[Federal Register Volume 60, Number 9 (Friday, January 13, 1995)]
[Pages 3278-3280]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 95-920]
[Docket No. 50-387]
Pennsylvania Power & Light Co., Allegheny Electric Cooperative,
Inc., Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Unit 1; Environmental
Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) is
considering issuance of an amendment to Facility Operating License No.
NPF-14, issued to Pennsylvania Power and Light Company (PP&L, the
licensee), for operation of the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station,
Unit 1, located in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.
Environmental Assessment
Identification of Proposed Action
This environmental assessment has been prepared to address
potential environmental issues related to the licensee's application of
July 27, 1994, as supplemented September 16, October 27, and November
17, 1994, to amend the Susquehanna, Unit 1 operating license. The
letter of February 7, 1994, provided responses to the staff's questions
regarding this action. The proposed amendment would increase the
licensed core thermal power from 3293 MWt to 3441 MWt, which represents
an approximate increase of 4.5% over the current licensed power level.
The proposed action involves NRC issuance of a license amendment to
uprate the authorized power level by changing the operating license,
including Appendix A of the license (Technical Specifications). No
change is needed to Appendix B of the license (Environmental Protection
The Need for the Proposed Action
The proposed action is needed to permit an increase in the licensed
core thermal power from 3293 MWt to 3441 MWt and provide the licensee
with the flexibility to increase the potential electrical output of
Susquehanna, Unit 1, providing additional electrical power to service
domestic and commercial areas of the Pennsylvania Power and Light
(PP&L) Company and Allegheny Electric Cooperative, Inc. grid.
Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Action
The ``Final Environmental Statement (FES) related to operation of
Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2'' was issued June
1981 (NUREG-0564). By letter of June 15, 1992, the licensee submitted
``Licensing Topical Report NE-092-001 for Power Uprate with Increased
Core Flow'' for Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES), Units 1 and
2. The report was submitted to support future proposed amendments to
Units 1 and 2 licenses to permit up to a 4.5-percent increase in
reactor thermal power and an 8-percent increase in core flow for each
unit. The NRC approved the topical report by letter of November 30,
1993. The licensee submitted a proposed amendment to implement power
uprate for Unit 2 by a letter of November 24, 1993, which was addressed
in an environmental assessment issued by the staff on March 11, 1994.
The amendment for power uprate and increased core flow for Unit 2 was
issued on April 11, 1994. The subject of this assessment is the power
uprate and increased core flow for Unit 1.
Section II.4 of the above Topical Report provided an environmental
assessment of the proposed power uprate, including projected non-
radiological environmental effects and radiological effects from
postulated accidents.
Sections 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3 of the Topical Report discussed the
potential effect of power uprate on the liquid, gaseous, and solid
radwaste systems. Sections 8.4, 8.5, and 8.6 discussed the potential
effect of power uprate on radiation sources within the plant and
radiation levels from normal and post-accident operation. Section 9.2
of the Topical Report presented the results of the calculated whole
body and thyroid doses at uprated power versus current authorized power
conditions at the exclusion area boundary and the low population zone
(LPZ) that might result from the postulated design basis radiological
accidents [i.e., loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA), main steam line break
accident (MSLBA) outside containment, fuel handling accident (FHA) and
control rod drop accident (CRDA)]. Other accidents (non-LOCA) that were
previously analyzed in the licensee's Final Safety Analysis Report
(FSAR) were also reassessed. All off-site radiological doses remain
well below established regulatory limits for power uprate operation.
Supplemental information related to the non-radiological
environmental assessment was also presented in the licensee's letter of
February 7, 1994.
The licensee summarized their reassessment of potential
radiological and non-radiological impacts of station operation at a
slightly higher power level as follows:
Non-Radiological Environmental Assessment
Since power uprate will not significantly change the methods of
generating electricity, nor of handling any influents from the
environment or effluents to it, no new or different environmental
impacts are expected. The conservative models and methods used in
the environmental assessments of the original design, confirmed by
studies conducted during actual operation, show that more than
adequate margin exists for the proposed power uprate without
exceeding the non-radiological environmental effects estimated in
the original estimates and analyses and cited in the original permit
applications and impact statements.
The maximum withdrawal rate from the river will increase from
the current value of 38,800 gpm to 40,700 gpm after power uprate, an
increase of 5%. The maximum blowdown rate will increase from the
current value of 10,300 gpm to 10,800 gpm, an increase of 5%.
After reviewing the additional water withdrawal requirements and
increased blowdown rate from the natural draft cooling towers at the
Susuqehanna SES (SSES) associated with power uprate, PP&L determined
that there will be no adverse effects to the river flow or river
biota. This conclusion is based on two factors. First, the
[[Page 3279]]
projected number of fish estimated to be impinged per day would
increase from 20 to 21 and the number of larvae estimated to be
entrained would increase by only 13,000 to 363,000 per day.
Biologically, these estimated increases represent a negligible
impact to the river ecosystem. Second, the maximum cooling tower
blowdown flow after power uprate is estimated to increase by only 5%
which amounts to 500 gpm. This amounts to less than .5% of the
average river flow.
The cooling blowdown from the cooling tower basin is through a
diffuser into the river. The characteristics of the cooling tower
are such that there is greater air flow through the tower caused by
the higher circulating water return temperature at power uprate
conditions. This increased air flow removes the additional heat load
resulting in negligible cooling tower basin temperature changes.
Estimates, assuming that both SSES cooling towers are operating
at the original 100% power level for a year, would result in 58,000
pounds of solids per year as salt drift, spread over a large area.
Modelling indicated the heaviest localized deposition of solids
would be 3 pounds/acre/year (SSES Environmental Report Section
5.3.4). The power uprate should have no impact on these estimates,
especially with the conservatism built into the model by assuming
100% capacity factor. Note also that the design cooling tower drift
is a function of circulating water flow which is not changing for
power uprate.
Studies on the possible effects of salt drift have been
conducted at the SSES since 1977. These studies have included
monthly examination of natural vegetation during the growing season
(1977 to date), annual quantitative vegetation studies (1977 to
date), a two-year study on the effect of simulated salt drfit on
corn and soybeans (1985-86), and annual forest inspections since
The monthly examinations have utilized several transects (salt
drift transects) in the vicinity of the power station for possible
salt damage to natural vegetation and incidence of parasitic plant
diseases. The annual vegetation studies consider possible long-term
changes in forest utilized salt spray approximating the composition
of the cooling tower drift from the SSES at ``worst case''
concentration on agricultural crops in two fields.
None of the studies have found evidence for damage to
agricultural crops or natural vegetation from salt drift. It should
be noted that the water used at the SSES (from the Susquehanna
River) does not contain the same salts as brackish water used at
estuarine coo[l]ing tower[s]; its effects are more like plant
micronutrients. The natural vegetation studies over 15 years have
found no salt drift damage and plant diseases in accordance with
host presence and location. The simulated salt drift studies
utilized concentrations estimated at 5 and 10 times maximum salt
drift concentration in the SSES plume. It is therefore unlikely that
salt drift damage would occur from an approximate 5% consumptive
rise in water usage.
There will be no changes to the cooling tower water chemistry as
a result of power uprate. The pre-uprate levels of cycles of
concentration will be maintained. Since there will be a 5% increase
in blowdown flow, there will be a 5% increase in chemical discharge
to the river.
The velocity of the intake water will increase by 5% to .37 ft/
sec with power uprate which is below the recommended intake design
velocity of 0.5 ft/sec.
Sound level monitoring was conducted at both near site (less
than 1 mile) and far site locations (greater than 1 mile) from the
Susquehanna SES site from 1972 and 1985. This survey was conducted
prior to and during construction and during one and two unit
operation. The two Cooling Towers were identified to be one of the
major site noise sources. The cumulative effects of all noise
sources associated with station operation were determined to be less
than the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommended day-note
equivalent sound level limit of 55 DBA at all monitoring locations.
It is not expected that this level will be exceeded at any of the
locations with the possible exception of an area approximately 2,200
feed southeast of the Cooling Towers where the measured sound level
including a nighttime weighting factor of +10 DBA was 54 DBA. Sound
levels will be monitored at power uprate conditions.
As indicated previously, water discharge flow from power uprate
may increase 5% above the design discharge rate to 10,800 gpm. This
is well below the maximum flow of 16,000 gpm reviewed in the SSES
Environmental Report (Table 3.3-1 and, therefore, the additional
flow from power uprate is not considered to be an adverse impact to
the river.
At the Susquehanna SES cooling tower blowdown discharges into
the river through a diffuser pipe located on the river bottom.
Velocity of this discharge was calculated in Appendix G, Thermal
Discharge, Response 1, pages THE-1.1 and 1.2 of the Environmental
Report. Water discharges through 72-4'' ports into the river. The
velocity associated with a 10,000 gpm discharge was calculated to be
5.83 fps and rounded to 6 fps. This rounded off value was used when
preparing [the] SSES Environmental Report. The velocity associated
with a 10,800 gpm discharge is also approximate 6 fps.
Thermal plume studies conducted in the fall, winter, and spring
of 1986-87 indicated a maximum temperature rise of 1 deg. F within
an 80 foot mixing zone from the diffuser pipe. Present Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Resources water quality criteria states
that ambient river temperature rise from thermal discharges shall
not cause the temperature in the receiving water body to rise more
than 2 deg. F in one hour. The thermal discharges from the cooling
tower blowdown from power uprate will not exceed this water quality
Chemical composition of the blowdown after power uprate will not
exceed the NPDES permit limits.
The staff reviewed the potential effect of power uprate on plant
makeup water usage. There will be no significant increase in makeup
water requirements for any plant systems as a result of power uprate.
This includes the reactor coolant system, the condensate, feedwater and
steam systems, the emergency service water system, the reactor and
turbine building closed cooling water systems or any of the normal
service water systems. The only effect of power uprate on the component
cooling water system and turbine plant cooling water system from power
uprate is an increased heat load. The service water system removes heat
from the heat exchangers in the turbine, reactor and radwaste buildings
and transfers this heat to the cooling towers where it is dissipated.
The increased heat load on intermediate systems is reflected in the
discussion of potential impacts from increased cooling tower blowdown
and thermal discharges remain acceptable. Inventory makeup is not
affected. Makeup requirements for the auxiliary boiler, the fire
protection system or other auxiliary systems are unaffected by power
The licensee has stated that there are no changes required to the
SSES Environmental Protection Plan as a result of operation at uprated
power. Specifically, the licensee stated:
Chapter 3, Consistency Requirements, Section 3.1, Plant Design
Operations, of this plan discusses how proposed changes need to be
addressed. Through the PP&L Unreviewed Environmental Question
Program, changes such as that of power uprate will be reviewed.
An ``Unreviewed Environmental Question'' evaluation was
conducted in accordance with each unit's ``Environmental Protection
Plan'' to determine if power uprate could cause any significant
environmental impacts. This included a review of the National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit and other
environmental permits, and indicated that power uprate should not
contribute to any new noncompliances. No significant increase in
generation of hazardous or nonhazardous waste is expected, except
for a 3 to 5% increase in sediment removed from the cooling tower.
Nor is any change expected in the load on the sewage treatment
plant. River water use will remain within the existing agreement
with the Susquehanna River Basi[n] Commission. PP&L has determined
that power uprate is not an ``unreviewed environmental question.''
The proposed power uprate therefore requires no changes to the
``Environmental Protection Plans'' since it does not involve:
(a) A significant increase in any adverse environmental impact
previously evaluated in the ``Environmental Report--Operating
License Stage,'' or the ``Final Environmental Statement,'' or in any
decision of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board;
(b) A significant change in effluents or power levels, or
(c) A matter not previously reviewed and evaluated in the
documents specified in paragraph (a) which might have a significant
adverse environmental impact. [[Page 3280]]
Radiological Environmental Assessment
As discussed previously, the licensee addressed potential
radiological impacts attributable to operation at uprated power
conditions in Sections 8, 9, and 11 of the initial Topical Report. The
licensee concluded:
Adequate margin also exists for the proposed power uprate
without exceeding regulatory limits for radiological effects.
Current operating experience indicates that actual releases and
waste disposal after power uprate will continue to be significantly
less than the original estimates. For these reasons, power uprate is
not expected to have an adverse effect on the routine operation
``dose commitment'' estimated by previous radiological environmental
analyses, and no revision of these analyses is required.
The environmental assessment includes an estimate of potential
exposure from all accident types combined. Regulatory Guide 1.49
requires calculation of accident doses at 102% of uprated thermal
power, or 3510 MWt. Although direct comparison with the original
analyses is not meaningful because of changes in methodology, a
comparison on a consistent basis would show that the expected dose
is approximately proportional to power. The original calculation was
done at 3439 MWt. The estimated potential exposure from all accident
types combined will therefore change by about the ratio of 3510/
3439, or about 2 percent, which is not a significant change compared
to the uncertainty in the probability estimates. No revision of
these analyses is therefore required.
[Liquid radwaste throughput may increase up to 5% to a level
which is within the processing capability of the system.] The
activity levels of some radwaste streams containing coolant
activation products may increase up to 10%, due to the 4.5% core
flux increase and a 5% crud increase to the reactor which are
assumed to occur.
Since the power uprate level of 3441 MWt is not significantly
different from that analyzed previously, it is not anticipated there
will be a significant increase in radiological effluents. Also, pre-
power uprate technical specification limits will be maintained.
The Commission has completed its evaluation of the proposed action
and the licensee's evaluation of the potential radiological and non-
radiological impacts. The Commission found that the FES (NUREG-0564) is
valid for operation at the proposed uprated power conditions for SSES
Unit 1 (the second uprated unit at the site). The Commission also
concluded that the plant operating parameters impacted by the proposed
uprate would remain within the bounding conditions on which the
conclusions of the FES are based.
The change will not increase the probability or consequences of
accidents, no changes are being made in the types of any effluents that
may be released offsite, and there is no significant increase in the
allowable individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure.
Accordingly, the Commission concludes that this proposed action would
result in no significant radiological environmental impacts.
With regard to potential non-radiological impacts, the proposed
action will not have a significant impact on the environs located
outside the restricted area as defined in 10 CFR Part 20 or
significantly affect non-radiological plant effluent or other
environmental impacts. Therefore, the Commission concludes that this
proposed action would result in no significant non-radiological
environmental impacts.
Alternatives to the Proposed Action
Since the Commission has concluded there is no significant
environmental impact associated with the proposed action, any
alternatives with equal or greater environmental impact need not be
The principal alternative to the action would be to deny the
request. Such action would not enhance the protection of the
environment and would result in preventing the facility from having the
flexibility to generate the approximately additional 50 megawatts that
are obtainable from the existing plant.
Alternative Use of Resources
This action does not involve the use of any resources not
previously considered in the ``Final Environmental Statement related to
the operation of Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2,''
dated June 1981.
Agencies and Persons Consulted
The Commission's staff reviewed the licensee's request and
consulted with the Bureau of Radiation Protection, Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Resources. The State Liaison Officer had no
comment regarding the NRC's proposed action.
Finding of No Significant Impact
Based upon the environmental assessment, the Commission concludes
that the proposed action will not have a significant effect on the
quality of the human environment. Accordingly, the Commission has
determined not to prepare an environmental impact statement for the
proposed action.
For further details with respect to this action, see the
application for amendment dated July 27, 1994, as supplemented
September 16, October 27, and November 17, 1994, and letter dated
February 7, 1994. These documents are available for public inspection
at the Commission's Public Document Room, The Gelman Building, 2120 L
Street, NW., Washington, DC and at the Osterhout Free Library,
Reference Department, 71 South Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre,
Pennsylvania 18701.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 9th day of January 1995.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Chester Poslusny,
Acting Director, Project Directorate I-2, Division of Reactor
Projects--I/II, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 95-920 Filed 1-12-95; 8:45 am]