99-650. Index of Administrator's Decisions and Orders in Civil Penalty Actions; Publication  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 7 (Tuesday, January 12, 1999)]
    [Pages 1855-1872]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-650]
    Federal Aviation Administration
    Index of Administrator's Decisions and Orders in Civil Penalty 
    Actions; Publication
    AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
    ACTION: Notice of publication.
    SUMMARY: This notice constitutes the required quarterly publication of 
    an index of the Administrator's decisions and orders in civil penalty 
    cases. This publication represents the quarter ending on December 31, 
    1998. This publication ensures that the agency is in compliance with 
    statutory indexing requirements.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: James S. Dillman, Assistant Chief 
    Counsel for Litigation (AGC-400), Federal Aviation Administration, 400 
    7th Street, SW., Suite PL 200-A,
    [[Page 1856]]
    Washington, DC 20590; telephone number: (202) 366-4118.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Administrative Procedure Act requires 
    Federal agencies to maintain and make available for public inspection 
    and copying current indexes containing identifying information 
    regarding materials required to be made available or published. 5 
    U.S.C. 552(a)(2). In a notice issued on July 11, 1990, and published in 
    the Federal Register (55 FR 29148; July 17, 1990), the FAA announced 
    the public availability of several indexes and summaries providing 
    identifying information about the decisions and orders issued by the 
    Administrator under the FAA's civil penalty assessment authority. In 
    the same notice, the FAA provided information about the rules of 
    practice governing hearings and appeals of civil penalty actions set 
    forth in 14 CFR part 13, subpart G.
        The FAA maintains an index of the Administrator's decisions and 
    orders in civil penalty actions organized by order number and 
    containing identifying information about each decision or order. The 
    FAA also maintains a cumulative subject-matter index and digests 
    organized by order number. The indexes are published on a quarterly 
    basis (i.e., January, April, July, and October.)
        The FAA first published these indexes and digests for all decisions 
    and orders issued by the Administrator through September 30, 1990. 55 
    FR 45984; October 31, 1990. The FAA announced in that notice that only 
    the subject-matter index would be published cumulatively and that the 
    order number index would be non-cumulative. The FAA announced in a 
    later notice that the order number indexes published in January would 
    reflect all of the civil penalty decisions for the previous year. 58 FR 
    5044; 1/19/93.
        The previous quarterly publications of the indexes have appeared in 
    the Federal Register as follows:
                 Dates of quarter              Federal Register  publication
    11/1/89-9/30/90..........................  55 FR 45984; 10/31/90.
    10/1/90-12/31/90.........................  56 FR 44886; 2/6/91.
    1/1/91-3/31/91...........................  56 FR 20250; 5/2/91.
    4/1/91-6/30/91...........................  56 FR 31984; 7/12/91.
    7/1/91-9/30/91...........................  56 FR 51735; 10/15/91.
    10/1/91-12/31/91.........................  57 FR 2299; 1/21/92.
    1/1/92-3/31/92...........................  57 FR 12359; 4/9/92.
    4/1/92-6/30/92...........................  57 FR 32825; 7/23/92.
    7/1/92-9/30/92...........................  57 FR 48255; 10/22/92.
    10/1/92-12/31/92.........................  58 FR 5044; 1/19/93.
    1/1/93-3/31/93...........................  58 FR 21199; 4/19/93.
    4/1/93-6/30/93...........................  58 FR 42120; 8/6/93.
    7/1/93-9/30/93...........................  58 FR 58218; 10/29/93.
    10/1/93-12/31/93.........................  59 FR 5466; 2/4/94.
    1/1/94-3/31/94...........................  59 FR 22196; 4/29/94.
    4/1/94-6/30/94...........................  59 FR 39618; 8/3/94.
    7/1/94-12/31/94..........................  60 FR 4454; 1/23/95.
    1/1/95-3/31/95...........................  60 FR 19318; 4/17/95.
    4/1/95-6/30/95...........................  60 FR 36854; 7/18/95.
    7/1/95-9/30/95...........................  60 FR 53228; 10/12/95.
    10/1/95-12/31/95.........................  61 FR 1972; 1/24/96.
    1/1/96-3/31/96...........................  61 FR 16955; 4/18/96.
    4/1/96-6/30/96...........................  61 FR 37526; 7/18/96.
    7/1/96-9/30/96...........................  61 FR 54833; 10/22/96.
    10/1/96-12/31/96.........................  62 FR 2434; 1/16/97.
    1/1/97-3/31/97...........................  62 FR 24533; 5/2/97.
    4/1/97-6/30/97...........................  62 FR 38339; 7/17/97.
    7/1/97-9/30/97...........................  62 FR 53856; 10/16/97.
    10/1/97-12/31/97.........................  63 FR 3373; 1/22/98.
    1/1/98-3/31/98...........................  63 FR 19559; 4/20/98.
    4/1/98-6/30/98...........................  63 FR 37914; 7/14/98.
    7/1/98-9/30/98...........................  63 FR 57729; 10/18/98.
        Availability of Decisions and Orders. The civil penalty decisions 
    and orders, and the indexes and digests are available in FAA offices. 
    Also, the Administrator's civil penalty decisions have been published 
    by commercial publishers (Hawkins Publishing Company and Clark Boardman 
    Callahan) and are available on computer on-line services (Westlaw, 
    LEXIS, Compuserve and FedWorld). A list of the addresses of the FAA 
    offices where the civil penalty decisions may be reviewed and 
    information regarding these commercial publications and computer 
    databases appear at the end of this notice.
        Accessibility through the Internet. Information regarding the 
    accessibility over the Internet of documents contained in the FAA Civil 
    Penalty Docket in non-security cases in which the complaint was filed 
    on or after December 1, 1997, is set forth at the end of this notice.
    Civil Penalty Actions--Orders Issued by the Administrator Order Number 
    (This index includes all decisions and orders issued by the 
    Administrator from January 1, 1998, to December 31, 1998.)
    98-1                                Virginia S. Taylor.
    2/18/98                             CP95WP0231
    98-2                                Paul A. Carr
    3/12/98                             CP96NM0106
    98-3                                Thomas Fedele
    3/12/98                             CP94EA0289
    98-4                                Larry's Flying Service
    3/12/98                             CP97AL0002
    98-5                                James K. Squire
    3/19/98                             CP97WP0007
    98-6                                Continental Airlines
    4/7/98                              CP97NM0003
    98-7                                City of Los Angeles, Dep't of
    4/7/98                              CP96WP0046
    98-8                                Paul A. Carr
    5/4/98                              CP96NM0106
    98-9                                Continental Express
    5/4/98                              CP97EA0049
    98-10                               Daniel B. Rawlings
    5/8/98                              CP97WP0025
    98-11                               TWA
    6/16/98                             CP96NE0294
    98-12                               David G. Stout
    6/16/98                             CP96WP0304
    98-13                               Air St. Thomas
    6/16/98                             CP97SO0007
    98-14                               Larry's Flying Service
    7/3/98                              CP97AL0002
    98-15                               James K. Squire
    7/13/98                             CP97WP0007
    98-16                               Blue Ridge Airlines
    8/13/98                             CP97NM0024
    98-17                               Blue Ridge Airlines
    9/11/98                             CP97NM0024
    98-18                               General Aviation, Inc.
    10/9/98                             CP96NM0112
    98-19                               Peter A. Martin & James C. Jaworski
    10/9/98                             CP97WP0041
    98-20                               Richard S. Koenig
    10/9/98                             CP97WP0031
    98-21                               Ottoe L. Blankson
    10/9/98                             CP97EA0024
    98-22                               Northwest Airlines
    11/10/98                            CP96GL0237
    98-23                               Instead Balloon Services
    11/24/98                            CP97WP0047
    98-24                               Peter W. Stevens
    12/18/98                            CP97EA0025
    98-25                               Howard Gotbetter
    12/23/98                            CP98EA0051
    Civil Penalty Actions--Orders Issued By the Administrator
    Subject Matter Index
    (Current as of December 31, 1998.)
    Administrative Law Judges--Power and Authority:
        Continuance of hearing.............................  91-11 Continental Airlines; 92-29 Haggland.
    [[Page 1857]]
        Credibility findings...............................  90-21 Carroll; 92-3 Park; 93-17 Metcalf; 94-3 Valley
                                                              Air; 94-4 Northwest Aircraft Rental; 95-25 Conquest;
                                                              95-26 Hereth; 97-20 Werle; 97-30 Emery Worldwide
                                                              Airlines; 97-32 Florida Propeller; 98-18 General
        Default Judgment...................................  91-11 Continental Airlines; 92-47 Cornwall; 94-8 Nunez;
                                                              94-22 Harkins; 94-28 Toyota; 95-10 Diamond; 97-28
                                                              Continental Airlines; 97-33 Rawlings; 98-13 Air St.
        Discovery..........................................  89-6 American Airlines; 91-17 KDS Aviation; 91-54
                                                              Alaska Airlines; 92-46 Sutton-Sautter; 93-10 Costello.
        Expert Testimony...................................  94-21 Sweeney.
        Granting extensions of time........................  90-27 Gabbert.
        Hearing location...................................  92-50 Cullop.
        Hearing request....................................  93-12 Langton; 94-6 Strohl; 94-27 Larsen; 94-37
                                                              Houston; 95-19 Rayner.
        Initial Decision...................................  92-1 Costello; 92-32 Barnhill.
            Lateness of....................................  97-31 Sanford Air.
            Should include requirement to file appeal brief  98-5 Squire.
             in decision.
            Generally......................................  90-20 Degenhardt; 90-33 Cato; 92-1 Costello; 92-32
            After issuance of order assessing civil penalty  94-37 Houston; 95-19 Rayner; 97-33 Rawlings.
            When complaint is withdrawn....................  94-39 Kirola.
        Motion for Decision................................  92-73 Wyatt; 92-75 Beck; 92-76 Safety Equipment; 93-11
                                                              Merkley; 96-24 Horizon; 98-20 Koeng.
        No authority to extend due date for the late Answer  92-28 Atlantic World Airways; 97-18 Robinson; 98-4
         without showing of good cause. (See also Answer).    Larry's Flying Service.
        Notice of Hearing..................................  92-31 Eaddy.
        Regulate proceedings...............................  97-20 Werle.
        Sanction...........................................  90-37 Northwest Airlines; 91-54 Alaska Airlines; 94-22
                                                              Harkins; 94-28 Toyota.
        Service of law judges by parties...................  97-18 Robinson.
        Vacate initial decision............................  90-20 Degenhardt; 92-32 Barnhill; 95-6 Sutton.
    Aerial Photography.....................................  95-25 Conquest Hilicopters.
    Agency Attorney........................................  93-13 Medel.
    Air Carrier:
        Agent/independent contractor of....................  92-70 USAir.
        Careless or Reckless...............................  92-48 & 92-70 USAir; 93-18 Westair Commuter.
        Duty of care:
            Non-delegable..................................  92-70 USAir; 96-16 Westair Commuter; 96-24 Horizon; 97-
                                                              8 Pacific Av. d/b/a Inter-Island Helicopters.
        Employee...........................................  93-18 Westair Commuter; 97-8 Pacific Av. d/b/a/ Inter-
                                                              Island Helicopters.
        Ground Security Coordinator, Failure to provide....  96-16 WestAir Commuter.
        Intoxicated Passenger:
            Allowing to board..............................  98-11 TWA.
            Serving alcohol to.............................  98-11 TWA.
        Liability for employees' acts/omissions in scope of  98-11 TWA.
    Aircraft Maintenance (See also airworthiness,
     Maintenance Manual):
        Generally..........................................  90-11 Thunderbird Accessories; 91-8 Watts Agricultural
                                                              Aviation; 93-36 & 94-3 Valley Air; 94-38 Bohan; 95-11
                                                              Horizon; 96-3 America West airlines; 97-8 Pacific Av.
                                                              d/b/a Inter-Island Helicopters; 97-9 Alphin; 97-10
                                                              Alphin; 97-11 Hampton; 97-30 Emery Worldwide Airlines;
                                                              97-31 Sanford Air; 98-18 General Aviation.
        Acceptable methods, techniques, and practices......  96-3 America West Airlines.
        After certificate revocation.......................  92-73 Wyatt.
        Airworthiness Directive, compliance with...........  96-18 Kilrain; 97-9 Alphin.
        Inspection.........................................  96-18 Kilrain; 97-10 Alphin.
        Major/minor repairs................................  96-3 America West Airlines.
        Minimum Equipment List (MEL).......................  94-38 Bohan; 95-11 Horizon; 97-11 Hampton; 97-21 Delta;
                                                              97-30 Emery Worldwide Airlines.
    Aircraft Records:
        Aircraft Operation.................................  91-8 Watts Agricultural Aviation.
        Flight and Duty Time...............................  96-4 South Aero.
        Maintenance Records................................  91-8 Watts Agricultural Aviation; 94-2 Woodhouse; 97-30
                                                              Emery Worldwide Airlines; 97-31 Sanford Air; 98-18
                                                              General Aviation.
        ``Yellow tags''....................................  91-8 Watts Agricultural Aviation.
    Aircraft Weight and Balance (See Weight and Balance)
        Pilots.............................................  91-12 & 91-31 Terry & Menne; 92-8 Watkins; 92-49
                                                              Richardson & Shimp; 93-17 Metcalf.
        Altitude deviation.................................  92-49 Richardson & Shimp.
        Careless or Reckless...............................  91-12 & 91-31 Terry & Menne; 92-8 Watkins; 92-49
                                                              Richardson & Shimp; 92-47 Cornwall; 93-17 Metcalf; 93-
                                                              29 Sweeney; 96-17 Fenner.
        Flight time limitations............................  93-11 Merkley.
    [[Page 1858]]
        Follow ATC Instruction.............................  91-12 & 91-31 Terry & Menne; 92-8 Watkins; 92-49
                                                              Richardson & Shimp.
        Low Flight.........................................  92-47 Cornwall; 93-17 Metcalf.
        Owner's responsibility.............................  96-17 Fenner.
        See and Avoid......................................  93-29 Sweeney.
    Air Operations Area (AOA):
        Air Carrier Responsibilities.......................  90-19 Continental Airlines; 91-33 Delta Air Lines; 94-1
                                                              Delta Air Lines.
        Airport Operator Responsibilities..................  90-19 Continental Airlines; 91-4 [Airport Operator]; 91-
                                                              18 [Airport Operator]; 91-40 [Airport Operator]; 91-41
                                                              [Airport Operator]; 91-58 [Airport Operator]; 96-1
                                                              [Airport Operator]; 98-7 LAX.
        Badge Display......................................  91-4 [Airport Operator]; 91-33 Delta Air Lines.
        Definition of......................................  90-19 Continental Airlines; 91-4 [Airport Operator]; 91-
                                                              58 [Airport Operator].
        Exclusive Areas....................................  90-19 Continental Airlines; 91-4 [Airport Operator]; 91-
                                                              58 [Airport Operator]; 98-7 LAX.
    Airport Security Program (ASP):
        Compliance with....................................  91-4 [Airport Operator]; 91-18 [Airport Operator]; 91-
                                                              40 [Airport Operator]; 91-41 [Airport Operator]; 91-58
                                                              [Airport Operator]; 94-1 Delta Air Lines; 96-1
                                                              [Airport Operator]; 97-23 Detroit Metropolitan; 98-7
                                                              LAX; Airport Operator.
        Responsibilities...................................  90-12 Continental Airlines; 91-4 [Airport Operator]; 91-
                                                              18 [Airport Operator]; 91-40 [Airport Operator]; 91-41
                                                              [Airport Operator]; 91-58 [Airport Operator]; 96-1
                                                              [Airport Operator]; 97-23 Detroit Metropolitan.
    Air Traffic Control (ATC):
        Error as mitigating factor.........................  91-12 & 91-31 Terry & Menne.
        Error as exonerating factor........................  91-12 & 91-31 Terry & Menne; 92-40 Wendt.
        Ground Control.....................................  91-12 Terry & Menne; 93-18 Westair Commuter.
        Local Control......................................  91-12 Terry & Menne.
        Tapes & Transcripts................................  91-12 Terry & Menne; 92-49 Richardson & Shimp.
    Airworthiness..........................................  91-8 Watts Agricultural Aviation; 91-10 Flight
                                                              Unlimited; 92-48 & 92-70 USAir; 94-2 Woodhouse; 95-11
                                                              Horizon; 96-3 America West Airlines; 96-18 Kilrain; 94-
                                                              25 USAir; 97-8 Pacific Av. d/b/a Inter-Island
                                                              Helicopters; 97-9 Alphin; 97-10 Alphin; 97-11 Hampton;
                                                              97-21 Delta; 97-30 Emery Worldwide Airlines; 97-32
                                                              Florida Propeller; 98-18 General Aviation.
    Amicus Curiae Briefs...................................  90-25 Gabbert.
        ALJ may not extend due date for late Answer unless   95-28 Atlantic World Airways; 97-18 Robinson; 97-33
         good cause shown.                                    Rawlings; 98-4 Larry's Flying Service.
        Reply to each numbered paragraph in the complaint    98-21 Blankson.
        Timeliness of answer...............................  90-3 Metz; 90-15 Playter; 92-32 Barnhill; 92-47
                                                              Cornwall; 92-75 Beck; 92-76 Safety Equipment; 94-5
                                                              Grant; 94-29 Sutton; 94-30 Columna; 94-43 Perez; 95-10
                                                              Diamond; 95-28 Atlantic World Airways; 97-18 Robinson;
                                                              97-19 Missirlian; 97-33 Rawlings; 97-38 Air St.
                                                              Thomas; 98-4 Larry's Flying Service; 98-13 Air St.
        What constitutes...................................  92-32 Barnhill; 92-75 Beck; 97-19 Missirlian.
    Appeals (See also Filing; Timeliness; Mailing Rule):
        Briefs, Generally..................................  89-4 Metz; 91-45 Park; 92-17 Giuffrida; 92-19 Cornwall;
                                                              92-39 Beck; 93-24 Steel City Aviation; 93-28 Strohl;
                                                              94-23 Perez; 95-13 Kilrain.
        Additional Appeal Brief............................  92-3 Park; 93-5 Wendt; 93-6 Westair Commuter; 93-28
                                                              Strohl; 94-4 Northwest Aircraft; 94-18 Luxemburg; 94-
                                                              29 Sutton; 97-22 Sanford Air; 97-34 Continental
                                                              Airlines; 97-38 Air St. Thomas; 98-18 General
        Appeal dismissed as premature......................  95-19 Rayner.
        Appeal dismissed as moot after complaint withdrawn.  92-9 Griffin.
        Appellate arguments................................  92-70 USAir.
        Court of Appeals, appeal to (See Federal Courts):..
            Good Cause for Late-Filed Brief or Notice of     90-3 Metz; 90-27 Gabbert; 90-39 Hart; 91-10 Graham; 91-
             Appeal.                                          24 Esau; 91-48 Wendt; 91-50 & 92-1 Costello; 92-3
                                                              Park; 92-17 Giuffrida; 92-39 Beck; 92-41 Moore & Sabre
                                                              Associates; 92-52 Beck; 92-57 Detroit Metro Wayne Co.
                                                              Airport; 92-69 McCabe; 93-23 Allen; 93-27 Simmons; 93-
                                                              31 Allen; 95-2 Meronek; 95-9 Woodhouse; 95-25
                                                              Conquest, 97-6 WRA Inc.; 97-7 Stalling; 97-28
                                                              Continental; 97-38 Air St. Thomas; 98-1 V. Taylor; 98-
                                                              13 Air St. Thomas.
        Motion to Vacate construed as a brief..............  91-11 Continental Airlines.
        Perfecting an Appeal, generally....................  92-17 Giuffrida; 92-19 Cornwall; 92-39 Beck; 94-23
                                                              Perez; 94-13 Kilrain; 96-5 Alphin Aircraft; 98-20
            Extension of Time for (good cause for).........  89-8 Thunderbird Accessories; 91-26 Britt Airways; 91-
                                                              32 Bargen; 91-50 Costello; 93-2 & 93-3 Wendt; 93-24
                                                              Steel City Aviation; 93-32 Nunez; 98-5 Squire; 98-15
    [[Page 1859]]
            Failure to.....................................  89-1 Gressani; 89-7 Zenkner; 90-11 Thunderbird
                                                              Accessories; 90-35 P. Adams; 90-39 Hart; 91-7 Pardue;
                                                              91-10 Graham; 91-20 Bargen; 91-43, 91-44, 91-46 & 91-
                                                              47 Delta Air Lines; 92-11 Alilin; 92-15 Dillman; 92-18
                                                              Bargen; 92-34 Carrell; 92-35 Bay Land Aviation; 92-36
                                                              Southwest Airlines; 92-45 O'Brien; 92-56 Montauk
                                                              Caribbean Airways; 92-67 USAir; 92-68 Weintraub; 92-78
                                                              TWA; 93-7 Dunn; 93-8 Nunez; 93-20 Smith; 93-23 & 93-31
                                                              Allen; 93-34 Castle Aviation; 93-35 Steel City
                                                              Aviation; 94-12 Bartusiak; 94-24 Page; 94-26 French
                                                              Aircraft; 94-34 American International Airways; 94-35
                                                              American International Airways; 94-36 American
                                                              International Airways; 95-4 Hanson; 95-22 & 96-5
                                                              Alphin Aircraft; 96-2 Skydiving Center; 96-13 Winslow;
                                                              97-3 [Airport Operator], 97-6 WRA, Inc.; 97-15 Houston
                                                              & Johnson County; 97-35 Gordon Air Services; 97-36
                                                              Avcon; 97-37 Roush; 98-10 Rawlings.
            Notice of appeal construed as appeal brief.....  92-39 Beck; 94-15 Columna; 95-9 Woodhouse; 95-23
                                                              Atlantic World Airways; 96-20 Missirlian; 97-2 Sanford
                                                              Air; 98-5 Squire; 98-17 Blue Ridge Airlines; 98-23
                                                              Instead Balloon Services.
            What Constitutes...............................  90-4 Metz; 90-27 Gabbert; 91-45 Park; 92-7 West; 92-17
                                                              Giuffrida; 92-39 Beck; 93-7 Dunn; 94-15 Columna; 94-23
                                                              Perez, 94-30 Columna; 95-9 Woodhouse; 95-23 Atlantic
                                                              World Airways; 96-20 Missirlian; 97-2 Sanford Air.
        Service of brief:
            Failure to serve other party...................  92-17 Giuffrida; 92-19 Cornwall.
        Timeliness of Notice of Appeal.....................  90-3 Metz; 90-39 Hart; 91-50 Costello; 92-7 West; 92-69
                                                              McCabe; 93-27 Simmons; 95-2 Meronek; 95-9 Woodhouse;
                                                              95-15 Alphin Aviation; 96-14 Midtown Neon Sign Corp.;
                                                              97-7 & 97-17 Stallings; 97-28 Continental; 97-38 Air
                                                              St. Thomas; 98-1 V. Taylor; 98-13 Air St. Thomas; 98-
                                                              16 Blue Ridge Airlines; 98-17 Blue Ridge Airlines; 98-
                                                              21 Blankson.
        Withdrawal of......................................  89-2 Lincoln-Walker; 89-3 Sittko; 90-4 Nordrum; 90-5
                                                              Sussman; 90-6 Dabaghian; 90-7 Steele; 90-8 Jenkins; 90-
                                                              9 Van Zandt; 90-13 O'Dell; 90-14 Miller; 90-28 Puleo;
                                                              90-29 Sealander; 90-30 Steidinger; 90-34 D. Adams; 90-
                                                              40 & 90-41 Westair Commuter Airlines; 91-1 Nestor; 91-
                                                              5 Jones; 91-6 Lowery; 91-13 Kreamer; 91-14 Swanton; 91-
                                                              15 Knipe; 91-16 Lopez; 91-19 Bayer; 91-21 Britt
                                                              Airways; 91-22 Omega Silicone Co.; 91-23 Continental
                                                              Airlines; 91-25 Sanders; 91-27 Delta Air Lines; 91-28
                                                              Continental Airlines: 91-29 Smith; 91-34 GASPRO; 91-35
                                                              M. Graham; 91-36; Howard; 91-37 Vereen; 91-39 America
                                                              West; 91-42 Pony Express; 91-49 Shields; 91-56 Mayhan;
                                                              91-57 Britt Airways; 91-59 Griffin; 91-60 Brinton; 92-
                                                              2 Koller; 92-4 Delta Air Lines; 92-6 Rothgeb; 92-12
                                                              Bertetto; 92-20 Delta Air Lines; 92-21 Cronberg; 92-
                                                              22, 92-23, 92-24, 92-25, 92-26 & 92-28 Delta Air
                                                              Lines; 92-33 Port Authority of NY & NJ; 92-42 Jayson;
                                                              92-43 Delta Air Lines; 92-44 Owens; 92-53 Humble; 92-
                                                              54 & 92-55 Northwest Airlines; 92-60 Costello; 92-61
                                                              Romerdahl; 92-62 USAir; 92-63 Schaefer; 92-64 & 92-65
                                                              Delta Air Lines; 92-66 Sabre Associates & Moore; 92-79
                                                              Delta Air Lines; 93-1 Powell & Co.; 93-4 Harrah; 93-14
                                                              Fenske; 93-15 Brown; 93-21 Delta Air Lines; 93-22
                                                              Yannotone; 93-26 Delta Air Lines; 93-33 HPH Aviation;
                                                              93-9 B & G Instruments; 94-10 Boyle; 94-11 Pan
                                                              American Airways; 94-13 Boyle; 94-14 B & G
                                                              Instruments; 94-16 Ford; 94-33 Trans World Airlines;
                                                              94-41 Dewey Towner; 94-42 Taylor; 95-1 Diamond
                                                              Aviation; 95-3 Delta Air Lines; 95-5 Araya; 95-6
                                                              Sutton; 95-7 Empire Airlines; 95-20 USAir; 95-21
                                                              Faisca; 95-24 Delta Air Lines; 96-7 Delta Air Lines;
                                                              96-8 Empire Airlines; 96-10 USAir, 96-11 USAir, 96-12
                                                              USAir; 96-21 Houseal; 97-4 [Airport Operator]; 97-5
                                                              WestAir; 97-25 Martin & Jaworski; 97-26 Delta Air
                                                              Lines; 97-27 Lock Haven; 97-39 Delta Air Lines; 98-9
                                                              Continental Express.
    Assault (See also Battery, and Passenger Misconduct)...  96-6 Ignatov; 97-12 Mayer.
    ``Attempt''............................................  89-5 Schultz.
    Attorney Conduct:
        Obstreperous of Disruptive.........................  94-39 Kirola.
    Attorney Fees (See EAJA)
    Aviation Safety Reporting System.......................  90-39 Hart: 91-12 Terry & Menne; 92-49 Richardson &
    Baggage Matching.......................................  98-6 Continental.
    Balloon (Hot Air)......................................  94-2 Woodhouse.
    Bankruptcy.............................................  91-2 Continental Airlines.
    Battery (See also Assault and Passenger Misconduct)....  96-6 Ignatov; 97-12 Mayer.
    Certificates and Authorizations:
        Surrender when revoked.............................  92-73 Wyatt.
    Civil Air Security National Airport Inspection Program   91-4 [Airport Operator]; 91-18 [Airport Operator]; 91-
     (CASNAIP).                                               40 [Airport Operator]; 91-41 [Airport Operator]; 91-58
                                                              [Airport Operator].
    Civil Penalty Amount (See Sanction)
    [[Page 1860]]
    Closing Argument (See Final Oral Argument)
    Collateral Estoppel....................................  91-8 Watts Agricultural Aviation.
        Complainant Bound By...............................  90-10 Webb; 91-53 Koller.
        No Timely Answer to (See Answer)
        Partial Dismissal/Full Sanction....................  94-19 Pony Express; 94-40 Polynesian Airways.
        Staleness (See Stale Complaint Rule)
        Statute of Limitations (See Statute of Limitations)
        Timeliness of complaint............................  91-51 Hagwood; 93-13 Medel; 94-7 Hereth; 94-5 Grant.
        Withdrawal of......................................  94-39 Kirola; 95-6 Sutton.
    Compliance S Enforcement Program:
        (FAA Order No. 2150.3A)............................  89-5 Schultz; 89-6 American Airlines; 91-38 Esau; 92-5
                                                              Delta Air Lines.
        Compliance/Enforcement Bulletin 92-3...............  96-19 [Air Carrier].
        Sanction Guidance Table............................  89-5 Schultz; 90-23 Broyles; 90-33 Cato; 90-37
                                                              Northwest Airlines; 91-3 Lewis; 92-5 Delta Air Lines;
                                                              98-18 General Aviation.
    Concealment of Weapons (See Weapons Violations)
    Consolidation of Cases.................................  90-12, 90-18 & 90-19 Continental Airlines.
    Constitutionality of Regulations (See also Double        90-12 Continental Airlines; 90-18 Continental Airlines;
     Jeopardy).                                               90-19 Continental Airlines; 90-37 Northwest Airlines;
                                                              96-1 [Airport Operator]; 96-25 USAir; 97-16 Mauna Kea;
                                                              97-34 Continental Airlines; 98-6 Continental Airlines;
                                                              98-11 TWA.
    Continuance of Hearing.................................  90-25 Gabbert; 92-29 Haggland.
    Corrective Action (See Sanction)
        Leave to withdraw..................................  97-24 Gordon.
        No right to assigned counsel (See Due Process)
    Credibility of Witnesses:
        Generally..........................................  95-25 Conquest Helicopters; 95-26 Hereth; 97-32 Florida
        Bias...............................................  97-9 Alphin.
        Defer to ALJ determination of......................  90-21 Carroll; 92-3 Park; 93-17 Metcalf; 95-26 Hereth;
                                                              97-20 Werle; 97-30 Emery Worldwide Airlines; 97-32
                                                              Florida Propeller; 98-11 TWA; 98-18 General Aviation.
        Experts............................................  (See also Witness) 90-27 Gabbert; 93-17 Metcalf; 96-3
                                                              America West Airlines.
        Impeachment........................................  94-4 Northwest Aircraft Rental.
        Reliability of Identification by eyewitnesses......  97-20 Werle.
        De facto answer....................................  92-32 Barnhill.
    Delay in initiating action.............................  90-21 Carroll.
    Deliberative Process Privilege.........................  89-6 American Airlines; 90-12, 90-18 and 90-19
                                                              Continental Airlines.
    Deterrence.............................................  89-5 Schultz; 92-10 Flight Unlimited; 95-16 Mulhall; 95-
                                                              17 Larry's Flying Service; 97-11 Hampton.
        Deliberative Process Privilege.....................  89-6 American Airlines; 90-12, 90-18 and 90-19
                                                              Continental Airlines.
        Depositions, generally.............................  91-54 Alaska Airlines.
            Notice of deposition...........................  91-54 Alaska Airlines.
        Failure to Produce.................................  90-18 and 90-19 Continental Airlines; 91-17 KDS
                                                              Aviation; 93-10 Costello.
            Sanction for...................................  91-17 KDS Aviation; 91-54 Alaska Airlines.
        Regarding Unrelated Case...........................  92-46 Sutton-Sautter.
    Double Jeopardy........................................  95-8 Charter Airlines; 96-26 Midtown.
    Due Process:
        Generally..........................................  89-6 American Airlines; 90-12 Continental Airlines; 90-
                                                              37 Northwest Airlines; 96-1 [Airport Operator]; 97-8
                                                              Pacific Av. d/b/a Inter-Island Helicopters.
        Before finding a violation.........................  90-27 Gabbert.
        Multiple violations................................  96-26 Midtown; 97-9 Alphin.
        No right to assigned counsel.......................  97-8 Pacific Av. d/b/a Inter-Island Helicopters; 97-9
        Violation of.......................................  89-6 American Airlines; 90-12 Continental Airlines; 90-
                                                              37 Northwest Airlines; 96-1 [Airport Operator]; 97-8
                                                              Pacific Av. d/b/a Inter-Island Helicopters; 98-19
                                                              Martin & Jaworski.
        Adversary Adjudication.............................  90-17 Wilson; 91-17 and 91-52 KDS Aviation; 94-17 TCI;
                                                              95-12 Toyota.
        Amount of award....................................  95-27 Valley Air.
        Appeal from ALJ decision...........................  95-9 Woodhouse.
        Expert witness fees................................  95-27 Valley Air.
        Final disposition..................................  96-22 Woodhouse.
        Further proceedings................................  91-52 KDS Aviation.
        Jurisdiction over appeal...........................  92-74 Wendt; 96-22 Woodhouse.
            Late-filed application.........................  96-22 Woodhouse.
        Other expenses.....................................  93-29 Sweeney.
        Position of agency.................................  95-27 Valley Air.
        Prevailing party...................................  91-52 KDS Aviation.
    [[Page 1861]]
        Special circumstances..............................  95-18 Pacific Sky.
        Substantial justification..........................  91-52 and 92-71 KDS Aviation; 93-9 Wendt; 95-18 Pacific
                                                              Sky; 95-27 Valley Air; 96-15 Valley Air; 98-19 Martin
                                                              & Jaworski.
        Supplementation of application.....................  95-27 Valley Air.
    Evidence (See Proof & Evidence)........................
    Ex Parte Communications................................  93-10 Costello; 95-16 Mulhall; 95-19 Rayner.
    Expert Witnesses (See Witness)
    Extension of Time:
        By Agreement of Parties............................  89-6 American Airlines; 92-41 Moore & Sabre Associates.
        Dismissal by Decisionmaker.........................  89-7 Zenkner; 90-39 Hart.
        Good Cause for.....................................  89-8 Thunderbird Accessories.
        Objection to.......................................  89-8 Thunderbird Accessories; 93-3 Wendt.
        Who may grant......................................  90-27 Gabbert.
    Federal Courts.........................................  92-7 West; 97-1 Midtown Neon Sign; 98-8 Carr.
    Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.......................  91-17 KDS Aviation.
    Federal Rules of Evidence (See also Proof & Evidence):
        Admissions.........................................  96-25 USAir.
        Settlement Offers..................................  95-16 Mulhall; 96-25 USAir.
        Subsequent Remedial Measures.......................  96-24 Horizon; 96-25 USAir.
    Final Oral Argument....................................  92-3 Park.
    Firearms (See Weapons)
    Ferry Flights..........................................  95-8 Charter Airlines.
    Filing (See also Appeals; Timeliness):
        Burden to prove date of filing.....................  97-11 Hampton Air; 98-1 V. Taylor.
        Discrepancy between certificate of service and       98-16 Blue Ridge Airlines.
        Service on designated representative...............  98-19 Martin & Jaworski.
    Flight & Duty Time:
        Circumstances beyond crew's control:
            Generally......................................  95-8 Charter Airlines.
            Foreseeability.................................  95-8 Charter Airlines.
            Late freight...................................  95-8 Charter Airlines.
            Weather........................................  95-8 Charter Airlines.
        Competency check flights...........................  96-4 South Aero.
        Limitation of Duty Time............................  95-8 Charter Airlines; 96-4 South Aero.
        Limitation of Flight Time..........................  95-8 Charter Airlines.
            ``Other commercial flying''....................  95-8 Charter Airlines.
    Flights................................................  94-20 Conquest Helicopters.
    Freedom of Information Act.............................  93-10 Costello.
    Fuel Exhaustion........................................  95-26 Hereth.
    Guns (See Weapons)
    Ground Security Coordinator (See also Air Carrier;
     Standard Security Program):
        Failure to provide.................................  96-16 WestAir Commuter.
    Hazardous Materials:
        Transportation of, generally.......................  90-37 Northwest Airlines; 92-76 Safety Equipment; 92-77
                                                              TCI; 94-19 Pony Express; 94-28 Toyota; 94-31 Smalling;
                                                              95-12 Toyota; 96-16 Mulhall; 96-26 Midtown.
        Civil Penalty, generally...........................  92-77 TCI; 94-28 Toyota; 94-31 Smalling; 95-16 Mulhall;
                                                              96-26 Midtown; 98-2 Carr.
            Corrective Action..............................  92-77 TCI; 94-28 Toyota.
            Culpability....................................  92-77 TCI; 94-28 Toyota; 94-31 Smalling.
            Financial hardship.............................  95-16 Mulhall.
                Installment plan...........................  95-16 Mulhall.
            First-time violation...........................  92-77 TCI; 94-28 Toyota; 94-31 Smalling.
            Gravity of violation...........................  92-77 TCI; 94-28 Toyota; 94-31 Smalling; 96-26 Midtown;
                                                              98-2 Carr.
            Minimum penalty................................  95-16 Mulhall; 98-2 Carr.
            Number of violations...........................  95-16 Mulhall; 96-26 Midtown Neon Sign; 98-2 Carr.
            Redundant violations...........................  95-16 Mulhall; 96-26 Midtown Neon Sign; 98-2 Carr.
        Criminal Penalty...................................  92-77 TCI; 94-31 Smalling.
        EAJA, applicability of.............................  94-17 TCI; 95-12 Toyota.
        Individual violations..............................  95-16 Mulhall.
        Judicial review....................................  97-1 Midtown Neon Sign; 98-8 Car.
        Knowingly..........................................  92-77 TCI; 94-19 Pony Express; 94-31 Smalling.
        Specific hazard class transported:
                Paint......................................  95-16 Mulhall.
                Wet Battery................................  94-28 Toyota Motor Sales.
                Other......................................  92-77 TCI.
                Fireworks..................................  94-31 Smalling; 98-2 Carr.
                Paint......................................  96-26 Midtown Neon Sign.
                Turpentine.................................  95-16 Mulhall.
            Radioactive....................................  94-19 Pony Express.
    [[Page 1862]]
        Failure of party to attend.........................  98-23 Instead Balloon Services.
    Informal Conference....................................  94-4 Northwest Aircraft Rental.
    Initial Decision:
        What constitutes...................................  92-32 Barnhill.
    Interference with crewmembers (See also Passenger        92-3 Park; 96-6 Ignatov; 97-12 Mayer; 98-11 TWA; 98-12
     Misconduct; Assault).                                    Stout.
    Interlocutory Appeal...................................  89-6 American Airlines; 91-54 Alaska Airlines; 93-37
                                                              Airspect; 94-32 Detroit Metropolitan; 98-25 Gotbetter.
    Internal FAA Policy &/or Procedures....................  89-6 American Airlines; 90-12 Continental Airlines; 92-
                                                              73 Wyatt.
        After initial decision.............................  90-22 Degenhardt; 90-33 Cato; 92-32 Barnhill; 93-28
        After Order Assessing Civil Penalty................  94-37 Houston; 95-19 Rayner.
        After withdrawal of complaint......................  94-39 Kirola.
        $50,000 Limit......................................  90-12 Continental Airlines.
        EAJA cases.........................................  92-74 Wendt; 96-22 Woodhouse.
        HazMat cases.......................................  92-76 Safety Equipment.
        NTSB...............................................  90-11 Thunderbird Accessories.
    Knowledge of concealed weapon (See also Weapons          89-5 Shultz; 90-20 Degenhardt.
    Laches (See Delay in initiating action)................
    Mailing Rule, generally................................  89-7 Zenkner; 90-3 Metz; 90-11 Thunderbird Accessories;
                                                              90-39 Hart; 98-20 Koenig.
        Overnight express delivery.........................  89-6 American Airlines.
    Maintenance (See Aircraft Maintenance)
    Maintenance Instruction................................  93-36 Valley Air.
    Maintenance Manual.....................................  90-11 Thunderbird Accessories; 96-25 USAir.
        Air carrier maintenance manual.....................  96-3 America West Airlines,
        Approved/accepted repairs..........................  96-3 America West Airlines.
        Manufacture's maintenance manual...................  96-3 America West Airlines; 97-31 Sanford Air; 97-32
                                                              Florida Propeller.
    Minimum Equipment List (MEL) (See Aircraft Maintenance)
    Mootness, appeal dismissed as moot.....................  92-9 Griffin; 94-17 TCI.
    National Aviation Safety Inspection Program (NASIP)....  90-16 Rocky Mountain.
    National Transportation Safety Board:
        Administrator not bound by NTSB case Law...........  91-12 Terry & Menne; 92-49 Richardson & Shimp; 93-18
                                                              Westair Commuter.
        Lack of Jurisdiction...............................  90-11 Thunderbird Accessories; 90-17 Wilson; 92-74
    Notice of Hearing Receipt..............................  92-31 Eaddy.
    Notice of Proposed Civil Penalty:
        Initiates Action...................................  91-9 Continental Airlines.
        Signature of agency attorney.......................  93-12 Langton.
        Withdrawal of......................................  90-17 Wilson.
    Operate, generally.....................................  91-12 & 91-31 Terry & Menne; 93-18 Westair Commuter; 96-
                                                              17 Fenner.
        Responsibility of aircraft owner/operator for        96-17 Fenner.
         actions of pilot.
    Oral Argument before Administrator on Appeal:
        Decision to hold...................................  92-16 Wendt.
        Instructions for...................................  92-27 Wendt.
    Order Assessing Civil Penalty:
        Appeal from........................................  92-1 Costello; 95-19 Rayner,
        Timeliness of request for hearing..................  95-19 Rayner,
        Withdrawl of.......................................  89-24 Metz; 90-16 Rocky Mountain; 90-22 USAir 95-19
                                                              Rayner, 97-7 Stalling.
    Parachuting............................................  98-3 Fedele.
    Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA):
        Failure to obtain..................................  93-19 Pacific Sky Supply,
    Passenger Misconduct...................................  92-3 Park
        Assualt/Battery....................................  96-6 Ignatov; 97-12 Mayer; 98-11 TWA.
        Interference with a crewmember.....................  96-6 Ignatov; 96-12 Mayer, 98-11 TWA; 98-12 Stout.
        Smoking............................................  92-37 Giuffrida.
        Stowing carry-on items.............................  97-12 Mayer.
    Penalty (See Sanction; Hazardous Materials)
    Person.................................................  93-18 Westair Commuter.
    Prima Facie Case (See also Proof & Evidence............  95-26 Hereth; 96-3 America West Airlines.
    Proof & Evidence (See also Federal Rules of Evidence):
        Affirmative Defense................................  92-123 Delta Air Lines; 92-72 Giuffrida; 98-6
                                                              Continental Airlines.
        Burden of Proof....................................  90-26 & 90-43 Waddell; 91-3 Lewis, 01-30 Trujillo; 92-
                                                              13 Delta Airlines; 92-72 Giuffrida; 92-29 Sweeney; 97-
                                                              32 Florida
        Circumstantial Evidence............................  90-12, 90-19 & 91-9 Continental Airlines; 93-29
                                                              Sweeney; 96-3 America West Airlines; 97-10 Alphin; 97-
                                                              11 Hampton; 97-32 Florida Propeller; 98-6 Continental
        Credibility (See Administrative Law Judges;
         Credibility of Witness)
        Criminal standard rejected.........................  91-12 Terry & Menne.
        Closing Arguments (See also Final Oral Argument)...  94-20 Conquest Helicopters.
        Extra-record material..............................  95-26 Hereth; 96-24 Horizon.
    [[Page 1863]]
        Hearsay............................................  92-72 Giuffrida; 97-30 Emery Worldwide Airlines 98-11
        Offer of proof.....................................  97-32 Florida Propeller.
        Preponderance of evidence..........................  90-11 Thunderbird Accessories; 90-12 Continental
                                                              Airlines; 91-12 & 91-31 Terry & Menne; 92-72
                                                              Giuffrida; 97-30 Emery Worldwide Airlines; 97-31
                                                              Sanford Air; 97-32 Florida Propeller; 98-3 Fedele; 98-
                                                              6 Continental Airlines; 98-11 TWA.
        Presumption that message on ATC tape is received as  91-12 Terry & Menne; 92-49 Richardson & Shimp.
        Presumption that a gun is deadly or dangerous......  90-26 Waddell; 91-30 Trujillo.
        Presumption that owner gave pilot permission.......  96-17 Fenner,
        Prima facie case...................................  95-26 Hereth, 96-3 America West; 98-6 Continental
        Subsequent remedial measures.......................  96-24 Horizon; 96-25 USAir.
        Substantial evidence...............................  92-72 Giuffrida.
    Pro Se Parties;
        Special Considerations.............................  90-11 Thunderbird Accessories; 90-3 Metz; 95-25
    Prosecutorial Discretion...............................  89-6 American Airlines; 90-23 Broyles; 90-38
                                                              Continental Airlines; 91-41 [Airport Operator]; 92-46
                                                              Sutton-Sautter; 97-73 Wyatt; 95-17 Larry's Flying
        Administrator does not review Complainant's          98-2 Carr.
         decision not to bring action against anyone but
        Denied by ALJ......................................  89-4 & 90-3 Metz.
        Granted by ALJ.....................................  92-32 Barnhill.
        Late request for...................................  97-14 Pacific Aviation; 98-14 Larry's Flying Service.
        Petition based on new material.....................  96-23 Kilrain.
        Repetitious petitions..............................  96-9 [Airport Operator].
        Stay of order pending..............................  90-31 Carroll; 90-32 Continental Airlines.
    Redundancy, enhancing safety...........................  97-11 Hampton.
    Remand.................................................  89-6 American Airlines; 90-16 Rocky Mountain; 90-24
                                                              Bayer; 91-51 Hagwood; 91-54 Alaska Airlines; 92-1
                                                              Costello; 92-76 Safety Equipment; 94-37 Houston.
    Repair Station.........................................  90-11 Thunderbird Accessories; 92-10 Flight Unlimited;
                                                              94-2 Woodhouse; 97-9 Alphin; 97-10 Alphin; 97-31
                                                              Sanford Air; 97-32 Florida Propeller.
    Request for Hearing....................................  94-37 Houston; 95-19 Rayner.
        Constructive withdrawal of.........................  97-7 Stalling; 98-23 Instead Balloon Services.
    Rules of Practice (14 CFR Part 13, Subpart G):
        Applicability of...................................  90-12, 90-18 & 90-19 Continental Airlines; 91-17 KDS
        Challenges to......................................  90-12, 90-18 & 90-19 Continental Airlines; 90-21
                                                              Carroll; 90-37 Northwest Airlines.
        Effect of Changes in...............................  90-12 Carroll; 90-22 USAir; 90-38 Continental Airlines.
        Initiation of Action...............................  91-9 Continental Airlines.
    Runway incursions......................................  92-40 Wendt; 93-18 Westair Commuter.
        Ability to Pay.....................................  89-5 Schultz; 90-10 Webb; 91-3 Lewis; 91-38 Esau; 91-10
                                                              Flight Unlimited; 92-32 Barnhill; 92-37 & 92-72
                                                              Giuffrida; 92-38 Cronberg; 92-46 Sutton-Sautter; 92-51
                                                              Koblick; 93-10 Costello; 94-4 Northwest Aircraft
                                                              Rental; 94-20 Conquest Helicopters; 95-16 Mulhall; 95-
                                                              17 Larry's Flying Service; 97-8 Pacific Av. d/b/a
                                                              Inter-Island Helicopters; 97-11 Hampton; 97-16 Mauna
                                                              Kea; 98-4 Larry's Flying Service; 98-11 TWA.
        Agency policy:
            ALJ bound by...................................  90-37 Northwest Airlines; 92-46 Sutton-Sautter; 96-19
                                                              [Air Carrier].
            Changes after complaint........................  97-7 & 97-17 Stallings.
            Statements of (e.g., FAA Order 2150.3A,          90-19 Continental Airlines; 90-23 Broyles; 90-33 Cato;
             Sanction Guidance Table, memoranda pertaining    90-37 Northwest Airlines; 92-46 Sutton-Sautter; 96-4
             to).                                             South Aero; 96-19 [Air Carrier]; 96-25 USAir.
        Compliance Disposition.............................  97-23 Detroit Metropolitan.
        Consistency with Precedent.........................  96-6 Ignatov; 96-26 Midtown; 97-30 Emery Worldwide
                                                              Airlines; 98-12 Stout; 98-18 General Aviation.
            But when precedent is based on superceded        96-19 [Air Carrier].
             sanction policy.
        Corrective Action..................................  91-18 [Airport Operator]; 91-40 [Airport Operator]; 91-
                                                              41 [Airport Operator]; 92-5 Delta Air Lines; 93-18
                                                              Westair Commuter; 94-28 Toyota; 96-4 South Aero; 96-19
                                                              [Air Carrier]; 97-16 Mauna Kea; 97-23 Detroit
                                                              Metropolitan; 98-6 Continental Airlines; 98-22
                                                              Northwest Airlines.
        Discovery (See Discovery)
        Factors to consider................................  89-5 Schultz; 90-23 Broyles; 90-37 Northwest Airlines;
                                                              91-3 Lewis; 91-18 [Airport Operator]; 91-40 [Airport
                                                              Operator]; 91-41 [Airport Operator]; 92-10 Flight
                                                              Unlimited; 92-46 Sutton-Sautter; 92-51 Koblick; 94-28
                                                              Toyota; 95-11 Horizon; 96-19 [Air Carrier]; 96-26
                                                              Midtown; 97-16 Mauna Kea; 98-2 Carr.
        First-Time Offenders...............................  89-5 Schultz; 92-5 Delta Air Lines; 92-51 Koblick.
        HazMat (See Hazardous Materials)
        Inexperience.......................................  92-10 Flight Unlimited.
    [[Page 1864]]
        Installment Payments...............................  95-16 Mulhall; 95-17 Larry's Flying Service
        Maintenance........................................  95-11 Horizon; 96-3 America West Airlines; 97-8 Pacific
                                                              Av. d/b/a Inter-Island Helicopters; 97-9 Alphin; 97-10
                                                              Alphin; 97-11 Hampton; 97-30 Emery Worldwide Airlines.
        Maximum............................................  90-10 Webb; 91-53 Koller; 96-19 [Air Carrier].
        Minimum (HazMat)...................................  95-16 Mulhall; 96-26 Midtown; 98-2 Carr.
        Modified...........................................  89-5 Schultz; 90-11 Thunderbird Accessories; 91-38
                                                              Esau; 92-10 Flight Unlimited; 92-13 Delta Air Lines;
                                                              92-32 Barnhill.
        Partial Dismissal of Complaint/Full Sanction (See    94-19 Pony Express; 94-40 Polynesian Airways.
         also Complaint).
        Sanctions in specific cases:
            Unairworthy aircraft...........................  97-8 Pacific Av. d/b/a Inter-Island Helicopters; 97-9
                                                              Alphin; 98-18 General Aviation.
            Passenger/baggage matching.....................  98-6 Continental Airlines.
            Passenger Misconduct...........................  97-12 Mayer; 98-12 Stout.
            Person evading screening (See also Screening)..  97-20 Werle.
            Pilot Deviation................................  92-8 Watkins.
            Test ojbect detection..........................  90-18 & 90-19 Continental Airlines; 96-19 [Air Carrier]
            Unauthorized access............................  90-19 Continental Airlines; 90-37 Northwest Airlines;
                                                              94-1 Delta Air Lines; 98-7 LAX
            Weapons violations.............................  90-23 Broyles; 90-33 Cato; 91-3 Lewis; 91-38 Esau; 92-
                                                              32 Barnhill; 92-46 Sutton-Sautter; 92-51 Koblick; 94-5
                                                              Grant; 97-7 & 97-17 Stallings
    Screening of Persons:
        Air carrier failure to detect weapon sanction......  94-44 American Airlines
        Air carrier failure to match bag with passenger....  98-6 Continental Airlines
        Entering Sterile Areas.............................  90-24 Bayer; 92-58 Hoedl; 97-20 Werle; 98-20 Koenig
        Sanction for individual evading screening (See also  97-20 Werle; 98-20 Koenig
    Security (See Screening of Persons, Standard Security
     Program, Test Object Detection, Unauthorized Access,
     Weapons Violations):
        Giving false information about carrying a weapon or  98-24 Stevens
         explosive on board an aircraft.
    Sealing of Record......................................  97-13 Westair Commuter; 97-28 Continental Airlines.
    Separation of Functions................................  90-12 Continental Airlines; 90-18 Continental Airlines;
                                                              90-19 Continental Airlines; 90-21 Carroll; 90-38
                                                              Continental Airlines; 93-13 Medel.
    Service (See also Mailing Rule; Receipt):
        Of NPCP............................................  90-22 US Air; 97-20 Werle.
        Of FNPCP...........................................  93-13 Medel.
        Receipt of document sent by mail...................  92-31 Eaddy.
        Return of certified mail...........................  97-7 & 97-17 Stallings.
        Valid Service......................................  92-18 Bargen; 98-19 Martin & Jaworski.
    Settlement.............................................  91-50 & 92-1 Costello; 95-16 Mulhall.
    Skydiving..............................................  98-3 Fedele.
    Smoking................................................  92-37 Giuffrida; 94-18 Luxemburg.
    Stale Complaint Rule if NPCP not sent..................  97-20 Werle.
    Standard Security Program (SSP):
        Compliance with....................................  90-12, 90-18 & 90-19 Continental Airlines; 91-33 Delta
                                                              Air Lines; 91-55 Continental Airlines; 92-13 & 94-1
                                                              Delta Air Lines; 96-19 [Air Carrier]; 98-22 Northwest
        Checkpoint Security Coordinator....................  98-22 Northwest Airlines.
        Ground Security Coordinator........................  96-16 Westair Commuter.
    Statute of Limitations.................................  97-20 Werle.
    Stay of Orders.........................................  90-31 Carroll; 90-32 Continental Airlines
        Pending judicial review............................  95-14 Charter Airlines
    Strict Liability.......................................  89-5 Schultz; 90-27 Gabbert; 91-18 [Airport Operator];
                                                              91-40 [Airport Operator]; 91-58 [Airport Operator]; 97-
                                                              23 Detroit Metropolitan; 98-7 LAX
    Test Object Detection..................................  90-12, 90-18, 90-19, 91-9 & 91-55 Continental Airlines;
                                                              92-13 Delta Air Lines; 96-19 [Air Carrier]
        Proof of violation.................................  90-18, 90-19 & 91-9 Continental Airlines; 92-13 Delta
                                                              Air Lines
        Sanction...........................................  90-18 & 90-19 Continental Airlines; 96-19 [Air Carrier]
    Timeliness (See also Complaint; Filing; Mailing Rule;
     and Appeals):
        Burden to prove date of filing.....................  97-11 Hampton Air; 98-1 V. Taylor
        Of response to NPCP................................  90-22 US Air
        Of complaint.......................................  91-51 Hagwood; 93-13 Medel; 94-7 Hereth
        Of initial decision................................  97-31 Sanford Air
        Of NPCP............................................  92-73 Wyatt
        Of reply brief.....................................  97-11 Hampton
        Of request for hearing.............................  93-12 Langton; 95-19 Rayner
        Of EAJA application (See EAJA-Final disposition,
    Unapproved Parts (See also Parts Manufacturer Approval)  93-19 Pacific Sky Supply
    Unauthorized Access:
        To aircraft........................................  90-12 & 90-19 Continental Airlines; 94-1 Delta Air
        To Air Operations Area (AOA).......................  90-37 Northwest Airlines; 91-18 [Airport Operator]; 91-
                                                              40 [Airport Operator]; 91-58 [Airport Operator]; 94-1
                                                              Delta Air Lines.
    [[Page 1865]]
    Visual Cues Indicating Runway, Adequacy of.............  92-40 Wendt.
    Weapons Violations, generally..........................  89-5 Schultz; 90-10 Webb; 90-20 Degenhardt; 90-23
                                                              Broyles; 90-33 Cato; 90-26 & 90-43 Waddell; 91-3
                                                              Lewis; 91-30 Trujillo; 91-38 Esau; 91-53 Koller; 92-32
                                                              Barnhill; 92-46 Sutton-Sautter; 92-51 Koblick; 92-59
                                                              Petek-Jackson; 94-5 Grant; 94-44 American Airlines.
        Concealed weapon...................................  89-5 Schultz; 92-46 Sutton-Sautter; 92-51 Koblick.
        ``Deadly or Dangerous''............................  90-26 & 90-43 Waddell; 91-30 Trujillo; 91-38 Esau.
        First-time Offenders...............................  89-5 Schultz.
        Intent to commit violation.........................  89-5 Schultz; 90-20 Degenhardt; 90-23 Broyles; 90-26
                                                              Waddell; 91-3 Lewis; 91-53 Koller.
        Knowledge Of Weapon Concealment (See also            89-5 Schultz; 90-20 Degenhardt.
        Sanction (See Sanction)
    Weight and Balance.....................................  94-40 Polynesian Airways.
    Witnesses (See also Credibility):
        Absence of, Failure to subpoena....................  92-3 Park; 98-2 Carr.
        Expert testimony Evaluation of.....................  93-17 Metcalf; 94-3 Valley Air; 94-21 Sweeney; 96-3
                                                              America West Airlines; 96-15 Valley Air; 97-9 Alphin;
                                                              97-32 Florida Propeller.
        Expert witness fees (See EAJA)
    Regulations (Title 14 CFR, unless otherwise noted):
        1.1 (maintenance)..................................  94-38 Bohan; 97-11 Hampton.
        1.1 (major repair).................................  96-3 America West Airlines.
        1.1 (minor repair).................................  96-3 America West Airlines.
        1.1 (operate)......................................  91-12 & 91-31 Terry & Menne; 93-18 Westair Commuter; 96-
                                                              17 Fenner.
        1.1 (person).......................................  93-18 Westair Commuter.
        1.1 (propeller)....................................  96-15 Valley Air.
        13.16..............................................  90-16 Rocky Mountain; 90-22 USAir; 90-37 Northwest
                                                              Airlines; 90-38 & 91-9 Continental Airlines; 91-18
                                                              [Airport Operator]; 91-51 Hagwood; 92-1 Costello; 92-
                                                              46 Sutton-Sautter; 93-13 Medel; 93-28 Strohl; 94-27
                                                              Larsen; 94-37 Houston; 94-31 Smalling; 95-19 Rayner;
                                                              96-26 Midtown Neon Sign; 97-1 Midtown Neon Sign; 97-9
                                                              Alphin; 98-18 General Aviation.
        13.201.............................................  90-12 Continental Airlines.
        13.202.............................................  90-6 American Airlines; 92-76 Safety Equipment.
        13.203.............................................  90-12 Continental Airlines; 90-21 Carroll; 90-38
                                                              Continental Airlines.
        13.204.............................................  .......................................................
        13.205.............................................  90-20 Degenhardt; 91-17 KDS Aviation; 91-54 Alaska
                                                              Airlines; 92-32 Barnhill; 94-32 Detroit Metropolitan;
                                                              94-39 Kirola; 95-16 Mulhall; 97-20 Werle.
        13.206.............................................  .......................................................
        13.207.............................................  94-39 Kirola.
        13.208.............................................  90-21 Carroll; 91-51 Hagwood; 92-73 Wyatt; 92-76 Safety
                                                              Equipment; 93-13 Medel; 93-28 Strohl; 94-7 Hereth; 97-
                                                              20 Werle; 98-4 Larry's.
        13.209.............................................  90-3 Metz; 90-15 Playter; 91-18 [Airport Operator]; 93-
                                                              32 Barnhill; 92-47 Cornwall; 92-75 Beck; 92-76 Safety
                                                              Equipment; 94-8 Nunez; 94-5 Grant; 94-22 Harkins; 94-
                                                              29 Sutton; 94-30 Columna; 95-10 Diamond; 95-28
                                                              Atlantic World Airways; 97-7 Stalling; 97-18 Robinson;
                                                              97-33 Rawlings; 98-21 Blankson.
        13.210.............................................  92-19 Cornwall; 92-75 Beck; 92-76 Safety Equipment; 93-
                                                              7 Dunn; 93-28 Strohl; 94-5 Grant; 94-30 Columna; 95-28
                                                              Atlantic World Airways; 96-17 Fenner; 97-11 Hampton;
                                                              97-18 Robinson; 97-38 Air St. Thomas; 98-16 Blue Ridge
        13.211.............................................  89-6 American Airlines; 89-7 Zenkner; 90-3 Metz; 90-11
                                                              Thunderbird Accessories; 90-39 Hart; 91-24 Esau; 92-1
                                                              Costello; 92-9 Griffin; 92-18 Bargen; 92-19 Cornwall;
                                                              92-57 Detroit Metro. Wayne County Airport; 92-74
                                                              Wendt; 92-76 Safety Equipment; 93-2 Wendt; 94-5 Grant;
                                                              94-18 Luxemburg; 94-29 Sutton; 95-12 Toyota; 95-28
                                                              Valley Air; 97-7 Stalling; 97-11 Hampton; 98-4 Larry's
                                                              Flying Service; 98-19 Martin & Jaworski; 98-20 Koenig.
        13.212.............................................  90-11 Thunderbird Accessories; 91-2 Continental
        13.213.............................................  .......................................................
        13.214.............................................  91-3 Lewis.
        13.215.............................................  93-28 Strohl; 94-39 Kirola.
        13.216.............................................  .......................................................
        13.217.............................................  91-17 KDS Aviation.
        13.218.............................................  89-6 American Airlines; 90-11 Thunderbird Accessories;
                                                              90-39 Hart; 92-9 Griffin; 92-73 Wyatt; 93-19 Pacific
                                                              Sky Supply; 94-6 Strohl; 94-27 Larsen; 94-37 Houston;
                                                              95-18 Rayner; 96-16 WestAir; 96-24 Horizon; 98-20
        13.219.............................................  89-6 American Airlines; 91-2 Continental; 91-54 Alaska
                                                              Airlines; 93-37 Airspect; 94-32 Detroit Metro. Wayne
                                                              County Airport; 98-25 Gotbetter.
    [[Page 1866]]
        13.220.............................................  89-6 American Airlines; 90-20 Carroll; 91-8 Watts
                                                              Agricultural Aviation; 91-17 KDS Aviation; 91-54
                                                              Alaska Airlines; 92-46 Sutton-Sautter.
        13.221.............................................  92-29 Haggland; 92-32 Eaddy; 92-52 Cullop.
        13.222.............................................  92-72 Giuffrida; 96-15 Valley Air.
        13.223.............................................  91-12 & 91-31 Terry & Menne; 92-72 Giuffrida; 95-26
                                                              Hereth; 96-15 Valley Air; 97-11 Hampton; 97-31 Sanford
                                                              Air; 97-32 Florida Propeller; 98-3 Fedele; 98-6
                                                              Continental Airlines.
        13.224.............................................  90-26 Waddell; 91-4 [Airport Operator]; 92-72
                                                              Giuffrida; 94-18 Luxemburg; 94-28 Toyota; 95-25
                                                              Conquest; 96-17 Fenner; 97-32 Florida Propeller; 98-6
                                                              Continental Airlines.
        13.225.............................................  97-32 Florida Propeller.
        13.226.............................................  .......................................................
        13.227.............................................  90-21 Carroll; 95-26 Hereth.
        13.228.............................................  92-3 Park.
        13.229.............................................  .......................................................
        13.230.............................................  92-19 Cornwall; 95-26 Hereth; 96-24 Horizon.
        13.231.............................................  92-3 Park.
        13.232.............................................  89-5 Schultz; 90-20 Degenhardt; 92-1 Costello; 92-18
                                                              Bargen; 92-32 Barnhill; 93-28 Strohl; 94-28 Toyota; 95-
                                                              12 Toyota; 95-16 Mulhall; 96-6 Ignatov; 98-18 General
        13.233.............................................  89-1 Gressani; 89-4 Metz; 89-5 Schultz; 89-7 Zenkner;
                                                              89-8 Thunderbird Accessories; 90-3 Metz; 90-11
                                                              Thunderbird Accessories; 90-19 Continental Airlines;
                                                              90-20 Degenhardt; 90-25 & 90-27 Gabbert; 90-35 P.
                                                              Adams; 90-19 Continental Airlines; 90-39 Hart; 91-2
                                                              Continental Airlines; 91-3 Lewis; 91-7 Pardue; 91-8
                                                              Watts Agricultural Aviation; 91-10 Graham; 91-11
                                                              Continental Airlines; 91-12 Bargen; 91-24 Esau; 91-26
                                                              Britt Airways; 91-31 Terry & Menne; 91-32 Bargen; 91-
                                                              43 & 91-44 Delta; 91-45 Park; 91-46 Delta; 91-47
                                                              Delta; 91-48 Wendt; 91-52 KDS Aviation; 91-53 Koller;
                                                              92-1 Costello; 92-3 Park; 92-7 West; 92-11 Alilin; 92-
                                                              15 Dillman; 92-16 Wendt; 92-18 Bargen; 92-19 Cornwall;
                                                              92-27 Wendt; 92-32 Barnhill; 92-34 Carrell; 92-35 Bay
                                                              Land Aviation; 92-36 Southwest Airlines; 92-39 Beck;
                                                              92-45 O'Brien; 92-52 Beck; 92-56 Montauk Caribbean
                                                              Airways; 92-57 Detroit Metro. Wayne Co. Airport; 92-67
                                                              USAir; 92-69 McCabe; 92-72 Giuffrida; 92-74 Wendt; 92-
                                                              78 TWA; 93-5 Wendt; 93-6 Westair Commuter; 93-7 Dunn;
                                                              93-8 Nunez; 93-19 Pacific Sky Supply; 93-23 Allen; 93-
                                                              27 Simmons; 93-28 Strohl; 93-31 Allen; 93-32 Nunez; 94-
                                                              9 B & G Instruments; 94-10 Boyle; 94-12 Bartusiak; 94-
                                                              15 Columna; 94-18 Luxemburg; 94-23 Perez; 94-24 Page;
                                                              94-26 French Aircraft; 94-28 Toyota; 95-2 Meronek; 95-
                                                              9 Woodhouse; 95-13 Kilrain; 95-23 Atlantic World
                                                              Airways; 95-25 Conquest; 95-26 Hereth; 96-1 [Airport
                                                              Operator; 96-2 Skydiving Center; 97-1 Midtown Neon
                                                              Sign; 97-2 Sanford Air; 97-7 Stalling; 97-22 Sanford
                                                              Air; 97-24 Gordon Air; 97-31 Sanford Air; 97-33
                                                              Rawlings; 97-38 Air St. Thomas; 98-4 Larry's Flying
                                                              Service; 98-3 Fedele; Continental Airlines 98-6; LAX
                                                              98-7; 98-10 Rawlings; 98-15 Squire; 98-18 General
                                                              Aviation; 98-19 Martin & Jaworski; 98-20 Koenig.
        13.234.............................................  90-19 Continental Airlines; 90-31 Carroll; 90-32 & 90-
                                                              38 Continental Airlines; 91-4 [Airport Operator]; 95-
                                                              12 Toyota; 96-9 [Airport Operator]; 96-23 Kilrain.
        13.235.............................................  90-11 Thunderbird Accessories; 90-12 Continental
                                                              Airlines; 90-15 Playter; 90-17 Wilson; 92-7 West.
        Part 14............................................  92-74 & 93-2 Wendt; 95-18 Pacific Sky Supply.
        14.01..............................................  91-17 & 92-71 KDS Aviation.
        14.04..............................................  91-17, 91-52 & 92-71 KDS Aviation; 93-10 Costello; 95-
                                                              27 Valley Air.
        14.05..............................................  90-17 Wilson.
        14.12..............................................  95-27 Valley Air.
        14.20..............................................  91-52 KDS Aviation; 96-22 Woodhouse.
        14.22..............................................  93-29 Sweeney.
        14.23..............................................  98-19 Martin & Jaworski.
        14.26..............................................  91-52 KDS Aviation; 95-27 Valley Air.
        14.28..............................................  95-9 Woodhouse.
        21.181.............................................  96-25 USAir.
        21.303.............................................  93-19 Pacific Sky Supply; 95-18 Pacific Sky Supply.
        25.787.............................................  97-30 Emery Worldwide Airlines.
        25.855.............................................  92-37 Giuffrida; 97-30 Emery Worldwide Airlines.
        39.3...............................................  92-10 Flight Unlimited; 94-4 Northwest Aircraft Rental.
        43.3...............................................  92-73 Wyatt; 97-31 Sanford Air; 98-18 General Aviation.
        43.5...............................................  96-18 Kilrain; 97-31 Sanford Air.
        43.9...............................................  91-8 Watts Agricultural Aviation; 97-31 Sanford Air; 98-
                                                              4 Larry's Flying Service.
    [[Page 1867]]
        43.13..............................................  90-11 Thunderbird Accessories; 94-3 Valley Air, 94-38
                                                              Bohan; 96-3 America West Airlines; 96-25 USAir; 97-9
                                                              Alphin; 97-10 Alphin; 97-30 Emery Worldwide Airlines;
                                                              97-31 Sanford Air; 97-32 Florida Propeller.
        43.15..............................................  90-25 & 90-27 Gabbert; 91-8 Watts Agricultural
                                                              Aviation; 94-2 Woodhouse; 96-18 Kilrain.
        65.15..............................................  92-73 Wyatt.
        65.92..............................................  92-73 Wyatt.
        91.7...............................................  97-8 Pacific Av.d/b/a Inter-Island Helicopters; 97-16
                                                              Mauna Kea; 98-18 General Aviation.
        91.8 (91.11 as of 8/18/90).........................  92-3 Park.
        91.9 (91.13 as of 8/18/90).........................  90-15 Playter; 91-12 & 91-31 Terry & Menne; 92-8
                                                              Watkins; 92-40 Wendt; 92-48 USAir; 92-49 Richardson &
                                                              Shimp; 92-47 Cornwall; 92-70 USAir; 93-9 Wendt; 93-17
                                                              Metcalf; 93-18 Westair Commuter; 93-29 Sweeney; 94-29
                                                              Sutton; 95-26 Hereth; 96-17 Fenner.
        91.11..............................................  96-6 Ignatov; 97-12 Mayer; 98-12 Stout.
        91.29 (91.7 as of 8/18/90).........................  91-8 Watts Agricultural Aviation; 92-10 Flight
                                                              Unlimited; 94-4 Northwest Aircraft Rental.
        91.65 (91.111 as of 8/18/90).......................  91-29 Sweeney; 94-21 Sweeney.
        91.67 (91.113 as of 8/18/90).......................  91-29 Sweeney.
        91.71..............................................  97-11 Hampson.
        91.75 (91.123 as of 8/18/90).......................  91-12 & 91-31 Terry & Menne; 92-8 Watkins; 92-40 Wendt;
                                                              92-49 Richardson & Shimp; 93-9 Wendt.
        91.79 (91.119 as of 8/18/90).......................  90-15 Playter; 92-47 Cornwall; 93-17 Metcalf.
        91.87 (91.129 as of 8/18/90).......................  91-12 & 91-31 Terry & Menne; 92-8 Watkins.
        91.103.............................................  92-26 Hereth.
        91.111.............................................  96-17 Fenner.
        91.113.............................................  96-17 Fenner.
        91.151.............................................  95-26 Hereth.
        91.173 (91.417 as of 8/18/90)......................  91-8 Watts Agricultural Aviation.
        91.205.............................................  98-18 General Aviation.
        91.213.............................................  97-11 Hampton.
        91.403.............................................  97-8 Pacific Av. d/b/a Inter-Island Helicopters; 97-31
                                                              Sanford Air
        91.405.............................................  97-16 Mauna Kea; 98-4 Larry's Flying Service; 98-18
                                                              General Aviation.
        91.407.............................................  98-4 Larry's Flying Service.
        91.417.............................................  98-18 General Aviation.
        91.517.............................................  98-12 Stout.
        91.703.............................................  94-29 Stutton.
        105.29.............................................  98-3 Fedele; 98-19 Martin & Jaworski.
        107.1..............................................  90-19 Continental Airlines; 90-20 Degenhardt; 91-4
                                                              [Airport Operator]; 91-58 [Airport Operator]; 98-7
        107.9..............................................  98-7 LAX
        107.13.............................................  90-12 & 90-19 Continental Airlines; 91-4 [Airport
                                                              Operator]; 91-18 [Airport Operator]; 91-40 [Airport
                                                              Operator]; 91-41 [Airport Operator]; 91-58 [Airport
                                                              Operator]; 96-1 [Airport Operator]; 97-23 Detroit
                                                              Metropolitan; 98-7 LAX.
        107.20.............................................  90-24 Bayer; 92-58 Hoedl; 97-20 Werle; 98-20 Koenig.
        107.21.............................................  89-5 Schultz; 90-10 Webb; 90-22 Degenhardt; 90-23
                                                              Broyles; 90-26 & 90-43 Waddell; 90-33 Cato; 90-39
                                                              Hart; 91-3 Lewis; 91-10 Graham; 91-30 Trujillo; 91-38
                                                              Esau; 91-53 Koller; 92-32 Barnhill; 92-38 Cronberg; 92-
                                                              46 Sutton-Sautter; 92-51 Koblick; 92-59 Petek-Jackson;
                                                              94-5 Grant; 94-31 Smalling; 97-7 Stalling.
        107.25.............................................  94-30 Columna.
        108.5..............................................  90-12 90-18, 90-19, 91-2 & 91-9 Continental Airlines;
                                                              91-33 Delta Air Lines; 91-54 Alaska Airlines; 91-55
                                                              Continental Airlines; 92-13 & 94-1 Delta Air Lines; 94-
                                                              44 American Airlines; 96-16 WestAir; 96-19 [Air
                                                              Carrier]; 98-22 Northwest Airlines.
        108.7..............................................  90-18 & 90-19 Continental Airlines.
        108.9..............................................  98-22 Northwest Airlines.
        108.10.............................................  96-16 WestAir.
        108.11.............................................  90-23 Broyles; 90-26 Waddell; 91-3 Lewis; 92-46 Sutton-
                                                              Sautter; 94-44 American Airlines.
        108.13.............................................  90-12 & 90-19 Continental Airlines; 90-37 Northwest
        108.18.............................................  98-6 Continental Airlines.
        121.133............................................  90-18 Continental Airlines.
        121.153............................................  92-48 & 92-70 USAir; 95-11 Horizon; 96-3 America West
                                                              Airlines; 96-24 Horizon; 96-25 USAir; 97-21 Delta; 97-
                                                              30 Emery Worldwide Airlines.
        121.221............................................  97-30 Emery Worldwide Airlines.
        121.317............................................  92-37 Giuffrida; 94-18 Luxemburg.
        121.318............................................  92-37 Giuffrida.
        121.367............................................  90-12 Continental Airlines; 96-25 USAir.
        121.571............................................  92-37 Giuffrida.
        121.575............................................  98-11 TWA.
    [[Page 1868]]
        121.577............................................  98-11 TWA.
        121.589............................................  97-12 Mayer.
        121.628............................................  95-11 Horizon; 97-21 Delta; 97-30 Emery Worldwide
        135.1..............................................  95-8 Charter Airlines; 95-25 Conquest.
        135.5..............................................  94-3 Valley Air; 94-20 Conquest Helicopters; 95-25
                                                              Conquest; 95-27 Valley Air; 96-15 Valley Air.
        135.25.............................................  92-10 Flight Unlimited; 94-3 Valley Air; 95-27 Valley
                                                              Air 96-15 Valley Air.
        135.63.............................................  94-40 Polynesian Airways; 95-17 Larry's Flying Service;
                                                              95-28 Atlantic; 96-4 South Aero.
        135.87.............................................  90-21 Carroll.
        135.95.............................................  95-17 Larry's Flying Service.
        135.179............................................  97-11 Hampton.
        135.185............................................  94-40 Polynesian Airways.
        135.263............................................  95-9 Charter Airlines; 96-4 South Aero.
        135.267............................................  95-8 Charter Airlines; 95-17 Larry's Flying Service; 96-
                                                              4 South Aero.
        135.293............................................  95-17 Larry's Flying Service; 96-4 South Aero.
        135.343............................................  95-17 Larry's Flying Service.
        135.411............................................  97-11 Hampton.
        135.413............................................  94-3 Valley Air; 96-15 Valley Air; 97-8 Pacific Av. d/b/
                                                              a Inter-Island Helicopters; 97-16 Mauna Kea.
        135.421............................................  93-36 Valley Air; 94-3 Valley Air; 96-15 Valley Air.
        135.437............................................  94-3 Valley Air; 96-15 Valley Air.
        141.101............................................  98-18 General Aviation.
        145.1..............................................  97-10 Alphin.
        145.3..............................................  97-10 Alphin.
        145.25.............................................  97-10 Alphin.
        145.45.............................................  97-10 Alphin.
        145.47.............................................  97-10 Alphin.
        145.49.............................................  97-10 Alphin.
        145.53.............................................  90-11 Thunderbird Accessories.
        145.57.............................................  94-2 Woodhouse; 97-9 Alphin; 97-32 Florida Propeller.
        145.61.............................................  90-11 Thunderbird Accessories.
        191................................................  90-12 & 90-19 Continental Airlines; 90-37 Northwest
                                                              Airlines; 98-6 Continental Airlines.
        298.1..............................................  92-10 Flight Unlimited.
        302.8..............................................  90-22 USAir.
    49 CFR:
        1.47...............................................  92-76 Safety Equipment.
        171 et seq.........................................  95-10 Diamond.
        171.2..............................................  92-77 TCI; 94-28 Toyota; 94-31 Smalling; 95-16 Mulhall;
                                                              96-26 Midtown; 98-2 Carr.
        171.8..............................................  92-77 TCI.
        172.101............................................  92-77 TCI; 94-28 Toyota; 94-31 Smalling; 96-26 Midtown.
        172.200............................................  92-77 TCI; 94-28 Toyota; 95-16 Mulhall; 96-26 Midtown;
                                                              98-2 Carr.
        172.202............................................  92-77 TCI; 94-28 Toyota; 94-31 Smalling; 95-16 Mulhall;
                                                              98-2 Carr.
        172.203............................................  94-28 Toyota.
        172.204............................................  92-77 TCI; 94-28 Toyota; 94-31 Smalling; 95-16 Mulhall;
                                                              98-2 Carr.
        172.300............................................  94-31 Smalling, 95-16 Mulhall; 96-26 Midtown; 98-2
        172.301............................................  94-31 Smalling; 95-16 Mulhall; 98-2 Carr.
        172.304............................................  92-77 TCI; 94-31 Smalling; 95-16 Mulhall; 98-2 Carr.
        172.400............................................  92-77 TCI; 94-28 Toyota; 94-31 Smalling; 95-16 Mulhall;
                                                              98-2 Carr.
        172.402............................................  94-28 Toyota.
        172.406............................................  92-77 TCI.
        173.1..............................................  92-77 TCI; 94-28 Toyota; 94-31 Smalling; 95-16 Mulhall;
                                                              98-2 Carr.
        173.3..............................................  94-28 Toyota; 94-31 Smalling; 98-2 Carr.
        173.6..............................................  94-28 Toyota.
        173.22(a)..........................................  94-28 Toyota; 94-31 Smalling; 98-2 Carr.
        173.24.............................................  94-28 Toyota; 95-16 Mulhall.
        173.25.............................................  94-28 Toyota.
        173.27.............................................  92-77 TCI.
        173.62.............................................  98-2 Carr.
        173.115............................................  92-77 TCI.
        173.240............................................  92-77 TCI.
        173.243............................................  94-28 Toyota.
        173.260............................................  94-28 Toyota.
        173.266............................................  94-28 Toyota; 94-31 Smalling.
        175.25.............................................  94-31 Smalling.
        191.5..............................................  97-13 Westair Cummuter.
        191.7..............................................  97-13 Westair Commuter.
    [[Page 1869]]
        821.30.............................................  92-73 Wyatt..
        821.33.............................................  90-21 Carroll.
    5 U.S.C.:
        504................................................  90-17 Wilson; 91-17 & 92-71 KDS Aviation; 92-74, 93-2 &
                                                              93-9 Wendt; 93-29 Sweeney; 94-17 TCI; 95-27 Valley
                                                              Air; 96-22 Woodhouse; 98-19 Martin & Jaworski.
        552................................................  90-12, 90-18 & 90-19 Continental Airlines; 93-10
        554................................................  90-18 Continental Airlines; 90-21 Carroll; 95-12
        556................................................  90-21 Carroll; 91-54 Alaska Airlines.
        557................................................  90-20 Degenhardt; 90-21 Carroll; 90-37 Northwest
                                                              Airlines; 94-28 Toyota.
        705................................................  95-14 Charter Airlines.
        5332...............................................  95-27 Valley Air.
    11 U.S.C.:
        362................................................  91-2 Continental Airlines.
    28 U.S.C.:
        2412...............................................  93-10 Costello; 96-22 Woodhouse.
        2462...............................................  90-21 Carroll.
    49 U.S.C.:
        5123...............................................  95-16 Mulhall; 96-26 & 97-1 Midtown Neon Sign; 98-2
        40102..............................................  96-17 Fenner.
        44701..............................................  96-6 Ignatov; 96-17 Fenner.
        44704..............................................  96-3 America West Airlines; 96-15 Valley Air.
        46110..............................................  96-22 Woodhouse; 97-1 Midtown Neon Sign.
        46301..............................................  97-1 Midtown Neon Sign; 97-16 Mauna Kea; 97-20 Werle.
        46302..............................................  98-24 Stevens.
        46303..............................................  97-7 Stalling.
    49 U.S.C. App.:
        1301(31) (operate).................................  93-18 Westair Commuter.
        (32) (person)......................................  93-18 Westair Commuter.
        1356...............................................  90-18 & 90-19, 91-2 Continental Airlines.
        1357...............................................  90-18, 90-19 & 91-2 Continental Airlines; 91-41
                                                              [Airport Operator]; 91-58 [Airport Operator].
        1421...............................................  92-10 Flight Unlimited; 92-48 USAir; 92-70 USAir; 93-9
        1429...............................................  92-73 Wyatt.
        1471...............................................  89-5 Schultz; 90-10 Webb; 90-20 Degenhardt; 90-12, 90-
                                                              18 & 90-19 Continental Airlines; 90-23 Broyles; 90-26
                                                              & 90-43 Waddell; 90-33 Cato; 90-37 Northwest Airlines;
                                                              90-39 Hart; 91-2 Continental Airlines; 91-3 Lewis; 91-
                                                              18 [Airport Operator]; 91-53 Killer; 92-5 Delta Air
                                                              Lines; 92-10 Flight Unlimited; 92-46 Sutton-Sautter;
                                                              92-51 Koblick; 92-74 Wendt; 92-76 Safety Equipment; 94-
                                                              20 Conquest Helicopters; 94-40 Polynesian Airways; 96-
                                                              6 Ignatov; 97-7 Stalling.
        1472...............................................  96-6 Ignatov.
        1475...............................................  90-20 Degenhardt; 90-12 Continental Airlines; 90-18, 90-
                                                              19 & 91-1 Continental Airlines; 91-3 Lewis; 91-18
                                                              [Airport Operator]; 94-40 Polynesian Airways.
        1486...............................................  90-21 Carroll; 96-22 Woodhouse.
        1809...............................................  92-77 TCI; 94-19 Pony Express; 94-28 Toyota; 94-31
                                                              Smalling; 95-12 Toyota.
    Civil Penalty Actions--Orders Issued by the Administrator Digests
        (This digest includes all decisions and orders issued by the 
    Administrator from October 1, 1998, to December 31, 1998.)
        The digests of the Administrator's final decisions and orders are 
    arranged by order number, and briefly summarize key points of the 
    decision. The following compilation of digests includes all final 
    decisions and orders issued by the Administrator from October 1, 1998, 
    to December 31, 1998. The FAA publishes non-cumulative supplements to 
    this compilation on a quarterly basis (e.g., April, July, October, and 
    January of each year).
        These digests do not constitute legal authority, and should not be 
    cited or relied upon as such. The digests are not intended to serve as 
    a substitute for proper legal research. Parties, attorneys, and other 
    interested persons should always consult the full text of the 
    Administrator's decisions before citing them in any context.
    In the Matter of General Aviation, Inc.
    Order No. 98-18 (10/9/98)
        Uncleared Mechanical Discrepancies. This case involves a company 
    that allegedly rented out to the public a Cessna with uncleared 
    mechanical discrepancies on numerous flights. The law judge found the 
    violations and assessed a $7,500 civil penalty. General Aviation 
        Effect of Change in ALJ's and Late-Issued Decision. General 
    Aviation argues that a change in the law judges and a 3-month delay in 
    issuing the initial decision caused unacceptable delay and confusion. 
    According to the Chief administrative law judge's order reassigning the 
    case, reassignment was in the interest of judicial efficiency. If the 
    original law judge's caseload was so heavy that it delayed the hearing 
    the change in law judges may have expedited the case. As for alleged 
    confusion, General Aviation fails to specify what confusion occurred, 
    how it unfairly prejudiced General Aviation, and why General Aviation 
    failed to act to cure the alleged confusion. Arguably, confusion and 
    loss of detail were less likely because, rather than simply issuing an 
    oral decision at the end of the hearing, the law judge took the time to 
    obtain the transcript, review the record,
    [[Page 1870]]
    deliberate and issue a written decision. The law judge's decision is 
    more than 5 single-spaced decision, detailed, logical, and well-
    supported by references to the record.
        Airworthiness. Despite General Aviation's argument that the agency 
    failed to prove that the left fuel gauge was inoperative and the 
    aircraft unairworthy, General Aviation's President admitted both orally 
    and in writing that the left fuel gauge was unreliable and had been for 
    some time.
        Squawk Sheet as Maintenance Record. General Aviation's argument 
    that the squawk sheet, on which a renter pilot had noted that several 
    mechanical discrepancies, did not constitute a maintenance record, is 
    rejected. It would defy logic and the agency's safety mandate to hold 
    that a record of mechanical discrepancies does not constitute a 
    maintenance record.
        Tapping of Fuel Gauge Not Preventive Maintenance. Tapping on a fuel 
    gauge does not constitute preventive maintenance, as it is not listed 
    Appendix 4 to 14 CFR part 43.
        Appropriateness of Sanction. General Aviation failed to preserve 
    the issue of financial hardship for appeal. It is too late to raise the 
    issue now, for the first time, on appeal. Under all the circumstances 
    of this case, a $7,500 penalty is appropriate. There were numerous 
    flights with an unairworthy aircraft (26 flights over the course of 19 
    days), repeated failures to correct the discrepancies, even after the 
    inspectors called the problem to General Aviation's attention, and 
    General Aviation had a prior violation. A $7,500 penalty is markedly 
    less than that suggested by the Sanction Guidance Table, and takes into 
    account the relatively small size of General Aviation's operation.
    In the Matter of Peter A. Martin and James C. Jaworski
    Order No. 98-19 (10/9/98)
        Attorney Fees Case. In the underlying civil penalty action, the FAA 
    alleged that Martin and Jaworski parachuted too close to clouds, but 
    the law judge determined that even though the FAA made out a prima 
    facie case, it failed to prove the violations by a preponderance of the 
    evidence. Martin and Jaworski then filed an application to recover 
    their attorney fees, which the law judge denied, and Martin and 
    Jaworski have appealed.
        Alleged Failure to Investigate Thoroughly as Violation of Due 
    Process. Although Martin and Jaworski fail to say who else the 
    inspectors should have interviewed and what they would have said that 
    would have made a difference. Martin and Jaworski also say the 
    inspectors failed to gather evidence--specifically, a videotape 
    Jaworski made of the jump and weather reports. But the inspectors did 
    view the videotape--they simply did not find it probative because they 
    had questions about its authenticity. If Martin and Jaworski believed 
    the videotape would exonerate them, they could have subpoenaed it and 
    introduced it themselves. Given the inspectors' certainty that they saw 
    the violations with their own eyes, it is not surprising that they did 
    not attempt to interview further witnesses or obtain weather reports.
        FAA's Alleged Intent to Show Down Parachute Operations. Martin and 
    Jaworski have no evidence that the FAA had a nefarious purpose, which 
    was to shut down all parachute operations at the airport. The 
    inspectors did testify that the FAA had increased surveillance because 
    of complaints of safety violations by skydivers, but there is nothing 
    improper about this.
        Alleged Failure to Provide Martin and Jaworski and Chance to 
    Replay. Under agency rules, applicants for attorney fees may file a 
    reply to the FAA's answer to their fee applications. Martin and 
    Jaworski had such an opportunity, but failed to do so.
        Alleged Failure to Notify Martin and Jaworski of Withdrawal of 
    Appeal. Martin and Jaworski argue that the FAA must pay the fees they 
    incurred after the FAA withdrew its appeal in the underlying civil 
    penalty action because the agency failed to notify Martin and Jaworski 
    of its withdrawal. But the only work performed for Martin and Jaworski 
    after the FAA withdrew its appeal was 2 hours preparing the application 
    for fees. If Martin and Jaworski were not entitled to fees because the 
    agency was substantially justified, as here, they are not entitled to 
    fees incurred in preparing the application. Also, the agency did notify 
    Martin and Jaworski of its withdrawal. It served them personally, if 
    not their designated representative. Designation and notice of 
    withdrawal seem to have crossed in the mail.
    In the Matter of Richard S. Koenig
    Order No. 98-20 (10/9/98)
        Alleged Failure to Submit to Security Screening. Koenig allegedly 
    failed to submit to security screening. The agency filed a motion for 
    decision arguing that Koenig admitted the violation in his answer to 
    the complaint. The law judge granted the motion, assessed the $500 
    civil penalty requested in the complaint, and Koenig appealed.
        Motion to Dismiss Based on Allegedly Untimely Appeal Brief. The 
    agency filed a motion to dismiss Koenig's appeal, arguing that Koenig 
    failed to file a timely appeal brief. But the agency attorney failed to 
    take into account the mailing rule. Koenig's appeal brief is in fact 
    timely, so the motion to dismiss is denied.
        Alleged Error in Concluding Koenig Admitted Violation. The law 
    judge did not err in finding the violation admitted. Koenig admitted 
    that he became impatient and angry, that he grabbed his backpack, which 
    was still setting at the entrance of the belt, and that he took off to 
    meet his flight. He further admitted that when the security people 
    called him back, he told them, ``Sorry, you had your chance and you 
    blew it.''
        Alleged ALJ Conflict of Interest. Koenig argues that the law judge 
    is an FAA employee and has a conflict of interest. The law judges are 
    not employed by FAA, but by the Department of Transportation. Federal 
    courts have upheld the adjudicatory system used in FAA civil penalty 
        Alleged Violation as Too Small to Pursue. Despite Koenig's argument 
    that his violation is too small for the FAA to pursue, refusal to 
    submit to security screening is a serious matter. The screenings are 
    designed to prevent violence and terrorism aboard aircraft. The risk of 
    missing a flight can never justify violating security regulations.
    In the Matter of Ottoe L. Blankson
    Order No. 98-21 (10/9/98)
        Late-Filed Appeal. Blankson filed his notice of appeal 11 days 
    late. The Administrator holds that Blankson failed to demonstrate good 
    cause for filing a late notice of appeal. Blankson claimed that the law 
    judge had mailed the order assessing civil penalty to his former 
    address in the Bronx with the wrong zip code for that address. However, 
    Blankson had not provided the law judge with his new address in 
    Georgia. Held: Blankson's negligence in not giving the law judge the 
    new address outweighs the law judge's inadvertent use of the wrong zip 
    code. Blankson's failure to provide the law judge with the change of 
    address reflects an unacceptable degree of diligence in the prosecution 
    of his appeal.
        Dismissal of Request for Hearing. The Administrator holds, in the 
    alternative, that it was not error for the law judge to dismiss 
    Blankson's request for hearing. Blankson argued that he did not know 
    that he was required to respond to each allegation in the complaint 
    specifically. However, Rules of Practice require that a person filing
    [[Page 1871]]
    an answer respond to each numbered paragraph of the complaint, and 
    provide that a general denial is deemed a failure to file an answer. 14 
    CFR 13.209(e). This rule was summarized in the complaint as well as in 
    the law judges orders, including the Order Requiring a Proper Answer to 
    the Complaint. Consequently, Blankson should have known the 
    requirements for an answer.
    In the Matter of Northwest Airlines, Inc.
    Order No. 98-22 (11/10/98)
        Appeal Denied. Northwest appealed from the assessment of a $40,000 
    civil penalty by the law judge for multiple violations of 14 CFR 
    108.5(a)(1) and 108.9(c). The Administrator rejects Northwest's 
    arguments that the sanction was excessive.
        This case involves the failure by Northwest, through its 
    contractor, ITS, to adhere to certain requirements in Northwest's Air 
    Carrier Standard Security Program (ACSSP). Specifically, it was alleged 
    that over a three-day period, Northwest assigned an individual who was 
    not qualified to serve as a Checkpoint Security Supervisor (CSS) to the 
    CSS position at a particular checkpoint. Further, at another checkpoint 
    at the same airport, Northwest, through ITS, did not have an agent 
    working in the capacity of a CSS. Also, at yet another checkpoint, an 
    agent assigned to serve as the CSS was performing nonscreening duties, 
    and another employee was conducting screening duties although he was 
    not current on his recurrent training.
        In its Answer, Northwest admitted the allegations contained in 
    Counts I-III of the Complaint. Subsequently, Northwest's counsel 
    submitted a letter to the law judge explaining that the parties had 
    agreed that the facts alleged in the Complaint will be deemed admitted 
    and that written briefs would be submitted on the issue of sanction. 
    Thus, no hearing was held in this matter. Northwest did not submit any 
    evidence to support the arguments that it made in its brief to justify 
    a reduction in the civil penalty. Unsubstantiated and unsupported 
    factual allegations by attorneys in briefs do not constitute evidence, 
    Hence, Northwest failed to prove that it had taken any corrective 
    action that warranted a reduction in the civil penalty. Furthermore, 
    even if Northwest had introduced the necessary evidence, Northwest's 
    arguments did not justify a reduction in the civil penalty. The 
    Administrator finds that due to the number and gravity of the 
    violations, a significant civil penalty is appropriate. The law judge 
    properly applied the guidance set forth in the Sanction Guidance Table 
    regarding these violations.
    In the Matter of Instead Balloon Services
    Order No. 98-23 (11/24/98)
        Notice of Appeal Construed as a Brief. Instead Balloon Services 
    (IBS) failed to file a separate appeal brief. However, IBS's notice of 
    appeal was sufficiently detailed to be construed as an appeal brief.
        Appeal Denied. The law judge regarded IBS's failure to appear at 
    the hearing (about which IBS has notice) as a constructive withdrawal 
    of its request for hearing. The Administrator rejected IBS's 
    explanation for its failure to attend the hearing--that the law judge's 
    prehearing rulings displayed a clear bias against IBS and that a ruling 
    against IBS at the hearing was a foregone conclusion. Held: The 
    Administrator could find no bias in the law judge's prehearing rulings. 
    Failure to appear at a hearing does not constitute an acceptable means 
    of protesting rulings by a law judge. The Administrator agrees with the 
    law judge--if IBS wanted a hearing, it should have taken the 
    opportunity that it was given.
    In the Matter of Peter Stevens
    Order No. 98-24 (12/18/98)
        Appeal Denied. The Administrator denied Stevens appeal from the law 
    judge's initial decision findings that Stevens had violated 49 U.S.C. 
    46302 by giving false information about having a bomb in his suitcase 
    to a skycap at the airport. The Administrator found that the law judge 
    had addressed the circumstances in the record that led to his 
    conclusion that Stevens' words could reasonably be believed. Those 
    circumstances included two recent high-profile plan crashes, one 
    involving suspected sabotage, and security concerns connected with the 
    impending 50th anniversary of the United Nations and the Pope's visit. 
    The $500 civil penalty was affirmed.
    In the Matter of Howard Gotbetter
    Order No. 98-25 (12/23/98)
        Interlocutory Appeal of Right Dismissed. Gotbetter filed what 
    purported to be an interlocutory appeal of right. However, Gotbetter 
    was not entitled to file an interlocutory appeal of right under 14 
    C.F.R. Sec. 13.219(c). Hence, the interlocutory appeal was dismissed, 
    and the case was remanded to the law judge, who was instructed to give 
    Gotbetter additional time in which to file an answer.
    Commercial Reporting Services of the Administrator's Civil Penalty 
    Decisions and Orders
        1. Commericial Publications: The Administrator's decisions and 
    orders in civil penalty cases are available in the following commercial 
    Civil Penalty Cases Digest Service, published by Hawkins Publishing 
    Company, Inc. P.O. Box 480, Mayo, MD, 21106, (410) 798-1677;
    Federal Aviation Decisions, Clark Boardman Callaghan, a subsidiary of 
    West Information Publishing Company, 50 Board Street East, Rochester, 
    NY 14694, 1-800-221-9428.
        2. CD-ROM. The Administrator's orders and decisions are available 
    on CD-ROM through Aeroflight Publications, P.O. Box 854, 433 Main 
    Street, Gruver, TX 79040, (806) 733-2483.
        3. On-Line Services. The Administrator's decisions and orders in 
    civil penalty cases are available through the following on-line 
         Westlaw (the Database ID is FTRAN-FAA)
         LEXIS [Transportation (TRANS) Library, FAA file.]
        The FAA Hearing Docket is located at FAA Headquarters, 800 
    Independence Avenue, SW, Room 926A, Washington, DC, 20591 (tel. no. 
    202-267-3641.) The clerk of the FAA Hearing Docket is Ms. Stephanie 
    McCain. All documents required to be filed in civil penalty proceedings 
    must be filed with the FAA Hearing Docket Clerk at the FAA Hearing 
    Docket. (See 14 CFR 13.210.) Materials contained in the dockets of any 
    case not containing sensitive security information (protected by 14 CFR 
    Part 191) may be viewed at the FAA Hearing Docket.
        In addition, materials filed in the FAA Hearing Docket in non-
    security cases in which the complaints were filed on or after December 
    1, 1997, are available for inspection at the Department of 
    Transportation Docket, located at 400 7th Street, SW, Room PL-401, 
    Washington, DC, 20590, (tel. No. 202-366-9329.) While the originals 
    will be retained in the FAA Hearing Docket, the DOT Docket will scan 
    copies of documents in non-security cases in which the complaint was 
    filed after December 1, 1997, into their computer database. Individuals 
    who have access to the Internet can view the materials in these dockets 
    using the following Internet address: http://dms.dot.gov.
    [[Page 1872]]
    FAA Offices
        The Administrator's decisions and orders, indexes, and digests are 
    available for public inspection and copying at the following location 
    in FAA headquarters: FAA Hearing Docket, Federal Aviation 
    Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., room 924A, Washington, DC 
    20591; (202) 267-3641.
        These materials are also available at all FAA regional and center 
    legal offices at the following locations:
    Office of the Regional Counsel for the Aeronautical Center (AMC-7), 
    Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center, 6500 South MacArthur Blvd., Oklahoma 
    City, OK 73125; (405) 954-3296.
    Office of the Regional Counsel for the Alaskan Region (AAL-7), Alaskan 
    Region Headquarters, 222 West 7th Avenue, Anchorage, AL 99513; (907) 
    Office of the Regional Counsel for the Central Region (ACE-7), Central 
    Region Headquarters, 601 East 12th Street, Federal Building, Kansas 
    City, MO 64106; (816) 426-5446.
    Office of the Regional Counsel for the Eastern Region (AEA-7), Eastern 
    Region Headquarters, JFK International Airport, Federal Building, 
    Jamaica, NY 11430; (718) 553-3285.
    Office of the Regional Counsel for the Great Lakes Region (AGL-7), 2300 
    East Devon Avenue, Suite 419, Des Plaines, IL 60018; (708) 294-7108.
    Office of the Regional Counsel for the New England Region (ANE-7), New 
    England Region Headquarters, 12 New England Executive Park, Room 401, 
    Burlington, MA 01803-5299; (617) 238-7050.
    Office of the Regional Counsel for the Northwest Mountain Region (ANM-
    7), Northwest Mountain Region Headquarters, 1601 Lind Avenue, SW, 
    Renton WA 98055-4056; (425) 227-2007.
    Office of the Regional Counsel for the Southern Region (ASO-7), 
    Southern Region Headquarters, 1701 Columbia Avenue, College Park, GA 
    30337; (404) 305-5200.
    Office of the Regional Counsel for the Southwest Region (ASW-7), 
    Southwest Region Headquarters, 2601 Meacham Blvd., Forth Worth, TX 
    76137-4298; (817) 222-5087.
    Office of the Regional Counsel for the Technical Center (ACT-7), 
    Federal Aviation Administration Technical Center, Atlantic City 
    International Airport, Atlantic City, NJ 08405; (609) 485-7087.
    Office of the Regional Counsel for the Western-Pacific Region (AWP-7), 
    Western-Pacific Region Headquarters, 15000 Aviation Boulevard, 
    Lawndale, CA 90261; (310) 725-7100.
        Issued in Washington, DC on January 4, 1999.
    James S. Dillman,
    Assistant Chief Counsel for Litigation.
    [FR Doc. 99-650 Filed 1-11-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-M

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Federal Aviation Administration
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