00-494. Asbestos-Containing Materials in Schools; State Request for Waiver from Requirements  

  • [Federal Register Volume 65, Number 6 (Monday, January 10, 2000)]
    [Pages 1387-1389]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 00-494]
    [OPPTS-62163; FRL-6397-2]
    Asbestos-Containing Materials in Schools; State Request for 
    Waiver from Requirements
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice of proposed waiver.
    SUMMARY: EPA has received from Oklahoma a request for a waiver from the 
    Agency's asbestos-in-schools program. A waiver of these requirements 
    will be granted if EPA determines, after notice and comment and 
    opportunity for a public hearing, that Oklahoma is implementing or 
    intends to implement a program of asbestos inspection and management at 
    least as stringent as EPA's program. This notice announces an 
    opportunity for a public hearing on the Oklahoma waiver request and 
    solicits written comments.
    DATES: Written comments under docket control number OPPTS-62163 must be 
    received on or before March 10, 2000. Each comment must include the 
    name and address of the submitter. Any request for a public hearing 
    must be in writing, be received on or before March 10, 2000, and detail 
    specific objections to the grant of the waiver. If, during the comment 
    period, EPA receives such a request for a public hearing, EPA will 
    schedule a public hearing in Oklahoma following the comment period. EPA 
    will announce the date of the public hearing in the Federal Register.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments may be submitted by mail, electronically, 
    or in person. Please follow the detailed instructions for each method 
    as provided under Unit I. of ``SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.'' To ensure 
    proper receipt by EPA, you must identify docket control number OPPTS-
    62163 on the first page of your response.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Neil Pflum, Asbestos Coordinator, 
    (6PD-T), Region VI, Environmental Protection Agency, 1445 Ross Ave., 
    Dallas, TX 75202; telephone: (214) 665-2295; e-mail: 
    I. General Information
    A. Does this Action Apply to Me?
        This action is directed to the public in general. This action may, 
    however, be of special interest to teachers and other school personnel, 
    their representatives, and parents in Oklahoma, and asbestos 
    professionals working in Oklahoma. Since other entities may also be 
    interested, the Agency has not attempted to describe all entities that 
    may be affected by this action. If you have any questions regarding the 
    applicability of this action to any entity, contact the person under 
    B. How Can I Get Additional Information, Including Copies of this 
    Document or Other Related Documents?
        EPA has established an official record for this action under docket 
    control number OPPTS-62163. The official record consists of the 
    documents referenced in this action, as well as any public comments 
    received during the comment period, and other related information. The 
    official record, which includes printed versions of any electronic 
    comments, is available for inspection in Rm. 12D13 (Library 12th 
    floor), EPA Region VI, 1445 Ross Ave., Dallas, TX. The Library is open 
    from 8 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. 
    The telephone number is (214) 665-6427.
    C. How and to Whom Do I Submit Comments?
        You may submit comments through the mail, in person, or 
    electronically. To ensure proper receipt by EPA, you must identify 
    docket control number OPPTS-62163 on the first page of your response.
        1. By mail. Submit your comments to: Neil Pflum, Region VI Asbestos 
    Coordinator (6PD-T), Environmental Protection Agency, 1445 Ross Ave., 
    Dallas, TX 75202.
        2. In person or by courier. Deliver your comments to: Rm. 12D13 
    (Library 12th floor), EPA Region VI, 1445 Ross Ave., Dallas, TX. The 
    Library is open from 8 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday, excluding 
    legal holidays. The telephone number is (214) 665-6427.
        3. Electronically. You may submit your comments by e-mail to: 
    pflum.neil@epa.gov, or mail your computer disk to the address 
    identified above. Electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII 
    file avoiding the use of special characters and any form of encryption. 
    Comments and data will also be accepted on standard disks in 
    WordPerfect 6.1/8.0
    II. Background
    A. What Action is the Agency Taking and under What Authority?
        EPA is considering granting, with conditions, a waiver of the 
    asbestos-in-schools program to Oklahoma. This notice is issued, and the 
    waiver, if granted, would be issued under section 203(m) of TSCA and 40 
    CFR 763.98. Section 203 is within Title II of TSCA, the Asbestos Hazard 
    Emergency Response Act (AHERA).
        In 1987, under TSCA section 203, the Agency promulgated regulations 
    that require the identification and management of asbestos-containing 
    material by local education agencies (LEAs) in the nation's elementary 
    and secondary school buildings: the ``AHERA Schools Rule'' (40 CFR part 
    763, subpart E). Under section 203(m) of TSCA and 40 CFR 763.98, upon 
    request by a State Governor and after notice and comment and 
    opportunity for a public hearing in the State, EPA may waive, in whole 
    or in part, the requirements of the asbestos-in-schools program (TSCA 
    section 203 and the AHERA schools rule) if EPA determines that the 
    State has established and is implementing or intends to implement a 
    program of asbestos inspection and management that contains 
    requirements that are at least as stringent as those in the Agency's 
    asbestos-in-schools program. A State seeking a waiver must submit its 
    request to the EPA Region in which the State is located.
        The Agency recognizes that a waiver granted to any State would not 
    encompass schools operated under the defense dependents' education 
    system (the third type of LEA defined at TSCA section 202(7) and 40 CFR 
    763.83), which serve dependents in overseas areas, and other elementary 
    and secondary schools outside a State's jurisdiction, which generally 
    include schools in Indian country. Such schools would remain subject to 
    EPA's asbestos-in-schools program.
    B. When Did Oklahoma Submit its Request for a Waiver and How is EPA 
    Proposing to Respond?
        On October 4, 1999, Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating, submitted to 
    Gregg A. Cooke, Regional Administrator, EPA Region VI, a letter 
    requesting a full
    [[Page 1388]]
    waiver of the requirements of EPA's asbestos-in-schools program.
        EPA is hereby issuing a notice in the Federal Register announcing 
    receipt of the complete Oklahoma waiver request and an opportunity for 
    comment and public hearing, and making the request and the supporting 
    documentation available in the public record for this notice. The 
    Agency is also describing the information submitted by Oklahoma and the 
    Agency's preliminary determinations as to how the waiver request meets 
    the criteria for the grant of a waiver.
    C. What was EPA's Determination with Regard to the Completeness of 
    Oklahoma's Waiver Request?
        The Oklahoma waiver request has been deemed complete by EPA and 
    contains the following:
        1. A copy of the Oklahoma provisions that include its program of 
    asbestos inspection and management in schools. These consist of: The 
    Oklahoma Asbestos Control Act, Title 40 section 450 et seq. and 
    Oklahoma Statutes, Title 27A, Section 1-3-101(J), and the Oklahoma 
    Administrative Code (OAC) Title 380, Oklahoma Department of Labor, 
    Chapter 50, ``Abatement of Friable Asbestos Materials Rules.''
        2. The name of the Oklahoma agency responsible for administrating 
    and enforcing the requirements of a waiver, namely the Oklahoma 
    Department of Labor (ODOL). Responsible officials include: Brenda 
    Reneau, Commissioner; Trey Davis, Deputy Commissioner; and John 
    Crowder, Director of Asbestos--telephone: (405) 528-1500, ext. 352.
        3. Reasons, supporting papers, and the rationale for concluding 
    that Oklahoma's asbestos inspection and management programs, for which 
    the waiver request is made, are at least as stringent as the 
    requirements of EPA's program, as discussed in EPA's Preliminary 
    Determinations in Units II.D.2. and 3.
        4. A discussion of any special situations, problems, and needs 
    pertaining to the waiver request accompanied by an explanation of how 
    Oklahoma plans to handle them, as discussed in EPA's Preliminary 
    Determination in Unit II.D.6.
        5. A statement of the resources that Oklahoma intends to devote to 
    the administration and enforcement of its program, as discussed in 
    EPA's Preliminary Determination in Unit II.D.5.
        6. Copies of Oklahoma laws and regulations relating to the request, 
    including provisions for assessing penalties, as referenced in Unit 
        7. Assurance from the legal counsel of ODOL that the Department has 
    the legal authority necessary to carry out the requirements relating to 
    the waiver request, as indicated in a letter from Kevin Able, General 
    Counsel, to Gregg Cooke, dated September 20, 1999.
    D. What are the Criteria for EPA's Grant of the Waiver and What are 
    EPA's Preliminary Determinations Relating to These Criteria?
        EPA may waive the requirements of the Agency's asbestos-in-schools 
    program if the Agency determines that Oklahoma has met the criteria set 
    forth at 40 CFR 763.98. The criteria and EPA's preliminary 
    determinations relating to the grant of the waiver to Oklahoma are set 
    forth below:
        1. Criterion: Oklahoma's lead agency has the legal authority 
    necessary to carry out the provisions of asbestos inspection and 
    management in schools relating to the waiver request.
        EPA's Preliminary Determination: EPA has determined preliminarily 
    that the statutory and regulatory provisions cited at Unit II.C.1. give 
    ODOL such legal authority.
        2. Criterion: Oklahoma's program is or will be at least as 
    stringent as the EPA asbestos-in-schools program.
        EPA's Preliminary Determination: Since Oklahoma has adopted the 
    AHERA schools rule by reference in its regulations, EPA has determined 
    preliminarily that Oklahoma's program is or will be at least as 
    stringent as EPA's program. See EPA's Preliminary Determination in Unit 
        3. Criterion: Oklahoma has an enforcement mechanism to allow it to 
    implement the program described in the waiver request.
        EPA's Preliminary Determination: EPA has determined preliminarily 
    that the compliance and enforcement provisions of Oklahoma's asbestos-
    in-schools program are adequate to run the program. Inspectors will use 
    site visits to determine if the LEAs are complying with the program. 
    Violations will be cited for enforcement action which can range from 
    warning letters (notices of noncompliance) to administrative actions to 
    civil actions.
        4. Criterion: ODOL has or will have qualified personnel to carry 
    out the provisions relating to the waiver request.
        EPA's Preliminary Determination: EPA has preliminarily determined 
    that ODOL has or will have qualified personnel to carry out the 
    provisions of the waiver. Inspectors currently employed by ODOL have 
    had experience in conducting asbestos inspections in schools.
        5. Criterion: Oklahoma will devote adequate resources to the 
    administration and enforcement of the asbestos inspection and 
    management provisions relating to the waiver request.
        EPA's Preliminary Determination: EPA has determined preliminarily 
    that Oklahoma has adequate resources to administer and enforce the 
    provisions of the program. Oklahoma plans to devote $143,508 to the 
    program annually. It plans to match a Federal grant of $107,631, with 
    $35,877 of State funds. The budget allows for two inspectors, travel, 
    supplies, and training.
        6. Criterion: Oklahoma gives satisfactory assurances that the 
    necessary steps, including specific actions it proposes to take and a 
    time schedule for their accomplishment, will be taken within a 
    reasonable time to conform with applicable criteria in Units II.D.2.4.
        EPA's Preliminary Determination: For EPA to grant a full waiver to 
    Oklahoma, the State, as a condition of the grant of the waiver, would 
    need to give a written assurance satisfactory to EPA that, if following 
    the grant of the waiver, any provision of either TSCA section 203 or 
    the AHERA schools rule is changed, the State would, within a reasonable 
    period of time, make appropriate changes, as necessary, to the 
    statutory and regulatory provisions of its asbestos-in-schools program 
    to ensure that the program remains at least as stringent as the EPA 
    asbestos-in-schools program.
        In addition, if a waiver is granted and as long as it remains in 
    effect, Oklahoma, utilizing adequate resources, would need to continue 
    its asbestos-in-schools implementation and enforcement strategy. EPA 
    may evaluate periodically the adequacy of Oklahoma's program under 40 
    CFR 763.98, and, under circumstances set forth in the regulation, may, 
    in whole or in part, rescind the waiver if the Agency determines the 
    program to be inadequate.
    G. What Recordkeeping and Reporting Burden Approvals Apply to the 
    Oklahoma Waiver Request?
        The recordkeeping and reporting burden associated with waiver 
    requests was approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
    under OMB control number 2070-0091. This document announces the 
    Agency's receipt of the Oklahoma waiver request and, therefore, imposes 
    no additional burden beyond that covered under existing OMB control 
    number 2070-0091.
    [[Page 1389]]
    III. Materials in the Official Record
        The official record, under docket control number OPPTS-62163, 
    contains the Oklahoma waiver request, supporting documentation, and 
    other relevant documents.
    List of Subjects
        Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure, 
    Asbestos, Hazardous substances, Imports, Intergovernmental relations, 
    Labeling, Occupational safety and health, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Schools.
        Dated: December 22, 1999.
    Gregg A. Cooke,
    Regional Administrator, Region VI.
    [FR Doc. 00-494 Filed 1-7-00; 8:45 am]
     BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Notice of proposed waiver.
Document Number:
Written comments under docket control number OPPTS-62163 must be received on or before March 10, 2000. Each comment must include the
1387-1389 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
OPPTS-62163, FRL-6397-2
PDF File: