95-560. Cooperative Marketing Associations; Eligibility Requirements for Price Support  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 7 (Wednesday, January 11, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 2680-2683]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-560]
    Commodity Credit Corporation
    7 CFR Part 1425
    RIN 0560-AD70
    Cooperative Marketing Associations; Eligibility Requirements for 
    Price Support
    AGENCY: Commodity Credit Corporation, USDA.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This final rule adopts, without change, the proposed rule 
    published in the Federal Register at 59 FR 44947-44952 on August 31, 
    1994. This rule amends the regulations governing the participation of 
    cooperative marketing associations (CMA) in Commodity Credit 
    Corporation (CCC) price support programs to ensure: the equitable 
    treatment of CMA members and individual producers; the Government does 
    not accept undue risk in providing CMA price support program benefits; 
    and the efficient delivery of CMA price support program benefits. This 
    rule: changes CMA bylaw requirements to reflect current CMA 
    organizational and operational procedures; requires approved cotton CMA 
    retention of services provided by servicing agent banks; requires 
    approved CMA monitoring of payment they receive on behalf of their 
    members to ensure that member payments do not exceed payment limits; 
    and makes other administrative changes.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: January 11, 1995.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Richard M. Ackley, Chief, Cooperative 
    and Analysis Branch; Cotton, Grain, and Rice Price Support Division, 
    Consolidated Farm Service Agency, USDA, P.O. Box 2415, Washington, DC 
    Executive Order 12866
        This final rule has been determined to be not significant for 
    purposes of Executive Order 12866 and, therefore, has not been reviewed 
    by Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
    Federal Assistance Program
        The title and number of the Federal Assistance Program, as found in 
    the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, to which this rule applies 
    are Commodity Loans and Purchases--10.051.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        It has been determined that the Regulatory Flexibility Act is not 
    applicable because CCC is not required by 5 U.S.C. 553 or any other 
    provision of law to publish a notice of proposed rulemaking with 
    respect to the subject matter of these determinations.
    Environmental Evaluation
        It has been determined by an environmental evaluation that this 
    action will have no significant impact on the quality of human 
    Executive Order 12372
        This program is not subject to the provisions of Executive Order 
    12372, which requires intergovernmental consultation with State and 
    local officials. See the Notice related to 7 CFR part 3015, subpart V, 
    into Federal Register at 48 FR 29115 (June 24, 1983).
    Executive Order 12778
        This final rule has been reviewed pursuant to Executive Order 
    12778. To the extent State and local laws are in conflict with these 
    regulatory provisions, it is the intent of CCC that the terms of the 
    regulations prevail. Prior to any judicial action in a court of 
    competent jurisdiction, administrative review under 7 CFR part 780 must 
    be exhausted.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        Public reporting burden for all collections is estimated to average 
    from 1 to 2 hours per response, including time for reviewing 
    instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and 
    maintaining the data needed, and competing and reviewing the collection 
    of information. The information collections have previously been 
    cleared under the current regulations by OMB, and assigned OMB No. 
        No comments were received during the comment period which ended on 
    September 30, 1994.
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 1425
        Cooperatives, Price support programs, Reporting and recordkeeping 
        Accordingly, 7 CFR part 1425 is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for 7 CFR part 1425 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1421(a), 1441, 1444(a), 1446(d), and 1447; 
    15 U.S.C. 714b, 714c, and 714j.
        2. Section 1425.3 is amended.
        A. Revising paragraph (d),
        B. Redesignating paragraphs (i) and (j) as paragraphs (j) and (k) 
        C. Adding a new paragraph (i), and
        D. Revising redesignated newly redesignated paragraphs (j) and (k):
    Sec. 1425.3  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        (d) Authorized commodity means those commodities for which an 
    approved cooperative may apply for price support, including barley, 
    canola, corn, cotton, flaxseed, honey, shorn mohair, mustard seed, 
    oats, rapeseed, rice, rye, safflower, seed cotton, shorn wool, sorghum, 
    soybeans, sunflower seed, and wheat.
    * * * * *
        (i) Participate in a Price Support Program means the pledging, on 
    behalf of members, of an eligible commodity as collateral for CCC price 
    support loans, entering into purchase agreements, and, when applicable, 
    obtaining loan deficiency payments.
        (j) Person means an individual, joint stock company, corporation, 
    estate or
    [[Page 2681]]
    trust, association, or other legal entity, except that two or more 
    entities shall be combined as one person in accordance with:
        (1) The regulations found at part 1497 of this chapter for the 
    purpose of administering maximum payment limitation provisions of the 
    Food Security Act of 1985;
        (2) The regulations found at part 796 of this title for the purpose 
    of administering the provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985 with 
    respect to the production of controlled substances; and
        (3) The regulations found at part 12 of this title pertaining to 
    the highly erodible land and wetland provisions (commonly know as 
    ``sodbuster and swampbuster'' provisions) of the Food Security Act of 
        (k) Producer means a person who, as owner, landlord, tenant, or 
    sharecropper, shares in the risk of producing the crop, and is entitled 
    to share in the crops available for marketing from the farm, or would 
    have shared had the crops been produced.
        3. In Sec. 1425.4, paragraphs (a), (b)(7), and paragraph (c) 
    introductory text are revised and paragraphs (e) and (f) are added to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 1425.4  Approval.
        (a) Application. In order for a cooperative to participate in a 
    price support program with respect to the 1994 and subsequent crops of 
    authorized commodities, a cooperative must submit an application for 
    approval with respect to such authorized commodities to CCC.
        (b) * * *
        (7) A detailed description of the method by which proceeds from a 
    pool of eligible commodities for which price support is obtained will 
    be distributed as provided for in Sec. 1425.18.
    * * * * *
        (c) Annual recertification. An approved cooperative must submit, on 
    an annual basis, the following information to CCC:
    * * * * *
        (e) Reapplication. Approved cooperatives must submit revised 
    applications as required by this section instead of an annual 
    recertification every 5 years, or more often if CCC determines that 
    such application is necessary to determine if a cooperative has 
    implemented an organizational or operational change that would affect 
    compliance with the provisions of this part.
        (f) Form CCC-Cotton G. Cooperative marketing associations applying 
    for approval to participate in the price support program for cotton 
    shall execute Form CCC-Cotton G, Cotton Cooperative Loan Agreement, 
    with CCC.
        4. Section 1425.6 (b)(2) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1425.6  Approved cooperatives.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (2) Conditionally approved. (i) A cooperative may be conditionally 
    approved if CCC determines that it has substantially met all the 
    requirements of this part, and the failure to meet the remaining 
    requirements is due to reasons beyond the control of the cooperative 
    and not due to the cooperative's negligence; and
        (ii) Such cooperative must agree in writing to meet all 
    requirements for approval set forth in this part within the time period 
    specified by CCC. When a cooperative can only comply with the 
    regulations by amending its articles of incorporation or bylaws at a 
    membership meeting, CCC may accept a board of directors' resolution 
    agreeing to recommend to the members at the next meeting of the members 
    the required changes to the articles of incorporation or bylaws as 
    compliance with the requirements for approval for purposes of this 
        Board resolutions in which the cooperative agrees to comply with 
    other provisions of this part may be accepted by CCC as compliance with 
    the requirements for approval for purposes of this section.
    * * * * *
        5. Section 1425.7 (a) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1425.7  Suspension and termination of approval.
        (a) Suspension. An approved cooperative may be suspended by CCC 
    from further participation in a price support program if CCC determines 
    that the cooperative or a member cooperative, as specified in 
    Sec. 1425.19:
        (1) Has not operated in accordance with the conditions specified in 
    such cooperative's application for approval;
        (2) Has not complied with applicable regulations; or
        (3) Has failed to correct deficiencies noted during an 
    administrative review or an audit of the cooperative's operations with 
    respect to a price support program. Such suspension may be lifted upon 
    the receipt of documents indicating that the cooperative has complied 
    with all requirements for approval. If such documents are not received 
    within one year from the date of the suspension, the cooperative's 
    approval for participation in a price support program shall be 
    * * * * *
        6. In Sec. 1425.8, paragraphs (b)(2) and (e) are revised to read as 
    Sec. 1425.8  Ownership and control.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (2) The allocated equity of any active member that has acquired 
    equity as a result of a loan from the cooperative unless such member is 
    obligated to repay the loan within one year.
    * * * * *
        (e) Approved plan. An applicant or an approved cooperative not 
    under the ownership or control, or both, of its active members, may be 
    approved by CCC to participate in a price support program if the 
    cooperative is able to establish that, by retiring the equity of its 
    inactive members or by obtaining new members, the cooperative can vest 
    ownership and control in its active members, as required by this 
    section, by a date specified by CCC.
        7. Section 1425.9 is amended by revising the introductory text and 
    paragraphs (d) and (g) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1425.9  Charter and bylaw provisions.
        The articles of incorporation, articles of association, or the 
    bylaws of the cooperative shall comply with each of the following 
    * * * * *
        (d) Nominations. (1) Nominations for election of delegates and 
    directors shall be made by members.
        (2) Nominations for officers shall be made by elected directors or 
    by members when nomination by members is authorized in the 
    cooperative's articles of incorporation or bylaws.
        (3) Nominations may be made by balloting, nominating committee, 
    petition of members, or from the floor, provided that nominations from 
    the floor shall be requested in addition to nominations made by a 
    nominating committee or by petition.
    * * * * *
        (g) Proxy. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (g)(2) of this 
    section, voting by proxy shall be prohibited.
        (2) Voting by proxy may be permitted if a cooperative:
        (i) Determines that it is necessary to amend the cooperative's 
    articles of incorporation, articles of association, or bylaws, and
        (ii) Establishes to the satisfaction of CCC that the law of the 
    State in which the cooperative is incorporated permits voting by proxy, 
    but does not permit members to vote by mail, with respect to such 
    * * * * *
    [[Page 2682]]
        8. In Sec. 1425.10, paragraph (b)(3) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1425.10  Financial condition.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (3)(i) The net worth of the cooperative. The cooperative shall be 
    considered to have a sufficient net worth if such net worth is equal to 
    the product of an amount per unit for a commodity (as set forth in 
    table 1) multiplied by the total number of such units of commodity for 
    which the cooperative is approved, or requesting approval, to 
    participate in price support and handled by the cooperative during the 
    preceding marketing year, or, if the cooperative is in its first full 
    marketing year of operations, the estimated quantity of such commodity 
    that it will handle during such year.
        (ii) (A) If the amount of the net worth of the cooperative is 
    between 34 and 99 percent of the amount computed in accordance with 
    paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section and the cooperative is determined 
    by CCC to be otherwise financially sound, CCC may determine that such 
    cooperative meets the requirements of this section. Such a 
    determination by CCC may be made if:
        (1) The board of directors of the cooperative agrees to make a 
    capital retain in the amount set forth in table 2 with respect to each 
    unit of the commodity delivered to the cooperative until the net worth 
    of the cooperative is at least equal to the amount computed in 
    accordance with paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section, and
        (2) The cooperative agrees to deduct from pool proceeds the full 
    amount of the estimated expenses of handling the commodities received 
    by the cooperative.
        (B) The failure to carry out such agreements shall be grounds for 
    suspending a cooperative's approval.
                                     Table 1                                
                  Commodity                          Unit              per  
    Barley...............................  Bushel..................     0.13
    Canola...............................  Hundredweight...........     0.62
    Corn.................................  Bushel..................     0.13
    Cotton...............................  Bale....................     6.40
    Flaxseed.............................  Hundredweight...........     0.62
    Honey................................  Hundredweight...........     1.90
    Mustard Seed.........................  Hundredweight...........     0.62
    Oats.................................  Bushel..................     0.13
    Rapeseed.............................  Hundredweight...........     0.62
    Rice.................................  Hundredweight...........     0.52
    Rye..................................  Bushel..................     0.13
    Safflower............................  Hundredweight...........     0.62
    Seed Cotton (lint basis).............  Pound...................    0.008
    Shorn Mohair.........................  Pound...................     0.16
    Shorn Wool...........................  Pound...................     0.38
    Sorghum..............................  Hundredweight...........     0.19
    Soybeans.............................  Bushel..................     0.43
    Sunflower Seed.......................  Hundredweight...........     0.62
    Wheat................................  Bushel..................     0.15
                                     Table 2                                
                  Commodity                          Unit              per  
    Barley...............................  Bushel..................     0.07
    Canola...............................  Hundredweight...........     0.32
    Corn.................................  Bushel..................     0.07
    Cotton...............................  Bale....................     3.20
    Flaxseed.............................  Hundredweight...........     0.32
    Honey................................  Hundredweight...........     0.95
    Mustard Seed.........................  Hundredweight...........     0.32
    Oats.................................  Bushel..................     0.07
    Rapeseed.............................  Hundredweight...........     0.32
    Rice.................................  Hundredweight...........     0.26
    Rye..................................  Bushel..................     0.07
    Safflower............................  Hundredweight...........     0.32
    Seed Cotton (lint basis).............  Pound...................    0.004
    Shorn Mohair.........................  Pound...................     0.08
    Shorn Wool...........................  Pound...................     0.19
    Sorghum..............................  Hundredweight...........     0.10
    Soybeans.............................  Bushel..................     0.22
    Sunflower Seed.......................  Hundredweight...........     0.32
    Wheat................................  Bushel..................     0.08
    * * * * *
        9. In Sec. 1425.11, paragraph (c)(3) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1425.11  Operations.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (3) Require that all proceeds from the marketing operation be 
    distributed as provided in Sec. 1425.18.
        10. In Sec. 1425.14, paragraph (c) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1425.14  Member business.
    * * * * *
        (c) The cooperative has a plan, approved by CCC, which CCC 
    determines to be in the cooperative members' best interest and will 
    bring the cooperative into compliance with the provisions of this 
    section. Commodities purchased or acquired from CCC and processed 
    products acquired from other processors or merchandisers shall not be 
    considered in determining the volume of member or nonmember business.
    Secs. 1425.16-1425.21, 1425.22, 1425.23  [Redesignated as 
    Secs. 1425.17-1425.22, 1425.24, 1425.25]
        11. Sections 1425.16 through 1425.21 and Secs. 1425.22 and 1425.23 
    are redesignated as Secs. 1425.17 through 1425.22 and Secs. 1425.24 and 
    1425.25, respectively, and a new Sec. 1425.16 is added to read as 
    Sec. 1425.16  Payment limitation.
        Approved cooperatives shall monitor marketing loan gains, loan 
    deficiency payments, and other payments they receive from CCC on behalf 
    of their members and ensure that the sum of the amounts received for 
    each member does not exceed the member's payment limitation determined 
    in accordance with part 1497 of this title that, for purposes of 
    administering such part, is assigned by CCC to the cooperative.
        12. Redesignated Sec. 1425.17 is amended by revising paragraphs 
    (a)(2), (b)(1)(i), (b)(1)(ii), (b)(1)(iii), (b)(2), (c)(2), and adding 
    paragraph (c)(5) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1425.17  Eligible commodity and pooling.
        (a)  * * *
        (2) Price support will be made available to approved cooperatives 
    with respect to a quantity of an eligible commodity included in an 
    eligible pool as provided in paragraph (c) of this section and the 
    beneficial interest provisions of parts 1421, 1427, 1435, and 1468 of 
    this chapter.
        (b)  * * *
        (1)  * * *
        (i) All of the commodity included in the pool is eligible for price 
    support, except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section;
        (ii) The eligible commodity in such pool was:
        (A) Delivered to the cooperative for marketing for the benefit of 
    the members of the cooperative, and
        (B) Delivered by members who retain the right to share in the 
    proceeds from the marketing of the commodity in accordance with 
    Sec. 1425.18.
        (iii) Except with respect to a quantity of a commodity pledged as 
    collateral for a price support loan and which is redeemed within 15 
    work days from the date the cooperative receives the proceeds from CCC, 
    all of the commodity placed in such pool was delivered by members who 
    have agreed to accept a payment of the initial advances made available 
    to such producers by the cooperative with respect to such commodity in 
    accordance with Sec. 1425.18(a).
        (2) If CCC determines that a cooperative has inadvertently included 
    in a pool a quantity of commodity which is ineligible for price support 
    because of grade, quality, bale weight or repacking in the case of 
    cotton, or other factors, the remaining quantity of commodity shall 
    remain eligible for price support.
        (c)  * * *
        (2) Price support will be available to the cooperative for the 
    quantity of a farm-stored commodity that is, pursuant
    [[Page 2683]]
    to such cooperative's marketing agreement with a member, part of the 
    cooperative's pool.
    * * * * *
        (5) Commodities pledged as collateral for CCC price support loans 
    shall be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances based on an 
    approved cooperative's financial agreements or the cooperative shall 
    obtain a completed Form CCC-679, Lien Waiver. Approved cooperatives 
    shall not take any action to cause a lien or encumbrance to be placed 
    on a commodity after a loan is approved.
    * * * * *
        13. Redesignated Sec. 1425.18 is amended by revising paragraphs (a) 
    and (a)(1) and adding paragraph (b)(5) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1425.18  Distribution of proceeds.
        (a) CCC loans, purchases, and loan deficiency payments. (1) If CCC 
    makes available price support loans, purchases, or loan deficiency 
    payments with respect to any quantity of the eligible commodity in a 
    pool, the proceeds from such loans, purchases, or loan deficiency 
    payments shall be distributed to members participating in such pool on 
    the basis of the quantity and quality of the commodity delivered by 
    each member which is included in the pool less any authorized charges 
    for services performed or paid by the cooperative which are necessary 
    to condition the commodity or otherwise make the commodity eligible for 
    price support. Except with respect to commodities which are pledged as 
    collateral for a price support loan and which are redeemed within 15 
    work days from the date the cooperative receives the loan proceeds from 
    CCC, such proceeds shall be distributed within 15 work days from such 
    date. Loan deficiency payments received from CCC shall be distributed 
    within 15 work days of receipt from CCC.
    * * * * *
        (b)  * * *
        (5) When notified by CCC that pool distributions to a member of any 
    eligible pool must be reduced for a program year, farm, or crop, 
    cooperatives shall refrain from making such pool distributions and 
    shall, if appropriate, reimburse CCC for such distributions.
    * * * * *
        14. Redesignated Sec. 1425.20 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1425.20  Nondiscrimination.
        The cooperative shall not, on the basis of race, color, age, sex, 
    religion, marital status, national origin, physical disability, or 
    mental disability, deny any producer participation in, or otherwise 
    subject any producer to discrimination with respect to any benefits 
    resulting from its approval to obtain price support and shall comply 
    with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the 
    Secretary's regulations issued thereunder, appearing in Secs. 15.1 
    through 15.12 of this title; section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 
    1973, as amended by the Rehabilitation Comprehensive Services and 
    Developmental Disabilities Amendments of 1978; and provisions of the 
    Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended. The cooperative shall not 
    discriminate against employees under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 
    of 1964, as amended, or the Equal Pay Act of 1963 or Title VI of the 
    Civil Rights Act of 1964 as administered by the Equal Employment 
    Opportunity Commission, and shall handle employee discrimination 
    complaints as provided for in 28 CFR part 42 and 29 CFR part 1691. The 
    United States shall have the right to enforce compliance with such 
    statutes and regulations by suit or by any other action authorized by 
    law. The cooperative shall submit a certification with its application 
    that the regulations cited in this section have been read and 
    understood and that the cooperative will abide by them.
        15. A new Sec. 1425.23 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 1425.23  Reports.
        (a) Approved cooperatives shall annually provide CCC with a PSL-86R 
    report to applicable county Consolidated Farm Service Agency offices. 
    The report shall include all eligible and ineligible commodity receipts 
    by Farm Service Agency farm number for each member.
        (b) Approved cooperatives shall at least annually report by 
    commodity and by crop the marketing loan gains, loan deficiency 
    payments, and any other CCC program payments received on behalf of each 
    producer member.
        Signed in Washington, DC, on December 23, 1994.
    Bruce R. Weber,
    Acting Executive Vice President, Commodity Credit Corporation.
    [FR Doc. 95-560 Filed 1-10-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-05-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Commodity Credit Corporation
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
January 11, 1995.
2680-2683 (4 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (15)
7 CFR 1425.3
7 CFR 1425.4
7 CFR 1425.6
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7 CFR 1425.8
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