non-Ratings Dependent Swap:

    (1) Which is denominated in U.S. dollars;

    (2) Pursuant to which the Issuer pays or receives, on or immediately prior to the respective payment or distribution date for the class of Securities to which the swap relates, a fixed rate of interest, or a floating rate of interest based on a publicly available index (e.g., LIBOR or the U.S. Federal Reserve's Cost of Funds Index (COFI)), with the Issuer receiving such payments on at least a quarterly basis and obligated to make separate payments no more frequently than the counterparty, with all simultaneous payments being netted;

    (3) Which has a notional amount that does not exceed either: (i) the principal balance of the class of Securities to which the swap relates, or (ii) the portion of the principal balance of such class represented solely by those types of corpus or assets of the Issuer referred to in subsections III.B.(1), (2) and (3);

    (4) Which is not leveraged (i.e., payments are based on the applicable notional amount, the day count fractions, the fixed or floating rates designated in subsection III.FF.(2), and the difference between the products thereof, calculated on a one to one ratio and not on a multiplier of such difference);

    (5) Which has a final termination date that is either the earlier of the date on which the Issuer terminates or the related class of securities is fully repaid; and

    (6) Which does not incorporate any provision which could cause a unilateral alteration in any provision described in subsections III.FF.(1) through (4) without the consent of the Trustee.

    GG. “Eligible Swap Counterparty” means a bank or other financial institution which has a rating, at the date of issuance of the Securities by the Issuer, which is in one of the three highest long-term credit rating categories, or one of the two highest short-term credit rating categories, utilized by at least one of the Rating Agencies rating the Securities; provided that, if a swap counterparty is relying on its short-term rating to establish eligibility under the Underwriter Exemption, such swap counterparty must either have a long-term rating in one of the three highest long-term rating categories or not have a long-term rating from the applicable Rating Agency, and provided further that if the class of Securities with which the swap is associated has a final maturity date of more than one year from the date of issuance of the Securities, and such swap is a Ratings Dependent Swap, the swap counterparty is required by the terms of the swap agreement to establish any collateralization or other arrangement satisfactory to the Rating Agencies in the event of a ratings downgrade of the swap counterparty.

    HH. “Qualified Plan Investor” means a plan investor or group of plan investors on whose behalf the decision to purchase Securities is made by an appropriate independent fiduciary that Start Printed Page 13136is qualified to analyze and understand the terms and conditions of any swap transaction used by the Issuer and the effect such swap would have upon the credit ratings of the Securities. For purposes of the Underwriter Exemption, such a fiduciary is either:

    (1) A “qualified professional asset manager” (QPAM),[6] as defined under Part V(a) of PTE 84-14, 49 FR 9494, 9506 (March 13, 1984), as amended by 70 FR 49305 (August 23, 2005);

    (2) An “in-house asset manager” (INHAM),[7] as defined under Part IV(a) of PTE 96-23, 61 FR 15975, 15982 (April 10, 1996); or

    (3) A plan fiduciary with total assets under management of at least $100 million at the time of the acquisition of such Securities.

    II. “Excess Spread” means, as of any day funds are distributed from the Issuer, the amount by which the interest allocated to Securities exceeds the amount necessary to pay interest to securityholders, servicing fees and expenses.

    JJ. “Eligible Yield Supplement Agreement” means any yield supplement agreement, similar yield maintenance arrangement or, if purchased by or on behalf of the Issuer, an interest rate cap contract to supplement the interest rates otherwise payable on obligations described in subsection III.B.(1). Such an agreement or arrangement may involve a notional principal contract provided that:

    (1) It is denominated in U.S. dollars;

    (2) The Issuer receives on, or immediately prior to the respective payment date for the Securities covered by such agreement or arrangement, a fixed rate of interest or a floating rate of interest based on a publicly available index (e.g., LIBOR or COFI), with the Issuer receiving such payments on at least a quarterly basis;

    (3) It is not “leveraged” as described in subsection III.FF.(4);

    (4) It does not incorporate any provision which would cause a unilateral alteration in any provision described in subsections III.JJ.(1)-(3) without the consent of the Trustee;

    (5) It is entered into by the Issuer with an Eligible Swap Counterparty; and

    (6) It has a notional amount that does not exceed either: (i) the principal balance of the class of Securities to which such agreement or arrangement relates, or (ii) the portion of the principal balance of such class represented solely by those types of corpus or assets of the Issuer referred to in subsections III.B.(1), (2) and (3).

    IV. Modifications

    For the Underwriter Exemptions provided to Residential Funding Corporation, Residential Funding Mortgage Securities, Inc., et al. and GE Capital Mortgage Services, Inc. and GECC Capital Markets (the Applicants) (PTEs 94-29 and 94-73, respectively);

    A. Section III.A. of this exemption is modified to read as follows:

    A. “Security” means:

    (1) A pass-through certificate or trust certificate that represents a beneficial ownership interest in the assets of an Issuer which is a Trust and which entitles the holder to payments of principal, interest and/or other payments made with respect to the assets of such Trust; or

    (2) A security which is denominated as a debt instrument that is issued by, and is an obligation of, an Issuer; with respect to which (i) one of the Applicants or any of its Affiliates is the Sponsor, [and] an entity which has received from the Department an individual prohibited transaction exemption relating to Securities which is similar to this exemption, is the sole underwriter or the manager or co-manager of the underwriting syndicate or a selling or placement agent or (ii) one of the Applicants or any of its Affiliates is the sole underwriter or the manager or co-manager of the underwriting syndicate, or a selling or placement agent.

    B. Section III.C. of this exemption is modified to read as follows:

    C. Underwriter means:

    (1) An entity defined as an Underwriter in subsection III.C.(1) of each of the Underwriter Exemptions that are being amended by this exemption. In addition, the term Underwriter includes Deutsche Bank AG, New York Branch and Deutsche Morgan Grenfell/C.J. Lawrence Inc., Credit Lyonnais Securities (USA) Inc., ABN AMRO Inc., Ironwood Capital Partners Ltd., William J. Mayer Securities LLC, Raymond James & Associates Inc. & Raymond James Financial Inc., WAMU Capital Corporation, and Terwin Capital LLC (which received the approval of the Department to engage in transactions substantially similar to the transactions described in the Underwriter Exemptions pursuant to PTE 96-62);

    (2) Any person directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controlling, controlled by or under common control with such entity;

    (3) Any member of an underwriting syndicate or selling group of which a person described in subsections III.C.(1) or (2) above is a manager or co-manager with respect to the Securities; or

    (4) Any entity which has received from the Department an individual prohibited transaction exemption relating to Securities which is similar to this exemption.

    Effective Date: This amendment is effective for transactions occurring on or after April 5, 2006.

    For a more complete statement of the facts and representations supporting the Department's decision to amend the Underwriter Exemptions, refer to the notice of proposed exemption that was published on January 24, 2007 in the Federal Register at 72 FR 3152.

    End Further Info Start Further Info


    Wendy M. McColough of the Department, telephone (202) 693-8540. (This is not a toll-free number.)

    General Information

    The attention of interested persons is directed to the following:

    (1) The fact that a transaction is the subject of an exemption under section 408(a) of the Act and/or section 4975(c)(2) of the Code does not relieve a fiduciary or other party in interest or disqualified person from certain other provisions to which the exemption does not apply and the general fiduciary responsibility provisions of section 404 of the Act, which among other things require a fiduciary to discharge his duties respecting the plan solely in the interest of the participants and beneficiaries of the plan and in a prudent fashion in accordance with section 404(a)(1)(B) of the Act; nor does it affect the requirement of section 401(a) of the Code that the plan must operate for the exclusive benefit of the employees of the employer maintaining the plan and their beneficiaries;

    (2) This exemption is supplemental to and not in derogation of any other provisions of the Act and/or the Code, including statutory or administrative exemptions and transactional rules. Furthermore, the fact that a transaction is subject to an administrative or statutory exemption is not dispositive of Start Printed Page 13137whether the transaction is in fact a prohibited transaction; and

    (3) The availability of this exemption is subject to the express condition that the material facts and representations contained in the application accurately describes all material terms of the transaction which is the subject of the exemption.

    Start Signature

    Signed at Washington, DC this 14th day of March, 2007.

    Ivan Strasfeld

    Director of Exemption Determinations, Employee Benefits Security Administration, Department of Labor.

    End Signature End Further Info End Preamble


    1.  Section I.A. provides no relief from sections 406(a)(1)(E), 406(a)(2) and 407 of the Act for any person rendering investment advice to an Excluded Plan within the meaning of section 3(21)(A)(ii) of the Act, and regulation 29 CFR 2510.3-21(c).

    Back to Citation

    2.  For purposes of this Underwriter Exemption, each plan participating in a commingled fund (such as a bank collective trust fund or insurance company pooled separate account) shall be considered to own the same proportionate undivided interest in each asset of the commingled fund as its proportionate interest in the total assets of the commingled fund as calculated on the most recent preceding valuation date of the fund.

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    3.  In the case of a private placement memorandum, such memorandum must contain substantially the same information that would be disclosed in a prospectus if the offering of the securities were made in a registered public offering under the Securities Act of 1933. In the Department's view, the private placement memorandum must contain sufficient information to permit plan fiduciaries to make informed investment decisions. For purposes of this exemption, references to “prospectus” include any related prospectus supplement thereto, pursuant to which Securities are offered to investors.

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    6.  PTE 84-14 provides a class exemption for transactions between a party in interest with respect to an employee benefit plan and an investment fund (including either a single customer or pooled separate account) in which the plan has an interest, and which is managed by a QPAM, provided certain conditions are met. QPAMs (e.g., banks, insurance companies, registered investment advisers with total client assets under management in excess of $85 million) are considered to be experienced investment managers for plan investors that are aware of their fiduciary duties under ERISA.

    Back to Citation

    7.  PTE 96-23 permits various transactions involving employee benefit plans whose assets are managed by an INHAM, an entity which is generally a subsidiary of an employer sponsoring the plan which is a registered investment adviser with management and control of total assets attributable to plans maintained by the employer and its affiliates which are in excess of $50 million.

    Back to Citation

    [FR Doc. E7-4982 Filed 3-19-07; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 4510-29-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Employee Benefits Security Administration
Entry Type:
Grant of Individual Exemptions.
Document Number:
This exemption is effective as of November 30, 2005.
13126-13137 (12 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Prohibited Transaction Exemption 2007-04, Exemption Application Nos. D-11345, and D-11370, Exemption Application No. D-11342, Prohibited Transaction Exemption 2007-05, Application Number D-11370
PDF File: