99-630. Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Announcement of Additional Applications From Hospitals Requesting Waivers for Organ Procurement Service Area Assignments  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 7 (Tuesday, January 12, 1999)]
    [Pages 1811-1813]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-630]
    Health Care Financing Administration
    RIN 0938-AJ32
    Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Announcement of Additional 
    Applications From Hospitals Requesting Waivers for Organ Procurement 
    Service Area Assignments
    AGENCY: Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), HHS.
    ACTION: Notice with comment period.
    SUMMARY: This notice announces additional applications that we have 
    received from hospitals requesting waivers from entering into 
    agreements with their designated organ procurement organizations 
    (OPOs). Section 1138(a)(2) of the Social Security Act allows the 
    Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services to grant 
    waivers to hospitals that want to enter into an agreement with a 
    specific OPO that is not the designated OPO for the hospital's service 
    area. This notice also requests comments from OPOs and the general 
    public for our consideration in determining whether these waivers 
    should be granted.
    DATES: Comments will be considered if we receive them at the 
    appropriate address no later than 5 p.m. on March 15, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Mail written comments (1 original and 3 copies) to the 
    following address: Health Care Financing Administration, Department of 
    Health and Human Services, Attention: HCFA-1062-NC, P.O. Box 26676, 
    Baltimore, MD 21244-0517.
        If you prefer, you may deliver your written comments (1 original 
    and 3 copies) to one of the following addresses: Room 443-G, Hubert H. 
    Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20201, 
    or Room C5-14-03, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244-1850.
        Comments may also be submitted electronically to the following e-
    mail address: [email protected] E-mail comments must include the 
    full name, postal address, and affiliation (if applicable) of the 
    sender and must be submitted to the referenced address to be 
    considered. All comments must be incorporated in the e-mail message 
    because we may not be able to access attachments.
        Because of staffing and resource limitations, we cannot accept 
    comments by facsimile (FAX) transmission. In commenting, please refer 
    to file code HCFA-1062-NC. Comments received timely will be available 
    for public inspection as they are received, generally beginning 
    approximately 3 weeks after publication of a document, in Room 443-G of 
    the Department's offices at 200 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, 
    DC, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (phone: (202) 690-
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mark A. Horney, (410) 786-4554.
    I. Background
        Section 1138(a)(1)(A)(iii) of the Social Security Act (the Act) 
    provides that a participating hospital must notify its designated organ 
    procurement organization (OPO) of potential organ donors. The 
    designated OPO, as defined under section 1138(a)(3)(B) of the Act, is 
    determined by the service area in which the hospital is located. Under 
    section 1138(a)(1)(C) of the Act, the hospital must have an agreement 
    to identify potential organ donors only to that designated OPO.
        Section 1138(a)(2) of the Act provides that a participating 
    hospital may obtain a waiver of these requirements from the Secretary 
    of the Department of Health and Human Services (the Secretary). A 
    waiver allows the hospital to have an agreement with an OPO other than 
    its designated OPO if conditions specified in section 1138(a)(2)(A) of 
    the Act are met.
        Section 1138(a)(2)(A) states that in granting a waiver, the 
    Secretary must determine that such a waiver--
         Is expected to increase organ donation; and
         Will ensure equitable treatment of patients referred for 
    transplants within the service area served by the hospital's designated 
    OPO and within the service area served by the OPO with which the 
    hospital seeks to enter into an agreement under the waiver.
        In making a waiver determination, section 1138(a)(2)(B) of the Act 
    [[Page 1812]]
    that the Secretary may consider, among other factors:
         Cost effectiveness.
         Improvements in quality.
         Whether there has been any change in a hospital's 
    designated OPO service area due to the changes made on or after 
    December 28, 1992, in definition of metropolitan statistical areas.
         The length and continuity of a hospital's relationship 
    with the OPO other than the designated OPO.
        Under section 1138(a)(2)(D) of the Act, the Secretary is required 
    to publish a notice of any waiver application within 30 days of 
    receiving the application and offer interested parties an opportunity 
    to comment, in writing, within 60 days of the published notice.
        The regulations at 42 CFR 486.316(d) provide that if we change the 
    OPO designated for an area, hospitals located in that area must enter 
    into agreements with the newly designated OPO or submit a request for a 
    waiver within 30 days of notice of the change in designation. The 
    criteria that the Secretary uses to evaluate the waiver in these cases 
    are the same as those described above under section 1138(a)(2)(A) of 
    the Act and have been incorporated into the regulations at 
    Sec. 486.316(e).
        Section 486.316(g) further specifies that a hospital may continue 
    to operate under its existing agreement with an out-of-area OPO while 
    we are processing the waiver request submitted in accordance with 
    Sec. 486.316(d).
        In accordance with section 1138(a)(2)(D) of the Act, this notice 
    announces applications from hospitals requesting waivers from entering 
    into agreements with their designated OPOs. This notice supplements 
    previous notices announcing OPO waivers published on January 19, 1996, 
    May 17, 1996, November 8, 1996, April 21, 1997, September 17, 1997, and 
    September 23, 1998 (61 FR 1389, 61 FR 24941, 61 FR 57876, 62 FR 19326, 
    62 FR 48872, and 63 FR 50919).
    II. Waiver Request Procedures
        In October 1995, we issued a Program Memorandum (Transmittal No. A-
    95-11) that was supplied to each hospital. This Program Memorandum 
    detailed the waiver process and discussed the information that 
    hospitals must provide in requesting a waiver. We indicated that upon 
    receipt of the waiver requests, we would publish a Federal Register 
    notice to solicit public comments, as required by section 1138(a)(2)(D) 
    of the Act.
        We will review the requests and the comments received. During the 
    review process we may consult, on an as-needed basis, with the Public 
    Health Service's Division of Transplantation, the United Network for 
    Organ Sharing, and our regional offices. If necessary, we may request 
    additional clarifying information from the applying hospital or others. 
    We will then make a final determination on the waiver requests and 
    notify the affected hospitals and OPOs.
    III. Hospital Waiver Requests
        As allowed under Sec. 486.316(e), each of the following hospitals 
    has requested a waiver to have an agreement with an alternative, out-
    of-area OPO. This listing includes the name of the facility requesting 
    a waiver, the city and state of the facility, the requested OPO, and 
    the currently designated area OPO.
           Name of facility                City             State          Designated  OPO         Requested  OPO
    The Kings Daughter Hospital...  Greenville.......  MS              TNMS                    MSOP
    Delta Regional Medical Center.  Greenville.......  MS              TNMS                    MSOP
    Oktibbeha County Hospital.....  Starkville.......  MS              TNMS                    MSOP
    Greenwood Leflore Hospital....  Greenwood........  MS              TNMS                    MSOP
    Grenada Lake Medical Center...  Grenada..........  MS              TNMS                    MSOP
    North Mississippi Medical       Tupelo...........  MS              TNMS                    MSOP
    Gilmore Memorial Hospital.....  Amory............  MS              TNMS                    MSOP
    Genesee Mercy Healthcare......  Batavia..........  NY              NYFL                    NYWN
    Baraga County Memorial          L'Anse...........  MI              WIUW                    MIOP
    Grand View Hospital...........  Ironwood.........  MI              WIUW                    MIOP
    Bell Memorial.................  Ishpeming........  MI              WIUW                    MIOP
    Iron County Community           Crystal Falls....  MI              WIUW                    MIOP
    St. Mary's Hospital...........  Superior.........  WI              MNOP                    WIUW
    Affinity Health Systems.......  Oshkosh..........  WI              WIUW                    WISE
    New London Family Medical       New London.......  WI              WIUW                    WISE
    Calumet Medical Center........  Chilton..........  WI              WIUW                    WISE
    Culpeper Memorial Hospital....  Culpeper.........  VA              DCTC                    VAOP
    Warren Memorial Hospital......  Front Royal......  VA              DCTC                    VAOP
    City Hospital.................  Martinsburg......  WV              DCTC                    VAOP
    Mary Washington Hospital......  Fredericksburg...  VA              DCTC                    VAOP
        The following three hospitals have requested a waiver under 
    Sec. 486.316(e) for a reason unrelated to a change in the designated 
    service area of an OPO. Accordingly, these waivers will only be 
    effective upon completion of our review.
           Name of facility                City             State          Designated  OPO         Requested  OPO
    Mansfield Hospital............  Mansfield........  OH              OHLC                    OHLP
    Shelby Hospital...............  Shelby...........  OH              OHLC                    OHLP
    Fletcher Allen................  Burlington.......  VT              MAOB                    NYAP
    [[Page 1813]]
    IV. Key to the OPO Codes
        The key to the acronyms used in the listings to identify OPOs and 
    their addresses is as follows:
    DCTC--Washington Regional Transplant Consortium, 8110 Gateway Road, 
    Suite 101 W, Falls Church, VA 22042
    MAOB--New England Organ Bank, One Gateway Center, Newton, MA 02158
    MIOP--Organ Procurement Agency of Michigan, 2203 Platt Road, Ann Arbor, 
    MI 48104
    MNOP--Lifesource, Upper Midwest Organ Procurement Organization Inc., 
    2550 University Avenue West, Suite 315 South, St. Paul, MN 55114-1904
    MSOP--Mississippi Organ Recovery Agency, Inc., 12 River Bend Place, 
    Suite B, Jackson, MS 39208
    NYAP--OPO of Albany Medical College, 47 Scotland Avenue, AP8, Albany, 
    NY 12208
    NYFL--Finger Lakes Donor Recovery Network, Corporate Woods of Brighton, 
    Building 120, Suite 180, Rochester, NY 14623
    NYWN--Upstate New York Transplant Services, Inc., 165 Genesee Street, 
    Suite 103, Buffalo, NY 14209
    OHLC--Life Connection of Ohio, 1545 Holland Road, Suite C, Maumee, OH 
    OHLP--Lifeline of Ohio, 770 Kinnear Road, Suite 200, Columbus, OH 43212
    TNMS--Mid-South Transplant Foundation, 956 Court Avenue, Memphis, TN 
    VAOP--Virginia Organ Procurement Agency, 1527 Huguenot Road, 
    Midlothian, VA 23113
    WISE--Wisconsin Donor Network, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital 
    9200 West Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226
    WIUW--University of Wisconsin OPO, University of Wisconsin Hospital and 
    Clinics, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, WI 53792
    V. Collection of Information Requirements
        Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we are required to 
    provide 60-day notice in the Federal Register and solicit public 
    comment before a collection of information requirement is submitted to 
    the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. In 
    order to fairly evaluate whether an information collection requirement 
    should be approved by OMB, section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1995 requires that we solicit comment on the following 
         The need for the information collection and its usefulness 
    in carrying out the proper functions of our agency.
         The accuracy of our estimate of the information collection 
         The quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be 
         Recommendations to minimize the information collection 
    burden on the affected public, including automated collection 
        Therefore, we are soliciting public comment on the information 
    collection requirements for the issue described below.
        Designation of one OPO for each service area:
        Section 486.316(e) states the requirements for a Medicare or 
    Medicaid participating hospital to request a waiver permitting the 
    hospital to have an agreement with a designated OPO other than the OPO 
    designated for the service area in which the hospital is located. 
    However, the burden associated with these requirements is currently 
    approved under OMB 0938-0688, HCFA-R-13, Conditions of Coverage for 
    Organ Procurement Organizations, with an expiration date of November 
    30, 1999.
        If you comment on any of these information collection and record 
    keeping requirements, please mail copies directly to the following:
    Health Care Financing Administration, Office of Information Services, 
    Security and Standards Groups, Division of HCFA Enterprise Standards, 
    Attention: Louis Blank, HCFA-1062-NC, Room N2-14-26, 7500 Security 
    Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244-1850, and
    Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and 
    Budget, Attention: Allison Eydt, HCFA Desk Officer, Room 10235, New 
    Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503.
        Authority: Section 1138 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 
    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program No. 93.773, 
    Medicare--Hospital Insurance; Program No. 93.774 Medicare--
    Supplementary Medical Insurance, and Program No. 93.778, Medical 
    Assistance Program)
        Dated: January 5, 1999.
    Robert A. Berenson,
    Director, Center for Health Plans and Providers, Health Care Financing 
    [FR Doc. 99-630 Filed 1-11-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4120-01-P

Document Information

Health Care Finance Administration
Entry Type:
Notice with comment period.
Document Number:
Comments will be considered if we receive them at the
1811-1813 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File: