2022-20337. Minerals Management: Adjustment of Cost Recovery Fees  

  • Start Preamble


    Bureau of Land Management, Interior.


    Final rule.


    This final rule updates the fees set forth in the Department of the Interior's onshore mineral resources regulations for the processing of certain minerals program-related actions. It also adjusts certain filing fees for minerals-related documents. These updated fees include those for actions such as lease renewals, mineral patent adjudications, and Applications for Permits to Drill (APDs).


    This final rule is effective on October 1, 2022.


    You may send inquiries or suggestions to Director (630), Bureau of Start Printed Page 57638 Land Management, 1849 C St. NW, Room 5646, Washington, DC 20240; Attention: RIN 1004-AE86.

    Start Further Info


    Lonny R. Bagley, Acting Chief, Division of Fluid Minerals, 307-622-6956, lbagley@blm.gov; Lindsey Curnutt, Chief, Division of Solid Minerals, 775-824-2910, lcurnutt@blm.gov; or Faith Bremner, Regulatory Analyst, Division of Regulatory Affairs, fbremner@blm.gov. Individuals in the United States who are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability may dial 711 (TTY, TDD, or TeleBraille) to access telecommunications relay services for contacting Mr. Bagley. Individuals outside the United States should use the relay services offered within their country to make international calls to the point-of-contact in the United States.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    I. Background

    The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has authority to charge fees for processing applications and other documents relating to public lands under section 304 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA), 43 U.S.C. 1734. In 2005, the BLM published a final cost recovery rule (70 FR 58854) that established new fees or revised fees and service charges for processing documents related to its minerals programs (“2005 Cost Recovery Rule”). In addition, the 2005 Cost Recovery Rule also established the method that the BLM would use to adjust those fees and service charges for inflation on an annual basis.

    The regulations at 43 CFR 3000.12(a) provide that the BLM will annually adjust fees established in Subchapter C (43 CFR parts 3000-3900) according to changes in the Implicit Price Deflator for Gross Domestic Product (IPD-GDP), which is published quarterly by the U.S. Department of Commerce. See also 43 CFR 3000.10. This final rule updates those fees and service charges consistent with that direction. The fee adjustments in this final rule are based on the mathematical formula set forth in the 2005 Cost Recovery Rule. The public had an opportunity to comment on that adjustment procedure as part of the 2005 rulemaking. Accordingly, the Department of the Interior for good cause finds under 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B) and (d)(3) that notice and public comment procedures are unnecessary and that the fee adjustments in this final rule may be effective less than 30 days after publication. See 43 CFR 3000.10(c).

    For the first time, this year's annual cost recovery rule includes an inflation adjustment to the BLM's APD fee. Between 2016 and 2020, the BLM adjusted the APD fee through a series of annual instruction memoranda. In 2021, the BLM issued a Federal Register Notice to increase the APD fee. In an effort to be more transparent, the BLM last year adjusted the fee through publication of a notice in the Federal Register (86 FR 58095, October 20, 2021). In order to reduce the BLM's publication burden and make it easier for the public to locate the fees, the BLM is now including the annual APD fee adjustment in this final rule, along with the other minerals-program-related fees that the BLM adjusts each year. The BLM plans to include the APD adjustment in its annual minerals cost recovery final rule going forward.

    Section 3021(b) of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2015 (Pub. L. 113-291; 30 U.S.C. 191(d)) (the Act) directs the BLM to collect a fee for each new APD submitted to the BLM for fiscal years (FY) 2016 through 2026 and requires the fee amount to be adjusted annually for inflation. The Act set the initial fee amount at $9,500 as of October 1, 2015, with updated annual fee amounts to be indexed for United States dollar inflation from that date as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI). 30 U.S.C. 191(d)(2). The CPI is used only for the APD fee inflation adjustment while the IPD-GDP is used for all the other fees that are being adjusted for inflation. Public comment procedures are unnecessary for this adjustment as the authorizing statute does not give the BLM the discretion to vary the amount of the inflation adjustment for the APD to reflect any views or suggestions provided by commenters.

    II. Discussion of Final Rule

    As set forth in the 2005 Cost Recovery Rule, the updates for 48 of the fees covered by this rule are based on the change in the IPD-GDP. The BLM's minerals program publishes the updated cost recovery fees annually, at the start of each fiscal year.

    This final rule updates the current (FY 2022) cost recovery fees for use in FY 2023. The current fees were set by the cost recovery fee rule published on October 4, 2021 (86 FR 54636), effective October 4, 2021. The update in this final rule adjusts the FY 2022 fees based on the change in the IPD-GDP from the 4th Quarter of 2020 to the 4th Quarter of 2021.

    As required by the Act, the BLM is updating the APD fee based on the percentage change in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' Consumer Price Index for all goods and all urban consumers (CPI-U). Between 2016 and 2021, the BLM adjusted the APD fee based on CPI-U data from August of the previous calendar year to August of the current calendar year. This year, in order to accommodate the publishing schedule of this final rule, the BLM is adjusting the APD fee based on CPI-U data from August 2021 to June 2022. In future years, the APD fee adjustment will be based on data from June of the previous calendar year to June of the current calendar year. This change will allow the BLM to publish its annual cost recovery rule, which will include the APD fee increase, in time to start collecting the adjusted fee at the start of each fiscal year.

    Under this final rule, 15 fees will remain the same and 33 fees will increase. The filing fees are not adjusted if the change is less than $5. For example, if inflation adjusted a fee from $14.10 to $17.24, the filing fee would remain at $15. Of the 33 fees that are being increased by this final rule, 13 fees will increase by $5 each, and six fees will increase by $10. Two fees will increase by $15, two fees by $20, three fees by $25, and three fees by $30. The largest increase, $905, will be applied to the APD fee, which will increase from $10,900 to $11,805. The fee for adjudicating a patent application containing more than 10 claims will increase by $200—from $3,385 to $3,585. The fee for adjudicating a patent application containing 10 or fewer claims will increase by $100. The smallest increase—1 cent—will be added to the per-acre cost of nominating lands for geothermal leasing, which will rise from 12 cents per acre to 13 cents per acre. It is important to note that the “real” values of the fees are not actually increasing, since real values account for the effect of inflation. In real terms, the values of the fees are simply being adjusted to account for the changes in the prices of goods and services produced in the United States.

    The calculations that resulted in the new fees are included in the table below: Start Printed Page 57639

    Fixed cost recovery feesExisting fee 1 (FY 2022)Existing value 2IPD-GDP increase 3New value 4New fee 5 (FY 2023)
    Oil & Gas (parts 3100, 3110, 3120, 3130, 3150):
    Competitive lease application$175$174.603$10.301$184.904$185
    Assignment and transfer of record title or operating rights100100.7235.942106.665105
    Overriding royalty transfer, payment out of production1513.4270.79214.21915
    Name change, corporate merger or transfer to heir/devisee235235.02013.866248.886250
    Lease consolidation495496.90929.317526.226525
    Lease renewal or exchange450449.91926.545476.464475
    Lease reinstatement, Class I8587.2835.14992.43290
    Leasing under right-of-way450449.91926.545476.464475
    Geophysical exploration permit application—Alaska2527.4831.62129.10430
    Renewal of exploration permit—Alaska2527.4831.62129.10430
    Geothermal (part 3200):
    Noncompetitive lease application450449.91926.545476.464475
    Competitive lease application175174.60310.301184.904185
    Assignment and transfer of record title or operating right100100.7235.942106.665105
    Name change, corporate merger or transfer to heir/devisee235235.02013.866248.886250
    Lease consolidation495496.90929.317526.226525
    Lease reinstatement8587.2835.14992.43290
    Nomination of lands125125.7077.416133.123135
    Plus per acre nomination fee0.120.1230.0070.1300.13
    Site license application6567.1483.96171.10970
    Assignment or transfer of site license6567.1483.96171.10970
    Coal (parts 3400, 3470):
    License to mine application1513.4270.79214.21915
    Exploration license application370369.33021.790391.120390
    Lease or lease interest transfer7573.8794.35878.23780
    Leasing of Solid Minerals Other Than Coal and Oil Shale (parts 3500, 3580):
    Applications other than those listed below4040.2932.37742.67045
    Prospecting permit amendment7573.8794.35878.23780
    Extension of prospecting permit120120.8707.131128.001130
    Lease modification or fringe acreage lease3533.5841.98135.56535
    Lease renewal580577.50934.073611.582610
    Assignment, sublease, or transfer of operating rights3533.5851.98135.56635
    Transfer of overriding royalty3533.5851.98135.56635
    Use permit3533.5851.98135.56635
    Shasta and Trinity hardrock mineral lease3533.5851.98135.56635
    Renewal of existing sand and gravel lease in Nevada3533.5851.98135.56635
    Multiple Use; Mining (Group 3700):
    Notice of protest of placer mining operations1513.4270.79214.21915
    Mining Law Administration (parts 3800, 3810, 3830, 3850, 3860, 3870):
    Application to open lands to location1513.4270.79214.21915
    Notice of location2020.1341.18721.32120
    Amendment of location1513.4270.79214.21915
    Transfer of mining claim/site1513.4270.79214.21915
    Recording an annual FLPMA filing1513.4270.79214.21915
    Deferment of assessment work120120.8707.131128.001130
    Recording a notice of intent to locate mining claims on Stockraising Homestead Act lands3533.5851.98135.56635
    Mineral patent adjudication (more than ten claims)3,3853,384.464199.6833,584.1473,585
    (ten or fewer claims)1,6901,692.21499.8401,792.0541,790
    Adverse claim120120.8707.131128.001130
    Oil Shale Management (parts 3900, 3910, 3930):
    Exploration license application355354.24420.900375.144375
    Assignment or sublease of record title or overriding royalty7072.0554.25176.30675
    Existing fee (FY 2022) 6Existing value 7CPI-U increase 8New value 9New fee (FY 2023) 10
    Oil and Gas Operations/Production (parts 3160, 3170):
    Application for Permit to Drill10,90010,900.000905.79011,805.79011,805
    1  The Existing Fee was established by the 2021 (FY 2022) cost recovery fee update rule published on October 4, 2021 (86 FR 54636), effective October 4, 2021.
    2  The Existing Value is the figure from the New Value column in the previous year's rule.
    3  From 4th Quarter 2020 (114.438) to 4th Quarter 2021 (121.188), the IPD-GDP increased by 5.9 percent. The value in the IPD-GDP Increase column is 5.9 percent of the “Existing Value.”
    4  The sum of the “Existing Value” and the “IPD-GDP Increase” is the “New Value.”
    5  The “New Fee” for FY 2023 is the “New Value” rounded to the nearest $5 for values equal to or greater than $1 or rounded to the nearest penny for values under $1.
    6  The Existing Fee was established via a notice published in the Federal Register on October 20, 2021 (87 FR 58095), effective October 20, 2021. Start Printed Page 57640
    7  The existing value is the adjusted CPI-U for August 2020 to August 2021. The statute requires that the APD calculation be based on CPI-U and in the past was calculated August to August. This year, it is calculated on an August to June timeframe. It will be calculated June to June in upcoming years.
    8  From August 2021 to June 2022, the adjusted CPI-U increased by 8.31%.
    9  The sum of the “Existing Value” and the “CPI-U Increase” is the “New Value.”
    10  The new APD fee for FY 2023 is the “New Value” rounded to the nearest $10.

    III. How Fees Are Adjusted

    The BLM took the base values (or “existing values”) upon which it derived the FY 2022 cost recovery fees (or “existing fees”) and multiplied them by the percent change in the IPD-GDP (5.9 percent for this update) to generate the “IPD-GDP increases” (in dollars). The BLM then added the “IPD-GDP increases” to the “existing values” to generate the “new values.” The BLM then calculated the “new fees” by rounding the “new values” to the closest multiple of $5 for fees equal to or greater than $1, or to the nearest cent for fees under $1. The “new fees” are the updated cost recovery fees for FY 2023.

    The source for IDP-GDP data is the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, specifically, “Table 1.1.9. Implicit Price Deflators for Gross Domestic Product,” which the BLM accessed on July 14, 2022, on the web at https://apps.bea.gov/​iTable/​iTable.cfm?​reqid=​19&​step=​2#reqid=​19&​step=​3&​isuri=​1&​1921=​survey&​1903=​13.

    The updated APD fee amount reflects an adjustment to the current fee of $10,900 based on the percentage change in the CPI-U from the end of August 2021 to the end of June 2022. The CPI-U for June 2022 is 8.3 percent higher than the CPI-U for August 2021. Increasing the 2022 fee of $10,900 by 8.3 percent and rounding the product to the nearest $10 produces a 2023 fee of $11,805.

    The source for CPI-U data is the BLS, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items in U.S. City Average [CPIAUCSL], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/​series/​CPIAUCSL, accessed on July 14, 2022.

    IV. Procedural Matters

    Regulatory Planning and Review (Executive Order 12866)

    This document is not a significant rule, and the Office of Management and Budget has not reviewed this final rule under Executive Order 12866.

    The BLM has determined that this final rule will not have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more. It will not adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public health or safety, or State, local, or tribal governments or communities. The changes in today's rule are much smaller than those in the 2005 Cost Recovery Rule, which did not approach the threshold in Executive Order 12866.

    This final rule will not create inconsistencies or otherwise interfere with an action taken or planned by another agency. This rule does not change the relationships of the onshore minerals programs with other agencies' actions. These relationships are included in agreements and memoranda of understanding that will not change with this rule.

    In addition, this final rule does not materially affect the budgetary impact of entitlements, grants, or loan programs, or the rights and obligations of their recipients. This rule applies an inflationary adjustment factor to existing user fees for processing certain actions associated with the onshore minerals programs.

    Finally, this final rule will not raise novel legal or policy issues. As explained earlier, this rule simply implements an annual process to account for inflation that was adopted by and explained in the 2005 Cost Recovery Rule.

    The Regulatory Flexibility Act

    This final rule will not have a significant economic effect on a substantial number of small entities as defined under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.). As a result, a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis is not required. The Small Business Administration defines small entities as individual, limited partnerships, or small companies considered to be at arm's length from the control of any parent companies if they meet the following size requirements as established for each North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code:

    • Iron ore mining (NAICS code 212210): 750 or fewer employees
    • Gold ore mining (NAICS code 212221): 1,500 or fewer employees
    • Silver ore mining (NAICS code 212222): 250 or fewer employees
    • Uranium-Radium-Vanadium ore mining (NAICS code 212291): 250 or fewer employees
    • All Other Metal ore mining (NAICS code 212299): 750 or fewer employees
    • Bituminous Coal and Lignite Surface Mining (NAICS code 212111): 1,250 or fewer employees
    • Bituminous Coal Underground Mining (NAICS code 212112): 1,500 or fewer employees
    • Crude Petroleum Extraction (NAICS code 211120): 1,250 or fewer employees
    • Natural Gas Extraction (NAICS code 211130): 1,250 or fewer employees
    • All Other Non-Metallic Mineral Mining (NAICS code 212399): 500 or fewer employees

    The SBA would consider many, if not most, of the operators with whom the BLM works in the onshore minerals programs to be small entities. The BLM notes that this final rule does not affect service industries, for which the SBA has a different definition of “small entity.”

    The final rule may affect a large number of small entities because 33 fees for activities on public lands will be increased. The adjustments result in no increase in the fees for processing 15 actions relating to the BLM's minerals programs. The highest adjustment, in dollar terms, is for the APD fee. That fee will increase by $905, from $10,900 to $11,805. It is important to note that the “real” values of the fees are not actually increasing, since real values account for the effect of inflation. In real terms, the values of the fees are simply being adjusted to account for the changes in the prices of goods and services produced in the United States. Accordingly, the BLM has concluded that the economic effect of the rule's changes will not be significant, even for small entities.

    For the 2005 Cost Recovery Rule, the BLM completed a Regulatory Flexibility Act threshold analysis. That analysis concluded that the fees would not have a significant economic effect on a substantial number of small entities. The fee increases implemented in this rule are substantially smaller than those provided for in the 2005 Cost Recovery Rule.

    The APD fee increase is mandated by Section 3021(b) of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2015 (Pub. L. 113-291; 30 U.S.C. 191(d)) (the Act). The Act directs the BLM to collect a fee for each new APD submitted to the BLM for Start Printed Page 57641 fiscal years (FY) 2016 through 2026 and requires the fee amount to be adjusted for inflation.

    The Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act

    This final rule is not a “major rule” as defined at 5 U.S.C. 804(2). The final rule will not have an annual effect on the economy greater than $100 million; it will not result in major cost or price increases for consumers, industries, government agencies, or regions; and it will not have significant adverse effects on competition, employment, investment, productivity, innovation, or the ability of U.S.-based enterprises to compete with foreign-based enterprises. Accordingly, a Small Entity Compliance Guide is not required.

    Executive Order 13132, Federalism

    This final rule will not have a substantial direct effect on the States, on the relationship between the national government and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government. In accordance with Executive Order 13132, the BLM therefore finds that the final rule does not have federalism implications, and a federalism assessment is not required.

    The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995

    This final rule does not contain information-collection requirements that require a control number from the Office of Management and Budget in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3521). After the effective date of this rule, the new fees may affect the non-hour burdens associated with the following control numbers:

    Oil and Gas

    (1) 1004-0034, which expires September 30, 2024;

    (2) 1004-0137, which expires January 31, 2025;

    (3) 1004-0162, which expires December 31, 2024;

    (4) 1004-0185, which expired December 31, 2021; [11]


    (5) 1004-0132, which expires July 31, 2023;


    (6) 1004-0073, which expires April 30, 2023;

    Mining Claims

    (7) 1004-0025, which expires July 31, 2025;

    (8) 1004-0114, which expires April 30, 2023; and

    Leasing of Solid Minerals Other Than Oil Shale

    (9) 1004-0121, which expires October 31, 2022.

    Takings Implication Assessment (Executive Order 12630)

    As required by Executive Order 12630, the BLM has determined that this final rule will not cause a taking of private property. No private property rights will be affected by a rule that merely updates fees. The BLM therefore certifies that this final rule does not represent a governmental action capable of interference with constitutionally protected property rights.

    Civil Justice Reform (Executive Order 12988)

    In accordance with Executive Order 12988, the BLM finds that this final rule will not unduly burden the judicial system and meets the requirements of sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of the Executive Order.

    The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

    The BLM has determined that this final rule qualifies as a routine financial transaction and a regulation of an administrative, financial, legal, or procedural nature that is categorically excluded from environmental review under NEPA pursuant to 43 CFR 46.205 and 46.210(c) and (i). The final rule does not meet any of the 12 criteria for exceptions to categorical exclusions listed at 43 CFR 46.215. Therefore, neither an environmental assessment nor an environmental impact statement is required in connection with the rule (40 CFR 1508.4).

    The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995

    The BLM has determined that this final rule is not significant under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995, 2 U.S.C. 1501 et seq., because it will not result in State, local, private sector, or tribal government expenditures of $100 million or more in any one year, 2 U.S.C. 1532. This rule will not significantly or uniquely affect small governments. Therefore, the BLM is not required to prepare a statement containing the information required by the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.

    Consultation and Coordination With Indian Tribal Governments (Executive Order 13175)

    In accordance with Executive Order 13175, the BLM has determined that this final rule does not include policies that have tribal implications. Specifically, the rule would not have substantial direct effects on one or more Indian Tribes. Consequently, the BLM did not use the consultation process set forth in Section 5 of the Executive Order.

    Information Quality Act

    In developing this final rule, the BLM did not conduct or use a study, experiment, or survey requiring peer review under the Information Quality Act (Pub. L. 106-554).

    Effects on the Nation's Energy Supply (Executive Order 13211)

    In accordance with Executive Order 13211, the BLM has determined that this final rule is not likely to have a significant adverse effect on the supply, distribution, or use of energy. It merely adjusts certain administrative cost recovery fees to account for inflation.


    The principal author of this final rule is Faith Bremner of the Division of Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of Land Management.

    Start List of Subjects

    List of Subjects in 43 CFR Part 3000

    • Public lands—mineral resources
    • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
    End List of Subjects

    For reasons stated in the preamble, the Bureau of Land Management amends 43 CFR part 3000 as follows:

    Start Part


    End Part Start Amendment Part

    1. The authority citation for part 3000 continues to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Authority

    Authority: 16 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.; 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq., 301-306, 351-359, and 601 et seq.; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 40 U.S.C. 471 et seq.; 42 U.S.C. 6508; 43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; and Pub. L. 97-35, 95 Stat. 357.

    End Authority

    Subpart 3000—General

    Start Amendment Part

    2. Amend § 3000.12 by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part
    What is the fee schedule for fixed fees?

    (a) The table in this section shows the fixed fees that must be paid to the BLM for the services listed for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023. These fees are nonrefundable and must be included with documents filed under this chapter. Fees will be adjusted annually according to the Start Printed Page 57642 change in the Implicit Price Deflator for Gross Domestic Product (IPD-GDP) and the change in the Consumer Price Index for all goods and all urban consumers (CPI-U) by way of publication of a final rule in the Federal Register and will subsequently be posted on the BLM website ( http://www.blm.gov) before October 1 each year. Revised fees are effective each year on October 1.

    Table 1 to Paragraph ( a )—FY 2023 Processing and Filing Fee Table

    Document/actionFY 2023 fee
    Oil & Gas (parts 3100, 3110, 3120, 3130, 3150):
    Competitive lease application$185.
    Assignment and transfer of record title or operating rights105.
    Overriding royalty transfer, payment out of production15.
    Name change, corporate merger or transfer to heir/devisee250.
    Lease consolidation525.
    Lease renewal or exchange475.
    Lease reinstatement, Class I90.
    Leasing under right-of-way475.
    Geophysical exploration permit application—Alaska30.
    Renewal of exploration permit—Alaska30.
    Geothermal (part 3200):
    Noncompetitive lease application475.
    Competitive lease application185.
    Assignment and transfer of record title or operating rights105.
    Name change, corporate merger or transfer to heir/devisee250.
    Lease consolidation525.
    Lease reinstatement90.
    Nomination of lands135.
    plus per acre nomination fee0.13.
    Site license application70.
    Assignment or transfer of site license70.
    Coal (parts 3400, 3470):
    License to mine application15.
    Exploration license application390.
    Lease or lease interest transfer80.
    Leasing of Solid Minerals Other Than Coal and Oil Shale (parts 3500, 3580):
    Applications other than those listed below45.
    Prospecting permit application amendment80.
    Extension of prospecting permit130.
    Lease modification or fringe acreage lease35.
    Lease renewal610.
    Assignment, sublease, or transfer of operating rights35.
    Transfer of overriding royalty35.
    Use permit35.
    Shasta and Trinity hardrock mineral lease35.
    Renewal of existing sand and gravel lease in Nevada35.
    Public Law 359; Mining in Powersite Withdrawals: General (part 3730):
    Notice of protest of placer mining operations15.
    Mining Law Administration (parts 3800, 3810, 3830, 3860, 3870):
    Application to open lands to location15.
    Notice of location *20.
    Amendment of location15.
    Transfer of mining claim/site15.
    Recording an annual FLPMA filing15.
    Deferment of assessment work130.
    Recording a notice of intent to locate mining claims on Stockraising Homestead Act lands35.
    Mineral patent adjudication3,585 (more than 10 claims). 1,790 (10 or fewer claims).
    Adverse claim130.
    Oil Shale Management (parts 3900, 3910, 3930):
    Exploration license application375.
    Application for assignment or sublease of record title or overriding royalty75.
    Onshore Oil and Gas Operations and Production (parts 3160, 3170):
    Application for Permit to Drill11,805.
    * To record a mining claim or site location, this processing fee along with the initial maintenance fee and the one-time location fee required by statute (43 CFR part 3833) must be paid.
    Start Printed Page 57643
    * * * * *
    Start Signature

    Laura Daniel-Davis,

    Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Land and Minerals Management.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information


    11.  A renewal request for control number 1004-0185 was submitted to the Office of Management and Budget on November 22, 2021.

    Back to Citation

    [FR Doc. 2022-20337 Filed 9-20-22; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 4310-84-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Land Management Bureau
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This final rule is effective on October 1, 2022.
57637-57643 (7 pages)
Docket Numbers:
1004-AE86: Minerals Management: Adjustment of Cost Recovery Fees
RIN Links:
Public lands-mineral resources, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
PDF File:
Supporting Documents:
» Paleontological Resources Preservation
» Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustment: Onshore Oil and Gas Operations and Coal Trespass
» Minerals Management: Adjustment of Cost Recovery Fees
» Alaska Native Vietnam-Era Veterans Allotment
» Minerals Management: Adjustment of Cost Recovery Fees
» Selected Public Lands in Gila, Maricopa, Pima, Pinal and Yavapai Counties, AZ
» Onshore Oil and Gas Operations: Annual Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustments
» Minerals Management: Adjustment of Cost Recovery Fees
» Minerals Management: Adjustment of Cost Recovery Fees
» Onshore Oil and Gas Operations: Annual Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustments
CFR: (1)
43 CFR 3000.12